HomeMy WebLinkAbout4000 Youngfield Street10/19/15 Youngfield Plaza LLC Or Current owner/Occupant Regarding Permit: 20080527; Remove all interior walls and ceiling. Future assembly area. 4000 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Our Records indicate that the above noted permit was issued on 05/27/08. Our last inspection related to that permit was on NONE. Because of the inactivity on this permit, it will become void as of 12/31/2015. Please contact this office within one week from the date of this letter to update us on the status of this permit, or call for a final inspection on the property. You may call 303-234-5933 or request inspections online at www.ci.wheatridge.co.us. Information needed are permit number, property address, type of inspection and date to be inspected. If you do not contact this office, and wish to resume work at a later date, you will be required to submit a new Permit application, drawings with appropriate code edition information and pay applicable fees. Incomplete or inactive permits may be reported to agencies such as Jefferson County Assessor, title companies, etc., and could affect future transactions related to this property. Thank you for your cooperation concerning this matter. If we can answer any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at 303-235-2855, option 7. Melissa Mackey Senior Permit Technician 11117 . , ' p . . , -",~+~`~'~~'~n'#' : : City of V~heat Ridge ]~;'r Comrn. Tenant Finish PERMIT - 080527 PERMIT NO: . 080527 . ISSIIED: 05/27/2008 JOB ADDRESS:4000 Youngfield St. . . . EXPIRES:. . . DESCRIPTION: Remove all interior walls and ceiling. EUture assembly area. ***CONTACTS owner 303/431-9536 . Youngfield P1aza.LLC gc 303/431-9536 Lee Kunz 01-7346 Lee Kunz Development' aub 303/451.-5855 A1 Hamilton 01-8684 Hamilton filectric sub 303/995-0486 02-1507 R& R PLUMBING sub 303/423-7905 Timothy Bartels 01-7674 8& B Heating& A/C PARCELINFO ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION: UA . BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FSE SUMMARY . ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 100 Demolition Fee FEES 50.00 ,S ~ jq~~ TOTAL 50.00 ~ , , //I(1 Conditiona- Non-load bearing demolition only. I hereby certify that the setback dietancea propoeed by thie pexmit appllcation are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinancea, rulee or iegulatione of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenante, eaeemente or ree[rlctione of record; that allmeaeiiremente ehown, and alatione made ~ e ccurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on thie application and that ee full res e ility for compliance with the wheat Ridge euilding Code (I.e.C) and all other .appl>c yRe, k under thie permit. Plana eubject to field inepection. . . -Z 7_004) i. This permit was iasued in accordance with the provisiona eet forth in your application and ie eubject to [he lawe of the State oE Colorado and to the zoning xegulatione and suilding Codee of wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinancee of the City. 2. Thie pezmit shall expire 180 daye from the ieeue date. Requeata for an exteneion muet be received prior to esspiration date. An exten6ion may begranted at the diacretion of the Huilding Official. 3. If thie pexmit expiree, a new pexmit may be acquired for a fee of one-halE the amount normally required, provided no' changee have been or will be made in the original plana and epecificatione and any e¢epeneion or abandonment hae not exceeded one (1) year. If changee have been or.if euepeneion or abandonment exceede one(1) year, full feee shall be paifl for a new permit. . 4. No wosk of any manner shalltie done that will change the natural flow of water caueing adrainage.problem. . 5. Contzactor shall noti£y the Building Snapector[wenty-four (24) houre in advance foz all inspections and shall receive wzitten.approval on Snepection.card before proceeding with eucceesive phaeee of the job. 6. The Sesuance of a it orthe.approval of 6rawinge and epecificatione shall not be conetrued Co 6e a pesmit for, nor an approvdlrpfn violation of the provieions of the building codee or any other ordinance, law, rule or zegula[ion. All plan r~ eub]ece eo field inspectione. Signature of /~hief suilding Official date IN3P8CTSONR8QII8ST LINE:(303)Z34-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855REQUESTS.MUSTBE.MRDE BY 3PMANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. CONNNUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ~f WHEqT~ BUILDINGINSPECTIONLINE-303-234~833 CITY OF WNEAT RIDGE ^ 1500 WEST 29TH AVENUE YYHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-236-2865) °ocoano° APPLICA p(ppCfly(hvner: YVUNIirItLVru+u+~i-~ property Address: 4000 YOUNGFIELD STREET Contrac[or License No.: 17346 Company: LEE KUNZ CONSTRUCTION LLC Building Permk Number Date: Phone:303-431-9536 Phone: 303-431-9536 OWNERICON7RACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANdNG AND AOREEMENT f Buildina Dent Valuadon Figure: S 1 hereDy certitY that Me setbadc distances Moposed bY this PB^^.~ application are aaurate, antl do nat violate applicable ardinanoes, ntles a regWetwns of the Ctty M Value:$ Wheat Ridge orcovenants, easemeMS or res6iclions ot record: ftt aA measurertlents shown, and aNega4ons made are accurffie: that I have read and agiee to abi0e by all P0iR11t FCe:$ cofpitions printed on mig application and Hiat I assume full responsiDility for plan Review Fee:$ canWiance with ihe 1Mieat Rid Buiildi~ Godej~kkl 1 all msped icabiole 1Mieal [JSE T : RidgeOrdinances, for wo~~ n. TOt3l:$ Use of Space (description): FU7URE ASSEMBLY AREA Description of work: REMOVE ALL INTERIOR WALLS AND CEILING. RESTROOMS SHALL REMAIN Sq. Ft aEAet! Y COMMENiS: qppmvel: Zoning: COMMENTS: Approval: NbRKS COMMENTS: AppfOV21: DEPARTMENTC0IAMENTS: Approval: Electrical License No: 18684 Plumbing License No: 21507 Mechani I17674 Company: HAMILTON ELECTRIC Company: R& R PLUMBING Company: B& B HEATING 8 AC Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval Approval Approval: and to tlie Zonn9 Re9~d°~ ~ ^9 C~g °f Colora08o or any other appli ord ~inancets appiication Co of (1) llorado I Me Cily. (2) This permit shall expire it (A) the wak aiMorized is not commenced within sixry (90) days trom issue date or (B) the builtling authorized is suspentled or abandoned for a period M 180 days. (3) IT Mis pemit expires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a tee of one-half the amouM normally requiretl, providetl no changes have been orwill be made in llie aiginal plans and specifications an0 any suspension or abandonmeM has not exceeded am (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonmeM exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall he paiA fw a new pefmit. (4) No work ot any manner shall be tlone thal wiU chan8e the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall rwtify the Buikling ImpeUw lweMy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shail receive written approval on inspeciion prd before Proceediri9 with successive phases ot Me job. (i) The issuance of a peffni[ or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be cons6ued to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ortlinance, law, rule or regulaGon. All plan revlew Is subJeet to fleld inspactlons. Chief Building Official Z z Q V) (n 5<- W OQ ]:~EQ J n z (D L.Li Z U I o z " 0-) Nm~ z o N Ul P tlL-,ot o w 3q tl~-,ct «s «o-ti «t-zt ,Q x4D C~ aw Q aNO ~D m W o~ _y J Q ~I Ae Z N U W N L41 to o U _ N Y . i t ❑ tll-9l tl0-b 9 tlL-,6 «9 « tlS / cf) - ° (D N w XC O M N oo Q t~ w U i N v m cr- N 1 d G O a, A a, w ❑ W cr b ❑ ~g N ~ O Z o W o0 0 (n [D a X N O W _ lb Lr, 0 N K W ~i ~...I (ppW~t N it N ~ N 1 In C O ° rn I >-Ml n H _1 o- C) t ) U(Do cr - c8l N tl5 tlti-,0l tl5 t-Otv tl9 «l-,S tl5 tl0-,8 «8 tl tl0t-ti 0 ~ cr_ co co Qz i _D 0 ~ z ❑ m ~ J ~w Nye N o Q J Qfz h i 0 ~ R:Zzl _Z W Z_p W ^V) Q W U Hd U N N Ni a. p (nH ~V) u c0_ X Z X Z LLJ wX WX d Z~ N «tt-~ a 0-1 O (Y O P= N a LO ~ O F~2 Lli Lr XX N Wa o N tlOt-,OZ tl5 tl 5 tl -Z tlS a tlt",6 5 „t-6 C « tl+ 9+-17 ON w (o N N N Z pNrp;~~ N Zc I W O N Fi r Q 77~____ - W~ _ N - - - - 1 Z W a ) N N tl5 ~ Q Q X XX ' N U N X W ❑ u N w ZC7 N OWE p OIL _ a 5 pC',Zt ~ Qo I ~ oQ ~o a: ZU ov) Ij ` Z~ w M M J < ❑~O 1 U Xt N W0~: N N O N a N N O LO N WQ O W U ❑ U 1J- C) FE & X a Q oLi- tlo «z-,£a tl5 -zt .s tla-,s .5 .a-,s .a «o-,~ tls . s «s-,s ~ O > a { «L-,oa s r W fW M n t` M N UPI N a~~l X a~ M W = d w N ~O N it • ~ ~ ~ U 7 a W [1 a M N ~ . tI w a N U M X r- U N d, C~ a o a co pc' i O w I LU co co F=6 W Q a iO N ❑W tI w'._C ca N ~w N c~W tl5 a tl~ „Ot-,01 «5 w~ d 9 o Z U_ w ~ O aG LLJ ~ (nL~ T V) L~. (n U) U iV U U W ❑ W WLL ~ X ii LL_ X O I~ W Lz r M I W L~ v Zo WO W W ❑ZO ❑Zw Off- E U .t LLI w x w r a N w 0 J } m E~ SZ oa a LIP m 02 0 NU W Fw F N Y h- y ZV '~y. a