HomeMy WebLinkAbout3994 Youngfield Streetiijilli �0 cwO N rn I cV m ee y d N y D a O d •= Q 4 v ,= o O C .0 :1 ° ° `o. O 0 c U ucc a -J u d Or. a bA .0 .ri ra 3 U b bD w O O aa) [s, �4 o 4.) z v� bi �O d U m r`v, �a,� w >w4JHa ❑ E" 6 j' w W O OG3 o u O w O w 0 b' i'. is o M M z a W Va v OEx- oU ��• R p N U O bl o 3 Q .c p U '�' (1) aba 0 W U 44 N U,4 0 c,:, F �¢ o o CuC A ai Q ° b a) x m ��" A Q C4 u ro a" u r� ✓Z �ror v as c N Cl 0 44 ` i►� C a 4- u b Q r -I O q d m L U Lr.U` O 0Zp "0y s ° Z N q a 44 O N V� Gee + U W ri a WA�'o3 m b a a Qgz � 4>,Q > a A N a " 0 � _� O ��'COQMD UW N O E= x��Uj[�.�t�" o 4 U = I w o W 'T" 0 C yo W W zzo.UE- -moi W $4 N ci Zm a -x L� H a:° 3ooxx e OUao„W v ,o t S z 0 O U p' QT Q City Of wheat Rlgc BUSINESS LICENSE INSPECTION PERMIT NO. 201900136 BUSINESS NAME: CCAR, Inc. ADDRESS: 3994 Youngfield Street CONTACT NAME: Robert Roy ,'-) _� % 3 SQ FT OCCUPANCY TYPE 3 OCCUPANCYLOAD -Q— CONSTRUCTION TYPE Q SPRINKLERED ❑ NON-SPRINKLERED InspectorSikhature I - c- Date INSPECTION DAYTIME Mon., Jan. 28, 2019 @ 10AM INSPECTION DAY/TIM INSPECTION DAY/TIM i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: o 1; Permit Number: f -4 'S, F4 -9-3-7-3 6 V rte- w ❑ No one available for inspection: Time IV = C 3 &PM Re -Inspection required: Yeso ) When correc ions have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: Inspector: -" DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Bung Inspection Division I~ (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 235-2857 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: 5/1- Job Address: 399C/ Yvp✓GFi~IIa 57- Permit Number: o9lY/ t ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re-Inspection required: Yes *When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-2345933 Date: 7//./4o % Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE •7CKQ SS3NIME ONIMOUg03 3HZ NOIID3dSMI.Wa A7Q.SS3NISfIE 7Wd Wd£ I.H 3QKW HE ISaw SISMORx ss82 S£Z.(£0£) :3OIH30 ONIQlifiH :.£E6S-4£Z(£0£)-:HNI4 ISMOZE NOLlDHdSNI agep :TpT OT330 :buTP i?nH aT o asngeu6TS., suOTgoadsuT PTaT; oq qoa Egns a upid iiv -uoi4ein6aq ao aina 'mvl oupuipzo aaggo AUe so sapoo 6uTpiinq aqq`;o SUOTSinoad agq go. UOTgeioT a go..Tenoadde up sou lao; gTwsad a aq oq.. pansgsuoo. aq qou iieys suOTgPOT3To9ds. pup :s6uTmesp go ipnoaddp a o qq a o a 30 aouenssT ayy '.9 -qo aqq go'saseyd aATssaOOns glTm 6u;paaoosd aso;eq P¢po uOTgoadsuT uo ienoadds uagqum aATagai Tieys. pup suoTgaadsuT TTe io; aoupnpe uT sanoq (y Z) sno;-Aluamq aogoadsui 6UTpjmg agq...i;Tgou TTegs aOgOesquo0 'S :-waTgoad a6puipap P buisneo aagpm :;o mo'[; '[pangen aqq.. asuego iiTm gpqq auop aq iiegs,aeuupw .Sue ;o XsOM,ON b... -.gr=ad mau p.io; pied aq iipgs saa; Ting 'spa/. (T) auo :spaaoxa quawuopuege go uoisuadsns ;T 3o uaaq anpy sabuego ;I -apaA (T) auo papaaoxe qou sEy gnawnopuege:ao uoTsuadsns .SUe pup suoTgPOi3i09ds pup sup Td JQUi5TaO ayq uT apew aq jiim so uaaq anpy sabupgD UP pap TAOad .'paaTnbas..Siie=u junowe aqq ;Tpg auo go Peg P ao3. paa Tnboa aq .Sew gTwxad -au a 'sasTdxa ITwiad sTgq 3I 'E 'TPTDT;30 bu?pZTns ayq ;o.. nPTga.TOSTP.: ayq gp paqueab aq. hew UOTSUajxa ue 'agep uoTgsa Tdxe oq aoTad PaATaOaz aq gsnw UOTSU@IXa Up So; sgsanbag -app anssT ayq woa;:. shpp Obi azTdxa. iTpys gTwxad siyl... 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Jo Op!a leagAA jo 6116 ayl;o suol;eln6aj jo salnu 'saoueulpio algeolldde alelolA lou op pue 'alwnooe aue uopeopdde llwjed s!yl Aq posodwd saoue;slp )ioeq;as ayl;ey; APliao Agajay I 1N3W33219V ONV ONMNvisuaONn d0 3un.LVNOIS a013VL1NODMNM0 sdwy suolleo sd118 sajenbS 'PaPpe ld'l/'ld 'bS /F~ hSl rtrd ~1C1 ~ttWd~J ~o s57J 44 ) 6 $ :QeH/wgns)o awl;;e anpJ malnaa ueld Z (yaays WO noilen/eA bUffl;ing eq) Jed pa;elnleo se) "IS I"I-Sk (40 7~Pr~,3 =wAg ~JOM }O U~1}QIJ9S g :anleA uol;onalsuoo :(uogd!iosap~ coeds;o asn :IenaddV :lenolddV :lenoaddV :atea -dx3 :ale(] -dx3 :a;e(1 dx3 :Auedwoo (uedwoo : (uedwoC) asuaa!j Apo leo!ueyoaV4 asueo!-l l!o 6u!gwnld asueo!-1 (t!o le0140013 sap~Vuo' q~i L.OYNQ :auoyd asue313 Jo}3e,1}uoo 5~ttaahd~J X1~ ~~a}uo r^I :sseippv (ssajppe fpedoad ueyl;uaaaglp p) :ssaappV 6u!lleW °.1 :auoyd -yJ 1 ~dZ r131 J~tyoo ~ :(;uudaseeld)aauMoAjjedo,d uopeoijddV }!Wad Bulpling Q #}naiad o E£65-tiEZ-EOE :aU1l uo 1}0adsul l veld LS8Z-5EZ-E0E :xe-A , SS8Z-5EZ-E0E :901}}0 E£008 00 `eBp2! }e94M `'2AV y;6Z 'M 005E uotsw fiu►pl1n8 9BpRl }eayM;o I(}10 I 5t,R-S£E-£0£ zyall wept' :uopuaaiy 8060XLE'EOE d L040'LLE'£0£ d L0608 0]'uapIu9 apV WS M L L09 L '6d Wd2-O:£0 L002 S2 '6nH SOPOLLE202: 'ON XUJ JNI SDIHJUaJD XI8d QNtJ60: WObd ' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 13731 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE : 4/19/02 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: KUNZ DEVELOPMENT Property Address : 3994 YOUNGFIELD ST Phone : Contractor License No. : 21271 Company : BENNETT PLUMBING & BACKFLOW Phone 303-795-3645 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printetl on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNEDr~.DATE OV'I -02 -p~ Construction Value : $2,300.00 Permit Fee : $83 25 Plan Review Fee $OAO Use Tax : $27.60 Total $110.85 Use : Description : INSTALL BACKFLOW PREVENTER TO FIRE PROTECTION WATER STANDPIPE BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~ SIC : Sq. Ft. : ~"x Approval : Zoning : 40~ . I" Approval : Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date Approval : Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : Mechanical License No Company : Expiration Date : Approval : (i) This permit was issuetl in aCCOrtlance with ttle provisions set forth in yopur application antl is subject b the laws ot the State of Coloredo and to the Zoning Regulations antl 8uiltling Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applirable ordinances of the City . (2) This permit shail expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) tlays from issue date or (B) ihe building authorized is suspended or abantloned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, providetl no changes have been or will be made in the original plans antl specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceetletl one (p yeac If changes are matle or if suspension or abantlonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the naNral Flow of water rausing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspeclor twenty-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspections and shall receive wrilten approval on inspection card before proceetliing with succe e phases of t job. (6) The issuance of a it or h t drawings and specifcations shall not be construed ro be a permit for, nor an approval of. any violation of the provisions of the b~ odn'y~t or i iance, law, rule or regulation.Chief Building Inspector DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Pennit Numbec oF WHEp> , BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENLTE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) C~~ OR A00 ,yHHF F~5,~~rp f-li"i"i~S ~r.~l d d ON Property Owner. N 3 Property Address: 39`j y ''JGFlc-r'~ Phone : Con4actor License No.: ComPanY: 13ENNE77- Pfwnhir/b ¢ 13~KKF/dcJ 5EX.L-,r c.C Phone: 303-795- 3/.,V5 OWNER/CONTR4CTOR SIGNA'CORE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREE'1MNT COriStT'UChOri V31U0:$oc -36v~ v V I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, . and do notviola[e appticable ordinances, mles or regulations of the City of Whea[ Ridge or Peri111t F, ee:$ (!'a aS covenants,easementsorres[rictionsofrecord;thatallmeasuremen[sshown,andallega[ions C2)J made aze accurate; tha[ I have read and agree to abide by all wnditions printed on this P13ri R0V10W FBe:$ application and tha[ I azsume full responsibility for compliance ivith the Wheit Ridse B i W U se lax:$ u lding Code (U.B.C) and all o[her applicable hea[ Ridge Ordinances for work under hi i [ spetm t. i/ TOT3l:$ (OWNER)(COMRACTOR): SIGNED Description: Kq cKF/um✓ PREUE7J iM To ri 2in S~A~ D~1p C BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY . SIC: Sq-Ft~ ZONING COMMENTS Approval: Zoning: BUILDING COMMENTS: Approval: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS Approval: Oceupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Plmnbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) 11tis permit was issned in accordance with the provisions set forth in yow application and is subject ro the laws of tlie State of ColoraAo and ro Nie Zoning Regulatiovs and Bnilding Codes of Wheat Ridgq Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of ihe City . (2) 17us pertnit shall expire if (A) the work antlioriud is not commenced within sixry (60) days from issue date or (H) tlie building authonzed is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) Ifthis permit expires, a newpermit may be acqiiired for a fee of one-half the mnount normalty reqnired, provided no changes have been or wiil 6e made in the original plans and.specif catlons and any snspension or abandomnen[ has no[ exceedeA one (1) yeu. If chznges have been or if su,ension nr ah, nAnnmrm ezceeds one (1) year, fidl fees shall be paid for a new pemit. (4) No work of any manner shall6e done that will change the naRUal Flow of water causivg a drainage problem. (5) Co¢hae[orshallnofifyNeBui7dinglnspec[ortwenty-fonr(24)Uonrsinadvanceforallinspectionszndshallreeeivev+rittenappravaloninspectianezrAbefore proceedivg witli successive phases of tlte job. (6) The issuance of a pertnit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall nat be construed ro be a pennit for, nor an approval of, any viotation of the provisiws of the building codes or avy other ordivancy law, rule or rcgidaeon. Chief Building Inspector ; - Application Date: 4-/~,~ Permit;'~.,; 1007 Contractor Infarmation Site Infor ^ ation Name: µe ~Ium .F -~MK '~uw StKwc~Address: ` 3'99y Y6t~NG-F7tt!) Agent: ~-N r ` 91654 i,ea,u~I'~EGL? UE' Address: 54& t• r;l` Business: t~ U176 Contact: y411 K M U E 2 c t CE u n~# Phone: ?a3,-'1S' 36,y`i - 742. eECC. Phone: I attest Me above information to be accurate. I have received and reviewed the Inspection Comp/iance and the fee Schedu/e. 71ris permit is the propeKy ofthe Wheat Ridge Fire Protedion District and is issued subjec[ to ronditions rnntained herein. Upon any fai/ure ofany rondiGOn inGuding fai/ure of dearante ofany permit payment, this permit is subject tn immediate revocation and the permit mustbe reNmed upon demand to a , .[eprese~fthe WheatRiAge Fr~ Protection Dis[rict. f/ /1t Signature of Applicant: r.. ~„at INSPECTION BY FIRE DISTRICT REQUIRED? ❑ YES ❑ NO Post this permit in a mnspicuous place. Request required inspedions a minimum of three days in aduance at 303-003-5902. ~rv• 7YPE OF PERMIT PORMULA FEE Tank Ins edion No. of Tanks= @550.00/tank Review Alarm S stem Plans System Value= (.025) Review S rinkler 5 stem Plans System Value= (.025) Review Buildin Plans Valuation= TOTAL OF FEES DUE ❑ Total Bldg. X Alteration ❑ New ❑ Partial ❑ Other: i yo~\ Field Inspedions and Dates: *n m v N -A Hydrostatic Testsand Dates: X Comments: 'Lh,.~e~-1iDri rw~v,✓e~h,r ,,w n ~ FIRE DISTRICT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT. APPROVED AS SUBMITTED CONDITIONALLY APPROVED (See Comments.) BY t!Z TITLE r,il ,;-M yh!!,,~/~'jfL DATE y I c4 'O Z.... TYPE QF PERMIT FORMULA PEE Site Assessment Re-Submittal No. of Sites @ 75.00/Site Plan Revision Re-Ins ect No. of Hours @ 40.00/HOUr After hours ins edion 2 Hours + No. of Hours @ 40.00/HOUr . _TOTAL OF FEES DUE Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District "Dedicated to Serve Through Excellence" P.O. Box 507 3880 Upham Streec Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 303-403-5900 Office 303-940-0350 Fax Amt. Pald i Q~-- Method Niq Initlals 'a m 3 Amt. Paid ~ Method Initials FINAL APPROVAL BY TITLE DATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . ig'7/ #_o1qq 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE BUILDWG INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0Yl 237-6944 ExT. 255 P.O. eox 638 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VAUD ONLY WHEN SiGNEO BY THE CHIEF BWL0ING INSPECTOR ANC RELEIPTED BELOW. APPLICAT ON FOR MISCELLANEOUS ERMIT JOBADDRESS ~ 7~ 7 y~UN6 f~~`' L~ OWNER P/~o/ERJOdb ///S/ON 45SOG'/-41-6yS ADDRESS 299~1 yOU.flroF/EG~ Cl~NEA'G.e~~~ ADDRESS L/{ PHONE .3 ° 3' `-r,°'I S--O 7m O ZIpCODE 0033 CITY ZIP CODE CONTRACT PRICE $ --A 0 !01 • a d PHONE LICENSE NO. DATE SE~07_ /e~ V9I 1. TYPE Ground❑ W0110 Proiectinp❑ O1Mr SwDFate S/y6/e- 2. MATERIAL 1,EXfFN Total Spuan F»f 27• /g SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Yo(M No❑ Typa "NTERNAL -57EAO ElKt. Pormit No. 4. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ 5_ E_ W Zon~tuaai Pprov,ZOne Ini r (Spseifywhiehis front) U U U LN DisoDDrwsd }(fiyY e c~-- I. TYPE Solid[:] Mora Thon BO% ODanEJ Lest Thon 80% Open FENCES ?MATERIAL Hoipht 3~ SET BACK FROM PROPEftTY LINE N_ S_ E_ W Zone_ ADDiowd,Zone Inspeefw (SPecity which if }ront) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DisopDrovad OTHER 12 3. DRAW SNETCH OR SHOW BELOW, 7HE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE,GIV1NG DISTANCES FROM PROPERTV LINES. (SETBACKS OR PROJECTIONS INCLULIED) I I e(o ~ t~ D I IV + SPECIFY NORTN STREET NAME 01UG ir?Ii L-0 SHOW OIS7ANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TQAD OINING HOUSES, STREETS, ANO PPOPERTY lINES;ON IRREGULAR LOTS, SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE OISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STAf1TED WITHIN THAT TIME. ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE N0. PLUMBING PERMIT 57ATE LICENSE NO MECHANICAL PERMIT ALUMINUM MARE UNDERSIZE B ILLEGAL FLOOR BSM IST 2ND 3RD 4TH N0. FLEL:CiNeOm Goi dl ElecSda NO. WATER ClASET FORCED AIR - BTU TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONING-BTU LIGHTING SINK OTHER HEATING GARBAGE DISP REFRIGERATION SYSTEM POWER SUB-qFCUITS WATER MEATER Retri aroM Graup UTILI7Y(RANGE, OISPoSER, ETC ) AUTO. WASHER pounds Cnor a FIXTURES DISH WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WIRING MOTOF2S 9 CONTROLS FLIXK7 DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS B RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER F- P MOTORS OVER 1 HP TOTAI FI%TURES REMARKS I hereby ocknowledqe that this opplica- fion if tmrect and understand that I cannor ftarr rnis vroject unril tnis opoli- cotion is oDCroved. I shall comply wifh the lows of Ihe Slote ol Colorado and fo tM ZoninQ Repulations ond Bwldinp Code ofihe City of Wneot RidQe. Any violation of the obove terme will cause immediate rovocation of fnis permit PERMIT FEE cit/ NOT VALiD UNLESS RECEIPTE /e, l--f- Cr2 41,16eanh 4i0naNn USE TAX TOTAL FEE CNIEF BUILDING ,City of Wheat Ridqe Datelssued 6U ^1% v CALL 237-8944 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORINSPECTIONS FOR ~ OATE TIME 9'l0 M. M OF PHnniF . - 9 ~ nn~scooe Humeew ~eioN 61GNED trrHO rci u.e.a FT.COLLINS AURORA COLOSPGS REORDER 2213896 379,2750 528-8020 OFF3002S