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City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Darin Morgan FROM: w Meredith Reckert SUBJECT: 4840 Van Gordon building permit DATE: May 18, 2001 The following are my review comments regarding the permit for 4840 Van Gordon Street: 1. The fence design in the front yard has not been modified since my last review. The columns of the fence along the front can be one foot above the allowed fence height (48 inches ) where two feet is being shown. 2. The phasing line must be modified to include all landscaping and improvements along the entire frontage of the property. 3. 11 street trees are required plus an additional 64 shrubs or trees on lot 1. 4. No more than 20% of the landscaping can be of non-living materials.Signage and fencing must be approved under a separate permit 5. We have not received a blackline, photographic mylar copy of the approved subdivision for recording. I have gone ahead and made redmarks on my plan review set and will be happy to do the same on the other two sets. MEMORANDUM 11 Approved Date wo TO: Mike Garcia, Development Review Engineer FROM: Dave Brossman, City Surveyor DATE: May 9, 2001 SUBJECT: A-1 Pattern Drainage Easement Mike - I have reviewed the Drainage Easement `Exhibit X for the A-1 Pattem Minor Subdivision, which was submitted to the City by Noel L. Potter, P.L.S. on behalf of the BCA Group. The document shown as Exhibit A is acceptable for the descriptive portion of the Drainage Easement. There also needs to be a narrative portion stating the purpose ofthe Easement; the construction and maintenance of a drainage facility. The narrative portion should include a statement protecting the Grantor from liability associated with said drainage facility. The narrative portion will reference the descriptive Exhibit A, and include a section for the Grantor/Grantee. The Grantor/Grantee section ofthe Easement will list the names and addresses ofthe Grantor and Grantee, and must include their respective signatures which are to be notarized. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. David F. Brossman, P.L.S. o ¢ 3 v Z~ZO z g F~ ' ' ow Z~ o mm o ~ NOISIAIQfiIIS Z 30VIS HIN D INOY~IRNVI ~ ~ ¢ N N z H Q~ ~ O ~ ~ w O . a wr'£ o zz ~o ~ ¢ ~7- w w o U w m ~ ~ m Z w N o¢°¢ ~ O Cl ~"N' 5om O O a CJ ~ O ¢wW w WDW ~ Z Jgov°O~ `o goys LL] ~ N w ~ ~ _ I Nm - J ~F ~ ~z~ a~<vo O ~Z z w O ~ ° z c a WO Z d U O W ¢ ' ~O O`t cp w2 Q J- a N Z I A o N W S N Z W~ U ~SwST Z F- O O W ~ PGt w N woN Ey '>n j ~j N ¢ Z w ° ° C> w w C-~ UiIIII /yam Q1, ~..Yy W I~ M 94 w w V- W Z H U w o~1l Q 2f 1I;ritlln• ~~~AAA~e <i:, `pq,. W~ L { F O Z ' Z O O J a~ @ i `l A ' I U .cg ¢ F Z ~ O o~ f ' v _ W~ a M p r` W W U ~ e~ rT, l I N) U Z N Q U U w O J W y 4 r AE- F ° -MM wC) OW w i w mN < ¢ N = w.ap a oo c=3' oo U LL z CD a `O° v, o"oZ way w I ~m o ooh O W~ N F9~j 3 ° ¢~wN UUw N~ U Q 0 0 ¢CD O C7 o~Q¢ woo er F CA Q ~ N N Z C) m 1- z.SS I .a .a w O ZZO z w < p x ° F C) W W w w Q O a- X w w C) vi W ¢ ao F OC-~ O W U z d ~ ~ w N O 86 LZJ w ¢ ~ W ° Z O Q N U ~'S J ONO U cp N = _ 1N3h3SV3- OSV9OD/SVS-SOD 'ON 133PO8d 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Ridge Telephone 303/ 235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 April 3, 2001 Steve Aberle 1365 Harlan Street Lakewood, Colorado Dear Steve: This letter is in regard to your building permit application for property located at 4840 Van Gordon Street. I have reviewed your submittal and have the following comments: 1. Addresses for the property will be 4838 Van Gordon (Lot 3), 4840 Van Gordon (lot 1) and 4842 Van Gordon (Lot 2). If these addresses are not satisfactory, please let me know. 2. The parking breakdown shown in the chart for the proposed buildings do not match the footprints that are being shown. Will there be second story office space? Please clarify. 3. The two future buildings have been shown as having a very specific mix of office, manufacturing and warehouse square footages. If at the time of building permit for these structures the building use mix changes, the amount of required parking will change as well. It does not appear that additional office space (other than what is shown now) can be accommodated. 4. No obstructions to view between 36" and 84" can be located in the driveway sight distance triangle. This triangle shall be measured 25' along the Van Gordon right-of- way line and 15' along the outer reach of the driveway. This includes all landscaping materials, berms, fences and signs. 5. The columns of the fence along the front can be one foot above the allowed fence height (48 inches) where two feet is being shown. Please correct. Keep in mind the sight distance triangle referenced above. The fence permit must be taken out by a fence contractor. 6. All handicapped parking spaces must be marked with a symbol and freestanding sign. 7. There must be eleven street trees located in the minimum front setback (50') with an additional 205 trees or shrubs on the property. 8. All landscaping shall be served with an automatic sprinkler system. 9. All paving and landscaping on the property must occur with the first permit. 10. No more than 20% of the landscaping on the property may be non-living. Please add the square footages and corresponding percentages of living landscaping and non- living landscaping to the landscape plan. 11. Any signage on the property must have a separate permit. 12. We have not received a blackline, photographic mylar copy of the approved subdivision for recording. Please submit this with original signatures in indelible black ink. 13. No information has been provided regarding lighting on the property. If you have questions concerning any of the above, feel free to contact me at 303-235-2848. I will need revised copies of sheet A-1 and sheet L-1 for review. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner c: buii ing permit file `1C~IS-00-05 5 file Mike Garcia SUBJECT: MS-00-05 DATE: March 23, 2001 This memo is in regard to the proposed subdivision plat for property located at 4840 Van Gordon Street (Steve Aberle, owner). The two conditions of the Planning Commission approval have been addressed. However, in note 97, the language should read "The owner of lots 1, 2, and 3 of A-1 Pattern Minor Subdivision... There are also several typographical errors which should be corrected. See redmarks. To avoid confusion, the appropriate property addresses should be added to the plat face. Those addresses should be as follows: Lot 1 - 4840 Van Gordon Lot 2 - 4850 Van Gordon Lot 3 - 4838 Van Gordon If you need anything else, please let me know. 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2868 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 December 21. 2000 Mr. David Bowles BCA Group 11445 W. I-70 Frontage Road North Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Drainage for A-1 Pattern - 4840 Van Gordon Street Dear Mr. Bowles, The concept of installing a pipe from the detention pond for A-1 Pattern to an adjacent property will require the following: 1. The City of Wheat Ridge will require the appropriate drainage easements and approval from the property owner who will be accepting the runoff. 2. The approval of this concept from the property owner shall be submitted to the Public Works Department in written form. 3. The property owners will have to negotiate all legal issues prior to the drainage report and plan being approved by the City. A copy of all agreements are to be submitted for review by the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. The runoff will have to be contained using Best Management Practice (B.M.P.). The drainage report and plan will have to include discussion regarding the pipe, how the runoff will be contained at the lower invert, and the effects of the runoff to the adjacent development. The drainage report and plan for 4840 Van Gordon Street has not been approved by the Public Works Department. Prior to approval of the drainage report and plan for this site, all agreements and easements will have to be submitted to the City. Please call me at 303-235-2868 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Michael Garcia Development Review Engineer cc: Greg Knudson, City Engineer Alan White, Director of Planning and Development Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Darin Morgan, Chief Building Official file (3) A-1 Pattern easement.ltr 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2868 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 November 6, 2000 BCA Group Mr. John McLain, P.E. 11445 W. 481h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re:.A-1 Pattern Facility, 4840 Van Gordon Street -Second Review Comments of Final Drainage Study, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Subdivision Plat & 4840 Van Gordon Street Construction Plans Dear Mr. McLain, I have completed the second review of the above referenced documents for the A-1 Pattern Facility received on October 23, 2000, and have the following comments: Drainage Study (Discussion) 1. Please discuss in detail where the runoff at the northeast corner of the lot releases. Please discuss any effects to the Reno Ditch or any of the ditches in the area that is located to the south of the property. Should any runoff from this site flow into this Ditch, approval from the Ditch Company shall be required and submitted to the City. 2.. Discuss the effects of the 18" pipe that allows offsite flow to enter the site. 3. Please discuss the overflow required for the detention pond. 4. Please provide P.E. seal and signature on the final approved report. Drainage Plan(s) 1. Please provide a detail of how placement of the rip-rap will be constructed from the 18" pipe to the Swale. 2. Please show the 100 year storm limits on the plan. 3. Please show the length of the 24" RCP proposed at the outlet of the pond. Mr. John McLain, P.E. Page 2 4. Please provide (when appropriate) P.E. stamp and signature. Please provide 2 signed and stamped sets of the drainage report and plan with the second submittal. Street Construction Drawings 1. Standard, engineered plan and profile street construction drawings will need to be prepared for the required public improvements along the 4840 Van Gordon Street frontages. For your information and implementation into the second submittal, a copy of the City's Street Construction Plan Checklist is included. Also, a relevant City standard detail(local street typical section and the monolithic curb, gutter and walk section), has been provided for implementation into the requested plan. Reference the details on the Plan and Profile sheet with the details requested. These detail shall be located on the same sheet. This should include the driveway details on sheet A-l. 2. Please list the surface type on the detail for the pond and embankment. The City standard details are required to be shown on the plan set. The Engineer-of-record shall sign and stamp the appropriate civil sheets. Subdivision Plat 1. The second review of the proposed plat has been received and forwarded to the City Surveyor. There were no comments at this time. Any questions related to the plat corrections can be addressed to Mr. Dave Brossman, P.L.S. at 303-235-2864. Subdivision Improvement Agreement Upon City Council approval of the Re-subdivision legal description, a Subdivision Improvement Agreement will need to be executed by the project owner/developer. Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. Traffic Engineering A copy of the 4840 Van Gordon Street construction plans has been forwarded to the City's Traffic Engineer, Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E., 303-235-2862 for review. A Traffic Impact Study has been submitted by BCA Group, and Mr. John McLain, P.E. Page 3 reviewed by the City Traffic Engineer. There were no comments at this time. Public Improvements Cost Estimate & Guarantee Prior to any construction commencing for the required public improvements within the 4840 Van Gordon Street right-of-way, an itemized engineer's cost estimate will need to be submitted for review and approval. Upon acceptance of this estimate, a letter of credit reflecting total costs of the approved cost estimate plus 25%, will need to be submitted by the owner/developer for review and approval. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction of the public improvements, the necessary right-of-way construction permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Please return all red-lined prints with the second submittal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2868. Sincerely, Michael Garcia Development Review Engineer cc: Greg Knudson, City Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer Dave Brossman, City Surveyor Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner File (3) 4840vangordon_reviewl Itj MEMORANDUM TO FILE YDEP"IMMU OF MBUC WOM PROJECT: X Meeting BY: ATTENDANCE/WITH DATE: SUBJECT: REFERENCE: 13 Telephone Michael Garcia, Development Review Engineer A~ Greg Knudson, City Engineer October 17, 2000 A-1 Pattern; 4840 Van Gordon Street Drainage Report and Site Development A meeting was held with John McLain of BCA Group Engineers at 3:00 p.m. today. The meeting was to discuss the site development and drainage issues. Issues: • The concept of Phasing this site is not recommended due to the drainage of the site. The drainage for the site shall be completed in a single phase. The lakes that this site would drain to need to discussed in the report. • John stated that he would discuss these issues with the developer. • It was understood that no review documents would be sent to the BCA Group. They would resubmit the new drainage report and plan set at "a later date. • The concept of piping the water into the pond would be addressed during the next submittal. • It was told by the City to John that the public improvements on Van Gordon would have to be addressed during the first phase (should phasing be used). 4840vangordon_meeting.mem City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Mike FROM: Ceredith SUBJECT: A-1 Pattern Company DATE: October 9, 2000 Attached is a final copy of the subdivision plat for your review and comment. If everything looks okay, I will call for a mylar for recordation.. Attached also are two copies of a traffic impact study pursuant to Steve's request. Please forward. If you need anything else, please let me know. 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 237-6944 judge FAX 303/234-5924 September 15, 2000 Steve Aberle 6820 Orion Ct. Arvada, CO 80007 Dear Mr. Aberle: Please be advised that at its meeting of September 7, 2000, the Planning Commission APPROVED your request of a three-lot minor subdivision on Light Industrial zoned land at 4840 Van Gordon Street, subject to the following conditions. 1. A note be added regarding a blanket cross access easement on the property consistent with Exhibit "B" of the staff report. 2. The drainage easement maintenance language be modified to be consistent with Exhibit "C" of the staff report. Please submit a final copy of the plat with the conditions from above for our review. A blackline photographic mylar with original signatures will be required for recording with Jefferson County. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, f1thyield Planning Secretary Enclosure: Draft of Minutes cc: MS-00-05 c:a-thyTCRPTSNLANGCOt CORRESPN PV TRSWS0005 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner COOPER referred to Louise Turner's comments in the last paragraph of page three of the minutes concerning the consideration of increasing setback requirements for very tall houses. It was decided to add this as a discussion item under New Business. It was moved by Commissioner GOKEY and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to approve the minutes of August 17, 2000 as presented. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioner DOYLE abstaining and Commissioners MacDOUGALL and THOMPSON absent. 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one to appear before the Commission. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. MS-00-05: An application by Steve Aberle for approval of a three-lot minor subdivision for property zoned I and located at 4840 Van Gordon Street. This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report, presented slides and overheads of the subject property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and she advised the Commission they had jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval of the application with conditions as outlined in the staff report. In response to a question from Commissioner COOPER, Ms. Reckert explained that a foundry with the operation as described by the owner is a permitted use in the zone district. Steve Aberle 6820 Orion Court, Arvada Mr. Aberle, the applicant, was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. He stated his purpose for subdividing was for financial reasons required by the bank. If he builds a building on the property as it is now, the bank would encumber the entire property. He stated his plans to build a better than average structure on the property that will be attractive and structurally sound. He will be relocating an existing business and should have no more than ten employees. The business is a pattern shop that has a small aluminum foundry. Commissioner COOPER asked if Mr. Aberle had received input from neighbors concerning the proposed subdivision. He replied that he had not. In response to questions from Vice Chair SNOW, Mr. Aberle stated that the proposed building will be stucco over concrete. Planning Commission Page 2 September 7, 2000 It was moved by Commissioner DOYLE and seconded by Commissioner McNAMEE that Case No. MS-00-05, a request for approval of a three-lot minor subdivision on Light Industrial zoned land at 4840 Van Gordon Street, be approved for the following reasons: 1. A subdivision is required to create three separate, developable lots. 2. With the exception of items mention in section II of the staff report, all requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added regarding a blanket cross access easement on the property consistent with Exhibit "B" of the staff report. 2. The drainage easement maintenance language be modified to be consistent with Exhibit "C" of the staff report. The motion passed 6-0 with Commissioners MacDOUGALL and THOMPSON absent. B. Case No. WZ-00-07: An application by Nextel Communications for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan for the purpose of collocating CMRS antennas on an existing tower.located at 4836 Van Gordon Street. This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report, presented slides and overheads of the subject property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and she advised the Commission they had jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval of the application for reasons outlined in the staff report. Chuck Rech 4643 South Ulster Boulevard, Denver Mr. Rech, the applicant, was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. He invited questions from the Commission. In response to a question from Commissioner GOKEY, Mr. Rech explained that there is still sufficient room on the tower for other carriers to collocate antennas. Atar Salahuddin 4643 Ulster Boulevard, Denver Mr. Salahuddin, engineer for the applicant, was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. He explained that there is no longer a need for a great deal of separation between adjacent antennas on a structure due to new technology that is now available. Planning Commission Page 3 September 7, 2000 PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER Case No. Case No. MS-00-05 Date: September 7, 2000 An application by Steve Aberle for approval of a 3-lot minor subdivision for property zoned I and located at 4840 Van Gordon Street. (Please Print) Name Address/Phone In Favor/Opposed 134,~5y s~ 30,3 a 87 ere i- 4 . _ _ m d _ __~T , _ _ ~ W ..m . i _w_ w,_. uV ~ _ ,;i f' { it l m 1. ~ " ~ , ~_..~.ti--~_.u,_.~~_~ t I E I E ~ ~ i q i q ~ C°. f 5 t 1 { ~ ~N. 4~, ` ` 1~ ' {V J E ~ s ~ . s i E i ~_._,.a..._.___- } p i i j{., ~ t i "~i }ji , .r j y~ } E S ~ j,/~g,+~ ~ ~^y} [~~q' ; 3 f _ 1 z t"5 ~ . E ; ~ t ~ i ~ ~~`t ~ f _ C ~ t t" •s~ 4 r` r , g ~ { 3 t jr . , d `t f f _ P: f ~ f~ " ~ ( 4 A :z'" ~ a- } , ~ ~ lam: ~p~r 1~1 i'~ ~ i~ t . ~t'' l.%~'' ~ ~ a. ~ ~ w r ! i , L ~ ~ ~ F r ~ f r w d y ~ Y. ' ~q' ~ < r l.. sR"~ v ~ r ~ ~ a F 4 ~ y:- r• rf f'/ i ~ ~ i f~ ' i 3 f' , l ~ ~ ~W; ~ d ~ ~ 'i 1 ~ ~ _ _ j A,.~ r-_ L k v. -«rv~-. i ~ ( i ~ 5.._ I Yll i~{~ ~ u i, r t i 1~; ~ `l ~ k k # ~ ~ € S h d i Q T`~~~ III 1~]~ ~ i ~ 7 t } ' ~L~ t, j. 1 `r 4 t t ,r.'. 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A t _ - ~ ~ ~ s ~ i...., w~ _ k J ti~E s ~ k' + 1 I { ~ I ~ , E 3 Y - I _ _.e.. w., ~ ~ i.~, ~ i E ~ . . ~ 1 ~ ww~~~ ~ ~ . l~ 1 1 i i ~ ~ ~ ~ E~ 4 , ~ ~ ~ ~ s k ' 1 4 E j t C' E f 3 i y~ r"{ ' r.~r~r ~ f ~ .fir-, k...~ ~ ~~"sl~(~ i ~iE$3{:~, ( ! ~f,? p-¢t cIi it ~ t.~ ~€a~`~1 ~ zFu~ 1.. °aJ ✓ i.. ~ t i.. YJ V.' ~.1 a.e 6 ,J ~ a ~ f bY,. x~ ' I 9 [y~; f~ ~ fl - s - ' ~ ~ _ ~ 1~i t L - _ ~ i ~1 ' 1 i e a ~ ~ , i 3 1 ~ {t !f tt~' ~ , ~r f+ ' m a, d~ p t - r + ~ ~ '..~u Z ,l! ►r ~ r.l ~ II #F Y f > { ' ' t' ~ '1" ' Q f ~ n r + i < ~ ~ ,F/ ~ a.,, 4 i t 4 ( ' I ~ ~ ~ rf = ~ t r ~ ~ ~ _ , ,.9 r 6., ~ f, .f_ ~ t I, o r . ~ r ~.l _ , r I . _1; ~ ~ ~ _ s 4 , ~ , ~I i rV J S lH ~ , +Ml" r-~;.^. °-~a , C': f'+, d ; r ~ d. r~.r r k i'.3t f °F f , + , [rid I ~a : I ~ ! C N11CI I I_.. T L lY 1-~ II I -n (I HE , r .1 Tt i . t C7,1 !BCA GROUP~, m C' f CC.S, ConWtonts, i an Baseline . i y f 114 I.,".6d f.I P , 800 ft t' { p r F AX { { Lam,..., p 4.wr i 1 Y i _ _ _ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: September 7, 2000 DATE PREPARED:Atu~gust 28, 2000 CASE NO. & NAME: MS-00-05 CASE MANAGER: rIv1.Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a three lot minor subdivision LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4840 Van Gordon Street NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Steve Aberle 1365 Harlan Street Lakewood, CO NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Same APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE: DATE PUBLISHED: DATE POSTED: DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: ENTER INTO RECORD: 4.73 acres Light Industrial Vacant N, S, E: PID; W: PID, I N: office/warehouse; S: manufacturing; E: office; W: August 18, 2000 August 24, 2000 August 24, 2000 Q COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Q SLIDES (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS Q OTHER The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a three-lot minor subdivision for property located at 4840 Van Gordon. The property is currently zoned I, Light Industrial, and is vacant. The purpose of the request is to allow the construction of three industrial buildings on the property. See letter of request included as Exhibit `A'. II SUBDIVISION DESIGN The proposed subdivision creates three lots. All three of the lots will access a single access point off Van Gordon Street. As such staff has requested a blanket cross access easement over all of the access, parking and drives. Although this was included as part of the original review comments, it was not added to the plat document. See attached Exhibit `B' which is our standard language. This should become a condition of approval. No right-of-way dedications will be required. A storm water detention easement has been shown in the southeast corner of the site but the wrong maintenance language was used. See attached Exhibit `C'. This also should be made a condition of approval. Staff has spoken with the applicant regarding these omissions and they concur with a recommendation of conditional approval. All other requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. This is a request for approval of minor subdivision without street dedications, therefore, only Planning Commission review is required. III. AGENCY REFERRALS All agencies can provide service to the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. Arvada Fire Protection District will require the installation of fire lanes and fire hydrants. Buildings in excess of 18, 000 square feet will have to be sprinklered. Turning radii on the property will need to be designed to accommodate a radius of 46' outside and 26' inside with a four foot bumper overhang. Valley Water can serve the property with the installation of a main line and service lines and taps. They have been working with the owner and his representatives. The City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department has reviewed the plat and has commented relative to the technical aspects which need correction or modification. A drainage report is in the process of being reviewed. The installation of public improvements will be required along the Van Gordon Street frontage. The Traffic Engineer has requested a traffic impact study. This information is required in regard to access design and required public improvements. IV. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that a subdivision is required to create three separate, developable lots. Staff further concludes that the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met with the exception of the two items mentioned in Section H. Of this report. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval is given with the following conditions: A note be added regarding a blanket cross access easement on the property consistent with Exhibit `B'. 2. The drainage easement maintenance language be modified to be consistent with Exhibit `C'. VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Case No. MS-00-05, a request for approval of a three-lot minor subdivision on Light Industrial zoned land at 4840 Van Gordon Street, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. A subdivision is required to create three separate, developable lots. 2. With the exception of the items mentioned in Section II. of this report, all requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added regarding a blanket cross access easement on the property consistent with Exhibit `B'. 2. The drainage easement maintenance language be modified to be consistent with Exhibit `C'. " Option B: "I move that Case No. MS-00-05, a request for approval of a three-lot minor subdivision on Light Industrial zoned land at 4840 Van Gordon Street, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." e:\planning\forms\report e:\planning\forms\reptcovr ARVADA 3 NY,EAT RIDGE ~ r I wz-ac-ze wzaT-il wz-aa~, 3 Ms-ae a siea 5i37 „W 1 If~USTRI I =IVT~R LTD. N H• n n 3 wz-53-5 n 3 0 € P I D z- R,D~E aO D :?1 JOLLY RANCHER INC. -D m J ~H n -D 0 00 T ~0 ` P I D wz-4-'1 IL g I i F~Fi+N Qr WZT3-36 HACO ~ g - h W OWDtRHOR PAR, - 1 µ ANN pi. INO SUED VISION ih N ~I W -83-36 ; W -M-9 a AMEND,RFr PM1RK AMENDMcNT .3 PID " PCD~ g I gWATT ejgj aE~i5 m < / 5 TG -ACEMGNT GEtJTER 5U0. " Ma NTAIN VISTA WZ~ PARK $ F ID m e RID CN,- - - PGD 5RAPHI WEST NICHOLAS GARDENS _I TIRCT 6 ~ wz-TS-oa _ _~~NO~ J RETIREMENT COM-muml " i WEST-TO FRONTAGE NOR OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHFAT RIDGE COLORADO MAP ADOPTED: Jun, 15, 1919,4 Last Revision July 20, 1998 ZONE DISTRICT BOUNDRY PARCEL/LOT BOUNDRY (DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP) CITY LIMIT LINE WATER FEATURE » DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES SE 1-7 C SCALE I'=400 kTMENT OF BANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - 235-2852 Hawkins Associates Architects, P.C. ay-i-4,a1T ~A Letter of Request A-1 Pattern Co. PROJECT INTENT AND PURPOSE June 29, 2000 Planning and Development Department City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 The owner of the property located at 4840 Van Gordon St. wants to subdivide the lot into three parcels. The Nortwest subdivided parcel is planned for the construction of a 28,800-S.F. , 24 foot high factory building for the owner's use. Future buildings are planned for the other two parcels. Space in these buildings will be leased to business tenants. The pupose of this development is industrial and/or warehouse use to meet the needs of the owner and his tenants. Sincerely, WK S ASSOCIA ES HIT CTS. PC' Richar A., Hawkins, Pres. Suite 320 Applewood.Tech . Center 2801 Youngfield Street Golden, Colorado 80401 (303).239-0800 Fax 239-0801 EXHiB r7 , a, "The owners of Lots of assigns grants limited rights and privilege Of to and freesmovement through alld curb cuts, parking areas and drive aisles within these lots. Such grant of easement shall be limited to the owners, tenants, customers, and guests of the owners, and shall furthermore grant access to, and free movement through said easements to those entering said easement from similarly recorded easements from adjacent properties, and/or from abutting public streets." EKIIIBIT 'G` Platted Detention Easement Statement When on-site detention is required for development, and is to be defined on the platting document, the following statement or note should be added: The storm detention area here shown as shall be constructed and maintained by the owner and subsequent owners, heirs, successors and assigns. In the event that such construction and maintenance is not performed by said owner, the City of Wheat Ridge shall have the right to enter such area and perform necessary work, the cost of which said owner, heirs, successors, and assigns agrees to pay. No building or structure will be constructed in the detention area and no changes or alterations affecting the hydraulic characteristics of the detention area will be made without the approval of the Director of Public Works. 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 August 24, 2000 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you that the following petitions will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on September 7, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. Case No. WZ-00-07: An application by Nextel Communications for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan for the purpose of collocating CMRS (Commercial Mobile Radio System) antennas on an existing tower located at 4836 Van Gordon Street. Case No. MS-00-05: An application by Steve Aberle for approval of a 3-lot minor subdivision for property zoned Industrial (1) and located at 4840 Van Gordon Street. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. Please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions or desire to review any plans. Thank you. Planning Division. c:\Barbara\PCRPTS\PLANGCOM\Pcnotice\WZ0005.wpd a d d =I c w~ d ~ d d D H U d N Q d U U `I a C O Z d ~ dl ~ d R C 7 .'v a a I K > ~ a O 1 3 6 N ~ w C . d O E a a 0 d U L o a a c £ 01 o a r .n r ~n r u> r ~n r u> r .n r ~n r ~n r .n ~ a= d 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 0 O O N x °o' m a y m U O O o 0 0 0 N 0 0 NN N 0 0 N y 0 0 N N 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 NN N 0 0 ~ 05 2 Sxc~ 2 3af S~a2 3as~ w 32 2 3~u 2 5«s 5«s ~ 2 «s u 0 O y ° to M M a m >o o No ry d ~'>o ' < o>~ , o-o ° i > W J::o 0U O N rnQ a o N o.co aD cQ 0 NLy A 5L0 0-~ 0 d a ° W L NU° O o a m 0 0 0 a VI Or L O O 65 C) Y Oa C. N0 d 0 Q 0 U N O N al m N U Q~ U rn v 2 ~3 m y o.r Um d c d a 'LL'~ V. LL ~-dj ~ c i~a "o.o° CL~ c d ~M N a NN N C d-O- d>K N d d m Q ~nK m L > oNC d~0 d -Na c~nK ->m.., oMfL m.. d~ cr'o c° LIJ >Ma a~~om O (6 a N_ 6 ~ d ~ 2d N d 2 {O d ~ O ~ ?U' y M d ~ O d -o ' M O U' LL Z J Q N N Q M V p j ~ s rn i ~ z ~ pL C y N d~ £ w Q . N ~ O w ~U U~LLW E El [I ❑ ❑ z d N LLI Q ° n n n N O ` 9 co o v rn m m rn m rn rn m m W W O £ rn m rn m m m m m m I- > U z Q W o w = H p N D a Z o Z CD LLI z F 2 g c a Una ~I - d N t3 O a zd y U H 0 v v v .a 0 v z F N d d C d N V a 'v o z c Z ~ y ` Z > NI C c I I K >I K a N _ N N pp O N C N w - N ' N O n y E d 0 m o L 0 N E o c c 0 N = # m m u~ m u> m 0 0 m 0 0 m 0 0 _ N'C'O N 0 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 0 O O O O O O O O % ti A N N U O O N co O O ~I U) O O N U) O O N U) O O N N O O N y O O N y ? O O N N 2 N ¢m°~ Saf2 S.62 ~i 4fn Zica 2 ~-6 3-a imp i.6 W2 u O O O w N U O J N GC a ~ M M C d O N J d M M F 16 N L N O O O Q m N O T C m a> M y Q N O U O a D N O r_ N U> O Q m O O N a D m O N N U N L O U N 'O O Q U t0 uN.. N Y N O o U 6 N N ° d C L O N y U W N O U N • m NU a Q V a~ O ui06 xN~ ~ 0i 0 Q(7 ai IL 0 /A Eve i -0 2' v m N p 9 .o O N Q m L O c m c N 'O c O W >.c m N N a _ c N Co n rn N V o U "O 0 d w y N Q O O o 3 n a w mm N>~ w N > ' o N>~ a > Nm c caw o . ~ 10x - r 10 m E N m d m m v-, m m o c c m N >o,. m m m N U . N rn N . Q m R' U m N J - 0 U W N N 2 m Q U C y w N Q v n O1 N ' - n a i O d . ~U O~LLw N Y m m N r 2 Q N N N O p ~ uNi ~ N ~ u i N u i ~ O a m rn rn m m rn rn m W O E m rn m m `O rn m m m rn m rn m m m m H > V z' a¢w g N 0 U- 0 0 Z a z 02 Z ~ ~ Un~ a ~I r~s©©o5 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) * , Owner :Modglin Mark/Rita - Parcel : 042822 5-' Site :12295 W 48Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 07/21/1998 Mail :12295 W 48Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price : $75,000 Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1999 Pool: B1dgSF: 6,003 Ac:.58 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Harper John F Parcel :042827 Site :4905 Ward Rd Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/17/1973 Mail :966 S Josephine St Denver Cc 80209 Price :$55,000 Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1996 Pool: B1dgSF :4,000 AC:1.00 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Braning William A Parcel :042873 Site :12275 W 48Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/16/1988 Mail :14125 W 48Th Ave Golden Cc 80403 Price Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land Phone :303-279-8658 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1963 Pool: BldgSF :3,000 Ac:.92 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Kceltzow Melvin W Parcel :042925 Site :12385 W 48Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/12/1985 Mail :12385 W 48Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-420-4607 Bedrm: Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1913 Pool: B1dgSF :1,152 Ac:.84 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Hydrotropics Corporation Parcel :042929 Site :4830 Ward Rd Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/10/1983 Mail :4830 Ward Rd Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1964 Pool: B1dgSF :1,792 Ac:.22 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Sanders June R Parcel :043022 Site :4805 Van Gordon St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :09/26/1975 Mail :13071 W 20Th Ave Golden Co 80401 Price :$151,000 Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land Phone :303-237-3712 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF :13,440 Ac:.95 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :L£ Enterprises Llc Parcel :043596 Site :4800 Van Gordon St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/27/1995 Mail :6839 Taft Ct Arvada Co 80004 Price :$415,000 Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land Phone Bedrm : Bath: TotRm:l YB:1997 Pool: B1dgSF :21,280 Ac:4.15 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Aberle Steven C Parcel :043823 Site :4840 Van Gordon St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/10/1995 Mail :6635 Braun Ct Arvada Co 80004 Price :$304,500 Use :3111 Vacant,Industrial Phone Bedrm : Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac:4.65 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Pietro Gene Parcel :043865 Site :4836 Van Gordon St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered mail :4836 Van Gordon St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land Phone Bedrm : Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1975 Pool: BidgSF :15,212 Ac:4.84 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Hydrotropics Corp Parcel :070000 Site :4830 Ward Rd Whe idge 80033 Xfered :12/17/1986 ,y Mail :4830 Ward heat Ridge Co 80033 Price /III Use :3111 V ant,Industrial Phone 111/// Bedrm : Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:.19 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Lazaroff Lewis Samuel Trustee Parcel :073398 Site :4901 Ward Rd Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/29/1992 Mail :550 S Parfet St Lakewood Cc 80226 Price Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land Phone Bedrm : Bath: TotRm:l YB:1959 Pool: B1dgSF:14,099 Ac:1.75 She Information Provided IS Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. - MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Deorio Ralph A Parcel : 109982 Site :4800 Ward Rd Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 03/31/1999 Mail :12550 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price : $85,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone : 303-422-3107 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1967 Pool: B1dgSF: 1,638 Ac:.58 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ; Owner :Asby Evan E Parcel : 187634 Site :4800 Ward Rd Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 09/07/1995 Mail :4894 Van Gordon St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :3111 Vacant,Industrial Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:1.13 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Of Colorad Parcel : 189952 Site :4803 Ward Rd Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/22/1992 Mail :10350 E Dakota Ave Denver Co 80231 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone :303-344-7200 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1987 Pool: B1dgSF :36,593 Ac:11.64 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :East Valley Asset Corp Parcel :198564 Site :4890 Van Gordon St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/30/1997 Mail :4890 Van Gordon St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$865,000 Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1984 Pool: BidgSF :15,400 Ac:1.41 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Selden Patrick Properties Llc Parcel :200462 Site :4895 Van Gordon St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/01/1996 Mail :2916 S Saint Paul St Denver Co 80210 Price :$925,000 Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: Tot Rm:l YB:1996 Pool: B1dgSF :18,880 Ac:.96 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Alexis Investments Corp Parcel :405335 Site :4895 Ward Rd Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/17/1992 Mail :11900 W 49Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$1,975,000 Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1991 Pool: B1dgSF :11,050 Ac:1.15 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Alexis Invest Corp Parcel :405336 to :4895 Ward Rd Whe edge 80033 Xfered :11/17/1992 ail 11900 W 44Th Alp Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$525,000 Use :2112 Com proved Land Phone edrm: B h: TotRm:2 YB:1990 Pool: B1dgSF :3,275 Ac:.78 ; MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Lf Enterprises Llc Parcel :406415 Site :4800 Van Gord St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/27/1995 Mail :6839 Taft Arvada Co 80004 Price :$415,000 Use. :2177 Va nt,Commercial,Limited Size Phone Bedrm : ath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac*.14 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Alexis Investment Corp Parcel :415894 Site :4895 Ward Rd at Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/03/1994 Mail Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 :11900 W 94 Price Use 2 IR mpr :311oved Land Phone Bedrm : the TotRm:l YB:1987 Pool: B1dgSF :22,019 Ac:1.43 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Mc Lean Alan C Parcel :421490 Site :4850 Ward Rd Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/08/1995 Mail :PO Box 208 Wheat Ridge Cc 80034 Price Use :3111 Vacant,Industrial Phone Bedrm : Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac:1.73 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Mc Lean Alan C Parcel :421491 ^ mite :4850 Ward Rd W t Ridge 80033 Xfered 12/08/1995 Mail :PO Box 20 eat Ridge Co 80034 Price : V Use :3112 1,1 ,Improved Land Phone Bedrm : Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1978 Pool : B1dgSF :70,112 Ac:3.85 The Information Provided is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. f ::i "..i is>.... .i. t.. . ! ...1 ...:+.11''-. COUNTY ASSES SOR/TRE ASUR ER SYSTE M !al:::;A1't70.1. Next Screen,,,, 18760., ,..,r i r--:•„ 1876% % t±'':. a'I:, L!. i!: C Parcel ID2 3?- 174-08-001 i A.J :I. tiiit" Reasons Re lated I'1 i.{. ::ilf .l. !.N,!:-n}e'i':LC P'.al!,IUI:.(iH!1Pfi•.! PARK .Li..!.!.. l! N' L.E 04356 0 i:: 4:! !'bier :i3 C/O: X ART DAHMS I"!. r;..i.~.-! !.~:1.t":: Ii .~~;.:I..1.:: '._!.1. i: !`I,.(Ili.a:; .L':%11..1 I'':: ::i T Y.i'I'; : L. i'I:: City: ADI::l ! !-'r!:qps r?i.r:: i!<:urnaa .In.:rn.l f...rir.:: iv:: ':i r, t.ll':r, (:::i.'I::•»';; l,.ll-fG::!-:I f:.Ii?Gf:;. J.:rt CO -.:i.r.:, !:.rp::ir::: 8 0033 a DEAN . I:L':.•':; it1P:: Actual us:::.r:r?:>_:.i.:r,::I Assessed Most :::i?}.. LRecent Sa .('t :_!T..y...:v. ~ le ~ : I. ..r ..I'K:1.: ':iPt. _f.. ...d ::'rr' DateN 8-29-19B5 Codes 44 Asses sed fmpsl~ h-al!1.::: 7.!r?r.:d:: PLAT 6-15- 1955 I:..11.:<:lE 9245 2855., !.tI'1 ...I.•.,r (:.:kiiC,..r}'.::''I:::I.... ..!t.l L.; 1 Lot Key ;;iEei:: ~IS,!1'1 (::Yt ra ld Vii; ii?i:: 1...v ,.ilrl 1-11"::'zz':Sr. Acres 614600 85082363 0001.1 1? 3 69 SE 49223 ,r, Subs P!'[i6t1:DERP.b:: RN p::1:aP ;.K MINOR SUB h,q_Ir:r,du 303 Are, S95'i'ur;:: Use BI t 1.1171 Can 1;;3m 1%.1. to I''.1. r !:riT L im 1°I7",iii:ir. 1:;4Effll Area Tot al Land 1f:Ji:, Ai:: Y;:iYiEi 49223 1.130 j"'•::1::::(:P:bd;. I°Ifd'1'. .L1:'!' 1--};3::::1.: .i-1': Mstr F21-D ap Doc i...dti;'i 1'1 ;it l'U::I •:ii A.r2!'ISC•!: 1-24-00 K V, ATSPUBL IC Tf:::P'P°!:i:R4ii:iN COU NTY ASSESSOR/TRE ASUR ER SYSTE M 4:1'_ I. 870:1. 06-30 -0 0 r44::3'lli:f•: AT ...a.x:.. Next Screens ...+:::`,'v h•. 04386'.-.j r:";:!1[:!.r:: aniih i" 043865 p I'<§.'..[. [ii- ~..r'., I Parcel IDN •:;....T"''r}_'t-,1?...tJt::i'::: . ......j_~ ...1..:.'I'. ~ I ,._.P+!: .:i:i1'Y,. 31w, I`.•:!; n Related Schedules UL.gfbii?'I`:!.;; PIETRO GENE Owner2s C/Oo mailz 04 836 .i. 1" Names .!(1f,7 iaf (:1!'•;.l)lal',I a.:.';, WHEAT RIDGE . St :i CO a...::i.l::+ z t:;t:i+:ae:. , 1"Y"i:i(:?1: 04636 A?:I. Y";; I'`Iiiti04?I; „III, lf? 14.1.1. ~i~":; `.:l `'I' C _I{', „ 4.,'.'t,v;: .1 'ai` WHEAT RIDGE :...'t . 4.;L.J CO :..LCi Codes 80033 DBAs a.tyr 4df,: Actual Assessecl Mos t Recent Sale Data Date Lands 109200 31670 Dates Code. Assessed Impsu 436700 12664-0 Amto Deeds 4-15-1999 T otals 545900 158310 S v Reception B/ T Lot Key Sec IpJ fY i"n:a Usec L and Area Acres 5508 00 21630035 0006 O OA 17 :.:i 211050 ::rltl::+o N:f .C;l-U:il._A?:; lal_}l:,•Dli::ir,!?:3 ..hi:ii:;+::I:; '-1'.r..[I i:U U r.. + IIrrI:, 4,;r',rY 1:; se li',:Lt t! e se - Fir ~ 1_'+I L ..:i.v Area - Area e t. s ~iinY Area ea 1+::r 1....?!sia Tot 1"I(::'jr•;?;! n P:a+..1. t.; tJ l"I f'1!':: 397 1975 r.. 1-1 ; .I. .1. 5c'::I. r? 360 211050 4.845 f .;+::::(:n:1dl Hsst Inf FFes::::!='rt h iY64'I::Y I';t:L::::i!<::p Doc Las t Change Dates B-31-94 1'..;:. ATSPUBLIC JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR/TREASURER 06-30-00 9N23N2:1. MASTER Kevs 406406 Schedules F-Dists %0`.,' Reasons Ownerls LAKE FRONT P ARTNERS Owner2s . 00632 DirN Name: GOLD Citvw BOULDER I •.i'C?I:?:: 04800 .U :I. Y"g Names II'LBI_IR :I':BA.. Most Recent Sall e Daata:'. Dates 10-09-1992 Codes 44 Amts Deeds PTD ::i;aa.v Reception B/T Lot 439450 92128732 001 0002 Subs L..( :iR::li::rii:ii• T CENTE R p. i1::PBE 2 '°;'t:'i't.:: U Use rriit: Un't: Con );sm Bid Dat Assessed 4-15-2000 7 , Fir GT L..:i.v Area:'. SYSTEM WSAR70J. Next Screens Parcel IDs 39-174-08-016 Related Schedules 168631 168632 168633 Ty m RD i f U't:.: 9710 Stn CO Zip Codes 80302 St: CO Zip codes 80033 t:: i t WR Actual Assessed Lands 210230 60970 TotaIN 210230 60970 I'^: I'ig i.:!<Ei.ki."_: Land Area Acres 69 SE 5727 3.575 Nhoods 109 Areas !:;::iiri r-Ir,;r;a. i'rrl:.a!'.:I. L.....!°r:a 1.:!": r-!f::rv;;<.:: 155727 3. 575, I:r.!::::I::D:idl I'st: :Ln I::;.?:::Pr'tl MsP.'tr I' ia.:::a!Ep Doc Last Change Date: 7-18-96 IIR:. rl i t:;l't.JA:;L...Ei:; jEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR/TREASURER 06-30-00 9:23c25 MASTER KI : 406405 Schedule: f-Distn 3109 Reasons Ownerlu LAKE FRONT P ARTNERS @::1ner2% t..:iOa X VERMILLION Mails 00632 Dirg Names GOLD i::i.'t':us iiial..Jl...iJEI:;: Props 04800 Diru Names TABOR i:::i.'ty.: WHEAT RTDG!ii: DB t s Mo st Recent Sal e Data Dates 10-09-1992 Codes 44 omi : Deeds l'' 1 D SI..J .I. v Reception B/ T Lot 439450 92128732 001 000ID Sub: L_ AKl:::i'•iiai' T CENTE R STAGE 2 ?:;'¢:r I,.U:: Use 1:;;:1..1.. U...:, Con 406405 Status: RUN D a. l::t Assessed 4-15-2000 Key Bee I WI'} 17 3 FIr OT Liv Area SYSTEM WSAR701. Next Screens Parcel IDs 3139--104..-08--00' Related Schedules 168632 16863!--j 1 'a s k.V t:i'I' u Ut: s ;a •F " It l ,.:.:L1-1 Codes ."rl{:, 80302 SfN U& Tyn Stu CO Zip Codes 80033 . II Assessed Lands 53100 15=) I:mllsu Totals 53100 15400 I'l:ni:1 l:l5>li'?I": Land I-}}"1?:it Acres I69 SE 39335 Nhoods 109 Areas A:t£iill Area Total L..?U"n:;l 1'r:}'1;, Acres 39335 .903 P':=t-n:al:aa. t°r::;1:: .Crrr I ti:..lc.r...l:: r'rs:,r Pcta.::::.:.a.. l_Jiai:: L..;1.=.>'!: C.I°,.41'rl:at:? .t?trt;:r,.?s 7-18-96 I'•il^tJ A'i SPt.J4Gl... T(:; SEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR/TREASURER 06-30-00 9:23:0.) MASTER Kew 406408 Schedules T-Dish 3 10 Reasons l: wntreer l s GILLIGAN HOMES OF COLORADO i:i,:!ner.: s C/O s Citys WHEAT RIDGE Prop: 04600 Dirm Names TABOR Citm WHEAT RIDGE !?:i A Most Recent Sale Data Dates 5-29-1997 Codes 11 Amts 124800 Deeds WARR Sdiv Reception B/T Lot 439450 F0423897 001 0006 St.tba L_FFrI«: E::i`•if:ii•!"(' CENTER STAGE 2 Struc Use Bit Unt Con Bsm Bid ;:r Clr>408 '.±'I::a tuEre .I. IN C 1. a t Assessed 4-15-1999 R:ev ;:'serf:: TWn 1. , Fir GT Liv Area p°:7:,:(::P:idl Msst: Inf IT%::: Prt Msst:'r E':':L::::I:ifiip Doi.. SYSTEM A T S 10 t:1 i' Next Screens Parcel IDs 39-174-08-020 Related Schedules 168635 168636 .AYE Tya Sf a 1, l'I•: s :::t GO Zip `3 Codes }':rl.(?: ,;.i Stn GO Zip Codes 80033 Cittym I.,lR Actual As sessed Lands 104000 it.!:6('i Imps s 0 Totals 104000 30160 E!: I"iCf Use c L and Area Acres 69 {10 .955 h.ll-cod u 302 Ar e;w; r]ssm Area To tal Land Tot Acres Last Cha nge Dates 9-15- 97 ("r 6d-i'i-3P'!..11 !...:I:i::: JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR/TREASURER PIC SKI--I Keys 198566 Schedule: 198564 `3't.a.tuf66 t; :I. Owner& EAST VALLEY ASSET CORPORATION L.iUJIIGiY:'':e C/O:: f`l tit :I. :I.:; 13400 :i' :I.'i' l,) f'12iu1xiiY,; .I. •::::i City: GOLDEN Props 04890 lii.r;; Names VAN GORDON t.:.4. vN WHEAT RIDGI~~: t;l:,I::}:• Most Recent Sale Data Dtit'11 . it' u 12-22-1997 Codes Assessed Amt: 865000 Deeds LJAl",E".. 4-15-1999 ':I :I. `.l Reception if/I Lot I,.... Sec i WI't 614600 F0531516 0001 17 3 ?Sr,. ba PiaW1i1:::RHORN PARK MINOR SUB La-}_44:: Use Iit .L'i:: I,.. ft':, Can )i: !Sill )i :1. d Fl r COMMIT 405 1984 2 2 1 15400 P?::::6A::dl. Msst: Inn I £:;::::P:•rt t^ie:>tr I"t':L:::a:'sp Do4:: Parcel SYSTEM WSAR?01 ATS Next Screens IDc 39-174-08-02D Related Schedules 187636 Sts CO Zip Codes 80401 351? i'".1:: 3T sSf N lit:: StN CO Zip Codes 80033 CitVa WR Actual Assessed Laws 171400 49710 lmpsv 685600 198880 Total: 857200 248590 Rng Usec Land Area Acre,..., 69 SE 29621 .680 I:;snt (u--rza. Total Land Tot Acres 61855 6420 L_a.=:>'l': Change Da'1::4•! 1-20....98 ,TL..I'' AT'Eil't.llii...:Ia:; JEFFERSON COUNTY I-i::i':ii:i.A:;.::?r'iP2,''i f'tGa=i,i'rIJP?Gl:Ft SYSTEM 06....30.._00 ?;:;:.'.::ia::ia. I`7F:1>.:i11G1';. (dl`a,[t)t.?;::: PIC. Next Screens . I{ti•!V 2 00462 ,`.i i:a'1 iSdrau.l. e;; 2004 62 ii'F.:a't:t.l=:>m .I. I"':a.l're.I. IDs 39-174-08-026 T-Dista 3109 Reasons N96 N96 Related Schedules Ownerls L_L_J:::'E PATRICK PROPERTIES LLC 187636 Owner2s l:; O u Mails 02525 Dirs Names 6 ST .3'I°.. 1,JtN :I.:I.di. Props Cityu DENVER Stu CO Zip Codes 80211 04894 1}a. i. g Names t,!f::ii, Y. L.J'I:: :I t.;:l.'I::y.. tall°IL::GdI' i..1_!(:i::. Stu CO Zip L.a7ia:•.. 80033 i'!:i:a.a s City: WR Actual Assessed Most Recent Sale J:}ah:;;.. 1.;...'l':e Land: 183600 53240 . Date: 7.....:;.L.._Ly<1.~, I...>rar:}i.. F1::>st>i])....Ei'td Linp'..n ii-iii}{) ._':L....:r;{} llf:: ::,.....1,...._.L4; i'?:?'¢.aa.l.•9• 917900 Amt: 925000 , ):;q~p2ta.: WF;. ,.,rfa.•.^ Re:•ri:ipl'::i.ian f;,''f' L..r!I:: I?try x;et:: ('wr'i F:rrg G!::>r,t:: Land rn-e;a rn:::rer_:> 614600 F0278467 t:}t:}t:}:; 17 69 }E 41818 „96C, Subs POWI}Iii:Rl-IORN PARK rl:la•lOR `?UB Nhoodll 38 Area,; iwILB.: I. I. Struc Fl r !:.i'.LI~:. I ,.Jrrl': Con Bs m Aa.l.~l P.Li L:.1 L...LV Area a i l:. s:>m Area 1'.... ...ai'b:a Ii:?15 Acres f'7::::f;o::b::i:L. i°i46'I:: In f I''>.3::::1'r k: i•'is: tr F ;i:L::=1}sp Doc: L..;a1ii':: Change gChange Date: 2-24-00 MRJ' I:fitL 6Yi'£:('I C; JEFF :f ERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR/TREASURE R SYSTEM `.:ifd ^;:C: _ . OC.>....,,i}....i..'i:,'' ?,,r......;.,..PQ. MASTER ATS1002 Next Screens h. t:S`./s S.,2+cr..:3;.. 5 Schedules 084325 ,.>.:.t .5:; .I. Parcel .1:1 39- 174-07-006 T-Dislu 3109 Reasons R76 Related Sc hedules Owns: r :I. a WESTERN STATES MINERALS CORPORATION 1.; o s Mail: 04575 Dira Names :I.'tv 9 WHEAT RIDGE Props 04975 Dirg Names Cityg WHEAT RIDGE :l?AitA s Most Recent Sale Daba Date: 3-16-1981 Codes 00 Amtv 120400 Deeds l7GtN l3l:tP<Dt: N Reception VAN GORDON Sdiv B/T Lot 550800 81020292 0001 Daa'1:4e Assessed 4-15-1995 00G 17 3 Subu N ICHOL AS GARDE NS Si3t:r't.tt:: ll<.?e Bit Un'I:. Con Bsm Bid Fir BT Liv Area l.,l.,l l°li"1I': 39 8 1968 1 i°I 1 .i. ,.!!!;l) P`?::::f:add 1. t•'ita't' : In f r i3:: Pr t Msstr r'21 =Dsp Doc ADDIT IONAL I...Pi:i' AL_S EE:X IS'Y TVs ST Stn 1; L:; L,1 Zip l.:i:yrlir7?s 80033 2117 S +f s t.J't': TVs Stn CO Zip t.?;,,.:1477., t::::i.il::` N WR Actual Assessed Land: 45100 13080 I:mpsu 180500 52 350 Totals 225600 65430 i"a"IC:I l:l f.:iE; i:: Land Area Acres 1:79 ;.r)::. 15088 .346 Nhi:?{7dN 363 PoY'eas s(It Area I'i:i'I;:aa..I. Land Tot (-1C::YFefii 19686 .452 L_aL°.1:: Ch;aa.f'o:a4e Dates 12-19...94 Itl'i.1 GtTSP'UBI IC' 3 Ei:h-P'Iii:Pt iC. N COUNTY ASSESSOR/TREASURER SYSTEM t'i :;A 7 (}:1. . 06-30-00 '?c:..:3••...,...; i1~.:;IIiiM:Pi F1`:i10C; Next Screens Keys 043766 St:a'}i4ir:b..t.l1:;?;; 043766 Status s .I. Parcel I Dg 39-174-07-005 . i--.trJ.°°.;; 3109 E~a•:r::~<giil'};; I';:,<; Related *iica'}ri;dt.t.at:+?:; t weer 1 s HAUPTMEN INVESTMENT CO Owner2s C/O e Mails 08690 Dir: Names WOLFF' Cityr WESTMINSTER 04965 ...I Props A: J.}_;; V::' Names :I}11 I::I t_!I^t),JI.iIV CityN WHEAT RIDGE I:iBA s Most Recent Sal e 17.:: 1:<,. c..." Dates ._s:L .....I.:: I Codes Assessed AmtN 185000 Deeds SWAR 4-15-1999 "'d.l. v Reception T3`T Lot I<. ti?y k3et:: 1441'7 550800 9414706? 0003 OOD 17 3 Subs NICHOLAS GARDE NS 3't:rt.c Use ):if:lt !._nt : Con Ti;?sin d P':I.'r BT Liv Area C:a:)i"iMR 398 1969 I . G I. I. 2130 I:. • :::q::t:: d 1. Ms.t: Inf E t:3::_P:..r_t: Ms't:'r E ;.'.:1.::: Dsp Dtat:: Stu CO Z:LID i:::i:ides 0030 369:1. Stu Zip Codes 80033 Citys WR Actual Assessed Land: 84100 24390 Impsn 57200 16590 Totals 141:::300 4098(;' Rnq Usec Land Area Acres 69 SE 42050 .965 Mhoocis 373 1:;<:iin Ari'a:iax 1't:r1':a.I. Land i'i:i't r=lr:: r.;:•s 42050 . 98.5 Last Change Dates 12-02-94 LJK ATSPUBL. JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR/TREASURER 06-30-00 9p23N56 MASTER Kivu 42149:1. Schedules 421491 T-Dists Reasons yin'; Owner is Ni(:: LEAN ALAN C C/O Mails Dirg Name: PO BOX 208 Citys WHEAT RIDGE Props 04850 Diru Names WARD CityN WHEAT RIDGE 1:?BAu PARCEL 2 Most Recent Sale Data 12-08-1995 39 Dates Codes Amts Deeds PLAT cir:):L'•:, Reception B/ T Lot 295210 F0156208 00(12 Subs GRAPHICS WEST AMD H2 : ita tus[f s :1. Date Assessed 4-15-1999 Key Sec Twn 17 Str'uc Use Bits Unt Can issm Bid F l.'r GT L..:iv Ix-r.:::rir:b:l Mst: In f P'ri:: Prt t"i'str P';.'.:I.:=D sp Area 70112 Doc SYSTEM WSAR?01 Next Screens Parcel 11'r 39-174-07-020 Related Schedules 18956:1. Vs ifs Ut s St u CO Zip Codes 80033 TVs RD fifs Uts St u CO Zip codes 60033 C itVN WR Actual Assessed Lands 463000 134270 Lilr!rc[.0 1852000 537080 Total: 2315000 67135(? i Itin:I _[:i'C.: U sec L..y.rPa hdY I°}i. r a""ii: 9 167706 3.850 Nhoo di 343 Areas Dsm Area Total Land Tot Acres 167706 3.850 Last Change Dates 4-0 9-98 :I'(`11.: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on September 7, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: Case No. WZ-00-07: An application by Nextel Communications for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan for the purpose of colocating CMRS (Commercial Mobile Radio System) antennas on an existing tower located at 4836 Van Gordon Street. Said property is legally described as follows: TRACT 6, NICHOLAS GARDENS, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Case No. MS-00-05: An application by Steve Aberle for approval of a 3-lot minor subdivision for property zoned Industrial (I) and located at 4840 Van Gordon Street. Said property is legally described as follows: PLOT 4, NICHOLAS GARDENS, EXCEPTING THE WESTERLY 10 FEET AS GRANTED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN BOOK 2301 AT PAGE 416, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Kathy Field, Senior Secretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: August 18, 2000 Wheat Ridge Transcript C:\Barbara\PCRPTS\PLANGCOWUBHRG\000907pub,wpd Letter of TRANSMITTAL to: Meridith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge address: 7500 W. 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80215-6713 re: Al Pattern Minor Subdivision date: August 29, 2000 Encl.: (15) Copies - Preliminary Plat (1) Copy - Warranty Deed Ms Reckert As you requested, enclosed are 15 copies of the Al Pattern Minor Subdivision Plat along with 1 copy of the Warranty Deed. Respectfully Submitted, From the desk of... John M. McLain, P.E. BCA Group 11445 West 1-70 Frontage Road North Suite 102 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 ph 303 403 4706 fax: 303 940 9959 City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Mike Garcia FROM: 4eredith SUBJECT: Case No. MS-00-05 DATE: August 29, 2000 Attached are copies of documents pertaining to Case No. MS-00-05: 1. Copy of the deed 2. Revised plat document My initial review of the revised plat revealed two problems: 1. The wrong storm water detention easement language was used. 2. The blanket cross-access easement language was not added. These will become conditions of approval by the Planning Commission. Let me know if you have any other concerns. SUBDIVISION MEMO AND CONTACT RECORD CONTACT NUMBER: 2 DATE RECEIVED: 8828, 2000 DATE REVIEWED: 8-30, 2000 SUBDIVISION NAME: A-1 Pattern Minor Subdivision ENGINEER: NAME: Noel L. Potter BCA Group ADDRESS: 11445 WI-70 Frontage Road North Suite !02 Wheat Ridge CO.80033 PHONE: (303) 403-4706 FAX: (303) 403-0800 CITY REPRESENTATIVE: JOHN MCGUIRE REMARKS: 1: All Previous comments have been addressed 2: Is lien holders signature line needed? 3: I have included a statement for the detention easement. 4: I don't think we need the owners address and phone number in the dedicatory statement. It is only required info for the application and doesn't need to appear on the plat. 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: PLEASE RETURN ALL REDLINES WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL. ENGINEER REPRESENTATIVE: Noel L. Potter REMARKS: The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or review agencies. You may respond to these comments by phone or fax. Please contact us prior to submitting new prints so that we may inform you if there are any additions or corrections that need to be made. DETENTION/RETENTION AREAS Storm water detention/retention area(s): When storm water detention/retention area(s) are required the fol- lowing language shall appear on the face of the plat: Q~ The storm water detention/ retention area(s) shown hereon shall be constructed and maintained by the owners, heirs, successors, and assigns. In the event that said construc- tion and maintenance is not performed by said owner, the City of Wheat Ridge shall have the right to enter such area(s) and perform the necessary work, the cost of which, said owner, heirs, successors, and assigns agrees to pay upon billing. No building or structure will be con- structed in the detention/retention area(s) and no changes or alterations affecting the hydraulic character- istics of detention/retention area(s) will be made without the approval of the City Engineer. DETENTION*AREAS THAT'ARE TO BE DEDICATED EASE NTS torm water detention/retention/drainage easements : When storm water detention/retention/draina easement(s) are requir the following language shall appea on the face of the plat: The sto water detention/retentio drainage easement(s) shown her n are hereby granted the City. This/these easement(s)'-4 /are being conve ed for the purposes of operation, re ir, alteratio and maintenance of the storm water mana went syste The maintenance and opera- tion of the said f ility/ c1lities shall be the respon- sibility of the City, and maintenance crite said facility/facili accepted. The city hy~ the purposes forth: been granted. / P viding the design, construction i of the City are' followed and the es has/have been approved and the r ht to enter the property for ch this ese easement(s) has/have No buildings, ills, excavations, st ctures, fences, or other altera ions shall be constructed ithin the storm water deten ion/retention/drainage easeme (s) without' the expres written consent of the City. City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Planning Staff FROM: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Cross Access/Ingress-Egress Easements DATE: June 6, 1999 Quite often, we require a property owner to allow vehicular circulation from adjacent properties or streets through his property. The instrument used to allow this is a "cross access/ingress- egress easement". The easement can be created on and by virtue of approving and recording a subdivision plat or official development plan, or it can be accomplished by a recorded easement document which adequately describes the purpose for and location of the easement. The following language which has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney should be included on all subdivision plats or official development plans where cross access between properties is desired. "The owner, his successors and assigns grants limited rights and privilege of access to, and free movement through those areas indicated as cross access/ingress-egress easements, as illustrated upon this plat (official development plan). Such grant of easement shall be limited to the owners, tenants, customers, and guests of the owners, and shall furthermore grant access to, and free movement through said easements to those entering said easement from similarly recorded easements from adjacent properties, and/or from abutting public streets." If grant of easement is to occur by a separately recorded instrument, that instrument should include a legal description of the proposed easement(s) and a drawing which illustrates the location and extent of such easement(s) with reference to the entire property boundaries. It should also be signed by the owner(s) and have signature lines for the Wheat Ridge Director of Public Works and Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Director. For blanket cross-access easements, please use the following modified language. This language can be used when commercial properties share parking, curb cuts, etc. "The owners of Lots of Subdivision, his successors and assigns grants limited rights and privilege of access to, and free movement through all curb cuts, parking areas and drive aisles within these lots. Such grant of easement shall be limited to the owners, tenants, customers, and guests of the owners, and shall furthermore grant access to, and free movement through said easements to those entering said easement from similarly recorded easements from adjacent properties, and/or from abutting public streets." E:reckertcrossaccess MEMORANDUM To: File Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Project: A-1 Pattern Minor Subdivision Date: August 21, 2000 Subject: Minor Subdivision Referral Comments Review of Meredith Reckert's Comments City of Wheat Ridge Planning Department Review Comments Dated August 1, 2000 Meredith listed several concerns regarding conformance with the City's Land Development Codes. The following letter addresses each comment from the August 1, memo: 1. Add the word "minor" to the title so it reads "A-1 Pattern Minor Subdivision.' -The word "minor" was added to the title. 2. Under the case history box, add"MS-00-05." -"MS-00-05" was added to the case history box. 3. Add adjacent zoning and subdivision names where not provided. -The appropriate zoning and subdivision names were added to the Plat. 4. The dedicatory statement including the owner's signature block is not consistent with the City of Wheat Ridge's language. This should include name, address and phone number for the owner. Add also a signature block for lien holders, if there are any. -The name, address and phone number for the owner were added to the dedicatory statement. The property has no known lien holders. 5. Remove the signature blocks for U.S. West Communications, Public Service company and the Parks and Recreation Commission. -The above said signature blocks have been removed. 6. Modify the signature block for the City Planning and Development Director to correctly identify his title. -The City Planning and Development Director's signature block has been modified as requested. 7. Remove the signature block for the City Engineer. -The City Engineer's signature block has been removed. 8. Modify the Mayor's certificate by removing "by motion of its City Council" and the extra "the." -The modifications have been made to the Mayor's certificate. 9. Label the street centerline. -The centerline for Van Gordon Street was added to the Plat. 10. Include in the dedicatory statement the total acreage of the property. -"4.71 Acres" has been added to the dedicatory statement. 11. Add the City's language for blanket cross access on the property. -Cross access language has been added to the Plat. 12. Change the "drainage easement" to "stormwater detention easement." -The easement label has been changed. 13. Add the City's language for maintenance of the stormwater detention easement. -Maintenance language for the detention area was added to the Plat. 14. Add a recording block for the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's Office. -The County recording block was added to the Plat. 15. Public Service Company has requested language be placed on the face of the plat requiring 10' wide perimeter easements. This will conflict with the proposed building locations relative to the side setbacks. See attached language on their referral response. I recommend that you contact Public Service Company to try and resolve this conflict. -After meeting with Public Service Company, they have agreed to an easement through the center of the site as shown on the Plat. Other items of concern: 1. The proximity of the northern building on the north property is likely to create problems for the property owners to the north. They have a major fire access/drive aisle which runs along the southern property line and serves all four buildings. Your building abutting the common property line will result in ice and snow build up in this area. Although this minimal setback is allowed by code, you may want to consider shifting the building south. Another factor potentially affecting the fire lane is whether downspouts from the roof will drain into this area. -Roof drainage shall be directed to the center parking area and therefore will not impact adjacent properties. 2. On your site plan a phasing line is shown. Staff believes that the phasing plan should be modified to accommodate the parking requirements for the building (64) where only 61 spaces are shown within the phasing area. The construction limits of the first phase should include the entire frontage of the property including public improvements, the full extent of the curb cut improvements and landscaping and grading and drainage improvements. -There are actually 68 parking spaces proposed for the phase one construction line, but the modified line will add 61 spaces to the site. The first phase construction line shall also include all utility construction and improvements proposed for Van Gordon Street. 3. What is the intended treatment on the land not be developed with this phase? At the very least, staff recommend it be seeded with natural, drought tolerant grasses. -All disturbed areas shall be revegetated to prevent erosion. Although I did not speak with Ms. Reckert, I feel that we have adequately addressed these comments and I expect the City to be satisfied with our responses and actions on the Plat. Kenneth Boyd Project Engineer The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 Wheat 9Ridge August 9, 2000 Mr. John McLain, P.E. BCA Group 11445 W. I-70 Frontage Road North, Suite 102 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 RE: Traffic Impact Study for Al Pattern Warehouse, 4840 Van Gordon Street Dear Mr. McLain, I have reviewed the traffic study submitted by LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. for the above site and have the following comments: Please indicate the percentage breakdown of specific land use. The study indicates 2 different uses and they are general light industrial (land use code 110) and warehousing (land use code 150). 2. Project the traffic counts (existing plus development) in the study area to a 20-year projection. Calculate the level of service for the intersections in the study area. This should include both existing and the 20-year projection or build out conditions. Also, identify any improvement needed to offset the impact by this development for any location with unacceptable LOS. I have attached the traffic impact guideline for your reference. Please address the above items and resubmit for further review. I can be reached at 303-235-2862 if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, I Steve Nguyen, ZT Traffic Engineering cc: Alan White, Director of Planning and Development Greg Knudson, City Engineer Mike Garcia, Development Review Engineer Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner (303) 234.5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234.5924 POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat RidA FAX 303/235-2857 August 1, 2000 Richard Hawkins 2801 Youngfield Street #320 Golden, CO 80401 Dear Mr. Hawkins: I have reviewed your submittal for approval of three lot minor subdivision for property located at 4840 Van Gordon Street and have the following comments: 1. Add the word "minor" to the title so it reads "A-1 Pattern Minor Subdivision". 2. Under the case history box add "MS-00-05". 3. Add adjacent zoning and subdivision names where not provided. 4. The dedicatory statement including the owner's signature block is not consistent with the City of Wheat Ridge's language. This should include name, address and phone number for the owner. Add also a signature block for lien holders, if there are any. 5. Remove the signature blocks for U.S. West Communications, Public Service company and the Parks and Recreation Commission. 6. Modify the signature block for the city Planning and Development Director to correctly identify his title. 7. Remove the signature block for the city engineer. 8. Modify the Mayor's certificate by removing "by motion of its City Council" and the extra "the". 9. Label the street centerline. 10. Include in the dedicatory statement the total acreage of the property. 11. Add the City's language for blanket cross access on the property. 12. Change the "drainage easement" to "storm water detention easement". 13. Add the City's language for maintenance of the storm water detention easement. 14. Add a recording block for the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's Office. 15. Public Service Company has requested language be placed on the face of the plat requiring 10' wide perimeter easements. This will conflict with the proposed building locations relative to the side setbacks. See attached language on their referral response. I recommend that you contact Public Service Company to try and resolve this conflict. Other items of concern: The proximity of the northern building to the north property is likely to create problems for the property owners to the north. They have a major fire access/drive aisle which runs along the southern property line and serves all four buildings. Your building abutting the common property line will result in ice and snow build up in this area. Although this minimal setback is allowed by code, you may want to consider shifting the building south. Another factor potentially affecting the fire lane is whether downspouts from the roof will drain into this area. 2. On your site plan a phasing line is shown. Staff believes that the phasing plan should be modified to accommodate the parking requirement for the building (64) where only 61 spaces are shown within the phasing area. The construction limits of the first phase should include the entire frontage of the property including public improvements, the full extent of the curb cut improvements and landscaping and grading and drainage improvements. 3. What is the intended treatment on the land not be developed with this phase? At the very least, staff would recommend it be seed with natural, drought tolerant grasses. Attached are referral responses received from other city departments and outside agencies. All of their concerns must be addressed. This case is scheduled for public hearing on September 7, 2000. I will need 15 copies of the revised plat no later than August 28, 2000. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner cc: MS0005 file 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2868 Rid; e FAX 303/235-2857 July 26, 2000 BCA Group Mr. John McLain, P.E. 11445 W. 48`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: A-1 Pattern Facility, 4840 Van Gordon Street -First Review Comments of Final Drainage Study, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Subdivision Plat & 4840 Van Gordon Street Construction Plans Dear Mr. McLain, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents for the A-1 Pattern Facility received on July 18, 2000, and have the following comments: Drainage Study (Discussion) 1. Please discuss where the runoff at the northeast corner of the lot releases. 2. Please provide P.E. seal and signature on the final approved report. Drainage Plan(s) 1. Please provide cross-sections at the locations shown. 2. Please provide a detail of how placement of the rip-rap will be constructed. 3. Notes refer to Adams County. Please verify the county for proper noting. 4. Please provide (when appropriate) P.E. stamp and signature. Please provide 2 signed and stamped sets of the drainage report and plan with the second submittal. Mr. John McLain, P.E. Page 2 Grading & Erosion Control Plan 1. Please add note as shown on the red-lined sheet C-3. 2. Please include the dimension required for the erosion control fence detail. 3. Please provide (when appropriate) P.E. stamp and signature. Street Construction Drawings 1. Standard, engineered plan and profile street construction drawings will need to be prepared for the required public improvements along the 4840 Van Gordon Street frontages. For your information and implementation into the second submittal, a copy of the City's Street Construction Plan Checklist is included. Also, relevant City standard details (local street typical section, monolithically placed 6" vertical curb and gutter & sidewalk section, and standard driveway), have been provided for implementation into the requested plan. 2. The driveway width shall be a maximum of 45 feet for standard use. Subdivision Plat 1. The proposed plat has been received and forwarded to the City Surveyor for review and comments. Subsequent comments will be coordinated in writing to the preparer of this document, Mr. Noel L. Potter from the BCA Group. Any questions related to these plat corrections can be addressed to Mr. John McGuire, P.L.S. at 303-235-2858. Subdivision Improvement Agreement Upon City Council approval of the Re-subdivision legal description, a Subdivision Improvement Agreement will need to be executed by the project owner/developer. For the developer/owner's information and review, a sample copy of this agreement is provided. Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. For your information and submittal in the second review package, a copy of this permit is provided. Traffic Engineering A copy of the 4840 Van Gordon Street construction plans has been forwarded to the City's Traffic Engineer, Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E., 303-235-2862 for review. Public Improvements Cost Estimate'& Guarantee Prior to any construction commencing for the required public improvements within the 4840 Van Gordon Street right-of-way, an itemized engineer's cost estimate will need to be submitted for review and approval. Upon acceptance of this estimate, a letter of credit reflecting total costs of the approved cost estimate plus 25%, will need to be submitted by the owner/developer for review and approval. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction of the public improvements, the necessary right-of-way construction permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Please return all red-lined prints with the second submittal. If you_have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2868. SSi nncerrely, Michael Garcia Development Review Engineer cc: Greg Knudson, City Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner File (3) 4840vangordon_review 1.1 v MEMORANDUM Approved Date TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Michael Garcia, Development Review Engineer ~ (l DATE: July 26, 2000 SUBJECT: MS-00-05/Aberle - 4840 Van Gordon (3 Lot Minor Subdivision) The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated July 18, 2000 for the above referenced site, and has the following comments: 1. The proposed Resubdivision of Lot 4 has been received and forwarded to John McGuire, P.L.S. for review. Subsequent comments will be coordinated in writing to the preparer of this document, Mr. Noel L. Potter from the BCA Group. 2. A Subdivision Improvement Agreement will need to be executed by the developer/owner upon City Council approval of the proposed Final Plat. 3. The Platting document will need to be recorded with Jefferson County no later than ninety (90) days after the execution of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. 4. The final drainage report is under review with comments being forwarded to the Engineer-of-Record, Mr. John M. McLain, P.E. of BCA Group. 5. We will need engineered construction plans based upon the City's street construction plan criteria, and prepared by a Colorado licensed professional engineer, for the public improvements required to be constructed along the 4840 Van Gordon Street frontage. 6. We will need a completed Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due. In conjunction with the requirements of this permit, an erosion control plan may need to be submitted for review and approval. 7. Prior to recording the Final Plat, an irrevocable letter of credit, in which the City is designated as beneficiary, for one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the total cost of the proposed public improvements, will need to be submitted by the developer/owner to serve as guarantee for the value of those public improvements (as determined by the itemized cost estimate prepared by the project's civil engineer-of-record), that are required to be constructed per item 5 above. 8. Traffic Engineering v, it require a traffic impact study for the s w. cc: Alan White, Planning & Development Director Greg Knudson, City Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor File 4840vangordon_refeaal. mem F SUBDIVISION-:MEMO AND CONTACT RECORD CONTACT NUMBER: 1 DATE RECEIVED: 7-27, 2000 DATE REVIEWED: 7-27, 2000 SUBDIVISION NAME: A-1 Pattern Subdivision ENGINEER: NAME: BCA Group ADDRESS: 11445 W. I-70 Frontage Rd. N. Suite 102 Wheat Ridge Co. 80033 PHONE: (303) 403-4706 FAX: (303) 403-0800 CITY REPRESENTATIVE: JOHN MCGUIRE REMARKS: 1: Need a vicinity map. 2: Case number is MS-00-05 3: Need to show zoning adjacent to site. 4: Show adjoining subdivision names. 5: Need signature block for owner and notary. 6: Need signature block for Clerk and Recorder. 7: Have not seen deeds. 8: Show right of way width for Van Gordon. 9: 10: PLEASE RETURN ALL REDLINES WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL. ENGINEER REPRESENTATIVE: Noel L. Potter REMARKS: The dedicatory statement needs to be modified. I am providing our standard statement. The approval signatures will also need to be modified. Signatures for utilities may not be required Where is tract G and why is it being dedicated to the county? A subdivision name other than the name of Your business may be more appropriate. The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or review agencies. You may respond to these comments by phone or fax. Please contact us prior to submitting new prints so that we may inform you if there are any additions or corrections that need to be made. 7500 West 29th Avenue The City q Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 W. Telephone 303/ 235-2846 July 18, 2000 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for approval of a three-lot minor subdivision on Industrial zoned property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by August 1, 2000. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: MS-00-05/Aberle LOCATION: 4840 Van Gordon REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a three-lot minor subdivision PURPOSE: Construction of three structures in three phases with up to 84,900 square feet of building area (site plan included for informational purposes) APPROXIMATE AREA: 4.72 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 6. Are there any comments your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development Fax: 303/235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Valley) X Sanitation District (Clear Creek) X Fire District (Arvada) Adjacent City Q X Public Service Co. X US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources Denver Regional Council of Governments Scientific and Cultural Facilities Dist. Metro Wastewater Reclamation Dist. Jefferson County Planning Dept. Completed by: (Name, Agency/Department, Date) Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners TCI of Colorado X WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission X WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X WHEAT RIDGE Building Division X WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development Fairmont Homeowners Association Prospect Recreation District Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. Regional Transportation Dist. Denver Metro Major League Baseball Dist. "The Carnation City" e:\pl anning\fonns\agendaref frm r z O V Z O N w w OFFICIAL ZONING 1 AF WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 Last Revision: July 20, 1998 - ZONE DISTRICT BOUNDRY - PARCEL/LOT BOUNDRY (DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP) - CITY LIMIT LINE WATER FEATURE DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES 5E I-7 o sa iao goo SCALE l'-400 iRTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - 235-2852 7500 West 29th Avenue Completed by: (Name, Agency/Department, Date) Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 W Telephone 303/ 235-2846 July 18, 2000 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for approval of a three-lot minor subdivision on Industrial zoned property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by August 1, 2000. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: MS-00-05/Aberle LOCATION: 4840 Van Gordon REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a three-lot minor subdivision PURPOSE: Construction of three structures in three phases with up to 84,900 square feet of building area (site plan included for informational purposes) APPROXIMATE AREA: 4.72 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 1 Are service lines available to the development? 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed deyelopment subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 6. Are there any comments your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development Fax: 303/235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Valley) X Sanitation District (Clear Creek) X Fire District (Arvada) Adjacent City Q X Public Service Co. X US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources Denver Regional Council of Governments Scientific and Cultural Facilities Dist. Metro Wastewater Reclamation Dist. Jefferson County Planning Dept. The City o Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners TCI of Colorado X WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission X WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X WHEAT RIDGE Building Division X WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development Fairmont Homeowners Association Prospect Recreation District Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. Regional Transportation Dist. Denver Metro Major League Baseball Dist. "The Carnation City" e:\plmning\foms\agendaref fret Vl Gi uu rni id:iu rAA dui 4Z4 U5Z0 VALLEY WA'iEN DiS 10002 F WHEAT 7500 West 29th Avenue A,ie City of P~ Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Meat, Telephone 3031235-2846 Ridge July 18, 2000 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for approval of a three-lot minor subdivision on Industrial zoned property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by August 1, 2000. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: MS-00-05/Aberle LOCATION: 4840 Van Gordon REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a three-lot minor subdivision PURPOSE: Construction of three structures in three phases with up to 84,900 square feet of building area (site plan included for informational purposes) APPROXIMATE AREA: 4.72 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? Addl. water mains and fire hydrants/fire sprinkler lines will be needed to meet AFPD requirements. 2. Are service lines available to the development? New tap and service line will be neede for each separate building structure. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? Yes 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? Yes 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? Owner will be required to provide easement which meets Denver Water requirements. 6. Are there any comments your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development Fax: 303/235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Valley) X Sanitation District (Clear Creek) X Fire District (Arvada) Adjacent City 0 X Public Service Co. X US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources Denver Regional Council of Governments Scientific and Cultural Facilities Dist. Metro Wastewater Reclamation Dist. Jefferson County Planning Dept. Completed by:,/~~ (Name, Agency/Department, Date) X X X X X X Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners TCI of Colorado WHEAT RIDGE Post Office WHEAT RIDGE Police Department WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division WHEAT RIDGE Building Division WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development Fairmont Homeowners Association Prospect Recreation District Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist Regional Transportation Dist. Denver Metro Major League Baseball Dist. "The Carnation City" e1planningtfoans*endamf fan V!/Z1/VV YX1 1J:1V rAA JVJ 4Z4 VBZC VALLEY ITA1CX V10 U 001 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. 13OX 9 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 TELEPHONE 424.9661 FAX424-0828 July 20, 2000 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Meredith: Per your request, Valley Water District has reviewed Case No. MS-00-05/ Aberle at 4840 Van Gordon Street and offers the following comments: 1. Valley Water District has been working with owner and his rep- resentatives and they are aware Of the requirements of the District. 2. Water main lines, fire hydrants and fire sprinkler lines will be required to meet AFPD requirements. 3. New water taps and service lines will be needed for each separate building structure. 4. Owner will be required to furnish an easement that meets the requirements of the Denver Water Department for water lines, fire hydrants and fire sprinkler lines. If you have any questions, please call me at 303-424-9661. Sincerely, Robert Arnold District Manager Jul-21-00 01:38pm From-DWER METRO CHAMBER OF COMERCE 3035343200 Metro Denver Network Professionals Meeting Agenda July 25, 2000 10:00 - 10:30 Presentations on Bruce Amendment and Fielder Initiative a) presentations on each issue b) actions being taken by DMCC and other groups c) question and answer T-867 P.04/04 F-345 10:30 -11:00 Presentation by Mayor's Office of Economic Development and International Trade on China Trade Mission 11:00 -11:20 Region updates 11:20 -11:30 Regional Representative and Chair-elect nominations 11:30 - 11:45 Staff updates IgJJ ,ove Eric Braga Regional reps John Cody Chad DeLong Doug Hoover xuU-to-u un r.~y xv xnaxur. r xi; rru xu lut u 7500 West 29th Avenue The City a Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 W Telephone 3031235-2846 July 18, 2000 r. The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for approval ofa three-lot minor subdivision on Industrial zoned property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by August 1, 2000. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASENO: MS-00-051Aberle LOCATION: 4840 Van Gordon REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a three-lot minor subdivision PURPOSE: Construction of three structures in three phases with up to 84,900 square feet of building area (site plan included for informational purposes) APPROXIMATE AREA: 4.72 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? N/ a 2. Are service lines available to the development? V -Z ~ 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? y -c ~;o 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? V Ca 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? y £ 6. Are there any comments your agency //h~as identified which/ would or should affect approval of this request? fi -K_4I+ Ts -i a.-FF I- Please Please reply to: Meredith Reckert Completed by: Department of Planning & Development (Name, Agency/Department, Date) Fax: 303f235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: - X Water District (Valley) X Sanitation District (Clear Creek) X Fire District (Arvada) Adjacent City 0 X Public Service Co. X X US West Communications X State Land Use Commission X State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation X Colorado Div. Of Wildlife X Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources X Denver Regional Council of Governments Scientific and Cultural Facilities Dist. Metro Wastewater Reclamation Dist. Jefferson County Planning Dept. rxi liu. JUJ4JLiy4' Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners TCI of Colorado WHEAT RIDGE Post Office WHEAT RIDGE Police Department WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division WHEAT RIDGE Building Division WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development Fairmont Homeowners Association Prospect Recreation District Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. Regional Transportation Dist. Denver Metro Major League Baseball Dist. "The Carnation City" 0P1aM6nglf0rmsta9endarcr fvn HUG 19-Oli HE 6:45 RM AR AUA P HE HO EC ON D hAX NU. 3U34JZ/yHt Y. 3 Arvada Fire Protection District Organizational Excellence in Fire, Rescue, and Disaster Services. August 4, 2000 Ms. Meredith Reckert Department of Community Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 291 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RF: MS-00-05/Aberle 4840 Van Gordon St. Dear Meredith, We have reviewed the site plan for this location for conformance with the Uniform Fire Code 1997 edition and have the following comments. 1. Fire protection is provided to this site by Station 2,12195 W. 52nd Ave. and Station 6, 6503 Simms St. 2. All-weather fire dept. access roadways, minimum of 24 feet of unobstructed width, capable of supporting the imposed loads of 52,000 lb. fire apparatus need to be provided to within 150 feet of all portions of the building prior to above grade construction. UFC 97 902.2.1, 8704.3 Amended. 3. The turning radius will need to be designed to accommodate a radius of 46 feet outside and 26 feet inside with a four foot bumper overhang. UFC 97 902.2.2.3 4. Fire lanes will need to be posted on each side where possible, "No Parking Fire lane" with signs that meet City of Wheat Ridge Standards. UFC 97 901.4.2. 5. Water lines and fire hydrant(s) will need to be installed, operational and capable of providing the minimum required fire flows prior to above grade construction. UFC 97 901.3, 903.2, 8704.3 Amended. 6. Buildings in excess of 18,000 square feet will need to be provided with approved automatic sprinkler systems throughout. UFC 97 1003.2.2. Amended. 7. A fire hydrant shall be installed and maintained within 150 feet of a fire dept. connection serving a sprinkler system. UFC 97 903.2 Amended. 6503 Simms Street • Arvada. Colorado 80001-0060 • (303) 424-3012 • Fox (303) 432-7995 xu~s Z9 U lut b 45 P.m xxarwx rIKt rxultvllvn j ren Ru. JUJU !JJJ Page Two 8. The underground fire lines and fire hydrant locations will need to be approved by the Valley Water District and the Fire Marshal's Office. UFC 97 901.2.2.2 9. Back flow prevention will need to be provided on automatic sprinkler systems in accordance with Valley Water District Standards/ 10. Trash enclosures , if provided shall be of non combustible construction including doors. UFC 97 1103.2.2. 11. The minimum required fire flow for a 26, 922 square foot building of Type V-N construction will be 2,250 gallons per minute with a 50 percent reduction in fire flows with the installation of an approved automatic sprinkler system. UFC 97 Appendix III-A. Sincerely, Arvada Fire Protection District Steve S et a~ Deputy Fire Marshal i 14 DETAIL - BIKE RACK MALE 1/4• . ,.b. AccsssN vehleb Parting only A-1 PATTERN CO. SITE IMPROVEMENT AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF LOT 4 NICHOLAS GARDENS A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SECTION 17 TOWNSHIP 3 S. RANGE 69 W 14.73 ACRES PLAN WHEAT RIDGE POWDERHORN PARK MINOR SUBDIVISION rRlf BALFC!!LW ESE N~a SMSOE Emwxn - LOT 1 LOT 2 I sape¢ I LOT 33 fETmTa SHALL BE 'ADA' COMPLIANT TAIL - "H. C. SIGN" 1 1/2• • d'-d- SITE IIPIpVE'QIF 1Lµ - PHASE I NA4tATIVE E:IHISIT A PANT OF LOT 4. NIbkT4S GIIOFN3, ICAO VAN "OM ST.. "AT NIIX£ CO 1.01 L NDOWe t W. Stave Andy]. 130 Harlan St, LOXOnecd. W W214 DEVELOPER Mr. Steve Mile ISM Pollan St. SAkewOa. W 30214 PREPARING HAM'R6 ASSOCIATES NCMIlELT4 PC .YGITTECL 2001 Y..ngfiel0 St. - Wlte 320 Golder, CO BObl 1.02 EXISTING SUBDIVISION NAME: N1bClA4 sefa:IMS SIOOIviolm A IEaIfElpzT "ISIS TO OIKM LOT 4 IWO THEE PM2l.S f4A 4A 401. PROPOSED PHASE 1 LOT NO: LOT 4A 1A PYrt OF LOT 41 CURRENT STREET ADAEM, 4040 yew StlCtll ST. PRISDU mane KW W.W1FLL'TLRINB WO➢INS far A-1 PATTED! W. 1.03 2DVI16 I ADJACENT LAIR PID 2.01 Me water and snKation facilities are provided OY the VALLEY sATER and PWITOAIE SAVITATIOI DISMICTg eapectlvaly. Irrigetlpn 1bRation"me hot anticlpatea. 3.01 Thin prnnee0 development "s COnistMt note the erring aM e Cats. developed 01.0.1, lea In the lio.ity. Vitus fly. Into developasht will n in naewnr with the rest of the nearly prOgertles. AGlecent pn0..if. M.14 do at oaveleely.1f.tn due W named Or 1110 Inflation. Ovtnge fra• the site I. hat Mtiumad es plnmt A Preside to other properties. Me 1u11e1rq will da designed using materials that offer long ten Wrealla y. It will thelude An accent do. Por visual relief AN added interest. Haturel earth tan colon will be Pass. TM nSlOing .111 be met dock from the street sufflclently that We scale will be uniWnLp to Na pMntries. The W' front mmtI.,l ...Wrement hill W tlt. 4.01 Construction or Fhne 1 Is anticipated to begin during the summer of Good. Rheum Waage Will follow attar cogtenon Af Man• 1. Prue 1 must be ready far P,.parey .y .envy. Not. 5.01 Me PwUer of .glen... It ..P..bw to Oe 12. Me bmldLq fase.go arge am 65 EMS AI. 00 Made. i Pe lot Wes roject (Lot U) .0."narul, 51.400.00. May entWfpated Peening let. to Pepvary 1. edo0. I •ur❑ SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE SP-1 SITE PLAN LS-I LANDSCAPE PLAN C-1 PRELIMINARY PLAT C-2 GAMING PLAN C-3 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C-4 UTILITY PLAN C-5 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN LOT 4 T2 r y GO w 1- ch, w w Z O Y J 3 EXTERIOR BUILDING COLORS: i. FIELD PAINT,- ICI. SATIN EXTERIOR, ACRYLIC LATEX, COLOR: BEACHCOMBER, 20YY 58/082 2. ACCENT PAINT, ICI.' SATIN EXTERIOR, ACRYLIC LATEX, COLOR: PRIVET HEDGE. 50GY 24/110 3. ALUMINUM ODOR G WINDOW FRAMES. NATURAL ALUMINUM. 4. HOLLOW METAL G OVERHEAD DOORS, ICI. SATIN EXTERIOR, ACRYLIC LATEX, COLOR: BEACHCOMBER, 20YY 58/082 % OF GROSS TEM SGUARE FOOTAGE SITE Site Area 205.036 100 ing Fayellat 64,900 .1,21% ei bed, MOT Ihshc1lq Be. 005 42.71% S) Interior 1.11, 111.,] PE TOTAL 181,523 33.93% men IielluALy 1].. 33, 133 16.03% tenrc win, lalmfsl tng ew"InHm f 0 0% f TOTAL 33133 ]6OSS ITEM DESCRIPTION g Size 34,900 a0.ft . TOTAL Stories ] hNnlre. V9 spaces (SEE CALCULATIONS BE-N) "1100 "110d 1.1 apacee P t sell a.F Dt 181[e/YA 9.F. ~ F • f 9a¢/- 9 • 10 Al R9 m ~ ~ ~ •4 FOnaE PVg D D 9 .F. OFFTQ t 1 A1LE/Jpp 4F. • 10 PM.FS ry ' W F `SSL ~ IOH~L S A2~ D FV1NE aW4 3 Wl F. WI[E x 1 A.0£!Yd 9.f. 10 AARa ' 01 e [ O HIVE PY4 i IX0 S. F . O4y1St19iR/M S. F. ~p•L19F W]6Ewa ml~,W 9f •1. an. IOYK51m -97 D b UN NOIl IR . 1 A y o d,m CHi NNme RorrmSp ltm.L fausn I 33 SITE. PLAN SCALE 1• • IO' FEET NQRTH 3 za ed an SS) ATE: HAWKINS ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS, PC REVS: 6/8/201 SUITE 320 APPLEWOOD TECH CENTER (303) 239-OEIOO 2801 YOUNGFIELD STREET GOLDEN. COLORADO 80401 for: SHEET SP-1 CULUHAUU SILEL CALL. 0 20• 40• 80 120• - 9 UTILITY NOTIIffCAT ®N - 922 -1987 SIiE PLAN - - NORTH S C A L E: 1•= 40 _ COMPANY OF COLORADO PRIOR T® ®Oeffle ORA60D990 ®H EICAVATON® s•-t0• m n DETAIL - BIKE PACK SCALE I/Q• SUSF BACOGOI1D Veheck Potting Only li SIN 4PM 61A-.. ~ rtsr m m xmax - slGxsmeruE-.. SHALL BE 'ADA' COMPLIANT `c N AC• C C N LACE 1 DETAIL - "N. C. SIGN" SCARE' f f/2• • I•-0• SITE IIPPNENFxi PLAN - NABS 1 NARRATIVE EMISIT A PART OF LOT 4. NICHOLAS GYOENS 4840 VAN GWIOM ST.. MEAT RICKS GO 1.01 LAHWMkIt No. Steve howl. 1355 Harlan St. Lakewod, O3 80214 OEMBLOPER: W. Steve AUarie LESS Harlan St. Utahans. LO 80214 PREPARING HANKINB ASSOCIATE6 ARgIIECTS PC YiCNITE[L 2801 Young Held St. - Suite 320 Bolden. CO 80401 1.02 EXISTING A00IysI0N N ml' Nresk d GARDENS MIVIGRL: A IEGUIRF1ENI E)UST6 TO MICE LOT 4 IMO THREE PAAGELS MA 4S 4C1. PROPOSED PHASE 1 LOT No.: LOT 4A G PYRE OF LOT 4) NRENT BRRFET AmIESS 4840 VM BONCIXR ST. PMUECT NAME: MR MANUFACTURING BUILDING for A-i PATTERN CO. 1.03 ZONING I ADJACENT UNU PIG 2.01 me meter end ..Italian facilities are provided by the MEY RATER and FRDITONf SANITATION 0181RILYS respacHVely. Irrigation limitation are wt anticipated. 3.01 This w0paded development is consistent Y = ins malting eM existing developed properties in the vicinity. visually, this development will be In naMny'Witn the rest of Me nearby properties. Adj..At; Properties should .at be adversely affected due to sound -w light pollution. ,sings from the site is not me icl0eted to present a problem to ether properties. no building hill It designed using materials that offer long term durability. It sill lKlude an accent land for visual relief and added interest. Natural eerthtone colors v,u be med. The building hnl be sec barx from the street 9UfffCleOHy that toe awl. .111 be unlry0eing t0 the pedestrian. The 50' front setback r.rWreeent hill oe .1, 4.01 COnmtructlon of Mae. 1 In antictpated m begin awing the suMer 0f 2000. Future phases will follow di ter CMmleHon of Prase 1. Phase 1 must be ready far ..[.pansy by January, 2001. 5.01 me number of employees is expected to be 12. Me building square fmuge Will be 2& NO. Me lot area (Int M) Is 1.51 e9 pr 65,613 af, me Mass 1 project value is approximately $LA00.OW. Me anticipated Opening date is Fee unry L 000. moo` 1 nano A-1 PATTERN CO. SITE IMPROVEMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOT 4 NICHOLAS GARDENS A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SECTION 17 TOWNSHIP 3 S, RANGE 69 W ± 4.73 ACRES POWDERHORN PARK MINOR SUBDIVISION LOT 1 LDT 2 LDT 3 u u T2 to m w CIA, w s- LJ ti O W Q J 3 EXTERIOR BUILDING COLORS: 1. FIELD PAINT, ICI, SATIN EXTERIOR, COLOR: BEACHCOMBER, 20YY 5B/082 2. ACCENT PAINT, ICI. SATIN EXTERIOR, ACRYLIC LATEX. COLOR: PRIVET HEDGE, 50GY 24/110 3. ALUMINUM ODOR & WINDOW FRAMES, NATURAL ALUMINUM. 4. HOLLOW METAL & OVERHEAD DOORS, ICI, SATIN EXTERIOR. ARYLIC COLOR: BEACHCOMBER. 20YY 58/002 Y pF GROSS ITEN SOGAPE FOOTA65 SITE Gross Site Area 206.038 100 • Building Footprint 84.900 41.215 • FNMsg/RW(a WT 1.01dlcg 88.005 92.71% PUMMU) likerfar parsing ids,sl HIROSCAPE TOTAL 181.523 83.93% • Planted Mea 0111,611 planted 33.133 16.05% interior parking ISlaMsl • Existing YnHatlm 0 ox LANDSCAPE TOTAL 33. 133 1fi.OBS ITEM DEECflIpiION 8u110i09 Site 84.900 s0.ft . TOTAL stories 1 Parking • hi,dred 179 spaces (SEE CAICMATIONS BL'LO.) \ • Mrallded 187 spaces ROME, 1 Ias.F. NFM . I ax.Rbe S.F. • to es. mRk mess w Rules MAff A. S.F. ORTMEx 1 Sz. e.F. • m AOSS yam xvtass I mersrsm s . fe W= max NNIE MGF ].S.F. affable. 1 m.V£(Y4 9.F. . 10 mIIFE ?592' s iF nRI x 1 PIN EM a F SoNZI Oi..al • & FlIIIfE Mass A. s.F 6F Me lmeZbae.F. •10983 F IO, Np 9 Y i I mltF/fd] 9 m iN m -n p g6N OKp p mK F Hp pp$11 N • .1 SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE SITE B PLAN SP-1 SITE PLAN SCA(2 f` + QO' FEt7 LS-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN NORTH 0 20 00 SO f20 C-1 PRELIMINARY PLAT C-2 GRACINB PLAN HAWKINS ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS PC 6/6/200 DATE: EVS R C-3 EROSION CONTROL PLAN , : SUITE 320 APPLEWOOD TECH CENTER (303) 239-0800 C-4 UTILITY PLAN 2801 YOUNGFIELD STREET GOLDEN. COLORADO 80401 C-5 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN SHEET PROPOSED MANUFAC URI SE BUILDINGS tor: I M A TERN CO PAT SP_. LOT 4 GULUHAUU STEEL CALL 0 20' 40' so' 120' 9 UVWT NTOFMAT ON S I T E P A N COMPANY OF COLORADO NORTH SCALE: t'= 4 d0' PRIOR 4G DORR&q® LIVE MATERIALS LIST OMMO SITE E C N SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME NAME SIZE NOTES APA 1 Rbagaii Veen A ' ' AUTUMN 21C0.. 2 AVNH PIPIT PURPLE ASH BO 0 GUERCUS BUR 2 NACROCAAPA OAK GA 0 FlH1111B PBh6TLNAROU GREEN 2•~-' 2 UMSIATA ASH IH 0 SHTSG T1IACANINf6 ' ' IMPERIAL 2C0.' 2. X131115 BBiIAL HONEY COURT . EMA 1 S098US EUROPEAN 2'' - 2 AUCUPARIA MOUNTAIN ASH OPT 1 KOELREUTERIA GOLDEN 2 ' 3 PANICULATA PAIN TREE 2 MALUS RADIANT 2~~ RC ] SP. 'RADIANT' CRAB ' 2 &iLLA flOCKEV 2'C0. BETTER TO PLANT RM8 5 OCCIOENTALIS MON. BIRCH ' LOW THAN HIGH NM 2 ACEA WASATCX 2'CAL. 4 GRANOSOENTATIIX MAPLE PV 3 PINUS PINYON 6'HI6H B EDULIS PINE PO 4 PINUS PONDEPOSA WEIGH q PONDEROSA PINE AC 4 RISES ALPINE 5 60.. 19. ALPINUM CURRANT EMH ] LWICE, XylgEnigi EMERALD MOUND 5 GAL. 22 CilPALTA HONEYSUCKLE GN 2 PHYSOCAPPUS GOLDEN 5 GM_. 17 OPU 1f(LNS ALREUS NINEBARK JP 8 POTENTILLA ' JACKMAN'S ' 560.: 23 JIISOUM HVITIMA POTENTILLA 6 CWAS STMONIFFAA KELSEY'S 5 60. KD 21 'KELSEY' DOGWOOD . P 28 POTENTILLA SUTTER S GOLD 5 60. SO 43 ARGUSCULA POTENTILLA . OGJ 30 UFIID13AS CXIIEHSIS OLDGOLD 5 GAL 25 'DLO GOLD' JUNIPER . BI TOTAL TREES AND SHRUBS (PHASE 1) TOTALS: 215 TOTAL TREES AND SHRUBS (WHOLE SITE) .1 uo2 T }A aunt nLm BI or CONTAINER EVERGREEN NO SCALE E COLORADO STEEL LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 20' 40' 80' 120' SCALE: 1'= 30' NORTH ZONING: I MAINTENANCE STATEMENT LANDSCAPE NOTES: 1. ALL UTILITIES N® TO BE LGCATEG PRIOR TO MT EXCAVATIN3 FOR SPRINKLER LINES OR 0.AMING OF TREES AND SHRUBS. 2. LAWSCAPE ARCHITECT TO FLAG UOCATIM OF IMES AND SNR9S. 3. ALL PLANTING BEGS TO BE COVERED KIM V TO 2' SIZE POUND RIVER RICK 3- DEEP (WIN-) OVER A 10-nil PLASTIC GRURN COVFA. 4. PLANTING NEOIUN TO MAV IST OF 1/3 EXISTING AIL 1/3 NANNE. AND 1/3 ORGANIC MATTER. 5. PLANTING SEAS KILL BE EDGED WITH 4' - 14 GAG% STEEL EGGING. 6. OWNER CAN ADD XERIFITIC PEREANIALS IF OESISM TO ENHANCE COLOR AT ENTRANCE FROM STREET ANO INTO BUILDING AND TO IT STABILIZE AREAS Q KULCH THAT MIGHT GET DISTURBED. (SEE REPLACEMENT CUPIN 8. NATIVE SEED AREA SHALL BE 'FOOMILLS NIX' OR APPROVED EGUAL. D. AM AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM SMALL BE DESIGNED AM INSTALLED. PLANTED SH1pIB AND PLANER BEDS TO HAVE DRIP 3YSMR. NATIVE GRASS AREAS TO BE HAM WATERED AS REOUIREO. MATER SOURCE CM WATER - VALLEY WATER DISTRICT. CONTAINER SHRUB PLANTING NO BCLLE iadxaping snail he Planted am maintained I. a at tlea m nalm condition by W Omer. Ants shall Anclu1e waver pruning. waving at laden. Media. raoxi Of litter ant the NAPLX xtering Of all Plantings. Swill any plant materiel die. the carve,, muaxw, w Onto shall to rexwefhle ne atNthe withip grate. ng xaaon. Palacexnt of planthe rateriml shalll w PLANT R EPLACEMENT WITHIN TYPE 1 YEAR 2-5 YEARS 6+ YEARS DecipY0n5 TPPB lnCIT. caliph loctea4 lliraaae caliper by V TauPar by by I.5'. Plus 1.5' AHTINSa GOY py 2 Wig. 51x¢1 Cpniferaua Tree Imexe At. by inueax At. Irsreme ht. by py 0 plum 2'. aide nutAx ntrexe OtY mentip py 1 E Y 2 (wig. (wig. sixl vza) STrUG Ina"Nan an. InTrxx TOY. Banned qty. p 2 Iwig, by 4 (Orly. Py Q WIS. a1ze) alzel III,) y - CdtWIN TREE o - DECIOWNS SH9B / OECIOIIW3 ® - CONIFEROUS BMW - CGNIFEFOW (NEE E EBQ EEN - NATIVE SEEM NIX _ TREE FS 1 OECI W W3 HALF TR£ PLAN SYMBOLS J INGICATE FUTURE LANDECAPIN6 i AZT ~yl rC-4 LA OSCAPE PLAN SCLL£ 1.-30, FEET NORTH 0 15 30 SO 0 DATE: HAWKINS ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS. PC REVS: 6/6/2000 SUITE 320 APPLEWOOD TECH CENTER (303) 239-0800 2801 YOUNGFIELD STREET GOLDEN. COLORADO 80401 SHEET L-1 J A-1 PATTERN CO. AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOT 4 NICHOLAS GARDENS A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER 8&B Dr CONTAINER TREE NOS E POWOERHO&N PAR% 8001. SUBDIVISION LOT I LOT 2 TAT 1 I. S 3 A4 PATTERN SUBDIVISION j A RE-SUBDIVISION OF LOT 4, NICHOLAS GARDENS LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER PY RANGE 69 WEST TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH SECTION 17 K II AI TELL aY R f PROTONS IHIT F< 1F o USING , 01 END IFOLDER O DEE Of RUST , , CF THOSE LANDS DESCxF D a LION TPA: LAB CUi WI Ax0 1 RO IVE A>E I. i0 OS 15 NL+ATE Y OF WHEAT RIDGE C BUILDING +F CPE AND LTXSEIOISAS S CAN FR GN ER TREE +T.. D 511 IT 1CLI13 CAREENS. AGREES MIS IT OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN1 . ADD BC, BY TIESE PRESENTS, CE WF UlY IRE R% AND VaHHAA Y M i CH{.Y+iiV, e 1 R B R;5,15 Of SEERSON STATE EFF CINF.EY IC TIE AND COUNTS J, OF MATTACC, N -IL CHD%T , uN USEAT c STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON IN ACT G THE C PUSEED O C O FOR V- AN I R at>v 4 A S 1 G IFANrRED C C a USE IND , T F AN E ! A J k) Ca FTR RECORD, S S IM Y A u ALL LI'I An ANY 'FILTER CE X. AYB GRZU R 'TO 0k g F PG CA I LC zE U IT ASlI F CE PASSAGE Op " OF ALT PRIVATE ACCESS SA u6 TCLC5 r WAY FOR TIE PL DRNd AND RI sW IM1 I IE cCixfR TFOR IT 'S E$iVESSLY UrvD'ASiGC THAT 1 NERSCU5 AND Pi➢ESE NS 0.1flRS NG AN IJI LAIN AT EIIER.itt YSIUPCI-. [ ..',i (cX C3 3INCH AL I uN IANUU FAR UN P 3/+ wDl . Nly OF THIS EASERENT S 401 ID IF COOMED AS AN ACCEPTINI By !IF Ccb >z k:•'E I µUAUNAN PPE LS. I (p813 ACCESS v3 OR DflIyE$ PN9 9GHTS$-0HFY IRA AMY OTHER PURPOSE RIAJ G 4%-FEiAIICE BUR h$ ORRIS G`.MFT( j ` CESCIN I^,N BI ' 1. r Mu q r o` < NICHOLAS '•AP,p t s G/'z1E H,NS (X x v F _ O,L I, 7T 01 THE 4%'N PY'Lq d NrRgAI_ COLLINS OF ETIEdSM'. 54ff f6 CISCH 9 CPE - s . Cr>Jiul!'l. IF T, CCMHENCING AT THE SOUW[ IST ^DFAT ER 5 SRD ¢']ICN, BEING A 112 N11 DIA'`ETER RACE C4- lINQ'I#Y+ L, l?'i. - FRUIT EL E TIE END. 1EEN'N mLR f L F NCIN DALE fA "LIE Ev : i ,S CIRRI LOTS 16 'N.. - 132179 EE N:N ALL HEARINGS SON:AIRD LN 0. eE AT4E ML'ETD eYCI I. 5? IN 3:' 14 YI E. 10 LIE SWThCAST CCRNER OF SIL, LOT < ADD Y%'RGE POST 0 BEJMY HIE 40 I:Nr CE SIT '.S1 S 891C B' 4, 623 35 . FIAT TO A POINT FLC'SG THE EAST RI TT.IT A Y (R G"1 +N 4'N s A) B S OA' M II R 33',.33 FELT TO F ICi ALOIG FIE NNI IINE CE ROD t C7 I FL I - 4'I III INS" I 83 y F I - 6500 E1 10 THE NOT d I CORRECT OF SAID T C' CC AI➢%C IS - IR ^.v5"_9-!. 1>9531CE! I - 10 TIE ALE E)INT W III 'CC CDNN 1 l ACRES INON IA INS I CWNIY OF .FFETSUM I I. LoT a srA;E w rarxzDO ) L TI tM U"LG LE Q L _ Y"9U%LG 'AA' NS ILIT tL5 HSC,Ij wNT GRAPHIC SCALE I 00% Y,AND 9 TRANSFER 6 a.. TNORR T BE DL T In¢ DAR j. n 9 ~ ,e .W - - N 85'11'S1'E 623W b[[7 - M215' al:x!m 3A 75 T LOT 2 _ LOT I i m c ACRES _ 1 a8 ACRES tg0.C INNS RITA, 4530' S 99'I<'Sf X '<}P Ra "SOR y: • A OT _ m 19} d5E5 0111gt A 9vEN: _ as 623, o;zCr LOT 6 S w LEE _ S' C.IEI V N - s F s, s a.rrs.. s EL S'L _ 0-0 11": 11 .FS - r.,s R E., .,a.-. 'CAR"'i EA IN.' ai.IF`ll MIT v . I "FOE Aw :.r 4 S 9 11 10 v J_ -CM rlry n r. S:f1J r 8.:_u. LlS i SV Ac4 :C, DATA • ANENT ARF M6Ou9 r ~ (AID) - By Y.1%X4XYET'll, 1 W a5. df n ti) INC SAL , , rs SONLEA . Irp{yO DAR:D621M AT I~ITR '63, 'S 11 FNIISSIFI FILLET, COT 2 IS rs F TO RIFIIFV T:..,M.0. r.A_ JLIFAaa. dY AF.Q` a ITT OLT S ,u:A II9 m G5 Cr _ E 9J, ADO-i MID 4PPR N III P!!.1 11, --Cl" ^.CN."ONS R AIDE U A~IFET ER 5" `ILK j I. TATS > RS [R Fc~'L I DEC SR 9 4pB SCR W N . y ^ ]U NN+' eR^r rrI NOT ER . , 9:F A I' , nE N.a'r.Y G ~ STS A> A - E'L DR FE lCCT 1E O t. VRI,F!v All T*?' $ 11S r-:D 'i.. 4.`. LE O'S, 'T, J IND i >s - ,A-E r L: - NC I. ~ I Y ~ LIE. - S ^LT,Ri14i IN Y,. .!"R1 d .OET L S AI;.".g T:TYg I E<_ OGL, ca OSICLT BpFNW~'--__ - tr s L44Ck E N 17 uRn55 r.P I RyTH WC 1 -FORE 1 2 - u,iIffAIT: S1}:[S `~P~Q4~~A`it S[,E +?e _ . I{ I NR AI 1 BII✓<CTCR OI r IZ ~R$ - - C'D`i;AFihSIP'^.-n 3Rd'.-~TJF~~A~ih~xS-AT."`-iFRI?LA-L^.NVTi c~ GLS gmIert, IZ Za 8F ie DSI GO»+' i I IS III T. J-L .1 113 "1 Ill ,a'wp fsn ~..rS'>5 J'NLefC a ~e muu a'rgPP r_ _^^'e T 1 C / PHASE I 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 wArz6q 1 1 1 1 "rcT . 1 N 1 v"ns• ardux~_ rl 1 n1 WI PRMO9ER WAREN03SE iz000 SR. Ft Al PATTERN PRELUMARY PLAT An Official Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge IAN 4 NICHOLAS GARDENS A PORTION OF TRH SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF TRB WTUAST QUARSHS, SEMON n POWDERHORN PARK MINOR SUBDIVISION 7TIWNS~ 3 $ RANGE ~ w ! Awt~ LOT 1 i LOT 2 I L73A c _ CONC01.1 wuauF xl SUED RE AND - N 51%.7405 1P LS ¢ 69 51M N 51M.M 51M - J,~,.-/ E 5099586) - E 4856.506] n u c. AN RECAP AND ,AP LS 25296 Elp s E H til F W' ~a Eff zm i w 1 CIVL SITE PLAN CT C1 PROPOSER WAPEK LOT 4C 16,= 4 Ft 1,94 AC LOT 6 49MMC SCAIE IM F" I". nit LOT 4 rnrc Ta 1 1 1 1 FOUND RE BAR AND CAP LS 4769 ww Pjsrs LOT 2 O o y 0 y N V °o m N I i 1 j LOT 3 RETFNna AAEA 1 1 I I 1 O 1 SET REBAR AND i CAP LS 26296 PAM ALL RNp NOF LPBFIID AAE 2 FEEL. ALL RILIF Wg ASE TO FACE 6 MM, FACE OF BIAS f Mw UNUM NM ORERWISE ASPNO.T PAM D SIOEYOL( PAMNG LOT Q LOT 4A ao AG - LM AC PROPOSER WARfNW'E = 5 PROFOSFD WAR!Hu. 24141 S4 Ft ' m 2Bµ1 Sy FL N ] E 485&509] E 5099.599] tl' Y W n.s ] VACtS 0 &5' 14SDA 41a0 5i---L4 - = z55 Fk = 59.5.E ' . ~ 05 4525, 95 615 ` %11 S w s 0L 9 SPACES 0fl5 FA 1 ~ - ' 1 =I~ 1 ~ I CONCREOi PAMNG _ , $ 10 SPA= 0 &5!A = 153.2 A' ~ • 10 SPACES 0 RS' EA 8p. I, - 0 fly FA ' 325 , 5 ~ACES'0 fl5_ & _ ,].0 6 ~AC3 0 fly' • 5 • 8 ~ACE5,0 d5 4 I~ 11 SPACES O fl45 TJ. ° 93.tl-~-f-~ 35, o - _ 51. E0. = 9~ i i I 1 'I~ 'I. I I J.~1 L1 11 r (l~'i 19 I I~11 ! 1 Ell 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ nie'-xzue 13 SPACE O 85 E0. I d'-I~d 11 1 J-1, I. I J" 1-.4-L .I 9 PAM= SPACES 0 • _ 10 &5 EA 1s IB'~I,--g,~9 Fp _ S 25'5= 85 13 SPACE Ob.S' EA =+1105. I._ I J CONffEIE PA4NG - STANDARD BARRIER TYPE CONCRETE GORE AND GUTTER DETAIL C1 C1 SITE - • 1 ~ OPo ~ g G' g h~~ 2 G' Ei~ b ' SU EqT PR P F]0 W®c C! G' b N 4481 AM NOT SCALE G~54 E GE p10 VICINITY MAP F~ 9 F~~fl W R O 'o 0 A ' w a " o_ w o V a EW~-~~=_a 1- ~ V 4 a G1 LOT 1 CONC. _J \ y .v 1 Al PATTBRN PRELDMARY PLAT An Official Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge LOT 4 NICHOLAS GARDENS oP TEE 93v iaAAff QUARTER, QM M I? POWDERHORN PARK MINOR SUBDIVLSION TOWNSHP 3 $ RANGE 69 W I, 1 !473 ACRES LOT 2 I I LOT 3 ^O utuut - P Si N F` •9~...^1 a BCe]S50/ AP LS fi5 _ LO.w. n.50~ I I lP<nT &aN. ]S5a r I i J`( LEES TP-nn LOT 4A 1 I \ I \ m \ 1 \ y \ R l 1 ~9G=nS0 ze_nn _ /SIP=n.]I R=n.n ~11~n50 11 /I Ivslll~ mrc ~n.4s _.-5415-~ tends mm°~`~ i~1T; I 1 I I I~ E- I a ~ ~ I I T g I T O N ].5' _ - - a1e'at=strsrz ~ ii ~~A ro Dl%e GRADING PLAN I.E13END 0010. Flaw ORFaGON, TPICALLY ON PAYED WRFACEG FLOW DIRECTION, TPICALLY IN LR/53a SWAIE WTUR FLY SPOT OVATION TP = TOP /F' PAHNENT R=TOPwww G = Gt=i ELEVATION GC = (FADE NNGMATFLY OUISVEE THE WILOING LATPNIM FFE = FUdSNEO ROOK EIEYAEQV HIM _ _ MDOE M NO POINR H PAVING POR rTE-n.so 4]s-- a &a L7cm F LOT 4 rtW LLe LOT 4B FFEa]G.W 1 y 76 -l LOT 4C i GRADING PLAN C2 C2 tOP I-T/6" g0.4E1fR CM AS SX04N. fl£YATON = 51893 (0.5kWm) 75 ~S N LOT 6 - (RAP19C SCNE w 0 w m V 10 YEAR F1 -547~75 (N rnp 0 M= M ,YEAR ORIFICE PLATE, FOUND R BAR ADD CAP LS 4 69 L e~TZ3G . I l I I I ~ rm~ aelz 111mU'.) ~ i I LOT 2 z I ~ m y N 1 ct4 1 l , I I I I I , I I II lI i 2 TYPE II OUTLET STRUCTURE j2• g~Tj~p)AjE C2 C2 omx ~m ~ ftNFRAL ~ ~,a ~ 1. N u%PeTmned ra meYM+apfikl MI cmWm b w Ste w«k SMd&NMe and w Mona canly'simdrd SpaYP Ilme Fv CaneWANn'. My 9 M e b w •Slmd« Sptl9mlbn f« X191neY M rot maW In w P rH .pgmmm: C«eu.eum'. carom m Trn.mat.llm, ed IX in Ol mb.mt 2 The umrim m Men v 'P u Mm In hmaeo m db ban w Admv Cmrty mvb mA otlm: m. mibmtr I:a b. tWmiYe fv -dff*g m utSty .«rymba and wmnmmm qa In w.. -lot bm. v ty w.m rc«~w d b " m.r n. pmdre• v tro 60t be atl.ded br w mmbmtiuv The wihm W aWYtln .M wu Y..Pm bma.°mT¢8a'm Nb' wpoA[S MbSle 9 mld0lnd by tlw Gwtl CantrmM. Thc <mbmb dd mbe altar[ b V.tact 511 ~ axing air row me da avd mr daamm ar w am mPmm ~ 1 Wine oV r gmNea w mlboHa.nm Ge r b r« w wn .Y stmw Tha maaaa« mwl hnnr a mmamd. n w a , d m ddmg b ammo x ' 'sy e ra Faaa. w aamHrim .un w aPPmtl piam x w evert umt mvyamy a a ~ bmm du xmmmaer ndm w mgMr r «a1mL maamr «xr m wm.mre a ~a m ~ .Im mmwlGm mrau•m ~ k The Ia5em0Y9 tmMCt« 5M be mpo.tl' . b me&4 and/v abb md,mg ame d by Na ennv ba«mdbnU NM tlro x 6 LL S ~ x . p .x« nw yh.Mt by mWUe n d ~ ~ mixq. rm mlbeab tl.p r«qr b rgstAe b d3 m.~+y frllhvLLn an 6 ralehg IX aem b be mewl « eoddatl M Ne P Tad d Um mcmoY b olatdA m naP«wH. rgmms[ ar 5m Q am and aaa PftM awmdxg mat amue K s The gmaa mh..t« eM1dt M fapn4. b Yuemm .l mNSJe. Eet®a0m od 4 .mxemlm or wcmm6wl'rm nay beeVast rmm Mrtr rmad w mw a wlAUtUm mtl m d m w oP0la ed Pxt denim <whuamm aH wtT d M Is .mlpble aq vg~ h r®trHt4.1 ~ 6. ibeaantratl« fA pxm amgUma atraa btlm rmM mY Wm alarm aoYa « Hare ¢ O 1 N adr to on5al Woibn ✓ rW emmb.m lemlad aMh Ma «m a tmebuaGm 1M.mnbmta 51N M s )mt to fimimt xePeoUm IX d meblade and mmmHa fm raelm PNmma, and dal moms mY win rmm«.d dd l,m by w -0- b a m men am.lm. row and baM. emtrtl daM.Q dIX anwm an e N silts w d i -d . lemdmtl u«m m GI«ob Unllam T mMC Cmtra bNee4 x1.5 amNm. N paarnt auM9 5.N be fav (V) xdw .Ida mda dam owmhe m w Tina & b aam aMe cmada poky Y t. dut atPMm Pmtg, w rniraa4r ddl amabvnl a fO' ThId W etlp h w aanele t0. N paanml remvl entlgoif b p.'.annl rrmdxb MA ba yfmt F e abHld ban r gwalLma dd ale m w NI d1pN IX w mda5 panammL N m SW mttl ban w ib at w wa IX mvwtlon. SM.pdbg d A ddH m-Me e0 mt b w be pmMtlea Z G i1. mlm atlVialm Vnted h w Cmad Cmatlme, w.mbaet« 3A M raepaawk xr F I tW , N mb1ft «maex and aopM1tlUa pmanmt tin " emd onimn tow 6 a CwmMatim'. Cd«om OmL of imnmM.N.n, xr •Glmdmd tt t IM .4 w .mum ar fB91 and mpN...mn N tint msdre dd a rmaded t. w r9aer kr U W bM eMe. aM.pamU. O 12 iM Cnhzb dap protlde a main Emwn PoN m d amaex adu ramp rd paAq sulacx ~ 11 M m Ry,aa (WV1 a pamm xt) drA ba Qrmtimm 10" and minted ' may br. mY m.IdmW sees ~ ~ -W 1V. N mMmkS aar{mmt ddl be wearod ban Nn 1M JenPeM ebd be erdwetl ~ dm o.gno-pnu lmaa IX Immree tama,mx to w oanlxbae or w ammo. me ~ .¢-1 YW HamxHmn 6'hFHaE ~ 0 a 0 LOT 3 n1~ w GRATED OPENING ' ' W o AT 1.0 % 20 ~arl ¢ z 6' CONC WALL r^ 2.0' W END 6 OG17O PIN E AT C TER (77P) PLAN d _ SFT REBAR AND CAP LS 26296 - ~1 Q R4' RGa QNIET H EASING SWNE - o ORIFICE PLATE a ORIFICE 3 o 100 YEAR OUTLET CONTROL ORIFICE PLATE * ORIFICE 10 YEAR INLET CONTROL C2 tee] 1 xmui ° + v Vel- t O oxe rnE, ,r ,G=N)ESl a,6 wl=a>srz ~ I $ i > W 2 FQ ]N is Al PATTERN PRELUMARY PLAT An Official Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge LOT 4 NPMOLA5 GARDENS OF'~ PORTION HEART QUARTER. sDUBON v POWDERHORN PARK MINOR SUBDIMION TOWNSHT 3 S, RANGE 69 W ` M ACRES I LOT I LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 ~ 1111, ~ ~ _ CCNC. our J I J .314 - 9LT FENCE _ u CAPn SPS 69 AND uv / l e Ern: 3 t ~SSL. AR AND 3•.w1 h 36 65. ~ s S - 6G-]230 ~ / APL 765 ~e Y,- I~ 7550 m 7],wv✓"~ e.o.a s. 5o I son. _ ]a.aG N 78.65 I 1 ~ i \ q LOT 4B LOT ~-77 75 1 6F zw' P-s, -77,71 fiG=n.w 1 I \I - TP nn m=7zn ' .,6o---- / G=78.08` 16 t5 3a G=79,64 / A45 w G=]].12 - I - / i PROY®E IDIPORARY CONSTR Iw / vans ^ mwm sm MANS SHEEP 0' . 78 y ° ( wl G 79.20 1177 L 76 5/ 1 LOT 4C N =76.00 I^ ~ 7750 ci-ftf<BAR AND - AP LS 252$6 ~s - - 5i,6 - - N LOT 6 S:L F 1. rsT I OFIXa.^•w. _ACN/;off 2 WALL EROW4 O MM MEA9N FNiRANCE 3. NA. OEAOSIOtI COMRGL YFALRIbS A. ALL FENCE 8. WAU- G B HAY Y BP3E IXN01 CHECKS k GUEAR AND PPDE S NgA - G Du PARGLiiER BACIBItL A SEID AM PANG BM B. APKV PANNG BASE ~11R. PROJECT B. - GRAPHIC SuUE A CiFAN UP UP AND R6® ALL BASE SP015 EROSION CONTROL PLAN n a w w taP ouuErtn cAP as svovm. C3 C3 - p' F" M9POh=Sfi4.3(nl91uE0) I m^ F a COVST. t16IF 54T NNCE n_]cvw xuxvr.,~~ r ER0 CCNR20L NOTE 1. T. Bre e t padkaNa mwM 9~h9 adMtbs At m lane baln mwim and sedbnmt mtW meow aaada moaipe m Bee eRe and 2 N tepeok Mare phywdly W frmm We mewl as eet " h 1he .Fgdw and ete*9ed eepaatdy. the gimed ace o 1.0 y.beg and panted R hmm et elved sed wtbo of r wng eda. $ ,edheet an4d memvee Mdl be, Nddled prkr to dm~ m le eW m e n wi p t nea at d e, a m bedi be mo ahW t? mY W)rmt Vwm' a sbad be adw9 and m lased 9 dl be rtmorl Wew pm% TG d aM osaburdm "I be gg °0 5 ° Twgg and owdaadm dill be redWAUted v b r81 be seeded MW l b f & > 5 or ears i e ane to pre*e a aGm rtm Mdl be m4dld to geswl aodm erne ee dt-t c F E g aM abm6l etatla2m eRhb 30 dap after R d Bode 6 tmrAd m mY Palim of bw site. SW M1 8 etd3mtim mgw® Mdl be wpkt eRRF 30 doYa to d6duked aaae .Midi mar nd be a 2Y w,d gads, bul e& be kit dmnmt for bnga tlm 80 dvys a eeehtl be H Tewermy se9etatNe aaa aats61n9 d Mgtl Rye ( g Z o ,ee p ef d da ante aof 9reee INdNeare w 2D pamde Pee IM aced Pa are. ' ~ E g~ ~ v su tatAb b std cw oAd mdore e lire I Im(e) ar acre mtl aNged ehdl be wed $ o A FugHhe dust enuwian rebith9 km wedn9 acNiOes and/or a shd be cab d udng eA~le cmtrd tetlado9y ere dermed by the Ctlaatlo Bepeimmt d HadM d Me fA be t a § a S I € a e a s ~ thne d 9v&i4 5. Nee ankn and w6mmt a plan ewr be mo&Red by the Dupe t of lflj o and TranwortaNa, a Re a ihartred repreemtathe as fdd mod' a emmt p fl sa ,goes mane ta,m of aedecmt witrd. Ares Mac 9t fence v eat a L be, F Wm arRww We the dwe e®x posidat I I 0 ~ w n ws,s l I ma. ,a ro r a LOT 2 w ~ a II q 15~ M. w as ar,m~ o SILT FENCE DETAIL LL N W o a 0 Co T. 350 V W 9LT FDICEc C N a o LOT 3 = a aA.x a x rvpuc B9Ap ere port Le.i~ ~ R' 61iXa C e. I ' Z O Q ~1 [L• g 0 GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EXIT MO SCAIF 74 SET PLEAD AND CAP LS 25295 - -rN HAY BNE UBM CHUX - w 0 mmes ~ v I _ ~ emmm n aauxnaw.. zx a RA I mw.creo sx. 1 xc _ aamnN HAY BALE DITCH CHECK w SCAIE 1 Parmmml fmgaoy ed et mgarm shoo be espied co diehebd ergs ad sd m d5mibn 'll cv 0 4+00 1=a / 1° / I ~ I 1 n I 1 I a Fz - \ 1 = r ~ m 11 „a ' v x ~ ~ 11 I II m ~ ' c m m "1 a O v o I ^ h v\. n s a WN38 -~iNIO 6(_ 1491H - d W839 l 09 LO 5160 . 1\!AR]1 rwslalc a+rn6 ln9n+vs:' m 0 21 D$ Oads cV S 5486 11 5189 Z 0 - ~ sus NOUNOD uvn N 0 -m 0 20 ,0 4 K I 1+50 w _ FL K Ly" 1 CF oU LL 54~ 3 E)1 0 5{80 o I!. 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"4. 4 ~ ~ . ~ 56" t p,. ~ T.-. .e... ~ G ~ r. l M i. ~ y,. r,.~. .x ~ : . ~ .,r~. i ,{t.G..f y.A' ~ Fnw Ik. t.•' ~ h . f Y s w rw T.`,: ~ .t . ~~r r . ; Rcn r r a • •.e y .r t:~. gg "k ~ at. . t.y~ . s ~ n r, . i , ~ . , G _ 1. ~ . .1.... ~W, 1",,t+.'t: r, . , a ` c. k.: z , K ,:ti R ~ . ~ rl ' f y ` " i' ~.ra n......._f ~ ~siMfG a Vii... ,~;ltX"' _..1 ?-1. ,e.... 3. n ~ i ' SI} ~ x~ ii ± ~ i. i { iF I~ !B ~ i~ ~.,n ~t ~i ( ~j ~ ~ ~ ~ i x{ 4 i ! t t , e, ~ , ' ' w~ _w~. w,~~,~..~.. _ i C ,!Ir° ~l ~~~~,:x ,r ti qq ,`~j , l~ ~ , r t ~ 1 i'. .~*a.. ~ z ~ ~ 6~ I I i It . .r E ~ ~ , ,p._..~,_~ a _...a...~ __w~..~ _ue_a... , _ . 4 ~~b_ . . v..._, .P. ~ ~ ~ ~ i I ~ , . I 1 i i t A. *i x _ „.k r ~ `i :l c Y - i I ~ y~ t""~ w. ~ E ~ e ~ s r~a. a s y . _ N_ _ 4 _ _,w a, _.n_ea.....r ~ m..... , .._Mp..e .e..._ _ ~.w. _ _ _ .e , w~ _u~ a ~ s , , e„` P I ~ i ~6 ~ i 1, i a q ~ i i ~ } a ,.m..,, . o~ ttamrrasm a~~~atco ~ ! 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I... , o - e .a.. ~ f %,A L~ I Lap i : } s l 6 t g b t .3 ) "f 1 if=" OT H v gym. 1 g _ . t J E' Hl- d M ! l d T' T KI N t r a - J ss 1 LAND SURVEY PLAT } - s. 1 LOT 4, NICHOLAS GARDENS POWDERHORN PARK MINOR 5UBDMSIDN LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST QUA TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST O COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COL LOT 1 LOT 2 LpT 3 Y BUILDWG } coNC. cuRB S 89'14'51" ~ ~ FOUND REBAR AND 623.00 I t REBAR ANf~'~' CAP LS 4769 622 5' CAP LS 4951 I~ 3 1 r w i r- r7 • N O m f _~__n. __._______e _ _ ~ _ _ . _ ~ _ _ .n._ O ~ I W ~ ~ U x w L I 1 41 ~ DATED THIS DAY OFc~ , 2000. 'F 3 LOT 4 ~ ~ ~ . 4.72 ACRES ~ o ~ ~ a r~~ I~ ~o ~M o ~ o W v C NSULTANTS, r M M O pry O 2 ~,1.. POTTER CCS CONSULTANTS, INC. HAS MADE NO INVESTIGATION 0 I ~ # 'i EASEMENTS RECORDEQ/UNRECORDED, ENCUMBRANCES, R STRICT ° NAN WOOD POSTS TITLE EVIDENCE OR ANY OTHER FACTS THAT AN ACCURATE AND CURRENT TI (TYPICAL} DISCLOSE. RECQRDER'S CERTIFICATE: RE ~s_P fi. ~T 3 ACCEPTING FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDE AT GOLDEN, COLORADO ON THIS dAY OF 2000 AT O'CLOCK M. ~t JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER (623.07') ~ 623.35' FEN L FENCE UNE $ET REBAR AND SET REBAR AND _ x N 89~10~16» E z x µ x x ~ ~ CAP LS 26296 BY: DEPUTY CLERK CAP LS 26296 A~ REBAR AND i CAP LS 16405 COUNTY SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE: o BUILDING DEPOSITEQ THIS DAY OF ,2000, AT .M., IN M A,., LV I BOOK OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S LAND SURVEY P~ATSjRIGHT AT PAGE ,RECEPTION NUMBER THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT COMPLIES WITH SECTION 38-51-102,CRS REBAR AND (SIGNED) CAP LS 13212 0 GQUNTY SURVEYOR N NOTE: ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT OR LAND BOl1NdARY MONUMENT, OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO m STATE STATUTE 18-4-508 C.R.S. 0 RECORD INFORMATION QENOTED BY PARENTHESIS a 1 NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN An Association of THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISGQVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ACTION C.GS. Consultants, Inc. o BASED UPON ANY QEFECT IN THIS Sl1RVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROPA THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 11445 West I-70 Fron Wheat Ridge, Colorado v w Phone 303.403.4706 O d Jun-2/-UU . UV 2Jb ZF3b% P•02 LAND USE CASE PROCESSINIAPPLICATION Planning and De\elopment De)attinent 7500 West 29th Avenue. Wheit Ric e, CO 80033 _ cz pi' Phone (303) 235 284- c Please print or IcPC ail mforr ,tioN - Applicant 9 ye QPve2.Le Address J-9k5- g Al J Sr: Phone (3cr3 237-£36269 City JCL State Co ip Fax 30 zvz-RB_8~ Owner 11E Afj~QE Address 15&5 I~SNIiAiJ 5,- Phone (30-3)23-7-&62,6 City . f A-fcl~cjo State t'© Fax ( 3 L-9 Contact & t1UV~ Address JWI YouuEaP,n -v7, #320 Phone Xj. City Go r t-j State _Co ' lip Rz2g{01 Fax L:3~ 231 lThe person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this ap lication, provide additional information when neccessary, post public hearing sign, and will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public H anng.) Location of request (address): L y3q fJ V,.:kl Ang.t)ol i_ST• - Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions lis ed below which pertain to your request,; Applicafion submittal requirements c i reverse side Change of zone or zone conditions Special Use Permit Conditional Use Permit Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less' Consolidation Plat r' 'Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) Flood Plain Special Exception J Preliminary ! Final it Interpretation of Code Street Vacation Lot Line Adjustment Temporary Use, Building, Sign Nonconforming Use Change Variance / Waiver (from Section rte, Planned Building Group r- Zoning Ordinance Amendment Site Development Plan approval Other: Detailed description of the request: NEW bkCf 1m __.I PA'1:E : W WO-4,4n12 &20 PAiTE-QM X12 fao0 ,xtop`I' jwpsmL,' wiTtj FauLil gy s ~n4i6 u6g (inxj 6uE PAP6E- . pAac~t_s iRFY'4&-tw)M 1r= MemM h2e- f-;2~6 E . y0hJQ1VLQ PWP~t2?Ta 5 I Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: 91-174-00-002- Size o' Lot (acres or square footage;: 4,73 AG2ES f Current Zoning: I Proposed Zoning: _I Current use: V/A!_/4-AJT LAND _ Proposed use: PAC--M &Y I certify that the information and exhibits here vith submitted are true nd correct to the best of my kno,.vledge and that in f iIing this application, I am acting with 'lie knowledge and consent of th se persons listed above. ,w ithout whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be complished. Ap lican ther tin'i owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of ion on el Signature of Appi Subscribed and s: orp- me this y/ day of .S(A . 2000 _ . 1 7 ~N11 QQ.~ QU ~0,~. O Notary Public My -o6tial~n03 xpt My commission expires _ Date received-:. Fee $ _ Receipt No... Case No. IYZS-494-02' Comp Plan Desig. Zoning Quarter Section Map Related Case Nc. Pre-App Mtg Date Case Manager - es O J m _ V) OQ\ O O on D a Q Q d A r O V 2 `a f a } Z IT U MD a LI- r LL. N h mM i W q Z U O ~ r a L) cu xr, W `Go .°r2so~ ~L>emd ~ v .e m 3~°Ev a 9 c~ wry .~ioo3 .°y ~ cooE Cmmo'^ o oo,cy P 66 ~ 3eS mmvc `~.°1.m gig O3 emm°~~~ZZi. ° U m amm@u..y °oa LW9« $3~m~c u0e n ~7U 46 °~w4 $~~°C a,° o Jr'~ W 3~c W m u~°m ~3 Fl i6gv °'co~ ~l '3.,J' '4Q?°'S$S' Sao. a per:°_F Epp oaA >S "'gym S yC T 'T" ~OV ~ U=~w~A p~U Cm Jyc~ < aFC° V~C.oGaB8a F~oa~ w^&'p°rpmwR C`goid ~~e's O S Q$ eL~e - pF.t 8:°`o '3omE'o aZp$~g° 40 c~° z K3 v uF°°~ ~8,ra.5 PC P~4Q c$c`c. Ec7 O f ar ~a°uu5~ _ pol E w uv O A o eo E a z <mGdg° U Fx Q 4 u'S F W e U" in ?oz.'s a Z m@ .o a s h Gay pu AW a =g~ -z;st z~JC' 3 --u I z o4.2' o Q v T m W C O:°. a o f ; c p m i. < a? ,5 ~ y n~ ~.e o ~ o CtQ4W,~.°1~' a m ~ u .pay. mq ~'.Aa ° cm a °"p a;Z ~ZeW.Ww-'O lO~Ga c mo` F•5m~~c'$'d Gm m.xi7 'O °oo m 4i W ow W< ° S:ro .2l IZI W W 04 aq~ _ , xg~a O~FQws C 3~~ ~Q.uc ao, ~qfi ar w Q c° WC^'~~ SF e~p W`~ ur~rr ~°eo .G q C [KO O< °e rZn, w$'°~ ~V~p~"cjOV ? 'S,~3?> s?°"'~ c35 U 09 q -~U 4Zs`. U ZK ©v° E- zO c W c 3 T. c'~ mom ..°..~5' mL ~3 F vpFr,o > vu FzC.W?.A. Fw z pzFCO~mo3ua~ °'mOZ F z $ Si'3. r .m°c 37 A c o Oi WVIYyOn « y v cF 0 3 kFm ~SFc I ( U Fmo m 30 uU C^-,U' Uv, u_r°or a 12 !soot u L 1111- S* DL c>0 hJ a i .r y ' ry' J~ J/ ::y h C 0 .y U ~y 3 m t< Z Case No.: App: Last Name: App: First Name: Owner: Last Name: Owner: First Name: App Address: City,.State Zip: App: Phone: Owner Address: City/State/Zip: Owner Phone: Project Address: Street Name: City/State, Zip: MS0006 Quarter Section Map No.: Berle Related Cases: teve Case History: Berle teve 1365 Harlan St. Review Body: Lakewood, CO 03-237-8626 APN: 1366 Harlan St. 2nd Review Body: Lakewood, CO 2nd Review Date: 303-237-8626 Decision-making Body: 11W Approval/Denial Date: Kan Gordon St. eat Rid e, CO 80033 Reso/Ordinance No.: Case Disposition: Reckert 77 cove Conditions of Approval: r i District: IV Date Received: /612000 Pre-App Date: Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Date: 'iI kl /Do Attending Applicant:5~eV2- e- F Attending Owner: Address/Phone: \3 LS L~n Address/Phone: O~ WHEgr ~ p C~ U fit CO<Oft P00 Attending Staff: V\."aA-t\ ' Marty t}w ri 1f a.v.S C.C qy~y_. Geed V,. ASGN. Address or Specific Site Location: L&A'~~ Existing Zoning: Existing Comp. Plan: QS Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: pov"vs % k oe"Q'at " AS SE!^, YD'(`~b UV~kGC'ml l S`~T Sn\ 'FOt- Application(s): * Building Permit Only * Zone Change * Site Plan * Minor Subdivision * Major Subdivision * Street Vacation. Planning Division Easements Setbacks Use Height Zoning Landscaping Parking Signs Comp Plan * Planned Unit Development * variance * Temporary Use Permit * Conditional Use Permit Special Use Permit * Lot Line Adjustment Public Works Roads/Transportation Survey Info. Drainage/Erosion Control Flood Plain Traffic ROW Vacation ROW Dedication Public Improvements Access Building Division Soils Height Utilities Fire Access Planning Division's comments: n UL ht+ buL l«Q,~10+_t: o-c be cre-e V ~.awXscc~P, ~ c eg., Lw~-cB~ (M.us`~ hR.- Q Public Works Department's comments; S, b&c"s, o Ci L1 *weeujr~L_ sglJ~ Pnno~nG 3Lo~1-Ix-".or -Defie - oc41e~~ C;C- wA,e - ar,ro s Nb~~~~ n po ~c~ravrDp- 90-16-A ~loF -usc~~s "7cas,e - ea of `s r~encessw~ w Qwor~,w~gnt Pro Ow„~~5 1~-2as$1 ~Ds ~C caf p s1v~ W N be_ ~,Jf~~ n c a "te Cru, 61 5 U'~ 1 P.~u~r~l ~,bw Building Division's comments: kO: re~~,~e s Mks An4" a Other comments: Staff Initials: Applicant Initials: In -ALTHOUGH STAFF REACTION MAY BE FAVORABLE AT THE TIME OF PRE-APPLICATION MEETING, THE FINAL RECOMMENDATION MAY CHANGE DUE TO INFORMATION UNAVAILABLE TO THE STAFF OR APPLICANT AT THE PRE-APPLICATION MEETING. e:\planning\f0z S\preappmt 6o ~P 5 l ~ s C i~uT SITE IMPROVEMENT PLAN - PHASE 1 NARRATIVE EXHIBIT A PART OF LOT 4. NICHOLAS GARDENS, 4840 VAN GORDON ST., WHEAT RIDGE, CO 1.01 LANDOWNER: Mr. Steve Aberle 1365 Harlan St. Lakewood, CO 80214 DEVELOPER: Mr. Steve Aberle 1365 Harlan St. Lakewood, CO 80214 PREPARING HAWKINS ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS, PC ARCHITECT: 2801 Youngfieid St. - Suite 320 Golden, CO 80401 1.02 EXISTING SUBDIVISION NAME: SUBDIVIDING: PROPOSED PHASE 1 LOT No.: CURRENT STREET ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: NICHOLAS GARDENS There is no known filing number A REQUIREMENT EXISTS TO DIVIDE LOT INTO THREE PARCELS (4A, 4B, 4C). LOT 4A (A PART OF LOT 4) 4840 VAN GORDON ST. NEW MANUFACTURING BUILDING for A-1 PATTERN CO. 1.03 ZONING: I ADJACENT LAND: PID 2.01 The water and sanitation facilities are provided by the VALLEY WATER and FRUITDALE SANITATION DISTRICTS, respectively. Irrigation limitations are not anticipated. 3.01 This proposed development is consistent with the zoning and existing developed properties in the vicinity. Visually, this development will be in harmony with the rest of the nearby properties. Adjacent properties should not be adversely affected due to sound or light pollution. Drainage from the site is not anticipated to present a problem to other properties. The building will be designed using materials that offer long term durability. It will include an accent band for visual relief and added interest. Natural earthtone colors will be used. The building will be set back from the street sufficiently that the scale will be unimposing to the pedestrian. The 50' front setback requirement will be met. 4.01 Construction of Phase i is anticipated to begin during the summer of 2000. Future phases will follow after completion of Phase 1. Phase i must be ready for occupancy by January, 2001. 5.01 The number of employees is expected to be 12. The building square footage will be 28,800. The lot area (Lot 4A) is 1.51 acres or 65,813 sf. The Phase i project value is approximately $1,400,000. The anticipated opening date is February 1, 2000. i DETAIL -BIKE RACK SYLLB 1/1'.1•,0• NICHOLAS' GARDENS LOT' 4 4.79 ACRES ZONING: I • - - ROILIV &LF IIQNKVO ~1 - MIR &RIFX T - NXf xll mix b[RYR -.WIIF VAN, of - Wl2 LFRFO' " 4~C'C~CIrD off- LOT 2 Vehlcb Psntlnp 9 ® n I RIe E 11 l y $16" EPA, Elms LOT4A PoST N Fir AM. fld flKC M1q. x• 4 . _ 11 to 31100' AE..N..N.AN rr 19BIn q(Im61 3Y u WIO vW fAlnl _ I Pool _ _ PAINRC fhR A M Y *I / MEM YW I IR RP R /YY! RFIO L4W I Dw C NIILOIM ' 146E 1 3Q0e1 - • - r 1 . NILQfl6--- 28. WO S F. FWDPTNT IxRn Im FIm11QN - x4' a nOTre xT -SIGN SHAL L BE 'ADA' COMPLIANT . 4 x m H R a® INIk A1. 1. N1 114114E k.9 8I 2IEA POLL. _m Sao, L W 1 2 al 50'-0' 9 ' C f FMW F NY WM FLOP FLOP - a tU! i mla -siaXNf T Hwm,! r r 1 T T T1 T [I ~ T 'I l o y. o -Q I LOT 4A I.M IA YXD@ DETAIL - 'IH C YALF: 1 F/2 F'y' . SIGN " N a9 i. bo _ _ - I ~f I l I I I M--I t D(r111}~~}'NW iW/Iyry remu.~MA.I 1 0 ~P FIT? HI I sin IMVbffY[xr ALAN - NMI WO ' XYPAIIK EANIEIT AN / w Lmre ZE PYH OF LO 1. NIC AIS OJJE no M Gppbl By. MELT PM , CO . Nllj[ E~LSF ~Tyl "I E 1 Lot LYD3NER R stn. tlMll ILNYfyre AND, 12000 is. IN X.pN x 4110 S 1 YYENp LW.N.O CO W214 MIX 1 ) BEMOPFR .F stn. Aw,w / 4 1355 1300 wnN x . LMnON. ED lI2U tVF➢MIN MIRIM A®O l.m W imeR IC APCIIR': ml rwafl.IO AN - wm 330 CH., MAE, i.ot Enxlre xmlYnlol YAIC xtaclu cNC P x100141011! TOM. 1. n0 knn lllnp nuN.r A Ha11flEXr n1YE(0 r0 OIV11Y LOr 4 INTO TWEE PIIY£US 14A At, 4). WONSO INLIE 1 LOI b.: LOr n NPMT Or LOT 41 CVXEMr 81EEEI /w/IEW; MN vM WNCI 3t. PO ECT XME: *1 NMfACILpIN WILDING fx NOR ,-I FAIR. 0 TH 1.03 MIN: UJX611t LMx Flo 2.01 4 E L It O Y L Y YAI[R Mp E1MIlOkLE tM11ATION DIMPIClk w.NC[tn1V. IrcINtIN IMMIN. M Nt Mtw u.m. 1.01 TIN pbN.N O.nINNM 1. OxQI.Nnt nN tM Lm]no .M ubtln2 NwIM.Y MppmtlN In tM tl[1n11L VtnNlt, lnn Nwlpp..nt .111 N )n OMNt" IIN tM ppM<In. V M I b16.n[ pv ANl'e fN MV ]p Z II pY =17 OF M[ N N IntN M toN N ip, NII T I NM2. Mw AVE .31. I. na[ NtxlpN .e 10 pre. Nt . 'N". N OtIM IFFN N. " VVyy TOW HEN H In MNflllt.Nlti111~IM1uNlN NNntoOxbl y 1IW.1 rolt.l .N NNI InPNMW. NtW.I .MMtme tol0ly . 11 N uNO. M NIIOIEN .111 N NI O. MN tn. A u . t11C"A"I 1Mt N. N.1. NI1 N QIITNIN t0 AN WestrIN, Ill. OG' trNt NNNA nwtr.Nnt .fll OF H. - ..01 hwMUQIN of RNN 1 1. Ntltl tN t0 VIA Mlry tM ~ ' t ' 1 t R1. i f.. I r.t M 1.111 C[uo!%r AT xFA rE Mi. 0.01 IM PuK N 717" " I. NpNtN N N 12. TYI Ouu01M . NM. IN. $TI. lol Y'N 0.ot 4A1 1. I.e1 r~ 0 0 o AT WII E .N O0 0 I M s I4tt v1. f ,O . , . . T V 1 IMM NolM . . A War. SITE PLAN SC AL E= 40 • Arl It, porpr PY1m1 10 511• IM'mrYnl oIP Hell KI rr n Inee Pn Iru PIT 11 t". xn _..D Awe 1f m Ilrlvf ro •W11 a:+] Me11 1n IM 31 N 'nel er In fyll leule lM u5urll pyllee el In lleAw M a ranlrKllm ...t, pT Mfft el e(yn Y in N ro Ilflrlllf Mll b rry1rN llr.1I1I u +~WI4yIXn11fPnin/~ a x • r~ el, [r 11 f vre "a• rl eenae x In lM e[1f 1 n.r Y1;. Ln,-11 LAT, urf^IU~1>ne w 1 ] 1 I l TWO - WILOM i e rVNE PATE p IOMO S.F p 2400 11-4-7-i-r-77 77 Q AD,` IF 1NYere r\ t i 4 1 ~r IamtMlp rrn- Ifnl TT~l At plQl LOT 48 --w•nr~iAT- - APPROVAL CERTIFICATE IN" SITE II4 KNEN( RAN x6 SEEN IEVlCrtO Aq lam BE COxPLETE INO ]N ACCOP'I, AxCE xl Trv b4 C11f (6 YREAT RIDGE PEGULATIONS. EXTERIOR COLORS: 1. FIELD PAINT, DEVOE, WONDER-SHIELO SATINEXTERIOR ACRYLIC LATEX, OVi6XX OR EQUAL. COLOR - WAXWTNG, 21446E 2 WACCENT PAINT DEVOE ONDER SH[ELb SATIN-EXTERIOR ACRYLIC LATEX, DVI6XX OR EQUAL. COLOR - GLADIATOR. 2U468 3. ALUMINUM DOOR 6 WINDOW FRAMES. DARK BRONZE ANODIZED. 4, OVERHEAD DOORS, DEVOE. WONDER-SHIELD SATIN EXTERIOR ACRYLIC LATEX. DVI6XX OR EGUAL. COLOR - WAXWING. 21446E ITT. SWAPS 1001.13E SAL : 'IT L let T11 E. Six ITIt, ?D1 11 OEIINIEIIO~ .P NI B`If I IMNryI CALL I-ace-922-9997 U7111TY NOTIFICATION COMPANY OF COLORADO PRIOR TO 9I69IRN ®RADNIQ UR MAYAwma 10 -O' Nu mm N -o 0 G ~o LOT SIZE 200,729 <.F IN- SA. en s I 1, SNEFET '.ITS 301 eaollel^nul I.n ee SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE 1 OF 8 SITE RAN 2 OF B LANDSCAPE MAN 3 OF 8 SENDING RAN 4 OF B EROSION CONTROL RAN 8 OF B DRAINAGE PLAN 6 OF B DETENTION PGAV I OF 9 LIGHTING MAN 8 FIXTURE DETAILS a OF B BUILOkK ELEVATIDHB 3Me 4Ee ,205 Sal M3 2B3 14 310 1. ry0 3.1 39] 395 11, 391 M. 550 F. QqS. ~ .Y/!• 1.1. . N IIZI NINE 1 45 ny( r SlN .1. Ni1{.I.ItM I.r. .I1.IYp _ INIFi6E~6~RJ1.~2d. ~-}I~~ INAE 1 lW 1 1 Tt6 1 I.N/114 L.1. le 1•Xw -~"EIW.l1B{L%fl.(~ 10X1_ IMY . lQV 1.I. TIQ e I IYIq A I : W FAH - yo I.LIfILTAxL4_~.0`.Ya_ in I.. I® VA.I PAIi. 1 :,d SITE PLAN Y4F 1' • AD. I'll NORTH a 20 N ev ---"'1X1 DATE: 312912[ HAWKINS ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS. PC REVS SUITE 320 APPLEWOOD TECH CENTER. (303) 239-0800 2801 YOUNGFIELD STREET GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 PROPOSED SHEET 1 OF II IIE F IIMp Iqp 1 In.nM. ~,3 ,p51 N6M3 LOT 4C I6Npx frr Po d,i ri ( ~ 11.6. A / ae Nlmn 1 MNpgB mo o rrpm.u x/LLW"L FurIXE PHASE Ie, WO sJ. LOT '6 COLORADO STEEL 0 20' 40': 80' In,