HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA-01-057500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2846 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 May 3, 2001 Paul Mintken 3071 Union St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Mintken: RE: Case No. WA-01-05 Please be advised that at its meeting on April 26, 2001, the Board of Adjustment APPROVED your request for approval of a 12 foot side yard setback variance from the 30 foot side yard setback requirement when abutting a public street in an R-1 zone for the purpose of constructing a garage addition for property located at 3071 Union Street and zoned Residential-One (R-1). Enclosed is a copy of the Certificate of Resolution, as well as a draft copy of the minutes, stating the Board's decision which became effective the date of the meeting, April 26, 2001 Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy Field Senior Secretary Enclosures: Certificate of Resolution Draft of Minutes cc: WA-01-05 (case file) QUCathy\BOA\CORRESP\wa0105approval.wpd CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION 1, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado on the 26th day of April, 2001. CASE NO: WA-01-05 APPLICANT'S NAME: Paul Mintken LOCATION: 13451 West 44" Avenue Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member MONTOYA, the following resolution was stated: WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-01-05 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and WHEREAS, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-01-05 be, and hereby is APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: A twelve-foot side yard setback variance from the 30-foot side yard setback requirement when abutting. a public street in an R-1 zone for the purpose of constructing a garage addition. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. Since the lot is a comer lot, the encroachment would not impair adequate light and air to adjacent properties. It should have no negative effect on public safety. The proposed encroachment will not impact the required sight distance triangle at the corner of West 31" Place and Union Street. 2. The construction of the garage addition and relocation of the driveway is sought to correct a potentially unsafe condition which could be beneficial to the neighborhood. The surrounding neighbors have expressed their support in writing for relocating the driveway and garage. 3. The view from the dwelling across Union to the east would be garage to garage. 4. The neighbor at 3101 Union testified to her agreement as to the safety issue and the desirability of removing the existing driveway. 5. The plight of the owner is due to somewhat unique circumstances in the considerable sloped conditions of the property. 6. It would not negatively alter the essential character of the surrounding neighborhood. 7. It could result in a benefit to the neighborhood by correcting the potentially unsafe driveway conditions Board of Adjustment Resolution WA-01-05 Page two (2) WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. _ The concrete driveway onto West 31" Place shall be removed within 90 days of obtaining a certificate of occupancy for the new garage addition. 2. Architectural compatibility in design and material is required. 3. Safe sidewalk access will be created from the front door to the new driveway. VOTE: YES: ABBOTT, BROWN, DRDA, ECHELMEYER, MONTOYA, HOVLAND, HOWARD ABSENT: YOUNG DISPOSITION: A request for a 12-foot side yard setback variance from the 30-foot side yard setback requirement when abutting a public street in an R-1 zone for the purpose of constructing a garage addition was APPROVED. ADOPTED and made effective this 26th day of APRIL, 2001. BOB HOWARD, Chairman Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Board of Adjustment Board of Adjustment M r% AUPRAFT Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law; and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and Whereas, the relief applied for may not be granted without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-01-04 be, and hereby is, denied. Type of Variance: A 22-foot front yard setback variance from the required 30-foot front yard setback requirement resulting in a proposed 8-foot front yard setback and a 1-foot side yard setback variance from the required 15-foot combined side yard setback resulting in a proposed 14-foot eombined.side yard setback for the purpose of constructing a detached garage. For the following reasons: 1. The home is currently in possession of an attached single car garage on the west side. 2. Approval of this request could potentially alter the essential character of the neighborhood. As evidence, there is one known front yard setback encroachment in this neighborhood, a variance of 18 feet into the front yard setback was approved by the Board of Adjustment in 1997 for the property at 6150 West 42nd Avenue. That property, as such, was subject to a 30-foot setback on two sides and had no garage. The visual impact as a result of an 18-foot variance is considerable causing significant impact upon the neighborhood view plane. 3. The placement of a permanent structure within 8 feet of the property line for an interior lot in a single family residential neighborhood could potentially have an impact on adjacent property values. 4. Construction of a detached garage would not produce significant benefit or contribution to the neighborhood or community. 5. Approval of this request would not result in a reasonable accommodation of a handicapped person. 6. The plight of the owner is not due to significantly unique circumstances. 7. Alternatives to the mitigation of traffic hazards created by the curve in West 42nd Avenue may be possible. The motion to deny passed by a vote of 7-0. Chair HOWARD advised the applicant that the request for a variance had been denied. D. Case No. WA-01-05: An application filed by Paul Mintken for approval of a 12- foot side yard setback variance from the 30-foot side yard setback requirement Board of Adjustment Page 7 04/26/01 when abutting a public street, resulting in a proposed 18-foot side yard setback, for the purpose of constructing a garage addition for property located at 3071 Union Street and zoned Residential-One. The case was presented by Mary Austin. She reviewed the staff report, presented slides and overheads of the subject property, and reviewed variance request evaluation criteria All pertinent documents were entered into the record and accepted by Chair HOWARD. She advised the Board that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval for reasons outlined in the staff report. In response to a question from Board Member DRDA, Ms. Austin explained that her visual inspection of the site revealed an extremely steep driveway on the north side. The neighbor across the street from the applicant's driveway expressed concern about vehicles running into her home from the driveway. Paul Mintken 3071 Union Street Mr. Mintken was sworn in by Chair HOWARD. He stated that several options have been discussed with designers. The steep driveway facing north is extremely hazardous during the winter and they would like to improve this situation. He contacted all of the neighbors and gave them opportunity to review the blueprints. The neighbors are highly in favor of the application. Board Member ABBOTT inquired about the adjacent neighbor who lives within Lakewood city limits. Mr. Mintken replied that he has contacted this neighbor, also, and he is also in favor of the application. Chair HOWARD inquired about plans for the front yard if the application is approved. Mr. Mintken replied that, once the present driveway is removed, he would build a sidewalk down the side of the house to the proposed garage and build steps down to West 31'` Place. Mr. Mintken indicated that he would have no problem with a condition which would require removal of the present driveway within 90 days of receiving a certificate of occupancy for the new garage. Stacie Mintken 3071 Union Street Mrs. Mintken was sworn in by Chair HOWARD. In response to an earlier question by Board Member ABBOTT concerning the neighbor's view if the variance is granted, she explained that the garage would face the neighbor's garage. Board of Adjustment Page 8 04/26/01 Trudy Kay Moreau 3101 Union Street Ms. Moreau was sworn in by Chair HOWARD. She lives directly across from the applicant and expressed her support of the application which would alleviate her concern about the possibility of cars rolling down the present driveway into her home. She also expressed her delight about the change in landscaping that would improve the view- from her living room. Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member MONTOYA, the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-01-05 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law; and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Case No. WA-01-05 be, and hereby is, approved. Type of variance: Twelve-foot side yard setback variance from the 30-foot side yard setback requirement when abutting a public street in an R-1 zone for the purpose of constructing a garage addition. For the following reasons: Since the lot is a comer lot, the encroachment would not impair adequate light and air to adjacent properties. It should have no negative affect on public safety. The proposed encroachment will not impact the required sight distance triangle at the corner of West 3151 Place and Union Street. 2. The construction of the garage addition and relocation of the driveway is sought to correct a potentially unsafe condition which could be beneficial to the neighborhood. The surrounding neighbors have expressed their support in writing for relocating the driveway and garage. 3. The view from the dwelling across Union to the east would be garage to garage. 4. The neighbor at 3101 Union testified to her agreement as to the safety issue and the desirability of removing the existing driveway. 5. The plight of the owner is due to somewhat unique circumstances in the considerable sloped condition of the property. Board of Adjustment Page 9 04/26/01 6. It would not negatively alter the essential character of the surrounding neighborhood. It could result in a benefit to the neighborhood by correcting the potentially unsafe driveway conditions. With the following conditions: 1. The concrete driveway onto West.' I" Place shall be removed within 90 days of obtaining a certificate of occupancy for the new garage addition. 2. Architectural compatibility in design and material is required. 3. Safe sidewalk access will be created from the front door to the new driveway. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. 5. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING Chair HOWARD declared the public hearing closed. 6. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Board. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Minutes - It was moved by Board Member HOVLAND and seconded by Board Member ABBOTT to approve the minutes of October 26, 2000. The motion carried unanimously. B. Election of Officers - Michelle Brown was elected as Chair and Jerry Montoya was elected as Vice Chair. C. Bylaws - There was consensus of the Board to have the City Attorney review the Board of Adjustment Bylaws, particularly as they relate to procedures to be followed when an applicant fails to appear. 8. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Board Member MONTOYA and seconded by Board Member HOVLAND to adjourn the meeting at 10:17 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. BOB HOWARD, Chairman Board of Adjustment Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Board of Adjustment Board of Adjustment 04/26/01 Page 10 PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT April 26, 2001 0-k Case No. WA-01-05: An application filed forTom Mintken for approval of a 12-foot front yard setback variance from the required 30-foot front yard setback resulting in a proposed 18-foot front yard setback for the purpose of constructing a garage addition for property located at 3071 Union Street and zoned Residential-One. (Please Print) Name Address In Favor/Opposed &A_ M f /J7-~-1~ 3U I ~niu h S~reef 's, rwrl S7?~C/E NIrI~/crK 3o7i (fnrio.y Se~~ 6,41,~ Kns~Lf~fn-r ~a nil0N "77 ~AvoI-e- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Board of Adjustment DATE OF MEETING: April 26, 2001 DATE PREPARED: April 19, 2001 CASE NO. & NAME: WA-01-05/Mintken CASE MANAGER: Mary Austin ACTION REQUESTED: Request for a 12' side yard setback variance from the 30' side yard setback requirement when abutting a public street in an R-1 zone, for the purpose of constructing a garage addition. LOCATION OF REQUEST: NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): 3071 Union Street Paul & Stacie Mintken 3071 Union Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Same as Above APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE: DATE PUBLISHED: DATE POSTED: DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: 20,000 ft.Z R-1, Residential-One Single Family Residential N:, S:, and W: Residential-One E: City of Lakewood N:, S:, E: and W: Single Family Residential April 6, 2001 April 12, 2001 April 12, 2001 ENTER INTO RECORD: ( ) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (x) ZONING ORDINANCE ( ) SLIDES ( ) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS ( ) OTHER The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The property in question is located at 3071 Union Street and is currently being used for single family residential. The property is zoned R-1, Residential-One. (Exhibit 1, Zoning Map). The applicant (owner) is requesting approval of a 12' side yard setback variance from the 30' side yard setback requirement when abutting a public street in the Residential-One zoning district. (Exhibit 2, Application and Exhibit 3, Deed). The purpose of the variance request is to allow for the construction of a garage addition and the relocation of the driveway to the east side of the residence. II. SITE PLAN The applicant is proposing construction of an attached garage addition on the east side of the existing single family home. Although the home is addressed on Union Street, it is oriented toward W. 31" Place with the front door facing that street. Due to this orientation of the home, the yard facing W3 1st Pl. is being considered the front yard and the yard facing Union St. is being considered as a side yard. Pursuant to Section 26-205 (B), of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, a one-family dwelling within the Residential-One zoning district must maintain a minimum 30' side yard setback when fronting on a public street. The requested variance would result in an 18' side yard setback. The applicant has submitted a site plan showing the proposed location for the attached garage (Exhibit 4, Site Plan). The variance requested by the applicant would permit construction of the attached garage 18 feet from the property line at Union Street (side yard). The home currently has an attached two car garage facing to the north. The doors of the new garage addition will face to the east and access would be from Union St. The existing 2 car garage fronting on W 3ls` PI will be used as a workshop and the existing concrete driveway onto W 31" PI will be removed. The applicant has submitted a proposed elevation which illustrates the new garage and the reduced slope of the new driveway. (Exhibit 5, Elevation) The applicant has also submitted a letter to the Board of Adjustment outlining the reasons for the requested variance (Exhibit 6, Applicant Letter). Staff has received 3 letters of support from surrounding property owners regarding this variance request thus far. (Exhibits 7, 8 & 9) III. VARIANCE CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a variance request: 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located? Board of Adjustment Page 2 WA-01-05 / Mintken If the request is denied, the property may yield a reasonable return in service and income. The property is currently used as a single family residence and this use may continue on the property regardless of the outcome of the variance request. 2. If the variance were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? Approval of this request would not likely alter the essential character of the neighborhood. The surrounding neighborhood on W 3151 PI and Union St. is currently developed with single family residential homes. The property is a comer lot and, therefore, is subject to a 30' setback for both the front yard and the side yard. The east side of the lot faces onto Union St. which is the dividing line between Wheat Ridge and Lakewood. The single family homes across Union St. to the east are in the City of Lakewood and are subject to a setback for garages of 23 feet from the back of an attached sidewalk. (Exhibit 10, City of Lakewood setback requirements) The applicant is requesting a setback variance which would place the structure 18 from the property line and 23 feet from the back of the attached sidewalk. These setbacks are compatible with the neighborhood across Union St. 3. Does the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved result in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out? The lot in question exceeds the minimum lot size requirements of the R-1 district. The lot is a corner lot with an irregular shape. Additionally, the lot has a considerable slope condition. The topographical condition of the lot has caused a steep driveway situation that neighbors have expressed concern over. There appears to be no other viable alternative for addressing the safety concerns expressed by the neighbor across the street. 4. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? The difficulty of the lot relates to the slope of the property and the steepness of the current driveway situation. This difficulty was not created by anyone who presently has an interest in the property. The applicant is seeking to correct a potentially unsafe condition by constructing a garage addition which would relocate garage access and the driveway to the Union St. side of the property. The slope of the new driveway would be reduced. 5. Would the granting of the variance be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, among other things, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or impairing property values within the neighborhood? Board of Adjustment Page 3 WA-01-05 / Mintken The request should not be detrimental to the public's welfare or injurious to other properties. The requested variance, if approved, would permit the detached garage to be located 18' from the side property line on Union St. instead of the required 30'. Since the lot is a corner lot, the encroachment would not impair the adequate light and air to adjacent properties. It should have no affect on public safety. The proposed encroachment will not impact the required sight distance triangle at the corner of W 3151 Pl. and Union St. The use of the property will remain as single family residential, so it would not increase congestion in the streets. 6. If criteria a through a are found, then, would the granting of the variance result in a benefit or contribution to the neighborhood or the community, as distinguished from an individual benefit on the part of the applicant, or would granting of the variance result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities? The construction of the garage addition and the relocation of the driveway is sought to correct a potentially unsafe condition which could be beneficial to the neighborhood. The surrounding neighbors have expressed their support in writing for relocating the driveway and garage. Approval of this request would not result in the reasonable accommodation of a handicapped person. VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Upon review of the above request, staff concludes that the above criteria are supportive of the variance request. Staff has found that there are unique circumstances attributed to this request that would warrant approval of a variance. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. The plight of the owner is due to unique circumstances and considerable slope conditions of the property. 2. It would not alter the essential character of the surrounding neighborhood. 3. It could result in a benefit to the neighborhood by correcting a potentially unsafe driveway condition. 4. It would not impair the adequate light and air to adjacent properties. With the following condition: 1. The concrete driveway onto W 31st Place shall be removed within 90 days of obtaining a certificate of occupancy for the new garage addition. Board of Adjustment Page 4 WA-01-05 / Mmtken N N V ~ CZL4. OFFICIAL ZONING MAF WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 r, •,•,i 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) ZONE DISTRICT BOUNDRY - PARCEL/LOT BOUNDRY (DESIGNATE5 OWNERSHIP) --`ti CITY LIMIT LINE WATER FEATURE 5E 21:~ o ao m m eao wo SCALE 1-400 O 9,wa,a r OF PLAMdNG MD DEVfl... - M X H I S I T 1 L:\DAAWINGS\PLANNING\GS\SE29 LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION ttt =;.z Piamm~w, acid Dc%uiapnien: Department )siB .1 uutc. ACuUL I uf_e. CO ~(JL:+~t - 2:35 4, , - - Jt Piea-r prim o icpe all information - Applicant 10^"`- M1A"7t<Cd Address 3071 Unto S'&Xe-4 Phone~343J7?3-64T Cit} (AAeo-t /Cri~q e State C Zip QOZ/.>- Fax (143) q?-L- /7 Y8 Owner Sritnte J Address Phone City q State Zip Fax Contact Address Phone City State Zip Fax 'The per=on listed a contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information Mien necceearv. post public hearing scans. and will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing., Location of request (address): 30'11 Ltn.o~ S+r~d , C0 907-IS Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Application submittal requirements on reverse side Change of zone or zone conditions Special Use Permit Conditional Use Permit _I Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) Consolidation Plat Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) Flood Plain Special Exception Preliminary Final Interpretation of Code Street Vacation Lot Line Adjustment Temporary Use, Building, Sign Nonconforming Use Change X' Variance / Waiver (from Section _ Planned Building Group Zoning Ordinance Amendment Site Development Plan approval Other Detailed description of the request: Sec a~{~o♦ Required information: 2~ _ o~ - 036 Assessors Parcel Number: Size of Lot )acres or square footage): 20, aoo S;.1 Ff Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: 9-1 Current use: Proposed use: a~j ~I^1 I cell if% ilia! the information and exhibits hei e\+ ith submitted are it ue and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this apphcat ion. I am acting tv ith the knov', ledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested a~;, annot lawfully' be accomplished. Applicants other than o~~ ners must submit power-of-attorney from the o\t t %k 1whgoli,, of this act ion on his behalf. tote of :Applicb ~c~ Q Subscribed and r to, this ~ day of r6t 2001 pu\G' Notary Public ' /lv commission expires ~0 za 7-°o ¢ Date received 3 /'-~Cl ZD 1 Fee $ Receipt NoGC~L'b'S Case No. -O -©S Comp Plan Desig. Zoning 101- Quarter Section Map S E Related Case No. WWI X1141 0 Case Manager HE'CEM011 10. F0835219 3130/1999 12:46:37 PG: 001-001 PAGE FEE: 6.00 DOC.FEE: 24.25 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY. COLORADO ~r 0 a 4 Filed for record theday of ,0..O. 19at .,clock M. REGDRDER. DEPUTYBY_ Reception No. . - WARRANTY DEED - - St3to DocumcnYary Fee THIS DEED, Made on this day of March 29, 1999 Daic between BLUZE PROPERTIES LLC S a $ -qu of the rTTV ANTI County of DENVER and State of Colorado of the Grantor(s), and t PAUL MINTICEN AND STACIE A. LINDSEY-hHNTKHN whose legal address is : 3071 NORTH UNION STREET LAKEWOOD COLOR 08025 of the r^TTV ANTI County of HE a state of Coloado of the Grantee(s): WITNESS, That the Grantor(s), for and in consideration of the sum of ( S242,500.00 ) Tvo Hundred Forty Two Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100'"« DOLLARS the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, Sell, convey and confirm unto the Grantee(s), their heirs and assigns forever, not in tenancy in common but in joint tenancy, all the real property, together with improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the County of JEFFERSON and State of Colorado, described as follows: LOT 5, BLOCK 3, MOUNTAIN S O S SUBDIVISION RST 10 1Tr OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. t 1 t also known as street number 3077 NORTH UNION STREET, LAKEVF1001%CO 80215 TOGETHER with all and singular and hereditament. and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining right ll the estate f d , e ; an and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, Issues and profits thereo bove bargained h d e a to t title interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the Grantor(s), either In law or equity, of, in an premises, with the hereditament. and appurtenances; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described with appurtenances, unto the Grantee(s), their heirs and assigns forever. The Grantor(s), for himself, his heirs and personal representatives, does covenaht, grant end agree to and with the Grantee(s), their heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery bargain , he is welt seized of the premises above conveyed, has good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible of these presents , estate of inheritance, in taw, in fee simple, and has good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, nd other ll f ormer a sell and convey the same in manner and farm e3 aforesaid, and that the sans are free and clear from e grants, bargains, sates, liens, taxes, assessments, encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nature cover, AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS. THE YEAR 1999 AND SU13SEQUENT YEARS . EXCEPT GENERAL TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, COVENANTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD, IF ANY; I the quiet and peaceable The Grantor(s) shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER OFFEND the above bargained premises e r possession of the Grantee(s), his heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming the whole endor of an d h e use t y v or any part thereof. The singular number shall include the plural, and the plural fhe singular, an )r, shalt be applicable to ail genders. IN WPPNESS WHEREOF the Grantor(s) he. executed this deed on the data set forth above. ~i ♦ ' BLUZE PROPERTIES LLC d /J~ ~MICFFAEL POINDE7TTE Fv~ANAGEI~ ` STATE OF Colorado 1 )99. ) county of JEFFERSON ~R LA~'9TfRa The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of March 29.1999 , by MICHAEL L. POINDEK7'ER MANAGER FOR BLUZBPROPERTIES LLC My commission expires Witness my hand and official seal. ( € f. i Dial public I Name and Address of Person Crest ng New y Created Legal - tion ( 38-35- C .S.I Escrow# B637159 _ When Recorded Return to: P6VL N AND STACIE A Title# K637159 uncav-MINTKEN " - I'll It IN 0 U ION STREET UXEWOOD, ~ ' Form NO. 921A Rev 4-94. WARR 1 T OLOR 275 ' NININIW MOOS iS NOINn LLO£ .00.00 t to N ' c z m ~ ¢x° £Z p z ,O /r U N N V v z ~ CV p p U~ Z ~i CID 1 J a U l d l oc 4UVj % g2g 2f2 ° SAW U lx1 f3 'ONOO o pp. If Q N 0e Lli U ° Z W g o W z Cn 0 W o ~ ° a z 3 ly Y H Z o ~ g9 EXHIBIT 4 39 N 0 O M 9 ay J P ~ O-. d L^ N h y 0 0 1 L d 0 d b D L EXHIBIT 5 March 27, 2001 Planning and Developing Department 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 To Whom It May Concern: Subject Variance Request for 3071 Union Street front yard setback This is a letter requesting a variance at 3071 Union Street. We are proposing a garage addition to the east of our house that would encroach 12 feet into the setback requirement of 30 feet (see enclosed Type I site plans and elevations). We are requesting a 12 foot variance into the front yard setback. We are requesting this variance because the existing garage and driveway pose accessibility problems. The eastern edge of our property abuts Union Street two blocks north of where it terminates into Mountain Shadows Drive. Union, in this low-density neighborhood, is a local street with minimal traffic. The current garage is located 40 from the property line to the east, and 45 feet from the back of the existing sidewalk on Union Street. This structure would be turned into a workshop, and a second floor would be added for a master suite. This park of the addition is within the zoning regulations. The proposed garage addition would be 22 feet deep (facing to the east) leaving 18 feet to the property line and 23 feet to the back of the sidewalk. It would be cut into the existing hill such that the new garage driveway would be level or slightly above the street (see enclosed new front elevation). It would also make the new garage roughly level with the main floor (garden level) of the house, making it readily accessible. We argue that our parcel's shape, topography and location (comer lot with (2) 30 foot setbacks) create a unique circumstance that prevents us from having an easily accessible garage. Furthermore, we argue that authorizing this variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and will not materially impair the purpose of the zoning regulations. Having spoken with all neighbors who would have a direct line of sight to the addition, they all support and are excited about our project (see enclosed letters of support). We have evaluated several other options, both of which our building designer and land surveyor deemed unfeasible. The first would be to place a garage addition to the north, in the location of the current driveway. This would result in either another very steep driveway, or a severe excavation into the hill. We are proposing this addition because of the steep driveway, so an excavation would be the only option. Because of drainage issues and the proximity of the main residence, this would pose hazards to the stability of the foundation as well as result in an unsightly tunnel into the hill. Accessibility would still be an issue. It would also destroy the facade of our house, as will be demonstrated pictorially later on in this petition. The other option would be the northwest side of the property, but according to our land surveyor, we would have setback and sight line problems with our neighbor to the west. We would like to stay within code, but the unique circumstances of our lot have led us to apply for this variance. The reasons for the variance are as follows: 1) The parcel's shape, topography and location (comer lot with (2) 30 foot setbacks) create a unique circumstance that prevents us from having an easily accessible garage, as the residence now exists. The existing garage faces north and is elevated approximately 15 feet above West 31st Place. The driveway exits onto 31s' Place and is 70 feet long with a 10 to 12 degree pitch. The extreme pitch combined with a lack of sunlight in the winter makes the driveway non- navigable without a four-wheel drive. Ice is present during much of the winter, and this has resulted in numerous slips and falls. The slope on the north of the lot terminates into the street and is a collecting area for water. This has resulted in severe cracking and shifting of the driveway. EXHIBIT 6 • Page 2 March 27", 2001 2) There are no other suitable locations for a garage addition. Additionally, with our proper address being 3071 Union street, we think it reasonable that our driveway exit onto Union. We have had several packages returned to sender because the shipping company could not "find" our house. 3) All neighbors with a direct line of sight to the addition support us in this variance request. 4) Authorizing this variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and will not materially impair the purpose of the zoning regulations. There would be no impact to the neighborhood other than elevating the property values. There would be no impact to public welfare or the properties of the neighbors. Although we would be 18 feet from the property line, there exists a 5 foot easement so we would currently be 23 feet from the sidewalk. The city of Lakewood, which is right across the street to the east, requires only a 23 foot setback from an attached sidewalk for a garage addition(see highlighted text on Lakewood Zoning Ordinance). In the following pages I address the criteria and findings of fad outlined in the section on variances and waivers in the Wheat Ridge City Code: Criteria and Findings of Fact Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located? My answer to this is yes. The house was built and has provided reasonable use, except for the garage. We are arguing that the current location of both the garage and the driveway pose safety risks and would be greatly improved with the proposed addition. 2. Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances? The unique circumstances in this case are primarily a result of the lot. The lot is an oddly shaped comer lot that imposes (2) 30 foot setbacks, has severe slopes caused by the topography, and is located at the base of a hill, which creates drainage problems. The current driveway has a severe slope of up to 12 degrees. Our driveway, as currently positioned, requires us to make a hard right (95 plus degrees) off of Union and then a hard left (greater than 100 degrees) into our driveway. Our address is 3071 Union, yet our driveway exits onto V" Place. Per our land surveyor, Jim Picket (REPORT Land Surveying (303) 42014788) there is no other spot to feasibly put the addition due to the topography of the lot. We are proposing a level, east facing driveway consistent with other residences in the neighborhood. I argue that the location, shape and topography of the lot make access to the current garage dangerous and difficult. 3. If the variance were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? No. We are merely asking for a new location for our garage. Locating the addition in the proposed area would enhance the aesthetic nature and functionality of the residence. Also, it would make our residence consistent with other houses on Union in that our driveway would exit onto Union, not 31" Place. 4. Does the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved result in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out? Yes. Currently our driveway is very steep and faces to the north. This combination results in a very unsafe condition during the winter. The driveway is not safely navigable in the winter, despite frequent shoveling and salting. The first winter we lived at this residence, my wife attempted to drive her front wheel drive Honda up the icy driveway. After several failed attempts, she backed up 100 feet to get a running start. Consequently, she careened up the driveway out of control and crashed into several items in the garage. After that, she parked at the bottom of the driveway. Guests coming over were forced to park on the street and traverse the slick driveway, resulting in several falls. Neighbors report the previous owners had similar problems. to Page 3 March 27'°, 2001 My neighbor to the north has expressed concerns that cars parked on our driveway would crash into their home if the parking brake failed. Additionally, I operate a small physical therapy practice (Ground Works Physical Therapy Inc) licensed by the City of Wheat Ridge out of my home, and this creates accessibility issues for some of my clients. 5. Would the conditions upon which the petition for a variance is based be applicable, generally, to the other property within the same zoning classification? No. I am making this petition based on unique circumstances including an oddly shaped comer lot that imposes (2) thirty-foot setbacks, topographical issues, an address and driveway that are inconsistent, and safety concerns. See criteria number two above. 6. Is the purpose of the variation based exclusively upon a desire to make money out of the property? No. My wife and I love this neighborhood and plan to stay in this residence indefinitely. 7. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? No. My wife and I are the sole owners and we do not plan to sell the property. 8. Would the granting of the variance be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located? No. The proposed addition will be set into the hill and will be about lower than the existing garage. It will not impede the sight lines of the neighbors. My neighbor to the west (12044 West 31st Place) will not have a direct sight line of the addition, and the neighbor to the south (3061 Union Street) is on an elevated lot with landscaping between out lots. The residence to the north (3101 Union) faces northeast, and will not have a direct line of sight secondary to landscaping on both my lot and the lot at 3101 Union. The neighbors listed above have seen the plans and support them (see enclosed letters of support). 9. Would the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or impairing property values within the neighborhood? No. It will not impede airflow or pose a fire threat. It should improve our property value, and the value of the neighbors' properties. It should ease traffic congestion because our current driveway requires us to make a hard right (95 plus degrees) off of Union and then a hard left (greater than 100 degrees) into our driveway. The new driveway would allow one simple right turn to access the driveway. The garage is not a habitable structure so no threat would be posed to people staying at our residence. The garage addition, in concert with the other improvements that will be performed at the same time, will elevate neighboring property values. 10. ff it is found in criteria 8. and 9. above that granting of the variation would not be detrimental or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood, and it is also found that public health and safety, public facilities and surrounding property values would not be diminished or impaired, then, would the granting of the variance result in an benefit or contribution to the neighborhood or the community, as distinguished from an individual benefit on the part of the applicant, or would granting of the variance result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities? Yes. As stated above, I run a small physical therapy practice out of my home (see enclosed license granted by the City of Wheat Ridge), and I often see patients with limited mobility. This addition would improve accessibility to the residence for my clients, and our aging relatives. • Page 4 Please review the enclosed materials: March 27 h, 2001 1) Original signed and notarized Application Form 2) Letter of request indicating full intent and purpose of request (above) 3) Pictures illustrating the property and neighborhood 4) Copy of recorded deed 5) Certified survey of the property (improvement location certificate) 6) Type I Site plans depicting the proposed addition and alternatives we evaluated 7) Front elevation of the proposed addition 8) List of adjacent property owners 9) Letters of support from Wheat Ridge neighbors with a direct line of site to addition 10) Official Zoning Map of the neighborhood and setback requirements 11) Copy of R-1 zoning ordinances for the city of Lakewood (1 page) 12) Copy of General License issued by the city of Wheat Ridge for Ground Works Physical Therapy Please grant our petition for a variance in the setback. The neighbors support it, it would elevate property values, does not pose a danger to the public, and would increase accessibility to my home. I am not trying to manipulate the system with this petition. I simply want to make my home functional and safe. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Paul Mintken 3071 Union Street Lakewood, CO 80215 (303) 233-6065 E-mail: mintken0home.com Frank and Patricia Wright 12044 West 31st Place Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 March 28, 2001 RE: Setback variance at 3071 Union for Paul and Stacie Mintken Planning and Developing Department City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 To Whom It May Concern: We have been informed that Paul and Stacie Mintken are requesting a variance in the setback to build a new garage and driveway. The current driveway has been a problem for years. Paul explained that the new driveway would be 18 feet from the easement, and 23 feet from the sidewalk. We think this would be fine. We are excited about the addition, and we think it would be a great improvement to the property and the neighborhood. We will not even be able to see the addition from our property, so it creates no sight line problems for us. Having a driveway that exits onto Union makes sense. We hope that you approve their request for a variance. Sinc fely Frank and Patricia Wright EXHIBIT 7 Warren and Truda Moreau 3101 Union Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 March 28, 2001 City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department 7500 W. 29 th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Re: Set back variance at 3071 Union Street To whom it may concern: It has come to our attention that Paul and Stacy Mintkin have applied for a setback variance at 3071 Union street, to accommodate a new driveway and garage. We are totally and enthusiastically for this project!! As you may not know, the current steep driveway faces our bedroom, and if any mishap should occur, we could end up with an unpleasant surprise in our bedroom. Also, the plans to take out .the present concrete would make a much more pleasing view for us from our home. It is our sincere hope that you will grant this variance!! Sincerely, wa/'~ a~ Warren and Truda Moreau EXHIBIT 8 March 28, 2001 Planning and Development Department City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 SUBJECT: VARIANCE REQUEST FOR 3071 UNION STREET To Whom It May Concern: Paul Mintken at 3071 Union Street has approached us explaining his desire to request a variance in order to build a garage addition. He explained that he would need a 12-foot variance into the existing 30-foot setback. Having seen the plans, we support their decision to seek a variance in the code. The addition would not affect our property in an adverse way, and the additions would improve property values. Please grant them their request for a variance. Smcer ly, Bob and Stephanie Joyce EXHIBIT 9 3061 UNION STREET WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 Lakewood Zoning Ordinances for R-1 ITEM STANDARDS FOR 1-R SETBACKS front For a habitable structure: (All front setbacks are 25from local streets; measured from the back 35' from collector streets; of curb. If a curb does 45' from arterial streets. not exist, add three (3) Garages must be set back a minimum of eighteen (18) feet feet to the setback value from the back of a detached sidewalk, or twenty-three (23) listed to the right and feet from the back of an attached sidewalk, or twenty-nine measure the setback (29) feet from the edge of the asphalt when no sidewalk is from the edge of the existing. All other accessory buildings must be behind the asphalt. front edge of the principal structure. A front setback also applies to other streets on the side or rear of a lot.) side 15': dwelling unit, riding ring, corral, or other buildings for (Measured from the the keeping of livestock or animals property line.) 6: other detached accessory buildings or structures rear 15: dwelling unit, riding ring, corral, or other buildings for (Measured from the the keeping of livestock or animals property line.) 5': other detached accessory buildings or structures FENCES' front, primary Type offence: open Maximum height: 42" Minimum setback: property line side, rear, non- Type of fence: open, solid primary front Maximum height: 72" Minimum setback: property line ' Other requirements or performance standards may be found in Article 8 of this Ordinance. Uimw r in q oMinanm 5-20 Fenmary x6,,666 EXHIBIT 10 I_R 76CO WEST 29TH AVENUE The City of P O. BOX 638 y WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80G3~-0638 3031 234-59CC Wheat City Atlmin. Fax a 234 592 Police Deot. Fax = 23529-9 ~Ridge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: I, m e residing at a d d r e s s as the applicant for Case No. lam) A-D L^ 0-s- , hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at C-7 1 (1 o c a t i o n) on this t~~day of I~ f~t~X a), and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. A Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Ridge Telephone 303/ 235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 April 12, 2001 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you that Case No. WA-01-05 a request for approval of a 12 foot front yard setback variance from the 30 foot front yard setback requirement resulting in a proposed 18 foot front yard setback for the purpose of constructing a garage addition for property located at 3071 Union Street and zoned Residential-One (R-1) will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue on April 26, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. As an area resident or interested parry, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C:\Kathy\BOA\pubnotice\wa0105.wpd i G 2% OFFICIAL ZONING MAF WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN (APPROXIMATE LOCATION ZONE DISTRICT 50UNDRY - PARCEL/LOT BOUNDRY (DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP) CITY LIMIT LINE - WATER FEATURE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING MA DEVELOPMENT - 235-2852 /t% o L:\DRAWINGS\PLANNING\QS\SE29 SCALE 1'-400 9 w ~ ml C A! d .V N N y ` U ` a I ~ a I ~ .E d z a m C ? NI m d p' O C 7 I bl I 0' d' a j o w W W - N ' m o d 0 ry U ~ L O m E p C E d° # N N N 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 - N 0 N 0 N 0 x u~ a m 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m U ° 5 U_ 0 O {c a N N N N N N N N Gc w N C N .:°m N ~.m ~ NO m N N C O O ° d ro N N NN O N j N Y N C O NaD O N N O W C E- O N O C O y C C O m E O 7 0 O w L C 0 ( ) C C O U T Y C O U C1 N C U O U 1 L M U L O U t O U p a 0 O = L O 3 55 t O N O I 2 C = O>> C C F r W a a O 01 C 'L O- ai N Q O -O Q~ U C C-M d 0 (n-'O Y d' J N O in O y O O O N O O m m O VJ r'O J j ~ L G 1 y y. 6 N m VI o 'C N ~M (O wo G1N l N ~M o M N v 3 E ~-Y m 3 ~~Y Lo 3 p_MS O 'M N Q d O N M l0 IO p_ ~ V m > 0 . . 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MetroScan / Jefferson ' Owner :Shaine Benton Schedule Parcel :030819 :39 294 05 004 Site :12063 W 31St P1 Wheat Ridge 80215 Mail :12063 W 31St Pl Wheat Ridge Co 80215 Xferd :03/23/1981 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$110,000 TaxDist :3130 OwnerPh :303-232-0685 Bedrm: Bth:1.75 YB:1963 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,535 Ac: * MetroScan / Jefferson ' Owner :Moreau Warren A Schedule :030862 Site :3101 Union St Wheat Ridge 80215 Parcel :39 294 05 003 Mail :3101 Union St Wheat Ridge Co 80215 Xferd :06/21/1976 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$52,800 TaxDist :3130 OwnerPh :303-238-6832 Bedrm:3 Bth:2.25 YB:1961 Parking:Built-In Firepl:l TotArea:2,508 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson ' Owner :Chinberg Rick S Schedule :030879 Site :3041 Union St Lakewood 80215 Parcel :39 294 07 033 Mail :3041 Union St Lakewood Cc 80215 Xferd :10/25/1995 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$217,000 TaxDist :3130 OwnerPh :303-233-3889 Bedrm:4 Bth:2.25 YB:1976 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:2,341 Ac: MetroScan / Jeffe rson ' - Owner :Plomondon James L Schedule :032167 Site :11895 Tabor Dr Lakewood 80215 Parcel :39 294 04 006 Mail :11895 Tabor Dr Lakewood Cc 80215 Xferd LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :7046 OwnerPh :303-233-9032 Bedrm:3 Bth:2.25 YB:1961 Parking:Attached Firepl:2 TotArea:1,442 Ac: * ' MetroScan / Jeffe rson ' - Owner :Hunter Mark R Schedule :032312 Site :11890 Tabor Dr Lakewood 80215 Parcel :39 294 03 013 Mail :11890 Tabor Dr Lakewood Co 80215 Xferd :07/15/1986 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$138,000 TaxDist :7046 OwnerPh :303-237-9866 Bedrm:4 Bth:1.75 YB:1960 Parking:Attached Firepl:2 TotArea:1,344 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson ' - Owner :Wheeler-Michael E Schedule :032565 Site :3080 Union St Lakewood 80215 Parcel :39 294 03 012 Mail :3080 Union St Lakewood Co 80215 Xferd :08/03/1981 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$106,000 TaxDist :7046 OwnerPh :303-232-0214 Bedrm:3 Bth:2.50 YB:1963 Parking:Basement Firepl:l TotArea:1,313 Ac: * ' MetroScan / Jefferson ' - Owner :Joyce Robert J/Stephanie A Schedule :073062 Site :3061 Union St Lakewood 80215 Parcel :39 294 07 035 Mail :3061 Union St Lakewood Co 80215 Xferd :01/31/1994 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$200,000 TaxDist :3130 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:2.25 YB:1969 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:2,506 Ac: - MetroScan / Jefferson ' - Owner :Lindsey-Mintken Stacie A;Mintken Paul Schedule :074925 Site :3071 Union St Lakewood 80215 Parcel :39 294 07 036 Mail :3071 Union St Lakewood Co 80215 Xferd :03/30/1999 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$242,500 TaxDist :3130 OwnerPh Bedrm:4 Bth:2.50 YB:1969 Parking:Attached Firepl:2 TotArea:2,506 Ac: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. D ~ VY__ MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Scruggs Jay D Schedule :030758 Site :3082 Mountain Shadows Dr Lakewood 80215 Parcel :39 294 07 029 Mail :3082 Mountain Shadows Dr Lakewood Co 80215 Xferd :06/24/1994 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3130 OwnerPh :303-238-4248 Bedrm: Bth:3.25 YB:1964 Parking:Basement Firepl:2 TotArea:3,232 MetroScan / Jefferson ' Owner :Young Donald L Schedule :030804 Site :12064 W 31St Pi Wheat Ridge 80215 Parcel :39 294 07 038 Mail :12064 W 31St P1 Wheat Ridge Cc 80215 Xferd :11/15/1976 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3130 OwnerPh :303-238-2779 Bedrm:3 Bth:2.25 YB:1977 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:2,267 + MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Sorensen Karla M Schedule :030851 Site :3092 Mountain Shadows Dr Wheat Ridge 80215 Parcel :39 294 07 028 Mail :3092 Mountain Shadows Dr Wheat Ridge Co 80215ferd :07/26/1977 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3130 OwnerPh :303-237-1778 Bedrm:6 Bth:3.00 YB:1966 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:l,712 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Zarlengo Phillip C Schedule :065303 Site :3112 Mountain Shadows Dr Wheat Ridge 80215 Parcel :39 294 07 027 Mail :3112 Mountain Shadows Dr Wheat Ridge Co 80215ferd :05/12/1997 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$467,500 TaxDist :3130 OWneYPh Bedrm:4 Bth:4.75 YB:1968 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:5,010 * MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Wright Francis E Schedule :078094 Site :12044 W 31St PI Wheat Ridge 80215 Parcel :39 294 07 037 Mail :12044 W 31St P1 Wheat Ridge Co 80215 Xferd :05/12/1978 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$100,000 TaxDist :3130 OwnerPh :303-238-5585 Bedrm: Bth:2.25 YB:1973 Parking:Basement Firepl: TotArea:2,199 Ac: Ac: Ac: Ac: Ac: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But is Not Guaranteed. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT on April 215,2001 1 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: Case No. TUP-01-01: An application filed by Walmart for a 30-day temporary use permit for the purpose of conducting an outdoor garden sale at the property located at 3600 Youngfield Street and zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD). Case No. WA-01-01: An application filed by Shayne Ankoviak for approval of a 12 foot side yard setback variance from the required 15 foot side yard setback resulting in a proposed 3 foot side yard setback for the purpose of constructing a garage addition for property zoned Residential-One (R-1) and located at 12141 West 32"d Drive. Case No. WA-01-04: An application filed by Tom & Debra Stano for approval of a 22 foot front yard setback variance from the required 30 foot front yard setback resulting in a proposed 8 foot front yard setback and a 1 foot side yard setback variance from the required 5 foot minimum side yard setback and required 15 foot combined side yard setback resulting in a proposed 4 foot side yard setback and 14 foot combined side yard setback for the purpose of constructing a detached garage for property located at 6295 West 42nd Avenue and zoned Residential-Two (R-2). Case No. WA-01-05: An application filed by Paul Mintken for approval of a 12 foot front yard setback variance from the required 30 foot front yard setback resulting in a proposed 18 foot front yard setback for the purpose of constructing a garage addition for property located at 3071 Union Street and zoned Residential-One (R-1). Kathy Field, Senior Secretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: April 6, 2001 WA-01-051 Mintken o 100 Feet 3701 Union St MOMS 1S NOINn ILK a 3 Q 5 M I W o C) Z g W Q U w r^ (7 Z A O W H Z Y Z O Z o C ~ Of w IL - w- w F- wwN ~W< Z=r Z w ma wa awn, 00 99%I.N a, .00=1 w ~QQ ~ ZQ C9 e ii e ~ 1 010 C, ~Q) V 10 L w MOMS 1S NOINf) UDE aam~ 0 Q h i N=HQ LdPoraCL 7d w~ }aw 6 w to i tnw> F-0 0 z p o U p V ¢ Z o W w 0 W Z ~ a z = 0 W zo s Le IV, 95 ;so b a 0 J U U w O « b0 O y y y bU9 ~ y° C U 3 b « c « 'x 'on a O y O ~tl ~ C O E .0 ° N m N N O' h y p w0 N a° y Y~ 'D N O C _b y p U -O .9 O W a••~ -y lJ E Y C~ F a) C v ie N t Y 'O « ° c a, g o C o ,w V c E u Y 3 C Nu v .°3 C vNi C d b U ~ .y ~ y « C o. a• O C. y Y A ~b Y.. 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CE -O Q ro".00 OmD 0>. ~ _ :E D m $ C ~lro OCm0 f ll DN 3 SSSa g 9' m E O :C m p v UIL tf 3 a y o °c mu.,'TEo c ohm 3 m o s nz Z v m OAO c m ro m E E mymEm r ` 8 X 3 C N i d c i mp 0 m U > E oa c I0>2 3 3 N a j U IDD ro C G r L `°g m~e , E 0 ' x ~ O Mi 0 0 0 y List of Neighbors Adjacent to 3071 Union Street Francis (Red) and Patricia Wright 12044 West 31~ Place Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Warren and Truda Kay Moreau 3101 Union Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Robert and Stephanie Joyce 3061 Union Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Karla Sorensen 3092 Mountain Shadows Drive Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Jay Scruggs 3082 Mountain Shadows Drive Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 KIND OF LICENSE MASSAGE THERAPIST LICENSE ISSUED TO: _'OUNQ WORKS PHYSICAL THERAPY ,,071 UNION ST LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 PLEASE POST IN CONSPICUOUS PLACE THIS LICENSE IS NOT TRANSFERABLE - NO REFUNDS PERMITTED, LICENSE VALID: 01-01 THRU 12-31, 2001 'LICENSE ISSUED: 01-18-2001 LICENSE FEE PAID, $25.00 BUSINESS NAME; LOCATION, RONALD J.._PR CITY TREASURER a CASE LOG Case No.: App: Last Name: App: First Name: Owner: Last Name: Owner: First Name: App Address: City, State Zip: App: Phone: Owner Address: City/State/Zip: Owner Phone: Project Address: Street Name: City/State, Zip: Case Disposition Project Planner: File Location: Notes: Follow-Up: A0105 Mintken j -Paul -_ame ame 071 Union St.~ heat Ridge, C_ O 80215 03-233-6065 ...ame.----...---_~.- ame ame - 3071 Union Street heat Ridge, CO 80215 Quarter Section Map No.: Related Cases: Case History: Review Body: APN: 2nd Review Body: 2nd Review Date: Decision-making Body: Approval/Denial Date: Reso/Ordinance No.: E29 _I 12 ft. front yard setback Ivan .ance for the purpose ofI onstructing a garage ddition BOA - 4/26/_01- Conditions of Approval: i Crane District: III i r d-iv-e~---- Date Received: 3/29/2001 Pre-App Date: F ;bf J