HomeMy WebLinkAboutWF-98-02pdm'nualaimpuZ086j.\saa... mpe\..q.M::) Pq/ (Oita) joje4smucpv ureld PooI3 :QffINaa $140Ll tCCivO-7 (aju ) jojejjsnctucpv ureld Poold 1 a3A0NdJV 'eaje agj do weld ajts put `uotjdtjosap I0al `uotjvotlddt ogj go saidoo aju uotjujoptsuoo mo,i jod pagoejjy -uolpioptsuoo pue matnaj jnoX jog jsanbaj stgj Buinimps: st ddujs `ojodajaq j •ggujs ,(q pancaaaj dutaq sjuaucucoo ou gjtm smut do opoD o0pjd juagm agjdo (o)(y) 80Z-qZ uotjoaS of juunsmd sXup SI .cod polsod sem ajts oql '8661 `01 joqucaooa uo ,~jto oqj of pajjturgns sum ureld poog aqt utgjtm Sp3dwd jag uo pags,Z£ x obi e joom of I ssui0-uotjdaoxg ImoodS e jog pjodpejg jouep Xq uotjeotldde up `ZO-86-3A1 'ON ase3 8661 `6Z jaquraoaQ UIVG I33AIS Ppulav0 bLZb/Z0-86-3A1 :.LOAPgIIS jauueld `,faujjuD3W ueaS :Noul s3ljoAh, oilgndgo jojoojl(j`jogaoq qog :01 uunpuujouuaN ;uou4jedaQ ju;)wdoj0A0a pine Ouiuueid 00m lu;)gm 3o xlID x R` N I Nb N 41 Ob I N N, C A N O z o r n o m , N K ~ N M ~ MI N U ' S 4 N W x ¢ a z ° W ~ N a 1 a~ a~ / ay I~ o U z fL I J U N Z W Y ti N y ~v a y N y~j N ~M ®a0g S w h O ~W a O O K r V' x w w I N iF M.. z r U w w w x x tJ M e D x_x o I 4P i lut i Q w 3 U z I.~ MEMORANDUM I Approved Date TO: Sean McCartney, Planner FROM: Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works DATE: January 6, 1999 SUBJECT: WF-98-02/4274 Garland Street I have reviewed the application for a Class I Special Exception Permit for the Clear Creek Flood Plain and have the following comments. Because this is a structure for storage and not for human occupancy, it will have the least amount of impact to the Flood Plain and other properties in the area if it is allowed to flood and not displace water thereby causing possible flooding where it presently does not occur. If the owner wishes to have dry storage at all cost, then an engineering report will be required pursuant to section 26-206 to determine the impacts of the fill material required to elevate the shed a minimum of one foot above the base flood elevation of 5344.6 feet to an elevation of 5345.6 feet. If the structure is allowed to be flooded, I must have an elevation certificate from a Registered Land Surveyor to determine the existing ground elevation at the proposed shed site. Upon completion of construction, this elevation will need to be certified again to determine that the structure was not placed on fill and that it will be allowed to flood. It must also be anchored to its foundation by a method approved by the building department. Prohibited uses shall be as those listed in section 26-205 (C)(2). Additionally, storage of materials shall not occur below the base flood elevation of 5344.6 and shall be shelved or otherwise raised above this elevation. If the allowed flooding is chosen, I can approve the permit as soon as I have the elevation certificate. If the dry storage is chosen, I will need a copy of the hydraulic report and time to review it prior to approval. If you have questions, please call me at 2860. 01/19/99 07:43 CORNERSTONE BOUNDARY CONSULTANTS 001 CORNERSTONE BOUNDARY CONSULTANTS Professional Land Surveyors Bill W.A. Baker PLO 19925 Indi Drive Monument, Colorado 80132 719-481-0199 Mr. John McGuire CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 750OWest 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Dear Sir, 19 January, 1999 This letter is to provide you with the existing elevation on the Baker/Bradford parcel at the location of the proposed construction. The Center '/4 corner of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 West was utilized as the relevant bench with the published elevation of 5342.19 feet. Using standard trig level techniques with a 1" Total Station, the elevation at the proposed site is: 5343.9' Should you have any questions or require further information, please call. Bill Baker PLS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FLOOD PLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION INFORMATION PERMIT WF-°l~j-OZ DATE J", 7 Va~i~ OWNER )PgJFT BR.ADECED TELEPHONE hO3 - Q 71r- 89{ ADDRESS 4274 &AZLAA10 5T. CONTRACTOR TELEPHONE ADDRESS PROJECT LOCATION/DIRECTIONS 4Z74 CiAgLANO ST. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Single Family Residential New Construction Channelization Multi-Family Residential Substantial Fill Improvement (>50%) Manufactured (Mobile) Home Improvement (<50%) Bridge/Culvert Nonresidential Rehabilitation Levee Other/Explanations C001V-0 rJO P ~ >c 141 x32 6A~aO, FLOOD HAZARD DATA Watercourse Name 1,o W-2 GbF.c\R, GRebK The project is proposed in the Floodway Floodway Fringe__2~_ Base (100-year) flood elevation(s)) at project site 5344.1, Elevation required for Lowest Floor (26 0, NGVD / Floodproofing NGVD Source Documents: Reports/Maps r1/xM 1XA€NA&tf_WM rUmm €oG kowee CLM CCU< ump.1 lom / WRlfa€kf-t-lc xWsNWkl EEJ~ 6Ntpl ; OF 14 1 of 2 PROPOSAL REVIEW CHECKLIST ✓ Site development plans are complete and depict flood hazard data. NA Engineering data is provided for proposed map and floodway revisions NA Floodway Certificate and data documents no increase in flood heights NA Subdivision proposals minimize flood damage and protect utilities. / Lowest floor elevations are above the base (100-year) flood level. Manufactured homes address elevation and anchoring requirements. A Floodproofing Certificate certifies floodproofing designs. ✓ other: 44EV TD F)E cflNSTeUCrFl~ (Z (.LroND Lr-V& APVAL,OWWII97 tD FWoD. (wo-OIN 6AeP_vVA-TSPL PLOOP F2w6,E AlLr-A PERMIT ACTION Y PERMIT APPROVED: The information submitted for the proposed project was reviewed and is in compliance with approved flood plain management standards (site development plans are on file). PERMIT DENIED: The proposed project does not meet approved flood plain management standards (explanation is on file). VARIANCE GRANTED: A variance was granted from the base (100-year) flood elevations established by FEMA consistent with variance requirements of NFIP regulations Part 60.6 (variance action documentation is on file). 1/yt Aq Flood Plain Administrator's Signature Date Comments: r1r-t4v TBp /?--7 Al rv;z COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTATION MAP REVISION DATA. Certified documentation by a registered professional engineer of as-built conditions for flood plain alterations were received and submitted to FEMA for a flood insurance map revision. FILL CERTIFICATE. A community official certified the elevation, compaction, slope and slope protection for all fill placed in the flood plain consistent with NFIP regulations Part 65.5 for map revisions. ELEVATION AND FLOODPROOFING CERTIFICATES. The as-built elevation of the building's lowest floor was certified as NGVD; or the building's floodproofing level was certified as NGVD; by a registered professional engineer or licensed surveyor and is on file. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OR COMPLIANCE ISSUED ON Date 2 of 2 MEMORANDUM Approved Date 127-19 IIDEPlsl&'ThENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO: Sean McCartney, Planner FROM: Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works DATE: January 27, 1999 SUBJECT: WF-98-02/4274 Garland Street I met with the owners at the subject property to discuss the particulars of the proposed storage shed. In doing so, I noticed that an existing structure on the site had been removed and no longer impacts the flood plain. In essence, the proposed storage shed is replacing the old larger shed which has been removed. Further investigation has determined that the proposed grading of the site to elevate the shed will not import additional fill but rather will re-grade the existing soil on the site. The regrading of existing soil will result in a balance of cut and fill areas and will not impact the capability of this site to retain 100 year backwater from Clear Creek. The proposed elevation of the floor of the shed will be 5345.2 feet. The Base Flood Elevation is 5344.6. Therefore, the storage will remain dry and materials may be placed on the floor. Therefore, I have concluded that the construction of this storage shed will not impact the flood plain and hereby approve the application for a Class I Special Exception Permit subject to the following conditions... That the building is used for storage only as permitted in section 26-205 (C)(2) of the Municipal Code. That no fill is imported onto the site without a separate permit and study. If you have any questions, please call me at 2860. _ IUU YEAR DISCHARGE 14,520 CFS I~ V ( \ / MAX. CHANNEL VELOCITY 9.6 'FPS lie, MAX. CHANNEL DEPTH 10.5 FT. ~I lII~~~I~\ l -1~1 II It II II' L~~ 5360 5350 5340 ---I - - - - - 777 777 _ 5330 5320 5310 . _ - - - - - - - _ _ 5300 5290 54 '00 535 530 525 520 515 510 505 GROUND CONRVOI SURVEY BY BELL SURVEYING tQ WAGxT-MCLAU4xux OESIGNEO?E9t2' GATE 6 e URBAN DRAINAGE AND FLOOD AERIAL PHOTpGRAPHT BY SCHARFB ASSOC. ENioNiiog sme[r OPAWN OAT" G l N DENVER,COWRADO TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING BY BELL MAPPING 0 y.y,~ .mll M,,4,.U CPEC~D GATE 9cl ADAMS COUNTY CITY OF ARVADA 9 CITY CONTROL DISTRICT OF WHEAT RIDGE CONTOUR INTERVAL 2' DATE FLOWN: 5-3-77, JOB N0: ]92-1110 REVISED DATE_ O~ I-CHANNEL REFERENCE LINE YEAR FLOODPLAIN STING CONDITIONS 200 100. 0 200 FLOODPLAIN PRESERVATION STA. 449+00 TO STA. 540+00 Is sG L SC 100 E: I"= 2 0' aoo N ORIGINAL A 0 - - - - - - 5360 - - 5350 ( - - _ ± - s3ao 5330 m N - ± -CH NNE I VER - L - _ - - l 5320 5310 5300 5290 500 495 1 490 485 480.00 MAJOR DRAINAGEWAY PLANNING CLEAR CREEK SHEET 3 CLEAR CREEK 480+00 TO 540+00 of 14 ~21a~ LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION \ 9 Planning and Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge. CO 80033 phone ,;303)235-2S;6 c,oR>oo (Please print or type all information) Applicant JA nr~i- RP--APF! Y-:p Address _y2g 7L/ (St+t?- AV O S j Phone / W Qo~ACCV City 1'~ReE/Z Owner J 7R e-7- L e~ o va Address '7~ 7-5/ OA, Lepii k? S7- Phone ' - ~ 18 a.-2 7- j.O 6r City 4L1 Location of request (address) Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions li sted below which pertain to your request.) ❑ Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Variance / Waiver ❑ Site development plan approval ❑ Nonconforming use change ❑ Special Use Permit Flood plain special exception ❑ Conditional Use Permit ] Interpretation of Code ❑ Temporary Use, Buildings, Signs ❑ Lot line Adjustment ❑ Minor Subdivision (5 lots or less) ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Subdivision (More than 5 lots) ❑ Street Vacation ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final ❑ Other: Detailed description of the request: -1 nEGT ~ Fill out the following information to the best of your knowledge. Current Zoning: 12 `Z Size of Lot (acres or square footage): 9-V- +00 Current use: hihll~LE ~t~tll, Proposed use: say" Assessors Parcel Number: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above,` without whose consent the. requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applic Subscribed and sworn to me this day ofd, 19 Q8 Notary Public My commission expired -9,q-99 Date received 12 t~ 9°o Receipt No. Case No. wF'`lS' b Related Case No. Zoning tz Z Quarter Section Map 5!UZ2 1 RECEPTION NO. F0365184 0:00 PG: 0001-001 211 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 1/31/97 13:46:42 O O O m l' 10 - a' O O D- I O N 0. O C7 L0 Q 0 O J O U ^ - F V _D ~ U 2 `y m N ~ e0~ O V _ O ^J C O :7 m O _ V U C O~ = L } F ~ Z 0 =I 00 .U O Ea O CC U W ~ '7 1 0 = .:r Z m- O 0 LL O G z O O U _ d co U_ f 6 N ~ U w L a W w mm =1 9 N h d rM w FC u V C `o Z 0 n v u m O u h J d ua r O T y - T D v ~ Cv O ~ L T O u m Q c O > T 0 F V L L V O ~ y ~ V L V G ^ r C~ _ N 0 U ~ C v a U c ~ y v F y V T d D d F_ n x a c ~ F O a v~ U a ~ ~ O N R 7 F L c 3 O T O Sa < ~ V F F {].I v ° / 4 Z V E_ D c m c D Z O C ro V V d E ~ •CC~"II p M ~ c`i •r h' m 3 v. ~ 1 m FG a ai G a + O U ~ N N p p~ m tl .2 cn ' ~ q +.i 1 y .r N U W o p ° ° 6 V cn a-I W N D .114 w a) r-4 0i z U) x L-' O L~ C L-' tr7 i .n .n 3pv > - q° c F r" C O U V~ V C F o ~ V T F E F V ~ y rVn V N Y U U V V G J ~ C v<~i C V rri V= cn O O _ v p o ~ T C ~ V V ~ ~'F ~ V 4J ~ V y C U V t D a p ~ - F rp., - y E ? y p F 9 O S 9~ m F y` C p, ~ F- T y 3 F T m 3 ° ° ~ ° rr2 V .c r"'J ~ E 'S U V v O T F O V N 'O a`> .D c 3 ~ ~ ~ c p E _ `o F = -o s a-p mv2 ^ 3 c - c ~ c V ~ O 0 ~ U y F- O ~ ~ G ci O v ~ B L U V C O X _ r= ~ F V U9 c3i.2 F c o F o u.V v E'J V C.- U 72 E5 U u c c n = 9 O v oa o a •E- c C~=~~ F y v v y tit v om~?3 m m-°V° W - N 'L', OV4 3=~3 za v r= ~ m C u C y c D LLjow X =0 =00 y Uy L" n m ~0:~ h < J C U)m2 - y= ~ q. 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