HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS-02-03~ N ~ O z KAISER PERMANENT SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 3 -FINAL N N L z~ A REPEAT OF L o ~ ~n~~=~Q o~Q~~n~TF 11 stir nln 1 aND llNPL TOTED ~L PLAT T ED LAND IN SECTIONS 17 AND 20, ~G INCIPAL MERIDIAN, RSON, J DEDICATION WE KAISER PERMANENTS, BEING THE OWNER{S) OF THE REAL CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATIQN: PROPERTY CONTAINING 24,818 ACRESf DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRIN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERS STATE OF COLORADO 'STATE OF COLORADO -r~.. w r r i o s® i rr Yrr ~ YwY m Yli ~ i4 Yra W~ J4 A, b LEGAL DESCRIPTION - - Win. - - - - - - - - - r i' COUNTY OF JEFFERSON A PARCEL OF LAND LYING WITHIN THE SOUTHWEST QU~~2TER OF SECTION 17 AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTIC~"d OF 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN T~iE O COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER AT O'CLOCK OF _~_M__M~., 2002, AND IS DULY REC4RDE o MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERS~3N, STATE OF COLORADO. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SHEET 1 OF 2 i v ~ COMMENCING AT THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 17; THENCE S89'25'25"W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHiN~ST QUARTER i ° 70.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF 0 a WARD ROAD AS DEFINED BY KAISER PERMANENTS SU~~IVISION FILING N0. 2 AND BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG 0 SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE THE FOLLOWING "NREE (3) COURSES; a 3 s 1.) S00'01'24"E A DISTANCE OF 155.90 FEET; ~ ~ m F- 2, THENCE N89'58'46"E A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET; z ~ ~ 3.~ THENCE S00'01'14"E A QISTANCE OF 625.19 FEET cry WEST 52nd AVE. ~r . n ~ rLr_' THENCE S74'48~46'~W DEPARTING SAID WESTERLY_RIGH`-OF--WAY LINE ~ A DISTANCE OF 945.09 FEET; THENCE N01'35"58 'E A ~ISTANGt Ur OGLICr r1ivL1 i~v ~1`.vVRVrt~vvC ~r~ ~ ri n~.~ nr r ~.~vnu~~. v~~- REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED AND THE ACCOMPANYING Vr✓4\✓1 V R.J f ! ~ 1 V 1 Im. V✓' VV a 1e ♦~e i 1 1652.86 FEET; THENCE N89'S5~39"E A DISTANCE OF X58.22 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 4, KAISER PERM~;NENTE O n REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 2 RECORDED AT RECEPTION I~~, F1207410, W COUNTY OF JEFFERSON RECORDS; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY ANO H Q SOUTHERLY LINES OF KAISER PERMANENTS SUBDIVISIC'~ FILING N0. F- SIGNED THIS DAY OF _ I ~ ~ 2 THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES; a W H i ~ 1.) S00'04'21~~E A DISTANCE OF 433.17 FEET; Il ~ ~ TH~!~lCE S45'25'~5"~' A 0lSl°AN~~ 4~' 1 ~3.'?5 ~C~"; _ _ x w ~ 3. THENCE N89'21'S4"E A DISTANCE OF 120.44 FEE ; m S is a~i m ~ 4. THENCE N45'02'32"E A DISTANCE OF 28.63 FEET; RI HARD A. NOBBE, P.L. N0. 899 I..fi ~o z 5. THENCE N89'21'S4"E A DISTANCE OF 223.11 FEET TO A POINT ci a= o ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF WARD GOAD AS DEFINED BY KAISER PERMANENTS SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 2; ~ THENCE S00'04'21 "E ALONG THE SAID WESTERLY RIGhtT-OF-WAY AND BASIS OF BEARING: PARALLEL WITH THE CENTER LINE OF SECTION 17 A GiSTANCE OF CITY CERTIFICATIONS: 78,88 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 1 PLAT. SAID PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINS 1,081,066 SQUARE FEET OR 24.$18 MAYOR'S CERTIFICATION: ACRES MORE OR LESS. a~ CROSS ACCESS STATEMENT: 'ru~c ~c 'gyp (~~1,FY THAT T1-!~f`IT~r1F~A(~-~T QIRGF r i ~ HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LANG AS PER THE r r :r - DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF "KAISER "THE OWNERS OF LOTS 1 AND 2 OF KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION ~ PERMANENTS SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 3 -FINAL PLAN", A FILING N0. 3, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSVGNS GRANTS LIMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGE OF ACCESS T0, AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH .r SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RI~G~, COLORADO ALL CURB CUTS, PARKING AREAS AND CRIVE AISLES WITHIN THESE AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDG LOTS. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE OWNERS X AND THE PUBLIC THOSE PORTIONS OF' REAL PROPERLY SHOWN AS TENANTS, CUSTOMERS AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS, AND SHALL L. RIGHT OF WAY, AND DO FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE ~:iTY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNI ~IPAI.~Y FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS T0, AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENT FROM SIMILARLY PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRI,` ;TION~ RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES, AND/OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS.~~ INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR A`;D REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BU ~ IS NOT STORM DETENTION EASEMENT STATEMENT:_ LIMITED TO TELEPHONE ANO ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LIPk~S, WATER e; w AND SANITARY LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYS i EMS AND PIPES, THE STORM DETENTION ARE HERE SHOWN AS DRAINAGE EASEMENT DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES ~ THERETO. RECEPTION N0. 86032961 SHALL BE COt~TRUCTED AND MAINTAINED ao ~ BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNEFS, HEIRS. SUCCESSORS AND ~ Z ASSIGN5. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONiTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE N S] > O ~ ~ ~ SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM `r- ~ O f- c_) NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR n OWNER STRUCTURED WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN T-~E DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING ThE HYDRAULIC STATE OF COLORADO CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT f THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. a~ er enin A~`(`~PT TI-Il1CF f1~f11(`A71(1NC NFRF(1N ~anF COUNTY OF JEFFERSON UTILITY EASEMENT STATEMENT: 0 TEN-FOOT (10') WIDE UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRI PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL PUBLIC STFEETS, AND AROUND THE PERIME OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLOTTED AREA INCLUDING LOTS. T PARCELS AND~OR OPEN SPACE AREAS. 1WESE EASEMENTS ARE DEOICA7E } - . THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOIN~EDGED BEFORE ME THI DAY OF A.D. 2002 BY v v WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. t ° MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ~ ~ THE INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS TELEVISION CABLE, AND TELECOMMUNICAliONS FACILITIES. UTILITIES SHALL tS~ NOTARY SEAL BE PERMITTED WITHIN ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN ~ cz SU6DIVISION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT B 1_ o ~Q ~ a. ~ ~ PERMITTED WITHIN SAID UTILITY EASEMENTS. E - } }  _ s - a ~ v ANX-98-04 t WZ-98-16 e j' Z~ O O MS-02-03 H WSP-02-01 Q ~ L Vi=a 0 E i V- Cf) N ~ Z ~ • > z -a cy) Q C) ~~I s p 0 CL 0- a_ 0~~ ~ i rE ~ ~ w T a 1... ■ l~" U I .J _ _ _ _ ~ r ~ a r ~r r ~ I~► r r~ A I ,r"'~► .1 11 1~1 ~ x''11 1 1 A 1 C"~ 1t ED LAND IN SECTIONS 17 AND 20, i .t r INCIPAL MERIDIAN, 1 a i ~I ~ : m t r v s~ ~ , • • s • • • • • v b• • ! • • r • • b 9 a • a • • ♦ P ♦ • • • B P k e R 4 Y f Y • ! Pr f • • • •Pr! ♦ • 4 • • • •f•P••MS •l Pa PY•. •pb±Wg 4AN9q rp M • P P1tl r" A!P! • !•!!Y R•fA1 9 • •P•P•1P • • • # Pr• ! 1 !•rt B•• 4 i s f r ! btl•b bf R•0 ♦ • P~f: ••!•f •1W P•P•••k•tl•• ! I • • • M 16• h •A•1 ♦ { b ! 4•P • 1 • ••1 • k b b R 4 • ! ♦ # R i tl R 1 f•!P !••••♦•!1 ••h••Ai Pi•f!p•:~#••PP•MP 1•••PP•••••PPP PPPP•! •Ard•r•°• sA•~!A•• •••e •sh •lrF•f•••AlPtl!•f Af bb A•A•lb brhr Af••1•••••••P••P•••!h•••P••r•!•kh•APlP•PP••PP•1•Ptl•PP•••`•••A•F••••®•P ••F•!P!••A Pb•. r a tl N • !h•• • M 9 f • ! F • • r 1 ) • O • M. Ph1••P r• •••1lFk•AP•P••*•!•! •:1~II ~P ~•*l:l1Y/A~M`belMPShA••1•••r•°SAN •••P•••••!•!1 •i 1.14 ••~F "+••!1P♦•P ••P•!tllP PPP!•PPPP•!•APP•rP•P•••Y•b••!••P•M •i PP`l PPPP•P P••••4 ••PP ••1tly•••• A•F!~•~•aa q4•a i •!'AtlPAS•s Pb F••••!••W•••b ••!P •P• P ♦ • • s ! B • • • f • Y • • A ! ausw~wfww+ vpww •+reM+~ tt` pew iWlffWi•RF• WMbwOV~ 4fb HYMN vsswws~•s~ 9r++acM~aw ~ wMbr~M4wF 1lf1I'nI4~MWM w+brs•MF+~•~ blirP•s/~faF•s t= r F~ M1FaerMYMW~ wM/4•Mwt'M PMIUIIblll~nlNi w,wMMrIM~r4M M4+~+r•w"w bnM ra/wfM~~MYf1 //}~~fM TEN°~N ~ ''YAff I ~ ~ Y tlM l )LFP W~ A ~ ~J N ENT! p~ ~ Y E~1TP UTI~.iT ~"w ~ C• F'12~17~~~ ~ F1 ~741Q T {E4'P . _ ACT ~ CENT ~VP~~3~E - a.a 8~~i ! 4 SEC T PAST NC ~ ~ SPAT Nib E ~ FT KA1E T• 5 ES ESE R E iNC 3 ~ N ~`~A NI /y, y( ~fIC V n f',} 7T ~ P ~ ~'1~ j~ ~ ~ry^ RF6 r ~1 1 ( ~r ~,r1,.~ j IJ ~ SEC, 7Q 5Q c'~RE. 1. ; NCT C""' • tl _ T TNI i/s r • P ~NEN 1 PERM ~AiSE ~ 4,_ t~ ,x • ~w ~ ~ E iN NC c G ~ Vl~ N IL I Q ~8 [.L'_ ~ ~ 41 L.! I E F1 ~7 ~ N~EC~f ~ Q Nth ~ r~` ~ ~ i n ~ n't` t^s A n T (1 Cf ~ i'i"11 ITV Cr C i A "i" (j ~i{ till PARCEL 4 ~ I ~rvu ~ r rut ~ yr v ~ ~u ~ i ~a~Yi ~ ' RED;. ~6~.~1b1 O THIS REPEAT) REC. #Ft 247410 J CSI D <t SAV~MORE CENTER ZONING C-1 ~ I I`faJ` 1 ~ ~e EXEMPTION SURVEY NO 1 (RFC. #94079988) ( I ~ ~ ~ (NOT PART `wJ ~ ~ • ~ 7_ONING PDA ~ M ~ ~ I 30' NON-E ~ ~ AND ACCES ~ m ~ ~ ~ REC. #F120 ~ PARCEL 1 1 # ! r it n 4~ SAVE:Mt~RE CGNTEF2 ~ v ~ EXEMPTION SURVEY N t ~ ~ ~ (REC. ~9407~988)~ I ~ N (NOT PART F n- ~Y ~ OF THIS REPEAT} 30' INGRESS & EGRESS ESM7. 3k ZQNING E'~A REC. #85064173 LOT 3 (JCFFGO} ~ I LET 4 KAISER PERMA KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILI SUBQIVISION FILING N0. 2 ~ I (REC. #F120 r ( (REC. ~F1207410) (NOT t'AR7 l i ~ ■ t`-t i 3 v r ` (NOT PART OF TNlS REPL THIS REPEAT) ~ I ~ ZONING C ZONWG C-1 ~ 20' NON-EXCLUSIVE ai I UTILITY ESMT. t+7• ~ REG ~F1207410 ACCES 10' NON-EXCLUSIVE ~ I REC. #F ~ U11UTY ESMT. 'o 4 ~ I REC. ~F1207410 (TYP~ L X ~ _ _ UNPLATT~O ~10~ PSCO taE~• #921aa253~ EASEMENT (NOT PART et l 0~ THl~ REPLAT)I .E g ZONING 1-3 ~ ( 30' INGRESS & EGRESS ESMT. C~~~F~Q) BK. 1474, PG. 325 & ~ I BK. 2539, PG, 942 ~ ~ ' 10' PSCO l EASEMENT E_ ~ c> ~ C~ ~ ~ n z N Crl ~ C7 r. c._. a- ° t-- U' -1 ~j LET 1, rJj KAISER ERMANENTE I ~ SUBDIVISIC~"i FILING N0. ~ u (209,239 SQ. FT. ~ I I I ~ OR 4,8Q3 ACRESt) ~„tr t~ r 3' I I ZOhJ1NG C-1 t a~ s 'r i iy cQ ~ ~ r.. i t` t r- o ~ ~ I END. #5 REBAR r ~ a- ~ UNPLATTED I W CAP LS #2132 g (REC. ~2S390s4~~) 0 06'(W), 0.08'(S) _10' PSCO -~e~ (NOT PAR( I y ~ EASEMENT 00 s OF THIS REPLA i) 3: Q) ZONING I-3 OEM "mm ~ a. ~ ~ V•~C~ lo' Psco MAC' 20 2002 (JEFFCO) ~ Nam~ I UNPLATTED MARCH 2, 2002 WSW FEBRUARY 21, 2002 MOUNT QI.iVE CEMETERY MARTIN / MARTIN ZO ~ BOOK 362, PAGE 298 (NOT pAZON NG A' 2 REI'LA Q (D (JEFFCO) C ONSUL''TIN E''NAINCERIS 44351 KiPLING P.D. BOX 44001 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 800344 0 CL 303.431.6100 F 303.431.4028 Z cal U ~ d. n._ D v • - ~ ~rchit is D Q r r O D 2301 BLAKE ST., STE. #100 Q DENVER, COLORADO $0205 303.861.8555 F.303.861.3027 0137 MAIN STREET . UNIT C106 WEST 52nd AVE. r POST OFFICE BOX 2711 EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632 970.926.8960 F.970.926.8961 f o N Rp,\~F~~P~ KAI o ~ Sov.~~,ER a A W ~oRPOO ~o ISSUE/REVISION DATE NO. ~N MOUNT OLNE CEMETERY SITE DEVELOPMENT 4/1 j02 PLAN SUBMITTAL CITY COMMENTS 5/24/02 wES-~ q.4th AvE• 1 e= STATE ROUTE 58 0 w Q ' w  i~ z~ WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 80034 303.431.6100 VICINITY MAC N.T.S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SITE DATA LOT 2, KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING N JG REQUIRED PROPOSED TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIX STRUCTURAL ENGINEER EXISTING MARTIN / MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS •~~•j ZONING C-1 42` "i KIPLING P.C. BOX 4001 LOT 1 AREA 4.80 ACRES WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO E,0034 303.431.6100 PCRM/~NCNTC- LOT 2 AREA 20.01' ACRES MICHAEL MCAFFREY, ENGINEER WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL OFFICE 4803 WARD ROAD BUILDING AREA 38,074 SF WHEAT RIDGE ,COLORADO MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 33'-0" JG N0. 3, IN SECTIONS 17 AND 20, MECHANICAL ENGINEER SIXTH P R I N C I eAL M F Bl_C~lAN . C_I_TY Q F GROSS FLOOR AREA 47,001 SF OF COLORADO MKK CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. NET FLOOR AREA 7350 E. PROGRESS PLACE SUITE 100 LOT COVERAGE: STRUCTURES AND PAV'JG 166,527 SF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADQ 80111 303.720.6600 PARKING: LANDSCAPING 705,299 SF KEITH EMERSON, ENGINEER SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL REGULAR SPACES 208 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER HANDICAP SPACES: 5 MKK CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. TOTAL PARKING SPACE: 213 7350 E. PROGRESS PLACE SUITE 10Q ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO 80111 303.720.6600 STEPHANIE WESEMANN, ENGINEER LAND SURVEYOR (PROPERTY JS MARTIN / MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS / V1' / i'I'1V I VMC I Kll,, rLt~iv l+Z3 i NIF-'LIIVI7 DRAWN BY JB P.O. BOX 4001 WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 80034 CHK'D BY 303.431.6100 SHEET FILE 1 of7.dwg DUANE JANSEN, ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2002 BY DAVIS PARTNERSHIP P.C. SHEET NUMBER: of7 D.P.A. PROJECT # 0173000 - STATE HWY. 72 WARD ROAD t~ ~(i~~1 RIGHT-OF-WAY _ ~ i WA RIGF s ~REC F' ~ - ~ / ~ 1 1 30' NON-EXCLUSIVE ~ 50' DETENTION UTILITY ESMT. I POND ESMT. G. REC. #F1207410 REC. #F1207410 -d VEMORE CENTER 1~ EC. #8808551 ) (NOT PART ~ LOT 2 ~ - F THIS REPEAT) KAISER PERMANENT ZONING PDA ~ 30' INGRESS & EGRESS ESMT. to BK. 1813, PG. 575 SUBDIVISION FILING NO (JEFFCO) & REC. #85064170 (REC. #F1207410) e (NOT PART OF LOT 1 THIS REPEAT) KAISER PERMANENTE ZONING C-1 i SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 2 1 (REC. #F1207410) 30' NON-EXCLUSIVE s r ~ PARCEL 4 (NOT PART OF (-----~-UTIL.TY ESMT. MORE CENTER ~ I THIS REPEAT) REC. #F1207410 - N SURVEY NO 1 ZONING C-1 #94079988) 1 t~ NOT PART I I ~ l IS REPEAT) S~ ONING PDA I (JEFFCO) i 30' NON-EXCLUSIVE UTI AND ACCESS ESMT. J REC. #F1207410 PARCEL 1 EMORE CENTER N4-J~O ION SURVEY N 1 28.63' #94079988) (NOT PART TNIS REPEAT) 30' INGRESS & EGRESS ESMT. 1 ONING POA REC. #85064173 LOT 3 (JEFFCO) LOT 4 KAISER PERMANENTE KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 2 ~y SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 2 (REC. #F1207410) A i• (REC. #F1207410) I (NOT PART OF - f. (NOT PART OF TNIS REPEAT) THIS REPEAT) ZONING C-1 ZONING C-1 20' `JON-EXCLUSIVE --~-UTILi`Y ESMT, i REC. #F1207410 ACCESS ESM1. ~ - j V__ - - ~ - IV IVVIV-L/~I.,LV.~~vL ~v. ~T UTILITY ESMT. ~ REC. #F1207410 (?YP-~ _ ~I ~ i ~ ~ S00°04'21"E X33.17' UNPLATTED DRAINAGE C. ~92104253~ EASEMENT \ (NOT PART THIS REPEAT) ~s VACATED ZONING ~-3 30' INGRESS & EGRESS ESMT. (~EFFCO) gK. ~ 474, PG. 325 & JUCNEM DITCH \ zn' nine iT r~r ~A~n~i BK. 2539.;.... PG: 942 - t N N ~ ~ -1 ~ LOT 1, r~ KAISER PERMANEP~ i E SUBDIVISION FILING I`~0. 3 W (209,239 SQ. Fri. 4~ OR 4.803 ACRES) r~ ZONING C-1 j ~ _ 50' UTI f ~ REC. # FND. #5 `REBAR r UNPLAnED W~ CAP LS ~Z132 i EC. #2539094 ) ~ 0.06~.~W~, 0.08~~5~ (NOT PART F THIS REPEAT) _W_._ zoNiN~ i-3 ._y,_ -W=.- X38.31' _ (JEFFCO) s UNPLATTED t~ MOUNT OLIVE CEMENTARY BOOK 362, PAGE 298 (NOT PART OF THIS REPEAT) ZONING A-2 (JEFFCO) ~1 ~~E LEGEND ~ ~ ~ PROPERTY LINE ~ i t - - - RIGHT-OF-WAY - - - - - - - - EASE~uIENT O \ ss i / CONCRETE O f CURB AND GUTTER S 4 CON'OUR 1  CURB INLEI U ~ AREA INLET DRAWN BY JB TELEPHONE BOX CHK'D BY Q SIGN SHEET FILE 2of7.dwg 0 PROPERTY PIN COPYRIGHT 2002 BY DAVIS PARTNERSHIP P.C. SHEET NUMBER: 1 SITE PLAN 2of7 1' 6 0'-0" 2of7 D.P.A. PROJECT # 00173000 t 1 EXPANSION STANDING SEAM METAL SCREEN TO MATCH EXISTING METAL ROOF • ~ Archit is 133'--0 1 2 2301 BLAKE ST., STE. #100 ~s Ye FS.V®~ a DENVER, COLORADO 80205 303.861.8555 F.303.861.3027 ~1 0137 MAIN STREET . UNIT C106 POST OFFICE BOX 2711 EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632 INSULATED ~tINDOW WITH 970.926.8960 F.970.926.8961 ALUMINUM F~2AME PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTING WINDOW FRAME t 1 NORTHEAST ELEVATION y 3of7 3/32" = 1'-0" `I • r~~~~~~~~ _ i~ 1 i ISSUE/REVISION DATE NO. iw SITE DEVELOPMENT 4~~ ~d2 I PLAN SUBMITTAL CITY COMMENTS 5/24/02 ~ i _ _ _ _ ~ ~ n  _ _ _ ~,_.w__ Hr~..,,_ _.w~ .W..,.. _ _ ....~..._r,..r..,. r__...m. . T n CII 2 NORTHWEST ELEVATION 3of7 332" ~ r_O» exPnNSioN ~R ~V~ISCR I■ P - CM"C- WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL OFFICE 4803 WARD ROAD WHEAT RIDGE ,COLORADO ~irU 3 SOUTHWEST ELEVATION 3of7 3/32" = 1 ' -0" 4 STANDING SEAM METAL SCREE! TO MATCH EXISTING METAL R~~~ BRICK TO MATCH EXISTWG BRICK  ,x 1+1 t9 A M A I-%. M w -ow- a 'm 'Raw DRAWN BY J13 CHK'D BY SHEET FILE 3©ftl7.dwg INSULATED W"JDOW WITH r if ALUMINUM F= AME PAINTED TO MATCH EXIST SIG WINDOW FRAME 'r Y COPYRIGHT 2002 BY DAVIS PARTNERSHIP P.C. SHEET NUMBER: 4 SOUTHEAST ELEVATION E3of7 3/32" = 1 '-0" _x 3ofm7 D.P.A. PROJECT 00173000 i if 1u _ 9 mi~~ 1 `(g ",,y; ~ I f f1~ I i ~ ~ ~`4 r aw. ~ i . {,i1ft fi ~ <; ~ ji ' F; 1 ~~+h= .r ~ ar y} e! 1 i ' 4,~.. t ` 16 ,4 L, i E4~ ;~i .r ~ x~~ ~b ^`7~ I ~ ~ ,SFr- y , 1 ~ "r,3 ~ lP ~ r I j~ ~ !c .x r°i'~ 'I ~ 1, ~ f r' ~ i r a ~ + + + r + ~ ~ ,.,;r + ~ # i + f,, d + x~ 201~j(\//V~f B./~ /T~'ila~~ T'''"~~~w\~]/~~~f/^~~ f' r 303.81 ae/V~~ F~30\.~aY WI~ .~~R # . 013?' IVIAIN STREET . UNIT C10+~ I~OT 01=1=ICE ~C~X 2711 EI~W'1~RD fJL+D t~ 81032 . ~~ti. 970.92f.89fi0 F®970.928.8981 l ` t w---- L~ ~f iq $ t ~R T,9 "2 I; r`a r°" ~ it yy~~ ~ 7 ~ f i a`i~? , ~ W t y.,, , z ~ t t - t t + K i" " ~ ~ ...wo.: } 'l'r~, 4 i' a , %fy< ~ ~ + i'r'1- e jl 0 ~M b 1 _ _ T~~ t~ f z. r'1 4 i i i f ~ ~1 i r' i f~' / t; t ,__~s_ d ~ , f i Z f f ~ J ~ r, ~'ti ~ r: ! ~ , `i n b`i~ ~ ~ } fit.. e ~ i ~ jj i f' r 1 ~ r f, r' Jl f, f f . ~ l1~.. s ~ Y r i :x \ 7 l t.... f { s ~ 1. ~ s 1_,,. f, 1 ,Y I f f , r r ~,r r . r r k ~ r ,,r ~ s ` . i. A i~~ ~ ~Y f ~~`t a * ' / ~ p k { t j s r. A ~ r F 5 ~ sir ~ `t ` . ; ~ 4 f J a / e3, } r Jf i ' 1 7 ~ ~ 1~ +I r' . . ~q t y. 4'~ f l - ~ 4 f~ti i;~~ C~., 1 ,.r_., w....... . . ..gym.. t ~ x 1~~ t n { ` n~f t S ~~t~,,..t :f: ' s 1 \y S ^ { ~ i ~ ~ r ~ r1 r`: a i ` ~~t 1 i 2 t.. 4444 ~ ~ 4 { ~ E1~. ) i ~ 4 ~ t } i~ { F ~ i, i, f 1.! i' I ! ( ~ I Li1 ~,i fiYik~ a Yt~~Y. .4•rc^-Hvd~ u , .e~.+~K ~ i. , ea .h.tA " j~•i t . JE J; t i ~I 4 2 3~- i'+ f~: ~ I u 1 t !f. " tt~ 1 _ ! k~f x i ~ 1' ~ `~1 `.c.. `i'~ ~ , s I Y~~ . T ; r . k , ~ ~ ~ _r ,y \ s, r f i~ - . 4- f a°; d 4 ~ 4:.;LL i }t f• t .~l v~1- ~ q ~ -f r ( + v ~ z rr ~ I S .h, ~y, S t f 1! I 7 i1 1 i1i _ 1 2 i i I i } I y; i. I l 7 }i} wa ~k 2 i_ i jY ♦ !4 k'~ ~ ,x~+".. Nrv'. '5`44:.1".-~.'R i~. ~ N,b ..n~..y .1 , S.'.^:J ~ ~ ~ J i ~ ~ ~ s ~ t ~ , i ~ r R° ~ i;~ u ~ • .p.. i ...~~a r., ti Y::~ . N ~i~ v. i.~ s .'vw.4 6~ Nt,(.2 s ,vxrt°...d , v.Y;.. r. t _ J't 4F 19 { 1.w e . , t •'i_.'„ i i 1 t f , t ~ LSS~ 1 i ~ w ~ 4}~ ~ ~ ~ J;` ~ , . ~ Y' F r 1 9 i ~ ,r , ~k P I 1 ~ :'r~~;' f I ~ +,ft' j ~ I r.. L+: l s - i t ~ f d, ~ r' . t a „a'' f~; 4+s J-_ ~ ~ ~ It ,i`~~ ~ } . ~ 1 ~ `'I c ~ I ~ ~ E ~ <.s i S `t S, e$- i p i 4 ~ ~ ~:,x , 1 I a y ~ I 4 ti } / { t f ~ •.3 t +y F F1 4 t ~ ; 4 k ~ 0 I  t i ; ~ ~ :a S ~ t ~ L. AN AU I UMAI IG IRftICiAI TUN SYSTEM WILL BE INSTALLED IN WF%c =us, [Of Z5c.tuArct rcc i CHK'D BY BMB i y i ,,-°`f j ( i ,f` , ~ ~v.~ ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS. THIS SYSTEM WILL UTILIZED POP-UP, LANDSCAPE = 580,077 SQUARE FEET t c~ ~ E w, , ~ w~.w DRIP AND MICRO-JET TYPE OF IRRIGATION HEADS. D. SOIL PREPARATION WILL BE COMPLETED IN PLANTING SHEET FILE 6of7.dwg ~`j ~ ; I' 'w.1 ,a r AREAS. COPYRIGHT 2002 BY DAVIS PARTNERSHIP P.C. 1 E. ALL PLANTS WILL BE A-GRADE OR N0.1 GRADE, FREE OF ANY t f I DEFECTS, OF NORMAL HEALTH, HEIGHTS. LEAF DENSITY, AND SHEET NUMBER: SPREAD APPROPRIATE TO THE SPECIES DEFINED BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN STANDARDS. F. ALL LANDSCAPING SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO r3"* SITE CONTEXT SOUND HORTICULTURE PRACTICES IN A MANNER DESIGNED TO 6of7 is r 'fem. - ENCOURAGE QUICK ESTABLISH AND HEALTHY GROWTH. 6of 7 100-0 D.P.A. PROJECT # 00173000 ej_.. I 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 July 16, 2001 Craig Dunham Davis Partnership 2301 Blake St., Suite 100 Denver, CO 80205 Dear Mr. Dunham: Ridge At its meeting of June 24, 2002, the City Council approved your request of a site plan on property zoned Commercial-One and located at 4803 Ward Road, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, for the following reasons: A site plan review is required pursuant to the annexation agreement and zoning conditions placed on the property. All minimum requirements of the C-1 zone district regulations have been met. All commercial development standards have been met. Attached is a draft copy of the minutes stating the Council's decision. A blackline photographic mylar of the subdivision plat approved by Planning Commission on June 6, 2002, needs to be submitted for recording with Jefferson County within 90 days of final action. The following condition of approval needs to be incorporated into the recordable document: The plat drawing be sli hg_tly modified to provide full width access to Lot 1 through Lot 2. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Ka ft Administrative Assistant Attachment: Draft of Minutes cc: WSP-02-01 (case file) C.\Docn me and Settings\kathyAMy Documents\Kathy\CCRPTS\conespondenceXwsp020l.wpd Page - 2 - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: June 24, 2002 DRAFT APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Mr. DiTullio to remove Item 1. from the Agenda (the City,Manager has indicated that this item is not ready for presentation); seconded by Mr. Mancinelli; carried 8-0. Motion by Mr. DiTullio to add an Item 4. A. to the Agenda: Award RFP-02-030, Web Site Development and Graphic Design to Aries Research Inc., for a total amount of $24,650; seconded by Mr. Schneider; carried 8-0. Motion by Mr. DiTullio to approve the Agenda as amended; seconded by Mr. Schneider; carried 8-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 2. Application for approval of a site plan on C-1 zoned property located at 4803 Ward Road. (Case No. WSP-02-01) (Kaiser) Item 2 was introduced by Mrs. Rotola, who also read the title, summary and background. Craig Dunham, Architect for Kaiser Permanente, was sworn in by the Mayor. He explained the proposed expansion of the existing medical building. Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner, was sworn in by the Mayor and presented the staff report. Mr. DiTullio asked applicant if the streetscaping on Ward Road will follow the streetscape manual; the answer was yes, as much as they could. Mr. DiTullio asked Meredith Reckert if the applicant followed all of the relevant rules and regulations of Chapter 26. The answer was yes. Is there any outstanding issue that Council needs to be aware of? Answer was no. Motion by Mrs. Rotola to approve Case No. WSP-02-01 for the following reasons: 1. A site plan review is required pursuant to the annexation agreement and zoning conditions placed on the property. 2. All minimum requirements of the C-1 zone district regulations have been met. 3. All commercial development standards have been met; seconded by Mr. Mancinelli; carried 8-0. F WHEgT O ,P ~ o U m REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION °oc oRnoo X PUBLIC HEARINGS _ ORDINANCES FOR 1ST READING _ BIDS/MOTIONS _ ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING RESOLUTIONS Quasi-Judicial: XX Yes No SUBJECT: Consideration of a request for approval of a site plan for development at 4803 Ward Road. SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND: Site plan review by Planning Commission and City Council is required under terms of the Annexation Agreement for this parcel. At the June 6, 2002, Planning Commission meeting, a recommendation of approval with one condition was made. Staff has concluded that this condition is not necessary as the approved site plan dictates development on the property. A two-lot minor subdivision was approved by Planning Commission at that meeting. Because there are no proposed right-of-way dedications, City Council review of the plat is not necessary. 1. Recommendation to City Council 2. City Council staff report with exhibits 3. Draft Planning Commission minutes from June 6, 2002 4. Site Plan STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ORIGINATED BY: STAFF RESPONSIBLE: SUGGESTED MOTION: BUDGETIMPACT: Original budgeted amount: $0 Actual contracted amount: $0 Impact of expenditure on line item: $0 Budget Account No.: N/A Approval with one condition Alan White, Director of Planning and Development Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner "I move to APPROVE Case No. WSP-02-01, a request for approval of a site plan on C-1 zoned property located at 4803 Ward Road, for the following reasons: 1. A site plan review is required pursuant to the annexation agreement and zoning conditions placed on the property. 2. All minimum requirements of the C-I zone district regulations have been met. 3. All commercial development standards have been met." City of Wheat R i d g e Recommendation(s) 1 o Council Date Board Issue orCaso# Mg -O~L-O3 rt)Sf -6:2 - 0 / RECOMMENDATION(S)/AMENDMENT(s) (i'applicable, bullet Corm) OQ:ft !a 1.~2-,..E,r,~ -4 0-r G, fv ,t6- al L4, o Yt 1 Aecommetidation(s) to Council Date Board Issue or Case Page 2 Staff Co itact~ *Please reton t0fis City ]4)aoager'zi )Tice for distribution CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE OF MEETING: June 24, 2002 DATE PREPARED: June 17, 2002 CASE NO. & NAME: WSP-02-01/Davis CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a site plan for development LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4803 Ward Road NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Davis Partnership, Architects 2301 Blake Street, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80205 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Kaiser Foundation Healthplan of Colorado 10350 East Dakota Avenue Denver, CO 80231 APPROXIMATE AREA: 20.00 acres PRESENT ZONING: Commercial-One PRESENT LAND USE: Medical Facility and Offices SURROUNDING ZONING: N: Jefferson County C-1; S: C-1; E: I, A-2; W: Jefferson County SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: Commercial, office; S: RTD park `n' ride; E: commercial, recreational; W: cemetery COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Community Commercial Center DATE PUBLISHED: June 10, 2002 DATE POSTED: June 10, 2002 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: June 10, 2002 ENTER INTO RECORD: Q COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Q SLIDES Q SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS Q OTHER JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met. Therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case City Council Page 1 June 24, 2002 I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a site plan to allow an 11,200 square foot expansion to the existing Kaiser Permanente building at 4803 Ward Road. H. CASE HISTORY The property was zoned and platted in 1986 while a part of unincorporated Jefferson County. The existing Kaiser facility was constructed shortly thereafter. In 1998, the City of Wheat Ridge annexed and approved zoning for the entire 31 acres pursuant to Case Nos. ANX-98-04 and WZ-98-16. A condition of the zoning approval was site plan approval by Planning Commission and City Council prior to any additional development. Attached as Exhibit `A' is a copy of the plat document which shows the extent of the original Kaiser holdings. In the spring of 2001, Planning Commission and City Council reviewed a request for approval of a four-lot minor subdivision with a site plan for development for vacant property to the north. Attached as Exhibit '13' and 'C' are reduced copies of the plat and development plan approved by City Council on March 19. At the time of this writing, three of the four structures have been completed. HI. SITE PLAN The existing site conditions include the structure with 38,000 square feet of building area, existing parking and drives on the east and north sides. Access is via a private drive at a signalized intersection with Ward Road. This private drive provides access to the three new buildings to the north and the vacant land to the northwest (Lot 1 of this plat). A large portion of the existing building grounds is comprised of slopes and a large detention area with an informal pedestrian access around it. All public improvements were constructed when the medical facility was built. The additions will occur on the southwest and southeast corners of the building. The parking lot on the north will be expanded by 62 spaces. A new pedestrian crossing will be provided between the northern parking area and the sidewalk along the north side of the building. A pedestrian way along the southern portion of the structure will be relocated. The proposed landscape plan meets the city standards for size and quantities. An additional 13 street trees are being added to the Ward Road frontage. All formal landscaped areas are serviced by an automatic irrigation system. The additions will not exceed the existing building height and will be constructed of matching materials. Roof- top mechanical equipment will be screened by parapet walls. Staff concludes that the site plan is in conformance with the C-I zone district regulations and all pertinent commercial development standards. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding agencies can provide service to the property. Public Works has reviewed and approved a modified drainage report. No additional right-of-way is needed for Ward Road. Colorado Department of Transportation has reviewed the proposal and has no comments. City Council Page 2 June 24, 2002 Valley Water District is currently serving the property. V. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Planning Commission reviewed the site plan at a public hearing held on June 6, 2002. A recommendation of approval was given for the following reasons: 1. A site plan review is required pursuant to the annexation agreement and zoning conditions placed on the property. 2. All minimum requirements of the C-I zone district regulations have been met. 3. All commercial development standards have been met. With the following condition: All landscaping along Ward Road and the new parking area be planted as shown on the plans presented at this meeting. Staff has concluded that this condition is not necessary as the approved site plan dictates development on the property. Installation of the landscaping improvements will be made a condition of issuance of the building permit. As part of this applicantion, a two-lot minor subdivision approval was also being requested. Planning Commission approved the request for the following reason: All minimum requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following condition: The plat drawing be slightly modified to provide full width access to Lot 1 through Lot 2. Because there are no right-of-way dedications required with the plat, City Council review is not necessary. See attached Exhibit `D' which is a reduction of the plat approved by Planning Commission. e:\planning\form s\report City Council Page 3 June 24, 2002 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one to appear before the Commission at this time. DFRAFT 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. MS-02-03: An application by the Davis Partnership Architects for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision plat on property zoned Commercial-One (C-1) and located at 4803 Ward Road. B. Case No. WSP-02-01: An application by Davis Partnership Architects for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado for approval of a site plan for the purpose of constructing a 11,200 square foot building addition on property zoned Commercial-One (C-1) and located at 4803 Ward Road. (Commissioner McMILLIN arrived at this point in the meeting at 7:10 p.m.) These cases were presented by Alan White. He reviewed the staff report and gave a visual presentation of the property and the proposed plans. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and Mr. White advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear these cases. Staff recommended approval of the applications with a condition outlined in the staff report. Craig Dunham Architect for Kaiser Permanente Mr. Dunham presented architectural drawings of the proposed addition to the existing building and a new parking lot to accommodate the expansion. Regarding the condition requested by staff to extend the blanket cross-access easement, Mr. Dunham explained that it was an oversight on the part of the civil engineer that the easement was not extended. He stated that the applicant would comply with the condition as requested. Mr. Dunham also stated that 67 new parking spaces are planned. The staff report indicated there were only 62. In response to a question from Commissioner COOPER, Mr. Dunham stated that all handicapped parking requirements would be met. In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Mr. Dunham stated that, once the proposed expansion takes place, there are no plans by Kaiser for further expansion of the facility Chair WEISZ asked if there were others who wished to address this matter. Hearing no response, she closed the public hearing. Planning Commission Page 2 June 6, 2002 It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commission. McNAMEE that Case No. WSP-02-01, a request for approval of a site plan on C-1 zoned property located at 4803 Ward road, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. A site plan review is required pursuant to the annexation agreement and zoning conditions placed on the property. 2. All minimum requirements of the C-1 zone district regulations have been met. 3. All commercial development standards have been met. With the following condition: 6 ! 1. All landscaping along Ward Road and the new parldng area be planted as shown on the plans presented at this meeting. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner SNOW absent. It was moved by Commissioner COOPER and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS that Case No. MS-02-03, a request for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision on C-1 zoned property located at 4803 Ward Road and vacant property to the north be APPROVED for the following reason: All minimum requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following condition: 1. The plat drawing be slightly modified to provide full width access to Lot 1 through Lot 2. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner SNOW absent. 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Residential Setbacks, Case No. ZOA-01-02 Alan White presented this matter. (This discussion was not advertised as a public hearing.) Residential setbacks were discussed in February at which time the Planning Commission continued the hearing in order for staff to research code changes made in the 1990's regarding setbacks. Mr. White reviewed the staff report that set forth the results of staff's research. Following discussion of this matter, there was a consensus that staff be directed to research the issue further, including City of Denver's pop-top ordinances and bring the findings back to Planning Commission for further discussion. There was also a request that staff bring back drawings depicting various setback and height scenarios. Planning Commission Page 3 June 6, 2002 i i I i I I I I I i I I JEFFER50N COUNTY I I I i I I i I I I UNINCORPORATED JEFFERSON COUNTY W Z I. I i I _ CITY LIMITS I PI WZ-98.11 IL I~ Z€ 0 w N 1l i KAISER FE~MANE 50 F LING 2 C-1 WZ-98-16 MS 4 7 ANX-983 WSP-00A KA15ER FERMANENTE § FILING 1 AN*9&5 C-1 Ell 17 PARK AND RIDE ANX-98-5 WZ-9&17 /5-~ f 8 C-1 W C-1 O April 1, 2002 PROJECT NARRATIVE Kaiser Permanente Wheat Ridge Medical Office Building Addition 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, Colorado Architect's Project No. 0173000 Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29 s Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Dear Meredith: Submitted herewith for your review is the Kaiser Permanente Wheat Ridge Medical Office Addition Site Plan application prepared by Davis Partnership Architects. This project is for a new 11,200 s.f. building addition and a 57 space parking lot addition to the existing Kasier Permanents medical office building located at 4803 Ward Road.. Landowner Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado 10350 East Dakota Ave. Denver, CO 80231 Mr. Christopher Colby Developer Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado 10350 East Dakota Ave. Denver, CO 80231 Mr. Christopher Colby AnpllCant Davis Partnership, Architects 2301 Blake Street, suite 100 Denver, Co 80205 Mr. Craig Dunham Kaiser Permanente Wheat Ridge Medical Office Building 4803 Ward Road, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Lot 2, Kasier Permanente subdivision filing no. 3, in sections 17 and 20, township 3 south, range 69 west of the sixth principal meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado Current zoning is C-1. The building addition architecture provides visual interest consistent with the existing Kaiser Permanente medical office building character and scale. The proposed project addition consist of two building additions of one story each totaling 11,182 s.f. using building materials which match the existing building materials. The exterior building materials include a field of light multi colored tan brick, with fixed glass in dark bronze aluminum window frames. Roof-top mechanical equipment will be screened with painted metal panels that match the existing RTU screen system. The building addition is designed to provide Davis Partnership P.C., Archifecls 1 Denver Office: 2301 Bloke Street- Suite 100 Denver Colorado 80205-2108 303.861.8555 Fax 303.861.3027 Voil Office: 0137 Main Street- Unit C106 Edwards Colorado 81632 970.926.8960 Fax 970.926.8961 p:\kaiser\07 73000\admin\1etter\mr040102.do .j Meredith Recker April 1, 2002 Page 2 Kaiser Permanente with space to add 6 new medical providers and 12 exam rooms, while still blending with the existing building. The parking lot addition is designed to provide the required parking both by the City of Wheat Ridge and Kaiser Permanente standards. The landscape design and plant materials have been carefully selected to continue the planting theme and enhance the existing site. It is expected that development of this site will commence immediately upon issuance of a building permit. Anticipated construction is to start in late September 2002 and to end 14-15 months thereafter. Kaiser Permanente is expected to occupy the building addition in the Winter of 2003. Square footage of existing building - 47,001 Square footage of building addition. - 11,182 Lot area - 20.014 Acres Total project value - approximately $3,500,000 Anticipated completion date - December 2003 The Kaiser Permanente building addition will house standard medical office operations. The medical office will have normal office hours into early evening and the Pharmacy will be open Saturdays. 52 parking spaces will be added, plus 5 accessible spaces will be added, for a total of 290. We appreciate your review of these plans and ask that you identify any potential problems with the Site Plan as early in the process as possible. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Craig Dunham, AIA Project Architect cc: Christopher Colby Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado Gary Adams Davis Partnership P.C., Architects Kevin Scott Davis Partnership P.C., Architects Attachments: 1. Application Form signed & notarized 2. $987.50 fee 3. Recorded Deed 4. Limited Power of Attorney letter 5. 16-24"x36", 1-11"x17' Site Development Plans 6. List of property owners within 100 feet 7. Copy of Pre-application meeting notes 8. Traffic Impact report 9. Final Drainage Report 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE The City of P.O. BOX 638 y WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-C635 1.303) 234-5900 cWheat City Admin. Fax 4 234-5924 Police Deot. Fax # 235-2949 gZidge POSTING CERTIFICATION 6 CASE NO. PLANNING COMMISSION -(CITY - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: A . Q? , I, n a m e residing at a•a are s s as the applicant for Case No. that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at hereby certify (1 o c a t i o n) 'Zo on this day of .'u 1.0- Z► and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted at the pub is hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. I wse AxExs ! ere os I - sus I 3 9 C-1 ! I ~ssvsRwxcourm o ! ! "SEX FERMANENTE ! FILING I C1 I I ! I <pc>postingce2 . °g rev. 05-19-94 RWPARKAWRIDE I i I I I I i I r I 2 ! 9 t ! o. - - 7500 West 29th Avenue 15 FAX 303/235-2857 June 10, 2002 Dear Property Owner: The City of Ridge This is to inform you of Case Nos. WSP-02-01 which is a request for of a site plan for the purpose of constructing a 11,200 square foot building addition on property zoned Commercial- One (C-1) and located at 4803 Ward Road. This request will be heard by the Wheat Ridge City Council in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on June 24, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. Mathy\CMTSW UBNO=002\w,020 Lwpd P~l O ` d N C U y J ~ a rc a D ~ a d U u d a ~ O R y c Z ~ WI v ~ K C 7 l I I d K R N O yyy~~' py vi Ot O R W = d ~ 0 R E U m :n a v w U C O 10 E D c E d o # _ M O M O M O M O M O N r D_ d O O O O O O O O - O O x c~ m a ~ o a o a o a a o o a 'C m m Q R ° « U (cn N Lw'S~ y N> ~4'S> y N rL yi' ~ to >N> cG at$> fn v1 °L yi' u O a N N a C ❑ N > fU M Q RO N «j~ O R O.%N W NN Z`~N Q RDO RQN N 0 d Vl N R C N «U N c M = a0 n ~ 0=0 °y ~o 40 E Q~O 000 l D N in N U R "O U"D M N LO R UN R U~ Z ILM d - _U N d c'm U R L a N c .~.N~ c r Q 00 `m D~ -(D N D o Q 2 1n (D 2 G M uD,~~ N a d r ° ~ R Y E U Of L U 0 x d' F of w E ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ R Z O O O N Lf) d U M N M N M N M N M N ~ Y m m m w N C ° ° C) p o a v v a v 0 W m rn m A m a m m m °m m O Z ° aw z t D W C7 ~ CD O N O 3 Q z a Z } o W z o Una a ~I N NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge CITY COUNCIL on June 24, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petition shall be heard: Case No. WSP-02-01: Application by Davis Partnership Architects for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado for approval of a site plan for the purpose of constructing a 11,200 square foot building addition on property zoned Commercial-One (C-1) and located at 4803 Ward Road and legally described as follows: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING WITHIN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17 AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 17; THENCE S89°25'25"W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER 65.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF WARD ROAD AS DEFINED BY KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 AND BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES; 1.) S00°01'24"E A DISTANCE OF 155.90 FEET; 2.) THENCE N89 '58'46"E A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET; 3.) THENCE S00°01'14"E A DISTANCE OF 625.19 FEET; THENCE S74°48'46"W DEPARTING SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 945.09 FEET; THENCE N01 °35'58"E A DISTANCE OF 1652.86 FEET; THENCE N89°55'39"E A DISTANCE OF 358.22 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 4, KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. F 1207410, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON RECORDS; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY LINES OF KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES; 1.) S00°04'21"E A DISTANCE OF 433.17 FEET; 2.) THENCE S45°25'25"E A DISTANCE OF 193.75 FEET; 3.) THENCE N89°21'54"E A DISTANCE OF 120.44 FEET; 4.) THENCE N45 °02'53 "E A DISTANCE OF 28.63 FEET; 5.) THENCE N89°21'54"E A DISTANCE OF 223.11 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF WARD ROAD AS DEFINED BY KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2; THENCE S00°04'21 "E ALONG THE SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTER LINE OF SECTION 17 A DISTANCE OF 78.88 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINS 1,081,066 SQUARE FEET OR 24.818 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Kathy Field, Senior Secretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: June 6, 2002 Wheat Ridge Transcript C:\Kathy\CCRPTS\Pubhear\2002\020624.wpd 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 June 12, 2002 Craig Dunham Davis Partnership 2301 Blake St., Suite 100 Denver, CO 80205 Dear Mr. Dunham: Ridge Please be advised that at its meeting of June 6, 2002, the Planning Commission APPROVED your request for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision on C-1 zoned property located at 4803 Ward Road, for the following reason: 1. All minimum requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following condition: 1. The plat drawing be slightly modified to provide full width access to Lot 1 through Lot 2. Also, the Planning Commission has RECOMMENDED that City Council approve your request for approval of a site plan on C-1 zoned property located at 4803 Ward Road, for the following reasons: 1. A site plan review is required pursuant to the annexation agreement and zoning conditions placed on the property. 2. All minimum requirements of the C-1 zone district regulations have been met. 3. All commercial development standards have been met. With the following condition: 1. All landscaping along Ward Road and the new parking area be planted as shown on the plans presented at this meeting. Your request for site plan approval is scheduled for a public hearing before City Council at 7:00 p.m. on June 24, 2002. Enclosed is a draft copy of the Planning Commission minutes. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy Fiel Planning Secretary Enclosures: Draft of Minutes cc: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado 10350 E. Dakota Ave. Denver, CO 80231 MS-02-03 & WSP-02-01 c.~ athyVCRPTS\PLA GCOI COR SPA PVLTRSVAS0005 6. PUBLIC FORUM DRAFT There was no one to appear before the Commission at this time. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. MS-02-03: An application by the Davis Partnership Architects for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision plat on property zoned Commercial-One (C-1) and located at 4803 Ward Road. B. Case No. WSP-02-01: An application by Davis Partnership Architects for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado for approval of a site plan for the purpose of constructing a 11,200 square foot building addition on property zoned Commercial-One (C-1) and located at 4803 Ward Road. (Commissioner McMILLIN arrived at this point in the meeting at 7:10 p.m.) These cases were presented by Alan White. He reviewed the staff report and gave a visual presentation of the property and the proposed plans. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and Mr. White advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear these cases. Staff recommended approval of the applications with a condition outlined in the staff report. Craig Dunham Architect for Kaiser Permanente Mr. Dunham presented architectural drawings of the proposed addition to the existing building and a new parking lot to accommodate the expansion. Regarding the condition requested by staff to extend the blanket cross-access easement, Mr. Dunham explained that it was an oversight on the part of the civil engineer that the easement was not extended. He stated that the applicant would comply with the condition as requested. Mr. Dunham also stated that 67 new parking spaces are planned. The staff report indicated there were only 62. In response to a question from Commissioner COOPER, Mr. Dunham stated that all handicapped parking requirements would be met. In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Mr. Dunham stated that, once the proposed expansion takes place, there are no plans by Kaiser for further expansion of the facility Chair WEISZ asked if there were others who wished to address this matter. Hearing no response, she closed the public hearing. Planning Commission Page 2 June 6, 2002 It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commission McNAMEE that Case No. WSP-02-01, a request for approval of a site plan on C-1 zoned property located at 4803 Ward road, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. A site plan review is required pursuant to the annexation agreement and zoning conditions placed on the property. 2. All minimum requirements of the C-1 zone district regulations have been met. 3. All commercial development standards have been met. With the following condition: PoRR,r FT 1. All landscaping along Ward Road and the new parking area be planted as shown on the plans presented at this meeting. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner SNOW absent. It was moved by Commissioner COOPER and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS that Case No. MS-02-03, a request for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision on C-1 zoned property located at 4803 Ward Road and vacant property to the north be APPROVED for the following reason: 1. All minimum requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following condition: 1. The plat drawing be slightly modified to provide full width access to Lot 1 through Lot 2. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner SNOW absent. 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Residential Setbacks, Case No. ZOA-01-02 Alan White presented this matter. (This discussion was not advertised as a public hearing.) Residential setbacks were discussed in February at which time the Planning Commission continued the hearing in order for staff to research code changes made in the 1990's regarding setbacks. Mr. White reviewed the staff report that set forth the results of staff's research. Following discussion of this matter, there was a consensus that staff be directed to research the issue further, including City of Denver's pop-top ordinances and bring the findings back to Planning Commission for further discussion. There was also a request that staff bring back drawings depicting various setback and height scenarios. Planning Commission Page 3 June 6, 2002 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: June 6, 2002 DATE PREPARED: May 28, 2002 CASE NO. & NAME: WSP-02-01 & MS-02-03 CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a two-lot minor subdivision and site plan for development LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4803 Ward Road NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Davis Partnership, Architects 2301 Blake Street, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80205 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Kaiser Foundation Healthplan of Colorado 10350 East Dakota Avenue Denver, CO 80231 APPROXIMATE AREA: 24.8 acres (plat) 20.00 acres (site plan) PRESENT ZONING: Commercial-One PRESENT LAND USE: Medical Facility and Offices, vacant land SURROUNDING ZONING: N: Jefferson County C-1; S: C-1; E: I, A-2; W: Jefferson County SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: Commercial, office; S: RTD park `n ride; E: commercial, recreational; W: cemetery COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Community Commercial Center DATE PUBLISHED: DATE POSTED: DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: ENTER INTO RECORD: O COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (I) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Q OTHER May 23, 2002 May 23, 2002 May 23, 2002 (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS Q SLIDES (X) EXHIBITS The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met. Therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a site plan to allow an 11,200 square foot expansion to the existing Kaiser Permanente building at 4803 Ward Road. A two-lot subdivision request is also being considered. H. CASE HISTORY The property was zoned and platted in 1986 while a part of unincorporated Jefferson County. The existing Kaiser facility was constructed shortly thereafter. In 1998, the City of Wheat Ridge annexed and approved zoning for the entire 31 acres pursuant to Case Nos. ANX-98-04 and WZ-98-16. A condition of the zoning approval was site plan approval by Planning Commission and City Council prior to any additional development. Attached as Exhibit `A' is a copy of the plat document which shows the extent of the original Kaiser holdings. In the spring of 2001, Planning Commission reviewed a request for approval of a four-lot minor subdivision with a site plan for development for vacant property to the north. Attached as Exhibit `B' and `C' are reduced copies of the plat and development plan approved by City Council on March 19. At the time of this writing, three of the four structures have been completed. M. SITE PLAN The existing site conditions include the structure with 38,000 square feet of building area, existing parking and drives on the east and north sides. Access is via a private drive at a signalized intersection with Ward Road. This private drive provides access to the three new buildings to the north and the vacant land to the northwest (Lot 1 of this plat). A large portion of the existing building grounds is comprised of slopes and a large detention area with an informal pedestrian access around it. All public improvements were constructed when the medical facility was built. The additions will occur on the southwest and southeast corners of the building. The parking lot on the north will be expanded by 62 spaces. A new pedestrian crossing will be provided between the northern parking area and the sidewalk along the north side of the building. A pedestrian way along the southern portion of the structure will be relocated. The proposed landscape plan meets the city standards for size and quantities. An additional 13 street trees are being added to the Ward Road frontage. All formal landscaped areas are serviced by an automatic irrigation system. The additions will not exceed the existing building height and will be constructed of matching materials. Roof- top mechanical equipment will be screened by parapet walls. Staff concludes that the site plan is in conformance with the C-I zone district regulations and all pertinent commercial development standards. IV. SUBDIVISION DESIGN The proposed plat document creates two parcels out of the remainder of the Kaiser ownership. Lot 2 encompasses the existing Kaiser medical office, associated parking and drainage and retention areas. Lot 1 will be a freestanding, developable parcel. The access drive to the property from Ward Road continues through the property as a common drive. The plat drawing should be slightly modified to provide full width access to Lot I through Lot 2. A note has been added regarding blanket cross access through all parking and drive areas through the development. The stormwater detention area has been reserved as an easement with the city's standard maintenance language included as a plat note. All necessary right-of-way for Ward Road has been previously dedicated. A small section of a utility easement and a drainage easement are being vacated by this document. All requirements of the subdivision regulations have been met. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on May 29, 2002. There were no attendees. VI. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding agencies can provide service to the property. Public Works is in the process of reviewing a modified drainage report. No additional right-of-way is needed for Ward Road. The plat document has been approved with the condition recommended by staff. Colorado Department of Transportation has reviewed the proposal and has no comments. Valley Water District is currently serving the property. Public Service Company has requested their standard language be added to the plat document. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that all requirements of the subdivision regulations have been met and the site plan is consistent with the C-1 regulations and pertinent commercial development standards. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval is given with the condition that the access easement on Lot 2 extend fully to the common property line with Lot 1. VIII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS SITE PLAN Option A: "I move that Case No. WSP-02-01, a request for approval of a site plan on C-1 zoned property located at 4803 Ward Road, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. A site plan review is required pursuant to the annexation agreement and zoning conditions placed on the property. 2. All minimum requirements of the C-1 zone district regulations have been met. 3. All commercial development standards have been met." Option B: "I move that Case No. WSP-02-01, a request for approval of a site plan on C-1 zoned property located at 4803 Ward Road, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." MINOR SUBDIVISION Option A: "I move that Case No. MS-02-03, a request for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision on C-1 zoned property located at 4803 Ward Road and vacant property to the north, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. All minimum requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following conditions: The plat drawing be slightly modified to provide full width access to Lot 1 through Lot 2." Option B: "I move that Case No. MS-02-03, a request for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision on C-1 zoned property located at 4803 Ward Road and vacant property to the north, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." e:\plann ing\forms\report e: \planning\form s\reptcovr i I I I I I I I I i I I I I JEFFEP5014 COUNTY I - - - I r/' I ~ V I y, I I I I I I I I I UNINCORPORATED JEFFER50N COUNTY Z I I- I I I I CITY LIMITS I WZ-98-11 PI e Nu z 0 Z 0 w w KA15EP PErMANE 5U6 F LING 2 C-1 WZ-9&19 M&O0-7 ANX-9&4 WSP-00.1 KA15ER PERMANENTE FILING 1 MX-9&5 C-1 PARK AND ANX-9&5 WZ-9&17 C-1 W 44TH AV V ~ A R s C IV IV IFFFM IL 1 O W Z f April 1, 2002 PROJECT NARRATIVE Kaiser Permanente Wheat Ridge Medical Office Building Addition 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, Colorado Architect's Project No. 0173000 Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 20 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Dear Meredith: Submitted herewith for your review is the Kaiser Permanente Wheat Ridge Medical Office Addition Site Plan application prepared by Davis Partnership Architects. This project is for a new 11,200 s.f. building addition and a 57 space parking lot addition to the existing Kasier Permanente medical office building located at 4803 Ward Road.. Landowner Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado 10350 East Dakota Ave. Denver, CO 80231 Mr. Christopher Colby Developer Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado 10350 East Dakota Ave. Denver, CO 80231 Mr. Christopher Colby Applicant Davis Partnership, Architects 2301 Blake Street, Suite 100 Denver, Co 80205 Mr. Craig Dunham Kaiser Permanente Wheat Ridge Medical Office Building 4803 Ward Road, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Lot 2, Kasier Permanente subdivision filing no. 3, in sections 17 and 20, township 3 south, range 69 west of the sixth principal meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado Current zoning is C-1. The building addition architecture provides visual interest consistent with the existing Kaiser Permanente medical office building character and scale. The proposed project addition consist of two building additions of one story each totaling 11,182 s.f. using building materials which match the existing building materials. The exterior building materials include a field of light multi colored tan brick, with fixed glass in dark bronze aluminum window frames. Roof-top mechanical equipment will be screened with painted metal panels that match the existing RTU screen system. The building addition is designed to provide Davis Partnership P.C., Architects 1 Denver Office: 2301 Blake Street - Saite 100 Denver Colorado 80205-2108 303.861.8555 Fax 303.861.3027 Vail Office: 0137Main Street Unit C106 Edwards Colorado 81632 970.926.8960 Faz 970.926.8961 p:\kaiser\01730D0\adnrn\lelter\mr040ID2tloc Meredith Recken April 1, 2002 Page 2 Kaiser Permanente with space to add 6 new medical providers and 12 exam rooms, while still blending with the existing building. The parking lot addition is designed to provide the required parking both by the City of Wheat Ridge and Kaiser Permanente standards. The landscape design and plant materials have been carefully selected to continue the planting theme and enhance the existing site. It is expected that development of this site will commence immediately upon issuance of a building permit. Anticipated construction is to start in late September 2002 and to end 14-15 months thereafter. Kaiser Permanente is expected to occupy the building addition in the Winter of 2003. Square footage of existing building - 47,001 Square footage of building addition. - 11,182 Lot area - 20.014 Acres Total project value - approximately $3,500,000 Anticipated completion date - December 2003 The Kaiser Permanente building addition will house standard medical office operations. The medical office will have normal office hours into early evening and the Pharmacy will be open Saturdays. 52 parking spaces will be added, plus 5 accessible spaces will be added, for a total of 290. We appreciate your review of these plans and ask that you identify any potential problems with the Site Plan as early in the process as possible. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Craig Dunham, AIA Project Architect cc: Christopher Colby Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado Gary Adams Davis Partnership P.C., Architects Kevin Scott Davis Partnership P.C., Architects Attachments: 1. Application Form signed & notarized 2. $987.50 fee 3. Recorded Deed 4. Limited Power of Attorney letter 5. 16-24"x36", 1-11"xl7" Site Development Plans 6. List of property owners within 100 feet 7. Copy of Pre-application meeting notes 8. Traffic Impact report 9. Final Drainage Report so 0 MISC x Pr-xnAANC- vrC This letter is to serve as a Limited Power of Attorney authorizing Davis Partnerships, to act as a representative of Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado for the submittal process regarding the Wheat Ridge Medical Office building Expansion and Renovation Project Plan Review/Submittal Process. 4~ 15- Christopher G. Colby Project Co-ordinator r lav G~eC? Z l► Jim Lynn Facilities Development Manager Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado • Colorado Permanente Medical Group, P.C. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals P.O. Box 378066 • Denver Colorado 80237-8066 10350 East Dakota Avenue • Denver Colorado 80231-1314 • (303) 344-7200 M q Q:9 KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING A Part of the SWS/4 of Section 17 9 a Part of the NW1/4 of Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P,M. County of Jefferson, State of Colorado Sheet 2 of 2 `q 132x1 Qbe '0 20 F^ m- I 1904 Q SW/ySEC.>. _ _ _ _ _ 21"W (BASIS DF BEARIMGl1 SEE NOTE x0.0 fo•xsxe'W--I S, ONSHEET IOF2 tSLll' Q N 00'04'21'N Pv an ad 0' AD 1x0' SCALE' IN= 60' MONVMENTATION SE`NS REDAR ARTH ROBINSON ENGINEERING CAP; LS 21321 1 i• I I e~a s I BIe I~ \ 4°1 b\4. PWS•.wu•I ~upllaaO..rK I t IxiaG xoo•p»~ .-1 . TRUE POINT OF -pgglxgc p{~ --BEGINNING - x-'29 ^ _ t_f. 1 \ I F SEwM \ \ \ m ~Wi I \ \ EASE NE.} I 1 s ^ . IN 1 1 x°xT.L E 5%.R x°% . TUa oWsi.~R..INA. A= ; 1 \ m1^ 5 OO 'E 11955' I \ 'b~'. _ II _ S1f I ~ / -nom ea ~J ea SJ\ N,v.E coal. e~d\ \ YTILItY..S.WIrtPIV A- I a3 rv 00 Of'If'r It, . i u•Drix'[ I \ I I 5 09'S0'A6'W 53.66- 1 I °f TN( . . or OF EEC. TI S a9•ad'A Y >9/ i/ • ~ n tb° / f aNyh: I /%M1N/r al / \ PROPOSED 50' NON E%CL.SIVE LAIIWN? FOR DENVER WATER 6MR0 I I I) I I - / /J II I; n00' S O V'• e3 9N 9. b s o`i. ~ Wl J 0 MAP NO. 50 PLAT NO. SCI4-7-85 Section 20 N 00.O_14• W 1 I rO . e ~ n In m I$ m \ mP I" UN PLA'IFTEL °i \ ,-PPIygTE A .A ` DRIVE ORIYE \ \ o °+s 9\O > \ \ V s \ 9 As \ ° F \ ia b \ e \ f r \ ~ / -4 AR " 0 / ° BUILDING . . ; ENVELOPE O JP.5 •°fT'EO [ :90VNV 9LWP AREA ` `1] 0 3) 600 r72 . a. 1 i \ iJ S. 1°1o 3t'w ± , MAa xEIGNT - 15 IT • \ 5 S\ S. ~ 501'15 EI w n • e`. 11 E ° - 1 - wv:: - _ a lv °O M JG - o$ DRAINAGE EASFNFNT No. .1 .11 i,0iro vv [.-l •Y wl $ v r \ sa00a rylc DRAINAGE ESNs i '<q L " \ •A ~ dfVSOVIE=EH9'f ,Nx ~ * \ \ N0 LB +I LOT - I e v BLOCK-1 3A 6 507,133 Square Feet , m 11.64 Acres \ \ s s T1 \ i Y I I 1 I ° ° D N a I reo p I I a c° ~ T6 m I \ 3. \•yf° I I / ,eW N soEESS.Um. mipxo: iieii\ 00 9 9Q?0_3~-_~ RE'IOTE OEHC-VAR% . 1St orfer 1145 (1900) eu 1111 (mcnuren[ [cad A). In hlvlda i r <C[IOn of 1-10 and vaair°rt se[ +<r[ICal ly In Sou[A fact of most Southerly 044 °f four col anon [e/scmter >V<r of Eat[- J~Ngf bound Ian< of .,h., (over YaOSV°rth 21.1' Well o! in c a nine oNothbound lane of elyd. and 21.1' .al[ of [er[arllne o/ SAU[n-bound lane of Waesrorth Blvd., 1.1 meters above ground01st 1LaoPed L-a12. Elevac]on • 531.)1WINNER OF SEC.20. T35, P 09 W SITE BEACNYMK Top se range boi P 5 114 comv of Section ll, i:5. R69'J, of the 6th P.M.. Elevation 2-/2"FIPE FLUSH WITH GflWNO r T3 S. A.x .y1Ntm, ".`.W. BRASS PSSHOWN.OLEF ST. HIGHWAY NO. 72 CAF STUMEO AS SHOWN TO LEFT -HOA&E0 IN A CAST MON RAN" SOX S (WARD _ROAD) ( R.O.W. VARIES ) SSa. $I OO 01 N 00'0 1 'I<wN _ar N 00''l'W \4 A. K. 3dAiU4 -1901), lE IP WITH CAP STAINED SE CLAN" 0I THE NW IH, SEC 20 A.K.A. CENTER QUARTER CQRNffl T.3S., R.69• FOUND 31/4 a=, STAMPIED g S SHOWNRELOW NOUSfD O Di A WT HIM .O RM10E BOX 5-D2;2 c .1/. SEC 20 1984 \ap S. ',y rfp \ 4 °O,, 4 \ STf •f Ef1'Y 0 •.4x3 A/a. 787252-415 I 1. ~l ROBINSON ENGINEERING INC. 3001 So. Jamaica Ct. Aurora CO. (303) 752-4823 -71 Qw KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 FINAL PLAT A' PORTM d7F Th SDUTNWEST DW-OJARTER DF SECrrDN 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 17F T!E 6TH PRINCIPAL. MERIDIAN, CITY Lr VWAT RIDE, CD(MTY DF .,EFF£RSON, STATE DF COLORAD9 5ff=r IOF LNPLATTE➢ 9ECEPTION NO. 92104253 ZONING = I-3 (JEFFCO) LTFLATTED RECEPTIM W. 821GW51 ZONING = C-1 tAr1 CIE ~^9M.RT~ZLTII 1lTZE• aPi6 i CrW avJ M A yAN, m Afb7 fly CELAL IfCTAI i~Ei , x A[S MT. MW Etr>E£AEAT, 1TIIY 1fAr AC fok f)1lSi J ETLZT. W A6 A!T A lt~'I !W ANY EFECi N )ITS W%48=1 = ilMV 1 FWX T OM i M rS9t } w waver rf Gb_L L ] .wt t r,' 6bir fer~w.te AAf.bs. f>hG )Fa L. /I'er ~ N'wV'' ~ re`f) e,rrr ~ rielle efMb tAtn bls ]fd1 ~rr.t ✓ nww.t rNN K WtN b w erers. bvnK q.trrrs N Iurrt rF 1Fr e.w1 W pH f✓fM:+-r M^t e~ K d Me now+w~t Mrap1 nY erreF b YIVT whrtq nY nsnantr Rw rhbrlT /e[1"M' Ma.wls ~ aApctnt PgseHr. wY> few ebrttip AMt i'A'nK w C PM (XFFT 4Canft~yVZ^ V> • `tflrft~'l3lF asrtl -L 1-2 L Ferw+ tY Zu ' =1IY1 rw1 L AfTWIIE N fE4 R®r At9iufE MtE Mil° ~e-MIEC MAZER ~ 7IFI i tSTECT/K MTG AVRC'r Z I6f. Ya(G R KAMV[lt'TE 4 V1 rim w 2 lES M IF[ C 4EK d IIthIL FI®IMfa w Ten-frot ar) ebb u ty ns^ents rrr heeehY T^ ^ Plitt M'ePeetY tl}cwt b r P./r rtreeK W re.n/ Me prwrter ✓ nch bt h N+e Ndvaw Ar p4ttN e.w u.-... tr ~tr ercN. ~ eer.r there rose.w~es we AeefertM fr w M4RStm, .wY~brrrce, rM eep c~nn:f .F elrcbrc. P lMe.imn t~Me. M <Neeww.e'crtbs ficueFC ~tMr/(pmrWwab+irMrrnmt y rCCfrr nreM1K .M'.IIY. ra.rwer e.ae ..tw-r r.x met w Pe..+tt.A .w, ra ..wty tirwM.K tti b 0 N 00 r•3 ScUards WNsmTM W+ s / je L&M M Ryffyo t5 Grin, Inc. 390 Union 6eileeotE P6 : 303-986-1444 Sw 630 FM: 303-W-0994 LA 4r oW. C*Wv 90228 -santlg4-cam COryllawC owl an friar Hcny+ n ] ur /ass cr u aft) PNVT 6 EEMI! JETWATAN :Gam FTIUMrLt K+V.M /tAA' a m9aff¢ A LanaaT AOI-{l6ifT Fa!'YMiEb EW IrE INCr E im AOKS EmltL/ Af'fAliVS• . ,..o A Arrr wr s m.rrrrT se-rrerer a sxran. 1lNQ+w ] mnw. Av¢ MZGE, Twrr CtL9Mri ) STATE Ar > S3 CaMTY a El'FEIr](M ) % d ate VAS starnAr % cFas E VMS 8 TIE T A6 f0 ' - ' AY.. V1rAFSlr lD AA7~f MI ApiART HK f1YfNE ):1f:l ~ C iQen>mTMgfbFaS PLAWAG. CGWaSaW CE'RTNICAT77MI NTAYN RAT C1LT EEM ATIQRYED lr TE lY.NFIII !9/LSTI9V a TIE cnr a ARS A Wt Trr "T W NEAT ff I , MLL ' aagf~ fMran L£RT1fx4mm - Ir6 IT p a9t a ow ff" H IAEAT E6, 9IMb B i TO 4r EAbs!s~, IW. A r .W MILK 11E 1?!AM ILAT. ATTEST: nl r Crrr fxEUr APPROVALS: ~ . 1w w PCiCK 1®[S' EIEC1ar a - AMI/6 AIO EMEL9KMT RArt AUKS CER FM4T77RF CDL#jTy CLERK AW l RS CENT7 7CATI MN Xr l Cn.~ > > SS >ml~~lx i TwQI/ i 1~l_ra~ri. «~i a ic~T IiiEs +a a~- -3-7 lijvv -"A 'S YZ->Y~-Ef V}/#II I/4 tdbca =rB n /TASS CAP LS aT2) 1-~~ 3114' r PaTEs I . + E< Atl S :E1:e VIII KIAIMM /W STMrFZ iwlCiT RS tilt wEss Avrcs IrtEkvfsc D w san rrln.te. erne Mee ww rr 9ErI1Tar A'EI' M t owNCb/ A./ :.hb:r N w o.e .r ~t ~.ec me hrceavr M rgrs h w I ww.t wt nrn o.sr+rY. wI elhbr@ t :et ^,rwrl N a.r t.s. w Gq e! ~ fewt IIM 11x1 bn W e{At b whr M ~ Nprf wu>mrY ~Vr. w enf M ten reV ewr. Artt .tamswlr~tens+b ley ~tW.r 1 NrrMre,~r 1r w:r/acwA w 4tntl~ vn w tlr~s r slhntas MMwrYv I ~ ice` ✓ w Mwibr rw r t,~ .iwk w yyrwM ~ l'S K LIIW fA^XnE3 EVELtl10fl1ftW(iir W.1ZlP FILwpTp1 l2sklf! RW a /aaaeH A L~.lh1p AOI-PIa1r yafesuTOt q E N / I I I RI I it "M12 WNW= 15,542.7`A.ri. 59pE51flAcokm1 PoA&N10o00Y1B0m IF •-I59 1: B mfl 4WWADWD IG,M.750,Fr. 5x9t510A'IXhmf „rm FB9JNOA%Cft10RIlm LFi~F - am L ~R~ o $ 27,.59• a 9 78 ' " SW - 04'21"E ~ 00,,'21°W E 2, 9 00. 04 ' " Fat~ex E mEUaaexre x 545.74' . _ - -T~---- m 9a9 asa ` gxxWM` 98 S 00. 04 21" E a 19 iIONIEECEIERAPCN IAHE P wlrmAYrE gx- p m ~ 1f p 1 .1PWAtFRVAM EPSTMC PCCELLE A y~ ~Y OO f, Z O /j ~tl O `LNIRWPEVRIIYWC.dT ~ N 02 ° § Aug F Z NWY NOM wnao go nn J .NWt/p,S E .ORO NW pi0.000. . 0 90, T.93.. T.mW. ~19 r / / KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO.2 LOTS 1- 4 a OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN of the 7771 d I g e.~F-/1$1 T / 04' 2 I n S 00. OC 21" E - ° ~I II 16 ~J< ym9ir,~~ - - 3 298.58' 00. 0 1 r. ---SRanrxWWt^' L . E r Ad E7 7 UM 14 4555Ntl mm 15,542.754K. SPYdfSNRlomM4 FIDBON9A55mmm 6 9I ~I I JI I I 'W a 6W I I NORM VINICITY MAP NOTTOSC NOTE: 3 271.59' ' n-~ ® LF. w FK LW W ffFRJM 04 21 x ,jjW MR IM M gp WI ! ow Q'~11~M~T AY ~ &W :c 6/iE A650m m I wff mm 01 NLN ffWWUl 999xL ii61 wu Off A* r; ,10.9 I 0IWO MM ff1. S'I W. UI I ;fir ~tI I TE%ACC SiATpN -^=avooo war 2 1IR11bE5u1Lf NO PARKING SIGN NO PARKING SIGN SLV 19-l'V vn SITE PLAN 111 = 301-011 ti TH Z Ee V Y €p 'y 'O x FLU z W/ sr o -w- U WU* QO W 51TE DEVELOPMENT 5TAT15TICAL FACT 5hEET NAME Of DEVELOPMENT: SER PERMANENTE 5UMOSION FILUNG NO.2 KA PROJECT TEAM KNSER FOUNDATION HEALTH PIAN OF COIOPPLO 10350 EAST W(OTA AVENUE OEM/ER. WILRA 8O211 CHRISTOPHER C BANS PA EHSHIP ARCHIMCS P.C. 2MI BWE SIHEEI. SURE 108 DENVEH. CdARACO 8020.5 30.1.881.0555 CRNC DUNPPM, ARCHRI1T MOUNT OLNE CEMERTY SITE DATA VICINITY MAP N.TS. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWS PARMERSHIP ARCHITECTS P.C. 2101 BI-WE STREET. SUITE 100 DENVER. COUIRADO 80205 dN.BB1.B555 BVJfE &WNCFR, IAN05GPE PRCHBECf MIL ENGINEER MARTIN / MRON CONSULTING ENGINEEG 4251 KIPUNG P.O. BOX 4W1 WEAT RINE WID,WDO BCG34 SCOn .e T. CO WNLEY, fNdNEFIt SCOTT STRUCTURAL ENGINEER MARTIN / WRTIN COMaTNG ENGINEERS 4251 KIPUW P.O. BOX 4001 WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO BOOM 303.431.8100 MwHnEL MCAEFREY. ENGINEER LOT 2, KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION RUNG NO. 3, IN SECTIONS 17 AND 20, MECHANICAL ENGINEER EXISTING REQUIRED PROPOSED TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF ZONING C-1 C-1 WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO MW CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 7350 E PROGRESS PIACE LOT 1 AREA 4.803 ACRES 209,239 SF Sun 100 ENGUDIKKG. COUORA 80111 LOT 2 AREA 20.014 ACRES 871,826 SF 303.720.6600 KERH EMERSON. MOM BUILDING AREA 36,074 SF 49,266 SF MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 33'-0" 50'-0' 33'-0" ELECTRICAL ENGINEER SHEET INDEX GROSS FLOOR AR EA 47,001 SF 58,183 SF . MKK CGNEULTING FNGINRAB, INC. NET FLOOR AREA 42,138 SF 7350 E PROGRESS PUCE SUITE 180 LOT COVERAGE: STRUCTURES AND PAVING 166,527 SF 203,518 SF 1 OF 7 DATA SHEET ENG"OOD. COLOR= 80111 303.720.6600 PARKING: LANDSCAPING 705,299 SF 668,308 SF $IEPl4NIE WESFHWN. ExcNEER 2 OF 7 SITE PLAN REGULAR SPACES 208 274 319 IAND SURVEYOR IPROPERM HANDICAP SPACES: 5 7 9 3 OF 7 BUILDING ELEVATIONS TOTAL PARKING SPACES: 213 281 328 MARTIN / MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 4251 KIPUNG 4 OF 7 GRADING PLAN P.O. BOX 4001 WHET RIDGE. COIDRAW SW34 303.431.aloo 5 OF 7 DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN DUANE J.WSFN. ENGINEER 6 OF 7 LANDSCAPE PLAN LAND SURVEYOR ROPOGRAPHYI ARTIN / WRTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7 OF 7 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 4251 HIPUNG P.O. BOX 4001 WHEAT RIME COLORADO ROOM 303.431.610 DUANE JPRSEN, ENGINEER ISSUEIREVISIO.N DATE I NO. Cltt COMMENTS . KAISER PERMANENTS WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL OFFICE 4803 WARD ROAD WHEAT RIDGE , COLORADO SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL TITLE SHEET CODE INFORMATION DRAWN BY JB CHKD BY sHEEr DIE 10n.awD I 1 of-7 D.PA PROJECT# 0173000 ]3016WtE 3l., SIEtl1W oENVE0.GOLaHnoo99X5 9'J39B19AASPdgX13]X OW N "F.. PWTOmCSBmvI1 FDWPPBS. Cd.ORM'IBi6:II 818.9X.9960 F.9X.9X~1 500'01.14"E 155.90• WARD ROAD WARD ROAD - STATE HWt. 72 WARD ROAD . & BK. 2134, PG. 71 WARD HONG I WARD ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY 8K • -OF-WAY RIGHT-OF-WAY~Y RIGHT-OF-WAY 478 REC. 86032"nnS S Po _ - - - - I I \ \ \ t 11\\~\ 30' xox-IXCwsNE sG GE1ExnoN\ \ \ , 1 i 41o ) ! azc AF1~2oialo I eec "'207 ORE 3 CENIFA .WT EC. IS 'El51 ` ( \ x0i PMI i( 4' PRIVATE ACC RIVE \ 1`+l1 IF THIS RPLATiI LOT 2 Q \1 zoxmG Ana ~T3G' EC. f8H & cLRC Fsur. xuseR efluwElIN LI I ` ` ,I \ \ \ 'I \ \ pEFFLO) BX. IBV. Pc. AS SUBGNSION RUNG NO, 2 e a6c P65064 GREG, #F1207no) I Exls N ~ 1 I` ~ ~ ~ ~ h„ LOT NOT P~ OF ~f d PARgNG ED C~Y86 296 ` 20NINC C-11 4f u P T e I I \ lr\ sx E.SSOPERUUNNGDNO NO (REC. IF1207410) ~3mp NON-F%GWSNE 1 \ 11F• . \ • \ P RI 14 (MS fl PIT) "EG 1F12020)7910 _ 6 NE 1 MORE LFM R R" N) 20NINC C-1 11- [NOT EFF XWGPPOA2 (IF F.) \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ~OX-IXLWSNE UIIUIY I R' \ \ \ 0 ACL2 PRIV AC 5 . ESMT. y4 I I \ \ PARER 1 flEL. 1112.1. JON ScExreR N45'02 32"E s nm n) G 1 ORJET xq. 1 1 GET Rta9T966) , 28.63• I I - n^; G' PRNA 6I2 IN IS REPUT) ;AI' IxcaF55 6 EGR.S ESUI. N ECI10 ACCESS OR LONINC PM REC, 'GSGG,3 LOT a ACCESS ESMT. G \ REC. }66032961 ) LOT 9 NNSER PEPMM'EME REC. #F1207236 - 30 UTILI E$ EPCO I EY/SIING IWSER ,OR `FE SVBON610N RUNG NO, 2 su6ornsTOx Ouxc xo. 2 (REa /FII.70.) / 1y 1 6Ul,DWc (R(NOT #v1A2c0F7OFG) (NOT PMT of / J401M ff THIS RvuT) , ZONING GI / ^ NA6ERLPERAIANENiE g(/l(pING 2axlxc c-1 ~I 5M1' 20' Nox-IXLL09M /,ryh / P•1161 n "0 SUODMSION HUNG NO. NON, EENT / y f (8]1,828 S0. R. $612.5° P OR 2 ING f1 OR 20.014 ACRES!) /D NA 10' NOx-IXCIUS REC. #F120 5 _ ZONING C-1 (I E NT 0 umm' SENT. REC. /FIM7410 OYP.) NIG / \ PRIVATE A $ DRIVE YRS } PLOY ESMT. 0 4'.7''_~_~ 860}2961 _ uxruTrto /f 89'55' E o (N L Es ) ( 5.1I I / \ • 9.96' / J C.{# 9 `"r V"TEO CE xo 1.421 I f ) \\1 ti4 / TkE :t EASEMENT F THIN IN. NFF_3 30 IN R SS & EGRESS ESMT. S' \ VAUTE JO (3EFFC0) e 4 4. PG. 325 & 1 / P 5)]~A' CI REC. x C 06ESMT. N ) BBB J~ / / / \ \ \ S OR N I O. \ FE j96031967 F_ 1O LOT 1. / 1 W[t E~GCE§ynn R \ V ~ \ S RER SION Fl NCE N0. 3 \ / REf. ,y I OM 09.239 50. FT. GO I ~~9 \ J SQ. FT.) 5 V 0 .803 - C1 I s, ~ ~ ; Q7S)/NC PCWO ING 50• UDLHT ESMT. 1, s REC. B M ~3 TILT F REC . 86 190 0 190 ) 30'unum ES ( r. ~III~I D. /5 E8W J(9ID2990 GNPIATTEG zFC. #2539094) R W/ GP (NOT PMT' 0.06•(5) I I I \ IF "{IS REPU ZONING I-G 638.31' - Z - - - - - - - - UNPUTTEO 20' unutt ESMT. N0135'S6"E 1552.86' I MOVM OLM CONONROY REC. 91029902 SOON 362. PAGE 298 : # 20' UPLIIY ESMT. UTILITY ESM (NOT P. OF TMS RPUTI i GNPIATfEn REC. #91029696 REC. 09102 20NIN0 A-2 CO. NOINE GE.EM ('FETED SOEX 362-29S (NOT PINT OF n R 0.PUTl 20NING R-2 WLTFLO) LEGEND PROPERTY UNE YJ FREE HYDR~ RIGHT-OF-WAY Q EIGHT POLE-METAL O C E ~ TE ® SPNBPRi MANHOLE CURB MD GUTTER ® STORM MANHO(E \ -SkW CONTOUR Q WATER VALVE I / CLEAN OUT U B CURB INI-ET no INFA INIET 19 TELEPHONE BOX Q SIGN O PROPERTY PIN I 1 SITE PLAN zan 1• - 60'-0" 23GISINLESE.. STRING, oEHVER.coLOTUO08. YJ9.BBIASSP3018B13II7 013]NAINSIRF£T.UNT IR PoSTOFFlCE 60x 1ltt EDWMG9. COLORAN 016it B70020.BBW F.WG.B2fl~1 R KAISER PERMANEW E WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL OFFICE 4803 WARD ROAD WHEAT RIDGE , COLORADO SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL SITE PLAN DRAWN BY I JB CHKD BY SHEET FlI£ ToT/.M9 am xx:c 2OB IT D.PA PROJECT# 00173000 Dm~ ~ rv a i w "LL i~FU i Xo oF wi ~ wi o n~ ro. saXm 6 FF r Y . . 1Ep Wl¢d ryM N B.n. XFM nNII iRYE JIMm Tl N w1W FISNO WXW,Y iXWE T SLL ~11 NORTHEAST ELEVATION xn 3/32" = 1'-0" in FnOi a TA 9l nPnP Fa 2 NORTHWEST ELEVATION Y H JOf/ 3132° EWM6M m w1a - ' 3mnw ewer in i 0. MM . n scam A9 XRX/3Ea 11iLWW wa _ uuwu FwuE RuWm ro ' as ff W W swa wmx EmrxO WIP A 9M 3 SO UTHWEST E LEVATION " NORTHEAST aoO 3/32° = 1'-0 NORTHWEST ievi sump SOUTHWEST SOUTHEAST mm wiu mma ~Ea. XWF °i'~ ~ ~ TA PDY OE li10 Bpl t m l 1 11 11 Hil l 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 F]Iti01b 9K% aag ~~g~ A " ~ P .n'a~m nvx 1 CO. SL w r0 iBAAh4 YMGW WM B@.l°1F➢ WINW WM ~ m N ~ IllMIW fRYE P.WIED RI 0 D]SIMJ WXW ,i iW 11F 1M TM WmX F)EM] WNaM iRVE 4 SOUTHEAST ELEVATION T"~ 0 Jon 3/32° = 1'-0° _ A 3301 au~ sr., s3ealm DEHVFti.L0.0PANIYmS' 901PB1.6S53 F.30]~1.J12i 0137MH BIHEET. DMTC103 "MCEBMMI ZMW S,LOIAMAlB1&Q PIP838d3W F.VA.1 AX KAISER PERMANENTS WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL OFFICE 4803 WARD ROAD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL BUILDING ELEVATIONS DRAWN B JB CHKD Rr SHEET FllE bT "g 3ofT D.PA PROJECT# 00173000 IDGER DYP, - • I ~ + V`V A~ ~ FMRY ORWE \111TTT° \II ` s4 e - oe=J-!L- _ ~t~ J~ vA~~ v~\ / A 54~ - t 1'14 mcrn m?-) 11{[IIy[ d PROPFRIY UNE 4, BUILDING L \ ADDIGON l ' I :%C4~ I rte/ h i` \ ' ~~4 )B iQ' ` C \ \ \ 2V ROPOaSm A SHRUGS sevm (1+P.) _ ON V.S A q NEW PARKING t TREE (1YP) i A i Y - PROPOSm SNAGS TRIM + T S-0 • .._..PRDPOSm ) ® ` BUILDIG AVDMON ii \ `tea smRum (7 PROPOSES \ ORWWFMIL WSRNC PROPDSm I j f 'TREE DYP. SHADE TREE DECIDUOUS SHRUBS (TYP.) I / J i PROPOS flhAGRED! IIXISTN3 SHRUGS (iYP.) A i PROPOSm I UCH! ISYP.) EY fIi1NC,,PARKINC % Em LVERCR I ~ j / / tI f sxflu3s Om.)i 1 G•ai~\ t+ tF~ -f- ~ A / PARKING AREA 2 FOUNDATION PLANTINGS 0 _O; Bon 1' = WNG BOn 1" = 3O•_O~ PLANT LEGEND -PRO Em 5Y BOTANIC XNA FKCMAMN1tNNE 9RE SYM LMANIGNNAFROMMnJ WJAE SIZE O FASINGOECIDUOUSSNADETREm TORELWN OBNONMiIKTPEF9 %aWU.wneMSYU ® S&L IA1nvp'BMp£rtW Y®I. fa e nM .Fplg9mx Lief l y CX Ln~eeDUOi®SYIw.LaMS reY ' TNa~WSCOAPfKMlvn PmSO BOVA~ EVERO0.EENTBFS9 DRNE APn M PowN SH e E SBHGNE ER NT EE9 0fl NNN Pe al"No . r w.emPS. R-w OR wo..q.. elx WRING cxom 3ww c~m.e S~ww p DEMDUOUSGxRUes EYJSIING ORSANEMXT GAS YiOBSTOfSANN NN PNm'P~m^~m+•° xWwtum.e 5wt PARKING I M+o.w MWePPM GS cwrnuemmWa swl ' 8b#unuc RNaIYGgnN AT NImIe W4Y1 s W TNIWObn~9p WIMING Ep3TIN09ld11B9TOREMNN R CAwwSISE.xAV fiwL EmDemObLevJ PmOg,we. UNE \'.J sA sym#wlsw.em Swl yµ DeGe'em wNMSwwewy SeAMa4P ByM FR W.u INeiW SIe¢wn9OVe SPL SXISTING GO I IIOI NG ) Ju'Ylwue Mn NS a~mrrWrrst swt M . Juila Ntlx °ervttmy Ewm+ewreie..l ER swl TRF3s DECOUaus sxF a WMV s • vaLxla¢4ffi HYMt Sml penN PA F N 1xn PeEmaAN O E RGREENS'46G3 P➢A FRNYie mwlvie'hNm RM1M rvl AI JWp~ue Nnlm~WeYwwbMCOpNY sDi PnEnnn PUMePA M1.naJieRR W JuNPnblvMxmW Mpl~ Swl HL PgWin vpmMia ra, PICA NuWee JmlFs t $CJ JuNpno tl•>wnNVAG ! 5Pi lA GCe mNaOL ro L ll C So Green JU{v unnm a ny T...PddBr TJ swt ePJnneaeNxm ra. n P t.e~ ~ GGN WlwJagWkiun figl. PARKING LOT PLANTINGS FOUNDATION PLANTING AKE O~qm GIgeNH SEE (1) SHEET 6 OF 7 SEE (2) SHEET 6 OF 7 DRAWING NOTES LAND USEARFAS A NLOISNPBEDMFAS SXNLSE90MEOORSFFDFD TOTALRAFA=BT1.013SQOAREPEET PROP &ROCKMIRLX WNHFIL FABRICW MO8FG.N PAAXIXGPMIWNKS~i59.BA9p GEEEEI UNE FIRMING NgA4 SNtMNG •i3R11 SOWAEFEET O.PNAUTONATCIRRIWTONSVSI .U-GEIN3f.IN VJ(-c•WTSJ SLVMEFEEI SIFMMLLVR~DFOPLP. . L GS E fANL3IJPE.69D.0]]SCWPEFEEf ET OFIR P CR PNO MICRO-IETTYPEOFINUCATCf1NFAGS. GPIP 0 D D. SOILPREPN VONWILLSECIXAFIEIEDINFLWIING Q MM 4 L E. LJL PIAMS WILL M AGWE OR NOA GMOE FREE MANY OEFELS. OF NORM HFPLTH. HEJGM&IFJSOENLI(Y. M'D SPREND APPROPR WPE TO THE SPECM DEPNEO WY UNE LS. O NSEJM lSY RMERIL N S M I COMOI DS uxo3GSPJNGMGSwu NG ro Jm yT 3 SITE CON MCRSINANAVNEB MLN RGNFDTO GTURE SOON NO WxG EQUI NWUSH ENLOIIPAGEOMLKESTBD9HA4DHFN.TNYGFOITI Sof/ 1° c 100 _ TJDI CVJ'.ES 9fEWO] DENVFRCMAMLOWEW 9W E316`1d F39 g19DZ/ Lm MUx smEET. uxrtnro PoSIOFFlCE CO%Z111 ED WMOS. C[40RI11031EY 8)083&SWO F.WODXB"A1 185UHREVISION I DATE I NO. CGY . KAISER PERMANEW E WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL OFFICE 4809 WARD ROAD WHEAT RIDGE , COLORADO SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLAN DRAWN Dt AWi CHKD 6 GMD SHEEP FILE Eoll.d., 6of7 D.P.A. PROJECT# 00173000 CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIE]CATIOM Y ^i z im_ LLI 3 o e. ~i:!oa m rn I t ~ v F 'rte 'I x Q BIZ a Y71-° I p O Ti 3 4~a~IE z z V o n ua°nar~.. KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO.3 - FINAL PLAT A REPLAT OF LOT 1, KAISER PERMANENTE FILING NO. 1 AND UNPLATTED LAND IN SECTIONS 17 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 2 DEDICATION I / W'E KAISER PERMANFNTE, BEING ME OWNER(S) OF ME REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 24.818 ACRESS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING WMIN ME SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17 AND ME NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION OF 20. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF ME SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF MEAT RIDGE. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT ME SOUTH WARIER CORNER OF SECTOR 12; THENCE SB9'25'25'W ALONG ME SOUTH UNE OF ME SOUTHWEST QUARTER 70.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF WARD ROAD AS DEFINED BY KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIMSON FILING NO. 2 AND BEING ME MUE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ME FOLLOWING THREE. (3) COURSES; 1.) S0001'24% A DISTANCE OF 155.90 FEET; 2.3 THENCE N89M8'46'E A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET 3. THENCE WDVI'14'E A DISTANCE OF 625.19 FEET; THENCE S74'48'46'W DEPARTING SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 945.09 FEET; MERGE NOl'35'58'E A DISTANCE OF 1652.86 FEET; THENCE NBS-55.39-E A DISTANCE OF 358.22 FEET TO ME NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 4, KAISER PERMANENTS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. F1207410, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON RECORDS; THENCE ALONG ME WESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY UNES OF KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIM90N FLUNG NO. 2 ME FOLOWNG FIVE (5) COURSES; 1.) SOOU4'21'E A DISTANCE OF 433.17 FEET; 2.) THENCE S45YSkSE A DISTANCE OF 193.75 FEET; ,I THENCE N89TI.54"E A DISTANCE OF 120.44 FEET: 4. THENCE N4502'32'E A DISTANCE OF 28.63 FEET; 5. THENCE N89MI'54'E A DISTANCE OF 223.11 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF WARD ROAD AS DEFINED BY KAISER PMMANENTE SUBDIVISION FLUNG NO. 2; THENCE S(XY0e21'E ALONG ME SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY AND PARALLEL WTH ME CENTER LINE OF SECTION 17 A DISTANCE OF 78.89 FEET TO ME TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINS 1.081.066 SQUARE FEET OR 24.818 ACRES MORE OR LESS. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIMDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER ME DRAINING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER ME NAME AND STYLE OF'KAIBER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FLUNG NO. 3 - FINAL PLAT', A SUBDIMSION OF A PART OF ME CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO ME CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE OF REAL PIPES, STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON 3 ME FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOW.EOGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A.O. 2002 BY WMESS MY HARD AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOTARY SEAL KAISER PERMANENTEI SUBDIMSION FILING NO. 3 MOUNT OLIVE CEMETERY BASIS OF BEARING: BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON ME KAISER PMMANENTE SUBDIVISION FLUNG NO. 1 PLAT. 'ME OWNERS OF LOTS 1 AND 2 OF KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIMSION RUNG NO. 3, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANTS UNITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGE OF ACCESS TO. AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH ALL CURB CUTS, PARKING AREAS AND DRIVE AISLES WMIN THESE LOTS. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE UNITED TO THE OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF ME OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS 70. AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENT FROM SMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES. AND/OR FROM ABUTTING PUBUC STREETS' ME STORM DETENTION ME HERE SHOWN AS DRAINAGE EASEMENT RECEPTION NO. M032961 SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEOUENT OWNERS. HEIRS. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN ME EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, ME CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE ME RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF MIN SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURED RILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ME DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING ME HYMMUC CHARACTERISTICS OF ME DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WTHOUT ME APPROVAL OF ME DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. 1T11ITY ASEAN NT STATEMENT: TEN-FOOT (10') WDE UTUTY EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY CRANTEO ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL PUBUC STREETS, AND AROUND ME PERIMETER OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA INCLUDING LOTS TRACTS PARCELS AND/OR OPEN SPACE AREAS. THESE EASEMENTS ME DEDICATED FOR THE INSTALLATON, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CMLE. AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES. UTUTIES SHALL ALSO BE PERMITTED WMIN MY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN ME SUBOIMSION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED. WHIN SAID UTUTY EASEMENTS. 'STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSOV ) 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF ME JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER AT O'CLOCK -M. ON THIS _DAY OF 2002 AND IS DULY RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER ARD A. NONE. GO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF ME WY OF ME 'KAISER PERMANENTS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 3 - WAS MADE UNDER MY SUPERMSION, RESPONSIBILITY AND NED 1RY 20. 2002. AND TO ME BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMAL SIGNED THIS DAY OF 2002. (SEAL) RICHARD A. NORM, FLS. WD-'TSS94 MAYOR'S CERTIFICATION; THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ME CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO DID ON THIS DAY OF 2OD2. ADOPT AND APPROVE ME WMIN PLAT AND ACCEPT THOSE DEDICATIONS HEREON MADE. ATTEST: (SEAL) CHAIRMAN Of Ht rv ANX-98-04 W2-98-16 MS-02-03 WSP-02-01 KAISER MAY 23, 2002 MARCH 26, 2002 FEBRUARY 21. 2002 A,.RTINfMARTIN S NI a E~~I o:~l J a J Q Z I ■ KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 3 - FINAL PLAT A REPLAT OF LOT 1, KAISER PERMANENTE FILING NO. 1 AND UNPLATTED LAND IN SECTIONS 17 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SOUTH 1/4 CCR SHEET 2OF2 CENTER 1/4 COR SEC. 17 , T3S. R69W. 6TH P.M. _ NORTH-SW1H CENTFRIJNE SECTION 900'0421 E M' Hp:-E%CW9YE VRUTY I '~'~H~~N11 ~ 1' AND PM£SS F3NT REC. /£120)410 I oI N45'0232`E I 28.63' jo . J 2G' INGRESS & EGRESS HEAT -RLC. #95DGa1]8 LOT ACCE 3 SS ESMT. LVi 4 ~l IWSEq PEFNANFNTE REC. #£120)236 KASEN PERMANENIE SJ00M510N n... NO. 2 S VPgN51pN 11FlWGa10)110.2 1 I (REF (£124]410) / J (MG (HOT PART CF / NOT PART Of / (IRIS R L I i6YIGPPi) / L SWING C-1 I / Y 20' NOH-E%CLV9YL / TVTY ENT. REC #H20)410 ACCESS ESMT. ID NW-E G-L-sVE HE0. #£120)236 -N / VTLItt HAL / YJ I _ /--------I f I I ~ I I POND MI nW_EXIXL9VE 50' DEEENT, Vnurr Esur. RE. 12. I REC. ~12D%415 REC. /1120]910 I IAV A4V/.LCF£ M T1 OPEC. AUNOOS51 y I I 1~ (NOT PgNT 1 1~. OF TOE PEPLAT I LOT 2 E(MVING PCA ]0' I'w'-. k 5.5 ECAE55 ESNs. N-I BDVS R HUNG N A. 0. I j ("¢jG PD - K. $OK. P {HON 2 k PFC. 0.417. (FEG 1£120)410) I IG I (NOT PART OF C. LET I KNSER NAN 1 THIS REPNn W Q' PO.ONEA PFlIINGEHxIE0. 2 I I ZONING C-1 I I I? (REC. I1207410) ?T' NW-EMOSIVF. PPF:EL 4 I (NOT PART OF 41TMTY ENT. •AVbc HtE W'lER Txis REPIATI R:c. /5¢m410 EAE(PLC i9: wl1 ZONING c-.1 (NOT PORT - \ MIP REPIAT) I _ ICNNC. PIA (AY".) I------------ ---11 x I EYF.PIO\' SLIflVEY N^~. I GF H, I P REI..AMTn r _ SWN4 POA (u'TCCO) vII' II I I X I..) V1:1'L:T1EU (REG. #1210nx53I (NOi PART C£ nry5 REPEAT WI . ~I FGI) OhZ I r4~ I I li I I I v I I li a` I I 3 I I I I I I ~ d 00 W.A pI ~ (IiEG. q]51v094) I INOT P4RT fi 111 of 9U6I. REPLA 2WING I (.6FFGI) I o s I aS;. oa°ai o,h I 30' INGRESS & EGRESS ESMT. BK. 1474. PG. 325 & SK, 2539, PG. 942 to' PSCO 7-EASEMENT -[1o' PSCo ' N89'55' EASEMENT 1995, SEC. 17. T3S.R69W, ME: y1/4' BRASS CAP LS 113212 CENTER 1/4 CDR SEC. 21 T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. MO. 3-1/4" BRASS CAP LS Y 13212 00'.90' 01'14"E ' V 155 WARD ROAD WARD ROAD STATE HWY. 72 WARD ROAD WARD RIGHT-OF- ROAD WAY N59'S5T46 R~IGCHT-/86032961 j 1900, ,C\=\S K B12113~4,E G6 REC NT/86032964- r - VARIES) -OF-WAY (BK. /86032161, .F % fide's" 'fY` "}kl 1 20' DRAINAGE ESHT L10' PSCO L10 PSCO REC. #86032981 EASEMENT 5.00 \ EASEMENT \ ql n< --f - --75.88' 11 \ \ \ \`~$A Mc 4' PRIVATE ACCESS DRIVE I 1 \ \ \ I _ _ REC. 186032961 I I \ \ \ \ 26 SANITARY SEWER \ \ \ \ I \ ) ESMT. REC. #8 6 0 32 9 617 30 PRIVATE A R "HOTY CCESS DRIVE & I I \ I \ ESMT961 TO BE ELMIATEO EC. #E0. #86032 - I I - - - , ` \ \ \ T L9 \ \ \ \ 0.OMEps( L2 - -_--13 ---f r- \ \ \ \ \ 11 ' PRIVATE ACESS DRIVE I \ TO 30 1 \ \ \ \ \ 4, & NTIUTT ESMT. 1 1 20' GTE L6 A ~ZS Y REC. #86032961 ESMT. REC. \ \ \ \ 130g1 TING LOT LINE l #66032961 \ \ \ n'9;'ETs S BE ELIMINATED J A20' PRIVATE \ \ \ \ \ 51~• Y,,. CCESS DRIVE \ REC. #86032961 A6 \ 30' u#860 ESI 10' PSCO REC. #860253)1 1 Yp - \ EASEMENT \ IP \ 1 i LOT 2. \ 1~ \ \1 KAISER PERMANENTS \ \ m \ \ SUBO1WST0N HUNG NO. 3 1 ` 11 (8)1,826 S0. R. 24' STORM/ORAINAG o Umi J') 1 \ OR ZgJING CIS*) u. EASEMENT \ \ 7V / / t\ \ (HEREBY DEDICATED) \ \ \ (p / \ \ 50 PRIVATE ACCESS DRIVE II \ & UTILITY ESMT. \ \ REC. nUTY 32961 50' uJB60 ESUT. Lla - - - - \ / REC. /86025369 JUCHEM DITCH \ V \ ` ) y / \ 30' RIGHT-OF-WAYS` ~/STING LOT LINE 'I~ / TO BE ELIMINATED \ \ ~1 DRAINAGE ESMT \ \ \ 4~' KineQ EASEMENT LINE TABLE L1 58925'25"W 245.92' L2 SOO. HWE 50.62' L3 SW'01'14"E 298.80' L4 589.21254'! VL26' L5 S89'21'54'W 29.58' LE S6'38'06"E 20.00' L) N89C21'S4"E 24.60' LB N89R1'54"E 4.98' L9 N6.38'6"W 20.00' UO S00'01'14"E 202.27' 111 S8958146"W 44.90' L12 S65'5B'46"W 357.53' L13 S65-50146"W 170.41' L14 NDI.35'59"E 22.18' L15 N6558'46-E 160.82' Lib S24'01'ICE 20.6' L17 S45L0'00"W 8232' LIE S83'26'07'W 98.08' US N01.3558"E 20.20' 120 483'28'07'E 8824' L21 N4STO'00"E 79.05' L22 N65.58'46"E 3.70' 60 30 u 60 120 SCALE 1 60' h1 v / REC.#86032961 \ \ T \g°( LEGEND 0 PRIVATE ACCESS DRIVE \ / \ \ \ ~i PROPERTY UNE Iq~7T LOT 1, \~EASEM -1 07 I'1 KAISER PERMANENTE MD. fy / & U11LItt ESMT. \ / \ \ REC. 986032961 v \ \ _ _ SUBDIVISION HUNG NO. 3 LS /9010# / EASEMENT (209,239 SO. Fr. RIGHT-OF-WAY ~j OR 803 ACRESt CAP \ / ~ \ \ n ZONING C-1 ) 50' UTILITY ESMC 1 REC. #86025369 - - - - - HY PSCO EASEMENt~ - r - - - J FND.#5 REBAR W/ CAP LS 3 w(s) 10 PSCO O. P• 0.06'( - - - F - - - - - -EDSEMCNT - - UNPLATIED MWNT C11VE CEN.MY POD( 362. PAGE 290 (NOT PANT Of THIS PEPAT) 2(WINO A-2 ( ~rc0) - / \ \ \ ! 19 SECTION MONUMENT ' I 1 ~-FND. #5 REBAR W/ 1 GAP LS #9010 0.02'(S), 0.26'(W) V ENISTNG LOT UNE TO BE ELIMINATED \ T \ \ \J \ \ \ s gg \ , *^c .-H~' °og{r° ® SET 04 REBM W/ CAP LS #23899 HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT DOCUMENT a UTILITY REC.#86 64190 T / / \ \ 1 - 30' 'ROW ESMT. rREC. #9t029902 -IL- 1 _ 1 10 PSCO MAY 23, 2002 .y .rEAFM NT _ _ _ _ MARCH 26. 2002 464 20' UTILITY ESMT. N0135 58"E -T~ - - = I+------ S FEBRUARY 21. 2002 16-2 86 - - REC. 091029902 20' UTILITY ESIAL UTLTY ESMT. YWNi WK CfmVEIERr REG #91029898 REC. 19ID29F BOM 382-298 (NIT PAtt OF n IS HE T) 25xWG A-z (JBFw) W~oftMA.TIN_l e-TI- - KASER F'1 RMANENTC MEAT HIM PLAT/15060.0.01/2 OF 2 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2868 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 June 4, 2002 Mr. Richard Nobbe, P.L.S. Martin/Martin Consulting Engineers 4251 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Kaiser Healthcare Addition, 4803 Kipling Street - Final Plat Review Comments Dear Mr. Nobbe, Final Plat 1. Please correct Mount Olive to be Mount Olivet. Any questions related to these plat corrections can be addressed to Mr. Dave Brossmay, P.L.S. at 303-235-2858. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2868. Sincerely, Michael Garcia Development Review Engineer cc: Dave Brossman, City Surveyor Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner File(3) .May-30-02 12:54P DEVREVFAX 303 235 2857 P_03 POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL / BO. ,RD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: J u 4 (o Zoo Z I, C~ 1 h f7 u r~ ~ t p/a t S PA C~~r~C~('~-t C~ A (ZGtI-tT~ C-c`~ (name) residing at Z'>O FIL,AtLE Su LTr- 100.., ~J-,fc (L Cn7 70 Zo5' (address) as the applicant for Case No. hereb , certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at ¢2)0-5 t J A tZ~ -jZoAD (location on this -7 day of fyIA ~ 20 O z, and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fift.:en (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign • vas posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public heari lg on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and )evelopment. MAP e:lplan n i nglformslpostingcert Rev. 6/6/01 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 May 23, 2002 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case Nos. MS-02-03 and WSP-02-01 which are requests for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision plat and approval of a site plan for the purpose of constructing a 11,200 square foot building addition with a variance to Section 26-501 (Off-Street Parking Requirements) on property zoned Commercial-One (C-1) and located at 4803 Ward Road. These requests will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on June 6, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. CaaNyTCUTSTLANOCO W enofice@002Ms0203&wsp0201.wpd a a d S3 C a a a C 'v a a d d 7 D V U A o Z j al \ ` ~ a ~ 'a0 J C 7 = c D a N O m E ° 0 a 0 L O M o c ~ a o .a.• ~ ~p _ ~ NO N ~ N ON N G N NO N x °a 'n o a No a o a o (L o a It y a Q avo-~ U N N ~Nf ~i N N ~k12i N N ~a0~ N N W N N ~Mf v 0 a o a m C ❑ N a tp H Q N O N a S a O a O co a" y N LS N 0 a W a 0 Q N ° a d y a a m 0 0 c m oa0 ~ 0 E ~0 m o w 2 0 m = c cs ` 0 N 'O 0 _ HCIU N WE.) U> i n Q AU O o 2 0 ❑U O C mo > ~ N cc 'D O - O I ^ a 1 a O 0 O N O a U Z O IL M a V N N C- U a a r 9 a C O U❑ N y .-t c aD Q 0❑ N O N "p a 2 N N N U y y Q O Q O N d' c U U ~~iw E ❑ ❑ El Z ❑ ❑ z a M °v °v °e °a {A _u W ~ N Q m m (7 O rS o v v v °v 0 O rn m rn rn rn a E o m 0 m 0 m 0 m 0 rn V Q W Z n r O w x~p LL N 03: z a O W Z 2 ~ x J a U t~ ~ a ~I N T O O. W N Pte. m v Cd ~ F z N a~+ U f Q m v a T v U a 0 d a a z Y H 0*` `S~an / .1~er on (CO) Owner :Regional Transportation District Parcel :042866 Site :4400 Ward Rd Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/27/1989 Mail :1600 Blake St Denver Co 80202 V Price Use :9149 Exempt,Political Sub,Land - Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:1.00 . MetroScan Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Regional Transportation District - Parcel :042953 Site :6201 W 26Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80214 Xfered :03/27/1989 Mail :1600 Blake St Denver C 02 Price Use :9149 Exempt,Polit' Sub,Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:1.57 ` . • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Regional Transportation District Parcel :042973 Site 4625 Ward Rd Wheat Ri 033 Xfered :03/27/1989 Mail :1600 Blake St De Co 80202 Price Use :9149 Exempt, itical Sub,Land Phone Bedrm: Bat TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:1.10 - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Archdiocese Of Denver Parcel :043023 Site :4605 Ward Rd Wheat Ridge 80033 ~ Xfered :02/04/1988 Mail :200 Josephine St Denver Cc 80206 O Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone - Bedrm:l Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1948 Pool: B1dgSF:992 Ac:.50 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Regional Transportation District Parcel :110033 Site :4695 Ward Rd Whe edge 80033 Xfered :02/17/1988 Mail :1600 Blake S enver Co 80202 Price Use :9149 Exe ,Political Sub,Land Phone Bedrm: ath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:.49 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Mount Olivet Cemetery Association The Parcel :152554 Site :12801 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail :12801 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :9109 Exempt,Other,Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:4.70 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ; Owner Owner :City Of Arvada Parcel :188176 Site :*No Site Address* Xfered :12/01/1985 Mail :8101 Ralston Rd Arvada Cc 80002 Price Use :9149 Exempt,Political Sub,Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:23.61 . MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Of Colorad Parcel :189544 Site :Ward Rd Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/22/1992 Mail :10350 E Dakota Ave Denver Co 80231 (1/ Price Use :2111 Vacant,Commercial ( Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:17.97 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Kaiser Foundation Heal lan Of Colored Parcel :189952 Site :4803 Ward Rd Whe edge 80033 ~Xfered :12/22/1992 Mail :10350 E Dako ve Denver Co 80231 p,(~J"" Price Use :2112 Com proved Land !JV Phone' Bedrm:th: TotRm:l YB:1987 Pool: B1dgSF:48,626 Ac:11.64 a - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Mount Olivet Cemetary Association The Parcel :202165 Site :*No Site Address* Xfered Mail :12801 W 44Th Ave eat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :9109 Exempt, er,Land Phone Bedrm: Bat TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:9.23 I Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations N 1 /4 C 00 97 51.88• y 8 ° 1 m, 0 M o0 r T ' BLOCK I , LOT A 97 KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. I 0 0 r n N 5 W G j I 9 3 1 v` RS D. a9 ~ 00 39 _vT.5-00.OOA 00 97 01 001 a N w m n m c ya N t0 O JEFFERSON CTY. r- 86032964 I W~ I r n I sm 59 45 h~ t2 R.T.D. 005 i 1_1D.-r-55 88041436 00 ooa 89p3/ 4q6 V DD 64 ST. HWY. DEPT s, 006 1912 - 348 v OLIVE CEMETARY 003 63 60 /625•' I9 ST. HWY. DEPT. 1900-478 00 I oo~ I I I R.T.D. 89037733 39-201 N1/4 CORNER 9-0 10-A II-A ` 00z 6oz ooz V PT. OF NICHOLAS G RDENS SUBDI ISION 01 to I1 .560 \gg9" 9 BK- 1'999- 368. 9T N O N 0) M C C a 7 2630-817 2630-817 2630-817 2630-817 1 1 A8 ~ R qR Afl 150' 0 91. E30' S - el 19 L1Etl Cpl 1909490 _ W. 44 Ih. Avenue E0 Iso' 5' 2 1 ® 8 00 _ 005 O6 m 70 5T 006 I6 mlz-T9E S II1.0 191E13T 0^ c I PUBLIC STORAGE AMENDED I. SUB. ® 001 zoo Ile 106 Isa 002 GU3 _ / TH / as y0~ti .Ag3 7ZD i 16 14A TH W9-10) 009 ISA ' PT. OF / 00 NICHOLAS GARDENS 05 SUBDIVISION I2-A PT C ooz LAP y3q' 120" i ~ ~g05 13 mti _ g0~ 13A o TABOR DI 009 PT ; I i IR 5.1! I ooa LEI o67 1C„= Io I@ 09 I PT OF I a o D 1~.oosz City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Mike Garcia FROM: O'Meredith Reckert SUBJECT: Case Nos. WSP-02-01 & MS-02-03 DATE: May 28, 2002 Attached are two copies each of the site plan and subdivision plat for the case numbers referenced above. Please review and comment. These cases will be reviewed at public hearing by Planning Commission on June 6, 2002. 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2868 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 May 28, 2002 Mr. Scott T. Conley, P.E. Martin/Martin Consulting Engineers 4251 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Kaiser Healthcare Addition, 4803 Kipling Street - First Review Comments of Final Drainage Study, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Final Plat & Construction Plans Dear Mr. Conley, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents for the Kaiser Addition received on April 10, 2002, and have the following comments: Drainage Study (Discussion) 1. Please discuss if the Juchem Ditch Company will be accepting more water. If so, have they approved this concept? Please discuss any water quality issues that may be implemented into the addition. Please include language into the Final Drainage Report addressing these issues. 2. Please discuss the ponding depths (for both the 5-year and 100- year storm events) in the parking lot at the design point 1 and also at the existing curb chase that releases into the existing rock channel. Please state the depths at the locations. 3. Will the existing rock channel be able to function appropriately with the additional flows? 4. Please discuss the slope stability for R2. Will the runoff adversely effect the slope? Per Building Department, slope from proposed sidewalk cannot exceed 3:1 slope and meet ADA requirement. 5. Please discuss if there will be any adverse effects to adjacent properties. 6. Please provide P.E. seal and signature on the final approved report. Drainage Plan(s) 1. Please include a site map on the drainage plan. 2. Please provide clear, concise cross-sections at the locations shown. 3. Please provide (when appropriate) P.E. stamp and signature. Please provide 2 signed and stamped sets of the drainage report and construction plans with the second submittal to the Public Works Department. Grading & Erosion Control Plan 1. Please see the drainage comments regarding the grading along the south portion of the new addition. Is the soil acceptable for the new addition? Will the sheet flow have any negative effects to the soil stability for the new addition? Final Plat 1. Please correct in the legal description, the bearing of course #4 (along the westerly and southerly lines of the Subdivision) - the graphical portion closes. 2. Please correct the distance between the POC and TPOB in the legal description. Any questions related to these plat corrections can be addressed to Mr. Dave Brossmay, P.L.S. at 303-235-2858. Traffic Engineering A copy of the construction plans has been forwarded to the City's Traffic Engineer, Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E., 303-235-2862 for review and has the following comments: I have reviewed the traffic impact study and concurred with the study findings. This review is needed to determine the impact to the adjacent streets and also whether the traffic increase would trigger the access permit process. This is to be reviewed by the City and/or CDOT. For the purpose of clarification, the proposed facility is adjacent to Ward Road and West 48th Avenue and the responsible agencies are the Colorado Department of Transportation and the City of Wheat Ridge respectively. A traffic impact study received on April 10, 2002 has presented the traffic generation and the impact to the adjacent street system. The report has included the analyses and concluded that the proposed expansion will have minimal impact on the surrounding street system in the short term. Due to the growth in background traffic along Ward Road over the next 20 years, this roadway will need to be widened to six lanes not including the auxiliary/turn lanes. This would require additional right of way to place auxiliary lanes. It is my understanding that under the term agreement from the annexation, no additional right of way dedication on Ward Road can be obtained since the current section can accommodate 6-lane facility. Thus, we have no further comment on this concern. In addition, the report has determined that the traffic increase for the signalized access (West 48th Avenue) is below 20 percent. Thus, this driveway will remain unchanged or will not required a permit process per section 2.6.3 of the State Highway Access Code. Traffic Planner A copy of the construction plans has been forwarded to the City's Traffic Planner, Mr. Dave Mentor, 303-235-2866 for review and has the following comments: 1. Ward Road is designated as a streetscape street. 2. Proposed improvements by the developer are greater than 50% of current assessed value of existing improvements. The project is thus subject to streetscape requirements. (See City of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Chapter 26-222). Proposed new S.F. = 11,224 SF Proposed new use = Office H-N Assumed value of new construction* _ $631,000 Current assessed value of improvements = $1,049,000 New improvement cost vs. current assessed value = 60% *per City Code Administrator 3. A 10' wide treelawn (area between back of curb and the detached sidewalk) is required to be constructed along Ward Road. An 8' wide detached sidewalk (behind the 10' wide treelawn) is required. A sidewalk easement may be needed if existing ROW is not wide enough to accommodate the required widths for the treelawn and sidewalk. 4. In areas where the existing sidewalk is attached, the developer is required to detach the existing walk. 5. The treelawn shall be sodded, irrigated, and have approved street trees planted every 35' to 40' along the frontage. (See Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual). 6. Money in lieu will be required prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for streetscape amenities to be constructed by the City during a future streetscape improvement project. These improvements will include features such as: pedestrian lamps, pedestrian benches, trash receptacles. Other possible features may be added when detailed design for the project is completed. The rate required to be paid by the owner at this time (prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy) will be $18.46 per lineal foot of frontage (for a bare-bones project). Streetscane Costs Price ea. Price per l. f. 1 Street Bench every 500' $1085ea $ 2.17 11.. 1 Ped Lamp every 150' $1860ea $12.40 If Trash Receptacles at every 500' $850ea $1.70 l.f. Splash Apron (4" X 9"back of curb) $2.19/1.f. $2.19 l.f. 7. A maintenance agreement for the treelawn will be required prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. (See Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual). 8. The Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual is available at the Planning Department for $10. The Code of Laws: Chapter 26: Zoning and Development is available at the Planning Department. Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. For your information and submittal in the second review package, a copy of this permit is provided. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction of the public improvements, the necessary right-of-way construction permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Please return all red-lined prints with the second submittal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2868. Sincerely, Michael Garcia Development Review Engineer cc: Greg Knudson, City Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer Dave Brossman, City Surveyor Dave Mentor, Traffic Planner Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner Darin Morgan, Chief Building Official File(3) 4803Ward reviewl.ltr May 24, 2002 RESPONSE TO SITE PLAN AND SUBDIVISION PLAT COMMENTS Kaiser Permanente Wheat Ridge Medical Office Addition 4803 Ward Road Architect's Project No. 0173000 - Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29 s Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Gs Dear Meredith: Submitted herewith for your review are responses to the comments made regarding the subdivision plat documents and site plan submittal which were reviewed by the Planning Department for site plan approval for Kaiser Permanente Wheat Ridge Medical Office building addition Plat Documents These comments are addressed in the accompanying letter from Scott Conley of Martin/Martin Consulting Engineers, Dated May 23, 2002. Site Plan Submittal Please clarify amount of building square footage devoted to mechanical utility space, restrooms, elevators, hallways and kitchen area. According to staff's calculations, the required amount of parking is 286 spaces where only 278 spaces are provided. This is based on a gross building area of 63,666.5 square feet with 10% removed equaling a net area of 57,299 square feet. Gross Building Area equals 58,183 square feet with 27.6% devoted to: Mechanical Utility Space - 750 square feet - 1.3% Restrooms -1,417 square feet - 2.4% Elevators - 55 square feet - 0.1% Hallways -13,823 square feet - 23.8% Total -16,045 square feet - 27.6% Total Net Building Area equals 42,138 square feet. Based on 1 parking space per 150 square feet of building area where 50% or more of building is to be used for medical offices, required parking equals 281 spaces where 328 are provided. Please refer to Title Sheet Iof7. Davis Partnership P.C., Architects Denver Office: 2301 Blake Street Suite 100 Denver Colorado 80205-2108 303.861.8555 Fax 303.861.3027 Vail Office: 0137Moin Street - Unit C106 Edwards Colorado 81632 970.926.8960 Fax 970.926.8961 p:\kaiser\0173D00\adnnin\letter\mr052402.d0c Meredith Reckert May 24, 2002 Page 2 2. Sight triangles at the intersection of the major interior drive on the north with the street should be measured 15' on the interior of the project drive aisle and 25' on the external street sides. This has been done. Please refer to Site Plan sheet 2of7. 3. Some of the new parking area's islands may contain evergreen shrubs. Please ensure that selected varieties do not exceed 32" so as not to interfere with sight distance. The evergreen shrubs for the parking islands shall be either a Juniperus horizontalis 'Youngstown Compacta' or a Juniperus horizontalis 'Hughes'. Both of these junipers reach a mature height at 18". The use of these shrubs in the parking islands will not impact the sight distance. 4. Twenty-six street trees are required along Ward Road. The street trees must be located within the minimum perimeter setbacks (50' on Ward). Existing trees can be used towards this minimum. There are thirteen (13) existing trees within the 50' perimeter setback along Ward Road. Thirteen (13) additional trees have been added to meet the required number of twenty-six (26) street trees along Ward Road. 5. Staff will be recommending a mid-point pedestrian crossing to accommodate pedestrian traffic between the northwestern parking area and the building. A mid-point pedestrian crossing has been provided. Please refer to Site Plan sheet 2of7. 6. Are any changes proposed for signage on the property? If so, the changes should be shown on the plan. We have added two directional signage adjacent to the new parking area. Please refer to Site Plan sheet 2of7. Comments by City Representative, David Brossman These comments are addressed in the accompanying letter from Scott Conley of Martin/Martin Consulting Engineers, Dated May 23, 2002. This concludes our response to the comments on the Plat Submittal and Site Plan Submittal used for the site plan approval process. Please call me at 303-861-8555 with any questions. Sincerely, Craig Du ham, AIA Associate cc: Christopher Colby Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado Gary Adams Davis Partnership P.C., Architects Kevin Scott Davis Partnership P.C., Architects MARTIN/ MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS May 23, 2002 To: Meredith Reckert, City of Wheat Ridge Subject: Subdivision Plat Comments Job: Kaiser Permaneme, Wheat Ridge Dear Ms. Reckert, The following are responses to your review comments dated May 6, 2002: Plat Documents: ROVED nnn,'~ 15060.C.01 1. The dedicatory language does not appear to be that of the city's. Please modify in accordance with attached Exhibit 'C'. The appropriate language has been added to the plat documents. 2. Please add a signature line for the Chairman of the Planning Commission. The signature line has been added. 3. Please add the following case numbers to the case history box: ANX-98-04, WZ-98-16, MS-02-03, WSP-02-01. The case numbers have been added. 4. On page 2, the notation for the new 20' storm water drainage easement should be designated as being "hereby dedicated". The notation has been modified. 5. On page 2, the notation regarding easements being vacated should include the language "hereby vacated by this plat document". The correct language has been added. 6 On page 1, please add the city's standard language for maintenance of stormwater detention areas. The stormwater detention language has been added. 7. On page 1, please add the city's standard language for blanket cross access. The cross access language has been added. Comments by City Representative, David Brossman: 1. Please correct in the legal description, the bearing of course #4 (along the westerly and southerly lines ofthe Subdivision) - the graphical portion closes. The legal description has been corrected. 2. Please correct the distance between the POC and TPOB in the legal description. The distance has been corrected in the legal description. Please feel free to call with any questions or comments. Sincerely, Scott T. Conley, P.E. Project Engineer 425 ` KIFLIN6 R PC. BUx •MCC IS WHLA! RIUUL. CVLOH4VO 6CC34 • 3C3. 431.51 00 City rtWheat Ridge MEMORANDUM Department of public Works TO: Mike Garcia, Development Review Engineer FROM: Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer ~ DATE: Friday, May 17, 2002 SUBJECT: Kaiser Permanente Expansion, West 48' Avenue and Ward Road I have reviewed the traffic impact study and concurred with the study findings. This review is needed to determine the impact to the adjacent streets and also whether the traffic increase would trigger the access permit process. This is to be reviewed by the City and/or CDOT. For the purpose of clarification, the proposed facility is adjacent to Ward Road and West 48' Avenue and the responsible agencies are the Colorado Department of Transportation and the City of Wheat Ridge respectively. A traffic impact study received on April 10, 2002 has presented the traffic generation and the impact to the adjacent street system The report has included the analyses and concluded that the proposed expansion will have minimal impact on the surrounding street system in the short term Due to the growth in background traffic along Ward Road over the next 20 years, this roadway will need to be widened to six lanes not including the auxiliary/turn lanes. This would require additional right of way to place auxiliary lanes. It is my understanding that under the term agreement from the annexation, no additional right ofway dedication on Ward Road can be obtained since the current section can accommodate 6-lane facility. Thus, we have no further comment on this concern. In addition, the report has determined that the traffic increase for the signalized access (West 48'" Avenue) is below 20 percent. Thus, this driveway will remain unchanged or will not required a permit process per section 2.6.3 of the State Highway Access Code. Board of County Commissioners Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Re: Kaiser Permanent Wheat Ridge Medical Office Addition Dear Meredith: ~ cn R. Michelle Lawrence District No. 1 Patricia B. Holloway District No. 2 Richard M. Sheehan District No. 3 Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed 11,200 s.f. building addition and 57 space parking lot addition to the existing Kaiser Permanente medical office building at 4803 Ward Road in Wheat Ridge. The following comments were received from the Planning Engineering Department of Jefferson County Planning and Zoning. Planning Engineering These comments have been based upon the application package and the requirements of Jefferson County Storm Drainage Design and Technical Criteria. 1. The expansive soils within the site could create flat spots in the storm sewers. As a result the storm sewer should be designed with a slope that is as high as possible. We recommend installing new storm sewer up to the storm inlet to keep the proposed slope as high as possible. 2. The reduced slope and two new manholes will reduce the capacity of the proposed storm sewer. Hydraulic grade line and energy grade line calculations are required for the modified storm sewer. The calculations need to include the minor losses and the effect of the tail-water from the detention pond. 3. The existing detention pond needs to take into account the additional impervious area from the parking lot and building expansion. Water Quality and an overflow weir need to be added to the pond for the site to meet the new county standards. If you have any questions on the above Planning Engineering comments, please contact Ross Klopf at (303) 271-8733. Based on the information submitted, we have no additional comments on the proposed project. S' cerely, 4!er a Sri II, annt g and Zoning Department Jefferson County 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado 80419 (303) 279-6511 http://coJefferson.co.us May 13, 2002 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Ridge Telephone 303/ 235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 May 6, 2002 Craig Dunham Davis Partnership Architects 2301 Blake Street Suite 100 Denver, CO 80205-2108 Dear Mr. Dunham: This letter is in regard to your request for approval of a site plan and subdivision plat for property located at 4803 Ward Road. I have reviewed the plat document and have the following comments: 1. The dedicatory language does not appear to be that of the city's. Please modify in accordance with attached Exhibit `C'. 2. Please add a signature line for the Chairman of the Planning Commission. 3. Please add the following case numbers to the case history box: ANX-98-04, WZ-98-16, MS-02-03, WSP-02-01 4. On page 2, the notation for the new 20' storm water drainage easement should designated as being "hereby dedicated". 5. On page 2, the notation regarding easements being vacated should include the language "hereby vacated by this plat document". 6. On page 1, please add the city's standard language for maintenance of stormwater detention areas (attached). 7. On page 1, please add the city's standard language for blanket cross access (attached). I have reviewed the proposed site plan and have the following comments: 1. Please clarify amount of building square footage devoted to mechanical utility space, restrooms, elevators, hallways and kitchen area. According to staff's calculations, the required amount of parking is 286 spaces where only 278 spaces are provided. This is based on a gross building area of 63,666.5 square feet with 10% removed equaling a net area of 57, 299 square feet. 2. Sight triangles at the intersection of the street major interior drive on the north with the should be measured 15' on the interior of the project drive aisle and 25' on the external street sides. 3. Some of the new parking area's islands may contain evergreen shrubs. Please ensure that selected varieties do not exceed 32" so as not to interfere with sight distance. 6. Twenty-six street trees are required along Ward Road. The street trees must be located within the minimum perimeter setbacks (50' on Ward). Existing trees can be used towards this minimum. 7. Staff will be recommending a mid-point pedestrian crossing to accommodate pedestrian traffic between the northwestern parking area and the building. 8. Are any changes proposed for signage on the property? If so, the changes should be shown on the plan. Attached are referral responses received from other city departments and outside agencies. All of their comments must be addressed. This case is scheduled for a Planning Commission public hearing on June 6, 2002. Please submit 17 copies of the revised documents by May 27, 2002, for packet preparation. For Planning Commission review, please include only the following sheets of the plan set: page 1 (data sheet), page 2 (site plan), page 3 (building elevations), page 6 (landscape plan) and both pages of the plat document. Also, please submit 11 " by 17" reductions of all of these pages. If you have questions concerning any of the above, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner c: file Mike Garcia CONTACT NUMBER: 1 DATE RECEIVED: April 10,2002 DATE REVIEWED: April 15,2002 SUBDIVISION NAME: Kaiser Permanents Subdivision Filina No .3 SURVEYOR: NAME: Richard A. Nobbe. P.L.S. Martin/Martin Consulting Engineers ADDRESS: 4251 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 PHONE: (303) 431-6100 FAX: (303) 431-4028 CITY REPRESENTATIVE: DAVID F. BROSSMAN. P.L.S. REMARKS: 1: Please correct in the legal description the bearing of course #4 (along the westerly and southerly lines of the Subdivision) - the graphical portion closes. 2: Please correct the distance between the POC and TPOB in the legal description. 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: PLEASE RETURN ALL REDLINES WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL. ENGINEER REPRESENTATIVE: Richard A. Nobbe, P.L.S. ' REMARKS: The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or review agencies. You may respond to these comments by phone or fax. Please contact us prior to submitting new prints so that we may inform you if there are any additions or corrections that need to be made. STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region 6 Traffic Access/Utilities Permits 3401 Quebec St., Suite 8400 Denver, Colorado 80207 303-377-6602 FAX 303-377-6603 April 17, 2002 City of Wheat Ridge Dept. of Planning & Development ATTN: Meredith Reckert 7500 W. 29' Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Meredith: a a I • RE: WSP-02-01 & MS-02-02/DAVIS PARTNERSHIP FOR KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTHPLAN, SITE PLAN AND PLAT, 4803 WARD RD. (SH72) The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has reviewed the above and we have no comments or concerns about the proposed site plan. Impacts, if any, to state highway right-of-way should be identified. If you have any questions, Sincerely, Nashat Sawaged, P.E. Access Engineer NS/je contact me at 303-377-6602. CC: SH File (SH72) Ref:020499NSO41702 Page 1 of 1 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 9 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 TELEPHONE 424-9661 FAX 424-0828 May 2, 2002 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Meredith Reckert Dear Meredith: In reference to Case No. WSP-02-01 and MS-02-03/ Davis Partnership for Kaiser Foundation Healthplan, Valley Water District has reviewed your inquiry and offers the following comments: 1. Valley Water District has adequate capacities to serve the development. 2. Valley Water District can provide water service to the development subject to Valley Water District rules and regulations. 3. Valley Water District is supplied water through a master meter distributors contract with the Denver Water Department and must follow Denver Water operating and engineering standards. 4. Valley Water District currently serves the existing Kaiser facility with a 3" domestic water service and a 4" fire sprinkler service. 5. Davis Partnership Architects will need to evaluate and determine if the existing 3" domestic service tap will meet the requirements of the additional development. 6. Davis Partnership Architects will need to discuss with Fairmont Fire Protection District if the existing 4" fire service will meet the fire flow requirements for the additional development. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 303- 424-9661. Sincerely, ~C~2~' Robert Arnold District Manager sM Xcel Energy PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY May 2, 2002 CITY OF WHEATRIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE, CO 80003 v r r Siting and Land Rights 550 15th Street, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80202-4256 Telephone: 303.571.7799 Facsimile: 303.571.7877 Re: Davis Partnership for Kaiser Foundation°Heatthplan-(Meredith Reckert) Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has reviewed the plans for Davis Partnership for Kaiser Foundation Healthplan. To ensure that adequate utility easements are available within this development, PSCo requests that the following language or plat note, be placed on the preliminary and final plats for the subdivision: Ten-foot (10) wide utility easements are hereby granted on private property adjacent to all public streets, and around the perimeter of each lot in the subdivision or platted area including lots, tracts, parcels and/or open space areas. These easements are dedicated for the installation, maintenance, and replacement of electric, gas, television cable, and telecommunications facilities. Utilities shall also be permitted within any access easements and private streets in the subdivision. Permanent structures and water meters shall not be permitted within said utility easements. PSCo also requests that these utility easements be depicted graphically on the preliminary and final plats. While these easements should accommodate the majority of utilities to be installed in the subdivision, some additional easements may be required as planning and building progresses. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center, at 1-800-922-1987, to have all utilities located prior to construction. If PSCo has existing gas or electric distribution facilities in this area, the developer should contact PSCo's Engineering Department at (303) 425-3867 regarding the use or relocation of these facilities and/or any grading activities on or near these lines. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at 303- 571-7735. Thank ~You, Kathry Bauer Contract Right-of-Way Processor NMDCommind 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Telephone 303/ 235-2846 April 10, 2002 The City of Wheat Ridge The Wheat Ridge Department of Planning & Development has received a request for approval of a site plan for development and plat on C-1 zoned property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by May 8, 2002. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WSP-02-01 and MS-02-03/Davis Partnership for Kaiser Foundation Healthplan LOCATION: 4803 Ward Road REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a site plan and plat PURPOSE: Construction of an additional 11,200 of floor area and parking lot expansion APPROXIMATE AREA: 20.0 acres of land area (site plan) 24.8 acres of land area (plat) Issues for consideration include the following: The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. The availability of service lines to the development. The adequacy of capacities to service the development. Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations. Specific easements that are needed on this or any other document. Any comments which would affect approval of this request by your agency. Please reply to:I" Meredith Reckert Completed by: Department of Planning & Development (Name, Agency/Department, Date) Fax: 303/235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Valley) Jeffco Health Department XX Sanitation District (Fruitdale) Jeffco Schools XX Fire District (Fairmont) Jeffco Commissioners Adjacent City Q XX AT&T Broadband XX Xcel Energy WHEAT RIDGE Post Office XX Qwest Communications WHEAT RIDGE Police Department State Land Use Commission XX WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. State Geological Survey WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission XX Colorado Dept. Of Transportation WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division Colorado Div. Of Wildlife XX WHEAT RIDGE Building Division Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources XX WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development Denver Regional Council of Governments XX Jefferson County Planning Dept. "The Carnation City" e:\planning\forms\agendareffrm 05/02/02 THU 15:20 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT RO. BOX 9 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 TELEPHONE 424-9661 FAX 424-0828 May 2, 2002 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Co 80033 Attn: Meredith Reckert Dear Meredith: In reference to Case No. WSP-02-01 and MS-02°03f Davis Partnership for Kaiser Foundation Healthplan, Valley Water District has reviewed your inquiry and offers the following comments: 1. Valley Water District has adequate capacities to serve the development. 2. Valley Water District can provide water service to the development subject to Valley water District rules and regulations. 3. Valley Water District is supplied water through a master meter distributors contract with the Denver Water Department and must follow Denver Water operating and engineering standards. 4. Valley Water District currently serves the existing Kaiser facility with a 3" domestic water service and a 4" fire sprinkler service. 5. Davis Partnership Architects will need to evaluate and determine if the existing 3" domestic service tap will meet the requirements of the additional development. 6. Davis Partnership Architects will need to discuss with Fairmont Fire Protection District if the existing 4" fire service will meet the fire flow requirements for the additional development. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 303- 424-9661. Sincerely U Robert Arnold District Manager 2001 05/02/02 THII 15:20 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS 7500 West 29th Avenue . he (,..y of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Meat Telephone 303/ 235-2846 Ridge April 10, 2002 0 002 The Wheat Ridge Department of Planning & Development has received a request for approval of a site plan for development and plat on C- I zoned property described below. Your response to the following questious and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by May 8, 2002. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WSP-02-01 and MS-02-03/Davi5 Partnership for Kaiser Foundation Healthplan LOCATION: 4803 Ward Road REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a site plan and plat PURPOSE: Construction of an additional 11,200 of floor area and parking lot expansion APPROXIMATE AREA: 20.0 acres of land area (site plan) 24.8 acres of land area (plat) Issues for consideration include the following: The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. The availability of service lines to the development. The adequacy of capacities to service the development. Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations. Specific easements that are needed on this or any other document. Any comments which would affect approval of this request by your agency. ,4P qlk~ Please reply to:Y" Meredith Reckert Completed by: _ Department of Planning & Development (Name, Agency/Department, Date) Fax: 303/235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Valley) XX Sanitation District (Ftuitdale) XX Fire District (Fairmont) Adjacent City 0 XX Xcel Energy XX Qwest Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey XX Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Colorado Dept_ of Natural Resources Denver Regional Council of Governments XX Jefferson County Planning Dept. Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners XX AT&T Broadband WHEAT RIDGE Post Office WHEAT RIDGE Police Department XX WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rat Commission WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division XX WHEAT RIDGE Building Division XX WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development "The Carnation City" Oplammn&amu\agendareUrm City r Wheat Ridge MEMORANDUM Department of Public Works TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Michael Garcia, Development Review Engineer ~k~ DATE: April 16, 2002 SUBJECT: Kaiser Foundation Healthplan; 4803 Ward Road; construction ofan additional 11,200 offloor area & parking lot expansion The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated April 10, 2002 for the above referenced site, and has the following comments: Items Required Prior to Public Hearin 1. The proposed Final Plat has been forwarded to the Dave Brossman, P.L.S. for review. Subsequent comments will be coordinated in writing to the preparer of this document, Martin/Martin Consulting Engineers. Items Required Prior to Issuance of Building Permit 2. We are in receipt of the final drainage report and will be reviewed with subsequent comments to be coordinated in writing to Mr. Scott T. Conley, P.E. of Martin/Martin Engineering Consultants. 3. We will need a completed Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due. In conjunction with the requirements of this permit, an erosion control plan has been submitted for review and approval. 4. A Development Covenant and escrow, in lieu ofthose streetscape improvements required along the Ward Road frontage, will need to be submitted prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for this site. The estimate for the cost of these improvements will be provided by the Engineering Department. 5. A Streelight Indemnity Agreement will have to be completed for the required streetlight along Ward Road. The streetlight design is to be completed by Excel Energy and approved by the City prior to installation. 6. We are in receipt ofthe required Traffic Impact Study completed by LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. Subsequent comments will be coordinated in writing to Mr. Dave L. Ruble, Jr., P.E. cc: Alan White, Planning & Development Director Greg Knudson, City Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer Dave Brossman, City Surveyor Dave Mentor, Traffic Planner File 4803WUd rekff9n n April 1, 2002 PROJECT NARRATIVE Kaiser Permanente Wheat Ridge Medical Office Building Addition 4803 Ward Road Wheat Ridge, Colorado Architect's Project No. 0173000 Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29`s Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Dear Meredith: Submitted herewith for your review is the Kaiser Permanente Wheat Ridge Medical Office Addition Site Plan application prepared by Davis Partnership Architects. This project is for a new 11,200 s.f. building addition and a 57 space parking lot addition to the existing Kasier Permanente medical office building located at 4803 Ward Road.. Landowner Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado 10350 East Dakota Ave. Denver, CO 80231 Mr. Christopher Colby Developer Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado 10350 East Dakota Ave. Denver, CO 80231 Mr. Christopher Colby Ap lip can t Davis Partnership, Architects 2301 Blake Street, Suite 100 Denver, Co 80205 Mr. Craig Dunham Kaiser Permanente Wheat Ridge Medical Office Building 4803 Ward Road, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Lot 2, Kasier Permanente subdivision filing no. 3, in sections 17 and 20, township 3 south, range 69 west of the sixth principal meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado Current zoning is C-1. The building addition architecture provides visual interest consistent with the existing Kaiser Permanente medical office building character and scale. The proposed project addition consist of two building additions of one story each totaling 11,182 s.f. using building materials which match the existing building materials. The exterior building materials include a field of light multi colored tan brick, with fixed glass in dark bronze aluminum window frames. Roof-top mechanical equipment will be screened with painted metal panels that match the existing RTU screen system. The building addition is designed to provide Davis Partnership P.C., Architects 1 Denver Office: 2301 Blake Street - Suite 100 Denver Colorado 80205-2106 303.861.8555 Fax 303.861.3027 Vail Office: 0137Main Street - Unit C106 Edwards Colorado 81632 970.926.8960 Fax 970.926.8961 p:\kaiser\0173000\admin\1etter\n,r040102.doc Meredith Recke April 1, 2002 Page 2 Kaiser Permanente with space to add 6 new medical providers and 12 exam rooms, while still blending with the existing building. The parking lot addition is designed to provide the required parking both by the City of Wheat Ridge and Kaiser Permanente standards. The landscape design and plant materials have been carefully selected to continue the planting theme and enhance the existing site. It is expected that development of this site will commence immediately upon issuance of a building permit. Anticipated construction is to start in late September 2002 and to end 14-15 months thereafter. Kaiser Permanente is expected to occupy the building addition in the Winter of 2003. Square footage of existing building - 47,001 Square footage of building addition. - 11,182 Lot area - 20.014 Acres Total project value - approximately $3,500,000 Anticipated completion date - December 2003 The Kaiser Permanente building addition will house standard medical office operations. The medical office will have normal office hours into early evening and the Pharmacy will be open Saturdays. 52 parking spaces will be added, plus 5 accessible spaces will be added, for a total of 290. We appreciate your review of these plans and ask that you identify any potential problems with the Site Plan as early in the process as possible. Thank you for your consideration Sincerely, 0". a., 0' e ~ ~ Craig Dunham, AIA Project Architect cc: Christopher Colby Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado Gary Adams Davis Partnership P.C., Architects Kevin Scott Davis Partnership P.C., Architects Attachments: 1. Application Form signed & notarized 2. $987.50 fee 3. Recorded Deed 4. Limited Power of Attorney letter 5. 16-24"x36", 1-11"x17" Site Development Plans 6. List of property owners within 100 feet 7. Copy of Pre-application meeting notes 8. Traffic Impact report 9. Final Drainage Report 7500 West 29' Avenue City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Ridge Telephone (303)235-2846 Fax(303)235-2857 Date: 29 May 2002 City Staff Present: Alan White Location of Meeting: City Hall Property Address: 4803 Ward Road Property Owner: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of COProperty Owner Present? No Applicant: Kaiser Existing Zoning: C-1 Comp Plan Designation: Community Commercial Existing use/site conditions: Medical OfficeNacant Applicants proposal: Two lot subdivision ; addition to medical office Issues discussed: No one was in attendance. May 21, 2002 Dear Property Owner or Resident: RE: Neighborhood Input Meeting Davis Partnership, Inc. for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado is proposing a two-lot minor subdivision on property located at 4803 Ward Road. The date and time of the meeting is Wednesday. May 29.2022 at 5:00 P.m. The location of this meeting is second floor conference room at City Hall. The purpose for this proposal is for neighborhood comment on the subdivision. The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a requirement that prior to any application for Rezoning of property, a Minor or Major Subdivision, and for Special Use Permits an applicant must notify all residents and property owners within 600 feet and invite them to a Neighborhood Input Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and to give the neighborhood a forum to express their concerns, issues and desires. A Staff Planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policies and regulations and the process involved, however, the Planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the public hearings in front of the Planning Commission and City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision-making process, it is imperative that you attend the public hearings. The kinds of concerns residents normally have include the following: • Is the proposal compatible with surrounding land uses and zoning? • Are there adequate utilities and services in place or proposed to serve the project? • What is the impact on our streets? How will this proposal affect my property? • Where will the storm drainage go? • How will the project be designed to enhance rather than detract from the neighborhood? • What specific changes can be made in the proposal to make it more acceptable to me? If you have any questions, please call the Planning Department at: (303) 235-2846. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may mail comments or concerns to: City of Wheat Ridge Planning Department 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Mark & Rita Modglin Hydrotropics Corp. 10570 W. 831d pl. 4830 Ward Rd. Arvada, CO 80005 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 John F. Harper June R. Sanders 966 S. Josephine St. 4805 Van Gordon St. Denver, CO 80209 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 William & Loretta Braning Lewis S. Lazaroff 14125 W. 48" Ave. 550 S. Parfet St. Golden, CO 80403 Lakewood, CO 80226 Melvin W. Koeltzow Ralph A. Deorio Trust 12385 W. 48" Ave. 3051 Nelson Dr. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Lakewood, CO 80215 City of Arvada Kaiser Foundation Health Plan 8101 Ralston Rd. 10350 E. Dakota Ave. Arvada, CO 80002 Denver, CO 80231 RTD Alexis Investments Corp. 1600 Blake St. 11900 W. 44°i Ave. Denver, CO 80202 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Archdiocese of Denver Mount Olivet Cemetery Assoc. 200 Josephine St. 12801 W. 44"' Ave. Denver, CO 80206 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 c~w~Egr L - 4D USE CASE PROCESSIP - APPLICATION of wREgr Planning and Development Department 7500 West 29' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ° c o Phone (303) 235-2846 co 0 OC ORPO CORPO (Please print or type all information) Applicant DAdtS ?Aa-T- GJr_- kf &4ukTXlLSddress 2301 5LA"- SutTEtoo Phone3p3_$&(.ggW City f.'Et1:iEtL State eoL.A(LA00 Zip 80ZOS Fax303-9(nl-%*L7 Owner ILAtS£2- Four r2A-fto LtiF-ALT4RApkddress 1oSSD 9A5i OA4&TA A.•/E, Phone3o3-344^755°0 City °f L0L_,0gA1r10 pEti►,rECL State COLO(L&Clo Zip SOZ311 Fax3o3-344- 4-LO Contact CitZ1A1l~ Dail tin w~ Address V501 15LAKZ 4T-~iSu ITE LOD Phone3o3-$bl-SSSr City ~EeJ,IER- State eot,otLAt70 Zip goZOS Fax;o3-8foI-3oZ7 (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, and will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing.) Location of request (address): 4$03 WAV-0 (40AC;), t,14EA1 (L-406G. l'IDLa(1A0o 80Z15- Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Application submittal requirements on reverse side ❑ Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Special Use Permit Consolidation Plat ❑ Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) ❑ Flood Plain Special Exception ❑ Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) ❑ Interpretation of Code ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final $Lot Line Adjustment ❑ Right of Way Vacation ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Temporary Use, Building, Sign Site Development Plan approval ❑ Variance/Waiver (from Section ) ❑ Zoning Ordinance Amendment ❑ Other: Detailed description ofrequest:__A IMPLAF At~D APPftox. lliZoo f'.F. gutLyir~ny Ayvmoll ID Ad "JJJJh6 w L01 Ar CEIF C4 Bu It 17h~ Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: Sod- ZOZ- O 1 - 00 ( Size of Lot (acres or square footage): Ae, Current Zoning:_ G - 1~ Proposed Zoning: G- CurrentUse: MEp1fALLo(Lp1c . 1StA1LQt tl~ Proposed Use: rrtEDi[.at o(-F1GE BuILOI I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, h the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot l Ito% ed. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attomey from the owner which approved of this ac ' ronfiis behalf., 2f ~ ~ Sign ure. 0 Subscribed and sworn to me this 1i day f 20 6e V .••O~ OF COI ~PQ otary Publ~ My CommissionExpires My commission expires . t r Date received .5"' _ Fee $!2e;1, 6~-6 Receipt No. J,2 _ Case No. ~A)Sp-QA-01 Comp Plan Desi& Zoning G-/ Quarter Section Map at~ Related Case No. Pre-App Mtg. Date Case Manager III ti un F W Z C .y P 5 Q W Q o W rr O W O z~zho W U P W O O > L 'C' x W W N O Z Im W cu w0Q ¢ ^ ~ U o, 2 L O W Y 9 L O d O L T. L C 0 0 !E d I I 1 i G O N ro C i N C w U L g a M ro y r w ro d s= O T -p L O 9 to i N d y~ L C ~ ro x ut i N N W_ O _al r_ U1 H d d y y 1., c o ~ w c u m ov ' CL O L y y C N m SLru L~ « V a1 y! W 1i ✓J LLLT •O L~m L SN~YN UI C \e'l teG TV 0 qq u C O C 6 d •n y O YLLd~•. 0M•F>m F. y m m C L l d C W H •0 X NY aa~ dT aaL go 0 d me eft x:.,. 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P4 PLI H aW 04 rAazai ato z E-4 4 .7H ato z N O N 0, 0 Z Z O F- Lu W U W Case No.: 0203 Quarter Section Map No. App: Last Name: Davis Partnership Related Cases: App: First Name: Po Craig Dunham Case History: Owner: Last Name: Kaiser Foundation Owner: First Name: App Address: 301 Blake St Suite 100 Review Body: City, State Zip: Denver, CO 80205 APP:Phone: 303-861-8555 APN' Owner Address: 10350 E._ Dakota Ave. 2nd Review Body: City/State/Zip: Denver, CO 80231 2nd Review Date: Owner Phone: 03-344-7558 Decision-making Body: Project Address: 803 Approval/Denial Date: Street Name: and Road City/State, Zip: heat Ridge, CO 80033 Reso/Ordinance No.: Case Disposition: Project Planner: Reckert File Location: ctive Notes: Follow-Up: NW20 SP0201 Minor subdivision plat PC Conditions of Approval: District: IV Date Received: _ /5/2002 Pre-App Date: 11/27/2001 0 30b 400 Peet City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Alan White Michael Pesicka Meredith Reckert Mike Garcia Darin Morgan Dave Brossman Mary Austin Dave Menter Travis Crane Steve Nguyen FROM: Kathy Field SUBJECT: 11/27 Pre-App Meeting DATE: November 21, 2001 Two (2) pre-apps are scheduled for Tuesday, November 27th. The first pre-app is at 1:30 p.m. The applicants are Christopher Colby, Project Coordinator with Kaiser Permanente, and Craig Dunham, the architect. They are proposing a 10,000 s.f. expansion of the existing building on property located at 4803 Ward Road and zoned C-1. The second pre-app is at 2:15 p.m. The applicants are Cheryl Wise, property owner, and John Milan, the architect. They are proposing opening an events center (i.e. wedding receptions) at the existing facility on property located at 4901 Marshall Street and zoned C-1 & I. November 21, 2001 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Department Mrs. Meredith Reckert, AICP 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Re: Kaiser Permanente Wheat Ridge medical office building Architect's Project No. 0173000 Dear Meredith: This letter accompanies our Pre-submittal site development application. This application is for the proposed addition and renovation of the existing Kaiser Permanente Wheat Ridge medical office building located at 4803 Ward Road, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The proposed project scope consists of expanding and remodeling an existing 46,012 s.f medical office building. Approximately two 5,500 s.f one-story additions are planned along with 10,000 -15,000 s.f. of interior remodel work. The additions, as shown on the site plan, are located in the NE and SE corners of the existing building. To support the resulting increase in patient visits to this clinic, an additional 64 parking spaces are proposed for an area on the NW comer of the site, adjacent to an existing parking lot on the west side of the building. The proposed building elevations for the new additions will be identical to the existing building, both in architectural style and detail as well as color and building materials. It is the goal of this project to seamlessly blend the new additions into the existing structure so that there will be minimal evidence of a secondary addition to this building. All new mechanical equipment associated with this proposed addition will be screened from external view in the same manner as existing equipment is currently screened. The issue of parking lot expansion was studied in detail in preparation for this submittal. A parking analysis is illustrated on the site plan for your review. I can summarize the results by stating that after calculating the floor area reductions allowed in the Wheat Ridge Zoning Code, we determined the existing parking lots had a surplus of 71 spaces. When the new addition square footage was added to total existing square footage, we calculated a surplus of 26 spaces. However, Kaiser Permanente has an internal parking requirement of 5/1000s.f, for standard spaces and bringing this facility into compliance with Federal ADA guidelines for handicap spaces, has resulted in a net increase of 64 parking spaces overall. More discussion regarding the parking issue can occur at the pre-submittal meeting next week. This summarizes the proposed scope of work for this project. I feel confident that this project will be a great asset to Kaiser Permanente as well as the surrounding residents of Wheat Ridge by increasing the quality of care and services currently being provided at this facility. Please call me with any questions regarding this proposal at 303-861-8555. Sincerely, N OA---X~ Craig Dunh , AIA Project Architect Cc: Christopher Colby Kaiser Permanente Kevin Scott Davis Partnership P.C., Architects Davis Pa[taership P.C., Architects I Denver Office: 2301 Blake Street Suite 100 Denver Colorado 80205-2108 303.861.8555 Fax 303.861.3027 vaa nom- n1 q7 AX,;v Q. rrn;* r1 nA V n la- 1711 AA-,A. r^T mA.. x1610 Gin 019 QQAA V- Gin OIA-2041 I 1 O / j 7 p l Q J O FIF O ® '~G Q 0 0 ~ ve W.w rt_rte4m awuwiwn°m r°1OOFr~arvaav~i " ws mawm.~ pCA. KAISER WHEAT P, PE DOYEMDCALUOFICE 4803 WAND ROAD WHEAT RIDGE , COLORADO BUILDING ADDITION METING PLUS EXPANSION 21 SITE PLAN ONE IN EVERT EIGHT ACCESSIBLE SPACES. BUT NOT LESS THAN ONE, SHALL BE DESIGNATED A CE E' NAN HA ow+m C O C SSIBL AND S LL BE SERVED BY AM ACCESS NSI£ A MINIMUM OF DGHT FEET (B.) IN WIDTH. w~ro rt 4EE1 iR[ Of5 1 DIVING PLUS EXPANSION 1 of 5 NOTE: PIAN DRAWN IS PER KAISER STANDARDS G?A PROJECT{ 91TSAV O O O O O J /O PARKING REQUIREMENTS BASED ON CRY OF WHEAT RIDGE STANDARDS 1/150 SOFT. OF BUILDING STANDARD PARKING SQUARE FOOTAGE REQUIRED PRONGED EKSRNG 46.012 (25.419) 169 240 C05TING PLUS EKPANSION 56.808 (32,059) 214 240 ENSMNG PLUS EKPANSION PER KAISER STANDARDS 56.908 (32,059) 280 250 HAHDICAPPED PARKING REQUIRED PRQNDED EGSTING 1> 1> E%ISRNG PLUS EXPANSION PER KAISER STANDARDS 28 28 VAN PARKING REOUIREO PRONOEO fpSTING 2 3 mil w NT Ald ENT KASIER PERMANENTE A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED ON SECTIONS 17 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 2 OF 2 a l0 N O O LEGEND PW6Emr uxE - - - - - alwT-ff-v<r E PSCXCM ' - cRl[XLi[ wla Alm unTER - cwmw -St - $ggiPRY SEVER .VER VR U EIL ELEE WC LINE --F - i EPNDIC CAAE ~S b TTaE Z. LIGM Pao-IETAL ® swrcARr XPMWLE ® SmeX NPxwEE e vFTER VAEVE Q ¢ WT ® CLRB Ix.ET ® AMA LIFT DO 1ELE,'. n6t II Pm PW car TREE HK 'Em TR 0 BVSW91alB ~w• SLY 4mvuxr Ix.4b.. rv wp Mpx4N nw.s m wA6~,e a`i~Mh4ura w wawa vtr cn - SANITARY MANHOLE SCHEDULE - MAN191E X RIX 0.NTTIBN I-RT ELEVPTION IB]2 RIN - 507883 6' [NVMV)g54625] 6' INJ(SEY5962A3 6' PVC INV(W)-54]263 3654 RIM - 506385 V IWIE)-595135 6' INV 115455 6' MJ E45R.95 - STORM MANHOLE SCHEDULE - Mm~ELE~ur MT RiwrLOV LNE RNATmx R1F81 FIEVATIYN 1371 0.IN - Si6989 10' IN 1M15463.99 B• MV(D.3463.79 - 546].4] 6'1 P> Gn - 946663 463 P] RIM - 3165.92 5P62b2 'P19 FIL - 396513 506252 M. R1H - N7L59 Al t,W(51446665 24'xiY INVM=546]-05 3ze3 RIH - 24x12' IM'Q)=346830 06 7441 fn 50320 4p INVaEY-S46I~9 4 - 515032 10• .1( 5454 .n n - 34].43 3526 RIH-SL3630 8WTT. Or W%L10.VE 5 3R7 RIX - $05980 29' MV(NM5953.0.5 IB• Ix4ao-s4s9es 29' WV(M•590.35 3523 RLY - 50]0.]4 INV(NI•SI6U9 Q. IB' INV W WI.5P6649 92' WV(SVY546504 3529 RN - 5471M I, 3536 r/L - 501622 96W PIM - 5060.90 36' INV(M1£)•3455.10 IB' 1NVW4)•fi95GW 36' INV(SVA59RS5 3786 0.EN 546643 2s• -VI 46 24• WV(4-546L]3 ' IB' XJ(VY-546L93 pGi~pi. wAv~~s~e~xrc WHEATB-u RIDGE M DICAL OFFICE 480 WARD ROAD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO BUILDING ADDITION LAND TITLE SURVEY AND GRADING PLAN 8XEE1 RE Ai6 pGmWR 16. Wll ~ 1L ~2 of 5 D.PA PRwEC l 01. A° ~ B4B4 X 5 y ~ i 4 iA. 5LL~ ~ ~ 14.14. SLL~ A n t0 11 I4 r rP 'A• pFR i.0. ff. 0. 0. 9oi~ T T sILW R.tR/M WMI/!~m ldfpRR RCIVRCM VYR00MLORi MOIIRIIIIHIIR A. KIMSER PEJVY ANE , G WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL OFFICE 4009 WARD ROAD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO BUILDING ADDITION EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS OUTH ELEVATION x0 I 1'-O' P+uo F i x R R wXn n R F¢i fl4E .WS 3 of 5 DIAPItDAEET• 01 ~t1 EAST ELEVATION T T T r~orr`warru~mt 1Y1~ eAnuAmoAaoms weawAlnvwn W a m m a / 3 i 0 0 0 0 / w a P E v~ ~ au I: /~li(~ ~ arum L1 L1 I ~ 17 S7~~a I i wY0"`o~ ~ *awwYna I Osa i _ i® I 3 J m 4 i oaime ~ ~ ame rva~ 4 (L----- .0a m~^w nOwx tll~l i pGbk ~~IAA~I~SEIRT~ WHEAT,-u HIDV OE M D Eh FlCE 9808 WARD ROAD WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO BUILDING ADDITION EXISTING PLAN r w 1 N 0 N J O N FlRST FLOOR 1 LOWER LEVEL 0 4 8" w..« m m 0119 H„ R SMEFf il£ lpfitlq 0 4 of 5 DPAPROI @ 01Td000 wwwnwwuav ~~~~uacw MYrwAMIiVNrxv wmMrweaww W KAISER PERMANENTE WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL OFFICE 4808 WARD ROAD WHEAT RIDGE . COLORADO BUILDING ADDITION c m n 0 0 O N FlRST LEVEL DOR use ar'.+N+xs A. MEC ICAL/nI ROOK 1.377 SO.Ef. B. RESOl00Ms 801 SOFT. O ELLVATORS. STNRKE 500 SOFT. D. HALLWAI 7.188 M3.R. E ONMON PREAS 14.9&5 W.". TOTAL 24,849 SOFT. 2 LOWER LEVEL s,rs 1/16• = r-0• FLOOR PLAN ow n Tu .D e w n r1F - 5 of 5 D.RARROJ , mT