HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA-98-08Deborah J. Utzinger 13257 W. 26th Avenue Golden, CO 80401 March 26, 1998 City of Wheat Ridge Sean McCartney - Planner 7500 West 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Regarding: Case No. WA-98-7- (3992 Lee Circle) and Case No. WA-98-8- (4002 Lee Circle) Dear Sean, I am withdrawing my request for the two variances I applied for on the above referenced properties. Please omit our requests from your schedule of cases to be heard tonight at 7:30. Sincerely, Deborah J. Ilmger V CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Board of Adjustment DATE OF MEETING: March 26, 1998 DATE PREPARED: March 18, 1998 CASE NO. & NAME: WA-98-7 and 8 \Utzinger CASE MANAGER: Sean McCartney ACTION REQUESTED: Request for approval of a 2.3' from the 5' side yard setback requirement for Lots 46 and 47 of the Cambridge Park Development. LOCATION OF REQUEST: NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S) NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S) 3992 and 4002 Lee Circle Deborah J. Utzinger 13257 West 26" Avenue Golden, CO 80401 Cambridge Builders LLC 835 Delaware Denver, CO 80204 APPROXIMATE PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING! SURROUNDING LAND USE: DATE PUBLISHED: DATE POSTED: DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: AGENCY CHECKLIST: RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: ENTER INTO RECORD- ( ) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (XX) ZONING ORDINANCE 7,154 square feet (Lot 46, 3992 Lee Circle) 7,301 square feet (Lot 47,4002 Lee Circle) Residential One Single Family Residential N:, E:, W: and S: Residential-One N:, E: W: and, S: Residential Single Family March 6, 1998 March 12,1998 February 27, 1998 ( ) (XX) NOT REQUIRED ( ) (XX) NONE (XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (XX) EXHIBITS ( ) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS. ( ) OTHER JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met. Therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a 2.3' side yard setback variance to the 5' side yard setback requirement, on both properties, to allow for the existence of two existing single-family dwellings located in the Cambridge Patio Homes Development. This case was brought to staff's attention when the contractor for the project illegally added garage extensions to two homes they were building for Cambridge Park Pation Homes. The contractor originally applied for a building permit proposing garage extensions on both house plans. Upon approval of the building permit, staff had noted that the 2' garage extensions had to be removed from the plan to allow for the two structures to comply with the 10' separation requirement established in the development plan. A copy of the original building permit has been attached to this report. After construction began, the Wheat Ridge Building Department noticed that the buildings were closer than the development plan allowed and issued a stop work order on the project. Since then, the applicant, who is in the process of purchasing the property, has requested approval of the variance to allow for the garage to encroach within the separation requirement. The applicant has stated that the wider garage is required for her elderly parents who are handicapped and need the larger space. A verbal protest from an adjacent neighbor has been received in opposition of this request. II SITE PLAN As the attached subdivision plat shows, these two properties are located within the Cambridge Park Patio Homes Development Plan. The development plan, which was approved by the Wheat Ridge City Council, establishes specific development regulations for all structures located within the development. Of these requirements is a 10' minimum separation between main structures. The separation requirement was intended to allow for adequate separation between structures which were to be located on lots which typically have a minimum lot size of approximately 4,800 square feet. As previously stated, the properties in question are larger than average lots (approximately 7,100 square feet). The developer constructed their largest model home on the property (model D) and found that the property, which was platted with an odd shape, was too narrow for this size of structure. Along with the garage extensions, this lot is too narrow for such a large structure. III CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria to evaluate an application for a variance: 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service, or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the District in which it is located? Yes. If denied, this property may continue to be used as a single-family home and yield a reasonable return in use, service and income. 2. Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances? No. The plight of the owner is due to a structure which is too large for the property. A smaller structure may have been proposed on this site and comply with the 10' minimum separation requirement. 3. If the variation were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? Yes. Even though the homes in Cambridge Park were designed to allow for a "dense single- family" feel, approval of this request will allow for a less than 6' separation. between structures. Therefore, approval of this request will alter the essential character of the locality. 4. Would the particular physical surrounding, shape, or topographical condition of the specific property involved result in a particular hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out? No. Although the property in question does have an odd shape, the development plan was approved giving the developer knowledge that these properties would be difficult to build upon. Even though the property does slope to the east, the Chief Building Official for the City of Wheat Ridge stated that these properties are not difficult to build upon and therefore do not create a particular hardship. 5. Would the conditions upon which the petition for a variation is based be applicable, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification? Yes. Anyone may apply for the same type of variance request. However, because variances are reviewed on a case by case basis, the outcome may not be the same. 6. Is the purpose of the variation based exclusively upon the desire to make money out of the property? No. The purpose of the request is to allow for the garage extensions to remain on these existing homes. The applicant would need to remove these garage extensions to allow for the structures to comply with the 10' minimum separation requirement. 7. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? Yes. The hardship has been created by the applicant and the owner who have interest in the property. 8. Would the granting of the variation be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located? No. Approval of this variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare nor will it be Board of Adjustment Page 3 WA-98-7 and 8 injurious to other properties or improvements in the neighborhood. 9. Would the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood? Yes. Approval of the request will increase the danger of fire as the two structures in question will be less than 6' apart. The 1994 Uniform Building Code requires a minimum separation pf 6' between structures before adequate fire rated material is required within the walls. According to the Chief Building Official, structures closer than 6' do not allow for safe and adequate fire protection. 10. If it is found in criteria 8 and 9 above, that granting of the variation would not be detrimental or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood, and it is also found that public health and safety, public facilities and surrounding property values would not be diminished or impaired, then, would the granting of the variance result in a benefit or contribution to the neighborhood or the community, as distinguished from an individual benefit on the part of the applicant, or would granting of the variance result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities? No. Approval of this request will not benefit or contribute to the neighborhood as distinguished from an individual benefit. However, according to the applicant, they are requesting approval of this request to allow their handicapped parents to get in and out of their vehicles. IV STAFF CONCLUSION Staff concludes that the above criteria does not support approval of the request and recommends that the existing garage extensions be removed prior to the completion of the unfinished structure. V RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that case no. WA-98-7 and WA-98-8, a request for a 2.3' side yard setback variance to the 5' side yard setback requirement for properties zoned Planned Residential Development and located at 3992 and 4002 Lee Circle, be APPROVED for the. following reasons: The proposed request will allow for adequate space for the applicant's handicapped parents. With the following condition: 1. Rain gutter down-spouts must be direct to allow for rainwater to flow away from the adjacent property„ Option B: "I move that case no. WA-98-7 and WA-98-8, a request for a 2.3' side yard setback variance to the 5' side yard setback requirement for properties zoned Planned Residential Development and Board of Adjustment Page 4 WA-98-7 and 8 located at 3992 and 4002 Lee Circle, be DENIED for the following reasons 1. The owner/ developer knew that the garage extensions would encroach the 10' minimum separation requirement. 2. Builder altered construction without proper permit approval. 3. The close proximity of the structures increases the danger of fire. 4. Approval of this request will alter the essential character of the locality." Board of Adjustment WA-98-7 and 8 Page 5 DISC- R-G Hz-n-Iz L S~~I J 1 ~D10 J9v ~ Jv20 9: 3800 ]H R H OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO MAP ADOPTED:.lune 15, 1994 Lost Revision: Sspto be 17, 1996 DE'ARTMEW OF PINid1,16 AND DEV9APH5fT - 235-1857 5 B wn asi b44 PARK HZ-95+J YBZ-74x'2 WZ-D(r I• ~ H +OTM AVE ~ J9~9 39)2 w ~ 1 D JDeD 9a +•p J95o ~ 3w9 3999 1 J919 }91 ? 3909 3902 _ • G I 10 0 0 ® AREA REQUIRING SITE PLAN APPROVAL "i 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) - ZONE DISTRICT BOUNDRT - PARCEL/LOT BOUNDRY (DE51ONATES OWNERSHIP) - - - - WATER FEATURE + DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES 5E 2 0 9o yD vo Boo m SCALE 1•-400 ;FINAL DEVELOPM] 1. NO MSTE FENCING RRL N: ALLDlO.PLI 8001 1. ~ ~ FOR FEMET. EE AMY Y FREE M OE` $TACMING T RLL C W MAW A A Yro AAXWM IE HE aIOHi A Q SIX R l. E t MLMG SXN SMALL FLCT O :lOlS N ILDCt , Sy1LL NAVL It ALL mO ~E. TND F SET l BACK ~TII1R NIONIL CA 1~I B R I D G~ LOT lNE3. WL BUILDINGS S LL,ALL E A YM.Y TIT. T RICA SVARAtgL 'A T_ YARD SET BACK SHILL SIC 20 FEET FOR ALL NIEIONIL L019 M 0.001 1 4. LOTS t-107 M 0.0CX 1 }HALL 9E SIMPLE FAIRLY RESIDENTS. S. THE NOME ONNEAS ASOOATION SHALL 0. RESPoMSINE FOR ALL LAAO$ MAINTENANCE IN CONKM AREAS AN0 ON LOTS 1-107 IN RL001 1. 6. PEDESTRIAN AND Mf= A=SS TO M SITE RHALL BE KSTRCTm TOM GOERAL PUBLIC BY THE USE ff SECURITY GATES AT ALL ACCESS PORTS. EMERGENCY WMIM S SHALL HALE UNRESTRCTED AcQ 7. TRACT A SHALL BE OESg1Alm. FIT IRE AS A FNNATE STREET AND EAREART FOR EMERGENCY WHCIES UMTEE All, CRARNAQ & TRACTS L C L AND E SHALL t ppglATED FOIE USE AS A MARIAM EASEMENT. ACCESS TO THESE TRACTS SMALL BE IMROMOEO TO PRINK A s fQ-YAMIEMAMCE AS IEOLRRED. 1. RIC'LAR N ILO= I SWILL RAW TED /MINE VACS N EACH OARAIL ND '710"IMDIIO.VAIa K' FROWN 9" GARAGE LTARAGES URST BE A. MINIM[ M = MET FRO THE B OF MIX. 9. NO MUSE HOURS. BUSES. TRU01 TRACTOR, ?RAKM SOX-TRALRS. ALL MAN WHILES. CAMPNG TRAILERS OR TRAM. MAKERS, SMALL BE STORED IN rqS SUUOM UNLESS SAID YEMKLE IS STORED CWP %l MTM IN A GRACE. Lnw n town SrATIUM M CURRENT PROPERTY ONERS SMALL MAW MUSA R10M OF CONTROL T191♦l2LM OUT M PRQEcn C TRUCTNNN. FOLOUMO COLSIIRICTDN, CQAKN AREAS A MS DIMM6. COINOR FAOUTES. UTILITY EASOENTS AMID LNNOSCANNF SMALL BE GEED AND MAINTAINED K M IKMI[OIAERS ASSOCIATION. THEY RILL BE YNNTNNED BY M SIIBOTAOEN, ITS } ESO S OR ASSIO.S. UNTIL SUCH THE AS IT IS CONWYED TOM HOOORNNERS ASSOCATOM. PTOECT BURP out SHALL occu t OAR A ITw (9) WAR RERDO. RUTH APPROmNATELT TOEXTY PRCEIIT Cf M OEWLRYRT OCLLRRNG PER WAR. WR CT START IS ANTICIPATED BY SEPTEMBER 1995. N.v i V" .xixm SF.AiE: 1'-906' LAND U% AREA 9 (A cS) I 11ALONF AREA S OMEN SPACE ILIM2 cYi.nN f OAS a.nA ..o .MA TYFlCAL $TRW ![COON .1 N. ~Y YOUNiAKE CLM uT m ~I- COMMATON WMR DUTT[R A MARX m n xxE PAINING AND, DBWS 1M6 TOTAL LOT DATA MNIIRIY LOT AREA- NltRI YACMIY LOT AREA- 10620 AWRAGE LOT AREA-195RH AWRACEYARRAM µEI 00WRAQ.BU.6% 11EDNT OTRAOE-33.68 YAl.W NAIGMO MNNT- 26 FEET SLINKY EXTORNB=S LLG 115 UNHON BLVD. WTE TIM LANER000. M. W236 CONTACT: DAM DERTNA 106-NM OR RUSSELL p KAMER A. TAI-22M IENHNRT AROMMIS 2SB INEAINI STREET MAR. CO. W203 COMTACi: MIKE XEPKART 632-"" l~ kA 0 A Y S- A V[ a.M++ Im iwrM F~1. ]W 1F CITY OF WHEAT RID POWER OF ATTORNEY (REAL ESTATE) ALL BY THESE PRESENTS I, I C f1 K Q 2~ D (C 8 L) 41 cn-,, L-. L . C KNOW , t at , of the County of bcw Lf e2 , State of r Co L on A 60 , do make, constitute and appoint PPS. bE GO U 14 J - UTZI Nfkt- , of the County of , State of , to act as A pl t Foa- my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name, place and stead for my sole use and benefit to gr . A VATuAnI(-E Az- Tiff GTy ~r L)41'9T PCOCe .f@haso ....r.,,_ a,... «h ,...to_ _ of the followvii~ng described real estate situate in the County of c~eta D, , State of ` ZLoa,4 b0 , to wit 1- 3q9~ Ix~ C,'2eic burr r~ Pt'orsr , Go ?DO30 _ 4o0t Lt~ URCt c) l v ~ i , ~o x'00 D My said attorney-in-fact is hereby authorized and empowered to , upon such terms and conditions as my said attorney may deem necessary and convenient to accomplish such w".ecconveyance of said real estate. My said attorney shall have full power and authority to do and perform all acts necessary to be done to complete awls ef-set}veyaasael said real estate, - -44 fall Powe_..e..o..,.,..,«,...~ ti V;Qb .af;~„ng and confirm;^g all tkat'aid at~.3 I *This Power of Attorney shall not be affected by disability of the principal. *This Power of Attorney shall become effective upon the disability of the principal. *This Power of Attorney shall automatically expire by its own terms upon completion of the limited purpose set forth above. 0~4 EXECUTED this day of STATE OF (2,0 1Oy_a-d` Vt✓1 COUNTY OF The fore 19 57 , by day of Rru_lrc ` the Principal. Witness my hand and official seal. Nowry Public My commission expires: -Strike according to fact. was acknowledged before me this _LL_ No. 34R. Rev.6-91. POWER OF ATTORNEY (REAL ESTATE) (DURABLE) Bradford PubliWng, 1743 Wam St., Deroer, CO 80202 - (303) 292-2500 - 1.98 ~I u C Y 0 Z V V Ln V - _ J c = ti •.i ro a ^ ro v tr -'I > U O .i /.,.i U U m o _ u . . W to .4 w L-' ` cC -y U a C C ro 3 C] ^J ~ ~ Sy L pl '1' ~ m L~ ~ ro n ri .y Z J T G •-l LL C p, V 4 _ U O E r U o » _ U A2 r4 to C Y C 0 m 79 :D U] ro 0 = V a L („i a v ro J 3 V V m 0 0 :J u y a) O ro' ro L G `o T U ° s T _ O _ _ yp 3 u O C n e l.rJ ° e~iii L m C a a _ u ro '7 _ e G m . S= J ~ . m ro 0 z o_ V > >T ro ~ V p ~ 3 ro ~ ~ m ~ u ~ 0 0 ro a = I4 y m • aW -JJ ti~• 0 H 0 -.a m w m v 7 L 3d ro Ti J c m = m 'o m p " c U •i W 14 X ° Sa 'O _ ~ a ` O ^J p m< m > G ^ r- C , V m i-I ro ° 0- V = m 7 m p7 N m Y~ 3 T c S+ 3 ? a Sd U u c T, ~ ~ ~ = Sa m a m C w L L m^ U m > y = V Sd 3.1 n = = L - c m W 3 - N m •7 u > u O = " ~ pl 0 to .--i 3 S; ro u ~ o ~ `'•cE m_ m ~ rro tL p mom= m u y l V C h Y ~v vV l Lti 0. d G Z a O-Y i C 6 y V V V _ 0 L _ V B 0 t w m M la 0 m . 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Olt - ~ ° z O - IT'0 a m - - 0..7 < _m _ _ : o i ' 0 ' ` >>a 6Ltfl 3 N ^~CU ° r c c - m O _ N m-' _ m _ N Z .:a V1 U co fi C C z 1.. C C O V N V; L' . _W OC \ 721 C - Lr r D V S,' U N 0+ m :i = m ~c ~JM J + ll H m~ r O b Cam. i• r a f = a. t. 1, 3 I rv a _ r i Q Lam, ~ II L ~ I~ P - r. The City of Wheat ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION G Rid~re Department of Planning and Development 6 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 Applic Location of reque Zj~address Phone 7 96L Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) C ]Change of zone or zone conditions Site development plan approval Special use permit Conditional use permit Temporary use/building permit H Minor subdivision Subdivision 8 Preliminary Final See attached procedural guide for specific requirements. Description of request `/J lp CV- List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc. U PR, Co PHONE I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this__aat_ion on his behalf. Signature of App Subscribed and sworn to me this (D~ day of(S~LM&\ , 19 0(12~, _ SEAL My commission expires Received Receipt No. 5~ ~ 1 Variance/Waiver Nonconforming use change Flood plain special exception Interpretation of code Zone line modification Public Improvement Exception Street vacation Miscellaneous plat Solid waste landfill/ mineral extraction permit ❑ Other Case Nd%-W- r U 91147 111141111 400 TIA 1RW16 low 9-1 _ _ _ PLAT • I - CRT Ov WHEAT ADDE BMSS CAP IN RANEE BOX 12 15211. 1966 I S 1/4 COP SW 21 I I I ~ 4 _ CAMBRIDGE PARK - l59 ReBW \ I MILLER COURT UIX.11 EASENENi A<¢ss/ MIiY EAS - RE NETROY omCATED TO I . M! MA A ~M09 225.20' N 00'11'48• W a7- 92 7-t( OF WIE.LT 1000 504.02' OTY ti I OF 1011'iAM4Ei CUM ll. na - 11, A5' Vim' I 111.06' 1.30.06'1 eim' I 6200' I stir KI LOT CURTE6 SCAIE V - so FEET 0 So 00 50 - #FN [ H 2.20 H. 1 241 W . 1" M It 11 Ty- 5299 33 w llq N.n. I g I . 8 8 8 . 68 0 ° ` 0.19 x29 813 911 8i4 E t 8 w 8d a]« . 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I 00 5 A 61SE'N6'NT 9ER Yt1A0C ~T7• 1 1] _ P W x0: 1610 0_1 LI 1 ILM, l1 1 1 t C .m 11 80064111 N W . 1 LI N 1 L 1 1 .m 1 005 .11 Y 01 1 U 60.06 .3 1 1 Ll N I 1 MI '1 ' 60.06 J .d 2 .N ♦ Z 24 0 SET 5/11• REBM 68" 11}49 _ LS ISl1 I ] 1 Ll IM J I CURW RAMIS UNGPI DELTA 1 MOO mm 5-34 oo 2 25.00 a7, .93-01 ] 23.00 21.41 906.5 4 40.90 196 05'Q 1! 5 40.06 25.62 !641 35 6 43 .00 ]0.03 13W 54 7 60.00 69.44 35]141 6 10.06 +153 7 1'1]24 9 ".00 MIS 29 J4'09' 10 -30.00 2111 411-316 11 I2 5.06 815 9J9230 I] ll.m 2.2 0329.1 ' 19 10.06 19.56 12m. 01 20 165.06 49.15 1716011 ' 21 10.00 5.25 JOYS JI 22 15.06 1141 0x22 49 23 1506 3].11 224834 I4 IO.m 12.11 )53329 25 906 16.35 BSV955 m 5.06 5515 932220 Jz 10.m 12.70 T2 -45o J! 93.00 19.65 3.0]01 4 l3.m 27.58 47MJ 00 m 33.00 20.21 3501x J6 SJ.m 3403 59051} 45.00 01'19.0 10.00 3 601 1)145) 41 ]S.m 66 41931 4 WOW 3 071605 13 15.06 79.01 1]'16 45 44 1665.06 37],91 .91 4969 A 45 45 165.06 49.5 I]Y55 47 I5 7 33.7)5 71'.29 0 M 95.00 31 ITS 131911 4 5.06 48.29 3509'01 59 9 " 11 11.11 65 50 RLOO 10.06 52 VI 9.06 5191 4 51 29.96 689156 53 NEW 11.96 66l 5 53 49.4} m 6.79 0]3158 8 54 49.43 295!6 3. 106 55 19.43 . 1 .S, P'03 49 5 68.06 1 S5.9 299153 57 J 21.01 110911 5 MOO 21.5 12-17 6 59 9 68. 00 06 15.415 29 19-M '30 116 9.43 4.01 1356 09 51 61 4 59.29 4659 53'1656 63 15.R a 9335'40_ 63 - 10.06 11.56 661331 64 54.00 1112 1615'49 DS IB].m 10.01 063-3'1 tl I. 3 0]95 67 95.06 56.]] 2671509 66 IO.m ,0.]- 6,VT15~ 66 140.06 7.35 030515 87 146.06 47.97 310.2 SO M.00 47.10 19'1901 119 9 1 W29mw .06 1910 xx 48007 90 140.06 . 1.19 14.19 191 5- 91 ] 2.38 05153 11' 93 ISM .06 311.0 221)"59- 93 75.06 15.01 26 95 SJ 33 29.93 JJ' 36 95 moo 06 1491 6924 3 96 5.06 2.23 139556 97 15.00 6.10 15'9529 EEOO tJ.m 20.55 99 92.06 5405 53, 531 9 w 9.6 Im 92.06 41.12 25102 101 92.00 . 1 476 21 102 92.m 1 299.0 17 13 103 5.06 5 453 V IN 14 35.m 9M 351 19.06 1931-l 105 55.06 68.]6 ]20559 113 55.00 56.1 29 1101 I2 5.00 7 U) 47-4900- M 133.02 43]11 116 1]].06 1S, 6]'399 , III 43.06 53, 32]3 b , 911 ,5306 S 5O 1 2311955 119 61.06 65A4 64 451750 1'111 3.00 6.16 11'0 N IM 53.06 54.J6 31'31 68 13] S.m S.U 56'4615 Re SS.m 19.03 515405 i 106.00 41.19 H31 m 4 145 Ipe.m 106.+0 561 to 146 906 2.46 37']019 141 55.01) .4 3151 58 SS.m W-94 7'215 b 9 SS.m 31.97 }}1511 1 RF_ 55.06 4.20 m-521 51 S.m 4.29 190630 Z 68.06 37.63 S)3e 011 1 2'.1 1 1 S0. 67.M 77-41 44 i 152.55 59.x1 403 d ) a2.2e 51.99 SSY M 1 62.86 39.41 -353617 1 61.22 15.9. 29] 09 40 low 60.62 r37-,5- 70 06 34X MV419 - lag 65.06 ]156 a7251 167 3006 13.9] 62'-3916 68.06 9.N 1 1 + 2277.15' '29 S] w,d PLASTIC CAP PLS-24167 Le Sir IN ■ T .1 LI C IO.m I .0 9 1 1 10. .N NWO L7 NI Y .p LI u N 1 COST! me 11 10.06 7.33 . Y 1 .m 151 3x91 x11 0 A Y s - A Y [ R I, E T 0 D. Le W Ni v li_ 1 . u 1 CASE . No. IiZ-94-9 T55 R89W Ell 60.06 11.4 0]17x11 C15 25.06 15.49 537311 IN•..~r.r t-.~N-+,~4sy 5rt4-9 L9 RM1 NW 20 L NIraS 66..10 Sift 2 V9 3 CASE No. WZ-94-14 ' CRY 011 WIMAT PIECE MAPS CAP 4 P I R N L10. N32'.91aE 29.29 L 1 Nmll29w x271 CAMBRIDGE PARK PA CASE No o 1iZ-95-5 IN RANCE BOA LS 1592. 19M EDESTRIAN EASEMENT 15 -FEET ON 06TH 9065 OE CEN LI E C R(OESNIAN rA5EA1EN1 K 5_18[1 OR 2dH SIDES of, 12NRRLINE DATE 02 AlI 05 CASE . N . 1N-9517 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT on March 26,1998, at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: Case No. WA-98-7: An application by Debra Utzinger for approval of a 2.3' variance from the 5' side-yard setback requirement for the property located at 3992 Lee Circle and Case N A- - n application by Debra Utzinger for approval of a 2.3' variance from the sideyard setback requirement for the property located 4002 Lee Circle. The net result of the two requested variances would be a 4.6' variance from the 10' separation requirement of the Cambridge Park Planned Residential Development final development plan. v ~Barbara Delgadillo, Rec ding Secretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, Ci Clerk To be Published: NO LATER THAN March 11, 1998 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS e:\p1wning\forms\phn. frm The ty of WEST 29TH AVENUE RIDGE. CO 80215-6713 (303) 234-5900 WHEAT heat City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 GRidge March 9, 1998 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you that Case Nos. WA-98-7 and WA-98-8 which are requests for approval of a four foot six inch variance from the 10' separation requirement of the Cambridge Park Planned Residential Development final development plan for the adjacent properties located at 4002 and 3992 Lee Circle will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on March 26,1998, at 7:30 p.m. All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcels under consideration must be present at this hearing before the Board of Adjustment. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. d:\...\boa\pubhrgs\wa987&8 tj RECVCLLD PANeu SENDER, V -Complete items 1 a for additional services. I also Wish to receive the m :Complete items 3.4a, and 4b. :Print your name and address on the reverse of this ton so that we can return this following serVices (for an card to you. extra fee): > :Attach this forth to the front of the mailpiem, or on the back if space does not pemdt. 1. El Addressee's Address u o $ •Write'Retum Receipt Requested' on the mailpiece below the article number. :The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery m « delivered. 0 -a 3. Article Addressed I ange Schultz 3972 Lee Circle ,Wheat Ridge,1CO 0WA-98-7&8 Z I- 5. Received By: (Prim 6. Signaa T X Consult postmaster for fee. M c~ 7 b~66 aG 9 0 4b. Service Typa 80033 ❑ Registered ertfled ¢ ❑ Express Mail ❑ Insured S 01 ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ COD 7. Date of Delivery 0 0 ame 6. Addressee 's Address (Only it requested and tee is paid) m r e r Aaen ~ SENDER' . v :Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. I also Wish to receive the :Complete Items 3, 4a, and 4b. following services (for an • Print your name and address on the reverse of this tone so that we can return this card t extra fee): m o you. :Attach this form to the from of the mailpiam or on the back if space does not i 1. ❑ Addressee's Address 4; perm t. ' 2t m •Write Ratum Receipt Requested'on the mailpiece below the article number :Th R t R i 2.0 Restricted Delivery 0 $ e e urn ece pt will show to whom the artide was delivered and the date u onsult pos master for fee. L A Arfinln pl4lru~eai f... Ron and Rose Crilly aa. A 'de Number ¢ a 3956 L Ci le a 70 E ee rc E 4b Service T e Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 . yp ❑ Registered Certified 2 ❑ Express Mail ❑ Insured S m a WA-98-7&8 ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise 0 COD 7. Date o iivery ~ T 5. Re d BY (Pd Nye) - _ 6. Addressee's Address (Only requested m I(1 L L and fee is paid) g 6. Signature: (A es a or en ~ X w PS Form 3811, December 1 4 102595.97-B-0179 Domestic Raf irn Ranaint delivered. C S t m SENDER: v .Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. I also wish to receive the w -Complete Items 3,41a, and 4b. following services (for an m :Prim your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this extra fee): card to you. :Attach this ton to the from of the mailpiem, or on the back 9 Spam does not 1. ❑ Addressee's Address 2 I ® o permit. •wnte&Return Receipt Requested' on the mailpiece below the article number. 2. 11 Restricted Delivery y $ -The Return Receipt vnll show to whom the article was delivered and the date S delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. m 0 S 3. Article Addressed to: Sara Kern E 3999 Lee Circle I Wheat Madge, CO 80033 WA-98=7&8 g 6. S. PS Form 3if17, ibscember,19944- 4a. cle Number a9~a al> 4b. Service Type 11i ~ ❑ Registered 0-489 lad o ❑ Express Mail ❑ Insured r 5 ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise 0 COD 7. Date of Delivery r ' -guested ~ m t F 102595-97-B-0179 I w SENW:K: V :Complete items 1 and ~or additional services. I alsr to receive the follm services (for an rn 0 -Complete items 3, 49, b. : Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this extra fee): 4i Y card to you. :Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not 1. ❑ Addressee's Address ' permit. -Write'AeturnReceiptRequested'onthemailpiecebelow thearticlenumber 2.❑Restricted Delivery in :The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was del ivered and the dale Consult postmaster for fee. . a mi delivered. 3. Article Addressed to: - 4a rficle Number / -j & cc E / CC a Evan HUtSOri 4b. Service Type d E 3989 Lee Circle 1_1 Registered Certified N CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, Insured ❑ Express Mail ❑ w ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ COD ° WA-98- rY 9 7. Date of Delive 7 9 8 r a a cc 8. Addressee's Address (Only N requested e ived By: Print Nam v and fee is paid) r W tr. 6. ignst • (ddressee rAg ) 10 2595-97-e-0179 Domestic Return Receipt I PS Fo 1, De mber 199 ER W ' ECOMP1 ems 1 and/or 2 for additional services. I also wish to receive the w :Complete hems 3, 4a, and 4b. following services (for an :Prim your name and address on the reverse of this torn so that we can return this extra fee): card to you. ' a :Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back d space does not 1. ❑ Addressee's Address permit. -Write-Refum Receipt Requested'on the mailpiece below the article number. 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery :The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date G delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 0 3. Article Addressed to: oDon DeDecker U ~005 Lee Circle Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CWA-98-7&S 5. Received By: (Print Name) Q g 6. Sig to d re e 0 r w Registered- O'Certifiei Express Mail ❑ Insured Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ COD and fee is paid) PS Form 3811, December 1994 102595-97-e-0179 SENDER. 4i N S. 8 E m 0 Y 0 a -Complete items t and/or 2 for additional services. I also wish to receive eive the m 41 :Complete hems 3,4a, and 4b, -Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this following services (for an f 2 cardtoyou. extra ee): -Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space tloes not permit. t. ❑ Addressee's Address v m •Write'R fdrfi`,kecceipt Requested'on the mailpiece below the article number. Th R 2 13 Restricted Deli e m $ e Iptwill show to whom the article was delivered and the dais . ry v N ` deny V -3. Is Addressed to: . T ridge Builders, LLC 0 8.5 elaware Denier CO 80204 w ° WA-98-7&8 2 5. Received By: (Print Name) MI 6. Signature: ral r7{ge 0 X m Consult postmaster for fee. 9 4a. rticle Number 'a~ 7 ~s- ~ 40. Service Type e v ❑ Registered Certified f W ❑ Express mail E ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ COD 7. Date of Delivery 0 a 9. Addressee's Address (Only ff requested and fee is paid) m F PS Form 3811,` December 1994 - 102595-97-e0179 m SENDER' v .complete items 1 and/or 2 for add'elonal services. I also wish to receive the following services (for an I H •Complete it.. 3, 4a, and 4b. e and address on the reverse of thi that we can return this extra fee): i s tone W d m • print your nam card to you. or form to the front of the mallpieca, or on hi the back if space does not 1. C3 Addressee's Address y s t Deliv permit. Wdte-natum Receipt Requested' on the mailplece below the article number. 2. O - Restfletst r or fee. t will show to whom the article was delivered and the date Consult postmaster for fe i N -y p The Return Rece am a delivered. 4 Tilde Number d tx 3. Article Addressed to: (O Clifford Beba 4b. Service Type ~ m 0 4022 Lee (116e 0 Registered Certifled 01 to Wheat Ridge, LCO 80033 [3 Express Mail ❑ Insured ❑ Retum Re iptfor Merchandise ❑ COD q o 7. Date a WA- s-7&9 5, ceiv : (Print e) B. Add and . Signa r0: (A as or Agent) i. X alive / r 16 5~ c ee' Address (Onlyifrequested W is paid) r tll 102595-97-8-0179 PS Form 3811, December 1994 m Rwmm. _ Postage & Fees N a -v - _ 'cr« `r'te' t s4. - T"° V~ T f ~N '^v+e+r'+-.%ti2iv _ ^s `H.'d-s kT*,,.~.E x.~'G 19 7 it ' - I CL ~ N I 1 ~ 'J I I~ • i ^1 l I O i ~I I' T _ _ _ _ -..-:mot s~::_c<:._.._.__::.._ 3 ~ i 4YF~ - I. om~ if 'z.'W-~'. .'a~•'y.:v. - _ N Jai J _ Of, I _ 10 a... L Iv 1 C\[Q - ICI 4 2. -JI ffi~ n n L Cf J <i ~Xl ? r f