HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUP-03-02City of Wheat Ridge Qf WHEAT Community Development Department o U fn Memorandum C~I.ORA~~ TO: Dann Morgan FROM: ~eredith Reckert SUBJECT: 12301 West 44`h Avenue DATE: June 18, 2003 On June 17, the Community Development Director approved a request for an administrative special use permit for a vehicle sales lot at 12301 West 44`h Avenue. Attached for the building permit file is a copy of the staff findings and an approved site plan. Required site modifications include parking lot striping and installation of landscaping in two existing islands. The improvements must be completed prior to issuance of a certificate of completion and opening of the business. The owner was also informed that permits would be needed for installation of a sign face change and wall signage. City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Kathy Field FROM: c Meredith Reckert SUBJECT: Reimbursement of fees/Case No. SUP-03-02 DATE: June 17, 2003 Please request a fee reimbursement in the amount of $200 for Mike Woodward. The applicant paid $500 in application fees and $300 in publication for a special use permit application. The request has been approved administratively so the full payment for paper notice and certified letters for public hearings was not used. If you need anything else, please let me know. w Q zx~aw z ~N!yy z.¢a~aa F F0.-~v¢xi~a0 W d C ❑O > 0 °w Q o C;n N ~Oz4. w~ 3 z~zC4 =d A o ~a xza} < 04 U Q~p~,Fa w m wa?¢ =aw Q ¢ m z¢za°ia r ^ U ¢ ¢C6av~iax Ill 0. F U O cnCaz°zo -j a- 0 W Q V z z ¢ ¢04oa Oaz W W F O d ~ w 7n.o¢Fz Z ES., W F O~FrnCa H W ~z~~o z F CC O F °z¢~ ¢ O 9 3 W F¢ v~ W cn w 3 M Q o~~ L, V w > A x a~FHZ,a w w p w •a x¢°a° °woza~o~ d x~ oQ~Q QF~aow¢ as Q'I a U W O q ~>~mo~~U 0.1 ~ a Q Q QU~aF~a3~ City of Wheat Ridge of ""fqT Community Development Department = ° v m Memorandum ORPDO TO: Applicant and case file FROM: Meredith Reckert SUBJECT: Case No. SUP- 03-02 DATE: June 16, 2003 Case No. SUP-03-02 is an application by Michael Woodward requesting approval of an administrative special use permit to allow a vehicle sales lot on C-1 zoned property located at 12301 West 44`h Avenue. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 1291, the Community Development Director has the ability to decide upon applications for administrative special use approval, without requirements for a public hearing, provided the following conditions are met: 1. A completed application package has been submitted and fee paid. 2. The Community Development Department has notified adjacent property owners by letter notice and the site has been posted for at least ten (10) days, 3. No written objections have been received in such ten-lay period; 4. The Community Development Director concludes that the criteria for approval, as set forth below, are substantially complied with and support the request. The Community Development Director can impose conditions or stipulations upon the approval, which may include physical design, operational, and maintenance considerations to ensure compliance with the criteria for review. The Community Development Director shall also decide the following: 1. Whether the SUP runs with the land in perpetuity; or, 2. Whether the SUP is personal to the applicant and may or may not be inherited; and /or, 3. Whether the SUP is granted only for a defined period, after which time the special use shall expire unless renewed subject to all of the requirements of this section AGENCY REFERRALS The following are comments from responding city departments and outside agencies. Arvada Fire Protection District will require an access aisle not less than 20' in width from West 44`h Avenue to the building. A tum-around will not be required. The building does not have to be sprinkled. The garage portion of the structure can only be used for detailing of vehicles. No storage of flammable liquids or oils is allowed. Colorado Department of Transportation has no comments. Valley Water District currently serves the property with a'/4" tap on a 16" water main in 44`h Avenue. Additional fire hydrants will not be required. Xcel Energy can serve the property with an existing gas line in 44`h Avenue. Existing electric service lines are on the south side of 4e Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department reviewed the site plan and has no comments. City of Wheat Ridge economic development has noted that the property is located in an urban renewal area, which calls for a large commercial project. The SUP is inconsistent with the long- range goal, however the proposal is probably the best use for the property until redevelopment occurs. SPECIAL USE PERMIT CRITERIA Before an administrative special use is approved, the applicant shall show and the Community Development Director shall find that the proposed special use: 1. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. The property in question has historically been utilized for vehicle sales. No substantial changes are proposed to the site, except for upgrades to the parking lot and the replacement of dead landscaping in two existing planting areas. 2. Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed plan. The property has been vacant for several years and is in an unmaintained condition. The establishment of a viable commercial use should be a benefit to the neighborhood and will not contribute to blight. 3. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. The site conditions are not changing, therefore, there should be no impact on light, air, or water to adjacent properties. The property is bounded on the north by a mini-storage facility with I-70 beyond. The I-70 off-ramps abut the property on the east. In light of the proximity to I-70, there should be no concern for increased noise pollution. 4. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service of internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. No changes are proposed to the existing access to W. 40' Avenue and the applicant will provide adequate employee and customer parking on-site. Emergency vehicle access has been evaluated by the Arvada Fire Protection District who is requiring a 20' wide access aisle from 44`h Avenue to the building. 5. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. Adjacent properties are commercial in nature and will experience minimal impact from the proposed special use. The applicant is upgrading the facility in regards to aesthetics of the building, striping of the parking lot and installation of new landscape materials. 6. Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. All responding utility agencies are able to serve the property. There will be no impact to parks or schools as no new residences are proposed. 7. History of compliance by the applicant with Code requirements and prior conditions, if any, regarding the subject property. A search of the City's code enforcement records has shown that there was a sign code violation warning notice issued to the property owners in 1999. The violation was abated in a reasonable time period (approximately one month). 8. Ability of the applicant or any permitted-in-interest to continuously meet the conditions of the proposed permit. If conditions of an approved special use are violated, the permit can be revoked. If the permit is revoked, then the car sales use must cease. It is in the applicant's best interest to follow the terms and conditions of any approval received form the city. 9. Other factors relevant to the specific application. There are no other relevant factors. This request for an administrative special use meets all applicable conditions as required by Section 26-114 of the City of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Staff has not received written comments in opposition to this request from the adjacent property owners. Therefore, Case No. SUP-03-02 is hereby APPROVED with the following conditions: 1. The special use shall be a grant of use to run in perpetuity with the property, unless it is included as part of an overall redevelopment plan of aggregated, adjacent properties. 2. The use of the property shall remain in compliance with the submitted application materials and site development plan. 3. Hours of operation shall be 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. 4. Vehicle sales shall be limited to cars, trucks and motorcycles. No RV, boat, trailer or personal watercraft sales shall occur. 5. Freestanding signage on the property will be limited to the existing freestanding sign. Gam.. J/, G// 1 F- Community Development Director (Date) VICINITY MAP p its I-70 / S~ 'N. EGtM1 Ave. / I m L Clear Creek N.T.S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PART OF TRACT t6. NICHOLS GAft0EN5. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT 16 THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 16. A DISTANCE OF 200 FEET: THENCE WEST AND PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 16, A DISTANCE OF 100 FEET. THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 16. A DISTANCE OF 200 FEET. TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 16 THENCE EAST 100 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH S. 1957 IN BOOK 1926 AT PAGE 128, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COLORADO SITE DATA LOTCOVERAGE SO. FOOTAGE PERCENTAGE BUILDINGIGROSS FLOCR AREA 1.160 sJ. 9.0% IEistmgl LANDSCAPING IEcaungf 325 of 30'.e PAVED AREA(Exlsang) 10.733c.f. 83.0% UNPAVED AREA 657sf 5.0'A TOTAL AREA '2.875sF 10000% 112 750 ST . LOT AREA ~ 125 S F. R.OW PLANTER) PARKING CUSTOMER PARK( NG I l space per 1.0005 I Pf I- area) 12 Spaces EMPLOYEE PARKING lI full time empipyeel 1 Space HANDICAP PARKING I-S.WA TOTAL PARKING 14 Seamus GENERAL NOTES 1. THE PURPOSE OF THIS SPECIAL USE PERMIT IS TO ALLOW AN USED VEHICLE SALES LOT PERMITTED IN THE C-1 ZONE FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 12301 WEST 44m AVENUE. 2. SIGNAGE FOR THE SPECIAL USE WILL REPLACE THE SIGN FACE OF AN EXISTING FREESTANDING SIGN LOCATED ALONG WEST 447" AVENUE FRONTAGE. NO ADDITIONAL FREESTANDING SIGNAGE IS PROPOSED FOR THE SITE. 3. PROPOSED GATE AT ENTRANCE SHALL NOT EXCEED 48 INCHES IN HEIGHT. 4. NO ADDITIONAL LIGHTING IS PROPOSED FOR THE SITE. 5 NO OUTDOOR STORAGE OR TRASH CONTAINERS ARE PROPOSED FOR THE SITE 5. SITE DIMENSIONS. LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND EXISTING SITE IMPROVEMENTS OF THE SITE PLAN ARE BASED ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY DAA SURVEYING.INC- DATED NOVEMBER 8. 2001. 7. THE SITE IS LOCATED IN FLOOOZONE a AS ESTABLISHED BY F E.MA SPECIAL USE PERMIT SITE PLAN 12301 We 44TH AVENUE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO PUBLIC STORAGE PCO ZONE EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE _--•--•--se a.e IT N UNPAVED AREA F u.s JI R ' 123'J1 "I CUSTOMEREMPLOYEE 1 PARKING i ! EXISTING BUILDING ORIVFWAY I C.1 ZONE I " Hz N r - - r I uGHrTINGISPOL`E' I I I I u; (EX I ICI LL a* i PAVED (ASPHALT) r I ~ LIGHT POLE ~ I I ~ ~ (E%16TNG1 C I r AUTO DISPI-AY A AUTO DISPLAY (TYPICAL YPICAL LAYOUT) AVOUT) I > ITYPICAL LAYCUFJ WYOUT i z I le I I o f II I W +I' < I I I I . PUBLIC STORAGE 13y I EGO ZONE al 2 I O I ~ I r I / I i , I / I I C I O / 3, /K u ~aDQ / P/~X co LIGHT POLE / T XISTING (EXISTPI.; O i SIGN / Z I i GO w I PROPOSED GATE , µl~x- a PUSLICSTORAGE ACCESSDRiVEW RIVEW -r am- x/ CCESAY Y J,~I. So-en Wh ~T ucHr POtE.---O 4-BHJ tFXISTInGI ENTRANCE FGO EXISTING 4-DHJ PLANTER WEST 44TH AVENUE PLANT SCHEDULE "-Type Id -titioab s viic O n Name Na -Ha9M SPe d oua aq C aioon I o Ga fG0 P ewm. F tan n ~ 12 5oau 2 a op aae I . Glass vs P rf Juniper BHJ . J Peru' C P n9 6-8 1I-JC-, B o gallon h ontalls J g er, sw, (-coral- it J Harbor I _ zo _ Notes i No ar,.d0n Plan, Planned. Plants will be hand watered for the first Lad years (for establishment), then pericM, wdumn, will led done. as needed. 2. All suggested plants are drought tolerant am are common in native landscapes d 3 Placement of the plants will c,ulre pre,emPerm of the Planter area Q witha soil commoner and shee,pow moss torturer. 4. The reardermg area of the Planter men cP"m Py propose". plan) O matenal'I well be coasted Dy nark mulch 10 reduce mplato d r` W e,K' raum' Pnor to placement of bar, mulch. there all -oe placement of a weed Q bartrer robot placed underneath the muICn ld prevent weeds F- N C W ti 2 PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE wllpe2on CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL Clry -C'ar' Mayor DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 0Irect.1 of Commerey Development NORTH SCALE; V = 10' J =z NI r z C v O a Q W 0 7 LBO W 2 Q W aQ 0 Naa°- ~ W O ~ L) y ~i W LU o2 a c3 w 0 Y U ~0W W00-1 LU Q Q z 7+ > Q O W 5. Q it = W U = 20 a., ,If --'_.~mu...,.uua~..<.,. - ~ y~;.,,y_.~,~.,.~..a i_ miN_-..,.._..~.,~vn~.....e..~.,~.~m..N~ab~~i~.:.,._~.....y...:.~,... _..,..a.~,a~a~w,-.~s'~aa .~e~ w~<uvu~,y'~aaa,.,Y _4~.C.w~~~„W~e~a„uu~aGLL6~'aY fie ~~,w,n.,.o~.~.,;,,6; `2 _ ~ - v ~ ; VICINITY MAP - ~ ~ c~ .a o .s~ ~ a '~3 ~r 170 SITE W. 44th Ave. u~ _ ~a TH 12301 W. 44 AVE N CITY CAF VVHEAT RIDGE CCU PUBLlC STORAGE r: Clear Creek G- N.T.S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PART OF TRACT 16, NICHOLS GARDENS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT 16; THENCE PCD ZONE NORTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 16, A DISTANCE OF 200 FEET; THENCE WEST AND PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID EXISTING CHAIN LWK FENCE ~vo.po TRACT 16, A DISTANCE OF 100 FEET; THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO • ......~r.....r • • r a......~wrvw w • a.~...~~~r. wrr.~~r~ } ~ rs• b~ , THE EAST LWE OF SAID TRACT 16, A DISTANCE OF ZUO I-tt i , ~ u ~ ht ~ (EXISTING)y i z ~untper ~sh~ ~un~~~rus LICC(~Illl,. v-~ y-~ SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 16; THENCE EAST 100 FEET TO THE POINT ~ horizantaiis Juniper, OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT ! 1 .r ~ ~ RECORDED MARCH 9, 1967 IN BOOK 1926 AT PAGE 128, COUNTY OF AUTO DISPLAY AREA j i (TYPICAL LAYOUT) j `C ~ t x U cvs. `Bar W ~ AUTO DISPLAY AREA ~ ~ Harbor' JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. l (TYPICAL LAYOUT) ~ ~ Total ~ ~ l ~ P 0 ~ Notes: M 4, ' ~ ~ ~ w SITE DATA PUBLIC STORAGE ~ W I ` ~ j • " 1. No irrigation plan is planned. Plants will be hand watered for ~ ~.^~a r r~~ it g e~^t'°. PCD ZONE ~ ~ two years (for establishment), then periodic watering will be ~ { needed. L4T COVERAGE SQ. FOOTAGE PERCENTAGE i BUILDING/GROSS FL04R AREA 1,160 s.f. 9.0 o ( ~ ~ i 2. All suggested plants are drought tolerant and are common i {Existing) Q ~ l / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ landscapes. LANDSCAPING (Existing) 325 s.f. 3.0 ~/o Q ~ ~ ~r PAVED AREA (Existing) 10,733 s.f. 83.Q '/o ~ z ~ ~ ~ 3. Placement of the plants will require pre-treatment of the pla 1 Q with a soil conditioner and sheeplpeat moss fertilizer. UNPAVED AREA 657 s.f. 5.0 ~ ~ J / ~ ( 4 O 4. The remaining area of the planter (not covered by propos j ~ materials) will be covered by bark mulch to reduce " W evaporation. TOTAL AREA 12,875 s.f. 100.00 1 (12,750 S.F. LOT AREA + 125 S.F. R.O.W. PLANTER) ~ Q 5. Prior to placement of bark mulch, there will be placement of O I ~ / / ~ barrier fabric placed underneath the mulch to prevent weeds. PARKING CUSTOMER PARKING (1 space per 1,000 s.f. of lot area) 12 Spaces ~ zz i . U y EMPLOYEE PARK{NG (1 full time employee} 1 Space j~ ~ • 1 / Q z ~ J~O~ e`~' f ~ ~ -~PJ'~1 / IW- HANDICAP PARKING _1 Space o~~P~ PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE TOTAL PARKING 14 Spaces ~G / sQ i ~ * ~ P~~Q ~ p / z J GENERAL NOTES Z LIGHT POLE 1. ~ THE PURPOSE OF THIS SPECIAL USE PERMIT IS TO ALLOW AN EXISTING (EXISTING) v p ~ SiGN - USED VEHICLE SALES L4T PERMITTED IN THE C-1 ZONE F4R THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 12301 WEST 44T" AVENUE. c.~ - l 2. SIGNAGE FOR THE SPECIAL USE WILL REPLACE THE SIGN FACE z ~ OF AN EXISTING FREESTANDING SIGN LOCATED ALONG 1NEST ~ v ~ 44T" AVENUE FRONTAGE. NO ADDITIONAL FREESTANDING W 1 7 SIGNAGE IS PROPOSED FOR THE SITE. ` PROPOSED GATE 3. PROPOSED GATE AT ENTRANCE SHALL NOT EXCEED 48 INCHES IN e ~ 1 HEIGHT. x x X 4. NO ADDITIONAL LIGHTING IS PROPOSED FOR THE SITE. PUBLIC STORAGE 5. NO OUTDOOR STORAGE OR TRASH CONTAINERS ARE PROPOSED ACCESS/DRIVEWAY ~ p s~ FOR THE SITE. 6. SITE DIMENSIONS, LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND EXISTING SITE 50.00 • , IMPROVEMENTS OF THE SITE PLAN ARE BASED ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY D.R.A. SURVEYING, iNC., LIGHT POLE ~ ` 4 - BH.1 (EXISTING) - ~ ENTRANCE DATED NOVEMBER 8, 2001. ` 7. THE SITE IS LOCATED IN FL.OODZONE BAS ESTABLISHED BY 3 F.E.M.A. 5 - FGD 0 EXISTING 4 - BHJ PLANTER WEST 44T" A~fENUE C> d N fl SCALE: 1;I = 10' A T~ 0 A tw) Sheet: 9'^'0 0P M POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. 5Lk4 03"6Z- I, re as the applicant for Case No.1UW 03 -02-, hereby certify that I have posted the sign for Public Notice at (location) on this 1) day of Ol 2003 , and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for ten (10) days prior to and including the deadline for written comments regarding this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted to the Community Development Department for this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file. WZ-7s7 C-1 I PCE A.M.T. D6 Lon CORP. W.d AV s AKE SHUMWAY 8 = RE-5UB _ FA C o - i sup l rt_ 4 3 DEADLINE FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS: J w1r, ~I , ZOO 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Whelp Telephone 303/235-2846 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 May 30, 2003 This is to inform you of Case No. SUP-03-02, a request for administrative approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a used vehicle sales lot in C-1 (Commercial-One) zoned property at 12301 W. 44`s Avenue. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 1291, an administrative special use review can be granted by the Community Development Director without need for a public hearing. Prior to the rendering of a decision, all adjacent property owners are required to be notified of the request by certified mail. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846 or if you would like to submit comments concerning this request, please do so in writing by 5:00 p.m. on June 9, 2003. Thank you. eAp1mning\forms\zapubnotwpd a v c d w v P a c c m N a! U C iE a a ~ y c 'd v v C 2 > _ NI Z a K c 7 0 a t i N N N o ` a y U t 0 C W as o ~ N M M M M M x u a o 0 0 7 0 7 tl N N U Q m w $ rn fn N N 1 o 0 \ _ R N a O a v E m N a > W N> N CL O Q OO C Q Q O W< U < a N om d d N N o 0 c R U d" OU C p= j N Q N a C z0 00 Vva m m .~~0 WoU X Q m a UN oa ~ Ba__ v ~ w ~m2 d N N~ Q N Yn y ~ V N N 'a ` 'O Q O. - ~ ~ U a ~v N=~ A N N N U' U N Q > m 0` ry N O N a N N o a WE U U IL W N am. X l Q] Ln ru r~ ru m ° ul ° O O ° ° ° O C3 ° rq ra ra ~n rl -D .D n `u ~ ` -0 D M _ r o M1 r~' ~ . M1 W G O c a 46 o D M M O M O C3 O ° O W O E ° ° o ° ° Z C3 0 ° aaw Z M 0 ° w ° U, L, Ln ° =H0 n ° ° 0 0 eC3)- m m m m m N ° ° ° ° O~ Z ~ O M1 Q a M1 M1 U) g v U ~I e~ a Y O O. W oA C U 0 a b U U ~i U \ z„ ~ U L b U T L v 9 y a a 0 E z H : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner ;Ihle Mary L Et Al Parcel :043572 Site :12301 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/06/2001 Mail :6662 Xenon Dr Arvada Co 80004 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1975 Pool: B1dgSF :682 Ac:.32 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) owner :Cunningham Ronald L Parcel :043728 Site :12200 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :09/15/1998 Mail :12200 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$300,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-898-1583 Bedrm: 5 Bath:2.50 TotRm: YB:1958 Pool: Yes B1dgSF :4,297 Ac:1.37 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Beccera Abner S Parcel :065692 Site :12280 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail :12280 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1966 Pool: B1dgSF :3,574 Ac:.75 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Ta Operating Corporation Parcel : 096705 Site :12151 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 01/19/2001 Mail :24601 Center Ridge Rd #300 Westlake Oh 44145 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1973 Pool: B1dgSF: 23,041 Ac:13.15 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Public Storage Euro Partnership Vii Ltd Parcel : 136582 Site :12351 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 02/27/1984 Mail :PO Box 25025 Glendale Ca 91221 Price Use :5178 Misc,Residential,Mixed Use Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:6 YB:1984 Pool: B1dgSF: 49,018 Ac:2.15 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. } C C 1912-A2 I6 O (~H < a III.n' 1912439 o PUBLIC s STORAGE U AMENDED I. SUB. 001 5r 8 290 I6E Is0 169 002 0 0U3 100 0 `i912 v h~ h 56 T. „ Q -01 102a1zn °I !V1 Is09- _ W. 44111. ' Avenue 00 0 $ 150 ' 00 3 ° 0062 09 Xl - 51 m • To b _ 006 $ N 001 3 z2ap 003 170 006 19 ®001 I _ 75 nB PT. ^ a $ b 004 004 aB2 JENS E N 6 $ 9 w - I ° 003 40' SW B IGAS' Eu' 17 6-6 6-A $ 003 002 006 $ 16 004 N I 08 T•B "l, T-A 006 c - b y I - v 39.n PL'OF 15 na_/in nnl 1 39-20/1-01-0.0 K. OF B CENTER 009 NICHOLAS GARD NS SUBDIVISION rc r0 ooT PT. OF B PEARL OF THE VALLEY . SU B. PT OF 113 2 3 4 09 PT. OF 001 001 001 001 SHU WA RE SUB. I O 002 WESTL~ SU B Adjoining 39-1 1225{0 = 3,9 - 2-61 (0 - ()OS 1 211 I - cl n ) - OS - (306i 12351 = ".9- Zol - UCo- o01 l 2ZOo = 3~ _ 2.0 I - 0 ~ - c,o ~p 12,S v1 3~ - of - o(, - 6o3 peWHEgr LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION OEWHEgT Rg Planning and Development Department Pg 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80033 , , Phone (303) 235-2846 OOC ORADO ~0(ORP00 (Please print or type all information) y Applic ~Q{ W061 Wa4,'A Address 6~0(g Z Kf n0✓I S lcd Phon3O3) (9115- 6e Fax - City State C-0 Zip - & C Owner ~>~I JJ00 a W ~/8 Address (Wp OZ XO~ Of~l° Phon ~03 City & State ((p Zip Fax - '1L0 - ,y~~ Contact I pia 1T1/ M~(~vfne u Address 8KC 7 w, ;V 14 G 2~~ Phon 3 Z - 240Z- . City State , Zip Sl'=r) Fax (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, and will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing.) / Location of request (address): 2 E VV 906 3 Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Application submittal requirements on reverse side ❑ Change of zone or zone conditions I Special Use Permit ❑ Consolidation Plat ❑ Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) ❑ Flood Plain Special Exception ❑ Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) ❑ Interpretation of Code ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ❑ Right of Way Vacation ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Temporary Use, Building, Sign ❑ Site Development Plan approval ❑ Variance/Waiver (from Section ) ❑ Zoning Ordinance Amendment ❑ Other: Detailed description of request: S A /►1 b/ daokd at 12,301 W. 4 (*.0 loco a. I Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: I - ap - (W 3 Size of Lot (acres or square footage): { 2 7GO Current Zoning: G- Proposed Zoning: G- Current Use: VOICimf( Proposed Use:JAf9eA tp,(A 1 G 6mJP5 I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attomey from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. ! n %9 Signature of Applicant gCZ~_ (rlc..e.~ Su ribed and sworn tome this Q8 day of 2003 HOLLY J. T NOTARY STATE OF Cdh6iA0 c My Commission Expire OWl"Won expires Date received Fee $ Receipt No. Case No. Comp Plan Desig. Zoning Quarter Section Map Related Case No. Pre-App Mtg. Date Case Manager pjm assoc. (303) 423-2702 May 28, 2003 Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Letter of Request and Application Administrative Special Use Permit for Used Vehicle Sales Lot at 12301 W. 44th Avenue Dear Ms. Reckert The Applicant and owners, Mr. Mike Woodward, Mrs. Cheryl K. Woodward and Ms. Mary Ihle, are requesting an Administrative Special Use Permit to allow a used vehicle sales lot on the property located at 12301 W. 441P Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. This property is located at the northwest comer of 44th Avenue and Interchange-70 off-ramp. This property is developed for commercial uses and currently does not have an operating business. The zoning designation for this property Commercial-One District (C-1). This request is to allow a used vehicle sales lot on a developed property permitted as a special use in the C-1 district. The used vehicle sales lot will utilize the existing building, signage, landscape planters and parking areas of the site. The existing conditions of the commercially developed property have been incorporated into the proposed site design. The site design includes twelve customer parking spaces, one employee parking space, one handicap parking space and vehicular display area for approximately fourteen to sixteen vehicles. Access is provided at an existing entrance located along the frontage of the property at West 40 Avenue. The proposed design provides adequate access, vehicular display areas, parking and internal vehicular circulation. The proposed office and used vehicle sales operation will include two part-time employees and will maintain regular business hours of 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. A licensed automobile dealer that is regulated by the State of Colorado, Department of Revenue, will operate the used vehicle sales business. The proposed commercially zoned site is located in a commercial area and is surrounded by Public Storage to the north and west; a Truck Plaza separated by an Interstate-70 off-ramp to the east, and a grocery store and nursery to the south. This commercial property was originally developed for a truck sales lot in 1974 and has historically been used for some vehicle type sales until approximately the year 2000. Commercial uses have since been located on this property. The proposed use and site design is consistent with the historic uses of the property and is compatible with the surrounding commercial uses and zoning of this area. This letter will also address the Special Use Permit Criteria of the Wheat Ridge Zoning and Development Code as follows: Special Use Criteria Will meet a proven public need in that it will fill a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considering available alternatives. The proposed used vehicular sales lot will provide a commercial use that is allowed as a Special Use in the C-1 zone. This property was originally developed and used for vehicle type sales that have been consistently provided at this location a majority of the years the property has been developed. Used vehicle sales are not provided in the surrounding commercial area and the proposed use will provide an alternative vehicle sales source for the public. The proposed use is also consistent with the historic uses and services provided on this developed property. 2. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. The proposed use will be provided on an existing developed property and will not require any additional services. The proposed used vehicle sales office will be located in an existing building and the site has been designed to utilize the existing constraints of the property. The property for the proposed use is located in an established commercial area and immediately surrounded by commercial uses. The proposed vehicle sales lot use and operation will not have detrimental effect to the health, welfare, safety and convenience of the neighborhood. 3. Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use. As discussed in numbers one and two, the proposed used vehicle sales lot and operation will be provided on a developed commercial property located in an established commercial area of Wheat Ridge. In addition, the site has been designed to provided adequate parking, vehicle display areas and internal circulation and incorporate the existing development constraints of the property. The physical and operational characteristics of the proposed use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood. 4. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. The proposed use will require minimal improvements to the existing developed property that has adequate setback and separation from adjacent structures and uses to continue allowing adequate light and air. The proposed use and operation will utilize an existing structure and developed property. The proposed use and operation will not require any additional services provide adequate light and air. The proposed use will operate within an existing structure and will not require any additional services or improvements to the property. This proposal will have minimal impacts to air, water or noise pollution. 5. Is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. This site is designated as Commercial in the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. The proposed used vehicle sales lot will be located on an existing commercially- developed property in the C-1 zone district. The zoning designation for this property allows the proposed use as a Special Use for the property. Therefore, this request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan 6. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. Access to the property and on-site parking is provided from an existing entrance from W. 44"' Avenue. The proposed site design will provide adequate parking, drive aisle widths and internal vehicular circulation. This property was originally designed for vehicle type sales and has historically been used for vehicle sale operations. Its location and site design will not result in additional traffic impacts to the area. The proposed use and its operation will have minimal impact to the traffic patterns in the area and will not result in an increase of undue traffic congestion, parking or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons on or off the site. 7. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. The proposed use will be located on an existing commercially developed property in an established commercial area. A sales office will be provided in an existing structure that has been constructed with appropriate setbacks, height, bulk, buffering and screening. Adequate access, on-site parking, vehicle display areas and internal vehicular circulation have been incorporated into the site design. Landscaping will be provided within existing planting areas and designed with xeriscape planting materials. The proposed use and design of the existing commercially developed site is compatible with the commercial character and uses of the surrounding areas and adjacent properties. 8. Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. This proposal will be located on an existing commercially developed property and will not require additional public improvements or services. The proposed use and site has been historically used for similar type uses and will not contribute to overburdening the capacities of existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities or services. 9. History of compliance by the applicant with Code requirements and prior conditions, if any, regarding the subject property. The Applicant has complied with Code requirements and prior conditions for this property. 10. Ability of the applicant or any permitted successor-in-interest to continuously meet the conditions of the proposed permit. The Applicant and owners have numerous years of experience as licensed dealers and operators of vehicle sales. A licensed vehicle dealer that is bonded and licensed by the State of Colorado will operate the proposed use and business. Therefore, the Applicants and owners will also be able to meet the conditions of the proposed Special Use permit for this property. 11. Other factors relevant to the specific application. A neighborhood meeting was held in which one person of the community attended. This person supported the proposed used vehicle sales lot and recalled that this property had been previously used for vehicular sales. In addition, the Applicant and owners have met with the Arvada Fire Protection District who has indicated the proposed site plan is adequate for on-site access and the existing office building will not require a sprinkler system. Accompanying this letter of request is a completed Land Use Case Application form, proof of ownership, copy of Improvement Location Certificate of the property, legal description of the property and site development plan. The $500.00 Application fee has been previously paid to the City of Wheat Ridge and the Applicant is requesting that the previously paid fee for a withdrawn application be applied to this request. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (303) 423-2702. S Patrice Mc ney pjm assoc. O J G U O ,F O ia:2 t~ C LL T ^ Orr .L O LL n p O W C S LlLd Z CU O O ~ S u1 tL C a OGU w T,~s a L-7 L-.2 a L x H ~ - 6 V Hp O Q G ?I O S-L N N N U W t,L4 rd h cC c 0= g r OR O 6 L; o P4 U 0 ~U1 4 r m v 3 CD c U r o ° . o o C O H o O - _c O ~ U H < U V J q G O o ~ U x N v QD o ~ N ~ G Ti O ry .j U H 'o 3 U N -I I N iJ 'a U Ht U. U. 41 J] ) `WI o rt c - G U N * o r. O .U' 1Y I~ LI 1i N Ln V U ~ i m aj m ,G ry' G O h 0 V v r ai H ^ y 0 O O N 0 U ti 0 0 O U ti O Ln O N N w Iw ~y U ~ T y - G v ti 3 - T J G U U U o L Y y o D O i c'o'o c ~ U f ~ U C ^ Y « h ~ 3 G y ~ C G U O C V on ~ s O 'co U 4> ~ U x ~ U C y O .O. p U M y U y T C C ~ -r -O b L U ~ C w N L 3 v ~ w U ti S U U 2 c v O 0 G W 3 G U v O r O N rG HL -H U rt C W N 4 N iti O -J m ° N v H J ~ G ~ N U Ci h O ❑ U G N C c' N 4 ~ U m n r. ~ o N H T y, C 4 ~ E O C. V z L m 'J 3 p 3 0 L ti L ~ 0 r EJ ^ G l/ O m C v O ~ O p r-! 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V 4J v T F ~ 'J U C U n y y r U ~ ~ n L ^ ° c ° v L' _ c n ti C-" C v m n n G U J G V .J y ? ~0 v ~ U \ ' S N vi - .9 r W ~ ~ CT ~ lv ~ U U = w • 4 c c 7 v U - Cp V T c 3 L c € - C y °z~ r^` K C c . i = V G1 G T ~ vm^~ C V r• ~ C L y i G 5;5 6 c x F O Q 9 c K z m O T L U C c Z C L Z tf i 11~lei 1n• NW-12-2001 -1 2-2091 10:08 FROM DRR 'UtY[NG INC IU t gill# a= 7 - N-4 KI; ~ QI Fr~~.rni+o> ? ` q m p a^ ~1 O ~ 1 N. IVY 04 XV"%3llN i i ~ i ~ i k i 6f 3 >s~ a f R S i 0 4 b-54"Z2.51bb r'.'4~ E a~ g j A L 7 P280 r O n a - ~ Itro'yt,r. t Q a TOTAL P.92 SPECIAL USE PERMIT 12301 W. 44th Avenue City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PART OF TRACT 16, NICHOLS GARDENS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT 16; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 16, A DISTANCE OF 200 FEET; THENCE WEST AND PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 16, A DISTANCE OF 100 FEET; THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 16, A DISTANCE OF 200 FEET, TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 16; THENCE EAST 100 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 9, 1967 IN BOOK 1926 AT PAGE 128, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. TRANSMITTAL aim assoc. (303) 423-2702 Date: May 28, 2003 To: Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge, Community and Development Department Re: Administrative Special Use Permit Application Submittal 12301 W.44m Avenue From: Patty McCartney P/A pjm assoc. Transmittal Items: • Land Use Application for Special Use Permit $500.00 Application Fee (Previously submitted for withdrawn application and subsequent credit by City of Wheat Ridge) • Copy of Property Deed (Proof of Ownership) • Copy of Improved Location Certificate of Property • Legal Description of Property Letter of Request • One Copy of Special Use Permit Site Plan, 24" x 36" Format • One Copy of Special Use Permit Site Plan, 11" X 17' Format Mr. Woodward had requested a refund of the $300.00 notification fee submitted with the previously withdrawn application. Please let us know if this fee will be refunded. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above items, please do not hesitate to contact me at (303) 423-2702. Thank you for all of your assistance with this application. Patty McCartney, pjm assoc. c: File 2 Copies for Mr. Michael Woodward Case No.: UP0302 Quarter Section Map N App: Last Name: oodward, Michael F Related Cases: App: First N ame: lo Patty McCartney Case Histor y: Owne r: Last Name: oodward Owner: First Nam e: Michael App Addre ss 667 W. 86th Cir. Review Body: City, State z ip: rvada, CO 50005 App: Pho ne: 303-423-2702 APN: Owner Address: 662 Xenon St. 2nd Revie W Body: City/St ate/Zip: rvada, CO 80004 2nd Review Date Owner Phone: 03.898-9005 Decision-making Body Project Address: 12301 W Appro vallDenial Date: Street Name : West 44th Avenue City/State, Zip: heat Ridge, CO 80033 ResolOrdinance No.: Case Disposition: Project Planner: Reckert File Lo cation: ctive rY Notes: rr-~~• Follow- Up: o.: NE20~ UP0301 up to operate a used ehicle sales lot on property dm. 39-201-06-003 1~_.... dm... Conditions of Approval: District: N. Date Rec eived: 512812003. Pre-App Date: F_ In Subject: Fwd: 12301 w. 44th (Woodward) - Bill Cassel To: meredith@city.ci.wheatridge.co.us Page 1 of 1 Please see attached e-mail regarding conversation with Bill Cassel. Return-path: <Mcholiway@aol.com> From: Mcholiway@aol.com Full-name: Mcholiway Message-ID: <ae.3c7c8c1b.2bb39509@aol.com> Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 18:43:05 EST Subject: 12301 w. 44th (Woodward) - Bill Cassel To: merdith@city.ci.wheatridge.co.us MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="part2_l l c.207c3e25.2bb39509_boundary" X-Mailer: 7.0 for Windows sub 10641 March 26, 2003 re: 12301 W. 44th Avenue/Special Use Permit Landscaping for Proposed Used Vehicle Sales Lot Hello, Meredith. As you have requested, the following information was provided with Mr. Bill Cassel, City Arborist, during my conversation with him yesterday: o There is no specific shrub list. Use the tree/plant booklet prepared by the Colorado Nursery Association. A copy of the booklet may be picked up at his office or at a nursery. o Planter at front property to replace planter in right-of-way is okay. o Agreed that no trees in this planter due to visibility (sight triangle) issue. o Need to remove asphalt for the planter. Plants will not survive without removal of asphalt. o Since City has had other landscaping concessions, he would require a soil sample where asphalt has been removed. o Maximum height of ties for this planter is 36" due to sight/visibility issue. o If do not remove asphalt for new planter, keep planter in street (right-of-way) We also discussed if you would require a VARIANCE request for the reduced percentage of landscaping. Please let me know as soon as possible, how you would like us to proceed and if a Variance request will be required with the Special Use application. Thanks again for all your help! Have a good day and I look forward to your response. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (303) 423-2702 or my cell phone (303) 748-7685. Sincerely, Patty McCartney Printed for Meredith Reckert <meredith@ci.wheatridge.co.us> 3/28/2003 In To: "Meredith Reckert" <meredith@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Subject: Re: Woodward Project - Administrative SUP Application and Process Hello, Meredith. Thank you very much for your response and recommendation. I agree that it would be easier and will talk to Mike about this new process. I believe his biggest concern will be how quickly this process will be compared to the public hearing review. I do have the following questions before I talk to Mike: 1. If withdrawn, what is the earliest date we could resubmit the application for administrative review and processing? Assuming adoption at the May 27th CC meeting, can we submit the application for processing the day after or do we need to wait 10-15 days for adoption of ordinance? 2. Since we have already gone through a referral process, would we then be required to do another referral review with the administrative SUP application? 3. If no complaints are received, do you feel the Planning Department will approve (either with or without conditions) the current application? 4. Given, no major issues, how long do you believe it may take to get a Planning Department decision? 5. It appears that the administrative process will not have any PC review and goes directly to City Council (either by complaint or Planning Dept. decision appeal). Is that correct? 6. Mike also paid a $300 notification fee, would that also be reimbursed if the project is withdrawn? Is this $300 notification fee also required for the proposed Admin. SUP process, or is this fee only needed if goes to City Council? 7. Is it possible to get a copy of the proposed ordinance for proposed Administrative SUP process? Page 1 of 4* I really appreciate all your help with this project and recommendation! I will talk to Mike and let him know of your concerns with Planning Commission and that City Council hearing would not occur until end of June. Please call me at (303) 423-2702 or cell phone (303) 748-7685 if you feel we need to discuss this further. Thanks again for all your help and I look forward to your responses. Have a great day! Patty McCartney P. S. Do you think this new administrative SUP process would apply to the Wheat Ridge Manor project that includes a variance request for 2 to 4 parking spaces? I'd be more than happy to show you their proposed site plan if you feel that would help Printed for Meredith Reckert <meredith@ci.wheatridge.co.us> 4/28/2003 In > [Original Message] > From: Meredith Reckert <meredith@ci.wheatridge.co.us> > To: <mcholiway@earthlink.net> > Date: 4/25/2003 9:14:59 AM > Subject: Re: New E-mail Address > Hey, Patty- > We have some recent happenings which could make Mike Woodward's, the > planning staffs and your life quite a bit easier relative to our SUP > process changes. We went to study session with CC on April 21, 2003 where > they advised us to proceed with changes to the SUP process ASAP. So, now > the schedule is as follows: 1 st reading at CC where no public input is > taken: April 28, 2003, public hearing at Planning Commission: May 15, > 2003, and public hearing at City Council: May 27, 2003. > The process that we were told to proceed with would be as follows: > 1. Application > 2. Referral to outside agencies >3. posting for 10 days and notification of adjacent property owners > 4. if no complaints received, action by the Community Development > director to approve, approve with modifications, or denial > 5. If complaints received, or if applicant wants to appeal the CD > director's decision, public hearing in front of City Council > I know Mike is anxious the expedite his process, but this will really Page 2 of 4 Printed for Meredith Reckert <meredith@ci.wheatridge.co.us> 4/28/2003 In > simplify everyone's life by not having public hearings. we had originally > had him scheduled for PC hearing on May 15 with CC tentatively late in > June. I have Alan convinced that this is the proper use for the location > given alternatives. We are somewhat worried about the PC review as they > have become very high maintenance regarding site plan reviews. > We recommend he withdraw his application and we would credit the fee paid > toward the new application. The fee will still be $500 but there will be > substantially less noticing and he would most likely get a reimbursement. > Let me know what you think, > Meredith > At 03:13 PM 4/10/2003 -0700, you wrote: > >Hello, Meredith. > >How was your trip? Was it to Virginia, I've heard that it is really > >pretty there? > >I just wanted to let you know that my new e-mail address for responses > >sent to you a week or so ago is now..... > ><mailto:mcholiway@earthlink.net>mcholiway@earthlink.net, not Page 3 of 4 Printed for Meredith Reckert <meredith@ci.wheatridge.co.us> 4/28/2003 , In Page 4 of 4 > >aol.com. Please forward your messages to this new address. > >I hope all is well and you had fun getting away from it all, > >Patty McCartney > Patty McCartney > <mailto:mcholiway@earthlink.net>mcholiway@earthlink.net > EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet. Patty McCartney mcholiway@earthlink.net EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet. Printed for Meredith Reckert <meredith@ci.wheatridge.co.us> 4/28/2003 O To: mcholiway@earthlink.net Subject: Re: New E-mail Address Hey, Patty- Page 1 of 2 We have some recent happenings which could make Mike Woodward's, the planning staffs and your life quite a bit easier relative to our SUP process changes. We went to study session with CC on april 21, 2003 where they advised us to proceed with changes to the SUP process ASAP. So, now the schedule is as follows: 1 st reading at CC where no public input is taken: April 28, 2003, public hearing at Planning Commission: May 15, 2003, and public hearing at City Council: May 27, 2003. The process that we were told to proceed with would be as follows: 1. Application 2. Referral to outside agencies 3. posting for 10 days and notification of adjacent property owners 4. if no complaints received, action by the Community Development director to approve, approve with modifications, or denial 5. If complaints received, or if applicant wants to appeal the CD director's decision, public hearing in front of City Council I know Mike is anxious the expedite his process, but this will really simplify everyone's life by not having public hearings. we had originally had him scheduled for PC hearing on May 15 with CC tentatively late in June. I have Alan convinced that this is the proper use for the location given alternatives. We are somewhat worried about the PC review as they have become very high maintenance regarding site plan reviews. We recommend he withdraw his application and we would credit the fee paid toward the new application. The fee will still be $500 but there will be substantially less noticing and he would most likely get a reimbursement. Let me know what you think, Meredith At 03:13 PM 4/10/2003 -0700, you wrote: Hello, Meredith. How was your trip? Was it to Virginia, I've heard that it is really pretty there? I just wanted to let you know that my new e-mail address for responses sent to you a week or so ago is now..... mcholiway@earthlink.net, not aol.com. Please forward your messages to this new address. I hope all is well and you had fun getting away from it all, Patty McCartney Patty McCartney mcholiway@earthlink.net Printed for Meredith Reekert <meredith@ci.wheatridge.co.us> 4/25/2003 City of Wheat Ridge Office of the City Manager Memorandum TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner e FROM: Barbara Delgadillo, Assistant to the City Manager DATE: April 21, 2003 SUBJECT: SUP-03-Ol/Michael Woodward U Meredith, I have reviewed the development proposal for 12301 W. 44`h Avenue and would have the following comment: 12301 W. 44 h Avenue is located in an Urban Renewal Area calling for a large commercial project. While the proposal is inconsistent with that long-range goal, the proposed use is probably the best use for the property until redevelopment occurs. Call me at 2806 if you have any questions. STATE OF COLORADO Department of Transportation - OT District VI Maintenance Section 08 5640 East Atlantic Place Denver, Colorado 80224 (303) 757-9514 Rb„ loY Je rsE~ -Sr, Highway Maintenance SuperviserynflC"fDE'NT CJ STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region 6 Traffic Access/Utilities Permits 3401 Quebec St., Suite 8400 Denver, Colorado 80207 303-377-6602 FAX 303-377-6603 April 21, 2003 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Dept. ATTN: Meredith Reckert 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Meredith: RECEIVED i OT oernasvanrnnou RE: SUP-03-01/MICHAEL WOODWORD SPECIAL USE PERMIT, 12301 W. 44TH AVE. (SH70) The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has reviewed the above and we have the following comments: Impacts, if any, to state highway right-of-way must be identified. Otherwise, we have no comments or concerns regarding the proposed Special Use Permit. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-377-6602 Sincerely, Nashat Sawaged, P.E. Access Engineer NS/jc CC 116: J. Muscatell Ref: 03050ONS 21-Apr-03 File (SH70) Page 1 of 1 04/25/03 FRI 13:43 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 12101 WEST 62ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 60033 TELEPHONE 803.424.9661 FAx 303.424-0828 April 25, 2003 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Meredith: SDP-03- In reference to your inquiry regarding 12301 W. 44th Ave., 01/Michael Woodward, Valley Water District offers the following comments: is currently served by a 3/4" tap on a 16" water , The property 1 mainline in West 44th Avenue. 2. Valley Water currently provides service to the facility and has adequate capacity to serve the project. 3, Valley Water District will continue to serve the develo pent subject to District rules and regulations. Any separat structures will require a separate tap for each building. 4. Arvada Fire has indicated that they will not require an ment as shown additional fire hydrant for the currente add tiponal fire hydrantsy changes to the development may equ water main lines or water taps. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 303- 424-9661. Sincerely, /~NLL #A& A4111 Robert Arnold. District Manager 2001 ~ ,b 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Whelp Telephone 303/ 235-2846 Ridge April 14, 2003 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a used vehicle sales lot at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by April 28, 2003. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: SUP-03-01/Michael Woodward LOCATION: 12301 W. 44" Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a special use permit. PURPOSE: To allow used vehicle sales on lot zoned ( C-1). APPROXIMATE AREA: 12,750 Square feet Issues for consideration include the following: The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. The availability of service lines to the development. The adequacy of capacities to service the development. Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations. Specific easements that are needed on this or any other document. Any comments which would affect approval of this request by your agency. Please reply to: er141 edith Reckert Completed by: Community Development Department (Name, Agency/Department, Date) Fax: 303/235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Valley) XX Sanitation District (Fruitdale) XX Fire District (Arvada) Adjacent City XX Xcel Energy XX Qwest Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey XX Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources Denver Regional Council of Governments Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners XX AT&T Broadband WHEAT RIDGE Post Office XX WHEAT RIDGE Police Department XX WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission XX WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division XX WHEAT RIDGE Building Division XX WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development XX Urban Renewal Authority "The Carnation City" Oplanning\forms\agendaref frm Arvada Fire Protection District Division of Fire Prevention March 12, 2003 Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 6 7500 W. 29a' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 RE: Proposed Auto Sales 12301 W. 44' Ave. ' r Dear Meredith, The developers of the site at 12301 W. 44'" Ave. have requested that I clarify two points with Community Development. 1. Turnarounds: The access roadway is a dead end, but does not exceed 150 feet in length. The fire code would not require a turnaround A minimum of a 20 feet driveway, access lane will be provided from West 44 h Ave. to the building. 2. Sprinkler System: A sprinkler system would not be required for the office use. The garage is to be used for detailing of vehicles only. No storage of flammable liquids or oils will be present at the site. The fire code would not require the building to be protected with an automatic sprinkler system. If you have any questions or would need any additional information, please call me at 303-463-7463. Sincerely, Arvada Fire Protection District e St gled~r a -e Deputy Fire Marshal 7300 Kipling Street • Arvada, Colorado 80005-3876 • (303) 463-7655 • Fax (303) 422-5549 City of Wheat Ridge Department of Publi MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Dear Meredith, Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer Thursday, April 17, 2003 SUP for 12301 W. 44t" Avenue Public Works has reviewed the Site Plan submitted for the Special Use Permit. Due to the fact that the applicant is not proposing any changes to the existing site conditions, Public Works has no comments at this time. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L. S. CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager file