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7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 October 10, 2001 The City of OF W HEgT GWheat 0 GRidge m C°<ORNoo fi If--- Mr. Dick Scheurer Robinson & Scheurer 143 Union Boulevard Suite 625 Lakewood, Colorado 80228-1827 Dear Mr. Scheurer: This letter is in reply to your letter dated September 11, 2001 concerning the modification of Karl Koch's application for an assisted living facility. As you know, Case No. SUP 01-01 was denied by Council and under Section 26-107 of the Zoning and Development Code, a new application for substantially the same development may not be refiled for one year after denial. Your letter indicates Mr. Koch would reduce the number of living units by two, with no adjustment in parking. With 12 units, a total of 11 parking spaces would be required (nine for the clients and two for the manager's residence). Staying with the nine spaces would permit a total of nine units plus the manager's residence. I have concluded that a reduction of two units is not a substantial change to the previous application, especially since the parking requirement would still not be met. I think it would be unwise to go before Council again with an application deficient in parking. Sincerely, ~l 4 C'~~ Alan C. White, AICP Planning and Development Director (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: (303) 234-5924 • POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: (303) 235-2949 City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Alan White FROM: WMeredith Reckert SUBJECT: Koch application DATE: September 18, 2001 This is in response to your request for determination on a changed application for a special use permit for 4415 Jay Street. Dick's letter indicates they would be willing to reduce the number of living units by two bringing the total to 12. No adjustments would be made to the proposed parking design (total of nine spaces). Based on the parking requirement for congregate care, three-fourths of a space is needed for each bedroom. For 12 bedrooms, a total of 11 spaces would be needed (nine for clients plus two for the manager's residence). Based on the congregate care parking ratio, a total of nine parking spaces (no change proposed) would accommodate nine bedrooms. We could call the new application a special use request to allow a group home for over eight elderly which reduces the amount of parking to .5 spaces for each occupant, but I think PC and CC would be "on" to us. In conclusion, I don't see that deleting two bedrooms is a substantial enough change, especially when they still can't meet the parking requirement prescribed by code. In a changed application, I would also expect some substantial increase in landscaping/amenities for the residents plus some additional storage space. ROBINSON & SCHEMER A Professional Corporation ATTORNEYS AT LAW rn 143 Union Boulevard Suite 625 Lakewood, Colorado 80228-1827 Telephone (303) 985-2390 Richard J. Scheurer Fax (303) 985-3297 September 11, 2001 Mr. Alan C. White Director of Planning and Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Re: Case No. SUP-01-01 Dear Alan: On behalf of Karl Koch, I would like to request that with respect to the above-captioned matter, you consider the proposal that Mr. Koch reduce the number of units in the proposed assisted living facility by two for the purpose of seeking substantial change that will allow him to resubmit at this time. It would be my interpretation that reduction ofthe density bytwo units would more than suffice in reaching desirable parking ratios at the same number of spaces as provided in. the latest application. In any event, I would appreciate it ifyou would review this request and provide us with a response at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, Richard J. Scheurer RJS:rm cc: Karl Koch kochWetterAwh!fels-9112001 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 September 5, 2001 Karl Koch 3090 W. 63`d Ave. Denver, CO 80221 Dear Mr. Koch: Ridge At its meeting of August 27, 2001, the City Council denied your request for a Special Use Permit to allow a congregate care facility on property zoned Restricted-Commercial (R-C) and located at 4415 Jay Street. Enclosed is a copy of the minutes stating the Council's decision. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy Field Planning Secretary /kf Enclosure: Copy of minutes (August 13 & 27, 2001) cc: SUP-01-01 (case file) C\KaNy\CCRPTS\conespondencelsup0101.wpd CITY COUNCIL MINUTES CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 7500 W. 29th Avenue, Municipal Building August 27. 2001 The Regular City Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Cerveny at 7:00 p.m. Councilmembers present: Jerry DiTullio, Vance Edwards, Odarka Figlus, Harry Hanley (arrived at 7:07 p.m.), Ralph Mancinelli, Janelle Shaver, Ken Siler, and Claudia Worth. Also present: City Clerk, Wanda Sang; Acting City Manager and Director of Public Works, Bob Goebel; City Attorney, Gerald Dahl; Director of Planning, Alan White; staff; and interested citizens. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF August 13, 2001 Motion by Mr. DiTullio for the approval of the Minutes of August 13, 2001; seconded by Mrs. Worth; carried 7-0. CITIZENS' RIGHT TO SPEAK There was no one present to speak. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 1. Consideration of application for a Special Use Permit to allow an assisted living/congregate care facility on Restricted-Commercial zoned property at 4415 Jay Street. (Case No. SUP-01-01) (Karl Koch) (Continued from August 13, 2001) Dick Scheurer, attorney for the applicant, was sworn in by the Mayor; he addressed the proposed parking spaces. Marlene Gottlieb, architect, explained how she came up with figuring the parking spaces. She feels they have more than enough parking spaces compared with other areas. She re- designed the courtyard in the back and added a lot more landscaping along the north side. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: August 27, 2001 Page - 2 - Meredith Reckert stated that the Planning Department supports the application. They have added a 511 condition to address parking spaces. Motion. by Mr. Mancinelli to approve Case No. SUP-01-01 for the following reasons: 1. The proposed SUP will fill a demand for housing alternatives for the elderly. 2. The request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed special use is a better alternative for the neighborhood than commercial uses. With the following conditions: 1. The permit run with the land. 2. The management of the facility shall remain in accordance with the applicant's Exhibit C. Any deviation from Exhibit C shall require renewal of the special use permit. 3. The site plan be modified to reduce the curb cut from 57' to no more than 35' with the remaining 22' in mountable curb with appropriate painting and striping. 4. This facility will be a 14 -room facility with a maximum of 16 residents plus a live-in manager. 5. The number of residents with personal vehicles be limited to four; seconded by Mr. Gokey. Councilmembers DiTullio, Figlus, Edwards, Worth, and Shaver will vote no, because there are not enough parking spaces in accordance with the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws and the conditions are creating a hardship for the City to enforce. Mr. DiTullio made a substitute motion to deny Case No. SUP-01-01 for the following reasons: 1. The proposed provides insufficient off-street parking to meet the requirements of Code of Laws Section 26-501. F. 2. The proposed would result in undue traffic congestion or hazards, unsafe parking, and internal traffic conflicts, all as a consequence of insufficient off-street parking. 3. A number of conditions would be required to render the proposal in harmony with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood. Such conditions would include a maximum number of residents, and a maximum number of residents with personal vehicles. It would be difficult if not impossible to enforce these conditions in practice. 4. Without a practical method of the City monitoring conditions of approval, the application and its successors in interest are unlikely to continuously meet those conditions; seconded by Ms. Figlus; carried 5-3 with Councilmembers Gokey, Hanley, and Mancinelli voting no. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: August 27, 2001 Page - 3 - Mr. Mancinelli was initially concerned about the parking, but the applicant has shown the configurations for surrounding cities, which are a very clear and ambiguous like our own. Mr. Gokey stated that he agrees the parking does not meet the requirements, but we need to show some leeway and work with the applicant. Vote on motion as substituted carried 5-3 with Councilmembers Gokey, Hanley, and Mancinelli fi voting no. (-ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING Item 2. Council Bill 13-2001 - An Ordinance submitting a proposed amendment to the Wheat Ridge Home Rule Charter to the voters of the City concerning Charter Section 5.7: Executive Sessions. (Legal Consultation) Council Bill 13-2001 was introduced on first reading by Mr. Edwards, who also read the title. Motion by Mr. Edwards that Council Bill 13-2001 be approved on first reading, ordered published, public hearing beset for Monday, September 10, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, and if approved on second reading, take effect upon adoption; seconded by Mr. DiTullio; carried 8-0. Item 3. Council Bill 14-2001 - An Ordinance submitting a proposed amendment to the Wheat Ridge Home Rule Charter to the voters of the City concerning Charter Section 5.7: Executive Sessions. (Real Estate Appraisals) Council Bill 14-2001 was introduced on first reading by Mr. Edwards, who also read the title. Motion by Mr. Edwards that Council Bill 14-2001 be approved on first reading, ordered published, public hearing be set for Monday, September 10, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, and if approved on second reading, take effect upon adoption; seconded by Mr. DiTullio; carried 8-0. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: August 13, 2001 Page - 5 - With the following conditions: 1. During the construction process for each structure, top of foundation certifications shall be provided by the engineer of record to verify conformance with the building pad elevations shown on the drainage report. 2. During the construction process for each structure, improvement location certificates shall be provided to verify consistency with bearings and distances of the building envelopes shown on the final plat. 3. A note shall be added to the plat to indicate that individual lot perimeter fencing cannot block the drainage conveyance swales along the east and west boundaries of the subdivision. 4. A note shall be added to the plat to limit the driveway access width for Lot 6 to a minimum of 20 feet; seconded by Mr. Mancinelli. Ms. Figlus asked that this be reflected in the~written record that the Articles she read are directly from Chapter 26, Subdivision Regulations. She was not reading from Planned Residential Development Regulations. She asked that Mr. White confirm that Article 4. is Subdivision Regulations, which he confirmed., Substitute Motion carried 5-3 with Councilmeriibers Figlus, Worth, and Shaver voting no Vote on Motion as substituted carried 5-3 with Councilmembers Shaver, Figlus, and Worth voting no. Item 2. Consideration of a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow an assisted living/congregate care facility on Restricted-Commercial zoned property at 4415 Jay Street. (Case No. SUP-01-010 (Karl Koch) Item 2 was introduced by Mr. Mancinelli, who also read the title, summary and background. Karl Koch, applicant, was sworn in by the Mayor and asked for approval of his application. He stated they have 9 parking spots, 2 designated for employees; generally speaking none of the people living there, will have cars; residents are usually in their mid to late 80's. Marlene Gottlieb, architect, was sworn in by the Mayor; explained how they went about designing the facility. This is more of a residential model, which fits in with the neighborhood. Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner for the City of Wheat Ridge, was sworn in by the Mayor and presented the staff report. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: August 13, 2001 Page - 6 - Michael Pierson, 4475 Jay Street, was sworn in by the Mayor; he lives just 3 lots north of the proposed site; he and his wife are in agreement with what is going in there and prefers this to businesses. Motion by Mrs. Shaver to continue this public hearing to August 27, 2001 to allow the applicant to address the issue of parking vs. density; seconded by Ms. Figlus; carried 5-3 with Councilmembers Gokey, Hanley, and Mancinelli voting no. Mr. Gokey is voting no because he feels it is ridiculous to torture these applicants, who come in here with decent plans and have obviously done their homework. DECISIONS. RESOLUTIONS. AND MOTIONS Item 3. Motion to award RFP-01-030 Insurance Broker Services to IMA Corporation, specific to benefits and related' services. Item 3 was introduced by Mr. DiTullio, who also read the title, summary and background. Motion by Mr. DiTullio to award RFP-01-030, Insurance Broker Services, to IMA Corporation, Denver, for various services, items 1-6, Exhibit 1. Services shall be compensated by the Insurance carriers based on commissions. Additional services will be negotiated as needed; seconded by Mrs. Shaver; carried 8-0. Item 4. Motion to authorize the annual Boards and Commissions Dinner to be held on October 19, 2001 and to transfer $4,000 into Councils' 102-702 account to pay for the dinner. Motion by Mrs. Worth to hold the annual Boards and Commissions Dinner on Friday, October 19, 2001. 1 further move to transfer $4,000 from the General Fund Unallocated to City Council Annual Appreciation Dinner Fund, 01-102-700-712; seconded by Mr. DiTullio; carried 8-0. Item 5. CONSENT AGENDA A. Resolution 18-2001 - designating an additional location for a bus shelter at 4643 Wadsworth Blvd. B. Motion to approve the right-of-way use agreement between the City of Wheat Ridge and Adelphia Business Solutions Operations, Inc. , REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION h X PUBLIC HEARINGS _ ORDINANCES FOR 1ST READING _ BEDSIMOTIONS _ ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING RESOLUTIONS Quasi-Judicial: YX _ Yes No SUBJECT: Consideration of a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow an assisted living/congregate care facility on Restricted-Commercial zoned property at 4415 Jay Street. SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND: At the August 13, 2001, City Council meeting, this case was continued so the applicant could address the parking situation. 1. Staff memo 2. City Council minutes 3. Applicant letter 4. Revised site plan 5. Revised interior l Original budgeted amount: $0 Actual contracted amount: $0 Impact of expenditure on line item: $0 Budget Account No.: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ORIGINATED BY: STAFF RESPONSIBLE: SUGGESTED MOTION: Approval with conditions Alan White, Director of Planning and Development Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner "I move to APPROVE Case No. SUP-01-01, a request for approval of a special use permit by Karl Koch to allow an assisted living/congregate care facility on R-C zoned property at 4415 Jay Street, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed SUP will fill a demand for housing alternatives for the elderly. 2. The request is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 3. The proposed special use is a better alternative for the neighborhood than commercial uses. With the following conditions: 1. The permit run with the land. 2. The management of the facility shall remain in accordance with the applicant's Exhibit `C'. Any deviation from Exhibit 'C' shall require renewal of the special use permit. 3. The site plan be modified to reduce the curb cut from 57' to no more than 35' with the remaining 22' in mountable curb with appropriate painting and striping. 4. This facility will be a !j4-room facility with a maximum of 16 residents plus a live-in manager 5. The number of resides with personal vehicles be limited to four." E:\Reckert\sap0101ccac2.wpd City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: City Council FROM: 4 leredith Reckert, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Case No. SUP-01-01 DATE: August 17, 2001 At the public hearing for Case No. SUP-01-01 held on August 13, 2001, this case was continued until August 27, 2001. Attached is a draft copy of the August 13 minutes as Exhibit `A'. The applicant's architect has submitted a letter attached as Exhibit `B' which explains why they feel the parking provided is appropriate. Ms. Gottlieb has surveyed area municipalities in regard to their requirements for parking for elderly group living situations. Copies of those code sections are attached to her letter. Upon review of the attached code section, it does appear that Wheat Ridge parking requirements are more conservative than other municipalities. Attached as Exhibit `C' and `D' are a revised site plan and interior layout referenced in Ms. Gottlieb's letter. In the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, three different type of elderly living facilities are recognized. Group Home for Elderly Persons: This is a residential facility for the exclusive use of persons sixty (60) years of age or older who do not need skilled and intermediate care, plus no more than two (2) live-in staff persons employed in the care and supervision of such elderly residents. Parking requirement:.5 space for each elderly occupant, plus the standard residential dwelling requirement Congregate Care home: A residential facility established for the exclusive use of more than (8) elderly persons, sixty (60) years or older, where intermediate nursing care may or may not be available, and where living and sleeping quarters are provided for individuals or couples; where, however, kitchen facilities are not provided. Meals are prepared by a central kitchen and may be served in a central dining room or taken in the living quarters. For the purpose of meeting the residential density provisions of the Wheat Ridge Home Rule Charter, each three (3) persons, based upon maximum designed occupancy load, shall constitute one (1) family unit. Parking requirement:.75 space per each bedroom plus 1 space per employee on maximum shift. Nursing Home: A state-licensed health care facility which provides essential care on a twenty-four (24) hour basis by medical professionals to provide short-term convalescent or rehabilitative care or long term care to individuals who, by reason of advanced age, chronic illness or infirmity, are unable to care for themselves. Parking requirement: 1 per 5 beds plus 1 space for each employee on maximum shift It is standard practice for the elderly to follow a progression of living situations as they become older and less able to care for themselves. An elderly person usually goes from independent living to a group home where no health care is provided to congregate care where some health care assistance is provided to a nursing home. The logic would follow that a group home situation should have a larger parking requirement as residents should be in better physical health than those in congregate care. The parking requirement for congregate care and nursing homes should be increasingly less as the residents become less ambulatory. The City's current parking requirements seem transposed as the ratio for congregate care should be less stringent than for a group home. An option to consider would be an added condition to the special use approval limiting the number of residents with personal vehicles. (two staff /manager spaces + three visitor spaces + four resident spaces = nine spaces total). This condition has been added to the recommended motion on the council action page. r=,%CN is/ 7- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: August 13, 2001 Page - 5 - With the following conditions: 1. During the construction process for each structure, top of foundation certifications shall be provided by the engineer of record to verify conformance with the building pad elevations shown on the drainage report. 2. During the construction process for each structure, improvement location certificates shall be provided to verify consistency with bearings and distances of the building envelopes shown on the final plat. 3. A note shall be added to the plat to indicate that individual lot perimeter fencing cannot block the drainage conveyance swales along the east and west boundaries of the subdivision. 4. A note shall be added to the plat to limit the driveway access width for Lot 6 to a minimum of 20 feet; seconded by Mr. Mancinelli. Ms. Figlus asked that this be reflected in th"ritten record that the Articles she read are directly from Chapter 26, Subdivision Regulations. She was not reading from Planned Residential Development Regulations. She asked that Mr. White confirm that Article 4. is Subdivision Regulations, which he confirmed. Substitute Motion carried 5-3 with Councilmembers Figlus, Worth, and Shaver voting no. Vote on Motion as substituted carried 5-3 with Councilmembers Shaver, Figlus, and Worth voting no. Item 2. Consideration of a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow an assisted living/congregate'care`facility on Restricted-Commercial zoned property at 4415 Jay Street. (Case No. SUP-01-01) (Karl Koch) Item 2 was introduced by Mr. Mancinelli, who also read the title, summary and background. Karl Koch, applicant, was sworn in by the Mayor and asked for approval of his application. He stated they have 9 parking spots, 2 designated for employees; generally speaking none of the people living there, will have cars; residents are usually in their mid to late 80's. Marlene Gottlieb, architect, was sworn in by'the Mayor; explained how they went about designing the facility. This is more of a residential model, which fits in with the neighborhood. Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner for the City of Wheat Ridge, was sworn in by the Mayor and presented the staff report. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: August 13, 2001 Page - 6 - Michael Pierson, 4475 Jay Street, was sworn in by the Mayor; he lives just 3 lots north of the proposed site; he and his wife are in agreement with what is going in there and prefers this to businesses. Motion by Mrs. Shaver to continue this public hearing to August 27, 2001 to allow the applicant to address the issue of parking vs: density; seconded by Ms. Figlus; carried 5-3 with Councilmembers Gokey, Hanley, and Mancinelli voting no. Mr. Gokey is voting no because he feels it is ridiculous to torture these applicants, who come in here with decent plans and have obviously done their homework. DECISIONS. RESOLUTIONS. AND MOTIONS Item 3. Motion to award RFP-01-030 Insurance Broker Services to IMA Corporation, specific to benefits and related 'services. Item 3 was introduced by Mr. DiTullio,,who also read the title, summary and background. Motion by Mr. DiTullio to award RFP-01-030, jiisurance Broker Services, to IMA Corporation, Denver, for various services, items 1-6, Exhibit 1. Services shall be compensated by the Insurance carriers based on commissions. Additional services will be negotiated as needed; seconded by Mrs. Shaver; carried 8-0. Item 4. Motion to authorize the annual Boards and Commissions Dinner to be held on October 19, 2001 and to transfer $4,000 into Councils' 102-702 account to pay for the dinner. 3 Motion by Mrs. Worth to hold the annual Boards and Commissions Dinner on Friday, October 19, 2001. 1 further move to transfer $4,000 from the General Fund Unallocated to City Council Annual Appreciation Dinner Fund, 01-102-700`712; seconded by Mr. DiTullio; carried 8-0. Item 5. CONSENT AGENDA A. Resolution 18-2001 - designating an additional location for a bus shelter at 4643 Wadsworth Blvd. B. Motion to approve the right-of-way use agreement between the City of Wheat Ridge and Adelphia Business Solutions Operations, Inc. ESC1--1IB/T Ng' 355 BLACK BIRCH RD. GOLDEN, CO. 80401 303-526-9874 August 17, 2001 City of Wheat Ridge c/o Meredith Reckert, AICP 7500 West 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Co. 80215 Re: Proposed Assisted Living Center to be developed by Karl Koch Dear Mayor Cerveny, City Council Members and Meredith Reckert, RECEIVED ~,1~ q -7nm This letter is to explain the changes and lack of changes that I am submitting for your consideration. The first concern that I've addressed is the question of how many parking spaces are needed for this project. I am including the parking requirements for four of your neighboring municipalities, Arvada, Denver, Lakewood and Westminister. Using Arvada's requirements, we would provide 4 parking spaces. Denver, Lakewood and Westminster would require 5 parking spaces. As Karl's architect, I would recommend that we follow the ratio used at Brighton Gardens by Marriot, a successful nationwide Assisted Living Center. I did a quick survey of their facility and their ratio is 1 space per 2.3 rooms (7 spaces for Mr. Koch's project). The evidence supports the projection that our 9 parking spaces should be adequate. With regards the Council's comments on exterior landscaped areas, I've paid more attention to the rear courtyard. I've changed the design and added a trellis area. I've retained the cedar security fence at the north property line, but added more landscaping. Please note that the larger units now have small snack preparation areas. After Monday's meeting, Mr. Koch asked me if I thought he should omit some of his units. I had to advise him against it. My reason is this. A small facility does not have the profitability of a large one. I am working with another gentleman on a different senor living development. He is adamant that we increase the number of units from 90 to 120. He has managed senor facilities before. His decision is based on the fact that the expense of support staff works much better for the larger facilities. That is why there are so many large facilities compared to small homes. If I live long enough to need this aid, I would like to have the choice between a large facility and a small facility. I am not skilled in financial analysis, but I cannot advise Mr. Koch to increase his risk of failure by reducing the number of units. Mr. Koch could have had more units in a smaller space. He elected to make the residents rooms larger and nicer instead. The proposed building was designed to meet the Building Coverage requirements of a commercial development on that property. I realize that you can apply a stricter requirement on us, but I hope you will not. Sincerely, Marlane D. Gottlieb NEIGHBORING CITIES-OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES CITY NUMBER OF REQUIRED SPACES Arvada 1 per 5 beds Denver 1 for each 3 dwelling units/rental rooms Lakewood 0.3 spaces/bed (Facility for the care of the elderly) Westminister 1 per 3 patient beds ~4U ~ . , 98 . ,!t • , IIro ~ - ~ ~ H~ r ~ ~ 6 G~ C~.,~AR ~!~C~ ~ ~ j f i ' , I ! W.46TH at• _ t 5 ~ ~ r.~~ ~ a ~ ' ti ,I~ + ~ .a y ~ ~ ~ ~ r A i' 3 ~ Q • ~ e ~ Q ~ , , i 1 ' ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ } ' . ~ ' . ~ , W. AdTN AYE . ~ ° P~4T(0 , . ~ 1 • ~ ~ ' r ~ ~ ~ v ! ~ f ~ f ~ I A ~ . ~ ~ 1 + ! ~ / / / ~ 1 f / f f i ~ f / , ~ 1 ~1 / ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r NOTE: DUTY OF COOPERATE ' I Ij , / / ~ ~ i/! 1 ~ f ~ / ' ? ~ / G. i ~ , j r' % - ~ / i ~ i f f ~ _ / / ~ r i / / . / ~ i i ~ / ~ t / / ~ /r%' ~ ' % / i i / i f / / ~ i fi of SITE 1! ~ , / / ~ ~ r wOi 1 / ~ ii ~ ,f ~ / ~ ~ / ~ / r z ii 1 i u / / i f ~t fl If ~ f ~ i ~ 5 _ ~ I ~ ~ I~ ~ i~ ~ - / ~ ~ `n 7 f I 1 f / / I I' f,, (I ~ ~1 / ~ 3 ' ' ' f , ~ ~ ~ f f / ' , n E. fi. I a~~ SS ~ } ~ _ ~ r t~~ . _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Q ' ~ ~ ~ ~f.,,._ ~ ~ i 'v a L Ij _c I~ =e. ~ 1 ~ ~ rx ,c a i u~ \ ~Y z ~ t0 w cj r i j ~ O } ~ Ii = J s I L 3~' Gt1RE '1'1~ /11" MA/1~ t~ i1' k r~r~ Ir .w, tr..~ tt yr t tvuiV AA=L.C L'umD +I h~ I f r E C ~ ~ CENTER t- LINE OF *JAY STREET RECEIVED At lr~ 17 ?"71 NORT4 t P~~!/, rJJ Section 6.16 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements 3. PUD Zoning Districts. The total number of off-street parking spaces required in a PUD Zoning District may be reduced during the development approval process based on unique land use types or combinations, or based on recognized standard for shared parking between complimentary uses. c Single-family Detached and Duplex Homes 2 per dwelling unit; In the R-NT Zoning District, 2-car garages are required for each dwelling unit. Mufti-Family Residential (except as listed below) 2.2 per dwelling unit if central parking areas are used; 2 per dwelling if no central parking area is used + .5 space centrally located for guest parking Multi-Family Efficiency Units 1 per efficiency unit Multi-family Housing Restricted to Occupancy by the Elderly (in excess of 35% of total number of dwelling units in the project) 1 per 2 dwelling units Group Living Facility 1 per 4 beds Assisted Living Facility 1 per 5 beds Ey'a General Retail 5 per 1,000 sq. ft. gross floor area (GFA) Activity Center with 10,000 50,000 sf. of GFA 4 per 1,000 sq. ft. GFA Activity Center with 50,000 250,000 sf. of GFA 4.5 per 1,000 sq. ft. GFA Activity Center with more than 250,000 sf of GFA 5 per 1,000 sq. ft. GFA Amusement Enterprises 5.5 per 1,000 sq. ft. GFA Bank 4 per 1,000 sq. ft. GFA Bar or Lounge 1 per 3 seats at design capacity Bed & Breakfast Establishment 2 + 1 per guest room (guest parking may be in tandem on site) Bowling Alley 5 per alley Day Care Center 1.5 per employee Funeral Home 1 per 4 seats Greenhouse in excess of 200 sq. ft. 5 per 1,000 sq. ft. GFA Hotel or Motel, without Restaurant 1 per room Hotel or Motel, with Restaurant 1per 1,000 sq. ft. Hotel or Motel Conference Room .5 (one-half) per seat Hotel or Motel Convention Area 30 per 1,000 sq. ft. Miniature Golf Course 2 per hole Outdoor Sales Area 1 per 1,000 sq. ft. Private Club & Health Club 4 per court plus 1 per 200 sq. ft. of remaining floor area Restaurant, General 1 per 3 seats Restaurant, Fast Food 1 per 4 seats Self Storage Facility 1 per 8 storage units Theater 1 per4 seats General Office or Office in Industrial Area 3 per 1,000 sq. ft. GFA Unified Office Park 3 per 1,000 sq. ft. GFA Article 6: Development Standards Page 6-71 TopFrame D Page 2 of 3 (1) Parking class one, being composed of all uses by right which are enumerated in the schedule hereinafter provided: a. There shall be one and one-half (11/2) off-street parking spaces provided for each dwelling unit in a multiple unit dwelling; provided, however, that for a multiple unit dwelling located in a B-4, R-4-X or B-8-G district there shall be provided one (1) off-street parking space for each dwelling unit; and provided, further, that for a multiple unit dwelling whose occupancy is restricted entirely to individuals sixty (60) years or more of age, there shall be provided one (1) off-street parking space for each three (3) dwelling units. b. There shall be one (1) off-street parking space provided for each three (3) dwelling units and/or rental rooms in a residence for older adults. (Ord. No. 63-80, eff. 2-8-80; Ord. No. 392-86, eff. 7-8-86; Ord. No. 161-94, eff. 3-11-94; Ord. No. 583-94, eff. 8-5-94; Ord. No. 727-97, eff. 10-31-97) (2) Parking class two, being composed of all uses by right and authorized use exceptions which are enumerated in the schedule hereinafter provided: There shall be one (1) off-street parking space provided for each six hundred (600) square feet of gross floor area contained in any structure or structures containing any use by right; provided, however, that for each habitable unit in a motel there need be provided not more than one (1) off-street parking space. (3) Parking class three, being composed of all uses by which are enumerated in the schedule hereinafter provided: Parking shall be provided in an amount equal to one-fourth (1/4) of the area of the zone lot on which the use by right is located; provided, however, a community recreational facility or tennis club which restricts its membership to persons living in a specific geographical area shall provide at least ten (10) percent of the area of its zone lot for off-street parking; and provided further, however, an aquaculture facility shall provide one (1) off-street parking space for each employee on the largest shift. (Ord. No. 322-89, eff. 6-26-89) (4) Parking class four, being composed of all uses by right which are enumerated in the schedule hereinafter provided: There shall be one (1) off-street parking space provided for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area contained in any structure containing a use by right. (5) Parking class five, being composed of all uses by right which are enumerated in the schedule hereinafter provided: An area equal to one-fourth (1/4) the gross floor area in all structures containing the use by right. (6) Parking class six, being composed of all uses right which are enumerated in the schedule hereinafter provided: There shall be a parking area equal to one-tenth the gross floor area in all structures containing the use by right; provided, however, that one (1) additional parking space shall be provided for each artist studio containing a dwelling unit. (Ord. No. 615-86, eff. 9-30-86) (7) Parking class seven, being composed of all uses by right which are enumerated in the schedule hereinafter provided: a. Each elementary or grade school or junior high school shall provide ten (10) off- street parking spaces plus one (1) off-street parking space for each classroom; .../om isapi.dll?advquery=59-581&aquery=59-581&headingswithhits=on&headingswithhits=on&8/16/01 1, IL, ~-_EW COZD TABLE 9-4 REQUIRED PARKING RATIOS (Continue yvuu V a..raz.w:.a.<.a.:cz:. r...,.:. ........::.aa.:au':.:+ru.:< °.i}i~ ~....aattx« _.,...ar rn ..r..,.cz• <ua ~~r= OFFICE General Facilities for general office work 4.0 spaces/1,000 s.f. of gross leasable floor area Government or Medical Facilities that house city, state, 4.0 spaces/1,000 s.f. of gross floor county or federal agencies or; area facilities that provide diagnostic and out patient care Parks Subdivisions or PD's containing 2.5 spaces/1,000 s.f. of gross floor general office and supporting area services such as banks, savings and loan, restaurants and service stations in a park or campus setting Facility for mail distribution and Post Office pickup 6.0 spaces/1,000 s.f. of gross floor area RACE TRACK Supporting facility for conducting 0.3 spaces/seat races such as auto, d or horses RESIDENTIAL Single Family Single Family detached or duplex 2.0 spacesidwelling Multi-family Three or more attached dwelling 1.0 spaces plus guest units: studio and 1-bedroom 2-bedroom 1.5 spaces plus guest 3 or more bedroom 2.0 spaces plus guest Mobile Home Mobile home within a park 2.0 spaces/mobile unit plus guest Guest Parking Common parking available to public 0.5 spaces/unit Facility for Low/Moderate income Low Income elderly 0.75 spaces/dwelling unit Group Living Quarters Facility for persons over 60 years of Elderly age without medical care 0.5 spaces/bed plus 1.0 spaces/facility vehicle Facility for group living quarters for Others other than elderly 0.7 spaces/bed plus 1.0 spaces/facility vehicle Facilities for the care of the elderly or Health Care Facility infirm 0.3 spaces/bed RESTAURANT (Fast food, family, Eating establishments with turnover 10.0 spaces/1,000 s.f. of gross floor high turnover) rates of less than 1 hour area RESTAURANT (Full service, low Eating establishments with turnover 12.5 spaces/1,000 s.f. of gross floor turnover) rates over 1 hour area LAKEWOOD ZONING ORDINANCE August 29,9993 9-14 12/99 11-7-1 `1~sT]`~11N15TEr2 Page 1 of 1 03) OFF STREET VEHICLE PARKING: 1. OFFSTREET PARKING REQUIRED: There shall be required in connection with the development or construction of specified buildings or uses, the minimum offstreet parking spaces listed in subsection 2. below. The concept of shared parking for a number of different uses may be included in the parking requirements of any Preliminary Development Plan or Official Development Plan. If uncertainties arise as to the classification of a building or use, the City Manager or his designee shall assign a reasonable classification. 2. MINIMUM OFF STREET VEHICLE PARKING SPACES: a. Residential 1. Single family detached: four (4) spaces per unit, with two (2) spaces enclosed in a garage and two (2) spaces in driveway. "NOTE" Parking for neo-traditional developments may be reviewed by the Planning Manager on a case by case basis 12/99 11-7-4 (3) 2 (a) 11-7-4 2. Single family attached: One and one half (1.5) spaces per one bedroom unit or efficiency unit. Two (2) spaces per two or more bedroom unit, plus one (1) space per three units for guest parking. 3. Multiple family: One and one half (1.5) spaces per one bedroom unit, two (2) spaces per two or more bedroom unit, plus one (1) space per three units for guest parking. 4. Mobile Homes: Two (2) spaces per unit, plus one (1) space per unit for guest parking to be located within mobile home park and not more than 200 feet from unit it is serving. -4 5. Senior Housing: a. Independent Living: One (1) space per one bedroom or efficiency unit. One and one half (1.5) spaces per two or larger bedroom unit, plus one (1) space per five (5) units for guest parking. b. Congregate Care: Three fours (75) of one space per one unit c. Assisted Living: One (1) space per three patient beds d. Skilled care: One (1) space per three patient beds http://www.ci.westminster.co.us/code/titlel l/tl lc7.htm 8/16/01 Approx. 175 75 parking spaces (1 space per 2.3 rooms) BRIGHTON GARDENS BY MARIOTT BEEHIVE 22 ROOMS AUG-16-01 12:36 PM M N M DESIGN 303 526 9874 P-01 M.h.M.DISIG" 985 BLACK 81808 88. 60LO98,00L06A80 526.9814 FACSIMILL' TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO PROM. MLREVITI I RFCKF l'. AICP MART.ANE CoMttru6Y. DATE' (ATY OF N IE A-nm)(,F: Aulv,st 1G, 2001 FAY Nvmzl1A_ 'iUTALNU. UP PAVES TNCLUUIN( COVek 303-235-2857 10 PRONE. NUMUIat 303-235-2W. RP ASSI.gll) LIB INC. FACILITY ❑ URGRNT ❑ FOP Rftv14:W LI PLPASP, COMMRNT ❑ PLP.ASI: RLPLy ❑ PLLASB RLCYCLL NOT~ijCOMMF.N'1''rt W AP1wca w M waft, I lore is a copy of the off mm.ei parking requirements for neighboring municipAy. PIE get a good copy of this'and the rest of my presentation to you by Friday afternoon. S ncerely, MarLuie D- Gottlieb CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE OF MEETING: August 13, 2001 DATE PREPARED: July 27, 2001 CASE NO. & NAME: SUP-01-01/Koch CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Special Use permit to allow a congregate care/assisted living facility in an RC zone LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4415 Jay Street NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Karl Koch 3090 West 63' Avenue Denver, CO 80221 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): same APPROXIMATE AREA: .45 acres PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: Restricted-Commercial vacant SURROUNDING ZONING: N, E: Residential-Three; S: Commercial-One; W: Restricted-Commercial, Residential-three SURROUNDING LAND USE: N, E: Multi-family; S: commercial; W: vacant COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Transitional Residential DATE PUBLISHED: July 27, 2001 DATE POSTED: July 30, 2001 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: July 26, 2001 (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE O SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Q OTHER (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS 0 SLIDES (X) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met. Therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. CC Staff Report August 13, 2001 Page 1 I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a special use permit to allow a congregate care/assisted living facility on Restricted-Commercial property located at 4415 Jay Street. Special uses are "discretionary uses which are clearly shown to be void or deficient in an area and which, if properly designed, developed, operated and maintained," may be approved. "The primary issues which the planning commission and city council shall address are those related to justification of need and those special design and operational considerations which mitigate potential detrimental impacts on the surrounding land use, street and public services and facilities." The Planning Commission shall recommend and City Council shall decide whether the special use is dependent upon design, management or operational aspects so that the SUP should be a personal grant of use to the owner or whether the SUP runs with the land. If it is to run with the land, then the following must be decided: 1) if it is in perpetuity, 2) is personal to the applicant and may or may not be inherited or, 3) it if should be granted for a defined period of time. Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws recognizes three categories of elderly housing: Group Home for Elderly Persons: This is a residential facility for the exclusive use of persons sixty (60) years of age or older who do not need skilled and intermediate care, plus no more than two (2) live-in staff persons employed in the care and supervision of such elderly residents. Congregate Care home: A residential facility established for the exclusive use of more than (8) elderly persons, sixty (60) years or older, where intermediate nursing care may or may not be available, and where living and sleeping quarters are provided for individuals or couples; where, however, kitchen facilities are not provided. Meals are prepared by a central kitchen and may be served in a central dining room or taken in the living quarters. For the purpose of meeting the residential density provisions of the Wheat Ridge Home Rule Charter, each three (3) persons, based upon maximum designed occupancy load, shall constitute one (1) family unit. Nursing Home: A state-licensed health care facility which provides essential care on a twenty-four (24) hour basis by medical professionals to provide short-term convalescent or rehabilitative care or long term care to individuals who, by reason of advanced age, chronic illness or infirmity, are unable to care for themselves. Residential group homes for 6 to 8 persons are allowed in both the residential and commercial zones. Nursing homes and congregate care facilities for 6 to 8 persons are permitted uses in all of the commercial zone districts. Group homes, nursing homes and congregate care facilities with 9 or more persons are special uses in the NC, RC and C-1 zone districts. Prior to the adoption of revised Chapter 26, congregate care facilities and nursing homes were allowed in all of the commercial zone districts, regardless of the number of clients. II. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on May 8, 2001, at 6:30 p.m. in the glass conference room of City Hall. No area residents were in attendance. III. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding agencies can serve the property. Wheat Ridge Water District can serve the property. CC Staff Report Page 2 August 13, 2001 Public Works Department has reviewed and approved a drainage report. They would like the curb cut shown on the site plan to be reduced to provide more on-street vehicle parking. See attached Exhibit `A'. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District is requiring the building to be sprinklered. The property is already served by an existing fire hydrant on the east side of Jay Street. They concur with staff s suggested modified design. See Exhibit `B'. IV. SITE PLAN AND OPERATION The applicant has provided the following information: narrative of proposed clients and operation of the facility (Exhibit `C'), site plan (Exhibit `D'), floor plans (Exhibit `E'), and building elevations (Exhibit `F'). The property in question is 19,600 square feet in size and is currently vacant. The applicant is proposing a 7,800 square foot building which equates to 40% lot coverage. Fourteen living spaces, a living room, dining room, kitchen and laundry facilities are provided on the first floor. Three of the living units consist of a bedroom and bathroom. The others provide a bedroom, bathroom and an additional living area. The second story consisting of 1,150 square feet contains an on-site manager's apartment and office. A six-foot high fence with landscaping around individual patio spaces provides buffering to the multi-family development to the north and the auto repair facility to the south. Architecturally, the building proposed is residential in nature with sloped roofs, broken-up facades (facade variations) and limited signage. Materials to be used are siding and brick. Because few of the residents will have cars, parking has been provided at a rate of .5 spaces per living unit with an additional two spaces for the live-in manager. Access to the property is by way of a single curb cut on Jay Street. However, the curb cut shown on the site plan, which is 57wide, far exceeds the allowable size. The zoning code prescribes that in commercial districts, a curb cut serving an individual property should be between 20' and 35' wide. A joint curb cut serving more than one property may not exceed 45'. The proposed curb cut width is being requested by the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District for fire protection purposes. Ideally, the fire district would like full width, paved access around the building (minimum of 18' access way). Because of the width of the building, resulting setbacks and the requirement for the drainage pond location and size, fire protection needs to occur from the parking lot. Both the Public Works and planning staff question the need for the excessively-sized curb cut since the building will have to be sprinklered. From a design standpoint the existing configuration creates traffic movement problems in the parking lot. As an alternative, staff would support a 35' wide curb cut with the remaining 22' in mountable curb. Painting on the curb and striping in the parking lot would be required to indicate no general access across the mountable curb. However, the fire district would be able to drive across it in the event of an emergency. See attached Exhibit `A'. The fire district has agreed to the modified design proposed by staff (see attached Exhibit `B'). V. SPECIAL USE CRITERIA Before a special use is approved, the applicant shall show, and the city council shall find, the proposed special use: 1. Will meet a proven public need in that it will fill a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternatives. CC Staff Report Page 3 August 13, 2001 There is a demand for alternative housing options for the elderly. According to information provided by the State of Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Colorado's population continues to age. The age group with the most dramatic change is the 50 - 59 age range, reflecting the aging of the baby boomers. While the elderly as a percent of the total population of Colorado will not change dramatically, the total number of persons age 70 and older will increase by 31,691 between 2000 and 2005. Roughly 60% of these persons will be over 80, "an age where persons often need to live in an assisted living situation". Wheat Ridge has one of the highest median ages (40) in the metropolitan area. 2. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Adjacent zoning and land use include existing multi-family properties zoned R-3 on the east and north with small lot single family homes farther to the north and northeast. To the west is vacant, R-3 zoned property with city-owned open space beyond. To the south and southeast are C-1 zoned auto repair and an auto stereo installation facility. Both of the commercial uses have minimal landscaping and buffering. Many times cars waiting to be worked on are parked on Jay Street. Staff believes the proposed congregate care facility will have a positive influence on the health and welfare of the neighborhood. 3. Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use. The proposed congregate care facility will provide a land use transition from the heavier commercial uses on 44" Avenue (car repair, car stereo installation) to multi-family to single family farther to the north. Although the property has been maintained without any evidence of weed control enforcement, vacant lots tend to be unkempt with weeds and litter. Development of the parcel into a residentially-scaled congregate care facility should not contribute to blight in the neighborhood. 4. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. The construction of the congregate care facility will have a lesser impact on the amount of light and air than a typical commercial structure as only a portion of the building is two stories in height. A drainage report has been approved for the design proposed. There will be less noise generated by the facility than many allowed uses in the R-C zone district (bakeries, banks, medical offices, sit-down restaurants, hardware stores). 5. Is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The property is designated Transitional Residential on the comprehensive plan. Transitional residential land use is defined as "small retail uses and professional services with residential uses in the same structure" which "serves as a buffer between stable, primarily detached residential units and commercial collector streets". Further, "Transitional residential uses provide a visual break from the more intensive retail commercial uses and create an appearance of mixed residential and commercial uses rather than a solid commercial strip." Desired attributes include the following: • well buffered and landscaped parking areas • controlled access • well designed and maintained • no outdoor storage, screened trash areas CC Staff Report Page 4 August 13, 2001 development contains amenities including bike racks, benches, picnic tables, public art, and pedestrian connections to surrounding neighborhoods Desired uses include the following: • Small convenience or specialty retail establishments (coffee shop, ice cream store, drugstore) • Professional convenience services (e.g., beauty shops, tailor, bookkeeper, dance and/or art stores • Daycare • Residential Staff concludes that the proposed use meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 6. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. Traffic to and from the site will be minimal as the majority of the residents will not drive. Staff recommends that the design be modified by reducing the width of the curb cut to no more than 35', with 22' of mountable curb for fire access. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. All of the minimum requirements of the zoning standards for the R-C zone district have been met. The height of the structure is 26' where 50' is allowed. Over 34% of the property will be landscaped where the minimum requirement is 20%. Lot coverages for the structure and paving are 40% and 25.7%, respectively. Buffering will consist of a 6' solid fence along the side and rear perimeters of the property. 8. Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. All responding utility providers have indicated no problems with service. As the residents will be elderly, there should be no impact on schools in the area. There are convenient transit stops on 44`" Avenue one block to the east (towards Ingalls) both eastbound and westbound. 9. History of compliance by the applicant with Code requirements and prior condition, if any, regarding the subject property. The applicant was the developer of the townhouse project directly across the street and still maintains ownership of one of the units. At the time of this writing, there have been no zoning code complaints filed against the owner for either the subject property or the townhouse property. 10. Ability of applicant or any permitted successor-in-interest to continuously meet the conditions of the proposed permit. Staff concludes that compliance with the applicant's Exhibit `C' should be made a condition of approval. Meeting this condition will be the responsibility of the applicant and any successor of interest. 11. Other factors relevant to the specific application. There are no other relevant factors. CC Staff Report Page 5 August 13, 2001 VI. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Planning Commission reviewed this request at a public hearing held on July 5, 2001. A recommendation of approval was given for the following reasons: 1. The proposed SUP will fill a demand for housing alternatives for the elderly. 2. The request is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 3. The proposed special use is a better alternative for the neighborhood than commercial uses. With the following conditions: 1. The permit run with the land in perpetuity. 2. The management of the facility shall remain in accordance with the applicant's Exhibit `C'. Any deviation from Exhibit `C' shall require renewal of the special use permit. 3. The site plan be modified to reduce the curb cut from 57' to no more than 35' with the remaining 22' in mountable curb with appropriate painting and striping. 4. This facility will be a 14-room facility with a maximum of 16 residents plus a live-in manager. CC Staff Report Page 6 August 13, 2001 H OATH AV - 1 _ m F I R R ELEM. SCHOOL R-2 W 45TH R S R 8 R °1 m ml - I s e n W -15T1i AV 8 $ _ I R - Q I I I $ p ml L°K E R-G VI FI SUBps w 46TH PL R i ~I a o~ I W 46TH AV 8 8 8 ~ RI SRI 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I rl rl ~I 3 Tor F ,~~,8~ u p o ~ ~ LjFt a e ~2 wao 1 X500 W 45TH PL m m m u m R R R 8 8 OFFICIAL- ZONI NG MAP WHET RIDGE COLORADO MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 Last Revisicn: September 19, 199b PAP,1MENT OF PUNNING AND CEV6_oF"Ni - 255-2852 W 41Pt A E - ZONE DISTRICT BOUNDRY - PARCEL/LOT SOUNDRT' (DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP) CITY LIMIT LINE + DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES R-3 C-A h G- A S ~p N W 45' 85 G M90 ia>S ~ yg0 G - w 44TH AVa - T d Q w lz J N Nil 2-4 SCALE 1'400 ~.\DRAWINGS\PLANNING\QS\NW24 MEMORANDUM TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer 5" 1 DATE: Friday, June 15, 2001 SUBJECT: Proposed Driveway Width at Wheat Ridge Assisted Living, 4415 Jay Street/ SUP-01-01/Koch This memo serves as a supplemental memo to the Public Works memo dated May 21, 2001 referencing the above matter. Based on the site plan review, the Public Works Department is concerned with the proposed driveway width of 57 feet wide for the following reasons: 1. The driveway width is exceeding the maximum that the code allows. This will not control traffic to enter and exit in an efficient and safe manner. 2. With the combination wide curb opening and the proposed parking configuration, vehicles will be allowed to back out onto the street. Public Works feels that an alternative design to the proposed driveway is needed to address the above issues. We are suggesting a combination of a standard driveway cut and a section of the mountable curb, gutter and walk to be used in this case. This will include a standard 35 feet (max) driveway cut and a 22 feet section of the mountable curb section to cover the entire proposed driveway width. In addition, the mountable portion will need to be signed and marked as "No Parking Fire Lane". This alternative design should discourage site traffic from backing out onto Jay Street while maintaining the fire access as required by Fire Department. It is my understanding that the fire department may need a wide driveway as shown on the plan to allow them to respond to emergency situations adequately. We acknowledge that it is important that the site design meet the Fire Department requirements, however the driveway also needs to be designed in a way where traffic conflicts can be avoided or at least minimized. cc: Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works Alan White, Director of Planning and Development Greg Knudson, City Engineer Mike Garcia, Development Review Engineer WHEAT RIDGE FIRE DISTRICT "Dedicated To Sefve. Throvggh Excellence" P. O. (lox 507 • 38801ph<im S1. • Wheal Ridge, CO 80034 • 303-424-7323 • Fax 30.3940-3350 June 18, 2001 To: Meredith Reckert Senior Planner City of Wheal Ridge Wheat Ridge, Co. 80033 Submit: Fine Department approval of site revision regarding rod over curb de4gn for Karl Koch, 4115 Jay St., Wheat Ridge, CO., 80033, as discussed. Dear Meredith This better is to confirm au discussion regarding the large nub cut treaded for the Koch property at 4415 Jay Street. 11 is my understanding that the necessary width needed to be able to provide adequate fire protection to this facility can be aoonmptished tbmugh the use of a normal length crab U as designed by engineering, extended with a mountable arrb section hot the rest of the needed distance, and property signed with NO PARKING signs, enforceable by the City. This solution is acceptable to the fire department and should create- a better solution to the problem if there ars any questions ooncermng this issue, I can be contacted at 3 0 3 403-5 942, or Pager number 303-6S7-7336 Thank you for your help and consideration regarding this matter. Dave Roberts. Fit,, PLR.F.P.D. , C}CN113/T ` To: City of Wheat Ridge From: Karl Koch Re: Assisted Living Center Date: June 14, 2001 The proposed Assisted Living Center at 4515 Jay Street is considered to be a PERSONAL CARE BOARDING HOME by the state of Colorado. A Personal Care Boarding Home is defined by law as "a residential facility that makes available to three or more adults not related to the owner of such facility, either directly or indirectly through a provider agreement, room and board and personal services, protective oversight, and social care due to impaired capacity to live independently, but not to the extent that regular twenty-four hour medical or nursing care is required". The average age of a resident in an assisted living center is 80+ years old. It is expected that none of the residents will be driving. The facility will require that if residents need to go somewhere, i.e. to the doctors, the bank, the grocery store, etc., family members will need to make arrangements to pick them up and bring them back. Services provided by the assisted living center will include a safe and sanitary environment with adequate sleeping and living areas, well balanced nutritious meals, assistance with activities of daily living, including bathing, dressing, eating, and medication administration, also there will be at least (1) staff member on sight 24 hours a day. The facility will also offer opportunities for social and recreational activities. In order to operate a personal care boarding home with more than 3 persons in the state of Colorado, the state requires that the facility be licensed. In order to license the facility, the assisted living center must meet all of the states criteria for licensure. (Please see attached the listing of what is involved). After these requirements have been fulfilled, the facility and the documents need to be approved by the state at which time the license to operate will be given. Other items that the facility is requires to have are 1) house policies for both residents and staff, 2) proper documentation including weekly menus, staffing schedule, written emergency plan in case of fire, bomb threat, etc., 3) personnel files which give information on the staff members education and competence, 4) resident files including the provider agreement, pertinent resident information and medication records, and 5) miscellaneous safety requirements such as posting no smoking signs where oxygen is in use, access to a telephone, access to fire extinguishers, etc. The regulations also require that the operators meet the minimum standards for education, training and experience prior to licensure of the facility. This can be accomplished by completing a 30-hour training program that is approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. 15 hours consist of training in resident's rights, environment and fire safety, emergency, and nutrition. SUMMARY OF PCBH/ACF REQUIREMENTS CHAPTER VII - POLICIES 7.1,7.2,10.2 (A) 7.4 8.1 8.1 (G) 8.5 8.6 8.7 9.1,10.2 (C), (D) 10.2 10.2 (G) 10.5 Criteria for Admission and Discharge Physician Assessmint Policy Residents Rights Policy Grievance Procedure Policy 'Smoking Policy House Rules Household Pets Services Provided Charges, Refunds, Deposit Policies Policies/procedures for Handling Resident Funds Transfer, Discharge, Eviction Policies CHAPTER XXIV -POLICIES I.A. Medication Administration Policieffrocedures CHAPTER VII - DOCUMENTATION 5.4,5.4.1 Staffing~Schedule 6.3 Policy and Procedure Manual accessible to staff 8.2 Post Residents Rights 8.1 Post Grievance Procedure and phone numbers of ombudsman, state and local health dept.,adult protection and area agency on aging 8.3 Minutes-of house/resident council meetings 8.6 Post House Rules 10.6.3 Current Surety Bond (if handle funds) 10.6.4 Record of Financial Transactions (if handle funds) 10.6.2 Funds exceeding $100.00 in an interest bearing account 13.3.1 Weekly menus available 13.4.1 Review of menu by dietary consultant when providing therapeutic diets (i.e. diabetic, 2 gram sodium, calorie restricted) 19.6 (A) Post Fire Escape Plan and document explanation to residents within 3 days of mission 19.6 (C), (D) Evidence of Fire Drills 19.6 (E) Documentation of emergency plan reviews with staff and residents every two months 19.6 (H) Written emergency plan for fire, gas explosion, bomb threat, power outages, tornado, provision for emergency housing 19.6 (J) Post emergency phone numbers-fire,police,poison control,ambulance Pave I of 3 CHAPTER VII - PERSONNEL FILES 5.2 TB test upon employment or volunteer service 5.3 Criminal background check on employees and volunteers 6.1 Documentation of on-the-job training 6r evaluation of previous related experience t 6.7 Evidence of training in residents' rights, first aid, assessment skills, difficult situations and behaviors, fire/emer. procedures 12.3.1 Documentation of completion of medication course for all staff who administer medications 19.6 (B) Documentation of orientation and training in emergency procedures within 3 days of employment CHAPTER VII - RESIDENT FILES 73/7.3.2 Board and Care plan/current, updated at least yearly 8.2 Documentation of receipt and explanation of residents' rights 8.1 (G) Documentation of receipt and explanation of grievance procedure 8.6 Documentation of receipt and explanation of house rules 10.1 Written provider agreement signed by resident or legal guardian 10.6.1 Written and signed authorization to handle resident funds (if service provided) 11.1 Pertinent resident information (face sheet) 11.1 (F) Medication administration records 11.1 (K) Record of anecdotal notes: accidents, injuries, illness or violent behavior 12.3 Current physician orders for all medications administered to residents CHAPTER VII - OTHER 8.1 (I) Access to telephone 8.7 Pets: in compliance with state/local vaccination/inoculation regs 9.1 Physically safe/sanitary environment, room and board, personal services, protective oversight and social care 9.2 Opportunities for social/recreational activities 11.3 Storage for confidential records 12.7.1 Label residents' names on OTC medications 12.7.4 Check for medications that have exceeded their expiration date 12.9.1 Locked storage for medications 12.14.3 Post "no smoking" sign where oxygen is in use 13.3.3 At least 2 day supply of food 13.3.4 Food free from spoilage/filthlcontamination. (Facilities with 20+ beds meet 1990 Colo. Food Estab. Rules and Regs.) 14.1 Separate storage for soiled linen and clothing 14.3 Supply of linens, towels, and blankets to meet residents' needs 16.7 No extension cords and multiple use,sockets (unless Ul, rated) 16.8 No personal appliances for cooking unless operator believes capable of appropriate use 19.6 (I) First Aid Equipment 19.6 (K) Fire extinguisher in kitchen, common area, and cacti floor 18.8.1 Hot water accessible by residents measures 120 degrees Fahrenheit or less ray, t:,; 3 CA APT ER V;I -SECURE ENVIRONMENT (SECTION 20) 20.2 Documentation of legal authority for decision making- guardianship, health care proxy, medical durable power of attorney 20.3 Evidence of assessmetnt prior to admission by qualified prof. 20.3.1 Evidence of an evaluation of less restrictive alternatives 20.3.a Evidence of review of services provided by facility 20.4 Written findings and their basis re: admission to a secure env. 20.5. Doc. of training specific to caring for residents with dementia 20.6 Safe and secure outdoor area for use of residents year round _ 20.11) Written disclosure prior to admission that fac. is secure, types of behaviors the facility serves and staff training provided CiIAPTER XYIV -MEDITATION ADMINISTRATION V.F. Medication reminder boxes are labelled with contents of box ACF CERT11 ICATION REQUIREMENTS 8.495.61 Operator completed ACF orientation 8.495.56 Documentation of annual TB testing 8.495.57 110 staff-to-resident ratio 6:00 am to 7:00 pm. 1:15 staff-to-resident ratio 7:00 pm to 6:00 am or waiver granted by state Medicaid agency 8.495.66 Documentation of training in universal precautions 8.495.87 A) Provision of written information on advance directives, B)facility policies and C)doeumentation whether resident has executed advanced directives or not 8.495.116 Posted schedule of social/recreational activities _ 8.495.131 Quarterly consult from dietary consultant if therapeutic diet orders 8.495.132 No more than 14 hours between evening and morning meals A; fr SECUI_FI) UNIT REOUIMMENTS (in addition to Chapter VII secure environment requirements at), ve) 8.495.213 Maximum of 30 beds unless waiver granted by state Medicaid agency 8.495.214 1:6 staff-to-resident ratio at all times unless waiver granted by state Medicaid agency 8.495.215 Staff trained`in assessment skills, providing activities and handling behaviors 8.495.2191A), (C) All chemicals, cleaning supplies and hazardous materials secured/locked 8.495.219 (D) Environment promotes independence/minimizes agitation, i.e. visual cues, including high visual contrast between floors, walls and doorways, contrast between food, plate and table, and lighting minimizes glare Nf ,'I'E: In addition to record review, the survey also includes observations, resident and staff interviews, to r of facility, review of medications and other functions necessary to complete the survey Pagc 3 of 3 Commissioner COLLINS to approve the minutes of May 17, 2001 as amended. The motion passed 4-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN abstaining and Commissioners COOPER, MILLER and SNOW absent 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one to appear before the Commission 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. SUP-01-01: (continued from June 21, 2001) -Application by Karl Koch for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a 14-bed assisted living facility on property zoned Restricted-Commercial (R-C) and located at 4415 Jay Street. This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overheads of the application. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and accepted by Chair McNAMEE. Commission members were advised that they had jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval of the application with conditions as outlined in the staff report. Commissioners THOMPSON and BRINKMAN expressed concern about inadequate visitor parking. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if fill would be added because the subject property is lower than the other properties. Mike Garcia replied that a drainage plan was submitted and there are plans to add some fill. Karl Koch 3090 West 63`d Avenue, Denver Mr. Koch, the applicant, was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He stated that he purchased the subject property for the purpose of building an assisted living facility. He explained that each room would have its own shower, sitting area and kitchenette without stoves. Nine parking spaces are planned which he believed to be more than adequate because it is doubtful that any of the residents would drive. Commissioner WEISZ asked Mr. Koch if he planned to retain ownership of the building. Mr. Koch replied that he would probably retain ownership of the building and lease to a professional management company. The leases would probably be on a month-to-month basis. He further explained that it is planned to have two assistants employed during the day and one on-site employee at night which meets state requirements for assisted living facilities. Mr. Koch stated that, in addition to the nine parking spaces, street parking is available although he expressed concern about the automotive radio shop on the corner parking commercial vehicles in front of his property. The person living on-site would be restricted to one car. He indicated he had no problem with designating four or more parking spaces as visitor parking. Planning Commission Page 2 July 5, 2001 Commissioner THOMPSON asked what the regulations were about commercial vehicles parking in residential neighborhoods. Alan White explained that semi's are not allowed to park on the street. Commissioner THOMPSON suggested parking signs to enforce the sight triangles. Mr. Koch asked if signs could be posted that would say: "no overnight parking, no parking of commercial vehicles, or no RV parking, etc." Steve Nguyen replied that he wouldn't recommend these types of signs because it is extremely difficult for the police department to enforce. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if the applicant planned to replace the 6-foot cedar fence when the park behind the proposed building is developed. Mr. Koch replied that, should the park be developed, part of the fence would be replaced with wrought iron to provide an open view into the park. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Koch stated that there would be oxygen in the building which would be regulated by state requirements. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if trash trees in back of the property would be removed. Mr. Koch said they would be removed and he plans to plant evergreen trees which would be irrigated until established. In response to a question from Commissioner COLLLINS, Mr. Koch replied that there would be no heating or air conditioning units on the roof of the proposed building. Commissioner COLLINS inquired about governing agencies for assisted living facilities. Mr. Koch replied that the state acts as governing agency; however, nursing homes and Alzheimer's facilities require additional governing agencies. Chair McNAMEE expressed concern that, while this would be a 14-bed facility, there could be more than 14 residents if there are two people to a room. Mr. Koch explained that, while it would not be in violation of state regulations to have two occupants in a room, he stated he would have no problem with adhering to 14 beds. He also stated that it is not unusual for one or two rooms in an assisted living facility to be occupied by a married couple. Chair McNAMEE asked if two occupants in a room would change the parking requirements. Alan White stated that it would not because parking requirements are based on the number of rooms. In response to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Alan White stated that staff was satisfied with the parking set forth in the plan. Planning Commission Page 3 July 5, 2001 Chair McNAMEE asked if there were others present who wished to address this matter. There was no response. It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Commissioner WEISZ to approve Case No. SUP-01-01, a request for approval of a special use permit by Karl Koch to allow a congregate care facility on R-C zoned property at 4415 Jay Street, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed SUP will fill a demand for housing alternatives for the elderly. 2. The request is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 3. The proposed special use is a better alternative for the neighborhood than commercial uses. With the following conditions: 1. The permit run with the land in perpetuity. 2. The management of the facility shall remain in accordance with the applicant's Exhibit `C'. Any deviation from Exhibit `C' shall require renewal of the special use permit. 3. The site plan shall be modified to reduce the curb cut from 57 feet to no more than 35 feet with the remaining 22 feet in mountable curb with appropriate painting and striping. 4. This facility will be a 14-room facility with a maximum of 16 residents plus a live- in manager. 'I The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners COOPER, MILLER and SNOW absent. B. Case No. ZOA-01-01: (continued from June 21, 2001) An ordinance amending Article II of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning the addition of a Conservation Zoning District. It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner WEISZ that Case No. ZOA-01-01 be continued to the Planning Commission meeting of July 19, 2001. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners COOPER, MILLER and SNOW absent. 8. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Commission. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion of Residential Setback Standards (ZOA-01-02). (This item was postponed to the next meeting of the Planning Commission on July 19, 2001 by an earlier motion.) Planning Commission Page 4 July 5, 2001 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Whelp Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 July 30, 2001 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you that Case No. SUP-01-01 a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a 14-bed assisted living facility on property zoned Restricted-Commercial (R-C) and located at 4415 Jay Street will be heard by the Wheat Ridge City Council in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on August 13, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you are a property owner within 100 feet of this property, you may have the right to file a legal protest against the application which would require 3/4 majority vote of City Council to approve the request. A copy of the protest rights section of the code is enclosed. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C:\Kathy\CCRPTS\PUBNOTIC\supOI OI .wpd 0 C a 6 M Q N a z O» ~ w m ~ 0 K M m n f - r 4 n A Z S O Z m0 o ~1 to G)xm °M>> °m rn rn m 0 m rn ° °m c a C -I 0 o M u N J V Q ; i r r N r i W tN0 tN0 O tN0 f0 tNp t0 ~ tN0 M 0 YI y m ~ ~ m ~ ~ m° SAO ~ ~ ~ ' N w w w m w m w w ~ ° ~ o n ~ O lp 00 o W N 2 ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ ❑ d 3 x o C) ~ 0 d N 3 ° N 5 tai ' ~2 r2 a m p_, CD 3 d A d O N d O T~ D CC Z G m' w m m_ .d+ (7° m .d. D o 2 O d m .d. < A W 0 (n ^ ° M . . AoN . . A ;D 00-1 < ~E, y V- m a d A 71Ay .'(-10,p Alp TI A N d V d A a D N M 0 ~ o;w.. . nwo ~.J»~ do3 O O °oW a a 'a d m m. 'o d w mo . O D O~ m w m< W m w C> C7 E. 0 c m w ( /1 %3 <m 00 m ny -d ~ N0 ~S. M n O ~ O 3 - c~~m H rv 3 0' r d w' m O N 0Mo ng N'o 3 . a~ O 0((n9 N M d a W x . . F o d (nS W d 'o au N O W N O O 6 O w O 6 O W W X W W N W W 3 y d 0 m N V) N N N (n N C co C f/1 C s O N C 0 C C 0 C C 0 C 0 v 0 ~ 0 v 0 d ~ h Q d R = a te 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a ? as 21o z m a m to CWFZF V rroooc o z1onlr, o <ozNZ " a rr --nz o z£~(W D G A < z Cprz a QtlCtlQ c omc c RDSAiG a m Z OIX rm -Id z I IN d 0 A r c t ZW c - d Q mlE m D a c A tlC a y n mr ~ _ N6 N C m ~ ~ L ~ IN Ix N a 11 1 G >17 - -4 0 F7 I m z _ ~ mo Z > *O 1 G) n o o~x z` zz m > ° m N a n < 0 ;0 00 W A A b W b > A A A N m m y W N W N W N W W W W W W W W W W W W A y' N O [O W V W N A m 0. .6 3 m o 0 n~ Tu m o a m 'ry C fCD m= O 3 m y 3 N ° ~o r. a am Q gym ~ m c m d m A N O S d d S ~ d A ao d d A d m y~ - a te a fl) O G ^ . . m ~ ;uW m pA ~~+m AS°- Ao~ Aa c m m a^ v w onS A mac. A - O E~01 ~v,< mv,. o x m y r o o m = G 0 W o m C) m o an d w m w 0 a G 0^~D 0»a 0fOK ma3 0N~ O`er voi ONE. Oy U) 0 o y ^ W b W p W W N< W 1 W d 0 W W W D O W W d M ° W ° D O N N r O O o O O ° O O O O ~ o a w 3 o w o ~ w ~ r O o w Q w w w w w a N y d N N ~ m n N _ G ~ a y n n M M C N C N C N C 0 S o y D m C C 0 C 0 C C 0 0 0 0 0 'd^ I ~ °a m y 0 0 N = n 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # ~ o m 3 ~ na des m ~ ~ N I . 9 d N ~ N d `w O O y O C I n d N Z ~ G A I N Z o. m O ~ o A o ` c ~ Z < d Q ^ ~ m o (t0 b7 ~ n a ~ c < ` n ~ o a ~ p c ~ m m o m m n NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge CITY COUNCIL on August 13, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petition shall be heard: Case No. SUP-01-01: Application by Karl Koch for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a 14-bed assisted living facility on property zoned Restricted-Commercial (R-C) and located at 4415 Jay Street. The property is legally described as follows: Lots 9 and 10, EXCEPT the North 25 feet of Lot 10, Hale Subdivision, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Kathy Field, Senior Secretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: July 27, 2001 Wheat Ridge Transcript C:\Kathy\CCRPTS\Pubbear\0I0813pub.wpd 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2846 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 July 20, 2001 Karl Koch 3090 W. 63`d Ave. Denver, CO 80221 Dear Mr. Koch: At its meeting of July 5, 2000, the Planning Commission has RECOMMENDED that the City Council approve your request for a special use permit to allow a congregate care facility on property zoned Restricted-Commercial (R-C) and located at 4415 Jay Street for the following reasons: 1. The proposed SUP will fill a demand for housing alternatives for the elderly. 2. The request is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 3. The proposed special use is a better alternative for the neighborhood than commercial uses. With the following conditions: 1. The permit run with the land in perpetuity. 2. The management of the facility shall remain in accordance with the applicant's Exhibit `C'. Any deviation from Exhibit `C' shall require renewal of the special use permit. 3. The site plan shall be modified to reduce the curb cut from 57 feet to no more than 35 feet with the remaining 22 feet in mountable curb with appropriate painting and striping. 4. This facility will be a 14-room facility with a maximum of 16 residents plus a live-in manager. Your request for approval is scheduled for a public hearing before City Council at 7:00 p.m. on August 13, 2001. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy Fie Planning Secretary Attachments: Draft of Minutes cc: SUP-01-01 (case file) Commissioner COLLINS to approve the minutes of May 17, 2001 as amended. The motion passed 4-0 with Commissioner BRINKIMAN abstaining and Commissioners COOPER, MILLER and SNOW absent 6. PUBLIC FORUM, T!,cre was no one to appear before the Commission PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. SUP-01-01: (continued from June 21, 2001) - Application by Karl Koch for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a 14-bed assisted living facility on property zoned Restricted-Commercial (R-C) and located at 4415 Jay Street. This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overheads of the application. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and accepted by Chair McNAMEE. Commission members were advised that they had jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval of the application with conditions as outlined in the staff report. Commissioners THOMPSON and BRINKMAN expressed concern about inadequate visitor parking. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if fill would be added because the subject property is lower than the other properties. Mike Garcia replied that a drainage plan was submitted and there are plans to add some fill Karl Koch 3090 West 63rd Avenue, Denver Mr. Koch, the applicant, was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He stated that he purchased the subject property for the purpose of building an assisted living facility. He explained that each room would have its own shower, sitting area and kitchenette without stoves. Nine parking spaces are planned which he believed to be more than adequate because it is doubtful that any of the residents would drive. Commissioner WEISZ asked Mr. Koch if he planned to retain ownership of the building. Mr. Koch replied that he would probably retain ownership of the building and lease to a professional management company. The leases would probably be on a month-to-month basis. He further explained that it is planned to have two assistants employed during the day and one on-site employee at night which meets state requirements for assisted living facilities. Mr. Koch stated that, in addition to the nine parking spaces, street parking is available although he expressed concern about the automotive radio shop around the comer parking commercial vehicles in front of his property. The person living on-site would be restricted to one car. He indicated he had no problem with designating four or more parking spaces as visitor parking. Planning Commission Page 2 July 5, 2001 Commissioner THOMPSON asked what the regulations were about commercial vehicles parking in residential neighborhoods. Alan White explained that semi's are not allowed to park on the street. Commissioner THOMPSON suggested parking signs to enforce the sight triangles. Mr. Koch asked if signs could be posted that would say: "no overnight parking, no parking of commercial vehicles, or no RV parking, etc." Steve Nguyen replied that he wouldn't recommend these types of signs because it is extremely difficult for the police department to enforce. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if the applicant planned to replace the 6-foot cedar fence when the park behind the proposed building is developed. Mr. Koch replied that, should the park be developed, part of the fence would be replaced with wrought iron to provide an open view into the park. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Koch stated that there would be oxygen in the building which would be regulated by state requirements. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if trash trees in back of the property would be removed. Mr. Koch said they would be removed and he plans to plant evergreen trees which would be irrigated until established. In response to a question from Commissioner COLLLINS, Mr. Koch replied that there would be no heating or air conditioning units on the roof of the proposed building. Commissioner COLLINS inquired about governing agencies for assisted living facilities. Mr. Koch replied that the state acts as governing agency; however, nursing homes and Alzheimer's facilities require additional governing agencies. Chair McNAMEE expressed concern that, while this would be a 14-bed facility, there could be more than 14 residents if there are two people to a room. Mr. Koch explained that, while it would not be in violation of state regulations to have two occupants in a room, he stated he would have no problem with adhering to 14 beds. He also stated that it is not unusual for one or two rooms in an assisted living facility to be occupied by a married couple. Chair McNAMEE asked if two occupants in a room would change the parking requirements. Alan White stated that it would not because parking requirements are based on the number of rooms. In response to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Alan White stated that staff was satisfied with the parking set forth in the plan. CRAFT Planning Commission Page 3 July 5, 2001 Chair McNAMEE asked if there were others present who wished to address this matter. There was no response. It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Commissioner WEISZ to approve Case No. SUP-01-01, a request for approval of a special use permit by Karl Koch to allow a congregate care facility on R-C zoned property at 4415 Jay Street, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed SUP will fill a demand for housing alternatives for the elderly. 2. The request is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 3. The proposed special use is a better alternative for the neighborhood than commercial uses. With the following conditions: 1. The permit run with the land in perpetuity. 2. The management of the facility shall remain in accordance with the applicant's Exhibit `C'. Any deviation from Exhibit `C' shall require renewal of the special use permit. 3. The site plan shall be modified to reduce the curb cut from 57 feet to no more than 35 feet with the remaining 22 feet in mountable curb with appropriate painting and striping. 4. This facility will be a 14-room facility with a maximum of 16 residents plus a live- in manager. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners COOPER, MILLER and SNOW absent. B. Case No. ZOA-01-01: (continued from June 21, 2001) An ordinance amending Article II of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of.Laws concerning the addition of a Conservation Zoning District. It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner WEISZ that Case No. ZOA-01-01 be continued to the Planning Commission meeting of July 19, 2001. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners COOPER, MILLER and SNOW absent. 8. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Commission. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion of Residential Setback Standards (ZOA-01-02). (This item was postponed to the next meeting of the Planning Commission on July 19, 2001 by an earlier motion.) Planning Commission Page 4 July 5, 2001 June 16, 2001 Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Re: SUP 01-01. Request for Assisted Living Facility Dear Commission Members: There is an error in the staff report for the above case. This involves information of which I am aware as both a member of the Commission and my employment at the Colorado Civil Rights Division. I feel I should inform you of this information and request that you allow me to abstain on this case. Item #9 states that there are no code violations on the property previously developed by Mr. Koch to the east. This is not correct. I believe the development was approved with a condition that two of the 14 units had to be made handicapped accessible. To the best of my knowledge, only one was done and it is not done correctly. Further, the federal and Colorado Fair Housing Acts required that all four of the one story units to the north had to be accessible to the standards of these Acts, and this was not done. Unless changes have been made recently, only one of the four had any accessibility features, and the interior is still out of compliance. I know that the son of the owner of this one unit brought to the attention of our building department, as I did, that the ramp was not done correctly. The other three remain totally out of compliance and probably cannot be made accessible, because one requirement is an accessible entrance. This would entail some kind of a ramp across the garages of the other units, something not really possible. Mr. Koch is aware of these problems and has assured me that he has researched all the accessibility standards which will apply to his new project and will comply with them. Nevertheless, considering my past contact with Mr.Koch in my Civil Rights role, and these problems, I do not believe that I can fairly and impartially hear the case and am asking that the Commission vote to allow me to abstain. I will be available to answer any questions if you wish or will leave the room if you prefer. I do ask that the following conditions be placed upon the approval: 1. That a licensed architect prepare the drawings for the facility; 00 2. That the facility meets all handicap accessibility standards o£ c a. The Colorado and federal Fair Housing Acts; U 9 FI E b. Colorado state statue C.R.S. 9-5-111-112; ~ c. The Americans with Disabilities Act; 20-11 d. The 1997 Uniform Building Code. Sincerely Nancy R. Snow TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: CASE NO. & NAME: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT July 5, 2001 DATE PREPARED: June 29, 2001 SUP-01-01/Koch CASE MANAGER: rM. Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Special Use permit to allow a congregate care/assisted living facility in an RC zone LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4415 Jay Street NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Karl Koch 3090 West 63rd Avenue Denver, CO 80221 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): same APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: .45 acres Restricted-Commercial vacant SURROUNDING ZONING: N, E: Residential-Three; S: Commercial-One; W: Restricted-Commercial, Residential-three SURROUNDING LAND USE: N, E: Multi-family; S: commercial; W: vacant COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: DATE PUBLISHED: June 1, 2001 DATE POSTED: June 7, 2001 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: June 7, 2001 ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE 0 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS 0 OTHER Transitional Residential (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS 0 SLIDES (X) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met. Therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. PC Staff Report Page 1 July 5, 2001 I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a special use permit to allow a congregate care/assisted living facility on Restricted-Commercial property located at 4415 Jay Street. Special uses are "discretionary uses which are clearly shown to be void or deficient in an area and which, if properly designed, developed, operated and maintained," may be approved . "The primary issues which the planning commission and city council shall address are those related to justification of need and those special design and operational considerations which mitigate potential detrimental impacts on the surrounding land use, street and public services and facilities. The Planning Commission shall recommend whether the special use is dependent upon design, management or operational aspects so that the SUP should be a personal grant of use to the owner or whether the SUP runs with the land. If it is recommended to run with the land, then the following must be decided: 1) if it is in perpetuity, 2) is personal to the applicant and may or may not be inherited or, 3) it if should be granted for a defined period of time. Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws recognizes three categories of elderly housing: Group Home for Elderly Persons: This is a residential facility for the exclusive use of persons sixty (60) years of age or older who do not need skilled and intermediate care, plus no more than two (2) live-in staff persons employed in the care and supervision of such elderly residents. Congregate Care home: A residential facility established for the exclusive use of more than (8) elderly persons, sixty (60) years or older, where intermediate nursing care may or may not be available, and where living and sleeping quarters are provided for individuals or couples; where, however, kitchen facilities are not provided. Meals are prepared by a central kitchen and may be served in a central dining room or taken in the living quarters. For the purpose of meeting the residential density provisions of the Wheat Ridge Home Rule Charter, each three (3) persons, based upon maximum designed occupancy load, shall constitute one (1) family unit. Nursing Home: A state-licensed health care facility which provides essential care on a twenty-four (24) hour basis by medical professionals to provide short-term convalescent or rehabilitative care or long term care to individuals who, by reason of advanced age, chronic illness or infirmity, are unable to care for themselves. Residential group homes for 6 to 8 persons are allowed in both the residential and commercial zones. Nursing homes and congregate care facilities for 6 to 8 persons are permitted uses in all of the commercial zone districts. Group homes, nursing homes and congregate care facilities with 9 or more persons are special uses in the NC, RC and C-1 zone districts. Prior to the adoption of revised Chapter 26, congregate care facilities and nursing homes were allowed in all of the commercial zone districts, regardless of the number of clients. H. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on May 8, 2001, at 6:30 p.m. in the glass conference room of City Hall. No area residents were in attendance. III. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding agencies can serve the property. Wheat Ridge Water District can serve the property. PC Staff Report Page 2 July 5, 2001 Public Works Department has reviewed and approved a drainage report. They would like the curb cut to be reduced to provide more on-street vehicle parking. See attached Exhibit `A'. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District is requiring the building to be sprinklered. The property is already served by an existing fire hydrant on the east side of Jay Street. They concur with staff s suggested modified design. IV. SITE PLAN AND OPERATION The applicant has provided the following information: narrative of proposed clients and operation of the facility (Exhibit `C'), site plan (Exhibit `D'), floor plans (Exhibit `B'), and building elevations (Exhibit 'F'). The property in question is 19,600 square feet in size and is currently vacant. The applicant is proposing a 7800 square foot building which equates to 40% lot coverage. Fourteen living spaces, a living room, dining room, kitchen and laundry facilities are provided on the first floor. Three of the living units consist of a bedroom and bathroom. The others provide a bedroom, bathroom and an additional living area. The second story consisting of 1150 square feet contains an on-site manager's apartment and office. A six-foot high fence with landscaping around individual patio spaces provides buffering to the multi-family development to the north and the auto repair facility to the south. Architecturally, the building proposed is residential in nature with sloped roofs, broken-up facades (facade variations) and limited signage. Materials to be used are siding and brick. Because few of the residents will have cars, parking has been provided at a rate of .5 spaces per living unit with an additional two spaces for the live-in manager. Access to the property is by way of a single curb cut on Jay Street. However, the curb cut shown on the site plan which is 57' wide, far exceeds the allowable size. The zoning code prescribes that in commercial districts, a curb cut serving an individual property should be between 20' and 35' wide. A joint curb cut serving more than one property may not exceed 45'. The proposed curb cut width is being requested by the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District for fire protection purposes. Ideally, the fire district would like full width, paved access around the building (minimum of 18' access way). Because of the width of the building, resulting setbacks and the requirement for the drainage pond location and size, fire protection needs to occur from the parking lot. Both the Public Works and planning staff question the need for the excessively-sized curb cut since the building will have to be sprinklered. From a design standpoint the existing configuration creates traffic movement problems in the parking lot. As an alternative, staff would support a 35' wide curb cut with the remaining 22'm mountable curb. Painting on the curb and striping in the parking lot would be required to indicate no general access across the mountable curb. However, the fire district would be able to drive across it in the event of an emergency. See attached Exhibit `A'. The fire district has agreed to the modified design proposed by staff (attached Exhibit `B') V. SPECIAL USE CRITERIA Before a special use is approved, the applicant shall show, and the city council shall find, the proposed special use: 1. Will meet a proven public need in that it will fill a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternatives. PC Staff Report Page 3 July 5, 2001 There is a demand for alternative housing options for the elderly. According to information provided by the State of Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Colorado's population continues to age. The age group with the most dramatic change is the 50 - 59 age range, reflecting the aging of the baby boomers. While the elderly as a percent of the total population of Colorado will not change dramatically, the total number of persons age 70 and older will increase by 31,691 between 2000 and 2005. Roughly 60% of these persons will be over 80, "an age where persons often need to live in an assisted living situation". Wheat Ridge has one of the highest median ages (40) in the metropolitan area. 2. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Adjacent zoning and land use include existing multi-family properties zoned R-3 on the east and north with small lot single family homes farther to the north and northeast. To the west is vacant, R-3 zoned property with city owned open space beyond. To the south and southeast are C-1 zoned auto repair and an auto stereo installation facility. Both of the commercial uses have minimal landscaping and buffering. Many times cars waiting to be worked on are parked on Jay Street. Staff believes the proposed congregate care facility will have a positive influence on the health and welfare of the neighborhood. 3. Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use. The proposed congregate care facility will provide a land use transition from the heavier commercial uses on 44t° Avenue (car repair, car stereo installation) to multi-family to single family farther to the north. Although the property has been maintained without any evidence of weed control enforcement, vacant lots tend to be unkempt with weeds and litter. Development of the parcel into a residentially- scaled congregate care facility should not contribute to blight in the neighborhood. 4. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. The construction of the congregate care facility will have a lesser impact on the amount of light and air than a typical commercial structure as only a portion of the building is two stories in height. A drainage report has been approved for the design proposed. There will be less noise generated by the facility than many allowed uses in the R-C zone district (bakeries, banks, medical offices, sit-down restaurants, hardware stores). 5. Is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The property is designated Transitional Residential on the comprehensive plan. Transitional residential land use is defined as "small retail uses and professional services with residential uses in the same structure" which "serves as a buffer between stable, primarily detached residential units and commercial collector streets". Further, "Transitional residential uses provide a visual break from the more intensive retail commercial uses and create an appearance of mixed residential and commercial uses rather than a solid commercial strip." Desired attributes include the following: • well buffered and landscaped parking areas • controlled access • well designed and maintained • no outdoor storage, screened trash areas PC Staff Report Page 4 July 5, 2001 development contains amenities including bike racks, benches, picnic tables, public art, and pedestrian connections to surrounding neighborhoods Desired uses include the following: • Small convenience or specialty retail establishments (coffee shop, ice cream store, drugstore) • Professional convenience services (e.g., beauty shops, tailor, bookkeeper, dance and/or art stores • Daycare • Residential Staff concludes that the proposed use meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 6. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. Traffic to and from the site will be minimal as the majority of the residents will not drive. Staff would recommend that the design be modified by reducing the width of the curb cut to no more than 35', with 22' of mountable curb for fire access. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. All of the minimum requirements of the zoning standards for the R-C zone district have been met. The height of the structure is 26' where 50' is allowed. Over 34% of the property will be landscaped where the minimum requirement is 20%. Lot coverages for the structure and paving are 40% and 25.7%, respectively. Buffering will consist of a 6' solid fence along the side and rear perimeters of the property. 8. Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. All responding utility providers have indicated no problems with service. As the residents will be elderly, there should be no impact on schools in the area. There are convenient transit stops on 44" Avenue one block to the east (towards Ingalls) both eastbound and westbound. 9. History of compliance by the applicant with Code requirements and prior condition, if any, regarding the subject property. The applicant was the developer of the townhouse project directly across the street and still maintains ownership of one of the units. At the time of this writing, there have been no zoning code complaints filed against the owner for either the subject property or the townhouse property. 10. Ability of applicant or any permitted successor-in-interest to continuously meet the conditions of the proposed permit. Staff concludes that compliance with the applicant's Exhibit `C' should be made a condition of approval. Meeting this condition will be the responsibility of the applicant and any successor of interest. 11. Other factors relevant to the specific application. There are no other relevant factors. PC Staff Report Page 5 July 5, 2001 VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that the proposed SUP will fill a demand for housing alternatives for the elderly. Staff further concludes that the request is consistent with the comprehensive plan and is a better alternative for the neighborhood than commercial uses. Because the criteria used to evaluate a special use permit support this request, a recommendation of approval is given with the following conditions: 1. The permit run with the land. 2. The management of the facility shall remain in accordance with the applicant's Exhibit `C'. Any deviation from Exhibit `C' shall require renewal of the special use permit. 3. The site plan be modified to reduce the curb cut from 57' to no more than 35' with the remaining 22' in mountable curb with appropriate painting and striping. VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. SUP-01-01, a request for approval of a special use permit by Karl Koch to allow a congregate care facility on R-C zoned property at 4415 Jay Street, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed SUP will fill a demand for housing alternatives for the elderly. 2. The request is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 3. The proposed special use is a better alternative for the neighborhood than commercial uses. With the following conditions 1. The permit run with the land. 2. The management of the facility shall remain in accordance with the applicant's Exhibit `C'. Any deviation from Exhibit `C' shall require renewal of the special use permit. 3. The site plan be modified to reduce the curb cut from 57' to no more than 35' with the remaining 22' in mountable curb with appropriate painting and striping." Option B: "I move to DENY Case No. SUP-01-01, a request for approval of a special use permit by Karl Koch to allow a congregate care facility on R-C zoned property at 4415 Jay Street, for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." e: \planning\forms\report PC Staff Report Page 6 July 5, 2001 LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICA`t tON Planning and De%elcpment Department - 7500 West 29th Avenue. Wheat Ridge. CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (Plea=_e print of type all m(ormanod ApplicantkA4L J 120c-(4 Address 309 w (,3 gel A-,-- Phone 3°7 3~a'S3fiJ City e"' State 0e"J~ Zip Fb)~ I Fax 30; a3~-3o3~ Owner SAx~ Address Phone City State Zip Fax Contact Address Phone Citv State Zip Fax 'The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when. neccessaiy. post public hearing signs, and will Fecerve a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing.) Location of request (address): Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Application submittal requirements on reverse side ❑ Change of zone or zone conditions Special Use Permit ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) F-1 Consolidation Plat ❑ Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) ❑ Flood Plain Special Exception ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final ❑ Interpretation of Code ❑ Street Vacation ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ❑ Temporary Use, Building, Sign ❑ Nonconforming Use Change ❑ Variance / Waiver (from Section ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Zoning Ordinance Amendment Site Development Plan approval ❑ Other: Detailed description of the request: l `l V o~• Ck 6s cl`ftS Required information: t Assessors Parcel Number: ?C Size of Lot (acres of square footage): OL - Current Zoning: A- C- Proposed Zoning: A-L Current use: ~l acc Proposed use: A ss 1L~F-A i_c I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application. I am acting with the knowledge and it of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on hi be ••.•S•Tq•.. .S►A Signature of Applicant 71 .O 1: Subscribed antl~ rn to me thisOAb_ day of 206E 9,r~ .~!61 Pp Notary Public ` OF C040 My commission expires Date received Fee Case No. ZV-P - _ G Comp Plan Desig. Zoning - e Quarter Section ap Related Case No. Pre-App Mtg Date Case Manager r~r RECEPTION NO. F O-' 728 1 12/07/1999 11:13:01 PG: 001-001 PAGE FEE: 5.00 DOC.FEE: 7.00 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, Made this 29TH day of NOVEMBER, 1999 between Gertrude Humann of the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, grantor, and Karl J. Koch - whose legal address is 4415 Jay Street, Wheatridge, Colorado 80033 of the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, grantees: - - WITNESSETH, That the grantor for and in consideration of the sum of SEVENTY THOUSAND AND 00/100, ($70,000.00) Dollars, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby , acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the grantee, his heirs andassigns - forever, all the real property, together with improvements, if any, situate,lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, described as follows; Lots 9 and 10, EXCEPT the North 25 feet of Lot 10, Hale Subdivision, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. also known by street and number as 4415 Jay Street, Wheatridge.,'Colorado 80033 TOGETHER with all,and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the grantor, either in law or equity, of in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the grantee, his heirs and assigns forever. And the grantor, for himself, his heirs and personal representatives, does.covenant,. grant, bargain,. and agree to and with the grantee, his heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, he is well seized of the premises above conveyed, has good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, and has good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nature soever, except general taxes for 1998 and subsequent years; except easements, restrictions, covenants, conditions, reservations and rights of way of'`record, if any; i i n 3 W The grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above-bargained premises min the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantee, his heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part thereof. The n singular number shall include the plural, the plural the singular, and the use of any . gender shall be applicable to all genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the grantor has executed this deed on the date set forth above., Ge rude Humann, y Steve B. Humann as At rney in Fact - STATE OF COLORADO } } ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before County of Jefferson } me this 29TH day of NOVEMBER, 1999, by Gertrude Humann, by Steve B. Humann as Attorney in Fact Witness my ty~ d _d o icial seal. `TTT II <J 0 0 z rv i a i e A33N1G AtlP 3 'M'0'M r0 fl ,96.6f..I 3-,Y'i0 tf -s C e Y ~ m o m u _ ^ a « e ~ ' 'y~1A ppi s ~ Z) u \ \ \ \ \ N ,p i i W Q a a o~ _d T r W - o WO O W O N F. Z 20 0 r0 ¢UQ O .S ZZO W O J S r>° 3 = am0 ~ m n ` W N W 40 . U 1- ; KWQ p O m WJr .-to p~ 02 - = e DWD W X000 1 a J mW¢ W Z 2 f w LL O OS W W U J Y- 7 _ W ,66;88 i E, 8iT `A. ' City of Wheat Ridge Department of Public Works MEMORANDUM TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer 5" 1 DATE: Friday, June 15, 2001 SUBJECT: Proposed Driveway Width at Wheat Ridge Assisted Living, 4415 Jay Street/ SUP-01-01/Koch This memo serves as a supplemental memo to the Public Works memo dated May 21, 2001 referencing the above matter. Based on the site plan review, the Public Works Department is concerned with the proposed driveway width of 57 feet wide for the following reasons: The driveway width is exceeding the maximum that the code allows. This will not control traffic to enter and exit in an efficient and safe manner. 2. With the combination wide curb opening and the proposed parking configuration, vehicles will be allowed to back out onto the street. Public Works feels that an alternative design to the proposed driveway is needed to address the above issues. We are suggesting a combination of a standard driveway cut and a section of the mountable curb, gutter and walk to be used in this case. This will include a standard 35 feet (max) driveway cut and a 22 feet section of the mountable curb section to cover the entire proposed driveway width. In addition, the mountable portion will need to be signed and marked as "No Parking Fire Lane". This alternative design should discourage site traffic from backing out onto Jay Street while maintaining the fire access as required by Fire Department. It is my understanding that the fire department may need a wide driveway as shown on the plan to allow them to respond to emergency situations adequately. We acknowledge that it is important that the site design meet the Fire Department requirements, however the driveway also needs to be designed in a way where traffic conflicts can be avoided or at least minimized. cc: Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works Alan White, Director of Planning and Development Greg Knudson, City Engineer Mike Garcia, Development Review Engineer ~sCH/S/7- B ' To: City of Wheat Ridge From: Karl Koch Re: Assisted Living Center Date: June 14, 2001 The proposed Assisted Living Center at 4515 Jay Street is considered to be a PERSONAL CARE BOARDING HOME by the state of Colorado. A Personal Care Boarding Home is defined by law as "a residential facility that makes available to three or more adults not related to the owner of such facility, either directly or indirectly through a provider agreement, room and board and personal services, protective oversight, and social care due to impaired capacity to live independently, but not to the extent that regular twenty-four hour medical or nursing care is required". The average age of a resident in an assisted living center is 80+ years old. It is expected that none of the residents will be driving. The facility will require that if residents need to go somewhere, i.e. to the doctors, the bank, the grocery store, etc., family members will need to make arrangements to pick them up and bring them back. Services provided by the assisted living center will include a safe and sanitary environment with adequate sleeping and living areas, well balanced nutritious meals, assistance with activities of daily living, including bathing, dressing, eating, and medication administration, also there will be at least (1) staff member on sight 24 hours a day. The facility will also offer opportunities for social and recreational activities. In order to operate a personal care boarding home with more than 3 persons in the state of Colorado, the state requires that the facility be licensed. In order to license the facility, the assisted living center must meet all of the states criteria for licensure. (Please see attached the listing of what is involved). After these requirements have been fulfilled, the facility and the documents need to be approved by the state at which time the license to operate will be given. Other items that the facility is requires to have are 1) house policies for both residents and staff, 2) proper documentation including weekly menus, staffing schedule, written emergency plan in case of fire, bomb threat, etc., 3) personnel files which give information on the staff members education and competence, 4) resident files including the provider agreement, pertinent resident information and medication records, and 5) miscellaneous safety requirements such as posting no smoking signs where oxygen is in use, access to a telephone, access to fire extinguishers, etc. The regulations also require that the operators meet the minimum standards for education, training and experience prior to licensure of the facility. This can be accomplished by completing a 30-hour training program that is approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. 15 hours consist of training in resident's rights, environment and fire safety, emergency, and nutrition. SUMMARY OF PCBH/ACF REQUIREMENTS CHAPTER VII - POLICIES 7.1,7.2,10.2 (A) 7.4 8.1 8.1 (G) 8.5 8.6 8.7 9.1,10.2 (C), (D) 102 10.2 (G) 10.5 Criteria for Admission and Discharge Physician Assessmgnt Policy Residents Rights Policy Grievance Procedure Policy -Smoking Policy House Rules Household Pets Services Provided Charges, Refunds, Deposit Policies Policies/procedures for Handling Resident Funds Transfer, Discharge, Eviction Policies CHAPTER XXIV -POLICIES I.A. Medication Administration Policieffrocedures CHAPTER VII - DOCUMENTATION 5.4,5.4.1 Staffing, Schedule 6.3 Policy and Procedure Manual accessible to staff 8.2 Post Residents Rights 8.1 Post Grievance Procedure and phone numbers of ombudsman, state and local health dept.,adult protection and area agency on aging 8.3 Minutes-of house/resident council meetings 8.6 Post House Rules 10.6.3 Current Surety Bond (if handle funds) 10.6.4 Record of Financial Transactions (if handle funds) 10.6.2 Funds exceeding $100.00 in an interest bearing account 13.3.1 Weekly menus available 13.4.1 Review of menu by dietary consultant when providing therapeutic diets (i.e. diabetic, 2 gram sodium, calorie restricted) 19.6 (A) Post Fire Escape Plan and document explanation to residents within 3 days of -Amission 19.6 (C), (D) Evidence of Fire Drills 19.6 (E) Documentation of emergency plan reviews with staff and residents every two months 19.6 (H) Written emergency plan for fire, gas explosion, bomb threat, power outages, tornado, provision for emergency housing 19.6 (J) Post emergency phone numbers-fire,police,poison control,ambulance Page I of 3 CHAPTER VII - PERSONNEL FILES 5.2 TB test upon employment or volunteer service 5.3 Criminal background check on employees and volunteers 6.1 Documentation of on-the-job training or evaluation of previous related experience 6.7 Evidence of training in residents' rights, first aid, assessment skills, difficult situations and behaviors, fire/emer. procedures 12.3.1 Documentation of completion of medication course for all staff who administer medications 19.6 (B) Documentation of orientation and training in emergency procedures within 3 days of employment CHAPTER V11 - RESIDENT FILES 73/7.3.2 Board and Care plan/current, updated at least yearly 8.2 Documentation of receipt and explanation of residents' rights 8.1 (G) Documentation of receipt and explanation of grievance procedure 8.6 Documentation of receipt and explanation of house rules 10.1 Written provider agreement signed by resident or legal guardian 10.6.1 Written and signed authorization to handle resident funds (if service provided) 11.1 Pertinent resident information (face sheet) 11.1 (F) Medication administration records 11.1 (K) Record of anecdotal notes: accidents, injuries, illness or violent behavior 12.3 Current physician orders for all medications administered to residents CHAPTER VII - OTHER 8.1 (I) Access to telephone 8.7 Pets: in compliance with state/local vaccination/inoculation regs 9.1 Physically safe/sanitary environment, room and board, personal services, protective oversight and social care 9.2 Opportunities for social/recreational activities 11.3 Storage for confidential records 12.7.1 Label residents' names on OTC medications 12.7.4 Check for medications that have exceeded their expiration date 12.9.1 LocWd storage for medications 12.14.3 Post "no smoking" sign where oxygen is in use 13.3.3 At least 2 day supply of food 13.3.4 Food free from spoilage/filthlcontamination. (Facilities with 20+ beds meet 1990 Colo. Food Estab. Rules and Regs.) 14.1 Separate storage for soiled linen and clothing 14.3 Supply of linens, towels. and blankets to meet residents' needs 16.7 No extension cords and multiple use,sockets (unless Ul, rated) 16.8 No personal appliances for cooking unless operator believes capable of appropriate use 19.6 (1) First Aid Equipment 19.6 (K) Fire extinguisher in kitchen, common area, and each floor 18.8.1 Hot water accessible by residents treasures 120 degrees Fahrenheit or less , ;APTER Vfl -SECURE ENVIRONMENT (SECTION 20) 20.2 Documentation of legal authority for decision making- guardianship, health care proxy, medical durable power of attorney 20.3 Evidence of assessmetnt prior to admission by qualified prof. 20.3.1 Evidence of an evaluation of less restrictive alternatives 20.3. t Evidence of review of services provided by facility 20.4 Written findings and their basis re: admission to a secure env. 20.5. Doc. of training specific to caring for residents with dementia 20.6 Safe and secure outdoor area for use of residents year round _ 20.10 Written disclosure prior to admission that fac. is secure, types of behaviors the facility serves and staff training provided CiIAPTER XXIV - MEDI~'ATION ADMINISTRATION V.F. Medication reminder boxes are labelled with contents of box A('F CERTI!'ICATION REQUIREMENTS 8.495.(,1 Operator completed ACF orientation 8.495.56 Documentation of annual TB testing 8.49557 1:10 staff-to-resident ratio 6:00 am to 7:00 pm. 1:15 staff-to-resident ratio 7:00 pin to 6:00 am or waiver granted by state Medicaid agency 8.495.1)6 Documentation of training in universal precautions 8.495 87 A) Provision of written information on advance directives, B)facility policies and C)documentation whether resident has executed advanced directives or not 8.495.116 Posted schedule of social/recreational activities 8.495.131 Quarterly consult from dietary consultant if therapeutic diet orders 8.495.132 No more than 14 hours between evening and morning meals Ai F SECUrED UNIT REOUIU~NIENTS (in addition to Chapter VII secure environment requirements ab~ ve) 8.495113 Maximum of 30 beds unless waiver granted by state Medicaid agency 8.495.214 1:6 staff-to-resident ratio at all times unless waiver granted by state Medicaid agency 8.495.215 S[aff trained'in assessment skills, providing activities and handling behaviors 8.495.219(A), (C) All chemicals, cleaning supplies and hazardous materials secured/locked 8.495119 (D) Environment promotes independence/minimizes agitation, i.e. visual cues, including high visual contrast between floors, walls and doorways, contrast between food, plate and table, and lighting minimizes glare N(.TE: In addition to record review, the survey also includes observations, resident and staff interviews, to i of facility, review of medications and other functions necessary to complete the survey Pag< 3 or 3 NO0° 14'05"W 139-9B' a © .r PATIO B 1 ~ •ie N j u I i= is I 3 j ~ / PORCH 0 1 e 1 ~ 16 a.: PARKING 9000 14'05"E 139.98' SIDEWALK PRELII IINARY SITE F 'L - A 5CALE' I" = 0' uIGN CEDAR FENCE PATIO 0 a 0 0 7 W O a d enn. % l Y I1/1 DRAINAGE POND by ENGINEER 0 0 0 0 8 m N r. ✓p .i i I' J r. i I -L r C)CI-/686T `C VICINITY MAP FEATURE SOFT. OF BITE _ TOTAL AREA OF PROP. 19534 SOFT. _ 10.0111 BUILDING FOOTPRINT 1874 50. FT. 40 . LANDSCAPING 6.691 60_ FT_ 34.38 TOTAL LOT COVERAGE - STRUCTURES 4 PAVING 17047 S0. FT. &5.I- 5 PARKING SPACES - MAIN LEVEL-18:4 SO. FT. UPPER LFVEL-1150 SO. FT GROSS FLOOR ARE4-B9'14 SO- FT. 14 UNITS FCR A5515TED Lb/ING CARE I AFARTMENT FOR CAREGI /ER NORTH- s O Fy A d c.j Z 5 fn~m aD dA~~ s rw evrrrm m I ~ sn.d "~mbn - PATIO - i REG REF ~y 0 0 NJ o 00 00 KITCHEN n~ ~ UNIT •3 ✓cw • ~ ~ ~ ' ~ w 30' W. GE9 ~ a ~ H crRll Q i n c ~b'JfEO II I UNIT •L _ . --LLLRE994ryLE wRE LLLRry 1 Ep4Rp A / I UNIT •I I ~ I - I ' I . 3e..0.. I PATIO I I PATIO -UNIT •6 ' X UNIT •T PATIO UNIT •b DINING ppY L Y Q J UNIT •9 UNIT •10 6 FP. ® ® ~ ~~Q ~'OH JNO] U ~aJ ~t ~q n OMi o.. P LIVING ROOFI UNIT •11 9 FATI ENT. UNIT •I4 UNIT •13 ® ~ - - ENGINkENEU BT. b S 0: Iql_ ....Iql. ,_...I mened wnJ UNIT •12 N COVERED PORCH 9 I ;MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN CA :B.-O• _ _ ]<"b" f 13'-l' II"llI„ ~ 9._0.. 1..0~,~ :0.-0• ~ I ~~T UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 1150 SQ. FT. 0 mzo cm VmP Sm m ~N an, 6V mp U 3d U Y ENIiMEEIiEN bY. Eal[ 6, 521 [te0 A3 5n551 ~~05, EX-141-617- 91GNAGE d % 3' SOUTH/LEFT ELEVATION EAST/ FRONT ELEVATION a° c I~ '\AY F I I ,u0N111✓.=y >m ILEj s~liN'`I \ 1 CA J ~snM nvmGr/ - E MERIOR LIW1i~ NORTH/RIGHT ELEVATION WE5T/RE,4R ELEVATION CO m (jm Sm mN N 9~ ~O U ■ ■ j s<8a u~a Z^W W8 EN4PIEERENIO`. Joll 6.5, 6(~etl lJ rl ri•.<tl A5 NKe~ „~~Er 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 June 7, 2001 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you that Case No. SUP-01-01 a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a 14-bed assisted living facility on property zoned Restricted-Commercial (R-C) and located at 4415 Jay Street will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on June 21, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C:\Kathy\PCRPTS\PLANGCOM\Pcnotice\supO 101.wpd O I A O A O A O A N N N N V r J r V r V u N A N A N O N P W W w w tO f0 fp t0 N W N V N Q7 N N m~ °o^ z ;u o: Aoo a o m Jm aom m ma ~ w _ 0=5 OOD o~3 n^m Oyu ONE O_< O- m m OTI ONF O O D N p K W N O W W O co U) N C C C C O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 v J 1 V 1 V I J I J O O O O O z ciii m ~ m ~ . 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N w 3k N oDm N o v, m..3 o m mi p oD . w7 3 o W 5 . m 0 • o v o m ry r ° ° ° ~ ° < ° a a w 3 w m w w w w n w w w w w w w w w w N m - 0 o m m O m m co N co co O co w w co g o y D C C C C C C C C C Q m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q a x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o u o m 3 ' m O o? o ~ m 0 3 p o a m _ W O = N m U y m C O d N I~ N m a n = C O d p m m m 2 C ~ m O " N o• . . . 0 m m ~ c N O N a .ZI m w m N m 6 # 1 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 2 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm:2 # 3 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 4 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 5 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 6 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 7 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm:2 # 8 Owner Site Mail LandUse Tax Dist Bedrm:3 # 9 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm:3 MetroScan / Jefferson :Mai Vui/The Schedule :u24740 :4410 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 002 :4410 Jay St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :03/08/1995 :5112 Res,Apartments,Improved Land Price :3139 OwnerPh Bth: YB:1959 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:3,820 Ac:.30 MetroScan / Jefferson :Jutze Alfred H;Lombardi Dolores E Schedule :026687 :6240 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 243 03 006 :3395 Zephyr Ct Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :01/08/1997 :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :3139 OwnerPh Bth:1.00 YB:1952 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:986 Ac: : MetroScan / Jefferson :Laurel Uniforn Center Ltd Schedule :046741 :6191 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 00 014 :801 S Cole Or Denver Co 80228 Xferd :06/23/1994 :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :$200,000 :3139 OwnerPh . Bth: YB:1972 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:4,700 Ac:.64 • MetroScan / Jefferson :Koch Karl J Schedule :072752 :4415 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 24 034 :4415 Jay St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Xferd :12/07/1999 :2111 Vacant,Commercial Price :$70,000 :3139 OwnerPh . Bth: YB: Parking: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.44 MetroScan / Jefferson • :Jenkins Willard A Schedule :109825 :6195 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 001 :7036 Otis St Arvada Co 80003 Xferd :04/30/1984 :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :$110,000 :3139 OwnerPh Bth: YB:1967 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:2,394 Ac:.28 MetroScan / Jefferson :Fox Katherine T Schedule :109833 :6205 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 24 035 :1200 17Th St #3000 Denver Co 80202 Xferd :02/25/1985 :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :3139 OwnerPh Bth: YB:1956 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:1,232 Ac:.26 • MetroScan / Jefferson • :Jeannelle Michael P/Gina M Schedule :425932 :4430 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 027 :4430 Jay St #D Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :02/21/2001 :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$129,600 :3139 OwnerPh . Bth:1.75 YB:1999 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:975 Ac:.03 MetroScan . / Jefferson • :Koch Karl J Schedule :425933 :4430 Jay St #D Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 034 :3090 W 63Rd Ave Denver Cc 80221 Xferd :04/22/1997 :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :3139 OwnerPh Bth:2.25 YB:1999 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,707 Ac:.02 MetroScan / Jefferson • :Koch Karl J Schedule :425934 :4430 Jay St #C Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 037 :3090 W 63Rd Ave Denver Co 80221 Xferd :04/22/1997 :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :3139 OwnerPh Bth:2.25 YB:1999 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,707 Ac:.03 /5 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations # 10 _ MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Illade Boris Schedule :425935 Site :4430 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 036 Mail :4430 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Xferd :04/02/1999 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$1591900 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:2.25 YB:1999 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,707 Ac:.03 # 11 : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Riepma Philip J/Holly A Schedule :425936 Site :4430 Jay St #B Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 035 Mail :4430 Jay St #B Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Xferd :02/02/1999 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$144,900 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:2.25 YB:1999 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,707 Ac:.02 # 12 : MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Lee Woo Jae Schedule :425937 Site :4420 Jay St #D Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 041 Mail :4420 Jay St #D Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :02/18/1999 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$149,900 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Sth:2.25 YB:1998 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,599 Ac:.03 # 13 • MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Emily Peter Schedule :425938 Site :4420 Jay St #C Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39242 25 042 Mail :4420 Jay St #C Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :09/01/1999 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$158,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:2.25 YB:1998 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,635 Ac:.03. # 14 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Dominy Samuel D Schedule :425939 Site :4420 Jay St #B Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 043 Mail :4420 Jay St #B Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :09/14/1999 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$159,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:2.25 YB:1998 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,635 Ac:.03 # 15 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Johnson Bruce K Schedule :425940 Site :4420 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 044 Mail :4420 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Xferd :04/06/2000 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$175,000 TaxDist :3139 - OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:2.50 YB:1998 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,777 Ac:.04 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations # 1 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Mai Vui/The - Schedule :024740 l Site :4410 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 0021- ~j Mail :4410 Jay St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :03/08/1995 LandUse :5112 Res,Apartments,Improved Land Price _ TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1959 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:3,820 Ac:.30 # 2 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Drumright David Schedule :024923 Site :4445 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 24 0331' Mail :6174 Quitman St Arvada Co 80003 Xferd :01/12/2000 LandUse :5112 Res,Apartments,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1961 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:7,288 Ac:.28 # 3 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Wheat Ridge C Schedule :025086 Site :6351 W 44Th ve Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 24 017 V Mail :7500 W 29Th A Denver Co 80215 Xferd :08/13/1999 LandUse :9199 Exempt,Political Sub,Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh :303-231-3100 Bedrm: Bth: YB: Parking: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:2.12 # 4 : MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Crouse Angela C Schedule :026709 Site :4485 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 24 030 1 Mail :4485 Jay St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :05/01/1998 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$102,500 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:2 Bth:1.00 YB:1949 Parking:Attached Firepl: TotArea:757 Ac: # 5 * : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Hongdoxmai Wanchai/Ruayrin Schedule :026851 Site :6301 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 24 018 Mail :6810 W 32Nd P1 Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd .:10/19/1992 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh :303-233-9911 Bedrm: Bth: YB:1957 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:6,994 Ac:.72 # 6 MetroScan / Jefferson : Owner :Koch Karl J Schedule :072752 Site :4415 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 24 034 Mail :4415 Jay St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Xferd :12/07/1999 LandUse :2111 Vacant,Commercial Price :$70,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB: Parking: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.44 # 7 MetroScan / Jefferson----------- Owner :Jenkins Willard A Schedule :109825 Site :6195 W 94Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 001v Mail :7036 Otis St Arvada Cc 80003 Xferd :04/30/1984 LandUse :2112 Com,lmproved Land Price :$110,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1967 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:2,394 Ac:.28 # 8 * • MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Fox Katherine T Schedule :109833 Site :6205 W 94Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 24 035 Mail :1200 17Th St #3000 Denver Cc 80202 Xferd :02/25/1985 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1956 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:1,232 Ac:.26 # 9 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Lee Woo Jae Schedule :425937 Site :4420 Jay St #D Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 041 Mail :4420 Jay St W Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :02/18/1999 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$149,900 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:2.25 YB:1998 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,599 Ac:.03 I, Information compiled, from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations # 10 * . MetroScan / Jefferson - • Owner :Emily Peter Schedule :425938 Site :4420 Jay St #C Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 042 Mail :4420 Jay St #C Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :09/01/1999 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$158,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:2.25 YB:1998 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,635 Ac:.03 # 11 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Dominy Samuel D Schedule :425939 Site :4420 Jay St #B Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 043 Mail :4420 Jay St #B Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :09/14/1999 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$159,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:2.25 YB:1998 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,635 Ac:.03 # 12 : MetroScan / Jefferson ; Owner :Johnson Bruce K Schedule :425940 Site :4420 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 044 Mail :4420 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Xferd :04/06/2000 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$175,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:2.50 YB:1998 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,777 Ac:.04 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations # 1 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Fleshman Carol M Schedule Site :4465 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel Mail :4465 Jay St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1950 Parking:Detached Firepl: # 2 * MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Pierson Michael Victor Schedule Site :4475 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel Mail :4475 Jay St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1950 Parking:Detached Firepl: :024508 :39 242 24 032 :06/14/2000 $150,900 TotArea:950 :025878 :39 242 24 031 :12/17/1991 TotArea:912 Ac: Ac: Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations # 1 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Salazar Jaime G Schedule :425929 -J Site :4440 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 030 Mail :4440 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :09/20/1999 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$149,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:2 Bth:1.75 YB:1999 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:975 Ac:.04 # 2 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Koch Development Llc Schedule :425930 Site :4440 Jay St #B Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 029 Mail :3090 W 63Rd Ave Denver Cc 80221 Xferd :10/22/1999 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land - Price :$121,800 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:2 Bth:1.75 YB:1999 Parking:Attac ed Firepl: TotArea:949 Ac:.03 # 3 MetroSC n / Jefferson Owner :Koch Karl J Schedule :425931 Site :4440 Jay St #C Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 028 Mail :3090 W 63Rd Ave Denver Co 80221 Xferd :04/22/1997 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:2 Bth:1.75 YB:1999 Parking:Attached Firepl: TotArea:949 Ac:.03 # 4 : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Jeannelle Michael P/Gina M Schedule :425932 Site :4430 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 027 Mail :4430 Jay St #D Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :02/21/2001 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$129,600 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:2 Bth:1.75 YB:1999 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:975 Ac:.03 # 5 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Ko Karl J Schedule :425933 Site :4430 Ja t #D Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 034 Mail 3090 W 63R e Denver Co 80221 Xferd :04/22/1997 LandUse 1114 Res,Townho s, Improved Land Price TaxDist 3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:2.25 YB:1999 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,707 Ac:.02 # 6 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Ko Karl J Schedule :425934 Site :4430 St #C Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 037 Mail :3090 W 63 Ave Denver Co 80221 Xferd :04/22/1997 LandUse :1114 ,,ownrr& es, Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:2.25 YB:19 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,707 Ac:.03 # 7 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Illade Boris Schedule :425935 Site :4430 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 036 Mail :4430 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :04/02/1999 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$159,900 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:2.25 YB:1999 Parking:Attached -Firepl:l TotArea:1,707 Ac:.03 # 8 * • MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Riepma Philip J/Holly A Schedule :425936 Site .:4430 Jay St #B Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 035 Mail :4430 Jay St #B Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :02/02/1999 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$144,900 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:2.25 YB:1999 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,707 Ac:.02 p/F 9 * : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner ;Lee Woo Jae Schedule :425937 Site :4420 Jay St #D Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 041 Mail :4420 Jay St #D Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :02/18/1999 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$149,900 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3- Bth:2.25 YB:1998 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,599 Ac:.03 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations # 10 V MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Emily Peter Schedule :425938 Site :4420 Jay St #C Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 042 Mail :4420 Jay St #C Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :09/01/1999 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$158,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:2.25 YB:1998 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,635 Ac:.03 # 11 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Dominy SamuelD Schedule :425939 Site :4420 Jay St #B Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 043 Mail :4420 Jay St #B Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :09/14/1999 LandUse :1114 Res,Tcwnhomes,Improved Land Price :$159,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:2.25 YB:1998 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,635 Ac_.03 # 12 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Johnson Bruce K Schedule :425940 Site :4420 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 242 25 044 Mail :4420 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :04/06/2000 LandUse :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Price :$175,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:2.50 YB:1998 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,777 Ac:.04 # 13 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Koch Karl J V Schedule :425941 Site No Site Address* Parcel :39 242 25 026 Mail .3090 W 63Rd Ave Denver Co 80221 Xferd :04/22/1997 LandUse 77 Vacant,Residential,Limited Size Price TaxDist :31 9 OwnerPh Bedrm: B YB: Parking: • Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.01 # 14 Met=Scan / Jefferson Owner :Koch rl J Schedule :425942 Site :*No Sit Address* Parcel :39 242 25 033 Mail :3090 W 6 d Ave Denver Cc 80221 Xferd :04/22/1997 LandUse :1177 Vacan , Residential,Limited Size Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB: Parking: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.01 # 15 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Koch Karl J Schedule :425943 Site :*No Site Address* Parcel :39 242 25 040 Mail :3090 W 63Rd Ave De er Co 80221 Xferd :04/22/1997 LandUse :1177 Vacant,Resident'al,Limited Size Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB: arking: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.01 # 16 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Koch Karl J Schedule :425944 Site :*No Site Address* Parcel :39 242 25 032 Mail :3090 W 63Rd Ave Denver Cc 80 21 Xferd :04/22/1997 LandUse :1177 Vacant,Residential,Limit d Size Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB: Parking: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.07 # 17 Metr Scan / Jefferson Owner Owner :Koch Karl J Schedule :425945 Site :*No Site Address* Parcel :39 242 25 039 Mail :3090 W 63Rd Ave Denver Cc 80221 Xferd :04/22/1997 LandUse :1177 Vacant,Residential,Limited Size Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB: Parking: irepl: TotArea: Ac:.07 # 18 MetroScan / fferson Owner :Koch Karl J chedule :425946 Site :*No Site Address* reel :39 242 25 031 Mail :3090 W 63Rd Ave Denver Co 80221 Xf rd :04/22/1997 LandUse :1177 Vacant,Residential,Limited Size Price. TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB: Parking: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.03 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations # 19 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner h Karl J Schedule :425947 Site :*No 'te Address* Parcel :39 242 25 038 Mail :3090 W 3Rd Ave Denver Co 80221 XYerd :04/22/1997 LandUse 1177 Vaca t,Residential,Limited Size Price Tax Dist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: B: Parking: Firepl: Ac:.07 TotArea # 20 MetroScan / Jefferson _ Owner :Koch Karl J Schedule :425948 Site :*No Site Address* Parcel :39 242 25 045 Mail :3090 W 63Rd Ave Denver o 80221 X£erd :04/22/1997 LandUse :1177 Vacant,Residential, ' ited Size Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB: Parkin Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.03 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations Tj* V, w 4s H Ave - III el 6I I: i g R R 8 ~ R 7 R R 6 " I ' a ~ Y m 2 $ n 6 -3 R LAKE I - m U8$ ~ e 43E0 +aao R a ~ R " W4 P g l ~ 3 l q s n 8 R g R ~ ~ ~ R 6195 g s R ~ 3 uas " W s 4ie5 W 44TH R R- 5 B 1. F-12IN sr. SU - R-Ga or, I a a $ 5 x A hw2~ OEE I C I AL - ZONE DISTRICT BOUNDRY ZONING MAP PARCEL/LOT BOUNDRY N FAT RIDGE _ 1CITY LT ESIG MTESI EOWNERSHIP) COLORADO DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 Last Revision: September 19, 1996 DEPARTMENT OF PIANNINb AND DEVEILPMENT - 2354852 -WMriAVE- T W a If) W Q J NX 24 ratan SCALE 1-400 L:\DRAWINGS\PLANNING\GS\NW24 017 ti -E MAP L - t1 39-242A ti 033 KOCH SUB 4 J U B. O18 10'B N 10-A p OF WHEATRIDGE 034 Oi4 Ln 5- A F0927294 a F0927296 M r/ 9 002 0 179 N o 034 ,i °i ~I 6-A: °f 002 0 PUBLIC 24 964-77t D.RT. B-A 8 B Q~ 035 ti 7 0 'an PS-8 v 25 00 i 186' 66 `--'125` 126.2 v 100, 8-243 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on June 21, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petition shall be heard: Case No. SUP-01-01: Application by Karl Koch for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a 14-bed assisted living facility on property zoned Restricted-Commercial (R-C) and located at 4415 Jay Street. The property is legally described as follows: Lots 9 and 10, EXCEPT the North 25 feet of Lot 10, Hale Subdivision, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: June 1, 2001 Wheat Ridge Transcript Kathy Field, Senior Secretary C:\Kathy\PCRPTS\PLANGC0M\PUBHRG\010621 pub. wpd n. 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Ridge Telephone 303i235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 May 30, 2001 Karl Koch 3090 West 63rd Avenue Denver, CO 80221 Dear Karl: This letter is to transmit referrals responses received from outside agencies concerning your request for special use review for property located at 4415 Jay Street. Attached are letters from the Department of Public Works and the Wheat Ridge Water District. Since no other responses were received, staff will assume there are no problems from those agencies. If additional responses are received, they will be forwarded to you. A site plan for development was submitted with your application, however, there are deficiencies which must be addressed. Pursuant to Section 26-111 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, the following must added to the existing site plan (see attached): 1. Legal description in bearing and distances 2. Vicinity map 3. Signed surveyor's certification 4. Existing and proposed contours at two-foot intervals 5. Fencing proposed with location, materials and height 6. Exterior lighting, location, height and type 7. Proposed signage 8. Easements, existing or proposed 9. Height, size, floor area of proposed building 10. Proposed curb, gutter and sidewalk 11. Location of trash dumpster and method of screening (must be non-combustible) 12. Adjoining property lot lines, buildings, access, parking so that development compatibility can be determined. 13. Site data in tabular form including: total area of property (gross and net), building coverage, landscape coverage, coverage by all structures and paving 14. Signature block for the Director of Planning and Development 15. Elevations of the proposed structure It would also be helpful to have a description of the operation including information about the management, staffing, clientele, etc. This case is scheduled for public hearing in front of Planning Commission on June 21, 2001. I will need revised drawings no later than June 13, 2001 for packet preparation. If you have questions, feel free to contact me at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert AICP Senior Planner c: SUP-01-01 file 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2846 .May lo. 2oui Ridge The Wheat Ridge Department of Planning & Development has received a request for approval of a special use permit to allow an assisted living facility at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by June 1, 2001. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: SUP-01-01/Koch LOCATION: 4415 Jay Street REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a special use permit PURPOSE: To allow a 14-bed assisted living facility (see attached site plan) APPROXIMATE AREA: .45 acre of land area Issues for consideration include the following: • The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. • The availability of service lines to the development. • v The adequacy of capacities to service the development. • Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations. Specific easements that are needed on this or any other document. • r~~a Any comments which would affect approval of this request by your agency. Please reply to: Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development Fax: 303/235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Wheat Ridge) XX Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) XX Fire District (Wheat Ridge) Adjacent City O XX Xcel Energy XX Qwest Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources Denver Regional Council of Governments Scientific and Cultural Facilities Dist. Metro Wastewater Reclamation Dist. Jefferson County Planning Dept. Completed by: zz~ (Name, Agency/Department, Date) Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners XX AT&T Broadband XX WHEAT RIDGE Post Office XX WHEAT RIDGE Police Department XX WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. XX WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission XX WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division XX WHEAT RIDGE Building Division WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development Fairmont Homeowners Association Prospect Recreation District Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. Regional Transportation Dist. Denver Metro Major League Baseball Dist. "The Carnation City" MEMORANDUM Approved Date TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Michael Garcia, Development Review Engineer ~ DATE: May 21, 2001 SUBJECT: SUP-01-01/Koch; 4415 Jay Street, Wheat Ridge Assisted Living The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated May 16, 2000 for the above referenced site, and has the following comments: 1. The Public Works Department is in receipt of a Plat document at this time. The Final Plat has been forwarded to the Dave Brossman, P.L.S. for review and has no comments at this time. Should there be correction required, subsequent comments will be coordinated in writing to the preparer of this document, Mr. Daniel J. Kalmes, P.L.S. 2. The Public Works Department is in receipt of a final drainage report. Subsequent comments will be coordinated in writing to the preparer of this document, Mr. Ed Jennings, P.E. and P.L.S. 3. We will need a completed Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due. In conjunction with the requirements of this permit, an erosion control plan may need to be submitted for review and approval. 4. The site plans are required to verify curb openings and parking maneuverability. Access location and width will need to be address the Wheat Ridge Fire Department's requirements. cc: Alan White, Planning & Development Director Greg Knudson, City Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer Dave Brossman, City Surveyor File (3) 4415jay_refeual.mem 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2868 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 May 14, 2001 Mr. Ed Jennings, P.E. & P.L.S. P.O. Box 200662 Denver, Colorado 80220 Re: Wheat Ridge Assisted Living, 4415 Jay Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado -Second Review Comments Dear Mr. Jennings, I have completed the second review of the above referenced documents for 4415 Jay Street received on April 13, 2001, and have the following comments: Drainage Report and Plan 1. Where does the drainage in the northwest corner sheet flows onto adjacent property go to? Will this cause any adverse conditions? Please elaborate in report. Subdivision ?plat All plat comments have been addressed. Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for. Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. For your information and submittal in the second review package, a copy of this permit is provided. Traffic Engineering There was no site plan submitted to review. The 4415 Jay Street construction plans will be forwarded to the City's Traffic Engineer, Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E., 303-235-2862 for review. The site plans are required to verify curb openings and parking maneuverability. Access location and width will need to address the Wheat Ridge Fire Department's requirement. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction of the public improvements, the necessary right-of-way construction permit(s) and respective licensing will SUEDIVILION,IwIEM0,-AND:-CONTACT,RECORU CONTACT NUMBER: 2 DATE RECEIVED: 4/26,2001 DATE REVIEWED: 5/03,2001 SUBDIVISION NAME: Koch 2" Subdivision ENGINEER: NAME: Daniel J. Kalmes, P.L.S. KMD Inc. ADDRESS: 7200 Dry Creek Rd. Unit D 204 Englewood, CO 80112 PHONE: (303) 773-8770 FAX: (303) 773-8776 CITY REPRESENTATIVE: DAVID F. BROSSMAN, P.L.S. REMARKS: 1: All comments have been addressed 2: 3: 4: S: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13 14: PLEASE RETURN ALL REDLINES WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL ENGINEER REPRESENTATIVE: Daniel J. Kalmes, P.L S REMARKS: The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or review agencies. You may respond to these comments by phone or fax. Please contact us prior to submitting new prints so that we may inform you if there are any additions or corrections that need to be made. large area or city-wide proposal, is considered a quasi-judicial matter. Therefore, applicants, opponents and proponents are prohibited from making ex parte contact (that is, contact outside of the public hearing forum) with any member of the decisionmaking authority. F. Public notice time requirements. Unless otherwise provided in the Code of Laws, public notice time requirements include the day the notice is posted, appears in the newspaper, or is received by a recipient, and shall also include the day of the public hearing. By way of example, a public hearing advertised in a Thursday newspaper, which requires a fifteen-day notice, is eligible for hearing no sooner than the second subsequent Thursday. Sec. 26-110 Public dedications and improvements; security. The requirements of Sec.26-412, Sec.26-413 and Sec.26-421, pertaining to subdivision review, shall apply to public dedications and improvements and security therefore required in connection with any site development not requiring subdivision review. Sec. 26-111 Site plan review. A. Application. The requirements of this section apply to site development on property for which the use proposed is a use by right, is other than a single-family dwelling or one duplex dwelling, and subdivision or planned wait development distric approval is not sought. The requirements for site plans required in planned development zone districts are found in those district regulations. This section establishes the purpose, graphic and informational requirements for site development plans required in instances other than planned development districts. B. Purpose. This plan provides site relationship and architectural information for decisionmakers to consider in deciding upon applications for use and development. It is intended to illustrate site design elements, architectural character and consideration of engineering issues to the extent that the potential character and possible impacts are more clearly definable. It can provide the basis for building permit review, certificate of occupancy review, and future zoning enforcement. The plan will be part of the case file and record, and will C. Plan requirements. 1. The site plan shall be prepared at a 24 x 36-inch format. Tliis-site-plan 2. Vicinity map. 3. The boundary of the site described in bearings and distances and existing and proposed lot lines. 4. Legal description of the site matching the certified survey. 5. Signed surveyor's certification GED\53027\357901.07 6. Scale and north arrow. 7. Date of map preparation and name and address of person who prepared map. 8. Location of 100-year floodplain, if applicable. 9. Existing and proposed contours at two-foot intervals. 10. Location of all existing and proposed: a. Fences, walls or screen plantings and their type and height; b. Exterior lighting, location, height and type; C. Signs, including type, height and size; d. Landscaping and special buffers, including type and coverage e. Parking and loading areas, handicap parking areas; f. Easements and rights-of-way. g. Drainage ways, pond areas, ditches, irrigation canals, lakes and streams, if applicable. h. Buildings to be developed or retained on the site, including possible use, height, size, floor area, setback dimensions and type of construction. i. Existing and proposed streets, both adjacent and within the site, including names, widths, location of centerlines, acceleration/deceleration lanes. j. Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, bike paths. k. Location of trash containers and method of screening, if any. 1. Areas to be used for outside work areas, storage or display and method of screening, if any. M. Naffie Of t 11. Adjoining property lot lines, buildings, access, parking, so that development compatibility can be determined. 12. Other information which shall be in written or tabular form, including: GED153027\357901.07 -9 a. Statement of proposed zoning and any conditions. b. Statement of proposed uses. C. Site data (numeric and percentage) in tabular form, including: (1) Total area of property, gross and net; (2) Building coverage; (3) Landscape coverage; (4) Total lot coverage by all structures and paving; (5) Number of parking spaces; (6) Gross floor area; and (7) Number of residential units and density (if applicable). 13. SkjRat •a me o ' Dated signature of approval of director of planning and development or d signee 14. In addition to the information included on the site plan document, the following supportive information may be required: a. Drainage plan. b. Elevations and perspective drawings. C. Traffic impact report. Sec. 26-112 Private rezoning. A. Purpose. A change of any zone district as shown on the official zoning map is permitted only when it is consistent with the goals and policies of the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan and promotes the general welfare of the community. If a proposed amendment is not consistent with the comprehensive plan, then the request may only be approved if the applicant demonstrates that the request is justified because of changed or changing conditions in the particular area or in the city in general, or the rezone is necessary to correct a manifest error in the existing zone classification. A manifest error may include, but may not be limited to, one (1) or more of the following: 1) Mapping errors, including incorrect boundary location or incorrect zone designation, or 2) Ordinance errors, including incorrect zone designation, legal description error, or typographical errors. The final decision on a change of GED\53027\357901.07 _10- 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2868 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 June 15, 2001 Mr. Ed Jennings, P.E. & P.L.S. P.O. Box 200662 Denver, Colorado 80220 Re: Wheat Ridge Assisted Living, 4415 Jay Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado -Third Review Comments Dear Mr. Jennings, I have completed the third re documents for 4415 Jay Street have the following comments: Drainage Report and Plan 1. Where does the drainage in onto adjacent property go to? conditions? Please elaborate ✓iew of the above referenced received on April 13, 2001, and the northwest corner sheet flows Will this cause any adverse in report. Subdivision Plat All plat comments have been addressed. Please submit a mylar with the appropriate signatures to the City. Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. For your information and submittal in the second review package, a copy of this permit is provided. Traffic Engineering There was no site plan submitted to review. The site plans are required to verify curb openings and parking maneuverability. Public Works comments have been red-lined on the drainage plan. The 4415 Jay Street construction plans have been forwarded to the City's Traffic Engineer, Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E., 303-235-2862 for review and has the following comments: 1. Please include "No parking Fire Lane (with directional arrows)" signs at the locations shown on plan. Mr. Ed Jennings Page 2 2. Please include note to paint curb on south portion of the curb face to be painted red to designate the fire lane. 3. Please remove 1 section of existing curb, gutter and walk in order to make the transition from existing walk to proposed design. Please use C.D.O.T. Standard M-602 (type IIM) mountable for the section to the south of the drivecut. This curb face to be painted red for fire lane designation. 4. Please reduce the drivecut access to City Standard 35 feet maxium. 5. Please include 4" solid yellow striping in parking lot to maintain fire access. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction of the public improvements, the necessary right-of-way construction permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Please return all red-lined prints with the fourth submittal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2868. Sincerely, Michael Garcia Development Review Engineer cc: Greg Knudson, City Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer Dave Brossman, City Surveyor Alan White, Director of Planning and Development Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner File (3) 4415] aystreet_rev iewl ltr WHEAL' RIDGE DIRE DISTRICT "Dedicoled To Serve_ Through Excellence" P. O. Box 507 • 3680 l}~h m St • Wheoi Ridge, CO 80034 ► 303-424-7323 ► Fax 303.940-0350 Ante 18, 2001 To: Meredith Reckert Sedw Piantber City of Wheat Ridge wheat Ridge, Co. 80033 Subject.: Fire Department approval of site revision legarding rod over curb design for Karl Koch, 4415 Jay St., Wheat Ridge, C.o., 80033., as discussed, Dear Meredith This letter is to confirm our discussion regarding the large aub cut needed for the Koch prope" al 4415 Ja Street. 11 is a Jay my oMdetytandiz>~ that the necessary width needed lo be able to provide adeVate fire protection to this facility can be aeoomp6shed tbrmrgh the use of a normal length curb apt as designed by a*ineermg, extended with a mountable curb sectiton.fot the rest of the needed distance, and properly signed with NO PARKING sips, enforceable by the City. This solution iS acceptable to the fire department and should "we a better sohaiou to the problem: tf there are a" goestaons concerning this issue, I can be contacted at 303-403-$902, or pager number 303-687-7336. Thank you for your help and consideration iegardmg this Muter. Willi W iii WW M Engineering & Surveying, LLC Will June 12, 2001 Mr. Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CC 80033 Re: Special Use Permit, Case No. SUP-01-01/Koch Dear: Mr. Reckert: Y' - V IfUl f This letter is in response to your request for confirmation of the availability of sanitary sewer service for the above parcel. The subject property at 4415 Jay Street is entirely within the boundary and service area of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District is provided by the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District (Metro). Wheat Ridge Sanitation District facilities in this area consist of a 6 inch sanitary sewer main in an easement located along the western property line of this lot. This parcel is subject to the assessment of both Wheat Ridge Sanitation District and Metro tap charges. The subdividers and/or developers may be required to extend sewer lines to their project sites and/or share in the cost of providing additional capacity to serve their projects. In addition, you should be aware that the District requires approval of plans for sewer service connections, determination of tap fees, as well as inspection of construction by the District's Engineer. Very truly yours, William K. Brown, P.E. District Engineer Wheat Ridge Sanitation District W KB/rg cc: District Office 7901 E. Belleview Ave. Ste 230 • Englewood, CO 80111 • Phone (303) 773-1605 • Fax (303) 773-3297 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2846 Ridge rl~' May 16, 2001 / 111,1l~~ The Wheat Ridge Department of Planning & Development has received a request for approval of a special use permit to allow an assisted living facility at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by June 1,2001. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: SUP-01-01/Koch LOCATION: 4415 Jay Street REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a special use permit PURPOSE: To allow a 14-bed assisted living facility (see attached site plan) HCL Engineering & Surveying, LLC APPROXIMATE AREA:.45 acre of land area Received MAY 2 3 2001 Issues for consideration include the following: The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. The availability of service lines to the development. The adequacy of capacities to service the development. Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations. Specific easements that are needed on this or any other document. Any comments which would affect approval of this request by your agency. Please reply to: Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development Fax: 303/235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Wheat Ridge) XX Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) XX Fire District (Wheat Ridge) Adjacent City O XX Xcel Energy XX Qwest Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources Denver Regional Council of Governments Scientific and Cultural Facilities Dist. Metro Wastewater Reclamation Dist. Jefferson County Planning Dept. Completed jdj7, (Name, Agency/Department, Date (SG e L J XX XX XX XX XX XX XX "The Carnation City" Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners AT&T Broadband Z- 04~ag WHEAT RIDGE Post Office WHEAT RIDGE Police Department WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rea Commission WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division WHEAT RIDGE Building Division WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development Fairmont Homeowners Association Prospect Recreation District Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. Regional Transportation Dist. Denver Metro Major League Baseball Dist. 4-t-oi 0- ao~ ^ -1y ST C PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN N a,« UPPER LEVEL GLW -LAN 3d O "$r s C yV uu° ;off c ~ ~~G mVOm t.e~ Oe~ 3 3 ENGP'EEBED BY: 3r ]'r 2' eiSeC sheet number 4-f-al aPpQ PRELIMINARY SITE: PLAN IbRiN Ill'PER LEVEL FLC PLAN co ejm 2~ 0b Ya O~ VV O Oy. `2 s < F$ u C g m Q ~y> « o ~ru 3 ¢ ~ o ENGWEENEU BY: EO~e ...3i I6P O~ [~e[ket aeE sheet rmmber 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/235-2846 May 16, 2001 Ridge The Wheat Ridge Department of Planning & Development has received a request for approval of a special use permit to allow an assisted living facility at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by June 1, 2001. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: SUP-01-01/Koch LOCATION: 4415 Jay Street REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a special use permit PURPOSE: To allow a 14-bed assisted living facility (see attached site plan) APPROXIMATE AREA:.45 acre of land area Issues for consideration include the following: The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. The availability of service lines to the development. The adequacy of capacities to service the development. • Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations. Specific easements that are needed on this or any other document. • Any comments which would affect approval of this request by your agency. Please reply to: Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development Fax: 303/235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Wheat Ridge) XX Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) XX Fire District (Wheat Ridge) Adjacent City O XX Xcel Energy XX Qwest Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources Denver Regional Council of Governments Scientific and Cultural Facilities Dist. Metro Wastewater Reclamation Dist. Jefferson County Planning Dept. Completed by: (Name, Agency/Department, Date) XX XX XX XX XX XX XX Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners AT&T Broadband WHEAT RIDGE Post Office WHEAT RIDGE Police Department WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division WHEAT RIDGE Building Division WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development Fairmont Homeowners Association Prospect Recreation District Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. Regional Transportation Dist. Denver Metro Major League Baseball Dist. "The Carnation City" LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICA"t tON Planning and De%elopment Department 7500 West 29th Avenue. Wheat Ridge. CO 30033 ` Phone (303; 235-2846 Please print of type all information Applicant _kioigt 7 1.2ot-(4 Address 3~) 5~ Li c,-1 ge t l} ~ Phone 3°7 3}a'S3b~ City State {stn - Zip Tw'-11 Fax ~o; X37 -3 31 Owner sa ~6 ,i Address Phone Citv State Zip Fax Contact Address Phone City State Zip Fax 'The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when neccessary. post public hearing signs, and will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing.) Location of request (address): Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Application submittal requirements on reverse side J; Change of zone or zone conditions Special Use Permit _I Conditional Use Permit ) Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) n Consolidation Plat Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) Flood Plain Special Exception ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final Interpretation of Code Street Vacation Lot Line Adjustment Temporary Use, Building, Si n ❑ - Nonconforming Use Change g Variance / Waiver (from Section 1 I 11 F Planned Building Group ❑ Zoning Ordinance Amendment i Site Development Plan approval ❑ Other: Detailed description of the request: .r a t- y Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: K Size of Lot (acres or square footage): 16' a~ t Current Zoning: vp,-~ Proposed Zoning: fe - C- Current use: V `vc c - v t o h Proposed use: A » t ~'"A L-, ~ I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, t am acting with the knowledge and sent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his be R'. 1-n -t-no. Signature of Applicant Subscribed OF n to me thisqAb_day of 20NI vi, 0~\C% stn -<I--v V ntc Notary Public My commission expires _Zia(A - b~) Date received S'q - G1 Fee $t}~~ Case No. 31cA- -4 y Comp Plan Desig. Zoning - e Quarter Section ap NG/ Related Case No. Pre-App Mig Date D Case Manager ck-- `d RECEPTION NO. FO~o7281 12/07/1999 11:13:01 PG: 001-001 PAGE FEE: 5.00 DOC.FEE: 7.00 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, Made this. 29TH day of NOVEMBER', 1999 between Gertrude Humann of the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, grantor, and Karl J. Koch whose legal address is 4415 Jay Street, Wheatridge, Colorado 80033 of the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, grantees: WITNESSETH,-That the grantor for and in consideration of the sum of SEVENTY THOUSAND AND 00/100, ($70,000.00) Dollars, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, all the real property, together with improvements, if any, situate,lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, described as follows: Lots 9 and 10, EXCEPT the North 25 feet of Lot 10, Hale Subdivision, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. also known by street and number as 4415 Jay Street, Wheatridger.Colorado 80033 TOGETHER with all;and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the grantor, either in law or equity, of in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the grantee, his heirs and assigns. forever. And the grantor, for himself, his heirs and personal representatives, does covenant, grant, bargain, and agree to and with the grantee, his heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, he is well seized of the premises above conveyed, has good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, and has good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nature soever, except general taxes for 1998 and subsequent years; except easements, restrictions, covenants, conditions, reservations and rights of way of'record, if any; ^,.T -4 n U Wo The grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above-bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantee, his heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part thereof. The singular number shall include the plural, the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders. - IN WITNESS WHEREOF the grantor has executed this deed on the date set forth above. `+?-,.e D..'cumentary FHB Ge rude Humann, y Steve Humann as - At rney in Fact STATE OF COLORADO County of Jefferson by Gertrude Humann, by Steve B } } as. The foregoing instrumentwas acknowledged before } me this 29TH day of NOVEMBER, 1999 Humann as Attorney in Fact Witness my i/ rid d o $icial seal. DEPT OF I-E LTH Fax :30378248K69 Apr - .4 2000 14:52 P.02 HOME PERFACLILm PLAN O CHECK UST FACILITY CITY STATE ZIP PROJECT DATE BUILDING TYPE I, II, III, IV, V NUMBER OF STORIES OCCUPANTS AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM? YESNO REQUIREMENTS LOCAL COMPLIANCE (SEC. 4) YES j ies with aii applicable codes . ousing, fire & sanitary) ing Compiles With state & local taws, free of y of backilow & back siphonage through use of breakers and fixed air gaps. e'discharges into public sewer system or In manner approved by local health depa tment ado water Qualhy Control Commission. RECORDS (SEC. 11) ~.l Record Storage provided. MEDICATIONS'- (SEC. 12) 1. ADocked cabinet or drawer far medications provided for each resident " 2 Stored oxygen tanks to be secured to the wall In a room designated for that purpose. t NO NJA DEPT OF WALTH ax: 50378248&3,69 Ar 4 2000 14:54 F. 03 { LOCAL COMPLIANCE (SEC. 4) YES NO N/A - DI ETARY. (SEC. 13) 1. Facilities licensed for 20 beds or more shall comply with Rules and Regulations Govemirg'the Sanitation of Food j Service Establishments in the State of Colorado. CDH, 1990 2. A designated dining area accessible to all residents shall be provided In a separate area or areas capable of comfortably seating all residents, either at one seating or In no more than two seatfngs. 3. A twocompartment.sin c or a single compartment sink used in corquncdon with a domestic dish washing machine shag be required. LAUNDRY (SEC. 14) 1. Facility shall provide for the washing, drying and ironing of the resident's laundry by. a Providing laundry service for the residerus. 1, Providing access laundry equipment so that residents can do their. ' own laundry. c. Maldng arrangements with a commercial laundry. 2 -Separate storage for soiled linen and clothing shalt be provided. _.-......C40MMON ARFAS (SEC: 15) 1. M doorsto those rooms requiring access by a'resident utg¢ing-an auw7lary aid (wheelchair or walker) shall be at least 32 inches wide. 2. A minimum of two entryways shall be provided for access and egress from the.bugding by residents uIllizing auwliary aid. BEDROOMS (SEC. 16) 1. Single occupancy bedrooms shall have at least 160 square feet double occupancy rooms shall have 60 ` square feet per person. 2 No more tlhatt two residents shall occupy a bedroom. 3. Each bedroom shall have at least one window of,6 P. square feet which shall have opening capability. DEPT CF HEALTH Fax:303782488669 Apr 2000 14:56 P.04 LOCAL COMPLIANCE (SEC. 4) YES NO BATHROOMS (SEC. 17) 1. There shay be at least one bathroom for f sec residents. 2. There shall be a bathroor on each floor resident bedrooms which is accessible without requiring access through an adjacent bedroom. 3. A full bathroom strati consist of at least the following focnues: toaet, laratory, toaet paper dispensers, mirror, tub or shower, and towel rack. 4. Grab bars shall be In", lad at each tub and shower and adjacent to each to➢et as needed by the resident population. 5. Bathtubs and showers to have a,non," surface. 6. Any facility occupied by one or,inore residents uffiIZing awdllary aid shall have at least one full bathroom with fodures positioned so as to ba fujty,~accesslWe to residents using awalay aids. ENVIRONMENT (SEC. 18) 1. E#er or stairs of three or more steps and po=use. platforms to have harxlraRS. 2 All Interior and exterior steps and Interior hacorridors shall be adequately Illuminated. 3. Each room in the faci lty shall bg equipped lighting and ventilation sufficient to accommod4. Hot water shall not be more'3w^r 120° F. at accessible to the residents. FIRE'SAht Y tsar. Tat 7the e cility shat have a portable fire e 1 fa ABC type of at least 3 pound capacity loIdtchen area, common area, and at least or of the faca?ty. 2 Kerosine (fuel fired) heaters are not pe tacalty. mectric or.space heater~s,are non resident bedrooms 3. Any detection equipment shall be fully operations! and. functional. 4. First s;d equipment shall be maintained on the premises I In a readily available location. 5. There shall be at least one telephone which may be used by staff, volunteers residents and -Visitors at all times for use in emergencies. The Al 1' fire, ambulance and poison ritrol numbers shalk h2 posted at this telephone I JI Ovine; 1. 1 do hereby swear that all statement s are made forthe purpose of receMng approval to construct or remodel a health facility and that these statements.are true and correct to the best of my knoWedge. 4 MEMO: SPECIAL USE PERMIT RE: ASSISTED LIVING CENTER DATE: 3-22-2001 I purchase land at 4515 Jay Street back in November of 1999. I purchased the property with the specific plan to build an assisted living center. I immediately began with the plans to build a small assisted living center for that property. I hired an architect. I hired a drainage engineer. I hired a draft person. In early 2000, my architect and myself met with the Fire Chief 2 or 3 times to finalize the site plan in order to accommodate related fire matters. We met several times with the planning department, including the chief planner to verify parking requirements, set back and other requirements, including verifying once more that the lot was in fact suitable for an assisted living center. In February or March of 2000, a sight plan was completed and approved by the City of Wheat Ridge. In March of 2000 a drainage plan was approved by the City Drainage Engineer. By this time I had already spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars on this project. In March I began working fall time to finish the architectural plans, and by June 2000 the architectural plans were complete. Next of course, was the structural plans. I immediately sent the plans the same structural engineer, whom, like most engineers, as two to three months out from finishing the plans. Finally in September of last year the structural engineer had finished, so I ran down to the building department to turn in my plans and pay my permit fee. I was then called the next day and told that my particular project fell under the new Wheatridge moratorium and that no exemptions were being given, even though I had been working on my plans for nearly a year before and spent thousands of dollars. I immediately called Ken Siler and set up a meeting with him, as, from what I understood, he was the main proponent of the moratorium. Mr. Siler informed me that the moratorium was for 6months, but assured me personally that my project would not be affected and that after 6 months I would be able to build on the land that I had purchased and had been paying taxed on for a year. Mr. Siler also assured me in that meeting that he would contact me if there were any changes or new developments in the moratorium that may affect my project. Well I waited patently and trusted Mr. Siler. Around March 10`h of 2001, I went back to the building Department and found out that the moratorium had in fact affected my project, that now instead of being able to build an Assisted Living Facility in which my property was zoned, I had to first obtain a special use permit, which involved several meetings with the City of Wheatridge, including two with the City Council. And that I now needed City Councils approval to build this facility. I also have been informed that a new hotel had been exempted, which is one reason that moratorium had been placed in the first place. Also City council exempted another piece of property in which the owner showed up at the meeting along with the hotel owner and made enough noise for the City council members to exempt. Of course, I did not shoe up because of the personal promise of Ken Siler that I would be notified immediately if my project was a risk. Therefore, I am now being forced to go back to a meeting with a City Planner in Wheatridge and have the same meeting which I had nearly a year and a half ago, but this time I have to get a special use permit to build a 14 rooom assisted living facility, if the local politicians feel that my project is worthy of the City. -/~M ?4W XkL Case No.: App: Last Name: App: First Name: Owner: Last Name: Owner: First Name: App Address: City, State Zip: App: Phone: Owner Address: City/State/Zip: Owner Phone: Project Address: Street Name: City/State, Zip: Case Disposition: Project Planner: File Location: Notes: Follow-Up: UP0101 Quarter Section Map No. Koch Related Cases: KarIJ. - Case History: ame ~ ame _ 090 W. 43rd Ave. - Review Body: 7 Denver, CO 80221 _ 303-332-5382 APN' ame 2nd Review Body: Kama 2nd Review Date: ame Decision-making Body: 415 .......I Approval/Denial Date: ay Street __mm heat Ridge, CO 80033 Reso/Ordinance No.: NW 24 UP for a residential group! home for 14 elderly persons... PC 39-242-24-034 Conditions Oval: 77"1 __..r District: 8 Reckert Katie Date Received: 1912001 Pre-App Date: 5/812001 _ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE NOTICE OF NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT MEETING Dear Residents, I, Karl John Koch am applying for a Special Use Permit from the City of Wheat Ridge to build an assisted living home. The assisted living home will be a one story fourteen room assisted living home with a rear loft. The location in which I intend to build is at 4415 Jay St. in Wheat Ridge. A Notice of Neighborhood input meeting will be held to discuss this proposal. The date and time of the meeting is Tuesday May 8`" at 6:30 p.m. This meeting will be held at the City Hall at 7500 W. 29" Ave. in the 2"d floor conference room. Current zoning for the property is restricted to commercial use, which allows a variety of office, service and retail uses. I believe that a quality assisted living facility that will be home to our elderly neighbors, friends and family is more compatible with the neighborhood than other uses allowed in the R-C zone district. Before my application will be accepted for a Special Use Permit, the City of Wheat Ridge requires that I inform all residents within 600 feet of the purposed project by letter and invite them to attend a Neighborhood Input Meeting. This meeting will allow me to present my proposal to you, the residents in this area. It will also give you a chance to communicate directly with me any concerns, questions, or thoughts you may have. There will be a staff planner at the meeting to discuss City policy and regulations and also the process involved, however, the planner will remain impartial regarding the viability of the project. Please keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. A summary of this meeting will be given as testimony. However, it is the public hearing in front of the Planning Commission and City Council where final decisions will be made. If you would like to take part in the decision-making process, you must attend the public hearings. The kinds of concerns you may have: ➢ Is the proposal compatible with surrounding land uses and zoning? ➢ Are there adequate-utilities and services in place or proposed to serve the project? ➢ What is the impact on our streets? ➢ Where will the storm drainage go? ➢ How will the project-be designed to enhance rather than detract from the neighborhood? ➢ What specific changes can be made in the proposal to make it more acceptable to me? This meeting will be very open so please bring your questions and comments and open them for discussion. I hope to see you all there. Before leaving the meeting please use the space below and the back if needed to remark about your specific concerns or to make any comments pertaining to my project. Please sign it and give it back to me before leaving, as I am required to provide these forms to the City with my application. Print Name Address Phone CO 00 v 0) U7 .P W N N _ R 5 Z `y 3 CD ~ r m D c cy m Ul( D b a M N Z 5 N z D 1 I o w r ' N N W N oC 0 CD m 2 ~O Z5 00O Z o ov 3 Z m m G) Bruce Ahrenholtz Brenda Snowden Robert Baker & Judith Baker 4450 Harlan Ct 6759 Benton St 6390 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Arvada, CO 80003 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Thomas Healy Mathew Heath & Melissa Harris Wildrose Gelbviegh Inc 4490 Harlan Ct 6190 W 45Th Ave PO Box 1453 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Granby, CO 80446 Jay & Joseph Estrada Geraldine Flesher Norman Epp & Nadine Abrahams 4370 Jay St 4300 Kendall St 6125 W 42Nd Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 F Sims James Betty Silsby Patricia Jane Freeze 10550 W 34Th PI 4470 Ingalls St 6285 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Gregory Barbero & Debra Barbero Merchants Management James Enright 6335 W 45Th Ave 6073 W 44Th Ave #310 4390 Kendall St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Bonnie Rosier Tally Jackson Blanche Carpenter 4270 Ingalls St 4480 Harlan Ct 4335 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Gretchen Cerveny Laszlo Nagy & Ava Renwick Jon Robert Svare 3425 Moore St 4370 Ingalls St 480 4345 Kendall St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Susan Rood Foothills Properties Harriet Jane Hargrave 4495 Jay St 6320 W 44Th Ave 5767 Falk Ct Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Arvada, CO 80002 Jeremy Wilson Gayle Gartner & Troy King Bradley Milow & Carla Milow 4290 Kendall St 6255 W 43Rd Ave 4330 Lamar St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jay Williams Lewis Frazzini Harold Urton 6150 W 42Nd Ave 4470 Harlan Ct 12362 W Louisiana Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Lakewood, CO 80228 Harold Urton William & Jayleen Reaney Carol Fleshman 12362 W Louisiana Ave 6440 W 54Th Ave 4465 Jay St Lakewood, CO 80228 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Austen Breeden Joan Grant Peter Stehr 6320 W 45Th Ave 4460 Ingalls St 4515 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wesley Fuller & Audrey Fuller Kathleen Mckay Joseph Klessig & Klessig Mary Torline 4350 Kendall St 6220 W 43Rd Ave 4345 Lamar St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Heinz Harmer & Christian Sonneman Martha Olson Marcie Emily 7332 S Alton Way #M 6135 W 42Nd Ave 9475 W Colfax Ave # 104 Englewood, CO 80112 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Lakewood, CO 80215 Marcia Emily Blair & Katrina Fullmer Mai Vui & The PO Box 2125 12167 W 54Th Dr 4410 Jay St Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 Arvada, CO 80002 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Paul Rumpeltes Rudolf Martin & Susan Martin Thomas Evancich & Lucille Evancich 4355 Ingalls St 4270 Kendall St 4375 Kendall St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ross Kuzmych Melainey Wolff & Ronald Wolff Erich Rindfleisch & Sherron Livengood 4385 Kendall St 4350 Lamar St 4460 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Michael Bennell Joseph Mark Martinez Mitchell & Julia Dickson 4355 Kendall St 4475 Harlan Ct 6425 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 David Drumright Chris & Angela Rodenburg Ruth Ann Mcmeel 6174 Quitman St 4240 Kendall St 4360 Jay St Arvada, CO 80003 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Mark Stephenson & Brenda Stephenson Steve Lake Diana Salazar 102 S Kendall St 29992 Hilltop Dr 4465 Ingalls St Lakewood, CO 80226 Evergreen, CO 80439 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jeanette Stadler Daniel Turner Rodney & Russell Jr Keithline 4365 Kendall St 4325 Kendall St R Anderson Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 6375 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge City Kenneth W M Feldman Peter Stehr 7500 W 29Th Ave 6265 W 45Th Ave 14100 W 58Th Ave Denver, CO 80215 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Arvada, CO 80002 Michael & Wendy Mastalski James & Christine Stuhr Karl Koch 4455 Harlan Ct 4510 Ingalls St 30350 Pine Crest Dr Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Evergreen, CO 80439 Reece & Jeanetto Leishman Alice Raney David & Kathryn Cooper 4490 Ingalls St 6365 W 45Th Ave 6445 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Lucille Mcmaster Denise Thrapp Alfred Jutze & Dolores Lombardi 6235 W 45Th Ave 6100 W 42Nd Ave 3395 Zephyr Ct Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phillip Roybal I Allen Margaret J Robert & Susan Buergisser 4280 Ingalls St 4360 Lamar St 4485 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Joseph Nelson & Joan Nelson Larry Morehouse Bethel Korean Presbyterian Church 4295 Lamar St 4520 Ingalls St 6415 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Mark Ricketts Marilyn Jacobs Donald David Christopher 6405 W 45Th Ave 4275 Lamar St 4355 Lamar St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Michael Victor Pierson Michael Costanten & Candace Costanten Edna Viola Regester Tina Samide Pierson 4335 Lamar St 6190 W 42Nd Ave 4475 Jay St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Karen Ann Radcliffe Shirley Ratcliff & Kathleen An Ratcliff Kenen Andrew Chapman 4485 Ingalls St 4380 Lamar St Molly Nicole Chapman Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 11159 W 59Th PI Arvada, CO 80004 Carol Scott Tommy Latsis Rostyslaw Kuzmych 6385 W 45Th Ave 3640 S Monaco Pkwy 6320 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Denver, CO 80237 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Douglas Ikeler & Susette Ikeler Stephen Mckean John & Stephanie Pomponio 428 E 11Th Ave 6400 W 45Th Ave 6305 W 45Th Ave Denver, CO 80203 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 David Williams Marvin Mansfield & Patricia Vincent James Bowie & Debra Bowie 4480 Ingalls St 6250 W 43Rd Ave 4525 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dominic & Ignacia Castillo Lula Bergren Richard Hall & Lavonne Hall 6155 W 42Nd Ave 6420 W 45Th Ave 4375 Lamar St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dorothy Faucher Paul Enrichi & Eva Enrichi Alfred Jutze & Dolores Lombardi 4370 Lamar St 4320 Lamar St 3395 Zephyr Ct Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Angela Crouse James & Karen Large Albert Weidenhamer & Frances Weidenha 4485 Jay St 4500 Jay St 4335 Kendall St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Frank West & Barbara West Wanchai & Ruayrin Hongdoxmai Susan Lorraine Rood 6205 W 45Th Ave 6810 W 32Nd PI 6280 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Covenant Reformed Pres Church Evan Syno Laurel Uniforn Center Ltd Karl Koch 6100 W 44Th Ave 801 S Cole Dr 4415 Jay St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Denver, CO 80228 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Paul Rumpeltes Willard Jenkins & Linda Jenkins Katherine Fox 4950 Dover St 7036 Otis St 1200 17Th St #3000 Arvada, CO 80002 Arvada, CO 80003 Denver, CO 80202 Lisa Lindner & Bart Tomon Joe Ulibarri Reinaldo & Marianne Gallegos 6205 W 43Rd Ave 6375 W 44Th Ave 6731 Lowell Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Denver, CO 80221 Reinaldo & Marianne Gallegos Harold & Ellen Gallegos Jaime Salazar 6731 Lowell Blvd 9133 W 66Th PI 4440 Jay St #A Denver, CO 80221 Arvada, CO 80004 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Koch Development Llc Karl Koch Michael & Gina Jeannelle 3090 W 63Rd Ave 3090 W 63Rd Ave 4430 Jay St #D Denver, CO 80221 Denver, CO 80221 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Karl Koch Karl Koch Boris Illade 3090 W 63Rd Ave 3090 W 63Rd Ave 4430 Jay St #A Denver, CO 80221 Denver, CO 80221 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Philip & Holly Riepma Woo Jae Lee Peter Emily 4430 Jay St #B 4420 Jay St #D 4420 Jay St #C Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Samuel Dominy Bruce Johnson 4420 Jay St #B 4420 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 . _ H aTH AVE B I I R g g R R R R I H AT AV a"KI L x605 $ 8 S B s MARTENSEN ELEM.SCHOOL n R-2 W 45TH P 8 3 R 8 3 R 8 n w x u . 8 3 R n h I 8 ~ $ ^ -3 LA< I I 1 . SUE 2 T TT-- w 46TH aL R I - ~ S Q 8 81 8 R 8 it n 3 ~I e ~ R _ 8 8 8 R R- w 45TH Ave 8N ~A $8 mo x500 m u m W 45TH P N tt w 45TH AV W HTH R OFFICIAL -ZONE DISTRICT BOUNDRY ZONING I~ IA F - PARCEL/LOT BOUNDRY _ MEAT RIDGE (DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP) YV CITY LIMIT LINE COLORADO DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 Lost Revision: September 19, 1996 ~i . 'v-PARTMENT OF PLAMIW, MI) DEVELopmqjT - 235-2652 H $ nR ~ n ~ W 45' R aa85 ~ 4180 ♦a~s ~ use R-3 G r::W t3 p OVA 8 Is: W w wpx q H AVE I:. J aJ N L n d t0 ~ - x ~ ~ 0 dp rW - "T"r 1 7 AVE , I 7=-I Ij = N l~ e+am, o eo ioo m aw .co SCALE I"=400 8 3 R~ 8 Q~ ~ 8 a 8 3 R 33 ~ ~ R 8 ~ ~ a e ~ a" L.\GRAWINGS\PLANNING\0S\NW24 Q If * MetroS_an / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Ahrenholtz Bruce A Parcel :023554 Site :4450 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/26/1997 Mail :4450 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$100,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-422-2871 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1961 Pool B1dgSF:1,432 Ac: # 2 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Snowden Brenda L Parcel :023572 Site :4465 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/20/1998 Mail :6759 Benton St Arvada Co 80003 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-456-9569 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1954 Pool B1dgSF:1,027 At # 3 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Baker Robert P Parcel :023608 Site :6390 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/29/1991 Mail :6390 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price $59,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1950 Pool B1dgSF:844 Ac: # 4 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Healy Thomas K Parcel :023693 Site :4490 Harlan CtWheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/07/1992 Mail :4490 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:1,027 Ac: # 5 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Heath Mathew G;Harris Melissa Parcel :023708 Site :6190 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/02/2000 Mail :6190 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price $160,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:1,118 Ac: # 6 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Wildrose Gelbviegh Inc Parcel :023718 Site :4450 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/02/1989 Mail :PO Box 1453 Granby Co 80446 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1957 Pool B1dgSF:1,027 Ac: # 7 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Estrada Jay L/Joseph L Parcel. :023733 Site .:4370 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/01/1996 Mail :4370 Jay St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price $100,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:964 Ac: # 8 - * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Flesher Geraldine Et Al Parcel :023757 Site :4300 Kendall St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/01/2000 Mail :4300 Kendall St Wheat RidgeCo 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-420-3547 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.75 TotRm YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:1,914 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. First American Real Estate Solutions, L.P. makes no representations # 9 Metro.. to / Jefferson (CO) : Owner Owner :Epp Norman J;Abrahams Nadine J Parcel :023765 Site :6125 W 42Nd Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/27/1999 Mail :6125 W 42Nd Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price $167,500 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Becirm :2 Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1954 Pool BidgSF:1,671 Ac: # to : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :James F Sims Trust Parcel :023792 Site :4340 Lamar St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :01/12/1996 Mail :10550 W 34Th P1 Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1950 Pool B1dgSF:954 Ac: # 11 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Silsby Betty J Parcel :023846 Site :4470 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/30/1998 Mail :4470 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$106,500 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-940-7221 Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1952 Pool B1dgSF:817 Ac: # 12 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Freeze Patricia Jane Parcel :023862 Site :6285 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :01/25/1988 Mail :6285 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-423-3007 Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1948 Pool B1dgSF:828 Ac: # 13 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Barbero Gregory Parcel :023893 Site :6335 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/31/1989 Mail :6335 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price $59,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1948 Pool B1dgSF:1,576 Ac: # 14 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Merchants Management - Parcel :023896 Site :6073 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/25/1986 Mail :6073 W 44Th Ave #310 Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$550,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone :303-422-3683 Bedrm Bath : TotRm. :1 YB1963 Pool B1dgSF:10,136 Ac .91 # 15 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Enright James R Parcel :023897 Site :4390 Kendall St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/21/1999 Mail :4390 Kendall St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$20,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone :303-422-6900 Bedrm Bath : TotRm :1 YB1952 Pool B1dgSF:1,132 Ac:.24 # 16 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Rosier Bonnie L Parcel :023922 Site :4270 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/16/1991 Mail :4270 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-423-8460 Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1954 Pool B1dgSF:1,175 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. First American Real Estate Solutions, L.P. makes no representations # 17 Metro nn / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Jackson Tally R Parcel :023974 Site :4480 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/12/1998 Mail :4480 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price $108,900 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:830 Ac # 18 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Carpenter Blanche M Parcel :023995 Site :4335 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail :4335 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-424-3187 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:1,075 Ac: # 19 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Cerveny Gretchen G Parcel :024022 Site :4310 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/23/1996 Mail :3425 Moore St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land _ Phone :303-233-1506 Bedrm Bath :1.75 TotRm : Y31954 Pool B1dgSF:2,266 Ac: # 20 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Nagy Laszlo;Renwick Ava M Parcel :024084 Site :4370 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/24/1998 Mail :4370 Ingalls St #80 Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :3.50 TotRm : YB1965 Pool B1dgSF:2,328 Ac: # 21 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Svare Jon Robert Parcel :024126 Site :4345 Kendall St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/03/1995 Mail :4345 Kendall St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price $83,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1951 Pool B1dgSF:985 Ac: # 22 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Rood Susan L Parcel :024142 Site :4495 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/03/1996 Mail :4495 Jay St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price $102,900 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1949 Pool B1dgSF:1,036 Ac: # 23 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Foothills Properties Parcel :024148 Site :6300 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/28/1984 Mail :6320 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price $50,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1926 Pool B1dgSF:1,464 Ac: # 24 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Hargrave Harriet Jane Parcel :024149 Site :6390 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/27/1991 Mail :5767 Falk Ct Arvada Cc 80002 Price :$120,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone :303-431-0765 Bedrm Bath : TotRm :1 YB1982 Pool : B1dgSF:3,400 Ac:.38 Information compiled from various sources. First American Real Estate Solutions, L.P. makes no representations # 25 : Metro-an / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Wilson Jeremy Parcel :024222 Site :4290 Kendall St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/06/1999 Mail :4290 Kendall St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-425-4699 Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1952 Pool B1dgSF:1,388 Ac: # 26 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :Gartner Gayle M Parcel :024385 Site :6255 W 43Rd Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/31/2000 Mail :6255 W 43Rd Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :4 Bath :1.00 TctRm : YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:1,208 Ac: # 27 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Milow Bradley B Parcel :024416 Site :4330 Lamar St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :02/24/1992 Mail :4330 Lamar St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price $46,500 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :5 Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1951 Pool B1dgSF:1,575 Ac: # 28 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Williams Jay M Parcel :024421 Site :6150 W 42Nd Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/30/1993 Mail :6150 W 42Nd Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-431-2819 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1954 Pool B1dgSF:1,268 Ac: # 29 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Frazzini Lewis Parcel :024437 Site :4470 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/05/1991 Mail :4470 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:1,387 Ac: # 30 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Orton Harold E Parcel :024443 Site :4330 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :01/27/1997 Mail :12362 W Louisiana Ave Lakewood Co 80228 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1958 Pool B1dgSF:2,534 Ac: # 31 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Urton Harold E Parcel :024443 Site :4330 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :01/27/1997 Mail :12362 W Louisiana Ave Lakewood Co 80228 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1957 Pool : B1dgSF:2,606 Ac: # 32 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Reaney William J/Jayleen R Parcel :024467 Site :6440 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/02/1995 Mail :6440 W 54Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1950 Pool B1dgSF:982 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. First American Real Estate Solutions, L.P. makes no representations # 33 Metro--an / Jefferson (CO) - Owner :Fleshman Carol M Parcel :024508 Site :4465 Jay St- Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/14/2000 Mail :4465 Jay St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price $150,900 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1950 Pool B1dgSF:950 Ac: # 34 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Breeden Austen R Parcel :024519 Site :6320 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/28/1994 Mail :6320 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-425-8804 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1954 Pool B1dgSF:1,230 Ac: # 35 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Grant Joan M Parcel :024527 Site :4460 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/16/1998 Mail :4460 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$138,500 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1952 Pool : BldgSF:1,492 Ac: # 36 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) - Owner :Stehr Peter A Parcel :024541 Site :4515 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/31/1993 Mail :4515 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-467-1146 Bedrm :4 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1950 Pool B1dgSF:834 Ac: # 37 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Fuller Wesley J Parcel :024577 Site :4350 Kendall St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/09/1986 Mail :4350 Kendall St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$72,500 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land. Phone :303-420-4670 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1952 Pool B1dgSF:1,325 Ac: # 38 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Mckay Kathleen M Parcel 024581 Site :6220 W 43Rd Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/02/1994 Mail :6220 W 43Rd Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-940-0454 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:1,641 Ac: # 39 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Klessig Joseph P Parcel :024594 Site :4345 Lamar St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/17/1987 Mail :4345 Lamar St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$84,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-420-1269 Bedrm :6 Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1959 Pool : B1dgSF:1,978 Ac: # 40 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Hartner Heinz A Parcel :024604 Site :6090 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/12/1980 Mail :7332 S Alton Way #M Englewood Cc 80112 Price :$329,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath : TOtRm :1 YB1963 Pool BidgSF:8,004 Ac:.61 Information compiled from various sources. First American Real Estate Solutions, L.P. makes no representations # 41 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Olson Martha 0 Parcel :024657 Site :6135 W 42Nd.Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :09/23/1983 Mail :6135 W 42Nd Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-424-2717 Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1954 Pool B1dgSF:1,268 Ac: # 42 * -:-MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :Emily Marcie Parcel :024683 Site :6410 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/02/1998 Mail :9475 W Colfax Ave #104 Lakewood Cc 80215 Price $120,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath : TotRm. :1 YB1949 Pool B1dgSF:1,007 Ac: # 43 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :Emily Marcia Parcel :024684 Site :4385 Lamar St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/08/1998 Mail :PO Box 2125 Wheat Ridge Cc 80034 Price :$114,500 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 Tot Rm : YB1950 Pool BidgSF:872 Ac: # 44 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Fullmer Blair R/Katrina A Parcel :024710 Site :6425 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/09/1995 Mail :12167 W 54Th Dr Arvada Cc 80002 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved. Land Phone :303-423-7376 Bedrm Bath : TotRm :1 YB 1967 Pool B1dgSF:1,272 Ac:.28 # 45 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Mai Vui/The Parcel :024740 Site :4410 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/08/1995 Mail :4410 Jay St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :5112 Res,Apartments,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath : TotRm :1 YB1959 Pool BidgSF:3,820 Ac:.30 # 46 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Rumpeltes Paul W Parcel :024743 Site :4355 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :09/17/1997 Mail :4355 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price $129,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:1,280 Ac: # 47 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Martin Rudolf Parcel :024767 Site :4270 Kendall St.Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/06/1995 Mail :4270 Kendall St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price $103,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:1,235 Ac: # 48 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Evancich Thomas Parcel :024780 Site :4375 Kendall St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail :4375 Kendall St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-422-2274 Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 Tot Rm : YB1951 Pool B1dgSF:1,574 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. First American Real Estate Solutions, L.P. makes no representations # 49 Matzo--an / Jefferson (CO) - Owner :Kuzmych Ross - Parcel :024802 Site :4385 Kendall St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/23/1995 Mail :4385 Kendall St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-421-5340 Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1951 Pool B1dgSF:1,716 Ac: # 50 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Wolff Melainey Parcel :024826 Site :4350 Lamar St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/10/1999 Mail :4350 Lamar St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-424-6319 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1950 Pool B1dgS7:2,595 Ac: # 51 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Rindfleisch Erich;Livengood Sherron R Parcel :024843 Site :4460 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/24/2000 Mail :4460 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price $150,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1955 Pool B1dgSF:1,514 Ac: # 52 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Bennell Michael H Parcel :024846 Site :4355 Kendall St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/05/1999 Mail :4355 Kendall St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price $75,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB195.1 Pool B1dgSF:1,094 Ac: # 53 * ; MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Martinez Joseph Mark Parcel :024857 Site :4475 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/24/1993 Mail :4475 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$68,777 Use :1112 Res,improved Land Phone Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TOtRm : YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:830 Ac: # 54 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Dickson Mitchell L/Julia R Parcel :024920 Site :6425 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :09/28/1999 Mail :6425 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price $163,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :1.50 TotRm : YB1959 Pool B1dgSF:1,598 Ac: # 55 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Drumright David Parcel :024923 Site :4445 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :01/12/2000 Mail :6174 Quitman St Arvada Co 80003 Price Use :5112 Res,Apartments,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath : TotRm :1 YB1961 Pool B1dgSF:7,288 Ac:.28 # 56 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Rodenburg Chris P/Angela R Parcel :024928 Site :4240 Kendall St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/31/1998 Mail :4240 Kendall St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$125,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-424-8207 Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1952 Pool B1dgSF:1,072 Ac: Information compiled from varion.s sources. First American Real Estate Solutions. L.P. makes no representations # 57 * : Metro--,an / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Mcmeel Ruth Ann Parcel :024952 Site :4360 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/27/1997 Mail :4360 Jay St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:1,026 Ac: # 58 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Stephenson Mark A Parcel :024969 Site :6302 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/29/1990 Mail :102 S Kendall St Lakewood Co 80226 Price :$79,200 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-238-4439 Bedrm Bath :2.00 TotRm : YB1954 Pool B1dgSF:1,640 Ac: # 59 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Lake Steve R Parcel :025005 Site :6105 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/28/1994 Mail :29992 Hilltop Dr Evergreen Cc 80439 Price :$380,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone :303-674-4596 Bedrm Bath : TotRm :1 YB1973 Pool B1dgSF:13,019 Ac:1.34 # 60 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Salazar Diana N Parcel :025073 Site :4465 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/03/2000 Mail :4465 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price $129,900 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1952 Pool B1dgSF:817 Ac: # 61 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Stadler Jeanette D Parcel :025074 Site :4365 Kendall St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/02/1998 Mail :4365 Kendall St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$124,500 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-456-5485 Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1951 Pool B1dgSF:1,250 Ac: # 62 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Turner Daniel Parcel :025082 Site :4325 Kendall St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/13/1990 Mail :4325 Kendall St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$58,500 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-420-3698 Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1951 Pool B1dgSF:1,383 Ac: # 63 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Keithline Rodney H/Russell Jr;Anderson R Parcel :025085 Site :6375 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/27/1993 Mail :6375 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1177 Vacant,Residential,Limited Size Phone :303-424-6611 Bedrm Bath : TotRm : YB Pool BldgSF: Ac:.03 # 64 * : MetroScan Jefferson (CC) Owner :Wheat Ridge City Parcel :025086 Site :6351 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/13/1999 Mail :7500 W 29Th Ave Denver Co 80215 Price Use :9149 Exempt,Political Sub,Land Phone :303-234-5900 Bedrm Bath : TotRm : YB Pool BldgSF: Ac:2.12 Information compiled from various sources. First.4merican Real Estate Solutions, L.P. makes no representations # 65 Metros-an / Jefferson (CO) - Owner :Feldman Kenneth W M Parcel :025105 Site :6265 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/04/1993 Mail :6265 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 8003 3 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-423-5497 Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1948 Pool B1dgSF:1,473 At # 66 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :Stehr Peter A Parcel :025165 Site :4475 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/09/1998 Mail :14100 W 58Th Ave Arvada Cc 80002 Price $107,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1952 Pool BldgSF:830 Ac: # 67 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Mastalski Michael A/Wendy S Parcel :025213 Site :4455 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/04/1999 Mail :4455 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-420-9507 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1954 Pool B1dgSF:1,414 Ac: # 68 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Stuhr James A/Christine L Parcel :025231 Site :4510 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/07/1999 Mail :4510 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge Cc 8003 3 Price $160,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :4 Bath :1.00 TotRm YB1950 Pool B1dgSF:863 Ac: # 69 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Koch Karl J Parcel :025234 Site :4462 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/06/1999 Mail :30350 Pine Crest Dr Evergreen Co 80 439 Price :$290,000 Use :5112 Res,Apartments,Improved Land Phone :303-526-2268 Bedrm Bath : TotRm :2 YB 1954 Pool B1dgSF:6,218 Ac:.36 # 70 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :LeishmanReece A/Jeanetto M Parcel :025280 Site :4490 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/21/1998 Mail :4490 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge Cc 8003 3 Price :$109,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-422-0678 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1952 Pool B1dgSF:1,027 Ac: # 71 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Raney Alice - Parcel :025287 Site :6365 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :02/06/1980 Mail :6365 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 8003 3 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1948 Pool B1dgSF:834 Ac: # 72 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Cooper David J/Kathryn J Parcel :025406 Site :6445 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/02/1996 Mail :6445 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 8003 3 Price :$96,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-403-4853 Bedrm Bath :1.50 TotRm : YB1948 Pool B1dgSF:1,138 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. First American Real Estate Solutions, L.P. makes no representations # 73 Metro-an / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Mc Master Lucille G Parcel :025502 Site :6235 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail :6235 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1948 Pool - B1dgSF:984 Ac: # 74 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :Thrapp Denise E Parcel :025503 Site :6100 W 42Nd Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :02/22/2000 Mail :6100 W 42Nd Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price $157,900 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1954 Pool B1dgSF^:1,268 Ac: # 75 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Jutze Alfred H;Lombardi Dolores E Parcel :025537 Site :6200 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :01/08/1997 Mail :3395 Zephyr Ct Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath : TotRm :l YB1981 Pool B1dgSF:1,600 Ac:.20 # 76 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Roybal Phillip N Parcel :025594 Site :4280 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :09/02/1994 Mail :4280 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$97,800 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-420-0429 Bedrm :4 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1954 Pool BldgSF:1,645 Ac: # 77 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Margaret I Allen Trust Parcel :025597 Site :4360 Lamar St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/25/1994 Mail :4360 Lamar St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : Y31950 Pool B1dgSF:1,259 Ac: # 78 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :BUergisser J Robert/Susan K Parcel :025653 Site :4485 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :09/07/2000 Mail :4485 Harlan Ct Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$157,700 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : Y31953 Pool B1dgSF:1,027 Ac: # 79 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Nelson Joseph W Parcel :025675 Site :4295 Lamar St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail :4295 Lamar St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-424-2194 Bedrm :4 Bath :1.75 Tot Rm : Y31950 Pool B1dgSF:1,851 Ad # 80 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Morehouse Larry S Parcel :025717 Site :4520 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/01/1998 Mail :4520 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge Co 8003 3 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-422-1962 Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1950 Pool BldgSF:834 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. First American Real Estate Solutions, L.P. makes no representations # 81 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Bethel Korean Presbyterian Church Parcel :025780 Site :6415 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/19/1996 Mail :6415 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$282,500 Use :9159 Exempt,Church,Land Phone :303-423-1392 Bedrm Bath : TotRm :1 YB1972 Pool B1dgSF:8,376 Ac:.40 # 82 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Ricketts Mark W Parcel :025836 Site :6405 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/19/1996 Mail :6405 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price $12.0,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1948 Pool B1dgSF:1,460 Ac: # 83 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Jacobs Marilyn A Parcel :025845 Site :4275 Lamar St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/02/1995 Mail :4275 Lamar St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$120,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-423-2964 Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1950 Pool B1dgSF:1,269 Ac: # 84 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Christopher Donald David Parcel :025857 Site :4355 Lamar St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/01/1987 Mail :4355 Lamar St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$72,300 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-422-5866 Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1950 Pool B1dgSF:1,087 Ac: # 85 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Pierson Michael Victor Parcel :025878 Site :4475 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/17/1991 Mail :4475 Jay St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm YB1950 Pool B1dgSF:912 Ac: # 86 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Costanten Michael J Parcel :025891 Site :4335 Lamar St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/13/1985 Mail :4335 Lamar St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$77,500 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-420-4414 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1950 Pool B1dgSF:1,089 Ac: # 87 * - : Met=Scan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Regester Edna Viola Parcel :025923 Site :6190 W42Nd Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/27/1985 Mail :6190 W 42Nd Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price $92,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-423-1613 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:1,430 Ac: # 88 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Radcliffe Karen Ann Parcel :025951 Site :4485 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/15/2000 Mail :4485 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved. Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :1.50 TotRm YB1952 Pool B1dgSF:1,461 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. First American Real Estate Solutions, L.P.makes no representations # 89 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Ratcliff Shirley M Parcel :025973 Site :4380 Lamar St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/29/1998 Mail :4380 Lamar St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-422-2481 Bedrm Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1951 Pool - B1dgSF:1,860 Ac: # 90 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Chapman Kenen Andrew Parcel :026062 Site :4455 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/03/1992 Mail :11159 W 59Th P1 Arvada Cc 80004 Price :$67,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-431-0649 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1952 Pool B1dgSF:1,027 Ac: # 91 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Scott Carol Parcel :026097 Site :6385 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/02/1984 Mail :6385 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB 1948 Pool B1dgSF:1,497 Ac: # 92 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Latsis Tommy Parcel - :026144 Site :4300 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/21/1991 Mail :3640 S Monaco Pkwy Denver Co 80237 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :2.00 TotRm : YB1954 Pool - B1dgSF:2,608 Ac: # 93 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Kuzmych Rostyslaw Parcel :026238 Site :6320 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/08/2000 Mail :6320 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :5178 Misc,Residential,Mixed Use Lan d Phone Bedrm Bath : TotRm :1 YB 1948 Pool B1dgSF:1,562 Ac:.25 # 94 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Ikeler Douglas E Parcel :026294 Site :6409 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/30/1992 Mail :428 E 11Th Ave Denver Cc 80203 Price :$285,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm : Bath : TotRm :2 YB1967 Pool B1dgSF:2,853 Ac:.40 # 95 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Mc Kean Stephen L Parcel :026310 Site :6400 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :09/29/1978 Mail :6400 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price $46,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1951 Pool B1dgSF:1,396 Ac: # 96 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Pomponio John E/Stephanie M Parcel :026356 Site :6305 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :02/03/1998 Mail :6305 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-456-9952 Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm. : YB1948 Pool B1dgSF:834 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. First ,l merican Real Estate Solutions, L.Y. wakes no representations # 97 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Williams David S Parcel :026380 Site :4480 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/20/2000 Mail :4480 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$165,000 Ful l Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1952 Pool B1dgSF:1,201 Ac: # 98 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Mansfield Marvin C Parcel :026422 Site :6250 W 43Rd Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/01/1997 Mail :6250 W 43Rd Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-423-3236 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.50 TotRm : YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:1,722 Ac: # 99 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Bowie James J Parcel :026524 Site :4525 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/14/1995 Mail :4525 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$101,500 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-940-3403 Bedrm :4 Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1950 Pool B1dgSF:834 Ac: # 100 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Castillo Dominic L/Ignacia H Parcel :026541 Site :6155 W 42Nd Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/17/1995 Mail :6155 W 42Nd Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$81,400 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1954 Pool B1dgSF:1,254 Ac: # 101 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Bergren Lula Parcel :026551 Site :6420 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/19/1996 Mail :6420 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price $108,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :4 Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1956 Pool B1dgSF:1,550 Ac: # 102 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Hall Richard F Parcel :026565 Site :4375 Lamar St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/27/1983 Mail :4375 Lamar St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$77,800 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-431-4125 Bedrm :4 Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1950 Pool B1dgSF:2,327 Ac: # 103 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Fancher Dorothy Parcel :026590 Site :4370 Lamar St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/07/1999 Mail :4370 Lamar St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1951 Pool B1dgSF:946 Ac: # 104 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Enrichi Paul H Parcel :026629 Site :4320 Lamar St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/30/1973 Mail :4320 Lamar St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price $26,500 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1951 Pool B1dgSF:1,254 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. First American Real Estate Solutions, L.P. makes no representations 4 105 * : Metros-an / Jefferson (CC) Owner :Jutze Alfred H;Lombardi Dolores E Parcel :026687 Site :6240 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :01/08/1997 Mail :3395 Zephyr Ct Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1952 Pool B1dgSF:986 Ac: # 106 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Crouse Angela C Parcel :026709 Site :4485 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/01/1998 Mail :4485 Jay St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$102,500 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :2. Bath :1.00 TotRm : Y31949 Pool B1dgSF:757 Ac: # 107 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Large James W/Karen L Parcel :026758 Site :4500 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/01/1998 Mail :4500 Jay St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$128,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-422-5148 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1952 Pool B1dgSF:2,154 Ac: # 108 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Weidenhamer Albert E Parcel 026771 Site :4335 Kendall St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail :4335 Kendall St Wheat Ridge Cc 8003 3 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-421-1790 Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1951 Pool B1dgSF:1,263 Ac: # 109 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :West Frank F Parcel :026790 Site :6205 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail :6205 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 8003 3 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-421-1476 Bedrm Bath :1.00 Tot Rm : YB1948 Pool B1dgSF:1,014 Ac: # 110 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Hongdoxmai Wanchai/Ruayrin Parcel :026851 Site :6301 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/19/1992 Mail :6810 W 32Nd Pl Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone :303-233-9911 Bedrm Bath : TotRm. :1 YB1957 Pool B1dgSF:6,994 Ac:.72 # 111 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Rood Susan Lorraine Parcel :026953 Site :6280 W45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/03/1996 Mail :6280 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 8003 3 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1949 Pool : B1dgSF:1,191 Ac: # 112 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Covenant Reformed Pres Church Evan Synod Parcel :039017 Site :6100 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :01/25/1954 Mail - :6100 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 8003 3 Price Use :9159 Exempt,Church,Land Phone Bedrm Bath : TotRm : YB Pool B1dgSF: Ac:.79 Information compiled from various sources. First American Real Estate Solutions, L.P. makes no representations # 113 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :Laurel Uniforn Center Ltd Parcel :046741 Site :6191 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/23/1994 Mail :801 S Cole Dr Denver Co 80228 Price :$200,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath : TotRm :1 YB1972 Pool B1dgSF:4,700 Ac .64 # 114 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Koch Karl J Parcel :072752 Site :4415 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/07/1999 Mail :4415 Jay St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price $70,000 Use :2111 Vacant,Commercial Phone Bedrm Bath : TotRm : YB Pool B1dgSF: Ac:.44 # 115 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :RUmpeltes Paul W Parcel :086138 Site :4375 Ingalls St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/20/1996 Mail :4950 Dover St Arvada Co 80002 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-422-1782 Bedrm :3 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:1,026 Ac: # 116 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Jenkins Willard A Parcel :109825 Site :6195 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/30/1984 Mail :7036 Otis St Arvada Co 80003 Price $110,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath : TotRm :1 YB1967 Pool B1dgSF:2,394 Ac:.28 # 117 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Fox Katherine T Parcel :109833 Site :6205 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :02/25/1985 Mail :1200 17Th St #3000 Denver Cc 80202 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath : TotRm :l YB1956 Pool B1dgSF:1,232 Ac:.26 # 118 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson CO Owner :Lindner Lisa R;Tomon Bart E Parcel :197852 Site :6205 W 43Rd Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/03/2000 Mail :6205 W 43Rd Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price $136,500 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :2 Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1953 Pool B1dgSF:1,116 Ac:.24 # 119 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Ulibarri Joe I Parcel :198721 Site :6375 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/06/2000 Mail :6375 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 8.0033 Price $197,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm Bath :1.00 TotRm : YB1942 Pool B1dgSF:936 Ac:1.00 # 120 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Gallegos Reinaldo E/Marianne Parcel :203603 Site :6401 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/03/1999 Mail :6731 Lowell Blvd Denver Cc 80221 Price Use :5112 Res,Apartments,Improved Land Phone :303-428-8254 Bedrm Bath : TotRm :1 YB1971 Pool B1dgSF:4,042 Ac:.17 Information compiled from various sources. First American Real Estate Solutions, L.P. makes no representations # 121 * : Metros_,an / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Gallegos Reinaldo E/Marianne Site :6411 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :6731 Lowell Blvd Denver Co 80221 Use :5112 Res,Apartments,Improved Land Bedrm Bath : TotRm :1 YB1971 Pool # 122 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner !Gallegos Harold L/Ellen Site :6421 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :9133 W 66Th P1 Arvada Cc 80004 Use :5112 Res,Apartments,Improved Land Bedrm Bath : TotRm :1 YB1971 Pool # 123 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Salazar Jaime G Site :4440 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4440 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Use :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Bedrm :2 Bath :1.75 TotRm YB 1999 Pool Parcel :203604 Xfered :04/30/1999 Price Phone :303-428-8254 B1dgSF:4,042 Ac:.17 Parcel :203605 Xfered :05/03/1999 Price Phone :303-420-8551 B1dgSF:4,042 Ac:.17 Parcel :425929 Xfered :09/20/1999 Price $149,000 Phone B1dgSF:975 Ac:.04 * # 124 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Koch Development L1c Parcel :425930 Site :4440 Jay St #B Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/22/1999 Mail :3090 W 63Rd Ave Denver Cc 80221 Price $121,800 Use :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :2 Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1999 Pool # 125 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Koch Karl J Site :4440 Jay St #C Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :3090 W 63Rd Ave Denver Cc 80221 Use :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Bedrm :2 Bath :1.75 TotRm : YB1999 Pool # 126 * - : MetroScan Jefferson (CO) Owner :Jeannelle Michael Phillip/Gina Mar Site :4430 Jay St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4430 Jay St #D Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Use :1114 Res,TOwnhomes,Improved Land Bedrm :2 Bath :1.75 Tot Rm : YB1999 Pool # 127 - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Koch Karl J- Site :4430 Jay St #D Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :3090 W 63Rd Ave Denver Co 80221 Use :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Bedrm :3 Bath :2.25 TotRm : YB1999 Pool # 128 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) . Owner :Koch Karl J Site :4430 Jay St #C Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :3090 W 63Rd Ave Denver Co 80221 Use :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Bedrm :3 Bath :2.25 TotRm : YB1999 Pool B1dgSF:949 Ac:.03 Parcel :425931 Xfered :04/22/1997 Price Phone B1dgSF:949 Ac:.03 Parcel :425932 Xfered :04/14/2000 Price :$165,000 Phone B1dgSF:975 Ac:.03 Parcel :425933 Xfered :04/22/1997 Price Phone B1dgSF:1,707 Ac:.02 Parcel :425934 Xfered :04/22/1997 Price Phone B1dgSF:1,707 Ac:.03 Information compiled from various sources. First American Real Estate Solutions, L.P. makes no representations # 129 : Metro--an / Jefferson (CO) - Owner :Illade Boris Parcel :425935 Site :4430 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/02/1999 Mail :4430 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$159,900 :,se . _ll~ oc5, --,,Humes, Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :2.25 TotRm : YB1999 Pool B1dgSF:1,707 # 130 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Riepma Philip J/Holly A Parcel :425936. Site :4430 Jay St #B Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :02/02/1999 Mail :4430 Jay St #B Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :5144,900 Use :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :2.25 TotRm : YB1999 Pool B1dgSF:1,707 # 131 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner !Lee Woo Jae Parcel :425937 Site :4420 Jay St #D Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :02/18/1999 Mail :4420 Jay St #D Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price $149,900 Use :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :2.25 TotRm : Y31998 Pool B1dgSF:1,599 # 132 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :Emily Peter Parcel :425938 Site :4420 Jay St #C Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :09/01/1999 Mail :4420 Jay St #C Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price $158,000 Use :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :2.25 TotRm : YB1998 Pool B1dgSF:1,635 # 133 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :Dominy Samuel D Parcel :425939 Site :4420 Jay St #B Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :09/14/1999 Mail :4420 Jay St #B Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price $159,000 Use :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :2.25 TotRm : YB1998 Pool B1dgSF:1,635 # 134 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Johnson Bruce K Parcel :425940 Site :4420 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/06/2000 Mail :4420 Jay St #A Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$175,000 Use :1114 Res,Townhomes,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath :2.50 TotRm : YB1998 Pool B1dgSF:1,777 Ac 03 Ac:.02 Ac:.03 Ac 03 At :.03 At 04 Information compiled from various sources. First American Real Estate Solutions, L.P. makes no representations