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City of WheatPdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave. September 25, 2008 Joyce Manwaring Director of Parks & Recreation City of Wheat Ridge 4005 Kipling St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Joyce: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 On August 7, 2008, Planning Commission recommended APPROVAL with conditions Case No. WZ-08-04, a request for approval of a change in zoning conditions, approved pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15, to allow a park and approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 3700 Kipling Street. A copy of the meeting minutes are enclosed. On August 25, 2008, City Council APPROVED Case No. WZ-08-04, a request for approval of a change in zoning conditions on property zoned Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an amended outline development plan for property located at 3700 Kipling Street for the following reasons: 1. The property was rezoned to Planned Commercial Development pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15. 2. A zone change process is required to modify zoning conditions. 3. The criteria used to evaluate a change in zoning conditions support the request. 4. The proposal is consistent with the recommendations made in the Parks & Recreation Master Plan. 5. The Parks and Recreation Commission recommended approval of the Master Plan. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added on page 1 that up to 36,000 square feet of the northern portion of the site may be used for commercial uses as allowed in the RC, Restricted Commercial Zone District, and subject to consistency with the Architectural & Site Design Manual. 2. On Sheet 3, the "bulb" portion of the parking area be widened to provide a dropoff area. 3. On Sheet 3, designate locations where parallel parking will be allowed on West 35th Avenue and Johnson Street. 4. A note be added on page 5 that the designs shown are conceptual and that the final structure designs will be determined at the time of final development plan approval. 5. In the land use table site data breakdown, add a note that the open space and landscaped area shown is the minimum required. www.ci.wheatridgexo.us Joyce Manwaring Page 2 September 25, 2008 Enclosed is a copy of the signed ordinance and a copy of the minutes stating Council's decision. Please submit two full-size revised paper copies of the outline development plan which incorporate the conditions of approval to be reviewed by staff prior to printing the mylars. Once the paper copies of the document have been reviewed, you may submit blackline photographic mylars for recording with Jefferson County. Mylars need to be submitted for recording with Jefferson County within 60 days of final action. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy Field Administrative Assistant Enclosures: Ordinance #1417 City Council Minutes dated August 25th Planning Commission Minutes dated August 7th cc: Eric Spring Design Concepts 211 N. Public Rd., 4200 Lafayette, CO 80026 WZ-08-04 (case file) WZ0804.doe INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER ADAMS Council Bill No. 13-2008 Ordinance No. 1417 Series of 2008 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF CHANGE OF ZONING CONDITIONS ON PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDED OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3700 KIPLING STREET (CASE NO. WZ-08-04/CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE) BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO THAT: Section 1. Upon application by Design Concepts for the City of Wheat Ridge, approval of change of zoning conditions on property zoned Planned Commercial Development approved pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15 and for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 3700 Kipting Street and pursuant to the findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at a public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, a change of zoning conditions and an amended Outline Development Plan are approved for the following described land: A PART OF THE WEST ONE HALF OF THE WEST ONE HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 27; THENCE SOUTH 00°12'37" E, A DISTANCE OF 180.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89039'34" EAST PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER 40.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING ON THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF KIPLING STREET; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 89°39'34" EAST ALONG THE AFORESAID COURSE 140.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1748, PAGE 767 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 00°12'37" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID BOOK 1748, PAGE 787 AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER 145.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE; THENCE ALONG THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES ON SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE: (1) THENCE NORTH 89°39'34" EAST 90.01 FEET; (2) THENCE NORTH 00°20'26" WEST 5.00 FEET; (3) THENCE NORTH 89°39'34" EAST 56.45 FEET; (4) THENCE SOUTH 45°16'22" EAST 14.13 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF JOHNSON STREET (ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF TRACT "A" OF WESTHAVEN); THENCE SOUTH 00°12'18" EAST ALONG THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF JOHNSON STREET (ALSO BEING THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT "A") 1291.04 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 35TH AVENUE; THENCE SOUTH 89°34'42" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 35TH AVENUE 291.33 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID KIPLING STREET; THENCE ALONG THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES ON SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF KIPLING STREET: (1) THENCE NORTH 00°12'37" WEST 214.46 FEET; (2) THENCE SOUTH 89°34'42" WEST 5.00 FEET; (3) THENCE NORTH 00°12'37" WEST 937.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 363,101 SQUARE FEET OR 8.3357 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Section 2. Vested Property Rights. Approval of this change of zoning conditions and amended Outline Development Plan does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26-121 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City of Wheat Ridge hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Supersession Clause. If any provision, requirements or standard established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or standards found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards here shall supersede and prevail. Section 6 . This Ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 4 to 3 on this 28th day of July, 2008, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for Monday, August 25, 2008, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29`h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of 5 to 4 this 25th day of August 1 2008. SIGNED by the Mayor on this 25th day of August , 2008. ATTEST: Michael Snow, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY GE L DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY ISt publication: July 31, 2008 2nd publication: August 28, 2008 Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: September 12, 2008 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: August 25, 2008 Page -2- APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Ms. Berry to add an Item 9, Appointment of George Pond to the Parks & Recreation Commission; seconded by Council Members Womble and Gokey; carried 8-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 1. Council Bill 13-2008 -An Ordinance providing for the approval of change of zoning conditions on property zoned Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an amended outline development plan for property located at 3700 Kipling Street. (Case No. WZ-08-04) (City of Wheat Ridge) Mayor DiTullio opened the public hearing and swore in all citizens giving testimony. Council Bill 13-2008 was introduced on second reading by Mr. Stites. City Clerk Michael Snow assigned Ordinance No. 1417. Meredith Reckert entered into testimony the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan and Parks Master Plan and provided the Staff summary in a PowerPoint presentation (amended to this packet). Mrs. Manwaring reviewed the process that was used to develop the Park Plan, beginning with a Parks needs analysis, neighborhood meetings, citizen mailings, surveys, study sessions and meetings with Parks Commission and other community groups. Carol Henry from Design Concepts described the features and technical designs of the proposed Park Outline Development Plan. Dalmon Larson handed the City Clerk a letter addressed to the Council outlining three questions pertaining to this Ordinance (amended to this packet) and shared his objections to certain elements in the park design relevant to the ideas that were presented and requested by the neighbors in the area. Cheryl Wise supports the City developing park facilities in general and this one in particular based on its visibility to those that live in the area and to those who drive along Kipling every day. This kind of visible beauty in the City will attract new people to the community. Ms. Wise also suggests adding more parking to the park design to support the proposed outdoor amphitheater. Nancy Snow thanked Council for finally committing to developing this park after 40 years of history and struggle to do so. She asked that the trails be designed so as to provide handicap accessibility, which requires a maximum of 5% grade on any part of those trails. She voiced concern and objection to the City giving away the 36,000 square feet on the North end of the park area for free rather than selling it. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: August 25, 2008 Page -3- Staff addressed the various citizen and Council questions including, but not limited to the sale of the section of property on the North end of the property, the cost and budgeting to develop the Park, the design adaptations to accommodate possible future Kipling expansion, the steep slope of the property and the existing ditch on the Northeast corner. Mayor DiTullio called for a break at 8:33pm; to resume at 8:40pm. Mayor DTullio closed the public hearing. Motion by Mr. Stites to approve Council Bill 13-2008 (Ordinance 1417) on second reading, and that it take effect 15 days after final publication, for the following reasons: 1. The property was rezoned to Planned Commercial Development pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15. 2. A zone change process is required to modify zoning conditions. 3. The criteria used to evaluate a change in zoning conditions support the request. 4. The proposal is consistent with the recommendations made in the Parks & Recreation Master Plan. 5. The Parks and Recreation Commission recommended approval of the Master Plan. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added on page 1 that up to 36,000 square feet of the site may be used to support adjacent commercial development. 2. On Sheet 3, the "bulb" portion of the parking area be widened to provide a drop- off area. 3. On Sheet 3, designated locations where parallel parking will be allowed on West 35th Avenue and Johnson Street. 4. A note be added on page 5 that the designs shown are conceptual and that the final structure designs will be determined at the time of final development plan approval. 5. In the land use table site data breakdown, add a note that the open space and landscaped area shown is the minimum required." Seconded by Council Members Womble and Sang. Motion by Ms. Berry to amend Mr. Stites motion to: Strike Condition Number 1, and replace that condition with the following: A note be added on Page 1 that up to 36,000 square feet of the Northern portion of the site may be used for commercial uses as allowed in the RC, Restricted Commercial Zone District and subject to consistency with the Architectural Site Design Manual; seconded by Mrs. Rotola; carried 8-0. L Mr. Stites motion as amended tied 4-4 with Council Members Berry, Adams, Rotola and Gokey voting No, and Council Members Womble, Langworthy, Stites and Sang voting Yes. Mayor DiTullio broke the tie in favor, Motion as amended carried 5-4. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ-08-04: An application filed by Design Concepts for the City of Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department for approval of a change of zoning conditions, approved pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15, to allow a park and approval of an amended outline development plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 3700 Kipling Street. The case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval for reasons, and with conditions, as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner MATTHEWS asked if 35th Avenue would be straightened out to align with 35th Avenue on the west side of Kipling. Ms. Reckert stated that public works recommended alignment, but due to cost it will remain "as is Commissioner REINHART asked if there was an alternative option to have these decisions made administratively under park zoning. Ms. Reckert explained that it was considered rezoning the property to PF (Public Facilities) but staff was more comfortable going with this process because the plan would be recorded and therefore more of a permanent document as an assurance to the neighborhood. Commissioner CHILVERS commented that he would like to approve zoning for a park but had questions about the design. Commissioner DWYER commented that it seems out of the Commission's prevue to make comments on the design of a park. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked why commercial uses were dropped from the plan. Ms. Reckert stated that it is an assurance to the neighborhood that the land will be developed into a park. She believed there was allowance for support uses such as bike rentals or farmers markets. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if the entire path meets ADA requirements. Ms. Reckert explained there is a portion of the path that does not meet the requirements because of the grade. In response to a question from Commissioner DWYER, Ms. Reckert explained that the subject property was excluded from the blight study. Joyce Manwaring Director of Parks & Recreation. Ms. Manwaring summarized the process which led to the subject application. The 1992 Parks Master Plan identified this neighborhood as underserved regarding Planning Commission -2- August 7, 2008 park facilities. The City purchased the subject parcel in 2000 with Jefferson County Open Space funds to meet that need. The master plan was redone in 2006 and again identified this neighborhood as underserved. There is no design process for parks in the city code. The Outline Development Plan (ODP) process is more comprehensive than a simple zoning change. With the history and controversy surrounding this property, it was decided the ODP process would best serve the community. Regarding commercial uses, Jefferson County Open Space policies generally do not allow commercial activity for private profit in open space. The ODP language would allow for supplemental uses such as bike rentals. Ms. Manwaring explained that disposal of the park property associated with the Apple Ridge Cafe will allow for current and future development on the site. This will require approval by City Council and Open Space. In response to a question from Commissioner REINHART, Ms. Manwaring stated that, up to this time, she has not gone through an ODP process to develop a park. Commissioner MATTHEWS asked if plans for a dog park had been excluded from the plan. Ms. Manwaring replied that, through the public input process, it was decided this was not a good use for this park. Commissioner REINHART asked if it would be necessary to rezone the property if park uses changed such as adding or eliminating a skate board area. Ms. Reckert explained there is flexibility to make such changes. Commissioner CHILVERS asked if neighborhood parking had been resolved. Ms. Manwaring stated that she was assured those issues had been satisfactorily resolved. In response to a question from Commissioner DWYER, Ms. Manwaring explained that the final design concept was chosen as a result of neighborhood, City Council and Park Commission input. Commissioner TIMMS asked when construction would begin. Ms. Manwaring replied that, if the concept plan is approved and staff is given direction to move forward, construction contracts would be solicited. Whether or not construction will be phased will depend on budget appropriations. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if revenue generating uses such as batting cages, etc. were considered in design of the park. Ms. Manwaring stated these types of uses were considered and cost analyses were done, but were not made part of the Master Plan. She also stated that a maintenance budget has not yet been developed. Planning Commission -3- August 7, 2008 In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Ms. Manwaring stated that parking will be allowed on 35`h Avenue and Johnson Street. She also explained that 75% of any revenue from the sale of the Apple Ridge Cafd portion of the property would be returned to Open Space and the remaining 25% would come back to the City for reinvestment in open space. Eric Spring Design Concepts Mr. Spring, landscape architect for the park reviewed the design for the park. Commissioner DWYER asked if a 2% grade would allow the field to be used for organized sports. Mr. Spring replied that 2% is the maximum allowed for a sports field. He believed the field would be playable. In response to questions from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Spring explained that he tried not to duplicate any uses available at other parks in the area. He also stated that the planned skate park is larger than the one at Anderson Park. He explained that in the original sketches, all walks were ADA accessible but changes had to be made due to right-of-way issues. Therefore, there is a portion of the walks that will not be ADA accessible. In response to a question from Commissioner DWYER, Ms. Manwaring stated that it is not planned to keep the skate park at Anderson Park. Dalmon Larson 9940 West 35`h Avenue Mr. Larson stated that he was not opposed to the zoning but wanted to know what assurances the neighborhood has that the proposed zoning change for park use is not a temporary change. He also wanted clarification about the parking space issue for the south side of the proposed park. He expressed concern that the neighborhood was not aware of the skate board component of the park before it was approved. He stated that he wanted the park to be created with the best expertise available. He was pleased with the efforts of Design Concepts but felt they were being forced into including the skate board park feature. Ms. Reckert spoke to the parking issue on 35`h. The city does not allow head-in parking anywhere because backing directly out into traffic is an unsafe situation. That is why the change was made to parallel parking. Douglas Linder 3610 Johnson Street Mr. Linder stated that he bought his house because he knew there would be a park there some day. He stated that he was happy with the design of the park. He had no opinion one way or the other concerning the skate board park. He was Planning Commission -4- August 7, 2008 opposed to any commercial use in the park. He would like to see trees planted in the park that would not grow so tall that they would block views. There was no one else to address the Commission at this time. The public comment portion of the meeting was closed. Commissioner REINHART stated that he thinks this matter is a misuse of the zoning code and it is not the business of the Planning Commission to pass judgment on the design or contents of a city park. He stated he was in favor of the zoning for open space because the neighborhood wants it, but an CDP is the wrong tool for the job and he planned to vote for denial. Commissioner BRINKMAN stated that she was also leaning toward denial based on the facts stated by Commissioner REINHART. She stated her understanding that the neighbors want a park and times have changed since 1982 when citizens voted to zone this land Planned Commercial Development; however, the city is starved for commercial development and there is a park between 26`h and 32nd and another soccer field is located a couple of blocks away. It was moved by Commissioner REINHART and seconded by Commissioner DWYER to recommend denial of Case No. WZ-08-04, a request for approval of a change in zoning conditions approved pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15 and for an amended Outline Development Plan for property at 3700 Kipling Street for the following reason: 1. The Outline Development Plan is not the appropriate tool to rezone the site. The motion failed by a vote of 2 to 4 with Commissioners CHILVERS, DWYER, MATTHEWS and TIMMS voting no, and Commissioners SCEZNEY and STEWART absent. It was moved by Commissioner DWYER and seconded by Commissioner TIMMS to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-08-04, a request for approval of a change in zoning conditions approved pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15 and for an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 3700 Kipling Street for the following reasons: 1. The property was rezoned to Planned Commercial Development pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15. 2. A zone change process is required to modify zoning conditions. 3. The criteria used to evaluate a change in zoning conditions support the request. 4. The proposal is consistent with the recommendations made in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Planning Commission -5- August 7, 2008 5. The Parks and Recreation Commission recommended approval of the Master Plan. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added on page 2 that up to 36,000 square feet of the site may be used to support adjacent commercial development. 2. On Sheet 3, the "bulb" portion of the parking area be widened to provide a drop-off area. 3. On Sheet 3, designate locations where parallel parking will be allowed on West 35`n Avenue and Johnson Street. 4. A note be added on page 5 that the designs shown are conceptual and that the final structure designs will be determined at the time of Final Development approval. The motion passed 4-2 with Commissioners BRINKMAN and REINHART voting no and Commissioners STEWART and SCEZNEY absent. (Chair BRINKMAN declared a recess at 8:33 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:39 p.m.) 8. STUDY SESSION (continued from July 17, 2008) A. Short Term Code Amendments Jeff Hirt presented a brief summary of items discussed at the July 17, 2008 study session. As a result of those discussions, an open house has been scheduled to be held in the council chambers on August 21, 2008 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Planning Commissioners agreed they would like to participate in the open house. 9. OTHER ITEMS A. State APA Conference Meredith Reckert reminded Commissioners of the State APA Conference to be held in Breckenridge September 10-13. 10. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner DWYER and seconded by Commissioner REINHART to adjourn the meeting at 9:04 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Anne Brinkman, Chair Planning Commission August 7, 2008 Ann Lazzeri, Secretary -6- Page I of 1 Meredith Reckert From: Jerry DiTullio [jerryditullio@comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 5:23 PM To: Joyce Manwaring; Meredith Reckert Cc: Randy Young; Tim Paranto; Mike Stites; Tracy Langworthy; Terry Womble; Wanda Sang Subject: 38th/Kipling St. Importance: High Joyce and Meredith, Thanks for your effort and work on this project... I would encourage you to still push for a design with "head in" parking on the south end of the park... And to straighten out 35th Ave from Kipling east... This was one of the issues that was discussed by the residents on the south end of the park... Thanks everyone for your continued support of the worthwhile project!! Mayor Jerry DiTullio Wheat Ridge City Hall 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office: 303.235.2800 Cell: 720.253.6785 Never confuse motion with action - Benjamin Franklin City of W ea jAc roc t of 'rti F Wym CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mailcontains business-confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this connnunication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. 8/27/2008 U O V bJo ~--~I O O N O ct u c~ ct b.Q w ct ~I--I O r~ V C) Ct ~-1 P4 Ct a O ~ 0 U ~ bA U O Q N U O ~ bA Q U ~ ct O N O ~ O ~ O Q-, ~-I N O M 00 0 0 N N bbq U O U 3F sa~• SAx4 3 al f t 5 gg aa 1 3e A~ N - Sri - J J 1 i - I l ~ J L e ~ a Y c ss fa - Sac.: z~ S4~S x r ' p A . •s X ' t 5 s f x~ S ~ ~ C SF a o 11 y FI d k yy3 , Y .6 U s3~ y E ; cy a . 3 :S x[. t Esl E Mn a s bca s (JJ a l Vol, l till st ~y coo y a!t ns'~ ^v Put N ' 0 ~ I, y. ~ r iR j{5 i Y l YS - % ii c js In e . ~..3_ yF^sa, . z _ ' s£ i~dpx 9 0 3 § d~ ]X;Yy 'nC ~~ks y i 1 1011 ~ . _ 1. i _ 9•a ~ ~pYV' I '~.d :rr 3 }33i pt a 3 i SF S2 Y~ i Y e x 3 s5~' ?35-~ iCnxs gt~ i u4~ FN3'3 3~d89~6 k5 -TT9 { if rf3°3y?3~,, ~d u~ U CA u U 74 rJo Q bA O p O sa~ U 00 ~ ~ 0 O O ~ O U ct N O M ~ 00 r--~ O O ~ O ct . 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N U O c ~ N U VD p O c~j c~j U kz~ U ct ° cn N r N M U by N ct p bQ ct T~ V1 U Q ct 00 ~ O 4~ bA O .O ~ W O ~ O O U O O c 0 o ~ o 0 N N ~ p O ct c O C4' r„ c~ N • ~ `p" O M U O 4-4 ~ O c~ N N ~ o ct Z ct N O ct > ' ~ cc3 `b E U N O 4-4 ct ct N N N O4-5 Oct 4~ cc cn ct N O O ct 7~ ct 7~ N c:i ♦1 i~( WheatPki~-dge ITEM NO: REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION COUNCIL MEETING DATE: (08/25/08) TITLE: COUNCIL BILL NO. 13-2008: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF CHANGE OF ZONING CONDITIONS ON PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDED OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3700 KIPLING STREET (CASE NO. WZ-08-04/CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE) ® PUBLIC HEARING ❑ ORDINANCES FOR I ST READING (07/28/08) ❑ BIDS/MOTIONS ® ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING (08/25/08) ❑ RESOLUTIONS Quasi-judicial: ® YES ❑ NO Community Development Director City Manager EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant requests approval of a change of zoning conditions on property zoned Planned Commercial Development pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15 and for an amended Outline Development Plan (ODP). The subject property is located at 3700 Kipling Street. The property is city owned land, purchased with Jefferson County Open space Funds, which has been subject to a park master plan process for development into a city park. The property is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development and is approved for an office complex development with 130,000 square feet of floor area. Permitted uses include professional, medical and business offices and general retail sales. A public park is not one of the permitted uses. As such, the existing ODP plan, known as Westhaven Park Planned Commercial Development must be amended, requiring a zone change process. A zone change process is required to modify an existing ODP plan by adding uses and amending development standards. This application has been processed following the new Outline Development Plan procedure of providing more graphic and written information up front, allowing the Final Development Plan (FDP) to be approved administratively. Planning Commission reviewed this case at a public hearing held on August 7, 2008 and recommended approval. COMMISSION/BOARD RECOMMENDATION: All zone change requests require review and a recommendation from the Planning Commission. Planning Commission reviewed this request at a public hearing held on Thursday, August 7. A motion was made to recommend approval of the case for the following reasons: 1. The property was rezoned to Planned Commercial Development pursuant to Case No. WZ-82- 15. 2. A zone change process is required to modify zoning conditions. 3. The criteria used to evaluate a change in zoning conditions support the request. 4. The proposal is consistent with the recommendations made in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. 5. The Parks and Recreation Commission recommends approval of the Master Plan. With the following conditions incorporated into the plan set prior to City Council public hearing: 1. A note be added on page 1 that up to 36,000 square feet of the site may be used to support adjacent commercial development. 2. On Sheet 3, the "bulb" portion of the parking area be widened to provide a drop-off area. 3. On Sheet 3, designate locations where parallel parking will be allowed on W. 35th Avenue and Johnson Street. 4. A note be added on page 5 that the designs shown are conceptual and that the final structure designs will be determined at the time of Final Development Plan approval." Staff has recommended to the applicant that changes to the ODP document be delayed until final City Council action in case there are other changes required. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES: The property in question was purchased by the city in 2000 using Jefferson county Open Space Funds with the intent that it be developed into a city park. The Parks and Recreation Department with the help of Design Concepts has undertaken a parks master planning effort for the park design. A series of design workshops were conducted with the public to solicit input for the park design. Study sessions were held with City Council, Planning Commission and the Park Commission. The final design generated from the master planning process has become the graphic for the ODP document. Other modifications occurring to the ODP document include elimination of commercial uses, establishment of new uses, and revision to development standards. Concern has been expressed that it could be desirable if the use of the property would produce revenue for the city. The proposed list of uses includes the broad categories of park, recreation, cultural and historical activities. Staff has concluded that there is enough flexibility that park support uses such as farmer's market or bike rental facility would be permitted. However, the agreement with Jefferson County Open Space precludes commercial use of the property for private gain. There has been additional concern expressed that approval of a park design which is recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's office as part of the ODP package will limit potential future use of the property. Staff has concluded that as long as the criteria for modifying an ODP amendment are not violated as specified in Section 26-311.B., limited modifications could be made to the underlying document with no public hearing process if the park master plan design would change. The criteria which allow administrative ODP modification includes no increase in gross floor of beyond what is specified on the ODP, proposed land uses which are consistent with what is permitted by the ODP, no decrease in perimeter setbacks and no increase in density. There has been a provision built into the ODP that a future structure with up to 32,000 square feet of footprint could be constructed. As an example, a new satellite parks administrative office could be built with no required modification to the ODP plan or public hearing process. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED: 1 Approve request. 2. Do not approve request. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact to the Community Development Department as a result of this case. No fees were paid for the processing. Fees will not be collected for review of the Final Development Plan, nor for any pennitting required for park construction. "I move to approve Council Bill No. 13-2008, Case No. WZ-08-04, a request for approval of a change of zoning conditions on property zoned Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 3700 Kipling Street for the following reasons: 1. The property was rezoned to Planned Commercial Development pursuant to Case No. WZ-82- 15. 2. A zone change process is required to modify zoning conditions. 3. The criteria used to evaluate a change in zoning conditions support the request. 4. The proposal is consistent with the recommendations made in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. 5. The Parks and Recreation Commission recommended approval of the Master Plan. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added on page 1 that up to 36,000 square feet of the site may be used to support adjacent commercial development. 2. On Sheet 3, the "bulb" portion of the parking area be widened to provide a drop-off area. 3. On Sheet 3, designate locations where parallel parking will be allowed on W. 35th Avenue and Johnson Street. 4. A note be added on page 5 that the designs shown are conceptual and that the final structure designs will be determined at the time of Final Development Plan approval. 5. in" ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Bill No. 13-2008 (corrected) 2. Planning Commission report with exhibits M ~ fi~ , f s% cp~ 'F - ~ t+ • ~ -.y..,~n«.„,,,~., ,bmw~.~~ »r~-,m ~,waw ~awuew!%ewwM' vr's.~~9......~ v.,~ ~,,,,,,.e:. v:-.. t~ "k„ ~ 't'' ~ „<.m..a.:~ ~.oo ..Aa.~:wv .T,y ;~a~,y~a;...yyppyr„ ..v ,u.-....xzu a.,t S of . o. p^. ~ t ~1., ~'l f' ~ " ~ z . .,.,M~ ~ ~ _ _ , m..__ ? ' ~ ;gyp ~ "..MdX ~ `qks T.,a, a. ~ 'X,M. . ~ p , _ . 9 d 6 ~ ~ . a t 1 .~~3 ~ „ F ~ N° M1 4 i l aw~~FFFFTT F,^_ ~ ~:m ~ Yin . ; T~~~ ~ , V/r. ~ ' ~ ,.t . ~ t ~ . _ ? 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C~ ~ O O U N U 4-4 w c4-4t N 'd . r, O N U U ~ O c C'n b~A O ¢ M O N c O ~ ~ o O M ct U N O > Z c ct O O r O O ti O O O ct U ct bi) N M ct ct N N N 7~ O UD U ct N U bA ct ct CU 7~ . r, Ici O ct O 4 O c¢ Q w N b~Q i d-j O PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION August 7, 2008 Case No. WZ-08-04: An application filed by Design Concepts for the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a change of zoning conditions, approved pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15, to allow a park and approval of an amended outline development plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 3700 Kipling Street. Name Address , P / In favor/Opposed -moo ~~rou c<a,ti..CT (-Xla S'uP,ririL~O l3. DA<moN 41425041 AT 02ANNIV 6- (oeMMi5510IV I-IC-,4X ~ 9-7-019 GA5€ IVO, 1n/? -o -a y Questions in writing for August 7, 2008 Wheat Ridge Planning Meeting: Question #1 for tonight: What assurances, if any, do neighborhood residents have that the proposed zoning change - ostensibly for park use - won't be a temporary change that facilitates future zoning manipulation by creative developers and city officials? By indicating that "The entire zoning file is public record" I believe the answer is very little. Question #2 for tonight: Can anyone explain the parking space issue for the South side of the proposed park? The initial three design options presented at meeting two had no parking areas on the South side. Yet, the final park design presented at meeting three had parking spaces along 35"' avenue into the park facing West (in front of the current drainage ditch). In explicitly your staff report indicated only parallel street parking for the South part of the park. Note, that 35"' avenue bordering the park is many feet South of 35`h avenue either West of Kipling or East of the park Unless the Kipling traffic is light the 35`h and Kipling intersection can be dangerous. I indicated to Mayor Ditullio, and possibly to you, that at the time of park construction the status of 35"' avenue should be addressed. This would be very important in the context of both increased traffic due to the park. Dalmon M. Larson 9940 West 35t' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Page I of 3 Meredith Reckert From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 4:50 PM To: 'Dalmon Larson' Subject: RE: Planning Commission Mtg. August 7, 2008 Bud- Question 1 - Assuming the zoning passes, the property could be rezoned for commercial uses in the future but it would have to go through the entire process again. If the city invests money into park development, I very seriously doubt this would ever occur. The city would also have to reimburse Jeffco open space for the cost of acquisition. Question 2 - I am going to defer this to either Joyce Manwaring or her design team as to the evolution of the parking on the existing plan. We have looked at aligning both side of 35th Avenue but it would reduce the park site quite substantially. In a perfect they would align but that does not appear to be an option. Are you saying you want to me distribute this email to the Planning Commission as testimony? Let me know. Meredith Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner Office Phone: 303-235-2848 CthknllwirT bEvF.ntYP~.'r^t1 From: Dalmon Larson [mailto:DLarson@C-IH.com] Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 3:18 PM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: RE: Planning Commission Mtg. August 7, 2008 Meredith, Thanks for your response. I talked to Don McDOUgald (Sp who you know well. He can't come to the meeting tonight but definitely wanted me to do so. lie has high regard for you but did voice the opinion that the he would prefer the current open field to the planned park development. I've heard similar comments from other neighbors Question #1 for tonight: What assurances, if any, do neighborhood residents have that the proposed zoning change - ostensibly for park use won't be a temporary change that facilitates future zoning manipulation by creative developers and city officials? By indicating that "The entire zoning file is public record" I believe the answer is very little. Question #2 for tonight: Can anyone explain the parking space issue for the South side of the proposed park? The initial tluec design options presented at meeting two had no parking areas on the South side. Yet, the final park design presented at meriting three had parking spaces along 35th avenue into the park facing West (in front of the current drainage ditch). In explicitly your staff report indicated only parallel street parking for the South part of the park. Note, that 35tf avenue bordering the park is many feet South of 35th avenue either West of Kipting or East of the 8/7/2008 Page 2 of 3 park. Unless the Kipling traffic is light the 35th and Kipling intersection can be dangerous. I indicated to Mayor Dihdlio, and possibly to you, that at the thric of park Construction the status of 35"' avenue should be addressed. This would be very important in the context of both increased traffic due to the park. Will ll this e-mail suffice for questions in wri urg for tonight's meeting? Bud Larson From: Meredith Reckert [mailto:mreckert@ci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 8:34 AM To: Dalmon Larson Subject: RE: Planning Commission Mtg. August 7, 2008 Bud- The entire zoning file is public record. It is fine for you to let people know that you are reacting to staff's comments in the report. With regard to the parks master plan, this was a public process that allowed community input. Joyce Manwaring could give you more of the specifics on what was included for community outreach and input for that process. It is typical that recommendations for future park use would be included in the plan. Meredith Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner OfficePhone: 303-235-2845 ' . h6ot icl From: Dalmon Larson [mailto:DLarson@C-IH.coml Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 3:50 PM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: Planning Commission Mtg. August 7, 2008 Meredith, Thank you for the Staff Report re WZ-08-04/Design Concepts for City of Wheat Ridge that I received yesterday afternoon in the mail. The document revealed both major and possibly trivial concerns that I would like the Planning Commission and/or City Council to address. Obviously, I was upset to learn that in - Section III. PARKS AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN adopted by City Council on November 13, 2006 on page 4-7 - the skate board issue was a "fait accompli" having already been decided and approved prior to the first of three 2008 neighborhood meetings. At the first neighborhood meeting the idea of including a skateboard facility in the park was presented - not by City of Wheat Ridge "employees most knowledgeable" - but by neighborhood outsiders - who we in the neighborhood did not believe would be taken seriously. It now appears that the Landscape Architectural consultants were hired simply to conduct required neighborhood meetings and appease the nearby residents as approval for a Skateboard Facility was rammed through the "official" approval process. Now, it appears that the change in zoning has been "married" to the approval of "an amended Outline Development Plan" which is, in reality, the approval of the Skateboard Facility. The current zoning has protected the neighborhood for 25 years from the concrete/asphalt business/parking lot facilities. But, after the above experience, why should we in the neighborhood believe what the City of Wheat Ridge tells us regarding the 8/7/2008 Page 3 of 3 zoning change and the amended ODP? I'm reminded of the Kris Kristofferson lyrics: "It's hard to keep believing when you know you've been deceived - to face a lie and dare to try again Will the proposed zoning change simply leave us in a vulnerable situation that would make additional zoning changes easy to manipulate - say two years from now - and leave the neighborhood totally unprotected? Meredith, are you the deceiver or are you essentially the "whistle blower" in this matter by letting me know? Or, as I suspect, are you neither (the processes of City business are by nature rather muddled and everyone involved is just trying to muddle through)? POSSIBLE NEXT STEPS: 1.> Organize a neighborhood "rebellion" for the City Council Meeting. 2.> Contact someone like Mike Lamb who does Colorado State of Mind for NPR. 3.> Contact State of Colorado Attorney General's office regarding possible malfeasance in the "workings" of the City of Wheat Ridge. These are just "off the top" type reactions - I simply don't know what I'll do next. In the event that you don't want the Mayor and others to know that you sent me the Staff Report, I have not copied others as yet. Let me know if it is OK to do so. Bud Larson 8/7/2008 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: August 7, 2008 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-08-04/Design Concepts for City of Wheat Ridge ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a change of zoning conditions on property zoned Planned Commercial Development and approval of an amended Outline Development Plan LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3700 Kipling Street APPLICANT/OWNER: Design Concepts for City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Dept. APPROXIMATE AREA: 8.3 acres PRESENT ZONING: PCD, Planned Commercial Development COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Park (Parks and Recreation Master Plan) ENTER INTO RECORD: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE DIGITAL PRESENTATION Vicinity map Planning Commission WZ-08-04/Design Concepts for City of Wheat Ridge All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST This application is for approval of a change of zoning conditions approved pursuant to Case No. WZ- 82-15 and for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan (ODP) for property located at 3700 Kipling Street. Pursuant to Section 26-112.B.2., a zone change process is required when changing the conditions of an existing zone district where those conditions were specifically established by a previous zoning action. The purpose of the change of zoning conditions is for the construction of a City park. The underlying ODP document must be modified as a public park is not a permitted use. (Exhibit 1, applicant letter) II. EXISTING CONDITIONSIPROPERTY HISTORY The property is comprised of 8.3 acres of land area and has street frontages on four sides; W. 35th Avenue on the south, Kipling Street on the west, W. 38' Avenue on the north and Johnson Street on the east. The property is currently vacant and slopes downhill from the south to the north with an approximate 60' grade change between 35`h and 38`h Avenues. A parcel of land not owned by the city is located at the southeast corner of W. 381h Avenue and Kipling Street (Applewood Cafe). The city owned open space abuts this parcel on the south and east. Parking and circulation for the cafe encroach onto the city owned land. A lateral of the Rocky Mountain Ditch runs along the 35 h Avenue and Johnson Street frontages to a drainage area at the northeast corner of the site. This water way continues north under 38`h Avenue and eventually empties into Lena Gulch. The existing site conditions are best viewed on page 4 of the ODP plan set (Exhibit 2, proposed Outline Development Plan document) The property is surrounded by a variety of land uses including R-1 zoned and developed subdivisions to the east and south. To the west across Kipling are five different zoning categories (Commercial- One, Restricted Commercial, Planned Commercial Development Residential-Three A and Residential Two). Uses vary from commercial to high density residential. Abutting the property to the north, across W. 38`h Avenue, is Commercial One zoning developed as a gas station/convenience store and a home with R-2 zoning. The property was rezoned from Commercial-One and Residential-One to Planned Commercial Development pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15. Subsequent to City Council approval, a referendum petition was filed against the decision whereby the zone change issue went to a vote of the people and was upheld. The zone change became effective on May 1, 1983. (Exhibit 3, existing Outline Development Plan) The property was purchased by the City of Wheat Ridge in 2000 with open space funds. III. PARKS AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN In 2006, the Parks and Recreation Department, with help of a consultant, prepared and adopted a Parks and Recreation Master Plan. This document was adopted by City Council as an addendum to the Comprehensive Plan on November 13, 2006. The intent of the master plan was that it became the Planning Commission 2 WZ-08-04/Design Concepts for City of Wheat Ridge guiding policy document for the next 10 -15 years relating to parks, trails and recreation within the city. The subject parcel, referred to as the Einarsen property, is discussed in several locations in the master plan. The first reference is in Chapter Two (Existing Park and Recreation Resources, Standards and Level of Service) Undeveloped Parkland (Page 2-32) .............The second undeveloped parkland is an 8.3-acre parcel called the Einarsen Property, located at 3700 Kipling Street near the Wheat Ridge Recreation Center. This parcel has excellent street and visual access, and would provide needed neighborhood parkland in a currently underserved area of the city. Another reference is made in Chapter Four (Recommendations of the Master Plan). Develop Existing Park Sites (Page 4-3)........... The City of Wheat Ridge currently owns three parcels of land for development of neighborhood parks. Careful foresight and planning on the part of the Parks and Recreation Department has allowed them to acquire and "bank" these parcels and designate them for future park purposes........... Einarsen Property (Page 4-7) .............The second undeveloped park property is 8.3 acres in size and located along Kipling Street between 38`h Avenue and 35th Avenue. This site is adequately sized for a full neighborhood park and has excellent access, both visually and physically, along Kipling Street. Development of this park will not only provide a neighborhood park in an underserved area, but also provides an outstanding opportunity for other needed park features in a centralized location within the city. It is recommended that consideration be given to providing a dog park at this location as well as skateboarding features, in addition to other traditional neighborhood park amenities such as a playground, picnic shelter, restroom, and shade structures. This is an ideal location for a dog park due to its centralized location, easy access, and proximity to other park and recreation amenities, such as the Wheat Ridge Recreation Center, which is located approximately one block away. As skateboarding and in-line skating have become increasingly popular, the addition of elements designed specifically for these activities would be ideal in this location as well. By co-locating a dog park near the skate features, the park will be activated in a manner that provides for self-policing of the skate area by dog park users as well as other park users. There would also be good line-of-sight from Kipling Street as the parcel is narrow in shape. Since the site slopes somewhat steeply from south to north, the inclusion of a multi-purpose turf field may not be possible without major retaining walls. An attractive, low, transparent fence should be provided along Kipling, allowing visibility into and surveillance of the park, while preventing inadvertent conflicts between park users and traffic. Implementation Actions (Page 5-9) Develop site master plans and construction documents for 44th and Kendall and Einarsen property. IV. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING/PARK DESIGN MASTER PLAN PROCESS The park design master plan process consisted of a series of three work sessions with the neighborhood and community and study sessions with the Parks Commission, Planning Commission and City Council. Approximately 483 work session notices were sent out to the area bounded by 32nd Avenue on the south, Miller Street on the west, 41St Avenue on the north and Holland Street on the east. These boundaries extended beyond what is required by code. In addition to the initial mailing, public notices Planning Commission 3 WZ-08-04/Design Concepts for City of Wheat Ridge were posted at various locations throughout the city and on the web site Attendance at the three work sessions totaled 154; included in this number are duplicate individuals. The Parks and Recreation Commission voted to recommend approval of the Master Design Plan to City Council on June 18, 2008. Due to amendment of the original zoning and requisite zone change process, a pre-application neighborhood meeting was required. The first work session with the neighborhood on April 3, 2008, was intended to fulfill this requirement and was advertized as such. A neighborhood meeting recap with issues discussed in regard to the zone change and ODP is attached. (Exhibit 4, Neighborhood Meeting Recap) Attached is correspondence submitted regarding the park and zone change issue. (Exhibit 5, Correspondence) V. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Outline Development Plan (ODP), which accompanies a rezoning ordinance, sets the allowable uses and development standards for the property. In the past, the Outline Development Plan has been general in nature and served as the blueprint for development of the property by showing approximate areas of landscaping, building footprints and parking. The Outline Development Plan is used to establish design parameters including maximum building height, minimum landscaped coverage and minimum perimeter setbacks. In the summer of 2007, the planned development regulations were modified to expedite the Outline Development Plan (ODP) and Final Development Plan (FDP) review processes. An applicant has a choice of providing more written and graphic information detailing the development proposal at the ODP stage, allowing the FDP to be approved administratively. This case is being processed in accordance with more detailed ODP requirements. As such, the plan set for the ODP contains the following five sheets: declaration page/development standards, site analysis and views, park site plan, land survey plat and proposed building elevations. Allowable Uses: Permitted uses on the property currently include business and professional offices (medical and dental offices, banks), service establishments (beauty shops, jewelry repair), retail uses (liquor store, electronic equipment, restaurants, appliance stores, grocery stores and hardware stores) and churches. A public park is currently not a permitted use. The proposed amended ODP allows park, recreation, cultural and historical activities. All currently permitted commercial uses have been removed. Due to the potential conveyance of land to the Applewood Cafd property owner, a note should be added that up to 36,000 s.f. of the original park parcel can be used for support uses (parking) for adjacent commercial development. Planning Commission 4 WZ-08-04/Design Concepts for City of Wheat Ridge Site Plan/Structure Configuration The existing site plan for the property (sheet 5 of the old plan) depicts a complex of six office buildings with up to 129,100 square feet of floor area. The proposed master plan for the park has been included in the plan set as sheet 3. Moving from south to north, several different use/activity areas are provided. At the very southern end of the site a 230' x 145' soccer practice field is being shown. In the middle of the site are restrooms, shade shelters, children's garden and maze and several play areas. Towards Kipling on the northern one-third of the site is a concrete skate park. Parking and detention are located north of the skate park area. A provision has been added which would allow construction of a future building if the need arises. The portion of city-owned land on 38th Avenue has been excluded from the park design site plan and is shown as being a potential conveyance to the property owner to the west. A subdivision plat will be required to subdivide this piece for conveyance. Included on sheet five are several "section" views of the park which depict the grade changes and different use areas. Landscaping: The original ODP set the minimum amount of landscaping at 22%. The specific landscaped coverage depicted on the site plan is 35%. Landscaping on the site plan (page 5) is shown along the perimeter and through the interior of the site. A note is included on sheet 1 requiring visual screening and buffering to a height of 6' using plantings, berming and fencing along 80% of boundary of Johnson and 35th Avenue. The proposed plan shows 69.27% landscaping and open space on the site. Other features include walking paths, activity areas, fencing and installation of plant materials. A specific landscape plan will be required at the time of administrative FDP approval. Access, Parking and Circulation: The existing ODP shows two access points to Kipling (one full movement and one right-in/right-out) and one access to 38th Avenue. Parking is interspersed through out the site with connected circulation and 301 parking spaces provided. The proposed plan shows a single parking area accessing Johnson Street with 42 spaces. Access for the parking lot aligns with 37th Avenue extended. Parallel parking will be allowed along 35t" Avenue and Johnson Street. The areas where parallel parking is appropriate should be identified. Staff would also recommend that the "bulb" portion of the parking area be widened to provide a drop-off area. Pedestrian connections are shown to 35th Avenue at the southeast and southwest corners of the park, at 36th Avenue extended and 37th Avenue extended. A loop walk is provided around the perimeter with internal paths accessing the different activity areas. A reservation for future right-of-way dedication is being shown along Kipling. The additional right- of-way needed varies from 30' to 35' in width for a total of 75' from center line and is consistent with the DRCOG long range transportation plan for the metropolitan area. A 10' wide path is being shown running along the Kipling frontage in accordance with the City's Bike and Pedestrian Route Master Plan map. No permanent improvements should be located in the reservation area. Planning Commission WZ-08-04/Design Concepts for City of Wheat Ridge Building Height/Minimum Setbacks: Consistent with the existing ODP for the property, maximum building height remains at 35'. Perimeter setbacks from rights-of-way are also the same at 30'. Development Standards: The development standards depicted in the table are shown as minimum standards on the ODP. The table provides a comparison with what's provided or required by the existing ODP and what is being shown on the proposed amended ODP. Note that the figures for the park design are based on gross acreage of the total but do not include the 35,809 square foot parcel for conveyance to the adjacent property owner. Therefore, if the coverage figures are added up for the proposed ODP plan, they do not equal 100% unless the conveyance parcel is included. Another item to note is for comparison purposes with the existing plan, the park categories for "parking and roads" and "open space and landscaped area" are combined. Item Current ODP Plan Proposed ODP Plan Max. building coverage: Gross building area: 100,000 s.f. (28%) 129,100 s.f. 2,433 s.f. (.67%) this plan 32,730 s.f. (10%) maximum Landscaped coverage: 80,774 s.f. (22%) 251,502 s.f. (69.27%) this plan 224,970 s.f. (61.96%) maximum Roads, parking, sidewalk and plaza coverage: 180,774 s.f. (43%) 73,360 s.f. (22.48%) this plan 69,595 s.f. (21.261/4) maximum Minimum parking required: Commercial (1 space/200s.f.) Office (1 space/300 s.f.) Refers to Section 26-501 Maximum building height: 35' 35' Minimum setback from r-o-w: 30' 30' Signage Not addressed Refers to Article VII of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Fencing Not addressed Refers to Section 26-603 Exterior Lighting: Not addressed Refers to Section 26-503 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Architectural Detail: Not addressed Refers Architectural and Site Design Manual Planning Commission WZ-08-04/Design Concepts for City of Wheat Ridge Architectural Elevations: The existing ODP does not address architectural details for the proposed structures. Under the description of "Character" on sheet 1, it is mentioned that structure facades adjacent to 35th and Johnson will be of a "residential appearance". On Sheet 4, structures are noted to have an east/west orientation to preserve views. The proposed ODP depicts tentative architectural details for the restrooms and shade shelters on sheet 5. All structures are shown as being less than 15' in height. Architectural materials shown include steel columns, metal roofing and block walls with wooden panels. Gateway design features are also shown. A note should be added that these are tentative designs which will be finalized at the time of FDP approval. While only single and two family dwellings are listed as exempt from the Architectural and Site Design Manual, the types of accessory structures being proposed are specially designed for public park use. As such, many of the requirements in the Commercial/Industrial Design Standards cannot be met. An example would be the requirement for transparency. The ASDM specifies that transparency of ground floor facades facing any street, regardless of distance, shall be have between 60% and 85% transparency (windows). Not only is this impractical for the restroom building but it would constitute an attractive nuisance. Staff has concluded that the requirements of the Commercial/Industrial Design Standards of the Architectural and Site Design Manual are not applicable for these types of accessory buildings. If a new, primary structure is built on the property, the requirements of the ASDM would apply. VI. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regarding the zone change criteria. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the applicant demonstrates the following criteria have been met: 1. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error; The official zoning map is not in error. The parcel is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development. 2. A change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions, There are have been changes in the area which impact the property. The recreation center was built in 2000 which has proved to be a community and regional draw, being identified as one of the premier recreation centers in the metro area. While there has been some new commercial construction, much of the existing commercial development in the area us deteriorating with no investment from property owners. The Urban Renewal Authority is in the process of contracting to have a blight study done for the Kipling corridor. Planning Commission WZ-08-04/Design Concepts for City of Wheat Ridge The Planning Commission shall also find that the evidence supports the finding of at least four of the following: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area; The Future Land Use map in the Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted in 2001, designates this property as Village Center. Desired character includes well designed, landscaped, and maintained planned developments offering goods and services to the surrounding neighborhoods. These developments should be located at major intersections in the city. Desired attributes include shopping goods and services, designed to provide a transition from streets with heavy traffic to residential neighborhoods with effective buffering. Access by pedestrian and cyclists is important and these areas should contain amenities including bike racks, benches, picnic tables, etc. Indentifred desirable uses include small scale retail, professional offices and services, medical offices, gas stations and restaurants. The Parks and Recreation Master Plan was adopted by the Wheat Ridge City Council in 2007. This document is considered an addendum to the Comprehensive Plan and supersedes the Village Center designation on the 2001 Comp Plan fixture land use map. Staff concludes that this land use proposal is consistent with the recommendation in the Parks Plan that this property be developed into a park serving the neighborhood and community. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived; The subject property is surrounded to the north and east by R-1 zoned single family homes. To the west is a hodge-podge of zonings and land uses including commercial retail, office, service, low density and high density residential. On the north side of 38`h Avenue is a convenience store with gas sales and low density residential. Staff concludes that the proposed park will have less of an impact on the surrounding area than if developed into a 130,000 square foot office complex. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. C. There will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone; There will be obvious social, recreational and physical benefits from the park construction. There may also be economic benefits due to parks spending money at area businesses. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. d. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity; Planning Commission 8 WZ-08-04/Design Concepts for City of Wheat Ridge All agencies can serve the property with upgrades to infrastructure. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. e. The change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties; Development of the park will result in an increase in traffic from existing conditions, but the increase will not substantially affect the levels of service on adjacent roadways. The existing adjacent streets will not be overburdened by traffic generated as indicated in the submitted traffic study. A preliminary drainage report has indicated that the drainage can be accommodated on site. There will be minimal reductions in light and air to the neighborhood. There will be much less overall impact to the adjacent neighborhoods than if the property were developed under the existing ODP plan. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. Staff has concluded that the proposed accessory public park structures are exempt from the commercial/industrial design standards in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. VII. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding the ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Colorado Department of Transportation: CDOT has no objection to the site-generated traffic. Consolidated Mutual Water: Can serve the property with needed improvements. Wheat Ridge Police Department: Can serve. Wheat Ridge Fire: No response. Westridge Sanitation District: There is adequate capacity in the downstream sanitary sewer system for this construction. Future development may require upsizing of 300' of 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer pipe. Wheat Ridge Public Works: The Public Works Department has reviewed preliminary drainage and has found the report to be acceptable. A full drainage report will be reviewed at the time of submittal of the administrative FDP and plat. A traffic study was also reviewed. They have determined that 75' of right-of-way will be required to comply with the DRCOG long range transportation plan for the Planning Commission 9 WZ-08-04/Design Concepts for City of Wheat Ridge metro area. As such, a reservation of 30' to 35' is required. The sidewalk on Kipling must be 10' wide and located to the back of the reservation area. VIII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that the proposed modification to the original zoning conditions must be processed as a zone change and that criteria used to evaluate a change of zoning conditions supports approval of the modified ODP. Because the proposal is consistent with the recommendations made in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, a recommendation of approval is given for Case No. WZ-08-04 with conditions listed below. IX. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-08-04, a request for approval of a change in zoning conditions approved pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15 and for an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 3700 Kipling Street for the following reasons: 1. The property was rezoned to Planned Commercial Development pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15. 2. A zone change process is required to modify zoning conditions. 3. The criteria used to evaluate a change in zoning conditions support the request. 4. The proposal is consistent with the recommendations made in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. 5. The Parks and Recreation Commission recommen approval of the Master Plan With the following conditions incorporated into the plan set prior to City Council public hearing: 1. A note be added on page 1 that up to 36,000 square feet of the site may be used to support adjacent commercial development. 2. On Sheet 3, the "bulb" portion of the parking area be widened to provide a drop-off area. 3. On Sheet 3, designate locations where parallel parking will be allowed on W. 35a' Avenue and Johnson Street. 4. A note be added on page 5 that the designs shown are conceptual and that the final structure designs will be determined at the time of Final Development Plan approval." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-08-04, a request for approval of a change in zoning conditions approved pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15 and for an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 3700 Kipling Street for the following reasons: 2. 3." Planning Commission 10 WZ-08-04/Design Concepts for City of Wheat Ridge DESIGN CONCEPTS Community and Landscape Architects 303.664.5301«1,,-e 303.664.5313 f,,i.ile June 13, 2008 ' Community Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29`1i Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 To Whom It May Concern: The intent of this submittal is to amend the approved ODP to allow for new park construction. This preliminary plan has been approved by City Council, Planning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Department, and the public. The proposed ODP will serve as a community park. The park will contain a grass practice field, a small grass amphitheater, restroom, several picnic shelters, playground, skate park, parking lot, landscaping, and detention pond. The park will serve a wide range of residents, and will enhance the image of the City of. Wheat Ridge. Please contact us with any questions. Sincerely, , Erik Spri g. Design Concepts 211 N. Public Road Suite 200. Lafayette, CO 80026 concepts@dcla.net www.dcla.net _ EXHIBIT I . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ ~ L~1h~D USE SUMMARY LAND-USES PERMITTED Include but are not limited to park, recreation, cultural and historical activities, in accordance with the adopted Parks and Recreation Master Plan, as amended from time-to-time. CHARACTER The proposed ODP will serve as a Community park. The park will contain a grass practice field, a small grass amphitheater, restroom, several picnic shelters, playground, skate park, parking lot, landscaping, and detention pond. Access and parking will be off of Johnson Street. Parking will also be added at West 35th Avenue. The park will serve a wide range of residents, and will enhance the image of the city of Wheat Ridge. D~LOPMENT STANDARDS MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 35 Ft. BUILDING SETBACK (FROM ROW) 30 Ft. MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE 10°10 L~l~~ ~ ~~PT~ON A PART OF THE WEST ONE HALF OF THE WEST ONE HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 27; THENCE SOUTH 00°12'37" E, A DISTANCE OF 180.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°39'34" EAST PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER 40.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING ON THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF KIPLING STREET; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 89°39'34" EAST ALONG THE AFORESAID COURSE 140.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1748, PAGE 767 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS; NNIRCIA DEVELOPIVI~~IT L THENCE NORTH 00°12'37" WEST ALQNG THE EAST LINE OF SAID BOOK 1748, PAGE 787 AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST '~t LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER 145.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE; A ~ AL°~" D 1 /r1 AI - THENCE ALONG THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4} COURSES ON SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE: (1) THENCE NORTH 89°39'34" EAST 90.01 FEET; r~ s t (2) THENCE NORTH QO°20'26" WEST 5.00 FEET; (3) THENCE NORTH 89°39'34" EAST 56.45 FEET; c•TO~ (4) THENCE SOUTH 45~ 16'22" EAST 14.13 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT QF WAY LINE OF JOHNSON ~7 1 RCG I ~n~~v o~~~vu H rvnv ~ v~v ~ nc i ~irvt ~r i roc; i °A Ur wESTFiAVEN); ~v~, i u'`t ( I UU"/o I Afield survey of ~t~e parcel shown hereon was conducted by me or unde my supervision to verify that boundary monuments were existing and in ~r ur~d~r /~re~rc~v~i tl~ rc . _ THENCE SOUTH 00°12'18" EAST ALONG THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF JOHNSON STREET (ALSO BEING THE EAST ~sr "OPTIONAL BUILDING NOT TO EXCEED 10% OF TOTAL DEVELOPED PARK SITE general accordance with the Land Survey Plat dated June 9, 199fi. . - LINE OF SAID TRACT "A") 1291.04 FEET TQ A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 35TH AVENUE; THENCE SOUTH 89°34'42" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 35TH AVENUE X91.33 FEET TO A I~~~~IT ON THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID KIPLING STREET; A BOUNDARY SURVEY THENCE ALONG THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES ON SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF KIP! f~G STREET: ~ Signature e e (1) THENCE NORTH 00°12'37" WEST 214.46 FEET; ~ of re~.~.or ausnc can aw ~ N0. 6 REBAf2 STAMPED 'WLLER EN0. (2) THENCE SOUTH 89°34'42" WEST 5.00 FEET; LS 1071T E(EyAT01f~S458.71. (3}THENCE NORTH 00°12'37" WEST 937.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 363,101 SQUARE FEET ~ ~ r' OR 8.3357 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. FFFT i OWNER'S CER~"IFICATE _ ~ The below-signed owner, or legally designated agent thereof, do hereby . j_ - BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE RECORD BEARING OF S 00°12'37° E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 27, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. BASED ON CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MODIFIED GROUND COORDINATE SYSTEM BETWEEN FOUND MONUMENTS AT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT NO. 15409 -THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 27 AND POINT NO. 160005 -THE SOUTHWEST CORNER, NW1/4, NW1/4 OF SECTION 27, BOTH MONUMENTS BEING A 3-1/2" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SURVEY MONUMENT LS 13212". n PREPARED BY: ELDON L. KNOLL, PLS 25953 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF FRONTIER SURVEYING. INC. VICINITY MAP -70 W 44TH AVE. R.. NW COR ROUlID aox ~ SURYEY I PROJECT SITE W 38TH AVE. W 35TH AVE W 32ND AVE 0 c J m 2 ICI .7UJ'00'F-4JU I i ei JU3-444-1951 Tel 303-340-011 r ■ Fax 303-664-5313 Fax 303-444-1957 Fax 303-340-011 - j z J ~ CL ~ •R k Y X r .L e{ NOT TO SCALE i N { MEN K 1 ,tea, a +~Bllyy Ec T`., .._._,M._,~ ~a.w, t«+.:r••~-,!'-'.~, H-ems.-nW., .~+~»~«~:-~:a ~ gin . ,.....,~,M~..,w.+,. w..,m,.,.. :.:y1', 6~.. w. .,..y ~ . . iiy ~ h~ L kx . .ter«.m~»~ ro:. > .t M _y . \'L r h . ~ r, I ~ a J k" s,lFl ~n ~ I, ~ z.. < ~ D, ~ ~ ~ d ~1 t r 7 _.,t a,. i YtOSt t~ J ~ E. awl : ~ i'~ : 'T~y : `7. F ' : ` r dl[IR.. • y,~. mh t j ~g ~ ~6 c P G i \ i Y fs 1 j e t:_ : # Mr ~ : d. . d~ ~ ~ ~ y `z, r F i ~ ~ ~ p, E ~Vj ~ i . - ' ~ , r~ 2 , , N ~WN~. 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E „w..ct~~era~.RNww. 4,H~r r.~~,~ :,fir: , 'r awa wwr wq Aw twrr ww~ +rw~Mr~ar w~..wwr a~rwrraw...+r~ p '4'0 b I F x~`:~ a.~ ~ e\. F ± ~ hf ...,e.. g ^Li. r a ~ 3 ~ C ~i,~ r s`~ ~ . r a a y i. < n ~ . ~3, ~ j'~" i . , ~ ~ b 7' F ~ S t' a i fi f ~ti C ~ ~ Y ~ ? ~ i T 1't~ a ,v . ~ ~ X% p fi ~ t ~.a ~ ~~tt ` ~ h ;c,~d ,..r.a. X e. f ~n a r ~ ~ ~ ; ,n~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 , ~ z r a ~~z t ,a, e<:,. m , ~z.~ ~ a~ „a s ~ , d ~ ; "'l. ,.4~ .i..~.wr ww w ~ .r , a j v, " _ ~n j.• ~j Date: 07.28.08 ~i _ r ~i Revised: ~-~!~J! - f NORTH DESIGN C ONCEP' E P T and 211 North Public Road Suite 200 17r Ir 1E 13 L k 14 Lafayette, Colorado 80026 303.664.5301 fax 303.664.5313 email: concepts(addcla.net t E f f. SANITARY SEWER MH RIM=5403.64 s INV. IN (S)=5395.82 INV. OUT (E)=5395.71 INV. 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LEGEND UTILITY POSE GUY DOWN - - - EXISTING DENVER METRO WASTE pd WATER VALVE EXISTING STORM SEWER LINE ' r- FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE f STORM MANHOLE z _ _ ~ EXISTING WATER LINE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ~v ~=x ~N - EXISTING GAS LINE .~c ~ DENVER METRO WASTE WATER MANHOLE nr°_ j WATER MANHOLE ~ ° ' EXISTING TRAFFIC LINE ~t~ WATER METER - - Y EXISTING CABLE TELEVISION LINE ~c TRAFFIC POLE . , EXISTING FIBER OPTIC LINE ~ll>v TRAFFIC PEDESTAL - EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE TRAFFIC VAULT EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE STORM SEWER INLET X x X EXISTING WIRE FENCE LINE -a- SIGN _ l ~ TELEPHONE PEDESTAL 5400 EXISTING CONTOUR i ~ LIGHT POLE e_ _L. . ~fl. J ~ ~:K _ F. - 1 i R_.r... ice' 3 LI n 1. NORTH DESIGN CONCEPI FINS Community and Landscape ArubfteM LAND L kor S Ll FZN1 IE 1P, 211 North Public Road Suite 200 Lafayette, Colorado 80026 303.664.5301 fax 303.664.5313 email: concepts@dcla.net i ~i r +JI t _ L 9 a~ F a:. ~ ~ , u e. u ~ ~ - ~ ffi ~ . , j, ^ y e x a'~ ~,F ' a ~ a y Y p Ft ~ _ t P ,,aT p?, nl.~ ~ ry ~l ( o ~ ~ z~ ! s_ , u- { ¢ry cry -"~a... E1 . S'"~ ~ ~ ~a i ~ :.,1 ~@ a.K.~ +~~i-C ~ r ~ ~ ~Q- A., ~ _ ~ a. ~ _ ~ x ? > .yaw c{~,,.t ~ ~ ~ _..F II. 1 ■ 11. 1 a i ~Z ...,..x ~ . :a" " ~ a ~ t ~.p 1 ~ y p 8 \ _ . ,E. ~ ~ ~ , ' e a ,w - ~d s , a `t } }s ~t F ~ ~ - ~ ~ g r y 9> h a ~ ~ a ~ ~ }.~i .i 3 ~ 3 i } ~ k i.. x ~ x qty y+i, ~ 3 r ~ * _ fi - ~ ~ 11. 1 ■ r- i 11. ~ i . 11 1 . t ~ ,~f, I, t .:.w~ ~r ~ < ,L ~ o ~ u ~q 1M'4 k,~"' R?'.~ ~ , y ''fig' ~ L w,::rA ~r > ~ %~:~„ne,, cP ! ~ ~ tit,. 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(l] Apparel Ifl Awluew (m eMlc ou Prsuu) (Ii N. - Of - nomr Of manll mod tneludlnP groearr seat ent111.[y lieu (n) .,all e1[u[a (1 la'...", seal far (p) fine. g awr. ty) heir tdo. ar (•ruuelna -[rata-1n) (a) other ..net re.. (6) tnmtn OFFICE EewlrJenas t PIbPEa»1dAAel. MF'Gw f2\MNOIUL ~ t;eJT/,L (J.I IUY.s CHARACTER The Prewaad P. afll.fee[ naig6bc[Maa ccra[c1a1 and .gun. w... a will bmf.r .aj....r r.aaegcfal nags . [ne -tar seat ..ch vlrn lemetwd Wrx said .h.. r oral v111 be of . nraetial apP^s[soce eo [M.a rims. ace... and oriental.. will be [ova[.. uplsu S[ras . ym uea9uo n. ee red d%.11r v111 land itself t the flnlbili[y off.ead the PLp [eguletloos. Veen developed it will sons... iM usage of [h. Cie, of who[ Ridge. PROPOSED MAXIMUM AREA % of total AREA =AREA % of total LAND-USE (square feet) land area fee land area BUILDING AREA 80;000 22% 100,000 28% PARKING & ROADS 157,552 43% 180,774 50% OPEN SPACE & LANDSCAPED AREA 123,996 35% 80,774 22% TOTAL 361,548 100% 361,548 100% DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT BUILDING SETBACK (FROM ROW) - PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHTS AS SHOWN ON PLAN BUILDING A FF E LBv lotet;4 Joq~ h ELEC. BUILDING B -Ft -ei aF KIPUN61 yr BUILDING C `e ELEC. NEAP, u) E=unL lkl* Hlahe iT?I d I yFacIgi N Qg, of .krFW` 1 at !;6 ~En2xxg6) yT Is u'. BUILDING D,E,F rr ~LEV Bgi_ow ELE✓ aK U"N"JJH 51. PARKING RATIO COMMERCIAL OFFICE GROSS LEASABLE AREA COMMERCIAL OFFICE BOUNDARY SURVEY Oe Ofd E LEGAL DESCRIPTION T. . P.i,f- h1 the V 113 of the V 1/2 oLt. W 1/4 of [ha 1X11/4 of Sec[Snn 37, n5, 169 V of the nth P.M., Comfy of Jeffereon, Sure of Colorado, daeermei as fell-.: eegiming at [he . -crar if 1) thmca X 19-55' X a ,,at ...a of 00 feet: thee. 5 0.03' V a distant of 180 21 - . point the easterly right of pay line of Xlplies Street, as deOcriW by deem in look 3113 at Pass 6, Jeffa[.nn Cowty records, said Perm lea being the 'ENE .1. OP BWIIpIXL; then[. -mull. n, along ..in m.[liv .f Niplinl Stet. [M follevrng 3 ...r.u. 1) ..i'-fee 5 0.03' N . ai.rete of 931 fast; 2) [hence X 59.55' C . distance of 5 fast' 3) [name 5 0.03' V . distance of 209.7 flat N/1, the ...[Mina of [ha -W 1/4 of aid eec[lon1Z'.en 35 Ft. 30 Ft. 35 Ft. b) 25 Ft. 25 Ft. 18 Ft. 1 sp. per 200 ft. GLA 1 sp. per 300 ft. GLA 35,100 sq. ft. 94,000 sq. ft. fire whence the SV corm( of he said IN 1/0 bore 5 19'50' V a .,.ranee of a5 feeq [hence X.'50' E. along asid ....h'. a ...."is of 19].5 feet [o the as-liet at lo[ A". WetWVm 8ubdivleion, u nrded in Jefferson Cwn[y --ft; thmt X 0'06' E a dl.teoce of 1195 feet [ e pole[ M fee[ v uth of Iha no[thllet of uid aec[ion 271 [hole- 5 89'55' V t dletaote of 156.5 tae[; [hence 5 0'01' V t If.,.... of 150 feet; thence 8 89-55' N . distance of 140 feet or the . POINT OF 88Cl"ria. mnuf." B.SO acre[ mn or lest. OPEN SPACE STANDARDS prBft~ l' E•y see Or GOW WOO4 CASE HISTORY W Z-81 WZ-82-15 VISUAL SCREENING AND SUFFERINO ALONG SS M AND JOHNSON - STREETS SHALL HAVE A HEIGHT OF SIX FEET AND WILL UTILIZE ONE IL OR ANY COMBINATION OF THE FOLLOWING TECHNIQUES 2 VEGETATIVE PLANTINGS SERMING FENCING THESE TECHNIQUES SMALL BE UTILIZED ALONG SO PERCENT OFTNE BOUNDARY ALONG THESE TWO. STREETS . THE DEVELOPER AND/OR OWNER SMALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF ALL OPEN SPACE WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT, OR THE DEVELOPER /OWNER AND /OR SHALL ESTABLISH A"MAINTENANCE ENTITY WHICH SMALLGE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF ALL OPEN SPACE WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT. UNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENT The property OvOera shell have exclusive right of control throughout the project full term. DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE Project build out shall occur ov a five (s) y period, vlth sPpT.-imecall .."tyr peran[ of Me development oc .ring per fear Project tereinatim I. anticipated by Jr., 1988. N I w , . PLANNING C0141165ION CBRTtPIG'I'C W y0 )5 AFT P - THIS IS TO CERTIFY THE WLTRIN OUTLINE DEVELONROTT ' 7 WESTNAVEN PARK 8.3 ACRES m PIJNNING C SSION Or THE PLAN RA8 BEEN APPROVED BY THE 1 Z CITY OF WREST RIOCB, COLOMBO. CvCl/fE0 rp O ' /T 5%E H~i SrT f SaoSW 6CFC60 , r f L _ pE MAYOR'S CERTIFICATE Thin is to certify that the City of Wheat Ridge, I.jbe1 41HE SECTIq-I L"7 ~~~{1N~ Colorado, by Notion of its City Council did the rove the Wl[hrn ado t end a 19 f NV SEQTCYI L~ - . dry o pp . p oatl ine eve-royment Fan end accept the dedicetfon. n T 7C 4• hereon ds. - 6 v-+- ) 81 i ~ NOf1l1 y,Y~ 4; . ax T: //JJ " SCALE. If-ICO. ~ 04 ~ - `Ld OWNERSHIP WESTHAVEN PARK Wheat Ridge, Colorado CHARLES A. EINARSEN - HAROLD D.EINARSEN ROBERT L. EINARSEN 7704 East Hampden Circle DENVER, COLO. 80237 PREPARED BY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF wwaAOo) SS COURIT Or JEFF)"Unw) ACCEPTED FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE Or TRE COVRLY CLARK AND RRCORDER0 'IRE ul Or FF6K8 STATE OF CoIAPADO, TRIS 11 a, i" 19 RECEPTION NO. B] A . ' BY: Bl~[I~f6f~WN- J date:9-25-82 revised: n-s-oL Z-o dL RAHENKAMP/OLDHAM INC. 51 129 W. 4th Ave. Denver, Cdorado 80223 (303) 76A "S"I Oftwo Appie SHEET 1 OF 5 EXHIBIT 3 VICINITY MAP I I Q~ / ~ - ~ ~-IIL.LI~1 ~ i aseo u / \ I 1 \1 I ~ { / 1 I \I 11 I/ l Itil _ ~ 1 / I I 1 i pp 1 j / \ \ ® I 1~ V~PPa~POPP OPAOG14 V I rte' \ (\~1q~~n 'I I \gPOOgp~gPqqC rI Krurant ,Mr aI 2alcty can~d L~IJp IAMO one ' ® NFD ~ ® PtPJ.IMI/w~Y ercrt. cohMti6PGW~ Q ® WL11 P1~rIPJ•rT # ` N,Sd/mow ~ tqJ oeerar( FC a.7 et. h/DR. ® Mco, tea. b.1 do/ec. Ma+.. D S PaKeKf ® S-b PCKrJ-'f ~ lo-~oPEtccrs'I' gem t-1 \.aI 4 FSI. PP 1~~TY 1\ 8.3 AC CJRES \ \ Z~r1eP f5=1 \ \ 1 \ Dggpq ggq~q PgOPCI q qq q qA Op p(~ Y]~OOOL90aPOO OOOp\c \ O\ 1\ Q \ c \[y \ O I Ql40AQ40 ~I]qq \ b ,:9 9 ' I ~I j i sl li I I I 1 I~ t~ I\ ~ I ~ I I I I , I I \ `I I I'iF~IiD~F~-~Gnp ~oMMeP6~141, i \ retail oriznrad \ \ F1 \F ~9rkl~ ~ 1 \ \ 1 \ it 1 I II I 12ao I \ f`~ ~I \ c I I \ i ~ I l DTI `]Y I LT~U/ CoT.~ ( I / 1 2Ivming laws SI d,~i i ' II s-I I ' ~ i 1 I l I \ \ 1 1 I I I I ~ 1 I. I I I I ` \ I I I I I I \ €/Jbtin~ ~darr~' II I\ II I 1 I I I I I I I \I I II \ I \I I I 1 I 1 ' I I II ~ I I l i i I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I i I 1 1 PREPARED FOR WESTHAVEN PARK Wheat Ridge, Colorado Site Analysis CHARLES EINAR$EN et al 7704 East Hampden Circle DENVER, COLO. 80237 4I~~ / % ! I j 1 i i l ! i Ir / I I I I I 1 ,l\ I 1 1 I i 1 I I I I~ I I I I I I I I \ I _ II llI' ~ l l II I II \ 1 1 / ryN I 1 11-„I /III/ II I If % ! / /j%I I I I. ~ i I I / / I ~ ! II I I\\ \ I i iii ~ ~ LII\I I I 11~ I I j 1j1 / \ I I I € I I ` 1 I I I I i 1 sbrw> FI PREPARED BY RAHENKAMP/OLDHAM INC. 129 w. Stn Ave. DENVER, COLO. U50209 date: 9-25-82 Soar.: 1= 50' SHEET 2 of 5 Ilk 0 \ - 1 - / I 1 I w I I , \ 1 _ i I \ l ~ f , i ~ L:OHLSUN 5T. ~ I II I I I I i / I I I I I I / j 'ME,IYM~11-IWIwT. tTM15~ ra, FP4-~ Ljf 1 I I / I I I I~ / 1 \ \I 1 \ THE cF i /A I I I I I i~ I t II THHO V1iEAjCP,, v ' A AV V 1 1 I I 1 1 v / I A / 1 I - I FfsZlel 7+Ipr-r I-nHM u~sa-t.Y.~ A Ys 35. A \ \ \ \ \ \ I ~CJVG NfK~r-Ipa wwa-~ssf MIS I II I \ \ \ 1 1 I I 11 li l ~ l i I h I i ~ I I, I ~ es l~ mrnou or -IFIe I ~ I \ I 1 I 1 \ I I I 1 I / 1 I I I I I I - I ; i \ i I I II 1 I \ ~ 11 I I I I \ 1 I I I I I I I I \ \ \ \ > j \ \ 1 I \ I \ \ I I I 1 \ I \ x'~ `I I- I I I I Q / I ~ I vv v~_ Iv v~ A v~ v II 1 I I 1 1 / 1 I 1 \ 1 A I I I I, ~ \ ~ A ~V A V A ~ 1 V I I 1 I ~ I 1 A A V Av 1V I I I I I ~ I ~ I vv v ~ V v A I v I v v A v 1 1 A ~ I I- I I I ~I I \ 1 I 1 \ . \ I I y\ v\ A \V ~ 1 \ I I; 1v 11 1V 1 II 1~ A v I -I I I ~ i I ~ ~ 1 A - ~ A V A A \ I V A 1 V 1 V A I A\ I I I I I I I f 1 v , 1 v A V I ' I I v 1 \ I, I I I I I I I I I I i I II i \ \ \ \ \ 1 S \ I \ 1\ ~ \ \ i \ I I \ I / I I I I i I I v A I II v i V v I 1 I A \ ~ V v l I i 1 it I I I I I I 1 f I I I AI ~ ,i I ' ~ I I I I ~ I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I ml I I/ s I ~ <IP LI~,G STR~F_T II 'i 1 I I I :I I I I I ~ I_ I ° I I r I I~ I ( I ~I I I I I I I I I I I I I "i i I I I ~ ~ ~ I I I I 'I ~ I i `i I I I I "i I I I I \ I \ - \ \ I t j I I i i \ I j I C I ~ II vv A ~I I\ I 1 I I I ) I . I I I I II I I I \ \ ~ ~ \ 1 I I I I i II ~ I / I 1 IILI~ I 1 A v I v 1 I I ; ,,{{y.rr I i III , ; I I Ir}~-~ 1\ 1 II \ \ \ 11 II I I I / I I\'_''1' Ili I / I I II I v 11 v A I i 1 A V 1 _ I\ ~ ~ \ \ I i 1 \ \ I I 1 I I I'I 11 I 4 fix F2~Klla~ ~ ~ / i I II I ~ I i I j ~ 11 ~ \ ~ ~ II I~ \ T I I 1 \ III I ~ I I t I 1 \ \ II i 1 \ I I I 1 III /1 I I I \ I it I A I I I v 1 1 v I I I ~ \ ~ I i 1 ~ i + 1 h~ l 1 1 1 I \ \ / 1 1 I I I I I ' I ~ ~ I h-'~ I P WESTHAVEN PARK Wheat Ridge, Colorado Views PREPARED FOR CHARLES EINARSEN at al_ 7704 East Hampden Circle DENVER, COLO. 80237 PREPARED BY RAHENKAMP/OLDHAM INC. 129 W. 4th Ave. DENVER, COLO. 80209 date: 9-25-82- scale: f= 50' o ao SHEET 3 of 5 i E / 3 I' / , \ it I I I I I IbUII,pIhYa^ Wy.l. 6E GLLp'?EF{~p '~iNER- I \ / 10 ALIOVJ~ FOTt UNG1YlfWL~~p IVIE++~ COCi1DOW" \ \ I 1\ \ _ ; i 11 II 1\\ ~ I / I I .IOH4501\1 5T( r I / I I 1 1 I \ 1 I ! I I/ ~ I ~ I i - W ZONE To.ItCU%W W+"rM P)!, DINb ' \ / , r` _ \ ~I~ - / / ~ Tn. n~~l+e+r. Pw+'r ICt\~.1. \ \ , 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 6D To Nor rIA I "r V19JPL~.REEn I / \ I \ 1 , , \ \ 1 ~i I \ " I \ \ GcMM rlwr•rYO•v«,. 1 \ I I , / I I ' ~I r~„d ar \ I \I i I II I I I / . i, II~i:I~f3:~i 'a~rrb D nr MM Oa 1 I i V tS UTA 1 -b 60M ~M1GW. AIR A ~ - ~ ~ vda wFi+. ~ \ \ \ \ I ~ I I I I I \ / / 1 / I / I I ~~~trl =xclM/ w' F I / _ ~ q ~ ~Er{~,~1•ca ~ dE~, n~ ~f r I i I I~ i i / v P~q Z; I ~ I I ~l ~rC \ \ \ I ,~,N~ , ~ 1 I I h - / I I I ~ I i i I \ 1 \ I I ~ \ \ 1 ' 1 i I I I p I J ~ l Q, N Z To G4L-0W ~ Ij , 11 Vlru~co7fi~'~'dHtsOt,Y~I-I a I A A 1 ~ I I \ / A I v I I I ~ I I I i I I I ~ I I I I I \ \ \ I I \ 1 WESTHAVEN PARK Wheat Ridge, Colorado I \ ~ I I I ~ I, \ 1 I ~ I ~ I (\~n~~~~ k.e ~'Sc I 1 ~ 11 II I II o FI 1 Y"LEX / i ~ I . I~ I j I I \I I ` P r~rvi ~E ~ ! O \ 1 I I I ca u Uw ve ve,./n..~ \ I / i I ~ I \ V / PCPq',TwwV A w1,y.y~rp I ! v'v v it nSNls~Tb, AV I 1 1 > I II II I Po - MpJpbuFrasW.{iD CGMndvCw~~ A A A v I I. I 1 \ _ ~ ¢vHOCHT~ FsnMLl'iITY I \ / I i \ ( I I ' / II I ~ I ~ i J 1 J~ v A u]aT.orr ro1 Tnuirs. cvdrb V w I I I \ \ \ \1 n +v. rywiM`u,M I x'r 'rp fie- I,I i I I / IRwG4TON DITCH WILL 13E y y 1 A A A A A I I I I 4UYTT*~ IN OPEN SPACE \ \ t \ i I \ \ \ \ I I \ I ` I / I I I I e~rFe zoHE i I j ~ v I I j i I' / / / I ~ I~ .l I r l I 1 I l / _ ~ / i I I I , I KI PU N(~p ST i I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I i I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I ;I I I I I I I / \ ~ I 1 I\ I \ , I ~ I ~ I I~ ~ II ~ 11 i/ FT1 I\ I/ I I / I' ~ i / II I~ \ II \ ~ I 1 ~ I ~ I I I I\ ' III ~ I ~ II I 111 \ \ ~`I \1 1 1 \ II, I \ I I~, I I I I, I v1 ~ A I 1 A~ All ~ ~ ` I III I 1 1 1 1 ~1, \ ' ' \ \ ~ 'I I 1 I 11~ r \ 'I II ! I~1~ 1 i~ I ~ 1 I \ I 1 I ~ v 1 1 I v 141 i I_I hl I~ I : II \ II II 1 \ 1 I II ! ~ j I i ~ I \ 1 I I \ I I I 1 'I I I \ I III \I I ~v I ~ I 1 ~ II ~ I ~ . I I 1 i I 1 1 I 11 ~ I!I I I ~ I~ \ I I / I II I' 11 ' l\ I`~ I I t Concept Diagram PREPARED FOR CHARLES EINARSEN at al 7704 East Hampden Circle DENVER, COLO. 80237 PREPARED BY RAHENKAMP/OLDHAM INC. 129 W. 4th AVG. DENVER, COLO. 80209 date:9-25-82 scale: f~= 50' o waol PI 1~ Iwo. SHEET 4 ot5 IYr YNf AtV• All ! , / / i I i( I ` I 1 I I I I 1 I® I I J /1 j' - I I I I I I I i I i JgNI`I~-b ST I ~ I f I I I I ' I I i, ' \ ~ i ~ 1 \ I atce~j; ~✓f Aa~w \ ~ I ~ l ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ \I\_l+l I , I ~ I 1 1' 11 i 1 11 i 1 \ 1. 11 I `I I II I I i j I 1 I / / - Ir / I ~ \ \ \ \ \ IvEi~o I 1 I I I I I / / I / ~ ~ j / i _ -!I I OFF 1LDG C I 1, 1. I COMM` xrN ,1 \I i 1 1 II OF~ BLDG !y/ / I I I I / \ BLDG E \ 3.~2p \ 'I I \I \I \ I - i 1 C't MI \BLDG D \ \ 1 1 tl 1. I _ - I I I I vV v 1v ~ 1 ia~n ~ - 1. 1. I I •I 1 P~ I V ~I II I 1.I ' ; ` \ 1 I' I II • I ~ ~8 5 . \ 1541 51" ~ ~ 1 I i I , i I \ \ \ I• \ 1\ 1\ 1~~ I 11 1 \ \ 1\ I j I il`f\ I \ \ i p COMM \ lusm 'dye \ OF BI G\ 1 1 1 I i I .i -~1a - ® 1\ Imo ~p I~~ I6 p $LDG P\ \ I 1 1 I 1 \ I I I I I I I 11 ` U WPN I. \ TT=?vex L' i / ' I / i I I I [ IT' M i I I ~~i 'hTEp~GTI`IN \ E-+-~ -IF~+IEL IIG~F+I'IVW'I OHL- I I I I7 WT 1141 I I I I I K P L\I/ i TUW}I V~-IE I ~q~ I I I I i I I I 17'-5I 1 I I I - ' I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ 1 I I I i ~L~TPAtieI- I + I I 1 I \ 11 L~'X•+'PEP C FBF' O~PLE CyJILia'N~1 'A WILT- D,g A P-E~P"TIAL SG~~ VII-PIK3" /-L~ Ju1 vN xr. 1'AUN~ .~g1H`~I-i asT. iNIP I/aILL bE A MA'<IMum 6VII.Ph3ci Meljoral _ PFb" 6 W>Vil~ ~IPLIN6 hT R~ICE»a-.~ cN exw~rl""1 LING C¢- WHvxwy eW~alw~ 2 EiI Y>I-I A PREPARED FOR PREPARED BY N date: 9-28-82 CHARLES EINARSEN at al RAHENKAMP/OLDHAM INC. reYlsedd n-5 7704 East Hampden Circle 129 W. 4th Ave. WESTHAVEN PARK Wheat RBe Colorado Site Plan DENVER, COLO. 80209R, COLO. gyp' 80237 W MjV SHEET 6 ot'5 &'&w^4var✓ A/!s «aruw•a maw ~A/ 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/ 235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 WHE4Tq c The City of U m Wheat Ridge °°`°Rp°° NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Date: April 3, 2008 City Staff Present: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Joyce Manwaring, Director of Parks and Recreation Location of meeting: Wheat Ridge Recreation Center 4005 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property address: Southwest corner of W. 38t" Avenue/Johnson Street (aka 388i and Kipling Park) Property owners: City of Wheat Ridge Parks Department 4005 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-231-1308 Property Owner(s) present? Applicant representatives: Existing Zoning: Yes Carol Hendry, Shanen Weber, Erik Spring Design Concepts 211 N. Public Road Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-644-5301 PRD, Planned Residential Development Comprehensive Plan Designation: PRD (16 dwelling units/acre) Applicant's Proposal: The City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Department is initiating a master planning process for the property to develop it into a neighborhood park. The property has an approved Outline Development Plan for a comrnercial/office complex which was approved in 1983. As a park is not a permitted use in the recorded development plan, the underlying zoning document (ODP) must be modified to allow a public park as a permitted use. This is considered a change of conditions to the existing zoning. The following issues were discussed regarding the proposed amendment to the Westhaven Park Planned Commercial Development Outline Development Plan: EXHIBIT 4 • Can the property be used commercially now or at any time in the future? Because the property was purchased with open space funds, it cannot be used commercially. If the property would convert to a commercial non park use, the City would have to reimburse Jefferson County for the purchase price. • Who would be the applicant for the zone change application? The City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Department. • Why not rezone the property to a "public" type of zone category such as PF, Public Facilities, to eliminate the possibility of a future commercial use? There were several different options for the zoning modification; however, it was decided that the planned commercial zoning with a specific ODP document was desirable for review by Planning Commission and City Council. It was unclear whether the PF zoning would get approved without an accompanying development plan for use of the property. The master plan design approved at the June 4 Neighborhood Plan Presentation Meeting will be the site plan component of the ODP document. • Why wasn't the property ever developed commercially? There were many inquiries regarding development of the property prior to purchase by the City in 2000. The most serious proposal was to allow an "upscale" mini-storage facility. As this was not a permitted use, a process akin to a zone change was required. A neighborhood was held with numerous neighbors attending. The developer did not pursue the project further due to the negative reaction from the neighborhood. April 4, 2008 Mr. Erik Spring and the Design Concept Team Design Concepts 211 N. Public Road Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 RE- 38`h & Kipling Park Meeting (4-3-'08) I want to thank you, Shannon and Carol for how you conducted the first design meeting of our neighborhood park. You seemed to have an excellent grasp on the potential this property has for the kind of park the neighborhood would enjoy and all residents of the City of Wheat Ridge would be justifiably proud. Shannon did an excellent job at keeping themeeting as "civil" as possible. My "Comment Form" summary would be the same ideas I tried to verbalize last night. The neighborhood has been rightly concerned over many years that commercial interests would utilize the property to the detriment of the neighborhood. Even the 1980's zoning, described by Meredith Reckert last night, protected the neighborhood because of both height and percent of land to building use restrictions etc. In short, this zoning meant that only a "Denver West" type of business building designs would fit the limitations.. Consequently, nobody bought the land from the Einersons with the restrictions intact. Although this happened before I moved to Colorado, the long-term neighborhood residents have described the united effort that was initiated to protect the neighborhood's interests. My two attached letters describe my concerns regarding a 1996 proposed purchase and a 2007 "scare" regarding property use. After the City of Wheat Ridge purchased the property with "Open Space" funds, the neighbors - many of whom were there last night - met in the middle of the field to brainstorm ideas about our future park. Ideas expressed at that time and which have stood the test of a decade of time include: L> A west side berm, trees and barrier to Kipling to muffle the noise, increase park safety (kids chasing balls unto Kipling etc.), create a visual barrier to the AutoZone view, and create a safe and pleasant walking path between 35`h and 38`h. Thus, many of us were very pleased with your initial presentation - including the removal of the power lines item. Kite lovers will rejoice. 2.> A central sheltered picnic area with bathrooms and a preschool age kids play options. Last night we didn't talk about this much I believe it was assumed to be central to any park concept. 3.> A trees/schrubs/flower beds designed into the large area to make to create a great park atmosphere for walking (with and without pets), with paths accessible for both strollers and wheel chairs, and - if at all possible - have connections to both Crown Hill and Clear Creek for riders on horseback and joggers. Last night there were many details presented that I'm happy to let the pros design and earn their pay. In many ways this field is an excellent "Artist's Canvas" that can result in a finished product that can exceed our EXHIBIT 5 fondest desires. You mentioned the 60 foot elevation drop would allow you to create some unique designs. I'm looking forward to your next presentation on this. 4.> The non-potable irrigation water available to the site also provides a unique opportunity to do something very special despite the drought potential. We were happy to hear that this asset was recognized and part of your initial plans. 5.> When sports amenities were discussed at the neighborhood meeting nobody was really for or against any of the potential options except that we felt that no priority should be given to duplicating facilities already available at the nearby schools, Wheat Ridge Recreation Center and other Wheat Ridge parks. Those of us who have been to the neighborhood meetings over the years and made our ideas known to Wheat Ridge City officials were taken back by the "Skate Board Park" emphasis presented by people from outside our immediate neighborhood - at least I've never seen them at any of the neighborhood functions or city meetings previously. I've seen a State-Of-The-Art (SOA) skateboard facility in Santa Barbara, CA recently and understand why enthusiasts would like that to be part of a new park purchased and maintained (including the liability insurance payments) by taxpayers. You must understand, however, that the neighborhood residents have been very patiently waiting for a park knowing and understanding the City's budget constraints, priorities, etc. We really don't want to lose our park to a skateboard (or another type of) facility at this time. My sense is that we should have nothing to worry about. However, we have seen strange things happen with political influence. Thus, a key question for both Design Concepts and City of Wheat Ridge planners Meridith Reckert, Joyce Manwaring, et al. is this: Is it possible that "Skate Boarders Incorporated" could essentially stuff a "Your Comments" type of "ballot box" so that the basic long-term neighborhood interests will be subverted? If so, I'm sure the neighborhood residents will create petitions, etc. to prevent this from happening. Overall, your company's presentation and handling of the meeting last night convinced me that an excellent company has been selected by the City of Wheat Ridge to do the design work on our neighborhood park. Sincerely, Dalmon M. Larson 9940 West 35`1' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Cc - Meridith Reckert & Joyce Manwaring - many neighborhood residents April 25, 2007 Mayor Jerry DiTullio City of Wheat Ridge Colorado 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 802115 Re: Potential Use Changes to the Wheat Ridge Park and Open Space, formerly known as the "Einersen property" South of 38`h Avenue and North of 35`h Avenue, between Kipling and Johnson. Dear Mayor DiTullio: As a Wheat Ridge resident and worker since 1990 I feel the need to once again put in writing some of the primary concerns nearby residents to the subject property have whenever potential commercial rezoning or property use changes for this property are considered that appear to ignore their interests. Frustrations have been verbally vented at neighborhood meetings, etc. over many years. Faced with the difficult task of "sorting out" the interests of the former property owners (Einersons), the proposed development plans of potential buyers, the concerns of neighbors, and the long-term best interests of the people of Wheat Ridge, a decision was made to purchase the property as a Wheat Ridge Park and Open Space area. At that time, this decision was enthusiastically applauded by nearby residents who had faced decades of uncertainty regarding various schemes to develop the property commercially. At the same time, however, we were told to be very patient because the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Wheat Ridge had many ongoing commitments and that even the planning stage for the development of the park was years in the future. Thus, at that time nobody was available to listen to neighborhood ideas for park development that included: 1.> a berm and tree line along Kipling to reduce street noise, 2.> the use of the property's right to irrigation water from the SW corner of the property (inherited from the apple orchard days of the property), and 3.> many safety features for kids at play. We were assured, however, that because "Open Space" money was used for the purchase, the property could not be rezoned, sold, or "traded away" by future political decisions. Today, two young mothers with babies in strollers indicated to me that changes to the property use are being considered. They were rightly upset because, as recent home buyers, the park area was an important part of their home-buying decision. If any proposals are now being considered to either sell or trade the property it would be an outrageous humiliation to all of the neighbors - not just recent homebuyers. Prior to the current "park zoning status" the neighborhood was protected by rather tight commercial zoning criteria for the property. The Hendry development project people of the mid 1990's put political spin and half truths like "It's our storage unit complex or liquor stores, unsavory enterprises, etc." or anything to make their development option to appear comparatively attractive. However, the 1984 zoning change had rigid criteria in regard to height of buildings, percentages of property for building, parking lots, and landscaped grounds. In other words, any development conducted under the 1984 zoning criteria had excellent zoning protection for the neighborhood. See the attached letter (D. M. Larson to Ms. Meredith Reckert, Wheat Ridge Planning Department, September 5, 1996) for additional neighborhood concerns at that time. Today's concern is based on your Drainage, Infrastructure, Roads, and Trails task force meeting of February 28, 2007. An idea - attributed to Mr. Schulz to exchange our Park and Open Space for other park land - was suggested. This idea probably has no foundation in reality for you and others but it has alarmed our neighborhood greatly. Since the planning phase of the Park and Open Space should be starting anytime now, you could announce it. Planning for the development of the Gretchen Cherveny City Park of Wheat Ridge, Colorado will be initiated on.... It would focus our neighbors on the planning of our long awaited Park instead of potential negative alternatives. If I can be of help to you in this process please let me know. Sincerely, Dalmon M. Larson 9940 W 35`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Cc- City Council Members - Neighborhood Residents Attachment September 5, 1996 Ms. Meredith Reckert Wheat Ridge Planning Department City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 VIA FAX 235-2857 Dear Ms. Reckert: Subject: Follow-up comments on Neighborhood Meeting of May 23, 1996 for Hendry Investments, Inc. plans for construction of Lock-N-Key Self Storage facility at 35th and Kipling. Mr. Jeff Bailey made a very professional and positive presentation on behalf of Hendry Investments, Inc. As probably all expected, the neighbors expressed many of their concerns in the form of questions and comments. NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) reactions were both expected and expressed. We all heard a healthy skepticism about many facets of their plans, which are very tentative plans. Thus, concerns about the type of protection we would receive from the City of Wheat Ridge in any preplanning activities, in overseeing the construction, and in the long-term oversight of the facility and adjacent property once it is built still remain. Your answers to how the process works were excellent at the May 23rd meeting. I apologize for not being able to attend last night's meeting. The current zoning protects us (adjacent home owners) now and in the future from the type of business use we see elsewhere, i.e., near 100% blacktop and buildings with messy dumpsters in the business backyard. Why is it necessary to rezone the property? The combination of streetside landscape, inside lawn area for the resident family, potential landscaping between this business site and the next business site to the North could meet current requirements. Just how close do the current plans come to meeting the current zoning requirements? I don't object to the proposed use of the property, as I understand it, only the zoning change. The current zoning meant that when we bought our homes we could expect usage like the Denver West Office complex, the Lakewood library, and other similar uses in which landscape concerns were addressed. Thus, my primary problem is that changing the zoning forever changes the rules for the future and diminishes real estate values. It is really only a secondary concern that we, the neighborhood residents are at risk of not really knowing what will occur when Lock-N-Key Storage opens for business. But ten years from now, commercial land value could easily make it profitable for Hendry Investments, Inc. (or the facility may have its third owner) to simply bulldoze the walls and buildings and rebuild within the new zoning restrictions of that time which could greatly devalue the neighborhood. At that time the City of Wheat Ridge officials (the majority of which will not have first hand information) will look at the paperwork from the current time period and determine what is legal. In short, what was said at the May 23rd and September 4th, meetings or will be said at future meetings will matter not at all. For these reasons I believe most of the neighbors want someone working for the City of Wheat Ridge to start giving us the real answers - in writing and for the record - to our real concerns. I admit naivete at this process but submit these questions at this time knowing the quality of the questions is limited. QUESTIONS FOR CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE OFFICIALS: Why does the property need to be rezoned for this application? Long-term residents fought a zoning battle in the early 1980's. Since then, a major concern in all adjacent residential property transactions has been the intended property use. As a prospective buyer in 1990 I learned that any commercial use of the property had limits as to both the percentage of building area and the percentage of concrete/black top surface area and a minimum requirement for landscape areas. A height restriction on the buildings also exists. Thus, the zoning for the property influenced both the desirability of our property for a home and the price paid. We knew that any negative impacts on adjacent property values caused by the development of the property were limited by the current zoning. I raised this question at the May 23rd meeting without receiving an answer. Who is the person, if any, who will work to protect the interests of adjacent property owners at the City of Wheat Ridge in this matter at this time? What are the limits of the efforts we can expect from this person? Who is involved in the current planning activities, in addressing safety concerns during construction, and in addressing the long-term oversight of the facility once it is built? Is there an alternative not yet presented which would allow the proposed use of the 35th & Kipling property by Hendry Investments, Inc. to proceed without the rezoning of the property? For example, could a waiver be drawn on current zoning restrictions to change the zoning from an x % landscape restriction to a y % landscape restriction for this particular use? Quite frankly, I'm not opposed to the Lock-N-Key use of the property if the landscape issues are addressed - which I believe there should be a way to do. Does rezoning impact the entire property or just the part being purchased by Hendry Investments, Inc.? If the entire property is rezoned, how are the building limits changed for the other part of the property? It well could be that our real concern should be focused on this other property use. Any help in finding answers to these questions will be appreciated Sincerely, Dalmon M. Larson 9940 West 35th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado cc- Mr. Stuart Hendry FAX (210) 341-2369 - Adjacent home owners tn May 16, 2008 Mayor Jerry DiTullio City of Wheat Ridge Colorado 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 802115 Re: Concept Options 38`h & Kipling Wheat Ridge Park Dear Mayor DiTullio Thank you for your long-standing support for the 38"' & Kipling Wheat Ridge Park and your specific input given at Wednesday night's planning meeting for nearby Wheat Ridge residents. You, Meredith and Joyce, representing the City of Wheat Ridge, made the effort to meet with nearby residents and answer our questions concerning park design etc. late into the evening - probably at the end of a very busy day. This dedication is appreciated. Thus, I only reluctantly raise questions regarding the options for the new park design because I understand the very difficult job you and the City Council have in sorting through the problems facing our community. After last month's initial meeting I was very enthusiastic about the future design of the park (see attached letter to Concept Designs Team with copies to Meredith and Joyce - with apologies for not copying you at that time). The skateboard controversy that occurred was addressed but I greatly underestimated the proponent's ability to influence the City Council and others. At the April meeting very assertive individuals representing a sole business interest attempted to dominate the discussion to a pro-skateboard conclusion that nearby residents resisted. The skateboard proponents criticized the nearby Anderson Park skateboard facility as totally inadequate and that the City of Wheat Ridge needs an expensive State of the Art facility that doesn't exist anywhere else in Colorado. On Wednesday night, however, skateboard features were included in two of the three options presented to us for comments. It was also implied that unless the nearby residents didn't go along with the skateboard aspect to the park design it would be difficult to obtain funding approval from the City Council. My concerns are twofold. First, as I mentioned to you and others, the monetary outlay for a skateboard type facility has to be a substantial portion of the overall budget for the park which needs funding approval from the City Council. Couldn't this increased cost result in the approval being either delayed or defeated? Also, if the overall budget for the park is relatively fixed wouldn't the skateboard feature cause the elimination or diminishing of other critical park features? Compared to the initial presentation of ideas by the Design Concepts Team at the April meeting, the three options that were presented suggest that the diminishing process on park features has already occurred. My second concern is not monetary but much more esoteric and difficult to rationalize. As an undergrad student in 19601 took only one course in Landscape Architecture. That course was enough to cause an appreciation for the Designer's/Artist's creative mindset in projects like our park design today. Thus, as I wrote in my April comments, I was looking forward to seeing the designs experts in this profession would develop to change our field into a great park, i.e., the field as an artist's canvas. I don't believe we really saw what excellent park designers could do with this empty field. In Ayn Rand's classic book, The Fountainhead, the conflict between individual architectural expression and the imposition of collective design is explored. Also, in the movie Amadeus "musical experts" wanted to modify Mozart's compositions. In St. Louis today we admire the Gateway Arch designed by Eero Saarinen's team that symbolizes a city, state and national region. In these examples excellence comes from a unity of design and purpose. During the April meeting some of the creative ideas presented by Carol, Shannon, and Erik gave me very high expectations that with a strong sense of purpose for the park (coming from the City of Wheat Ridge), they would return with excellent design options that you, the City Council, and most residents of Wheat Ridge - as well as Design Concepts - would be very proud to call their own. Although I liked many features in the three design options, the idea that there was duality in purpose that compromised the project was present. I noted that Design Concepts tried to minimize the problem by putting the skateboard options to the NW corner of the park. Did we really see the best designs your consultants have for a park or did we see options that a consulting business in park design has to offer when they understand what their paying customer probably wants - a skateboard facility in a park setting or park with an expensive skateboard facility? You indicated that City Council members strongly indicated that this park area needs to have facilities for the entire city - not just the immediate neighborhood and I believe that most in the immediate neighborhood agree with this premise also. As point 5 in my April letter indicates we thought that "no priority should be given to duplicating facilities already available at the nearby schools, Wheat Ridge Recreation Center and other Wheat Ridge parks." In essence we believe that a park design as I attempted to outline in very general terms in points 1-4 of the April letter would have the type of unique features/facilities for all Wheat Ridge residents. As with past projects the City of Wheat Ridge has done an excellent job completing, I fully expect the 38`x' & Kipling park to be a successful venture when it is completed. Maybe these comments will help. Sincerely, Dalmon M. Larson 9940 W 35"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Cc- Design Concepts Meredith Reckert From: Joyce Manwaring Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 7:52 AM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: FW: comments on traffic study Attachments: Trip ReportR1.pdf; ATT75830.txt Trip ReportRl.pdf ATT75830.txt (246 (1 MB) B) Meredith, Here is the revised traffic report attached. Thanks. Joyce Joyce Manwaring Director Parks and Recreation Office Phone: 303-231-1308 Fax: 303-231-1350 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us I have asked Fred about his comments as they are not -----Original Message----- From: Fred Lantz [mailto:fredlantz@comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 10:09 PM To: Joyce Manwaring Subject: Re: comments on traffic study Joyce, Attached are my comments on the Traffic Letter. Mine are in green if you can't guess. These are really minor comments. There will be more traffic on Johnson St, but nothing that the street can't handle. All of the houses side up to Johnson, so additional traffic really shouldn't be an issue. But as we know, one more vehicle is too much for some. I do believe that there will be more walk-in traffic than drive-in traffic. The practice fields will bring the most vehicular traffic and they aren't used year round. The park on the NW corner of 26th and Kipling is a good example of practice fields. There is very little traffic at that park. I've also modified my report, a copy is attached. I'll put the original in the mail. I'm going to be out of town Fri-Mon and back Tue. I'll be available to address additional concerns at that time. Fred Fred Lantz LANTZ ASSOCIATES, LLC 13335 W 72nd Cir Arvada, CO 80005 303-887-3714 303-423-4949 fax fredlantz@comcast.net 1 LANTZ ASSOCIATES, LLC 13335 W 72nd Cir Arvada, Co 80005 303-887-3714 303-423-4949 fax FredLantzeDcomcast.net July 31, 2008 Joyce Manwaring, Director Parks and Recreation City of Wheat Ridge 4005 Kipling St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Trip Generation Analysis(Rev 1) City Park, 38th and Kipling Dear Joyce, The property located on the east side of Kipling St between 35th Ave and 38th Ave is being developed as a City Park. The proposed uses are play areas, a skate park, a climbing wall and a multi-use practice field. There is also a grass bowl that can be used as a gathering place. The property is approximately 8.3 acres in size. The property has a 42 space parking lot on the northern end. There are also 18 parking spaces along 35th Ave. In order to determine the number of trips generated by the proposed park the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation 7th Edition manual is used. The Trip Generation manual has some data for, Land Use #411 - City Parks. This data varies considerable depending upon the uses in the park. For this proposed park the upper range in the trip generation rate table will be used rather than the average rate to estimate the number of trips that will be generated by the play areas, the skate park and the climbing wall. The upper range is being used to reflect the more active uses that are proposed. The trips generated by the practice fields will be estimated based upon a soccer team practicing on the field. The trips for the grass bowl will not be estimated on a daily basis because it will only used on an occasional basis. The grass bowl will generate trips when events are sched- uled and the number of trips will depend upon the type of event that is scheduled. The Page 2 July 31, 2008 City Park on-site parking and the adjacent street parking will accommodate approximately 80 ve- hicles which would represent approximately 200 people for a gathering. These events typically happen during the weekends and in the evenings, not during peak hours. The following tables illustrate the number of trips that would be generated by the park development. The upper trip generation rate of 8 trips/acre will be used for the play areas, again representing the more active uses. The trips for the practice fields will be based upon a soccer team practicing, an event that is typical of these types of fields. The same trip generation rate would apply to a baseball, softball or football team. Soc- cer teams have approximately 18 players with'/4 of them carpooling to practice. This means that 14 vehicles deliver the players to practice daily. Daily Trips ITE LAND USE SIZE RATE. TRIPS IN TRIPS OUT 411 City Park 7 ac 8/ac 28 28 Practice Field 1 team (18 players/team) 14 vehicles/ team 14 14 Total Daily Trips 42 42 As the above table indicates, the park will generate just approximately 80 vehicles on a daily basis. Another analysis that is done when considering trip generation, is the peak hour analy- sis. The number of trips that the park generates during the peak hours can be important because they occur when the surrounding streets are the busiest. Typically City Parks generate very little traffic during peak hours. Peak hour data is not available in the Trip Generation manual for City Parks, but is available for County Parks which have similar trip generation patterns. Again the upper rate will be used rather than the average rate to represent the more active uses in the park. Practice fields on the other hand are usually only used during the afternoon peak hours. Practice fields are generally available between the hours of 4-8 pm. Thus the majority of the traffic that will occur in the park will be traffic generated by the practice fields. Parents tend to stay and watch their children practice thus there is more inbound traffic than outbound traffic. The outbound traffic will not occur until after the peak hour. Page 2 Page 3 July 31, 2008 City Park The following table estimates the number of trips that would be generated during the peak hours. Peak Hour Trips ITE # LAND USE SIZE AM PM RATE IN OUT RATE IN OUT 411 City Park 7 ac negligible - - .08/ac 1 1 Practice Field 1 team 0 0 0 14 veh/team 14 2 Total Peak Hour Trips 0 0 15 3 The above table indicates that the City Park will generate approximately 18 trips during the PM peak hour. The AM peak hour may occasionally have some traffic, but gener- ally there will not be any trips during the AM peak hour. As the above tables indicate, City Parks do not generate a lot of traffic on a daily basis and very little during the peak hours. The street system surround the park can easily accommodate the traffic that is predicted. It would be expected that a lot of the park visits would be on foot, rather than by vehicle. The season of the year also will influence the number of visitors to the park. Summer time will see more visitors than other times of the year. The trips estimated in this report apply more to summer than the rest of the year. Some days will have more trips than predicted and some days less. As noted earlier, the trips generated by the grass bowl will depend upon the events that are scheduled. This is something that the City has control over and thus can control the amount of traffic that is generated by an event. Adequate parking seems to be available to keep attendees from parking in the neighborhood. Since the park will not generated 60 trips or more during the peak hours, a full traffic impact study is not needed for the park development according to City Standards. The surrounding street network is already in place to support the development. With the extremely low volumes, I would not anticipate any problems at the intersection of 35th and Kipling or at the intersection of Johnson and 38th Ave. The high volumes on Kipling and on 38th during the peak hours will force most of the traffic exiting the park during the peak hours to make right turns onto these high volume streets. Page3 Page 4 July 31, 2008 City Park With only 18 trips during the peak hour no one movement will exceed the minimum requirements for additional turn lanes. When the 18 trips are distributed to the two streets serving the park, Kipling St and 38th Ave, and the trips are divided between left and right turns, entering and exiting traffic, the additional volumes added to the streets are insignificant. There are already left turn lanes on Kipling St. The right turning volumes on Kipling due to this development will be far below the 50 vehicles per hour required for an NRB in the State Highway Access Code. Thus an additional north- bound right turn lane will not be needed on Kipling St at 35th Ave. There is an existing left turn lane on 38th Ave and right turning volumes generated by this park development will not generate the need for a right turn lane. In summary, the traffic generated by the proposed City Park at 38th and Kipling can easily be accommodated by the existing street system. No additional roadway im- provements are needed to support the park. Sincerely yours, Fred Lantz, PE Page 4 w M W ~ W tPidge 'hea ITEM NO: REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION COUNCIL MEETING DATE: (07/28/08) TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF CHANGE OF ZONING CONDITIONS ON PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDED OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3700 KIPLING STREET (CASE NO. WZ-08-04/CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE) ❑ PUBLIC HEARING ® ORDINANCES FOR 1 IT READING (07-28-08) ❑ BIDS/MOTIONS ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING ❑ RESOLUTIONS Quasi-judicial: ® YES ❑ NO Community Development Director City Manager EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant requests approval of a change of zoning conditions on property zoned Planned Commercial Development pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15 and for an amended Outline Development Plan (ODP). The subject property is located at 3700 Kipling Street. The property is city owned open space which has been subject to a park master plan process for development into a city park. The property is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development and is approved for an office complex development with 130,000 square feet of floor area. Permitted uses include professional, medical and business offices and general retail sales. A public park is not one of the permitted uses. As such, the existing ODP plan, known as Westhaven Park Planned Commercial Development must be amended, requiring a zone change process. A zone change process is required to modify an existing ODP plan by adding uses and amending development standards. This application has been processed following the new Outline Development Plan procedure of providing more graphic and written infonnation up front, allowing the Final Development Plan (FDP) to be approved administratively. COMMISSION/BOARD RECOMMENDATION: All zone change requests require review and a recommendation from the Planning Commission. A public hearing before the Planning Commission is scheduled for Thursday, August 7. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES: The property in question was purchased by the city in 2000 with the intent that it be developed into a city park. The Parks and Recreation Department with the help of Design Concepts has undertaken a parks master planning effort for the park design. A series of design workshops were conducted with the public to solicit input for the park design. Study sessions were held with City Council, Planning Commission and the Park Commission. The final design generated from the master planning process will become the graphic for the ODP document. Other modifications occurring to the ODP document include elimination of commercial uses, establishment of new uses (park, recreation, cultural and historical uses), and revision to development standards. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED: 1 Approve request. 2. Do not approve request. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact to the Community Development Department as a result of this case. No fees were paid for the processing. Fees will not be collected for review of the Final Development Plan, nor for any permitting required for park construction. "I move to approve Council Bill No. 13-2008, Case No. WZ-08-04, a request for approval of a change of zoning conditions on property zoned Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 3700 Kipling Street, on first reading, ordered published, public hearing set for August 25, 2008." ATTACHMENTS: Council Bill No. 13-2008 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Council Bill No. 17-2008 Ordinance No. Series of 2008 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF CHANGE OF ZONING FROM RESDIENTIAL-ONE (R-1) AND AGRICULTURE-ONE (A-1) TO PLANNED RESDIENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AND FOR APPROVAL OF AN OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 11885 W. 38Tn AVENUE (CASE NO. WZ-07-06/ASHTON WOODS HOMES) BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO THAT: Section 1. Upon application by Ashton Woods Homes, approval of change of zoning from Residential-One (R-1) and Agriculture-One (A-1) to Planned Residential Development and for approval of an Outline Development Plan for property located at 11885 W. 38°i Avenue and pursuant to the findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at a public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, a change of zoning is approved for the following described land: A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER 20 AND THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6T" P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE ONE-QUARTER CORNER COMMON TO SAID SECTIONS 20 AND 29; THENCE N.89E22'34"E, ALONG THE LINE BETWEEN SECTIONS 20 AND 29 A DISTANCE OF 1,348.72 FEET TO A POINT 15.00 FEET EAST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE WEST ONE-HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER (W ONE-HALF SE ONE-QUARTER SE ONE-QUARTER) OF SAID SECTION 20 AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.OOE19'54"W. ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 15.00 FEET OF THE W ONE-HALF SE ONE-QUARTER SE ONE-QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 814.12 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THAT TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN BOOK 2325 AT PAGE 309 OF THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE THE FOLLOWING SIX COURSES AND DISTANCES: 1. N.63E13'44"E. A DISTANCE OF 44.49 FEET; 2. N.83E15'13"E. A DISTANCE OF 149.96 FEET; 3. N.79E21'51"E. A DISTANCE OF 46.91 FEET; 4. N.82E19'26"E. A DISTANCE OF 41.41 FEET; 5. S.86E47' 19"E. A DISTANCE OF 81.84 FEET; 6. N.70E22'28"E. A DISTANCE OF 289.81 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF THAT TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION NUMBER F0633461 OF THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER; THENCE S.33E47' 16"E. A DISTANCE OF 36.11 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST ONE-HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER (W ONE-HALF SE ONE-QUARTER SE ONE-QUARTER); THENCE S.OOE22'2I"E. ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 921.63 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID W ONE-HALF SE ONE-QUARTER SE ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 20, THENCE S.OOE41'00"E. ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST ONE- HALF OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE- QUARTER (W ONE-HALF NE ONE-QUARTER NE ONE-QUARTER) OF SAID SECTION 29 A DISTANCE OF 76.46 FEET TO A POINT WHICH LIES 70.00 FEET NORTHERLY FROM THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF APPLEWOOD RIDGE, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER AT PLAT BOOK 73 AT PAGE 7; THENCE S.80E07' 13"W. PARALLEL WITH AND 70.00 FEET DISTANT FROM SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 660.29 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 15.00 FEET OF THE W ONE-HALF NE ONE-QUARTER NE ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N.OOE42'08" W. ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 182.66 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING AN AREA OF 15.017 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Section 2. Vested Property Rights. Approval of this change of zoning conditions and amended Outline Development Plan does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26-121 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City of Wheat Ridge hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Supersession Clause. If any provision, requirements or standard established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or 2 standards found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards here shall supersede and prevail. Section 6 . This Ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of to on this day of 2008, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for , 2008, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29`x' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to , this day of 12008. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 12008. JERRY DITULLIO, MAYOR ATTEST: Michael Snow, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY GERAL DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY 1 A publication: 2" a publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: Page 1 of 1 Meredith Reckert From: Leitch, Diane [Diane. Leitch@dot.state.co.us] Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 12:47 PM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: 38th AND KIPLING PARK, WEST 38TH AVENUE AND KIPLING STREET (SH 391), CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE (CDOT REF 085608) STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region 6 Traffic Access/Utilities Permits Roadside Advertising 2000 South Holly Street Denver, Colorado 80222 303-512-4271 FAX 303-757-9886 July 11, 2008 City Of Wheat Ridge ATTN: Meredith Reckert 7500 West 29dr Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Meredith: RE: 38th AND KIPLING PARK, WEST 38TH AVENUE AND HIPLING STREET (SH 391), CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE (CDOT REF 085608) Thank you for referring the rezoning proposal for our review. We have no objection to the site generated traffic on adjacent streets. The accesses onto Kipling Street, adjacent to the proposed park, will need to be closed with the park construction. To close a vehicular access, where such work will be within state highway right-of-way, a state highway Access Permit is required. Please visit our website at http://www.dot.state.co.us/formsdepositorv/cdot0137.pdf or obtain the application through this office. In addition, a Special Use Permit for utilities, landscaping, and soundwalls for work within the right of way will be required from this office. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-521-4271. Sincerely, Bradley T. Sheehan CDOT Region 6 Access Engineer E-Mail: bradley.sheehan(adot.state.co.us 7/24/2008 Page 1 of 2 Meredith Reckert From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 1:51 PM To: Joyce Manwaring Subject: RE: Questions/Clarifications on ODP 38th and Kipling Street I sent a response to you from Dave B. via a separate email. With regard to the questions for me...... Prohibited uses: This is not a requirement unless there is some recreation use which would be totally incompatible with the intent of the park as serving and being adjacent to a neighborhood (besides a skate park). Lighted batting cages, for example. I could not think of anything but thought you would have a better idea. Architectural features: We can include preliminary designs and label them that way on the plan. They should show general size (perhaps a maximum) and height and preferred materials (stucco, stone, block, etc). We have quite a bit of flexibility that would allow us to nail down the exact design at the time of FDP. It may be smart to include a note that the elevations shown are preliminary and that the design has not yet been determined. Acreage: the acreage of the proposed OPD should match that of the original. However, we should acknowledge that the design and technical drawing have omitted a portion which may be a future phase or conveyance. Perhaps we should call them gross (entire PCD area) and net (actual park area). If this doesn't make sense, please let me know. Meredith Reckert, AAUP Senior Planner Office Phone: 303-235-2848 f i ' i3r ~sivi~fl rvn tt fii ~lip:x~4a`t From: Joyce Manwaring Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 1:41 PM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: Questions/Clarifications on ODP 38th and Kipling Street Meredith, I have the following questions; Letter from Meredith Page One #7 Do you have thoughts regarding "prohibited uses" We don't have any. Do you need some included? Other Items of Concern #2 We do not have architectural features ready yet. If we include preliminary designs of some type, how much can they vary in appearance or are you just looking for square footage sizes, height? Letter from Dave Brossman What format is acceptable to reply? Do we need to retype the comment or can we just answer the question and have you cross reference the original comment letter with our reply? If it is the first, can I have the electronic version of the letter so the comments do not have to be retyped. Request meeting with Carol Henry and PW to discuss sidewalk issue and 75' right of way. Tim gave you and I different row preservation footage when we met with him on the Appleridge Cafe. 7/9/2008 Page 2 of 2 Is there a preferred acreage to show in reference to the Apleridge Cafe property disposal and the total site acreage? We would prefer to be consistent with the smaller acreage. Letter from Mark Westburg There are duplicating comments. Do we need to respond to the same item twice even though it is in two separate letters? Thanks. Joyce Joyce Manwaring Director Parkil and Recreation 4005 tripling St. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-231-1308 Fax: 303-231-1350 www.ci.wheatridee.eo.us (:I)), Of yyI+3 LC( PhS4&:a Ahr} PiFC_atkA`5T{}`` CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business-confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in enrol, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. 7/9/2008 Page I of 2 Meredith Reckert From: Dave Brossman Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 4:05 PM To: Meredith Reckert; Mark Westberg Subject: RE: Questions/Clarifications on ODP 38th and Kipling Street Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Red Attachments: 38th & Kipling WR City Park-ODP & PDR - reviewl.doc Mere - I attached a copy of my original letter in Word so they can cut and paste (although it can be done with the pdf as well - but only if they have the full version of Acrobat). For their comments, please see my replies below which in turn I assume you will forward to Joyce. D. David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer Office and Fax: 303-235-2864 dbrossman@ci.wheatrid eP co.us City of WheatI idge ?FOLIC WORKS From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 3:2S PM To: Dave Brossman; Mark Westberg Subject: FW: Questions/Clarifications on ODP 38th and Kipling Street Do you guys have any preference as to how you want them to respond? I believe that Dave's electronic version is in PDF format and cannot be modified which would mean they would have to retype it. Any thoughts? Are you okay with them using the smaller acreage? If that is the case, there should be notes made on the ODP explaining what happened to it. I agree - they need to clarify this. Meredith Reekert, AICP Senior Planner Office Phone: 303-235-2848 City or ~Wheat~ge C10~56113N1'I1` Il4t~i(:1CM1:N1' From: Joyce Manwaring Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 1:41 PM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: Questions/Clarifications on ODP 38th and Kipling Street Meredith, I have the following questions; Letter from Meredith Page One #7 Do you have thoughts regarding "prohibited uses" We don't have any. Do you need some 7/9/2008 Page 2 of 2 included? Other Items of Concern #2 We do not have architectural features ready yet. If we include preliminary designs of some type, how much can they vary in appearance or are you just looking for square footage sizes, height? Letter from Dave Brossman What format is acceptable to reply? They can now use the Word file I attached. Do we need to retype the comment or can we just answer the question and have you cross reference the original comment letter with our reply? I would prefer they cut and paste the original comments for easier reviewing. If it is the first, can I have the electronic version of the letter so the comments do not have to be retyped. See attached file. Request meeting with Carol Henry and PW to discuss sidewalk issue and 75' right of way. Tim gave you and I different row preservation footage when we met with him on the Appleridge Cafe. I'm not sure what Tim originally stated as I wasn't present, but a conversation we had with Tim in Micro-Dev a few weeks ago he stated the full 75' width (as reflected in the Wadsworth corridor) was necessary and that we would be negligent in our duties as staff if we failed to convey this info. Is there a preferred acreage to show in reference to the Apleridge Cafe property disposal and the total site acreage? We would prefer to be consistent with the smaller acreage. We don't have a preference as to the area, we are simply asking the different documents correspond. The square footage (and acreage) needs to reflect what the ultimate plan will be. For example, if we have an idea of what is to be sold or conveyed to the Caf6, show it. Likewise, show the remaining portion as being retained by the City for the ODP. If both parcels need to be included in the drainage study, let it reflect that - if not, remove any portion not a part of the basin (and its associated area). Letter from Mark Westburg There are duplicating comments. Do we need to respond to the same item twice even though it is in two separate letters? If comments are similar to Dave's, address them in the response to him and include a reference to Mark's (such as, "as noted also by Mr. Westburg", etc.). If the comments appear similar but actually are seeking different solutions, respond accordingly. Thanks. Joyce Joyce Manwaring Director Parks and Recreation 4005 Kipling St. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-231-1308 Fax: 303-231-1350 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us n, City of VVhc'atC PARK) ANI3 REC'R.EATION CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business-confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. 7/9/2008 POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. - _A PLANNING COMIvIISSION /(CTTYCOUNCIL / BDARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE:l J 1' ~~0 I, 4 residing at } m (address) as the applicant for Case No. 10! -OT-1- hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at _ (location) on this t ' day of ?ri v Ste! 20 D, and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this cp and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Develop nt. J 0 1C . HAV ,>o E . p . 1 Ue ~ WE - a wA x nxx ss j nw [I1 SRIAVEN PARK ~ a ✓ ~ a n un @ $ A a a PCD 2 -7 H VE ~ - i a - F wA ,BiX R Ai'E p -4sas 77 3 imQ W ssv ~ ~ sseo= ~ 0 ~ , a R 2, x ae Fi F ~a m r F POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO.I~,)Z -08 b1{ PLANNING CONMSSION / CITY COUNCIL / BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: a-?-02 ( an( e) residing at /C> 7 14 11 C q L ,-c (address) as the applicant for Case No. t.J Z - D S hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at I Ckea i ~ Wiv niu ~k IS (c (locatio on this day of 1 20 O and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below Signature: li " NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case an be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. J e:\plannir Rev. 6/616 ,W ZZ HAVE ~ $ ,is $ ~ A p ~ B ~ a UN ~ A k ~ p ^3 W c r v e im 5 " W m WESTHAVEN S - PARK g e wa ~nH n ~ ~ J }4 ~ G vF _ 3 d S Q & ~ b' II ~ W „IX PYE PCD -1 t ~o a.H, P" p ~ H F m VE n ~ ~ E t ~ G ~W H ~O } J g 3 ~ ~ x g W1 38,N 4L E ~ ~ ~v5 z ~ '~Q W >w~ ~ e R2, m /l_ ~1~ W~ S r pd- ' JEFF RSON COUNTY SCHOOL ASBRIDGE PAMELA ccn DISTRICT R-1 ASBRIDGE T OD S o MACO LLC O 850 KIPLING ST 1829 DENVER WEST DR 9905 W 8 H V 0~ GOLDEN CO 80401 WHEA c~ j WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5268 7008 0150 0003 4502 5282 - - 7008 0150 0003 4502 5275 - JOHNSON: IE ISETERSON ARTHUR W LA PORTA JOHN J TRUSTEE 9810 W 37TH AVE 70 BRENTWOOD ST 00 2910 L ~$Y COLD P INGS CO 80904 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LAKEWOOD CO 80226 70D8 0150 0003 4502 5299 7008 0150 0003 4502 5312 7008 0150 0003 4502 5305 MCMILLIN JOHN WHEELER - 53 - - CIRCLE K S S COATES MARY MARGARET MCMILLIN SUSAN A 315 CO 9835 W 35TH AVE 9801 W 38TH AVE COLUMB 7201 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 150 0003 4502 5329 7008 0150 0003 4502 5343 - - 7008 0150 0003 4502 5336 - - SECOND CONVENIENCE JIUKES PROPERTIES CORP PO BOX 52085 PHOENIX AZ 85072 7008 0150 0003 4502 5350 SARACENO NICHOLAS JR SARACENO MARY ANN 3520 JOHNSON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Al JOHN GEND C 9805 W 3 T WHE E 80033 1110L NV 11G11J1110 CONDOM A TION 8646 W M V 1 LAKEWO O 1 7008 01.0 0003 4502 5374 7008 0150 0003 4502 5367 TPR ACQUISITION GROUP LLC SAALWAECHTER JOAN M PO BOX 9867 3656 KLINE ST COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80932 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 7008 0150 0003 4502 53 7008 0150 0003 4502 5398 - - -WADE RICHARD L LOUNDERS PATRICIA L WADE JACQUELYN T 3685 KIPLING ST 9845 W 37TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5411, 7008 0150 0003 4502 5428 - ATH S P U O OII P RICHEY DENNIS R 22 MO G RICHEY CHERYL L WAFAT . .n 80215 9865 W 37TH AVE 7008 0 50 0003 4502 5442 HEAT RIDGEC080033 PETER JACOB INVESTMENTS LLC 24069 W SHOOTING STAR DR GOT.DFN CO 80401 7008 0150 0003 4502 5473 LEWTHWAITE BECKY H LEWTHWAITE HENRY E 9860 W 37TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 GILMER JAMES I GILMER JANICE W 9835 W 36TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 7008 0150 0003 4502 5459 MAC DOUGALL DONALD P MAC DOUGALL DIANE M 9815 W 37TH AVE --"HFAT RIDGE CO 80033 2008 0150 0003 4502 5480 STANFIELD GUY J STANFIELD SUZANNE P 9870 W 37TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 5503 7008 0150 0003 AUTOZONE INC PO BOX 2198 MEMPHIS TN 38101 7008 0150 0003 5534 - 4502 5511, 4502 5541 MCCRAY CAROL J MCCRAY PATRICK L 3696 KLINE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 5404 7008 0150 0003 4502 5435 KIMMEL NEIL PO BOX 22631 DENVER CO 80222 7008 0150 0003 4502 5466 GENDRON PROPERTIES LLC 10005 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 800-A l 7008 0150 0003 4502 5497 LINDER DOUGLAS A LINDER TERESA M 3610 JOHNSON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5527 BEAR CLAW ESTMENTS LTD LIABILIT kG 3695 KIP G T WHEAT 33 7008 0150 0003 4502 5558 GAYBIL-JERFRE LTD 3705 KIPLING ST WHEAT RIDGE CC)RM)" 5565 7008 0150 0003 4502 LOFLAND EV JO 3580 PT WH WHEAT 8 03 7008 0150 0003 4502 5596 BUCCI SUE 10095 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5626 FREELAND JAMES L FREELAND JOVITA R 9860 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5657 O NEIL RICHARD L O NEIL KAREN L 10050 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5688 POLICH JACK G POLICH HELEN E 9990 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5718 GILMER JAMES I GILMER JANICE W 9805 W 36TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5572 SINGER STEPHEN H SINGER FRANCES R 9810 W 36TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5602 GOHS CALVIN B 3047 W 47TH DENVER CO 80211 7008 0150 0003 4502 5633 ENGLER ERIC J ENGLER TRACY L 9920 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 /008 0150 0003 4502 5664 KOCHAN DONALD KOCHAN P T 9960 3kT~ WHEAT >f~lD O 0033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5695 DAHLIN KIM 10045 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WRIGHTMICHAELJ 7008 0150 0003 4502 WESTOVER F ROSS WRIGHT LORRAINE K 9965 W 34TH DR 9945 W 34TH DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7006 0150 0003 4502 5749 - - - - - - 7008 0150 5725 BLAKEMAN EMMA M 9840 W 36TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5589 MARBLE FRED A MARBLE NANCY J 9865 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5619 O GUIN REBECCA A 9880 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5640 LARSON DALMON M LARSON ROBERTA L 9940 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5671 MEEK RICHARD R MEEK KAREN A 3460 JELLISON CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5701 ANDERSON PAUL R 9925 W 34TH DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5732 MARTIN STEPHANIE 3400 KIPLING ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 7008 0150 0003 4502 5763 0003 4502 5756 c r A O `k City of Wheat] ge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 CERTIFIED LETTER NOTICE P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 July 24, 2008 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WZ-08-04 which is a request for approval of a change of zoning conditions, approved pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15, and approval of an amended outline development plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 3700 Kipling Street. This request is scheduled for public hearings in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The schedule is as follows: Planning Commission August 7, 2008 (a, 7:00 p.m. City Council** August 25, 2008 (a, 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend these Public Hearings and/or submit written comments. * *If you are a property owner within 100 feet of this property and immediately adjacent to this property, you may have the right to file a legal protest against the application which would require 3/4 majority vote of City Council to approve the request. A copy of the protest rights section of the code is enclosed. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303-235-2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. Wzo8o4.doc www.ci.wheatridgexo.us W - Z _ I'►1' OW 22 -ter utnvE D ~ ~5 HAVEf ~ ~ ~ s~ ~ WESTHAVEN PARK PCD W 15TH AVE 7-D U s isss ssas ssxs 1 i 11 II R.2 m R-1 = g K WI E SA SKI s p a Q WHEAT RIDGE R_ a w" ^ HIGH SCHOOL a rY ~ m $ N LL o I _ ° o F N w J 3]65 3]<5 am Hi n N Z --,%I F OFFICIAL - NW 27 ZONING MAP PARCEULOT BOUNDARY NATES OWNERSHIP) (DESIG WHEAT RIDGE - WATER FEATURE COLORADO DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN o loo zoo ~00 CO F`~ (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) Q o 000 ~ DEPARTMENT OF MAP ADOPTED: June 75, 1994 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Last Revision: September 10, 2001 N-m S NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on August 7, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following case shall be heard: Case No. WZ-08-04: An application filed by Design Concepts for the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a change of zoning conditions, approved pursuant to Case No. WZ-82-15, and approval of an amended outline development plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD), located at 3700 Kipling Street and legally described as follows: THIS PORTION OF THE W ONE-HALF OF THE W ONE-HALF OF THE NW ONE-QUARTER OF THE NW ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 W OF THE 6T" P.M., COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NW CORNER OF SECTION 27 THENCE N 89 055'E A DISTANCE OF 40 FEET; THENCE S 0°03' W A DISTANCE OF 180 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF KIPLING STREET, AS DESCRIBED BY DEED IN BOOK 2113 AT PAGE 6; JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EASTLINE OF KIPLING STREET, THE FOLLOWING 3 COURSES: 1) CONTINUING S 0-03'W A DISTANCE OF 937 FEET; 2) THENCE N 89-55'E A DISTANCE OF 5 FEET; 3) THENCE S 0-03'W A DISTANCE OF 208.7 FEET M/L, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHLINE OF THE NW ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 27. FROM WHENCE THE SW CORNER OF THE SAID NW ONE-QUARTER BEARS S 89°50' W A DISTANCE OF 45 FEET; THENCE N 89°50' E, ALONG SAID SOUTHLINE, A DISTANCE OF 291.5 FEET TO THE EASLINE OF "LOT A", WESTHAVEN SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE N 0°06' E A DISTANCE OF 1295 FEET TO A POINT 30 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHLINE OF SAID SECTION 27; THENCE S 89°55' W A DISTANCE OF 156.5 FEET; THENCE S 0°03' W A DISTANCE OF 150 FEET; THENCE S 89°55' W A DISTANCE OF 140 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 8.30 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant To Be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: July 24, 2008 I `City of heat g Commu~rrv DrvrLOPMEN C City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building June 27. 2008 Carol Henry Design Concepts 211 N. Public Road Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80226 Dear Ms. Henry: 7500 W. 291 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regard to your request for approval of a change of zoning conditions and amended Outline Development Plan (ODP) approval for property located at 3700 Kipling Street. I have reviewed your submittal and have the following comments: Note: ODP response comments are shown at the end of each comment in italics. PAGE ONE 1. Modify the document so that the title is centered at the top of the document instead of the left- hand corner. Title has been moved. 2. Modify the title to read: "38`h and Kipling Park Planned Commercial Development, Outline Development Plan, An Official Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge, Formerly Known as Westhaven Park Planned Commercial Development, A parcel of land located in NW quarter of Section 27, T3 S, R69W, of the 6' PM, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado." Title has been modified. 3. Modify the "Owner's Certification", by specifying singular ownership with removal of all references to "we". Text has been modified. 3. Add the owner's name to the signature block for "Owner's Certificate". I would anticipate this to be either the mayor or city manager. Joyce may have a preference Joyce Manwaring has been noted on the Owner's Certificate. 4. Modify the legal description in accordance with Public Works' relative to current city datum. Legal description has been modified. 5. Under the Land Use Summary, expand permitted land uses as follows: "Include but are not limited to park, recreation, cultural and historical activities, in accordance with the adopted Parks and Recreation Master Plan, as amended from time-to-time." Text has been modified. 6. Under Development Standards, add a maximum building coverage of 10% of the land area which computes to 31,748 square feet of maximum structure coverage. Area has been modified to 32,730 sf., 10% of the total 363,104 park site, and 9.01 % of the total site, which includes the conveyance parcel. 7. With regard to the permitted uses, are there specific uses which are specifically not desired? If so, these should be included under a category of "prohibited uses". No other uses have been identified. 8. Modify the note regarding parking to read as follows:- "All parking shall be in conformance with Section 26-501 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." Note has been revised. 9. Add the following note: "All exterior lighting shall be in conformance with Section 26-503 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws" Note has been added. www.ci.wheatridgexo.us 10. Add the following note: "All fencing shall be in conformance with Section 26-603 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." Note has been added. 11. Add the following note: "All signage shall be in conformance with Section Article VII of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." Note has been added. 12. Add the following note: "Architectural detail to be in accordance with the Architectural and Site Design Manual. " Note has been added. 13. Modify the signature blocks to be in accordance with the attached. This would include slight modifications to the Planning Commission certificate, City Council certificate and the County Clerk and Recorders' certificate already on the document... Signature blocks have been revised. 14. A surveyor' certificate must be added with the surveyor of record's name and seal (per attached). A new survey was prepared, but the previous certified boundary survey was used. Surveyor proposes modifying the block to read: "Afield survey of the parcel shown hereon was conducted by me or under my supervision to verify that boundary monuments were existing and in general accordance with the LSP recorded at... " 15. Add a signature block for the Community Development Director. Signature block has been added. 16. Modify the case history box to remove the 1981 reference (not sure why it was on the prior plan but it has no relevance). Add the following case number: WZ-08-04. Case history has been revised. PAGE TWO 1. Move the title block to the center at the top of the document. The title should be shortened and can read: "38th and Kipling Park Planned Commercial Development". Title block has been moved and shortened. 2. Add zoning adjacent to the site in addition to the existing land uses. This would include R-I on the south and east sides and C-1 on the north. The west side is a little more problematic as there are five zone districts. See attached sheet marked with my estimation where these different zonings are located. Zoning has been added. 3. Extend the commercial shading on the north side of the drawing 50' to the east. Commercial shading has been moved. 4. Add the property dimensions to the drawing. Dimensions have been added PAGE THREE 1. Move the title block to the center at the top of the document. The title should be shortened and can read: "38th and Kipling Park Planned Commercial Development". Title block has been moved and shortened. 2. The boundaries of both site plans should be consistent. 8.3-acre site is now shown. 3. On both site plans, show the right-of-way for Kipling as "reservation for right-of-way purposes". Note has been added. 4. On both site plans, clarify what is anticipated in this future expansion area (e.g., park, parking) or whether this portion is for future conveyance. Portion is noted for future conveyance. 5. On both site plans, indicate that the Apple Ridge Caf6 is not a part of this planned development. Note has been added. 6. On the site plan, there is a feature shown which is not labeled. It runs along Kipling and continues along 35th Avenue. It appears to be a fence. Please identify this structure. It is now labeled as a fence. 7. On the site plan identify the potential community facility site as being a future condition. Note has been revised. 8. Correct the spelling of "grading plan". Spelling is corrected. 9. Public Works is not supportive of the head-in parking on 35th Avenue. An alternative would be .parallel parking along both 35`h Avenue and the southern portion of Johnson Street. 90 degree parking is removed and parallel parking is available. 10. Add the property dimensions to both drawings. Dimensions have been added 11. Has Rocky Mountain Ditch Company been contacted regarding ditch realignment/use? Yes, they will allow both use and realignment. PAGE FOUR 1. Move the title block to the center at the top of the document. The title should be shortened and canread: "38`h and Kipling Park Planned Commercial Development". Title has been moved and shortened. OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN 1. The property acreages shown from page to page do not match. All property lines and referenced acreages should be consistent, Done - the acreages reference the whole 8.3-acre site. 2. The architectural elevations of the proposed restroom, shelter structures and gateway features should be incorporated into the plan set as another sheet. This information should include architectural materials and colors. Tentative designs would suffice with the architecture finalized at the time of Final Development Plan approval. Preliminary designs have been included. 3. Slope cross sections should be prepared as separate exhibits for the Planning Commission public hearing. One north-south and two east-west sections have been included on the building elevation sheet. Attached are referrals received from other city departments and outside agencies regarding the plat document. Xcel Energy: See comments from Kathryn Bauer dated June 27, 2008. City Council has resolved to underground poles. Consolidated Mutual Water Company: See comments from Michael Queen dated June 19, 2008. Comments noted. Westridge Sanitation District: See comments from Raj Lotfi dated June 25, 2008. Raj Lofti has been contacted, and stated that if the fixture count does not exceed that of a single family home, the sanitary sewer does not need to be replaced. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District: No response as of this writing. Forthcoming agency comments will be forwarded upon receipt. Colorado Dept. of Transportation: No response as of this writing. Forthcoming agency comments will be forwarded upon receipt. Comments dated July 11, 2008 refer to closing an existing access on Kipling. This access is for the Cafe, and not a part of this project. City of Wheat Ridge Police Department. See comments from Kyle Eversole dated June 19, 2008. Comments noted. City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department: See comments from Dave Brossman dated June 26, 2008. Comments responded to in a separate letter. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly. For clarification on any of these issues, please feel free to contact any of the Development Review committee members: Community Development Meredith Reckert 303-235-2848 Public Works Dave Brossman 303-235-2864 Traffic Engineering Steve Nguyen 303-235-2862 Project Supervisor Mark Westberg 303-235-2863 This case is scheduled for Planning Commission public hearing on July 17, 2008. Please submit 18 copies of the revised plan sets with an 11" x 17" reduction by July 14 for packet preparation. Four copies of the revised technical documents should be submitted as well. If you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner c: Joyce Manwaring WZ-08-04 4 ON of " Wheat~dge ~MUNiTY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building June 27, 2008 Carol Henry Design Concepts 211 N. Public Road Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80226 Dear Ms. Henry: 7500 W. 291h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regard to your request for approval of a change of zoning conditions and amended Outline Development Plan (ODP) approval for property located at 3700 Kipling Street. I have reviewed your submittal and have the following comments: PAGE ONE Modify the document so that the title is centered at the top of the document instead of the left- hand comer. 2. Modify the title to read: "381h and Kipling Park Planned Commercial Development, Outline Development Plan, An Official Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge, Formerly Known as Westhaven Park Planned Commercial Development, A parcel of land located in NW quarter of Section 27, T3S, R69W, of the 6th PM, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado." 2. Modify the "Owner's Certification", by specifying singular ownership with removal of all references to "we". 3. Add the owner's name to the signature block for "Owner's Certificate". I would anticipate this to be either the mayor or city manager. Joyce may have a preference 4. Modify the legal description in accordance with Public Works' relative to current city datum. 5. Under the Land Use Summary, expand permitted land uses as follows: "Include but are not limited to park, recreation, cultural and historical activities, in accordance with the adopted Parks and Recreation Master Plan, as amended from time-to-time." 6. Under Development Standards, add a maximum building coverage of 10% of the land area which computes to 31,748 square feet of maximum structure coverage. 7. With regard to the permitted uses, are there specific uses which are specifically not desired? If so, these should be included under a category of "prohibited uses". 8. Modify the note regarding parking to read as follows: "All parking shall be in conformance with Section 26-501 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." 9. Add the following note: "All exterior lighting shall be in conformance with Section 26-503 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." 10. Add the following note: "All fencing shall be in conformance with Section 26-603 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." 11. Add the following note: "All signage shall be in conformance with Section Article VII of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." 12. Add the following note: "Architectural detail to be in accordance with the Architectural and Site Design Manual. " www. ci.wheatridge.co. u s 13. Modify the signu _e blocks to be in accordance with the 4 ;hed. This would include slight modifications to the Planning Commission certificate, City Council certificate and the County Clerk and Recorders' certificate already on the document... 14. A surveyor' certificate must be added with the surveyor of record's name and seal (per attached). 15. Add a signature block for the Community Development Director. 16. Modify the case history box to remove the 1981 reference (not sure why it was on the prior plan but it has no relevance). Add the following case number: WZ-08-04. PAGE TWO I. Move the title block to the center at the top of the document. The title should be shortened and can read: "38"' and Kipling Park Planned Commercial Development". 2. Add zoning adjacent to the site in addition to the existing land uses. This would include R-1 on the south and east sides and C-1 on the north. The west side is a little more problematic as there are five zone districts. See attached sheet marked with my estimation where these different zonings are located. 3. Extend the commercial shading on the north side of the drawing 50' to the east. 4. Add the property dimensions to the drawing. PAGE THREE 1. Move the title block to the center at the top of the document. The title should be shortened and can read: "38`h and Kipling Park Planned Commercial Development". 2. The boundaries of both site plans should be consistent. 3. On both site plans, show the right-of-way for Kipling as "reservation for right-of-way purposes". 4. On both site plans, clarify what is anticipated in this future expansion area (e.g., park, parking) or whether this portion is for future conveyance. 5. On both site plans, indicate that the Apple Ridge Cafe is not a part of this planned development. 6. On the site plan, there is a feature shown which is not labeled. It runs along Kipling and continues along 35"' Avenue. It appears to be a fence. Please identify this structure. 7. On the site plan identify the potential community facility site as being a future condition. 8. Correct the spelling of "grading plan". 9. Public Works is not supportive of the head-in parking on 35th Avenue. An alternative would be parallel parking along both 35"' Avenue and the southern portion of Johnson Street. 10. Add the property dimensions to both drawings. 11. Has Rocky Mountain Ditch Company been contacted regarding ditch realignment/use? PAGE FOUR Move the title block to the center at the top of the document. The title should be shortened and can read: "38"' and Kipling Park Planned Commercial Development". OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN 1. The property acreages shown from page to page do not match. All property lines and referenced acreages should be consistent. 2. The architectural elevations of the proposed restroom, shelter structures and gateway features should be incorporated into the plan set as another sheet. This information should include architectural materials and colors. Tentative designs would suffice with the architecture finalized at the time of Final Development Plan approval. 3. Slope cross sections should be prepared as separate exhibits for the Planning Commission public hearing. Attached are referrals received from other city departments and outside agencies regarding the plat document. Xcel Energy: See comments from Kathryn Bauer dated June 27, 2008. Consolidated Mutual Water Company: See comments from Michael Queen dated June 19, 2008. Westridge Sanitation District: See comments from Raj Lotfi dated June 25, 2008. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District: No response as of this writing. Forthcoming agency comments will be forwarded upon receipt. Colorado Dept. of Transportation: No response as of this writing. Forthcoming agency comments will be forwarded upon receipt. City of Wheat Ridge Police Department. See comments f om Kyle Eversole dated June 19, 2008. City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department. See comments from Dave Brossman dated June 26, 2008. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly. For clarification on any of these issues, please feel free to contact any of the Development Review committee members: Community Development Meredith Reckert 303-235-2848 Public Works Dave Brossman 303-235-2864 Traffic Engineering Steve Nguyen 303-235-2862 Project Supervisor Mark Westberg 303-235-2863 This case is scheduled for Planning Commission public hearing on July 17, 2008. Please submit 18 copies of the revised plan sets with an 11" x 17' reduction by July 14 for packet preparation. Four copies of the revised technical documents should be submitted as well. If you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner c: Joyce Manwaring WZ-08-04 City cif heat gc PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner THROUGH: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer FROM: Mark Westberg, Project Supervisor DATE: June 27, 2008 SUBJECT: 38h & Kipling Park, WZ-08-04,-comments Notes: ODP response comments are shown at the end of each comment in italics. I have reviewed the referral for this project and have the following comments. General Comments 1. The size of the property does not appear to be consistent in the various documents. This is likely to be related to the fact that the overall boundary of the property does not appear to be consistent. The northern portion of the property is generally shown as included in the park boundary, but in several instances is excluded as noted in the following table: Item Acreage, acres North Area Included Referral Form 7.3 Outline Development Plan Land Use Table 7.3 Legal Description 8.3 Bounds Survey Yes Site Analysis and Views Yes Site Plan No, the area is shown as if it is a part of the Cafe site Land Survey Plat Yes Drainage Report 8.3 Yes Traffic Letter 8.3 Yes Property chart size has been revised to reflect the 8.3-acre size on the ODP plan. Cafe site is not included in any calculations. Outline Development Plan 2. Sheet 2 -The slopes shown on this sheet do not match those discussed in the drainage report. This sheet appears to be accurate. Drainage report slopes were modified to match ODP sheets. 3. Sheet 3 -The title for the lower plan is misspelled. The title for the lower plan has been corrected. 4. Sheet 3 - The future ROW for Kipling Street, 75 feet from centerline, needs to be shown. The existing ROW is 45 feet at the south end and 40 feet for the remainder, so the additional ROW that is required is 30 feet at the south end and 35 feet for the remainder. This future ROW area should remain free of improvements to facilitate the future widening of Kipling Street. The topography in the area should remain unchanged for the same reason. The future 75' ROW is now shown on the drawings. There are no significant improvements in this area. The new walk is shown at approximate future street grades. Berms have been added to discourage foot traffic. 5. Sheet 3 - The current location of 35th Avenue does not match with the alignment of 35th Avenue across Kipling Street. This creates potential conflicts between left turn movements in Kipling Street. It would be best to move 35 Avenue 32 feet to the north to properly align the intersection. This would also straighten the alignment of 35th Avenue at the intersection with Johnson Street. Realigning West 35Th Avenue is not within the scope of this project. 6. Sheet 3 - The head-in parking along 35th Avenue is not allowed. The proximity to Kipling Street makes this type of parking unsafe at this location. However, parallel spaces along both Johnson Street and 35th Avenue would function quite well to provide parking adjacent to the practice field and the outdoor amphitheater. The number of possible parallel spaces exceeds the proposed number spaces. This would probably require piping of the irrigation ditch. The head-in parking on West 35 h Avenue has been removed Parallel parking on the street is allowed. Preliminary Drainage Report 7. INTRODUCTION - The slopes in this section do not match those shown on the ODP. The ODP appears to be accurate. The slopes in the introduction to the drainage report have been adjusted to reflect the site. 8. CONCLUSIONS - The statement that the historic and proposed impervious areas are "very similar" does not seem accurate. The calculations show an increase of over an acre of impervious area from 2 % to 14 The imperviousness numbers in the conclusion to the drainage report have been adjusted to refect the calculations. 9. Time of Concentration a. The slope used in the calculations, 3.5 is considerably less than the slope of either the existing or the proposed, which are between 4 % and 9 The slopes have been changed in the calculations of time of concentrations. b. With the steep slopes that are present in the upper portion of the existing site, it is very unlikely that the length of the initial overland flow will be 300 feet. The runoff will likely concentrate much quicker. The existing initial overlandfow length has been changed to 50 feet. c. It is also very unlikely that the length of the initial overland flow will be 300 feet with the proposed improvements. The proposed grading will cause the runoff to concentrate much quicker. The developed initial overlandfow length has been changed to 75 feet. 10. Detention Basin - The tributary area for the proposed pond should include only the area that will contribute runoff. The northern portion of the site is below the pond, the slope along Kipling Street appears to bypass the pond, and the offsite basin appears to contribute to the pond. The proposed site has been divided into three drainage basins. One basin above the proposed pond, one basin below the proposed pond and a basin along Kipling Street. 11. Preliminary Drainage Map a. The layout of the proposed improvements does not match the ODP Site Plan. There appears to be considerably more impervious area, over 50% more, in the ODP Site Plan than is included in the calculations. The Preliminary Drainage Map has been updated to match the ODP site plan. b. The basin boundary does not appear to be consistent with the existing conditions. i. 35th Avenue may not have enough crown to divert the off-site runoff from the residential area south of the street to the cast. Basin OSI has been adjusted to reflect the flat nature of 35`h Avenue. ii. The site appears to have two discreet discharge locations. The Cafe appears to split the flows from the site to either inlets along 38th Avenue to the north or to inlets along Kipling Street to the west. Therefore, there should be two historic basins in order to accurately reflect this flow pattern. Historic basins were added to the drainage map to more accurately show the historic drainage patterns. c. There should likely be several basins to accurately represent the proposed conditions. L The slope along Kipling Street appears to be the only portion that now discharges directly to Kipling Street. This should be a discreet basin. A basin has been added to show the flows that discharge to Kipling. ii. The discharge location of the pond is not shown. This could overload the system along 38th Avenue if all of the runoff is directed to the north. Flows from the pond will be routed to the existing irrigation ditch where they historically flow to Clear' Creek via Lena Gulch. Flows from the detention pond will be released at historic rates to the irrigation ditch and will not impact storm flows in the 38 h avenue storm system. iii. The north portion of the site is below the pond and should be a discreet basin. A basin has been added to reflect the site flows below the proposed detention pond that will continue to flow offsite. Traffic Letter All traffic letter responses are provided under separate cover. 12. The letter seems to only address the weekday trips and impact on the peak hour traffic. This park could be much more heavily used on the weekend. Even though this would not impact the peak hour traffic, the impact of the heavier use on the adjacent residential streets should be addressed. 13. Additional discussion is necessary concerning the impact of the amphitheater traffic on the streets immediately adjacent to the park. a. The trips leaving the amphitheater would likely occur at once, which could overload the adjacent residential streets, even at non-peak times. b. The possibility of an amphitheater event occurring at the same time as the other park uses needs to be discussed. It seems very likely that an event could occur at the same time as the peak usage of the practice field. 14. The trips for the practice field seem to indicate that only one team will practice each day. a. It seems very likely that several teams could practice during the 4 hour period listed under the peak hour discussion. b. The possibility that a scrimmage could be held between two teams needs to be addressed. This could likely double the amount of traffic. 15. The daily trips out from the practice field should match the daily trips in. 16. The assumption that the park will receive very little use during the morning peak does not seem valid. The loop walk could receive a fair amount of use at that time by walkers who want to avoid the afternoon heat. The loop walk was apparently a very desirable element to include in this park. 17. The skate park will likely be heavily used after school and will likely generate a fair amount of traffic during the afternoon peak. 18. Given the above discussion, the possibility of a left turn lane on Johnson Street at 38`" Avenue should be explored. Additional Suggestions 19. The area between the parallel parking along Johnson Street and the adjacent loop walk could be graveled. This would provide access from the parking to the practice field. No response. These comments are not apart of the ODP requirements, and will be addressed with the design team. 20. A fence should be included around the practice field because of the proximity to Johnson Street, 35h Avenue, and Kipling Street. In addition, the steep grades near the south end of the practice field would also require a fence. Breaks in the fence along the south and east sides could be provided with gravel paths to access the parallel parking areas. No response. These comments are not apart of the ODP requirements, and will be addressed with the design team. 21. The existing parking lot may not be in the best location and configuration for this site. All of the park facilities can only be accessed by travelling up the steep grades present on the site. The curved layout creates sight distance issues that combine with the east/west configuration that causes the pedestrian traffic to cross the drive aisles to create a potentially unsafe condition. In addition, having the north drive aisle with parking on one side only is an inefficient use of the drive aisle. One alternative would be: a. Swap the location of the parking lot and the play areas. This would centrally locate the parking to all of the facilities. b. A one-way entrance to the parking would be located at 37"Avenue with a one-way exit at 36"Avenue. This configuration would reduce the number of potential vehicle/vehicle conflicts and vehicle/pedestrian conflicts at the entrance to the parking area. c. A single parking aisle could be used that parallels Johnson Street with angled parking. Angled parking is much easier for vehicles to maneuver and eliminates the chance of travelling in the wrong direction. d. The perimeter of the lot could be designed to focus the pedestrian traffic to the ends and maybe one point in the middle. This would minimize the potential vehicle pedestrian conflicts. No response. These comments are not a part of the ODP requirements, and will be addressed with the design team. 22. The possibility of rerouting the irrigation ditch that runs along the Johnson Street so that it runs through the park and acts as a water feature could be explored. The ditch could be designed to still convey the water with minimal loses, but in a more aesthetically pleasing manner. No response. These comments are not apart of the ODP requirements, and will be addressed with the design team. 23. The possibility of having the detention pond designed as a "wet" pond that is refreshed by the irrigation ditch could also be explored. This may be more problematic because in may involve some use of the irrigation water. No response. These comments are not apart of the ODP requirements, and will be addressed with the design team. City of =r Wheatl:)Q~e PU331 tt: WORKS Memorandum TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner THROUGH: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer FROM: Mark Westberg, Project Supervisor DATE: June 27, 2008 SUBJECT: 38'h & Kipling Park, WZ-08-04, comments I have reviewed the referral for this project and have the following comments. General Comments 1. The size of the property does not appear to be consistent in the various documents. This is likely to be related to the fact that the overall boundary of the property does not appear to be consistent. The northern portion of the property is generally shown as included in the park boundary, but in several instances is excluded as noted in the following table: Item Acrea e, acres North Area Included Referral Form 7.3 Outline Development Plan Land Use Table 7.3 Legal Description 8.3 Boundary Survey Yes Site Analysis and Views Yes Site Plan No, the area is shown as if it is a part of the Cafe site Land Survey Plat Yes Drainage Report 8.3 Yes Traffic Letter 8.3 Yes Outline Development Plan 2. Sheet 2 - The slopes shown on this sheet do not match those discussed in the drainage report. This sheet appears to be accurate. 3. Sheet 3 - The title for the lower plan is misspelled. 4. Sheet 3 - The future ROW for Kipling Street, 75 feet from centerline, needs to be shown. The existing ROW is 45 feet at the south end and 40 feet for the remainder, so the additional ROW that is required is 30 feet at the south end and 35 feet for the remainder. This future ROW area should remain free of improvements to facilitate the future widening of Kipling Street. The topography in the area should remain unchanged for the same reason. 5. Sheet 3 - The current location of 35th Avenue does not match with the alignment of 35th Avenue across Kipling Street. This creates rential conflicts between left turn movements in Kipling Street. It would be best to move 35' Avenue 32 feet to the north to properly align the intersection. This would also straighten the alignment of 35`h Avenue at the intersection with Johnson Street. 6. Sheet 3 - The head-in parking along 35th Avenue is not allowed. The proximity to Kipling Street makes this type of parking unsafe at this location. However, parallel spaces along both Johnson Street and 35th Avenue would function quite well to provide parking adjacent to the practice field and the outdoor amphitheater. The number of possible parallel spaces exceeds the proposed number spaces. This would probably require piping of the irrigation ditch. Preliminary Drainage Report 7. INTRODUCTION - The slopes in this section do not match those shown on the ODP. The ODP appears to be accurate. 8. CONCLUSIONS - The statement that the historic and proposed impervious areas are "very similar" does not seem accurate. The calculations show an increase of over an acre of impervious area from 2 % to 14 9. Time of Concentration a. The slope used in the calculations, 3.5 is considerably less than the slope of either the existing or the proposed, which are between 4 % and 9 b. With the steep slopes that are present in the upper portion of the existing site, it is very unlikely that the length of the initial overland flow will be 300 feet. The runoff will likely concentrate much quicker. c. It is also very unlikely that the length of the initial overland flow will be 300 feet with the proposed improvements. The proposed grading will cause the runoff to concentrate much quicker. 10. Detention Basin - The tributary area for the proposed pond should include only the area that will contribute runoff. The northern portion of the site is below the pond, the slope along Kipling Street appears to bypass the pond, and the offsite basin appears to contribute to the pond. 11. Preliminary Drainage Map a. The layout of the proposed improvements does not match the ODP Site Plan. There appears to be considerably more impervious area, over 50% more, in the ODP Site Plan than is included in the calculations. b. The basin boundary does not appear to be consistent with the existing conditions. i. 35th Avenue may not have enough crown to divert the off-site runoff from the residential area south of the street to the east. ii. The site appears to have two discreet discharge locations. The Cafe appears to split the flows from the site to either inlets along 38th Avenue to the north or to inlets along Kipling Street to the west. Therefore, there should be two historic basins in order to accurately reflect this flow pattern. c. There should likely be several basins to accurately represent the proposed conditions. i. The slope along Kipling Street appears to be the only portion that now discharges directly to Kipling Street. This should be a discreet basin. ii. The discharge location of the pond is not shown. This could overload the system along 38th Avenue if all of the runoff is directed to the north. iii. The north portion of the site is below the pond and should be a discreet basin. Traffic Letter 12. The letter seems to only address the weekday trips and impact on the peak hour traffic. This park could be much more heavily used on the weekend. Even though this would not impact the peak hour traffic, the impact of the heavier use on the adjacent residential streets should be addressed. 13. Additional discussion is necessary concerning the impact of the amphitheater traffic on the streets immediately adjacent to the park. a. The trips leaving the amphitheater would likely occur at once, which could overload the adjacent residential streets, even at non-peak times. b. The possibility of an amphitheater event occurring at the same time as the other park uses needs to be discussed. It seems very likely that an event could occur at the same time as the peak usage of the practice field. 14. The trips for the practice field seem to indicate that only one team will practice each day. a. It seems very likely that several teams could practice during the 4 hour period listed . under the peak hour discussion. b. The possibility that a scrimmage could be held between two teams needs to be addressed. This could likely double the amount of traffic. 15. The daily trips out from the practice field should match the daily trips in. 16. The assumption that the park will receive very little use during the morning peak does not seem valid. The loop walk could receive a fair amount of use at that time by walkers who want to avoid the afternoon heat. The loop walk was apparently a very desirable element to include in this park. 17. The skate park will likely be heavily used after school and will likely generate a fair amount of traffic during the afternoon peak. 18. Given the above discussion, the possibility of a left turn lane on Johnson Street at 38'h Avenue should be explored. Additional Suggestions 19. The area between the parallel parking along Johnson Street and the adjacent loop walk could be graveled. This would provide access from the parking to the practice field. 20. A fence should be included around the practice field because of the proximity to Johnson Street, 35`h Avenue, and Kipling Street. In addition, the steep grades near the south end of the practice field would also require a fence. Breaks in the fence along the south and east sides could be provided with gravel paths to access the parallel parking areas. 21. The existing parking lot may not be in the best location and configuration for this site. All of the park facilities can only be accessed by travelling up the steep grades present on the site. The curved layout creates sight distance issues that combine with the east/west configuration that causes the pedestrian traffic to cross the drive aisles to create a potentially unsafe condition. In addition, having the north drive aisle with parking on one side only is an inefficient use of the drive aisle. One alternative would be: a. Swap the location of the parking lot and the play areas. This would centrally locate the parking to all of the facilities. b. A one-way entrance to the parking would be located at 37`h Avenue with a one-way exit at 361h Avenue. This configuration would reduce the number of potential vehicle/vehicle conflicts and vehicle/pedestrian conflicts at the entrance to the parking area. c. A single parking aisle could be used that parallels Johnson Street with angled parking. Angled parking is much easier for vehicles to maneuver and eliminates the chance of travelling in the wrong direction. d. The perimeter of the lot could be designed to focus the pedestrian traffic to the ends and maybe one point in the middle. This would minimize the potential vehicle pedestrian conflicts. 22. The possibility of rerouting the irrigation ditch that runs along the Johnson Street so that it runs through the park and acts as a water feature could be explored. The ditch could be designed to still convey the water with minimal loses, but in a more aesthetically pleasing manner. 23. The possibility of having the detention pond designed as a "wet" pond that is refreshed by the irrigation ditch could also be explored. This may be more problematic because in may involve some use of the irrigation water. y-City of - PUi34tC W£JRKS City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29ih Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO June 26, 2008 Karl Smith Design Engineer JVA, Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 80033-8001 P: 301235.2861 F: 303.235.2857 Re: First Review Comments of the Outline Development Plan and Preliminary Drainage Report, and the Traffic Impact Study for the Wheat Ridge City Park, whose location is bounded east and west by Kipling and Johnson Streets, and north and south by W. 35th and W. 38th Avenues. Dear Mr. Smith, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents for the received on June 18, 2008 and June 26, 2008 respectively, and I have the following comments: Note: ODP response comments are shown at the end of each comment in italics. General Comments: 1. ROW Reservation The Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) has a long-range transportation plan for the metro area which includes a 150' wide Right-of-Way (75' either side of the section line) for the Kipling Street corridor. This roadway section is anticipated to be similar to the Wadsworth Corridor recently adopted by the Wheat Ridge City Council. Although the DRCOG plan might be a long way from implementation, in an effort to facilitate those future project goals Public Works is recommending to all developments along the Kipling corridor that all proposed permanent structures such as buildings or walls lay outside the 75.0' ROW limit, and that the area be identified as a "Right-of-Way Reservation" (please see attached aerial pertaining to the subject property). There is currently 45' of existing ROW along the southerly 215' or so and 40' along the remainder of the site, meaning the reservation area would be 30' and 35' respectively. The 75' ROW limit is now shown and labeled on the submittal. 2. The Current City Datum The City of Wheat Ridge recently completed a coordinate transformation process which moved the official City Right-of-Way mapping from a local, assumed horizontal coordinate system to a modified (ground-based) form of the NAD83/92 State Plane system. The vertical datum was also converted from the old NGVD29 datum to the NAVD88 datum. The combined modified State Plane horizontal and NAVD88 vertical system will be hereafter referred to as the "Current City Datum". Per Section 26-412 of ivow.ei.wheatridge.co.us Public Works Engineering June 26, 2008 Page 2 the Municipal Code of Laws, the Legal Description of Final Plats shall include a metes and bounds description with section tie(s) on the current Wheat Ridge City Datum. In an effort to keep all documents on the Current City Datum, all development applications received on or after March 1, 2008 containing documents requiring a Legal Description or boundary survey such as a Final Plat, Outline Development Plan, or Final Development Plan, will also need to be on the Current City Datum. Furthermore, any subsequent Final Plat submittals will need to adhere to the new Geodetic Surveying and related platting requirements as well. Further information may be obtained on the Public Works Development Review webpage on the City's website at: www.ci.wheatridae.co.us The survey has been converted to the new Current City Datum, and the legal description has been adjusted to match. Preliminary Drainage Report & Plan: 1. The total area shown in the runoff coefficient an time of concentration chart does not match the total area shown on the Outline Development Plan. The ODP areas have been revised. 2. In the first paragraph of the Introduction: a. The "legal description of the property" is incomplete. The legal description iffrom the survey by Frontier Survey dated 312112008 b. Change "West 35 Avenue" to West 35th Avenue. West 35 Avenue has been changed to West 35`h Avenue in the introduction of the report. 3. In the second paragraph of the Introduction it is stated that the site has "maintained grass over the majority of the site". As the site appears to be primarily native grasses, double-check as to whether this should read as "unmaintained grass" or native grass. The introduction has been changed to read "unmaintained grass". 4. The first paragraph of the Historic Drainage section states that "runoff ...makes its way to a roadside ditch along Kipling where it is conveyed to Clear Creek via Lena Gulch." While it is fully acknowledged that the runoff sheet flows in a northerly manner across the site, there is curb and gutter along Kipling Street which would convey the runoff ultimately to Clear Creek. Please clarify as to whether there is presently an on-site drainage ditch running parallel to Kipling which intercepts runoff that would otherwise flow onto Kipling and be conveyed by the curb & gutter. This same comment goes for the Developed Drainage section which refers to the "roadside ditch along Kipling" as well. The runofffrom the site currently enters the Kipling Street storm drain system. A review of the site and the surrounding area from aerial photographs show the Kipling Street storm drain system discharging into Lena Gulch before entering Clear Creek. The square footage and percent (for the entire site) increase in imperviousness should be stated in the Conclusion. The site imperviousness is increased from approximately 2% to approximately 22% in the proposed developed condition. 5. Need to clarify whether area of analysis for this Report includes also the potential expansion of the Applewood Cafd. The area of analysis for this report includes the potential expansion area to the east of Apple Ridge Cafe. 6. All other technical review comments will be made at the time of submittal of the Final Drainage Report www.d. wheat ridge.m us 38th Kipling WR City Park_ODP PDR - review] Public Works Engineering June 26, 2008 Page 3 Outline Development Plan: 1. The Legal Description as well as all of the bearings on graphical representation on the submitted Outline Development Plan will need to be modified to be on the Current City Datum. Land surveying information may be obtained by going to the Public Works Development Review webpage on the City's website. The Basis of Bearing used is S00° 12'51"E, along the west line of the NW corner Section 27. The City-based bearing for this line = NO0°20'03"W. Please rotate all bearings as appropriate to meet this requirement. The legal description and bearings have been revised to match the Current City Datum. 2. Please show the 75' ROW reservation line mentioned above on the Site Plan. 75' ROW is now shown on plans. 3. The total area shown on the Outline Development Plan does not match the total area used in the Preliminary Drainage Report. Please explain or modify to match. The ODP areas have been revised. 4. PW suggests the proposed meandering sidewalk be constructed closer to Kipling Street so as to be friendlier for "commuter pedestrians" along the street. If the anticipated Kipling corridor design were to be followed, the easterly side of the 10' wide sidewalk would be placed parallel against the proposed 75' ROW line. The intent of this is if the sidewalk is placed closer to Kipling Street, pedestrians are more likely to use it, and if placed against the 75' line no modification to the site would be necessary when the roadway is widened. The sidewalk has been placed adjacent to the 75' ROW line, and graded to minimize the disturbance to park improvements when the roadway goes in. A series of small berms have been included to add a buffer from the roadway. 5. In a related issue, the grading between the proposed sidewalk and the curbing should take into account the widened roadway section along the Kipling Street frontage. The site should include a relatively "flat" grade area from the existing Kipling curbing easterly to the proposed 75' ROW line to allow for the future roadway construction. Providing this area will help to prevent very steep cut slopes into the proposed park area when the roadway construction occurs. Please refer to the attached the Wadsworth Corridor design recently approved by City Council, as in all likelihood the same section will be used for Kipling. The walk has been regraded to more closely match the existing roadway elevations. Small berms have been added to buffer the walk from the road, and discourage informal paths along Kipling. 6. Again, due to grading issues, a barrier other than the proposed berm is recommended along the westerly side of the practice fields. You might consider a close mesh type of fencing, or if it is to be a split-rail maybe the placement of a mesh along the lower portion of the fence across the practice field portion of the site could be employed. A fence is shown on the original ODP submittal. A label has been added to better identify the fence. 7. The proposed parking along the southerly side of the practice fields will need to be modified as our City Code does not allow designs where vehicles are to back out into the public roadway. On-street parking could be considered along the westerly side of Johnson Street if needed. The 90 degree parking has been eliminated Parallel parking will be allowed. Two hardeopies and one electronic copy of the documents are to be submitted for review and approval with each submittal. All Outline/Final Development Plans and other written documents & reports are to be in PDF or TIFF format. All Final Plats shall be in AutoCAD.dtivvg (2000-2007) format. Electronic documents may be submitted either on CD- ROM with the hardcopies or sent by e-mail to: dbrossman<uci.wheatridge.co.us. Public Works Engineering June 26, 2008 Page 4 TRAFFIC/ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING This submittal was forwarded to the Engineering Division Manager, Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E., 303.235.2862 and also to the Projects Supervisor, Mr. Mark Westberg, P.E., 303.235.2863 for their review. Please find their review comments attached to this letter. The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303.235.2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Mark Westberg, Projects Supervisor File www.ci.whcatridge.co.us 38th Kipliog WR City Park_ODP PDR-raviewl City of Wheatdge PUBLIC WORKS City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building June 26, 2008 Karl Smith Design Engineer JVA, Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 7500 W. 29' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2861 F: 303.235.2857 Re: First Review Comments of the Outline Development Plan and Preliminary Drainage Report, and the Traffic Impact Study for the Wheat Ridge City Park, whose location is bounded east and west by Kipling and Johnson Streets, and north and south by W. 35th and W. 38th Avenues. Dear Mr. Smith, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents for the received on June 18, 2008 and June 26, 2008 respectively, and I have the following comments: General Comments: 1. ROW Reservation The Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) has a long-range transportation plan for the metro area which includes a 150' wide Right-of-Way (75' either side of the section line) for the Kipling Street corridor. This roadway section is anticipated to be similar to the Wadsworth Corridor recently adopted by the Wheat Ridge City Council. Although the DRCOG plan might be a long way from implementation, in an effort to facilitate those future project goals Public Works is recommending to all developments along the Kipling corridor that all proposed permanent structures such as buildings or walls lay outside the 75.0' ROW limit, and that the area be identified as a "Right-of-Way Reservation" (please see attached aerial pertaining to the subject property). There is currently 45' of existing ROW along the southerly 215' or so and 40' along the remainder of the site, meaning the reservation area would be 30' and 35' respectively. 2. The Current City Datum The City of Wheat Ridge recently completed a coordinate transformation process which moved the official City Right-of-Way mapping from a local, assumed horizontal coordinate system to a modified (ground-based) form of the NAD83/92 State Plane system. The vertical datum was also converted from the old NGVD29 datum to the NAVD88 datum. The combined modified State Plane horizontal and NAVD88 vertical system will be hereafter referred to as the "Current City Datum". Per Section 26-412 of the Municipal Code of Laws, the Legal Description of Final Plats shall include a metes and bounds description with section tie(s) on the current Wheat Ridge City Datum. In an effort to keep all documents on the Current City Datum, all development applications www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Public Works Engineering June 26, 2008 Page 2 received on or after March 1, 2008 containing documents requiring a Legal Description or boundary survey such as a Final Plat, Outline Development Plan, or Final Development Plan, will also need to be on the Current City Datum. Furthermore, any subsequent Final Plat submittals will need to adhere to the new Geodetic Surveying and related platting requirements as well. Further information may be obtained on the Public Works Development Review webpage on the City's website at: www.ei.wheatridge.co.us Preliminary Drainage Report & Plan: 1. The total area shown in the runoff coefficient an time of concentration chart does not match the total area shown on the Outline Development Plan. 2. In the first paragraph of the Introduction: a. The "legal description of the property" is incomplete. b. Change "West 35 Avenue" to West 35th Avenue. 3. In the second paragraph of the Introduction it is stated that the site has "maintained grass over the majority of the site". As the site appears to be primarily native grasses, double-check as to whether this should read as "unmaintained grass" or native grass. 4. The first paragraph of the Historic Drainage section states that "runoff ...makes its way to a roadside ditch along Kipling where it is conveyed to Clear Creek via Lena Gulch." While it is fully acknowledged that the runoff sheet flows in a northerly manner across the site, there is curb and gutter along Kipling Street which would convey the runoff ultimately to Clear Creek. Please clarify as to whether there is presently an on-site drainage ditch running parallel to Kipling which intercepts runoff that would otherwise flow onto Kipling and be conveyed by the curb & gutter. This same comment goes for the Developed Drainage section which refers to the "roadside ditch along Kipling" as well. 5. The square footage and percent (for the entire site) increase in imperviousness should be stated in the Conclusion. 6. Need to clarify whether area of analysis for this Report includes also the potential expansion of the Applewood Cafd. 7. All other technical review comments will be made at the time of submittal of the Final Drainage Report Outline Development Plan: 1. The Legal Description as well as all of the bearings on graphical representation on the submitted Outline Development Plan will need to be modified to be on the Current City Datum. Land surveying information may be obtained by going to the Public Works Development Review webpage on the City's website. The Basis of Bearing used is S00°12'51"E, along the west line of the NW corner Section 27. The City-based bearing for this line = NO0°20'03"W. Please rotate all bearings as appropriate to meet this requirement 2. Please show the 75' ROW reservation line mentioned above on the Site Plan. www.ci.w heatrid ge.co. us 38th & Kipling WR City Park_ODP & PDR - mviewl.doc Public Works Engineering June 26, 2008 Page 3 3. The total area shown on the Outline Development Plan does not match the total area used in the Preliminary Drainage Report. Please explain or modify to match. 4. PW suggests the proposed meandering sidewalk be constructed closer to Kipling Street so as to be friendlier for "commuter pedestrians" along the street. If the anticipated Kipling corridor design were to be followed, the easterly side of the 10' wide sidewalk would be placed parallel against the proposed 75' ROW line. The intent of this is if the sidewalk is placed closer to Kipling Street, pedestrians are more likely to use it, and if placed against the 75' line no modification to the site would be necessary when the roadway is widened. 5. In a related issue, the grading between the proposed sidewalk and the curbing should take into account the widened roadway section along the Kipling Street frontage. The site should include a relatively "flat" grade area from the existing Kipling curbing easterly to the proposed 75' ROW line to allow for the future roadway construction. Providing this area will help to prevent very steep cut slopes into the proposed park area when the roadway construction occurs. Please refer to the attached the Wadsworth Corridor design recently approved by City Council, as in all likelihood the same section will be used for Kipling. 6. Again, due to grading issues, a barrier other than the proposed berm is recommended along the westerly side of the practice fields. You might consider a close mesh type of fencing, or if it is to be a split-rail maybe the placement of a mesh along the lower portion of the fence across the practice field portion of the site could be employed. 7. The proposed parking along the southerly side of the practice fields will need to be modified as our City Code does not allow designs where vehicles are to back out into the public roadway. On-street parking could be considered along the westerly side of Johnson Street if needed Two hardcopies and one electronic copy of the documents are to be submitted for review and approval with each submittal. All Outline/Final Development Plans and other written documents & reports are to be in PDF or TIFF format. All Final Plats shall be in AutoCAD dwg (2000-2007) format. Electronic documents may be submitted either on CD- ROM with the hardcopies or sent by e-mail to: dbrossman(&ci.wheatridee.co.us. TRAFFIC/ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING This submittal was forwarded to the Engineering Division Manager, Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E., 303.235.2862 and also to the Projects Supervisor, Mr. Mark Westberg, P.E., 303.235.2863 for their review. Please find their review comments attached to this letter. www.ci.wheatridge.co. us 38th& Kipling WR City Park_ODP&PDR-revie l.doc Public Works Engineering June 26, 2008 Page 4 The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303.235.2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Mark Westberg, Projects Supervisor File www.ei.wheatridge.co.us 38th & Kipling WR City Park_ODP & PDR- reviml.doc b` +t 7City of ltet j11.1¢E' PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner THROUGH: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer FROM: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager CC: Mark Westberg, Project Supervisor DATE: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 SUBJECT: Proposed Park at 38 h Avenue and Kipling, WZ-08-04 Note. ODP response comments are shown at the end of each comment in italics. I have reviewed the above plan and would like to offer the following comments: Sidewalk alignment along Kipling Street should be situated close to the roadway as much as practicable. Wider separation from the roadway will result in undesired dual path. Deterrence via landscape design may be a solution to address this issue. The City sees this as a critical segment as it will serve as a bike/pedestrian route connection between Crown Hill and Clear Creek. The City has attempted to implement this project via TIP grant with DRCOG. Sidewalk is located outside of the 75' ROW. Berms have been added to deter foot traffic. 2. Corridor right of way for transportation build out should be reserved along Kipling Street. Engineering Staff will provide the necessary dimension if not provided already. Thus, no elaborate structures or landscape design should take place in this area. No structures occur within the expanded ROW. On-street parking on the park side should be provided to allow overflow parking. This should help minimize parking impact to the adjacent residents. On-street parking is allowed. 4. As the design progress further, proposed back out parking on 35th Avenue should be reconfigured to improve safety and to comply with City Codes. Back out parking on West 35`h Avenue has been eliminated. I had a phone conversation with Fred Lantz, the transportation consultant, on the traffic assessment this morning. He had indicated that his trip generation analysis reveals that the proposed park will generate a low number of traffic trips for both daily and peak hour. Thus, a full study will not be required but should contain adequate information for CDOT to assess any potential impact on their system. I have indicated to Fred that City of WheatRdge PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner THROUGH: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer FROM: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager CC: Mark Westberg, Project Supervisor DATE: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 SUBJECT: Proposed Park at 38`h Avenue and Kipling, WZ-08-04 I have reviewed the above plan and would like to offer the following comments: Sidewalk alignment along Kipling Street should be situated close to the roadway as much as practicable. Wider separation from the roadway will result in undesired dual path. Deterrence via landscape design may be a solution to address this issue. The City sees this as a critical segment as it will serve as a bike/pedestrian route connection between Crown Hill and Clear Creek. The City has attempted to implement this project via TIP grant with DRCOG. 2. Corridor right of way for transportation build out should be reserved along Kipling Street. Engineering Staff will provide the necessary dimension if not provided already. Thus, no elaborate structures or landscape design should take place in this area. 3. On-street parking on the park side should be provided to allow overflow parking. This should help minimize parking impact to the adjacent residents. 4. As the design progress further, proposed back out parking on 35`h Avenue should be reconfigured to improve safety and to comply with City Codes. 5. I had a phone conversation with Fred Lantz, the transportation consultant, on the traffic assessment this morning. He had indicated that his trip generation analysis reveals that the proposed park will generate a low number of traffic trips for both daily and peak hour. Thus, a full study will not be required but should contain adequate information for CDOT to assess any potential impact on their system. I have indicated to Fred that addition analysis to the study may be requested at a later date if necessary to address further question as it arises. -1 51Z~A8' V June 24, 2008 Joyce Manwaring, Director Parks and Recreation City of Wheat Ridge 4005 Kipling St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Trip Generation Analysis City Park, 38th and Kipling Dear Joyce, LANTZ ASSOCIATES, LLC 13335 W 72nd Cir Arvada, Co 80005 303-887-3714 303-423-4949 fax Fred an zQcomr~act net The property located on the east side of Kipling St between 35th Ave and 38th Ave is being developed as a City Park. The proposed uses are play areas, a skate park, a climbing wall and a multi-use practice field. There is also an out door amphitheater. the property is approximately 8.3 acres in size. The property has a 42 space parking lot on the northern end. There are also 18 parking spaces along 35th Ave. In order to determine the number of trips generated by the proposed park the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation 7th Edition manual is used. The Trip Generation manual has some data for, Land Use #411 - City Parks. This data varies considerable depending upon the uses in the park. For this proposed park the upper range in the trip generation rate table will be used rather than the average rate to estimate the number of trips that will be generated by the play areas, the skate park and the climbing wall. The upper range is being used to reflect the more active uses that are proposed. The trips generated by the practice fields will be estimated based upon a soccer team practicing on the field. The trips for the amphitheater will not be estimated on a daily basis because it will only used on an occasional basis. The amphitheater will generate trips when events are scheduled and the number of trips will depend upon the type of event that is scheduled. Page 2 June 24, 2008 City Park The on-site parking and the adjacent street parking will accommodate approximately 80 vehicles which would represent approximately 200 people for an amphitheater event. These events typically happen during the weekends and in the evenings, not during peak hours. The following tables illustrate the number of trips that would be generated by the park development. The upper trip generation rate of 8 trips/acre will be used for the play areas, again representing the more active uses. The trips for the practice fields will be based upon a soccer team practicing, an event that is typical of these types of fields. The same trip generation rate would apply to a baseball, softball or football team. Soc- cer teams have approximately 18 players with'/4 of them carpooling to practice. This means that 14 vehicles deliver the players to practice daily. Daily Trips ITE LAND USE SIZE RATE' TRIPS IN TRIPS OUT 411 City Park 7 ac 8/ac 28 28 Practice Field 1 team (18 players/team) 14 vehicles/ team 14 2 Total Daily Trips 42 30 As the above table indicates, the park will generate just under 75 vehicles on a daily basis. Another analysis that is done when considering trip generation, is the peak hour analy- sis. The number of trips that the park generates during the peak hours can be important because they occur when the surrounding streets are the busiest. Typically City Parks generate very little traffic during peak hours. Peak hour data is not available in the Trip Generation manual for City Parks, but is available for County Parks which have similar trip generation patterns. Again the upper rate will be used rather than the average rate to represent the more active uses in the park. Practice fields on the other hand are usually only used during the afternoon peak hours. Practice fields are generally available between the hours of 4-8 pm. Thus the majority of the traffic that will occur in the park will be traffic generated by the practice fields. Parents tend to stay and watch their children practice thus there is more inbound traffic than outbound traffic. The outbound traffic will not occur until after the peak hour. Page 3 June 24, 2008 City Park The following table estimates the number of trips that would be generated during the peak hours. Peak Hour Trips ITE # LAND USE SIZE AM PM RATE IN OUT RATE IN OUT 411 City Park 7 ac negligible - - .08/ac 1 1 Practice Field 1 team 0 0 0 14 veh/team 14 2 Total Peak Hour Trips 0 0 15 3 The above table indicates that the City Park will generate approximately 18 trips during the PM peak hour. The AM peak hour may occasionally have some traffic, but gener- ally there will not be any trips during the AM peak hour. As the above tables indicate, City Parks do not generate a lot of traffic on a daily basis and very little during the peak hours. The street system surround the park can easily accommodate the traffic that is predicted. It would be expected that a lot of the park visits would be on foot, rather than by vehicle. The season of the year also will influence the number of visitors to the park. Summer time will see more visitors than other times of the year. The trips estimated in this report apply more to summer than the rest of the year. Some days will have more trips than predicted and some days less. As noted earlier, the trips generated by the amphitheater will depend upon the events that are scheduled. This is something that the City has control over and thus can control the amount of traffic that is generated by the amphitheater. Adequate parking seems to be available to keep amphitheater attendees from parking in the neighborhood. Since the park will not generated 60 trips or more during the peak hours, a full traffic impact study is not needed for the park development according to City Standards. The surrounding street network is already in place to support the development. With the extremely low volumes, I would not anticipate any problems at the intersection of 35th and Kipling or at the intersection of Johnson and 38th Ave. The high volumes on Kipling and on 38th during the peak hours will force most of the traffic exiting the park during the peak hours to make right turns onto these high volume streets. Page 4 June 24, 2008 City Park With only 18 trips during the peak hour no one movement will exceed the minimum requirements for additional turn lanes. When the 18 trips are distributed to the two streets serving the park, Kipling St and 38th Ave, and the trips are divided between left and right turns, entering and exiting traffic, the additional volumes added to the streets are insignificant. There are already left turn lanes on Kipling St. The right turning volumes on Kipling due to this development will be far below the 50 vehicles per hour required for an NRB in the State Highway Access Code. Thus an additional north- bound right turn lane will not be needed on Kipling St at 35th Ave. There is an existing left turn lane on 38th Ave and right turning volumes generated by this park development will not generate the need for a right turn lane. In summary, the traffic generated by the proposed City Park at 38th and Kipling can easily be accommodated by the existing street system. No additional roadway im- provements are needed to support the park. Sinc ly y s, Fre Lantz, PE 1L>. 3 m 3 Wit: N W W rcr N= Q ~j aN 3 N0 QQ z W I a Q aN L 9.4 as u ue Y a 5 J J a zW ~W ~ Lla7 Z3 N aZ Z~ ZO ~ ~r wa Qa aw -y _ z L d0 a QQ v r~ ao o a is zz KLL O Wq w w~ d ~ I m UW zQ Ya aN N o= a wp JuW 2JN Na} w`z QWJ a U ~aLL V LL FWF ~N W~Q ~WU z ON: w WESTfUDGE SANITATION 9ISTRICT 3705 KIPLING STREET, SUITE 101 WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 303 - 424 - 9467 June 25, 2008 Ms. Meredith Reckert, Case Manager Dept. of Planning & Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 REF: Case No. WZ-08-04/W. 38th and Ripli.ng Park (ODP) WESTHAVEN PARR Dear Ms. Reckert: Reference is made to your request regarding proposed development, and zoning change from ODP to PCD (Outline Development Plan to Planned Commercial Development) at 3700 Kipling Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado The referenced site is within the boundary of the Westridge Sanitation District. At this date, regarding your short range development, there is sufficient capacity in the downstream District sanitary system to serve the short range development. The District will serve the proposed long range development of this site, subject to compliance with all applicable District rules and regulations and subject to upsi.zing of approximately 300 feet of 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer pipe. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this office at 303-233-2058. I would be pleased to discuss this matter with you in greater detail at your request. Very Z2Lotfi Rep. for the District cc: District Office File: W54-0 Or'25/2008 10:34 03032330796 LANEENGR PAGE 01102 LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE INC. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 9500 W, 14TH AVE, . LAKEWOOD, CO 802154716 STEVEN D. LISTER TELEPHONE: 303.233-4042 Professional Land Surveyor FAX: 303-233.0796 EMAIL: lane®ngr@COrncast.net FAX TRANSMITTAL I r>f .off FAX NO: s/ es-r- 2s r7 (DATE: FROM: NO. OF PAGES (INCL. THIS SHEET); 3 PROJECT 154 o COMMENTS RICHARD M. ROMBERG Profess/0nul Engineer -f ° 212 '7.A . Xcel Energysm PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY June 27. 2008 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Meredith Reckert RE: 3700 Kipling St. Siting and Land Rights -550 15" Street, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80202-4256 Telephone: 303.571.7799 Facsimile: 303.571.7877 Public Service Company of Colorado (Public Service Company) has determined there is a conflict with the above captioned project. Public Service Company has existing overhead electrical transmission facilities within this property that may be impacted by the proposed paths/trails and retaining walls. Any crossings, designations of open space, proposed landscaping, or similar activities involving our existing right-of-way will require Public Service Company approval. Encroachments across Public Service Company's easements must be reviewed for safety standards, operational and maintenance clearances, liability issues, and acknowledged with a Public Service Company License Agreement to be executed with the property owner. Public Service Company is requesting that, prior to any final approval of a development plan, it is the responsibility of the property owner/developer/contractor to contact me at 303-571-7735 or the Siting and Land Rights Department at 303-571-7799 to have a Land Rights Agent assigned for development plan review and execution of a License Agreement. Should you have any questions with this referral response, please contact me at 303- 571-7735. Sincerely, Kathryn Bauer Contract Right-of-Way Processor Public Service Company of Colorado Clty Of Wheat Midge POLICE DEPARTMENT Memorandum L4 TO: Meredith Reckert, Community Development Case Manager THROUGH: Daniel Brennan, Chief of Police FROM: Kyle Eversole, Crime Prevention Officer °b DATE: June 19, 2008 SUBJECT: Community Development Referral WZ-08-04/ Design Concepts for City of Wheat Ridge Upon review of the above mentioned Community Development Referral and speaking with Sergeant Tracy Wardell, I have noted the following from a Police Operations Division perspective: • The proposed park has many features/facilities that will benefit the citizens of the City of Wheat Ridge. • These features/facilities will cause an increased workload by the Wheat Ridge Police Department Operations Division and Community Services Officers. • The features/facilities will run the risk of criminal vandalism, metal theft, general park related violations, and vehicle trespasses. • It is difficult to give an accurate assessment as to the total calls for service which can be anticipated at this location. From a traffic perspective and speaking with Officer Mark Hester, I have noted the following: An increase in traffic in the area has the possibility of traffic-related complaints from the residential area located around the park. There will be a substantial increase in traffic accidents from southbound Kipling Street traffic turning eastbound onto West 35`h Avenue. Traffic control devices (i.e.: traffic control signal lights or a no left turn designation) are recommended. It is recommended that the southeast corner of West 38`h Ave and Johnson Street have the landscaping trimmed for better visibility for northbound traffic on Johnson Street to turn left onto westbound West 38`h Avenue. From a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) perspective I have noted the following: Surveillance: This is the ability to see out of and into a location. This park will allow for adequate surveillance during the day time hours. As there are no indications on the plans for lighting, it is unknown how this will affect surveillance during night time hours. Access: This is the ability to get into or out of the area. Natural access points have been designed into the park. These access points are located at the parking areas on the south side of the park and from the entrance from Johnson Street, via the sidewalks and the perimeter of the park. Access to and from the park is adequate. Territoriality: This is the impression one gets when looking at the property. This park will serve a variety of residents and will enhance the image of the City of Wheat Ridge. Activity Support: This is how the proposed area will enhance activity in the area. The features/facilities planned for this park will definitely enhance the activities available to resident of the City of Wheat Ridge. kse . City of r29'Wheatldge POLICE DEPARTMENT Memorandum TO: Wade Hammond, Lieutenant FROM: Daniel Brennan, Chief of Police "V DATE: June 17, 2008 SUBJECT: Community Development Referral Form Attached is a request from the Community Development Department to review the planning documents associated with a change of zoning conditions for a proposed park at 3700 Kipling St. The Case Manager, Meredith Reckert is asking for input from the police department regarding our ability to provide police services to this property. Please conduct an assessment of this proposal from a patrol services, traffic and CPTED perspective. Document your findings and recommendations in a memorandum to Ms. Reckert for my review by Wednesday, June 25, 2008. Please contact me with any questions. 1313 f -23-a June 19, 2008 The City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Ms. Meredith Reckert 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re{ Case Number WZ-08-04 / 3700 Kipling Street Dear Ms. Reckert: This will acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated June 16, 2008 regarding the above referenced property. Please be advised that the above referenced property is in an area served by The Consolidated Mutual Water Company by virtue of a Distributor's Contract with Denver Water. Domestic water service may be provided to this property subject to compliance with the Company's rules, regulations and requirements for such service as well as the water tap allocation policies as established by Denver Water. The Company's rules, regulations, and requirements state that each separate structure be served by a separate tap and meter, and in order to receive domestic water service, the property must also front a Company main. Any additional fire protection requirements should be obtained from Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District and those requirements forwarded to this office by the Fire District at the earliest possible time. THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY 12700 West 27th Avenue • P.O. Box 150068 • Lakewood, Colorado 80215 Telephone (303)238-0451 • Fax (303)237-5560 I The City of Wheat Ridge Ms. Meredith Reckert June 19, 2008 Page 2 I If you should have any questions or comments regarding this correspondence, please contact this office. Sincerely, I M;c, ae, ueen President Aw i cc: Doug Saba, Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District Greg Stroeder, CMWCo Water Distribution Manager j Scott Hatcher, CMWCo Project Engineer i I I ; I 5~.~za Wadsworth Blvd. Alternatives-Cross Sections (c{G~ ) ~ s I a z 12- z3z.5 z~ rt Lehturn Thrulane Thmlane Thmlane Turn lane lane/Median I r Property Center I Line Line I Modified 1999 totalwidth(halfsec[ion) I aot Alternative f toulwidth(full sectioN-I50feet e{ ii I D ~ln9 I I ; f v Median r Thmlane Thrulane Thrulane Frontage BOad Parking Ce t~I I Property u ILine Multi-way Blvd. total width (halfsection)-75 feet Alternative total width (fullsection)-150feet „ki x Thrulane Thmlane Thmlane/ Connectardrive Turn lane Property Line I Center Line Asymmetrical totalwidth(halfsection)- 67 feet Plan(eastside) totalwidth(full section-134fim: Altenii Figure 2: Cross-Sections of the Three Alternatives *All public roadway improvements should be located within the 150-foot (or less) right-of-way section. For specifics on roadway design, turning motions, etc., please refer to conceptual roadway diagrams in the Appendix. 3r,cox W.R. City Park ~Ume ~aa Gev:fknF'In=. RCge f'Comm Roads ASS S nmm oea.~. v. ea g_ z aoecr«~ Zoe 400 rye: State Plane Coordinate Projection Colorado Central Zone Datum'. NAD83 DISCLAIMER NOTICE This s a pictorial representation of geographic and demographic information. Reliance upon the accuracy, reliability and authority of this information is solely the requesters responsibility, The City of Wheat Ridge, in Jefferson County, Colorado- a poidical subdivision of the State of Colorado, has compiled for as use certain computerized information. This information is available to assist in identifying general areas of concern only. The computerized infonnatioo provided herein should only be relied upon vhth corroboration of the methods, assumptions. and results by a qualified independent source. The user of this information shall indemnify and hold free the City of Wheat Ridge from any and all liabilities, damages, lawsuits, and causes of action that result as a consequence of his reliance on information provided herein. feat idge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 303.234,5900 DATE'. 0612512008 65 li-,Zj; i c 6 e e~ City of `7Vheatdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Community Development Referral Form Date: June 16, 2008 Response Due: June 27, 2008 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a change of zoning conditions and amended Outline Development Plan (ODP) on property zoned PCD, Planned Commercial Development, located at 3700 Kipling Street. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WZ-08-04/ Design Concepts for City of Wheat Ridge Request:: Approval of a change of zoning conditions for property zoned Planned Commercial Development. The property is approximately 7.3 acres in size and is proposed to be developed as a public park. The existing Outline Development Plan, known as Westhaven Park Planned Commercial Development, does not allow a public park as a permitted use and must be modified to allow the park to be developed. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Meredith Reckert Voice: 303.235.2848 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: mreckert(a)ci.wheatridae.co.us DISTRIBUTION: Water District (Consolidated Mutual) Sanitation District (Westridge) Fire District (Wheat Ridge) AT&T Broadband-' Xcel Energy Qwest Communications Colorado Department of Transportation Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Economic Development Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Parks Dept. "The Carnation City" Vicinity Map "The Carnation City" DESIGN CONCEPTS Community and Landscape Architects June 13, 2008 Community Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 To Whom It May Concern: 303.664.5301 ~,I I,ne 303.664.53131 ,..mug The -intent of this submittal is to amend the approved ODP to allow for new park construction. This preliminary plan has been approved by City Council, Planning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Department, and the public. The proposed ODP will serve as a community park. The park will contain a grass practice field, a small grass amphitheater, restroom, several picnic shelters, playground, skate park, parking lot, landscaping, and detention pond. The park will serve a wide range of residents, and will enhance the image of the City of. Wheat Ridge. Please contact us with any questions. Sincerely, , Erik Sprifig. Design Concepts 21 1 N. Public Road Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 concepts@dcla.net www.dcla.net 06/13/2008 1400 FAN 3032352857 PLANNING 3032352846 la 001/003 4r ~ LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 290 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Applicant ~EStGaJ Ga,JecP15 Address 211 N, ?vattc- eI. *ZDD Phone-3-051664-5-Pal City State GO zip $olo2 Fax3o3/664-5313 OwaerGn- aF ?-\o 2E Address7500 Ott, aet`y Ave, Phone 235-?S46 City +kcc Q.Dcs,r- State Go T_zip S0033 Fax-AeJi3s-2ss7 Contact UoYoe AAAr✓x4Ak.tN6t Addrass'{60-5' KIPL-id n S-M T Phoue3ozz31-1348 City 4 =c IZ.O WE, State C o Zip J?w33 Pax a31-13so (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public I-leering, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (address):. Z700 K tPt-~4cn STe--rr Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): / Application subndW requiremenLr on reverse side M Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Special Use Permit ❑ Consolidation Plat Q Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) ❑ Flood Plain Special Exception ❑ Subdivision: Major (Mpm than 5 lots) ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ❑ Right of Way Vacation ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Temporary Use, Building, Sign ❑ Site Development Plan approval ❑ Variance/Waiver (from Section ) ❑ Other: Detailed description of request: M'C/JhM'c/Ti -Td exis-TUJc, WESTttAvsV eAp-r- APN-tcAria,i o ~4wo / Foe P~S~t~ PaeK co rsrzi~Tta,a. Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: Size of Lot (acres or square footage): Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: Current Use: Proposed Use: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attome om a owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applicant J NY o tome this 13 day of J vwr- 2008 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO Notary Pub y con t sion expires `1 a 10s To be filled out by staff: bate roccivcd Fees Receipt No. Cane No. to.7-4?65 Comp Plen Dcsig. _ Zoning ;Pr-D Quarter Section Map Related Case No. Pre-App Mtg. Date Case Manager_ 4Q. DESIGN 0 N C E P T S Community and Landscape Architects 211 N. Public Rd., Suite tel. 303.664.5301 200 fax 303.664.5313 Lafayette, CO 80026 www.dcla.net DATE: June 13, 2008 TO: Meredith Reckert Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29``' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-235-2848 FROM: Erik Spring PROJECT: 38`' & Kipling Park SUBJECT: ODP Submittal #I ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND: Transmittal ❑ Mail 0 Courier ❑ Overnight ❑ For Pick Up ❑ Hand Delivered ❑ Fax No. of Pages (including cover) ❑ Original will follow Original will not follow Description Letter of Request ODP Documents (24" x 36") ODP Documents (I In x 17") Preliminary Drainage Report Land Use Application THESE ARE BEING SENT: 0 For Your Information/Use El For Your Approval 0 For Your Review 0 For Distribution ❑ Other: Comments: Copies to: By: C Pages Copies Dated 1 1 6/13/08 4 16 6/13/08 4 1 6/13/08 3 6/13/08 1 1 6/13/08 ❑ As Requested ❑ For Your Files 111.1rr1 \'J`Jtlll CONSULTING ENGINEERS Preliminary Drainage Report Wheat Ridge City Park At 3700 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado JVA, Inc. 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 P: (303) 444-1951 F: (303) 444-1957 JVA Project No, 1518c June 13, 2008 Revised July 28, 2008 July 28, 2008 Mr. David Brossman, PE City of Wheat Ridge - Engineering Development Review Public Works Administration 2nd floor 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Preliminary Drainage Report - Wheat Ridge City Park City of Wheat Ridge JVA Job No. 1518c Dear David: As requested by the City of Wheat Ridge, JVA has prepared an analysis of the historic and developed drainage patterns for the proposed park development at 3700 Kipling Street. The following stormwater report has been produced in accordance with the City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements. It is our understanding that the information provided herein meets the requirements of the City of Wheat Ridge for the drainage study and plan submission required for the Outline Development Plan. INTRODUCTION The City of Wheat Ridge proposes the construction of a recreational park at 3700 Kipling Street. The legal description of the property is: a part of the West one half of the Northwest one quarter of the Northwest one quarter of section 27, Township 3 south, Range 69 west of the sixth principal meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. The site runs for three blocks, north and south between Kipling and Johnson streets from West 35th Avenue to West 38`h Avenue. The north portion of the site is bordered by the Apple Ridge Cafe and associated parking. The development plans and this drainage report currently include the areas directly to the east of the Apple Ridge Cafe. To the South and East of the site is residential development and light commercial to the West. The site is undeveloped and slopes between 5 and 9 percent from South to North. There is un- maintained grass over the majority of the site and no trees. No major drainage exists on the site although there is an irrigation ditch that runs along the East boundary. The site is approximately 2300 feet from Clear Creek and all existing drainage from the site makes its way to Clear Creek via Lena Gulch. The site is not in the 100 year flood plain (see appendix for FEMA map). The proposed construction is a recreational park with associated parking, concrete walks, an amphitheater, basketball court, covered picnic shelters, and a possible skate park. The majority of the park will be maintained landscaping. HISTORIC DRAINAGE The historic drainage is a single major basin of approximately 8.34 acres with an average imperviousness of 2%. The major basin can be divided into three sub basins. Runoff from basin Hl, with an approximate area of 6.19 acres, sheet flows across the basin and leaves the site along Kipling where it is collected by a public storm drain system and discharges to Clear Creek via Wheat Ridge City Park July 28, 2008 Page 2 of 3 Lena Gulch. Runoff from basin H2, with an approximate area of 1.97 acres, sheet flows across the basin and leaves the site in the vicinity of the Apple Ridge Cafe and is conveyed to Clear Creek via a public storm drain system. Runoff from basin H3, with an approximate area of 0.17 acres, sheet flows across the basin and leaves the site via the irrigation ditch that transects the North East comer of the site. Offsite basin, OS I, comprised of approximately 10,000 square feet of paved road and 6,600 square feet of landscaping flows onto the site from the south. The flows from this offsite basin join the flows from basin Hl and leave the site via the Kipling Street public storm drain system. DEVELOPED (PROPOSED) DRAINAGE The developed site is composed of three drainage basins. Basin Al is the area above and tributary to the proposed detention pond. Proposed runoff from basin Al will sheet flow across the basin from south to north and be routed to the detention pond. Basin A2 is the area of the site along Kipling that will not be diverted to the detention pond but continue to sheet flow to the storm drain system along Kipling. Basin A3 is the area of the site below the prosed detention pond that will continue to flow to the public storm drain system along West 389 Avenue. The pond flows will be routed to the public storm drain system and will be conveyed to Clear Creek via Lena Gulch. The following Table 1 is a summary of the historic site runoff and proposed developed site runoff for the 5 year and 100 year storm analyzed using the Rational Method: Table 1: Runoff Summary Basin 5 Year Flow 100 Year Flow H1 3.04 cfs 14.88 cfs H2 1.08 cfs 5.94 cfs H3 0.78 cfs 0.78 cfs 0s1 0.49 cfs 1.20 cfs TOTAL 5.40 cfs 22.80 cfs Al 6.57 cfs 23.66 cfs A2 0.31 cfs 1.93 cfs A3 0.63 cfs 2.77 cfs 0s1 0.46 cfs 1.20 cfs TOTAL 7.96 cfs 29.55 cfs Wheat Ridge City Park July 28, 2008 Page 3 of 3 CONCLUSIONS The historic site has an average imperviousness of 2%. The proposed site will include approximately 19,580 square feet of paved parking, 53,780 square feet of concrete walk, and 2,433 square feet of roof area. The proposed development will increase average imperviousness from 2% to approximately 22% and increase runoff flows by approximately 2.56 cubic feet per second during the five year storm event and 6.74 cubic feet per second during the 100 year storm event. Detention will be provided by an onsite detention pond per city of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements and flows from the detention pond will be routed to the existing irrigation ditch that transects the Northeast corner of the site. The detention pond will be designed to over-detain for the increased flows generated by the proposed development. Please note that this preliminary stormwater report was prepared under my direct supervision in accordance with the City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements, and complies with the provisions thereof It is understood that the City of Wheat Ridge does not and will not assume liability for drainage facilities designed by others. If you have any questions or comments regarding this Preliminary Stormwater Report submission, please feel free to call us to discuss. JVA, INCORPORATED Xotll Karl Smith Design Engineer Charles R. Hager, IV P.E. Senior Project Manager rr 6 0 6 W a rn $ W 2 U Z t 4 1- t- m 2 W t- Z 3 FIGURE 5-1 EXAMPLE 5,2 TIME - INTENSITY - FREQUENCY CURVES T. 3 S. , R.66 W. 5-I-84 URBAN DRAINAGE A FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 13 5 .1 RUNOFF 3 0 v 3 ~ o # x y e 2 i. ~ p V .]e Sy 3 3 U by J e O ` U ~ O = A v V y oJ y~e Sv 20 V P~ VS e by y OJ e v ~ J ~ 3e d y v a J~ c 4r e y 40 O P Sy 'f yy Ce e yy Q~ Ce V tir 3 py V y k r yy h O S p -ti y ye y oSy 4 ~ ~ e A P l Qe .2 .3 .5 1 2 3 5 10 20 VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECOND FIGURE 3-2. ESTIMATE OF AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY FOR USE WITH THE RATIONAL FORMULA. *MOST FREQUENTLY OCCURRING "UNDEVELOPED" LAND SURFACES IN THE DENVER REGION. REFERENCE: "Urban Hydrology For Small Watersheds" Technical Release No. 55, USDA, SCS Jan. 1975. I DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL 50 30 F 20 2 W U K W IL 10 Z w a O 5 in W w 3 7 O V 2 W a 3 1 5-1-84 URBAN DRAINAGE & FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT TABLE RO.3 Recommended Percentage Imperviousness Values Land Use or Surface Characteristics Percentage Imperviousness Business: Commercial areas 95 Neighborhood areas 85 Residential: Single-family Multi-unit detached 60 Multi-unit attached 75 Half-acre lot or la er Apartments 80 Industrial: Light areas 80 Heavy areas 90 Parks, cemeteries 5 Playgrounds 10 Schools 50 Railroad and areas 15 Undeveloped Areas: Historic flow analysis 2 Greenbelts, agricultural 2 Off-site flow analysis when land use not defined 45 Streets: Paved 100 Gravel (packed) 40 Drive and walks 90 Roofs 90 Lawns, sand soil 0 Lawns, clayey soil 0 *See Figures RO-3 through RO-5, Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, Volume 1, June 2001, for percentage imperviousness. 14 TABLE RO.5 Runoff Coefficients, C Percentage Imperviousness Type C and D NRCS Hydrologic Soil Grou s 2- r 5- r 10- r 25- r 50- r 100- r 0% 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.37 0.44 0.50 5% 0.08 0.18 0.28 0.39 0.46 0.52 10% 0.11 0.21 0.30 0.41 0.47 0.53 15% 0.14 0.24 0.32 0.43 0.49 0.54 20% 0.17 0.26 0.34 0.44 0.50 0.55 25% 0.20 0.28 0.36 0.46 0.51 0.56 30% 0.22 0.30 0.38 0.47 0.52 0.57 35% 0.25 0.33 0.40 0.48 0.53 0.57 40% 0.28 0.35 0.42 0.50 0.54 0.58 45% 0.31 0.37 0.44 0.51 0.55 0.59 50% 0.34 0.40 0.46 0.53 0.57 0.60 55% 0.37 0.43 0.48 0.55 0.58 0.62 60% 0.41 0.46 0.51 0.57 0.60 0.63 65% 0.45 0.49 0.54 0.59 0.62 0.65 70% 0.49 0.53 0.57 0.62 0.65 0.68 75% 0.54 0.58 0.62 0.66 0.68 0.71 80% 0.60 0.63 0.66 0.70 0.72 0.74 85% 0.66 0.68 0.71 0.75 0.77 0.79 90% 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.80 0.82 0.83 95% 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.87 0.88 0.89 100% 0.89 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.95 0.96 Type B NRCS Hydrologic Soils Group 0% 0.02 0.08 0.15 0.25 0.30 0.35 5% 0.04 0.10 0.19 0.28 0.33 0.38 10% 0.06 0.14 0.22 0.31 0.36 0.40 15% 0.08 0.17 0.25 0.33 0.38 0.42 20% 0.12 0.20 0.27 0.35 0.40 0.44 25% 0.15 0.22 0.30 0.37 0.41 0.46 30% 0.18 0.25 0.32 0.39 0.43 0.47 35% 0.20 0.27 0.34 0.41 0.44 0.48 40% 0.23 0.30 0.36 0.42 0.46 0.50 45% 0.26 0.32 0.38 0.44 0.48 0.51 50% 0.29 0.35 0.40 0.46 0.49 0.52 55% 0.33 0.38 0.43 0.48 0.51 0.54 60% 0.37 0.41 0.46 0.51 0.54 0.56 65% 0.41 0.45 0.49 0.54 0.57 0.59 70% 0.45 0.49 0.53 0.58 0.60 0.62 75% 0.51 0.54 0.58 0.62 0.64 0.66 80% 0.57 0.59 0.63 0.66 0.68 0.70 85% 0.63 0.66 0.69 0.72 0.73 0.75 90% 0.71 0.73 0.75 018 0.80 0.81 95% 0.79 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.87 0.88 100% 0.89 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.95 0.96 16 `a a up C w N 7 c W S U ar U w a 3 m N a~ E E~w Z ZdY Y a~o~n m rn m rtl 4 IL N O R 7 V R V c O R V V L ~ R O aU w Q V d E _ W R d t V V tl= W O CQ G O V d° ~ O N W Om! 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T v';t j (t .,re y r,-~ t r. Si ~i; 5 `s 1, . tX', ","i T qcA i'~ `,l HIS TORIC DRAINAGE MAP SHEET NO. _ I J CONSULTING ENGINEERS Preliminary Drainage Report Wheat Ridge City Park At 3700 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado JVA, Inc. 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 P: (303) 444-1951 F (303) 444-1957 JVA Project No. 1518c 5`,l ~Ul June 13, 2008 June 13, 2008 Mr. David Brossman, PE City of Wheat Ridge - Engineering Development Review Public Works Administration 2nd floor 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Preliminary Drainage Report - Wheat Ridge City Park City of Wheat Ridge JVA Job No. 1518c Dear David: JVA, Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303 444.1957 Toll Free: 877.444.1951 Web site www.jvajva.com E-mail: info@jvajva.com As requested by the City of Wheat Ridge, JVA has prepared an analysis of the historic and developed drainage patterns for the proposed park development at 3700 Kipling Street. The following storrawater report has been produced in accordance with the City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements. It is our understanding that the information provided herein meets the requirements of the City of Wheat Ridge for the drainage study and plan submission required for the Outline Development Plan. INTRODUCTION The City of Wheat Ridge proposes the construction of a recreational park at 3700 Kipling Street. The legal description of the property is: a part of the west one half of the northwest one quarter of the northwest one quarter of section 27, township 3 south, range 69 west of the sixth principal meridian, city of Wheat Ridge, county of Jefferson, State of Colorado. The site runs for three blocks, north and south between Mpling and Johnson streets from West 35 Avenue to West 38th Avenue. The north portion of the site is bordered by the Apple Ridge Caf6 and associated parking. To the south and east of the site is residential development and light commercial to the west. The site is undeveloped and slopes between 5 and 7 percent from south to north. There is maintained grass over the majority of the site and no trees. No major drainage exists on the site although there is an irrigation ditch that runs along the east boundary. The site is approximately 2300 feet from Clear Creek and all existing drainage from the site makes its way to Clear Creek. The site is not in the 100 year flood plain (see appendix for FEMA map). The proposed construction is a recreational park with associated parking, concrete walks, an amphitheater, basketball court, covered picnic shelters, and a possible skate park. The majority of the park will be maintained landscaping. HISTORIC DRAINAGE The historic drainage is a single basin of approximately 8.34 acres with an average imperviousness of 2%. An offsite basin comprised of approximately 5600 square feet of paved road and 4200 square feet of landscaping flows onto the site from the south. Runoff sheet flows across the site from south to north and makes its way to the roadside ditch along Kipling Street where it is conveyed to Clear Creek via Lena Gulch. B 0 U L D E R I F 0 R T C 0 L L I N S I W I N T E R P A R K I B 0 Z E M A N Wheat Ridge City Park June 13, 2008 Page 2 of 2 DEVELOPED (PROPOSED) DRAINAGE The developed site is composed of a single drainage basin. Proposed runoff will sheet flow across the site from south to north and make its way to the roadside ditch along Kipling Street where it will be conveyed to Clear Creek via Lena Gulch. The following Table 1 is a summary of the historic (Basin Hl) and proposed developed (Basin Al) runoff for the 5 year and 100 year storm analyzed using the Rational Method: Table 1: Runoff Summary Basin Design Point 5 Year Flow 100 Year Flow H1 H1 4.00 cfs 22.80 cfs Os1 Os1 0.49 cfs 1.25 cfs TOTAL 4.49 cfs 24.05 cfs Al Al 5.78 cfs 24.15 cfs Os1 Os1 .49 cfs 1.25 cfs TOTAL 6.27 cfs 25.40 cfs CONCLUSIONS The impervious area of the historic site and the proposed site are very similar, with an increase in imperviousness and resultant runoff for the proposed development. Detention will be provided by an onsite detention pond per city of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements. Please note that this preliminary stormwater report was prepared under my direct supervision in accordance with the City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements, and complies with the provisions thereof. It is understood that the City of Wheat Ridge does not and will not assume liability for drainage facilities designed by others. If you have any questions or comments regarding this Preliminary Stormwater Report submission, please feel free to call us to discuss. JVA INCORPORATED K &I Smith Design Engineer Sri I~REG~sr ~~i R. N,y%F9F 7146 - . Charles R. Hager, Senior Project Mz 9 8 7 ¢ 0 6 x W a 5 x U 2 4 N r 2 W f- 2 3 2 1 O 16 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 TIME IN MINUTES FIGURE 5-1 EXAMPLE 5.2 TIME - INTENSITY - FREQUENCY CURVES T. 3 S. , R.66 W. 5-1-84 URBAN DRAINAGE 6 FOOD CONTROL OISTRICT 13 TABLE RO3 Recommended Percentage Imperviousness Values Land Use or Surface Characteristics Percentage Imperviousness Business: Commercial areas 95 Neighborhood areas 85 Residential: Single-family Multi-unit detached 60 Multi-unit attached 75 Half-acre lot or Iar er Apartments 80 Industrial: Light areas 80 Heavy areas 90 Parks, cemeteries 5 Playgrounds 10 Schools 50 Railroad and areas 15 Undeveloped Areas: Historic flow analysis 2 Greenbelts, agricultural 2 Off-site flow analysis when land use not defined 45 Streets: Paved 100 Gravel (packed) 40 Drive and walks 90 Roofs 90 Lawns, sand soil 0 Lawns, clayey soil 0 *See Figures RO-3 through RO-5, Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, Volume 1, June 2001, for percentage imperviousness. 14 v r n So e w > ami ~ c W U a m K s 'e 3 ' N `mq 0 m a, E EOy zYimY i 2 l NT avM~~ ~SOmN a o2~QQ =tny°pn Qf'9m ii N C O _R V U C O R L ti+ d V L ~ l0 O a V w O V Cd d G_ IL _ r d s ~ O U O y C G. E O U 3° ~ Q N 0 W N N O 9 C a> mQ O ~a n L E E 2.2 rn m `ooo m m s U LL 0 ~ N O ~ m 42 m m J m m ~ V a o U 0 a U w R F N ES s~ EvEi m~~ LL CIS ' may Y b O C t J~ m C 0 .v °u y 2 AS m m ~Na J ~ J v OUII U ~ s.E yo^ m°Eq ~x m.2 m E _ Z ~ ti ^ r r _ m m O o 0 I O e N 10 m I my C1 r(7 O) W mNN J v mC .'E m~ym E r ~ 9 U m~ NON N O e ly N CJ 0 E n Oy0 o j 0 Ij coo O NNM c U occ L m ~ 1° N ~ U 000 U o n o00 e N~~ ~ AMA < m O m r m ri~ri Q m m m 2 ~ n Q ~ N O a a 0 1 s g m y v e m ~G ~Nf$m 1/ l V ~ v b M Q N ~ 'o oa N In yo m i~¢ O O 0 LL J O 3 c m° w C U ~ a O n. K m O 0 z ~ 3 o d L 0 d c O N D O E Ee m Z Z y Y 0 a a. oAORa a a ~a~om o m mrn o ~'M O O a inm~.- Y :r n00 ~Y c?U? =a oo V) a = 9MM m- ° LL W ~~m a ~ G (D Z W N o G ''J . cl: d E O ' N (sio) OIG (J4N!) dE (0e) V.0 1 I (u1w) of J ~ua!ogiaop~ ~ouny ° (oe) eejvjM N G C ° 0 (aio) I O U4/u!) (De)w 0 c (UIW): m D luaio!gao; goun; d Q (Oa) aaJ' K O a m 0 0 N M N 6 U 0 0 m DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL (V. 1) RUNOFF CA = Runoff coefficient for Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Type A soils CB = Runoff coefficient for NRCS Type B soils CcD = Runoff coefficient for NRCS Type C and D soils K,, = Correction factor for Type A soils defined in Table R04 KcD = Correction factor for Type C and D soils defined in Table RO-4 TABLE RO-4 Correction Factors KA and KcD for Use With Equations RO-6 and RO-7 Storm Return Period NRCS Soil Type 2-Year 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year C and D 0 -0.10i+0.11 -0.18i+0.21 -0.28i+0.33 -0.33i+0.40 -0.39i+0.46 A 0 -0.08i+0.09 -0.14i+0.17 -0.19i+0.24 -0.22i+0.28 -0.25i+0.32 The values for various catchment imperviousnesses and storm return periods are presented graphically in Figures RO-6 through RO-8, and are tabulated in Table RO-5. These coefficients were developed for the Denver region to work in conjunction with the time of concentration recommendations in Section 2.4. Use of these coefficients and this procedure outside of the semi-arid climate found in the Denver region may not be valid. See Examples 7.1 and 7.2 that illustrate the Rational method. The use of the Rational method in storm sewer design is illustrated in Example 6.13 of the STREETS/INLETS/STORM SEWERS chapter. 06/2001 15 RO-10 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District JVA, Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Pond Volume Calculations: PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN A V=KA 5 year Pond Volume: K5 = (0.77*I-2.26)/1000 100 year Pond Volume: K1oo = (1.78*1-0.002*IA2-3.56)/1000 Job Name: City of Wheat Ridge Park Job Number: 1518c Date: 0610912008 By: KSS I = 14.0% I = Percent Impervious Iwq = 14.0% Iwq from Figure ND-1, Level 0 A = 8.34 acres A = Tributary Area i = 0.14 i = Iwq/100 K5= 0.00852 K1oo = 0.020968 V5 = 0.07 ac-ft = 3094 CF V100 = 0.17 ac-ft = 7614 CF WQCV = 0.088 watershed inches Vwq= 0.07 ac-ft = 3209 CF V5required = 0.14 ac-ft = 6303 CF V10oreguired = 0.17 ac-ft = 7614 CF V5 = K5*A Vim = K1oo*A NQCV = A*(0.91 iA3-1.19iA2+0.781 Vwq = (WQCV/12)*A*1.2 V5required = V5 + Vwq V100regd,d = V100 w ° gE N o d~°~u B LL'W ~M ~ 9 WN 1..p p w wm E. yt 8b L~ ° a O aq 06 gN GN 6 ~ it ~ 1~ ,aK¢ ~ ~ He 31i tL0 I-2 g LLp ~ z AA- [ O [NN pyq P~~ ag [gEe W^'j '~1 W e V Q Iff G a~ 8 8 y $ qm a'8ag LF~~m€~ Q E O t~ k 9 88 z• s +S Q LL 14 Idd9$x~ ~ ca U y % o = H O G4 p ga . & ] Ltd B N p§ °Ot 5 E L '2 ° a Q $$D S{ Yi O N Q W U 4 LL ~SS ' l E r O 7 7 a t~ U F7 W a ffi '-E a a N S O M MS. w° ` ' ~3 o aa 'x8 W 'n r 1 r r O O131j' az' Q O131d s 6 N 1S tl3M0l1 'gxl a W W + '3 py y ~ I Y a AV T d W ;„~.Yy-1, J~ 15 NOSItltlVD D K --.ez p. 133tl1S 133tl1S NOSItltlVD, U MZ r~ rSv !Rjgg W4. a°Z: c. 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W e TIHn00 tl3IIIW M\~-~ °It. p apJ 2bp :ILn(JO H3lIIW Ow roQ m a J 0 4 J-33tl15 3d0OW a-~ 3tlOOW J 1S 3tlO0W dpi 0 ? ~~(5 a, `z r L'^oe, f 1p J10 300W 0 tiw 00 N '^a S')Ji S y ° + . u .i33tl1S NO3 SlN af m Q ~ y DNVH ~ ? N '3 a g x" F` ~ 3, 13 1 ~tl, $ VWM9 > 1S J 2 a NOS13N rv `k _ ~ o z [ Q a m °i a s~3 EHnO31S Zw~ x w NVO 771 . - m 133111s NVO ' 3UM 0 ~U i3 my ~ 0. y F . M Q ~ ~b 'J Y F 5i X q { 1S SN3MO I NJ F p W G ,n a M a < m y O _ :i!..3 aa: W 10 SN3M0 t~i ~b0 I1~i_ Boulder, ~ ~~I302 f~hr~ne: 3D3. .1~~1 Fax: 303,444.1 X57 ~__rr~~il: infc~~~~a~~~.cc~m I I 4 4 ~ ~~x A. < ~ a n r x V~ ,i , - 'ri..P v+, Y } o a `r s T .Y._. u E } ~ w` ~ ~ a ' { z v _.+~~~.n .s r.u,. .....ass,.. .,..>vY s. u....in r. tra s~g._..~.ai rv.n ss. i..s~ . ..3 d~ A , . , . . m ,a. t T S y R s ~M a~ w ,r.~x :,u , ~ a:nxr e,,.. ~<.,n ~,a „..a..... .o ka,F r::~SvSa k.*'#s[W' ,T ...i.✓.Fx a ~.5 ,.n ..jai.. .r .v x r r. ~.n u.i~ _ n r.,x -Y of ..,,-~nr iFs y p 1 /u Y c a n ~ a x a ,a.e mr.y . - , , . , .F rv r ~ , s ~ @..kt + 5 i & 's ~ S S S ~ .q r p ~ k' e ~ u' iy f 4 S 4 ~ 2 a.. e ~ ~ a Y : 3 ~ ~ `R } f 4 ~ i ~ ~S ~i ~ ~ ~ a t v P~ f ~ ~ e, ~ ~ t ~ a .tY:r j f f ~ n. 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'tir 4s ~ ~n6. e - n ~ r, 5 G Th i y ~ ~'q ~g £ h, M~ u ' t ~ - - r . ~ k ~ 3 . ; . "la < ,,~-s .#~,~~.:s~e., y t` ~ fir: M,~4'*-~>F'1' ~ 4 99 r ',.T 9 ~ nwn'-. ~ r ~ ~ A 3 ~ F ~ • \u .2 l w =,r~ ' a ~ 5 ,F ' ' w . _ _ r_. r y qe~ . ~.n z E !f, i ez. ~ GAS^.. a ~ . - , x r c } e t. , - } s i r r' ~ r r . t i, Y . t ~s e z ~k 'as c 7~ ti°~ ^s. . t a °L~a A A = DEV .5 1.0 DRAINAGE BASIN IDENTIFICATION BUBBLE .5 = RU 1.0 = AR DFVFI OPFD RAIN r)rw.NATInN I 1 1 1 Case No.: 20804 Quarter Section Map No.: JNw• App: Last Name: Design Concevas Related Cases: I _ App: First Name: Case History: Change of zoning conditions andODP Owner: Last Name: o Citf Wheat Ridge amendmentt . . . Owner: First Name: c/o Joyce Manwaring App Address: 11 N. Public Rd., #200 Review Body: PC: 7117/08_ City, State Zip: Lafayette, CO 80026 Ph APN: 139-272.99-003 App: one: 303-664-5301 Owner Address: kOO5 Kipling St. 2nd Review Body: CC: 7/14108 .(1st) City/State/Zip: heat Ridge, CO 80033 2nd Review Date: I Owner Phone: 303-231-130 8 Decision-making Body: CC: 8/11/08 (2nd) P t Add . rojec ress: 3700 _ Approval/Denial Date: Street Name: Kipling Street City/State, Zip: heat Ridge, CO 80038 Reso/Ordinance No.: F Case Disposition: Conditio, `Approval: Project Planner: Reckert File Location: ctive Notes: Follow-Up: District: III Date Received: 6/16/2008. Pre-App Date: 3/20/2008 y G4.,f 9Wheat -Midge PARKS AND RECREATION Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council THROUGH: Randy Young, City Manager FROM: Joyce Manwaring, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: April 30, 2008 SUBJECT: 38~h and Kipling Park Design Concepts Study Session May 5, 2008 Item 2. Based on the study session comments from the April 21 meeting, three concept plans have been developed by the consultant, Carol Henry from Design Concepts, for the master plan design of the future park site at 380' and Kipling. These concept plans are based on the input received to date, which include the initial neighborhood meeting, the Park and Recreation Commission meeting and the joint study session with the Planning Commission and City Council. The process has also been expanded to include two additional input and review meetings by City Council. The dates for these input/review meetings by Council are scheduled for before and after the presentation to the neighborhood. The purpose of the first meeting is to share Council feedback on the concept designs with the neighborhood. The purpose of the second meeting is to share neighborhood comments with the Council and receive input prior to moving forward with the final design. The design process schedule and list of meetings is attached. Due to the short turnaround time between the April 21 study session when the initial input was received and the May 5 study session presentation, the concept plans will not be finalized until late Monday afternoon. Reduced copies of the concept plans will be handed out at the meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you. Public Meeting Schedule - 38"' and Kipling Park Design (revised as of 3/4/08) (Updated 3-30-08) (Updated 4130/08 Wed. March 19 Park Commission initial design input meeting 7pm - Recreation Center Conference Room Thurs, March 20 Pre-application meeting with development review team Thurs. April 3 Neighborhood initial design input meeting/mandatory neighborhood input for zone change to moth permitted land uses 6:30pm - Recreation Center Community Room Mon. April 21 Joint Study Session City Council and Planning Commission 6:30pm - City Council Chambers Mon. May 5 Study Session Concept Plans presentation Wed. May 7 Park Commission Concept Plans presentation 7pm Recreation Center Conference Room Wed. May 14 Neighborhood Concept Plan Presentation Meeting 6:30pm Recreation Center Community Room Mon. May 19 Study Session Neighborhood Meeting feedback direction on final Master Plan Wed. June 4 Neighborhood Final Plan Presentation Meeting 6:30pm Recreation Center Community Room Fri June 13 Submit land use application with revised ODP plans June 16 - June 27 Outside agencies and city departments referral period Wed. June 18 Park Commission Final Plan presentation Motion on recommendation to City Council 7pm Recreation Center Conference Room Mon June 30 Referral and review comments back to applicant Thurs July 3 Post property for PC public hearing Mon July 7 Submit revised plans for Planning Commission packet ATTACHMENT 1 Thurs. July 17 Planning Commission Meeting Approval of amended ODP Mon July 21 City Council first reading Mon July 28 Submit plans for City Council packet Mon July 28 Post property for CC public hearing Mon. August 11 City Council Meeting Approval of amended ODP public hearing - SKATEBOARD FEATURES - AMPHITHEATER & WATER PLAY - BASKETBALL - COMMUNITY BUILDING - GROUP PICNIC SHELTER & PLAZA - PLAY AREAS - PRACTICE MULTI-USE FIELD 38th and K " i FAee!VE NATURE AREA/AREA FOR REFLECTION FLOWER GARDENS SHADE SHELTERS LOOP WALK CHILDREN'S NATURAL PLAY AREA RESTROOMS city of Conceptual Site Ilan Option #1 Whcatj k dg~ DESIGN C U N E P F S PnxKS Avll RLC R64t fON „l.:.:i 50,_O„ PnD Kt~i \OMH &PLAZA PLAY AREA 38th and in F A551VE - NATIVE/VVILDLIFE AREA - GATEWAYS - UNPROGRAMMED SOD AREA - FOCAL POINT/ART PIECE - GARDEN OR WILDLIFE AREA - LOOP WALK Conceptual Site Plan o Option #3 ~ heat< _gc DESIU\~ ff C 0 N C E P T S 25, '90 75 i00' - BASKETBALL - WATER PLAY - GROUP SHELTER - PRACTICE MULTI-USE FIELD - DOG PARK - PLAYAREA 38th and i in FAael VE - WILDLIFE/NATIVE PLANTING AREA - ENTRY W/ SHADE SHELTERS - MAZE - CHILDREN'S GARDEN & NATURAL PLAY - RESTROOM - LOOP WALK - GATEWAYS - SHADE SHELTER Conceptual Site Plan o Option #2 wheattgd KS AND REGREAl ION _ge DESIGN ,CONCEPTS nI A". n._ Noi:rH Pagel of `2 Meredith Reckert From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 4:57 PM To: Joyce Manwaring Subject: RE: WEsthaven ODP Yes, the referendum was to overturn the commercial back to R-1 but it was defeated by the voters so the PCD zoning stayed in place. The referendum petition was submitted after the zoning on the property was approved by Planning Commission and City Council. The other thing to remember is through the zone change/ODP process, just as we are adding the park use, we can also take away commercial uses. 1 think we should look at the existing use list and eliminate most of them. We may want to add in things like public music venues and farmers' markets in case that would ever be acceptable for park activity in the future. That would probably make the suspicious area residents (like John McMillan) rest easier. From: Joyce Manwaring Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 4:18 PM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: RE: WEsthaven ODP So the referendum that went to the voters was to overturn the zoning change to commercial? IT failed and the ODP was passed by Planning Commission and City Council at the time it came in after the zoning change? Joyce Manwaring, Director Parks and Recreation 4005 Kipling St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 231-1308 (303) 231-1350 FAX j inanwaring@ci.wheatridge. co.us www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Healthy Lifestyles Liveable Caimiunities. It Starts In rks!NRPA From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 3:56 PM To: Joyce Manwaring Subject: RE: WEsthaven ODP No, I actually got some clarification. The zone change to PCD in 1982 had a referendum petition filed against it to overturn the commercial zone change. It went to the vote of the people and the referendum was not upheld, so no impact on existing zoning. 4/9/2008 Page 2 of 2 From: Joyce Manwaring Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 2:42 PM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: WEsthaven ODP Meredith, Would you confirm that ODP currently in place on 38th and Kipling was approved by voters? Was that a general election open to all WR voters or was it neighborhood only? (Park Commission questions). Thanks. Joyce Joyce Manwaring, Director Parks and Recreation 4005 Kipling St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 231-1308 (303) 231-1350 FAX jmanwariiig@ci.wheatridge.co.us www. ci.wheatridge. co.us Healthy Lifestyles. Liveable Communities. It Starts a k '.NRPA 4/9/2008 Apri14, 2008 Mr. Erik Spring and the Design Concept Team Design Concepts 211 N. Public Road Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 RE- 38`1'& Kipling Park Meeting (4-3-'08) I want to thank you, Shannon and Carol for how you conducted the first design meeting of our neighborhood park. You seemed to have an excellent grasp on the potential this property has for the kind of park the neighborhood would enjoy and all residents of the City of Wheat Ridge would be justifiably proud. Shannon did an excellent job at keeping the meeting as "civil" as possible. My "Comment Form" summary would be the same ideas I tried to verbalize last night. The neighborhood has been rightly concerned over many years that commercial interests would utilize the property to the detriment of the neighborhood. Even the 1980's zoning, described by Meredith Reckert last night, protected the neighborhood because of both height and percent of land to building use restrictions etc. In short, this zoning meant that only a "Denver West" type of business building designs would fit the limitations. Consequently, nobody bought the land from the Einersons with the restrictions intact. Although this happened before I moved to Colorado, the long-term neighborhood residents have described the united effort that was initiated to protect the neighborhood's interests. My two attached letters describe my concerns regarding a 1996 proposed purchase and a 2007 "scare" regarding property use. After the City of Wheat Ridge purchased the property with "Open Space" funds, the neighbors - many of whom were there last night - met in the middle of the field to brainstorm ideas about our future park. Ideas expressed at that time and which have stood the test of a decade of time include: I> A west side berm, trees and barrier to Kipling to muffle the noise, increase park safety (kids chasing balls unto Kipling etc.), create a visual barrier to the AutoZone view, and create a safe and pleasant walking path between 35`h and 38`h. Thus, many of us were very pleased with your initial presentation - including the removal of the power lines item. Kite lovers will rejoice. 2.> A central sheltered picnic area with bathrooms and a preschool age kids play options. Last night we didn't talk about this much I believe it was assumed to be central to any park concept. 3.> A trees/schrubs/flower beds designed into the large area to make to create a great park atmosphere for walking (with and without pets), with paths accessible for both strollers and wheel chairs, and - if at all possible - have connections to both Crown Hill and Clear Creek for riders on horseback and joggers. Last night there were many details presented that I'm happy to let the pros design and earn their pay. In many ways this field is an excellent "Artist's Canvas" that can result in a finished product that can exceed our fondest desires. You mentioned the 60 foot elevation drop would allow you to create some unique designs. I'm looking forward to your next presentation on this. 4.> The non-potable irrigation water available to the site also provides a unique opportunity to do something very special despite the drought potential. We were happy to hear that this asset was recognized and part of your initial plans. 5.> When sports amenities were discussed at the neighborhood meeting nobody was really for or against any of the potential options except that we felt that no priority should be given to duplicating facilities already available at the nearby schools, Wheat Ridge Recreation Center and other Wheat Ridge parks. Those of us who have been to the neighborhood meetings over the years and made our ideas known to Wheat Ridge City officials were taken back by the "Skate Board Park" emphasis presented by people from outside our immediate neighborhood - at least I've never seen them at any of the neighborhood functions or city meetings previously. I've seen a State-Of-The-Art (SOA) skateboard facility in Santa Barbara, CA recently and understand why enthusiasts would like that to be part of a new park purchased and maintained (including the liability insurance payments) by taxpayers. You must understand, however, that the neighborhood residents have been very patiently waiting for a park knowing and understanding the City's budget constraints, priorities, etc. We really don't want to lose our park to a skateboard (or another type of) facility at this time. My sense is that we should have nothing to worry about. However, we have seen strange things happen with political influence. Thus, a key question for both Design Concepts and City of Wheat Ridge planners Meridith Reckert, Joyce Manwaring, et al. is this: Is it possible that "Skate Boarders Incorporated" could essentially stuff a "Your Comments" type of "ballot box" so that the basic long-term neighborhood interests will be subverted? If so, I'm sure the neighborhood residents will create petitions, etc. to prevent this from happening. Overall, your company's presentation and handling of the meeting last night convinced me that an excellent company has been selected by the City of Wheat Ridge to do the design work on our neighborhood park. Sincerely, Dalmon M. Larson 9940 West 35"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Cc - Meridith Reckert & Joyce Manwaring - many neighborhood residents April 25, 2007 Mayor Jerry DiTullio City of Wheat Ridge Colorado 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 802115 Re: Potential Use Changes to the Wheat Ridge Park and Open Space, formerly known as the "Einersen property" South of 38`h Avenue and North of 35`h Avenue, between Kipling and Johnson. Dear Mayor DiTullio: As a Wheat Ridge resident and worker since 1990 I feel the need to once again put in writing some of the primary concerns nearby residents to the subject property have whenever potential commercial rezoning or property use changes for this property are considered that appear to ignore their interests. Frustrations have been verbally vented at neighborhood meetings, etc. over many years. Faced with the difficult task of "sorting out" the interests of the former property owners (Einersons), the proposed development plans of potential buyers, the concerns of neighbors, and the long-term best interests of the people of Wheat Ridge, a decision was made to purchase the property as a Wheat Ridge Park and Open Space area. At that time, this decision was enthusiastically applauded by nearby residents who had faced decades of uncertainty regarding various schemes to develop the property commercially. At the same time, however, we were told to be very patient because the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Wheat Ridge had many ongoing commitments and that even the planning stage for the development of the park was years in the future. Thus, at that time nobody was available to listen to neighborhood ideas for park development that included: I> a berm and tree line along Kipling to reduce street noise, 2.> the use of the property's right to irrigation water from the SW corner of the property (inherited from the apple orchard days of the property), and 3.> many safety features for kids at play. We were assured, however, that because "Open Space" money was used for the purchase, the property could not be rezoned, sold, or "traded away" by future political decisions. Today, two young mothers with babies in strollers indicated to me that changes to the property use are being considered. They were rightly upset because, as recent home buyers, the park area was an important part of their home-buying decision. If any proposals are now being considered to either sell or trade the property it would be an outrageous humiliation to all of the neighbors - not just recent homebuyers. Prior to the current "park zoning status" the neighborhood was protected by rather tight commercial zoning criteria for the property. The Hendry development project people of the mid 1990's put political spin and half truths like "It's our storage unit complex or liquor stores, unsavory enterprises, etc." or anything to make their development option to appear comparatively attractive. However, the 1984 zoning change had rigid criteria in regard to height of buildings, percentages of property for building, parking lots, and landscaped grounds. In other words, any development conducted under the 1984 zoning criteria had excellent zoning protection for the neighborhood. See the attached letter (D. M. Larson to Ms. Meredith Reckert, Wheat Ridge Planning Department, September 5, 1996) for additional neighborhood concerns at that time. Today's concern is based on your Drainage, Infrastructure, Roads, and Trails task force meeting of February 28, 2007. An idea - attributed to Mr. Schulz to exchange our Park and Open Space for other park land - was suggested. This idea probably has no foundation in reality for you and others but it has alarmed our neighborhood greatly. Since the planning phase of the Park and Open Space should be starting anytime now, you could announce it. Planning for the development of the Gretchen Cherveny City Park of Wheat Ridge, Colorado will be initiated on.... It would focus our neighbors on the planning of our long awaited Park instead of potential negative alternatives. If I can be of help to you in this process please let me know. Sincerely, Dalmon M. Larson 9940 W 35"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Cc- City Council Members - Neighborhood Residents Attachment September 5, 1996 Ms. Meredith Reckert Wheat Ridge Planning Department City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 VIA FAX 235-2857 Dear Ms. Reckert: Subject: Follow-up comments on Neighborhood Meeting of May 23, 1996 for Hendry Investments, Inc. plans for construction of Lock-N-Key Self Storage facility at 35th and Kipling. Mr. Jeff Bailey made a very professional and positive presentation on behalf of Hendry Investments, Inc. As probably all expected, the neighbors expressed many of their concerns in the form of questions and comments. NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) reactions were both expected and expressed. We all heard a healthy skepticism about many facets of their plans, which are very tentative plans. Thus, concerns about the type of protection we would receive from the City of Wheat Ridge in any preplanning activities, in overseeing the construction, and in the long-term oversight of the facility and adjacent property once it is built still remain. Your answers to how the process works were excellent at the May 23rd meeting. I apologize for not being able to attend last night's meeting. The current zoning protects us (adjacent home owners) now and in the future from the type of business use we see elsewhere, i.e., near 100% blacktop and buildings with messy dumpsters in the business backyard. Why is it necessary to rezone the property? The combination of streetside landscape, inside lawn area for the resident family, potential landscaping between this business site and the next business site to the North could meet current requirements. Just how close do the current plans come to meeting the current zoning requirements? I don't object to the proposed use of the property, as I understand it, only the zoning change. The current zoning meant that when we bought our homes we could expect usage like the Denver West Office complex, the Lakewood library, and other similar uses in which landscape concerns were addressed. Thus, my primary problem is that changing the zoning forever changes the rules for the future and diminishes real estate values. It is really only a secondary concern that we, the neighborhood residents are at risk of not really knowing what will occur when Lock-N-Key Storage opens for business. But ten years from now, commercial land value could easily make it profitable for Hendry Investments, Inc. (or the facility may have its third owner) to simply bulldoze the walls and buildings and rebuild within the new zoning restrictions of that time which could greatly devalue the neighborhood. At that time the City of Wheat Ridge officials (the majority of which will not have first hand information) will look at the paperwork from the current time period and determine what is legal. In short, what was said at the May 23rd and September 4th, meetings or will be said at future meetings will matter not at all. For these reasons I believe most of the neighbors want someone working for the City of Wheat Ridge to start giving us the real answers - in writing and for the record - to our real concerns. I admit naivete at this process but submit these questions at this time knowing the quality of the questions is limited. QUESTIONS FOR CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE OFFICIALS: Why does the property need to be rezoned for this application? Long-term residents fought a zoning battle in the early 1980's. Since then, a major concern in all adjacent residential property transactions has been the intended property use. As a prospective buyer in 1990 I learned that any commercial use of the property had limits as to both the percentage of building area and the percentage of concrete/black top surface area and a minimum requirement for landscape areas. A height restriction on the buildings also exists. Thus, the zoning for the property influenced both the desirability of our property for a home and the price paid. We knew that any negative 'impacts on adjacent property values caused by the development of the property were limited by the current zoning. I raised this question at the May 23rd meeting without receiving an answer. Who is the person, if any, who will work to protect the interests of adjacent property owners at the City of Wheat Ridge in this matter at this time? What are the limits of the efforts we can expect from this person? Who is involved in the current planning activities, in addressing safety concerns during construction, and in addressing the long-term oversight of the facility once it is built? Is there an alternative not yet presented which would allow the proposed use of the 35th & Kipling property by Hendry Investments, Inc. to proceed without the rezoning of the property? For example, could a waiver be drawn on current zoning restrictions to change the zoning from an x % landscape restriction to a y % landscape restriction for this particular use? Quite frankly, I'm not opposed to the Lock-N-Key use of the property if the landscape issues are addressed - which I believe there should be a way to do. • Does rezoning impact the entire property or just the part being purchased by Hendry Investments, Inc.? If the entire property is rezoned, how are the building limits changed for the other part of the property? It well could be that our real concern should be focused on this other property use. Any help in finding answers to these questions will be appreciated. Sincerely, Dalmon M. Larson 9940 West 35th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado cc- Mr. Stuart Hendry FAX (210) 341-2369 - Adjacent home owners 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/ 235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 ~o WHEgT~/O The City of m Wheat Ridge °°`°Rp°° NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Date: April 3, 2008 City Staff Present: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Joyce Manwaring, Director of Parks and Recreation Location of meeting: Wheat Ridge Recreation Center 4005 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property address: Southwest corner of W. 38th Avenue/Johnson Street (aka 38°i and Kipling Park) Property owners: City of Wheat Ridge Parks Department 4005 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-231-1308 Property Owner(s) present? Applicant representatives: Existing Zoning: Yes Carol Hendry, Shanen Weber, Erik Spring Design Concepts 211 N. Public Road Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-644-5301 PRD, Planned Residential Development Comprehensive Plan Designation: PRD (16 dwelling units/acre) Applicant's Proposal: The City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Department is initiating a master planning process for the property to develop it into a neighborhood park. The property has an approved Outline Development Plan for a commercial/office complex which was approved in 1983. As a park is not a permitted use in the recorded development plan, the underlying zoning document (ODP) must be modified to allow a public park as a permitted use. This is considered a change of conditions to the existing zoning. The following issues were discussed regarding the proposed amendment to the Westhaven Park Planned Commercial Development Outline Development Plan: Can the property be used commercially now or at any time in the future? Because the property was purchased with open space funds, it cannot be used commercially. If the property would convert to a commercial non park use, the City would have to reimburse Jefferson County for the purchase price. Who would be the applicant for the zone change application? The City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Department. Why not rezone the property to a "public" type of zone category such as PF, Public Facilities, to eliminate the possibility of a future commercial use? There were several different options for the zoning modification; however, it was decided that the planned commercial zoning with a specific ODP document was desirable for review by Planning Commission and City Council. It was unclear whether the PFzoning would get approved without an accompanying development plan for use of the property. The master plan design approved at the June 4 Neighborhood Plan Presentation Meeting will be the site plan component of the ODP document. Why wasn't the property ever developed commercially? There were many inquiries regarding development of the property prior to purchase by the City in 2000. The most serious proposal was to allow an "upscale" mini-storage facility. As this was not a permitted use, a process akin to a zone change was required. A neighborhood was held with numerous neighbors attending. The developer did not pursue the project further due to the negative reaction from the neighborhood. ff , ON of m . Wheat kdJge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 Neighborhood Meeting - April 3, 2008 Southeast corner of 38th & Kipling Property Facts: Property size: 8.3 acres (approx. 291' x 1295') Current Zoning: Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Rezoned in 1982 from R-1 to PCD (A planned development zone district is a zoning specifically tailored for a property which includes a list of land use, development standards and site plan) Approved development plan for the property is for up to six buildings in a commercial/office park with up to 35,100 s.f. of commercial retail and 94,000 s.f. of office space with a permitted building height of 35' Permitted uses on the property included business and professional offices (medical and dental offices, banks), service establishments (beauty shops, jewelry repair), retail uses (liquor store, electronic equipment, restaurants, appliance stores, grocery stores and hardware stores) and churches Public parks are not a permitted use under the existing zoning. What needs to occur to allow the additional use of a public park to an existing Planned Development zone? Property needs to go through a zone change process. See attached rezoning process chart. www.ci.wheatridge.co.us DESIGN CONCEPTS City of Wheat Ridge 38th & Kipling Park Master Plan Public Meeting April 3, 2008 AGENDA ITEMS • Welcome/Opening o Welcome o Introduction of staff and consultant team • Park Planning Process and P AND R Master Plan o Origin and history of the project • Community Development rezoning process • Project background o General site information - site survey and site photos • topography site drainage ■ views ■ surrounding neighborhoods • surrounding commercial use • traffic • Park Theming and Identity o Present image boards and slides • Identify issues and interests - public input • Discussion / Q&A session • Wrap up / next steps o Public meeting on May 14, 2008, 6:30pm at Rec. Ctr. Community Room 38th and Kipling Park Master Plan Design Meeting - Sign-in and Contact Info April 3, 2008 - 6:30-8:00 p.m. Name Address City State Zip Email Address Phone r f~ PS S- u~- 3~✓ X CJU 1 Sat- RoasA 9845 G,j_ 3`~~~~ 'FCO,:33 )Uous 2&eo,neas-~,Y'4 60 3-Y( , z-oosl (n~ v d( 1 ~'J ~l/'1~ JYU SS d t.~-e- _5 " cck,e.r Cd g 7~U a5~-Col(o ar )"ojd 6914Z, d4 9gOf r~ a 740-3i2-2S20 N J*k (00 qS"(42, F !y Ave_ G~,~ cz f eoB 90? ?oj/z3;L,5f& qtGw- Ave- V4.~ cc) n0 C D- -q - c~Q 5,~~ ~L v ln/> c o 6003Z o- l°iV +C~j'w ~r~ S ~D`3 Garr rvot~ C~ _000 Ce.jv,er4-a@- nSY7 .cov,-, ~~5~ d36fi r LA 3 ,.z C~'~c Ces M ; ~J/z,6j7 7r9 (¢Y~G ~BGL ~~Zx) 1&i. 36-('4AvG C,o 8o633 (Aom 38th and Kipling Park Master Plan Design Meeting - Sign-in and Contact Info April 3, 2008 - 6:30-8:00 p.m. Name Address city State Zip Email Address Phone CU 3 ~3> a 3,? 39 C 38th and Kipling Park Master Plan Design Meeting - Sign-in and Contact Info April 3, 2008 - 6:30-8:00 p.m. Name Address City State Zip Email Address Phone M-evc( ;7'5-6o oi. 2282 /4v-- / ('_t 6 c✓{ o °c! ~ ~U3 235 -78~!€' ~t'(Rviait'' ~fi ~ Cad-m1 yc~da C~ z «baJVvl. 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Y, r-aS7` ~ 3 83 38th and Kipling Park Master Plan Design Meeting - Sign in and Contact Into April 3, 2008 - 6:30-8:00 p.m. Name Address City State Zip Email Address Phone S C3 31 3 L04 w` C :511,) 3Z c~ 5-Svt (kv 3 3~ G~ C4~ ac°-2-g c e 3©3 38th and Kipling Park Master Plan Design Meeting - Sign-in and Contact Info April 3, 2008 - 6:30-8:00 p.m. Name Address City State Zip Email Address Phone 6Llf~h(C ~lilOc,~ l 03~ COCG yy 414 CNP~ 5-z 0+t (w l.c 339Wr l t S(, W~2~IridQ COS 13o~,, ra CcLw- e( Ste(„La '5075L4(G7 DlL .S Ld&Lk q45) VJ 315'" &L D3~ Et q77 Cd 36ACe~~ Co 8 033 L4 I Cv-er V- D) r, \A/ Z CO ~oo33 i z 777 c cOyxa5t,,ge-- 3 88z- q7 O7 3v 3 38th and Kipling Park Master Plan Design Meeting - Sign-in and Contact Info April 3, 2008 - 6:30-8:00 p.m. Name Address City State Zip Email Address Phone Lcc l._"cAl ~fl oL,~ te 77 a / M,,J` Z 0 AlcC .11 ~we &o ~s 39b CJvti kt 5 t < << l T~~►ar~~c eye r ~ ~~,~f,L. c~ 3~a~~-as h sA\\oq Yp_~cin r; 3390 &VA Oo 50033 ~ 3, R-Wr ct 21) - fo(l^~7 M t I IF{F. P. 38th and Kipling Park Master Plan Design Meeting - Sign-in and Contact Info April 3, 2008 - 6:30-8:00 p.m. Name Address City State Zip Email Address Phone ~12r QI~bS W 37 u2 e U3 k e C6 %W-i3 36 3 431 .9V O c SD 33 nw~_vv t' w~a~, , 3~ys8 ~3~5 (c c-~fr 163 0 , 37 7'1-1 ,q sic ° XAZitic- ~ 42 3 -yis "lil" ~acc~ reel c itn,i'1( 3~ A►~ ~0 Y-oo~uc "a(-~ cornc.VA_a~ M 7 Mo rl aA1 e _b C a4~e_ 5. 9 8 3 5 YJ 3 f~-` 1's1^~ Wl~t 12 CO 80033 Y~-~rn c_o a4c s k~kz C d d M n O d 0 O U.V N OD r 0 r O r~ '$•-U N C e- 47 M Y ~ D M V' R U a t c R Y N d 3 L ° LL N L N 6 N N •o " ~ Z ~ C d a c o c m v w e p 4 rnw _ m ~a~° o0 CL L y CL - a U L a a) w.~ (6 a O (D . , Z z W w C a i L ° m O O y rna N N ) m . a ~ N 'j rn d O 4 y d m . m m r ) rl I~ Q a a o Y a CL ~ N 0 C M o.0 a 3 T a i O W N (6 d r„ C N W O 5 U ii to ~=~3 y ~E~a3 ry N O N N M V ° C N U Co N N O ^V 0 O > O N 'O M tC o. E v Eu W _ Q O c O E p a) ` C d = S v i N p CU 0 2 0 a a) W d ^ W t d N E i= M 2 co a a a- yy co = '3 aM Qm •~O. Z City of Wheat1:Z':1Ae PARKS AND RECREATION City of Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Administration 4005 Kipling St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-4125 P:303.231.1300 17:303.231A350 The Parks & Recreation Department of the City of Wheat Ridge is proposing a change of zoning conditions and an amended outline development plan approval for property located at the southwest corner of 38t' & Johnson. A neighborhood meeting will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. at the Wheat Ridge Recreation Center (4005 Kipling St.). The purpose of the request is to allow a park as a permitted use in the existing Planned Commercial Development. The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a requirement that prior to any application for Rezoning or change of zoning conditions an applicant must notify all residents and property owners within 600 feet and invite them to a Neighborhood Input Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to allow the neighborhood a forum to express their concerns, issues and desires. A Staff Planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policies and regulations and the process involved, however, the Planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the public hearings in front of the Planning Commission and City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision-making process, it is imperative that you attend the public hearing. The kinds of concerns residents normally have include the following: • Is the proposal compatible with surrounding land uses and zoning? • Are there adequate utilities and services in place or proposed to serve the project? • What is the impact on our streets? • How will this proposal affect my property? • Where will the storm drainage go? • How will the project be designed to enhance rather than detract from the neighborhood? • What specific changes can be made in the proposal to make it more acceptable to me? If you have any questions, please call the Planning Division at: (303) 235-2846. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may mail comments or concerns to: City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 wwwxi.wheatridgexoxs FROM THE OFFICE OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT: O Planning: 303-235-2846 O Zoning: 303-235-2851 O Building: 303-235-2855 March 18, 2008 Dear Potential Applicant, Based on a radius search of 600 feet, attached is the Neighborhood Meeting List for Westhaven Park. The list includes the following: 1. 124 Owner Addresses 2. 37 Resident or Tenant Addresses 3. ? Multi-Dwelling/Mufti-Tenant Units (see attached) A fee is required for the would like a above list on labels, please include Please call me if you have any questions 303-235-2846. Sincerely, Kathy Field Administrative Assistant 7500 W. 29th Avenue • Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Fax: 303-235-2857 • Web Site: www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Easy Peel Labels f ® See Instruction Sheet 1 ~AVERY051600 I Use Avery® TEMPLATE 51600 'ed Paper for Easy Peel Feature GAYBIL-JERFRE LTD FRANKLIN JERRY D JR FIGLUS MARIA 3705 KIPLING ST 100 9700 W 38TH AVE 9775 W 36TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 GILMER JAMES I GILMER JANICE W 9805 W 36TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 GAZDIEWICH MICHAEL J 9715 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 FREELAND JAMES L FREELAND JOVITA R 9860 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 GRIFFITH TERRY R 9960 W 34TH DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 JAMES DOUGLAS TAYLOR TRUST CAROL M TAYLOR TRUST 13465 W 7TH DR GOLDEN CO 80401 JOHNSON LILLIE 2910 BLACK CANYON RD COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80904 KIPLING HEIGHTS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 8646 W COLFAX AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80215 KLITZ JANICE 3765 SWADLEY ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 KOOIMA SHERWIN KOOIMA RUTH ANN 9755 W 37TH AVE 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AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MIKS JOHN A MIKS ROSEMARY L 9855 W 34TH DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MR LAND LLC 10135 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 NEVILLE ALFRED R NEVILLE PATRICIA J 6662 E JACKSON CT HIGHLANDS RANCH CO 80130 Etiquettes faciles a peter A Consultez la feuille www.avery.com Utillsez le gabarit AVERY@ 51600 Sens de chargement d'instruction 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy Peel Labels Cb i ® MEE= See Instruction Sheet i AVERY 051600 Use Avery® TEMPLATE 51600 -d Paper for Easy Peel Feature, POPPE BRUCE A NEWELL ELOISE O GUIN REBECCA A POPPE GAY C 9870 W 34TH DR 9880 W 35TH AVE 66 SHELTON DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 BAILEY CO 80421 RANBERGER ROBERT J PETERS LAWRENCE P POLICH JACK G 9795 W 38TH AVE 9810 W 34TH DR POLICH HELEN E WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 9990 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ROUSH RONALD K PIZA HOLLY QUINTRALL JACQUELINE ROUSH PATRICIA E PIZA JOSE 9725 W 37TH AVE 9845 W 34TH DR 9840 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SARACENO NICHOLAS JR RICHEY DENNIS R RIGGIN RAY W SARACENO MARY ANN RICHEY CHERYL L RIGGIN JULIA P 3520 JOHNSON ST 9865 W 37TH AVE 3380 KLINE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SECOND CONVENIENCE STORES RUSSELL CHARLENE SAALWAECHTER JOAN M PROPERTIES CORP NELSON OLGA J 3656 KLINE ST PO BOX 52085 3370 KIPLING ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 PHOENIX AZ 85072 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SHAFER STEVEN C SENDTKO MARK D SCHIEWE MICHAEL W SHAFER A MARJEAN SENDTKO SANDRA K SCHIEWE JESSICA C 9745 W 36TH AVE 9800 W 34TH DR 3580 LEE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 STEINMAN THOMAS L SINGER STEPHEN H STANFIELD GUY J 9880 W 34TH DR SINGER FRANCES R STANFIELD SUZANNE P WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 9810 W 36TH AVE 9870 W 37TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WEBER ANDREA L STOREY TIMOTHY L TPR ACQUISITION GROUP LLC REBEL KYLE R STOREY AMY H PO BOX 9867 9720 W 36TH AVE 9860 W 34TH DR COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80932 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WILLIAM R HENRY TRUST TRUJILLO JACOB C VALENTINE PATRICIA A 8580 N ALKIRE TRUJILLO MARY M 6874 W 76TH PL ARVADA CO 80005 3620 LEE ST ARVADA CO 80003 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 YATES BILLIE J WESTOVER F ROSS WIEBE FRANK W 3725 IRIS CT 9965 W 34TH DR WIEBE JUNE K WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 9745 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 9tiquettes faciles a peler A Consultez la feuille www.avery.com Utilisez le gabarit AVERYO 51600 Sens de chargement d'instruction 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy Peel Labels i ® See Instruction Sheet i (A aARv05160 UseAvery® TEMPLATE 51600 'd Paper for Easy Peel Featured° 10100 WEST 35TH AVENUE TRUST ANDERSON PAUL R ASBRIDGE PAMELA J 28834 WHITE BEAR LN 9925 W 34TH DR ASBRIDGE TODD S AVE CONIFER CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 99005 5 W W 38 38TH WHEAT RIDGE E CO 80033 BELL JANET AUTOZONE INC ATHANASOPOULOS JOHN P 10095 W 34TH AVE PO BOX 2198 22 MORNINGSIDE DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MEMPHIS TN 38101 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 BENSON PROPERTIES INC BELT BRADFORD JOSEPH BEAR CLAW INVESTMENTS LTD 2480 W LONG CIR 9780 W 37TH AVE LIABILITY CO LITTLETON CO 80120 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3695 KIPLING ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 BUCCI SUE BLAKEMAN EMMA M BENSON CAROLANN 10095 W 35TH AVE 9840 W 36TH AVE 10125 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CIRCLE K STORES INC CAHO MELVIN G BRADFORD GREGORY E 315 COMMONS MALL 6057 W PACIFIC CIR BRADFORD MICHELLE L COLUMBUS IN 47201 LAKEWOOD CO 80227 3351 KIPLING ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DENNING FRANKLIN D JR COATES MARY MARGARET CAREY CAROLYN A DENNING LISA M 9835 W 35TH AVE 9940 W 34TH DR 14700 W 82ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ARVADA CO 80005 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST CO DAHLIN KIM COBALT ON LEE STREET LLC BANKERS TRUST CO 10045 W 34TH AVE 7314 S TELLER CT 9350 WAXIE WAY 100 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LITTLETON CO 80128 SAN DIEGO CA 92123 ENGLER ERIC J DIFRANCO MIRELLA LUCIA DELORA PAULINA ENGLER TRACY L 3590 LEE ST 10125 W 35TH AVE 9920 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 FISH VERNE C ENGLISH ROBERT E DENUZZI RALPH 2110 URBAN DR ENGLISH CAROL V 9775 W 35TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80215 9920 W 34TH DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 FLEIT JAMES W FISHER GARY D DORAN DENNIS M FLEIT TRUDI K KING CAROL L DORAN JACQUELINE M 10150 W 35TH AVE 3555 KLINE ST 10175 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Etiquettes faciles a peler ® Consultez la feuille www.avery.com Utilisez le gabarit AVERY@ 5160® Sens de chargement d'instruction 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 51600 WILSON GEORGE A 1347 S CHASE ST LAKEWOOD CO 80232 YEAGER ANNA L 3640 LEE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 A See Instruction Sheet 1 !AAVERY051600 ir--d Paper for Easy Peel Peature~ WRIGHT MICHAEL J WULF ALLEN L WRIGHT LORRAINE K WULF PATRICIA A 9945 W 34TH DR 9745 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Etiquettes faciles a peter A Consultez la feuille www.avery.com Utillsez le gabarit AVERYO 51600 Sens de chargement d'instruction 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy Peel Labels i A See Instruction Sheet 1 Use Avery@ TEMPLATE 5160® ;r^°d Paper for Easy Peel feature. CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3900 KIPLING ST 4005 KIPLING ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3890 KIPLING ST 3800 KIPLING WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 9725 W 38TH AVE 9785 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3735 IRIS CT 9800 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3795 KIPLING ST 10050 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3710 IRIS CT 3730 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 9845 W 37TH AVE 3685 KLINE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3701 KIPLING ST 3655 KLINE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3595 KLINE ST 3565 KLINE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 9750 W 36TH AVE 3545 KLINE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Etiquettes faciles a peler A Utilisez le gabarit AVERYO 51600 Sens de chargement QAVERY®51600 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3865 KIPLING ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3805 KIPLING ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 9999 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 9835 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3740 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3790 KIPLING ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 10101 W 37TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3785 KIPLING ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3680 LEE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3625 KLINE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Consultez la feuille www.avery.com d'instruction 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy Peel Labels ® See Instruction Sheet 1AVERY851600 Use Avery@ TEMPLATE 51600 ° k r-cl Paper for Easy Peel Feature;. CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3525 KLINE ST 3501 KIPLING ST 3605 KLINE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 10065 W 35TH AVE 10100 W 35TH AVE 10050 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 10000 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 i tiquettes faciles a peter A Consultez la feuille www.avery.com Utilisez le gabarit AVERYO 51600 Sens de chargement d'instruction 1-800-GO-AVERY r p m D `L " r 3 D W W z ~ 9 m r m ~ m D n O F yy D n O z pp D 4] m F O 3 D 3 D 3 D p C - O m r O 9 P - 2 Z 2 2 Dr K D -i ; - r p m < D r 4 A y A 9 y F 3 ➢ _ D _ ~ r F _ r T y y D 0 ~ ~ ~ - m m m 0 3 n m m 0 - 0 - n ➢ m O 3 3 ➢ m ~ r r P O Z r ➢ P n - K ~ p S A D P D A D P S ]I ➢ P O m r D A ➢ P m m O - ~ m O (J m H O P ; ; m O 41 Y m 2 y Z m D m D ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 C 4 m m m m m 0 0 m D D m 3 D D C N Z A O Z m m O 3 - Z m n A Z A m m c ~ ~ c n c c c c c c Z z c c m M P m P Z Z N m O m A^ S A m m r y m 4 m 2 3 D 0 0 0 L m rv K m O r m m A A 0 y - O n P ` m r z y z y ➢ 3 ` z - A 4 m P m Z O r S O m m o m 0 n 0 O A Z O Z Z A p A ' p O Z T mi A O m O O O D rO p 0 r 0 0 r < m x C 41 C 41 C 41 D r r 2 m ~ - 0 m 0 P m - n n Z m 0 C 0 C n IZ11 0 0 A z Z m D 4] m A Y O Z ~ F Z m Z r r lmil 0 m `2 ~ n (1 n (r] n m 0 0 `2 0 D O f I O O m 9 O z ➢ O D m 41 z r p > z y b D r D r D r ~ D ~ y S Z Z - ➢ y y m r 4 S P 9 N m O - r 9 O 9 O x m m m V ➢ ` O A S O Z O A O y 0 4 0 V ➢ m r n m ➢ 2 n S y r n 2 n 2 j 2 n ~ r A A y S A O A A y m C m Z m , O A P F r r r D O Z m m q P D - K O D 4 0 y 0 m Z P A K S Z V ~ < S Z ~ P P 3 m m 0 Z 4 Z 0 4 0 m m m m 0 m A O S tl m n N n - Z O 0 O 0 O 0 p z y S A z D 3 m A Z Z Z < y 0 A < K m Z ~ Z N m m m f 2 p z r A 2 D D D m D K A N A rv D D D C ~ Z ~ A 4 n O m m m 4 0 ` ➢ ~ 4 m _ 2 4 y Y ` 7 Z O Z . 0 Y m < S F m z o v o z y D > A A A a ~ y Z M m w W v m v K m K y m o w CC c , . . . m n n D r ~ c ~ ~ 4 A A O o 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 n P 0 p A A O 4 4 4 A A A A n 0 P 9 Z D r < m D F F ~ 0 m 0 ZZ D D D A n N X 3 N > O Z O Z O £ O T < S Z ~ O 0 R 0 0 0 F m A - 22 A A A ~ m n n A Z ➢ 0 0 0 y K Z 1 Z m O D 3 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S m Z m m 4 m y N m N D y D D y m C r 0 yD S ~ C A O O O D D 3 m z m z y n i v v o y o z p a 3 3 n n D Z O D m K z D D m m m O m 9 n K K K O O C O D 3 D n ~ n ~ o ~ u w o m w o m ~ m m m N m m ~ N o o . m m F " E ~ F ~ F m F F ~ F F F F F * F 2 ~ F F F ~ F F F F F F F o O m O A A m X ~ 0 0 2 0 3 3 D m m w m m m O m 0 0 0 m m 9 m m 0 N 0 m m O 0 0 0 0 0 N O O m m m m 2 m N N m _ m _ _ _ _ _ r m r m _ N O N m A m p m A A a ➢ Z m 2 m 3 3 n C z m o O m m z 2 z p P y P x < O O Z O ~ m O J t O Z Z n m Z O O O O K O O O O O A A Z m 0 . m m c m K O z m r~ u m m m y . + 0 0 O D D O . 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EST DR GOLDEN CO 80401 GOLDEN 80 - PO LDENNING FRANKLIN D JR LARJU LLC L BOX 19211 PO BO DENNING LISA M DENVER CO 80219 DENVE 19 14700 W 82ND AVE ARVADA CO 80005 LARJULLC L LLC LARK C PO B 1921 PO 211 PO BOX 1 DENVER 0219 DENY 80219 DENV CO 80219 L LL LAR L L PO B 921:1 PO BO 11: PO B 211 DENY CO 80219 DENY CO 80219 DENY R CO 80219 MR LAND LLC CITY O EA GE L LL 10135 W 38TH AVE 7500 W 29TH PO BO Q I WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT 71GE C-0-6033 DE R CO 80219 DENNIN IN D JR JEFF RSON COUNT SCHOOL DENNING LI M LARJU LLC DIST T R-1 14700 W 82 A PO B 1 1829 DE WEST DR DENV O 80219 ARVADA C 80005 GOLDEN C 401 ASBRIDGE PAMELA J JEMACO LLC JOHNSON LILLIE ASBRIDGE TODD S 3850 KIPLING ST 2910 BLACK CANYON RD 9905 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80904 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ASBRIDGE PAMELA J CIRCLE K STORES INC CIRCLE STORES INC ASB E TO S 315 COMMONS MALL 315 CO NS L 9905 W 38 AVE COLUMBUS IN 47201 COLUMBU 7201 WHEAT G 80033 INC MCMILLIN JOHN WHEELER SECOND CONVENIENCE STORES BENSON LONG PROPERTIES MCMILLIN SUSAN A PROPERTIES CORP 2480 W L 2480 W C 9801 W 38TH AVE PO BOX 52085 LITTLETON 80120 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 PHOENIX AZ 85072 WIEBE FRANK W RANBERGER ROBERT J LA PORTA JOHN J TRUSTEE WIEBE JUNE K 9795 W 38TH AVE 70 BRENTWOOD ST 9745 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LAKEWOOD CO 80226 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ASBRIDGE P ELA J FRANKLIN JERRY D JR KLITZ JANICE ASB ODD S 9700 W 38TH AVE 3765 SWADLEY ST 9905 W 3 H WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEA RIDGE CO 80033 WILLIAM R HENRY TRUST ATHANASOPOULOS JOHN P ATHA SOPOULO HN P 8580 N ALKIRE 22 MORNINGSIDE DR 22 MO DR ARVADA CO 80005 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 DENVER 8 KIMMEL NEIL PETER JACOB INVESTMENTS LLC TPR ACQUISITION GROUP LLC PO BOX 22631 24069 W SHOOTING STAR DR PO BOX 9867 DENVER CO 80222 GOLDEN CO 80401 COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80932 TPR ACQ ITION GROUP LLC VALENTINE PATRICIA A GENDRON PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 9867 6874 W 76TH PL 10005 W 34TH AVE COLORADO SP S 80932 ARVADA CO 80003 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MILLER CATHY M YATES BILLIE J HALE LORETTA A 14300 BERRY RD 3725 IRIS CT 3700 IRIS CT GOLDEN CO 80401 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 KENFIELD MARTIN RICHEY DENNIS R LOPEZ ELIZABETH J PO OX 331 RICHEY CHERYL L 3705 IRIS CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80034 9865 W 37TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST CO QUINTRALL JACQUELINE BANKERS TRUST CO 9725 W 37TH AVE 9350 WAXIE WAY 100 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SAN DIEGO CA 92123 MAC DOUGALL DONALD P ;MADG OUC ALL DONALD P MAC DO L M IANE M 9815 W 37T VE GEC 033 T RIDG O 80033 GIBSON VICTOR L KRAWIEC FRANCISZEK GIBSON MARTHA A KRAWIEC STANISLAWA MACDOUGALL 3405 MILLER ST 9785 W 37TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MAC DOUGALL DONALD P MAC DOUGALL DIANE M 9815 W 37TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 KOOIMA SHERWIN KOOIMA RUTH ANN 9755 W 37TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COBALT ON LEE STREET LLC 7314 S TELLER CT LITTLETON CO 80128 KRAWIEC FRANCISZEK COBALT O E STREET LLC STANFIELD GUY J KRAWIEC STANISLAWA STANFIELD SUZANNE P 3405 MILLER ST 7314SW~ LER 9870 W 37TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LI LETON CO 8012 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LEWTHWAITE BECKY H PETERSON ARTHUR W BELT BRADFORD JOSEPH LEWTHWAITE HENRY E 9810 W 37TH AVE 9780 W 37TH AVE 9860 W 37TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LANGE DONALD R WILSON GEORGE A KLENZ JOSEPH D LANGE ROSALEE 1347 S CHASE ST 9700 W 37TH AVE 9750 W 37TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80232 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MARTIN BRIGITTE B WILSON G GE A WILS GEO 3660 LEE ST 1347S ASE ST 1347 S C T WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 L O 80232 L OOD CO 232 YEAGER ANNA L LINDER DOUGLAS A POPPE BRUCE A 3640 LEE ST LINDER TERESA M POPPE GAY C WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3610 JOHNSON ST 66 SHELTON DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 BAILEY CO 80421 GILMER JAMES I GAYBIL-JERFRE LTD GILMER JAMES I GILMER JANICE W 3705 KIPLING ST 100 GILMER JANICE W 9835 W 36TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 9805 W 36TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 POPPE BRUCE A FIGLUS MARIA TRUJILLO JACOB C POPPE GAY C 9775 W 36TH AVE TRUJILLO MARY M 66 SHELTON DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 3620 LEE ST BAILEY CO 80421 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SHAFER STEVEN C KOSMICKI JOHN JR MUSGROVE CLARK G SHAFER A MARJEAN 9715 W 36TH AVE MUSGROVE MARGARET B 9745 W 36TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 11273 W 28TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LAKEWOOD CO 80215 AUTOZONE INC MUSGR E CLARK G DIFRANCO MIRELLA LUCIA PO BOX 2198 MUSGROV ARET B 3590 LEE ST MEMPHIS TN 38101 LAKEW OOD CO 11273 VE 215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 KNOLL STEVEN GERALD LOFLAND KEVIN W LL STEVE LD 7042 UMBER ST 3580 JOHNSON ST 7042 ST ARVADA CO 80007 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 AD CO 80007 SCHIEWE MICHAEL W BLAKEMAN EMMA M SINGER STEPHEN H SCHIEWE JESSICA C 9840 W 36TH AVE SINGER FRANCES R 3580 LEE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 9810 W 36TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 BEAR CLAW INVESTMENTS LTD NEVILLE ALFRED R MILLER GAYLE A LIABILITY CO NEVILLE PATRICIA J 9780 W 36TH AVE 3695 KIPLING ST 6662 E JACKSON CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 HIGHLANDS RANCH CO 80130 JAMES DOUGLAS TAYLOR TRUST WEBER ANDREA L NE LE ALF CAROL M TAYLOR TRUST HEBEL KYLE R NEV E CIA J 13465 W 7TH DR 9720 W 36TH AVE 6662 A SON CT GOLDEN CO 80401 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 HLAND NCH CO 80130 HUNTER LAURICE JOAN FISHER GARY D SARACENO NICHOLAS JR 3530 LEE ST KING CAROL L SARACENO MARY ANN WHEATRIDGE CO 80033 3555 KLINE ST 3520 JOHNSON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 FIS GARY D GRALL BEVERLY A KIPLING HEIGHTS KING O HILL REGINA A CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 3555 KL T 3520 LEE ST 8646 W COLFAX AVE WHE G O 800 33 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LAKEWOOD CO 80215 SARACEN-0 NICHOLAS JR COATES MARY MARGARET SAALWAECHTER JOAN M SARACENO 9835 W 35TH AVE 3656 KLINE ST 3520 JOHNS WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEA GE CO 033 MCCRAY CAROL J LOUNDERS PATRICIA L JOHN GENDREAU LLC PATRICK L MCCRAY 3685 KIPLING ST 9805 W 35TH AVE 36996 6 KLI KLINE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DENUZZI RALPH WULF ALLEN L GAZDIEWICH MICHAEL J 9775 W 35TH AVE WULF PATRICIA A 9715 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 9745 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MARBLE FRED A CAHO MELVIN G KLEDER CHARLES E MARBLE NANCY J 6057 W PACIFIC CIR 3510 LEE ST W 35TH AVE 9865 LAKEWOOD CO 80227 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT BUCCI SUE GOHS CALVIN B DELORA PAULINA 10095 W 35TH AVE 3047 W 47TH 501 10125 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DENVER CO 80211 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DORAN DENNIS M SENDTKO MARK D FREELAND JAMES L DORAN JACQUELINE M SENDTKO SANDRA K FREELAND JOVITA R 10175 W 35TH AVE 9800 W 34TH DR 9860 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ENGLER ERIC J O GUIN REBECCA A PIZA HOLLY ENGLER TRACY L 9880 W 35TH AVE PIZA JOSE 9920 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 9840 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 O NEIL RICHARD L O N RICH O NE RICHARD L O NEIL KAREN L O NEIL N L O NEIL 10050 W 35TH AVE 1005 3 AVE 10050 AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 EAT RIDGE CO 80033 AT RIDG O 80033 FLEIT JAMES W 10100 WEST 35TH AVENUE TRUST POLICH JACK G FLEIT TRUDI K 28834 WHITE BEAR LN POLICH HELEN E 10150 W 35TH AVE 9990 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CONIFER CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MURPHY GREGORY J LARSON DALMON M SENDTKO MARK D LUMPP MADELAINE R LARSON ROBERTA L SENDTKO SANDRA K 9960 W 35TH AVE 9940 W 35TH AVE 9800 W 34TH DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 GENDRON RONALD N DAHLIN KIM BELL JANET 10005 W 34TH AVE 10045 W 34TH AVE 10095 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CAROLANN MEEK RICHARD R ROUSH RONALD K BENSON MEEK KAREN A ROUSH PATRICIA E 10125 W WHEAT 34TH RIDGE AVE VE 80033 3460 JELLISON CT 9845 W 34TH DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MARTIN STEPHANIE PETERS LAWRENCE P WESTOVER F ROSS 3400 KIPLING ST 9810 W 34TH DR 9965 W 34TH DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 PETERS' WRENCE P MIKS JOHN A WRIGHT MICHAEL J MIKS ROSEMARY L WRIGHT LORRAINE K 9810 W 34T 9855 W 34TH DR 9945 W 34TH DR WH GE 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MEDINA JOSEPH R STOREY TIMOTHY L ANDERSON 9925 W 34TH PAUL R MARTINEZ MARILYN L STOREY AMY H WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 9885 W 34TH DR 9860 W 34TH DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 NATL ORG OF THE NEW RIGGIN RAY W NEWELL ELOISE APOSTOLIC CH N AMER RIGGIN JULIA P 9870 W 34TH DR 3753 N TROY ST 3380 KLINE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CHICAGO IL 60618 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LE ANH NGOC GRIFFITH TERRY R STEINMAN THOMAS L LE TRANG 9960 W 34TH DR 9880 W 34TH DR 3390 KIPLING ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CAREY CAROLYN A 9940 W 34TH DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 NATL ORG O E NEW OSTO CH N AMER 375 ROY ST CAG 60618 MC CONE GORDON T MC CONE NORMA G 3350 KLINE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ENGLISH ROBERT E ENGLISH CAROL V 9920 W 34TH DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 FISH VERNE C 2110 URBAN DR LAKEWOOD CO 80215 MASHBURN DAVID MASHBURN MAIRI 9890 W 34TH DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 BRADFORD GREGORY E BRADFORD MICHELLE L 3351 KIPLING ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RUSSELL CHARLENE NELSON OLGA J 3370 KIPLING ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT C T RESIDENT/TENANT 3900 KIPLING ST 4005 KIPLING ST 3900 KIP WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WH-E E CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3890 KIPLING ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT E NANT 3890 KIPL WHEAT RIDGE CO 033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3865 KIPLING ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRE ENT/TENANT 3890 KIP ST WHEA RIDGE 80033 C SIDENT/TENANT 3890 G ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURREN S NT/TENANT 10135 W 38T VE WHEAT GE 80033 C NT RES T/TENANT 3865 ST WHE GE CO 80033 C NT RES T/TENANT 0 VAC AND 0 C RES T/TENANT 0 VACANT 0 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 9725 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURREN SIDE /TENANT 3890 KIPL WHEAT GE 80033 C T RE ENT/TENANT 3890 KIR ST WHEAT GE CO 80033 C 8116ENT/TENANT 0 VCU RESIDE TENANT 3890 KIPL WHEAT GE 80033 CU NT IDENT/TENANT 3850 kVXfNGST WHE GE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3800 KIPLING WHEAT 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CU NT RESIDENT/TENANT 9775 W TH WHEAT E CO 80033 CURRENT SID T/TENANT 9715 W 36T E WHEAT G CO 80033 CU RES NT/TENANT 3605 KL WHEA E CO 80033 C NT RESIDENT/TENANT 3580 SO WHEAT GE CO 80033 CU T RESIDENT/TENANT 3655 KL WHEAT E CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3625 KLINE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 C NT RESIDENT/TENANT 9805 6TH AVE WHEAT CO 80033 C T RESID /TENANT 3620 LE WHEA E CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3605 KLINE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 C N ENT/TENANT 3j9O ST T GECO 80033 CU AAATT RES T/TENANT 359ST GE CO 80033 C NT RESIDE /TENANT C NT RESIDENT/TENANT 9840 W ,1316TH A 9810 6TH WHEAT CO 80033 WHEAT GE CO 80033 C T RESID T/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CU RESIDENT/TENANT 3695 KIP G 3565 KLINE ST 9780 W 3 HAVE WHEAT CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 9750 W 36TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 C NT RE NT/TENANT 9720 W AVE WHE E CO 80033 C NT rRESICCNT/TENANT 565 K WHE 80033 NT/TENANT CU T RESID 3530 LE T WHEAT CO 80033 C NT RESIDE T/TENANT 3545 KL E S WHEAT E CO 80033 C RESIDENT/TENANT 3520 JO N WHEAT RID O 80033 C URP,kNT RESID NT/TENANT 3685 K IN WHEA5~E CO 80033 C URREN. T RESIDT/TENANT 9775 W 35 A WHEAT RID O 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3525 KLINE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 10065 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRE RESIDENT/TENANT 10175 W 35 WHEAT R E 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3545 KLINE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 C NT RESID T/TENANT 3520 L S WHEAT GE CO 80033 CUR F NT NT/TENANT 9835 W 3 AVE WHE RIDG O 80033 C T RESIDE TENANT 9805 W 3 A WHEAT CO 80033 C RES /TENANT 9745 W 35 E WHEAT 80033 CURRE RESIDENT/TENANT 3510 LEE WHEAT CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 3501 KIPLING ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT SIDEN ENANT 9800 W 34T WHEAA~CO 0 33 CU NT RESIDENT/TENANT 3520 S WH GE CO 80033 CUI~ RESIDENT/TENANT 0 VACAN 0 C NT RFFrMENT/TENANT 3656 ST WH GE CO 80033 C T RESIDENT/TENANT 3696 KL WHEA E CO 80033 CUENT/TENANT 9715 AVE WH AT R11G CO 80033 C T RE NT/TENANT 9865 W 35 AVE WHE RIDG O 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 101 35TH A WHEAT CO 80033 CURREN S T/TENANT 9860 W 35 VE WHE RIDGE 80033 CURRENT RESID NT/TENANT CURRE RES TENANT C NT RESIDENT/TENANT 9920 TH E 9880 W 35 9=4 TH AVE WHEAT 80033 WHEA RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT CO 80033 C T RESIDE /TENANT 10050 W 3 E WHEAT CO 80033 CURRE SIDENT/TENANT 10050 W j WHEAT E 081 033 CURRE RESIDENT/TENANT 10050 W 3 WHEA G CO 80033 CURRE RESIDENT/TENANT 10150 W 35 E O 80033 WHE GS C T RESID /TENANT 9960 W 3 E WHEAT G 80033 CURRE SIDENT/TENANT 10005 W 34 AV WHEAT RID O 80033 C T RES T/TENANT 10125 W 3 AVE WHEAT GE 0033 CURRE RESIDENT/TENANT 3400 KIPL T WHEAT RIDGE 80033 CURRE SIDE ENANT 9810 W 3N4T D WHEAT CO 80033 CURRENT SIDENT/TENANT 9925 W 34TH WHEAT RIDGE 0033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 10100 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CU T RESIDENT/TENANT 9940 W 3 H A WHEAT CO 80033 C RESIDEN TENANT 10045 W 3 A WHEAT RID 80033 CURRE RTEN ANT 3460 JELLWHEAT R033 CURRE T RESIDENT/TENANT 9810 W 34 H DR WHEAT E,-'080033 CURRENT SID TENANT 9855 W 34TH WHEAT GEC 0033 CURRE RESIDE /TENANT 9885 W 34 WHEAT CO 80033 C T RESIDENT/TENANT 9990 W 3 AV WHEAT O 80033 CU NT RES T/TENANT 9800 W R WH CO 80033 C NT RE NT/TENANT 10095 W H AVE WH RID CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 984 W 34TH DR WHE RIDGE CO 80033 CU RESIDENT/TENANT 9965 W 34 WHEA CO 80033 CURRE RESIDEN ENANT 9945 W 34 D WHEAT CO 80033 C T RE ENT/TENANT 9860 W 3 DR WHE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CU ENT/TENANT C NT RES T/TENANT 10000 W 34TH AVE 3380 K 9870 34 R WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WH RIDGE C 33 WH GE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDE T/TENANT 3390 IPLIN {IPLIN WHEAT GE CO 80033 CURRE R 34 ES /TENANT 9940 W R WHEAT CO 80033 CURREN S T/TENANT 9920 W 34T WHEAT GE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 10050 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRE RESIDENT/T NANT 9960 W 34T WHEAT G CO 80033 CURREN S ENT/TENANT 10000 W 34TH E . WHEAT RID.7 E CO 80033 CU RESIDENT/TENANT 9890 W 3 T WHEAT E CO 80033 CURRE T RESID ENT/TENANT 3351 KIPL G S WHEAT O 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT C RESIDENT/TENANT 9880 W 34 D WHEAT CO 80033 C RESIDENT/TENANT 3350 KL ST WHEAT O 80033 CURRE T RESIDENT/TENANT G ST 3370 KIP WHEAl RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 'NHEgTRo i u m COtORA~O Wheat Ridge Community Development Department PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 20, 2008 Applicant Address/Phone: Joyce Manwaring, City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Director 303-231-1308 Carol Henry Shanen Weber Design Concepts 211 N. Public Road Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-664-5301 Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer Site Location: Southeast corner of W. 38th Avenue and Johnson Street Existing Zoning: Planned Commercial Development, PCD Comp. Plan Designation: Village Center Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Department is initiating a master planning process for the property to develop it into a neighborhood park. The property has an approved Outline Development Plan for a commercial/office complex which was approved in 1983. As a park is not a permitted use in the recorded development plan, the underlying zoning document (ODP) must be modified to allow a public park as a permitted use. This is considered a change of conditions to the existing zoning. Existing property conditions: The property contains 8.3 acres and is bounded by 38th Avenue on the north, Kipling Street on the west, W. 35th Avenue on the south and Johnson Street on the east. The property is currently vacant and slopes from the south to the northeast. There is cafe located on a separate parcel at the very northwest corner of the site which the city-owned property wraps on two sides. The restaurant owner has an revocable license agreement with the city to use a portion of the adjacent city ownership for garbage removal service access. Access into the cafe property occurs from the deceleration/turn lane on Kipling and from an open access on 38th Avenue. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? A neighborhood meeting will be required for a change of zoning conditions. Planning comments: The process for modifying the conditions of zoning approval such as adding an additional permitted use is akin to a zone change. Rezoning to a Planned Commercial Development is comprised of two components. The first component in the PCD rezoning process is an Outline Development Plan which establishes the zoning standards on the property by defining permitted uses and standards for the property. In this case, the ODP would be used to modify the existing conditions relating to the addition of a public park as a permitted use. The existing ODP document also defines development standards such as minimum landscaping coverage, maximum building height, maximum building coverage and minimum setbacks. It is questionable at this point whether any of the existing development standards need to be modified to accommodate the park design. The second component in the PCD rezoning process is a Final Development Plan. The FDP addresses the finer details of the development including a specific landscaping, final architectural design of proposed structures, and required final drainage improvements. The ODP process requires public hearing review by Planning Commission and City Council. The FDP can be approved administratively as long as adequate information consistent with Section 26-308.C. is provided with the processing of the ODP. The first step in the rezoning began with the pre-application meeting on March 20, 2008. The second step required by the Community Development Department will be to conduct a neighborhood meeting. For this meeting, the applicant must inform all property owners within a 600 foot radius of the property via mail or hand delivery of the meeting. This meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 3, 2008 at 6:30 PM at the Wheat Ridge Recreation Center to be held in conjunction with the first neighborhood meeting for the park design process. The Community Development Department has already sent out letters to the property owners and residents within a 600 foot radius to satisfy the requirements for the zoning application. A staff planner will attend the meeting to discuss the zoning process as it affects the parks master planning process. The park master plan process will include a series of public meetings in order for the park design to evolve based on input from the neighbors. Based on the discussion with the parks director and design team, it was determined that the application for a change of 2 zoning conditions acid ODP modification would not be suomitted until the design process with the public has been completed. The final design of the park will become the site plan sheet of the ODP plan set. Other sheets in the plan set will likely include a declaration page, an existing conditions page and a page showing conceptual architectural elevations of any proposed structures. Staff has prepared a tentative schedule for the processing of the ODP once the park design is finalized. Upon submittal of the land use application, the assigned staff member will refer the application and ODP document to other city departments and outside agencies for their input. This referral period is usually lasts for two weeks. Once referral comments are received back and the internal planning department review is complete, a list of comments will be provided to the applicant for required revisions. Upon resubmittal of the revised document, if all requirements are to the satisfaction of the case planner, the application will be scheduled for a public hearing before the Planning Commission. To meet legal noticing requirements for the public hearing, a public notice will be advertised in the Wheat Ridge Transcript, letter notices will be sent to property owners within a 300' radius and the property will be posted for 15 days. A staff report will be prepared with a recommendation of approval, approval with conditions, or denial. At the hearing, staff will present evidence to support their recommendation. The public will also be allowed to present evidence or give testimony in support or in opposition of the project. The Planning Commission will recommend approval or denial of the project based on the testimonies given by staff, applicant and the public. After the Planning Commission hearing, the case will be heard before City Council. There is a first reading of the ordinance which publically announces the hearing. The public hearing will occur at the second reading which usually occurs about a month after the Planning Commission hearing. City Council will make the final determination to approve, approve with conditions or deny the application. The City Council meeting will follow the same format as the Planning Commission hearing, at which, the City Council will give a final ruling on the case. After the FDP has been approved, mylars for the project can be taken to Jefferson County to be recorded Public Works comments: Will require a traffic impact study and preliminary drainage report with submittal of the ODP document. Building comments: Building Department not present at the meeting. Comments will be made upon application submittal. 3 Architectural and ante Design Manual comments: The City has adopted an Architectural and Site Design Manual. This manual will be used to review site and building design. Attachments: zone changes (to planned development district) packet, meeting schedule Phone Numbers Meredith Reckert - Senior Planner 303-235-2848 Adam Tietz- Planner 1 303-235-2845 Dave Brossman - Development Review Engineer 303-235-2864 Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer 303-235-2862 Ryan Stachelski - Economic Development Specialist 720-898-4706 4 Page 1 of 1 Meredith Reckert From: Joyce Manwaring Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 3:32 PM To: 'Carol Henry'; 'Shanen Weber' Cc: Meredith Reckert Subject: meeting Thursday Carol and Shanen, I was wondering if there would be a printed agenda (something simple) for the meeting tomorrow night that folks would pick up when they come in the door? I could prepare a short hand out here if we can get some input via email from all. The City will provide sign in sheets and nametags. Meredith was asking when she would be on the agenda to discuss the rezoning item. AGENDA 1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS - Joyce if. Park Planning Process and P AND R MASTER PLAN - Joyce III. Community Development rezoning process - Meredith IV. Input on neighborhood park design - Carol and Shanen What else would anyone suggest adding? Joyce Joyce Manwaring, Director Parks and Recreation 4005 Kipling St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 231-1308 (303) 231-1350 FAX jrnanwaring@ci.wheatridge.co.us www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Healthy Lifestyles. Liveable Communities. I to its In Parks'. NRPA 4/3/2008 d'- City of WheatR~ijge PUBLIC WORKS City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29ih Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2861 F: 303.235.2857 March 20, 2008 Pre-Application Meeting Einarson Property (W. 38th Ave. & IGpling St.) Public Works Requirements: 2 Copies of the following shall be submitted for review with the Outline Development Plan: 1. Preliminary Drainage Report: On-site detention incorporating water quality measures will be required for the development of a lot of this size (to address water quality issues associated with parking areas, etc.). Therefore, a Preliminary Drainage Report and Plan outlining the general conceits of how the site drainage is to be handled shall be required. 2. Traffic Impact Study: Due to the size and location of the proposed facility, an initial submittal of a full traffic impact study will be required with the ODP. 2 Copies of the following shall be submitted for review with the Final Development Plan: 3. Final Drainage Report: On-site detention incorporating water quality measures will be required. A Final Drainage Report and Plan signed and sealed by a CO licensed Professional Engineer shall be submitted for review and approval with the FDP. (Please see Site Drainage Requirements). 4. Grading & Erosion Control Plan: A Grading & Erosion Control Plan signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer, including specific details for all BMP's to be utilized both during and subsequent to construction. 5. Traffic Impact Study: The (revised) full traffic impact study will need to be approved with the Final documents. 6. Construction Plans: Construction Plans, signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado, shall be required for all drainage-related items such as detention ponds, outlet structures, drainageways or pans, and curb & gutter. Include street plan and profiles for any proposed roadway improvements along property frontages, and construction drawings for all public improvements to be constructed. Include all COWR standard details for all proposed constructed items (please see Note 3 below). 7. Stormwater Management Plan: A Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) associated with the required CDPS Permit shall be submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge for review and approval with the FDP. (Please see Note 1 below). 8. Site Plan: A Site Plan to include the following: a. 24" X 36" sheet format. b. A Vicinity Map. c. The boundary of the site and existing and proposed lot lines are to be completely described using bearings and distances. www.d.wheatridge.co.us Public Works Engineer ing March 20, 2008 Page 2 d. A Legal Description of the site, including tie(s) to the Section. e. A Basis of Bearing statement (using local City coordinate system-see 4. below). f Signed Certification from a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Colorado for the parcel boundary and topographical information on the Site Plan. g. A scale and north arrow. h. Date of map preparation, and the name, address, and firm of who prepared the map- i. Location of 100-year floodplain, if applicable. j. Existing and proposed contours at 2-ft intervals. k. Adjacent streets, including Right-of-Way widths, names, and ROW centerlines. 1. Location of all existing & proposed easements and rights-of-way, fences, walls, drainageways, ditches, buildings to be developed or retained on site. NOTES: 1. NPDES Permit: The Federal Clean Water Act implemented by the EPA requires that stormwater discharges from certain types of facilities as part National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) be authorized under stormwater discharge permits. An NPDES permit is required for all construction sites greater than one (1) acre in size. The area of disturbance for the proposed development is greater than one acre and shall therefore comply with NPDES regulations. The NPDES permit for construction activities is issued by the State through the Colorado Discharge Permit System (CDPS), and may be obtained by contacting the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Water Quality Control Division. A Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) detailing the Best Management Practices to be utilized during construction is required with this development. A Copy of the CDPS Permit and Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval prior to issuance of any Grading/Fill or Building Permits. 2. Application for Minor Grading/Fill Permit: Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading or construction activities, an application for a Grading/Fill Permit along with the fees due shall be submitted for review and approval. 3. Information pertaining to the Public Works development requirements, the City's Street Construction Standards & Details in AutoCADO DWG format, ROW maps, and City-base coordinate information (modified NAD83/92), is all available on the City of Wheat Ridge website: www.ci.wheatridge.co.us w xi.wheatridge.co.us (3-20-09) W38tb_Kipling (Parks & Aeo -Einarson prop).doc Pagel of 2 Meredith Reckert From: Dave Brossman Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 10:24 AM To: Dennis H. Beamis Cc: Meredith Reckert Subject: RE: 38th & Kipling Park Attachments: Site Drainage Requirements (3-11-08).pdf; image002.jpg Hi Dennis - The City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements will need to be followed, but they are more specifically for the Final Drainage Report (FDR). (Please refer to the attachment). The Preliminary Drainage Report (PER) should still follow the exact same outline as the FDR, just excluding most of the specific calculations such as pond volume, Tc, storm sewer/ inlet/ outlet structure calc's, etc. Typically, a PDR speaks of the site drainage in more general terms: 1. Describe the site, including the topography, ground cover, approximate slopes, and historical drainage patterns. 2. Describe the proposed project, being as specific as is known at the time of the Report. 3. Explain the anticipated amount and direction of runoff generated by this project, and how the runoff produced will be handled. 4. Outline the approximate geometry of the proposed detention facility (100-yr + 50%WQCV will be required for this site). 5. Discuss any proposed phasing (if applicable), etc. I hope this was of some help, if you need further assistance please let me know. D. David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer 303.235.2864 dbrossmanCa-ei.wheatridge.co us 01), «1 h6..a't: age From: Dennis H. Beamis [mailto:dbeamis@jvajva.com] Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 11:58 AM To: Dave Brossman Subject: 38th & Kipling Park Dave, Could you please forward submittal requirements for the preliminary drainage report. This will be submitted as part of the CDP process for this site. Thanks, Dennis DENNIS H. BEAMIS 3/31/2008 Page 2 of 2 JVA, Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder CO 30302 (1hon 3Q A4 4, 1 t 51 1 ati: 303.4- 5.19>' e~av~n.~ g2. e€s sss d iiss ,!I'll i<hn,:%iw m 3a,~kwt ,van 3/31/2008 INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMEMBER SNOW ORDINANCE NO. 526 Series of 1983 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF REZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL-ONE (R-1) AND COMMERCIAL-ONE (C-1) TO PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PCD) AND APPROVAL OF AN OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR LAND LOCATED AT APPROXI- MATELY THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF KIPLING STREET AND (JEST 38TH AVENUE, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Upon application of Charles Einarsen, et al, for approval of rezoning and approval of an Outline Development Plan in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Case No. WZ-82-15, and pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, Wheat Ridge maps are hereby amended to exclude from the Residential-One (R-1) District and Commercial-One (C-1) District and to include in the Planned Commercial Development (PCD) District and to approve an Outline Development Plan on the following described land: That portion of the Wl, of the ld; of the NW14- of the NW':4 of Section 27, T3S, R69W of the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at the NW corner of Section 27; thence N89055'E a distance of 40 feet; thence S0003'W a distance of 180 feet to a point on the easterly right-of-way line of Kipling Street, as described by deed in Book 2113 at Page 6, Jefferson County records, said point also being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing along said east line of Kipling Street, the following 3 courses: 1) Continuing S0003'W a distance -,f 937 feet; 2) thence N89055'E a distance of 5 feet; 3) thence S0003'W a distance of 208.7 feet M/L, to a point on the south line of the NWI.- of said Section 27 from whence the SW corner of the said NW';; NW's bears S89050'W a distance of 45 feet; thence N89050'E, along said south line, a distance of 291.5 feet to the east line of "Lot A", Westhaven Subdivision, as recorded in Jefferson County records; thence P10006'E a distance of 1295 feet to a point 30 feet south of the north line of said Section 27; thence S89055'W a distance of 156.5 feet; thence S0003'W a distance of 150 feet; thence S89055'W a distance of 140 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 8.30 acres more or less. Section 2. Conditions. 1. Traffic from the project will only be permitted through the access points currently shown on the development plan. 2. The developer will form an architectural review committee which at least two neighborhood property owners shall be voting members. 3. The legal description shall be corrected to reflect the SW corner of the said NW quarter NW quarter. - Section 3. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public, and that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. Severa bil ity. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this Ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect 10 days after final publication INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 7 to 0 on this 14th day of February , 1983; ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for April 11 , 1983, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final readinG by a vote of 6 to 2 this 11th day of April , 1983. SIGNED by the Mayor on this 12th day of April , 1983 Frank Stites, Mayor ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk 1st publication: Feb. 17, 1983 2nd publication: Apr. 21, 1983 Correct pub April 28, 1983 Wheat Ridge Sentinel Effective Date: May 1, 1983 APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY John E. Hayes, City Attorney c.