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city of Wheat Ridge \ Department of Public Works December 14, 2005 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29T" AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Mr. Douglas R. Berling, P.L.S. Mountain States Engineering 12860 W. Cedar Drive, Suite 102 Lakewood, CO 80228 Re: - Second Review Comments of the Craig Re-Subdivision No. 1 Plat. Dear Mr. Berling, I have completed the second review of the above referenced documents for the proposed development located at 7065 West 38th Avenue received on December. 8, 2005, and I have the following comments: Surveying Comments All previous comments have been addressed. The Craig Re-Subdivision No. 1 consolidation plat is hereby approved. • The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer XC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Jeff Hirt, Planner File Craig Re-Sub Nol_Pig - approvaLltr.doc FND 2-1 /2" BRASS CAP JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SE 7.06, LAMBERT, LS 13212, 1996 3 t 1 ~ 1 CRAIG RE-SUBDIVISION N0.1 -,f J L A CONSOLIDATION PLAT OF LOT 1 AND A PORTION OF LOT 2, CRAIG i _ s ~ r ~ 0 10 20 40 f E SE-1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, OF T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COL SHEET 1 OF 1 5 ~ - , 3 _i I l J W. 44TH AVENUE R~ SCALE: 1 20' . 6' INGRES EASEMENT SET 5/$" REBAR f W/PLASTIC CAP LS 34594 - - - - - i N89 Y`~ SOU QY , c ~f 6' R BY ASSO t t S k~_ F i V~ t Y P LOT t r f r I If ~ ~ EXISTING 5~ WA EASEMENT f ~ Z ~~+vu~v~~~v~~ v~ U ~U► l VI Lfle trll~/ QT Wr1 presents do dedicate to the City of Wh and/or municipally franchised utilities a property shown as easements. for the ~ - or ~rneat Kiage, C:o~orado, and by these of Wheat Ridge and those mun~c~pally owned 1 ~ ~ o BK. 1647, PG. w .I i r f N 40~ R.O. W. a~ 4_ 5' R.O.W. 3 0 i °r~ > Y~ Z SOI a~ U 7 M .A f' " 3.i 9 5 d' _ i 1, ~ r Z ~ ~ ~ m l it i s f f. w p J~ ~ a s 3 = ~ a l-, ~ ~ ~ Z ~n a f~- S89'38'23"W EXISTING SID UTILITY, AND 20_20' EASEMENT, Ci WHEAT RIDGE, 4 o REC. N0. 900 'rs SET 1" BRASS TAG ~ M FND 2-1/2 BRASS CAP LS 34594 I~ e~ r JEFFERSON COUNTY .~'-CSC i PUBLIC SCHOOLS ~ o SE 7.06, LAMBERT, i i iy LS 13212, 1996 0 +rs ~ k. ~o z i s r 1 R=15.00 I~ 1 A '~=90'07'36" L=23.60 SET 1" BRASS TAG COMMISSI CH. BRG=N45'17'49"W LS 34594 i 1 y C=21.24 ~S - f ~ N89'38'23"E 1614,95' S89'38'23"W GUMMtNC MFNT SOUTH LINE, SE-1/4 SECTION 23 1018,72" SE CORNER SECTION 23 LEQ~Q JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND REC BY: S-1/4 CORNER, SECTION 23 BASIS OF BEARINGS FND 3-1/4 BRASS CAP ~ _ FOUND PROPERTY PIN DEPUTY _ - FND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP LS 13212 LS 13212 O SET PROPERTY PIN, AS SHOWN PROPERTY LINE MOUN i- (A.M.) (P) , t; ( of Wheat Ifte Department of Pubic Works December 14, 2005 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Mr. Douglas R. Berling, P.L.S. Mountain States Engineering 12860 W. Cedar Drive, Suite 102 Lakewood, CO 80228 Re: - Review Comments for the second submittal of the Drainage & Grading Plan and Final Drainage Letter for the (NE parking lot of) Wheat Ridge Cyclery building expansion. Dear Mr. Berling, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents for the proposed development located at 7065 West 38s` Avenue received on December 13, 2005, and I have the following comments: This letter is to inform you that the Drainage & Grading Plan and Final Drainage Letter for the above referenced development have been reviewed and are hereby approved for construction. Please be aware of the following items regarding the construction of the project: 1. Erosion Control Erosion control for the project shall be placed in conformance with current City of Wheat Ridge standards, and shallbe maintained as needed during the course of construction. Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction, and shall be installed within 24 hours or within the timeframe set forth by the City Inspector. 2. Drainage Certification Required Prior to C.O. Upon completion of the grading and any site drainage facilities, the Engineer-of-Record Mr. Gary D. Theander, P.E., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the grading and drainage facilities were completed per the approved civil construction documents, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and the construction of all drainage facilities was completed and shall function in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be submitted along with a copy of As-Built Plans (Record Drawings) for the site prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for Wheat Ridge Cyclery. 3. Public Improvement Restoration/Debris Tracking It will be the responsibility of the of the contractor for the project to repair any damage to the existing public improvements along 38th Avenue and High Court as a result of related construction traffic in the area. Also, the contractor will be responsible for maintaining 38a` Avenue and High Court on a regular basis such that it remains free of construction debris and tracking from construction traffic accessing the site. 4. Construction within the Public Right-of-Way It will be the responsibility of the developer/owner, to provide the necessary testing, as applicable for the scope of this project, for sub-grade compaction and other related material tests for any improvements to be constructed within the public Right-of-Way. (SEE ATTACHED MATERIAL SAMPLING & TESTING REQUIREMENTS) Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to construction of any improvements lying within the public right-of-way, the necessary Right-of- Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. A detailed description of the work to be completed within the Right- of-Way and a Traffic Control Plan shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of the ROW Construction Permit(s). 6. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements Per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements, the Contractor shall warrant all work performed within the public right-of-way for a period of two (2) years, commencing upon completion of all public improvements and final acceptance by the City Inspector. Prior to the expiration of said 2-year Warranty Period, if the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Contractor shall complete such repair work upon request per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements. 7. Application for Grading/Fill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Grading/Landfill Permit, along with the fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer XC: Steve Nguyen, Division Manager Chad Root, Chief Building Official Jeff Hirt, Planner File WR Cyclery Bldg Eapansion_reviml & approval.ltr.doc CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MATERIALS AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION Materials sampling and testing for public improvements shall be performed by an independent materials testing company at the expense of the developer, and/or utility district. Unless otherwise designated, all referenced specifications, standards or policies 'shall be the latest edition as revised or updated by approved supplements published and issued prior to the date of the building permit. REQUIREMENTS All materials sampling and testing shall be performed by certified, experienced and qualified materials testing technicians who work under the supervision of a registered professional engineer in the State of Colorado. All materials sampling and testing equipment shall be serviceable and have current calibrated certifications. Soil classifications and moisture-density curves shall be provided to the Department of Public Works inspector prior to in-place density testing. Materials testing technicians shall finnish copies of failed test results to the inspector as promptly as the results become available. On a weekly basis when testing is being performed, the developer shall furnish the inspector with copies of all test results taken during the prior week and a cover letter, signed by the supervising registered professional engineer, which summarizes the results and discusses any failed tests or inconsistencies. The City materials testing requirements are provided in Table 720-1. All testing procedures of verification and central lab requirements shall be as specified in the Frequency Guide Schedule of the Colorado Department of Transportation Field Materials Manual. One test is required for any fraction of the specified frequency. The reference to Section 203.07 in the table is from the Colorado Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. WR Cyclery Bldg Baps ion_reviewl& approval.ltr.doc Table 720-1 City of Wheat Ridge Materials Testing Requirements Type of Test Frequency Remarks Soil Survey (Classification), 1 per 500 feet of roadway, Surveys for roadway and trench AASHTO M145 Sidewalk or pipe trench may be combined Moisture-Density Curve, 1 per on-site soil type AASHTO method determined AASHTO T99 1 per import material source By soil or materials type Embankment in-place density, 1 per 250 feet per lane per 6-inch Minimum density per soil Colorado Procedures loose lift classification, Section 203.07 Roadway subgrade in-place 1 per 250 feet per lane Minimum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures Classification, Section 203.07 Sidewalk subgrade in-place 1 per 250 feet of sidewalk Minimum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures Classification, Section 203.07 Pipe trench in-place density, 1 per 200 feet of trench per 18 inch Minimum density per soil Colorado Procedures vertical interval Classification, Section 203.07 Aggregate base course in-place 1 per 250 feet per lane Minimum 95% of maximum density, Colorado Procedures Density, T180 Lime treated subgrade in place 1 per 250 feet per lane No less than 95% of std. dry density, Colorado Procedures density and opt. moisture, T99 Cement treated base in place 1 per 250 feet per lane Density in accordance with contract density, Colorado Procedures documents, T134 Hot Bituminous Pavement 1 per 1000 tons Within specifications of asphalt content and gradation Approved mix design, binder PG 64-22 Hot Bituminous Pavement in place 1 per 100 tons 92-96% of maximum density, 7209 density, Colo. Procedures Concrete compressive strength I set per 50 cubic yards PCC pavement, structural AASHTO Procedures Concrete, sidewalks and curbing Concrete air content and slump 1 per 25 cubic yards PCC pavement, structural I AASHTO Procedures Concrete, sidewalks and curbing WR Cyclery Bldg Expansion reviewl & approval.ltr.doc City of Wheat fridge Depanxnent of PubGe Works . MEMORANDUM TO: Chad Root, Chief Building Official p, FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer ~ DATE: November 30, 2005 SUBJECT: Wheat Ridge Cyclery Building Permits This memo is to address the northeasterly parking lot associated with the Wheat Ridge Cyclery building expansion being under a separate (building) permit than the building expansion itself. Dividing the original building permit into two separate permits has been presented to Public Works at the request of Jeff Hirt, Planner as a means to accelerate process due to the turnaround time of the civil documents. In an effort to remain "developer friendly", Public Works will honor the request made by the Community Development Department. I hereby give my approval of the Building Permit Application for only the building expansion, with the condition that the applicant be informed in writing by the Community Development Department that the Certificate of Occupancy for the building expansion will be withheld until such time as all City requirements have been fulfilled for both the building expansion and parking lot Building Permits. These requirements include a plat that consolidates the northeasterly parking lot with the parcels currently being consolidated to accommodate the expansion of the building, and a revised Drainage Plan and Drainage Letter both signed and sealed by the Engineer-of-Record (a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado) to be submitted for review and approval. No construction of the northeasterly parking lot shall commence until the Plat, Drainage Letter, and Drainage Plan have been approved by Public Works. In addition, subsequent to the completion of all constructed items for both the building expansion and parking lot, the Engineer-of-Record shall submit a Drainage Certification Letter accompanied by an As- Built Survey as evidence that the site has been constructed in accordance with and the drainage shall function as defined in the original approved Drainage Letter and Drainage Plan documents. XC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager Jeff Hirt, Planner File To Chad R_WR Cyclery Bldg Expansion (11-30-05).doc 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 3031235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 November 10, 2005 Douglas R. Berling Mountain States Engineering 12860 West Cedar Drive, Suite 102 Lakewood, CO 80228 The City of "eat Ridge RE: Consolidation Plat for 7085 West 38`h Avenue Dear Mr. Berling: The above mentioned plat has been received and I have the following comments: 1. Please show the zoning on the adjacent parcels. Zoning classifications are shown on the redlined plans. 2. Please modify the surveyor's certificate language to match the City's required language. 3. Please modify the owner's certificate block to match the City's format and required language. 4. The case number for the case history box is MS-05-06. 5. It appears that the proposed addition onto the existing buildings will not encroach into any easements. It has been expressed by Xcel that the PSCO easement will be vacated, and there will be no permanent structure in the ingress & egress easement on the north property line. There is a slight encroachment into the water easement along High Court, however the water district has expressed that this is acceptable. There is no need to address any issues regarding the easements shown on this plat in relation to the building permit for the expansion of the buildings on these properties. Attached are referral comments received from other city departments and agencies. • Referral form: Indicates which city departments and agencies were sent referrals. This form was sent out on October 14, 2005 along with the set of plans submitted. • Public Works Department: See attached letter from Dave Brossman dated October 21, 2005. • Building Division: See attached referral form with comment. • Wheat Ridge Water District: See attached referral form with comment, and attached memo dated November 9, 2005. • Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: See attached letter from Thomas Repp. Please make these changes and submit a blueline (paper) copy of the plat prior to printing the mylar. Once the paper copy of the plat has been reviewed, you may submit a blackline photographic mylar for recording with Jefferson County. Please provide a mylar that is acceptable for recordation, which includes a one inch margin. The fees for recording with Jefferson County are $11 per page. You may submit a mylar without first submitting the paper copy for review, however there may be corrections necessary. Please find the enclosed redlined plat and comments received by other departments/agencies during the referral period. If you have questions please contact me at 303-235-2845. Sin el , Je f Hirt Planning Technician, Community Development Department Cc: Ron Kiefel FND 2-1/2" BRASS GAP JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SE 7.06, LAMBERT, A C LOCATED I N THE SE-- I _ ~ lS 13212, 1996 - r`. I r ~ I I SET 5/8" REBAR I CRAIG SUBDIVISION CONSOLIDATION PLAT ~ CONSOLIDATION PLAT OF LOT 1 AND A PORTION OF LOT 2, CRAIG SU ~_1~d~1C CC(`TI/~~I ~z Tn1e/Alcuin Z- f`r~i iri i n n ~inr nn wrr~r W/PLASTIC CAP I LS 34594 ` J L I -d ~ r ~ - - 0 10 20 40 ~ J.~ ~o~~~c~ m S o I~ ~ 3 l ~ 11 ~ 4 SCALE: 1 20' POR C tV PORTION OF LOT 2 3 CRAIG SUBDIV. _ ~ 01 (n r- 6' INGRESS & E EASEMENT, BK. S & EGRESS W m r.: 3 ~ SET 5/8" REBAR i ~ W/PLASTIC CAP ; ~ y lS 34594 ~ c?~ °o m ~ N89'38'2 SOUTH 6 F r r ' t: a ~ 6' RESERV ~ ~ BY WHEAT $I ASSOCIATI co r 3 s ~3 .u o LOT 1, EX I 1 i ~ z; :w EXISTING 5 WATE EASEMENT ~ A s i! s ...~...~.~....,...,,.~.®~...~.,,....~.~....~...r....~,~,~. BK. 1647. PG. 53 ~ R ~ _ s Q e ~ OCR 1 men wa ac n w s a e e _ - a - mfe..~n, - - - _ - - _ ~ - bJ~ vs ~ 3' RSCO ES REC. N0. 900s ~ J-p~ 8 ~ i_ ewwrmww®~wwmsaswn ~®awmwar~erwru®®~wr~ ~ f w~nw~rr~ w . r .k-. t i i i i i i 1 l 5 ti.---• _ 1 1 t 1 ey d ~ . ~ 1~ ~ ' V y b _S_A-tir 1 i R I SOUTH 163 { i x 9 i i, e t O':' ' ~ V 4' saw- r 3~ I- o ..___n~.__., ~ ~ ~ Z U i ~v `i1 1 i c=a I _ 't~` i 1 z 1 i ~L ter- J t ~ EXISTING SIDEWAL S89`38'23"W~ /-EASEMENT, CITY 20_20= Q I REC. N0. 900865 v r- ~o 'a , i ~ - SET t° 8RA$S TAG n LS 134594 (M f FND 2-1/2" BRASS CAP JEFFERSON COUNTY '3 PUBLIC SCHOOLS O SE 7.06, LAMBERT, LS 13212. 1996 t- s~ ~ ` ~ o° i Off. ~9 SET 1" BRASS TAG 1 ' I I i 4 c T ' _ ~ I LS 34584 WEST 3 ~ n SAS HISTORY V 589'3823W 1 3"W 1614.95' S89~8'23"W BY9 FOUND PROPERTY PIN DEPUTY r~rWr~roaas®~ro~r+rawr~rr aror ~rrr G~~ /i r•~'.~~Ix~ri.aer. s SOUTH UNE, SE-1/4 BASIS OF BE S-1/4 CORNER, SECTION 23 iE-1/4 SECTION 23 360.30' SE CORNER, SECTION 23 ~ FOU Y BEARINGS FND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP Ls 13212 p SET SET PROPERTY PIN, AS SHOWN FIND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP LS 13212 PROF PROPERTY LINE MOUNTAIN i- J L J ConsUtants k MOUNTAIN STATI 12860 W. Cedar Dri, 0543topo.dwg Oct. 10, 2005 DR8 Lakewood, Colorodo 1303) 987-3980 1 City of Wheat Ridge pF ""EgT p Community Development Department m Memorandum pRpOp TO: File FROM: Jeff 11 SUBJECT: Wheat Ridge Cyclery DATE: November 10, 2005 I placed a call on November 9, 2005, and left a voice message with Jon B. Keller of Xcel Energy regarding his comment for Case No. MS-05-06. The easement language they are recommending are 10 foot easements on the front and rear property lines. These easements however, will conflict with existing permanent structures on the property. The purpose of the call was to inform Xcel Energy of this conflict, and that my comments were not going to require easements where there are existing permanent structures. I did not receive a response from this phone call. City of Wheat Ridge ~oF ""EqT Community Development Department m Memorandum c~[oRA~~ TO: File FROM: Jeff Hirt SUBJECT: Wheat Ridge Cyclery DATE: November 10, 2005 The attached comment was received from Xcel Energy for Case No. MS-05-06. Xcel has requested easements of 10 feet in width on both the front and rear property lines. I have reviewed the request in relation to existing permanent structures on this property and determined that it is not feasible to require these easements. j9 Xcel Energ ysm PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY October 28, 2005 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Jeff Hirt Re: Case No. MS-05-06 Siting and Land Rights 550 W Street, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80202-256 Telephone: 303.571. Facsimile: 303.571.7877 Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) thanks you for your update of the lot consolidation two lots into one lot. To ensure that adequate utility easements are available within this development, PSCo requests that the appropriate following dedication language or plat note, be placed on the preliminary and final plats for the subdivision: Eight foot (8') wide utility easements are hereby granted on private property adjacent to the front and rear lot lines of each single family lot and ten foot (10') wide utility easement are hereby granted on private property adjacent to the front and rear lot lines of each commercialfindustrial lot in the subdivision or platted area including lots, tracts, parcels and/or open space areas. These easements are dedicated for the installation, maintenance, and replacement of electric, gas, television cable, and telecommunications facilities. Utilities shall also be permitted within any access easements and private streets in the subdivision. Permanent structures and water meters shall not be permitted within said utility easements. When development begins to ensure that adequate utility easements are available for new subdivisions please contact PSCo's Engineering Department at 1-800-628-2121 regarding the use of their facilities. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at (303) 571- 7596 Thank You, Jon B. Keller Agent, Siting and Land Rights Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge Com Referral Form Date: 14 October 2005 Response Due: The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a consolidation plat for the properties located at 7065 West 38 h Avenue and 3830 High Court. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: MS-05-06 Request: Consolidate two lots into one lot, both zoned Commercial One (C-1). Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. FCase Manager: Jeff Hirt Voice: 303.235.2845 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: jhirt@ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: Water District (Wheat Ridge) Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) Fire District (Wheat Ridge) -Adjacent City Jefferson County Planning Department cel Energy ~Qwest Communications -Colorado Department of Transportation -Denver Regional Council of Governments _JeffCo Health Department -Jeff Co Schools ~d ~'^;Id ~'ok dada G ~ barl Subject Parcels 1 _JeffCo Commissioners AT&T Broadband -Urban Drainage and Flood Control District -Regional Transportation District -Wheat Ridge Post Office -Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Public Works -Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department -Wheat Ridge Forestry Division Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority 38M ° ° b n ~ + ° 3889 . o n ~ ca r 3850 3840 m 3830 3834 . m m n m o 38TH AVENUE ° w o rn 2 ti o » c n o o r n. P r r "The Carnation City" City of Wheat Ridge of W"EqT Community Development Department ~m Memorandum ~~~~Rp~~ TO: File FROM: Jeff Hird- SUBJECT: Wheat Ridge Cyclery DATE: November 9, 2005 I had a phone conversation on this date with Walt Pettit of the Wheat Ridge Water District. The conversation was regarding the existing 5' water easement adjacent to High Court shown on the consolidation plat (Case No. MS-05-06). He informed me that he was aware that a small portion of the new building will encroach into this easement slightly, and that the District found this acceptable. He also informed me that all water issues had been resolved to allow for this expansion. Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City. of Wheat Ridge Referral Form I Date: 14 October 2005 Response Due: The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a consolidation plat for the properties located at 7065 West 38th Avenue and 3830 High Court. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: MS-05-06 Request: Consolidate two lots into one lot, both zoned Commercial One (C-1). Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for. development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Jeff Hirt voice: 303.235.2845 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: jhirt@ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: Water District (Wheat Ridge) --Jeff Co Commissioners -Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) _AT&T Broadband -Fire District (Wheat Ridge) -Urban Drainage and Flood Control District -Adjacent City -Regional Transportation District -Jefferson County Planning Department Wheat Ridge Post Office Xcel Energy -Wheat Ridge Police Department Owest Communications -Wheat Ridge Public Works Colorado Department of Transportation -Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Denver Regional Council of Governments -Wheat Ridge Forestry Division - JeffCo Health Department --Wheat Ridge Building Division - JeffCo Schools _ -Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority Subject Par O&M sex ~ast~ eaao rn rn m m F .r 8 m ~ ~ ~ a "The Carnation City" Wheat Ridge Sanitation District 7100 W. 44th Ave. #104 P.O. Box 288 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0288 FAX: 303-424-2280 Phone: 303-424-7252 November 1, 2005 Mr. Jeff Hirt City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. MS-05-06 7065 38" Avenue and 3830 High Court Certificate of Sewer Service Dear Mr. Hirt: This letter is in response to your request for confirmation of the availability of sanitary sewer service for the above parcel. By supplying this information, the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District is not liable for the misidentification or misrepresentation of the subject lot. The location of the subject lot is based solely on the description provided by the requestor, and the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District is not responsible for the way in which this information is used or disseminated. The subject lot at the address referenced above is entirely within the boundary and service area of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District is provided by the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District (Metro). Wheat Ridge Sanitation District facilities in this area consist of an 8-inch sanitary sewer main within 38"' Avenue south of the subject property. This parcel is subject to the assessment of both Wheat Ridge Sanitation District and Metro tap charges. The sub-dividers and/or developers may be required to extend sewer lines to their project sites and/or share in the cost of providing additional capacity to serve their projects. In addition, you should be aware that the District requires approval of plans for sewer main construction, sewer service connections, determination and payment of tap fees, as well as inspection of construction by the District's Engineer. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sue Matthews during regular office hours, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, or Tom Repp, MARTIN/MARTIN Consulting Engineers, 303-431-6100. Sincerely, / Tom Repp, EIT District Engineer MARTIN/MARTIN, Inc. C: Sue Matthews - Wheat Ridge Sanitation District Ron Kiefel - Property Owner TR.njt Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge Community Referral Form Date: 14 October 2005 Response Due: MEMO= The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a consolidation plat for the properties located at 7065 West 3e Avenue and 3830 High Court. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: MS-05-06 Request: Consolidate two lots into one lot, both zoned Commercial One (C-1). Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Jeff Hirt Voice: 303.235.2845 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: jhirt@ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: Water District (Wheat Ridge) Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) - Fire District (Wheat Ridge) -Adjacent City -Jefferson County Planning Department _~Ccel Energy Owest Communications _Colorado Department of Transportation -Denver Regional Council of Governments _JeffCo Health Department _JeffCo Schools _JeffCo Commissioners _AT&T Broadband -Urban Drainage and Flood Control District -Regional Transportation District -Wheat Ridge Post Office -Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Public Works -Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department -Wheat Ridge Forestry Division _,KWheat Ridge Building Division -Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority 3670 Subject Par 3980 3850 3840 3930 3834 us m m "The Camation City" Jeff Hirt From: Ron Kiefel [ron@ridewrc.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 6:28 AM To: Jeff Hirt Subject: RE: Easement Hi Jeff, I'm working with Frank Grady at Xcel (frank.grady@xcelenergy.com 303 425-3874) to vacate the easement. He's their R.O.W. agent. Thanks, Ron Kiefel Wheat Ridge Cyclery Mon-Fri 10am - 7pm ron@RideWRC.com 7085 W. 38th Avenue Sat 9:30am - 5pm Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Sun lpm - 5pm http://WWW.RideWRC.com 303-424-3221 1-888-RideWRC (1-888-743-3972) Fax 303-420-3511 -----Original Message----- From: Jeff Hirt [mailto:jhirt@ci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 9:22 AM To: Ron Kiefel Subject: Easement Ron, Regarding your consolidation plat, I have not compiled the comments from the referral period to give to you yet, but one issue is the PSCO (Xcel) easement running through the property. You may have addressed this before but I don't have any correspondence on it. The easement is underneath where the addition is proposed. We must have written approval from Xcel prior to issuance of the building permit. I would advise contacting Xcel as soon as possible on this if you have not already. Jeff Hirt City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2845 Fax: 303-235-2857 No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.361 / Virus Database: 267.12.5/149 - Release Date: 10/25/2005 No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.362 / Virus Database: 267.12.6/151 - Release Date: 10/28/2005 1 Jeff Hirt From: Jeff Hirt Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 9:22 AM To: Ron Kiefel Subject: Easement Ron, Regarding your consolidation plat, I have not compiled the comments from the referral period to give to you yet, but one issue is the PSCO (Xcel) easement running through the property. You may have addressed this before but I don't have any correspondence on it. The easement is underneath where the addition is proposed. We must have written approval from Xcel prior to issuance of the building permit. I would advise contacting Xcel as soon as possible on this if you have not already. Jeff Hirt City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2845 Fax: 303-235-2857 1 Jeff Hirt From: Ron Kiefel [ron@ridewrc.com] Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 9:56 AM To: Jeff Hirt Subject: Re: Consolidation Plat Fee Oh good! Just cash the check and we'll apply the balance to round two. Thanks Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile. -----Original Message----- From: "Jeff Hirt" <jhirt@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 09:11:05 To:"Ron Kiefel" <ron@ridewrc.com> Subject: Consolidation Plat Fee Ron, You submitted a check for $600 for the consolidation plat. Our fee only requires $300. Did you submit for both consolidation plats at once or was that a mistake. I apologize if I misinformed you. Let me know if you want me to cash it for both plats so that's out of the way or bring in a new check for $300 to just cover this one. Jeff Hirt City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2845 Fax: 303-235-2857 1 City oof Wheat Ridge Department of Public Works October 21, 2005 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29' AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Mr. Douglas R. Berling, P.L.S. Mountain States Engineering 12860 W. Cedar Drive, Suite 102 Lakewood, CO 80228 Re: - First Review Comments of the Craig Re-Subdivision No. 1 Plat. Dear Mr. Berling, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents for the proposed development located at 7065 West 38`s Avenue received on October 14, 2005, and I have the following comments: Surveying Comments 1. It appears there is a 3' PSCO Easement (Reception #90073326) that runs through the proposed building location. You should advise your client that written approval from XCEL Energy shall be required prior to City approval of this development and issuance of the Building Permit. 2. Please modify the title to "Craig Re-Subdivision No. I". 3. Need to be sure that the proposed building lies outside of all remaining easements, such as the 6' ingress- egress easement reserved for use by the Wheatridge Grange and 5' water easement. Any encroachment into these easement areas shall require written approval from the respective easement holders. 4. Remove the words "Basis of Bearings" for the bearing along the High Court centerline. (The Basis of Bearing statement identifies the south line of the SE'/4 Section 23). 5. Please double-check the section fie - the distance is not correct. 6. Need to move the text "Parcel Line Hereby Removed..." as indicated on the redlined Plat.. 7. Need to identify the lot & subdivision of the adjoining parcel lying to the east, or show as unplatted. 8. The Case Number (for the Case History Box) is: MS-05-06. 9. Please include the Following: a. Owner's or signatory's name title) in the signature block. b. Date of Plat Preparation/Revision. c. All zoning, both onsite and offsite. d. The ROW width for High Court (see redlined Plat). e. Point of Commencement and Point of Beginning. E The curve data (SW comer of parcel) as indicated on the redlined Plat. g. Any proposed utility easements. 10. Need to show a metes and bounds description in the Legal along with the Lot & Sub, and be sure to tie it to the section (required by Code). 11. The Legal Description does not close; cannot calculate the site area until the parcel closes. • Please return all redlined prints with the next submittal. • The above comments areas of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Jeff Hirt, Planner File Craig Re-Sub Nol Plat-xview.1t.doc y I a 1 CRAI SUBDIVISION _ N CONSOLIDA ION PLAT OF LOT 1 AND A PORTION OF LOT 2, CRAIG SUB Ln n~ c~rTinni TnwNCNIP ~nIITH RANC;F Fig WE~~_~F T~iE FND 2-1/2" BRASS CAP JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SE 7.06, LAMBERT, LS 13212, 1996 i Y a- ~ I a ~ 3b I M ~ I 1t Le _~.k__r ~ I J L ~ - r~ ~ r 0 10 20 40 I ~ i~ t~ i~~ SCALE: 1 20' POR C cV L _ 0 6' INGRESS & E ~ ~ EASEMENT, BK. ti t. 3 SET 5/8" REBAR i 3 S ie W/PLASTIC CAP O LS 34594 E Z A ~ o I N89'38~2 z SOUTH 6 F s ~ Y- 1 t 6' RESERV I "1I/ Dv 11fLJC A T i M11 1L.11 t I~IVV1.. V~~ni~v~,. vvw~..w~r • , ~ q ,..~.....~,..~..,.....«.......~~.....r.......~.r....,. l~1~ CBI®~MM9lilelA AIII!/M®Yrll!l ~tllb ~ ~ ef~~j ASSOCIATI ~j ~ t5' ~ ~C1 //111Ch C3V TLl1 ©I AT n ~ ~ ~ ~ A 1'SAQf11/C"!'1 fiLltr' f i 3 y~' m o vr/a LOT 1, EX ~t ~ 1 r ~~1 ~ ~ ~ ~5 ~z~ .~a~ ~ 13~ EXISTING 5' WAT W EASEMENT V~ 4 ~ BK. 1647. PG. 5 ~1.. 3' PSCO E REC. N0. 900 r I ~ ~~N .f ~ ~ 5 D`~ ~ i i_ u i SOUTH 16 i~ i rn ~ 3~ ' W GC noW ~ ~ o~n ins rumen as ~ Qre t F... o ~ d' ® M Aft Ef Cn iCl q 1 I Hess ~ o r ~U Z ® f ~ ornmissin ex Ire oaer+oe os®wa®®w®oa~~F+~eeai~ewwwrr~w~l~~l~aw~wwwawow~wesr~w ~~,~~~~wwr eru 2 ~ t~ 1 s ~ EXISTING SIDEW 589'38'23"W EASEMENT, CIT REC. N0. 9008 20_20' 7 t i Iis S t SET 1" BRS 134594 I M FND 2-1/2" BRASS CAP JEFFERSON COUNTY / I~ _ ¢ PUBLIC SCHOOLS ~ ~ p t SE 7.06. LAMBERT. :d~ LS 13212. 1996 ~ ~ O i l I ~ - Z l 1 { AIVU IJ UULT KGI.VRVGV mi R«.~r i~v~v FEES PAID CM SET 1" BRASS TAG w LS 34594 r t -RECORDE BY: 'ORDER ~ WEST NEST 38TH AVENUE CASE HISTORY LEQEND D(5T-Aw~o ! N .CUP---- M rs~A'? t~l A C&, 1 t1C. ro FOUND PROPERTY PIN DEPUTY - - -~i 589'3823 SOUTH UNE, SE- BASIS OF SET PROPERTY PIN. AS SHOWN ~ - S-1/4 CORNER, SECTION 23 PROPERTY LINE moul~11 / Con"ant FIND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP LS 13212 MOUNTAIN S 12860 W. Cedar 0543topo.dwg Oct. 10, 2005 DRB 3kewo9 ~ C31o r 4 FND 2-1/2" BRAS5 CAP JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SE 7.06, LAMBERT, LS 13212, 1996 (t i CRAIG SUBDIVISION CONSOLIDAl10N PLAT I ~ CONSOLIDATION PLAT OF LOT 1 AND A PORTION OF LOT 2, CRAIG SU I I ~~w, !Jt ~ I i S~ y J L I ~ r ~ ~ 0 10 20 40 A C LOCATED IN THE SE- I - - t SCALE: 1 20' PO C cV O~ to Y ~ 6' INGRESS 8c a EASEMENT, BK. w m 3 ~ SET 5/8" REBAR I W O W~PLASTIC CAP ~ N LS 34594 d'N SET 5/8' REBAR W/PU571C CAP o m ~ ~ N89'38'2 LS 34594 ~ ` z SOUTH 6 6' RESER ~ c~ BY WHEAT 6 m MI ASSOCIATI co 0~ SN ~ 4,'~ ~ -f 3 3 o LOT 1, EX I r'. ~ O t I ' z~ EXISTING 5' WAT EASEMENT STATE OF COLORADO ) BK. 1647, PG. 5 _ ~.L._-~. f • MAYOR )SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON The foregoing instrument wos acknowledged ldg~d +~~~~or~e me this day of A. D. 2005 DEVELOPMENT M ~ by 3' PSCO E REC. N0, gpp - - ---------a ~ Witness my hand and official seal. 1 .v ~ _ My Commission expires WORKS ~ ~ i ~~~~A~ 1 IG, A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN NOTARY SEAL SOUTH 163 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF CRAIG (/I/I~ZC H C(Zy f )ATION PLAT N0. 1 WAS MADE UNDER MY RESPONSIBLE i~ rn T SEPTEMBER 2. 2005 AND THAT THE ACCOMPANYING - . , 3~ E- o ~ ~ 4 j 1 ~ o r ~ V °z S ~ t~ i z Y Notary Public ~ EXISTING SIDEWA ry+. M EASEMENT, CITY S89 38 23 W REC. N0. 90086 20_20' 1 v Y ~o ~T I l 4 SET 1" BRA$S TAG LS 134594 ~M r„ , FNS 2-1/2" BRASS CAP JEFFERSON COUNTY ~ PUBLIC SCHOOLS SE 7.06, LAMBERT, LS 13212, 1996 1 ~ ~j O t ` (o ~~s~a+O• Z .f pO, ~ ~ S8 SET 1" BRASS TAG 4 _ lS 34594 WEST .L n f BY* 1~ ~JL- l 589038'23"W '23"W 1614.95' S8918'23"W FOUND PROPERTY PIN DEPUTY lip- ITY SOUTH LINE, SE-1 BASIS OF B S-1/4 CORNER, SECTION 23 SE-1/4 SECTION 23 360.30' SE CORNER, SECTION 23 ~ FO OF BEARINGS FND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP I. LS 13212 p SE1 SET PROPERTY PIN, AS SHOWN FIND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP LS 13212 PR( PROPERTY LINE MOUN--TAI ConsUtants MOUNTAIN ST 12860 W. Cedar 0543topo.dwg Oct. 10, 2005 DRB Lakewood, Colora< 0 987-3980 ,E CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 0 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Address 7085' (-J. 3 q3c'A-d~ Phone3/6t;'s-/` go State Gc> Zip 8 33 Fax' t-S-?s-// Owner FIZZ-!- L L Address 2`7 35 7i e ~O~ L: Phone -5/?- 3 7 -6 tiL City s~-.:-Y~- .6 State Ca Zip t3bzT Fax Contact 5~ - - Address Z / 3 3 ~tP (t K9 • Phone 3 %$7-37$v City La(eeWvud State C~a Zip -'dvz(S Fax'3~grg7-3gag (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary. post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) ' j Location of request (address): ~i76 S-`3 5 C.3, 32H 64_ 3 9 3 J y,.t cc) -J Arl - Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application subodua/ requirements on reverse side . ❑ Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Special Use Permit 15 Consolidation Plat ❑ Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) ❑ Flood Plain Special Exception ❑ Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ❑ Right of Way Vacation ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Temporary Use, Building, Sign ❑ Site Development Plan approval ❑ Variance/Waiver (from Section ) ❑ Other: Detailed description of request: C0 r2 S Z Required information: 41i° 3`t -2 3Y -t7q-oo'a Assessors Parcel Number: 3 Y t 3y- O y-- eo ( Size of Lot (acres or square footage): 2 n St Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: C I Current Use: ZrratL Stt~iSS:r<,s.~s- tc.veass Proposed Use: Sr tPvLs2r I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am without whose consent the requested a must submit power-of-attomeV~ Signature of To be filled out by staff: Date received / e9A /OJ-- Comp Plan Desig. Related Case No. he knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners ch approved of this action on his behalf. MANY A. ATHEARN NQTTARY PUBLIC §tAfff OF COLORADO day of DCFbbCY`- , 20 ~S commission expires 1AA,,010 ~r- Fee S ~,OD Receipt No. Zoning Pre-App Mtg. Date Case No. M5-OS--067 Quarter Section E Case Manager Submittal Requirements: Original ig/ned & notarized Application Form tO~i® Fee $-27GHE5~ (Amount submitted per Fee Schedule) Letter of request indicating full intent and purpose of request Proof of ownership (Copy of Recorded Deed) ❑ Limited Power of Attorney (if applicant is not owner) X Certified Survey of the property ❑ Mineral Rights Certification (Change of Zone, Special Use, Subdivision and Plan Development) ❑ Site Plan: (Ifpage size is 24"x 36" must provide 11"x 17 " reduction) (Special Use, Variance, Planned Building Group, Planned Development) ❑ Neighborhood meeting (except for Flood Plain exception, TUPs and Variances) ❑ Names and address of attendees ❑ Date, time, location of meeting ❑ Legal description (except TUPs and Variances) ❑ Building Elevations (optional) ❑ Copy of Pre-application meeting notes (f applicable) Additional Submittal Requirements: / " 16 pre-folded plans 24" x 36" and I reduction at 11" x 17" (Subdivision and PD only) ❑ Traffic Impact Report (may be required for Change of Zone, Special Use, Subdivision, and PD) ❑ Drainage, Grading and Erosion Control Plan (Subdivision and PD only) ❑ Mylars plus recording fees (See Fee Schedule) (Will be required after approval for Subdivisions, Rezonings, and Annexations) Please note: Incomplete application submittals will not be accepted. There may be other items required that are not listed depending on type and complexity of application. Revised 9/27/04 'Recorded at Reception No. QUIT CLAIM DEED J tz THIS DEED, made this Istday of January. 2000 between Eugene Kiefel.2935 Kendall, Denver, Colorado 80214, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, grantor, and EREL, LLC, a Colorado Limited Liability Company 1 whose legal address is: 2935 Kendall . Denver, Colorado 80214 That the grantors, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars (S10.00)and othergood and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency o which is hereby acknowledged, have remised, released, sold, conveyed an QUITCLAIMED, and by these present do remise, release, sell, and QUITCLAIM unto the grantees, their heirs, successors and assigns forever, the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the grantors have in and to the real property, together with improvements, if any. situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, described as follows: PARCEL]: 1.01' 1. EXCEP"1"I'l IF SOUTH 163 FEEI'THERI:OF AND TI IE SOU1116 FEET Or LOT 2. CRAIG SUBDIVISION. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATEOFCOLORADO o'clock in., PARCEL 2: WCUnDrf 10. F1084639 7114/2000 16:22:10 PG: 001-001 PAGE FEE: 5.00 DOC.FEE: 0.00 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS PURPOSES GRANTED TO EDWARD W. D. HUFFMAN AND CARLFI"A S. HUFFMAN' 13Y WHEAT RIDGE GRANGE BUILDING ASSOCIATION. INC.. A COLORADO CORPORATION. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SE P"TEM BER 28. 1963 IN BOOK 1647 AI'PAGE 532 O V ER TI I E FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THE NORTH 6 FEET OF THE SOUL H 12 FEET OF LOT 2, CRAIG SUBDIVISION. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON S"rA I'F. OP COLORADO A/K/A 3830 High Court, Schedule 4 024919 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges attached thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever. of the grantors, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the grantees, their heirs and assigns forever. The singular number shall include the plural, the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders. /1N WITNESS W RE he grantor has executed this deed on the date set forth above. C/ < Grantor ugene Kiefel State of Colorado County of Jefferson ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this I st day of January. 2000, by Eugene Kiefel Witness my hand and official seal. ✓ C(./•i ' ~lli~~ : o,.'`. ecN ub rc 1 l ; R M commission ex fires: WHEN RECORDED, PL AS MAIL THIS INSTRUMENT TO: Barry A. Hudson4251 Kipling, Suite 560, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 co WHEN RECORDED, PLEASE MAIL THIS INSTRUMENT TO: Barry A. Hudson 4251 Kipling, Suite 560, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 WCEPII0100. F1084638 7/14/2000 16:22:09 PG: 001-001 PAGE FEE: 5.00 DOC.FEE: 0.00 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLOR.A Notary Puce `t`, . ' s , 'Recorded at Reception No. o'clock .m., Recorder QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS DEED, made this istday of January, 2000 between EugeneKiefel, 2935 Kendall, Denver, Colorado80214„ Countyof Jefferson, Star of Colorado, grantor, and EREL, LLC, a Colorado Limited Liability Company whose legal address is: 2935 Kendall, Denver, Colorado 80214 That the grantors, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollar ($10.00)and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency o which is hereby acknowledged, have remised, released, sold, conveyed an QUITCLAIMED, and by these present do remise, release, sell, and QUITCLA unto the grantees, their heirs, successors and assigns forever, the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the grantors have in and to the real property, together with improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, described as follows: The South 163 feet of Lot 1, CRAIG SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO 7063-7095 W. 38th Avenue TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges attached thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the grantors, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the grantees, their heirs and assigns forever. The singular number shall include the plural, the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders. WITNES OF, The grantors have executed this deed on the date set forth above A~e Grantg E K'efel Eugene t Grantor: Eugene Kiefel State of Colorado County of Jefferson ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1st day of lanaurv. 2000, by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ~T-3 Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Land Title OU.AKAN ILL LUh1YfiNY Date: 09-27-2005 Our Order Number: ABC70119521 Property Address: 7051 AND 7065 WEST 38TH AVENUE AND 3230 HIGH COURT If you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please contact one of the numbers below: For Title Assistance: Commercial Title "ABC" Unit Scott Bennetts 14001 E ILIFF AVE #500 AURORA, CO 80014 Phone: 303-636-2775 Fax: 303-755-7957 EMail: sennetts@Itge.com FIRSTBANK OF WHEAT RIDGE 4350 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Attn: KATHY PASCHALL Phone: 303-456-2192 Fax: 303-456-2195 Copies: I EMail: kathy.paschall@ertrstbank.com Sent Via EMail Land Title Guarantee Company Date: 09-27-2005 Title Our Order Number: ABC70119521 Land tG Wtle 4UTH Property Address: 7051 AND 7065 WEST 38TH AVENUE AND 3230 HIGH COURT Owner: EREL, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AS TO PARCELS 1, 1A AND 2; AND THE KIEFEL FAMILY TRUST, AS TO PARCEL 3 (SUBJECT TO SATISFACTION OF REQUIREMENTS) Need a map or directions for your upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web site at www.Itgc.com for directions to any or our 54 office focarrons ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES Alta Loan Policy 10-17-92 $1,674.00 Tax Report $75.00 TOTAL $1,749.00 FOM Mx AM.L (8/20 ) THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order No. ABC70119521 Schedule A Cost. Ref.: Property Address: 7051 AND 7065 WEST 38TH AVENUE AND 3230 HIGH COURT 1. Effective Date: September 15, 2005 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: "ALTA" Loan Policy 10-17-92 Proposed Insured: FIRSTBANK OF WHEAT RIDGE $1,500,000.00 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A FEE SIMPLE AS TO PARCELS 1, 2 AND 3; AND EASEMENT AS TO PARCEL IA 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: EREL, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AS TO PARCELS 1, lA AND 2; AND THE KIEFEL FAMILY TRUST, AS TO PARCEL 3 (SUBJECT TO SATISFACTION OF REQUIREMENTS) 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED PAGE(S) FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION Our Order No: ABC70119521 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1: LOT 1, EXCEPT THE SOUTH 163 FEET THEREOF, AND THE SOUTH 6 FEET OF LOT 2, CRAIG SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCELIA: A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AS CREATED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 28, 1963 IN BOOK 1647 AT PAGE 532. (NOTE: SAID EASEMENT IS APPURTENANT ONLY TO PARCEL 1) PARCEL 2: THE SOUTH 163 FEET OF LOT 1, CRAIG SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 3: THAT PORTION OF THE N 178.3 FEET OF THE SOUTH 330 FEET OF THE WEST 363 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING EAST OF THE EAST LINE OF LOTS 1 AND 2, CRAIG SUBDIVISION, JEFFERSON COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 1 (Requirements) Our Order No. ABC70119521 The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly tiled for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below 1. COPY OF LETTERS CERTIFIED BY A COLORADO COURT EVIDENCING THE APPOINTMENT OF A PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE IN THE ESTATE OF LEONORE KIEFEL, DECEASED. NOTE: SAID REQUIREMENT IS NECESSARY TO SUPPORT THE CONVEYANCE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BY EUGENE KIEFEL, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE; PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES DEED RECORDED JUNE 22, 1999 UNDER RECEPTION NO. F0894318. (AFFECTS PARCEL 3) 2. A FULL COPY OF THE OPERATING AGREEMENT AND ANY AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO FOR EREL, LLC MUST BE FURNISHED TO LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY. SAID AGREEMENT MUST DISCLOSE WHO MAY CONVEY, ACQUIRE, ENCUMBER, LEASE OR OTHERWISE DEAL WITH INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY FOR SAID ENTITY. NOTE: ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS MAY BE NECESSARY UPON REVIEW OF THIS DOCUMENTATION. 3. RELEVANT PORTIONS OF THE TRUST AGREEMENT OF THE KIEFEL FAMILY TRUST, A TRUST, MUST BE FURNISHED TO LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY PRIOR TO CLOSING SO THAT THE COMPANY CAN CONFIRM THE ACCURACY OF THE STATEMENTS APPEARING IN THE STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY OR TRUST AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLIC RECORD. 4. DEED OF TRUST FROM EREL, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF WHEAT RIDGE TO SECURE THE SUM OF $1,500,000.00. (AFFECTS PARCELS 1, 1A AND 2) ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 1 (Requirements) Our Order No. ABC70119521 Continued: 5. DEED OF TRUST FROM THE KIEFEL FAMILY TRUST TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF WHEAT RIDGE TO SECURE THE SUM OF $1,500,000.00. (AFFECTS PARCEL 3) NOTE: AFFIDAVIT/STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY RECORDED SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 2005082132 DISCLOSES EUGENE KIEFEL AS TRUSTEE(S) WHO MAY ACQUIRE, CONVEY, ENCUMBER, LEASE OR OTHERWISE DEAL WITH INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY FOR SAID TRUST. NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 2002 Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 30-10-421, "The county clerk and recorder shall collect a surcharge of $1.00 for each document received for recording or filing in his or her office. The surcharge shall he in addition to any other fees permitted by statute." ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. ABC70119521 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: L Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section 1 of Schedule B hereof. 9. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES, IF ANY. 10. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS AND OBLIGATIONS AS SET FORTH IN PARTY WALL AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 08, 1963 IN BOOK 1556 AT PAGE 212. (AFFECTS PARCEL 2) 11. ANY TAX, LIEN, FEE, OR ASSESSMENT BY REASON OF INCLUSION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY IN THE PROSPECT VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, AS EVIDENCED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 07, 1971, IN BOOK 2305 AT PAGE 895. (AFFECTS ALL PARCELS) 12. AN EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND WATER LINE AS RESERVED IN DEEDS RECORDED OCTOBER 17, 1963 IN BOOK 1647 AT PAGES 530 AND 531. (AFFECTS PARCEL 1) ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. ABC70119521 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 13. EASEMENT GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, FOR UTILITY LINES, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 27, 1990, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 90073326. (AFFECTS PARCELS 1 AND 2) 14. EASEMENT GRANTED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, FOR SIDEWALKS, UTILITIES, SIGNAGE, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 08, 1990, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 90086584. (AFFECTS PARCEL 2) 15. LACK OF ACCESS TO AND FROM PUBLIC ROAD. HIGHWAY. OR STREET. (AFFECTS PARCEL 3) LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real properly may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, (he County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September 1, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemnifying the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commitments containing a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfied. Form DISCLOSURE 09/01/02 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company July 1, 2001 We recognize and respect the privacy expectations of today's consumers and the requirements of applicable federal and state privaclaws. We believe that making you aware of how we use your non-public personal information ('Personal Information'), and to whom it is disclosed, will form the basis for a relationship of trust between us and the public that we serve. This Privacy Statement provides that explanation. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Statement from time to time consistent with applicable privacy laws. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: * From applications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized representative; * From your transactions with, or from the services being performed by, us, our affiliates, or others; * From our internet web sites; * From the public records maintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities, or from our affiliates or others; and * From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrusion. We limit access to the Personal Information only to those employees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other legitimate business purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other real estate settlement service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Information: * to agents, brokers or representatives to provide you with services you have requested; * to thud-party contractors or service providers who provide services or perform marketing or other functions on our behalf; and * to others with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information when you direct or give us permission, when we are required by law to do so, or when we suspect fraudulent or criminal activities. We also may disclose your Personal Information when otherwise permitted by applicable privacy laws such as, for example, when disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising out of any agreement, transaction or relationship with you. One of the important responsibilities of some of our affiliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such documents may contain your Personal Information. Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford you the right to access your Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom your Personal Information has been disclosed. Also, certain states afford you the right to request correction, amendment or deletion of your Personal Information. We reserve the right, where permitted by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs incurred in responding to such requests. All requests submitted to the Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company shall be in writing, and delivered to the following address: Privacy Compliance Officer Fidelityty National Financial, Inc. 4050 Calle Real, Suite 220 Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Multiple Products or Services If we provide you with more than one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from us. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Form PPJV.POL. CHI CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of Missouri, herein called the Company for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of tire insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor, all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Candifioins and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such polity or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by an authorized officer or agent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Commitment to he signed and sealed, to become valid when couneersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company, all in accordance with its By-Laws. This Commitment is effective as of the date shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date." CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. The term "mortgage," when used herein, shall include deed of trust trust deed, or other security instrument 2. If the proposed Insured has at acquires actual knowledge of any defect, ken, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shah fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, ben encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of Ods Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Lability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of the Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, at (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions, the Exclusions from Coverage and the Conditions and Stipulations of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any claim of lass or damage, whether or not based an negligence, which arises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the ben of the insured mortgage covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and Conditions and Stipulations of this Commitment. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Issued by: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY ~.,tNSURgN 3033 EAST FIRST AVENUE ~,~`:RPO" .oF 0 ( SUITE 600 PO BOX 5440 (80217) € n President DENVER, CO 80217 SEAL Q Secretary Authorized Officer of Agent CC.CHI 1 FND 2-1~2° BRA5S CAP JEFFERSON COUNTY k~1 PUBLIC SCHOOLS IMPR4VEMEN T SURVEY P OF LOT 1 AND A PORTION OF LET 2, CRAIG SUBDIVI AN U N PLATTED PORTION OF T~# E SE-1 /4 LOCATED I N THE SE-1 /4 OF SECTIO TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, OF THE SIXTH l SE 7.~6, LAMBERT, LS 13212, 1996 I ~ ~ I I t CITY OF WHEAT RIDE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, ST SHEET 1 OF 1 I SET 5/8" REBAR I I I W/PLA S~ 34594 I ~ SET 5/8" RE:BAR W/PLASTIC CAP - ~ e ° LS 34594 ~ - - I ° N89'38°2~~4.89 - 3 ~ I ' wv I I 0 i 0 LFrAL DESCRIPTION I PORTION OF LOT 2 ~ ~ Porcel 1 (Retail Building) ~ ~ POR i CRAIG SUBDIV. o ~ i C ~ ~ UNPLATTED ~ The South 163 feet of Lot 1, Crai N I ~ ~ ~ Rec. No. F1097719 of Jefferson, State of Colorado. ~ N I ~S & EGRESS ~ ~ Also known os: 7065 W. 38th Av Parcel 2 (Service Center) o Z , 6' INGRESS & ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EASEMENT, K. T, K. 1647, PG. 532 ~ I ~ ~ t Q ,E ~ SET t" BRASS TAG i ASPHALT ' m ~~~C EXISTING GRANGE SET 5/8" REBAR BUIL[?ING LS 34594 ~ ~ ~ ~ y~ppp FRAME 0 10 20 40 Lot 1, EXCEPT the South 163 fee ~ ~ Craig Subdivision, City of Wheat R O W/PLASTIC CAP ~ O N LS 34594 w - f o m I ~ N89'38' ~ ~ M CONC. D ~ Z ~ 3 ~ 6~ RESER . I ~ a BY WHEA I ~ of a ~ i ASSnCIATI SCALE: 1 20' Also known as: 3830 High Gt. Parcel 3 (Warehouse 3) That portion of the North 178.3 feet of the Southwest one-quart Southeast one-quarter of Sectio the 6th Principal Meridian,, lying c~~hriiviGi~n. Jefferson County. Sta Containing 38,640 square feet or .w tl 3 R N U 3 p' V i z EXISTING 5 WAT ~ EASEMENT r c i ~ BK. 1647, PG. 5 S~ ~RVEYOR'S CERTIFICAT THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS L MY RESPONSIBLE CHARGE AND TI SHOWS SAID SURVEY TC~ THE BE ~Z~~Q FF=98.64 .t r ~ N8938'23"E ~ PSCU E r L~ - _ ~ o REC. N0. 90 ~ I ~~~v ~ O FOUND PROPERTY PIN ~ p r- w p SET PROPERTY PIN, AS SHOWN ~ , ~ a~ L,~~ r fi 3 I PROPERTY LINE "'k ,r^ r ASPHALT DRIVE -o ~ ~ CHAIN LINK FENCE DOUGLAS R. B LING PLS 34594 WOOD FENCE OE OE ' OE ~ ~ r 19.5' ~F=too,2s 50.0' (A.M.) MEASURED DIMENSION 7 3 / (P) PLATTED DIMENSION O 1 p~ L re 3~ NOTE _ _ rn~. !+r~~ ~ r i i f~ C~ ["®Y P'- s^'1 f-1 i 1 t`°' 1"°~ 1 i ~ 1 f"°\ 1*'1 o~ ~ ~ o \ / ~ d; o 1. BASIS OF BEARINGS. T~1E W BEARS N00'14'01 "W AS MONUME ON A LAND SURVEY PLAT BY SE 4. ~ } \ ~ ~ ~ Z 7 r O l = ' 2. THIS SURVEY GOES NOT CO STATES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE DESCRIBED PROPERTY. EASEMEN PARAMOUNT HEIGHTS PART ONE. e~ _ ~ ~9.8~ L~ EXISTING SIDEV ~ EASEMENT, CIT S8938 23 W REC. N0. 900 ~ ~ 20_20' t 3. NOTICE: ACCORDING TD CO LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON AN YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST D[SCO ACTION BASED UPON ANY ~EFE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DA 4. DATE OF SURVEY - SEPTEM 1 4.rt. - - FF=1 _r .-c 1. CONC. ~ o IL• SET 1" BRS X34594 ~ I ~ r FND 2-1/2" BRASS CAP I ~ ~ ~ JEFFERSON COUNTY 5. UTILITIES SHOWN ARE BASE MAPS FROM THE APPROPRfATE BEFORE ANY CONSTRUCTION BE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ( O SE 7.06, LAMBERT, f , ~ ~ LS 13212. 1996 l coNC.~ 6'O' Z / ~,•p ~O' C i - i i ~ a I SET 1" BRASS TAG ~ 39' CURE k9l CURB CUT LS 34594 0 ~ WESI WEST 38TH AVENUE - - - - - S89038'23 SOUTH UNE, SE- BASIS OF S Y MOUNT~ UNTAIN STATES ENGINEERING L Consultan suitants in Civil Engineering & Land Surveying MOUNTAIN Revised Oct. 10, 2005 DRB 12860 W. Cedc STAIN STATES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES P. C. W. Cedar Drive, Suite 102 fr )cd, Colorado 80228 0543topo.dwg Sep. 19, 2005 DRB Lakewood, Col( 30 987-39 937-3980 3 987-3988 Fax 1 CRAIG SUBDIVISION CONSOLIDATION PLAT N CONSOLIDATION PLAT OF LOT 1 AND A PORTION OF LOT 2, CRAIG SUB -,~T~...~ nz -r!nsu•~~~~~r, z c-niiTi~Qainr cn ~nl~~T /1GLI~ s FND 2-1/2" BRASS CAP JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SE 7.06. LAMBERT LS 13212, 1996 I reol property of described a fElow ~ I pp f[~7 u~ R ~1 I J L 1 ~ division, City of W~ae ~ Ridge, punt o ~0 20 40 I SCALE: 1 20' P~C iV O~ N o ~ 6' INGRESS & E ~ ~ ~ EASEMENT, BK. a -r_ J W m - 3 LL, SET 5/8" REBAR O W/PLASTIC CAP O N LS 34594 . ~r o m I N89'38 o - Z SOUTH 6 F I ' ~ 6' RESERV ~ o' BY WHEAT ~ ASSOCIATI cfl r.. - - - - - - _ 2 ~ 3 • o SOT 1, EX ~ 1 o~ s . L_ i~Y a:. ' z' EXISTING 5 WATE EASEMENT } -r, ~v - - ~e.......,~.,~..~n.,e~r,s.eaawy.w~.~.~~.,s 1 t~ t~ BK. 1647, PG. 53 R s ~1~ . - f - - - _ ~ ~.l_._.,~, ~ - _ 3' PSCO E REC. N0. 900 ~ i ■ R `s ~ r i J a a - ' 1 f 1 ~r i ~ ~ a SOUTH 163 1 i~ i 4 rn 3~ a e r men was ac Haw e e e ore a~n ins u ~ o ~ d' _N.____ r ~ V °z a t~ i z ~ EXISTING SI~EW 589'3823"W EASEMENT CITY ~r~ i ~®arwrois ~.wraareiu rurarr wmrmowe®®®w®r v REC. N0. 90086 4 1 20_20_ f~ ~~r 3 F 1 (o SET 1 ° BRAS TAG t e p,ry LS 134594 ~M 4 1I V ~ Hess n an s FND 2-1/2" BRASS CAP ~ 3 t ~ ~ r JEFFERSON COUNTY IR PUBLIC SCHOOLS p amm~ss~~n ex gyres SE 7.06, LAMBERT, r ice. L5 13212, 1996 t~ ~ >s, • z ~ n,,. l ~ - 'v Subject s is zoned C-1. Adjoining parcels are zoned as shown. _ O'CLOCK M.M. ON THE DAY OF 2005, r w AND IS DULY RECORDED AT RECEPTION FEES PAID SET 1" BRASS TAG LS 34594 0 ~ V&ST IEST 38TH AVENUE 0 M N RECORDER mdWMft *Eno" -Ar4 LEQE D B Y: s w w e® wa, - - - - - 589.38'23"W FOUND PROPERTY PIN DEPUTY SOUTH UNE, SE-1 BASIS OF E r :p SET PROPERTY PIN. AS SHOWN oonorDrv i 1I.iC k Jr%1 1Krr A S-1/4 CORNER, SECTION 23 t 1 FND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP LS 13212 -1 4. 1 f l J J ~S 1 w".. PI.a.,way's Y T.C4 VGA t9 IStI: ,sea r 0 10 20 w SLUE: 1'= 20' I I I I I I I I vI aC I I3419; I L-----L L PORROf d LOT 2 MAO sumv. S EGRESS BK. 1647, PC 532 SEI a/e' 98M I 4T 1' . 14 W/PIASIIa bD SJWW I NBC3Bk3'E 120.00' souTH 6 rt. of LGT z _ gl 1 6' RESERVED FM? NMEM @ EGRESS BY yIHEA1MDGE GRANGE BUMMING AI ASSOCIATION. N4,'AIi&1W. gfi, I 'p +I RELOVEO BY MIS PEAT o EDT I, EXCEPT ME SOUTH I SI 163 FEETI °zl Emst NG 5' WATER EASEMENT ~SK. 1647, PG. SSOPARCFL UNE HEREBY YOVTD BY MIS PIAT~ IRE p6C0 ESMT.~~.~-- REC. NO. 900)]326 1 I I ,ET'. iMp $-I/S MMSS <AP R IPIIC SGIOMfi Y 1A.12141 ..ae I I I 1 LOT 1 BLOCK 1 1 $WM 183 FEET OF LOT I W. "M AY2M£ IK IJRO x W W. I ALE Q a 49,9 AM K 41 TAM j N r. 39m AM 4 M MIN ASEM/£ CITY CMFICATION APPROVEII THIS _ DAY OF 2005 DY THE CITY DF WHEAT RIO(E. The unduroff Yd ben, the and a Me real prapaly of aeaMned as fordes LEGAL DESCRIPIIDN pan~ Thea Sw1tb 163 feet of lot I. *do 9loders ML GIy of WMmt Ridgy County 5w of aeffarean. Stale a Cdorado. PafaM 2 Let 1. EXCEPT the S th 163 MI tbseal ma be Swt, 6 Not d Let 2. Cn" S MdnmmaL City a Mal Ridge. Canty 0 JBNaaaL Slate of Caanede. Cmlaien, 27.070 ewae ANN or OB9 -.era an I® Maw IaW wt subdMae6 and Managed gold tend m Me armed, he. contained ualdeT M, mane and stye W CRNG s=mSAON COlSOlOAIIGf PLAT NM 1, o W4dl4®an of a pal at Me Qty of Want M. State of Cnlafado, and by owed pmmts does adlmte TO Me city a roast Wood aM Nor pue,c W abeelR aWq aM awnw .4 an. an soon an an. acameeRn9 pat for me pubNC u. iMml (orerer and do. luelhr . O_d.... Me at M- el„ of I neat aged and all mwmaE„ a.na yeti Pr"anny elldl Oro w negyn4t0d as eayanahu ark n9h4-of-vary for IM coo.trv ba4 FaMlelbn. operaMm, manlmmcq "cir and ryl.l: f a no C Fc4d'n9 NIMwt IFllN,g 1M g'Q ty of IM bpaF9. Wo,hane and tlexlrlc rom sea, poet and u,da,Nwd cab bey, net pWdinei'eoM pp, nn, wnitay ones Ines ybpt IgM14 wM1art4 Myamte dmna9e Obtain. and draw. and dl appurtahanc. thafela E110- LLC STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY Of JfRERSCN ) 5 The faegol, hearnhant say aaimaMed,ed and. Met bode _ day of Am 2015 by CITY CLERK MAYOR DIRECTOR CCMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WRECTOR OF 1U9UC WORKS SURVE)OR'S CERTIFICATE 1. DOUGLAS R BERUNG A REGSTERED POOFESGORU LAND SMV VYOi M ME STATE OF COLORADO. DO HEREBY CEIMY THAT ME SURVEY W tlLVG yM~h5.K/s4Y W6NR SIJBDM90N CWSWDARON PLAT NO. 1 WAS MAX LKDFR MT RESPONShaI WMASN w TNARE ON W ABOUT SEfePO EER z 2011 AND THAT ME ACCOMPANYING LS PIA) ACDIMTELY SHOWS SUB SURVEY TO ME BEST OF MY WLOWFDGE ANB BELIEF. I 1 a 1 _I 31 I gI z I~ la ~ 1 W :o 1 L 1 EASTNC SIDEWALK, URUIY, AND SICNAW CITY OF WHEAT RDGE EASEMENT ' a~ rc . , 589']B'231y REC C 9W 116564 . TI . L 20_20' I I~ IR I I I; I to T',y 18 s/e'rsnun 3'O arO 9g,'38'23~~1M.9L O AFT P BRASS rK LS ,5 JA9F 3 WEST 38TH AVENUE SSS -_-_z 3e'vw 589'36'8]-1 1814.95' SCUM BASES Oi WAARND5 23 ]TA.XY FWa "'le w,ss w LA '..2 DOUGLAS R. RENTING PUS 34594 OATS 1. BARS OF BEARNG3 The Soudi the Or Me M-1/4 of Seatlan 23 M 1.4B andunW TO and, 549JR'2YE as mmunl.tea as Mom attend and as Munn an Me City of Want Rican Riglhl-of-Way Mm for Baia south IwU W 9aaaan Township 3 South. Rape 69 Waat, eM P.Y. 2 Subject hplfaty dxe Twit ye n a nood plan according to FEMA 1140d Wouranm Rate Map for Me Qty of What Ridge CommWTy Pald NaTOa 085029- 0005-C noted Fn(YRW 4. 19811, Me K,.,ty Ike W m ow WaaMd are yme C. WnW M subject to mtn,na dean' g. 3. Thin sn w down not cmaliWTe a Mom search by Mounds States rhg Asweat. P.C. to delamfna wnaahip ,w eaapnaote of fecord. 2`9 7. For rermeuan regarding eowncets Hgbty of ear. Or true of reoad Mwntan States EnVa.. 9 Aeaoantea fegd upan LM Idlmsirg DDe eornmibnmU Lod mmlee CampmY• Order Numbb AK Of 19521 noted September 15, 2005 at 300 P.Y. 4. 140ME Accwdn9 W Cabranp fee you mot any Mga acGm bawd upon any defect h Win suT y elthin Won yeas after you flat d'ecow such d<Iat. F na e.al may any arks band undo any chat k, Mie sawy be mnnn v more Mm la ran ham Me dote of Me cati6caGm nand hsan. 5. Subject KWatY Is xaned C-1. Adpinog Ideal. are xo ned as at. voted. My Arad and Heel M. my Cammi nien opirea NOTARY SEAL Hotary l'utdo .ldaea CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO )tt COUfew d= JEF sce) I MLRE[Y CEMRFY MAY MS RAT WAS FILED N MY OyIIE AT O'CLOCK -M. ON THE _ DAY 6 2005. NW IS WILY RECORDED AT KC101"TION FEES PAD RECORDER LEGEIZI BY. M FOND PROBE TY TN DERITY O SET PROPERTY RN. AS SHOWN ~I~~,.a~ ~~I~ 1~y~N~IlZC1 PRq wLINE 1n apYl Alm RTAIT R .NMTA CRAIG SUBDMSION CONSOLIDAMON PLAT NO.1 A CONSOLIDATION PLAT OF LOT 1 AND A PORTION OF LOT 2, CRAIG SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE SE-1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 1 Case No.: MS0506 Quarter Section Map No.: $E23 App: Last Name: EREL, LLC Related Cases: App: First Name: to Doug Berling Case History: Cplat #1 Owner: Last Name: EREL LLC Owner: First Name: /oROn Kiefel.-- - App Address: Review Body: dm. J City, State Zip: Lakewood, C080215 App: Phone: 03=987-3980APN: Owner Address: 935 Kendall 2nd Review Body: City/State/Zip: Ilheat Ridge ,CO 80214 2nd Review Date: Owner Phone: - _03 237.6422....___ Decision-making Body: 7 Project Address: i Approval/Denial Date: Street Name: est 38th_Avenue - City/State, Zip: - c-heat Rid e, CO 80033 ! Reso/Ordinance No.: I Case Disposition: Conditions of Approval: District: I Project Planner: Hir[ File Location: „ctrve S Date Received: 10A 4/2005 E Notes: Follow-Up: Pre-App Date: CITY .3F WHEAT RINE gall AF7, F{1 crib B-c-1 L' ' rr.EIPT t,10~r k)_124 AMOUNT RE _02 pr•_i 'iimNC APP ICATION F 100,00 ca ME GCt..'F' AMOUNT, C i R_ UI i flI_ UOii. 00 00