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Monday, October 27, 2003 DENwRPo 1 Denver, CO NEWS BUSINESS COLUMNISTS FRONT PAGE LOCAL NEWS Lottery Bloghouse Legislature Politics NATIONIWORLD OBITUARIES SPECIAL REPORTS WEATHER FEATURES BOOKS ENTERTAINMENT FOODIDINING HEALTH LIFESTYLES MOVIES TRAVEL TV LISTINGS OPINION COLUMNISTS EDITORIALS ENDORSEMENTS LETTERS PERSPECTIVE KEEFE CARTOON SPORTS AVALANCHE BRONCOS COLLEGES COLUMNISTS NUGGETS PREPS RAPIDS ROCKIES SCORES OTHERSPORTS SERVICES ARCHIVES CONTACT US ABOUT US/HELP E-MAIL NEWS SUBSCRIBE ADVERTISING AUTOS HOMES JOBS MARKETPLACE MEMORIALS NEWSPAPER ADS WEDDINGS YELLOW PAGES HOME Page 1 of 3 EMAIL ARTICLE '_'LINKTOARTICLE gPRINTARTICLE TODAY'S OTHER Article Published: Monday, October 27, 2003 LOCAL NEWS Wheat Ridge to discuss STORIES store site Z By Alicia Caldwell, ~D, DD3 M. uslims'_p rayerssp_read Denver Post Staff Writer across. a, rea Growth.., is trade-off._Qt WHEAT RIDGE - There have been dozens of angry water issue letters, handbills decrying "corporate greed" and The legacy of Two Forks community meetings protesting the Walgreens Grouse.facenewth.reatin. project planned for a busy corner in this north w. Nile Jefferson County City. Neighbors stand tall. against. tower DIA flights effected..by. Tonight, Wheat Ridge City Council members will Calif. fires decide whether to go forward with the Twomen_hurti_n_rollover redevelopment project, which includes government downtown condemnation of several businesses to allow a Religiousgroups target Chicago-based developer to build the 14,000-square- Amend.-.33 foot store. - Utes say.Amendment.33 deceptive The meeting, which begins at 7 p.m., is likely to may lead to.h gher b ets ts draw a crowd, said Elise Brougham, a self-described -Poodre schools try to community activist who opposes the project, ease uproar - Morrison Nature Center Residents have expressed concerns about the traffic opens th ld d h hb h Reality soars miles above e store wou raw to t eir neig or ood, the ' noise it would create and their government forcing city s image private property owners to sell their land fora - Local briefs ,_Street racing: Life in the drugstore. f ti as ane - Control,_rage fuel. domestic killings "I do not feel it is important, nor Am. 33 could turn-tames is it necessary to add yet another Ref. A_ pits waterinterests. Walgreens to the city of Wheat -Seniors' homes get Ridge," wrote Jodel Neal, a Wheat vollinteers' Tl_C Ridge resident, in a letter filed at -..7h.eft.suspectcaptured in city hall. raid -...spen.cer:._Pledge protest a harsh lesson Wheat Ridge Planning -Carman: Frustrate. .big Commissioner Kimberly Davis shotsb3Lv_otinng submitted a statement for a -Newswoman added her commission public hearing earlier touchto_1ke'5 '55recovery this month that said she was -For some-garriblers, video opposed to the project, planned lottery can be trouble for nearly 1.5 acres at 38th 200 rally atcaaw Advertisement against 1. re.q occupat 9R http://www.denverpost.com/Stories/0,1413,36-53-1725446,00.htm1 10/27/2003 DenverPost.com - LOCAL NEWS SEARCH SITE SEARCH: • Enter search term, hit enter Iwy • Click here for advanced ware-, WEB SEARCH: I (D ~ 17 Goode Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard. The area, she said, is not blighted, a designation necessary for government condemnation. "It is an area that does not need to be cleaned up or considered to be a blight to the city of Wheat Ridge," she wrote. City officials are recommending the project, said City Manager Randy Young, to help improve Wheat Ridge's tax revenues. The project is being undertaken by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, which plans to borrow about $1.9 million to buy the five privately owned parcels, move those eligible for relocation, clear the land and remove petroleum contamination, said Jim Windholz, lawyer for the authority. The developer will pay the city $1.4 million to buy the property from the authority, with the authority borrowing the approximately $500,000 difference between the sales price and the cost of acquiring the property, Windholz said. The loan will be repaid with increased tax revenues that the project is expected to generate. Ifl RETURN TO TOP DEN'. • RPos All contents Copyright 2003 The Denver Post or other copyright holders. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed for any commercial purpose. Terms of use I Privacy policy Go to Section DenverPost.com A to Z Page 2 of 3 - Lpeai..gpvernments, feel. heat from gas hike - DPS enlists PR firm to pitch new_pay system Scientifically speaking - Health calendar - Metro briefs. - Empire. briefs 2 of cop's bullets hit victim • Panel seeks a more civil Capitol - DA requests Bryant date change. Atadem_case.pNA inconclusive Centennial l ea d e ra_ to u r new court - Suspect held in slaying of 2 teens - Family _celebrates man's gift of life -Jurysurvey sent in murder case - Dry spell bodes ill for skiers,.farms - Woman. 79, hit by Louisville police car - Deputy ac;cu5Ad,,gf assaulting inmate -_Slai n_prowler was on drugs, coroner says -Judy Shepard speaks of hate diversity • Pedestrian hit by. police car - Xcel braces_fgr Solar $torm -Local newsroundup - Campbell treated for pr.pstate...can .er Il:7etr. o..brefs http://www.denverpost.com/Stories/0,1413,36-53-1725446,00.htm1 10/27/2003 THE DENVER POST ALICIA CALDWELL Staff Writer 17700 South Golden Road Suite 226 Golden, CO 80401 (303) 278-3216 acaldwell(d)denveroost.com Oct. 23, 2003 Alan White director Community Development 7900 West 29`x' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO Via e-mail Re: Open Records Request Mr. White: Per the Colorado Public Records Act, Colo. Rev. Stat. Sec. 24-72-201+, I am requesting access to the plans for the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority project at 38`n and Sheridan, which I understand is supposed to go before City Council members on Oct. 27. If my request is denied in whole or part, I would expect you to justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of CORA. I will also expect you to release all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material. I also request a waiver of any applicable fees as release of the material I seek is in the public interest. I reserve the right to appeal your decision to withhold any information or deny a fee waiver. As this information is of timely value, I would appreciate your communicating with me by telephone or e-mail rather than by regular mail if you have questions regarding this request. Sincerely, Alicia Caldwell Reporter 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/ 235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 December 31, 2003 Mr. Tim Sullivan The Cornerstone Group I, Inc. 10540 N. 2nd Street Machesney Park, Illinois 61115 Dear Mr. Sullivan: The City of Wheat Ridge This letter is provided at your request to summarize the approvals given to the Walgreens project at 38`h and Sheridan in the City of Wheat Ridge. The Special Use Permit was approved by the City Council on October 28, 2003. The Special Use Permit process requires the concurrent submission and approval of a site plan. The Special Use Permit and Site Plan were approved with the following conditions: 1. All canopy lighting shall be recessed, and wall lighting on the south side of the building shall be prohibited. 2. Trash pickup and all deliveries shall occur between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. 3. Truck traffic shall be prohibited on southbound Ames Street. 4. The applicant shall construct turn prohibitors on each Ames Street access point to restrict southbound traffic on Ames Street. 5. The applicant shall furnish monies for the construction of speed humps on Ames Street. 6. The applicant shall extend the streetscape design elements consistent with existing streetscape elements on 38`h Avenue on the Sheridan Boulevard frontage. 7. The applicant shall meet all required street tree counts and additional landscaping requirements as specified in the Code of laws. 8. The grant of the special use permit shall be a personal grant of use to Walgreens. 9. Approval of the special use permit shall be deemed granted as of the date that the Colorado Department of Transportation provides written approval of the access permit for the proposed access on Sheridan Boulevard. Approval by City Council did not include restrictions on the hours of operation of either the store or the drive-through pharmacy; therefore, a 24-hour operation is allowed. The store is approved for a two-bay drive through pharmacy. The site plan, elevations, and landscape plan are approved with the modifications needed as a result of the conditions of Council's approval: 1. The site plan must show the turn prohibitors. 2. The elevations must be modified to show recessed lighting on the canopy and to delete the wall lights on the south elevation. The site plan will need modifications if lighting other than wall lighting is proposed on the south portion of the lot. The landscape plan will need to be modified to show the additional landscape materials required. Separate sign permits are required prior to installing the signs. Signage for the north and west sides of the store as shown on the elevations is allowed. More information is needed about sign sizes for the east elevation in order to approve this signage. The two monument sign locations comply with the sign code, but they need to be reviewed for size. No information was provided with the site plan which enables us to review them for compliance with the sign code. The City supports the access on Sheridan Boulevard as proposed. The consolidation plat, consolidating the individual parcels into one parcel, has been approved with the condition that approval is deemed granted as of the date that the Colorado Department of Transportation provides written approval of the access permit for the proposed access on Sheridan Boulevard. If there is any additional information I can provide, please let me know. Sincerely, Avv r, Alan C. White, AICP Community Development Director Page 1 of 1 Subject: City Council - Walgreens To: <travisc(a,)ci.wheatridge.co.us> To the City Council Members of Wheat Ridge % Travis: I am working this evening and can not attend the council meeting. However, I would like to voice my opinion regarding the proposed Walgreens at the comer of Sheridan and 38th. I have lived in this neighborhood for thirteen years. I purchased a home at 3735 Benton St. in 1997 because I liked the small town feel of Wheat Ridge and liked this neighborhood in particular. I would not support a decision to build another Walgreens. 1. There are many Walgreens stores "just around the corner" including one at the comer of 44th and Wadsworth in Wheat Ridge right across the street from my bank. 2. We do not need the added traffic at the already busy intersection of 38th and Sheridan. 3. I do not appreciate big business coming in from out of state and forcing small long time business owners and/or home owners to sell or move. 4. The corner was just "beautified" a year ago and it doesn't seem cost effective to tear all of that up to build a huge business in an established neighborhood. I don't know where any of you live, but I ask that you put yourselves in our shoes. Do you have or do you want Walgreens on your comer? Sincerely, Suzanne Olson This communication is for the use of the intended recipient only. It may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication, any disclosure, copying, further distribution or use thereof is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please advise me by return e-mail or by telephone and delete/destroy it. file://C:\DOCUME-I\cad-14\LOCALS-I\Temp\eud8B.htm1 10/27/2003 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/235-2846 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 November 13, 2003 Alan White Executive Director WRURA 7500 W. 29'h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. White: At its meeting of October 28, 2003, City Council approved Case No. WS-03-01, a request for a consolidation plat for properties located at 5208 West 38`h Avenue, 5250 West 38'h Avenue, 5280 West 38'h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, for the following reasons: 1. It meets the requirements for a Final Plat. 2. The subdivision standards have been met. With the following condition: That approval of this consolidation plat shall be deemed granted as of the date that the Colorado Department of Transportation provides written approval of the access permit for the proposed access on Sheridan Blvd. City Council also approved Case No. SUP-03-05, a request for a special use permit to allow a drive- through facility for a Walgreens drug store on Commercial-One (C-1) zoned properties located at 5208 West 38" Avenue, 5250 West 38 h Avenue, 5280 West 38" Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, for the following reasons: 1. The drive through will not have an adverse effect on the general health, safety, welfare or convenience of persons residing in or working in the neighborhood. 2. The drive through will not create nor contribute to blight in the neighborhood. 3. The impacts of the drive through will be minimized with the construction of a six-foot fence, extensive landscaped area and diminished lighting on the south side of the building. Alan White Page 2 November 13, 2003 With the following conditions: 1. All canopy lighting shall be recessed, and wall lighting on the south side of the building shall be prohibited. 2. Trash pickup and all deliveries shall occur between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. 3. Truck traffic shall be prohibited on southbound Ames Street. 4. The applicant shall construct turn prohibitors on each Ames Street access point to restrict southbound traffic on Ames Street. 5. The applicant shall furnish monies for the construction of speed humps on Ames Street. 6. The applicant shall extend the streetscape design elements consistent with existing streetscape elements on 38`s Avenue on the Sheridan Boulevard frontage. 7. The applicant shall meet all required street tree counts and additional landscaping requirements as specified in the Code of Laws. 8. This grant shall be a personal grant of use to Walgreens. 9. Approval of this special use permit shall be deemed granted as of the date that the Colorado Department of Transportation provides written approval of the access permit for the proposed access on Sheridan Blvd. Enclosed is a draft copy of the minutes stating the Council's decision. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy Id Administrative Asst. Enclosure: Draft of Minutes cc: Jeff Bailey Cornerstone Group 6500 S. Quebec St. Evergreen, CO 80111 WS-03-01 & SUP-03-05 (case files) c:\...\hiy Documents\Kathy\PCRPTS\PLANGCOM\CORRESP\2003\WZ0213 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: OCTOBER 27, 2003 Page -5- Motion by Mr. Schneider for approval of Council Bill 42-2003 (Ordinance 1313) on second reading; seconded by Mr. DiTullio. Motion by Mr. Gokey to amend the motion in Sections 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7 of the proposed ordinance corresponding to the development standards for R-1 and R-1A, R- 1 B, R-1 C, R-2, R-2A, R-3 and R-3A, respectively, the development standards charts shall be modified to establish the side and rear yard setbacks for detached garages/carports and private storage sheds as 5 feet if the height is 8 feet or less above grade, and 10 feet if the height is over 8 feet from grade; seconded by Mr. Mancinelli. Alan White asked for the addition of "finished grade" to Mr. Gokey's amendment. Amendment carried 8-0. Motion by Ms. Figlus to amend Section 1 (R-1) by changing the minimum side yard set backs and minimum rear yard set backs on accessory buildings to 15 feet; seconded by Mr. Hanley; carried 5-3 with Mr. Gokey, Mr. Mancinelli and Mr. Edwards voting no. Original motion as amended carried 8-0. Item 5. A. PUBLIC HEARING ON A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A CONSOLIDATION PLAT. (Case No. WS-03-011WRURA) B. PUBLIC HEARING ON A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A DRIVE THROUGH. (Case No. SUP-03-051 WRURA) Mr. Edwards introduced Item 5. A. and 5. B. and read the titles. City Clerk read the executive summaries for both items. Travis Crane presented the staff report. Jeff Bailey, representing Cornerstone Group 1 Inc., thanked staff for their hard work and addressed some questions that had come out of neighborhood meetings. Jim Windhoiz, Attorney for Urban Renewal, was sworn in by the Mayor. He gave background on the proposals received by Walgreen and Eckert and answered questions throughout the public hearing. He stated that there is some pollution on at least one of the locations. We have an agreement so that the Urban Renewal Authority and the developer share equally in the amount for the clean-up. $50,000 maximum each have been committed for that purpose. Revenue Numbers are currently being compiled and might be available by Friday of this week. The Urban Renewal Authority does not take property, it pays fair market value for it. If you pay fair market value, by law you don't have to re-locate people, but that does not mean that the Urban Renewal Authority will not consider that. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: OCTOBER 27, 2003 Page -6- They will also assist them in finding facilities for relocation. They try to do it as close to the existing facility as possible. The following speakers were sworn in by the Mayor and spoke in opposition to Items 5. A. and 5.B.: Dave Fuller Elise Brougham Kim Stewart Zachary Land Laurie Oye Robin Oye James Perin Susan Seeds Linda Klamm Robert McGhee 76Z AFT Their concerns and questions included, but were not limited to, the City allowing a big corporation coming in and allowing them to take over other people's property; what is the cost of the contamination clean-up and who will pay for it; nobody has asked for this project and it is constantly being protested; it does not fit the designation "Village Center"; the area is not blighted; the existing businesses are contributing to the City's tax base; the funding for Walgreen's is an economic disaster; Urban Renewal Projects do not necessarily benefit City coffers; there is a payoff period and by the time it is paid, the business could be gone; busy area and increasing traffic; dangerous to children; people have a right to retain their property; too many Walgreen stores already; suggestions to boycott Walgreen; the neighborhood was never told about Walgreen; where are the displaced businesses going to move and will the City help them move; dropping property values; misuse of eminent domain, getting rid of historic buildings (the billiard hall); how many "real" jobs will be created by Walgreen; inappropriate use for this intersection; quality of life being compromised; how much money will King Sooper's lose; how much will other small businesses along 38th Avenue lose. Motion by Mr. Edwards to continue this meeting to 6.15 p.m. on Tuesday, October 28, 2003; seconded by Mr. Mancinelli; carried 6-2 with Mr. Hanley and Ms. Figlus voting no. Ms. Figlus will vote no because people have made a lot of effort to come in and speak and we should finish S.A. and S.B. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: OCTOBER 27, 2003 Page -7- The Regular City Council Meeting of October 27, 2003 was reconvened by Mayor Cerveny at 6:15 p.m. on October 28, 2003. Councilmembers present: Jerry DiTullio, Vance Edwards, can o ey, a p ancinelli, David Schneider, Odarka Figlus, Lena Rotola, and Harry Hanley. Also present: Deputy City Clerk, Christa Jones; City Manager, Randy Young; City Attorney, Gerald Dahl; Director of Community Development, Alan White; Director of Public Works, Tim Paranto; staff; and interested citizens. Public Comment on Item S.A. and 5.B. continued: The following speakers were sworn in by the Mayor and spoke in opposition to Items 5.A. and S.B. Scott Wesley presented a petition with 242 signatures opposed to the proposal. Madeline Durbin Linda Hillshafer Cheri Jahn Terry McFadden Teri Dalbec Chuck Mandril Henry Nicol Steve Fuller Mary Ann Fuller Craig Hardy represents Eckert Drug and wants same for clean-up. Kim McKinney Jeannie Braun Laura Bracciante Anthony Bracciante Geraldine Faes 1 . deal as Walgreens and will pay Their comments included, but were not limited to, repeating most of the comments from the previous evening; keep small town quality; only 2 people on Council vote the way their constituents want them to, this is the first time that an applicant for a plat consolidation has been a non-owner of the property to be consolidated; requests that these Items be denied; equal chance for small business owners; many business owners have already been through the streetscape project that was to improve 38th Ave.; questions on how and when this blight area was determined; where and when are the business owners going to know about their relocation; questions regarding the customer loyalty base the affected business owners have established; character of "main street" as provided in the comprehensive plan, as well as the relocation process outlined in the plan; questions regarding Mr. Edward's vote on this item due to the fact that he is on the Urban Renewal Authority; (Mr. Dahl clarified that Mr. Edwards should continue to hear this item. Business owners have not been given a value for their property/business and they wonder when they will be notified; how can we accept this when we do not know what we are accepting; safety concerns; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness or money; against eminent domain - it is not ethical. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: OCTOBER 27, 2003 Page -8- The following speakers were sworn in by the Mayor and spoke in favor of Items 5.A. and 5.B.: Al Simon Jim Goddard nr~ -'t a Their comments included: would rather see 1 development instead of 2 or 3; Walgreens will reduce unwanted noise and traffic and trash; Walgreens will be an asset to the community. Jim Windholz explained that Mr. Hardy from Eckerts had played an unethical game here this evening. WRURA went through a very elaborate bidding process; they prepared RFP's and presented them to a minimum of two dozen developers and users within the entire Metro area. They gave them as long as six weeks to respond. They got 2 responses, one from Walgreens and one from Eckerts. They chose Walgreens because of their ability to stay in the market and to provide a viable marketing retail establishment for this community. JC Penney, who owns Eckerts, is considering selling the ailing chain. Mr. Windholz explained the entire process of Urban Renewal in great detail and answered questions raised by the speakers. Tim Sullivan, representing Walgreens, was sworn in by the Mayor and gave background on this project. They feel they have done numerous things to minimize any impact on the traffic on Ames. The drive-through will have negligible impact on the site. The cars can get out onto Sheridan. Jeff Bailey, representing Walgreens, stated that they would not sell liquor. Council discussion followed. Mr. DiTullio asked if the City or the Urban Renewal Authority or Walgreens owned any of the properties discussed tonight. The answer was no. Mr. Edwards explained that the Urban Renewal Authority consists of unpaid volunteers, who will gain nothing by this. They try to do something positive for the community. He also gave background as to how this all came about. Motion by Mr. Schneider to suspend the rules and allow Mr. Edwards to speak more than 3 Minutes; seconded by Mr. Gokey; failed 3-5 with Councilmembers Figlus, Hanley and DiTullio voting no. (This needed 6 votes to pass) Mr. Schneider donated his time to Mr. Edwards, who continued explaining WRURA's process. Motion by Mr. Edwards to approve Case No. WS-03-01, a request for a consolidation plat for properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 38th Avenue, 5280 West 38`h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street, and APN 39-251-01- 038 for the following reasons: 1. It meets the requirements for a final Plat. 2. The subdivision standards have been met. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: OCTOBER 27, 2003 Page -9- With the following condition: That approval of this consolidation plat shall be deemed granted as of the date that the Colorado Department of Transportation provides written approval of the access permit for the proposed access on Sheridan Blvd.; seconded by Mr. Mancinelli; carried 5-3 with Councilmembers Hanley, Figlus and DiTullio voting no. Mr. DiTullio voted no because he has a problem that neither the City of Wheat Ridge, nor WRURA, nor Walgreens owns the properties in question. We are changing property lines and redrawing property lines on property that nobody owns that's here tonight. Motion by Mr. Edwards that Case No. SUP-03-05, a request for a special use permit to allow a drive through for properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 38th Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, be approved for the following reasons: 1. The drive through will not have an adverse effect on the general health, safety, welfare or convenience of persons residing in or working in the neighborhood. 2. The drive through will not create nor contribute to blight in the neighborhood. 3. The impacts of the drive through will be minimized with the construction of a six- foot fence, extensive landscaped area and diminished lighting on the south side of the building. With the following conditions:' ik 1. All canopy lighting shall be recessed, and wall lighting on the south side of the building shall be prohibited. 2. Trash pickup and all deliveries shall occur between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. 3. Truck traffic shall be prohibited on southbound Ames Street. 4. The applicant shall construct turn prohibitors on each Ames Street access point to restrict southbound traffic on Ames Street. 5. The applicant shall furnish monies for the construction of speed humps on Ames Street. 6. The applicant shall extend the streetscape design elements consistent with existing streetscape elements on 38th Avenue on the Sheridan Boulevard frontage. 7. The applicant shall meet all required street tree counts and additional landscaping requirements as specified in the Code of Laws. 8. This grant shall be a personal grant of use to Walgreens. 9. Approval of this special use permit shall be deemed granted as of the date that the Colorado Department of Transportation provides written approval of the access permit for the proposed access on Sheridan Blvd. Seconded by Mr. Mancinelli; carried 5-3 with Councilmembers Hanley, DiTullio and Figlus voting no. A request for a special use permit to allow a drive through facility for the following properties: 5208 W. 38u` Avenue, 5250 W. 38^' Avenue, 5280 W. 380' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Arnes Street and APN 39-251-01-038 o..m,.,y ~rnn ads {Yr .a.,. south down Arnes St. I 2 -"'Landsewpe Plan - ie fig c~ t ~ o~ o e ~ l I ) I k 45ill F~L J Y ) ~,:x i Agency Refen'als Fire Distn'icts are requiring the installation of afire hydrant. Engineer has reviewed and approved the haflic study. Ffic Engineer has indicated that turn prohibitors and speed Ames would deter southbound traffic on Ames. has reviewed the traffic study, and found it to be acceptable. Idicated that left turns out of the site (northbound on Sheridan) of be allowed. F_- C. 1 t- n v 7 11 J1 is gained by one curb cut on Sheridan and two on Ames. traffic study states that the access points with Ames Street nolecled to operate acceptably (LOS A) for both year 2004 year 2025. developer has agreed to the following traffic mitigation Isures on Ames: 1. 2 speed humps 2. Turn prohibitors at both Ames Street access points 3. No led turn signs at both Ames Street access points 4. Signage to limit large trucks on Ames Street 3 already has C-1 zoning, which allows for a wide f commercial uses. with a drive through window must obtain a special 26 of the Code of Laws will govern the development ds (landscaping, parking, building setbacks, building exterior lighting). Develo m ent Standards sendnrd Prm'ided folks nF Min 211N.u,'ll. 145ncc11noc'6 LuWacalli holRr oneonlh and 155 dirvM 131, rmw l'ui 021111) 14,oovI - 14 nyuirul LS 11-& 5 ehnlbn~ Ih1110 v4. 11 6niMifiunol lot v1d 155 Nwlm Md7 morvnus .1"i irul lS'. 9m1h. to 12SU-ann Pill B I-oW 65 A-b, iphl Mmimnm nr511 Ill Almonl ES lief 511 rm &o. 30, 8i5feafmm30A- Illfuf unln Shioidnn re Amis. ear r Sh-dam 54a horn All, 44 Wi anm Ana-24 fw hom,Vl,, I Parking Fp1uo2111154-Il. of 64 Aloo,,I handicap waMC hniilln6 nru'1 lm~filu Polclighu max. In. of 18: w,'111 Polo ligLL. IS. wall lighl.s S1alfncnmm--,'I'll A Iiphls mac M. or12' 12 -o."hol ifg hu sul old•oufhmi -11 le", f, -Ao or arl 4 Conclusions recommending approval, with the following conditions: be recessed, any wall lighting on the south be prohibited or restricted. It pickup & deliveries shall occur between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. :k traffic shall be prohibited on southbound Ames St. applicant shall construct turn prohibitors on each Ames St. applicant shall furnish monies to construct speed humps. applicant shall extend streetscape elements on Sheridan. applicant shall meet all landscaping requirements. 1 be a personal grant to this applicant only. Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303-235-2846 303-235-2857 (Fax) TO: City Council FROM: Alan White, Executive Director W RE: Written Findings Regarding Walgreens Applications - Consolidation Plat and Special Use Permit DATE: October 27, 2003 On October 22, 2003, the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority recessed their meeting before considering these two land use cases. The meeting was recessed to Monday October 27, 2003 at 10:00 am. At this October 27 h meeting the Authority found the Consolidation Plat and the Special Use Permit for the proposed drive-through pharmacy at the proposed Walgreens at 38th and Sheridan to be in conformance with the 38th Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan. of WHEq ITEM NO: Po V m REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 27, 2003 TITLE: A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A DRIVE THROUGH (SUP-03-051WRURA) ® PUBLIC HEARING ❑ ORDINANCES FOR I ST READING ❑ BIDS/MOTIONS ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING ❑ RESOLUTIONS Quasi-Judicial: ® ❑ 4 Yesy~ No Director of Community Development City Manager EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority has entered into a contract with Cornerstone Group I to construct a new Walgreen's drug store on the property. The properties in question are located at 5208 W. 38 h Avenue, 5250 W. 38 h Avenue, 5280 W. 38 h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, and collectively are approximately 1.49 acres in area. The site plan shows the location of the proposed building, all parking stalls, landscape areas and quantities and access points. The applicant is requesting a special use permit for a drive through pharmacy. All development standards of C-1 must be met - Landscaping, parking, building height, building setbacks, maximum lot coverage and architectural standards. The drive through window will be located 75.5 feet from the southern property line, and will be buffered by landscaping to the south. This landscape buffer measures 35.5 feet in width at the widest point, and should minimize impacts from the drive through. Five trees will be placed within this buffer directly adjacent to the drive through window. A six-foot fence will be located on the southern property line. Planning Commission does not review requests for special use permits; therefore there is no Planning Commission recommendation. COMMISSION/BOARD RECOMMENDATION: N/A STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES: Staff has proposed several conditions of approval. These conditions relate to required landscaping, installation of traffic control devices, restricted lighting on the south side of the building and restricted delivery times and trash pickup. City Council must decide whether this special use permit shall be a special personal grant to this applicant or if it runs with the property in perpetuity. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED: None FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority is proposing to use tax increment financing for this project. Under this arrangement, the City will still receive current amounts of sales and property taxes. The City will receive increased sales and property taxes from the proposed use once debt obligations of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority are retired. Both sales and property tax revenues generated from this proposed use will exceed the existing revenues for the current uses. The City has received a one-time application fee for the special use permit process. The City will receive fees associated with the building permit. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: Option A: "I move that Case No. SUP-03-05, a request for a special use permit to allow a drive through for properties located at 5208 W. 38 h Avenue, 5250 W. 38th Avenue, 5280 W. 38 h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. The drive through will not have an adverse effect on the general health, safety, welfare or convenience of persons residing in or working in the neighborhood. 2. The drive through will not create nor contribute to blight in the neighborhood. 3. The impacts of the drive through will be minimized with the construction of a six-foot fence, extensive landscaped area and diminished lighting on the south side of the building." With the following conditions: 1. All canopy lighting shall be recessed, and wall lighting on the south side of the building shall be prohibited. 2. Trash pickup and all deliveries shall occur between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. 3. Truck traffic shall be prohibited on southbound Ames Street. 4. The applicant shall construct turn prohibitors on each Ames Street access point to restrict southbound traffic on Ames Street. 5. The applicant shall furnish monies for the construction of speed humps on Ames Street. 6. The applicant shall extend the streetscape elements consistent with existing streetscape elements on 38th Avenue on the Sheridan Boulevard frontage. 7. The applicant shall meet all required street tree counts and additional landscaping requirements as specified in the Code of Laws. 8. This grant of use shall be a personal grant of use to Walgreens." Option B: "I move that Case No. SUP-03-05, a request for a special use permit to allow a drive through for properties located at 5208 W. 38th Avenue, 5250 W. 38th Avenue, 5280 W. 38th Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, be DENIED for the following reasons: Report Prepared by: Travis Crane, 303.235.2849 Reviewed by: Alan White Attachments: 1. City Council Staff Report (with exhibits) C:/Case Review/WRURA/Special Use Permit Council Action Form CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE OF MEETING: October 27, 2003 DATE PREPARED: October 14, 2003 CASE NO. & NAME: SUP-03-05/WRURA CASE MANAGER: Travis Crane ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a special use permit to allow a drive through pharmacy LOCATION OF REQUEST: 5208 W. 38°i Avenue, 5250 W. 38`h Avenue, 5280 W. 38~' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038 NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT (S): Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority; Cornerstone Group I Inc. NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER (S): Kelly Zielbauer (5280 W. 38`h Ave.), Robert Wallace (3749 Sheridan Blvd.), Jean Stamper (3718 Ames St.), Jerry Archer (5250 W. 38`h Ave.), Chuck Mandril (5208 W. 38"h Ave.) APPROXIMATE AREA: 65,065.6 Square Feet (approximately 1.49 Ac.) PRESENT ZONING: Commercial One (C-1) PRESENT LAND USE: Auto Service, Billiard Establishment, Retail, Residential, Parking Lot and Vacant Land ZONING: N & W: Commercial One (C-1) S. Commercial One (C-1) and Residential One-C (R-1C) F. City of Denver SURROUNDING LAND USE: N & E: Retail, Shopping Center S: Residential W: Retail, Residential DATE PUBLISHED: October 13, 2003 DATE POSTED: October 13, 2003 DATE LEGAL NOTICES SENT: October 13, 2003 ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION ( ) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS ( ) OTHER The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. City Council ATTACHMENT I SUP-03-05/WRURA I. REQUEST The applicants are requesting approval of a special use permit to allow a drive through. The properties are zoned Commercial One (Exhibit 1, Vicinity Map). Because the properties have Commercial One zoning, any redevelopment must meet all development standards of the C-I zone district. The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority has entered into a contract with Cornerstone Group I to construct a new Walgreen's drug store on the property. Pursuant to Ordinance number 1299, a quasi-governmental agency may submit a land use application prior to owning the property. H. CASE ANALYSIS The properties in question are located at 5208 W. 38 h Avenue, 5250 W. 38 h Avenue, 5280 W. 38`" Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, and collectively are approximately 1.49 acres in area. The Code of Laws dictates that a special use permit shall be reviewed administratively for a period of ten days. During this ten-day period, the public is given an opportunity to submit written objections regarding the specific request. If any objections are received, or if the Community Development Director does not approve the request, the application is forwarded to City Council for review. The Community Development Department did receive comments regarding this application; therefore, the request has been forwarded to City Council. Many of the letters were identical in nature. Attached are examples of these form letters with the names and addresses of the neighbors who signed them (Exhibit 2, Neighborhood Letters). City Council shall decide whether the special use permit is a personal grant to the applicant only, or if it runs with the property in perpetuity. All of the property owners have been notified of this special use permit request pursuant to the regulations that govern non-owner quasi-judicial applications. A consolidation plat is being reviewed in conjunction with this request. III. AGENCY REFERRALS All outside service agencies that currently serve the property will continue to serve the property, and have indicated that the property owner will incur any associated costs of improvement. An existing sanitary sewer line is being relocated as a part of this request. The existing sewer line enters the property approximately at the midpoint of the western property line. The applicants are aware that the sanitary sewer line must be relocated. There has been no response to date from the Sanitation District. The Water and Fire Districts have indicated that one existing fire hydrant will need to be relocated, and an additional fire hydrant will be required at the time of site development. The Public Works Department has reviewed the traffic study, and found it to be acceptable. The City Traffic Engineer has approved the location of the curb cuts, and has suggested that physical turn prohibitors and restrictive signage should diminish southbound traffic on Ames Street. The City Council 2 SUP-03-05/WRURA Traffic Engineer also indicated that traffic-calming devices, such as speed humps, would deter through traffic on Ames Street. The applicant has agreed to post no left turn signs on the Ames Street frontage. The applicant has also agreed to post a "no large trucks" sign on southbound Ames Street per City standards. The applicant has indicated that they will provide monies for the construction of speed humps along Ames Street. The Neighborhood Traffic Management Program must be initiated and public consensus must be attained prior to the location or construction of the speed humps. The City and County of Denver requested that a detached sidewalk and tree lawn be provided along Sheridan Boulevard to accommodate pedestrian traffic. They also requested the Sheridan Boulevard access point be aligned with adjacent drive cuts and that northbound left turns be prohibited onto Sheridan. CDOT has reviewed the traffic study and found it to be acceptable. The turning movements onto Sheridan Boulevard were also reviewed, and a northbound left turn onto Sheridan Boulevard will not be allowed. The site plan illustrates this restriction. IV. SITE PLAN REVIEW A site plan and building elevation have been submitted for review (Exhibit 3 Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Elevations). The site plan shows the location of the proposed building, all parking stalls, landscape areas and access points. The applicant is requesting a special use permit for a drive through. All development standards of C-1 must be met - Landscaping, parking, building height, building setbacks, maximum lot coverage and architectural standards. The site plan should be reviewed in respect to impacts of the drive through. Since the property already has C-1 zoning, the Code of Laws will establish the applicable development standards. Parkin¢ The site plan details a total of 64 parking spaces, with three of these spaces designated as handicapped accessible parking. Required parking counts are based upon the size of the building, less any areas not designated for public use, or ten percent, whichever is greater. The applicants are proposing a 14,161 square foot building. The Code of Laws requires that retail uses must have one parking space for each 200 square feet of usable space. Based on this building size, less ten percent, 64 parking stalls are required. Additionally, for parking areas with between 51-75 parking stalls provided, three handicapped spaces are required. The applicants have provided three handicapped accessible spaces. Setbacks These properties have frontage on three streets: Ames Street, 38a' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard. The Code of Laws requires that properties zoned C-1 must have a minimum front yard setback of 50 feet. Additionally, any side or rear yard adjacent to Sheridan Boulevard must be setback a minimum of 50 feet. The proposed site plan details an 83.5-foot setback from 38a` Avenue, and an 80-foot setback from Sheridan Boulevard. Any side yard setback that is adjacent to a public street must be setback a minimum of 30 feet. The site plan shows a side yard setback (adjacent to Ames Street) of almost 44 feet. The Code of Laws requires that any structure that City Council SUP-03-05/WRURA abuts a public alley shall be setback a minimum of five feet. The proposed building will be setback 24 feet from the edge of the alley. Landscaping The Code of Laws states any commercially zoned property must have a minimum of twenty percent landscaping on site. The proposed site plan details a total of twenty two percent of the lot to be landscaped. In addition, a minimum of one street tree for every 30 feet of street frontage (less curb cuts) is required. The properties have frontage on three streets: Ames Street, 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard. The total of these three street frontages is approximately 420 linear feet. Based on the street tree requirement, a total of 14 street trees are required. The applicant has proposed 11 new street trees in addition to four existing street trees. The Code of Laws also dictates that one tree and five shrubs shall be required for every 1,000 square feet of required (not provided) landscaped area. Based on a required landscaped area of 13,013.12 square feet, 7 additional trees and 65 shrubs will be required. The site plan shows five trees on the southern property line and a total of 155 shrubs throughout the property. The drive through window will be located 75.5 feet from the southern property line, and will be buffered by landscaping to the south. This landscape buffer measures 35.5 feet in width at the widest point, and should minimize impacts from the drive through. Five trees will be placed within this buffer directly adjacent to the drive through window. A six-foot fence will be located on the southern property line. Circulation The alley that currently runs through the approximate midsection of the properties will be relocated to the south of the drive through. During the public process for the consolidation plat, the neighborhood expressed concern over any vacation of this alley. The applicant has agreed to relocate the alley to maintain a convenient exit point onto Sheridan Boulevard for the neighborhood. Traffic will circulate fully around the building with one exception: the drive through will function for eastbound customers only. Lighting Staff is recommending that all canopy lighting associated with the drive through should be recessed, and that all wall lighting on the south side of the building should be eliminated. All other wall lighting and freestanding lights must meet Section 26-503 (Exterior Lighting) of the Code of Laws. Trash/Deliveries The trash receptacles and loading docks are located on the western side of the building. The trash receptacles will be fully enclosed by a six-foot brick enclosure. Staff recommends that the delivery times and trash pick-up hours be limited between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. V. SPECIAL USE PERMIT REVIEW Before a special use permit is approved, the applicant shall show and the City Council shall find that the proposed special use: City Council SUP-03-05/WRURA 1. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. The effects of the drive through should not have severe adverse effects on the health, safety or welfare of the neighborhood. The property is currently zoned Commercial One (C-1), which allows a wide variety of uses with differing intensity. The applicant has indicated that traffic calming devices will be implemented to suppress overflow traffic to the neighborhood. A landscaped buffer and six-foot fence will be installed along the entire southern property line to help soften the impact of the drive through. Staff is recommending that lighting at the drive through should be restricted so as to minimize impacts to the properties to the south. 2. Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use. The proposed drive through will not create or contribute blight to the neighborhood. These properties were included in the 38"' Avenue blight study performed in 2001 and accepted by City Council. The applicant wishes to construct a new drug store in this location. The applicant will fully landscape the site in accordance to the commercial development standards and streetscape standards. 3. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off site. The proposed development will consolidate and reduce the number of curb cuts accessing current businesses on the site. One business has a continuous curb cut allowing vehicles to back directly onto Ames Street. The proposed drive through will be designed only for eastbound customers. The curb cuts on Ames Street will permit only northbound turns onto Ames with restrictive signage. The eastern curb cut will restrict northbound turns onto Sheridan Boulevard. 4. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. The proposed development will conform to all development standards in the C-1 zone district. The drive through will be screened from the properties to the south with a six-foot fence and a landscape buffer that exceeds the minimum required. City Council SUP-03-05/WRURA 5. Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. The proposed drive through should not have any effect on utilities, parks, schools or other public facilities. All utility upgrades will be the responsibility of the applicant. The Fire and Water Districts are requiring an additional fire hydrant, as well as the relocation of an existing fire hydrant. The traffic control devices should minimize the effects of the drive through on Ames Street. 6. History of compliance by the applicant with Code requirements and prior conditions, if any, regarding the subject property. As the applicant is WRURA, this is not applicable. Ability of the applicant or any permitted successor-in-interest to continuously meet the conditions of the proposed permit. If conditions of an approved special use permit are violated, the permit can be revoked. If the permit is revoked, the drive through facility must be removed. It would be in the best interest of the applicants and subsequent tenants to comply with any conditions imposed of the proposed special use permit. 8. Other factors relevant to the specific application. There are no other relevant factors. VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff concludes that the drive through will have minimal impacts on the surrounding area. The applicant will buffer the southern property line with a six-foot fence and landscaping to minimize impacts to the neighborhood. Staff recommends that several conditions be placed upon the approval to ensure the impacts of the drive through are minimized. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL of Case No. SUP-03-05. VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Case No. SUP-03-05, a request for a special use permit to allow a drive through for properties located at 5208 W. 38th Avenue, 5250 W. 38m Avenue, 5280 W. 38 1h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, be APPROVED for the following reasons: The drive through will not have an adverse effect on the general health, safety, welfare or convenience of persons residing in or working in the neighborhood. City Council SUP-03-05/WRURA, 2. The drive through will not create nor contribute to blight in the neighborhood. 3. The impacts of the drive through will be minimized with the construction of a six-foot fence, extensive landscaped area and diminished lighting on the south side of the building." With the following conditions: 1. All canopy lighting shall be recessed, and wall lighting on the south side of the building shall be prohibited. 2. Trash pickup and all deliveries shall occur between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. 3. Truck traffic shall be prohibited on southbound Ames Street. 4. The applicant shall construct turn prohibitors on each Ames Street access point to restrict southbound traffic on Ames Street. 5. The applicant shall furnish monies for the construction of speed humps on Ames Street. 6. The applicant shall extend the streetscape elements consistent with existing streetscape elements on 38 h Avenue on the Sheridan Boulevard frontage. 7. The applicant shall meet all required street tree counts and additional landscaping requirements as specified in the Code of Laws. 8. This grant of use shall be a personal grant of use to Walgreens." Option B: "I move that Case No. SUP-03-05, a request for a special use permit to allow a drive through for properties located at 5208 W. 38 h Avenue, 5250 W. 38 h Avenue, 5280 W. 381, Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, be DENIED for the following reasons: City Council 7 SUP-03-05/WRURA EXHIBIT 1 5E 24 Ni hl RI al rl RI III al 5' l RI RI RI 11 I 1 RI RI RI N 3 z R FK D L. ]Tp n ~ '+d 3,45 3,M 5 L L 3735 3m 6 31. ]hC n ~ ~ R y ~ ]IM I 11 3 t, A d 3H n ' mo G E N 3zec 3.L ~ E ~ i M R- OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO 5E 25 PARCEULOT BOUNDARY (DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP) WATER FEATURE * DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) sit e NE 25 L u DEPARTMENT OF MAP ADOPTED: June 15,1994 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Last Revision: September 10, 2001 XHIBIT 2 ity of Wheat Ridge of %HEgTP ° Community Development Department ° ~ m Memorandum dCORP~~ TO: City Council FROM: Travis Crane SUBJECT: SUP-03-05 Letters of Objection DATE: 10 October 2003 The Community Development Department received numerous letters of objection regarding case number SUP-03-05. Because the letters were identical in verbiage, one copy of each form letter has been submitted for your review. The first letter, labeled as "Exhibit A" was signed by the following: Respondents & Address 1. Dolores Luckert 3375 Ames St. 2. Peter and Julie Burgess 3511 Benton St. 3. Deanna Suyat 3525 Ames St. 4. Dan LeBaron 3610 Benton St. 5. Scott and Anita Wesley 3507 Ames St. 6. Henry and Sharon Nicol 3625 Ames St. 7. Rosa Charles 3655 Ames St. 8. Delmar Dale Reed Jr. & Nancy Camerer 3705 Ames St. 9. Kevin S. Kuhlman 3685 Ames St. 10. George Edwin Barela 3715 Ames St. 11. Ernie Kuss 3719 Ames St. 12. Mark Losh 3645 Ames St. 13. Ruth G. Bernhardt 3710 Ames St. 14. Andrea Wilson 5320 Ames St. 15. Illegible and Richard Typher 5455 W. 38'x' Ave. 16. C.S. Mandril 5208 W. 38 h Ave. 17. Faye B. Smith 3335 Ames St. 18. Anthony and Lara Bracciante 3500 Benton St. 19. Richard and Susan Oliver 3701 Sheridan Blvd. 20. Cletus and Marcella Kaup 3695 Sheridan Blvd. 21. Donna Wickersham and Ken Duncan 3715 Sheridan Blvd. 22. Natalie McDonough 3735 Benton St. 23. Lisa Ayres and Mark Lied 3506 Ames St. 24. Lauri, Kim and Robin Oye 3512 Ames St. 25. Sara Bolis 3702 Eaton St. 26. Scott Allen Martin and Rene Weibel 3635 Ames St. 27. Mili Morton 3570 Ames St. 28. Cynthia K Ashley 3264 Ames St. 29. Saba Hagos 3280 Ames St. 30. Heather Summrall 3520 Benton St. 31. Linda Sue Harvey 3604 Ames St. 32. Joseph Archuleta 3611 Ames St. 33. Michael R. Baumann 3600 Ames St. 34. Maureen Keller 3550 Ames St. 35. Margaret Kasubke 3708 Ames St. 36. Kimberly and Jeffrey McKinney 3690 Ames St. 37. Jean Mackay 3680 Ames St. 38. L. Schultz 3648 Ames St. 39. Elserin P. Lonardo 3245 Ames St. 40. Ray A. Gagnon 3319 Ames St. 41. Mike and Laura Rankin 3535 Benton St. 42. Vanessa McNare 3501 Benton St. 43. Claudia De Salas 3510 Benton St. 44. J. Randall, Jesse Jean, Kevan W. & Karen Jones 3690 Benton St. A second form letter was submitted. This letter is identical to Exhibit A, however, extra verbiage was included. The second letter, labeled as "Exhibit B" was signed by the following: Respondents & Address: Jodi and Steven Neal 3220 Jay St. A third form letter was also submitted. Because the letter was identical in verbiage, one copy has been submitted for your review. The second letter, labeled as "Exhibit C" was signed by the following: Respondents & Address 1. Patsey Brown 3735 Ames St. 2. Madeline, Charles, Rachel, Luke, Philip and David Durbin 3703 Ames St. 3. Scott Mitor 3721 Ames St. 4. Bernice M. Magill 3706 Ames St. The following citizens submitted unique letters of opposition. They have been labeled as "Exhibit D". Respondent & Address: 1. Retha L. Haibach 2. Linda, Philip & Lynda Klamm 3. Natalie McDonough 4. Robert Wallace 5. Sonje & Russell Murray 3709 Ames St. 3535 Ames St. 3735 Benton St. 3749 Sheridan Blvd. 3541 Ames St. One letter of support was received by Albin F. Simon Jr. of 3712 Ames Street, and has been included as "Exhibit E". EXHIBIT A RECE"VED O C T 0 2 2003 September 27, 2003 _ _ _ _ _ Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29'b Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU'~ to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38`h Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of-the various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38`h Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38" Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and bum" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38`b Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38"' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimise pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38"' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, AC101 lo-V4 signature l i k-2 4- o~ Q rlJ~ (name printed) 353 ~ f3~rm S~- (address) Lchea.4-r~l rim ,CSb 96 Z~A City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 28, 2003 Page 1 September 28, 2003 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 290i Avenue Wheat .Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: q I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38 h Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of the various deficiencies. I strongly object to the type of development being sought, and to the way this proposed development is being done. I do not feel it is important nor is it necessary to add yet another Walgreens to the City of Wheat Ridge, and feel it is an inappropriate use of blight designation or of condemnation methods to achieve this unwanted development. I object because there are viable businesses that exist in the location, homeowners would be displaced or dramatically affected and it would negatively affect the nature of business and the nature of the neighborhood of the properties aforementioned. Besides, why condemn personal and business property when a perfectly acceptable property is available at 44th and Sheridan for a Walgreens that provides better access and the same volume of traffic??? I also question whether the proposed left turn from Sheridan toward the west into the Walgreens is far enough from the corner to meet State Department of Transportation guidelines. In any event, this new, heavy traffic in a left turn lane would create additional safety hazards on an already busy intersection and this is not in the best interests of the community. I also feel it is WRONG to make these plans in extensive executive sessions, it is WRONG not to be more forthright in contacting and working with City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 28, 2003 Page 2 property owners. Furthermore, it sheds a very negative light on Wheat Ridge for its callous attitude and lack of a cooperative spirit with the existing home and business property owners. I expect our elected officials and city employees to use their power and the extension of their power via decisions made by a special authority such as the Urban Development Authority to reflect the best interests of the community and be handled with integrity and within the legal framework established. This situation really causes me and many other people I have talked with, to wonder who is benefiting from this? It is very disturbing to observe the appearance of major conflict of interest and one is prompted to think there must be promises or potential of personal gain to be realized from this underhanded land grab. I say, play by the rules or don't play. This current proposed situation smacks of the very questionable process used to establish a gas station at King Soopers. That project did not even follow the City's own rules for the types of businesses desired for the 38th Avenue Business District and for the "gateway to Wheat Ridge." Yet across the street, now, automotive businesses are not wanted? Come on, quit changing your tune every time it suits your whims. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38th Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. The street has already has blind spots for drivers and there are nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. The area's children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38`h Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 28, 2003 Page 3 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38`n Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38"' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. Wheat Ridge residents should not be expected to subsidize this development that will decrease the safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 28, 2003 Page 4 The Character of this neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38a' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38a' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote NO to the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38`' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down this residential street in my district. Sincerely, 1 Jodel L. Neal 3220 Jay Street Wheat Ridge CO 80033 EXHIBIT C TO: W eat Ridge Planning Commission FROM:j p~`cc~ DATE: September 27, 2003 RE: Case No. SUP-03-05, a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a drive-through facility I have health, safety and noise concerns about such a drive-through. Cars idling and standing in the eight, car-stacking plan generate a significant amount of pollutants especially standing next to the tall wall of the building. This effect will be amplified during winter hours. Pedestrian safety is a concern with the ingress and egress of vehicles from the entrance on Ames St., especially during the peak hours of traffic as described in the July 2003 Traffic Impact Study report prepared by Bowers & Krager Inc. for Bailey & Co. The developments along the 38th Avenue Corridor according to the Urban Renewal Redevelopment Plan are to create a pedestrian-friendly environment. A drive-through facility along with the other ingress and egress on Ames St. do not fit the above criteria. If the permit is issued, then the left turn to Ames St. should be eliminated and the exit posted with a no left turn sign. The noise generated by the idling vehicles, especially diesel engine vehicles, are also a concern. The noise will be reflected off of the walls and directed toward the neighbors to the south. Noise levels during the summer period will be more noticeable when house windows are open. If the permit is issued, then the hours of operation should be limited to the hours between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. If the permit is issued, then the lighting on the building in this area should be such as to shield the neighborhood from glare. The existing street light on Ames St. should be retained. I believe the above health, safety and noise concerns are such that the Special Use Permit for this drive-through facility should be denied. R CSEl ED SEP 2 92003 EXHIBIT D September 279 2003 City of Wheat Ridge; =RECENED in response to your certified letter sent to me, re: Case No. SUP-03.05, a request for a Special Use Permit for a drive through facility at the proposed Walgeeen's at 38n' and Sheridan. I am adamantly opposed to any drive- through that would exit onto Ames St., this driveway would almost be directly across the street from my residence. The reasons I am opposed are the following: ✓ There are 36 children on this block, I have eight grandchildren. Two of them now live in my home. My children used to be able to skateboard and ride bikes on our street, but since King Sooper's went in, the block has become a speedway because of the length from 3Vh to 38'L with no impediment. The plans I have seen has two MORE exits on Ames! This makes it a traffic nightmaret it would be immoral; N the only way the City wakes up to the dangerous situation they are creating, would be the loss of one of these children splattered all over on the pavement! Human life is more important than the city coffers! ✓ There are also numerous pets on this street, In 31 years here, we have lost two dogs who accidentally got oat, one time with a child close behind to catch it! I am thankful it was our dog and not my child, but the person who hit the dog was speeding recklessly down the street. We grieved deeply for the loss of our two pets. Animal life is to be a care and concern as went ✓ Crossing 38m is a task only for the hardiest! I am in a wheelchair, and have often been caught in the tarn lane into Kings while traffic whizzes in front and behind met One man was hit there in his wheelchair while trying to cross! The driveway proposal will only increase this danger at the corners of Ames and 38m* Now apparently, I will also be threatened crossing Ames as wed! ✓ The landscape and shrubbery on Sheridan is obviously dying from auto exhaust pollution, and this will bring a great deal of traffic onto Ames; which will affect not only our shrubbery and landscaping, but the quality of the air we breathe! There are many elderly people living on this street as wed. They are especially susceptible to air quality problems. Cars would be idling while waiting in the drive 4hrn limes! My bedroom window which is open usually, as I cannot afford air conditioning, would be directly affected! ✓ Our block, is relatively quiet, except for above problems, and the current pool hall has, in my opinion, rarely caused problems. But it is a small business, and WalgreeWs would be busy, usually on a 24 hr basis, with cars using the drive -thru day and night. Increasing noise and continual lighting will detract from the peace of the immediate area. I suffer from sleep disorders and this will affect my health farther. The noise generated from Kings is enough to deal with' ✓ The current alley from Sheridan to Ames has been used by many as a short cut to avoid traffic and this will only increase with a new and wider alley and drive-thra. ✓ It would be more prudent for planners to keep any drive thru entering and exiting on 38th and Sheridan and closing off the street on Ames with only a pedestrian walk- through as they did by King Sooper's. This would cat traffic, noise and pollution as well as protecting endangered life' We like our street and I have already lost a good neighbor because of the increased people/auto traffic. ✓ This will lower our property values and as well, we will be forced to pay for this development through taxes! This smacks me as unfair, and a sort of taxation without representation; as the city is OBVIOUSLY only interested in financial gain and not the needs of those of as who lived in what used to be a nice neighborhood! Just wait, you will soon see...»we will not go quietly into the night! Sus: you have just brought yourself a huge headache as far as our block is concerned! Better go get some Advil from some Walgreen's, you are going to need them! Us. Retha Halbach 3709 Ames St. SEP ? 9 2QQ3 - ~'G r?_._C G'/1l!1'lE"~-TS G~ ~/-rf-fc_T L ~r~E rv1T ~~ul~.rJZS ; f~YJlLyll% GN ~'c~~5' 11/y ~r N. My 640 pc~~1 1 5 _La~AT _G`N_ ir!F Nd TH S)D~_G~f /fdv:A7- 4 Orr 6) Iv AI - 7W 2Niw/c1 7-,e IA- AN0 ~Ar2ilti1 wT /A- D >5 r/cc.~cQ /N' C c!!Z f~G_rf,~j TG- S <iT IVl)1 ~l~v1az r -T/4L- T 2f+ F /C t~/~ 11 1,41AI 707-1 MY 13-eFORCIO) w/a~~rti• y- Nr~~i`,_/~-a~i~L T//L- ~~NSrE'~el✓~Tidl~ T~ris ✓iSiT r/~o dN/t(c s 1AZ,1, ~ CDE✓ST/2vc~1GN. T1-~S V✓[L~ jfG~c~ btn-~ /~P: /~CseSs 7r~ n~J~._/12~2.1~hT1_d_t~_ kl~L~ L oc~tTE~_ JdS.! G_hT )-i?~r.~ 7 -fr 12R r 27 L 1 r G✓% ~/G2 (~~z i ~q ~ i l~_ ~ F ?~f 807 TdTAI-~. dwov y SI M E /1-I i+9 /3~ /Z e 7-HT Lafia 11 ~rf ~Z i91S0 Cc•HC~/2~-~ 1 L ~N7 _ i°l: A?1MW vF NT 5 Pu c~ v~11 5 d d~ aZ /'1 EOL S F i _ X11 ✓i c - fV/ O6✓._c.r!dNS ..7 c? Tf/i_ r1~J,=eT / S 114 kifje)Gi= f7U SU ~G~B✓ AZT[ y/2 /jv/ZaCd,/- ~/G?u (n//771.1 y A o f by -4- e m . S INS j=n =-L • SEP-28-03 SUN 10:09 PM YAFFE HOUSE FAX NO. 3034054276 P. l / ac JuV C, 3 -d5 a2iv~'f6~2w 12"6dlV-y-V -I lP y ~ ,c2~~ti~ r REC ENEDD SEP 2003 _ ~6xel '2 , SEP-24-03 11:01 AM AMERICAN RED CROSS 303 722 7588 Tuesday. September 23, 2003 SUP-0305 Attention: Wheat Ridge City Council RE: Special use permit #SUP-0305 for proposed Walgreens Drive thru pharmacy located at the corner of 38 6 Sheridan. We are residents of the Woodside Edition, located in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. My family and I are VERY AGAINST having a drive thru at the proposed Walgreens on the corner of 38th A Sheridan. Not only is the traffic already a problem but adding to that, the drive thru business that Walgreens will bring, will make it unbearable. We love our neighborhood and would love to see it stay just as it is, but we are not opposed to new business, just businesses that cause an already congested intersection to get worse. We plan to take every measure possible to stop this Walgreens and we understand that defeating the special use permit for the drive thru is the first step in this process. Thank you for your time, Linda, Philip and Lynda Klamm 3535 Ames St. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80212 1 P.02 EXHIBIT EA, A RECEIVED kv. , City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission 7500 West 29's Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 October 2,2003 Dear Commission I am writing in favor of the proposed Walgreens at 3e Ave and Sherdian Boulevard. My property is adjacent to the project on the South side on Ames Street. I know that if Walgreens is not developed, some other development will be. I would rather see one development instead of two or three. For the past seven years, we have had to put up with broken beer bottles, beer bottles thrown in our yard, along with other trash. The loud vehicle noise, loud car radios, loud talking, arguments, at twelve, one or two o'clock in the morning, not to mention the possibility of a car in the living room or bedroom, because of the "one for the road" drink. After a review of the site plan, I fell like the noise will be cut down considerable, with the parking lot in the front of the store. Since Walgrees does not have a "Public Restroom" nor do they prepare food for public consumption, the impact on the sewer system will be reduced. Regardless of what development goes in, traffic will always be a major concern. I fell that with the "Speed Bumps" and signage the traffic impact will be less. I know that no plan is 1000/6. I fell like Walgreen's will be an asset to the community, as their building is pleasing to the eye, and are well kept and maintained. As stated before I am in favor of the Walgreen's project Sin ly Albin F. Simon Jr. 3712 Ames St. 2003 OCT Q 2 EXNIBIT-3-6~' 38TH AVENUE CORNER PER CITY CMDUTT 0 g ,y~ MATOH HEIM IDEW AM LS STREETSCAPE Cttt LS $ SmEEf CLOCK REC. NO. 91029072 S 89'59' ' W 135.45' SIDEWALK 9. 4 ❑ a LANDSCAPE 14 TUREENS LF'_nDmmm ~ 4 y Q 1 POLE LIGHT TIP 4 1 I 1 o SEE CUf IEET 1 g WLGREENS ce LEADERIMM so 15' tux NIGH 1 18 1 PER m ISIM n TRASH LJ " 6' HIGH OPAQUE/ FENCE AND GATES y N N W -~~~1""~ '---III ❑ 7-1 d3'-10' 0~~q SEE ELEVATIONS FOR HEIGHTS 4 ~'"'E I 13 SEE CUf SHEETS 1 _I-__ TOTE STORAGE FENCE AND GATES 80'-2' _ 147'-0' 25'-D' 18'-0' 8 CARS---S ffiNG + I BUILDING SETBACK I a \ _ s \ Y • IAAWSfAPE u ~ m J N 89'5 58 E 135.45 NEW FH g $ 3749(b) - -J 6' FENCE N 89'59'58' E 134.01' SITE PLAN D 10' 20' 40''_" , SALE 1'=NP-O' I 1 I I I I I I I RO.W. } I I 2 l7 H I Z I A = I ~ 1 EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION 12 . MAX. HEIGHT PER CITY 2 SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION /8 - 1'-0 FOUNDATIONS SHALL NOT BE EXPOSED. FRONDS BRICK LEDGES. WHERE APPLICABLE. PRONDE RUNNING BOND BELOW SOLDIER COURSE. LIMESTONE COLORED, UTILITY SIZE FACE BRICK- DOUBLE SOLDIER COURSE BASE (UPPER COURSE COLOR TO LATCH DRICK). FLUSH METAL SPANDREL PANEL TO MATCH STORE FROM. PRE FINISHED SHEET METAL COPING, GUTTERS, AND DUWNSPOUTS. INTERNAL ROOF DRAINS ME PREFERRED IN NORTHERN CLIMATES. WALL HYDRANT. RED YWALGREENS' SCRIPT SIGN, INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED. SEE DETAILS ON SHEET I5.2. INOMOUAL LETTER SIGN. ALIGN BOTTOM OF SIGN WITH BOTTOM OF 19' OF WA-GREENS SCRIPT SIGN. SEE DETAILS ON SHEET /5.2. ROOF LINE. TOTE ROOF. SEE SHEET C61. INDIVIDUAL LETTER SIGN. SEE SHEET. A5.2. WALL-MOUNTED LIGHT. SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWING. AT TRASH COMPACTOR CONDITIONS WHERE THERE IS A SECOND SEPARATE ENCLOSURE. PROWDE A SECOND FIXTURE. RAIN SHIELD. TRASH COMPACTOR AND TOTE ENCLOSURES. SEE DETAILS ON SHEET C6.2. PIPE SOLI<RD. SEE DETAIL FLEKIBLE DELINMSION POST. WINDOW SIGN. SEE SHEET A5.2. 1/8' THICK BENT STEEL PLATE (TO PROTECT DOWNSPOUT), BOLTED TO WSONAN. COPE AROUND SULLNOSE. SEE DETAIL 10/A2.2. 'CLEARANCE' SIGN. SEE DETAIL ON SHEET A5.2. WALGREEN NEON GRAPHIC BEYOND. SEE DUAL ON SHEET A5.2. GLAZING SYSTEM. STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF. 2N& GALVANIZED 'M' PANEL WITH END CLOSURES. PREFINISHED IN STANDARD COLOR THAT MOST APPROXIMATES THE ADJACENT BRICK. AWNING DASHED IN FOR C4AItt. BOTTOM OF LOWER CASE LETTERS TO BE A MINIMUM OF 18' BELOW ROOF LINE: OR SIGN TO BE MOUNTED ON RACEWAY TO AWID ROOF MEMBRANE PENETRATION. PAINT RACEWAY TO MATCH BRICK. SOLID PILASTER CAP TERMINATING PILASTER BELOW WALGREENS SCRIPT SIGN. MATCH TRANSITION BLOCK BELOW ROOF SCUPPERS AT IMEWALS AS RWIRED W SPECIFIC JDB. INTERNAL ROOF DRAINS WITH MELLOR SCUPPERS ARE REQUIRED IN NORTHERN CLIMATES. ALIGN STORM SEWER ENTRANCE O GRADE WITH SCUPPERS ABODE WHEN DOWNSPOUTS ARE USED. WETCAL RUSH METAL PANE- COLOR TO MATCH ROOF. LIMESTONE CAP ON PILASTER. STACKED HEADERS-NO SOLIDS OR MITERED UNITS EXTERIOR DOOR COLORS ARE TO MATCH BRICK COLOR. 3 WEST EXTERIOR ELEVATION /8' a 1•-0. 4 NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION SIGN CODE SUMMARY PERMIT OFFICIAL: SUMMARY (LIST ANY RESIPoCTIONS TO ALLOWABLE SIGN AREA OR PLACEMENT - ROSEW DEWTIONS WITH - WALGREENS): WALL SIGN RETURNS TO BE: STANDARD BRONZE _ MFTE (AT BROWN OR BANK BRICK ONLY) NORTHERN GLASS TOWER IRN RUNLESS NOTED CINERWISE. W. NEW...... TA R ETUNG. ❑ HEW REIOGTIdi..... ❑ AM HEW SHE 6HELL ONLY INILY ❑ OTXE0.5 ❑ SIGN AREA SUMMARY SIGNAGE UNDER SEPARATE REVIEW AND PERMIT SHORAN HERE FOR SCHEMATIC SOMALI d0.y ALL L. AREA .W . TO BE W36E0 IT. SURNER NL O1 EI MON 11 NLPKO 1 S.F. PER LR 92 S.F ALLOWED LOS-B 1 WNGRSONS Saba SEK NA SS. I6' 1 HP PIgiO INpNpM1 IEN[P ] SS. I6' A.. INIA . LETTER "I El. IV 24 HR INOMDIML LETTER 7-A ELF. 1O' ETR I... LETTER E.1 S'. 914 $F. EILVATKKI 12 FALLES ..I. NO 0 SS. ELEVATON 13 NLCAFO 1 S.F. PER LR 91 9.1 MIGWED 28'-8 1 2' RALLREENS SEMPF SIGN NS SF. IV OPNE MRU PWAYILY WIXNO. LETTER 126 S.F. BE, .1 EUEAA1KW 11 NLCMED 1 SS. PER LF. n S.F. ALLOYED 28'-B 1 WN.GPDENS S PoN 6YJN 56.8 S.F. OIW. S.F. 16 P. LETTER fER 16.1 S.F. IV 2A XR AM. . DWI LE LEi1LA 91.9 B.i. 611E SIGN AREA AllOMEO 1 PER VAST IDJ S.F ♦ I SA. NR EACH NO 6.F. FLOOR AREA ...1 5f.. 1 5 Sf. 15' Y LAY Np PMN151G16: R UPPER CNO.Cf 2 R IS - ISLA S.F. LGREP ..ET 2Y N4 TINH SITE NCIHGE eL Al TONAL SIC. AAG AB63 Sf. I HER®YGEROFl'TFWTTIIS PLAN AND SMCIFICAMN WASFREPANFDBYMEOR UNDERN CT UNDER ORGHT MI Y A DULY REGISTERED ARCXRECTNEER XE ULWS OF TXE UNOFRT STATE Q ONA AB STATE SIGNIFIEDEDBY BY MY PANG PAID ~ DEAL. PROJECTNAME WALGREENS STORE 38th AVENUE AND SHERIDAN HIGHWAY WHEATRIDGE, COLORADO GNAWING ITTLE E)C ERIORELEVAT(ONS DRAWN BY. SPA DATE: &2493 A2.1 REVIEWED BY. DWGS. 51FRO TOWER ELEVATION ' a I NT •-0• PEECE •ANGLIL KING SOO?FRS SHOPPING CENTER 1V i GAS UMGAN ASSOCIATES V ~ ARCHITEi - mac19 Y 38TH AVENUE - I-EXST. HEADER CORNER PER ITTY ' STREETSCAPE I / V EC _ 9.02907gq5 59'X / ]56'' SIN 1 r + ¢ ~EYIGT L/R i0 REMAIN EXIST.: JS TO REMAIN v IDPP TURF TURF TURF B * v~1 10 A 1 4➢GU' _ y L`ATAewm A @\, \ SW S ~ I I I I i 201 I® 11. ' L M LNE% HCADERJ wxuExs PANA I i I. I E u VI rn E i HUY UVI F. r[5 I ,GTE 1[xrf 8 CARS STACKING L C' A J oCC(J/ I 3749(6) PFlF1MAAY PLANTM UN 10' NI' .p I IF. 3 x B 2 ZI a • C A Is= o,I A_ 1 J 1 I' I ~j LJj i I v PROPOSED PLANT PALETTE - TREES SIZE/RFMARKS + EXISTING TREE BY OTHERS (CRIMSON KING MAPLE) O TILL CORDATA 'GREENSPIRE' Z' CAL MIN: 35/30' GREENSPIRE LINDEN 4CEF PLAIANCIDES 'CRIMSOx KIxG' I 3' CAL MIN; 30'/25' O CRIMSON IMSON KING NG NAR SifRU T O JUNIPERUS SABINA 'BRAODMOOR' 5 GAL: 3'/E' BROADMODR JUNIPER SPIREA TRILGBATA 'FAIRY QUEEN' 5 GAL; 3'/4' FAIRY QUEEN SPIREA CCr ONGSTER DIVARTI%S 5 CAL: 5/7' SPREADING COTONEASTER GflDUNWOVCA$ p JJINPiRUS HORIZONTAL'S 'HUGHES' 1 G D 4FOC; ~A) HUGHES' JUNIPER ' ' ' JUNIPERUS SABINA BROADIADOF I G 0 A /8 OC; 3 BROADMOOR JUNIER ANNUALS BY SEASON 4" POTS 6" OC GENERAL NOTES ALL PUNTING AREAS TO HAVE TOP DRESSING OF MULCH, 3- THICK., MIN OR MATCH EXISTING STREETSCAPE. THE OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR T IAR WEEDING, IRRIGATING, FERTILIZING. PRUNING OR MAINTANCTICE OF ALL PLANTINGS AS KEELED IN ORDER 10 ENSURE THE SURVIVAL OF ANY REQUIRED LANDSCAPE. a~xAAm m.n n®a A: am sroHE euLdNC_ xar. ~ ~ Palmero . C . xsaumx... G mElxa - o~e ~ I wEU aar _ ~NM x w W/~Y ENV ~T Q N➢BfNY~IINOTNTI AY' API.PRBI9W VIx91TE VYN V,K BIA,E (If I11®MM I NIN~xY Mr'EWpNp ~ SiDPE NLWFRMiM PA(ANGfxtlE WALGREENS STORE ]tM AVENUE AND SNENGVI MM.'IIWAY VAIFATNIDDE. WIpM00 TAxegm E Ym RDf: GR~ gYnXGNo NM2 pIfQB ~AS~M~ I lo® ROR of wheat ITEM NO: ' a U o m REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 27. 2003 TITLE: A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A CONSOLIDATION PLAT (WS- 03-011WRURA) ® PUBLIC HEARING ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 1ST READING ❑ BIDS/MOTIONS ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING ❑ RESOLUTIONS Quasi-Judicial: 14 ® ❑ Yes No J L Director of Community Development City Manager EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority has entered into a contract with Cornerstone Group I to construct a new Walgreen's drug store on the property. The properties in question are located at 5208 W. 38`h Avenue, 5250 W. 38 h Avenue, 5280 W. 38 h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, and collectively are approximately 1.49 acres in area. The requirements for a consolidation plat are those required of a final plat. This consolidation plat would combine the subject properties into one large property. The alley that currently runs east to west halfway through the property will be relocated to the south. Typical utility easements will be located on the east, west and south property lines. Existing easements that were granted as part of the streetscape project will remain on the north property line, and may be used as utility easements. The plat meets all requirements for a final plat, as described in Article IV (Subdivision Regulations) of the Code of Laws. Planning Commission reviewed this request initially on October 2, 2003 and asked for a continuance so as to receive technical documents for review. The case was continued to October 16, 2003. On this date, Planning Commission recommended approval. COMMISSION/BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Planning Commission reviewed this request initially on October 2, 2003 and asked for a continuance so as to receive technical documents for review. The case was continued to October 16, 2003. On this date, Planning Commission recommended approval. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES: None ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED: None FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City will receive sales tax from the proposed use. It is anticipated that the sales tax revenues generated form this proposed use will exceed the existing revenues for the current uses. The City has received a one-time application fee for the consolidation plat. The City will receive fees associated with the building permit. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: Option A: "I move to APPROVE of Case No. WS-03-01, a request for a consolidation plat for properties located at 5208 W. 38 b Avenue, 5250 W. 38 b Avenue, 5280 W. 38a' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, for the following reasons: 1. It meets the requirements for a Final Plat. 2. The subdivision standards have been met." Option B: "I move to DENY Case No. WS-03-01, a request for consolidation plat for properties located at 5208 W. 38 h Avenue, 5250 W. 38`s Avenue, 5280 W. 38th Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, for the following reasons: 1. Report Prepared by: Travis Crane, 303.235.2849 Reviewed by: Alan White Attachments: 1. October 2, 2003 Planning Commission Staff Report (without exhibits) 2. October 16, 2003 Planning Commission Staff Report (with exhibits -except traffic study) C:/Case Review/WRLTRA/Consolidation Plat Council Action Form CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: October 2, 2003 DATE PREPARED: September 24, 2003 CASE NO. & NAME: WS-03-01/WRURA CASE MANAGER: Travis Crane ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a six-lot consolidation plat with an alley vacation LOCATION OF REQUEST: 5208 W. 38 n Avenue, 5250 W. 38'" Avenue, 5280 W. 38'" Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038 NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT (S) Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority; Cornerstone Group I Inc. NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER (S): Kelly Zielbauer (5280 W. 38" Ave.), Robert Wallace (3749 Sheridan Blvd.), Jean Stamper (3718 Ames St.), Jerry Archer (5250 W. 380'Ave.), Chuck Mandril (5208 W. 38h Ave.) APPROXIMATE AREA: 65,065.6 Square Feet (approximately 1.49 Ac.) PRESENT ZONING: Commercial One (C-1) PRESENT LAND USE: Auto Service, Billiard Establishment, Retail, Residential, Parking Lot and Vacant Land SURROUNDING ZONING: N & W: Commercial One (C-1) S. Commercial One (C-1) and Residential One-C (R-1C) E. City of Denver SURROUNDING LAND USE: N, E & W: Retail, Shopping Center S: Residential DATE PUBLISHED: September 18, 2003 DATE POSTED: September 18, 2003 DATE LEGAL NOTICES SENT: September 18, 2003 ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS ( ) OTHER JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. ATTACHMENT I Planning Commission WS-03-01/WRURA I. REQUEST The applicants are requesting approval of a six-lot consolidation plat with an alley vacation. This plat would allow the construction of a Walgreen's drug store. II. CASE ANALYSIS The properties in question are located at 5208 W. 38th Avenue, 5250 W. 38th Avenue, 5280 W. 38a' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, and collectively are approximately 1.49 acres in area. The properties are zoned Commercial One (Exhibit 1, Vicinity Map). The applicants wish to construct a new Walgreen's drug store on the property. A special use permit is currently under review by Staff to allow a drive through. Pursuant to the Code of Laws, Staff reviews the request for a special use permit and notice is sent to the neighborhood. If during the prescribed ten-day referral period any relevant objections are received, Staff must forward the request to City Council. If no relevant objections are received, Staff may approve the special use permit based upon the criteria described in Section 26-114 of the Code of Laws. While the special use permit and consolidation plat are inter-related, site-specific details such as landscaping, parking, site buffering, drive cuts or building design should not be discussed when evaluating the request for the consolidation plat. The properties currently have C-1 zoning, and the Commercial development standards in conjunction with the special use permit evaluation criteria will govern site-specific details. Article IV of the Code of Laws should be used to determine the acceptability of the plat. III. PLAT REVIEW This consolidation plat would combine the subject properties into one large property (Exhibit 2, Plat). The alley that currently runs east to west halfway through the.property will be vacated. Typical utility easements will be located on the east, west and south property lines. Existing easements that were granted as part of the streetscape project will remain on the north property line, and may be used as utility easements. The consolidation plat meets all requirements as specified in Article IV of the Code of Laws. IV. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A neighborhood meeting was held on September 11, 2003. About 25 attendees voiced their opinion regarding the proposed use, most notably in regard to increase in traffic and neighborhood safety. A sign in sheet and synopsis of the meeting has been included for review (Exhibits 3 and 4, Sign in Sheet and Meeting Synopsis). There has been no public comment regarding the plat received by staff as of this date. Planning Commission 2 W 5-03-01 /WRURA V. AGENCY REFERRALS All outside service agencies that currently serve the property will continue to serve the property, and have indicated that the property owner will incur any associated costs of improvement. An existing sanitary sewer easement is being vacated as a part of this request. The existing easement contains a sanitary sewer line and is located on the western half of the alley. The applicants are aware that the sanitary sewer line must be relocated. There has been no response to date from the Sanitation District. The Water and Fire Districts have indicated that one existing fire hydrant will need to be relocated, and an additional fire hydrant will be required at the time of site development. The Public Works Department has reviewed and approved the consolidation plat. VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff concludes that this consolidation plat meets the requirements as described in Article IV, Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL of Case No. WS-03- 01. VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS-03-01, a request for a consolidation plat with an alley vacation for properties located at 5208 W. 38 h Avenue, 5250 W. 381' Avenue, 5280 W. 38 h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, for the following reasons: It meets the requirements for a Final Plat." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WS-03-01, a request for consolidation plat for properties located at 5208 W. 381i Avenue, 5250 W. 381' Avenue, 5280 W. 381' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, for the following reasons: 1. Planning Commission W S-03-01 /WRURA EXHIBIT 1 5E 24 J ' l xl xl xl xl xl xl xll :1 b' l xl XI xl ^I I~~ 1 xl =1 xl C-1 L. 44, 'n R- LUEBKE PR APT5 h~ na CJ L L Jns nL 3Td 31. J1fO a a ~ ~ ~ ~ 3as R-1 C 3s3s nY sit a x x a U UhSUP~ R_2 3a1 J'JC 3a1 aw J'At Z wa v5o nr~ W PANORAMA 60 W m U75 m MD R-3 PARK R-3 Y a 6 ? m 3,55 = y16 ~ 3J99 J31] >ea UM vm 3vs ~ va ~ 0 3]W vu pW[ A r>« x S ]3YJ v» i vv m 93, 3n1 m am 3325 IN n R-1 n -C pp _ a+o va mo vs U A m6 swt vo9 vtb wza n N m D R-3. a R -3 G mt J 3x]s mo R IIm J 1 N~ vJ IIee Jas g W q W n Z ]J65 ]a3 ]]W ^ J 3361 J31t N ^ ~ 33WSW E ]iY ]Z6t n n ~ Y ~ J355 = JES 3tS5 3Ly ]]51 _ R II.i a at R-1 C R p » I I a = IIu Sat 321s 3m Jat QIP941 RR-3 IIIS ID19 1y10 J319 y15 _ m] g 1 ~1~5 1 r! A d R-W Jat RR q i 11 1 ! 1 17-7-1 5]W ~I XI JI~I~ 3,~I~ 3,13 t 5E 25 OFFICIAL (D NE 25 ZONING MAP GNES OWNERSHIP) WHEAT RIDGE ----WATER FEATURE COLORADO - DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN V 'ZC se.; >X `D~ (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) ® L DEPARTMENT OF MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Last Revision: September 10, 2 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: October 16, 2003 DATE PREPARED: October 7, 2003 CASE NO. & NAME: WS-03-O1/WRURA CASE MANAGER: Travis Crane ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a six-lot consolidation plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: 5208 W. 38 h Avenue, 5250 W. 38"' Avenue, 5280 W. 38'b Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038 NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT (S): Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority; Cornerstone Group I Inc. NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER (S): Kelly Zielbauer (5280 W. 38"' Ave.), Robert Wallace (3749 Sheridan Blvd.), Jean Stamper (3718 Ames St.), Jerry Archer (5250 W. 38 h Ave.), Chuck Mandril (5208 W. 38`h Ave.) APPROXIMATE AREA: 65,065.6 Square Feet (approximately 1.49 Ac.) PRESENT ZONING: Commercial One (C-1) PRESENT LAND USE: Auto Service, Billiard Establishment, Retail, Residential, Parking Lot and Vacant Land SURROUNDING ZONING: N & W: Commercial One (C-1) S: Commercial One (C-1) and Residential One-C (R-1C) E: City of Denver SURROUNDING LAND USE: N & E: Retail, Shopping Center S: Residential W: Retail, Residential DATE PUBLISHED: September 18, 2003 DATE POSTED: September 18, 2003 DATE LEGAL NOTICES SENT: September 18, 2003 ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS ( ) OTHER The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. ATTACHMENT 202 Planning Commission WS-03-01/WRURA I. REQUEST This public hearing was continued from October 2, 2003. The applicants are requesting approval of a six-lot consolidation plat. II. CASE ANALYSIS The properties in question are located at 5208 W. 38th Avenue, 5250 W. 38th Avenue, 5280 W. 38`h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, and collectively are approximately 1.49 acres in area. The properties are zoned Commercial One (Exhibit 1, Vicinity Map). The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority has entered into a contract with Cornerstone to construct anew Walgreen's drug store on the property. Pursuant to Ordinance number 1299, a quasi-governmental agency may submit a land use application prior to owning the property. A special use permit application to allow a drive through has been submitted. Due to the receipt of numerous objections, City Council will review the request. While the special use permit and consolidation plat are inter-related, site-specific details such as landscaping, parking, site buffering, or building design are not germane to a subdivision review. The properties currently have C-1 zoning, and the Commercial development standards in conjunction with the special use permit evaluation criteria will govern site-specific details. The recommendation to be made by the Commission does not concern the use of urban renewal, the viability of a drug store at this location or the financial deal between the WRURA and the developer. The proposed land use should not influence the Commission's recommendation on the consolidation plat. Zoning is in place that allows a multitude of uses. Only Article IV of the Code of Laws (subdivision regulations) should be used to determine the acceptability of the plat. At the last regular Planning Commission meeting, this case was continued so the Commission may receive and review technical documents. The Commission requested: that a copy of the traffic impact analysis and report in accordance with standards adopted by the public works department and complete engineering plans and specifications for traffic control devices, traffic calming features and street related public improvements related to traffic be provided to the Commission for that hearing. " The requirements for this consolidation plat are those required of a final plat. Section 26-407(E) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws lists additional information and other documents, which may be required at the time of submission of the final plat. The information or documents to be submitted is an administrative decision that is not subject to scrutiny by the Planning Commission. The complete engineering plans and specifications for this plat requested by Planning Commission were not required at the time of submission and, therefore have not been prepared. However, a partial site plan has been included that shows the location of the curb cuts on Ames Street and the proposed restrictive signage. In addition, a City-standard detail of a speed hump has been included (Exhibit 2, Site Plan and Speed Hump Detail). Other than modified curb cuts, public improvements are not being required by CDOT or the City for this consolidation plat. Planning Commission WS-03-01/WRURA The traffic study was submitted as part of the special use request, and since it is available, Staff is providing copies to the Commission (Exhibit 3, Traffic Study). One of the comments during the last meeting was in respect to any properties being dedicated free and clear of any encumbrances. It should be noted that easements are not areas of public dedication; that is, the easements are not intended nor dedicated for public use. The intent of this requirement is reserved for `real' property being dedicated to the City. However, during the process of having the properties appraised, the Urban Renewal Authority did perform title work and found that all properties involved are free and clear of any liens. There has been one change to the plat since the last Commission meeting. The applicant has responded to the concern of the neighborhood about the alley vacation. The alley that currently exists will be relocated, as opposed to being vacated by the plat. The alley has been relocated to the southern edge of the property, and will remain a fully functional alley to be used by the public. This change came from the developer after the Planning Commission hearing based on the response from the neighborhood. All of the property owners have been notified of this consolidation request pursuant to the regulations that govern non-owner quasi-judicial applications. III. PLAT REVIEW This consolidation plat would combine the subject properties into one large property (Exhibit 4, Plat). The alley that currently runs east to west halfway through the property will be relocated to the south. Typical utility easements will be located on the east, west and south property lines. Existing easements that were granted as part of the streetscape project will remain on the north property line, and may be used as utility easements. A comment was made by the Commission at the last meeting regarding the five-foot wide south (rear) utility easement. This easement has been enlarged to ten (10) feet. The consolidation plat meets all requirements as specified in Article IV of the Code of Laws. IV. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A neighborhood meeting was held on September 11, 2003. About 25 attendees voiced their opinion regarding the proposed use, most notably in regard to increase in traffic and neighborhood safety. An additional meeting was held prior to the Planning Commission hearing on October 2, 2003. This meeting was conducted so the applicant may address some of the neighborhood concerns. The main items discussed during this meeting were traffic and access to the site. A sign in sheet and synopsis of the meeting has been included for review (Exhibits 5 and 6, Sign in Sheet and September 11 Meeting Synopsis). Planning Commission WS-03-Ol/WRURA Staff has received numerous comments regarding the plat. Most of the submitted comments were one of three form letters signed by neighbors. An itemized list of the neighbors and examples of the form letters has been submitted (Exhibit 7, Neighborhood Letters). Most of the letters did not support the request for consolidation, while adjacent neighbor did support the request. V. AGENCY REFERRALS All outside service agencies that currently serve the property will continue to serve the property, and have indicated that the property owner will incur any associated costs of improvement. An existing sanitary sewer easement is being vacated as a part of this request. The existing easement contains a sanitary sewer line and is located on the western half of the alley. The applicants are aware that the sanitary sewer line must be relocated. There has been no response to date from the Sanitation District. The Water and Fire Districts have indicated that one existing fire hydrant will need to be relocated, and an additional fire hydrant will be required at the time of site development. The Public Works Department has reviewed and approved the consolidation plat. VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff concludes that this consolidation plat meets the requirements as described in Article IV, Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL of Case No. WS-03- 01. VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS-03-01, a request for a consolidation plat for properties located at 5208 W. 38'h Avenue, 5250 W. 38a' Avenue, 5280 W. 38`h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, for the following reasons: It meets the requirements for a Final Plat." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WS-03-01, a request for consolidation plat for properties located at 5208 W. 38`h Avenue, 5250 W. 38"' Avenue, 5280 W. 38`h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, for the following reasons: Planning Commission WS-03-O1/WRURA EXHIBIT 1 5E 24 ~ ~I ~I ~I ~I ~I III rI ~ , xI %I ~I ^I I I nI ~I ~I ,,SI n FP 40 L. C-1 3FA n n ~ '~6~ 3]45 3]Ip g L L 3,35 ]]30 3T6 3]A 3103 y ,5 $i ~ ~ y Ti ~ TOS N N~ 3 z~ A A i ~ LUEBKE rK APT5 WZ-]1-23 31.5 3TID 3715 RAC 8 Y]5 6SUP~.7L -m t-~ 1 ~ R.2j 1111i R-1 site R 33aa w 3310 o n R.3. R 390 a n 3v5 3z9o 338> s ° 3a .7 ~ a rv ^ m 8 W m, ^ 7201 a 3' . . 3310 J Q MM 9 LLI 3]]5 N 32]0 3288 ^ 3ffi5 • 338 , W n F m M LLJ 33F P1 2, 3- 33~ _ .0 n 33U 331 , m ~ ~ m N ~ ` , Y ~ 32M32fA 3~ T 3]53 5 3385 32Y 3281 R-1 C M = R- 3 R m 32. 3335 3235 N 3.1 ~ I I ~ ~ ~ 33,. 3]31 3315 3230 3}iVl 333, 322, CUP-B1-1 ry .5 it R-J _ n 33t3 3318 m 33tt 3310 y,s n... O 3215 tJ ~d N ~ - n n m m - R S 32°] 3m, ~ ~ R rv FI 1 ~1 1 5]50 I~ ~ I RI ~I~ 31~ ~ ~ 3,.SI 5E 25 OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO PARCEULOT BOUNDARY (DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP) WATER FEATURE * DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) NE 25 0 IOD 20D ~x ~m F,r L DEPARTMENT OF MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Last Revision: September 10, 2001 EXHI IT 2 E Q No trucks over 7,000 lbs. g.v.w. C) z o < m o~ ~M c~ m y U3 ~M =o m Q3 C) m C) O -u Z 20 ~ O C) Q O Q 7(7 Q3 frT kp n m N u O 03 w L S C = C~ X N ~ur~ ~i~ i_.i~■ ~cvr ~-lv ~c-rn~ rrrv~au~i ~ •r i■ r~~ ~r■ ~tturrr 1~ AL A CONSOLIDATION PLAT OF PREVIOUSLY PLATTED P A CONSOLIDATION OF LOTS AND ALLEY IN BLOCK 1, PEARSON-WOODSIDE A SUBDIVISION IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE bth PRINCIPAL MERIDIA CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORAD DEDICATION; THE WHEAT RIDG OWNER OF THE R A TRACT OF LAN RANGE 69 WEST PEARSON-WOOD RECORDS OF THE Y GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=~0' MORE PARTICUT COMMENCING ALONG THE EAST ~1t 1 PARCELS 0 30 60 90 SHERIDAN BOULE EAST LINE OF SAI BEING THE POINT THAT TRACT OF L THE SOUTHERLY Ll SAID SOUTHERLY SOUTHERLY LINE 5 DE ADDITION ON THE SOUTHER i AVENUE LINE OF BLOCK 1, WEST 38th S 00° 15' 49' E AL VARIES A CURVE; 1'HENC POINT OF COMMENCEMENT OF SAID BLOCK 1 NORTHEAST CORNER SECTION 25, OF 04° 15' 17' AN ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - - - T3S, R6~9W. FUND 31/2• BRASS CORNER OF LOT RIGHT OF WAY VARIES - - - ^ - - - i - - S89°59'58"W 2648.1 NORTH QUARTER CORNER SECTION 25, 2AD0 T3S, R69W, FOUNp 31/2' BRASS CAP IN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE RANGE BOX MARKED PLS 13212 SEf BRASS TAG AND ~ : - BRASS NAIL MARKED ~ PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE: i LENZINI PLS 11636 (TYPICAL) mac, No. 9to2~o~2 .T RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY BEING THE ~c ruc ecei Di~r'1DCfSTV i'1CC/'`DIQGI'1 DC C/'11 I /"►tA/C. _ _ _ _ _ - - - - S89°59'58"W 135.45' --v----- - - REC. N . F1462b49 REG. NO. Ft 7 N ~1~ - ~r.._ N Ilit C;IIY Vt- WHEAI htlUGt, GVIORADO AND SY THESE PRE5ENT5 DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY i ~ ~ ~ ~ Z~ I OF W EAT RIDGE REC. NO. F141 3 ~ THOSE PORTIONS INSTALLATION, OP RIDGE THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES ~ 5 LOT 1 6 I ' 8 I 9 I THIS INCLUDES BU WATER AND SANI ~ C-1 ZOjNING ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIPES, DETENTION ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ 2 I 3 ~ q ~ W ~ ~ I i I O I I I I I I W ~~~C~V ~F 1n I I I I I ~ I ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H ~ OWNER; . (n } ~ ~j ~ O THE WHEAT RIDGE a /(/~~\J((/ ~ m CHAIRPERSON N ' 3 N ~ p~~ ~Co W ~ I V V ~~O ~D ~ U U ~D O~~ ~l ~ ~ ~ r V ~ ~ ~ ;n ~ STATE OF COLOR 1.493 ACRES b ~ i N COUNTY OF JEFFE ~ i b r=- Cn ~ _ - ~ - - 1 - L - - J ~ ~ ~ - ~ THIS FOREGOING I W W s s ~ s C! ~ D'_~ I~/~Q~C IZLI /'1[^ ATCI'1_AC CLJ~\A/A1 IJCDC/'1nf I - - - - - i 4" ~1 i " LOT LINES ORIGINALLY PLATTED BY PEARSON-WOODSIDE ADDITION T BE VACATED BY THIS PLAT (TYPICA i { t i tia r '~n y - - - - - - - - ?R.. _ _ J... L 25• ~ RELOCATED 3.29' t~ - L ~ 38.84' R ~ 523.00' 21 v = a° ~ s~ ~ TRACT A ~ ~ cNO~ e> 5 I 10' UTWN EFwEMENT (NOTE 6) ~ ~ Y~ " J N89° 59' S8"E 134.01' SET 1 /2' STEEL PIN - AND PLASTIC CAP R-1 C ZONING MARKED LENZINI PLS 11636 (TYPICAI.a W 41 W S9'l L, r "4 T 1' r Im p ' UTILITY EASEMEN 4,SEMENTS, NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION warns v BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST ra 7--- WTMAV f 7. EXCEPTED PORTI D PORTION OF LOTS b, 7,,8* 9 AND 10, BLOCK 1, PEARSON-WOODSIDE CASE HISTORY PREPARED BY. DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT, IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE ADDITION, waeM AS RECEPTION N N, TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AS SHOWN HEREON AND DESIGNATED PION NUMBER 91056588. SAID TRACT TO BE USED FOR RIGHT OF WAY SUP-03-05 CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 7` 1 1 FTT I I I r- EAST QUARTER CORNER SECTION 25, F((,.M}h AVENl.J i AVENUE LENZINI AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND ~ WS-03-01 Professional Land Surveyors SURVEY MONUMENT OR LAND BOUNDARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY COMMITS A ~ IS ANON-BUILDABLE TRACT TO BE USED FOR PARKING, LANDSCAPING AND P.O, BOX 21457 DENVER, COLORADO 80221. CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18-4.508, COLORADO REVISED STATUTES. LOCATED IN UTILITY EASEMENT. TRACT A SHALL BE CONSIDERED FOR I& AS~ILA ~'''l A,qTr! 1 --r17I e AltsS.IJ A 1 I 1T,Qr_ ^^K ft IM/r. A?r1,%I rnnL A I ^r I 303,428-5735 FAX 303-428-8007 r. f PREPARED SEPTEMBER 2, 2003 Y CO OD V O) (P W N 1 ti Z CD D a a CD U) N -o 3 0 7 CD m r Z~ m D m - Cl) D a CD 0 m Z CD w m z i O N N N N may. N N N N OD V O Cn W N O (0 OD --4 O Ui P 'f ~m l~ G U\3 C v W i 1 ~ e W N JI N r✓ ~E 0 I I EXHIBIT 6 7500 West 29`h Avenue City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Meat Ridge Telephone (303)235-2846 Fax(303)235-2857 Date: 11 September 2003 City Staff Present: A. White Location of Meeting: Wheat Ridge Senior Center Property Address: 5208 W. 38`h Avenue, 5250 W. 38"' Avenue, 5280 W. 38 h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038 Property Owner: Kelly Zielbauer (5280 W. 38'Ave.), RobertWallace (3749 SheridanBlvd.), Jean Stamper (3718 Ames St.), Jerry Archer (5250 W. 38`h Ave.), Chuck Mandril (5208 W. 38' Ave.) Property Owner Present? No/Yes/No/Yes/No Applicant: Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, Cornerstone Group I, Inc. Existing Zoning: C-1 Comp Plan Designation: VC (Village Center) Existing use/site conditions: Auto Service, Billiard Establishment, Vacant land, Single family residence, Retail, Parking Lot Applicants proposal: Consolidate properties into one large parcel for the purpose of constructing a 14,000 drug store. The Alley that bisects the property will be vacated. Issues discussed: Many ofthe attendees were concerned about increased traffic on Ames Street. Questions about Ames Street curb cuts, truck traffic, and safety of children were raised. Many attendees would like to see traffic calming on Ames Street. There were a few questions raised about property values, and how this proposal would affect them. There were questions and concerns about northbound traffic on Ames Street trying to access West 38' Avenue. Many people felt this intersection was already bad, and this proposal would make it worse. Some attendees asked about the construction process, and where the trucks would go during construction. A few attendees asked about the viability ofturning Ames Street into a cul-de-sac to preventthru-traffic. EXHIBIT 7 City of Wheat Ridge VHf Community Development Department Memorandum 0 v CSC OR TO: Planning Commission FROM: Travis Crane SUBJECT: WS-03-01 Letters of Objection DATE: 10 October 2003 The Community Development Department received numerous letters of objection regarding case number WS-03-01. Because the letters were identical in verbiage, one copy of each form letter has been submitted for your review. The first letter, labeled as "Exhibit A" was signed by the following: Respondents & Address 1. Dolores Luckert 3375 Ames St. 2. Peter and Julie Burgess 3511 Benton St. 3. Deanna Suyat 3525 Ames St. 4. Dan LeBaron 3610 Benton St. 5. Retna L. Haibach 3709 Ames St. 6. Scott and Anita Wesley 3507 Ames St. 7. Henry and Sharon Nicol 3625 Ames St. 8. Rosa Charles 3655 Ames St. 9. Delmar Dale Reed Jr. 3705 Ames St. 10. Kevin S. Kuhlman 3685 Ames St. 11. George Edwin Barela 3715 Ames St. 12. Ernie Koss 3719 Ames St. 13. Mark Losh 3645 Ames St. 14. Ruth G. Bernhardt 3710 Ames St. 15. Andrea Wilson 5320 Ames St. 16. Illegible and Richard Typher 5455 W. 38° Ave. 17. C.S. Mandril 5208 W. 38 h Ave. 18. Faye B. Smith 3335 Ames St. 19. Anthony and Lara Bracciante 3500 Benton St. 20. Richard and Susan Oliver 3701 Sheridan Blvd. 21. Cletus and Marcella Kaup 3695 Sheridan Blvd. 22. Donna Wickersham and Ken Duncan 3715 Sheridan Blvd. 23. Natalie McDonough 3735 Benton St. 24. Lisa Ayres and Mark Lied 3506 Ames St. 25. Lauri, Kim and Robin Oye 3512 Ames St. 26. Sara Bolis 3702 Eaton St. 27. Scott Allen Martin and Rene Weibel 3635 Ames St. 28. Mili Morron 3570 Ames St. 29. Cynthia K Ashley 3264 Ames St. 30. Saba Hagos 3280 Ames St. 31. Heather Summrall 3520 Benton St. 32. Linda Sue Harvey 3604 Ames St. 33. Joseph Archuleta 3611 Ames St. 34. Michael R. Baumann 3600 Ames St. 35. Maureen Keller 3550 Ames St. 36. Margaret Kasubke 3708 Ames St. 37. Kimberly and Jeffrey McKinney 3690 Ames St. 38. Jean Mackay 3680 Ames St. 39. L. Schultz 3648 Ames St. 40. Elserin P. Lonardo 3245 Ames St. 41. Ray A. Gagnon 3319 Ames St. 42. Mike and Laura Rankin 3535 Benton St. 43. Vanessa McNare 3501 Benton St. 44. Claudia De Salas 3510 Benton St. A second form letter was submitted. This letter is identical to Exhibit A, however, extra verbiage was included. The second letter, labeled as "Exhibit B" was signed by the following: Respondents & Address: Jodi and Steven Neal 3220 Jay St. A third form letter was also submitted. Because the letter was identical in verbiage, one copy has been submitted for your review. The second letter, labeled as "Exhibit C" was signed by the following: Respondents & Address 1. Patsey Brown 3735 Ames St. 2. Madeline, Charles, Rachel, Luke, Philip and David Durbin 3703 Ames St. 3. Scott Mitor 3721 Ames St. 4. Bernice M. Magill 3706 Ames St. One letter of support was received by Albin F. Simon Jr. of 3712 Ames Street, and has been included as "Exhibit D". EXHIBIT A September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29* Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: GRECEW D 5 E P 7 S 2003 This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 380i Avenue, 5250 West 380' Avenue, 5280 West 380i Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties) The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. . The State of Colorado bas set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan') for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City') guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority's and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38m Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, 0-a o.A- (z signature (name printed) 70 S AmPS 5T (address))? ~/~PA7 K~04P , C010oOAno NOZ 1 Z EXHIBIT B September 28, 2003 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: Y4. , J This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38m Avenue, 5250 West 38s' Avenue, 5280 West 38`s Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. I strongly object to the type of development being sought, and to the way this proposed development is being done. I do not feel it is important nor is it necessary to add yet another Walgreens to the City of Wheat Ridge, and feel it is an inappropriate use of blight designation or of, condemnation methods to achieve this unwanted development. I object because there are viable businesses that exist in the location, homeowners would be displaced or dramatically affected and it would negatively affect the nature of business and the nature of the neighborhood of the properties aforementioned. Besides, why condemn personal and business property when a perfectly acceptable property is available at 44th and Sheridan for a Walgreens that provides better access and the same volume of traffic??? I also question whether the proposed left turn from Sheridan toward the west into the Walgreens is far enough from the corner to meet State Department of Transportation guidelines. In any event, this new, heavy traffic in a left turn lane would create additional safety hazards on an already busy intersection and this is not in the best interests of the community. I also feel it is WRONG to make these plans in extensive executive sessions, it is WRONG not to be more forthright in contacting and working with property owners. Furthermore, it sheds a very negative light on Wheat Ridge for its callous attitude and lack of a cooperative spirit with the existing home and business property owners. I expect our elected officials and city employees to use their power and the extension of their power via decisions made by a special authority such as the Urban Development Authority to reflect the best interests of the community and be handled with integrity and within the legal framework established. This situation really causes me and many other people I have talked with, to wonder who is benefiting from this? It U very disturbing to observe the appearance of major conflict of interest and one is prompted to think there must be promises or potential of personal gain to be realized from this underhanded land grab. I say, play by the w..lna nr .inn~4 Mow City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 28, 2003 Page 2 This current proposed situation smacks of the very questionable process used to establish a gas station at King Soopers. That project did not even follow the City's own rules for the types of businesses desired for the 38`" Avenue Business District and for the "gateway to Wheat Ridge." Yet across the street, now, automotive businesses are not wanted? Come on, quit changing your tune every time it suits your whims. The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only NOT accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well-maintained access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. The security for the neighborhood and the will of City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will be ignored by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XMI, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 28, 2003 Page 3 The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would lose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loss of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating to the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the comer of 38a' Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. This proposed development is clearly not in the best interests of Wheat Ridge as a whole and is detrimental to the existing businesses and home owners in the area and would create unnecessary traffic and safety problems. Please register my vote on this issue as NO. Submitted by, Jodi Neal 3220 Jay Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 EXHIBIT C TO: Y "at Ricdg, a Planning Commission FROM: f u~ d DATE: September 27, 200 RE: Case No.WS-03-01, request for approval of a consolidation plat and alley vacation 1 have a concern about the consolidation of the said properties in that the proposed extensive paving and building causes additional drainage to the storm sewers on Ames St., Sheridan Blvd. and 38th Ave. Rains during this relatively dry year have caused flooding at both intersections at 38th Ave. even with the three drains at both intersections. The greater than 70% increase in building square- footage and pavement over the existing pavement and buildings on the properties will definitely cause an increase in flooding at these intersections, causing a safety concern for traffic on Ames St., 38`h Ave. and Sheridan Blvd. Another concern with the consolidation is the relocation of existing utilities. The neighborhood has been experiencing an increasing number of electrical outages this past year. Hopefully with the relocation and addition of new equipment, the problem will be alleviated. The movement of the sewage lines should also bring the antiquated system up to date. REC EN DD SEP ? 9 2093 EXHIBIT D -1 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission 7500 West 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Commission October 2,2003 ,A. RECEIVED / I am writing in favor of the proposed Walgreens at 38th Ave and Sherdian Boulevard. My property is adjacent to the project on the South side on Ames Street. I know that if Walgreens is not developed, some other development will be. I would rather see one development instead of two or three. For the past seven years, we have had to put up with broken beer bottles, beer bottles thrown in our yard, along with other trash. The loud vehicle noise, loud car radios, loud talking, arguments, at twelve, one or two o'clock in the morning, not to mention the possibility of a car in the living room or bedroom, because of the "one for the road" drink. After a review of the site plan, I fell like the noise will be cut down considerable, with the parking lot in the front of the store. Since Walgrees does not have a "Public Restroom" nor do they prepare food for public consumption, the impact on the sewer system will be reduced. Regardless of what development goes in, traffic will always be a major concern. I fell that with the "Speed Bumps" and signage the traffic impact will be less. I know that no plan is 100%. I fell like Walgreen's will be an asset to the community, as their building is pleasing to the eye, and are well kept and maintained. As stated before I am in favor of the Walgreen's project Sin ly Albin F. Simon Jr. ~F CE~ v 3712 Ames St. 0c, 0 2 2003 6:30 p.m. Pre-Meeting ew CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 7600 WEST 29TH AVENUE, MUNICIPAL BUILDING October 27, 2003 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF October 13.2003 PROCLAMATIONS AND CEREMONIES Physical Therapy Month - October 2003 National Family Caregivers Month - November 2003 SPECIAL RECOGNITION Wheat Ridge Girls Softball Team - 5A Champions Wheat Ridge High School Marching Band CITIZENS' RIGHT TO SPEAK.- 1 . Citizens, who wish, may speak on any matter not on the Agenda for a maximum of 3 Minutes and sign the Public Comment Roster. 2. Citizens who wish to speak on Agenda Items, please sign the GENERAL AGENDA ROSTER or appropriate PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER before the item is called to be heard. APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 1. COUNCIL BILL 37-2003 -AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 5 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS, RELATING TO CONTRACTOR LICENSING REGULATIONS. Item 2. COUNCIL BILL 43-2003 -AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING SECTION 25-24 OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS CONCERNING THE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: OCTOBER 27, 2003 Page -2- Item 3. COUNCIL BILL 42-2003 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 26 PERTAINING TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS IN THE RESIDENTIAL ZONE DISTRICTS. (Case No. ZOA-03-09) Item 4. RESOLUTION 29-2003 - APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE 38TH AVENUE CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PLAN. Item 5. A. PUBLIC HEARING ON A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A CONSOLIDATION PLAT. (Case No. WS-03-01/WRURA) B. PUBLIC HEARING ON A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A DRIVE THROUGH. (Case No. SUP-03-05/WRURA) ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING Item 6. COUNCIL BILL 44-2003 - AMENDING CHAPTER 24 "TREES AND SHRUBS" OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. DECISIONS, RESOLUTIONS, AND MOTIONS Item 7. RESOLUTION 25-2003 - AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2003 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) BUDGET TO REFLECT THE APPROVAL OF A SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF SALES TAX COLLECTION SOFTWARE. Item 8. RESOLUTION 26-2003 - APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE JEFFERSON COUNTY TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY AND ADVOCACY GROUP. Item 9. CONSENT AGENDA: A. RESOLUTION 23-2003 - ADOPTING THE DENVER REGIONAL NATURAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN. B. RESOLUTION 30-2003 - APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY. C. RESOLUTION 24-2003 - AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF THE APPLICATION FOR THE 2004 JOINT VENTURE/GRANT PROJECT TO JEFFERSON COUNTY OPEN SPACE - CLEAR CREEK TRAIL REPLACEMENT PROJECT. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: OCTOBER 27, 2003 Page -3- D. Approval of Right-of-Way Dedication at 8300, 8301, and 8321 West 32nd Avenue. E. Award RFB-03-047 - 2003 Drainage Improvement Project. F. Approve Purchase of CISCO Network Hardware from State Price Agreement #20516YYY08P. G. RESOLUTION 27-2003 -AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2003 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) BUDGET TO REFLECT THE APPROVAL OF A SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR THE REPAIR OF THE CITY HALL HVAC SYSTEM. H. Council Rule Change eliminating the Public Works Advisory Committee and the City Affairs Committee. CITY MANAGER'S MATTERS CITY ATTORNEY'S MATTERS ELECTED OFFICIALS' MATTERS Speaking Order: Vance Edwards Jerry DiTullio Ralph Mancinelli Dean Gokey David Schneider Odarka Figlus Lena Rotola Harry Hanley ADJOURNMENT 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 October 13, 2003 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WS-03-01, a request for approval of a consolidation plat and Case No. SUP-03-05, a request for administrative approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a drive-through facility for a Walgreens drug store on Commercial-One (C-1) zoned properties located at 5208 West 38`h Avenue, 5250 West 38' Avenue, 5280 West 38' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street, and A.P.N. 39-251-01-038 (the parking lot directly to the north of 3718 Ames Street). This case will be heard by the Wheat Ridge City Council in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on October 27, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C'~ as ,nte and SettingaV athyPMy Mo ments~ athy\CC"TSTUBNOTICt2003Nw 0301&s p0305 "d # 1 Metroscan / Jefferson Owner :Archer Gerald A Schedule :021065 Site :5250 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 - 700 3 0500 0004 7661 3217 Mail :58 Curtis Ct Broomfield Co 80020 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price i Tax Dist :3139 OwnerPh j Bedrm: Bth: YB:1952 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:7,402 Ac:.42 # 2 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner Owner :Taliercio Anthony J Schedule :021112 Site :3739 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge 80212 700 3 0500 0004 7661 3224 Mail :3739 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge Co 80212 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$75,000 - Tax Dist :3142 OwnerPh Bedrm:4 Bth:1.75 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:915 Ac: # 3 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner Owner :Barela George Edwin Schedule :021133 Site :3715 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 3231 Mail :3715 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$115,000 Full TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:2 Bth:1.00 YB:1942 Parking:Attached Firepl: TotArea:815 Ac: # 4 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner Owner :Goddard Jimmie D Schedule :021181 Site :5310 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 3248 Mail :108 Sioux Or Berthoud Co 80513 j LandUse :5178 Misc,Residential,Mixed Use Land Price :$70,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB•1953 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:6,286 Ac:.25 i # 5 MetroScan / Jefferson * . Owner :38th & Sheridan Ltd Partnership Schedule :021184 Site :3817 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge 80212 - 7003 0500 0004 7661 3255 Mail :6500 S Quebec St #300 Englewood Cc 80111 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :$4,100,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1982 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:84,703 Ac:4.96 # 6 an / Jefferson Owner Owner :Haibach Retha L Schedule :021259 Site :3709 Ames St Wheat Ridge 0212 ^ - 0500 0004 7661 3262 Mail :3709 Ames St Wheat Ridg Co 7003 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: 00 9 Pa-r ing ' d Firepl: TotArea 8 6 Ac # 7 - etroScan i Jefferson _ _ 3 Owner :KllsS Ernest J Schedule .021297 , Site :3719 Ames St ( No Mail ) Wheat Ridge 8021 2 70 03 0,500 0004 7661 3279 Mail :3719 Ames St ( No Mail ) Wheat Ridge Cc 802 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$45,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:2 Bth:1.00 YB:1941 Parking:Attached Firepl: TotArea:799 Ac: # 8, MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Kasubke Margaret Ann Schedule :021330 Site :3708 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 3286 Mail :3708 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 T., MIM LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl:l TotArea:1,001 Ac: # 9 ' MetroScan / Jef ersnn ; Owner :Simon Albin F /liedule :1021347 Site :3712 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 70 P 0004 7661 3293 Mail :3712 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land ,000 Full TaxDist :3139 i erPh • / Bedrm:3 Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:MTy ixed Fir n Ar ea:939 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 10 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 11 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm:3 # 12 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm:3 # 13 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm:2 # 14 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 15 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 16 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 17 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 18 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm:2 MetroScan / Jefferson • :Stamper Paula S Schedule :021350 :3718 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 D..___' :3718 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 3309 :1112 Res,Improved Land rice :$74,000 :3139 - OwnerPh Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:846 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson : :Cwalina Christine Schedule :021362 :3721 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 - •AQ 951 02 003 :3721 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 3316 :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :3139 OwnerPh Bth:1.75 YB:1940 Parking:Attached Firepl: TotArea:1,028 Ac: • MetroScan / Jefferson • :Bernhardt Ruth G Schedule :021404 ni nZF :3710 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 .on oci 7003 0500 0004 7661 3323 :3710 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :3139 OwnerPh Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Mixed TypeFirepl:l TotArea:1,339 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson • :Wallace Robert Joseph Schedule :021489 :3749 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 3330 :3749 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge Co 80212 :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :3142 OwnerPh :303-424-6838 - - ~d Firepl: TotArea:881 Ac: George KauSS / Jefferson 3807 Ridge Rd. 7003 0500 0004 7661 3347 Evergreen, CO 80439 er :10/12/2001 Price OwnerPh :d Firepl:l TotArea:2,029 Ac: ' Thomas Phillips / Jefferson io •nQin~o 3740 Sheridan Blvd. 7003 0500 0004 7661 3354 Denver CO 80212 11 er Price OwnerPh Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.18 1 / .ieFFurson ' Israel Toltz Partnership 7003 0500 0004 7661 3361 50 S. Steele St., #375 ar Denver, CO 80209 Lll Xferd :11/20/1992 Price :$4,100,000 OwnerPh Firepl: TotArea:3,600 Ac:1.61 n / Jefferson • :Mandril Charles S Schedule :109789 :5208 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 3378 :5208 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80212 :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :3139 OwnerPh Bth: - YB:1964 Parking: Firepl: MetroScan / Jefferson S check} Sandra Watson 3733 Sheridan Blvd. Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 ?7 3 Fi TotArea:3,751 Ac:.41 ' •173248 , -,t L1. a--185 Information compiledfrom various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 19 met Owner :Zielbauer Frank III Site :8640 W 93rd P1 Westminster 80021 Mail :8640 W 93rd P1 Westminster Co 80 LandOse :1112 Res,Improved Land TaxDist :0014 Bedrm:4 Bth:2.25 YB:1997 Parking:A W erson : edule :415457 7003 0500 0004 7661 3392 "'Pry; :$213,400 0 3 Ph . repl•l TotArea:2,479 Ac:.16 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. * Search Parameters * Jefferson (CO) * 9/12/2003 * 4:44 PM Parcel Number ...20 39 251 01 001 39 251 01 002 39 251 01 003 39 251 01 037 39 251 01 038 39 251 01 039 39 251 02 001 39 251 02 002 39 251 02 003 39 251 02 004 39 251 02 005 39 251 02 006 39 251 02 007 39 251 01 036 39 251 01 035 39 251 01 034 39 251 01 004 39 251 01 005 39 244 00 050 39 244 00 053 ✓C~ Z-1 -a N E 081 th. 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Av e. R M CITY OF WHEATRIDGE 91043314 1 7YW 8! z3i ! 9 242 SE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge CITY COUNCIL on October 27, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 291h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: Case No. WS-03-01: An application filed by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority in conjunction with Cornerstone Group for approval of a consolidation plat for properties located at 5208 West 38`h Avenue, 5250 West 38th Avenue, 5280 West 38`h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street, and A.P.N. 39-251-01-038 (the parking lot directly to the north of 3718 Ames Street). Said properties are legally described as follows (see legal description for Case No. SUP-03-05): Case No. SUP-03-05: An application filed by Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority in conjunction with Cornerstone Group for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a drive-through facility for a Walgreens drug store on Commercial-One (C-1) zoned properties located at 5208 West 38`h Avenue, 5250 West 38`h Avenue, 5280 West 38 h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street, and A.P.N. 39-251-01-038 (the parking lot directly to the north of 3718 Ames Street). Said properties are legally described as follows (the following legal description pertains to both cases): A tract of land in the Northeast'/4 of Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6`h Principal Meridian and also being a part of Block 1, Pearson- Woodside Addition as recorded in Book 6, Page 8 of the official records of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast 1/4; thence S 00° 15' 49" E along the East line of said Northeast '/4, said line also being the centerline of Sheridan Boulevard, 65.00 feet; thence S 89° 59' 58" W, 30.00 feet to a point on the East line of said Block 1 and the West line of Sheridan Boulevard, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N 45° 07' 56" W along the Southerly line of that tract of land described at Reception Number 91056588, said line also being the Southerly line of West 38`h Avenue, 28.35 feet; thence continuing along said Southerly line S 89° 59' 58" W, 115.45 feet; thence N 00° 15' 49" W along said Southerly line, 5.00 feet to a point on the North line of said Block 1, said point also being a point on the Southerly line of West 38`h Avenue; thence S 89° 59' 58" W along said Northerly line of Block 1, 135.45 feet to the Northwest corner of said Block 1; thence S 00° 15' 49" E along the West line of said Block 1, 217.20 feet to the beginning of a curve; thence Southerly along a curve to the left and along the West line of said Block 1, 38.84 feet, which curve has a radius of 523.00 feet, a central angle of 4° 15' 17" and whose chord bears S 2° 23' 28" E, 38.83 feet, to the Southwesterly comer of Lot 21 of said Block 1; thence N 89° 59' 58" E along the Southerly line of said Lot 21, 134.01 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 21; thence N 00° 15' 49" W along the East line of said Lot 21, 25.00 feet; thence N 89° 59' 58" E along a line parallel to the North line of said Block 1, 135.45 feet to a point on the East line of said Block 1 and the West line of Sheridan Boulevard; thence N 00° 15' 49" W along said East line of said Block 1 and the West line of Sheridan Boulevard, 206.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Said parcel contains 1.4937 acres more or less. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To Be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: October 9, 2003 ATT Question 111dfIK 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/235-2846 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 October 24, 2003 Alan White, Executive Director WRURA 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. White: At its meeting of October 16, 2003, the Planning Commission recommended approval of Case No. WS-03-01, a request for approval of a consolidation plat for properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 38`h Avenue, 5280 West 38`h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, for the following reasons: 1. It meets the requirements for a Final Plat. 2. All of the traffic concerns have been answered. Your requests for plat approval and special use permit to allow a drive-through are scheduled for a public hearing before City Council at 7:00 p.m. on October 27, 2003. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy Fiel Administrative Asst. Enclosures: Draft of Minutes (Oct. 2, 2003) Draft of Minutes (Oct. 16, 2003) cc: Jeff Bailey Cornerstone Group 6500 S. Quebec St. Evergreen, CO 80111 WS-03-01 (case file) c:\...\My Documents\ Cathy\PCRPTS\PLANGCOM\CORRESP\2003\WZ0213 stated has left his and other affected businesses in a state of uncertainty for the past fourteen months. He also did not believe that longstanding businesses in the urban renewal area would be adequately compensated for relocating. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS P.7` A. Case No. WS-03-01 (continued from October 2, 2003): An application filed by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority in conjunction with Cornerstone Group for approval of a consolidationylat and alley vacation for properties located at 5208 West 38`h Avenue, 5250 West 38 Avenue, 5280 West 38d' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39-251-01-038 (the parking lot directly to the north of 3718 Ames Street). The case was presented by Alan White. In response to requests made by the Commission at the October 2nd meeting, copies of the traffic impact report were made available to Commissioners for this meeting. In regard to questions about traffic calming features, the developer has agreed to pay for two speed humps with locations yet to be decided through a public process. Traffic control signage would include no-left-turns on both curb cuts on Ames, weight limit signs for trucks using Ames Street, and a no-left-turn sign from the site onto northbound Sheridan. In conclusion, Mr. White stated that since the October 2"d Commission meeting, the developer has agreed to move the location of the alley rather than vacating the alley. Commissioner BERRY disclosed to the Commission that she has received several phone calls since the last Commission meeting concerning the Walgreens plat. She advised the callers that she could not discuss the matter outside the public hearing process. In response to Commissioner DAVIS, Mr. White stated that no properties in the urban renewal area can be negotiated or acquired until a financing package is approved by the Urban Renewal Authority. Jeff Bailey Cornerstone Development Chair McNAMEE advised Mr. Bailey he was still under oath from the October 2"d planning Commission meeting. He advised the Commission that the traffic consultant was present to answer questions. Kathleen Krager Bowers and Krager Chair McNAMEE advised Ms. Krager she was still under oath from the October 2"d planning Commission meeting. In response to a question from Commissioner BERRY, Ms. Krager stated that while CDOT has restricted access to Sheridan to a'/< movement, this movement is not restricted by a median and therefore the consultant was requested to analyze this access as a full access. She stated that CDOT doesn't have plans within the next five years to improve this area of Sheridan but medians are included in CDOT's twenty-year plan. In response to questions raised at the last meeting, Ms. Krager stated that traffic generated from existing uses is 100 trips during pm peak hour as opposed to a projected use of 147 trips if Planning Commission Page 2 October 16, 2003 Walgreens is built. Secondly, traffic volumes for the Walgreens at 32"d and Youngfield were documented. The pm peak hour was 157 trips (compared to an estimated 151 in the traffic study). Drive-through window pm peak hour was 8 trips with 2-3 trips per hour at other times of the day. Twenty-four hour trips at that store are about 10% less than the national average and this could be partly due to the limited hours at this location. Charles Durbin 3703 Ames Street Mr. Durbin was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He expressed his opposition to the urban renewal plan which would displace long-established businesses to allow a multi-million dollar corporation to build a store which is not a public use. He asked the Commission to vote against the application. Kimberly McKinney DRAFT 3690 Ames Street Ms. McKinney was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. She expressed her opposition to the plat and expressed concern about increased traffic from Walgreens during the time children are playing. She stated that she was told that there was no financing in place and that the Walgreens project was "basically dead." Elise Brougham 3545 Allison Court Chair McNAMEE advised Ms. Brougham she was still under oath from the October 2"d Planning Commission meeting. Ms. Brougham stated that the Comprehensive Plan should be the main guide in all planning decisions. The designation of village center under the Comprehensive Plan for this area should be adhered to in that existing businesses fit the village center designation. She did not believe that replacing these businesses with a 24-hour intense commercial business fit under the village center designation. She questioned the proposed additional I% sales tax for this store without a vote of the people. She also suggested a conflict with Mr. White's position as executive director of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) and Director of Community Development. In response to Commissioner MCMILLIN's request for clarification regarding Ms. Brougham's comments, Mr. White stated that he is executive director of the URA, however he cannot make independent decisions in this position and must take direction from the URA. The 1% additional sales tax referred to by Ms. Brougham is actually a I% public improvement fee that has been proposed as part of the financing package and does not require a vote of the people since it is not a citywide sales tax increase. The fee is entered into voluntarily by the developer. He noted that this financing proposal has been used in Lakewood for the Mills project as well as the Villa redevelopment project. In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Mr. White stated that no other projects in Wheat Ridge have used this fee thus far. Chuck Mandril 4660 Teller Street Chair McNAMEE advised Mr. Mandril he was still under oath from the October 2"d planning Commission meeting. He expressed frustration with the uncertainty of the urban renewal project over the past sixty weeks which has hurt the affected businesses in this area. He urged Planning Commission October 16, 2003 the Commission to deny the application. He further asked the Commission to ask for a financial study of the proposed project because he questioned the projected $75,000 increase in sales tax. He believed a Walgreens would decrease business for the four existing pharmacies in the area rather than generating new revenue. He did not believe the amount of money proposed to be spent on this project would ever be recovered. Chair McNAMEE asked if there were others present who wished to address the matter. There was no response. Commissioner PLUMMER stated that he assumed that all affected properties would be properly paid for and the Walgreens would be an improvement to this corner. Further, if a financing package cannot be established, the project would not happen. Therefore, he would move to approve the consolidation plat. It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner WEISZ to recommend approval of Case No. WS-03-01, a request for a consolidation plat for properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 38th Avenue, 5280 West 38th Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and APN 39-251-01-038, for the following reasons: PRAFT 1. It meets the requirements for a Final Plat. 2. All of the traffic concerns have been answered. Commissioner WEISZ explained that she seconded the motion because, while the vote may be unpopular, the application meets all of the requirements for a final plat and she must base her decision on that criteria alone. Because this plat is only part of a larger application, she encouraged citizens to attend the City Council meeting to voice their concerns because Council has the ability to address issues which are not relevant under the plat consideration. Commissioner McMILLIN concurred with comments offered by Commissioner WEISZ. In his role as a member of the Planning Commission, he stated that he must vote for the plat because it fits all of the city's requirements for a consolidation plat. However, he believed there are many reasons the urban renewal project should not be approved in whole: the neighbors are opposed, business owners wish to stay in their present locations and there is a speculative nature to the financing with an extra 1% surcharge. Commissioner DAVIS stated that, while the plat meets all the requirements, the citizens have expressed opposition to the project and she would vote against the motion. Commissioner WITT stated that while he has empathy for all those involved, Planning Commission is not the venue to discuss the urban renewal project as a whole and he would vote in favor of the motion because the plat meets all requirements of a consolidation plat. Commissioner STITES stated that he would also vote in favor of the motion because the plat meets all requirements for a consolidation plat. Planning Commission Page 4 October 16, 2003 Commissioner BERRY stated that she would vote against the motion based on the fact that information requested at the last Commission meeting was not provided for this hearing. The motion passed 6-2 with Commissioners DAVIS and BERRY voting no. 8. OLD BUSINESS Information session with Gerald Dahl. City Attorney - At the request of Chair McNAMEE, Gerald Dahl reviewed the matter of ex parte contact as it relates to members of Planning Commission. 9. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to come before the Commission. R 10. COMMISSION REPORTS PAFT There were no Commission reports. 11. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee or department reports. 12. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner STITES to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Marian McNamee, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Page 5 October 16, 2003 September 18, 2003 Minutes It was moved by Commissioner STITES and seconded by Commissioner McMILLIN to approve the minutes of September 18, 2003 as presented The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners McNAMEE and BERRY abstaining and Commissioner DAVIS absent. 6. PUBLIC FORUM There were none present to address the Commission during this portion of the meeting. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Case No. WS-03-01: An application filed by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority in conjunction with Cornerstone Group for approval of a consolidation plat and alley vacation for properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 38th Avenue, 5280 West 38th Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39-251-01-038 (the parking lot directly to the north of 3718 Ames Street.) The case was presented by Travis Crane. He advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. In addition to the case file and other pertinent documents, he entered the following letters into the record: • Three letters in opposition to the case (one letter contained 42 signatures; one contained 4 signatures and one contained 1 signature). • Letter in support of the case. These letters were made a part of the official case file. Mr. Crane reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. He advised the Commission that it would be necessary for the special use permit application asking for a drive-through for the proposed Walgreens to be heard before City Council due to the fact that objections to the application were received. Staff recommended approval of the case for reasons outlined in the staff report. Commissioner BERRY referred to the five-foot easement proposed for the southern boundary of the property and suggested it should be ten feet due in accordance with the code that requires a ten foot easement when adjacent to nonresidential property. Alan White agreed that the easement should be changed to ten feet and included as a condition of approval. Commissioner BERRY referred to the conditions for a final plat that require proof of ownership and proof that the property is free of encumbrances when new easements to public agencies are to be dedicated. She asked how the Commission could be assured that the property is free of encumbrances when the applicant doesn't yet own the property and wondered if it would be necessary to waive those requirements. Alan White stated that as the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) proceeds through the process of property acquisition, title work will be ordered on all of the properties. Initial work has begun Planning Commission Page 2 October 2, 2003 and nothing out of the ordinary has been revealed so far. He commented that this requirement was instituted to protect the city from any encumbrances for right-of-way or park sites that may be dedicated to the city. In response to a question from Commissioner BERRY, Alan White stated that all affected property owners have been notified of the Urban Renewal Authority's intent to acquire their property. Commissioner McNAMEE asked if it were necessary for all property owners to agree to sell in order for the consolidation plat to be approved. Alan White explained that the city would be under a 60-day timeframe if the plat were approved by City Council. If negotiations to acquire all of the properties were successful, the plat approval would be valid. However, if all properties are not acquired within the 60-day timeframe, the plat could not be signed because the URA would not be the owner and the plat could not be recorded. Commissioner WEISZ requested a synopsis of the neighborhood meeting held this evening prior to the Commission meeting. Mr. White stated that concerns were essentially the same as those voiced at the September 1 I meeting regarding access issues and traffic on Ames. Commissioner WEISZ asked if the new easements would affect drainage. Travis Crane replied a full drainage report would be required at the time of development. In answer to a question from Commissioner WEISZ, Mr. Crane stated a traffic study has been submitted and would be discussed as part of the Special Use hearing before City Council. In answer to a question from Commissioner PLUMMER, Mr. Crane stated that the city traffic engineer recommended the access point for this property be located at Ames and Sheridan. CDOT controls the intersection of 38th and Sheridan. Commissioner McMILLIN asked if eminent domain could be put into effect during the 60-day period previously referred to. Mr. White stated that while it is hoped eminent domain proceedings would not have to be put into effect, it is possible those proceedings could take place within the sixty-day time period. Negotiations with landowners are scheduled to take place within the next week or two and it is possible that negotiations may not be settled within the sixty-day time period. Jeff Bailey _ F Cornerstone Group 6500 South Quebec, #300, Englewood, CO Mr. Bailey was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. Cornerstone Group is the developer for the proposed Walgreens store. He stated that concerns voiced during this evening's neighborhood meeting related to traffic issues on Ames Street, access cuts, and traffic generation that would be produced by Walgreens. Drainage issues were not discussed. In response to a question from Commissioner WITT, Mr. Bailey stated the approach for east- bound traffic through the drive-through would be to right-exit onto Sheridan. Drivers could loop around building and right-exit on Ames to go to 38a Avenue. Deliveries would take place from 38`s Avenue. He stated there would be no need for truck traffic on Ames Street or for Planning Commission Page 3 October 2, 2003 drivers to go south on Ames Street from the site. The developer would be willing to post no- left turn and no-truck signs on Ames Street as well as install speed bumps on Ames. Kathleen Krager Bowers & Krager IT 899 Logan, Denver, CO R, P, Ms. Krager was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. Her firm performed the traffic study which was reviewed and submitted to CDOT and the City for review and approval. CDOT has approved a'/4 access from Sheridan at the south end of the site which will allow for northbound left turns into the site, southbound right turns into the site and southbound right turns out of the site. In reply to a question from Commissioner WEISZ, Ms. Krager stated that trip generations are projected to be approximately 1,250 trips per day with 147 trips occurring within the p.m. peak hour. Existing peak use is approximately 100 trips. She also stated that a drive cut close to Ames rather than having access from Ames would create more traffic problems. Further studies will be performed if required by the city. In reply to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN,.Ms. Krager stated that projections for trip generation on Ames Street is estimated to be 8 additional vehicles during peak hour resulting from the Walgreens development. She stated that 38th and Sheridan is presently a service level D and that this amount of traffic generally does not cause traffic to drive through neighborhoods. Commissioner McMILLIN asked why the Commission did not receive a copy of the traffic study. Mr. White replied that the study is relevant to the Special Use Permit which will be heard before City Council. Commissioner BERRY commented that it would have been helpful to have a copy of the traffic study results even though it isn't an absolute requirement of the plat. In answer to a question from Commissioner BERRY, Ms. Krager stated no problems were found with stacking distances at peak hours. Commissioner McNAMEE suggested that Ms. Krager supply information regarding drive- through trip generation for consideration at the Special Use hearing. Elise Brougham 3545 Allison Court Ms. Brougham was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. She spoke in opposition to the case and the entire concept of urban renewal and condemnation of property by owners unwilling to sell. She submitted into the record a copy of an article from the Reader's Digest concerning the national trend toward eminent domain in urban renewal projects. Copies were also provided for each Commissioner. She requested that all boards, commissions and city council deny all cases associated with this urban renewal project based on the fact there will be a seizing of property, it does not make financial sense and is against the wishes of the citizens of Wheat Ridge. Planning Commission Page 4 October 2, 2003 In response to a question from Commissioner WEISZ, Ms. Brougham stated that she was a resident of Wheat Ridge but not one of the affected property owners. Linda Hillshafer 3245 Ames Street Ms. Hillshafer was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. She spoke in opposition to the case. She stated that Casman's, Paradise Billiards and Old World Lighting have improved their properties in order to comply with the streetscape plan. The 24-hour Walgreens is contrary to the city plan and would increase neighborhood traffic on residential streets with increased dangers to children and senior citizens. Destruction of the alley and moving the sewer line would place a strain on a non-robust system. She believed Walgreens is not needed, would divert customers from King Soopers, would pose a variety of hazards and is contrary to the city's vision. She further stated that this attempt to destroy small locally-owned businesses and replace them with an out-of-state business is outrageous. r Scott Wesley RAFT 3507 Ames Street Mr. Wesley was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He spoke in opposition to the case and agreed with the previous speakers. He was opposed to the approval of a consolidation plat without ownership by the applicant and believed it would set a dangerous precedent. He felt that the traffic study performed on behalf of the developer was most likely biased and felt there should be an independent traffic study. He did not believe it was incumbent upon the residents of the area to pay for an independent study as was suggested by the developer at a neighborhood meeting. He expressed concern about the safety of the 25-30 children under the age of twelve who live in the neighborhood. He suggested an entrance from 38th Avenue rather than Ames Street. Jan Dent 3235 Ames Street Ms. Dent was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. She spoke in opposition to the case and stated her agreement with the previous speakers. Natalie McDonough 3735 Benton Street Ms. McDonough was not present but had signed the public hearing roster indicating her opposition to the case. Margaret Konsakke 3708 Ames Street Ms. Konsakke was not present but had signed the public hearing roster indicating her opposition to the case. Robert Wallace 3749 Sheridan Mr. Wallace was not present but had signed the public hearing roster indicating his opposition to the case. Planning Commission Page 5 October 2, 2003 Anthony Bracciante 3500 Benton Street Mr. Bracciante was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He spoke in opposition to the case and stated his agreement with the previous speakers. Traffic hazards already exist with the double turn onto Benton and into the King Soopers and will be worsened by a Walgreens in the area. He asked the Commission to consider the longevity of another pharmaceutical company on this corner when there are approximately 5,000 pharmacist vacancies in the nation, a situation which will exist for several years. Lara Bracciante i 3500 Benton Street w. r.r~ a Mrs. Bracciante was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. She spoke in opposition to the case and stated her agreement with the previous speakers. She stated that she and her husband chose to purchase a home in this location because Wheat Ridge is a community and believes the Walgreens would help to chip away at the community aspect of the city. Chuck Mandril 4660 Teller Street Mr. Mandril was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. Mr. Mandril stated he owns Casman's Automotive which has been in his family for the past fifty-five years. He stated that it is already tenuous to turn right onto southbound Sheridan and Walgreens would worsen this problem. It is almost impossible to turn from his property onto westbound 38a' Avenue. He expressed concern that drivers will tam left onto Ames regardless of posted signs. He further stated that the Urban Renewal Authority and City Council have consistently gone against the wishes of the people in the area and that Planning Commission could be the last stand in keeping the city from taking businesses and neighborhoods away. He stated that he intends to fight to keep his business in this location. In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Mr. Mandril stated that the traffic study was fairly accurate in stating the traffic generation counts for his business. Commissioner WEISZ asked about projected revenue to the city from the proposed Walgreens. Alan White replied that projections based upon other Walgreens in the city are that this store should generate approximately $75,000 in additional sales tax and approximately $15,000 in property tax per year. In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Alan White stated that the current zoning, existing use and proposed use are in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner BERRY referred to Article IV of the Subdivision Code which allows the city to request drainage plans, grading plans, engineering plans and traffic impact analyses and commented that the Commission should have the ability to look at those issues under the consolidation plat. Alan White replied that those issues are considered according to the complexity of the project (especially drainage and traffic issues) at the time of platting. He further stated that if the plat Planning Commission Page October 2, 2003 were approved by City Council, all of those issues would be reviewed before a building permit could be issued. Commissioner PLUMMER commented that he could understand the neighborhood concerns about traffic on Ames Street. He expressed concern about businesses being forced to sell to allow another business to come in. He didn't understand why Walgreens would want to build at this location since a traffic problem already exists. He asked if other property owners were willing to sell their property. Alan White explained that it is not known at this time if other property owners are willing to sell because negotiations have not yet begun. The law prohibits negotiations until financing is in place. Commissioner WEISZ asked if traffic studies were done on the alley. Ms. Krager returned to the podium and stated that traffic studies were not done on the alley. Chuck Mandril returned to the podium and stated that most alley traffic is generated from his shop and Paradise Billiards. Some residents have indicated they like to use the alley for access to Ames Street. Commissioner WEISZ asked if Mr. Mandril believed elimination of the alley would actually reduce traffic in the area. Mr. Mandril replied that it woul ' a ali£algreens were built. Commissioner BERRY asked how long it would be, after paying off the development through tax increment financing, before the city would realize the benefit of increased sales tax. Mr. White replied that it is presently estimated to be approximately five years. Commissioner STITES asked members of the public if they would be in favor of the Walgreens development if traffic problems on Ames Street were resolved. No one raised a hand in response. (Chair McNAMEE declared a brief recess at 8:37 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:47 P.M.) It was moved by Commissioner BERRY and seconded by Commissioner WEISZ that Case No. WS-03-01 be continued to the next Planning Commission meeting and that a copy of the traffic impact analysis and report in accordance with standards adopted by the public works department and complete engineering plans and specifications for traffic control devices, traffic calming features and street and related public improvements related to traffic be provided to the Commission for that hearing. Commissioner McMILLIN commented that this is a sad and difficult case to decide and would support the motion because he believed more study is needed at this level. He agreed with comments made about criticism of the urban renewal process in the case because there are three functioning businesses at the site. He further apologized to the citizens for action recently Planning Commission Page 7 October 2, 2003 taken by City Council which removed Planning Commission from the special use permit process which prevents the Commission from considering certain information. Alan White informed the Commission that the applicant was opposed to a continuance and requested that a vote be taken for approval or denial at this time. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners PLUMMER and McNAMEE voting no and Commissioner DAVIS absent. 8. OLD BUSINESS Commissioner MCMILLIN expressed concern about the traffic situation at the new Starbucks at 38th and Kipling. The problem seems to be caused by two entrances (one serves Starbucks and the other serves the thrift store). He asked if the city could give consideration to closing one of the entrances. Mr. White explained that this is a matter that should be brought to the attention of the public works department and is not a Commission matter. 9. NEW BUSINESS PM, A. Approval of a resolution concerning a modification to the 38th Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan. Under Urban Renewal Law, the plan modification to initiate tax increment financing is submitted to the Planning Commission to evaluate its compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner BERRY stated she would like to see details of the financing for the project. Mr. White replied that he didn't believe the financing details were relevant as to whether or not tax increment financing is found to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner McMILLIN asked if the Comprehensive Plan contained information on tax increment financing. Mr. White replied that it does not. Commissioner BERRY commented that there is an economic development part of the Comprehensive Plan and her reason for requesting more information was that she believed tax increment financing presents a debt on the city. Commissioner WEISZ commented that tax increment financing helps develop projects that could otherwise not occur. It was moved by Commissioner WEISZ and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 01, series of 2003, finding the First Modification to the 38th Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan to be in compliance with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner DAVIS absent. Planning Commission Page October 2, 2003 ~~~u-Gtod THAT Home Wreckers Greedy.developers can your property-legally By TUCKER CARLSON W mcuM lviinnich's father founded his furniture-making business, Minic Custom Woodwork, in 1927. For nearly a quarter-century, the com- pany operated out of a building he owned on Wth Street in New York City. Until 1998, Minnich imagined the family business would remain there indefinitely. Then, one Sunday morning that year, Minnich read a story in The New York Times about new con- struction in his East Harlem neigh- borhood. A developer was planning to convert an old wire factory into a shopping center, complete with a Home Depot and other large retail outlets. The project was going to be massive, three city blocks long, and would require more land than the developer presently owned. In the 15th paragraph, the story explained ILLUSTRATED 9T VIRTOR ROEN Saar 0- Lv5-O3-0 OUTRAGEOUS! 3 s S CJ12F<%l~,w (mot how the developer was going to get that land. "State oliciaLs" it said, "plan to use thestate's power to condemn property to acquire adja- cent lots for the project." William Minnich read the line again. He realized that one of the "adjacent lots" was his family's com- pany.It was the first he'd heard of the state's intention to seize his land and uproot his business. Munich fought to keep his prop- erty, but his chances were never good. The Constitution gives the government the right to seize private property for "public use" as long as just compensation is paid the owner. The concept is known as eminent lhelasCadmn, a regularmIumnist for &adm1;Dig Malsoc hosts CNVs -Crossfire write to him at ouhapous@rd.wm. 37 RD I AUGUST 2003 domain, and traditionally it has been used by government to take land for schools, highways, military bases, and other projects with obvious and universal public benefit. In 1984, however, a Supreme Court decision radically expanded the unddfstand- ing of eminent domain. According higher tax revenues qualified as a "public purpose. The city of Lakewood, Ohio, for instance, recently proposed bull- dozing 18 private homes and busi- nesses and handing the land to private developers to build condo- miniums.r'T'he buildings slated to be /,destroyed are solidly Y t the city middle class. e One city in Kansas Seized has designated them as use ex- ensiveblighted"beca condos will bring land owned by a 74-year- " nd gave it p to more money to the local old man a a car dealership. treasury. And this is not aberration, Astudy a e,a tut fo to the Court, states were then " public interest legal foundation in Washington, found that over the as allowed to define "public use anything "rationally related to a past five years more than 10,000 d'or threat- i conceivable public purpose." i e ze homes have been se ened with seizure, virtually all on ty c States soon did just that. Th Kansas, seized land iam f M . similar grounds. ll , err o owned for three decades by 74-Year- - I such an environment, wi a sma i s owner r like e William Min- old William Gross, in order to allow old W retailer to expand his dealer- nes bus nich never had a chance. He decided a BM ship. In New York, the city of New to challenge the decision, butt Fear w was weighted again l Rochelle proposed taking land away m some 200 residents and dozens f a tier this year, facing hundreds of ro of businesses to bring in a furniture ri- thousands of dollars in legal costs, Minnich gave up his fight to save his superstore. Around the country, p business. He retired and left the city. vately owned homes and businesses were condemned by local govern- As compensation, Minnich was offered a little more than half what ments to make way for shopping high-end housing and ball- nters he says the building would have l , ce (The Texas Rangers baseball arks y on fetched if he had sold it willing . p team, once partly owned by George was one such beneficiary sh W B the ough market. in raze cases, u , . of eminent domain.) In each case, fficials were able to justify bli eminent domain has become the cash- weapon first so d c o pu land grabs by arguing that the y gree a tool o hungry grnme 38 bureaucrats serving the interestslof greedy developers. Conside; the case of Cottonwood Christian Cen- ter, a nondenominational church outside Los Angeles. In less than 20 years, Cottonwood's congregation grew from 50 people to about 5,000: By last year, the church had reached maximum capacity, worshipers were being turned away on Sunday morn- ings. Cottonwood decided to ex- pand, purchasing 18 acres of land in the city ofCypress near Disneyland. The church planned to build a new sanctuary on the property. City officials had other ideas. New churches are fine in theory, but they generate no tax revenues. New shopping malls do. In May of 2002, the Cypress City Council voted unanimously to seize Cottonwood's land, amid negotiations to sell it to Costco, a bulk retailer. That summer, the city's decision was put on hold by a judge who de- clared that the land grab amounted THAT'S OUTRAGEOUSI it I to a form of religious discrimina- tion, In other words, Cottonwood Christian Center'was protected be- cause it was a church. Other land- owners haven't been as fortunate in their battles against Costco. In 2001, a Costco of&cial admitted that the company had used eminent do- main ("or the'threat of it") "proba- bly dozens" of times to seize property from owners unwilling to sell voluntarily. Keep in mind that Costco is not an arm of the federal government. It is not a charity. It is not a public utility. It is a private-sector ware- house store that sells everything from pickles to appliances. It has no greater moral right to a piece of property than any other American, and perhaps less than many. Yet, when in cahoots with cash-hungry public officials, companies like Costco have the power to take other people's homes and businesses. Let's call it what it is: legal theft. PARTNERSIN CRIME With Deputy Mike Franks already on staff, the sheriff's lieutenant in Shelby County, Tennessee, couldn't resist when Deputy Gary Beans walked through his door. He had to put them together. "I felt they'd go together like... franks and beansl" says It. Mike Jewell, howling at the memory. The partners have patrolled together for about three years. Their current boss, Lt. Wayne Goudy, says Franks and Beans are excellent officers. He also says he has another great duo in the works-he's got a traffic deputy named Costello. The Associated Press FILLERS ILLUSTRATED SV JAMES MCMULLAN 39 PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION October 16, 2003 Case No. WS-03-01: An application filed by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority in conjunction with Cornerstone Group for approval of a consolidation plat and alley vacation from properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 38th Avenue, 5280 West 38m Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39-251-01-038 (the parking lot directly to the north of 3718 Ames Street) (Please print) Name Address In Favor/Opposed ~--Is~ $(zOLA 3(•y~ ~"u-~SmN G-f- ~~~dS~/~ City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Public Hearing - October 16, 2003 STATEMENT OF COMMISSIONER KIMBERLY DAVIS Re: Case No. WS-03-01/WRURA I am making this written statement to declare my intentions and opinion regarding the subject matter of this public hearing held this date for the sought after approval of a six lot consolidation plat initiated by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority and City Council. By copy of this statement given to Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary, I am requesting the same to be incorporated into and/or attached to the Planning Commission Minutes, since the Minutes is the only manner of communication this Commission has with City Council. I will vote against any and all motions whatsoever covering whatever topic or issue that has to do with the condemnation and lot consolidation of the subject property for the construction of a Walgreens Pharmacy on the corner of 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard. The property at issue has been long established by citizens who live in and have businesses in our community. It is very well kept, clean, the landscaping is pleasing to the eye - all of which is conducive and beneficial to the surrounding area. It is an area that does not need to be cleaned up or considered to be a blight to the City of Wheat Ridge. To me, a condemnation action of any sort is associated to these kinds of concerns. It does not exist on the subject property - quite the contrary. Casman's Automotive, although its business is car mechanics, is well kept and clean. Paradise Billards is and should be noted as a landmark in the City of Wheat Ridge. Kitchen Masters is a nice period looking building conducive to the "small town" ambience of Wheat Ridge. The neighborhood on Ames Street is quiet, with neat yards and well kept houses. Children frequent the street going to and from school. This is all to be destroyed through a foolish attempt and the City's senseless decision to add another Walgreens to the City? Or perhaps this project is an addition to a small portion of quick fixes towards the City's budget crises because of the tax concessions? I would think the wishes of the maiority of the citizens in the subject area would be more important. It is my opinion that the Urban Renewal Authority and City Council is trying underhandedly in the guise of "condemnation" to destroy the little guy trying to make a living in business and punishing the longtime residents of Ames Street for being good citizens - both of which have contributed taxes, etc., to the City of Wheat Ridge. What would happen if Walgreens went out of business'? Then what? The property would never be returned to its former character. I believe it was noted that Community Development has received at least 50 signatures, if not more, and letters from the citizens of Wheat Ridge who are against the condemnation and the construction of a Walgreens Pharmacy on the corner of 38 h Avenue and Sheridan. I would like to see nothing better than the Urban Renewal Authority fail and be unsuccessful in its effort to acquire the subject property within the designated time limit so that the lot consolidation does indeed become moot - that City Council listens to the People. Common sense dictates that this present idea should have never gotten off the ground to begin with and I will not condone or contribute in any way for it to become a reality. i PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION October 16, 2003 Please sign this roster if you wish to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. (Public comment may be limited to three minutes) (Please print) Name Address 7500 west 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Ridge 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 16 September 2003 Paul Lenzini, P.L.S. Lenzini & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 21457 Denver, Colorado 80221 RE: Walgreens at 38th Avenue and Sheridan Plat Dear Mr. Lenzini: I have completed my initial review of the consolidation plat for the southwest corner of 38`h Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard, and I have the following comments: 1. Please change the title of the document to read: "Walgreens at 38"' Avenue and Sheridan". 2. Line three of the subtitle should read: Range 69 West of the 6`h Principal Meridian... " 3. Line one of the dedication statement should read: "The Wheat Ridge Urban renewal Authority, being the owner... " 4. Line two of the dedication statement should read: "Range 69 West of the 6`h Principal Meridian... " 5. Line thirty of the dedication statement should read: "The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, being the owner... " 6. The owner signature block should be changed to "The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority". The Chairperson of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority will sign the signature block. 7. The owner's certification block should read: "This foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me... " 8. The word "commission" is misspelled in the notary certification. 9. The word "Commission" is misspelled in the Planning Commission certification block. 10. The Planning Commission certification block should read: "Recommended for approval this... " 11. The City Certification block should be changed to read: "Approved this..." 12. Line two of the Surveyor's certification should be changed to read: "of Walgreens at 38'h..." 13. Line three of the Surveyor's certification should be changed to read: "me or under my direct..." 14. Line five of the Surveyor's certification should be changed to read: edition as amended, the accompanying plat... " 15. Please add "SUP-03-05 " and "WS-03-01 " to the case history box. 16. Under Plat Notes, number two should read: "An easement... " 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303-235-2846 DATE: 3 September 2003 The City of o The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for a consolidation plat at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments you may have regarding this proposal would be appreciated by Monday September 15, 2003. No response from you by this date will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO.: WS-03-01 LOCATION: Southwest corner of 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting a consolidation plat. This plat will assemble the parcels and create one large lot. PURPOSE: The applicant wishes to redevelop the property and construct a 14,161 square foot drug store. The drug store will contain a drive through on the southern side of the building. The applicant is proposing three access points; one on Sheridan Boulevard and two on Ames Street. The applicant has also requested a Special Use Permit for the drive through facility. APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.489 Acres Please describe your ability to service the property, while considering the following: • The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. • The availability of service lines to the development. • Will any service lines need to be extended to accommodate development? • The adequacy of capacities to serve the development. • Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations. • Specific easements that are needed for this proposal. • Any comments that would affect approval of this request by your agency. Please reply to: Travis R. Crane (303.235.2849) Completed by: Community Development Department Fax: 303-235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: Water District; CWR)CDEw~ Safiitation District (wR) Fire DistrictwP~ 'Adjacent City CPWX" Jefferson County Planning Department X'cel Energy Qwe§f Cornmunications Colorado Department of Transportation Denver Regional Council of Governments JeffCo Health Department JeffCo Schools (Name, Agency/Department, Date) JeffCo Commissioners AT&T Broadband Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Regional Transportation District Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Public :Works CZ) Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Wheat Ridge Forestry Division Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority "The Carnation City" Xcel Energys~ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY September 15, 2003 Siting and Land Rights 550 15th Street, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80202-4256 Telephone: 3 03.571.77 99 Facsimile: 303.571.7877 CITY OF WHEATRIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE SFP P 9 2003 WHEATRIDGE, CO 80003 Re: Walgreens @ 38th and Sheridan (Travis R. Crane) Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has reviewed the plans for Walgreens @ 38th and Sheridan. To ensure that adequate utility easements are available within this development, PSCo requests that the following language or plat note, be placed on the preliminary and final plats for the subdivision: Ten-foot (10) wide utility easements are hereby granted on private property adjacent to all public streets, and around the perimeter of each lot in the subdivision or platted area including lots, tracts. Parcels.and1or open space areas. These easements are dedicated for the installation, maintenance, and replacement of electric, gas, television cable, and telecommunications facilities. Utilities shall also be permitted within any access easements and private streets in the subdivision. Permanent structures and water meters shall not be permitted within said utility easements. PSCo also requests that these utility easements be depicted graphically on the preliminary and final plats. While these easements should accommodate the majority of utilities to be installed in the subdivision, some additional easements may be required as planning and building progresses. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center, at 1-800-922-1987, to have all utilities located prior to construction. If PSCo has existing gas or electric distribution facilities in this area, the developer should contact PSCo's Engineering Department at (303) 425-3867 regarding the use or relocation of these facilities and/or any grading activities on or near these lines. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at 303- 571-7735. Than You, Kath n-Bauer ContragtRight-of-Way Processor s' is NMDCommind SEP-08-2003 09:19 P.01 F wHeq~ 0 v m 7500 West 290 Avenue The City of °OCOrano° Wheat Ridge, Colorado 60033 eat Ridge 303-235-2646 DATE: 3 September 2003 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for a consolidation plat at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments you may have regarding this proposal would be appreciated by Monday September 15, 2003. No response from you by this date will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO.: WS-03-01 LOCATION: Southwest comer of 3e Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting a consolidation plat. This plat will assemble the parcels and create one large lot. PURPOSE: The applicant wishes to redevelop the property and construct a 14,161 square foot drug store. The drug store will contain a drive through on the southern side of the building. The applicant is proposing three access points: one on Sheridan Boulevard and two on Ames Street. The applicant has also requested a Special Use Permit for the drive through facility- APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.469 Acres Please desrxibe your ability to service the property, while considering the following: • The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. • The availability of service lines to the development. v • Will any service lines need to be extended to accommodate development?,s:f,'et(r.,, • The adequacy of capacities to serve the development. • Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations. • Specific easements that are needed for this proposal. Fi.ee Al ra e, 4evr • Any comments that would affect approval of this request by your agency. Please reply to: Travis R. Crane (303.235.2649) Community Development Department Fax: 303.235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: ( I ani on Districtwr=) Fire District Adjacent City Jefferson County Planning Department Xcel Energy Qwest Communications Colorado Department of Transportation Denver Regional Cound of Governments JeffCo Health Department JeffCo Schools Completed by:~ 9 S'~03 (Name, Agency/Department, Date) JeffCo Commissioners AT&T Broadband Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Regional Transportation District Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Wheat Ridge Forestry Division Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority 'The Carnation City' TOTAL P.01 7500 West 29`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303-235-2846 DATE: 3 September 2003 The City of p The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for a consolidation plat at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments you may have regarding this proposal would be appreciated by Monday September 15, 2003. No response from you by this date will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO.: WS-03-01 LOCATION: Southwest corner of 38 h Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting a consolidation plat. This plat will assemble the parcels and create one large lot. PURPOSE: The applicant wishes to redevelop the property and construct a 14,161 square foot drug store. The drug store will contain a drive through on the southern side of the building. The applicant is proposing three access points; one on Sheridan Boulevard and two on Ames Street. The applicant has also requested a Special Use Permit for the drive through facility. APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.489 Acres Please describe your ability to service the property, while considering the following: • The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. • The availability of service lines to the development. 7 • Will any service lines need to be extended to accommodate development? e5 3 9, • The adequacy of capacities to serve the development. 7 - r` Qoca ~oQd y~°~wt' • Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations. • Specific easements that are needed for this proposal. • Any comments that would affect approval of this request by your agency. tia a, a J7 ,z V~,[ Please reply to: Travis R. Crane (303.235.2849) Community Development Department Fax: 303-235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: Water District Sanitation District Fire District''. 'Adjacent City Jefferson County Planning Department Xcel Energy Qwest Communications Colorado Department of Transportation Denver Regional Council of Governments JeffCo Health Department JeffCo Schools -kuI t-tja,,.a, ..1. SS,, eA5 >`i{u+r rv>C/b6 ~c~✓GsS~avt YLG OSQ a-ris2c . Completed by: ~iycl /,rJl2,;~-n - f-s-03 (Name, Agency/Department, Date) JeffCo Commissioners AT&T Broadband Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Regional Transportation District Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Wheat Ridge Forestry Division Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority "The Carnation City" ~l wl d ystvvtWKje I Cit D*wbnent d %Mc Wwks September 12, 2003 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2868 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Paul A. Lenzini, P.L.S. Lenzini and Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 21457 Denver, CO 80221 Re: - First Review Comments of the Final Plat for the Walgreen's at 38 h and Sheridan Consolidation Plat. Dear Mr. Lenzini, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents for the proposed development located at 3811 and Sheridan received on September 4, 2003, and have the following comments: I. Please include the Ames Street ROW centerline, and distances to the property lines. 2. Show the distances from the 38'h Avenue and Sheridan ROW centerlines to the property lines as indicated on the redline Plat. 3. Include a bearing for the section tie as indicated on the redline Plat. 4. Please include the Reception Number for the dedicated ROW along 38 h Avenue (and indicate as such in the form of a Note) as shown on the redline Plat. 5. Please indicate any existing or proposed easements (e.g., utility). 6. Need to show all zoning, both on and off-site. 7. Identify adjacent subdivisions, or show as unplatted. 8. Double-check the spelling as shown in the title (Walgreen's is the correct spelling). 9. Please modify the Plat title to read simply, "Walgreen's at 381i & Sheridan", and modify the line under the title to read, "A Consolidation Plat of Previously Platted Parcels". Please return all redlined prints with the next submittal. The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer Cc: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Travis Crane, Planner File Walgreen's at 38th & Sheridan - reviewl.ltr 7500 West 29`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303-235-2846 DATE: 3 September 2003 The City of U The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for a consolidation plat at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments you may have regarding this proposal would be appreciated by Monday September 15, 2003. No response from you by this date will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO.: WS-03-01 LOCATION: Southwest corner of 38`h Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting a consolidation plat. This plat will assemble the parcels and create one large lot. PURPOSE: The applicant wishes to redevelop the property and construct a 14,161 square foot drug store. The drug store will contain a drive through on the southern side of the building. The applicant is proposing three access points; one on Sheridan Boulevard and two on Ames Street. The applicant has also requested a Special Use Permit for the drive through facility. APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.489 Acres Please describe your ability to service the property, while considering the following: • The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. • The availability of service lines to the development. • Will any service lines need to be extended to accommodate development? • The adequacy of capacities to serve the development. • Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations. • Specific easements that are needed for this proposal. • Any comments that would affect approval of this request by your agency. Please reply to: Travis R. Crane (303.235.2849) Completed by: Community Development Department Fax: 303-235-2857 Water District Sanitation District Fire District Adjacent City Jefferson County Planning Department Xcel Energy Qwest Communications Colorado Department of Transportation Denver Regional Council of Governments JeffCo Health Department JeffCo Schools (Name, Agency/Department, Date) JeffCo Commissioners AT&T Broadband Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Regional Transportation District Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Department WtieatRidge Public Works Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Wheat Ridge Forestry Division Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority `The Carnation City' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on October 2, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petition shall be heard: Case No. WS-03-01: An application filed by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority in conjunction with Cornerstone Group for approval of a consolidation plat and alley vacation for properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 38th Avenue, 5280 West 38s' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street, and A.P.N. 39-251-01-038 (the parking lot directly to the north of 3718 Ames Street). Said properties are legally described as follows: A tract of land in the Northeast''/4 of Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian and also being a part of Block 1, Pearson- Woodside Addition as recorded in Book 6, Page 8 of the official records of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast 1/4; thence S 00° 15' 49" E along the East line of said Northeast 1/4, said line also being the centerline of Sheridan Boulevard, 65.00 feet; thence S 89° 59' 58" W, 30.00 feet to a point on the East line of said Block 1 and the West line of Sheridan Boulevard, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N 45° 07' 56" W along the Southerly line of that tract of land described at Reception Number 91056588, said line also being the Southerly line of West 38`h Avenue, 28.35 feet; thence continuing along said Southerly line S 89° 59' 58" W, 115.45 feet; thence N 00° 15' 49" W along said Southerly line, 5.00 feet to a point on the North line of said Block 1, said point also being a point on the Southerly line of West 38th Avenue; thence S 89° 59' 58" W along said Northerly line of Block 1, 135.45 feet to the Northwest corner of said Block 1; thence S 00° 15' 49" E along the West line of said Block 1, 217.20 feet to the beginning of a curve; thence Southerly along a curve to the left and along the West line of said Block 1, 38.84 feet, which curve has a radius of 523.00 feet, a central angle of 4° 15' 17" and whose chord bears S 2° 23' 28" E, 38.83 feet, to the Southwesterly corner of Lot 21 of said Block 1; thence N 89° 59' 58" E along the Southerly line of said Lot 21, 134.01 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 21; thence N 00° 15' 49" W along the East line of said Lot 21, 25.00 feet; thence N 89° 59' 58" E along a line parallel to the North line of said Block 1, 135.45 feet to a point on the East line of said Block 1 and the West line of Sheridan Boulevard; thence N 00° 15' 49" W along said East line of said Block 1 and the West line of Sheridan Boulevard, 206.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Said parcel contains 1.4937 acres more or less. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To Be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: September 18, 2003 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 September 18, 2003 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WS-03-01 which is a request for approval of a consolidation plat and alley vacation for properties located at 5208 West 38`h Avenue, 5250 West 38`h Avenue, 5280 West 38' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street, and A.P.N. 39-251-01-038 (the parking lot directly to the north of 3718 Ames Street). This case will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on October 2, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C10ocumenm and Settings :athyt\MyI cumenus athy\PC" S\PLAN000M cnotiU0003\u 0301.w d 1~~~ L C/~/ /03 /9 # 1 'MfetroScan / - Jefferson - ' Owner :Archer Gerald A Schedules :n91nC,) Site :5250 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 2036 Mail :58 Curtis Ct Broomfield Cc 80a20 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1952 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:7,402 Ac:.42 # 2 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Taliercio Anthony J Schedule :021112 Site :3739 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge 80212 ']003 0500 000 ^ Mail :3739 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge Co 80212 4 7661 2043 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3142 OwnerPh Bedrm:4 Bth:1.75 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:915 Ac: # 3 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Barela George Edwin Schedule :021133 Site :3715 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 2050 Mail :3715 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$115,000 Full TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:2 Bth:1.00 YB:1942 Parking:Attached Firepl: TotArea:815 Ac: # 4 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Goddard Jimmie D Schedule :021181 Site :5310 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 - nni 0500 Mail :108 Sioux Dr Berthoud Cc 80513 0004 7661 2067 LandUse :5178 Misc,Residential,Mixed Use Land Price :$70,00 Tax Dist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1953 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:6,286 Ac:.25 # 5 : MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Krauss George Trust Schedule :021187 Site :3711 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 n no nn< Mail :3807 Ridge Rd Evergreen Co 60439 7003 0500 0004 7661 2074 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:1.00 YB:1941 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:860 Ac: # 6 : MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Haibach Retha L Schedule :021259 Site :3709 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Mail :3709 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 8021 7003 0500 0004 7661 2081 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land / Price TaxDist :3139 V OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1939 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:836 Ac: # 7 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Kasubke Margaret Ann Schedule :021330 Site :3708 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 2098 Mail :3708 Ames St Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh -Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl:l TotArea:1,001 Ac: # 8 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Watson Sandra D - Schedule :021341 Site :3733 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 Mail :3733 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge Co 80212 0500 0004 7661 2104 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$85,000 TaxDist :3142 OwnerPh Bedrm:4 Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:1,036 Ac: # 9 * MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Simon Albin F Schedule :021347 Site :3712 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 2111 Mail :3712 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$110,000 Full TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Mixed TypeFirepl: TotArea:939 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 10 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 11 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm:3 # 12 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm:3 # 13 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: --~1 # 14 Owner Site Mail LandUs TaxDis Bedrm: # 15 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 16 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 17 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 18 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: * : MetroScan / Jefferson :Stamper Paula S Schedule :021350 :3718 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 "~7 :3718 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 2128 :1112 Res,Improved Land Price $74, :3139 OwnerPh . Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:846 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson • :Cwalina Christine Schedule :021362 :3721 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 2135 :3721 Ames St Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 :1112 Res,Improved Land :3139 Bth:1.75 YB:1940 Parking:Attached MetroScan / :Bernhardt Ruth G :3710 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 :3710 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 :1112 Res,Improved Land Price OwnerPh Firepl: TotArea:1,028 Ac: Jefferson • Schedule :021404 2142 Parcel :39 251.x' 7661 xf 7003 ,5U0 0004 :3139 OwnerPh . Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Mixed TypeFirepl:l TotArea:1,339 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson • :Zielbauer Kelly Schedule :021463 :5280 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 2159 :8640 W 93rd P1 Westminster Co 80021 :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :3139 OwnerPh Ernest Kuss 3719 Ames St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 2166 :Wallace Robert J c..neNnlo -WI 14411 :3749 Sheridan Blvd Denver 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 2173 :3749 Sheridan Blvd Denver Co 80212 e :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :3142 OwnerPh Bth: YB: Parking: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.23 : MetroScan / Jefferson • :38th & Sheridan Ltd Partnership Schedule :092627 5395 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 p 6500 S Quebec St #300 Englewood Cc 80111 7003 0500 0004 7661 2180 :2112 Com,Improved Land ce 4,100,000 :3139 OwnerPh . Bth: YB:1959 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:3,600 Ac:1.61 • MetroScan / Jefferson • :Mandril CharlesS Schedule :109789 ^ :5208 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 ~i nl 001 7003 0500 nn :5208 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80212 04 7661 2197 :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :3139 OwnerPh Bth: YB:1964 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:3,751 Ac:.41 MetroScan / Jefferson • Israel Toltz Partnership 50 S. Steele St., #375 Denver, CO 80209 7003 0500 0004 7661 2203 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 19 Owner Site Mail LandOse TaxDist Bedrm: Thomas Phillips 3740 Sheridan Blvd. Denver, CO 80212 MetroScan / Jefferson • 7003 0500 0004 7661 2210 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. • MetroScan / Jefferson • Schedule :021297 Bldg :1 of 1 AssdLand :$4,990 Parcel :39 251 02 004 S :25 T :03S R :69W Q :NE AssdStrc :$8,090 Owner :Kuss Ernest J AssdTotl :$13,080 CoOwner :Kuss Mildred M ActlLand :$62,730 Site :3719 Ames St ( No Mail ) Wheat Ridge 80212 ActlStrc :$101,600 Mail :3719 Ames St ( No Mail ) Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 ActlTotl :$164,330 Xfered :04/08/1992 Doc # :37898 PrYrLnd $4,580 Price $45,000 Deed :Warranty PrYrStr $7,580 Loan Amt Loan PrYrTotl :$12,160 VestType IntRt PrActlLnd $50,000 Lender PrActlStr $82,800 Land Use :1112 Res,Improved Land PrActlTotl $132,800 Sub/Plat :Pearson-woodside Add % Imprvd :62 Blk&Lot :BLOCK 2 LOT 8 % Owned :100 Neighbad 0412 2002 Tax :$929.48 Tax Dist :3139 OwnerPhn Pierson :20 C Census Tract :107.02 Block :1 Bedrms :2 Total SF 799 Year Blt : 1941 LotAcre Bathrms :1.00 BsmtS F Style LotSgFt TotalRm : Porch :Covered Units : 1 Parking :Attached Cooling . Porch SF 300 Fireplce ParkgSF :198 Heating . Deck SF Pool Jacuzzi Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. September 26, 2003 The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, in conjunction with Cornerstone Group I, is holding a neighborhood meeting for the purpose of addressing the concerns posed in the first neighborhood meeting. The meeting will be held on Thursday, October 2, 2003 at the Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, located at 7500 West 29'x' Avenue at 6:00 p.m. Please keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. The public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council will be where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision making process, it is imperative that you attend the public hearings. If you have any comments or questions, please contact the Community Development Department at 303-235-2846. 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/235-2846 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 September 19, 2003 This is to inform you of Case No. SUP-03-05, a request for administrative approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a drive-through facility for Walgreens drug store on Commercial-One (C-1) zoned properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 38th Avenue, 5280 West 38' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street, and A.P.N. 39-251-01-038 (the parking lot directly to the north of 3718 Ames Street). Pursuant to Ordinance No. 1291, an administrative special use review can be granted by the Community Development Director without need for a public hearing. Prior to the rendering of a decision, all adjacent property owners are required to be notified of the request by certified mail. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846 or if you would like to submit comments concerning the drive-through facility, please do so in writing by 5:00 p.m. on September 29, 2003. Thank you. e:\planning\foms\zapubnot.wpd i Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 2 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm:4 # 3 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm:2 # 4 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 5 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm:3 # 6 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 7 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm:3 # 8 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm: # 9 Owner Site Mail LandUse TaxDist Bedrm:2 ,c P? 03.0'5- /Y- * MetroScan / Jefferson :Archer Gerald A Schedule :021065 n :5250 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 7033 0533^ n' 0304 7661 1893 :58 Curtis Ct Broomfield Co 80020 :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :3139 OwnerPh Bth: YB:1952 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:7,402 Ac:.42 • MetroScan / Jefferson :Taliercio Anthony J Schedule :021112 :3739 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 1939 :3739 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge Co 80212 :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$75,000 `.3142 OwnerPh Bth:1.75 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:915 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson • :Barela George Edwin Schedule :021133 :3715 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 7333 0503 3334 7661 1916 :3715 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$115,000 Full :3139 OwnerPh . Bth:1.00 YB:1942 Parking:Attached Firepl: TotArea:815 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson • :Goddard Jimmie D Schedule :021181 :5310 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 0500 3334 7661 1923 :108 Sioux Dr Berthoud Co 80513 :5178 Misc,Residential,Mixed Use Land Price :$70,000 :3139 OwnerPh Bth: YB:1953 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:6,286 Ac:.25 MetroScan / Jefferson ; :Simon Albin F Schedule :021347 :3712 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 -'o oti ni nor; :3712 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 1930 :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :3139 OwnerPh Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Mixed TypeFirepl: TotArea:939 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson : :Stamper Paula S Schedule :021350 :3718 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 3533 0334 7661 1947 :3718 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$74,000 :3139 OwnerPh Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:846 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson • :Cwalina Christine Schedule :021362 :3721 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 7333 0500 0004 7661 1954 :3721 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :3139 OwnerPh Bth:1.75 YB:1940 Parking:Attached Firepl: TotArea:1,028 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson • :Zielbauer Kelly Schedule :021463 :5280 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 •~Q 251 01 039 :8640 W 93rd P1 Westminster Co 80021 7303 3530 3034 :2112 Com,Improved Land Price 7661 1961 3139 OwnerPh Bth: YB:1949 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:2,565 Ac:.16 * MetroScan / Jefferson : Ernest Kuss 3719 Ames St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 7333 3533 3034 7661 1978 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 10 ' MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Wallace Robert J Schedule :021490 Site :3749 Sheridan Blvd Denver 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 1985 Mail :3749 Sheridan Blvd Denver Co 80212 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3142 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB: Parking: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.23 # 11 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :38th & Sheridan Ltd Partnership Schedule :092627 Site :5395 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 0500 0004 7661 1992 Mail :6500 S Quebec St #300 Englewood Co 8011 1 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :$4,100,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1959 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:3,600 Ac:1.61 # 12 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Mandril Charles S Schedule :109789 Site :5208 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 7003 0500 0004 7 661 2005 Mail :5208 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80212 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1964 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:3,751 Ac:.41 # 13 Jefferson Owner Owner Site Israel Toltz Partnership Mail 50 S. Steele St., #375 - 7003 0500 0004 7661 LandUse Denver, CO 80209 2012 TaxDist Bedrm: # 14 Owner Site Thomas Phillips Mail idan Blvd 3740 Sh 7003 0500 0004 7661 202 LandUse . er TaxDist Denver, CO 80212 Bedrm: 'ale Solutions makes no representations "information contained in this report. * Search Parameters * Jefferson (CO) * 9/17/2003 * 10:33 AM Parcel Number ...15 39 244 00 050 39 244 00 053 39 251 01 001 39 251 01 002 39 251 01 003 39 251 01 004 39 251 01 038 39 251 01 039 39 251 01 037 39 251 01 036 39 251 02 001 39 251 02 002 39 251 02 003 39 251 02 004 39 251 02 005 "63 *yy- ~06, Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303-235-2846 303-235-2857 (Fax) 4 September 2003 The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, in conjunction with Cornerstone Group I, is proposing a consolidation plat for the following properties: 5208 W. 38th Avenue, 5250 W. 38ttAvenue, 5280 W. 38ffi Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Boulevard, 3718 Ames Street, and A.P.N. 39-251-01-038 (the parking lot directly to the north of 3718 Ames Street). Please see the map on the reverse side for the property boundary. Pursuant to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, a neighborhood meeting must be held prior to submittal of a consolidation plat. The neighborhood meeting will be held on Thursday September 11, 2003 at the Wheat Ridge Senior Center, located at 6363 W. 35s' Avenue at 6:00 p.m. You have received this notice of meeting because you are either an owner or tenant of a property within 600 feet of the subject properties. The purpose of this meeting is to allow the applicant to present the proposal to the neighborhood, and give the attendees a chance to ask questions or express any concerns, issues or desires. This consolidation plat will assemble all parcels into one large lot. This large lot will accommodate a new Walgreen's drug store with a drive through. An application for a special use permit has been submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge as a part of this proposal. Pursuant to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, a facility that has a drive through must obtain a special use permit. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing, although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony at the public hearings. The public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council will be where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision making process, it is imperative that you attend the public hearings. The kinds of concerns residents normally have include the following: • Is the proposal compatible with surrounding land use and zoning? • Are there adequate utilities and services in place or proposed to serve the project? • What is the impact on our streets? • How will this proposal affect my property? • Where will the storm drainage go? • How will the project be designed to enhance rather than detract from the neighborhood? • What specific changes can be made in the proposal to make it more acceptable to me? If you have any comments or questions, please contact the Community Development Department at 303.235.2846. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may mail comments or concerns to: City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ruth Bernhardt Jean Mackay 3701 Ames Street 3680 Ames Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Jerry Archer 58 Curtis Ct. Broomfield, CO 80020 Kim McKinney 3690 Ames St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Margaret Kasubke 3708 Ames Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Scott Martin 3635 Ames Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Robin Oye 3512 Ames Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Chuck & Madeline Durbin 3703 Ames Street Wheat Ridge CO 80212 Bernice Magill 3706 Ames St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Mr. Losh 3645 Ames Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Al & Renee Simon 3712 Ames Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Paula Akin 8288 E. Tempest Ridge Way Parker, CO 80134 Scott and Anita Wesley 3507 Ames St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Cletus & Sally Kaup 5695 Sheridan Blvd. Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Glenn Flood 5320 W. 38"' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Alicia Joanne Barron 3739 Zenobia Street Denver, CO 80212 ;SID 91056588 IVH Rr 2 34.S s4 Z. 5 Z 2 3 -a -A -A _ 1 2 3 4 5 6-A 7A 9-A OA a o N N tt v 0 C _ q -(02) 4-8 5.B 6-$ i j 001a 5.5)7 2 135 45/ _ 135.45 145' 25'' 25` 038 122 N 002 I I 1 8 (9D f 21 12-A 146' 037 0 g 1 134' 0 t ?~8 N 05 151 ' cJ o 036 W N 10 128 M/L 004 13- h 00 160' ADD 035 19 0 14A N i I 005 14-B N M/L 007 17 2' t 0 3 4 18 15$ in 108.5 M /L 006 15-A ®OV 61 17 _ 16 - 179' 033 1 7 M 135.45, 009 1~4 102.55 032 8 00 9 1' E 104 1 ..o> E O) 1-g Q to 03i 7 008 10 M1 010 2 C H D L E 30' Property appraisal system 1 OF 462 Next Page 1 of 1 IISch:021490 Parcel ID:39-251-01-002 Status:Active Prooerty Tvoe:Commerciall I 749 SHERIDAN BLVD HEAT RIDGE CO 80212 tME ADDRESS AS PROPER Name ACE ROBERT BUILT 1950'S Name: 589800 10150 Date Claim Location Map Additional Information Send mail to assessor@co iefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Wehsite. Copyright @ 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A Map of How to Get to Our Office Website information current through: 07-19-2003 http://ww4.jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=021490&offset=0 7/22/2003 Home Gencr:I Property Records (IrIIt9['[]ltitifl[1 1 Property appraisal system Previous 2 OF 462 Next 1489 Parcel ID:39-251-011 03 Status:Acfrve y Address 03749 SHERIDAN BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 Address: SAME ADDRESS AS PROPER? Name ACE ROBERT BUILT 1950'S Name: 589800 Date Location Map/Additional Information Send mail to assessor@co.jefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Website. Copyright rr 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A -Map of How to Get to Our Office Page 1 of 1 Website information current through: 07-19-2003 http://ww4.jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=021489&offset=l 7/22/2003 Home GOA201'al Property Records IlMiirn,a,tiitn i_' )~1- Property appraisal system 1 OF 194 Next 350 Parcel ID:39-251-01-037 Status:Active Address 103718 AMES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 Address: SAME ADDRESS AS PRO Name PER PAULA PER JEAN BUILT 1950'S Name: 589800 Date Deed - Joint Location Map/Additional Information Send mail to assessor a co.icfferson co us with questions or comments about this Website. Copyright @ 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A Map of How to Get to Our Office Page 1 of 1 Website information current through: 07-19-2003 http://ww4.jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=021350&offset=0 7/22/2003 Home (:encr:rl ILnliirm:~tinn Property Records Property appraisal system Previous 4 OF 577 Next Printer Friendly Page Sch:021065 Parcel ID:39-251-01-038 Status:Active Property Address 05250 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 Mailing Address: 00058 CURTIS CT BROOMFIELD CO 80020 Owner Name ARCHER PATRICIA M ARCHER GERALD A Area:2 Neighborhood: 0412 24,25,26-3-69 BUILT 1950'S Subdivision Name: 589800 PEARSON-WOODSIDE ADD Block Lot Key Section Township Range QuarterSection Land Sgft 001 0003 0 25 69 NE 3485 001 0004 25 69 3485 001 0005 F] 25 69 4835 001 0022 0 25 69 6752 = Total 18557 Page 1 of 1 Location Map/Additional Information Send mail to assessor@co.Lefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Website. Copyright Q 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. - A Man of How to Get to Our Office ' Website information current through: 07-19-2003 http://ww4.jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=021065&offset=3 7/22/2003 Home [:C17C1•:11 Property Records I lltli>.rrn:~tinn i_ I Property appraisal system Previous 5 OF 577 Next IISch:913752 Parcel ID: Status:Active Property Tvne:Commerciall I W 38TH AVE II WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 II IlMailine Address:IISAME ADDRESS AS PROPERTYII Name ,Y FUN CENTER INC IIARCHER GERALD A & AUDREY VII Name: Page 1 of 1 Location Map/Additional Information Send mail to assessorna co iefferson co us with questions or comments about this Website. Copyright Q 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A Map of How to Get to Our Office Website information current through: 07-19-2003 http://ww4.jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=913752&offset=4 7/22/2003 Ht7M C11C1•all PMP"Recards I lutilenlatinn 1 Property appraisal system Page 1 of 1 Previous 2 OF 577 Next 109789 Parcel 113:39-251-01-001 Property Address 105208 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 Mai1inddress1 SAME ADDRESS AS PROPERTY Name ARIL CHARLES 1v 1RIL CHARLES S BUILT 1950'S Name: 589800 17907 Date Sale At 12121 Location Mau/Additional Information Send mail to assessor co.jefferson co.us with questions or comments about this Website. Copyright a 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A Map of How to Get to Our Office Website information current through: 07-19-2003 http://ww4.jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=109789&offset=l 7/22/2003 Home C:encr:tl Property Records I tuli>,e•rnatinn ,1 Property appraisal system 1 OF 577 Next IISch:913738 Parcel ID: Status:Active Property TYpe:Commerciall I W 38TH AVE CO 80212 Wailing Address:IISAME ADDRESS AS PROPERTYII Name Page 1 of 1 Location Map/Additional Information Send mail to assessor co.iefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Website. Copyright n 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A Map of How to Get to Our Office Website information current through: 07-19-2003 http://ww4.jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=913738&offset=0 7/22/2003 Homan Coner•arl PropertyRemrds I luli"e•mattif~n I Property appraisal system Previous 3 OF 577 Next IISch:978742 Parcel ID: Status:Active Property Type:Commerciall W 38TH AVE II WHEAT RIDGE CO 8021211 Wailing Address:1100001 CIT DR I NJ 07039 ler Name FINANCIAL USA, INC. IIDBA:CIT FINANCIAL USA, INC.II Page 1 of 1 Location Map/Additional Information Send mail to 4ssejsor@co_.leffersonxo.us with questions or comments about this Website. Copyright @ 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A --Map of How to Get to Our Office Website information current through: 07-19-2003 http://ww4.jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=978742&offset=2 7/22/2003 Home (':Cnce:rl I lerli rrn:rtinn Prop" Rewrss Property appraisal system Previous 2 OF 572 Next Page 1 of 1 (ISch:021463 Parcel ID:39-251-01-039 Status:Active Property Type:Commercials W 38TH AVE ,T RIDGE CO 80212 W 93RD PL MINSTER CO 80021 Name Y BUILT 1950'S Name: 589800 01-14-19941 0Death Certificate 940) 09910 11-25-1996 0 Letter or Letters F03345t9 1111-2F 01Personal Representative Deed - Joint Tenancy F0334520 Location Map/Additional Information Send mail to assessor@co.,lefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Website. Copyright Q 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A Map of How to Get to Our Office Website information curtest through: 07-19-2003 http://ww4.jeffco.us/ats/displaygencral.do?sch=021463&offset=l 7/22/2003 Home [.ealevaal 1 Property Records I tuliarnualion 1~ ` 1 Property appraisal system 1 OF 572 Next IISch:937016 Parcel ID: Status:Active Property Type:Commerciall W 38TH AVE ~T RIDGE CO 80212 Wailing Address:IISAME ADDRESS AS PROPERTYII Name Page 1 of 1 Location Map/Additional Information Send mail to assesson&ojefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Website. Copyright Q 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A Map of How to Get to Our Office. Website information current through: 07-19-2003 http://ww4.jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=937016&offset=0 7/22/2003 Home Cener:jl Property Records ~ I171'0['rl7Nti0KI 1 A See Map 49 53 AAw 360aW 000W 00W EE r I 1 ,7 t fi 4.✓ 1t _ 1Y~ 3de_~YE - ~ 1 ~1 6,N i_"AYE it J.Y£t +CY-~ - TO, - 3000W - MWfAM F , t p z Clear Era - _ _ `mom. 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Maps Maps Home Maps I Driving Directions Driving Directions: To this location I From this location The specific address could not be found, but here is the area. Address: * W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-3829 save Address Id Printable Version Ep Email Map Resize Map: I ❑ Mao Legend - Create a link to this map from your website Business Locator - Click on a business name to view the locations on map Zs1Anjt- tnd + Zoom In 2 street 3 city 5 6 7 8 state 9 10 countrv Zoom Out http://maps.yahoo.com/maps_result?ed=gOdoPup_OTgdBpUaDt75TBFDdHMyAGaK&cs... 8/29/2003 M "0 91056588 v 269. 67 Fet a -a I 2 34.5' 4 5 TA 0 A N 1 1_37. 333 Feet g 6-B if 1 7 282.001 45 135 gol 4 ®45. 2 25'25'66.02_1 IFeetS>`~22 r 002 OI 138 ~J 004 8 i 72265.222 SgFt 36 (3~ 146' 1 25.667 Feetl?6591 Acres 12A 9 t 24.021 Feet r 00 I~ 14 12 0 151 036 129.694 Feet 138 S o W V N v..25.342 Feet 035 128 M/L w-r 13A 0 10 138.670 Feet 160' ADD T 0 035 19 0 11 005 , 148 034 ° 007 I I ' I S o 15-B 17 2' I 034 12 108.5 M I 006 {5A 10 ° 008 17 0 16 033 179• 033 In 107 M 135.45 02 1-A U) 102.55' 009 _ in 032 8 '.n o 00 9 9 a~ t0 41 032 17 E 104 1 in 010 18 Q N 176 0 03 { 7 008 10 ti 2 C H ,D LE 031 8 ~ 010 171' 110 LANCASTER o o 3~ 1 ti S U B6 0 009 11 15a.2 " 030 030 7 0 012 4. 125' » 01 12 0 48 98, Co c 030 5 30' ~ 0 138 5 5p o3 i - ~ Rocky M/ n. 6E' pitch - peg M 013 1 © 0 1 20 028 6 C0 02 029 1 O m 011 m 140.38' 140 3" 13 5,45' S U B o 014 0 026 2 011 19 Real Property Records Page 1 of 1 Home About Denver Elected Safety Nei hborhoods Employment Doing Online Seri Officials Business Real Property Records Date last updated. Friday, August 22, 2003 Q Real Property Search Enter Address Information: CURRENT CONDYTrt 760 Mostly Cloudy You may search for a range of street addresses by entering the low and high street numbers. If you only want to search for one specific address, then enter that street number in the "low" number field. When searching for property data, please remember: In Denver, the word north is not typically used for addresses that are in the northern half of the city. For example, 5200 Federal is located in the northern section of Denver, but it is not actually called North Federal. Thus, unless you are certain that the proper you are searching for is formally designated as north, you should not enter north in your data search. If you are searching for a condominium, enter only the street address of the condominium complex. Do r enter the individual condominium unit number. Number (low): 5000 Number (high): 5200 Direction: West Street: 38th Street Type: Ave http://www.denvergov.org/realproperty.asp 8/29/2003 Real Property Records Page 1 of 1 Doings Home About Denver Bleccted Safe Neighborhoods Employment RneOnline Ser CURRENT CQNDITI1 760 Mostly Cloudy Date last updated: Friday, August 22, 2003 0 Real Property Search Select a name from the list below to see the properties associated with that name. The number in parentha represents the number of properties owned by that name. HONNECKE JERE M & MARGARET s 5000 W 38TH AVE 0230203024000 " 5000 W 38TH AVE APPRX 0230203025000 COCA DOLORES 1 15001 W 38TH AVE 0219326028000 MAYNARD,JEFFREY D 5019 W 38TH AVE 0219326015000 KYES,FRANK W LIVING TRUST & 5023 W 38TH AVE 0219326014000 FISCHER.JULIE ELIZABETH 5025 W 38TH AVE 0219326013000 OAXACA,MARCO A 5029 W 38TH AVE 0219326012000 SCHMITZ,MARK H & JOSETTE F 5037 W 38TH AVE 02 1 93260 1 1 000 LOPEZ,RUBEN & 5100 W 38TH AVE 0230204018000 MARINE,M CHRIS 1 15105 W 38TH AVE -5113 0219325033000 MUNOZ,MARIO & LIDIA 5108 W 38TH AVE_ 0230204019000 PHILLIPS,THOMAS G 5110 W 38TH AVE 0230204020000 ISRAEL TOLTZ TRUST 5119 W 38TH AVE 0219325012000 PHILLIPS,THOMAS G 5126 W 38TH AVE -5132 0230204031000 " 5134 W 38TH AVE -5138 0230204030000 Pr inter Friendly Vex Email This I Contact Us Search Site Info return to the ton Click below to translate our Web site into the language that corresponds to the flag, then use the blue b links at the top and bottom of the page to navigate to other pages in the chosen language. 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ASCIUTTO,WILLIAM JOSEPH 11 3600 ZENOBIA ST 0230206024000 MAYORGA JOHN P 3700 ZENOBIA ST -3702 0230203013000 GREEN,ALLEN S 11 3701 ZENOBIA ST 0230204008000 SMITH,IVAN J & PEGGY V 1 13707 ZENOBIA ST 0230204009000 VALLEJOS,PATRICK A 3712 ZENOBIA ST 0230203012000 KOVAC,TIMOTHY J & 3715 ZENOBIA ST -71 0230204010000 BROYLES BRAD ALLEN 1 1 3722 ZE 40BIA ST 0230203011000 MCDEVITT,JOHN L 3725 ZENOBIA ST 023 02040 1 1 000 ESCOBEDO,PAUL 3730 ZENOBIA ST 0230203010000 MCCARTIN JOHN PATRICK & CORA M 1 3737 ZENOBIA ST 1 I 0230204012000 BROWN,HOYT & 3738 ZENOBIA ST 0230203009000 BARRON,ALICIA JOANNE 3739 ZENOBIA ST 0230204013000 PIERCE,P DARLENE 3748 ZENOBIA ST 0230203008000 FANKHAUSER,BRENT W 3753 ZENOBIA ST 0230204014000 AVILA,BEVERLY A_ 3761 ZENOBIA ST 0230204015000 COX,STANLEY S & CATHERINE L 3764 ZENOBIA ST 0230203026000 GODLEWSKLDONNA L & RON S 3766 ZENOBIA ST 0230203005000 MARTINEZ,CLYDE A 3767 ZENOBIA ST 0230204016000 NOTAR INVESTMENTS LLC 3775 ZENOBIA ST 0230204017000 BERG,ROBERT D & ERICA A 3776 ZENOBIA ST 0230203004000 SAIZ,ANNA & GILBERT E 3778 ZENOBIA ST 0230203002000 BACHMAN BARBARA & I 3780 ZENOBIA ST 0230203001000 MAROUERITE_R MCGHEE HUBERT W & BARBARA A 3825 ZENOBIA ST 0219325015000 1 GARCIA-DOMINGUEZ,JOSE 1 ALFREDO 13830 ZENOBIA ST 0219326030000 http://www.denvergov.org/realproperty.asp 8/29/2003 Real Property Records Page 2 of 2 IKUMMER DAVID W & LINDA M I I3834 ZENOBIA ST I I0219326029000 SCHILLERWILLIAM H 3837 ZENOBIA ST 0219325016000 YOUNG,ESTHER 3838 ZENOBIA ST 0219326008000 GREGOR-HINOJOS.LESLIE A 3841 ZENOBIA ST 0219325017000 REIDHEAD,CHAD H 3842 ZENOBIA ST 0219326007000 MACK MICHAEL W & CATHERINE M 1 3847 ZENOBIA ST 1 0219325018000 _ PERCELL.VAUN W & EVELYN M 1 13848 ZENOBIA ST 0219326006000 GOMEZ,JOHN 3851 ZENOBIA ST 0219325019000 FARRELL,MAUREEN S & 3852 ZENOBIA ST 1 152193-26005000 SEURERANDREW T & MABLE M 1 13859 ZENOBIA ST 0219325020000 BRUSCINO,KATHRYN A 3864 ZENOBIA ST 0219326004000 JOHNSON BARRIE D & ATHENA M 1 13865ZENOBIAST 0219325021000 3866 ZENOBIA STREET TRUST 3866 ZENOBIA ST 0219326003000 REED,CHAD WESLEY 3869 ZENOBIA ST 0219325022000 JEFFERS,DAVA JO 3881 ZENOBIA ST 0219325023000 BEAUREGARD,BERNARD M 3882 ZENOBIA ST 0219326002000 DE ANZA,MEGGAN R 3890 ZENOBIA ST. 0219326001000 CEH,JOHN 1 13895 ZENOBIA ST 0219325024000 Pr inter Friendly Vet Email This I return to the top Click below to translate our Web site into the language that corresponds to the flag, then use the blue b links at the top and bottom of the page to navigate to other pages in the chosen language. 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GARCIA,TAMMY M 3614 SHERIDAN BLVD 0230205001000 PICARD,KAREN E & LYNNE M 1 13618 SHERIDAN BLVD -3620 0230205003000 SCHMECKPEPER,CHARLES EUGENE 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #Al 0901101001001 KIRK,NANCY J 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #A2 0901101002002 VACULIN,ANDREI & FELOFTIA 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #A3 0901101003003 JACOBSON,HELEN E 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #A4 0901101004004 WATTS DAVE & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #AS 0901101005005 LANKY BARRY K 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #A6 0901101006006 GOONEY ROBERT G JR 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #A7 0901101007007 ALLISON DEBBIE L 3663 S SHERIDAN_BLVD #A8 0901101008008 GIBBS JOHNNIE W 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #A9 0901101009009 MICKSCHL,JOHN A 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #A10 0901101010010 NIXON MICHAEL B & AMY HELEN 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #Al l 0901101011011 HULA ,ROCK M 1 13663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #A12 0901101012012 SUTHERLAND.ANNE MARIE 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #A13 0901101013013 A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #A14 0901101014014 ERLBACHER,JOHN A 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #A15 0901101015015 JONES STANLEY J JR 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #A16 0901101016016 WATTS,DAVE & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #131 0901101017017 RUYBAL,DONALD EUGENE 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #132 0901101018018 MUHR.EDWARD J & RUTH 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #B3 0901101019019 CUSTIS,JAMES G 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #134 0901101020020 FRANCO JORGE M 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #BS 0901 1 01 02 1 02 1 DEBROUWER,JACOUETTA M & 1 13663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #B6 0901101022022 INGENTHRON,SARAH L 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #137 0901101023023 FLORES JESUS A & TERESA 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD 9138 0901101024024 WATTS DAVE & 1 13663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #139 0901101025025 http://www.denvergov.org/realproperty.asp 9/4/2003 Real Property Records Page 2 of 8 1WAYMAN.MICHAEL RAY 11 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD 010 11 0901101026026 GRIMES,RICHARD E -71 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #BI1 0901101027027 WATTS.DAVE & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #B 12 0901101028028 FRANCO.JORGE M 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #B 13 0901101029029 HEWINS,JOHN M & ROSALIE J 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #B14 0901101030030 EUCALANO ANDREA M 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #1315 0901101031031 HARDING,SHIRLEY M 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #B 16 0901101032032 TAYLORaNANCY K 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #C 1 0901101033033 ZIMMERMAN FAMILY TRUST 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #C2 0901101034034 LUCAS,PATRICIA,L 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #C3 0901101035035 GAY,RUSSELL S 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #C4 0901101036036 THOMPSON,CEILE_EN B & 1 13663 S SHERIDAN_BLVD #CS 0901101037037 MRAZ,HELENA 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #C6 090110]038038 CULLEN.CAROL A 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #C7 0901101039039 KINCADE ROGER G 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #C8 0901101040040 SANTIAGO,STEPHEN R 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #C9 0901101041041 BWM GROUP LLC 3663 S SHERIDAN-BLVD #C10 0901101042042 FISCHER THERESA L 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #CI I 090 1 1 0 1 043 043 CADY,ANNE PAIGE & DAVID LEE 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #C12 0901101044044 ALLEN ,LESLEY E 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #C13 0901101045045 PALOMO,ANTONIA A 3663 S SHERIDAN_BLVD #C14 0901101046046 A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #C15 0901101047047 WEITZEL,LAURIE & PAUL 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #C 16 0901101048048 WATTS,DAVE & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #D1 0901101049049 HERRERA,EDUARDO ORTIZ 3663. S SHERIDAN BLVD #D2 0901101050050 WEISS RUBEN F 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #D3 0901101051051- KINCADE ROGER G 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #D4 0901101052052 AURORA B PARASCHIV 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #DS 0901101053053 , GARCIA PAULINE F 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #D6 0901101054054 PRAY,LUCINDA R 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #D7 0901101055055 HARRELL,LYNDEL R & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #D8 09011_01056056 FLANAGAN ANNE E TRUST 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #D9 0901101057057 BARTOLOMEW,ILAMAY P 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #1310 0901101058058 MCBRIDE,ROBER_T J & ELAINE A 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #1311 0901101059059 NELSON,IVAN E 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #D12 0901101060060 MCDONALD,_STEVEN J 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #D13 0901101061061 LAMONT,WILBUR A 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #D15 110901101063063- DANBLVD#Dl6 0901101064064 http://www.denvergov.org/realproperty.asp 9/4/2003 Real Property Records Page 3 of 8 ILEASUR.E DAVID E 11 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #El 11 090 1 1 0 1 065065 TEKAVEC,JAMES J 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #E2 0901101066066 SULLIVAN.MAUREEN G 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #E3 0901101067067 BATTEN JULIA V 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #Kl 0901101161161 MORALES PRISCILLA O 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #K2 0901101162162 NORMAN.PAUL W & MARILYN C 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #K3 0901101163163 KERRMELINDA L & SCOTT W & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #K4 0901101164164 SALAZARSARAH E & ELVA L & 3663 S DAN BLVD W5 0901101165165 HEWINS,JOHN M & ROSALIE J 3663 S SHERIDAN_BLVD #K6 0901101166166 REISMAN_AVA O 3663 S SH_RIDAN_BLVD #K7 0901101167167 CHESNEY,CHRISTINA G 3663 S SHERIDAN_BLVD #K8 0901101168168 PREGEL JOSEPH & BERNICE A 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #K9 0901101169169 HEWINS JOHN M & ROSALIE J 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #K10 0901101.170170 ARMIJO.VINCEN_T S 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #Kl l 0901101171171 ERFLE.TANIA 1 13663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #K12 0901101172172 STONCIUS,R PETER & ELVINA 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #K13 0901101173173 PAYEA,JOH_N 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #K14 0901101174174 CRAMER.JOHANNA R 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #K15 0901101175.175 PINGARRON SERGIO & YOLANDA 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #K16 0901101176176 ROMERO JOHN P &_PATRICIA K & 3663_S SHERIDAN BLVD #L1 0901101177177 ROGERS.VIRGINIA ANN 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #L2 0901101178178 ROMERO MARY L 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #L3 0901101179179 PACHECO.JOSEPH_A 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #L4 0901101180180 KLEOPFER,DORIS & LONNIE D 3663_ S SHERIDAN BLVD #LS 0901101181181_ GRIECO,ROBERTA J 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD 4L6 0901101182182 NEWELL,DAVID D 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD 4L7 0901101183183 MARES.DORA ANN_ 1 13663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #L8 0901101184184 _MULLEN.7ULEE A_ 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #L9 0901101185185 LEFKIN,STACY_L 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #L10 0901101.186186 DUNN.CELIA A 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #L11 0901101187187 WATTS DAVE & 1 HERIDAN BLVD #L12 1 3663 S S1 0901101188188 ~ ALMEYDA,XIOMARA B 113663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #L13 0901101189189 BAIN RICHARD M & YOUNG SON 3663 S SHERIDAN_BLVD #L-14 0901101190190 CAMPBELL RHONDA R 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #L15 0901101191191 BUCHAR GARY G 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #L16 0901101192192 SAYLOR PAMELA H 3663 S SHERIDAN.BLVD #Ml 0901101193193 HEWINS,JOHN M & ROSALIE J 3663 S SHERMAN BLVD #M2 0901101194194 ALBERS,JOSEPH W 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #M3 0901101195195 http://www.denvergov.org/realproperty.asp 9/4/2003 Real Property Records Page 4 of 8 IWATTS.DAVE & 11 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #M4 II 0901101196196 SIEGEL,HERBERT & OLLIE 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #M5 0901101197197 A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 11 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #M6 0901101198198 PARASCHIV,ADRIAN 11 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #M7 0901101199199 BENJAMIN.ANGELA M 3663. S SHERIDAN..BLVD #M8 0901101200200 WATTS DAVE & 3663. S SHERIDAN_BLVD .#M9 0901101201201 SATUR,JOHNNY R 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #M10 0901101202202 MICHAEL,BRIAN J 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #Ml l 0901101203203 HERRERA IPOLITO 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #M12 0901101204204 FICAK,MIROSLAW & MARIA 1 BLVD #M13 3663 S SHERIDAN 1 0901101205205 RENATA _ ARMIJ 1 VINCENT S 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #M14 0901101206206 IKENBERRY,DOUGLAS M 1 11663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #M15 0901101207207 CORRAL ,JOSE LUIS 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #M16 0901101208208 GARNER,MICHAE_L A 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #Nl 0901101209209 STEERE EDNA JOAN 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #N2 0901101210210 BROD,DANIEL L & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD 4N3 0901101211211 BLOAT.ELZAREE 3663 S SHERMAN.BLVD 4N4 0901101212212 ROACH,PATRICIA A 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #N5 0901101213213 JOHNSON,TRESSIE O 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #N6 0901101214214 WEBBER.PHILIP L & RITA H 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #N7 0901101215215 ANNE-SAL LLC 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #N8 0901101216216 F_ABRIZIO,FRA ICES CARMEN 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #N9 0901101217217 GRAFF,JUSTIN W 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #N10 0901101218218 SHEPPARD.BONNIE JEAN 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #NI 1 0901101219219 GALLEGOS,ZELDA L 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #N12 0901101220220 CABRERA,ALEXANDER R 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #N13 0901101221221 KIRKSEY JENNIFER LYN 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #N14 0901101222222 HOFFSCHNEIDER JOHN B & DIANE VD #N15 I 0901101223223 i 3663 S SHERIDAN BL i M HENG.EL.MATTHEW R& LISA L 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #N16 0901101224224 CARLSON,JUANITA P TRUST 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #O1 0901101225225 KENNARD,TARYN 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD 402 0901101226226 ALEXUS,MABLE J 3663 S SHERIDAN_BLVD #03 0901101227227 WALKER ORENA B 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #04 0901101228228 ROHDE,CLARENCE R & LOIS M 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #05 0901101229229 BRODERICK LINDA M 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #06 0901101230230 ARCHER ,DONALD L 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #07 - 0901101231.231 - 1 I 11 - F http://www.denvergov.org/realproperty.asp 9/4/2003 Real Property Records Page 5 of 8 IWILSON,CRYST_AL ANNE 11 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #08 1 0901101232232 WOOD LARRY 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD.#09 0901101233233 CLINCIU DAN 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #010 0901101234234 ESPINOSA,JAMES K 3663 S SHERIDAN_BLVD 4011 0901101235235 LAWRENCE FAMILY TRUST 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #012 0901101236236 GARCIA FRED S & MARY ELLEN & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #013 0901101237237 HEWINS,JOHN M & ROSALIE J 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #014 0901101238238 BESFER,WILLIAM E 3663 S SHERIDAN,BLVD. #015 0901101239239 CASTELLARI STEPHEN P 1 13663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #016 0901101240240 SHEFFIELD,JERRY JAY & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #E4 09.01101068068 MILLER ,MICHAEL DAVID 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #ES 0901101069069 R ,CRAIG D & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #E6 0901101070070 ALVARAD0.DUSTIN 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #E7 0901101071071 RUIZ,ANTONIO_ 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #E8 0901101072072 BODDEN,HARLAN G 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #E9 0901101073073 BREWERTON,MARY A 3663 S SHERIDAN_BLVD #E10 0901101074074 HUNTERJAMES T MARY P 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #El l 0901101075075 MCGRAW,C_ONNIE 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #E12 09011"01076076 FIALA,JOSEPH F 3663 S SHERIDAN_BLVD #E13 0901.101077077 MARTINEZ,CLYDE E & ROSARITO G 3663 S.SHERIDAN BLVD 4E14 0901101078078 MEAD ,AMY JOE 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #E15 0901101079079 WATTS DAVE & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #E16 0901101080080 VALDEZ,FLOYD V & SHERRI L 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #F1 0901101081081 TRUSCA,GABRIELA 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #F2 0901101082082 SEWELL,CECIL C & ESTHER M 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #F3 0901101083083 HUSTON,SHARON A 3663 S SHERIDAN_BLVD #F4 0901101084084 COSTACHE,SEBASTIAN & MARIA 3663 S SHERIDAN_BLVD #FS 0901101085085 EVANS,RICHARD R & ELIZABETH A& 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #F6 090.1101086086 CIOBOTARU C ,TALIN V 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #F7 0901101087087 MCKENZIE,SHAWN 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #F8 0901101088088 RAMIREZ,NOEL 1 13663 S_SHERIDAN BLVD #F9 0901101089089 HEWINS JOHN M & ROSALIE J 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #F10 0901101090090 LE NH_.AN V 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #Fi 1 0901101091091 DIRIENZO TAMMY L 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #F12 0901101092092 KOSELDKLALICIA D & MAREK H 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #F13 0901101093093 THOMASONTHOMAS B & LORI 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD 4F14 0901101094094 SOBEL,MELISSA G - 3663 S_SHERIDAN BLVD #F15 - 0901101095095 - F http://www.denvergov.org/realproperty.asp 9/4/2003 Real Property Records Page 6 of 8 IGLASSEY,ERNEST W II 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #F16 11 0901101096096 SINTON LINDA ZEE 11 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #G.1 0901101097097 KING.MICHAEL E 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #G2 0901101098098 ROHDE,CLARENCE R & LOIS M 3663 S SHERIDA_BLVD #G3 0901101099099 HARTMAN.ROBERTA E & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #G4 0901.101100100 SMALLWOOD,RAYMOND E JR & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #GS 0901101101101 HEWINS.JOHN M & ROSALIE J 3663 S SHERIDAN_BLVD #G6 0901101102102 YOSTNERNON S 3663 S SHERIDAN_BLVD #G7 0901101103103 PARASCHIV ADRIAN V & LAURA M 8 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #1 0901101104104 MILLE A IFE,DEBRA S & 3663 S SHERIDANBLVD #G9 0901101105105 HENDERSON PROPERTY 11 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #G10 6106 MANAGEMENT HEWINS JOHN M & ROSALIE J 1 13663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #G1 l 0901101107107 HOYA,NORMA S RAMIREZ 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #G12 0901101108108 MIXON,GARY L & CHRISTINE E 3663. S SHERIDAN BLVD #G13 0901101109109 GARCIAVALERIE A 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #G14 0901101110110 RAUP ROBERT B JR & CAROL M 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #GI5 0901101111111 ALVORD,SUZANNE 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #G16 0901101112112 THILLMARGARET ANN 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #H1 0901101113113 RODRIGUEZ,JUANITA & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #H2 0901101114114 SERRA,MERDEDES G & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #H3 0901101115115 ,,L R 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #H4 0901101116116 HECTOR NOLEN RAJKUMARI 13663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #H5 0901101117117 PEACOCK,LOREN J & MARGUERITE H6 1101118 118 090 I 663 S SHERIDAN BLVD # . B . KIST PATRICIA L 3663 S HERMAN BLVD #H7 0901101119119 WATTS ,DAVE & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #H8 0901101120120 BAYLEY,JANE L RIDAN BLVD #H9 3663 S SHE 0901101121121 A LIMITED. LIABILITY COMPANY 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #HI0 0901101122122 BURGHARDT.JACEK 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #HI l 0901101123123 WATTS.DAVE & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD 9H12 0901101124124 ARGUELLO,JUD_Y 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #H13 0901101125125 DUNHAM,THOMAS G 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #H14 0901101126126 HELM,ANDREW & 1 13663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #1415 0901101127127 BOSER,ROBERT JAMES 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #Il_ 0901101129129 BRIZAL STEVE P 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #I2 0901101130130 ALLEN,JANET A 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #I3 0901101131131 NICA.MARIUS & ADINA 3663 S.. SHERIDAN BLVD 4I4 0901101132_132 http://www.denvergov.org/realproperty.asp 9/4/2003 Real Property Records Page 7 of 8 (JONES CHARLOTTE NIXON,MICHAEL BYNG 113663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #I5 11 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #I6 0901101133133 0901101134134 PIELKA,MARIUSZ & ANDRZEY 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #I7 0901101135135 BOBERSCHMIDT,JOHN R & 3663 S SHERIDAN.BLVD #I8 0901101 li6136 WOODS, LORI A 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #19 0901101137137 RUSSO,SANDY J 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #110 0901101138138 VANDERSCHOUW GEORGE E & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #I11 0901101139139 FRANCO JORGE M 3663 SSHE- AN BLVD #I12 0901101140140 ABRAHAM.KAHSAY & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #I13 0901101141141 BOCKHORST,SUSHMA 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD 4114 0901101142142 MORALES.MERSEDES JUAREZ 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #I15 0901101143143 MALDONADO,JMAN P 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #I16 0901101144144 ACHZIGER,KIM A 13663-S SHERIDAN BLVD #Jl 0901101145145 TRINKLE,JOHN.C 3663 S SHE..RIDAN BLVD #J2 0901101146146 STEINERT.JO IN FREDRIC 113663 S SHERIDAN.BLVD 03 0901101147147 OSZAJCA NANCY E 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD 04 0901101148148 MCBRIDE.DORIS I 11MO S SHERIDAN BLVD 05 0901101149149 WOODHULL NELLIE V & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD 06 0901101150150 BALDWIN.BARRY & ROGER & 3663 S SHERIDAN_BLVD #J7 0901101151151 HURD,EDITH M 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #P1 0901101241241 HYLAND ,THERESEL 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #P2 09011.01242242 HELWAGEN_,THOMAS D 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #P3 0901101243243 JACOBS PAULIN 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #P6 0901101244244 BLOAT S SHERIDAN BLVD #P7 _ 0901101245245 - MENZOR SHIRLEY L 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #P8 0901101246246 SEAMAN JAMES R 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #P9 0901101247247 ARMIJO.VINCENT S 3663 S SHERMAN BLVD #P10 0901101248248 FRANCO,JOSE 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #PI I 090 1 1 01249249 BETETA,ROBERT A 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #P14 09011012502.50 H_EWINS,JOHNM & ROSALIE J 3663 S S.HERIDAN BLVD #P15 0901101251251 SHIELDS.REBECCA M 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #P16 0901101252252 SIMS,FRANK C 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD CP-1 1 10%1101255000 ECKAL.ANDREW R 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD CP10 0901101256000 WITUCKI,DORA ANN 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD CP13 0901101258000 JONES CHARLOTTE 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD CP15 0901101259000 PAYEA.JOHN 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD CP16 0901101260000 BOSER,ROBERT J 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD CP18 0901101261000 ROBINS ON, VALERIE I 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #D14 09.01101263263 http://www.denvergov.org/realproperty.asp 9/4/2003 Real Property Records Page 8 of 8 1WATTS,DAVE & 11 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #H16 11 0901101264264 MCCUNE,ERIN T 1 3663-S SHERIDAN_BLVD #J8 0901101152152 GONZALEZ,JUAN A & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #J9 0901101153153 POWELL.WILLIAM C & MAXINE & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #J10 0901101154154 COLLINS CYNTHIA LEE 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #J11 0901101155155 SALAZAR SEAN A & DESIREE 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD 012 0901101156156 WATTS .DAVE & 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD 013 0901101157157 GOONEY ROBERT G JR & 3663 S SHERIDAN_BLVD 014 0901101158158 LENDERINK,ARYN R 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD 015 0901101159159 CANTOR,JOSE L & ALICIA 3663 S SHERIDAN BLVD #J16 0901101160160 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 3698 S SHERIDAN BLVD 0806200003000 " " 3700 S SHERIDAN BLVD 0806200004000 SCHIEFFER REMI D 3700 SHERIDAN BLVD 0230204007000 ALVARADO,JUAN & 3710 SHERIDAN BLVD 0230204006000 HOSKINS,MARY M 3720 SHERIDAN BLVD 0230204005000 PHILLIPS,THOMAS G 3734 SHERIDAN BLVD 0230204027000 " 3740 SHERIDAN BLVD 0230204002000 ISRAEL TOLTZ PARTNERSHIP 3800 SHERIDAN BLVD 0219325032000 LANE,THOMAS D 3822 SHERIDAN BLVD 0219325034000 MARTINEZ,MARIA B 3830 SHERIDAN BLVD 0219325008000 SERRA 40 DOROTEO E 3844 SHERIDAN BLVD 0219325007000 MARCELLO ALPHONSE ROBERT A 1 1MO SHERIDAN BLVD 02193250270.00 MARCELLO,EUGENE S & EVELYN R 3860 SHERIDAN BLVD 0219325004000 SANCHEZ REFURA & 3864 SHERIDAN BLVD 0219325003000 TRUJILLO.ANTHONY 3874 SHERIDAN BLVD 0219325002000 ABRAMS,GORDON E 3890 SHERIDAN BLVD 0219325001000 ARMIJO,MICHAEL P & CECELIA 1 13900 SHERIDAN BLVD 0219324014000 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 3900 S SHERIDAN BLVD 0806300001000 Pr inter Friendly Ver Email This 1 return to the top Click below to translate our Web site into the language that corresponds to the flag, then use the blue b links at the top and bottom of the page to navigate to other pages in the chosen language. 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Ac http://yp.yahoo.comlpylypMap.py?Pyt=Typ&tuid=8412654&ck=4174426759&tab=B2C&t... 9/4/2003 Mary R Castorena New Century Hm Equity Loan Tammy M Garcia 2445 King St 3600 Zenobia St 3614 Sheridan Blvd Denver Co 80211-4521 Denver Co 80212-2055 Denver Co 80212-2051 Karen E & Lynne M Picard 3618 Sheridan Blvd Denver Co 80212-2051 Remi D Schieffer 3700 Sheridan Blvd Denver Co 80212-2052 John P Mayorga 3700 Zenobia St Denver Co 80212-2043 Allen S Green 3701 Zenobia St Denver Co 80212-2042 Juan Alvarado 3710 Sheridan Blvd Denver Co 80212-2052 Patrick Vallejos 3712 Zenobia St Denver Co 80212-2043 Edward D Peats 3744 Yates St # A Denver Co 80212-2041 John L Mcdevitt 3725 Zenobia St Denver Co 80212-2042 Paul Escobedo 3730 Zenobia St Denver Co 80212-2043 Deborah L Gragg 3734 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2041 Laura Laffoon 3703 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2040 Geoffrey W O Campbell 3711 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2040 Timothy J Kovac 3715 Zenobia St Denver Co 80212-2042 Mary M Hoskins 3720 Sheridan Blvd Denver Co 80212-2052 Housing Authority of the 777 Grant St Denver Co 80203-3501 Dorothy Mae Branch 3733 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2040 John Patrick & Cora M Mccartin 3737 Zenobia St Denver Co 80212-2042 Ivan J & Peggy V Smith 3707 Zenobia St Denver Co 80212-2042 Gary L & Jerry L Allmendinger 3712 Yates St Apt A Denver Co 80212-1838 Charles E & Pauline Sheeley 3716 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2041 Brad Allen Broyles 3722 Zenobia St Denver Co 80212-2043 Margie Ingram 3728 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2041 Thomas G Phillips 3740 Sheridan Blvd Denver Co 80212-2052 Hoyt & Jarvis Teresa Brown 3738 Zenobia St Denver Co 80212-2043 Alicia Joanne Barron Thou G P jfips Fred Smith 3739 Zenobia St 3740 Shne aT Blvd 3743 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2042 Denver o 212-2052 Denver Co 80212-2040 Edward D Peats Yates Garden Homes Llc Susan Zgol 3744 Yates St 10222 W 69th Ave 3747 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2041 Arvada Co 80004-1517 Denver Co 80212-2040 P Darlene Pierce Brent W Fankhauser Tricia Lee Duggan 3748 Zenobia St 3753 Zenobia St 3754 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2043 Denver Co 80212-2042 Denver Co 80212-2041 Edward D Peats Diana J Cordova Beverly Avila 7475 W 5th Ave Ste 150d 3761 Yates St 3761 Zenobia St Lakewood Co 80226-1673 Denver Co 80212-2040 Denver Co 80212-2042 Stanley S & Catherine L Cox Miguel E Martinez Donna L & Ron S Godlewski 3764 Zenobia St 3765 Yates St 3766 Zenobia St Denver Co 80212-2043 Denver Co 80212-2040 Denver Co 80212-2043 Clyde Martinez Thomas G Phillips Harold W Oliver 3767 Zenobia St 3740 Sheridan Blvd 3774 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2042 Denver Co 80212-2052 Denver Co 80212-2041 Lawrence & Linda Marie Notar Investments Llc Robert D & Erica Berg Gazdal0434 W Arkansas Dr 1004 Depot Hill Rd Ste 2b 3776 Zenobia St Lakewood Co 80232-5014 Broomfield Co 80020-6740 Denver Co 80212-2043 Anna & Gilbert E Saiz Barbara & Marquerite R Bachman Israel Toltz Partnership 3778 Zenobia St 3780 Zenobia St 50 S Steele St Ste 375 Denver Co 80212-2043 Denver Co 80212-2043 Denver Co 80209-2835 Phillip L Burge Dolores L Chavez Ralph Warren Gillaspey 4535 W Moncrieff PI 3820 Xavier St 3820 Yates St Denver Co 80212-1601 Denver Co 80212-2284 Denver Co 80212-2211 Juan C L Mendez Robert B & Erma E Kinneavy Thomas D Lane William J & Dean R Crandall 3821 Xavier St Po Box 551 3825 Xavier St Denver Co 80212-2208 Wheat Ridge Co 80034-0551 Denver Co 80212-2208 Hubert W & Barbara Mcghee Willis J & Fay B Fischer Vaiva Vygantan 3825 Zenobia St 3827 Yates St 3828 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2214 Denver Co 80212-2210 Denver Co 80212-2211 Maria B Martinez Jose Alfredo Garcia-Dominguez Cheri Lou Plessinger 3830 Sheridan Blvd 3830 Zenobia St 3832 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2219 Denver Co 80212-2215 Denver Co 80212-2211 David W & Linda M Kummer Nancy a Keller William H Schiller 3445 W Hayward PI 3835 Yates St 3837 Zenobia St Denver Co 802 1 1-3625 Denver Co 80212-2210 Denver Co 80212-2214 Deborah Meyers Toller C & Emily Catherine Miller Esther Young Po Box 18043 3825 Clay St 3838 Zenobia St Boulder Co 80308-1043 Denver Co 80211-2046 Denver Co 80212-2215 Nora Elizabeth Sneberger Peter & Laura Jenkins Shawn Ennis 3839 Xavier St 3839 Yates St 3841 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2208 Denver Co 80212-2210 Denver Co 80212-2210 Leslie A Gregor-Hinojos Chad H Reidhead Rodney T Woelfle 3841 Zenobia St 3842 Zenobia St 3843 Xavier St Denver Co 80212-2214 Denver Co 80212-2215 Denver Co 80212-2208 Doroteo E Serrano Wendy S Scott Karen E & Raymond M Diaz 3844 Sheridan Blvd 3844 Xavier St 10161 Zenobia Cir Denver Co 80212-2219 Denver Co 80212-2209 Westminster Co 80031-2370 Michael W & Catherine M Mack John Douglas & Adrian Posdon Robyn R Codrey 3847 Zenobia St 3848 Xavier St 3848 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2214 Denver Co 80212-2209 Denver Co 80212-2211 Vann W & Evelyn M Percell Alphonse & Evelyn Marcello Frideborg Casperson 3848 Zenobia St 2106 Zinnia St 3851 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2215 Golden Co 80401-2244 Denver Co 80212-2210 John Gomez Maureen S Farrell Epifanio Nieto 7460 Quitman St 3852 Zenobia St 3854 Xavier St Westminster Co 80030-4735 Denver Co 80212-2215 Denver Co 80212-2209 Harold W Gardner Joseph J Navickas Bernie Louis & Edith Stokes 3856 Xavier St 3857 Xavier St 3857 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2209 Denver Co 80212-2208 Denver Co 80212-2210 Andrew T & Mable M Seurer Evelyn R & Michele R Marcello Joi M Bowen 3859 Zenobia St 3860 Sheridan Blvd 3860 Xavier St Denver Co 80212-2214 Denver Co 80212-2219 Denver Co 80212-2209 Todd E Anderson Alfred J Kaufman Refujia Sanchez 3860 Yates St 3861 Yates St 3864 Sheridan Blvd Denver Co 80212-2211 Denver Co 80212-2210 Denver Co 80212-2219 Tanya F Mattern Kathryn Bruscino Kevin Copenhaver 3864 Yates St 3864 Zenobia St 3865 Xavier St Denver Co 80212-2211 Denver Co 80212-2215 Denver Co 80212-2208 Barrie D & Athena M Johnson 3866 Zenobia Street Trust Chad W Reed 3865 Zenobia St Po Box 738 3869 Zenobia St Denver Co 80212-2214 Wheat Ridge Co 80034-0738 Denver Co 80212-2214 Melissa a Munoz Anthony Trujillo Samuel J & Jillana C Strand 3870 Yates St 6925 E 120th Ave 3875 Xavier St Denver Co 80212-2211 Brighton Co 80602-8061 Denver Co 80212-2208 Stephen a & Beverly Archuleta Randy R Enright Kathleen E Mcguire 3875 Yates St 3878 Xavier St 7789 W 5th Ave Denver Co 80212-2210 Denver Co 80212-2209 Lakewood Co 80226-1427 Dava Jo Jeffers Peter a Smith Bernard M Beauregard 3881 Zenobia St 3882 Yates St 3882 Zenobia St Denver Co 80212-2214 Denver Co 80212-2211 Denver Co 80212-2215 Kenneth G & E Suzanne Schei Debra Todd Nikki Deane 3883 Xavier St 3883 Yates St 3886 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2208 Denver Co 80212-2210 Denver Co 80212-2211 Gordon E Abrams Bret a & Jennifer L Bonenberger Meggan R De Anza 3890 Sheridan Blvd 3890 Yates St 3890 Zenobia St Denver Co 80212-2219 Denver Co 80212-2211 Denver Co 80212-2215 Bret Bonenberger Wendi Ellen & Allen Hayes Harris Robin M Saraceno 3891 Xavier St 3892 Xavier St 3895 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2208 Denver Co 80212-2209 Denver Co 80212-2210 First Union National Bank Brian Tripoli Elly E Fetsch 3 Ada 3896 Xavier St 11653 W 28thDdr Irvine CA 92618-2304 Denver Co 80212-2209 Lakewood Co 80215 Bink M Company Llc Pontius Family Trust Ann F & Decker Westerberg 17404 W 53rd Dr 3292 Stuart St 310 Shadycroft Dr Golden Co 80403-1141 Denver Co 80212-1714 Littleton Co 80120-4019 William & Sally Ervin Alturo & Antonia E Garcia Craig W Mills 4915 W 36th Ave 4915 W 38th Ave 4916 W 36th Ave Denver Co 80212-2010 Denver Co 80212-2025 Denver Co 80212-2064 Dick T & Charlene S Morishige Leo W Schenkeir John S Toppen 3268 Swadley St 2984 S Ingalls Way 4936 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033-5313 Denver Co 80227-3830 Denver Co 80212-2026 John S Toppen Dean & Elizabeth Trebilcock Spencer & Malisa Schultz 4942 W 38th Ave 4948 W 38th Ave 4949 W 36th Ave Denver Co 80212-2026 Denver Co 80212-2026 Denver Co 80212-2010 Redevelopment Enterprises Inc Kirsten Lunghofer Paula Gerbitz 5250 W Princeton Dr 4951 W 36th Ave 4952 W 38th Ave Denver Co 80235-3127 Denver Co 80212-2010 Denver Co 80212-2026 Claire E German George & Edward Koehler Edward & George Koehler 4956 W 38th Ave 11653 W 28th Ave 5000 W 37th Ave Denver Co 80212-2026 Lakewood Co 80215-7009 Denver Co 80212-2020 George & Ida Koehler Laguna almeri Jere M & Margaret S Honnecke 5000 W 37th Ave d Falls Rd 1955 W Virginia Ave Denver Co 80212-2020 s ca 92653-7815 Denver Co 80223-1911 Hazel L Linsenbigler Dolores Coca Regina M & Cody B Betschart 5001 W 36th Ave 5001 W 38th Ave 5005 W 36th Ave Denver Co 80212-2014 Denver Co 80212-2027 Denver Co 80212-2014 Maria De La Luz Jimen z 1n Lawrence M Moskow H-m Ltd 5005 W 36th Ave Itr ~~r. 1253 S Pearl St 1253 S Pearl St Denver Co 80212-2014 V Denver Co 80210-1537 Denver Co 80210-1537 Julian Gomez Chris Vigil Marie E Crespin 5010 W 37th Ave 5014 W 36th Ave 1695 Wolff St Denver Co 80212-2020 Denver Co 80212-2015 Denver Co 80204-1148 Robert L & Heather L Clifton Deborah L Medina Rita M Trujillo 5016 W 36th Ave # 3 5014 W 36th Ave # 2 5012 W 36th Ave Denver Co 80212-2015 Denver Co 80212-2015 Denver Co 80212-2015 Highlands West Condos Upper Limit Investments Llc Michael E Rabenstein 5012 W 36th Ave Po Box 952 5014 W 37th Ave Denver Co 80212-2015 Grand Junction Co 81502-0952 Denver Co 80212-2020 Mark Feder Margaret E Sharp Jeffrey D Maynard 5017 W 36th Ave 5018 W 36th Ave # 6 5019 W 38th Ave Denver Co 80212-2014 Denver Co 80212-2015 Denver Co 80212-2027 Brock Sherman Kyes Frank W Trust Julie Elizabeth Fischer 5020 W 37th Ave 3419 Wyandot St 2243 Weatherstone Cir Denver Co 80212-2020 Denver Co 80211-3353 Highlands Ranch Co 80126-4933 - arl M & Nicole M Vecchiarelli , ,n]I Marco Oaxaca James R & Dorothy Stevens eith Frausto ) -s 5029 W 38th Ave 7355 W 94th PI 5036 W 36th Ave ~j Denver Co 80212-2027 Broomfield Co 80021-4821 Denver Co 80212-2015 Michael L & Carol H Michalek Mark H & Josette F Schmitz Jesus Diaz Deleone 1049 Humboldt St 5037 W 38th Ave 5038 W 36th Ave Denver Co 80218-3121 Denver Co 80212-2027 Denver Co 80212-2015 Thomas L Steinman Mary Cora Gallegos Linda J Buckley 5040 W 37th Ave 5041 W 36th Ave 7925 W Layton Ave Unit 521 Denver Co 80212-2020 Denver Co 80207 Denver Co 80123-1329 Joel E Lutter Paul T & Bernice Gonzales Gwendolyn J & Trudy J Hewitt 5047 W 36th Ave 5050 W 37th Ave 5053 W 36th Ave Denver Co 80212-2014 Denver Co 80212-2020 Denver Co 80212-2014 Freida M Winter Meredith S Reckert David W Brand 12101 E Alaska PI 5060 W 36th Ave 5066 W 36th Ave Aurora Co 80012-2355 Denver Co 80212-2015 Denver Co 80212-2015 Alphonso & Norma Stines uben Lopez 5066 W 37th Ave ~c 1JW 100 W 38th Ave Denver Co 80212-202 Denver Co 80212-2049 M Chris Marine 15685 E Atlantic Cir Aurora Co 80013-1053 Elpidio Tarango 5107 W 36th Ave Denver Co 80212-2045 Thomas G Phillips 3740 Sheridan Blvd Denver Co 80212-2052 Toltz Israel 50 S Steele St Ste 375 Denver Co 80209-2835 race Alfonsi Capaldo r 36th Ave YL 51031 Denver Co Mario & Lidia Munoz 2313 Kristal Way Denver Co 80221-3199 4adys Helmer rV~ 126 W 38th Ave lenver Co 80212-2049 Current Tenant Current Tenant Current Tenant 3600 Yates St 3716 Yates St 3727 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2039 Denver Co 80212-2041 Denver Co 80212-1862 Current Tenant L3734 urrent Tenant Current Tenant 3728 Yates St SheridIV 3746 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2041 enver Co 80212-2052 Denver Co 80212-2041 Current Tenant Current Tenant (v Current Tenant 3756 Yates St 3770 Sheridan Blvd 3775 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2041 Denver Co 80212-20 2 Denver Co 80212-2040 Current Tenant Current Tenant Current Tenant 3775 Zenobia St 3800 Sheridan Blvd 3808 Yates St Denver Co 80212-2042 Denver Co 80212-2219 Denver Co 80212-2211 Current Tenant Current Tenant Current Tenant 3822 Sheridan Blvd 3824 Xavier St 3834 Zenobia St Denver Cc 80212-2219 Denver Co 80212-2209 Denver Cc 80212-2215 Current Tenant Current Tenant Current Tenant 3838 Xavier St 3838 Yates St 3847 Xavier St Denver Co 80212-2209 Denver Co 80212-2211 Denver Co 80212-2208 ~Vlvx Current Tenant Current Tenant r Current Tenant U 3850 Sheridan Blvd 3851 Zenobia St 3866 Zenobia St Denver Co 80212-2219 Denver Cc 80212-2214 i Denver Co 80212- 215 Current Tenant Current Tenant Current Tenant 3874 Sheridan Blvd 3879 Xavier St 3895 Zenobia St Denver Co 80212-2478 Denver Co 80212-2208 Denver Co 80212-2214 Current Tenant 4900 W 36th Ave Denver Co 80212-2064 Current Tenant / 4914 W 38th Ave C ~y\ Denver Co 80212-2026 Current Tenant 4949 W 36th Ave Denver Co 80212-2010 Current Tenant 5009 W 36th Ave Denver Co 80212-2014 Current Tenant 5025 W 38th Ave Denver Co 80212-2027 Current Tenant 5032 W 36th Ave Denver Co 80212-2015 Current Tenant 5056 W 37th Ave Denver Co 80212-2020 Current Tenant I J 5110 W 38th Av~/ Denver Co 80212-2 Current Tenant 5134 W 38th Ave Denver Co 80212-2049 Current Tenant 4901 W 38th Ave Denver Co 80212-2025 Current Tenant 4918 W 36th Ave Denver Co 80212-2064 Current Tenant 5000 W 37th Ave Denver Co 80212-2020 Current Tenant 5012 W 36th Ave Denver Co 80212-2015 Current Tenant 5030 W 36th Ave Denver Co 80212-2015 Current Tenant V 5035 W 36th Ave /u Denver Co 80212-20141"` Current Tenant 5105 W 38th Ave Denver Co 80212-2048 /Current Tenant 5119 W 38th Ave Denver'Co 80212-2048 Current Tenant 4914 W 36th Ave Denver Co 80212-2064 Current Tenant 4923 W 38th Ave Denver Co 80212-2025 Current Tenant 5000 W 38th Ave Denver Co 80212-2028 Current Tenant 5023 W 38th Ave Denver Co 80212-2027 Current Tenant 5030 W 37th Ave Denver Co 80212-2020 Current Tenant 5046 W 36th Ave Denver Co 80212-2015 Current Tenant 5108 W 38th Ave Denver Co 80212-2049 Current Tenant Ydvl 5126 W 38th Ave Denver Co 80212-2049 King Soopers Rent-A-Center Village Liquors 3817 Sheridan Blvd. 5305 W. 38t° Ave. 5305 W. 38" Ave., #D Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Sherwin Williams Paints ACE Checks Cashed Modern Nails 5315 W. 38'" Ave. 5335 W. 38' Ave. 5345 W. 38' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 50212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Ridge Village Laundromat Papa John's Pizza Subway Sandwiches #4615 5385 W. 381n Ave. 5395 W. 38" Ave. #A 5397 W. 38' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Escuela De Ingles Prana Yoga & Ayurveda Mandala The Travel Junction 5455 W. 38`" Ave., #N 5455 W. 38' Ave., #M 5455 W. 381 Ave., #L Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 H & R Block Tax Services Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics Beeman's Orthopedic Shoes 5395 W. 38`n Ave. 5455 W. 38' Ave., #J & K 5455 W. 38' Ave., #I Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 House of Carmel Religious Goods & Books Denver Angler The Wave Hair Designers 5455 W. 38' Ave., #F-H 5455 W. 38' Ave., #E 5455 W. 38"Ave., #D Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 / Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Saint John of the Cross Roman Catholic Chapel. CPS Printing & Signs Acre Brothers 5455 W. 38'" Ave., #C I\J- y ! 5455 W. 38' Ave., #A & B O 80212 Ri 5310 W. 38' Ave. CO 80212 Wh t Rid Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 dge, C Wheat ge, ea . World Nails Professional Mayer Paint Equipment Central TV Nail Care Center Jeff Mayer 5320 W. 38' Ave. 5380 W. 38'" Ave. 5390 W. 38' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO.80212-- - Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Chuck Mandril Art Fast Neighborhood Electric Inc. 5400 W. 38th Ave. ~J1 Casman's Automotive 5208 W. 38~'' Ave. Kitchen Masters 5280 W. 38`" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80212-7661 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Michael Olivas Terry McFadden Kitchen Masters Paradise Billiards Scott Wesley 5280 W. 38" Ave. 5250 W. 38' Ave. 3507 Ames St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 $ 1 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Archer Gerald A Schedule :021065 Site :5250 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 038 Mail :58 Curtis Ct Broomfield Co 80020 Xferd :12/12/2000 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price TaXDist. :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1952 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:7,402 # 2 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Weaver Kenneth E Schedule :021083 Site :3710 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 032 Mail :1675 Donovan St Strasburg Co 80136 Xferd LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh :303-622-9706 Bedrm: Bth:1.75 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl:l TotArea:1,502 # 3 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Taliercio Anthony J Schedule :021112 Site :3739 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 004 Mail :3739 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :12/30/1994 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$75,000 TaxDist :3142 OwnerPh . Bedrm:4 Bth:1.75 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:915 # 4 : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Jones J Randal Schedule :021130 Site :3690 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 030 Mail :3690 Benton St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :04/30/1987 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.75 YB:1941 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:915 # 5 : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Barela George Edwin Schedule :021133 Site :3715 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 005 Mail :3715 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :12/21/1998 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$115,000 Full TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:2 Bth:1.00 YB:1942 Parking:Attached Firepl: TotArea:815 # 6 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Bugino Frank Schedule :021160 Site :3770 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 036 Mail :3770 Benton St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :07/31/1986 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$65,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh .:303-467-6864 Bedrm:2 Bth:1.00 YB:1947 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:936 # 7 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Oliver Richard J Schedule :021166 Site :3701 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 008 Mail :3701 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :05/18/1994 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$89,500 TaxDist :3142 OwnerPh . Bedrm:4 Bth:1.75 YB:1934 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:1,300 # 8 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Kraft Heather K Schedule :021171 Site :3636 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 029 Mail :3636 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :05/03/2002 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$179,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:2 Bth:1.00 YB:1941 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:922 # 9 * MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Flood Glenn J Schedule :021177 Site :5390 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 038 Mail ,.j:6D34 Youngfield St Arvada Co 80004 Xferd :03/01/1993 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :$145,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh . Bedrm: Bth: YB:1956 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:4,964 Ac:.42 Ac: Ac: * Ac: Ac: Ac: Ac: Ac: Ac:.36 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 10 : MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Fisher Lee E Schedule :021178 Site :3780 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 037 Mail :11301 W 40th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh :303-421-3334 Bedrm:3 Bth:1.75 YB:1941 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:1,161 Ac:.18 # 11 : MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Goddard Jimmie D Schedule :021181 Site :5310 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 001 Mail :108 Sioux Dr Berthoud Cc 80513 Xferd :09/30/1992 LandUse :5178 Misc,Residential,Mixed Use Land Price - :$70,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1953 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:6,286 Ac:.25 # 12 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :38th & Sheridan Ltd Partnership Schedule :021184 Site :3817 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 244 99 002 Mail :6500 S Quebec St #300 Englewood Co 80111 Xferd :11/20/1992 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :$4,100,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1982 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:84,703 Ac:4.96 # 13 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Guerra Francisco M Schedule :021185 Site :3831 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 244 00 044 Mail :3831 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 Xferd :10/04/2001 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$110,000 Full TaxDist :3140 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1921 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:1,180 Ac:.18 #14 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Krauss George Trust Schedule :021187 Site :3711 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 006 Mail :3807 Ridge Rd Evergreen Cc 80439 Xferd :07/26/2002 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:1.00 YB:1941 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:860 Ac: # 15 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Hair Roger H Schedule :021195 Site :3635 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 013 Mail :3635 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :04/02/1992 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:864 Ac: # 16 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Charles Rosa I Schedule :021209 Site :3655 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 011 Mail :3655 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :05/16/2002 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$159,500 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh :303-456-2910 Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1941 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:756 Ac: # 17 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Reed Delmar D Jr Trust Schedule :021232 Site :3705 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 008 Mail :13948 W 73rd P1 Arvada Co 80005 Xferd :10/25/2002 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:2 Bth:2.00 YB:1941 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:1,311 Ac: # 18 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Lacy Linda L Schedule :021246 Site :3705 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 03 006 Mail :18300 Highway 72 Golden Cc 80401 Xferd :01/10/1996 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land - Price Tax Dist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Mixed TypeFirepl: TotArea:796 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 19 : MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Haibach Retha L Schedule :021259 Site :3709 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 007 Mail :3709 Ames St Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 Xferd :03/30/1978 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1939 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:836 Ac: # 20 : MetroScan / Jefferson : Owner :Johnson Edgar A Schedule :021260 Site :3700 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 031 Mail :3700 Benton St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price Tax Dist :3139 OwnerPh :303-425-0643 Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Carport Firepl: TotArea:1,068 Ac: # 21 MetroScan / Jefferson : Owner :Durbin Madeline C Schedule :021267 Site :3703 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 009 Mail :3703 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :04/03/1995 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1889 Parking: Firepl:2 TotArea:2,344 Ac:.42 # 22 * MetroScan / Jefferson : Owner :Cletus F Kaup & Marcella G Kaup Trust Th Schedule :021268 Site :3695 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 010 Mail . .:3695 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :04/13/1992 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved L-aand- Price TaxDist :3142 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.75 YB:1946 Parking:Attached Firepl: TotArea:824 Ac: # 23 MetroScan / Jefferson • - Owner :Segura Robert Schedule :021271 Site :3715 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 03 005 Mail :3715 Benton St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :10/29/1985 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$84,883 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:948 Ac: # 24 * MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Mackay Jean L Trustee Schedule :021284 Site :3680 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 031 Mail :3680 Ames St Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 Xferd :02/04/1993 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:2 Bth:1.00 YB:1947 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:1,503 Ac: # 25 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Vanoni Michael E Schedule :021303 Site :3630 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 028 Mail :3630 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :03/25/2003 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$155,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh :303-421-0283 Bedrm:2 Bth:1.00 YB:1941 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:720 Ac: # 26 MetroScan / Jefferson : Owner :Me Coy Nellie L Schedule :021315 Site :3699 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge 80212 - Parcel :39 251 01 009 Mail :3699 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :11/19/1984 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3142 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1953 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:990 Ac: # 27 MetroScan / Jefferson : Owner :Austin Sandra J C Schedule :021316 Site :3615 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 015 Mail :3615 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :03/19/2001 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:2 Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl:l TotArea:800 Ac: * * * * * * Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 28 : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Thomas Phillip M Schedule :021320 Site :3725 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 006 Mail :3725 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 Xferd :08/02/2001 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$161,350 Full TaxDist :3142 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:1.75 YB:1939 Parking:Detached Firepl:l TotArea:1,041 Ac:.22 # 29 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Kasubke Margaret Ann Schedule :021330 Site :3708 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 - Parcel :39 251 01 034 Mail :3708 Ames St Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 Xferd :03/30/2001 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl:l TotArea:1,001 Ac: # 30 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Watson Sandra D Schedule :021341 Site :3733 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 005 Mail :3733 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 Xferd :05/22/1996 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$85,000 TaxDist :3142 OwnerPh Bedrm:4 Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:1,036 Ac: # 31 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Simon Albin F -Schedule :021347 Site :3712 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 036 Mail :3712 Ames St Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 Xferd :09/24/1996 LandUse .:1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$110,000 Full TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh . Bedrm:3 Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Mixed TypeFirepl: TotArea:939 Ac: # 32 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Stamper Paula S Schedule :021350 Site :3718 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 037 Mail :3718 Ames St Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 Xferd :12/04/1992 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$74,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:846 Ac: # 33 * Met=Scan / Jefferson • Owner :Nicol Henry J Schedule :021351 Site :3625 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 014 Mail :3625 Ames St Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 Xferd :10/21/1994 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$96,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh :303-420-1081 Bedrm:3 Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:928 Ac: # 34 * MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Cwalina Christine Schedule :021362 Site :3721 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 003 Mail :3721 Ames St Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 Xferd :02/21/2003 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:1.75 YB:1940 Parking:Attached Firepl: TotArea:1,028 Ac: # 35 * MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Gatsiopoulos Panagiota Alex Schedule :021379 Site :3681 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 010 Mail :3743 Federal Blvd Denver Cc 80211 Xferd :02/12/1990 LandUse :5112 Res,Apartments,Improved Land Price :$90,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1956 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:3,720 Ac:.30 # 36 * MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Dupont Nancy J Schedule :021384 Site :3623 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 03 008 Mail :3623 Benton St Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 Xferd :07/15/2002 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :.$240,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh :303-940-3660 Bedrm:3 Bth:1.75 YB:1941 Parking:Detached Firepl:2 TotArea:1,031 Ac:.27 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 37 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Sarwash Robert H Schedule :021402 Site :3720 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 033 Mail :3720 Benton St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:1,032 Ac: # 38 : MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Bernhardt Ruth G Schedule :021404 Site :3710 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 035 Mail :3710 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :07/26/1999 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Mixed TypeFirepl:l TotArea:1,339 Ac: # 39 : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Brown Walter E Schedule :021406 Site :3648 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 030 Mail :PO Box 152 Morrill NE 69358 Xferd :06/20/1997 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:2.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:1,274 Ac: # 40 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Edens Roy Robert Schedule :021430 Site :3725 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 03 004 Mail :930 S Foothill Dr Lakewood Co 80228 Xferd :07/09/2001 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$169,990 Full TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:2 Bth:1.00 YB:1941 Parking:Attached Firepl: TotArea:936 Ac: # 41 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Zielbauer Kelly Schedule :021463 Site :5280 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 039 Mail :8640 W 93rd PI Westminster Co 80021 Xferd :11/25/1996 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1949 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:2,565 Ac:.16 # 42 : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :A A Unfried & Co Schedule :021479 Site :3730 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 034 Mail :3730 Benton St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :06/05/1995 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:1,178 Ac: # 43 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Mckinney Jeffrey Wayne Schedule :021482 Site :3690 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 032 Mail :3690 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :09/15/2000 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land - Price :$159,000 Full TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh . Bedrm:2 Bth:1.00 YB:1941 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:968 Ac: # 44 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Turner Edna 0 Schedule :021483 Site :3655 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 03 007 Mail :3655 Benton St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :08/29/1988 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:1.00 YB:1940 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:956 Ac: # 45 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Wallace Robert Joseph Schedule :021489 Site :3749 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 003 Mail :3749 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :01/13/2000 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3142 OwnerPh :303-424-6838 Bedrm:2 Bth:1.00 YB:1942 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:881 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 46 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Wallace Robert J Schedule :021490 Site :3749 Sheridan Blv ver 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 002 Mail :3749 Sherida Denver Cc 80212 Xferd :01/19/2000 LandUse :2112 Com,Imp d Land Price TaxDist :3142 Owner-Ph Bedrm: Bth: YB: Parking: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.23 # 47 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Wilhite Raymond G Schedule :021497 Site :3740 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 035 Mail :3740 Benton St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:2 Bth:1.00 YB:1941 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:1,065 Ac: # 48 MetroScan / Jefferson : Owner :Wickersham Donna C Schedule :021499 Site :3715 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 007 Mail :3715 Sheridan Blvd Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :01/20/2003 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3142 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1950 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:796 Ac: # 49 : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Losh Mark A Schedule :021502 Site :3645 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 02 012 Mail :3645 Ames St Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :11/30/1994 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$62,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh . Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1949 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:1,232 Ac: # 50 : MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Lorac Properties Inc Schedule :022425 Site :5355 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 244 20 003 Mail :267 E 29th St #425 Loveland Co 80538 Xferd :02/13/1992 LandUse :2111 Vacant,Commercial Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB: Parking: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.56 # 51 MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Olson Mary Suzanne Schedule :086641 Site :3735 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 03 003 Mail :3735 Benton St Wheat Ridge Cc 80212 Xferd :05/22/1997 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$105,000 Full TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm:5 Bth:3.25 YB:1971 Parking:Attached Firepl:l TotArea:2,816 Ac: # 52 : MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :Snyder William Roy;+ Schedule :095173 Site :3755 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 03 002 Mail :5300 Quail St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :09/25/1996 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price Tax Dist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:3.00 YB:1971 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:1,776 Ac: # 53 : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Mandril Charles S Schedule :109789 Site :5208 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel :39 251 01 001 Mail :5208 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80212 Xferd :12/23/1983 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price Tax Dist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1964 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:3,751 Ac:.41 # 54 : MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :City Of Whe Schedule :109793 Site 0212 Aveeat :5300 W 38th Parcel :39 251 02 002 Mail :7500 W 29th 33 Xferd :12/05/2001 LandUse > < :9149 Exempt Price :$275,000 Full TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.14 Information compiledfrom various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. # 55 ' MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Kay Jimmy C Schedule Site :5900 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 Parcel Mail :7821 W Oxford Cir Lakewood Cc 80235 X£erd LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1928 Parking: Firepl: 130695 :39 251 03 001 :11/01/1993 :$80,000 TotArea:2,136 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. MetroScan / Jefferson Schedule Schedule :021400 Bldg :l of 1 AssdLand :$3,920 Parcel :39 251 01 033 S :25 T :03 5 R :69W Q :NE AssdStrc :$7,930 Owner :Magill Bernice M AssdTotl :$11,850 CoOwner ActlLand :$49,210 Site :3706 Ames St ( No Mail ) Wheat Ridge 80212 ActlStrc :$99,600 Mail :3706 Ames St ( No Mail ) Wheat Ridge Co 80212 ActlTotl :$148,810 Xfered :01/05/1993 Doc # :1706 PrYrLnd $4,370 Price - Deed :Quit Claim PrYrStr $7,430 Loan Amt Loan PrYrTotl :$11,800 VestType IntRt PrActlLnd :$47,750 Lender PrActlStr :$81,200 Land Use :1112 Res,Improved Land PrActlTot l :$128,950 Sub/Plat :Pearson-woodside Add % Imprvd :67 Blk&Lot :BLOCK 1 LOT 17 % Owned :100 Neighbad 0412 2002 Ta x :$451.05 Tax Dist :3139 OwnerPhn Pierson :20 C Census Tract :107.02 Block :1 Bedrms Total SF :828 Year Blt 1940 LotAcre Bathrms :1.00 BsmtS F :828 Style LotSgFt TotalRm Porch Units : 1 Parking :Detached Cooling Porch SF Fireplce : 1 ParkgSF 240 Heating Deck SF Pool Jacuzzi Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. MetroScan / Jefferson • Schedule :021297 Bldg :1 of 1 AssdLand :$4,990 Parcel :39 251 02 004 S :25 T :035 R :69W Q :NE AssdStrc :$8,090 Owner :Kuss Ernest J AssdTotl :$13,080 CoOwner :Kuss Mildred M ActlLand :$62,730 Site :3719 Ames St ( No Mail ) Wheat Ridge 80212 ActlStrc :$101,600 Mail :3719 Ames St ( No Mail ) Wheat Ridge Co 80212 ActlTotl :$164,330 Xfered :04/08/1992 Doc # :37898 PrYrLnd :$4,580 Price $45,000 Deed :Warranty PrYrStr :$7,580 Loan Amt Loan PrYrTotl :$12,160 VestType IntRt PrActlLnd :$50,000 Lender PrActlStr :$82,800 Land Use :1112 Res,Improved Land PrActlTot l :$132,800 Sub/Plat :Pearson-woodside Add % Imprvd :62 Blk&Lot :BLOCK 2 LOT 8 a Owned :100 Neighbad 0412 2002 Tax :$929.48 Tax Dist :3139 OwnerPhn Pierson :20 C Census Tract :107.02 Block :1 Bedrms :2 Total SF 799 Year Blt :1941 LotAcre Bathrms :1.00 BsmtSF Style LotSgFt TotalRm Porch :Covered Units :1 Parking :Attached Cooling Porch SF 300 Fireplce ParkgSF :198 Heating Deck SF Pool Jacuzzi Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Archer Gerald A Parcel :021065 Site :5250 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered :12/12/2000 Mail :58 Curtis Ct Broomfield Cc 80020 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1952 Pool: B1dgSF :7,402 Ac: .42 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Weaver Kenneth E Parcel :021083 Site :3710 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered Mail :1675 Donoven St Strasburg Co 80136 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-622-9706 Bedrm: Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1940 Pool: B1dgSF :1,502 Ac: • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Flood Glenn_J_._ Parcel :021177 Site :78390 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered :03/01/1993 Mail :6034 Youngfield St Arvada Cc 80004 Price :$145,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TOtRm:l YB:1956 Pool: B1dgSF :4,964 Ac: .36 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :Fisher Lee E Parcel :021178 Site :3780 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered Mail :11301 W 40th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-421-3334 Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1941 Pool: B1dgSF :1,161 Ac: .18 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Goddard Jimmie D Parcel :021181 Site '15310 W38th-Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered :09/30/1992 Mail :108 Sioux Dr Berthoud Co 80513 Price :$70,000 Use :5178 Misc,Residential,Mixed Use Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1953 Pool: BldgSF :6,286 Ac: .25 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • - Owner :Krauss George Trust Parcel :021187 Site :3711 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered :07/26/2002 Mail :3807 Ridge Rd Evergreen Cc 80439 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1941 Pool: B1dgSF :860 Ac: • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Reed Delmar D Jr Trust Parcel :021232 Site :3705 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered :10/25/2002 Mail :13948 W 73rd Pl Arvada Cc 80005 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 2 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1941 Pool: B1dgSF :1,311 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Lacy Linda L Parcel :021246 Site :3705 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered :01/10/1996 Mail :18300 Highway 72 Golden Cc 80401 Price Use :1112'Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1940 Pool: BldgSF :796 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Brown Walter E Parcel :021406 Site :3648 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered :06/20/1997 Mail :PO Box 152 Morrill NE 69358 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1940 Pool: B1dgSF :1,274 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Brown Walter E Parcel :021406 Site :3648 Ames St Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered :06/20/1997 Mail :PO Box 152 Morrill NE 69358 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1940 Pool: B1dgSF :1,256 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Edens Roy Robert Parcel :021430 Site :3725 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered :07/09/2001 Mail :930 S Foothill Dr Lakewood Co 80228 Price :$169,990 Full Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 2 Bath:1..00 TotRm: YB:1941 Pool: B1dgSF :936 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Zielbauer Kelly Parcel : 021463 Site :5280 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered : 11/25/1996 Mail :8640 W 93rd P1 Westminster Co 80021 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1949 Pool: B1dgSF:2,565 Ac: .16 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Lora c Properties Inc Parcel : 022270 Site :5455 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered : 02/13/1992 Mail :267 E 29th St #425 Loveland Co 80538 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: Tot Rm:l YB:1985 Pool: B1dgSF: 17,485 Ac: .75 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Plummer Philip G Parcel : 025575 Site :3681 Allison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 11/26/1996 Mail :1039 8 W 41st Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price : $147,000 Full Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.50 TotRm: YB:1962 Pool: B1dgSF: 1,179 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :38th & Sheridan Ltd Partnership Parcel : 092627 Site `:5395 W 38th Ave `Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered : 11/20/1992 Mail :6500 S Quebec St #300 Englewood Cc 80111 Price : $4,100,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1959 Pool: B1dgSF: 3,600 Ac: 1.61 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Snyd er William Roy;+ Parcel : 095173 Site :3755 Benton St Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered : 09/25/1996 Mail :5300 Quail St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath:3.00 TotRm: YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF: 1,776 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :City Of Wheatridge Parcel : 109793 Site :5300 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered : 12/05/2001 Mail :7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price : $275,000 Full Use :9149 Exempt,Political Sub,Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac: .14 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Kay Jimmy C Parcel : 130695 Site `:5400 W 38th Ave?Wheat Ridge 80212 Xfered : 11/01/1993 Mail :7821 W Oxford Cir Lakewood Co 80235 Price : $80,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l Y9:1928 Pool: B1dgSF: 2,136 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. 38 eh Dc~) t~uC1~ rGO au~ n YA -Cf~° ~aL~~ 5-40 60 a d Avenue Address List /_I~ (2&1.~-v.~. rho 6c~. Ssta71be_ ~ J_I Yoa/-] L- ~ Soopers 57. .~38I.1-v- 5 ~ P 3817 Sheridan Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 a` ~ ~soo ~(C,xe~ 3oa~ ~o t r ~Re t-A-Center 5305 W. 38' Avenue ✓ t ~ ~c , s~06 .x P 300 Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Willage Liquors 5305 W.8" Avenue #D Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 5al Sherwin Williams Paints 5315 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 03o~6oa~i l eW d, ol+/ro1 ACE Checks Cashed 5335 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Modern Nails -5345 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Ridge Village Laundromat X385 W. 38"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 '7P - t o Y-~SuN-~.~ 41a'p-a John's Pizza X395 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 qi & R Block Tax Services Subway Sandwiches #4615 15395 W. 38`h Avenue #A 397 W. 38"h Avenue 5455 W. 38`' Avenue #N Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 80212 80212 80212 Escuela de Ingles Prana Yoga and Ayurveda Mandala 5-455 W. 38`h Avenue #M Training Center and Yoga Studios Wheat Ridge, CO Wheat Ridge, CO Wheat Ridge, CO The Travel Junction 5455 W. 38`h Avenue #L Wheat Ridge, CO Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics, hie. 5455 W. 38`h Avenue #J&K Wheat Ridge, CO Beeman's Orthopedic Shoes House of Carmel Religious Goods & Books Denver Angler The Wave Hair Designers Saint John of the Cross Roman Catholic Chapel 80212 80212 '5455 W. 38"' Avenue A Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 5455 W. 38`h Avenue #F-H Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 5455 W. 38`h Avenue #E Wheat Ridge, CO ,5455 W. 38`h Avenue #D Wheat Ridge, CO ,5455 W. 38`h Avenue #C Wheat Ridge, CO CPS Printing & Signs X455 W. 38`h Avenue #A&B Wheat Ridge, CO Wheat Ridge Chiropractic Center 5515 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO Dr-J-E ic-Griffiths } 80212 80212 80212 80212 80212 Red Tango 5807 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 A. Solutions Medical Equipment 5809 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Audio Park Recording Studios 1-5817 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Drain "O" Rooter 457 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Plumbing and Drain Cleaning Litho Speedy Print ,5'95-5 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Redfern Carpet & Remnants A85 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Silver Bullet Pistol Range ~5fO'l W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Apple Motors '5955 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Neighborhood Garage 995 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 David Everyday Store 5'990 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Darby's Cabinets 5940 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Absolutely Cabinets 5940 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Alpha Glass 5930 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Tribe Tattoo 5900 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 DJ's Hair & Nails 1-A890 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Island Magic Health Store 870 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Rainbow Ceramics & Crafts 5840 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Belfiore's Italian Sausage 5820 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge Liquors $(Alt L*9'6 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Body & Mind Therapeutic Massage 5804 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Frank Talamantez, Jr. Jin Hann Chinese Restaurant "5800 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Little Sew & Vac Shop 5796 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 La Fonda Mexican Restaurant t17'50 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Car Quest Auto Parts of Wheat Ri dge 75 12 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Western Animal Clinic ~-5§00 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 ~ th Car Bath Car Wash 5478 W. 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Martin Cox Mayer Paint Equipment vS390 W'. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Jeff Mayer World Nails Professional v5380 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Nail Care Center Central TV 320 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Acre Brothers X310 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Granato & Associates 3785 Marshall Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Income Tax and Accounting Helping Hands Food Bank 3785 Marshall Street #R Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge Pharmacy 6650 W. 38 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 The Don 6652 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Hair By Gloria Lois Dertina Hair Design Alan N. Bembaum, DDS 6654 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Massage Therapy Associates 6656 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 of Wheat Ridge Affordable Hearing, Inc. 6658 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Skin Care By Margaret 6662 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 A Flower Cart 6690 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Flower and Gift Shop Memories By Treva Photography 6700 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Classic Coiffeurs Hair Salon 6720 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ann's Stained Glass 6760 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Cress Carpet & Tile 6770 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jerry Nealon Dairy Queen 6790 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Voyaguers International Travel 3726 Pierce Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Santos Muffler & Radiator 6 000 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Eddie's Little Hair House 6 4050 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Lewis' Fine Candies t-~l 40 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Myron Lewis `h Colorado Lace Dry Cleaners X190 W. 38 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dr. Steve Rogers X80 W. 38`' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Optometrist Herita e Contact Lens Center Publication Design, Inc. 3798 Marshall Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Colwest Corporation American National Mortgage, Inc. Allighting Commercial & Industrial Lighting Check Mark Publishing Meeker Auto Sales 6795 W. 38" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Summit Center 3810 Pierce Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Cort Sullivan, DDS 6785 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Helm Dental & Denture Family Dentistry Miro's Auto Sales 6695 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Hi Performance Self-Serve 6615 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Car Wash Norman W. Ebner, DDS 6605 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Family Dentistry Nancy O'Keefe 3805 Newland Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Farmers Insurance BCS Community Credit Union 3835 Newland Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge Lanes 6595 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dick Hanscom Family Tree, Inc. 3805 Marshall Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge Family Clinic 6301 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Maurice Archuleta, MD Affiliated Carpet & Flooring 3825 Kendall Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Holland Chiropractic Clinic 6295 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 F.J. Holland, DC Sam's Barber Shop 6289 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ginger Snip Hair Salon 6285 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Heritage Professional Building 6279 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Arapahoe House 6195 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 The Wright Center Santa Fe Dental 6175 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 American Tax & Bookkeeping 6145 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Service Active Insurance Agency 6117 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 TCA Construction, Inc. 6101 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jefferson County Housing Authority 6025 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Alan Feinstein Sandalwood Manor 3835 Harlan Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Will Bowen, Inc. 3850 Harlan Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Plumbing Repair Specialist El Reportero Nacional 3840 Harlan Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 First Choice Community 7390 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Federal Credit Union Sunrise Sunset Cafe 7400 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 The Clean Center 7420 W. 38"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Mai Cigarette Center 7440 W. 38 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Sundance Financial, Inc. 7450 W. 30' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Pay Day Loans Stylemaster Hair Salon 7460 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 The Tole Hut, Inc. 7470 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Conoco Gas Station Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Quality Auto Center 6800 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jim Jensen Malone Public Accountants 6808 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 James O. Malone Gerald D. Malone AK Roche 6810 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Certified Public Accountant Isabel's Salon de Belleza 6814 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Marc's 6920 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Mon Petit Centre 6990 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Minilla's Restaurante 7000 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Robert Bonilla Bargain Babes 7020 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Maternity Nook 7020 W. 38`h Avenue #102 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dave's Automotive 7050 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Studio 38 7060 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 A-1 Rental 7080 W. 38`' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ambrosia Health Enterprises 7180 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Comanche 7190 W. 38`h Avenue #A Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dupree Appliance 7190 W. 38"h Avenue #B Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 REAS Real Estate Appraisers 7190 W. 38th Avenue #C Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Services Athlete's Choice, Inc. 7200 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Quality Custom Framing Bruce Buckler It's All Good Coffee Shop 7210 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Mary Montoya Runkles Darlene Wilson The Shoe Fitters 7220 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 All School Uniforms 7230 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Sweet Utopia 7240 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Barbara Lynn Trattler Shampooch, LLC 7250 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Blooming Fool, LLC 7300 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Full Service Florist The Chalet 7340 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Burger King 3800 Wadsworth Blvd. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Boston Market 3820 Wadsworth Blvd. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Blockbuster Video #08050 3810 Wadsworth Blvd. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wolf Camera #1372 3830 Wadsworth Blvd. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Connie's Hallmark 3840 Wadsworth Blvd. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Safeway #1479 3900 Wadsworth Blvd. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Washington Mutual Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Bradley Food Mart 7403 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Vectra Bank 7391 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Margo's Creations 7323 W. 38`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 D & A Auto Service 3845 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge Cyclery 7085 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Nuchiks Restaurant 7057 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Bizarre Hair Fashions 7053 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Treasure Trunk Thrift Store 7043 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Family Tree, Inc. Valente's Italian Restaurant 6995 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ray Valente F. D. Barta, DDS 6985 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 B & F Tire Co. 6915 W. 38 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Hank Stites Bradley Self Serve 6875 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge Water District 6827 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Walt Pettit Anikis Crafts Imports 3825 Pierce Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Bradley Petroleum 7268 S. Tucson Way Englewood, CO 80112 Buck Rogers Vice President of Operations WALGREENS STORE SHERIDAN BOULEVARD AND 38TH AVENUE Wheat Ridge, Colorado Traffic Impact Study and Access Analysis September 2003 5owe.rs'~y Kra jer, Inc. S, OLZO-9++(WO.1 MZ-9ii(MI iSl(-(oZ08 OD'n^u~C, OR';7!nS`a~As u0gol669 poleool si 11 -sasn Ile1aj a9j41 a41 3o saps Xoeq 94101 ssaooe saplnad 11 19ai1S sawy 01 pJen9lnog uepua4S wog} spualxa le41 Aalle ue sl ssaooe puooas 941 •asn puel olny s,uewseo a4l samas ssaooe s141 'anuany 418E pue PJenalnog uepua4S 1o uogoasialul 941;o 41nos 1aa; 09 Alalewlxadde si ssaooe 6ugslxa lsig a41 -lulod ssaooe )uawanow-Iln; auo 41tM peoeldai aq piM slulod ssaooe 6ugslxa aaj4l a41 'ajols suaai6leM pasodoid a4141j,M •pJenalnog uepua4S of slulod ssaooe luawanow-pn; '99j4l AIluanno aie aia41 -ajols s,uaai6leM a 4l!m sasn 6ugslxa asa4l eoeldai p1noM loafoid pasodad a41 -laoled a4} ;o 96pa waylnos a4} uo awo4 ,(livel-al6uls a osle sl 9J941 -sjalseW ua(401p1 pue 'spJelplg aslpeled 'olny s,uewsez) Avadad a4l uo lslxa sluaw4sllgelse Ilelal aaj41 -4}nos a4} uo s6ulllemp lellueplsai 6ugslxa pue 'Is am 94} uo 199j1S sawy '4liou a41 uo anuany 412£ 'lsea a4} uo pJenalnog uepua4S Aq papunoq si laoied 941 -opejoloo '96pl8 1ea4M ul anuany 412E pue pJenalnog uepua4S;o jawoo lsaM4lnos a4} uo palenps si Aliadoad loafgns 941 -luawnoop si41;o lied se papnlow si ajols suaai6leM pasodoad s14l jo; palonpuoo (pnis loedwi ogled a41 ;o (doo y (liedoid sigl auras Alluaimo le4} slwod ssaooe luawanow-{in; 6ullsixa aaj41941;o amsop 941 jo; suoileogdde llwjed ssaooe se Ilam se (pjeAelnog uepu94S) 96 FeM46IH alelS;o 9Pls 1s9m a41 01 ssaooe luawanow-Ilnl a jol uogeolidde llwad ssaooe ue pug aseald pa4oelly :1e4seN Jean sciWI 461EMSL£ opejoloo '96p!N le94M 'luawdolanao s,u99JBIeM - (PJenalnoe uepua4S) 96 AeM46[H alelS - suolleoliddy llw1ad ssa00y :ag VZZOg opelOIOO '7anuap aoeld olluelly lse3 OV99 uo1109S llwJad - 9 uO1598 uoileliodsuejl;o luawlieda4 opejoloo;o a1e1S Ja9uP3 s9900y -3-d 'Pa6eaneS le4SeN 'JW £OOZ '6 jagwaldaS '7uf `a252J~,('-3 S.12MOQ -salldde (q) g-Z uolloasgnS 'uolldwnsse le41 uo paseg -lueoiad OZ ue41 ajow Aq ells ayl of ownlon 910149n 941 eseajoul plnom ajols suaai6lem pasodad a41 1e41 pawnsse seen 1! se pJenainog uepua4S of slwod ssaooe 6ullslxe a41 le poloalloo 1ou ajam slunoo oL4ejl „;uaroyjns aq;;egs (sjagwnu ppo joj do papuno!) ugpnpaj %og e 'aps ay; 6upvas sessawe a;drunw aje way; ajagM -alm syll so uoyeor;dde .roi demy6iy ay; o;;yeueq a se pauyap aq geys pue pa6ernooue sr slWod ssaooe jo uoyepr;osuoo -demy6ry ay; so Ajejes jo uoyejado ayj anoadwr;;rm (s);urod ssaooe pasodoid ay;;ey;;uepr;dde ay; Aq uor;el;suowap uodn (e) :suorsrnoid 6urmollo{ ay; o; 61#piowe pa;uel6 aq dew 'anoge E ydel6eled }o suoisinord ay; q;!m d/dwoo;ou saop pue 'asn;eouo;s~ty a;ei;suowap ueo .ro asn ur jaq;ia sr gorgm ssaooe demg6rq 6ugsrxa ue o; suoyeoyrpopV (y), „ --aiow .ro;uaojad OZ dq a;!s ay; o; awn;on a;otyan pasodord ay; asearoui;ou seop;eq; 6uiqutue se pauyap are suor;eoyrpocu JoLgV -suoy!puoo pue swra;;rwaad oypads due a;e;oin;ou saop ssaooe ay; se 6uo; se jo dpedoid ay; o; apew are suoyeoy!pow .rourw d/uo se 6uo; se jo `004 ueg; ssa; aie a#s ay; wolf pue o; sdu; d;!ep /e;o; se 6uo/ se gZ uor;oasgns y;rm eouepjoooe ui #Luied ssaooe ueso swla; ay; -iapun pa;owlsuooar jo panow aq ro urewai o; pamo;;e aq;;egs demg6rq a;e;s ay; o; ssaooe;e6a; 6ur;stxa 'swa;gord d;a;es payguap aie arag; ssa;un (E), „'s;sIxe dquar.rno ssaooe ;oa~/ps! sseooe;oanp awos ure;aa o; dpadoid ay; mope;;im dpadoid Bur;sixa ay; o; suoyeoyrpow jaq;o due pue 'a6e;gwasse '6uyapowar 'uoyona;suooaj ';uewdo;anapar aql -pa6einooue aq o; aje dpedoid padolanap 6uysixa o; suoyeoy!pow;eroyauaq;eg; azru6ooar o; si uoyoasgns siy;jo;ua;ur agl (Z), 'asn ssaooy pue asn pue-1 ul sa6ue4o g-Z uolloaS VOO SS900y Aem461H 91elS opea 0100 to 91e1S a41 01 6ulpJoooy -9-2JN 'leuauy lemb-uoN a se uolleuodsuejl to luawliedaQ opejoloo all Aq paglsselo sl Aempew si41 -HdW g£ to llwll peads palsod a 411m Aempea 4lnos;4lrou 'euel-inol a sl 'g6 Aem46lH 91elS ' -ajols suaai6leM a41 01 ssaooe 9plnad Illm pue anuany 418£ Pue 96 HS 10 uoll09sJ91ul p9zyeu6ls 941 to 41nos leaf 06l Alalewlxordde paleool sl ssaooe lu9w9now-Iinl pasodad 94l -awo4 Apwe; 916uls a41 sames ssaooe pnyl a41 anuany 418E pue pJenalnog uepua4S to uoljoesialul e41 to 4lnos lea; Obl Alejewlxoidde Z a6ed uor;epodsuejl {o;uawpedao opejo;oj EOOZ '6 jagwa;daS p96emeS;egseN -JYV -sasAleue aq) ul pasn ajam Ajlawoa6 auel pue sacunlon o!IIeJl tiOpZ jeaA aqi 'ssaooe /uawanow-Iin; agl lnoglim pue ssaooe luawaAow-pn; pasodoad aql gllm :soueueos om jol uru sem slsAleue aql -aiem4oS slsAleuy Alloede0 Aemg61H agl 6ulsn palonpuoo aiam sasApuy 'pJenalnos uepuags pue anuany 418E ;o uogoasJalul;uawanow-pn; lueoefpe ag) le uollejado anwdwi Ipm ssaooe /uawanow-lin; slgl;o lenoidde 943 moq sagguapl slsAleue 6ulmollo; agl 'ssaooe luawanow b/E a of pag pow aq ssaooe ag1 1e41 pasodoid sl 1! 'awl) )egl 1V 'waigojd Ala;es jo leuogejado ue se paillluapi sl /uawanow lno wnl-llel agl le41 awll Bons Rlun luiod ssaooe /uawanow-pn; a se a)ejado of pamolle eq ssaooe aq1 leg/ pasodoid sl 11 -ieu6ls oi4eil a jol slueuem laaw of paloefoid lou sl le41 lwod ssaooe )uawanow-iln; e lo; sl lesodoid s!gl „sa;eorpur slsAleue uo/ssa Sold leu6.ts e aragm jo '6uroeds a/iw fleq-auo le pa;uerB aq pegs ssaooe;uawanow-pnf `eua;uo 0-isap a;eudordde;aaw o; a/qe aq /pm uogeool aq;;egl umogs sr aaagM 'mooo p1nom swelgojd A;a;es jo /euoyejado ;ueoypu is ssalun 'splepue;s O'isap a;eudojdde;aeuw pue uoyoasfa;ur ;uawanow-;;nj;uaoe(pe ue;e uglatedo anoidwr lym swn; ya/jo uog/ppe eq; ji (;uawanow boo) ul sum; llal aneg Aew ssaooe agl Aluo suanl;g6u aoj 'wniulutui e se 'apnoid Ipm ssaooe aql swalgold leuoyejado ao Ala;es aleajo lou saop ;!p 'lazed goes of pa;uea8 aq /legs ssaooe auo 'apew sr uoyeolldde uagM (Z) 'leuapy lema-uoN - 8-2iN A80921y0 6 L E uolloeS 'apo0 ssaooy Aem461H alelS opeJolo0 to alelS aql 01 6ulpJoooy ssaooe /uawanow-lint pasodoid aq1 aol uolleoililsnf aql aleilsuowep jaglin; of palonpuoo sem sisAleue leuop ppe ag1 'Alljoglny lemsuaa uegjn a6plu leaq/3/3 a41 o1 jauai a ul lsenbei s,1O40 Jad 'JanamoH -pannbai sl uolleogllsnf jagljnl ou pue apoZ) ssaooy 1040 aql to eualuo 941199w paapul saop 96 HS of lulod ssaooe auo of uoilonpai 941 ley) anallaq am 'aJolaJagl -peleilsuowap uaaq seg Aemg6lq agl of l!lauaq a 'uolllullep Ag -luwod ssaooe luawanow-Ilnl -Gm of sluiod ssaooe )uawanow-Iln; `ZgJM bullslxa 941 alepllosuoo Illm loefoid pasodoid slgl -Aemg6!q aql of )flauaq a se pouilep aq pinom pue epo0 ssaooy agl Aq pamolle si aps slgl jol slulod ssaooe Z o) uollonpai e `ajolaiagl -lu9loL4ns aq pegs slulod ssaooe ul (sjagwnu ppo jo; do papunoi) uollonpai lueoiad-09 a pue Aemg6lq aql of )!laueq a se paugap aq pegs slulod ssaooe to uollepposuoo '(e) g,Z uogoosgnS of 6ulpjoooy E abed uol;epodsuejl fo;uawpedao opejolo0 EOOZ '6 jagwaldeS p96emeS ;egseN '.IW 4a^/oas L'!)9 4anpas L'94 Lela(] wnl-Sal ON 3 O Sol MI-Val ON 4aA/09s 9'61' 4aAp9s 0'ZY Lela(] uwnl-4a-193 O a Sol wnl-Sal 83 9'64 9,9v Lela(] uorpasialul pejano Sol uolpasJalul ileJaAo ssaaoy posodoJd lnogpM ssaaoy pasodad 411M mnOH Mv3d wd 4aA/09s L'6L 4aA100s 9'6L Lela(] wnl-Sal ON 8 I 8 Sol wnl-Sal ON 4aA/oas 9'LZ 49A/Oas 9'1Z Lela(] wnl-gal 93 O O Sol wnl-Sal 93 L'SZ G'SZ Lela(] uo!loasJalul 11elan0 O O Sol uogoasJalul Ilelan0 ssaooy pasodold 1n0411M ssaooy pasodoJd 4UM SS3N3Ai1(]3dd3 3o 3Nnsv3w anOH MVf Id INV _ s3wn-I0A 01jjtRI1 root ad3A 3nN3AV H18£ 156 kVMHJIH 31VIS A,dvimwnS SISATdNV AII3VdV3 N01103SH31NI -paloage Aj9A!1e69u s! ao!AJas 10 lanai pue Aelap uogoasialui pel9A0 941 'l1nsai a sy -ssaooe 941 InoLpm fe19p 10 spuooas Z'09 4l!M 3 SOl of slop u9411nq ssaooe eqj 4jim (elap;o spuooas I gy 41!m SO-1 le salejado luawanow s!41 Ss900e pasodad a41 Ino4pm paloage A19AIIE69U Apelno!lied si uogoesialu! anuany 4188 pue 96 HS 94l 1e 1u9wan0w wnl-1191 puno94llou 9U1 -jnoH i!e9d INd a41 6uunp AIleo4pads 'ssaooe luawanow-pn; pasodad o41 41!m Aelep ssal 41!m alejado s1u9w9A0w wnl-1491 punog41jou pue punoglsea a41 lleogpeds `uo!loasialu! anuany 418E pue 96 HS 941 Ie41 eleo!pw ses (leue a41 1o sljnsaj a41 -elgel 6u!nnolio; a41 ut pazuewwns aje sasAjeue a4l;o slinsai a41 anuany 418E pue (pJeA91nog uepu94S) 96 HS 10 UOII09SJ91ul 9(41 le apew aq of pawnsse ajam alp 941 olul swnl 1191 puno941Jou 84l pue 91!s 94l bo 1no swnl-I1al punoglsea ay1 'ssaooe luawanow-pn; a4l Ino4l!An oueueos a41 joj y a6ed um;epodsueal jo;uawpedap opero/o0 EOOZ `6 jegwe;daS pa6eme-3 XgSeN 'aW -7.17 u01139S to eualuo 6uloedS ssaooy 941 leaw lou op le41 slu!od ssaooe snaawnu aje aia41 'suolloanp gloq uj selp leJanas Jol pue g6 HS to uo!loes ielnotped sl41 ul41!m 'uo!1!ppe ul -algemydde lou s! 17.17 uolloaS 'g-Z uolloesgnS to eualuo 941 slaaw uolleopdde lpied ssaooe s!41 asneoag -apo0 ssoooy a41 to aaj41 uolloaS i9pun paluej6 slu!od ssaooe of sa!idde le41 piepuels u6!sep a s! 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Ft. Lupton, CO 80621 Phone (303) 641-0445 Fax (303) 857-9191 File Name : 38amesam Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 07/0212003 Page No : 1 AM ES 38TH AVE AMES 38TH AVE Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Rig Thr ' Ped App. Rig Thr ft Pod L App. Rta Thr Left Ped Thr Left Ped I APP. I Int. TIT ne M u left s Total ht u e s Total ht u s Tamil ht u s Total Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 i 1.0 07:00 AM 3 1 8 1 13 6 52 0 1 5,9 1 0 0 0 1 0 97 7 1 105 178 07:15 AM 7 1 7 1 16 15 59 0 1 75 1 0 0 0 1 0 112 . 4 0 116 208 07:30 AM 9 0 7 0 16 14 99 2 0 115 3 0 1 0 4 0 151 2 1 154 289 07:45 AM 4 0 7 1 12 12 112 1 1 126 5 0 1 0 6 3 122 2 0 1271 271 Total 23 2 29 3 57 47 322 3 3 375 10 0 2 0 12, 3 482 15 2 502 946 08:00 AM 6 1 8 1 16 17 88 1 2 108 4 1 0 0 5 2 111 3 1 1171 246 08:15 AM 8 0 7 1 16 19 108 2 0 129 1 0 0 0 1 1 116 3 0 1201 266 08:30 AM 13 1 6 1 21 18 93 0 1 112 2 0 0 0 2 1 104 9 0 114 249 08:45 AM 7 1 10 1 19 9 114 4 0 127 4 2 1 0 7 1 89 8 0 98 251 Total 34 3 31 4 72 63 403 7 3 476 11 3 1 0 15 5 420 23 1 4491 1012 Grand 57 5 60 7 129 110 725 10 6 851 21 3 3 0 27 8 902 38 3 951 1958 Total 1 Apprch % 44. 3 9 46. 5.4 12. 85. 1.2 0.7 77. 11. 11. 0.0 0.8 94. 4.0 0.3 2 . 5 9 2 8 1 1 8 3 4 0 6 6 5 6 37. 0 5 0 3 43 5 1 1 02 02 0 0 1 4 0 4 46' 1 9 0 2 48 6 Total% 2.9 0.3 .1 . . . n, . . . . . . . 1 . . . AMES - Qq In TOW 151 129 F 2-W 571 51 SDI 7 Nat1 PEI Rl20036:45O0 AM d ul.lrra T r+ ~Lell ! u Rot c.e. 3 3 21 0 Q! N TaMI AM Rocky Mountain Counts, LLC. 1106 Cherry Ct. Ft. Lupton, CO 80621 Phone (303) 641-0445 Fax (303) 857-9191 File Name : 38amesam Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 07/0212003 Page No :2 j AMES AMES 38TH AVE - 38TH AVE Souttibourd ~ Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Rp Thr Left Ped APP. Rg I Thr Left Ped j APP. I Rtg Thr J Left i Ped APP. I Rg Thr I Left Ped I APR Int. l T t l ! T t Time ht u s i Total ht u s! Total ht u s Totai ht o a o a u s Peak Hour nwn vi.w ww iv vv.YS ivri - r c a ktersecti 07:30 AM on Volume 27 1 29 3 60 62 407 6 3 478 Percent 45. 1 7 48. 5 0 13.. 8 1.3 0.6 . . ; 07'30 9 0 7 0 16 14 99 2 0 115 Volume Peak Factor KQh Int. 07:30 AM 08:15 AM Volume 9 0 7 0 16 19 108 2 0 129 Peak 0.93 0.92 Factor 8 6 13 1 2 0 16 81 12. . 62 0.0 2 5 3 0 1 0 4 6 500 10 2 518 96 1.2 . 1.9 0.4 0 151 2 1 154 1072 07:45 AM 5 0 1 0 6 0.66 7 0730 AM 0 151 2 1 154 0.84 1 AMES i I n 1 ! ""zs~~ Rgnt jn V tort Pem 1j L+ o 3e s-1 t-S Flo ~ N c §j2 y ~-3 ~ Cy)I ~ (L2003 WAY ~ V ag °IP (171003815W AY r rv ~ LL UroH1eE ~ r : LN t 1 13 0 13 18 OLL N TRtl AY 289 0.927 Rocky Mountain Counts, LLC. 1106 Cherry Ct. Ft. Lupton, CO 80621 Phone (303) 641-0445 Fax (303) 857-9191 Grouns Printed- Unshifted File Name : 38SHERAM Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 07/02/2003 Page No : 1 SHERIDAN BLVD 38TH AVE SHERIDAN BLVD 38TH AVE Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound StartTme j ht l Ri Thru Left APP' Right Thru left App' Right Thru Left " Right Thru Left ' i '4pP Int. j g Total Total Total l Tota Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1"0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 07:00 AM 12 195 41 251 20 39 19 78 19 169 7 195 8 78 22 108 632 07:15 AM 8 262 63 333 11 41 24 76 11 212 23 246 16 93 19 128 783 07:30 AM 16 301 53 370 16 69 25 110 31 214 28 273 18 137 22 177 930 07:45 AM 20 301 38 359 12 82 22 116 24 199 24 247 22 96 20 138 860 Total 56 1062 195 1313 59 231 90 380 85 794 82 961 64 404 83 551; 3205 08:00 AM 15 227 34 276 14 70 26 110 25 170 18 213 21 72 19 112 711 08:15 AM 19 214 33 266 16 85 20 121 20 155 24 I 199 13 88 21 122 1 708 08:30 AM 25 221 20 266 19 68 15 102 22 208 18 248 16 63 28 107 ; 723 M AS AM u 179 22 235 21 85 14 120 30 170 17 217 8 65 24 971 669 .7 .8 9.9 81 8.7 2-3 Grand 90 165 833 1 182 1497 159 ATota% Total 2149 1903 5 31.6 151 323561 9.2 11~ 64539 3.BI 30 24.4 26 13061 120 10.5 1129 641 6016 I I I SHERIDAN BLVD OL In ram 1801 x23581 41 I 1 1903 304 RiyN T1Iw Llen 1 4 w ? m 'IJ-' NorN L-~ _ m 0 t,- v a ci$ oip_"_~ y]S~RpiTq,~~ f-2 H ~7R20038.+5~_... LJ ' UmM1e0 = ' e O Na ten T F 1 1 1 ®i 1 01SM RIo Taal Rocky Mountain Counts, LLC. 1106 Cherry Ct. Ft. Lupton, CO 80621 Phone (303) 641-0445 Fax (303) 857-9191 File Name : 38SHERAM Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 0710212003 Page No : 2 SHERIDAN BLVD Southbound 38TH AVE Westbound SHERIDAN BLVD Northbound 38TH AVE Eastbound _ Start Time I Right Thm Left APP' , Right Total I Thru Left APP' Total Right Thru Left ' Total Right Thm Left APP' Intl Total ! Total Peak Hour From 0700 AM to 08:45 AM - Pea k 1 or r Intersection 07:15 AM Volume 59 1091 188 1338 53 262 97 412 Percent 4.4 81.5 14.1 12.9 63.6 23.5 07:30 16 301 53 370 16 69 25 110 Volume Peak Factor High Int. 07:30 AM 07:45 AM Volume 16 301 53 370 12 82 22 116 Peak Factor 0.904 0.888 91 795 93 979 9.3 812 9.5 31 214 28 273 07:30 AM 31 214 28 273 0.897 77 398 80 1 5551 3284 13.9 713 14.4 18 137 22 177 930 '0.883 07:30 AM 1 18 137 22 177 0.784 , H t AN OO1 In TOW 928 1338 59 1091 188 RVM Tinu Len 4J 2 F.7 j p g .m °a J Hoi 91 L Ig' ~J Y 0: ti ~j n'L--~ 271500 8:OOWAM {-2 mS AAI a N al nt Unhrmd ran fro L I u- T r LaR TAN Rigft 93 795 8 1265 979 710 O' n TOW SHERIDAN VD Rocky Mountain Counts, LLC. 1106 Cherry CL Ft. Lupton, CO 80621 Phone (303) 641-0445 Fax (303) 857-9191 r:rnuos Printed- Unshifted File Name : 38AMEPM Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 07/02/2003 Page No : 1 AMES ST 38TH AVE AMES ST W i H AV E Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound f I Int Start Trtne Right Thru Left T ~ Right Thru Left ToW~ Right Thru Left =1 Right Thru ~ le t To at ~ Total Factor 1 0 1 01 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 i 1.01 ! 04:00 PM . 6 . 1 16 23 25 158 4 187 3 0 2 5 2 133 3 6 3 141 1201 356 354 04:15 PM 15 0 10 25 34 166 1 201 4 2 2 1 8 7 4 3 11 149 9 161 413 04:30 PM 9 0 18 27 32 182 4 218 4 2 8 3 145 9 157 436 04:45 PM 7 0 27 34 43 191 697 3 12 237 843 5 16 0 4 3 8 28 12 540 27 579 1559 Total 37 1 71 109 134 05:00 PM t3 0 16 29 35 163 7 205 7 1 3 11 2 171 8 181 ' 1 426 05:15 PM 12 1 22 35 45 214 3 262 2 0 3 5 7 1 0 197 156 11 7 209 163 ! 511 436 05:30 PM 15 2 17 34 37 190 5 232 4 0 3 1 7 5 173 7 185! 452 0545M 15 0 22 37 37 182 4 223 5 1 0 30 8 697 33 738, 1825 T..mi S9 3 77 - 135 154 749 19 922 18 2 1 i Grand Total 92 4 148 244 288 1446 31 17651 34 6 18 58 20 1237 60 1317 3384 Apprch % 37.7 1.6 603 16.3 81.9 1.8 58.6 10.3 31.0 1.5 93.9 4.6 Total% 2.7 0.1 4.4 721 8.5 42.7 0.9 52.2 1.0 0.2 0.5 1.71 0.6 36.6 1.8 38.91 out to TOW 7th ~_..'4 j r 92~ 4 148i i R1M Thru Lefl 4 I L4 e n~ r A a:g `u Norms iU L PM 4- p ~n ~I75~45WOO LU ?20D3PM ~R urwaee T r' Le Thu R' 8 6 31 ut 1 Out In Tad Rocky Mountain Counts, LLC. . 1106 Cherry Ct. Ft. Lupton, CO 80621 Phone (303) 641-0445 Fax (303) 857-9191 File Name : 38AMEPM Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 07/0212003 Page No :2 Start Tune Right Thru Left a~ I Right I Thru I Left I APP t l I T Right I Thru ( Left I Tai Right 1 Thru Left ,Zai Total ! " ` Total a o Peak Hour From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Intersection 05:00 PM 55 3 77 135 154 749 19 922 18 2 10 30 8 697 33 738 1825 Volume Percent 40.7 2.2 57.0 16.7 812 2.1 60.0 6.7 33.3 1.1 94.4 4.5 05:15 12 1 22 35 45 214 3 262 2 0 3 5 1 197 11 2091 1 511 Volume - 0.893 Peak Factor High IM. 05:45 PM 05:75 PM 05:00 PM 0515 PM 1 Volume 15 0 22 37 45 214 3 262 I 7 1 3 11 1 197 82 1 0 883 1 Peak Factor 0.912 0.880 0.6 , 189 . In Total 32+ i 55 3 T7 Thu Left dr I 1 LAIN uc 'ew aFI DO a y F-~ m-n- T:0 PA1 d-2 yl INI~ (1R0a35.d5.90 PM '°PL m'.t r UmM[ed O; a _ 4, T r ten0 T eu2 R"L 1 ® 30 W In Ta a A/.1ES 5T Rocky Mountain Counts, LLC. 1106 Cherry Ct. Ft. Lupton, CO 80621 Phone (303) 641-0445 Fax (303) 857-9191 c--. PnnfM- 1 - Ilnshifted File Name : SHER38PM Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 07102/2003 Page No : 1 SHERIDAN BLVD 38TH AVE ' SHERIDAN BLVD 38TH AVt 1 Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound t T S R ht • Thru Left To a Rght Thru Left To a~ Right Thm Left T~ ~ Right Thru Left App. Total InL Total une tar g ~ ota Factor 1 0 1.0 1.0 1 1.01 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 1.0 7.0 1.01 _ 04:00 PM . 28 260 38 326 _ 44 122 29 195 41 280 33 354 26 100 31 1571 1032 04:15 PM 20 348 37 405 40 141 39 220 21 277 30 328 10 120 27 157 1110 04:30 PM 19 315 43 377 48 154 45 247 20 225 46 291 15 118 37 170 1085 04:45 PM 26 290 33 349 42 159 26 227 43 304 38 385 14 109 46 1691 1130 T.,f,l as 1113 751 7457 1 174 576 739 889 1 125 7086 147 1358 65 447 141 6531 4357 05:00 PM 23 292 44 359 43 127 40 210 38 280 39 357 16 111 44 171' 1 1097 05:15 PM 26 312 33 371 33 178 29 240 35 313 44 392 25 162 53 240 1243 05:30 PM 19 346 53 418 35 163 28 226 38 305 35 378 11 139 31 1811. 1203 05:45 PM 17 265 41 323 30 160 38 228 33 294 42 369 15 144 39 198 1118 Total 85 1215 171 1477 141 628 135 904 144 1192 160 1496, 67 556 167 790! 4661 Grand Total 178 2428 322 29281 315 1204 274 1793 1 269 2278 307 28541 132 1003 308 14431 9018 Apprch % 6.1 82.9 11.0 17.6 672 15.3 9.4 79.8 10.8 9.1 69.5 21.3 . Total % 2.0 26.9 3.6 32.51 3.5 13.4 3.0 19.9 3.0 25.3 3.4 31.61 1.5 11.1 3.4 16.0 Oul In TOW 2901 29 8 58 1 r 1781 2d?b'-~ 3221 Right TMU LeR 41 1 go u nodn ~r u ;l c E1 ~~1ft00a 4:0090 PM IF--ii R120035J5W PM 82, 41 i F Lsll Ten, R' F-3ffT-Z2-78F-W w N Taal SHERIDAJ4 BLVD Rocky Mountain Counts, LLC. 1106 Cherry Ct. Ft. Lupton, CO 80621 Phone (303) 641-0445 Fax (303) 857-9191 Start Time : Right j Thru ! Left' Total eak Hour From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Pea intersection 04:45 PM Volume 94 1240 163 1497 Percent. 6.3 82.8 10.9 0515 26 312 33 371 Volume Peak Factor High Int. 05:30 PM Volume 19 346 53 418 Peak Factor 0.895 Right I Thru Left 153 627 123 903 16.9 69.4 13.6 33 178 29 240 05:15 PM 33 178 29 240 0.941 Right ! Thru i Left 154 1202 156 1512 10.2 79.5 10.3 35 313 44 392 05:15 PM 35 313 44 392 0.964 File Name : SHER38PM Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 07/02/2003 Page No : 2 Right Thru 1 Left 66 521 174 761j 4673 8.7 68.5 22.9 i 25 162 53 240 1243 0.940 05:15 PM , 25 162 53 240 0.793; UR In T OW TO 1528 1~T r 90 1200 163 ! RVM 'rfxv Leff j 60, j s O ~in`l r NorN m, - ' ~ ..30:00 PM hRl1003 5 ~ ° r ^I . p ml s L ~rc I1-UnaNineb a i~ i m . LLL~JJJJ s u- - F T F+ ' T Tleu R 150 1429 1512 2941 Out In TOW SHERIDAN BLVD APPENDIX B Level of Service Definitions The following information can be found in the Hiphwav Capacity Manual. Transportation Research Board. 2000: Chapter 10 - Urban Streets Concepts Signalized Intersections and Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections. Level Of Service (LOS) for Signalized Intersections Levels of service are defined to represent reasonable ranges in control delay. LOS A Describes operations iyith logy control delay, up to 10 s/veh. This LOS occurs when progression is extremeh favorable and most vehicles arrive during the green phase. Many vehicles do not stop at all. Short cycle lengths mac tend to contribute to low delay values. LOS B Describes operations with control delay greater then 10 and up to 20 s/veh. This level generally occurs with good progressions. short cycle lengths, or both. More vehicles stop than with LOS A, causing higher levels of delay. LOS C Describes operations with control delay greater than 20 and up to 35 s/veh. These higher delays may result from only fair progression, longer cycle lengths, or both. Individual cycle failures may begin to appear at the level. Cycle failure occurs when a given green phase does not serve queued vehicles. and overflows occur. The number of vehicles stopping is significant at this level, though man still pass through the intersection without stopping. LOS D Describes operations with control delay greater than 35 and up to 55 s/veh. At LOS D, the influence of congestion becomes more noticeable. Longer delays may result from some combination of unfavorable progression, long cycle lengths, and high We ratios. Individual cycle failures are frequent. LOS E Describes operations with control delay greater than 55 and up to 80 s/veh. These high delay values generally indicate poor progression, long cycle lengths, and high v/c ratios. Individual cycle failures are frequent. LOS P Describes operations with control delay in excess of 80 s/veh. This level, considered unacceptable to most drivers, often occurs \vith over saturation. that is, when arrival flow rates exceed the capacity of lane groups. It may also occur at high We ratios with many individual cycle failures. Poor progression and long cycle lengths may also contribute significantly to high delay levels. Level of Service (LOS) for Unsianalized TWSC Intersections Level of Service Average Control Delay (s/veh) A 0-10 B > 10- 15 C >15-25 D >25-35 E >35-50 F > 50 APPENDIX C Capacity Worksheets Short Report Page I of 1 SHORT R EPORT Gerrerallntorrnatron<€ 5""rte lnfoi+riatron Analyst Ann T. Bowers Intersection 38th/Sheridan Agency or Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Area Type All other areas Date Performed 7/3/03 Jurisdiction Wheatridge Time Period AM Peak Hour Analysis Year 2003 - existing Volomeand'Ianin `!In ut , EB WS NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Num. of Lanes 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 2 1 Lane group L T R L R T L T Volume v h 80 398 77 97 262 62 53 93 93 ~ 795 9i 188 1091 59 % Heavy veh 5 5 5 5 5 I 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 PHF ctuated PIA 0.95 " 0.95 0.95 A 0.95 A 0.95 A I 0.95 A 0.95 A 0.95 0.95 A 0.95 A 0.95 1 A 1 0.95 A Startup lost time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Ext. eft. green Arrival type 2.0 3 2.0 3 2.0 3 2.0 3 2.0 3 2.0 3 2.0 3 2.0 3 2.0 3 2.0 f 3 1 2.0 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 J " 0 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 L12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Parking/Grade/Parking N 0 N N _0 N N J 0 N N 0 N Parking/hr I I I I I I Bus stops/hr 0~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Phasing Excl. Left EW Perm 03 04 Excl. Left SB Only NS Perm 08 G= 5.0 G= 20.0 G= IG= G= 5.0 G= 10.0 G= 30.0 G= Timing Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Y= 0 Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Duration of Analysis hrs = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 90.0 Lane Grou .,aacl Con.trol beta anr~ L~3S:0etermination r . EB WB NS SB Adj. flow rate 84 419 81 102 276 56 98 933 198 1148 62 Lane group cap. 317 764 342 251 764 342 232 1128 368 1719 769 !c ratio 0.26 0.55 0.24 0.41 0.36 0.16 0.42 0.83 0.54 0.67 0.08 Green ratio 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.39 0.33 0.56 0.50 0.50 Unif. delay d1 21.3 31.0 28.7 21.9 29.6 28.3 1 17.9 27.6 14.3 16.9 11.7 Delay factor k 0.11 0.15 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.37 0.14 0.24 0.11 Increm. delay d2 0.4 0.8 0.4 1.1 0.3 0.2 1.2 5.2 1.6 1.0 0.0 PF factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control delay 21.7 31.8 29.1 22.9 29.9 28.5 19.1 32.8 15.9 17.9 11.8 Lane group LOS C C C C C C 8 C B B B pprch. delay 30.0 28.1 31.5 17.3 Approach LOS C C C B Intersec. delay 25.1 Intersection LOS C NCS200orm Copyniiit;-2000Uni%ro ity ofFlorida.All Rights Rmm-.d Version 4.1 Short Report Page 1 of 1 SHORT REPORT Giaeral In#ormation Site lnfiorrriairon N Analyst Ann T. Bowers Intersection 38th/Sheridan Agency or Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Area Type All other areas Date Performed 713103 Jurisdiction 1Nheatridge Time Period PM Peak Hour Analysis Year 2003 - existing 1lotumeand7unin"3n ut EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Num. of Lanes 1 2 1 f 2 1 1 2 0 1 2 J 1 J Lane group L T R L T R L TR L T R Volume v h 174. 521 66 123 627 153 156 1202 154 163 1240 94 % Heavy veh PHF 5 ~ 0.95 5 0.95 5 0.95 5 0.95 5 0.95 5 0.95 5 0.95 5 1 0.95 5 0.95 5 1 0.95 1 5 ~ 0.9 5 5 0.95 Actuated PIA A J A A I A A A A A A A A J Startup lost time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Ext. eff. green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival type 3 3 3 1 3 ~ 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 PedBike/RTOR Volume 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 ~1 0 0 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 11 12.0 12.0 12.0 Parking/Grade/Parking I N 0 ~ N N 0 N N 0 N N J 0 N stg/hr Bus Bus stopslhr Unit Extension 0 3.0 0 3.0 0 3.0 0 3.0 0 3.0 0 3.0 0 3.0 0 3.0 0 3.0 0 3.0 0 3.0 Phasing Excl. Left EW Perm 03 04 Excl. Left NS Perm 07 08 G= 8.0 1G= 20.0 JG= JG= G= 6.0 G= 36.0 G= G= Timing I Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Duration of Analysis hrs = 0.25 lC cle Length C = 90.0 lane Grou CH act C onfrcii Dela grid L {)S Defermiiia#iot~ , . ~r , ~ EB WB NB SB Adj. flow rate 183 548 69 129 650 161 164 1427 172 1305 99 Lane group cap. 234 764 342 258 764 342 196 1352 196 1375 64,59 is ratio 0.78 0.72 0.20 0.50 0.86 047 0.84 1.06 0.88 0.95 0.16 Green ratio 0.37 0.22 0.22 0.37 0.22 0.22 0.52 0.40 0.52 0.40 0.40 Unif. delay d1 22.2 32.4 28.5 20.7 33.7 30.4 18.8 27.0 19.8 26.1 17.3 Delay factor k 0.33 0.28 0.11 0.11 0.39 0.11 0.37 0.50 0.40 0.46 0.11 Increm. delay d2 15.7 3.3 0.3 1.5 10.1 1.0 25.9 40.6 33.2 14.0 0.1 PF factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control delay 37.9 35.6 28.8 22.2 43.8 31.4 44.7 67.6 53.0 40.1 17.4 Lane group LOS D D C C D C D E D D B prch. delay 35.6 38.8 65.2 40.1 Approach LOS D D E D atersec. delay 47.2 Intersection LOS D 11=0066 Cop)rigld C 2M Unirersirv of Florida. All Righu Rese ed Version 4. le Two-Way Stop Control Page I of l TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Ir#nrmaii~n Site lnfoianatlon Analyst Ann T Bowers Intersection 38th /Ames Agency/Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Jurisdiction Wheat Ridge Date Performed 718103 Analysis Year Existing - 2003 Analysis Time Period AM Peak Hour Project Description 375 - Walgreens 375samea East=est Street: 38th Avenue North/South Street: Ames Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrs Vehicle 47Qlumes and Adlustmenfs% Major Street Eastbound f 0.25 Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T j R Volume 10 500 6 6 407 62 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10 500 6 6 1.00 1.00 407 62 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 - - 0 - - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized Lanes Configuration I ^ 1 2 0 ( L T TR 1 L 0 2 ~ o1 I T R i Upstream Signal 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 Volume 2 1 13 29 1 27 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 1 13 1.00 29 1.00 1.00 1 27 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 I 0 J RT Channelized 0 I 0~ Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0~ Configuration LTR Deia 'i4EGE 1 £!7 t}' RR[11 kuel Cf~aETYiL¢ Approach EB WB Northbound LTR Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L LTR LTR v (vph) 10 6 16 57 C (m) (vph) 1103 1069 567 451 v/c 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.13 9b% queue length 0.033 0.02 0.09 0.43 Control Delay 8.3 8.4 11.5 14.1 LOS A A 6 B Approach Delay - - 11.5 14.1 Approach LOS - - B B HCS2000TM Copyright f' 2000 1:.i% mity or Fj ida, All Rights Resm<d Version 4.1< file://C:\WINDOWS\temp\u2k5360.TMP 7/8/03 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Gsner'"al li~farrna"tifln SttE ar;!for~a#ton Analyst Ann T. Bowers Intersection Agency/Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Jurisdiction Date Performed 718103 Analysis Year Analysis Time Period PM Peak Hour 38th /Ames Wheat Ridge Existing - 2003 Project Description 375 - Walgreens 375samep East/West Street: 38th Avenue North/South Street: Ames Intersection Orientation: East-West Stud Period hrs : 0.25 UEI3lGIE 17AILrr)BS attd Ati i)5#itlEritS<'.~., Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume 33 697 8 19 749 154 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 33 697 8 19 749 154 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 - ~ - 0 - ~ - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 _ 0 Lanes 1 2 0 1 2 1 Configuration L T TR L T R J Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 ( 8 9 1 10 11 12 L T R L T ~ R Volume 10 2 18 77 3 55 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourty, Flow Rate, HFR 10 2 .18 77 3 55 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 Percent Grade 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 , 0 J Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR D0 1u WUA 31i Approach 1 a ES w:» a WB ci "N Y h ih\ Northbound i s \ Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L LTR LTR v (vph) 33 19 30 135 C (m) (vph) 761 902 230 251 v/c 0.04 0.02 0.13 0.54 95% queue length 0.14 0.06 0.44 2.91 Control Delay 9.9 9.1 210 34.9 LOS A A C D Approach Delay - - 23.0 34.9 Approach LOS - - C D Hcm,000TM Copprighl C• 2000 University of londa..Vl Rights Re mcd Vmion 4.Ic file://C:\WE, DOW S\temp\u2k5360.TMP 7/8/03 Short Report Page 1 of 1 SHORT REPORT general l TPrima tr4n; < Analyst Ann T. Bowers Agency or Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Date Performed 713103 Time Period AM Peak Hour Site Inform atron Intersection 38th /Sheridan Area Type All other areas Jurisdiction Wheatridge Analysis Year 2004 background Yolumeansl Tanin '9n ut ES WB =r NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Num. of Lanes 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 2 1 Lane group L T J R L T R L TR L T R Volume v h 84 418 81 - 102 275 56 98 835 96 197 1146 62 % Heavy veh 5 " 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Actuated P/A Startup lost time Ext. eff. green Arrival type Unit Extension A 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 A J 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 A 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 A 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 A 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 1 A ~ 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 1 A 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 A 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 A ~ A 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 A 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 A 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume Lane Width Parking/Grade/Parking 0 12.0 N 0 J 12.0 0 0 12.0 0 12.0 N 0 12.0 0~ 0 12.0 1 ~ 0 12.0 ~ 0 12.0 ~ 0 i N 0 12.0 N 0 112.0 0 12.0 I N Parking/hr Bus stops/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Phasing Excl. Left l EW Perm 1 03 j 04 Excl. Left SB Only NS Perm 08 T i G= 5.0 G= 20.0 G= G= G= 5.0 G= 10.0 G= 30.0 G= im ng Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Y= 0 Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Duration of Analysis hrs = 0.25 C cle Length C = 90.0 Lane Grou Ca act Con#ro! 13e1a and;Lt3S i3e#ermrna#f~71 a- ON EB WB NS SB Adj. flow rate 88 440 85 107 289 59 103 980 207 1206 65 Lane group cap. 310 764 342 242 764 342 216 1128 368 1719 769 /c ratio 0.28 0.58 0.25 0.44 0.38 0.17 0.48 0.87 0.56 0.70 0.08 Green ratio 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.39 0.33 0.56 0.50 0.50 Unif. delay dl 21.3 31.2 28.8 22.0 29.7 28.3 18.0 28.2 14.8 17.3 11.7 Delay factor k 0.11 0.17 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.40 0.16 017 0.11 Increm. delay d2 0.5 1.1 0.4 1.3 0.3 0.2 1.7 7.5 2.0 1.3 0.0 PF factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control delay 21.8 32.3 29.2 23.3 30.0 28.5 19.7 35.6 16.8 18.6 11.8 Lane group LOS C C C C C C B D B B B Apprch. delay 30.4 28.3 34.1 18.1 proach LOS C C C B Intersec. delay 26.2 Intersection LOS C HCS?09im Copyright C 2000 Unwmity of Mrida. A11 Righu Rearnsd NImim 4.1c Short Report Page 1 of 1 SHORT REPORT Gea$rat:tn#omlahon Site tnformairoa Analyst Ann T. Bowers Intersection 38th /Sheridan Agency or Co. Bowers 8 Krager, Inc. Area Type All other areas Date Performed 7/3/03 Jurisdiction Meatridge Time Period PM Peak Hour Analysis Year 2004 background ltolome and T%iq 1n ut 3 EB WB NS SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Num. of Lanes 1 2 I 1 i 1 2 1 1 1 1 12 ( 0 1 f 2 1 1 Lane group L T R L T R L TR L T R Volume v h 183 547 69 129 658 161 164 1262 162 171 1302 99 % Heavy veh 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ~ 5 PHF Actuated P/A Startup lost time 0.95 A 2.0 0.95 A 2.0 1 0.95 A 2.0 ~ 0.95 A 2.0 1 0.95 A 2.0 X 0.95 A 2.0 X 0.95 A 2.0 0.95 A 12.0 0.95 A 0.95 1 A 2.0 1 0.95 A J 2.0 ~ 0.95 A 2.0 Ext. eff. green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 2.0 Arrival type Unit Extension 3 3.0 3 3.0 3 3.0 1 3 3.0 3 3.0 13.0 3 3.0 3 3.0 3 3.0 3 3.0 3 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume Lane Width 0 12.0 0 12.0 12.0 0 12.0 0 i2.0 0 12.0 0_ 12.0 j 0 12.0 0 1200 . 12.0 " 12.0 0 Parking/Grade/Parking N J 0 ~ ~ 0 N N 0~ N Parking/hr ~ Bus stops/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 30 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Phasing Excl. Left EW Perm 03 04 Excl. Left I NS Perm 07 08 G= 0 G= 20.0 G= G= ~G= 6.0 1G= 36.0 JG= ~G= 11, Timing Y= 3 Y= 5 Y= Y= Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Duration of Analysis hrs = 0.25 IC cle Length C = 90.0 Lane Grou Ca act Cc+ntrol De1a and LflS I3sferfiinatton . . > . ,<< ` EB WB NB SB dj.flow rate 193 576 73 136 693 169 173 1499 180 1371 104 Lane group cap. 240 784 351 252 784 351 200 1387 203 1412 632 /c ratio 0.80 0.73 0.21 0.54 0.88 0.48 0.87 1.08 0.89 0.97 0.16 Green ratio 0.37 0.22 0.22 0.37 0.22 0.22 0.52 0.40 0.52 0.40 0.40 Unif. delay d1 22.4 325 28.5 20.9 33.9 30.5 19.6 27.0 19.8 26.5 17.3 Delay factor k 0.35 0.29 0.11 0.14 0.41 0.11 0.39 0.50 0.41 0.48 0.11 Increm. delay d2 17.8 2.3 11.7 1.0 30.4 49.2 34.2 17.4 0.1 PF factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control delay 40.2 J 23.2 45.6 31.5 49.9 76.2 54.0 43.9 17.5 Lane group LOS D D C C D C D E D D B prch. delay 36.5 40.2 73.5 43.4 Approach LOS D D E D Intersec. delay 51.4 Intersection LOS D ffCS2000n'1 Coppilild i 21100 Uni,.iry of Florida. All RigLla Rcamed Version 4.1 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Genei-at informat%r~ ' Srte IrlTormatton Analyst Ann T. Bowers Intersection Agency/Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Jurisdiction Date Performed 718103 Analysis Year Analysis Time Period AM Peak our 38th /Ames Wheat Ridge 2004 background Project Description 375 - Wal reens 375samsba East/West Street: 38th Avenue North/South Street: Ames Intersection Orientation: East-West Uehtcle Volumes and Ara usbnen#s Major Street Eastbound Study Period (hrs): 0.25 m . Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume Peak-Hour Factor, PHF f0 1.00 525 1.00 6 5 427 65 i.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 10 525 6 6 1 427 65 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 - - 0 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 1 2 0 ( 1 2 1 Configuration L T TR L T ~ R Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 1 9 , 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume 2 1 14 30 128 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate HFR 1 1.00 2 1.00 , 1 1.00 14 1.00 30 1.00 1.00 _ 1 28 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0_ 0 Percent Grade 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR Approach ES WB Northbound LTR Southbound Movement 1 4 7 S 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L LTR LTR v (vph) 10 6 17 59 C (m) (vph) 1082 1047 555 432 VIC 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.14 95% queue length 0.03 0.02 0.09 0.47 Control Delay 8.4 8.5 11.7 14.6 LOS A A B B Approach Delay - - 11.7 14.6 Approach LOS - - B B UCS2000TM Copyright C~ 20M L:'nn"in' of Florida. A I Righu Re .d Version 4.Ic file://C:\WINDOWS\temp\u2kB043.TMP 7/8/03 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General lnformatirl M Sits lnformat►on" Analyst Ann T. Bowers Intersection Agency/Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Jurisdiction Date Performed 71/03 Analysis Year Analysis Time Period PM Peak Hour 38th /Ames tNheat Ridge 2004 background Project Description 375 - Walgreens 375samsbp EastNVest Street: 38th Avenue North/South Street: Ames Intersection Orientation: East-West 1ehtcte Vplumes ensi Atisfinen#s> Major Street Eastbound Stud Period rs : 0.25 Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume 35 732 8 20 786 162 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 35 732 8 20 786 162 Percent Heavy Vehicles ~ 0 - - 0 - - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 Lanes 1 2 0 1 2 i Configuration L T TR L T R Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L I T I R I L I T ~ R Volume 10 2 19 81 3 58 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 10 2 19 81 3 58 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 Percent Grade 0 0 Flared Approach N ] N Storage 0 I 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Vela Approach EB WB Northbound . Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L LTR LTR v (vph) 35 20 31 142 C (m) (vph) 732 876 214 232 v/c 0.05 0.02 0.14 0.61 95% queue length 0.15 0.07 0.50 3.59 Control Delay 10.2 9.2 24.7 42.3 LOS B A C E Approach Delay - - 24.7 42.3 Approach LOS - - C E XCS>000~ Copmgl4 C 2000 Cnicmin' of Florida-AM Rights Rained Version 4.1c file://C:\WINDOWS\temp\u2kC273.TMP 7/8/03 Short Report Page 1 of 1 SHORT REPORT C~erferal::lnlArmatlAn: $tte 1rtf07l~#a1t0A Analyst Ann T. Bowers Agency or Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Date Performed 713103 Time Period AM Peak Hour Intersection 38th Sheridan Area Type All other areas Jurisdiction 1NheaMdge Analysis Year 2025 background Volume:andTanin'"irt EB WB NB SB 1 LT TH RT LT TH RT 1 LT I TH RT LT I TH I RT Num. of Lanes 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 Lane group L T R L T R L TR L T R Volume v h % Heavy veh PHF Actuated P/A 120 5 1.00 A 597 5 1.00 A 1 116 5 1.00 A I 146 5 1.00 1 A I 393 5 1.00 ( A I 80 5 1.00 A I 140 5 1.00 A I 1192 5 1.00 A 1136 1 1 5 1 1.00 A 282 5 1.00 A 1 1636 5 1.00 A 1 88 5 1.00 A J Startup lost time 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Ext. eff. green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 2.0 1 1 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 1 Arrival type 3 3 3 3 3 j 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 PedBike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 10 1" Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Parking/Grade/Parking N ~ ~ N 0 J ~ N ~ N N I0 N Parking/hr I I I~ I I I I= Bus stops/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I O Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Phasing Excl. Left OE Perm 03 04 Excl. Left SB Only NS Perm 08 1 T i G= 5.0 20.0 G= G= G= 5.0 G= 10.0 G= 30.0 G= im ng Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Y= 0 Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Duration of Analysis hrs = 0.25 C cle Length C = 90.0 Lane 1afUll Caactontrt~I.Liela ~IICII.S i3eierriiillatiotl„ , „ : rF a EB WB NB SB Adj. flow rate 120 597 116 146 393 80 140 1328 282 1636 88 Lane group cap. 262 764 342 184 764 342 176 1621 368 1719 769 /c ratio 0.46 0.78 0.34 0.79 0.51 0.23 0.80 0.82 0.77 0.95 0.11 Green ratio 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.39 0.33 0.56 0.50 0.50 Unit. delay dl 22.0 32.9 294 30.4 30.7 28.7 21.3 27.5 20.7 21.5 11.9 Delay factor k 0.11 0.33 0.11 0.34 0.12 0.11 0.34 0.36 0.32 0.46 0.11 Increm. delay d2 1.3 5.3 0.6 20.8 0.6 0.4 21.9 3.5 9.4 12.2 0.1 F factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control delay° 23.3 38.2 30.0 51.2 31.3 29.1 43.2 31.0 30.0 33.7 12.0 Lane group LOS C D C D C C D C C C B prch. delay 34.9 35.7 32.1 32.2 Approach LOS C D C C Intersec. delay 33.1 Intersection LOS C NCS?0061", Copwrig6t 0 2000 Unirmin' of Flotidz. All Rights Ra cd V=ion 4.Ic Short Report Page ] of 1 SHORT REPORT ~ie7tet8f tl fgimdti4R < Site i00MW10n Analyst Ann T. Bowers Intersection 38th /Sheridan Agency or Co. Bowers S Kreger, Inc. Area Type All other areas Date Performed 713103 Jurisdiction Wheatridge Time Period PM Peak Hour Analysis Year 2025 background Yottrme and Tpnrn "jtn EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH I RT I LT TH RT Num. of Lanes 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 2 1 Lane group L T 1 R 1 L 1 T i R I L I TR I 1 L I T R Volume v h % Heav veh 261 5 782 5 99 5 184 1 5 940 1 5 230 1 5 1 234 5 1803 1 15 1 231 1 5 1 244 1 5 1 1860 5 1 141 5 PHF 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 11.00 1.00 1 1.00 1 1.00 1 _ 1.00 Actuated (PIA) A A I A A I A I A I A I A I A I A I A A Startup lost time Ext. eft. green 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 12.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 2.0 Arrival type 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 PedBike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 0 0 0 I O 0 0 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Parking/Grade/Parking N~ 0 N I N J 0 N N 0 N J N ~ N Parking/hr I ~ Bus stops/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Phasing Excl. Left f- EW Perm 03 04 Excl. Left I NS Perm 07 08 G= 8.0 G= 20.0 G= I G= G= 6.0 G= 36.0 G= G= Timing Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Duration of Analysis hrs = 0.25 C cle Length C = 90.0 Lane Grou "Ca 'acc Contt'o1 bed EB WB NB SB Adj. flow rate 261 7 99 . 184 940 230 234 2034 244 1860 141 Lane group cap. 234 764 342 234 764 342 196 1352 ' 196 1 1375 1 615 /c ratio 1.12 1.02 0.29 0.79 1.23 0.67 1.19 1.50 1.24 1.35 0.23 Green ratio 0.37 0.22 0.22 0.37 0.22 0.22 0.52 0.40 0.52 0.40 0.40 Unit delay d1 24.9 35.0 29.1 22.9 35.0 32.0 22.3 27.0 22.3 27.0 17.8 Delay factor k 0.50 0.50 0.11 0.33 0.50 0.24 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.11 Increm. delay d2 93.3 38.7 0.5 16.2 115.0 5.1 126.3 230.9 145.6 163.6 0.2 PF factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control delay 118.2 73.7 29.6 39.1 150.0+ 37.1 148.6 257.9 167.8 190.6 18.0 Lane group LOS F E C 17D-- F F D F F F F 8 pprch. delay 80.0+ 115.8 246.6 177.3 Approach LOS F F F F Intersec. delay 172.0 Intersection LOS F HCS2000~ Copyright C 2000 Univmiry or Florida, .411 Rights Remnd Vmion 4A Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY GenErai ltifarma#itn ` ` ~Stta In;`otmatton ~ Analyst Ann T. Bowers Intersection Agency/Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Jurisdiction Date Performed 718103 Analysis Year Analysis Time Period AM Peak Hour < 3&h/Ames Wheat Ridge 2025 background Project Description 375 - Wal reens 375samlba East/West Street 38th Avenue North/South Street: Ames Intersection Orientation: East-West !Study Period (hrs): 0.25 1/8}tICIE ~/fJIL1Tt1E5 dtl{I A~ 35tittEntS: . Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume 15 750 9 9 610 93 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF j 1.00 1.00 1.00 J 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hour Flow Rate, HFR 15 750 9 9 610 93 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 - 0 ~ - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 Lanes 1 2 0 1 2 1 Configuration Upstream Signal L T 0 1 TR 1 L T R Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L J R I L I T I_ R Volume 3 2 20 44 2 40 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 3 2 20 44 2 40 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade 0 0 Flared Approach I N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 J Confi uration LTR Deia fluerae U04-19 -.an. and LeVa. oiSeMICe Approach EB WB Northbound LTR Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L LTR LTR v (vph) 15 9 25 86 C (m) (vph) 904 862 364 268 Vic 0.02 0.01 0.07 0.32 95% queue length 0.05 0.03 0.22 1.34 Control Delay 9.0 91 15.6 24.7 LOS A A C C Approach Delay - - 15.6 24.7 Approach LOS - - C C HCS2090TM Copyright R 20DO Uni%miw of Flori&-.AJ1 Right Rmmcd Vmjon 4.1c file://C:\WINDOWS\temp\u2k24C0.TMP 7/8/03 C L I i Two-Way Stop Control Page I of I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY GBTf6t 8I ~I3#Ol [ri8tiD13 SI#E IDOli778#lflit: Analyst Ann TBowers Intersection Agency/Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Jurisdiction Date Performed 718103 Analysis Year Analysis Time Period PM Peak Hour 7 3 38th/Ames Wheat Ridge 2025 background Project Description 375 - Wal reens 375sam1b East/West Street: 38th Avenue North/South Street: Ames Intersection Orientation: East-West 1/ehtC1E Uolame ACItl Aij111.5fi11EtifS Major Street Eastbound Stud Period hrs : 0.25 Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 _j 5 6 1 T L I R L T R Volume 50 1046 12 28 1124 231 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hour Flow Rate, HFR 50 1046 12 28 1124 231 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 - - 0 ( - ~ - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 ~ 0 Lanes 1 2 0 1 2 1 J Configuration L T TR L T ~ R Upstream Si nal 0 1 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L I T R I L I T R Volume 15 3 27 116 4 82 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 15 3 27 116 4 82 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade 0 0 Flared Approach N N J Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR [3e1a 'queue Lien Approach EB _ . WB Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L LTR LTR v (vph) 50 28 45 202 C (m) (vph) 614 686 165 175 vlC 0.08 0.04 0.27 1.15 95% queue length 0.26 0.13 1.05 10.55 Control Delay 11.4 10.5 34.8 169.3 LOS B B D F Approach Delay - - 34.8 169.3 Approach LOS - - D F H=WOTat Copyright C 2000 L'niccrsity of Florida. AO Righb R«mxd \'mim i.lc file://C:\W INDOW S\temp\u2k3281.TMP 7/8/03 Short Report Page 1 of 1 SHORT REPORT Gerleral'InlQrmatroM` Analyst Ann T. Bowers Agency or Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Date Performed 713103 Time Period AM Peak Hour Srteinfvirrialron -`x _ r~ " Intersection 38th /Sheridan Area Type All other areas Jurisdiction Wheafridge Analysis Year 2004 total EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Num. of Lanes Lane group 1 2 T 1 R 1 L 2 T 1 R 1 L 2 TR 0 I I 1 L I 2 T 1 R Volume (vph) 86 422 81 1 104 1 278 56 98 837 96 197 1151 62 % Heavy veh 5 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Actuated P/A A A A A A A A A A A A A J Startup lost time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Ext. eff. green 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 %0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival type U nit Extension , 3 3.0 3 3.0 3 3.0 3.0 3 3.0 3 3.0 3 3.0 3 3.0 3 3.0 13.0 1 31 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f Lane Width Parking/Grade/Parking 12.0 N 12.0 0 12.0 12.0 N j 12.0 0 12.0 N 12.0 12.0 0 N 12.0 N 12.0 0 12.0 Parking/hr Bus stops/hr j 0 I 1 0 0 I 0 _ J 0 0 0 0 0 I 0, 0 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Phasing Excl. Left EW Perm 03 04 Excl. Left SB Only NS Perm 08 T i G= 5.0 G= 20.0 G= G= G= 5.0 G= 10.0 G= 30.0 G= im ng Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Y= 0 Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Duration of Ana sis hrs = 0.25 C cle Length C = 90.0 Lane Grou ' ca 'aci Control Dela `ar+rll (7S. DeetTntnati4n . ES WB NB SB Adj. flow rate 91 444 85 109 293 59 103 982 207 1212 65 Lane group cap. 308 764 342 241 764 342 211 1158 368 1719 769 v/c ratio 0.30 0.58 0.25 0.45 0.38 0.17 0.49 0.85 0.56 0.71 0.08 Green ratio 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.39 0.33 0.56 0.50 0.50 Unit delay dl 21.4 31.3 28.8 22.0 29.8 28.3 18.0 27.9 14.8 17.4 11.7 Delay factor k 0.11 0.17 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.38 0.16 0.27 0.11 Increm. delay d2 0.5 1.1 0.4 1.3 0.3 0.2 1.8 6.1 2.0 1.3 0.0 PF factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control delay 21.9 32.4 29.2 23.4 30.1 28.5 19.8 34.0 16.8 18.7 11.8 Lane group LOS C C C C C C B C B 8 B Apprch. delay 30.4 28.3 32.6 18.1 Approach LOS C C C B Intersec. delay 25.8 Intersection LOS C i 2000 Unn-miry of Florida. All Rights Re -od V.ioo 4.1c HCS2Gg0TM Cop%Ti 8131 Back-of-Queue Worksheet Page 1 of 1 BACK-OF-QUEUE WORKSHEET Project Description 375 - Waigreens 375s38sta Avers eBackofiQueue EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Lane group 1 L J T R L T R L TR L T R Init. queue/lane 1 0.0 1 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Flow rate/lane 1 91 1 444 1 85 109 293 59 103 982 207 1212 65 Satflow per lane 1 1719 1 1809 1 1538 1 1719 1809 1538 1719 1828 1719 1809 1538 Capacity lane 1 308 764 342 241 764 342 211 1156 368 1719 769 Flow ratio 0.05 1 0.13 1 0.06 0.06 1 0.09 1 0.04 1 0.06 + 0.28 0.12 0.35 0.04 v/c ratio 0.30 0.58 0.25 0.45 0.38 0.17 0.49 0.85 1 1 0.56 1 0.71 0.08 I factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Arrival type 1 3 3 3 11 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Platoon ratio 11,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 i.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PF factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1100 1 00 1 100 1 00 1 00 Or 1.5 5.2 1.7 1.9 3.3 1.2 1.6 12.0 2.5 12.3 0.8 ks 10.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.6 02 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.5 2.4 0.8 1.5 0.1 a avg. i 1.7 5.7 1 1.9 1 2.3 1 3.5 11.3 1 2.1 114.3 I 13.4 113.8 i 0.9 I 2.0 1.9 12.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 12.1 12.0 11.8 I 12.0 1 1.8 12.1 0% 3.6 111.1 13.8 1 4.6 1 7.0 12.6 14.3 125.4 1 16.7 124.5 1 1.9 Q spacing 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 o storage 0 0 -0 --FO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Avg. Ro 95% Ro% NCS?G70~ Copyright C 2000 Cnicmim of Florida. All Righla Re mxd \'mion d. k I Short Report Page I of I I SHORT R G~1srallffsirinalinn'w Analyst Ann T. Bowers Agency or Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Date Performed 7/3/03 Time Period PM Peak Hour Ynlumeatsdianin :In Ert EB EPORT Srte lttfomiaiton . > - Intersection 36th / Sheridan Area Type All other areas Jurisdiction Wheatrldge Analysis Year 2004 total s WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Num. of Lanes 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 1 1 Lane group olume v h % Hea veh PHF L 190 5 0.95 T 566 5 0.95 R 69 5 0.95 L 136 5 0.95 T 669 5 0.95 R 161 5 0.95 L 164 51 0.95 1 TR 1273 5 0.95 1 162 1 5 1 0.95 1 L 171 X 5 0.95 T 1320 5 0.95 AR Actuated P/A A A A A A A A ~ A A " A A Startup lost time Ext.eff. green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 2.0 X 20 2.0 X 2.0 2.0 ~ 2.0 2.0 ~ 2.0 2.0 ( 1 2.0 2.0 ~ 2.0 2.0 X 2.0 2.0 Arrival e 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit t Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1 3.0 3.0 ( 3.0 3.0 1 i 3.0 i 3.0 3.0 n Width Volume Lane e Width 0 12.0 0 12.0 i 0 ~ 12.0 12.0 12.0 0 12.0 0 f2.0 0 12.0 1 0 1 i 0 12.0 12.0 0 12.0 Parking/Grade/Parking N 0 _ I N ~ N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N Parking/hr I- Bus stops/hr 0 0 0 0. + 0 I O 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Phasing Excl. Left EW Perm 03 04 Excl. Left NS Perm 07 08 G= 8.0 G= 20.0 G= G= G= 6.0 G= 36.0 _ I G= G= 1 rrning Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Y= 5 I Y= 5 Y= Y= Duration of Analysis hrs = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 90.0 Lane Grou Ca `act C ontrol Liela ar d t tS Dl ferrrfirtatitir r, „w 'M MM EB WB NB SB Adj. flow rate 200 596 73 143 704 169 173 1511 180 1389 104 Lane group cap. 234 764 342 241 764 342 196 1409 203 1375 615 /c ratio 0.85 0.78 0.21 0.59 0.92 0.49 0.88 1.07 0.89 1.01 0.17 Green ratio 0.37 0.22 0.22 0.37 0.22 0.22 0.52 0.40 0.52 0.40 0.40 Unit delay dl 22.7 32.9 28.6 21.2 34.2 30.6 19.8 27.0 19.8 27.0 17.4 Delay factor k 0.39 0.33 0.11 0.18 0.44 0.11 0.41 0.50 0.41 0.50 0.11 Incrern. delay d2 25.2 5.2 0.3 3.9 16.5 1.1 34.2 46.0 34.2 26.8 0.1 PF factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control delay 47.9 38.1 28.9 25.1 50.8 31.7 54.0 73.0 54.0 53.8 17.5 Lane group LOS D D C C D C D E D D B prch. delay 39.6 44.0 71.0 51.6 Approach LOS D D E D Intersec. delay 54.4 Intersection LOS D HCS2000~m Cop)ti& { 2000 Unirmim of Fbrida. All Rights Rmmcd Version 4.1c Back-of-Queue Worksheet Page 1 of 1 BACK-OF-QUEUE WORKSHEET Description 375 - Walgreens 375s38stp I e Back +,f G3ueue . EB WB NB SB iI 1 I LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Lane group 1 Init. queue/lane L 0.0 T 0.0 1 R 0,0 1 L 0.0 1 T 0.0 1 R 0.0 1 L 0.0 1 TR 0.0 1 i L i 0.0 T 1 0.0 _f_j 0.0 Flow rate/lane 200 596 73 143 704 169 173 151 i 1 180 1 1389 1 104 1 Satflow, per lane 1719 1809 1538 1719 1809 1538 1719 1853 1 1787 1 1809 1 1538 Capacity/lane 234 764 342 241 764 342 196 1409 203 1375 615 Flow ratio 0.12 0.17 0.05 0.08 0.20 0.11 0.10 0.43 0.10 0.40 0.07 v/c ratio 0.85 0.78 0.21 0.59 0.92 0.49 0.88 1.07 0.89 1.01 0.17 I factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Arrival type 3 1 3 1 . 3 1 3 l 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 _ 3 3 Platoon ratio 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PF factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Qt 3.4 7.4 1.5 2.4 9.0 3.7 2.2 19.9 2.3 18.3 1.7 ks 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.5 42 2.1 1.3 0.1 0.7 2.7 0.3 2.6 11.7 2.7 7.7 0.1 0 Avn 5.5 18.6 1 1.6 3.1 11.8 4.0 14.8 131.5 1 5.0 126.0 1 1.8 Q% 1.9 1 1.9 1 2.0 1 2.0 1 1.8 12.0 1 2.0 1 1.6 1 12.0 1.6 2.0 10.7 16.1 13.3 16.2 121.4 18.0 9.3 150.6 19.7 142.7 13.6 Q spacing 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 Q storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Avg. Ro 11-H 95% Ro% HCS2C00nt Copyright C 2000 Unix mity of Florida. All Rights Rmmod 1 CMIM V.1C I Two-Way Stop Control Page I of I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General lnfvimatii~n . . Site InI'o~lnatlvrl Analyst Ann T. Bowers Intersection 38th /Ames Agency/Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Jurisdiction Wheat Ridge Date Performed 718103 Analysis Year 2004 total Analysis Time Period AM Peak Hour Project Description 375 - Wal reens 375samsta East/West Street: 38th Avenue North/South Street: Ames Intcr<urtinn nriontntinn- Fast-WeSt IStudv Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Eastbound vvestoouna Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T J R Volume 10 525 11 9 1 427 65 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 10 525 11 9 427 65 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 ' - - 0 - Median Type RTChannelized Lanes ^ Undivided 0 1 2 0 1 0 2 ~ 1 Configuration L T TR _ L T R Upstream Si nal Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 Volume L 6 T 1 R , 20 L 30 T R 1 28 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 6 1 20 30 1 28 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade 0 0 Flared Approach I K= _ , I Storage RT Channelized 0 0 0 ~ 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR Approach EB WB Northbound LTR Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L LTR LTR v (vph) 10 9 27 59 C (m) (vph) 1082 1042 503 425 v/c 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.14 95% queue length 0.03 0.03 0.17 0.48 Control Delay 8.4 8.5 12.6 14.8 LOS A A B B Approach Delay - - 12.6 14.8 Approach LOS - - B B XCS2000Tf Coppight C. 2000 Uni%mipy of Florida, All Rights Rms cd \.im 4.1 file://C:\WINDOW S\temp\u2kB302.TMP 7/8/03 Two-Way Stop Control Page I of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY d4wal Ir #ormation Site Infofr atton Analyst Ann T. Bowers Intersection 38th /Ames Agency/Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Jurisdiction Wheat Ridge Date Performed 718103 Analysis Year 2004 total Analysis Time Period PM Peak Hour Pro'ect Description 375 - Wal reens 375samstp Major Street eastbound vvesluounu Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 J L T R L T R Volume Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 35 1.00 1.00 26 ~ 1.00 31 1.00 ~ 786 1.00 ~ 162 ~ 1.00 Hour Flow Rate, HFR 35 732 26 31 786 162 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 - 0 - ~ - Median Type RT Channelized Undivided 0 0 Lanes 1 2 0 1 2 ' ' 1 - Configuration L T TR L T ( R Upstream Signal 0 1 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement Volume 7 I L 29 8 I T 2 9 I R~ 45 10 11 1°2 I I L I T R 81 3 58 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hour Flow Rate,.HFR 29 . 2 45 81 3 58 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 ^ I Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR Jet iiieiie f en and l exel of Sel r Approach EB WB Northbound LTR m "M : Southbound Movement 1 4 7 a 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L LTR LTR v (vph) 35 31 76 142 C (m) (vph) 732 862 270 219 v/c 0.05 0.04 0.28 0.65 95% queue length 0.15 0.11 1.12 3.93 Control Delay 10.2 9.3 23.5 47.5 LOS B A c E Approach Delay - - 23.5 47.5 Approach LOS - - c E HCS2096TM Cop),ighl 0 2W0 Unn'miW of Flonda. All Ril;W Ramrod Version 4.1c file://C:\WINTDOWS\temp\u2kD004.TMP 7/8/03 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 Major Street Northbound Southbouna Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L 1 T R L T R Volume 0 19 0 6 15 0 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00. 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 19 0 I 6 15 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 - - 0 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 Configuration TR LT Upstream Signal 0J Minor Street Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 L I T I R I L I ° I T R I Volume 0 0 8 ( 0 0 0 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 8 0 0 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 Percent Grade I 0 I 0 I Flared Approach I I N I T N Storage 0 I I 0 I~ RT Channelized Lanes I 0 I J 0 0 0 I 0 I-~ 0 0 0 Configuration LR 6eia Queue Len th and irv et. nl5ervit e Approach N8 I SB I ` k: Westbound . Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR (vph) I i 6 I 1 8 1 I I 1 C (m) (vph) I I 1611 I 1065 I I I vlc 0.00 0.01 95% queue length 0.01 0.02 Control Delay 7.2 84 LOS A A Approach Delay I - I - I 8.4 Approach LOS - - A HCS2000T' CopNrighl C, 2000 Uniumiry of Fbtida..411 Righb Reserved Version 4.1c file://C:\WTNDOWS\temp\u2k5150.TMP 719/03 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of I Major Street Northbound Movement 1 2 L T Volume 0 38 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 Hourty Flow Rate, HFR 0 38 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 - Median Type RT Channelized 'Lanes 0 1 Configuration Upstream Signal 0 Minor Street Westbound Movement J _ 7 8 L T Volume 0 0 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 Hour Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 Percent Grade 0 Flared Approach N Storage 0 RT Channelized Lanes 0 0 Configuration LR Oela Qtieue Len ttt` and Lev~I: ni.5ervaciz Approach NB SB Movement 1 4 Lane Configuration LT IV (vph) 22 C (m) (vph) 1585 VIC 0.01 95% queue length 0.04 Control Delay 7.3 LOS A Approach Delay - - Approach LOS 0 0 0 0 0 0 t y Westbound Eastbound 7 I 8 9 I 10 11 12 LR 38 1040 0.04 0.11 8.6 A 8.6 A iy Period (hrs): 0.25 Southbound 4 5 6 R L ( T R 0 22 38 0 00 1.00 1.00 1.0( 0 J 22 38 0 J 0 - - Undivided 0 1 0 rR J LT 0 J Eastbound 9~ 10 11 12 R L T R 38 0 0 0 .00 1.00 1.00 1.01 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 HCS2Q70M Caphighl @ 2000 Uni miW ofFI.6da, All Righa R.rn-.d V=im 4.Ic filel/C:\WINDOWS\temp\u2k5150.TMP 7/9/03 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General iz#~rm~ttt"«<.'_ Sitetnaatton Analyst Ann T. Bowers Intersection Ames /Access B Agency/Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Jurisdiction Wheat Ridge Date Performed 7AW3 Analysis Year 2004 total Analysis Time Period AM Peak Hour Project Description 375 - Walgreens 375amesastb East/West Street: Access BNorth/South Street: Ames Intersection Orientation: North-South Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Uehtcle i/olumes and Adtustments Major Street Northbound ) Southbound Movement ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R~ L J T R Volume 0 17 1 2 13 0 Peak-Hour Factor PHF 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 f.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate HFR 0 1 17 1 j 2 13 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 - - 1 0 - - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 ~ 0 Lanes 0 1 0 J 0 1~ 0 Configuration TR LT Upstream Signal 0 0 J Minor Street Westbound Eastbound J Movement 7 8 9 10 111 I 12 5 L I T I R I L I T R Volume 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 1 0 2 0 0 I 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade I 0 I 0 I Flared Approach N N I I Storage 0 0 RT Channelized I I I_ 0 ~~0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration ( ( LR Beta Ct~eue~.en th<andLevleJ~f$et~n6i2 Approach NB SB Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR v (vph) 2 3 C (m) (vph) 1612 1036 v/c 0.00 0.00 95% queue length 0.00 0.01 Control Delay I I 7.2 I I 8.5 I ( I I~ LOS I I A I A I I I Approach Delay I - I - I 8.5 I I Approach LOS I - I - I A I I HMWO" Cop3nghl C, 2000 Cnn'mily of Florida. All Ri¢hu Rem ed file://C:\WINDOW S\temp\u2k4163.TMP Version 4.1. 7/9/03 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Gerieial Information Site 1nomattort` Analyst Ann T. Bowers Intersection Ames /Access B Agency/Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Jurisdiction Wheat Ridge Date Performed 718103 Analysis Year 2004 total Analysis Time Period PM Peak Hour Project Description 375 - Walgreens 375amesbstp East/West Street Access B North/South Street: Ames Intersection Orientation: North-South {Study Period (hrs): 0.25 llehicte Uotumes and Atl'usiments . Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T { R Volume 0 31 4 7 31 0 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 i.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 31 _ 4 7 { 31 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 - - 0 - - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 J 0 J Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 { 0 Confiuration { TR { LT J~ Upstream Signal 0 1 0 { Minor Street { Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 10 j 11 12 L I T I R L T I R Volume Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 4 0 7 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 { Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 4 0 7 0 0 ( 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 1 0 0 0 { 0 { 0 { 0 Percent Grade { 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 1 0 Lanes { 0 0 0 { 0 { 0 { 0 J Configuration Approach NB { LR SB { { { Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR v (vph) 7 11 C (m) (vph) 1589 999 VIC 0.00 0.01 95% queue length 0.01 0.03 Control Delay 7.3 8.6 LOS A A Approach Delay - - 8.6 Approach LOS - - A HCS?000 Copyright t, 2000 ❑nivmity ofFlorida..Vl Righa Rmm ed file://C:\WINDOW S\temp\u2k4163.TMP \ m'i. 4.Ic 7/9/03 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 2 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Generallnfarmation Stte'Info~matton Analyst Ann T. Bowers Intersection Sheridan /Access C Agency/Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Jurisdiction Wheat Ridge Date Performed 718103 Analysis Year 2004 total Analysis Time Period AM Peak Hour Project Description 375 - Walgreens 375sheresta I East/West Street: Access C INorthiSouth Street: Sheridan f Movement I 1 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I L I T I R I L I T I R I Volume I 5 1029 0 0 1329 7 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF I 1.00 I 1.00 I 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR I 5 I 1029 0 I 0 I 1329 I 7 Percent Heavy Vehicles I 5 I - I - I 0 I - I~ Median Type I Undivided RT Channelized I I I 0 0 Lanes I 1 I 2 I 0 I 0 I 2 I 0 Configuration I L I T I I I T I TR Upstream Signal I I 0 I I I 1 I I Minor Street L Westbound I Eastbound Movement I 7 8 9 I 10 11 I 12 L T R L T ~ R Volume I 0 I 0 I 0 I 2 I 0 I 3 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF I 1.00 1.00 I 1.00 I 1.00 1.00 I 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR I 0 0 I 0 I 2 I 0 I 3 Percent Heavy Vehicles I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 Percent Grade 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 + 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes I 0 I 0 I 0 1 I 0 I 1 Configuration I ( I I L I Dela , t3ueue teri"' "and Leue€ of Approach NB SB Westbound I R Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L R v (vph) 5 2 3 C (m) (vph) 694 134 811 Vic 0.01 ( i I 0.01 0.00 J 95% queue length 0.02 I 0.05 0.01 Control Delay 10.2 32.3 9.5 LOS B 0 A Approach Delay - - 18.6 Approach LOS - - C Copyright 6 2000 Pnivmin of Florida..AJ1 Rights Re m'ed Vmioo 4.Ic i I Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 2 General tnformatfolt Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY ;Site lnfornatton Ann T. Bowers Intersection Sheridan /Access C Bowers & Kreger, Inc. Jurisdiction Wheat Ridge 718103 Analysis Year 2004 total PM Peak Hour Pro'ect Description 375 - Wal reens 375sherest EastlWest Street: Access C North/South Street: Sheridan Intersection Orientation: North-South Vehicle Volumes and Ad'ustment Major Street Northbound Study Period (hrs): 0.25 gg, Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T I R I L T R Volume 14 1588 0 1 0 1500 25 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 14 1588 0 0 1500 25 Percent Heavy Vehicles - - 0 - - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 _ 0 Lanes 1 2 0 0 2 0 Configuration L T T TR Upstream Signal 0 1 Minor Street Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 1 9 10 11 12 L I T I R I L I T I R I Volume Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 11 0 15 1.00 1.00 1.00 11 0 15 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage I I 0 I I I 0 RT Channelized 0 o J Lanes 0 0 0 1 0 1 Configuration L Approach NB I SB I Westbound R 1 10. Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L R v(vph) 14 11 15 C (m) (vph) 661 114 730 !c 0.02 I I I 0.10 I I 0.02 95% queue length 0.06 0.31 0.06 Control Delay 10.6 I ( I 39.9 I I 10.0+ J LOS B I I E I I B Approach Delay - - 22.7 Approach LOS - - C ii Coppight t- 2000 Unn miry ofFb`id& All RigMv R.m cd emiw a. l< f - Short Report Page 1 of I SHORT R Generallnformation! Analyst AnnT Bowers Agency or Co. Bowers 8 Krager, Inc. Date Performed 7/3/03 Time Period AM Peak Hour Yolume and Tirmn "fn of EB EPORT Srle Infornatlon Intersection 38th/Sheridan Area Type All other areas Jurisdiction Wheatridge Analysis Year 2025 total WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Num. of Lanes 1 2 ~ 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 1 1 2~ 1 Lane group L T R I L I T I R L TR L I T I R_j Volume v h % Heavy veh 122 5 601 5 ~ 116 5 148 1 1 396 5 80 5 140 5 1194 5 136 1 1 282 1 5 1 1641 5 88 PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ' 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 Actuated P/A A A A _A A A A A A ~ ~ A J Startup lost time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 2.0 Ext. eff. reen 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival type 3 3 3 3 3 3 ~ ~ 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1-j 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume " " " " 0 0 0 1 0 L-j " " Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Parking/Grade/Parking ~N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N Parking/hr I- Bus stops/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unit Extension 31 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 Phasing Excl. Left EW Perm 03 04 Excl. Left SB Only NS Perm 08 G= 5.0 T i G= 20.0 G= ~G= I G= 5.0 1 G= 10.0 1G= 30.0 ~G- im ng Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= IY= IY= 0 IY= 5 IY= 5 IY= Duration of Analysis (hrs) Lane Grou Ca dGt = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 90.0 Control Dela and LOS t3e"natl4rt f EB WB NB SB Adj. flow rate 122 601 116 148 396 80 140 1330 282 1641 88 Lane group cap. 261 764 342 182 764 342 176 1621 1 368 1 1719 1769 v/c ratio 0.47 0.79 0.34 0.81 0.52 0.23 0.80 0.82 1 1 0.77 1 0.95 10.11 Green ratio 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.39 0.33 0.56 0.50 0.50 Unit. delay d1 1 22.1 33.0 29.4 30.8 30.8 28.7 21.4 27.5 20.7 21.5 11.9 Delay factor k 0.11 0.33 0.11 0.35 0.12 0.11 0.34 0.36 0.32 0.46 0.11 Increm. delay d2 1.3 5.5 0.6 23.8 0.6 0.4 21.9 3.5 9.4 12.6 0.1 PF factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control delay 23.4 38.5 30.0 54.5 31.4 129.1 413 31.0 30.0 34.2 12.0 Lane group LOS C D C D C C D C C C B pprch. delay 35.1 36.6 32.2 32.6 Approach LOS D D C C Intersec. delay 33.4 Intersection LOS C HCS2006M Cop)xighl C 2D00 U.i% iw of Florida. All Rights Rmmnd Cmim 4.Ic Short Report Page 1 of 1 SHORT REPORT t!SSfo lofn st Ann T. Bowers Intersection 38th/Sheridan cy or Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Area Type All other areas Performed 7/3/03 Jurisdiction Wheatridge Period PM Peak Hour Analysis Year 2025 total EB WS NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Num. of Lanes 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 J 1 Lane group 1 L T R I L 1 T 1 R L TR L T R Volume (vph) 258 801 99 191 951 ( 230 234 1814 1 231 244 1 1878 141 % Heavy veh 5 5 5 ~ 5 5 5 5 ~ 5 5 5 5 5 PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1 1.00 1 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 j 1.00 Actuated (P/A) A A A A A A A ~ A A I A I A I A Startup lost time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 Ext. eff. green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 2.0 Arrival type 3 3 1 3 1 _3 1 3 1 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 -1 " 0 Lane Width 112.012.0 1 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Parking/Grade/Parking ~ N 0 N 0 ~N j N 1 0 1 N~ N 0 J N Parking/hr I I JI~ I Bus stops/hr 0 0 J() 1 0~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Phasin Excl. Left EW Perm 03 04 Excl. Left NS Perm 07 08 Timing I G= 8.0 G= 20.0 ~G= IG= G= 6.0 G= 36.0 G= G= Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= { Duration of Analysis Mrs) = 0.25 1 ICvcle Length C = 90.0 I E8 WB NB SB Adj.flow rate 268 801 99 191 951 230 234 2045 244 1878 141 Lane group cap. 234 794 342 234 764 342 196 1 1352 I 1 196 1 1375 1 615 1 /c ratio 1.15 1.01 0.29 0.82 1.24 0.67 1.19 1.51 1.24 1.37 0.23 Green ratio 0.37 0.22 0.22 0.37 0.22 0.22 0.52 0.40 0.52 0.40 040 Unif. delay dl 24.9 35.0 29.1 23.0 35.0 32.0 22.3 27.0 22.3 27.0 17.8 Delay factor k 0.50 0.50 0.11 0.36 0.50 0.24 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.1 f Increm. delay d2 103.6 34.1 0.5 19.7 121.0 5.1 126.3 234.5 145.6 169.4 0.2 PF factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control delay 128.5 69.1 29.6 427 156.0 37.1 148.6 261.5 167.8 196.4 18.0 Lane group LOS F E C D F D F F F F B Appirch. delay 79.4 120.3 249.9 182.2 pproach LOS E F F F Intersec. delay 175.0 Intersection LOS F HCS20W'- c'op)nghl C 2000 Cni mitN of Florids..All Rights Rcm cd x mion J.le I Two-Way Stop Control Page I of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General lriformati+~n IStte Info~matton" Analyst Ann T. Bowers Intersection 38th/Ames Agency/Co. Bowers & Kreger, Inc. Jurisdiction Wheat Ridge Date Performed 718103 Analysis Year 2025 total Analysis Time Period AM Peak Hour Project Description 375 - Walgreens 375sam8a { East/West Street: 38th Avenue North/South Street: Ames Intersection Orientation: East-West IStudv Period (hrs): 0.25 Vehcce. V olmmes and Adiustmen#s Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R { L T R Volume 15 750 14 12 610 93 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 { 1.00 { Hourly Flow Rate, HFR { 15 { 750 I 14 12 I 610 I 93 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 { - - 0 - I - Median Type { Undivided RT Channelized { 0 0 Lanes ~ 1 2 0 1 I _2 1 Configuration { L ~ T TR I L T { R Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 I L I T I R I L I T I R I Volume { 7 2 26 44 2 40 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF ( 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR { 7 I 2 26 44 2 I 40 Percent Heavy Vehicles { 0 ~ 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 Percent Grade I 0 0 Flared Approach I I N I ~ N Storage I I 0 I I I 0 RT Channelized I I I 0 I I I 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR [3~ta AueaieLen tti =a rtdt.av;"! o~ Servic~ s : Approach EB WB Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L LTR LTR v (vph) 15 12 35 86 C (m) (vph) 904 858 332 263 v/c 0.02 0.01 0.11 0.33 95% queue length 0.05 0.04 0.35 1.37 Control Delay 9.0 9.3 1T1 252 LOS A A C D Approach Delay - - 17.1 25.2 Approach LOS - - C D HCS2WJM Copyright t 2000 Gnin'miq' of Florida. All Rights R.a od Cmim 4.1c file://C:\WINDOWS\temp\u2kAOE2.TNT 7/9/03 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 General Ir#ormation Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Stte ~rorlnatton Ann T. Bowers Intersection Bowers 8 Krager, Inc. Jurisdiction 718103 Analysis Year PM Peak Hour 38th1Ames Wheat Ridge 2025 total Project Description 375 - Wal reens 375samltp East/West Street: 38th Avenue North/South Street: Ames j Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (firs): 0.25 Vehicle Uelumes an Major Street d At•3 isfinents`~ ~ Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L ( T R L T R Volume 50 1046 30 39 1124 231 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 T O 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR O 1046 30 39 1124 231 Percent Heavy Vehicles ~ 0~ - 0 - - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 1 2 0 1 2 ' 1 Configuration L T TR L T R Upstream Signal ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 1 ~ Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T ~ R Volume 34 3 53 116 4 82 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 34 3 53 116 4 82 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 Percent Grade 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Dela Approach EB WB Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L LTR LTR v (vph) 50 39 90 202 C (m) (vph) 613 676 186 167 Vic 0.08 0.06 0.48 1.21 95% queue length 0.27 0.18 2.35 11.16 Control Delay 11.4 10.7 41.3 191.9 LOS B B E F Approach Delay - - 41.3 191.9 Approach LOS - - E F HCS20DOTM Cop~rigld C, 2000 Uni, mipq ofFlorida.All Righu Re -ed V.ioo 4.1c file://C:\WINDOWS\temp\u2kC2.TMP 7/9/03 Two-Way Stop Control Page I of I Intersection Orientation: North-South 1lehjcle volumes` h Adjustments Major Street I Northbound Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Southbound Movement 1 2 3 I 4 5 6 L T R L I T R Volume I 0 27 I 0 I 6 I 22 0 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 I 1.00 1.00 I 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR I 0 27 0 6 22 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 I - - J 0 - - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized I 0 I ~ I 0 Lanes 0 1 ~ 0 0 J 1 0 Configuration I TR LT Upstream Signal I 0 I 0 Minor Street Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 0 1 2 I L I T I R I L I T I R I Volume 0 0 8 0 0 0 I rPeak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I Hour Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 8 0 0 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade I 0 0 Flared Approach Storage I N I I 0 I I N 0 RT Channelized I 0 0 Lanes 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 Configuration I I LR I pets t3ne+eLen th =a nslLavelnT ~ ervice" ~ K.:::. pproach NB SB Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR v (vph) 6 8 C (m) (vph) 1600 1054 v1c 0.00 0.01 95% queue length 0.01 0.02 Control Delay 7.3 8.4 LOS A A Approach Delay - - 8.4 Approach LOS - - A ECS200OTM Copliighl C 2000 Uni%mipy or Florida, .AJ1 Rights Rc med file://C:\W ENDOWS\temp\u2k4034.TMP Vmion 4.1c 7/9/03 Two-Way Stop Control Page I of I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Infarrnafian ' : GEneral Info Wflon V Site Analyst Ann T. Bowers Intersection Ames /Access A Agency/Co. Bowers & Krager, Inc. Jurisdiction Wheat Ridge Date Performed 718103 Analysis Year 2025 total Analysis Time Period PM Peak Hour Project Description 375 - Wal reens 375amesalt East/West Street: Access A North/South Street: Ames Intersection Orientation: North-South Study Period (hrs): 0.25 i7ehib d.ltdtutttes and'"gus menu . Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T I R Volume 0 45 0 22 51 0 f Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 45 ~ 0 22 51 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 - - ~ 0 - - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal 0 1 0 0 0 TR ET 0 1 0 0 Minor Street Westbound Eastbound Movement ( 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume 0 0 38 0 0 0 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 38 0 0 0 J Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 1 0 RT Channelized I I 0 ~ 0 Lanes 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration LR Ueia Glueite'~+en th Approach '~anslLevelat NB Serutc~l, , SB , Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR v (vph) 22 38 C (m) (vph) 1576 1031 vlc 0.01 0.04 95% queue length 0.04 0.11 Control Delay 7.3 8.6 LOS A A Approach Delay - - 8.6 Approach LOS - - A HCS2000TM CepprigM fi 2000 U wemip of Florida. All Rights Ramcd C'mion 4.Ic file://C:\WINDOWS\temp\u2k51E5.TMP 7/9103 Two-Way Stop Control Page I of I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY G+ t~eral lnforlrta#i o:» ' Site In#omatlan . Analyst Ann T Bowers Intersection Ames/ Access B Agency/Co. Bowers & Kreger, Inc. Jurisdiction Wheat Ridge Date Performed 7/8/03 Analysis Year 2025 total Analysis Time Peri od AM Peak Hour Project Description 375 - Walgreens 375amesblta EasttWest Street: Access B INorth/South Street: Ames Intersection Orientation: North-South Study Pedod (hrs): 0.25 I 1[ehicis lfolumes and.Aa tstmen#s Ma"or Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 6 L T R L J T R Volume 0 25 1 2 I 20 I 0 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 I 1.00 1.00 1.00 ( 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 25 1 20 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 - - 0 ~ - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 Configuration TR LT Upstream Signal 0 I ~ 0 Minor Street Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 L _ 8 T _ 9 R I 10 L I 1T1 I 12 T R Volume 1 I 0 2 I 0 I 0 0 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 1.00 1 1.00 0 1.00 2 1.00 I 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 J Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0~ 0 Percent Grade 0 0 Flared Approach I N i N I _ Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 ( 0 Lanes ( 0 I 0 0 0 0 I 0 J Configuration + LR Approach NB SB ( Westbound J Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR v (vph) 2 3 C (m) (vph) 1601 1023 v/c 0.00 0.00 95% queue length 0.00 0.01 Control Delay T3 I 8.5 LOS I A A Approach Delay - - 8.5 ' Approach LOS - - A NCS?r100Tt't Copyright fi 2NO Unirmiti of Fkfida..411 Rights Rcsmod Vmion 4.Ic file://C:\WINDOWS\temp\u2k63BI.TMP 7/9/03 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General information Stie Infomatlon Analyst Ann T. Bowers Intersection Ames /Access B Agency/Co. Bowers 8 Krager, Inc. Jurisdiction Wheat Ridge Date Performed 718103 Analysis Year 2025 total Analysis Time Period PM Peak Hour Project Description 375 - Wal reens 375amesblt East/West Street: Access B North/South Street: Ames Intersection Orientation: North-South IStudv Period Mrs): 0.25 ' T olume - 0 45 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 45 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 - Median Type RT Channelized Lanes 0 1 Configuration Upstream Signal 0 Minor Street Westbound Movement 7 8 L T Volume 4 0 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 4 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 Percent Grade ( 0 Flared Approach + N Storage 0 RT Channelized Lanes 0 0 Configuration LR De1a Gtueue Len fh Approach :'and Level: nT NB Sennc SB Movement 1 4 Lane Configuration LT v (vph) 7 C (m) (vph) 1571 vlc 0.00 95% queue length 0.01 Control Delay 7.3 LOS A Approach Delay - - Approach LOS - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 Westbound Eastbound 7 8 9 10 11 12 LR 975 0.01 0.03 8.7 A 8.7 A 3 4 I 5 6 R L 7 44 44 R 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0C 4 J 7 44 0 0 - Undivided 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 TR LT 0 Eastbound 9 10 11 12 R L T R 7 0 0 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0( 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 NCS2lXgna Copyright t 2000 Univmin of rlorida..41I Rights Rms ed Cmion 4.Ic file://C:\WINDOWS\temp\u2k8264.TN P 7/9/03 AUG-12-2003 TUE 11;07 AM CITY OF DENVER-ENGR FAX NO. 7208653280 CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER P. 01 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES 201 NEST COLFAX DENVER, COLORADO SE02 JOHN NICKENLOOPER Mayor SITE PLAN REVIEW TRANSMITTAL To. City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 29" Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Walgreens at 38ih & Sheridan DATE OF REVIEW: August 12, 2003 REVIEWED By PLANS REVIEW EY40NEER: &MAILADDWS: Debbie Kula. P.E. debbie.kula@c The following are our comments for this project: Public Works -DEKIDD L Need TIS to see effects on signal at 38th& Sheridan 2. Need to align proposed access on Sheridan with existing access on the east side of Sheridan Plan # File # 2003-5075 DlnsOr LWE: (720) 865-3039123 3. Make Sheridan access right in/right out only. The left out will conflict with the queues for the NB Left turn movements. :Case Manager 08/1212003 Denied Attention: Please address all submittals to: Public Works Plans Review Services 201 West Colfax, Department 202 Denver, CO 80202 720-965-2782 Fax: 303-235-2957 K:1P W DESIPLANNIN01Debbic\-Igreenswhtrdge.doc 7500 West 291h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303-235-2846 DATE: 28 July 2003 The City of U The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for a Special Use Permit to allow a drive through at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments you may have regarding this proposal would be appreciated by Tuesday August 12, 2003. No response from you by this date will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO.: SUP-03-01 LOCATION: Southwest Corner of 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow a drive through. The applicant will also be processing a consolidation plat that combines five smaller lots into one large lot. While the consolidation plat has not yet been submitted, please make any comments you may have regarding the plat document (i.e. easements needed, etc.) PURPOSE: The applicant wishes to redevelop the property and construct a 14,161 square foot drug store. The drug store will contain a drive through on the southern side of the building. Pursuant to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, a drive through requires a special use permit. APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.489 Acres Please describe your ability to service the property, while considering the following: • The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. • The availability of service lines to the development. • Will any service lines need to be extended to accommodate development? • The adequacy of capacities to serve the development. • Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations. • Specific easements that are needed for this proposal. • Any comments that would affect approval of this request by your agency. Please reply to: Travis R. Crane (303.235.2849) Completed by: Community Development Department (Name, Agency/Department, Date) Fax: 303-235-2857 DISTRIBUTION .yziterDistrict W~~CpE14~ Sanitation District ~WVa) Fire DisfricY (yrR adjacent City Jefferson County Planning Department , Energy X, -'d Qwest Communications; Colorado Department of Transportation''- Denver Regional Council of Governments JeffCo Health Department JeffCo Schools JeffCo Commissioners AT&T-Broadband Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Regional Transportation District Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge. Police Department <GUheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Wheat Ridge Forestry Division Wheat Ridge Building Division '>1161: Ridge Urban Renewal Authority "The Carnation City" 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303-235-2846 DATE: 28 July 2003 The City of U The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for a Special Use Permit to allow a drive through at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments you may have regarding this proposal would be appreciated by Tuesday August 12, 2003. No response from you by this date will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO.: SUP-03-01 LOCATION: Southwest Corner of 38"' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow a drive through. The applicant will also be processing a consolidation plat that combines five smaller lots into one large lot. While the consolidation plat has not yet been submitted, please make any comments you may have regarding the plat document (i.e. easements needed, etc.) PURPOSE: The applicant wishes to redevelop the property and construct a 14,161 square foot drug store. The drug store will contain a drive through on the southern side of the building. Pursuant to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, a drive through requires a special use permit. APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.489 Acres Please describe your ability to service the property, while considering the following: • The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. • The availability of service lines to the development. ✓ • Will any service lines need to be extended to accommodate development? V • The adequacy of capacities to serve the development. ~ • Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations. - • Specific easements that are needed for this proposal. • Any comments that would affect approval of this request by your agency. * PRIOR TO ISSUING OF BUILDING PERMITS THEREAARE WATER ISSUES TO BE RESOLVED Please reply to: Travis R. Crane (303.235.2849) Community Development Department Fax: 303-235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: 1 W 'District Sahitatioh"District Fire District Adjacent City Jefferson County Planning Department Xcel Energy Qwest Communications Colorado Department of Transportation Denver Regional Council of Governments JeffCo Health Department JeffCo Schools i Completed by: Z dZ (Name, Agency/Department, Date) JeffCo Commissioners AT&T Broadband Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Regional Transportation District Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Wheat Ridge Forestry Division Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority "The Carnation City" 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303-235-2846 DATE: 28 July 2003 The City of U The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for a Special Use Permit to allow a drive through at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments you may have regarding this proposal would be appreciated by Tuesday August 12, 2003. No response from you by this date will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO.: SUP-03-01 LOCATION: Southwest Corner of 3e Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow a drive through. The applicant will also be processing a consolidation plat that combines five smaller lots into one large lot. While the consolidation plat has not yet been submitted, please make any comments you may have regarding the plat document (i.e. easements needed, etc.) PURPOSE: The applicant wishes to redevelop the property and construct a 14,161 square foot drug store. The drug store will contain a drive through on the southern side of the building. Pursuant to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, a drive through requires a special use permit. APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.489 Acres Please describe your ability to service the property, while considering the following: • The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. • The availability of service lines to the development. • Will any service lines need to be extended to accommodate development? • The adequacy of capacities to serve the development. • Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations. • Specific easements that are needed for this proposal. n nn • Any comments that would affect approval of this request by your agency. 178s-r ~o a~Xdl,.1 {~rc►vsaV% a w 3S I;AV4403-ee-Vecaia a~+uraa`r rawTa $maces 3o e h'~D~C-• r Please reply to: Travis R. Crane (303.235.2849) Completed b Community Development Department am49encyl~epartnent ,Date) Fax: 303-235-2857 Water District Sanitation District F76e District,, Adjacent City Jefferson County Planning Department Xcel Energy Qwest Communications Colorado Department of Transportation Denver Regional Council of Governments JeffCo Health Department JeffCo Schools JeffCo Commissioners AT&T Broadband Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Regional Transportation District Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Wheat Ridge Forestry Division Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority "The Carnation City" AUG. 8.2003 4:04PM N0.1495 P. 2 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (Adjacent City Referral) TO: Travis Crane, Wheat Ridge Community Development Department FROM: Doug Wheeler, Denver Community Planning and Development DATE: August 7, 2003 CASE NO.: SUP-03-01 1.489 acres SW comer of West 381 Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project located along the shared Denver-Wheat Ridge boundary. You should be receiving two sets of comments from Denver. I am reviewing the project for Denver Community Planning and Development. Denver Public Works will comment concerting traffic and public right-of-way. Suggested conditions for approval of drive-up window: 1. Recommend screening the south edge of the site (near the drive-up facility) with both landscaping and solid fence. 2. Later submittals should demonstrate lighting will not create glare and light trespass. Recommend cut-off lighting. 3. Sheridan Boulevard is currently a hostile environment for pedestrians and people boarding and getting off buses. Redeveloping sites like this should accommodate customers using motor vehicles AND people walking or usini transit to reach the site- Denver's standard for arterial streets such as Sheridan and 38 Avenue is detached sidewalks with tree lawns. When there is insufficient right-of-way, a wider attached sidewalk with trees in grates or wider attached sidewalk with bollards may be considered. Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Rid8e, Colorado 80033 303-2352846 303-235.2857 (fax) 28 July 2003 Nashat Sawaged Colorado Department of Transportation Region 6 Traffic and Safety 3333 Quebec Street, suite 8400 Denver, Colorado 80207 RE: Southwest corner of 3e Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard Dear Mr. Sawaged: This letter is provided in order to explain the complexity which the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority (WRURA) and the Cornerstone Group I, Inc. (TCGI) are confronted with in providing signatures of the current owners of the subject properties for the attached access permit application. It is the understanding of both WRURA and TCGI that as part of the CDOT access permit process to close, open or relocate curb cuts along Sheridan Boulevard, it is necessary to obtain signatures of the current owners of the subject properties. WRURA and TCGI are working diligently to acquire ownership of the subject properties. It is anticipated that one or more of the property owners may not be willing sellers. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that all owners would be willing to sign the access permit. WRURA and TCGI respectfully request that CDOT accept this letter in lieu of the typical documents signed by the property owners. WRURA and TCGI are working to acquire ownership as quickly as possible. We respectfully request that CDOT inform the Authority in writing of your decision regarding the proposed access, but that the issuance of the actual permit is withheld until such time that WRURA and TCGI have acquired ownership. The decision rendered by CDOT regarding the access is paramount to the redevelopment project and pursuit of the acquisition of the property. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call. Thank you in advance for giving this matter your attention. yonn C. a Alan C. White, AICP Executive Director COLORADO pEpgR'fMENT OF TRANSPORTATION rssri w » STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT APPLICATION nga wu YapWeetion Inshuct;ons: - contact the Department otTiansporfah'on or your local govemmem to deteradna r i i you ssu ng authority - contact the issuing augtonly to determine what plans and other documents are required to be submitted with your appkation. - complete this form (some questions may not apply to you) and attach all necessary dou arnarrs and suli ntt it to the issuhug authority. Submit an application for each access requested. - if you have any questions contact the issuing authority. Please print or type 1)ROpedyozma(PmWtee) 2)APPIi®a Gl l C /r. . address, afy dredamrese, eity slBleariP Snwh SU/X Ada vC/ pha # ware&~ # 8010 -%yG -2(dG 3)nadmsserpmpdymbeaawea MlrerrroT[dlolonn) 4) la9al daevip. w properly: ~a~N mmR.elon pQy y s~ ~ wrw 5)Wtrat Saleaighwayamyou n:quesangaccesermmT b7Whafzmedd,etiWgWmy O N ❑ S ❑ E W d4 . s nFmvv menyfeati aw Prgpsedaccessfmmtharwaradralepost? HowmwWWisalepmposeio=i atronidwneazeata zfteettT / reel cwda: N S E W )bare IO fe% drtla: N E W l.Jl /X/f NnE . 9)Grerklcere4Yar amrequaste~ga ❑ new access ❑ temporaryaccess ❑ improvement to wrist ag access ❑ change In accessuse removal of access e)Whatis..Pproti dweyou- I Wbepnoaetruc6m? 441, 7493 i~ lbyvy I)a✓e rmawkd~ of mY Sale HfBtmeY azass pamdLS serring 6Ys pro ~ tPmpa seam whkhyo a rnlwest date: . ,a no ❑ yes, if yes - what are the pemfit rwmber(s)T: and/or, r, per permit date: 11) roesdre PrNlartYowneramarWtSwNirraestefnmrye*CMAProPady! O no Q yes, if yes - please describbe: tz)Amihaaotleredsdrgerdedi®led fz~l'csVeeLS.mads.tY~rwaysoraccesa ~emmVSbomeriig«wtNntlcepmpertyf ❑ no U yes, if yes - rat them on your plans and indicate the proposed and erdsiing access points. 13) IfyouarefequesimgmmmadelamdusMeleccess PleesaindMetetlretypes and ramtzeofbusNesmsand aw7detlreflawarea ep~ra rootwpofoed& budmss sgwe foots busirasa squaretaohge 74) ryou ere raquasmrgagdallWmlfreltl aaass-hev manyeresvrtithea~ server i']rYatwarequesdrla residen3d de'lelapemaalacross.rdnasNahPe(dru~lotamdy. ~adnwnt.loxnurarae) mtlmrmberoturu'm? type numtxiafatlfs tYPa numbwofur fs 7a) Prw)dadlefdmw)rgvelude murdesdmetesravahitles MdrrOUSetlwacrass. Leevirgtheaopedydrenmmmirig is lwomuds Ind®mryourmuds ae ❑ peak crow volumes or ❑ average daily volumes. Rdpa®ga®a#blrN@ Ro(mtl Wbelf •dMO,M46 RMfY~mRM4aa Ne~~91R 4aHmwNSS I7m IY^e^9 Toolawrrtordivddtlas 17) Che&vAhtlle issuingatllordybtldemnbia vdYCh oftheraH V.vbgdaafrtwrb saerePdledb mnWkletMreurewafyaaepprRa6w , (plarsalwW berplergerdmn24'z36y a) lighwayarW driveway Plan Pnfila e) Pmparymapindzedrgoamaoc s bmd mgmadeaMebeels. 0 ProPOSedasa&sdesign b) orair®pedar.-.howbu~mrpedmfheb9lrvray~ JM1ro4xmr: IntlWhrBa . C) rdapm hMaradoWEVuh$ytoeaNmsbOmandaam n ) davebpredinafW alwgaredgFdor-way 9 Tiafluccontrdpffin. d) Subdwlslon,zauiv,ordeveloaneNplert p Pr oflabmfybaurarra. If an access permit is issued to you itxdfi state the terms and conditions for its use. Any changes in the use of the permitted access not consistent with the loans and conditions fisted on the permit may be considered a violation of the permiL The applicant declares under penalty of perjury In the second degree, and any other applicable state or federal laws, that all information provided on this form and submitted attachments are to the best of their Imowiedgetrve and complete. Appfi~bsftaehue male ~ ~ 23 lL3 the owner of the property, we requite tits application also to be signed by the property owner or their auUionzed resentative (w other acceptable written evidence). This signature shall conabli to agreement with this r nemof-intemst unless stated in writing, If a pennh's authoriz ed. the property owner mill be listed as Data wur ramwur rasa COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT APPLICATION iss1gaulhaBy2ppka1JM aocepldrmdata: Instructions: - contact the Deparhnent ofTwnsportation or your kical government to determine your tssu)ng authority - contact the issuing authority to determine vdhat plans and otter documents are required to be submitted with your application. - complete this forth (some questions may not apply to you) and attach all necessary documents and submit it to to issuktg authority. Submit an appffwf*n for each access requested. - if YOU have any questions contact the issuing authority. Please print or type 'Wropenyuwner(Penaiime) 2) addmss, afy sheetaddres, City g99 sr - yP e# rlPf shae8rip pham# sIMe8~ phonat, 3)nddressaf n, rmmaarvadMParaft#11w ra) L-2G26 wLegaldesa -Mproperty. mw, am; ar v Whm W n9W% waytw aavssrmrm 6)Whasidsof0iehUmay ON ❑ S ❑ E XW 511 95, 5& u d . aA 'o 7)t7owrnaMfeetiatlrepmposedaxessfromtlierresesimile POSrt Howrrerryfe~islhe prposedaccesa Oam Nenearesramssbeal7 feM(r$de: N S E W )tram fe%(ma%: N &E W )horn' U 8) Grak here gyar era razpiesgrg a O new access ❑ temporaryaccess 0 improvement to ehdsting access ❑ change in access use removal of access 9) What's BmeppropmMeda~you brtendbbegin a nsine* n? w 3 10) DOyoy pare bmNedgeaitny seraHiglxmya~sParrmfs sawng this pap.. wadiar WoPar OesNwhkh yoOh emyiNaresL X / J no ❑ yes, if yes - what am the permit num~5)~ permit d and/or, ppeermit date: tit)Doestlra properlyowea n srherewryintervals in any ediacerd PrOPad1R O no ❑ Yes. ayes-please describe: 12) Are them olher etlsfng adedloated public assets, marls. highways aacresseaSansMa bantering wwtM the ProPNW ❑ no ❑ yes. types - list them on your plans and indicate the proposed and e>dstng access p rdii. t3)IfYOUareragrrslirgcarmmerdelahtluNrialamasspkase endwmberdbusi ai pwide Remaaeraa sgvdratooN9e Meech . mfaMa9a b~ness squarefootsge 14) NYOU am mquestlng agnWIturel field access- how aenyaoes Me 0saaass serve? 75)rcYOUamrarpreatirgmadadmida+rJWratrerlamss.whatis n se~ ~npy. aparMait. tawaMUSa)antlnumberaruruM n e NPe nonibaMUnlh 16)Prpwde e wfo M 000 aleafavehitleagulwN u asa.leer'egiha PrOPerhOrenreWmhg Is MOmmts.IrMIraBBgyavcOimisam ak s or ❑ hWrvol YOI 0pp UmBS Or eak eS. aVerBge dally volumes. Da®ee l6ydwfl,6 /Me,/VAhIfL D[l YdewEF~ •orYg6 arwlebw¢mmdarS 9AErmwMyx(peevpyamq Taal couMMa0vahidea t?)chedrw nmmissireardlmrilymdelemmmwh, n c, reUaowftgdoo svwrequiredb ampleleihe reriaxM}prtappiysEOn . (puns shouldbe nc roger #m 24'x36') a) F1lghwayerMdrivewayplan pMge. a) Property oug, n~rgotlsra¢BSS,hardeningme&andsbeMS. PrWOaedeamsadasign c' a sshdav'rgimPattolhepida'aY dHptol+~aJl. g age~menN. M Max p mpsinrAM' elffinJrmEtYla20aa bMaeaafana peM la hl SUeng Siyringardshp»png plans. derelapmentinartl Morg tllellgMOpN9y. ) Traffccadmlplan. d) SubdWbdon,Zxdn%WdsveIWnreidpim- D Proot0fFebCM1ypsomce. If ccess permit is issued to you it will state titre terms and condition for its use. Any charges in the use of the permitted s not consistent with the terms and conditions rated on go peen t may be considered a violator of the permit pplicant declares under penalty of perjury in the second degree, and any other applicable state a federal that all Information provided on t is form and submitted attachments are to the best of their knowledge true omplete. Date ~ 23 03 tithe applicant is not the owner of the property, we require this application also to be sli fned by the property owner or their ' legally autmr umd representative (or other acceptable written evidence). This signature shag constitute agreement with On application by all owners-of-interest unless stated in writing. If a permit is authorized, the property owner will be fisted as the pelmttice. PmPedyamrerspalum Die 1.. YgOrir3] 9195 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Lswugauurairyawlauw STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT APPLICATION aacaptazedate: Instructions - contact the Department of Transportation or your local government to determine your issuing authority. - contact the issuing authority to determine what plans and other documents are requited to be submitted with your appGpfion. - complete this form (some questions may not apply to you) and attach all necessary documents and submit it to the issuing authority. Submit an application for each access requested. - if you have any questions contact the issuing authority. Please print ar type 1)Praperlyowner(PanMdee) 2)Ap* M t.FES aaarass,dy sbaetaddres,dly 9 /o ST ur7= 2-ID em~aMP& vtP pnna# 07A _ _ZG Zf's 3)Aadr ofpmpelymbesanimbypemsfrlao) 4)Legalde.dpbonatPr caw. ~ am,em em a .croon vnzup rasa 5)Wtatsddehighweyareyau ecroseban? 6)wlatsi wit, highvray ON ❑S ❑E XW Lr/~ y)ybwnranyfeet is theproposedacceabom daneamst Mleposr HowmanyfW%Neproposeda mfmm6 neaastmsastre ? feettardw. N S E W )(rare faettdrda NeVE W ,mug e) Check here d you are requabng a ❑ new access 0 temporary access O bnpmvement to existing access ❑ change in access use A removal of access 9)Whati.flie pmmnatedateyougamdlo carsbudan? f9)Doyov loewvledgedmq. State }tig" acatsa pamAs serving dft properly v adjacent properties In which you have a pmpeayWmasL : no ❑ ye if yes - what am the permit number(s)? and/or, permit data. t,) Does as properlyovea whave any hearsem any adjacent property? 0 no ❑ yes. if yes - please describe: 12)AatlareodaradslirgardedFatetl n.mticsre~.rma~.ingtnvayaara¢essaasanvn~naaainaarwnninmapapeny? ❑ no 0 yes, if yes - list them on your plans and indicate the proposed and existing access points. 13) linos are rsquesdngc nwaal orinduebial across please mahaa the Was and oumbard businesses and Puma gieMmarea squarefmtMe of each. I W . . aqua-maage b -ass squarefoobga ,4) dyou are requesting agacWWralfaW amass-Ippmaryaves v4gdaa~serveT 15)dyesammquasfmg asgenfieidevebperr~darms,orieln thelypa f bardY. apartmeaL bxdnuse)ad mmbadurs'mT ts duMls n ummr M- type number dunia t 61 Provitle th following velibe mutt estimates tar vehicles Iharwe lee tla aaass. Iwvirg der property tlan aW Mrg k lore aourr~. IMirale A your murrb ea ❑ peak hour volumes or ❑ average daily volumes. smp eaoaa,egamm ammrwmm aeomQ.oxns aresnyow+mrrab®asoa saamwra~lemoyvam.q TotalawnuolaaveNdea t7lfgrmJCwT a o +edtich~tlcftlbwirgdaamenLS~neregmred WaompktedareviewMyoaappraalim. ae1 .h. l. rU (pbnsresfzzddbarabrgertlan24'z36') 24'x3 a) H'ghwayanddriveway Plan Pmige. a) Pmpertynapn4odrgodara¢ess.borde ingmadswWsteets. Q Pmposmamazadasgn b) Datrageplareslawirgbnpadtodaigglwrey rigid-oWray. 9) PamlaWawnwshpmapainduairgeassemema. c) Napaaldtersaalagmg utlNynomdarcbafaeamana N simd Md bvmpias- dewelopm inandalagdangM-of-aayc ) TrWfem pbam d) SubaMstgn,mrreg,ardevebpr plae D Pnddtiabgey"aau=w- If an access permit is issued to you it will state the terns and conditions for its use. Any changes in the use of the permitted access not consistent with the terms and conditions fated on the permit may be considered a viotation of the pemmt The applicant declares under penalty of perjury in the second degree, and any other applicable state or federal laws, that all information provided on this form and submitted attachments are to the best of their knowledge true and complete. AppkaMtdgra Bade If the applicant is not the owner of the property, we require this application also to be signed by the property owner ortheir legally authorized representative (or other acceptable written evidence). This signature shall constitute agreement with this application by all ownensof-interest unless stated in writing, if a permit is authorized, the property owner will be listed as the permittee. pmperlyownerSg . We Prewae6C®arnsmsybereetl urmarapgmamwaeomd coat aM3r 8196 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~mr~wdab~ STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT APPLICAT eec@panceaal e: ION tnstmctioni - contact the Department of Ttansporlation or your locai government to determine tr ------------issuing authority - contact the issuing authority to dP temtn h t l . e w a p ans and other documents are required to be submitted with your application. . - complete this form (some questions may not apply to you) and attach all necessary documents d an submit it to the issuing authority Submit an application for each access requested - - if you have any questions contact life iswing aulhodty . Please print wtype t 2) nt 5 Y- jCe~ - jA4f. etre«add2as.rrt)' 9 Si 2/0 Ph.# slateavp v rvedb, am,H H iman) L'olo 3 3- p 41 h~i aesaroH an «propary; . mmy w u M my°' w+arv e e ro bre raquesy~gH)Whatside«NehlHhvrey 5 S-ON ❑S ❑E W pmposedaaxss (male: N S E W )frenr /9o f--(otrequeemrg a temporary access El improvementm Padsting access O cha rge in access use O removal of access ~ Whatishtrea pptotumeledateyouinlaMm mnsWCHOn? taro graykdg®«arry Sitar@Ffghvrayaaess Pemulss@iBHisWOP@m%a : ate, no O yes, it yes -what am the permit number(s)7: a§aaadp rap@r0as 6r w data and/or, permit permit date: 11)owsma propedyevtraewn erlur. a irNerasls in any isaxm properly/ Cl no 0 yes. if yes - please describe. 12) Am amera 11 1111, 11,1,111 ea yubles In i6,roads,hittmveysoracaesa~m b^Nemgawiminlhep perty? no ❑ yes, eyes - list them on your plate and indicate th e proposed and etdsting access points. 13)tyauararaqu Cisvnerdanarind S al aI I I 1 e%salapoalemeypesana rwmber«bushressasand provide Urefl b i roram equarefootlileach. es ness squatekWage busmese squarefoobgg i4) HYOU arerequasgng agriadWreifield aroess-howmarryaaeswll iheaccess serve? 15) Hyou aeregnesfirgresidanHaldeuei^Perrianlazess,whatisme type(sh9lafmnly. aparbi bwnhatce)andmrmha«ur~? hwe number«urtiN type rumba«uats 16)Previ @ fdlwdrgveNdeaurtrteshonatestavehd nniatwiiliuseHwaccess.Leavingthepropemylhenmil peakhourvolumes or O average "'H i@tr'°~ml@'l^aicreHV^nr~ariNaa daffy volume s. •^r ~setlamus em,,.ve..xm,~ (05 awmewad® PWYy}f ui WiGDh~atoa e~faan ve4FJg lEparyOpMlt Toll eau««aH Veldde s / 17)Clxskwrhmaiseumg aulMtHyfodetammevadch«Ihefolavirgtlocumemsare L (Ware slwWdhenpragermau24'x36) rerNhedbimnmletemereview«yoaappti~Har. a) IfighwayerMdrnewayplanpmna. a) fhoperlymapiMiomgoffwacc~,b@Nadrgreadsardsbeets. Propused acvsseaestgn b) namagaplaneh^wirg¢npatWU tigh"Hgtd -a g Pa w end as t@~ n6. dala6rg ^~ybcetiwsbefaeaMaRer h) sad-gmW>rmpjgplars dev m @ . a d) SubdMeiogzmu ordev bjem~ptaa l 4aRcmWOi . Pro--«labThirisuremce. If an access permit Is issued to you it will state the terms and conditions for its use. Any charges in the use of th i e perm tted access not consistent with the terms and conditions fisted on the permit may be considered a vi l ti f o a on o the permit The applicant declares under penalty of perjury in the second degree, and any other applicable state w federal taws, that all information provided on this form and submitted att h ac ments am to the best of their ImovN and complete. edge true ere Date -7//z3~d_3 if the applicant is not the owner of the property, we require this application also to be signed by the property owner artheir legally authorized representative (or other acce table w itt id p r en ev ence). This signature shat constitute agreement with this application by all owners-of4merest unless stated in wrung. If a permit is auttcfil the proped owner will b f y e isted as the permutes. Property wnha sigrrdune t>ere coorroan ts PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Qyof Wheat Ridge Y 7500 WEST 290i AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Department of Public Works July 17, 2003 Pre-Application Meeting for Walgreen's Drug Store (38 h & Sheridan) Public Works Requirements: 2 Copies of the following shall be submitted for review: 1. A Final Drainage Report and Plan (signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer). 2. Grading & Erosion Control Plan (signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer). 3. Street Construction Plans (signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer), which shall include a plan and profile of the public improvements along street frontages, and Standard COWR details for all constructed items. NOTE: A CD-ROM containing the City's Street Construction Standard Details in AutoCAD DWG format is available at the City of Wheat Ridge Department of Public Works for $20.00. 4. Site Plan which shall include the following: a. 24" X 36" sheet format. b. A Vicinity Map. c. The boundary of the site described in bearings and distances, and existing and proposed lot lines. d. A Legal Description of the site, including tie(s) to the Section. e. A Basis of Bearing statement. f Signed certification from a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the state of Colorado. g. A scale and north arrow. h. Date of map preparation and name & address of person who prepared map, i. Location of 100-year floodplain, if applicable. j. Existing and proposed contours at 2-ft intervals. k. Adjacent street(s), including Right-of-Way width(s), name(s), ROW centerline(s). 1. Location of all existing & proposed easements and rights-of-way, fences, walls, drainageways, ditches, buildings to be developed or retained on site. 4. Final Plat (Consolidation Plat). Additional Requirements: Proof of Ownership for the property, e.g., Warranty Deed, Title Commitment, etc A CD-ROM containing the Final (Consolidation) Plat shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works in addition to the above-mentioned 2 - 24"X36" Final Plat hardcopies. Due to the proposed area of development being greater than 1 acre, an NPDES Permit shall be required from the State of Colorado (CDPS permit). This permit is issued through the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Water Quality Control Division. The Cornerstone Group I, Inc. 225 West Wacker, Suite 2800 Chicago, Illinois 60606 312.201.2545 fax: 201.2549 VIA: Facsimile and US Mail July 22, 2003 Mr. Alan White City Manager City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 RE: Re-development of the southwest quadrant of 38th Avenue and Sheridan; Co- Applicant Letter Dear Mr. White, Pursuant to our conversation, this letter shall serve as notice and confirm to the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado that The Cornerstone Group I, Inc. shall be the co-applicant along with The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority for the re-development of the southwest quadrant of 38 h Avenue and Sheridan. If you have any questions Alan, please call me at the above stated number or on my cell phone at 312.209.2213. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this matter. Regards, Ti4n Su van The Cornerstone Group I, Inc. Manager cc: Mr. James Windholz, esq. - Windholz & Associates Mr. Jeff Bailey - The Cornerstone Group I, Inc. The Cornerstone Group I Inc 225 West Wacker Suite 2800 Chicago. Illinois 60606 ` 07/23/2003 13:52 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE 9 005 Bowers & Krager, Inc. July 14, 2003 Mr. Nashat Sawaged, P. E. Access Engineer State of Colorado Department of Transportation Region 6 - Permit Section 5640 East Atlantic Place Denver, Colorado 80224 Re: Access Permit Applications - State Highway 95 (Sheridan Boulevard) - Waigreen's Development, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 875"WronL"a Dear Nashat: Attached please find an access permit application for a full-movement access to the west side of State Highway 95 (Sheridan Boulevard) as well as access permit applications for the closure of the three existing full-movement access points that currently serve this property. A copy of the traffic impact study conducted for this proposed Walgreens store is included as part of this document. The subject property is situated on the southwest comer of Sheridan Boulevard and 38th Avenue in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The parcel is bounded by Sheridan Boulevard on the east, 38th Avenue on the north, Ames Street on the west, and existing.residential dwellings on thi south: ' Three retail establishments exist on the property: Casman's Auto, Paradise Billiards, and I(itchen Masters, There is also asjngle-family home on the southern edge of the parcel. The proposed project would replace these existing uses with a Walgreen's store. There are currently ihrae; full-movement access points to Sheridan Boulevard. With the proposed Walgreens store, the three existing access points will be. replaced with.one full-movement access point. The first existing access Is approx1rhately"60 feet south of the intersection of Sheridan Boulevard and 38th Avenue. This access serves the Casman's Auto land use. The second access is an alley that extends from Sheridan Boulevard to Ames Street. It provides access to the back sides of the three retail uses. It is located approximately 140 feet.south of the intersection of Sheridan Boulevard and 38th Avenue. The third access serves the single family home. 899 Lo-Pn Sb=k Sucre 210 pc ner, Co 80203-319+ T003)++6-2626 P'")4+6-0270 07/23/2003 13:52 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE MI Nashat Sawaged Colorado Department of Transportation lih 006 July 14, 2003 Page 2 The proposed full-movement access is located approximately 19o feet south of the signalized intersection of SH 95 and 38th Avenue and will provide access to the Welgreens store. State Highway 95, is a four-lame, north/south roadway with a posted speed limit of 35 MPH. This roadway is classified by the Colorado Department of Transportation as a Non-Rural Arterial, NR-B. According to the State of Colorado State Highway Access Code, Section 2.6 Changes in Land Use and Access Use, "(2). The intent of this subsection is to recognize that beneficial modifications to existing developed property are to be encouraged. The redevelopment, reconstruction, remodeling, assemblage, and any other modifications to the existing property will allow the property to retain some direct access if direct access currently exists." °(3) Unless there are identified safety problems, existing legal access to the state highway shall be aflowed to remain of be moved or reconstructed under the terms of an access permit in accordance with subsection 2.6 as long as total daily trips to and from the site are less than 100, or as long as only minor modifications are made to the property or as long as the access does not violate any specific permit terms and conditions. Minor modifications are defined as anything that does not Increase the proposed vehicle volume to the site by 20 .percent or-more 0 74) Modifications to an existing highway access which is either in use or can demonstrate historical use, and does not comply with the provisions of Paragraph 3 above, may be granted according to the following previsions (a) Upon demonstration by the applicant that the proposed access point(s) will improve the operation or safety of the highway. Consolidation of access points is encouraged and shall be defined as a benefit to the highway for application of this rule. Where there are multiple accesses serving the site, a 50% reduction (rounded up for odd numbers) shall be sufficient ° Traffic counts were not collected at the existing access points to Sheridan Boulevard as it was assumed that the proposed Walgreens store would increase the vehicle volume to the site by more than 20 percent. Based on that assumption, Subsection 2.6 (4) applies. According to Subsection 2.6 (4) (a), consolidation of access points shall be defined as a benefit to the highway and a 50-percent reduction (rounded up for odd numbers) in access points shall be sufficient. Therefore, a reduction to 2 07/23/2003 13:53 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE IM 007 Mr. Nashat Sawaged Colorado Department of Transportation July 14, 2003 Page 3 access points for this site is allowed by the Access Code and would be defined as a benefit to the highway. This proposed project will consolidate the existing thmik., full-movement access points to =full-movement access point. By definition, a benefit to the highway has been demonstrated. Therefore, we believe that the reduction to one access point to SH 95 does indeed meet the criteria of the CDOT Access Code and no further justification is required. However, Per CDOT's request in a letter to the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, the additional analysis was conducted to further demonstrate the justification for the proposed full-movement access. According to the State of Colorado State Highway Access Code, Section 3.11 CATEGORY NR-B - Non-Rural Arterial, (2) When application is made, one access shall be granted to each parcel, if it does not create safety or operational problems. The access M11 provide, as a minimum, for right turns only. The access may have left turns in (314 movement) if the addition Of left turns will improve operation at an adjacent full-movement intersection and meet appropriate design standards, unless significant operational or safety problems would occur Where it is shown that the location will be able to meet appropriate design criteria, full-movement access shall be granted at one-half mile spacing, or where a signal progression analysis indicates-.. ° This proposal is for a full-movement access point that is not projected to meet warrants for a traffic signal. It is proposed that the access be allowed to operate as a full-movement access point until such time that the left-turn out movement Is identified as an operational or safety problem- At that time, it Is proposed that the access be modified to a 3/4 movement access. The following analysis identifies how the approval of this full-movement access will improve operation at the adjacent full-movement intersection of 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard. Analyses were conducted using the Highway Capacity Analysis Software. The analysis was run for two scenarios: with the proposed full-movement access and without the full-movement access. The Year 2004 traffic volumes and lane geometry were used in the analyses. For the scenario without the full-movement access, the eastbound left-turns out of the site and the northbound left turns into the site were assumed to be made at the intersection of SH 95 (Sheridan Boulevard) and 38th Avenue. The results of the analyses are summarized in the following table. 07/23/2003 13:54 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE Mr Nashat Sawaged Colorado Department of Transportation [boos July 14, 2003 Page 4 The results of the analyses indicate that the SH 95 and 38th Avenue intersection, specifically the eastbound and northbound left-turn movements, operate with less delay with the proposed full-movement access, specifically during the PM Peak Hour. The northbound left-turn movement at the SH 95 and 38th Avenue Intersection is particularly negatively affected without the proposed access. This movement operates at LOS D with 46.7 seconds of delay with the access but then drops to LOS E with 60.7 seconds of delay without the access. As a result, the overall intersection delay and level of service is negatively affected. INTERSE ON CAPACITY:ANALYMS SUMlY„ STATE440MVIAY9$ 38TW YEAR.1004':TRAF IG YOC AM PEAK HOUR MEASURE OF EFFECTIVENESS With Proposed Access Without Proposed Access Overall Intersection LOS C C Overall intersection Delay 25.1 25.1 E8 Left-turn LOS C C ES Left-turn Delay 21.8 sedveh 21.8 seciveh NB Left-turn LOS a 5 NB Left-tum Delay 19.5 sec/veh 19.7 sectveh PM PEAK HOUR With Proposed Access Without Proposed Access Overall Intersection LOS D D Overall Intersection Delay 48.8 49,8 EB Left-turn LOS D D ES Left-turn Delay 42.0 sealveh 49.5 sealveh NB Left-tum LOS D E NB Lett-turn Delay 48.7 sectveh 80.7 secJveh MPH speed limit The State of Colorado State Highway Access Code, Section 3.10 Category NR-B - Non-Rural Arterial - Auxiliary Lane Requirements (4) states the following, "Auxiliary turn lanes shall be installed according to the criteria below. 07/23/2003 13:55 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTO'N'E Mr. Neshat Sawaged Colorado Department of Transportation fA 009 July 14, 2003 Page 5 (a) A left turn lane with storage length plus taper is required for any access with a projected peak hour left ingress turning volume greater than 25 vph. ' (b) A right turn lane with storage length plus taper is required for any access with a projected peak hour right ingress turning volume greater than 50 vph. The projected left-tum ingress volume is projected to be 5 vph in the AM Peak Hour and 14 vph in the PM Peak Hour. A left4um lane is not required as the 14 vph falls below the 25 vph threshold. The projected right-tum ingress volume projected for this access is 7 vehicles in the AM Peak Hour and 25 vehicles in the PM Peak Hour. A right-turn lane Is not required as the 25 vph falls below the 50 vph threshold. In order to make sure that the northbound left-turning vehicles at the Sheridan Boulevard and 38th Avenue Intersection do not interfere with the northbound left-turning vehicles at the proposed access, the queue lengths were reviewed. The queue lengths are provided by the Highway Capacity Software. Year 2004 total traffic The analysis indicates that the average queue for the northbound left-tum movement is approximately 2 vehicles for the AM Peak Hour and approximately 5 vehicles for the PM Peak Hour. Assuming a vehicle length of twenty feet, the maximum queue is estimated to be 125 feet for the northbound left4um movement. The proposed access is approximately 190 feet south of the SH 95 / 38th Avenue Intersection. The projected queues will not interfere with the proposed access. According to the letter from CDOT to the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority regarding this proposed project, this access does not meet Section 4.4 of the Access Code. Section 4.4 Access Spacing, is a design standard that applies to access points granted under Section Three of the Access Code. Because this access permit application meets the criteria of Subsection 2.6, Section 4.4 Is not applicable. In addition, within this particular section of SH 95 and for several miles In both directions, there are numerous access points that do not meet the Access Spacing criteria of Section 4.4. For all of the reasons outlined above - specifically Subsection 2.6 - and the analyses provided, the proposed access to SH 95 meets the criteria of the State Highway Access Code and we recommend that this access be approved. It is further recommended that this access operate as a full-movement, unsignalized access until such time that the left-tum movement out of the access is identified as an operational or safety problem. 07/23/2003 13:55 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE Mr. Nashat Sawaged Colorado Department of Transportation Q010 July 14, 2003 Page 6 If you have any questions or would like to.discuss this application further, please do not hesitate to call me at 303446-0089. Sincerely, Ann T. Sowers, PE, PTOE Transportation Engineer cc: Alan C. White, Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authodl Steven Nguyen, P.E., City of Wheat Ridge Tim Campbell, Walgreens Jeff Bailey, Bailey & Company 07/23/2003 13:56 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE WALGREENS STORE Sheridan Boulevard and 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY July 2003 Prepared for. Bailey & Company 6500 S. Quebec Street, Suite 300 Englewood, Colorado 80111 (303) 740-8500 Prepared by: Bowers & Kroger, Inc. 899 Logan Street, Suite 210 Denver, Colorado 80203 (303) 446-2628 375walg.wps Doll 07/23/2003 13:56 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE Q012 I. INTRODUCTION Project Overview This traffic impact study addresses the capacity, geometric, and control requirements associated with the proposed redevelopment of the southwest comer of 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The proposed development is comprised of a Walgreens store. The analysis contained in this report is based on two planning horizon years. Year 2004 and Year 2025. These planning horizons correspond with the build-out of this project and the long-term build-out of the area. Site Location and Study Area Boundaries The site is located on the southwest comer of 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard. The study area to be examined in this traffic impact analysis encompasses the intersections of 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard, 38th Avenue and Ames Street, and the access points to Ames Street and Sheridan Boulevard. This study area addresses adjacent access and the immediate arterial systems. The site location is shown in Figure 1. Description of Site The land for this development is currently occupied by a Casman's Auto repair shop, the Paradise Billiards facility, a Kitchen Masters store, and a single family residence. The proposed project would include construction of a 14,181 square-foot Walgreens Store. It was assumed that the project would be completed by Year 2004. A copy of the site plan is shown on Figure 2. There are three existing, full-movement access points to Sheridan Boulevard (State Highway 95). This project proposes to consolidate the access to Sheridan Boulevard to one full-movement access drive. 2 07/23/2003 13:57 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE IM013 ILt N w10 sow* Figure 1 SITE LOCATION 07/23/2003 13:57 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE U014 li~ N wto scwe _-r-----.--------- _ - _ jai 114 11 IAN I - , M I • - I I ~I I fI i Figure 2 SUE PLAN 07/23/2003 13:58 FAX 312 201 2599 CORNERSTONE Existing and Proposed Land Uses In Vicinity of Site ~J 015 The four comers of this intersection are built out with gommercial land uses. The northwest corner of the intersection is the King Soopens retail center. The northeast comer is occupied by a Just Brakes store, and the southeast comer is occupied by Tommy's Slalom Shop. Existing and Committed Surface Transportation Network Within the study area, there are three primary roadwaXS which would accommodate traffic to and from the proposed project: 38th Avenue,_,ISheridan Boulevard, and Ames Street. A brief description of each of these roadways is provided below. 38th Avenue is a four-lane, easUwest roadway with auxiliary turn lanes at most Intersections. The intersection of 38th Avenue and Shoridan Boulevard is currently signalized. Sheridan Boulevard, State Highway 95, is a four-lane, orth/south arterial roadway with auxiliary turn lanes at most intersections. In the vicinity of the site, Sheridan Boulevard is classified as an NRB roadway - Non-Rural Arterial. The posted speed limit is 35 MPH. 5 07/23/2003 13:58 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE 9 016 II. EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS Recent traffic counts were taken at the intersections of 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard and 38th Avenue and Ames Street. The existing traffic volumes are shown on Figure 3_ The Signalized and Unsignalized Intersection Analysis techniques, as published in the Highway CagacJ Manual by the Transportation Research Board In 2000, were used to analyze the intersections. These techniques allow for the determination of the intersection level of service based on congestion and delay of each traffic movement. The results of the analysis are shown on Table 1. } f~ INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE LANE GROUPS AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR Sheridan Blvd / 38th Avenue (Sigriaitzed) C (24.2) D (39.8) Eastbound Approach C (29.7) C (33.9) Westbound Approach C (27.9) D (362) Northbound Approach C (29.6) D {W.7) Southbound B 16. C 34A 38th Avenue / Ames Street (UrMWW ized) Eastbound Left A (8.3) A (9.9) Wesbound Left A (84) A(9.1) Northbound Left, Through & Rtpht B 01S) C (23.0) Southbound Left, Through & Right 8(14.1) D (34.9) KEY: LOS (Delay) 6 07/23/2003 13.:59 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE Q017 Q N Not to Scale +-W/1x4 N S8 +-071749 19 10,33- ~I: ► I 800/697 38thAVWK* 6/8-+ N va r t-ss/tsa 94 $ ~ rx82/427 f) j ~97/,~3 00 / 174 399/w-+ lit T7/66-~ \(~f \ w~A Figure 3 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES AM / PM Peak Hour 07/23/2003 13:59 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE IM 018 Ili. FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS WITHOUT PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Short Range Background volumes were obtained by applying a five-percent annual growth rate. Long Range Background volumes were obtained by applying a two-percent annual growth rate, The Year 2004 background traffic volumes are shown on Figure 4. The Year 2025 background traffic volumes are shown on Figure 5. The Signalized and Unsignalized Intersection Analysis techniques, as published in the HighwBy 8c Manual by the Transportation Research Board in 2000, were used to analyze the intersections. These techniques allow for the determination of the intersection level of service based on congestion and delay of each traffic movement. Traffic analyses were completed for background traffic (without project) for the Years 2004 and 2025. The results of these analyses are provided in Table 2. For the Year 2004, it is projected that the intersection of 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard will operate at a LOS C in the AM Peak Hour and LOS D in the PM Peak Hour. No intersection improvements were assumed. The Intersection of 38th Avenue and Ames Street is projected to operate aweptably during the peak hours. The southbound leg of the intersection - coming out of the IGng Soopers Development - is projected to operate at LOS E during the PM Peak Hour with approximately 42 seconds of delay. By the Year 2025, the intersection of 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard is projected to operate acceptably in the AM Peak Hour with LOS C. For the PM Peak Hour, the intersection is projected to operate at LOS F. This can be attributed to the increase In background traffic, It should be noted that no intersection improvements were assumed in the analyses. The Intersection of 38th Avenue and Ames Street is also projected to operate sooeptably during the peak hours, As traffic volumes increase on 38th Avenue, however, the southbound leg of the Intersection will experience increased delay. This is typical of the minor leg of unsignalized intersections. The vehicles on the minor leg have to wait for an acceptable gap in traffic on the major leg prior to making their turn. The delay for this leg is most likely considerably less during off-peak hours. 8 07/23/2003 13:59 FAX 312 201 2599 CORNERSTONE Q019 INTERSECTION LANE GROUPS Sheridan Blvd / 3M Avenue (Signalized) Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach Northbound Approach 381h Avenue / Ames SMM (Unshgnwlized) Eastbound Left Westbound Left Northbound Left. Through & Right INTERSECTION LANE GROUPS Sheridan Blvd / 38th Avenue (Signalized) Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach Northbmund Approach Eastbound Left Westbound Left Northbound Left Through & Right Southbound Let Throuah & RIahi KEY; LOS (Delay) 9 LEVEL OF SERVICE AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR C (25.0) D (47.1) C (30.0) D (35.6) C (26.1) D (36.6) C (31.3) E (65.2) A (8,4) B(102) A (e.ts) A (9.2) B(11 .7) C (24.7) LEVEL OF SERVICE AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR C (29.9) F(148.2) C (33.6) E (87.2) C (342) F (98.0) C (30.3) F (215.9) A(9.0) B (11A) A(9.2) B (10.5) C (15.6) D (34.8) C (24.7) F (169.31 07/23/2003 14:00 FAR 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE t-WJ 162 +-427 / 788 41 1 4 +A / 20 10/38 t f► 38thAYWVJ9 625/732-* w ` b e/8i ryw„ w 9 020 4 N w to seats g w _ ~27a/ese j b ~-102/129 1 84/183-+ 418/847-1 81/89- . Figure 4 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES Year 2004 AM / PM Peak Hour 07/23/2003 14:01 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE IA 021 Q N mmscdo m "10 / 1124 =-sr20 ,sl w-+ 41 T jo~ 750/,018 3MAWSMAO ll 't-W/=D -3019W UM/Im ,201281-111 J 5W l/ 782-+ 1M/i9-~ 1r~ gSl~ Figure 5 TRAFFIC VOLUMES Year 2025 AM / PM Peak Hour 07/23/2003 14:01 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE 11022 IV. PROPOSED PROJECT TRAFFIC Trip Generation Standard traffic generation characteristics compiled by the Institute of Transportation Engineers in their report entitled Trio Generation. updated in 1987, were applied to the proposed land use In order to estimate the daily and peak hour vehicle trips for the site. A vehicle trip is defined as a one-way vehicle movement from a point of origin to a point of destination. Table 3 illustrates the projected daily, AM, and PM peak hour traffic volumes generated by the proposed development. Adjustments to Trip Generation Rates Although no reductions were applied to the trip generation volumes, It should be noted that the existing traffic volumes collected at the intersections of 38th/Sheriden and 38tWAmes do Include traffic that is currently generated by the existing retail land uses on the proposed site. Trip Distribution The overall directional distribution of the site-generated traffic was determined based on the location of the site, the roadway network, the proposed access, and the existing traffic volumes. The overall trip distribution used in the analysis of this report is shown on Figure S. Project Trip Assignment Traffic assignment Is tow the generated and distributed trips are expected to be loaded on the roadway network. The site-generated trip assignments are shown on Figure 7. 12 07/23/2003 14:01 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE [ih 023 Q N wtosc" f-3/tt a/ 16-i 361hAwmw f m A=mA ~ N 1 SITE n n 4 .-1 /4 - Aecess B 1 4--3/11 1 F-2/7 2/7-+ 4/16--1 1 H 1 A Access C ~ 2114 8/16-q Figure 7 SITE - GENERATED TRAFFIC AM / PM Peak Hour 07/23/2003 14:01 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE C)-i 38th Avenue o $ 1 4 r so% Access A SITE I V1 I 10%-+ I j 25%--o- 11024 f.~ N Not to Scale +70% 1► rs% Access 8 Acoess C 4J ai f 15%-+ 20%-+ Figure 6 TRIP DISTRIBUTION (XOA): Inbound X%: Outbound 07/23/2003 14:02 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE IA025 TA= 3 • f. f' ~'J'r. 1. ire ' 1 TRIP GENERATION RATWI ME CODE LAND USE SIZE 24 FOUR AM PEAK HOUR ENTER EXIT TOTAL PM PEAK FOUR £NTER EXhr TOTAL 881 Drug Store wb Dr?vs Through 142 KSF 88.18 1.52 1.14 2.88 5.10 5.30 10.40 TOTAL TRM GENERATED ITIE 24 AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR CODE LAND USE SIZE HOUR ENTER EXIT TOTAL ENTER o(ir TOTAL 881 Drug Store with Drive Through 142 KSF 1,248 21 15 37 72 75 147 Kay KSF - Thousand Square Feet Gross Fhwr Area 15 07/23/2003 14:02 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE 9 026 V. FUTURE TRAFFIC FORECASTS WITH THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The site..generated traffic was added to the background traffic projections to de4e4 total traffic projections. These projections are shown in figures a and 9. is 07/23/2003 14:02 FAX 312 201 2549 - CORNERSTONE 9 027 Q N N«msONAO a M t-es/1es [Q ~ R +-427 / 786 41 j 4 r,-9/31 10/35-+ 6Z/ M--* 11125-+ ~p 14 i~ $ ` ~ x-58/181 T78/889 j 4 ~ 101 / 136 t9/38 i-0/0 po '`2/7 1 a4 y-1 14 Aooeas B T M H W/lw-# rol 422 / 5W--l- sit" ss iS 4 l r2/11~ 41~ 3/16Z r Figure 8 TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES Year 2004 AM I PM Peak Hour 3M Ave" WE 07/23/2003 14:02 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE Q028 1' N wbscde 4.93/231 $N* 4 11. +-810/1124 ,`12/39 15/50-x' t 7SD/lW P tO 14 / 391 a MR 1 ;D. zB/38 ,-0/0 =ti t-2/7 1 4 Fl 14 1 ~ s 3M AMan/9 SITE 511 Sig g t 50230 F308/95, 41 1 X. ,r14s/t91 122/6? 801 1801-► t I~ ~ j 118/00-i, 1S g N ~tla 1 O Acom C 2111- 3 / 15-+ li n~ Figure 9 TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES Year 2026 AM / PM Peak Hour 07/23/2008 14:02 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE Q029 VI. PROJECT IMPACTS Peak Hour Intarsection Level of Service The Signalized and Unsignalized Intersection Analysis techniques, as published in the Highway Capacity Manual by the Transportation Research Board in 2000, were used to analyze the following study intersections. These techniques allow for the determination of the intersection level of service based on congestion and delay of each traffic movement. Traffic analyses were completed for total traffic (with project) for the Years 2004 and 2025. The results of these analyses are provided in Table 4. Definitions of level of service are given in Appendix B. The capacity worksheets are provided in Appendix C. YEAR 2004 For the Year 2004, the intersection of 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard is projected to operate at a LOS C in the AM and LOS D in the PM Peak Hour. This Is the same level of service under background traffic conditions. There is no change in level of service with the addition of project traffic. No improvements are required at the intersection as a result of this development. The intersection of 38th Avenue and Ames Street is also projected to operate with the same acceptable levels of service with the addition of project traffic. The southbound leg Is projected to operate at LOS E during the PM Peak Hour. However, the delay associated with this movement is only 47.5 seconds. This is acceptable delay for an unsignallzed intersection during the peak hours. Both of the access points to Ames Street are projected to operate with Levels of Service A for the critical movements. The intersection of Sheridan Boulevard and Access A Is projected to operate acceptably during the peak hours. The eastbound left tum movement is projected to operate at LOS E. However, the delay associated with this movement is only 39.9 seconds. This is acceptable delay for an unsignalized intersection during peak hours. YEAR 2025 As under Year 2025 background traffic conditions, the intersection of 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard will operate with LOS C in the AM Peak Hour and LOS F in the PM Peak Hour. It should be noted, however, that there is no change in level of service due to the addition of project traffic. The LOS F can be attributed to projected increases in background traffic. The project traffic at this intersection equates to approximately one-peroent of the total traffic. 19 07/23/2003 14:03 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE Q030 The intersection of 38th Avenue and Ames Street is also projected to operate acceptably with the exception of the southbound leg. This leg is projected to operate at LOS F during the PM Peak Hour. Once again, this LOS F will be experienced by this leg whether or not this project traffic is added to the intersection. However, this is typical of the minor leg of unsignafted intersections, particularly during the peak hours. During off-peak hours, the delay is most likely significendy less. The access points with Ames Street will continue to operate acceptably with LOS A for the critical movements. The access point with Sheridan Boulevard is projected to operate acceptably during the peak hours, with the exception of the eastbound left-tum movement. This movement is projected to operate at LOS F with excessive delays. 20 07/23/2003 14:03 FAX 312 201 2549 CORNERSTONE Q031 rl'-qyu=:arry9L.rilji_ e _ i M_ w al UM i i ~ 18~ 4 1:9 quyrl =5" --j.~ I W , r2rf :--,di4.l S~}i~._ J; ill! L --at adc INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE LANE GROUPS AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR Sheridan Blvd / 381h Avenue (Signalized) C ("-1) 0(48-8) Eastbound Approach C (30.0) D (37.0) Westbound Approach C (28.1) 0(39-6) Northbound Approach C (31.4) E (57.8) Soufornd Appmach 8(17,4) D 41.5 38th Avenue / Ames Street (UnaignaiWW) Eastbound Left A (8.4) S(10.2) Westbound Lett A (8.5) A (9.3) Northbound Left, Through & Right B(12.6) C (23.5) Southbound Lelf, Through & Right B (14.8 E 47.5 MM Sheet 1 Access A (1411-Mvamant) Southbound L.att & Through A (72) A(7.3) Westbound Left & Ri A 8-4 A 8_ Ames Street/Access B (fUlWoovement) Southbound Left& Through A (7.2) A (7.3) Westbound Left & Right A 8; A 8.6 Sheridan Souward / Acoees C (full-movement) Northbound Left 9(10.0) 8 (1Me) Eastbound Left D (32.3) E (39-9) Eastbound Right A (9.5) S(10.0) r._. re_;:~;c;.;r..:: : a r a.c1.~y.gnS9 ;P.!I k. lrai,a: `•E_ r. 1~ st h @I l I - i lk . I i H.I' k. a_ Iti NhFkF_5=-13 I I a i c" ~~I ; ''ia ' a _ . r r Sheridan ON / 38th Avenue (Signallzed) C (30.1) F (152.3) Eastbound Approach C (33.7) E (73.6) Westbound Approach C (34.9) F (102.1) Northbound Approach C (30.3) F (219.0) Southbound Loath C 0 F 156.0 381h Avenue / Ames Street (Unalpnalized) Easlband Left A (9.0) B (11.4) Westbound Left A (9.3) 8(10.7) Northbound Left Through & Right C (17-1) E (41.3) Southbound Laft, Through & M D 25 2 F 191.9 Ames Street /AcoeseA(full oovernerrt) Soumbotmd Left & Through A (7.3) A (7.3) Weatbota4 Left & Right A 8.4 Mel Ames Sheet / Access B (full-movement) Southbound Lett & Through A (72) A (7.3) Westbound Left & Right A A {8.7 Sheridan Boulevard / AOmes C MA-Mvemant) Northbound Left C (16.6) C (18.8) Eastbound Left F (143,2) F (341.3) Eastbound (17.4) t A (9,S) 1 21 +3032209134 Jeffrey W. Bailey 6500 S. Quebec St., Ste 300 Englewood, CO 80111 July 10, 2003 Alan White 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Re: Walgreens 38 s & Sheridan Dear Alan, 269 P02 JUL 10 '03 09:07 It is my understanding from our phone conversation today that you have everything ready for the July 17th pre application and we will be ready for your application submittal on the same date. Regards,~_ Jeffrey W. Bailey Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303-235-2846 303-235-2857 (Fax) July 7, 2003 Mr. Jeff Bailey Cornerstone Group I, Inc. 6500 S Quebec Street, Suite 300 Englewood, Colorado 80111 Dear Mr. Bailey, The purpose of this letter is to provide checklists and submittal requirements for the processes required for approval of the Walgreens project at 38 s and Sheridan. A code amendment will be considered on second reading by Council on July 14, 2003 Which will allow the Urban Renewal Authority to process the required application on behalf of Cornerstone, even though neither is the owner of the subject property. This letter is in response to Mr. Sullivan's memorandum to Jim Windholz dated July 2, 2003 and also to clarify some misunderstanding of the required approvals. Special Use Permit The proposed drive-through pharmacy, requires the approval of a special use. Because the special use involves assessing impacts on neighboring uses and infrastructure, the special use requires the submittal of a site plan. If a hearing is not required, staff has final approval authority on the special use, site plan, and building elevations. If a hearing is required, Council has final approval authority on these items. Process: 1. Pre-application meeting with staff (See attached for pre-app meeting requirements) 2. Submittal of application and supporting documents (See below) 3. Staff and referral agency review 4. 10-day notice to adjacent property owners; if no objections are received, the special use may be approved. If an objection is received, a hearing in front of City Council is required. 5. 14-day notice period 6. City Council hearing Submittal Requirements: 1. Application Form 2. Fee 3. Site Plan (See attached site plan requirements) 4. Building Elevations 5. Traffic Impact Study 6. Narrative describing the project, including hours of operation, number of employees, drive-through traffic, unloading and trash pickup, etc. Alley Vacation This requires review by Planning Commission and City Council. It can be combined with the consolidation plat request. The alley should be shown as "hereby vacated" on the consolidation plat. Council has final approval authority on the vacation. Consolidation Plat Regulations prohibit constructing buildings over property lines. The five properties and alley must be combined into one lot. This is done through the consolidation plat process. Because six parcels are involved, the process for a major subdivision is followed. Council has final approval authority. Process: 1. Submittal of application 2. Staff and referral agency review 3. 14-day public notice 4. Planning Commission hearing 5. 14-day public notice 6. City Council hearing Submittal Requirements: 1. Application Form 2. Fee 3. Consolidation Plat (See content/form of final plat attached) Access Permit This permit is first processed by the City and then is sent to CDOT for approval. The State has final approval, but generally relies on the City's recommendation. Without the traffic impact study in hand, the City is not prepared to offer its recommendation at this time. City staff will respond as quickly as possible. CDOT review and approval will take a minimum of 6 weeks. Building Permit Staff will review building plans concurrently with all of the other submittals if they are available. These plans should include any plans for infrastructure improvements such as new curb cuts and sidewalks, and a drainage study and plan. It is important that all plans be consistent in content. This will expedite review and re-review. A building permit will not be issued until all of the other approvals are received. Fees The following fees will be required: Pre-application Fee $200 Special Use Permit $300 + 300/acre (If hearing required* $200 + $150 publication/public notice fee) Consolidation Plat $500 + $300 publication/public notice fee Total $1,750 *This fee will be collected at the time it is determined a hearing is required. Timing The most time-consuming process is the consolidation plat, unless there is an objection to the special use, then the processing time will be about equal. I anticipate that there will be an objection to the drive-through, so a Council hearing should be anticipated. If this is the case, we will try to time the hearings for the special use and the consolidation plat to occur on the same night. The alley vacation will be part of the consolidation plat. After talking with the City's Attorney this morning, the Urban Renewal Authority will be the applicant with Cornerstone as a co-applicant. I will need a short letter from you stating that as "owner" of the special use, Cornerstone is a co-applicant with the Authority for the special use, consolidation plat, and alley vacation. Timing is critical. The ordinance change proposed for adoption on July 14m provides that the approval of a non-owner application is valid for only 60 days. There are no provisions for extensions. I am thinking that our Council hearing date should be close to the closing date (October 28"') to give us as much of the 60 days as possible beyond closing should that date need to be extended for some unforeseen reason. The following is a tentative schedule of submittal and hearing dates: Pre-application meeting July 17 Application submittal July 21 Staff and referral review July 21- August 31 10-day notice for Special Use August 11 14-day public notice August 21 Planning Commission review of Consolidation Plat September 4 14-day public notice September 25 Council approval of Special Use and Consolidation Plat October 13 Approval of building plans and civil plans October 21 Other Items Mr. Sullivan requested the name and contact information for the surveyor completing the ALTA survey. I am using Paul Lenzini of Lenzini and Associates. His phone number is (303) 428-5735. Since this was included in the schedule of performance for the Authority to provide, I have already contacted Mr. Lenzini and authorized him to proceed. I am confused as to why this is apparently changing. I will contact him to see what progress he has made. Also requested was a copy of the "Wheatridge Easement." If this is in reference to the permanent easements recently acquired by the City for properties fronting 38a Avenue, the easements are specifically for the installation and maintenance of streetscape items. No other rights or privileges are conveyed in the easements. See the attached easements for the auto repair establishment on the comer. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Av~ CVV/A,/& Alan C. White, AICP Executive Director CC: Jim Windholz, WRURA Attorney Arne Ray, Szymanski/Ray Tim Sullivan, Cornerstone RECEPHON NO. 111, 11)693 2/07/2002 12:28:19 PG: 001-002 PAGE FEE: 10.00 DOC.FEE: 0.00 Prnjccl No-S-SCP-01-00 wm!rr. RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO Locatmnm 5208 W.381h AVC. umr;N Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80212 lm S PERMANENT EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Charles S. Mandril & Charles M. Mandel, whose address is 5208 West 138th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, 80212, hereinafter called the "Grantors" Corand in cmodderalion of the sum offen Dollars and no/100 (%10.00) and other valuable consideration to Charles S. Mandril & Charles M. Mandril in hand paid by the City of Wlreac Ridge, does hereby give and grant to Cityof Wheat Ridge, a PERMANENT EASEMENT on, along, over and across the following described premises to-wit: A (met offand lying in the NE 1/4 of Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West othee 6th Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Mdge, County oflefferson, State of Colorado, described as: - A part offers 6 through 10, Block 1, Pearson-Woodside Addition, being a portion ofthose lauds as described at Reception Number 84000782 of the official records of-the County oflefferson, State ofColomdo, being moreproncularlydescribed as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Comer ofsaid NE 1/4 of Section 25, Whence the NW comer of said NE 1/4 cf Section 25 bears S89°59'58"W, a distance of 2648.15 feet; Thence S89°59'58"W along the North Line ofsaid NE. 1/4, a distance of 29.90 feel to a point; Thence 500°00'02"E, leaving the North Line of said HE 1/4, a distance of72.23 feet to a point, said lioint being on the Westerly Riglrt-oF Way of Sheridan Boulevar4, arld the Point of Beginning; Thence continuing S00°00'02"E, a distance of 16.00 feet; Thence S89"59'58"W, a distance of 11.23 feet; Thence NO0°00'02"W, a distance of 16.00 feel; Thence N89°59'58"E, a distance of 11.23 feet to lire Westerly Rigid-of-Way of -Sheridan Boulevard, and the Point of Beginning. - NOTE: All bearings are relative to one anotheri nd are based oa the bearing ofthc North line ofthe HE 1/4 ofsaid Section 25 as being S 89"59'58" W. For the purpose of. The conslmetim, maintenance, and operation of the city's irrigation system, sheelscapc elements including but act limited to plant material, street furniture and other items shown I. Wheat Ridge Project 4S-SCP-02-01, including payment of (he water bill for water tap number WRWD 44389. The City's irrigation system and the property owncts water service shall be and remain mutually exclusive. No inter-connects of water systems shall be allowed. Subject to the following terms and conditions: To the extent permitted by law, and without waiving any irmnundies, protections, or defenses available at common law or under statute, including, without limitation, the Colorado Governmental hanumties Act, Section 24-10-101, of seq., C.R.S., the City, individually and for itself only, agrees to hold harmless the Grantor(s) Cram and against any suit, claim, altomeys fees, loss or damage, including personal injury or loss of life, whtell may occur as a result otnegligent construction or maintenance ofsaid streehscape elements and irrigation system by and/or for the City of Wheal Ridge on the property subject to this easement. Said tract contains 180 square feet (0.0041 acres) of land, more or less. Also known by street and number as: 5208 West 380r Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80212. And the Grantors hereby covenant with the City that they have good title to lire aforedescribed prendses; and that they have good and lawful right to grant this easement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this 3/s: Z day Of -L~---+--Y. ~A.D.. 20 ~ T M -Charles S. Mandril, Grant r - Charles M. Mandril, .rancor STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) x The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 31'f day of, 20014 byy Charles S. Maadrll & Charles M. Mandril. My commission expires Witness myband and ofRcial sea] SEAL Notary Public 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215-6713 RECEPTION NO. F1320042 9/18/2001 10:47:07 PG: 001-001 PAGE FEE: 5.00 DOC.FEE: 0.00 Project No.: S-SCP-01-00 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY. COLORADO Location: 5208 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80212 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Charles S. Mandril & Charles M. Mandril, whose address is 5208 West 38th Avenue, Wheal Ridge, County o0efferson, Stale ofColorado, 80212, hereinafter called the "Grantors" for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and no/I00 (510.00) and other valuable consideration to Charles S. Mandril & Charles M. Mandril in band paid by the City of Wheat Ridge, does hereby give and grant to City of Wheat Ridge, a PERMANENT EASEMENT On, along, over and across the following described premises to-wit A tract of land lying in the NE 1/4 of Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County o0effersmn, Statemf Colorado, described as: A part oflois 6 through 10, Black I, Pearson-Woodside Addition, beinga portion ofthose lands as described at Reception Number 84000782 ofthe official records ofthe County of3etferson, Suite of Colorado, being mom particularly deacnbed as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Came, ofsaid NE 1/4 of Section 25, Whence the NW comer ofsaid NE I14 ofSeclion 25 bears S89°59'58"W, a distance of 2648.15 feet; Thence S89°59'58"W along the North Line ofsaid HE 1/4, a distance of 29.90 feet to a point; Thence S00"00'02"E leaving said North Line, a distance of40.00 feel to a point on the Southerly Right-0f-Way of West 38th Avenue and the Point of Beginning; Thence continuing SOO°OO'02"E, a distance of 32.23 feet; Thence S89°59'58"W, a distance of 11.23 feet; Thence N45°00'00"W, a distance of 24.54 feet; Thence S89"59'58"W, a distance of 78.07 feet; Thence N81"18'22"W, a distance of29.02 feet; Thence N00"00'02"W, a distance of 10.49 feel to die Southerly Right-of-Way of West 380, Avenue; Thence N89°59'58"E along said Southerly Right-of-Way, a distance of 135.33 feet to the Point of Beginning. NOTE: All bearings no relative to one another and are based on the bearing ofthe Noah line of the NE 1/4 ofsaid Section 25 as being S 89°59'58" W. For the purpose of. The construction, maintenance, and operation of the City's irrigation system, sumneape elements including but not limited to plant material, street furniture and other items shown in Wheat Ridge Project HS-SCP-02-01, including payment of the water bill for water tap numberUAWb t4 . The Citys irrigation system and the property owner's water service shall be and remain mutually exclusive. No inter-connects of water systems shall be allowed. Subject to the following terms and conditions: To the extent permitted by law, and without waiving any immunities, protections, ordefenses available at common laworunderstalute,including, without limitation, the Colorado Governmental Immunities Act, Section 2410-101, et seq., C.R.S., the City, individually and for itselfonly, agrees to hold harmless the Grantor(s) from and against any suit, claim, attorney's fees, loss or damage, including personal injury or loss oflife, which may occur as a result ofnegligent construction or maintenance ofsaid streetecape elements and irrigation system by and/or for the City of Wheat Ridge on the property subject to this easement. Said tract contains 2307 square feet (0.0530 acres) of land, more or Isis. Also known by street and number as: 5208 West 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80212. And the Grantors hereby covenant with the City that they have good title to the afomdescribed premises; and that they have good and lawful right to grant this easement. / 1N S NT11.j BQF,'wweeJnve7'erse`t our hands this lJ day of Q A.D., 2001. Charles s ,Nhmd,r, G ator Charles M. Mandril, Grantor STAT&O LOLb(titDy3 ) )SS . COUNTY OF Ik1?Fl!,RSON ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this-Lj~r d 2001, by Charles S. Mandril & Charles M. Mandel ay of . My commission expires 4f;/ z/Z, 2~ Wihress my band and official seal. SEAL (L9, ~ Notary Public 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wbeat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303-235-2846 303-235-2857 (Fax) May 19, 2003 Patricia Hayes, Access Manager Colorado Department of Transportation Region 6 Traffic & Safety Permit Section 3333 Quebec Street, Suite 8400 Denver. Colorado 80207 Re: Southwest Corner 38`h Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard Dear Ms. Hayes: The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority (WRURA) is negotiating with Cornerstone Group I to construct a Walgreens store at the above-referenced location. The redevelopment of this comer is an important economic development project for the City. WRURA is not in a position to purchase additional ground for this project and therefore it is imperative that the redevelopment occur substantially in accordance with the enclosed site plan. Cornerstone Group I would be eliminating two (2) existing full movement access drives on Sheridan; one on the immediate corner and the other through vacation of an existing alley. The single remaining access off Sheridan would be 226 feet from the intersection. Please note that there is additional access to the site from Ames Street. You have asked for additional traffic information, perhaps including a full traffic study to justify a "left out" from the Sheridan access. However, at this time, we request that you approve a 3/4 movement access, to include right-in, right-out, and left-in movements, without a deceleration lane on Sheridan. A deceleration lane would impact the landscaping, drainage, and most importantly, the amount of parking. We would appreciate your favorable response as soon as possible. Sincerely, 4C~fJ Alan C. White, AICP Executive Director Enclosure: June 20, 2002 letter concerning Auxiliary Lane Requirements Cc: Jeff Bailey, Cornerstone Group I Tim Paranto, Public Works Director Randy Young, City Manager +3032209134 B A I L E Y & C O M P A N June 20, 2002 Steve Nguyen City of Wheatridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80215 RE: Auxillary Lane Requirements 38th & Sheridan Dear Mr. Nguyen: 119 P04 MAY 15 103 14:32 In reference to the above address, I have completed a computation for trip generation along Sheridan Blvd. As you are aware, we would be constructing a single tenant drug store with drive-through on the southwest comer of the intersection. These computations are based on the State Highway Access Code August 31,1998 information you sent me. In addition to the State Highway information, I feel an additional consideration should be made. Approximately 60% of Walgreens' business is pharmacy generated and 20% of the pharmacy business is dove-through. Due to our site plan layout, access to the drive. through greatly lends itself to using 38th Street versus Sheridan. We would support at least 800/o of the drive-through traffic would be generated from 38th; therefore, the Sheridan traffic should be reduced by 5-10%. Building Size: Appro.Nimatelq 97'x 14' less diagonal entrance comer of 200 square feet. Site Access: Then will be two (2) access points to site: one off Sheridan Avenue and one off 38th Street. The traffic counts are approximately 30,900 cars on Sheridan and 25,050 can on 38th Street. Therefore, approximately 55% of cars would enter off Sheridan and 45% off 38th Street. Of the 55% entering off Sheridan, approximately one-half would be southbound right turns. For purposes of computation, I will therefore use 27.5% versus 55%. i 1. Pharmacy/Drugstore with drive-through window: ITT Land Use (88i) weekday study 6500 South Qudx St., Suits 300 En8leumd, Colorado 80111 Telq*ow 303.740.8500 Far. 303.220.9134 +3032209134 119 P05 MAY 15 103 14:32 88.16/1,000 x 14 (1.000 sq. ft.) x 50% entering x 27.5% (Sheridan southbound) / 24 hrs. 88, 16x14x,5x27.5/24=7.7/hr. This suvey would also suggest 1,234 visits per day (24 hour operation) which would be extremely high (88.16 x 24). II. pharmacy/Drugstore with drive-through window: ITT Land Use (881) weekday peak hour (4-6 p.m.) 10.40 average rate x 14 (1,000 sq. ft.) x .490A entering x 27.5% Sheridan (southbound) ` 10A x 14 x.49 x .27.5 m 19.61 /hr. I III. Pharmacy/Drugstore with drive-through window: I'M Land Use (881) Weekday a.m. Peak hour 6.71 average late x 14 (1,000 square feet) x 48% entering x 27.5% Sheridan (southbound) 6.71 x 14 x .48 x .27.5 - 12.4/br. Again, I suggest a 5-10% reduction in these numbers (I, 11 & III) due to drive-through accessibility off 38th Street. The existing site presently has three outs off Sheridan and our new site plan is eliminating two. We do not bave any allocation budgeted for a deceleration lane off Sheridan and our existing site plan does not have room m order to meet parking, set back and landscape requirements. We ask for your support to not require a deceleration lane off Sheridan Architectural Arm-Mounted Cutoff Intended Use For car lots, street lighting or parking areas. Features Housing - Rugged, heavy-gauge, aluminum rectilinear housing. All seams continuously welded for weathertight integrity. Dark bronze polyester powder finish (DDB) stan- dard. Other architectural colors available Door Frame - Natural, anodized, extruded aluminum frame with mitered corners, re- tained with two hinge pins and secured with one quarter-turn, quick-release fas- tener. Integrally designed, extruded sili- cone gasket provides weatherproof seal between housing and frame. Lens - .125" thick, impact-resistant tem- pered glass with thermally applied, silk- screened power door shield. Mounting - Extruded 4" (KSF1, KSF2) or 12" (KSF3) aluminum arm for pole orwall mount- ing shipped in fixture carton. Optics - Anodized segmented reflectors Ordering Information 1005 744 ~ , pia Designation Distribution High Pre ssure So dium R2 Type II roadway KSF1 70S (sizes 1 & 2 only) KSFI 1005 R3 Type III asymmetric KSF7 1505 R4 Type IV Toward KSF2 2505 throw (size 3 only) KSF2 4005 KSF3 10005 R4SC Type IV forward M t l H lid throw, sharp cutoff e a a e (sizes 1 & 2 only) KSF7 t00M1 KSFI 150M R4W Type IV wide, KSFI 175M forward throw (size KSF1 200M2 2 only) KSFI 250M R5S Type V square KSF2 320M2 (sizes 2 & 3 only) KSF2 350M2 KSF2 400M3 KSF3 10005 NOTES: 1 Not available in 480V. 2 Must be ordered with SCWA. 3 Must use ED28 reduced jacket lamp. 4 Must use BT37 reduced jacket lamp. 5 Consult factory for avai lability in Canada. 6 optional multi top honest (I 20.208,240,277V; 120.277.347V in Canada). 7 Use 9' arm when mounti ng two In minaires at 90°. 8 May be ordered a s accessory . 9 QRSTD available i n select wattages. Consult factory. 10 PER option in had be ordered with fi dure. 11 Includes mounting arm, provide superior uniformity and control. KSF1/KSF2 reflectors are rotatable and in- terchangeable. KSF3 Type IV are only ro- tatable but not interchangable. Five cutoff distributions available: R2 (Roadway), R3 (Asymmetric), R4SC (Forward Throw, Sharp Cutoff), R4W (Wide, Forward Throw), R5S (Square). Electrical - Electrical - High reactance, high power factor for 15OW and below. Constant wattage autotransformer for 175W and above. Copperwound and 100% factory tested. Removable power door and positive-locking disconnect plugs. Socket- Porcelain, horizontally oriented, mogul-base socket (100M & 150M are medi- um-base) with copper alloy, nickel-plated screw shell and center contact. UL listed 150OW, 60OV. Listings - UL Listed (standard). CSA Certi- fied or NOM Certified (see options). UL list- ed for wet locations. Fo p dun detail and prifirimar. data so, the OUTDOOR binder or he online catalog at t www.lirhonie.cam. ' wi3oy ~ s n ay Voltage Mounting 120 Included. KS FI/KSF2 2085 SP04 4' square pole arm/ (std.) 2405 SP09 9' square pole arm 277 RP04 4' round pole arm/ 347 RP09 9" round pole arm 4805 WW04 4" wood pole or wale Tag WW09 9" wood pole or wall WB04 4" wall bracket WBO9 9' wall bracket Me Mounting bracket L/ARM When ordering KMA or l K d d I DA12 SF3 nc u e . SP12 12' square pole arm (std.) RP12 12" round pole arm WW12 12" wood pole or wall WB12 12' wall bracket Shipped se oaratelv8 KMA Mast arm adapter KTMB Twin mounting bar DA12P Degree arm (pole) DA12WE Degree arm (wall) Area Lighting / IX~Tvt2 c"~~, 06,1~ KSF 131d<y zt' t`t /~F~ Spec-Form® Example: KSF1 150S R2120 SP09 PER 'Options/Accessories: Installed SF Single fuse, 120, 277, 347V (DID TRI OF Double fuse, 208, 240, 480V (n/a TB) PER NEMA twist-lock receptacle only (no photocontrol) ORS Quartz restrike systems CR Corrosion-resistant finish EC Emergency circuit LS Lamp support SCWA Super CWA Pulse Start Ballast In/a with HPS, 100M, 175M or 1000M) CSA CSA Certified NOM NOM Certified (consult factory) For optional architectural colors, see page 349. Shipped Separately PE1 NEMA twist-lock PE (120-240V)10 PE3 NEMA twist-lock PE (347V)" PE4 NEMA twist-lack PE (486V)10 PE7 NEMA twist-lock PE (277V)10 SC Shorting cap for PER option KSF_HS House-side shield (KSFI/KSF2: R2 and R3 only. KSF3 - R3 and R4 only) KSF_VG Vandal guard (KSFI/KSF2 only) For tenon slipliners, to page 350. Dimensions are shown in inches (centimeters) unless otherwise noted. KSFI KSFI KSF3 EPAn Length 1.5 h°1.14 mr1 22155.91 2.0 hp 1.19 mgt 25vtriid4.31 3.0 ha 628 mat 30.5/tfi 1]7.01 Width 1fi-3/16141.11 1&1/2(47.0) 24-5/16 (61.81 Height 7-1/4118.41 8-5/16(21,1) 10-1/2(26]1 Ma x. weight 391 be. 117.7 kg) 551bs124.9kg) 851bs.138.61,g) I t.1rHON1AL/GHT/NG =PSGZ OrrtdoorCty Ggg 299 Cutoff Mini Wall-Paks, Polycarbonate Refractor Intended Use For entrances, stairwells, corridors and other pedestrian areas. Features Housing - Rear housing is rugged, die- cast aluminum. Front cover is one-piece, UV-resistant, injection-molded polycar- bonate, internally painted. Captive exter- nal hardware is treated for corrosion re- sistance and included slotted hex-head and tamper-proof fasteners. Optics - One-piece, die-formed reflector is diffused aluminum. Refractor is clear poly- carbonate, providing IES cutoff distribution and maximum lateral light output. Front cov- er is sealed and gasketed to inhibit the en- trance of outside contaminants. Lamp - Medium-base HPS, MH or com- pact fluorescent lamps included. Ballast - MH: high-reactance, high-pow- er factor standard. HPS: Reactor normal power factor standard. HPF available. UL listed. Electrical components mounted to Ordering Information TLil~C-- I o c j Designation Hiah Pre ssure Sodium TWAC 3551 TWAC 5OS2 TWAC 70S TWAC Metal H 1005 alide TWAC 50M TWAC 70M TWAC C 100M Fl ompact TWAC uorescent 22DTT (2 pin) TWAC 26DTT (4 pin) TWAC 28DTT (2 pin) TWAC 32TRT (4 pin) TWAC 42TRT (4 pin) cast-aluminum housing for maximum heat-dissipation. Fluorescent ballasts are magnetic NPF (22 & 28 OTT) or elec- tronic HPF(26 OTT & TRT). Encased and potted solid-state ignitors (HPS). Compo- nents are heat-sinked directly to cast housing for maximum heat-dissipation. (For 50 hertz availability, consult factory.) Installation - Top lb" threaded wiring ac- cess. Back access through 314" opening. For feed-thru wiring, use condulet tee (not included). Mount on any flat, non- combustible vertical surface. Socket-HID is porcelain, horizontally ori- ented, medium-base socket with copper alloy, nickel-plated screw shell and cen- ter contact. Photocells are field-install- able. UL listed 660W, 600V and 4KV pulse rated. Fluorescent is two-pin (DTT) or four- pin (TRT), positive latching thermoplastic. Listings - UL Listed (standard). CSA or NOM Certified (see Options). UL listed for wet locations. IP65 rated in accordance with IEC standard 529. For product details and performance data, see the OUTDOOR binder or the online catalog at whowhebonia. mm. Building Mounted L"J'A`t' M~9 TWAC ContouO qt_~, AFB Example: TWAC 1005120 LPI 12-0 Voltage 120 208` 2404 277 347 TBa pM ~ Options/Accessories Installed SF Single fuse (120, 277, 347V)s OF Double fuse 1208, 240VIs XHP High power factor ballast EC Emergency clrcuits7 QRS Quartz restrike systems? CH Corrosion-resistant finish (rear housing only) CRT Corrosion-resistant teflon finish housings CSA CSA Certified NOM NOM Certified (consult factory) PE Photocell (button type)5 L/LP Less lamp NRO ES: 1 120Vonly. 2 120Vor277vonly. 3 Optionalmultbtop ballast (I 20,208,240,277V, 1 20,277,347V in Canada). 4 Consult factory for avails bi lily in Canada. 5 Not available with multculp ballast. fi Lamp not included. 7 on a n7 la in p wattage not to exceed bar last wattage rat?ng. 9 Black finish on housing only. HID and fluorescent lamps battered! with luminaire. Accessories (Order separately) RKi PEB7 Photoelectric control kit, 120V RKi PEB7 CSA Photoelectric control kit, 120V RK1 PEB2 Photoelectric control kit, 208, 240 or 277V RK7 PEB3 CSA Photoelectric control kit, 347V TWAWG Wireguard Dimensions are shown in inches (centimeters) unless otherwise noted. 7WAL Height 10125.41 Width 17,(29.2) Depth "ohe 1621 Architectural Colors (ootionall DNA Natural aluminum DEL Black DMB Medium bronze DWH White Lamp LPI Lamp included as standard Lamp/Fixture/Ballast Data Weight (rear Wattage Ballast tbs. Kg. Hoth Pressure Sodi um (Mod/Clear) 35 RNP 11 5 5o RNP 11 5 50 XHP 11 5 70 RNP 11 5 100 RNP 11 5 Metal Halide 50 XHP 14 64 70 XHP 14 5.4 100 XHP 14 6.4 Ill L/THON/A L/GHT/NG HJ.D.DownHghcittg Wet Location Cylinders and Cuboids pn Vertical Lamp Provides general illumination with supe- rior brightness control. Available in square and cylinder shapes to comple- ment the architecture. Surface-, wall- or pendent-mountable. Appropriate for mid to high ceiling applications. Approved for use in wet locations such as exterior col- umns and facades. _ Features f, a..,-"tLs Optical System -Semi-speculer clear an- odized aluminum upper reflector. Door - Recessed aluminum door frame with Fresnei Ions provided on round unit Tempered prismatic lens provided on square unit Housing - Heavy-gauge aluminum, rolled or formed and seam-welded housing with no visible seam Electrical System - Quick-disconnect plug and receptacle. HPF care-and-coil ballast mounted to removable power door. Porcelain socket. Listing - UL fisted. CSA Certified. UL list- ed for wet locations. ew.sNEn 6aieAW. j itur(edear «ienN dalr'b **,In rd using ing K using LL fYIYIY.ahMN.NRC Il Example- CEWS13175M 12D OWH6 Ceti is Series' ' :Diameter/i iC Daing mount - `aperture CEW Waft mount 10 CEP Pendent mount? 13 CECS Square tailing mount? CEWS Square wail mourn? CEPS Square pendant mountZ3 I 5 '*"a- ` Wattape2lampi . aiall r Metal Hatida5 Cer~llcc NiOh Pressure 50M 10M Metal Halides Sadlyla TOM Isom soMNC 70mlic 54S 70S 175M 250M 1o0MNC 150MNC less INS 2505 OADMINO/PACKA01Ne OPTIONS - To accommodate the product's physical configuration as well as a range of customer handling and processing needs, two alternative ordering/ packaging methods Pro available. t0'CWusden and l4 Ca.un L46Mars - 21 component Packaging 11 Standard Packaging 7apfish" Anal Una slips as complete fisnne in unit packs 7owdl "a a single maswcat*s nuabir. ow Srampia: t13I CMSr317$M I2a pWIK:. NAwrarYa ashq OPWadiuclMSun& show shquac ESWSwiri51 t2aaWNPtl3eanamaftelani MIX frodildus tf Sundar4 Plickasing rgrlbds d fares) 7oordw.oso a single mastereatilag hasher. Elam deitl37CEMl7aMtIODWIM. Flmra sNe ease apamaedgNSgsq. bun"Wahw stipi As I* CIA 0=1?M 1211114 W"tu Cub" 'f 121 CEf30Ld2tgon ssfl%U 7 Ott Aowiagf Main Cam Olt canon of t laW 21 Contusions Packaging order Dings and wit peckW4 tans" as unit or J2 peek per component order gads Sand below, Noma SAM ni0..Wo. 3a5 N3gmdm taw ow at C1I I UWJl cat WWAW 0ionded NaiNa Nraectm - Am Nampd w.. trop 'Avant* 44 AWWo, WF (M 50. 70, HOW a CFc1P 30.70w It 1011. IM71 M. Wig Y1. t21.0 13r. nr.0t M IWW UK CPNta 110.74 100W 10 W4 05.71 tri. Nail by, 11231 Irh 00 C" Sa 7%1WN sax LS[ rr 7a AM. 1se1732aW a CEW 13 sit 701100, I wr s 1rh o13I LPL AM) III/. 7 10.141j) 1.913 sa A, InIsaw lank hy "rp Intended Use Wtc « t0.1 I-Lo po - 1 T 77 " 'Vonaga-;:~I OptlmlrJ _ T29 'Acdeaamin:~ 30tt See pages 217.712 244 err 347 NOTES: T ManewhitefinishtdNMn ,Wd W."apkaalcelors arallabie.Natart ,MMkaeNr.1CaWnrbodwee. 2'. 3n'thrradngcud. 3 Availadaonl3h"unftoMy. a RetertochWbalorrorwletagsrlunga'ngatW'. 6 nacam+lnndrd farowanM tomadim,q+. B Csramtc arc Nbe wnaNtanlcolor Iatap. Phalo• ManerCOlororOS ConmmnColor. 7 1SaW Ae57emp uNa blaelllRMbaN saNeL W tmnpt ford W ssiaasl dt W I arar• MaY not tKnsNl a.aw iNSaanle N teaaglaeeea, pr,unairaa sin alrwu to taaN kNtlmsmnl udaN otMMar Ntr6 N LL w l.- ~-1~ A4ffN=A0YA"Ait" M Ordering Information WALGREENS DRUG STORE 38TH AND SHERIDAN Cornerstone Group I has signed a development agreement with the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority to develop a Walgreens on the southwest corner of Sheridan and 38 h Avenue. Both parties are currently working on due diligence items, but the agreement has been signed by both parties. The agreement provides that the closing on the property shall occur no later than October 28"'. The site is comprised of five properties plus an alley extending from Ames to Sheridan. The size of the site is 1.489 acres. The Authority will be acquiring the properties through purchase or condemnation. The Authority will then sell the entire 1.489 acres to Cornerstone who will build the Walgreens. Access will be provided at two points on Ames Street and one point on Sheridan. The access on Sheridan will consolidate two existing driveways and the existing alley into one access. A traffic study is being prepared for submittal with the access permit for the Sheridan access. It is proposed as a full-turn access, with 3/4 movement being the likely permitted access. The building will be approximately 14,000 square feet in size. A drive-through pharmacy is proposed on the south side of the building. Trash and recycling enclosures are located on the west side of the building. 0 CORNER 38TH AVENUE PER CITY g MATCH SIDEWALK AND LS d ~ cm is 8 STREET aocK V V REC. NO. 91029072 s w59' • w 135.45' 51DEWALK 0 - 4 aq ' a 4 4 Rif, TF 4 ~~m I I I I IJ I ~r8 g I ~ I TRASH w w E(1) w iI 45'-10• 0 G N 701E STORAGE FENCE AND GATES ih (wucNm+s~ LEA D WN 15, w No \\il1 I PER tltY _ I - - I _ - I \`I I 1 9 I 1j I ~-0• 147'-0• jl, w-n iC3iVfr : o ( ❑ 8 CAR-S-S q I - g N~ 'S8' E + - - z • o q o yP _ LANDMAPE t I- y I i 6._ N 89'5 E 155.46--- Y NEW EN 1n 3749th) NW59'58•E 134.01• PRELIMINAR SITE PLAN` 0 10' 20' 40' a I I I) 65'-0' ' P O.W. ¢ zl a ra w =I ~I I I I I I I I KING SOOPERS SHOPPING CENTER - - - - - - - - - - 38TH AVENUE I )-EXIST. HEADER CORNER w N N Q PROPOSED PLANT PALETTE - TREES SIZE/REMARKS I + EXIST WD TREE BY OTHERS I (CRIMSON KING MAPLE) iILEA CORDATA 'GREENSPIAE' 2" CPL MIN: 35'/30' O CREENSPI LINDEN ACER PIATANOIDES 'CRIMSON KING' .5" CAI. MIN; 30'/25' e CRIMSON KING MAPLE SHRUBS O JUNIPERUS SABINA 'BRAODMOOR' 5 GAL: 3'/6' BROADMOOR JUNIPER O SPIREA TRILOBATA 'FAIRY QUEEN' 5 GAL; 3'/4' FAIRY QUEEN SPIREA COTONEASTER OIVARTIOUS 5 GAL; 5'/7' SPREADING COTONEASTER GROUNDCOVERS L - JNINPERUS HORIZONTALIS 'HUGHES' I G 0 4'OC; IB"/B' 'HUGHES' JUNIPER JUNIPERUS SABINA 'BROADMOOR' 1 G U 4'OC; 3'/8' C BROADMJOB JUNIER 4" POTS 6" OC ANNUALS BY SEASON GENERAL NOTES ALL FUNDING AREAS TO HAVE TOP DRESSING OF MULCH, 3" THICK., MIN OR MATCH EXISTING STREETBCAPE. THE OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REGULAR WEEDING, IRRIGATING, FERTILIZING, PRUNING OR MAINTANENCE OF ALL PLANTINGS AS NEEDED IN ORDER TO ENSURE THE SURVIVAL OF ANY REQUIRED LANDSCAPE. 'E4 IT r Pl cenuFN'KO~m^85018 G.K. FLANAGAN PII^^e xoz-RS,-^~^, IE/A ASSOCIATES P^i 6o y 95P-~ R "XOAA. RAJA ❑ WNGXEFIIS'6XINCIM 9R. 9Q.~ J ' PQ .9R.~1¢ to W1IXGPV9 CMrtFGtlgY I7aV9a_CgdlxaxKK 1 STORES BUILDING xEw ~ xEW of RFl.mFl.+G..... n R¢oumd..... ❑ EnsdG........ ❑ xEw sxEU Grcr.. ~ ARCHITECTS ❑ IIXXEPY.. FIX TV.. µ DN4 PIAF➢HI MEd p~ UNOIX MVWE _l0 A WdVIGx ONOTUTI MI GYu'19im umd UWWm.e VxCEnUE TXE IAWb (FTE RPIEd MISfNA9 &GMFlm BY NIWVO NO SEPL STORE NUMBE0. ' FIR.F.. WALGREENS STORE 981h AVENUE AND SHERIDAN HIGHWAY WHE GERIDGE,OOLOFUI ;qpp pLpl: SCE DRAWIMONO. RAR DIM DRAWN er mmF Q SAR DATE S.24GS,. SIEUSEDTO ONSTRUCTW REVIEWEDBY: OF OWGS. CE •ANGEL~L-RO~WE 4343 E. Avalon Drive r'' '''t Phoe~ix~ Arizona Q18 Phony: 0 - 957- 4343 ~`a~ 60 957 754 ~r~t s~t~ F~agsta#, Ari~ana 8601 . 2 EQ 11 -°4 ~ Q PhQn~: 520-779-~~~40 1 T-~' T T t'''"T ~~n ~ryo~ unary A2.2 ~o x 1 ~ ~ - - - - tea) a~i+~.~+. - ~ - EQ EQ EQ J `..tea 5'-6" 4'-0" 12'-6" EQ 26'- 1 /2" 21 WALGREENS S RIPT SIGN ~ 6 25 i x ~X6V u { i _ _ I, N 10 16 = - EQ EQUAL 2'-6" f i ~ 2 ~ EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION .r i 1 2s 27 i 12' MAX. HEIGHT 4 t ~ PER CITY 11 y t . .~i I R i ~i 1 F 1 ~ w_ Fl~~PII11111 C;C~AKSt C;UKNtK~ rRi~v i rcR~tw~~ ~ u nix i Ln ~t~st..r~. SITE SIGN AREA ALLOiNED `I PER STREET a ~ OO S.F + 1 S.A~. FOR EACH 50O S.F. FLOOR AREA ~ MAX HEIGHT PER CITY 17 15 P > ri K T 1 22 6 -8 1 T SIGN NS SCRIP WALGREE r Ys r .~...~.T..~...._...,...~._...~...~..~.,~..~.~,.~...__..~ _.__..w., _.~..~...~._..~..~._~V...~_... ~ 1 i ~.r- r a .~.._.r....M........,~....,.... J ; ,ti...~ r', / • rr ....e....,....w.._.~ ~ S' I f M ~ 4 -o A.F.F. DOORBEtt 14 R CEIwING NT TO E ACACE f ROtL-UP DOOR J ~ - -4 11 Q r a 1 1 _B 1 2 26 E i - - IPT SIGN NS ~CR ALGREE V~ t ' Y i ..w._.....__~.._.~..~......~.~... - a c DRAWING TITLE - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS Ell 0. A -1 "1 { NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION 4 _ _ v - t { yi 1 l ~~'~~CE •ANGELL• R0~`E 4343 E. Avalon Drive `''1 Poe ' 5018 lone: ~ 5-~ 4343 Fay 80~05'~~548 411 Vest Santa Fe Flags ° ona 8000 ~ l'hane: 524-7~-4340 ~ I E ~ Fay 520-~74~-5087 KING NG SD❑PERS SH❑PPING CENTER ~~~~E~~ ~ ~ iWINGS/SPF4GATIC}NS BY. Rene ~cEU ROwE ARCHbTECTS, PLC. E~PResSeY RESEF~/ES THE COMifufQN !AW COPYRIGHT AA4D OTHER PROPERTY R{GHTS IN THESE P~M1S. THESE PAS ~E ~ ~ ~ 3 CD ~ C~ ~ ~ 1 . u~ S-T a 1 1 r ~ L ` ~ - - - ~ u~ ~ 1 - C~` LS i ~ ~ ~ REC. N0. 91029072 S 89'59' " W 135.45' SIDEWALK t \ r ~ SH o a ~ s°, v~ v CITY LS ~ CORNER ~ o~ 38TH AVENUE i i _ - REMOVE IXIST. CURBCUT PER C I T Y MATCH SIDEWALK AND LS STREETSCAPE ~ 1 ` ~ °Z ~ ~ o 0 STREET CLOCK C~ F 1 \ \ ~ LEADERBOARD SIGN 8 ~ \ 15~ MAX HIGH I i ~ i ~ - -RER - - - - - - r. ~ ti t { s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r---~---_..- 4 ~ - ~ POLE LIGHT, TYP Y ~ ~ r SEE CUT SHEEP ~ ~ i ~ i i f .T ~ ~ e r e..~ F a ~ ~ ~f ~ I r I I I I (rte) I F _ _ o / 16 w N f ~ ~ ~ 1 i N Jl r~ i J 1 ~k 4 4 I W 1 ~ i ~ i 3 ~ ~ ' ~ I W ~ BRASH ~ ~ 1 I J E- ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ HIG) t OPAQUE W F NCE ~~ID GATES .r.~ V ! z / I ~r~ DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT DATE S~IRVEYOR CFRTIFlCATION DATE Q ~ t ~ `rl .~L~ i 1s ~ I ! ~i~~ I I I 1 ~ ~ t . ~ X43'-10" ~ ~ J PROJECT TEAM I t DEVELOPER: THE CORNERSTONE GROUP I, INC. A(tCHiTECT: REECE ANGELL ROWE ARCHITECTS, PLLC 225 WEST WACKER, SUITE 2800 4343 EAST AVALON DRIVE CHICAGO, ILliN01S 60606 PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85018 - ~ SEE ELEVATION FOR HEIGHTS SEE CUT SHEEfS CONTACT: TIM SULLNAN CONTACT: STEPHANIE ROWE (312) 201-2545 PH 602 957-4343 PH 602 957-7546 FAX 43'-8" 1 ~T PROJECT NARRATNE: TO BUILD A NEW 14,161 SQ.FT. WALGREEN'S STORE AND PHARMACY. SLAB ON GRADE, CMU WALLS W/ STUCCO AND PLANT, AND WOOD ROOF 1 TRUSSES COVERED WITH ABUILT-UP ROOF. ~ TOTE STORAGE ALL SIGNAGE AND SITE CONDITIONS WILL BE AS THE TYPICAL FENCE AND GATES WALGREEN STORES ~ PROJECT DATA PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: SW CORNER 38TH AVENUE AND SHERIDAN I~ WHEAT RIDGE, COlORA00 \ ~ - - - - - LOT CONFIGURATION IRREGULAR SHAPED PROPERTY AND SIZE: 64,861 SF (1.4890 ACRES) NO. ° RADIUS ~ ~ ~ TRUCK TURN ~ ~ 8 CARS STACKING - - ~ ~ c D SITE AREA: 64,861 SF s NEW BUILDING: 14,161 SF. SINGLE STORY 22~ COVERAGE I HERE LANDSCAPE AREA: 20~ REQD = 12972 SF PLAN 14,688 SF PROVIDED = 22°~ WAS P COVERAGE, BLDG, PAVING, WALKS 14,161 SF BLDG + 36012 SF PAVING & WALKS = 78~ UNDE PARKING CALCULATION SUPE A DUL PARKING REQUIRED: RETAIL: 1/200 OF 90% = 64 SPACES REQUIRED. ARCHI UNDE PARKING PROVIDED: 64 SPACES TO BE PROVIDED ALL FUII SIZE) STATE st z i o a u~osc,~E :u NEW FH r i Y M (6' FENCE J INCLUDES 3 ACCESSIBLE SPAC 5 SIGNIF N 89~59~~• E , 34.0, ~ pRELIMI~JARY ZONING ORDINANCE CLASSIFICATION SEAL. b- z.-_~ ZONED: COMMERCIAL ONE EXISTING USE: VARIOUS EXISTING SITE PLAN SCOPE OF WORK: DEMO AND REWORK SITE FOR WALGREEN'S STORE. i i OCCUPANCY GROUP: M (MERCANTILE OCCUPANCY, UBC TABLE 10-A) OCCUPANCY LOAD: 14,161 USF / 30 OCC. LOAD = 473 PEOPLE ~7t i YARD, HEIGHT AND F 1 AREA REQUIREMENTS: 6' LANDSCAPE BUFFER WITH 6' HIGH WALL SCALE: 1 "=2U'-0" AT SOUTH PROPERTY LIME ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL 'r i BUILDING DEPARTMENT CLASSInCATION I CODE: 1997 U.B.C. SITE PLAN I CONSTRUCTION TYPE: TYPE V-N, FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, EMERGENCY LIGHTING CADD F ALLOWED PER TYPE V-N 81000 SF PER FLOOR MR 0 ,ADD PLOT: SCALE; 1"=20'-O" DRAWING RAR. 010329 SPRINKLER SYSTEM INCREASE 24,000 SF (TRIPLED FOR 1 STORY) DRAWN BY: 42,000 SF ALLOWED > 14,161 SF ...OK VOID PI fOID PLOT: SAR ddolik I SPRINKLERS: NEW FULLY AUTOMATIC SYSTEM (NEW NFPA 13) I EXITS REQUIRED: 2 DATE: 9-24-03 Aoml EXITS PROVIDED: 2 RELEAS. i.ELEA ED TO CONST MATERIALS: SLAB ON GRADE CONSTF '.ONBTRUCTION REVIEWED BY: CMU EXTERIOR WALLS W/ STUCCO. WOOD TRUSSES W/ BUILT-UP ROOF. DWGS. ~ ~ ~ KING S00 v J F ~~si ~s ~r~t i{ i 1 1 - 38 J S 1 j EXIST. HEADER '~ti. ~ \ \ \ ~ / ~ I - ~ / ~ ~ 1 F ss- V ~ REC. 910290 2 S X9'59'58" W / 135.45' \ $W / __~--""1 ~ -I-- sH TER EXISTo ~/S TO REMAIN ~ J r t~ z s i 'f ~ TURF o TURF . TURF • TURF ~ ~ ~VALGREENS o ~ LEADERBOARD SIGN t ~ 15' MAX HIGH r --F~ER £~A'- - - - 00 1 i 1 s . ~ o s~ , i i . f `Jr ~ POLE LIGHT, -rrP NEW HEADE s SEE CUT SHEEP i - - i I i J r l 0 16 F N N t , _ ( SHRUBS w ~ W TRASH ~ w JUNIPERUS SABINA ~BRAODMOOR' S GAL; 3~~8~ ~ o 1 BROADMOOR JUNIPER E-- ° M O SPIREA TRILOBATA 'FAIRY QUEEN' S GAL; 3'/4' ~ ~ FAIRY QUEEN SPIREA ~ 6' HIGH OPAQUE COTONEASTER DIVARTIOUS 5 GAL; 5'/7' w FENCE AND GATES 1 SPREADING COTONEASTER ~ i Q ~ f E Y V GROUNDCOVERS JUINPERUS HORIZONTALIS 'HUGHES' 1 G ~ 4'OC; 18"/6' HUGHES' JUNIPER JUNIPERUS SABINA 'BROADMOOR' 1 G ~ 4'OC; 3~/8' BROADMOOR JUNIER t ANNUALS BY SEASON 4" POTS 6" OC SEE ELEVATIONS FOR HEIGHTS -r SEE CUT SHEETS C ~ ~r-~~ GENERAL NOTES _.__I _t ~'i TOTE STORAGE L i ALL PLANTING AREAS TO HAVE TOP DRESSING t7F FENCE AND GATES i MULCH, 3" THICK., MIN OR MATCH EXISTING STREETSCAPE. THE OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE fOR REGULAR WEEDING, IRRIGATING, FERTILIZING, PRUNING OR MAINTANENCE OF ALL PLANTINGS AS NEEDED IN ORDER TO ENSURE THE SURVIVAL _ _ ~ _I__~ _ . P i i OF ANY REQUIRED LANDSCAPE. f 1 - - - - _ 8 CARS STACKING y f t • j. NO. NO. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CONST o A O~ ~ O O 1 REVISIONS 1 CERTIFICATION AND SEAL i C~ o 0 lP I HE PLA WA UND SUP A D ARC HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR SUPERVI ION AND THAT I AM ~'`~v N 89'S9~58" E 134.01' A DULY REGISTERED cD~ ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UND UNDER THE LAWS OF THE `OQ~V Rn ■ STA SIG SEA STATE OF ARIZONA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND AND w`Q SEAL. r A STORE NUMBER ~ PROJECT NAME WALGREENS STORE 1 38th AVENUE AND SHERIDAN HIGHWAY WHEATRIDGE, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE CAD RAR CADD PLOT: SCALE: DRAWING NO. RAR 01029 DRAWN BY: VOID VOID PLOT: SAR DATE: 9-24-03 RELE) RELEASED TO CONS CONSTRUCTION REVIEWED Y: OF D W GS . LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Applicant Wheat Fu4e, Ltrk-4,\. 'I IUa1 Address '55O W. 27"-X E. Phone 503-235-2891 City bWW&TWad >ht7dOLT1 State Q0 Zip eW33 Fax 393-Z35-2&57 Address Phone City Zip Contact AI&aA WAit - Address ~a~h~e as abolt- Phone City State Zip Fax (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, and will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing.) Location of request (address): 5940 - 5200 At. 3&AJe-, V" --Aerlol-&A , 3 Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side ❑ Change of zone or zone conditions eSpecial Use Permit C~'Consolidation Plat ❑ Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) ❑ Flood Plaits Special Exception ❑ Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) ❑ Lot Line Adjustment VRight of Way Vacation ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Temporary Use, Building, Sign ❑ Site Development Plan approval ❑ Variance/Waiver (from Section ) Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: 3q• 25f -Of'oOli 03$j039t ooz os7 Size of Lot (acres or square footage): I,," eG. Current Zoning: r:- ( Proposed Zoning: C-1 Current Use: Au'OYepwr. kl".kttc>'nett it tMoalel. dme&f t, .Proposed Use: Prug :,trc. I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lam accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner w; • p't0Athis action on his behalf Signature of Applicant. nd sworn to me this NX•, PUBL1G .'~0 P OF COt-G~ of 200 My commission expires /116 Id6 MrCantnssion Expires pant inns To be filled out by staff: Date received Comp Plan Desig. Related Case No. Fee $ Pre-App Mtg. Case No. Quarter Section Map Case Manager ❑ Other: EXHIBIT A Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority Legal Description A tract of land in the Northeast 1 /4 of Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6'h Principal Meridian and also being a part of Block 1, Pearson - Woodside Addition as recorded in Book 6, Page 8 of the official records of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast thence S 00° 15' 49" W along the East line of said Northeast said line also being the centerline of Sheridan Boulevard. 65.00 feet: thence S 89° 59' 58" W, 30.00 feet to a point on the East line of said Block 1 and the West line of Sheridan Boulevard, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N 45° 07' 56" W along the Southerly line of that tract of land described at Reception Number 91056588, said line also being the Southerly line of West 38" Avenue, 28.35 feet; thence continuing along said Southerly line S 89° 59' 58" W, 115.45 feet; thence N 00° 15' 49" W along said Southerly line, 5.00 feet to a point on the North line of said Block 1, said point also being a point on the Southerly line of West 381" Avenue; thence S 89° 59' 58" W along said Northerly line of Block 1, 135.45 feet to the Northwest corner of said Block 1; thence S 00° 15' 49" E along the West line of said Block 1, 167.20 feet to the beginning of a curve; thence Southerly along a curve to the left and along the West line of said Block 1, 89.27 feet, which curve has a radius of 523.00 feet, a central angle of 9° 46' 48" and whose chord bears S 5° 09' 13" E, 89.16 feet, to the Southwesterly corner of Lot 21 of said Block 1; thence N 89° 59' 58" E along the Southerly line of said Lot 21, 127.85 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 21; thence N 00° 15' 49" W along the East line of said Lot 21, 25.00 feet; thence N 89° 59' 58" E along a line parallel to the North line of said Block 1, 135.45 feet to a point on the East line of said Block 1 and the West line of Sheridan Boulevard; thence N 00° 15' 49" W along said East line of said Block I and the West line of Sheridan Boulevard, 206.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Said tract contains 64,861.93 square feet / 1.4890 acres more or less. The bearings described herein are based on the East line of the Northeast Y, of Section 25, T3 S, R69W, said line bears N 00° 15' 49" W as established by the City of Wheat Ridge. The Drafter of this description is Paul A. Lenzini, P.L.S., prepared on behalf of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, 7500 West 29"' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 and is not to be construed as being a monumented land survey. Case No.: S0301 _ Quarter Section Map N App: Last Name: JWRURA . Related Cases: App: First N ame: Case Histor y: Owns r. Last Name: Owner: First Nam e: V App Addre as: 500 W. 29th Ave. Review Body: City, State Z ip: JWheat Ridge, CO 80033 App: Pho ne: 303-235-2844 APN: Owner Address: r 2nd Revie w Body: City/St ate/Zip: 2nd Review Date Owner Phone: l i Decision-making Body Project Address: ~ Appro val/Denial Date: Street Name : WC, 38th & Sheridan City/State, Zip: heat Ridge, CO 80212... Reso/Ordinance No.: Case Disposition: Project Planner: hite File Lo cation: ctive Notes: Follow- Up: 0.: NE25 UP, consolidation plat & Iley vacation to construct Walgreens drug store ith drive-through PC - 914/03 CC I PC Conditions of Approval: F_' District: i~.... Date Rec eived: /23/2003 _ Pre-App Date: I II"..,_-' - G" ;e=Tr+. . ql 1 _7560 60 WALGREENS DRUG STORE 38' AND SHERIDAN Cornerstone Group I has signed a development agreement with the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority to develop a Walgreens on the southwest corner of Sheridan and 38 Avenue. Both parties are currently working on due diligence items, but the agreement has been signed by both parties. The agreement provides that the closing on the property shall occur no later than October 28 th . The site is comprised of five properties plus an alley extending from Ames to Sheridan. The size of the site is 1.489 acres. The Authority will be acquiring the properties through purchase or condemnation. The Authority will then sell the entire 1.489 acres to Cornerstone who will build the Walgreens. Access will be provided at two points on Ames Street and one point on Sheridan. The access on Sheridan will consolidate two existing driveways and the existing alley into one access. A traffic study is being prepared for submittal with the access permit for the Sheridan access. It is proposed as a full -turn access, with 3 /4 movement being the likely permitted access. The building will be approximately 14,000 square feet in size. A drive- through pharmacy is proposed on the south side of the building. Trash and recycling enclosures are located on the west side of the building. ky — — — — — — — 38TH AVENUE CORNER PER CITY STREETSCAPE SID &K j mLs e -� h ry — — � — — — — — — — — — — — — — vos*E. _o-StFEEi �Ovk rtCr 6 280 5250(6) 5209 ' Q w 1 1 55 5654 LO / 505� ' Y RCO'0 1 1 Z MXIN GC0 I �2 00 H9NCWC 6 M Sm [ S cESSBLE V ¢ N e ALLEY a 9 1 5250(b) 1 3749(n) -- p BOILORG SMACK A TACK N — — J t — 5 3749(b) — — s' Ec�cE — — —� PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN VER.4 0 i i T / T / sfn3s+Lr'? �7lt1'03 X SCALE: 1'= 50' NORTHEAST CORNER SECTION 25, T3S, R69W WEST 38TH AVENUE — — — — s — e S89 W58w MAY e Qrk� 30• I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I 30.00' SB9*W58 1 2 1 3 I C 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I C/) I I I I I I I 0 Q I I I g W 25.00' I 1 25.00' I 35.45' I 35.45' 1 25.00' I I I 25.00' 8 O ALLEY 8 Z 0 � C 22 11 w 8 i o U 12 � 21 S N89'59'58'E 135.45' m N89'W5rE 127.86' 20 13 X SCALE: 1'= 50' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Cry of Wheat Ridge 7500 WEST 29' AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Department of Public Works July 17, 2003 Pre - Application Meeting for Walareen's Drug Store (38 & Sheridan) Public Works Requirements 2 Copies of the following shall be submitted for review: 1. A Final Drainage Report and Plan (signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer), 2. Grading & Erosion Control Plan (signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer). 3. Street Construction Plans (signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer), which shall include a plan and profile of the public improvements along street frontages, and Standard COWR details for all constructed items. NOTE: A CD -ROM containing the City's Street Construction Standard Details in AutoCAD .DWG format is available at the City of Wheat Ridge Department of Public Works for $20.00. 4. Site Plan which shall include the following: a. 24" X 36" sheet format. b. A Vicinity Map. c. The boundary of the site described in bearings and distances, and existing and proposed lot lines. d. A Legal Description of the site, including tie(s) to the Section. e. A Basis of Bearing statement. f. Signed certification from a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the state of Colorado. g. A scale and north arrow. h. Date of map preparation and name & address of person who prepared map. i. Location of 100 -year floodplain, if applicable. j. Existing and proposed contours at 2 -ft intervals. k. Adjacent street(s), including Right -of -Way width(s), name(s), ROW centerline(s). I. Location of all existing & proposed easements and rights -of -way, fences, walls, drainageways, ditches, buildings to be developed or retained on site. 4. Final Plat (Consolidation Plat). Additional Requirements: Proof of Ownership for the property, e.g., Warranty Deed, Title Commitment, etc A CD -ROM containing the Final (Consolidation) Plat shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works in addition to the above - mentioned 2 - 24 "X36" Final Plat hardcopies. Due to the proposed area of development being greater than 1 acre, an NPDES Permit shall be required from the State of Colorado (CDPS permit). This permit is issued through the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Water Quality Control Division. Y oject Sub ittal Internal Checklist Introduced at Micro Dev on o3 Priority - 1. Will a neighborhood meeting be required? F7 2. What will the process be? Admii>qa (circle all that apply) - J A' Outline Plan (conceptual - zoning only) B. Final Development Plan C. Combined Outline & Final Developme t Plan (full site plan) D. Rezonin g N%Za�t- C- �S Ind- ❑ E. Minor Subdivision (with or without dedication) (circle one) Major Subdivision (with or without dedication) (circle oneJ R 4 G. onsolidation Plat -- &el1ita w�aJao ,r�nl.elioisioh ywidc l�Ae.5 ❑ .H. Supplemental Variance- describe: I. Special Use Permit J: Lot Line Adjustment 3. Willa drainage study be required? When? At time of submittal, public hearing or building permit? (circle one) 4. Will a traffic impact analysis be required? When? At time of submittal, public hearing or building permit? (circle one). ® 5. Will any right -of -way be required for dedication? How much? _ feet) Where? 6. Will this property need to be platted or re- platted? 7. Will any easements be required? For streetscape, cross access, utility, or drainage (circle all that apply) Where? 8. Will full engineered documents (construction drawings) be required? When? At time of submittal, public hearing or building permit? (circle one) 9. Will public improvements need to be constructed (or escrow taken in lieu ?) List improvements and locations: 10. Will streetscape improvements be required? Where? To what extent? 11. Will any street lights be required? 12. Is the property located within a floodplain area? 13. Will a soils test be required? { When? At time of submittal, public hearing or building permit? (circle one) 14. Will a grading and erosion control plan be required? ❑ When? At time of submittal, public hearing or building permit? (circle one) 15. Will a subdivision improvement agreement be required? 16. Does this fall under the street width designation? 17. Will the project need to be referred to CDOT? More Neighborhood Letters WS-03-O1 September 28, 2003 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: 23 This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38"' Avenue, 5250 West 38'h Avenue, 5280 West 38`h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. I strongly object to the type of development being sought, and to the way this proposed development is being done. I do not feel it is important nor is it necessary to add yet another Walgreens to the City of Wheat Ridge, and feel it is an inappropriate use of blight designation or of condemnation methods to achieve this unwanted development. I object because there are viable businesses that exist in the location, homeowners would be displaced or dramatically affected and it would negatively affect the nature of business and the nature of the neighborhood of the properties aforementioned. Besides, why condemn personal and business property when a perfectly acceptable property is available at 44th and Sheridan for a Walgreens that provides better access and the same volume of traffic??? I also question whether the proposed left turn from Sheridan toward the west into the Walgreens is far enough from the corner to meet State Department of Transportation guidelines. In any event, this new, heavy traffic in a left turn lane would create additional safety hazards on an already busy intersection and this is not in the best interests of the community. I also feel it is WRONG to make these plans in extensive executive sessions, it is WRONG not to be more forthright in contacting and working with property owners. Furthermore, it sheds a very negative light on Wheat Ridge for its callous attitude and lack of a cooperative spirit with the existing home and business property owners. I expect our elected officials and city employees to use their power and the extension of their power via decisions made by a special authority such as the Urban Development Authority to reflect the best interests of the community and be handled with integrity and within the legal framework established. This situation really causes me and many other people I have talked with, to wonder who is benefitingfrom this? It is very disturbing to observe the appearance of major conflict of interest and one is prompted to think there must be promises or potential of personal gain to be realized from this underhanded land grab. I say, play by the "0.. nr dnn~4 nl~o City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 28, 2003 Page 2 This current proposed situation smacks of the very questionable process used to establish a gas station at King Soopers. That project did not even follow the City's own rules for the types of businesses desired for the 38`h Avenue Business District and for the "gateway to Wheat Ridge." Yet across the street, now, automotive businesses are not wanted? Come on, quit changing your tune every time it suits your whims. The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only NOT accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well-maintained access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. The security for the neighborhood and the will of City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will be ignored by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 28, 2003 Page 3 The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would lose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loss of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating to the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38 h Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. This proposed development is clearly not in the best interests of Wheat Ridge as a whole and is detrimental to the existing businesses and home owners in the area and would create unnecessary traffic and safety problems. Please register my vote on this issue as NO. Submitted by, Steven R. al 3220 Jay Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 TO: Wheat Ridge Planning Commission FROM: ra.15 rvwvi ~73s` JqM, s S~~ t 2 DATE: September 27, 2003 C RE: Case No.WS-03-01, request for approval of a consolidation plat and alley vacation I have a concern about the consolidation of the said properties in that the proposed extensive paving and building causes additional drainage to the storm sewers on Ames St., Sheridan Blvd. and 38th Ave. Rains during this relatively dry year have caused flooding at both intersections at 38th Ave. even with the three drains at both intersections. The greater than 70% increase in building square- footage and pavement over the existing pavement and buildings on the properties will definitely cause an increase in flooding at these intersections, causing a safety concern for traffic on Ames St., 381n Ave. and Sheridan Blvd. Another concern with the consolidation is the relocation of existing utilities. The neighborhood has been experiencing an increasing number of electrical outages this past year. Hopefully with the relocation and addition of new equipment, the problem will be alleviated. The movement of the sewage lines should also bring the antiquated system up to date. ec&~- &L"Zr~~ =EERI TO: Wheat Ridge Planning Commission FROM: Madeline & Charles Durbin, 3703 Ames St. DATE: September 26, 2003 RE: Case No.WS-03-01, request for approval of a consolidation plat and alley vacation We have a concern about the consolidation of the said properties in that the proposed extensive paving and building causes additional drainage to the storm sewers on Ames St., Sheridan Blvd. and 38th Ave. Rains during this relatively dry year have caused flooding at both intersections at 38th Ave. even with the three drains at both intersections. The greater than 70% increase in building square- footage and pavement over the existing pavement and buildings on the properties will definitely cause an increase in flooding at these intersections, causing a safety concern for traffic on Ames St., 38th Ave. and Sheridan Blvd. Another concern with the consolidation is the relocation of existing utilities. The neighborhood has been experiencing an increasing number of electrical outages this past year. Hopefully with the relocation and addition of new equipment, the problem will be alleviated. The movement of the sewage lines should also bring the antiquated system up to date. kade~ ~.A K) ' llki POAOI-J) a,': S EP TO: Wheat Ridge Planning Commission FROM: S c C~ zl~ IN DATE: September 27, 2003 RE: Case No.WS-03-01, request for approval of a consolidation plat and alley vacation I have a concern about the consolidation of the said properties in that the proposed extensive paving and building causes additional drainage to the storm sewers on Ames St., Sheridan Blvd. and 38th Ave. Rains during this relatively dry year have caused flooding at both intersections at 38th Ave. even with the three drains at both intersections. The greater than 70% increase in building square- footage and pavement over the existing pavement and buildings on the properties will definitely cause an increase in flooding at these intersections, causing a safety concern for traffic on Ames St., 38`h Ave. and Sheridan Blvd. Another concern with the consolidation is the relocation of existing utilities. The neighborhood has been experiencing an increasing number of electrical outages this past year. Hopefully with the relocation and addition of new equipment, the problem will be alleviated. The movement of the sewage lines should also bring the antiquated system up to date. RECENED SEP 9 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 296' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 tj ~7rJ3 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 386 Avenue, 5250 West 386i Avenue, 5280 West 38 h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority') and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38a' Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Sub)ifti ted by, IVA 7 signature (name printed) 57~;- Sr - (address) 16 (5~v 7,( l September 27, 2003 Via US Mail 9 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission S`a✓fjr~ Attn: Travis Crane 9 a 7500 West 29"' Avenue n03 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 tv. rV ti~ Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 38th Avenue, 5280 West 38t' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govem Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38'h Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitte , signature p£f-ee A- 8U~iEss (name printed) New FOwNEfz (address 3S ~ i ►'SEN7yN % b6WF,r2, CO, %b2i Z September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission' Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29m Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38 h Avenue, 5250 West 381' Avenue, 5280 West 381i Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties') The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan') for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development. of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City') guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. WS-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority's and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corker of 386' Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will . increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, - 'LLP 'W signature (name printed 35 -6,g ppSF. September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 ox~ Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38' Avenue, 5250 West 38' Avenue, 5280 West 38'" Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan') for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority's and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38th Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. by, signature (name (address) September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 381h Avenue, 5280 West 38th Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements;i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not ,properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38`b Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Sub b , signature (name printed) (address) REC EWE SEP 2 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 38th Avenue, 5280 West 38th Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City'D guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority's and The Cornerstone Group X)M, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38m Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, signature ~FZ~h L. l-1 A:Ra~C.~ (name printed) ~ sue. (address) C,, szoa to RECENED SEP 7 9 2003 September 28, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29a' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 381' Avenue, 5250 West 380' Avenue, 5280 West 38s' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street fights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 28, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the comer of 38th Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation Submitted by, ~~~/,~~8 signat e/ (name p i i&d) 33-6~1 me--s si (address) 6v ffEnT 12 r[b64 ('D ~dZ/2 REC EVEDD Uap 7 9 1003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29s Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38m Avenue, 5250 West 38w Avenue, 5280 West 38'h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties') The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City'D guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement'D is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38s' Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, s' ature (name printed) (address) =EWE September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38`s Avenue, 5250 West 38s' Avenue, 5280 West 38"' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties') The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City's guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38'h Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. AgainI am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. ed by, 4-~ signature f J t OSl,2 C~1~i'/~~' (name printed) :n& 5s (ad RECENED SEP 2 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 380, Avenue, 5250 West 386' Avenue, 5280 West 38"' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38's Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, ~signat e Jw`4rnn-I✓ (name printed) 3G~s rrl~' S~ f (address) ,(/iC~ RECEWED S E P 9 9 2003 September 27, 2003 - Via US Mai[ City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38' Avenue, 5250 West 38' Avenue, 5280 West 38's Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. WS-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38a' Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, ,e;~ 476e signature 3T7 A~Or4-~ 8c wlvl Bare-k (name printed) 3'715 Ames 5k6d" (address) Wheod A c~ C~ 007-17,-°7019 HECHVED S E P t 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 38' Avenue, 5280 West 38`h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan') for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City's guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Care No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority) and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the comer of 38 b Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, d signature (name printed) 3-7) ~ -R k,~i es s7~- (address P~~7v 66 RECENEDD SEP 9 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 38th Avenue, 5280 West 38th Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority'D and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the comer of 38's Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, signature i1-l4 R!C Eos~l (name printed) 3 6 Y S- S S77 (address) S 9 9 2003 September 27, 2003 1 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 296i Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 386i Avenue, 5250 West 386' Avenue, 5280 West 38"' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties') The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group )M, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38`s Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, signature Rlaw a (name printed) (address) ~t)Ff7 ~,cl (rte , Cc) REC EKED SEP ? 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Va US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn. Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38m Avenue, 5250 West 381i Avenue, 5280 West 38" Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority') and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38a' Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. ` tted by, L-9 1.41VIYz2,4Y signature ad C-~ ~ ~so)I) (name printed) 53aa (address) RE P4EW DD SEP 7 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 381e Avenue, 5250 West 38' Avenue, 5280 West 38`" Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the 'Properties' The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City'D guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority's and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 386' Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidati ~~55- W -53 A 4y, (address) (name printed) RECEVE SEP 2 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38'h Avenue, 5250 West 38' Avenue, 5280 West 38th Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties' The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City's guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wbeat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority's and The Cornerstone Group X)M, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38`fi Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, signature //I (name printed) (address) =RECWEO September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29s' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38' Avenue, 5250 West 38~ Avenue, 5280 West 38'h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A,P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that. enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" (`Tian") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. WS-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority') and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38'b Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Sed by, 'J y signature (name printed) k4-<- (address) t~ z, =ECEWEED September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38"' Avenue, 5250 West 38,b Avenue, 5280 West 38'h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties') The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Care No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38th Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Su\ b~#tted by, ignature ,,-K6 Z~5>, lc~t~ff (name printed) 3 33 /io,,ti s W-r (address) SEA' 2 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29t° Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 381h Avenue, 5280 West 38th Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan') for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: l) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located. along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat. Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority') and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38`s Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. S ed ~y k ture N~ ~j~ACGlfi1'i'~ -t ~'~~F >~Fl,Uflat1E (name printed) '3g60 Ba'CbAU (addr ss) REC EPYED S€P 7 9 2903 September 27, 2003 September US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38' Avenue, 5250 West 38' Avenue, 5280 West 38" Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38`s Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, signature 30S0 ch C) f ewer (name printed) 370(wAw' Lt) ft, 4?,J,~-ti2~c0~e ~-D YD /Z (address) T- SEP992993 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29a' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38"' Avenue, 5250 West 3811' Avenue, 5280 West 38"' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority') and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38m Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation Submitted by, ~ i / Z signature"z~~ 0 2% ~0, ~ &/-P, (name printed) 34 B~Ar/ 4/w (address) RECENE SEE' 9 9 2003 27, 2003 September Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 296h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38' Avenue, 5250 West 38' Avenue, 5280 West 3861 Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design.. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38`b Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. /Submitted by, signature 16 k)/Q4U// C A(2 k c!~ 12- en/ bc/NO,l4/✓ (name printed) 37/3 (address) ^ RECEWEED SEP ? 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29'x` Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38' Avenue, 5250 West 38' Avenue, 5280 West 38"' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties') The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City's guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required, for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would logse the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the lab of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38a' Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, r ~slYi signature N1 alix_ < ~6hoCee~ (name printed) ,37, ~ ~ ~ s~ (address) ~a 1y R C EWED S EP ? 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 296 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 386 Avenue, 5250 West 386 Avenue, 5280 West 386 Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development. of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer Be is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Care No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38s' Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. ECE I J_P " 9 ZCQ3 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 381, Avenue, 5250 West 38w Avenue, 5280 West 38 h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority'D and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38a' Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, I ~ /C~c_¢~)signature ! PIGtr P, G i C~ (name printed) 3506 Ames Sf. (address) W64 -f spar? RECENE ,E ; 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via us Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attm Travis Crane 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 38th Avenue, 5280 West 38th Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority's and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the comer of 38"' Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, signature (name print (g) RECENE SEP 7 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 381i Avenue, 5250 West 381' Avenue, 5280 West 38th Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority') and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38s' Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation Submitted by, V Z~ signature /4 r,&I 0 (name printed) a 3 S' l Z ~4 yn-e s s 7`- (address) L✓~-e gf- /Z (-c/ ~z e, Cro deo ?,4 e->- M2003 September 27, 2003 Ira US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38s' Avenue, 5250 West 38a' Avenue, 5280 West 38" Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority's and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38`h Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, signature' (name printed) (address) R-EC EKED SEP792€93 September 27, 2003 -1 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29d Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38d, Avenue, 5250 West 381' Avenue, 5280 West 38 h Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("PlarO for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govem Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. WS-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority'D and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38th Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, Y~/ AV Q✓lG/ signature vaia 14 3v l,s (name printed) 30 Z, 6-h n 5 f W✓ d d e) c1~ e Gy 30Z/Z REC'E MED S E P 7 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38"' Avenue, 5250 West 38s' Avenue, 5280 West 38"' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City'D guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority') and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38m Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, 4:; - i signature 5co zl{ (name printed) 1363 5 Aoes 5-11 (address) SEE 2 9 2003 September 27, 2003 1 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29g Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38'h Avenue, 5250 West 38a' Avenue, 5280 West 38" Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority's and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the comer of 38h Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Sub ed by, signature (name printed) ~ YD =RECEWED Septem ber 27, 2003 Via us Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29"` Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38n, Avenue, 5250 West 381h Avenue, 5280 West 38`" Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan') for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38m Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, y, kRjg~/ signature (name printed) l q\_(ad_dresss)) \ RECEV D SEP 7 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Pia US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29s Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38`" Avenue, 5250 West 38w Avenue, 5280 West 38's Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties') The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" (`Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. WS-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority's and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the comer of 38th Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by~[ C"Yn~l/vtNl( signature ( e printed) nos S i ress) VI ( VVaqd IA (7 V ~ D-- S E P 7 9 2093 September 27, 2003 1=- - _ _ _ _ Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38' Avenue, 5250 West 38' Avenue, 5280 West 38'e Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City'D guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority') and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38th Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infiastmaure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. 3a~d L~~ (address) L AC(k4n,4 P c0 REC EN D September 27, 2003 SEP 2 9 2003 Va US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29s' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 386 Avenue, 5250 West 38m Avenue, 5280 West 38" Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority'D and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38a' Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, signature H004hP f- ff--j+ InmCi 1 (name printed) zn IMP nanp (address) (A ~aLffiiHge rn - ~&-k2la SEP 7 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 381i Avenue, 5280 West 386i Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority's and The Cornerstone Group L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38`s Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, signature (name printed) e a y ale J:;!~ (address) MUEUVE SEP 2 S 2003 September 27, 2003 Va US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38111 Avenue, 5250 West 3811' Avenue, 5280 West 38111 Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38 h Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, 1,44-1 4X~2,A si ture (name punted) v a Amiy.s ad ess) rr ~07,~L =~EN§ September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 b Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 38m Avenue, 5280 West 38"' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties') The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the. above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38m Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitt signature '(name printed) -s--6 CTD (address) RECEWED SEA' 9 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 380' Avenue, 5250 West 386' Avenue, 5280 West 38m Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheaf Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority's and The Cornerstone Group XX1I, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38`s Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Su eby, A signature J"-q ~ r,) M~fl~ KlvlheyI l k. Mcb`vwi-w (name p " ted) 3cal0 &VES ' --L I)LU T(, (address MZ(7 E9RECENED September 27, 2003 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29'" Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38' Avenue, 5250 West 38a' Avenue, 5280 West 38"' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design It. removes a, viable; V9JLmaintain.access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto, are specific in what is rpgilired for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located, on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them""is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority "Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38m Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, tgnature 7OXQ_r42Y's.~-J- 0, Xc name printed) (address) i~, D ✓cf~T" ~S ~ RECEME September 27, 2003 SEP ' 9 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 296 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 386, Avenue, 5250 West 386' Avenue, 5280 West 386' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties') The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Aires Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38th Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, signature (name printed) ,36h 5-O ~8 Sf addr Vr) I R EC UV S E P 7 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US MaH City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29* Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38th Avenue, 5250 West 38t" Avenue, 5280 West 38"` Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38'h Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, signature ~IcLc~c~~ (name printed) (address) 12eli Urr, (f o 0 ~ 'Z- REC~COME SEP 9 9 2003 September 27, 2003 September _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Va US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attu: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38"' Avenue, 5250 West 38"' Avenue, 5280 West 38's Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design The alley vacation is not good civic design It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority's and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38'" Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, ~c~,k~ 1kz signature (name printed) (addres wc~~ y ~~33 RECEWE SEP 7 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Tra US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 386, Avenue, 5250 West 38m Avenue, 5280 West 386i Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 30 Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. SubmbP10 signature Elseriy) P L©w~arc (name printed) V~/'~MT ~lC)Gt? C-0 CC2Ia RECENEDD September 27, 2003 SEP' ? 9 2003 03 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29a Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38'ti Avenue, 5250 West 38th Avenue, 5280 West 38's Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Care No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority'D and The Cornerstone Group XXH, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38"' Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, & 44 signature (name printed) .3 3 / 9 d, P,, " (address) le, Fa" l RECD( NED September 27, 2003 0 C T 0 2 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn Travis Crane 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38' Avenue, 5250 West 38' Avenue, 5280 West 38'' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City's guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority') and The Cornerstone Group XXII, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use 'a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38'b Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, signature (name printed) ~~535 Be ,Je .S+_ (address) E__ECCMVED 3 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 381s Avenue, 5250 West 38 b Avenue, 5280 West 38" Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group XXI, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement") is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the corner of 38m Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation Submitted by, signature yanoas a l C/I~qT (name printed) 350/ 5~ J1 (address) Guhea.tiil~~ C~<~ REC E MGD O C T 0 2 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 296 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. W5-03-01 Dear Commission: This letter is being submitted as a protest to the consolidation plat and alley vacation proposed for the properties located at 5208 West 38m Avenue, 5250 West 381 Avenue, 5280 West 38a' Avenue, 3749 Sheridan Blvd., 3718 Ames Street and A.P.N. 39- 251-01-038 (collective referred to as the "Properties") The consolidate and alley vacation is deficient in complying with The State of Colorado and The City of Wheat Ridge's regulations and the spirit of the legislators that enacted the regulations. The State of Colorado has set rules governing the "Master Plans" ("Plan") for the physical development of the property located in Colorado. These rules dictate that there be a "Purpose in View" for any such Plan. This purpose should be harmonious development of Municipalities and their environs which will best promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare, as well as, the efficiency of development of adequate provision of traffic and safety from fire and other damages. The consolidation and vacation on the properties will not only not accomplish any of the above requirements it will actually cause them to be harmed. In addition, the plan and any items that effect the plan, must promote good civic design. The alley vacation is not good civic design. It removes a viable, well maintain access point for the neighbors. The City of Wheat Ridge ("City") guidelines that govern Subdivisions and amendment thereto are specific in what is required for a Plat and set-forth the intention of the people of the City. This proposed consolidation and vacation deals with 6 separate and distinct properties, making this a major amendment to the Plat. The requirements for subdivision improvements are not met in their entirety as follows: 1) Surface improvements, i.e. traffic control devises, and drainage channels, 2) Utilities, a) the sewer line is located in the alley and redirection of this line will costly and is unnecessary, b) the street lights are not properly located on Ames Street, 3) the Telephone lines are located along the alley and movement of them is unnecessary and costly, 4) Erosion control measures the consolidation of the six (6) properties will create a potential erosion nightmare for the neighborhood. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Consolidation and Vacation Protest Letter Case No. W5-03-01 September 27, 2003 Page 2 The security for the neighborhood and the City residents against developments and/or plat amendments will not have been followed by the consolidation of these properties. An irrevocable Letter of Credit, in the amount of 125% of the proposed improvement, has not been properly posted by the potential developer. The Disposition and Development Agreement between Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") and The Cornerstone Group JAI, L.L.C., effective May 1, 2003, ("Agreement') is fraudulently entered into by the City and the Authority, given the above reasons. The character and the environment of the properties, are well maintained and consistent with the subdivision. Existing businesses have undertaken significant expense in good faith and in conjunction with City requirements. As a result of the proposed design of the properties the residents of the City would loose the use a very valuable and useful alley. The residents would suffer from the loose of privacy and would not be protected from noise and vehicular traffic. The consolidation and vacation of the properties have major problems relating the slope and drainage of snow and rain. This will lead to flooding and pooling at the comer of 380i Avenue, Sheridan, and Ames Street. The noise will increase with this proposed action, as they are located at the intersection of major arterials. To vacate any easements on the properties would harm the existing owners property values and would serve no purpose other than to facilitate the improper determination, by the Authority, of blight located at the properties. The utilities and sewer infrastructure would be greatly harmed by the consolidation and vacation. There would be great harm and cost to the public by this proposed action. Again I am against this proposed consolidation and vacation. Submitted by, signature G~- PuVI A Oa S0 ~ar (name printed) (addr ss) -uOVii I r' rA Ty l raq e-O 9r) o~llL More Neighborhood Letters SUP-03-OS September 279 2003 City of Wheat Ridge; REC[ENED SEP 2 9 2003 In response to your certified letter sent to me, reo Case No. SUP-o"S, a request for a Special Use Permit for a drive through facility at the proposed Waigreen's at 38th and Sheridan. I am adamantly opposed to any drive- through that would exit onto Ames St., this driveway would almost be directly across the street from my residence. The reasons I am opposed are the following. ✓ There are 36 children on this block, I have eight grandchildren. Two of them now live in my home. My children used to be able to skateboard and ride bikes on our street, but since King Sooper's went in, the block has become a speedway because of the length from 35th to 38th with no impediment. The plans I have seen has two MORE exits on Ames! This makes it a traffic nightmare! It would be immoral; N the only way the City wakes up to the dangerous situation they are creating, would be the loss of one of these children splattered all over on the pavement! Human life is more important than the city coffers! ✓ There are also numerous pets on this street, In 31 years here, we have lost two dogs who accidentally got out, one time with a child close behind to catch it' I am thankful it was our dog and not my child, but the person who hit the dog was speeding recklessly down the street. We grieved deeply for the loss of our two pets. Animal life is to be a care and concern as well! ✓ Crossing 38th is a task only for the hardiest' I am in a wheelchair, and have often been caught in the turn lane into Kings while traffic whizzes in front and behind me! One man was hit there in his wheelchair while trying to cross! The driveway proposal will only increase this danger at the corners of Ames and 38th! Now apparently, I will also be threatened crossing Ames as well! ✓ The landscape and shrubbery on Sheridan is obviously dying from auto exhaust pollution, and this will bring a great deal of traffic onto Ames; which will affect not only our shrubbery and landscaping, but the quality of the air we breathe! There are many elderly people living on this street as well. They are especially susceptible to air quality problems. Cars would be idling while waiting in the drive ,thru lines! My bedroom window which is open usually, as I cannot word air conditioning, would be directly affected! ✓ Our block, is relatively quiet, except for above problems, and the current pool hall has, in my opinion, rarely caused problems. But it is a small business, and Walgreen's would be busy, usually on a z4 hr basis, with cars using the drive -thru day and night. Increasing noise and continual lighting will detract from the peace of the immediate area. I suffer from sleep disorders and this will affect my health further. The noise generated from Kings is enough to deal with! ✓ The current alley from Sheridan to Ames has been used by many as a short cut to avoid traffic and this will only increase with a new and wider alley and drive-thru. ✓ It would be more prudent for planners to keep any drive thru entering and exiting on 38th and Sheridan and closing off the street on Ames with only a pedestrian walk- through as they did by King Sooper's. This would cat traffie, noise and pollution as well as protecting endangered life: We like our street and I have already lost a good neighbor because of the increased people/auto traffic. ✓ This will lower our property values and as well, we will be forced to pay for this development through taxes! This smacks me as unfair, and a sort of taxation without representation-, as the city is OBVIOUSLY only interested in financial gain and not the needs of those of us who lived in what used to be a nice neighborhood! Just wait, you will soon see......... we win not go quietly into the nighti Sirs: you have just brought yourself a huge headache as far as our block is concerned! Better go get some Advil from some Walgreen's, you are going to need them!. Ms. Retha lWbach 37og Ames St. Q,A."'- Casman's Automotive & Muffler 1 Complete Automotive Service & Repair 5208 W. 38th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80212 154- (303) 420-1850 C~,7 (X/ ~r7 `sue 19 Z1 zc ; c~ll1° 0 ~ 0.5- ~=J*77,10Mb-7-y adZ-b YcU '-77-tE yes ~~~ct D/UIg/"' -7V ,e cam- i7-/1s u ~a~ r ear ii i~, P 77 alts 65~ r'7-0~ P4ZSIPI%71 0 F- -4wr9s ~ 2F~T 6J i 7/00't- v~~F,~'ct utrz:;~~ 4NP Fib aTY 5 ca»e % c f L24F-4, its ~5 u'~/LYr~ 6y cry 4)0. 74,ot)° 049 A f~911-~/ 'RUC .7Z) 7tIV--7 IIF4VY LIOW 6 OF 7 : c.- CPO 3 r~1.3 ~f~►~/fi~ J.,~~. ~1~~5 S~"' LPJ1L~.- `~~Cc~~ Y~E" ?~i'~ ;~2tU~ ct~ te~lrN~k,LeS ~~s~ may? li/O~' -/~Vg5- FAT 41- A04? C~7~}iw 4fj~ieI-fi4.. U rs~ r1--C,1 7M17 oOVFc717o~J_<> c~h ;mss Q~r2r r~LQPT' Cr rl 0 r~'lf€1i tz1G 5/la. SEP-24-03 11:01 AM AMERICAN RED CROSS 303 722 7588 P.03 Tuesday, September 23, 2003 SUP-0305 To: The Wheat Ridge City Council Re, Special Use Permit We are residents of the Woodside Edition, located in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. My family and I are VERY AGAINST having a drive thru at the proposed Walgreens on the corner of 38th 6 Sheridan. Not only is the traffic already a problem but adding to that, the drive thru business that Wolgreens will bring, will make it unbearable. We love our neighborhood and would love to see it stay just as it is, but we are not opposed to new business, just businesses that cause an already congested interestion to get worse. We plan to take every measure possible to stop this Walgreens and we understand that defeating the special permit for the drive thru is the first step in this process. time, 'Swa Russell ray 3541 Ames 5t. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80212 smurroy@denver-redcross.org SEP-24-03 11:01 AM AMERICAN RED CROSS 303 722 7588 P.01 444 Sherman St. Danvor, CO. 80203 Ftione,303-722-7474 ext. 143 Fax: 303.722-7588 To. Wheat Ridge City Council From: Sonja Murray American Red Cross/AED Specialist Fax: 303-235-2557 Pages: 3 with cover Phone: Date. 9/24/2003 Re: 2 letters opposing SUP 0305 CC: C1 Urgent x For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply M Please Recycle e Comments Call me M you have any questlonsl Thank you, Sonje Murray Health & Safety Speciallst/Amerlcan Red Cross Mile High Chapter strlltrrgy@cL, nver- eedcross.Drg 303-722-7474 ext. 143 TO: Wheat Ridge Planning Commission FROM: p,, ~ s-eI Byy-aw, `3.135 7~vH es Sic, 2 DATE: September 27, 2003 C.o s'° Z~ RE: Case No. SUP-03-05, a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a drive-through facility I have health, safety and noise concerns about such a drive-through. Cars idling and standing in the eight, car-stacking plan generate a significant amount of pollutants especially standing next to the tall wall of the building. This effect will be amplified during winter hours. Pedestrian safety is a concern with the ingress and egress of vehicles from the entrance on Ames St., especially during the peak hours of traffic as described in the July 2003 Traffic Impact Study report prepared by Bowers & Krager Inc. for Bailey & Co. The developments along the 38th Avenue Corridor according to the Urban Renewal Redevelopment Plan are to create a pedestrian-friendly environment. A drive-through facility along with the other ingress and egress on Ames St. do not fit the above criteria. If the permit is issued, then the left turn to Ames St. should be eliminated and the exit posted with a no left turn sign. The noise generated by the idling vehicles, especially diesel engine vehicles, are also a concern. The noise will be reflected off of the walls and directed toward the neighbors to the south. Noise levels during the summer period will be more noticeable when house windows are open. If the permit is issued, then the hours of operation should be limited to the hours between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. If the permit is issued, then the lighting on the building in this area should be such as to shield the neighborhood from glare. The existing street light on Ames St. should be retained. I believe the above health, safety and noise concerns are such that the Special Use Permit for this drive-through facility should be denied. =RECENED TO: Wheat Ridge Planning Commission FROM: DATE: September 27, 2003 / RE: Case No. SUP-03-05, a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a drive-through facility I have health, safety and noise concerns about such a drive-through. Cars idling and standing in the eight, car-stacking plan generate a significant amount of pollutants especially standing next to the tall wall of the building. This effect will be amplified during winter hours. Pedestrian safety is a concern with the ingress and egress of vehicles from the entrance on Ames St., especially during the peak hours of traffic as described in the July 2003 Traffic Impact Study report prepared by Bowers & Krager Inc. for Bailey & Co. The developments along the 38th Avenue Corridor according to the Urban Renewal Redevelopment Plan are to create a pedestrian-friendly environment. A drive-through facility along with the other ingress and egress on Ames St. do not fit the above criteria. If the permit is issued, then the left turn to Ames St. should be eliminated and the exit posted with a no left turn sign. The noise generated by the idling vehicles, especially diesel engine vehicles, are also a concern. The noise will be reflected off of the walls and directed toward the neighbors to the south. Noise levels during the summer period will be more noticeable when house windows are open. If the permit is issued, then the hours of operation should be limited to the hours between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. If the permit is issued, then the lighting on the building in this area should be such as to shield the neighborhood from glare. The existing street light on Ames St. should be retained. I believe the above health, safety and noise concerns are such that the Special Use Permit for this drive-through facility should be denied. 20 EC~I~OQIC~DD SEP 7 22003 TO: Wheat Ridge Planning Commission FROM: Madeline & Charles Durbin, 3703 Ames St. DATE: September 26, 2003 RE: Case No. SUP-03-05, a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a drive-through facility We have health, safety and noise concerns about such a drive- through. Cars idling and standing in the eight, car-stacking plan generate a significant amount of pollutants especially standing next to the tall wall of the building. This effect will be amplified during winter hours. Pedestrian safety is a concern with the ingress and egress of vehicles from the entrance on Ames St., especially during the peak hours of traffic as described in the July 2003 Traffic Impact Study report prepared by Bowers & Krager Inc. for Bailey & Co. The developments along the 38th Avenue Corridor according to the Urban Renewal Redevelopment Plan are to create a pedestrian-friendly environment. A drive-through facility along with the other ingress and egress on Ames St. do not fit the above criteria. If the permit is issued, then the left turn to Ames St. should be eliminated and the exit posted with a no left turn sign. The noise generated by the idling vehicles, especially diesel engine vehicles, are also a concern. The noise will be reflected off of the walls and directed toward the neighbors to the south. Noise levels during the summer period will be more noticeable when house windows are open. If the permit is issued, then the hours of operation should be limited to the hours between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. If the permit is issued, then the lighting on the building in this area should be such as to shield the neighborhood from glare. The existing street light on Ames St. should be retained. We believe the above health, safety and noise concerns are such that the Special Use Permit for this drive-through facility should be denied. ~~PN,<<vpv2a,l) RECE 0 _fcu_~ Q. 19u4t" SEP 2 9 2003 IL FROM :HENRYSNICOL FAX NO. :303-4201086 Sep. 11 2003 01:11PM P1 Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 W. 29th. Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attention Directors: I am unable to attend today's meeting to discuss the future Ames st since I am working later hours, but my position has not been in favour of having Walgreens move to 38th. and if there is no other option then to close any parking entrance or exit into Walgreens through Ames st. and I feel that if the building plans had already been laid that corrections should be made to help maintain the safety of our pets and children,thereby minimizing the noise and building of trash in our street. My remarks are as follow: I am concerned for (a)safety of the children and pets that we have in our street since cars racing in Ames st. have already occasioned the death of pets and with the increase of traffic both our children and pets are not safe, (b) the noise in our residential street would increase as a result of the traffic increase. I can't sleep with noise and certainly our pets and children are at risk with a traffic increase. You could consider as an option a (1) cul-de-sac or (1I) finding a way to design the entrance and exit to their parking lot through Sheridan and 38°i closing their parking entrance and exit into Ames st and providing us with speed bumps in our street so as to provide us with some peace and quietness and in this scenario both the noise in our street the safety of our children would not be jeopardized by cutting the traffic speed in our street as a result of having speed bumps in our street, and closing the entrance and exit of Walgreens parking lot into Ames St. (c) special permit I feel that you as authorities should careful look into finding a way of closing the parking lot exit and entrance for Walgreens into Ames st.so as to provide our street with more safety and less poise in our street before extending Walgreens with a special permit .(d) Removing small businesses :We already have small businesses in our street that would be shut down and we even heard rumors that a lady was forced to move out but we don't know if this is true or not. What we know is that we have King Soopers open 24 hours a day which doesn't cause noise in our street and provides us with a 24 hour service and consequently I don't have a need for Walgreens in our street. I don't have anything in particulary against Walgreens but don't see a reason for having it in our street and instead I am also concerned of (e) Property Value. People looking to purchase homes usually are looking for a quiet neighborhood. This means that if in the future we or other neighbors try to sell their house it is going to be hard if we have a noisy street in addition to trash coming from people throwing their trash into our street. Henry J Ni of 3625 Ames st., Wheatridge, CO 80212 Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 W. 29th. Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attention Directors: I am unable to attend today's meeting to discuss the future of our Ames st since I am working later hours, but my position has not been in favour of having Walgreens move to 38th. and if there is no other option then to close any parking entrance or exit into Walgreens through Ames st. and I feel that if the building plans had already been laid that corrections should be made to help maintain the safety of our pets and children,thereby minimizing the noise and building of trash in our street. My remarks are as follow: I am concerned for (a)safety of the children and pets that we have in our street since cars racing in Ames st. have already occasioned the death of pets and with the increase of traffic both our children and pets are not safe, (b) the noise in our residential street would increase as a result of the traffic increase. I can't sleep with noise and certainly our pets and children are at risk with a traffic increase. You could consider as an option a (I) cul-de-sac or (II) finding a way to design the entrance and exit to their parking lot through Sheridan and 38' closing their parking entrance and exit into Ames st and providing us with speed bumps in our street so as to provide us with some peace and quietness and in this scenario both the noise in our street the safety of our children would not be jeopardized by cutting the traffic speed in our street as a result of having speed bumps in our street, and closing the entrance and exit of Walgreens parking lot into Ames St. (c) special permit I feel that you as authorities should careful look into finding a way of closing the parking lot exit and entrance for Walgreens into Ames st.so as to provide our street with more safety and less noise in our street before extending Walgreens with a special permit .(d) Removing small businesses :We already have small businesses in our street that would be shut down and we even heard rumors that a lady was forced to move out but we don't know if this is true or not. What we know is that we have King Soopers open 24 hours a day which doesn't cause noise in our street and provides us with a 24 hour service and consequently I don't have a need for Walgreens in our street. I don't have anything in particulary against Walgreens but don't see a reason for having it in our street and instead I am also concerned of (e) Property Value: People looking to purchase homes usually are looking for a quiet neighborhood. This means that if in the future we or other neighbors try to sell their house it is going to be hard if we have a noisy street in addition to trash coming from people throwing their trash into our street. Henry J. 7 3625 Ames st., Wheatridge, CO 80212 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 28, 2003 Page I September 28, 2003 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29`" Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: "-JA I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38"' Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of the various deficiencies. I strongly object to the type of development being sought, and to the way this proposed development is being done. I do not feel it is important nor is it necessary to add yet another Walgreens to the City of Wheat Ridge, and feel it is an inappropriate use of blight designation or of condemnation methods to achieve this unwanted development. I object because there are viable businesses that exist in the location, homeowners would be displaced or dramatically affected and it would negatively affect the nature of business and the nature of the neighborhood of the properties aforementioned. Besides, why condemn personal and business property when a perfectly acceptable property is available at 44th and Sheridan for a Walgreens that provides better access and the same volume of traffic??? I also question whether the proposed left turn from Sheridan toward the west into the Walgreens is far enough from the corner to meet State Department of Transportation guidelines. In any event, this new, heavy traffic in a left turn lane would create additional safety hazards on an already busy intersection and this is not in the best interests of the community. I also feel it is WRONG to make these plans in extensive executive sessions, it is WRONG not to be more forthright in contacting and working with City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 28, 2003 Page 2 property owners. Furthermore, it sheds a very negative light on Wheat Ridge for its callous attitude and lack of a cooperative spirit with the existing home and business property owners. I expect our elected officials and city employees to use their power and the extension of their power via decisions made by a special authority such as the Urban Development Authority to reflect the best interests of the community and be handled with integrity and within the legal framework established. This situation really causes me and many other people I have talked with, to wonder who is benefiting from this? It is very disturbing to observe the appearance of major conflict of interest and one is prompted to think there must be promises or potential of personal gain to be realized from this underhanded land grab. I say, play by the rules or don't play. This current proposed situation smacks of the very questionable process used to establish a gas station at King Soopers. That project did not even follow the City's own rules for the types of businesses desired for the 38th Avenue Business District and for the "gateway to Wheat Ridge." Yet across the street, now, automotive businesses are not wanted? Come on, quit changing your tune every time it suits your whims. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38th Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. The street has already has blind spots for drivers and there are nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. The area's children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-tbrough facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38th Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 28, 2003 Page 3 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38th Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38"' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. Wheat Ridge residents should not be expected to subsidize this development that will decrease the safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 28, 2003 Page 4 The Character of this neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38 h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38 h Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote NO to the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38`h Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down this residential street in my district. Sincerely, C Steven R. Nea 3220 Jay Street Wheat Ridge CO 80033 September 27, 2003 R C C E 0 M E D O C T 0 2 2003 Pia us Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29d Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission. I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38`s Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 381h Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a. greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 3 8s' Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38`h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38a' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38"' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38a' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the comer of 38"' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature yane5sc~ McA)arP. (name printed) hD~ v~In z~- ( qddTess) goai~ L)h Pa Ki LC 4 00 RECE 'E" September 27, 2003 O C T 0 2 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29'b Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38a' Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38'h Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at atime may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life.. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a.greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38u Avenue. City of wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-tbrough facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38`' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38s' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the .contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and bum" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 386i Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 386 Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 386i Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature (name printed) 910 0(eO- C" S~ (address) wh ea4- LAa r Co O ~i2 September 27, 2003 via us mail City of Wheat Ridge 9 Planning Commission RECEIVED Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue S EP -2 9 ?nnz Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38a' Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38`h Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-tbrough and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents,` with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 3 8a' Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38x' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38d' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38`h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38th Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38s' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature (nameerrinted)) (address) September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29'h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38`' Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38`h Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 3 8`' Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exciting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38a' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38`" Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and bum" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38`h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38th Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38"' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincere lx, Submitted by, signature PeTE2 A.- j urz c sS (name printed) Nan~~r~~r~~~ (address) 35)1 BeluTyAu ST DE&n~ t CO, <graZl Z September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: ohs ~ x` li~~ vJ I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU') to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38th Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38th Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 386i Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38th Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38'h Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and bum" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38"' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38`h Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 380, Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, - v ~ <19~ signatur (name inted) l J ~D n7or) (address) ~:)enyp,^ 6 ~iD~ 1,,), September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38's Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge. Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38`h Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing. traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38th Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38`h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38"' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority -did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38th Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38a' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-tbrough facility at the corner of 38 h Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature /~4 I Z_ e- ZA (name printed) / 1 address) September 27, 2003 Via US Mail e City of Wheat Ridge REv~(~`E® Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 5 c c 2 9 7500 West 290i Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission. I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 380i Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38 1b Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing. traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 3 80i Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38 h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38"' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38`s Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38"Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the comer of 38a' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. 350? 5 S address) ~L~ =RECENED September 27, 200 3 Va US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU) to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 380' Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge.Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38`s Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have. their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38 h Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38o' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 386 Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38fl' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 386 Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38a' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature I/I~ R k L o.S H (name printed) 3 6 YS./',-r~- s S/-r' (address) SEP 2 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29'h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38a Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of the various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38m Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a. greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38g Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-tbrough facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38a' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38a' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38s' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38'" Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38a' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature R/Jl ~ J`. t~✓~~ (name printed) -3 7i ~F , m el_s s-~- (addressy~ d~Piy U~~ 2, gd-Z l 7- R CENED SEP 2 9 2003 September 27, 2003 iota us Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29a' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38s Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge.Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38s' Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a. greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38th Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 380' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38'" Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38 b Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38t' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38a' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature CCU foC <F,4win IX l2~( V (name printed) 3~ZlS Ass St7rz~- (address) whit a CD gozl2- ~o t9 RECENFE SEP 2 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Pia us Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29t` Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38th Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of-the various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38t` Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing tragic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38 th Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38`h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38's Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38" Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 380' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38th Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, s gnature kit1/nl (name printed) ~d (address)® za/,:v REC EN D SEP 2 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn. Travis Crane 7500 West 29m Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38th Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of the various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38`s Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38th Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38n' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38"' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38a Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38th Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38,h Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, - / signature 9,9 A/c to a pa P (name printed) de's ST (address) /)1P A& r. a 121 C n 2 (3 REC~EWED SEP 2 9 2003 September 27, 2003 September 27, us mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 296 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 386 Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 386 Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 3 86 Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38`x' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38`h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38ei Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38"' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature ~ DSCr l Y~ e (name printed) X10.5 Ss ss) P 4 I RECENED SEP 2 9 2003 September 28, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38a' Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of the various deficiencies. The issuance o€a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38a' Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38a' Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 28, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38`h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 3e Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 28, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and bum" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 380' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 386' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the comer of 38'" Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, f 1410k / s' nat ~e T65 LZ ` A)ITA GJEscE~ ( e printed) 7 7 Pl"-) S_1 07~1Z f( Ms •anuany ,s8£ oluo laaalS samV ltxa of pus s,CBmanup NOT lixo of oUp:4 gSnoagl-antap pm alodmoo of anuq pinom XoTil imp lou3 aqj dq,Cliito83 gSnoagl-anup ujo luamdoianap oql pm pouiauopun oouantanuoo .nagl anuq pinom laaalS sawn uo sluaplsaa IIv luW uugl aaom a8i gltom aas sang nagZ 'AND Olp JO x81 iuuot ipps ma33o loadsoid aiam oql ao•I magl•Io AXv 8uisoi;o xsu ioraa~ a autnsse of 8uiiiimun aa8 aAk 8aau age u1 anq oqm sn jo -I-IV of snotoaid are sluoppaa paiquslp AIluotsXgd pus saoiuos `uaap1lgo m0 'a3H3o ssoi;o Sm[ui aofsm u[ $uilinsaa luapioo8 olgdoa4s8183s jo aou8g3 agl 8ulsuaaoul `smaigoad aijp4 Sugslxa solsgjomxo Aluo W M sail uo OWBA guissaaoui •slsuq Aln3aa 8 uo sluopisaa luouuuuod am ot[m sasnog Ispuaui pus somisiaa lu ,isid pus I!ste oqm aaouz Auma gjpA `sluoptsaa lummuiod su uaapligo 0£ 6lasau anuq om pus saanup ao clods puiiq suq CpBaais seq laaals mp o i8al uu. Isapad ,fuu of pauzuq s aq pus laaals mo uo oW84 asuaaoU[ IPM SUU •suaaai8m jixa pus aalua of laaalS samy asn of saiaigan Iusodslp gsual pub sajanil Su! o i `saamolsno gSnoagl-ancap aql saSeanoom uSisop luouno aql lugl IM oql of anp laa4S saUty uo sluaplsaa jo ,fla;8s pug ongom aqj of IBluouxulap oq osis Iiim II •aoilniiod oslou pub °lg8g `ns i8uoiltppu jo uoilBaio aql oq IIIm linsaa agy •soumi Suppo pub q ttoagl-anup aqj ut Sutipi aq A m aunt u lu smo 1gilp of do 18g1 1o83 oql of anp sluoppaa fgauou jo gli8aq IsaauoS aqj uodn laoUo lmuaugalap p an8q iitm laaalS saUZy pub anuany v,8£3o uoiloasaalui agl is ilziio83 onoagl-aniap 8 Sutm0118 f1dS r jo oauunssi oqj, •sopuapuap snoimA.. agldo auo Xuu ao3 bi I-9Z uopoos qvm aouuiiftoo at IOU St asuq. aauaaa as anog8 vp ILgl pug lsnui uoissTUnuo3 $Utu8id ags •panoaddu pUU popuomz `fiiI-9Z'oaS opoa pololunW a$P?2I lsagMCq pauaano8 st. s f1dS3o 8utTula QU •laaalS samy PUS anuany s8£ is saaaaSIsM pasodoid oql ao311111083 q$noagl-aniap v moiiu of (,d1dS,,) lltuaad osn jupodS u3o aoumssi oql lsaload of ;Imliam utu I .Uorsstunu00 MQ(j SO-EO-das 'ON asno :ox f00Z 6 C d3S MM333H ££008 oPmotoD `a$PRI luaitAA anuany ,,6Z lsaA, OOSL aULUD 9AMj, :Ully uoissrmwcO SuF=ld 34rd luagm do 1113 1.WM SLl VIA £O OZ `LZ aagmaldaS. almodim sionu3 flnpun put, glit3 pool molts 1ou soop ssaooid 2unnrejd alp ui put pmoq.ilTloglny agl uo q;oq sassouisnq put sluopisw poloajjt,;o lndui jo Jotj aqy •lg2gq ouiuuolop of mmod polutmtmun put pOlu0pa3aldun u0ni2 uaaq suq ,iltloglnV oq j, saptoap 10; a2p.d jtagjA3o AirD aqj jo ost,q xul aql of 2uilnquluo3 put uotlulado in uaaq an,q jvgl `sassaujsnq 2upsixa aql jo suognquluoo oql saujumpun lugl uosuoi juiouuug u si lg2ijq,jo uoijruiuualap agl•jo osodmd ,fjuo ou •a2pig luagm3o AllD oql puu optlojoDdo alt1S oql Xq g11gj los suoilujn2al oql of alagpu lou pip,C !joigjny aqy •pauzuualap ,ijiodoidjui sung (,,Xluoglny„) il?iogln6 jt,mauag utgln 32p. a itagm aq1 iq lg2tIq jo uoilt,uiuualap aq1 'Alp T3 •a31j jo Silimb put Sloj,s ino 2uisealoap fq luaujdojanap sttg ozipisgns of poloodxo aq lou pjnogs sluopisal su am 12313S souly jo sluapisal aql of uapmq n,3un u solualo sluopisai pajq,sip XIluois,fgd puu ioiu3s `ualpjjga juiolaujujoo 2uigsnd •jo laqumu Awl u gjim loom juilu3plsoi t oluo ojg,4 •1no11ogs t se 12agS s3mV asn of plunajnog utpijogS pus anuany,,gE lu umf ojg,11 junlodlad aql pion, put oujjl anus of loam oqm sioujojsno gsnd Ipm oouaiuanuoo 10; a.nsop silty •ounl mogl sants 11 `ommumuo3 jo osnt,oaq sailgpvj g2nomp-anilp aajq suoaBjulj~3o siaumisno •laglouu of tale ouo juo13 uoils32uoa ogjtzl 2uilsixa gsnd Slajauj jjim g2nomp -anjlp suaal2juA~ pasodold agy ut,ld agljo Iuo2 aql sloipv.woo puu Xlpuaig uuulsapad .LOM si 6lgiou3 g2nolgl-oA!jp y •luomdolmapai fgpuaig wa!gsapad jo ,fliloud u paluoiPui Ximajo Id„) twId iuaujdolmopa21.jopuuoo onuaAV y,g£ Iuuppo oqy laarlS saujy uo uajpjiga snolaumu oql su jjam so ajdood podd,oipuug Put, ,ijlapja aqi of spluztg og}e1130,013 pjnom logy W04S soujy oluo (Ipomp oUpil jmoilippt 2ujgsnd `uoiloaslalui palsa2uoo ,fpLmya nu of ppu pjnom,Cltjiou3 g2nolgl-anilp suaal2jt,AA. u jo lu0judojanap ajp lt,gl Ia33 ,fj2uo11s j •sp1t,C alogl si saa112uilsixa of alquinglAw lou sdn-}jotq lamas 1ujn2ai glim pop Xpualju sasnog julanaS •asn pjnom suaal2jem pasodold aql jtgl ouq lamas pjo oql si ulamoo laglouu lax •Xaam t skap uanas `XLp t smog j,Z aouajuanumui ut aq osj, Ijim sma asogl ujog asiou aqy •2uRuolu Siena put lg2ju `2uiuana oq1 ui amaiuanuooui ue oq Ijim kap t, smoq j,Z sjg2q Ito 3 moq j,Z u se posodoid si suaaAWA. posodold agl;t,gl losj agy pjai f pjnom fl.par •oouopisal magi sujltxo sujajgold postaloui snug pjnom plunajnog uupuagS uo slogg2iau mo `,ijjuuojj!ppy Z aged £OOZ `LZ lagwldaS 0-£0-dI29 *ON asoo 13113'[ lsalold ipuad asn IeioodS uoisTnrQ guIm,e[d QSP?H juogM 30 ,(1tD -Z1 't~ 91 r TV a~ Y-5? Q; _ m (ssa.Tppu (polu!.Td aum) amluu~ls `Xq pauttugnS `Slaaaouis laazls p <luapisa.T mo umop ogp4 IutoTaunuoo gsnd of lou no f, aim I laailS sauTy pus anuany eg£;o Jauaoo aql is ~llllon3 qWnozgl-anup s zo; lttuzad osn pltoods atg3o Su[ltret2 oql lsWgt, alon pus suia3uoo Xui zaplsuoo osuald •sMog umo s,Xluoglny pus ,~lT3 oql jo .ius Ougsllduioaos jo uous IIs3 Plnom tlllm luolsisuoo lou s< 2ttoull-anup y Taloulugo RdS sigl3o p noTdds aqy aftun sell g Sugstxa aql gllm ugpp pus oleos ul luouidolanapaz pue luoutdolanap aql o2umomo pnE `sassaulsng Su[lslxa;o luaaxaouugua pus uotlualaT aSemooua `sloiguoo zslnaRlaA pus uEUlsapad azluTluuu `Claus Telnotgan pus uvnxlsapad anoidun `«laaTlS msYQ„ s XlTD aql . se anuany ,sg£;o klluapi aql uogl5uo4s of Maas Xagl;ugl (,,usld„) uuld luautdolanapo-d JOpTUOD anuany ,egE aqy ut pus SftlaauT ollgnd ul poluls aneq ,fluoglny aql Puu,(Ilo s"U 'fidS stgl gum Xpaedoof to sl pooq.Toggillau mo;o zalos.TegZ) aqy •a3II3o Sillunb pus ,Slates luaptsai g2pmino sanTlotu lgoid imp salsatpu[ Aluoglny oql;o gouo.Tddu,,umq pus gsels„ arty •IsaxaluT £aftd £OOZ `LZ 3-NUMIdaS so-£o-ans 'oiV asvD iaWl Isaloid lluuod osfl lelaadS WIS!AlQ ;luluueld a$PRI jwgM3o.1IlD anuany ~g£ oleo laaxjg sauzV lixa of put, s (emanup xiagi jixo of ozup4 ggnoxgl-anixp qgm aloduzoo of anuq pinom ,fagl lugs josd oql ,(q Xi?iiot'd g8noxgl-anup edo luauzdotanap aqj qj!m poumuopun aauoiuanuoo zogl ansq pinom w4S sauzy uo siuapisax ITV Imp uugj axom .red gijom axe sang nags Xvo aqi xod szgiiop xej [uuotuppe maddo;oodsoad axauz oqj xod uiagido Atdy Suisoido xsu xalcaxS a amnsse of Sugjjmun axe aAA, •uaxe aqj ui anti oqm sndo l ty of snoiaaxd axe sluapisoi paiqusip Atisois iqd put' sxoiuas aaxPtigo mp adiido ssoido Lmfui xofem ui Suiltnsax luapioos oigdousejeo edo aousgo aqi Suissaxoui `szuatgoxd oWxl Nisixo salugxaosxa ,iiuo jaaxjs sat; uo of ex; 8uiseaxoui •siseq xslnSai a uo sluopisaz juaumuod are oqm sosnoq Ispuaixd pup soAijsiax 1E field pue ;!sin oyA axouz ,iueuz ql?m `sjuapisax luauszuxad se uaiPiigo 0£ 6lxsau aneq am Pula siaAg oWxj ueujsapad Age o; pxezeq s aq pzre jaax>s mo uo otidexj asuaxom Ilim siq L •suaaxSiem iixa put' xalua of 1004S souzy asn of saioigan Iesodsip gsgxj Pug s)ion4 Suipsot `sxaumjsno gSnoxgj-ancxp aqj saSsmooua uSisop juaxmo aq;;eqj IM aq; o; onp w4s saiuy uo sjuapisaxd0 ,(jades put, oxedtam aqi o; It'luouzujap oq ostu Itim 1i uoilnf[od osiou pus °jgSg `ns Iuuoi tppt'do uoji mxo aq; oq Iiim jinsax o%L sotuzg Suijliuzo put' gEnonij-anup aqj uz Suiipi oq Am ounj a 1u smo igSia of do jugj;ot'd aqj of anp sjuopisax ,igxeau jo gliuoq IexauaS aqj uodn joaga Imuauzigap u aneq Itim;aauS sauzy pus anuany 9,8£30 uoiioasxalui oqj ju ,i;gpazd gSnoxgj anixp s Suimoiie f1dS sdo aaut'nssi alu •saiouoiogap snoixen. atjjdo ouo ,ius xod ibi I-9Z uoz;oaS gjim oousitduim uz 1ou si asgq aouaxadax anog8 aqj imp pug jsnuz uotssiuauoo Suiuasid aqZ •panoxdde pue papuaure `bi 1 -9Z 'oaS apoD IsdiocunW aSp.U jsagm ,(q paaxanOB si s<f1dSd0 2uilasJ2 N1 W04S sauzy pue anuany 418E 1t' saaaaltAk posodoid aqj xod ,iliiiasd gSnoxgj-antxp z moiiu 01(,,flaS„) lnuxad osfl tuioadS edo aouemsi alp jsojoxd of Suzjzxm um t :UOTSgTEU uo~ xeaQ 010-ills •otil asno :ag ££008 opmotoo `aoprd ltogm anuany 9,6Z isaAA 009L auexD sint'xy :uuy uoissiumxoo Sunzuuid aim leagAA 30 AID 11n1Y Sll MA 1001 6 6 `d3S I £OOZ `LZ xagzuajdaS ormodxoo sions3 SInpun put, glte; pool mogs lou soop ssoooid 8utuuvid oqi uc pun pxt,oq,Cluoglny oql uo gloq sossoutsnq pun siuaptsax paloagu jo lndui jo 51oul agy •ig2tlq auttuxalap of xamod poluemmun pue paluopoaaidun uant2 uoaq suq ,iltxoglny mU •sapnoap xod a2PRI 1130M1 3o Xi!D agl jo osnq m4 aqi of 2tningrxluoo pun uotlEiado ut uaog an8q it,gl `sossautsnq 2utlstxa aql jo suotlnquluoo aqi sautuuaprnt ingi uost,ax lt,tout,ug 8 st lg2tjq 3o uotl8utuualap agl,jo asodxnd Xiuo o%L •aSpra laaga jo ilio oql pun opnxoloD jo allns oqi kq glxoj las suoTl81n2ax aql of axagpa lou ptp,Ciuoglny aqy •pauttuxolop Xpodoxdun s8nn («,Cluoginy„) iluoglny jnmauag u8gx11 a2p121 wa% oqi dq ig2tjqjo uotit,utttualap aql `ijjntttd •a;g 30 fgjI nb pun Xiops mo 2utseaio3p fq luatudojanap stgl oztptsgns of paloadxa oq lou pjnogs sluaptsax se aM •laaxlS sauty~o sluoptsai oql of uapxnq nnjun a sormo siuaptsax palqustp XlpotsXgd put, xotuas `uaxpltgo Jo xagtunu 32x81 8 gitm laaxls lntiuaptsax a oluo 0148xi jntoaaunuoo 2utgsn l •inolxogs t, se po4S saucy asn of pmAoInog u8ptxagS puu anuany ,eg £ it, urd otdlnxl junladzad aql ptont, pun aunt mus of ittt,m oqm sxautoisno qsnd jpm aouatuanuoo xo3 ansap stgy •outti mvp sant,s li `aouatuanuoo jo asmoaq sopgTot,; g2noxgl-antxp aat1j suaax2j8A4.3o sxautoisn0 •xaq ou8 of uoxe ouo tuoxl uotlsa2uo3 ogpjl 2tnistxa qsnd Xlax3ut 11tnn g2noxgl -anixp suoax2j% posodoxd oU uuld agl;o jt,o2 aql siotpnxluoo pub [,jpuatg ut,txlsapad ,ION st fltlt38j g2noxgi-antxp y •luautdolanapax Xlpuotq um usapad;o .Ciuoud t, pal8otput Almajo (,,uuld,,) ut,ld luautdojanapa-d xoptuoD anuany v8E Inut2ixo aqy Igo% satuy uo uoxpltgo snoxatunu oql se Ilam se ajdood poddzotpuuq Pun XImpla oqi of spmzuq 3tWP4 al8axo P1nom ImU Ioa4S saucy oluo Xpoanp 3tyl8xi leuotitppa 2utgsnd °uotloasxalut polsoSuoo Xpe qu ut, of ppe pjnom Sitjtot,3 g2noxgi-anup sua apAj 83o luatudolanap aql iugi Iao3 ,i12uo4s I •sp-mx nagl to sa34 2utlstxa of ajg8lnqulie lou sdn-A3uq xamas x8jn2ax g1Tm leap dpt,axjn sasnoq IBxanaS •asn P1nom suaax218m posodoxd aql lugl outl xamos plo aql st uxaouoo xagiou8 13A •jaam n sXep uanas `Sup a smoq j,Z oommanuoout ut, aq osl8 Iptm sxno asagl utog oslou aqy •2utuxotu ,ijxt,a pun Wlu °2utuana aql to aouatuanuoout uu aq Ipm ,it,p 8 smog bZ s;gSl xno PIaIK Ptnom ilgtouq xnoq j,Z a su pasodoxd st suaax2lem posodoxd aql snip 13n3 oqy •aouaptsax nagl 2utltxo stuajgoxd pospaxout an8q pjnom pxt,najnog uepuagS uo sxogg2jou xno `xjjt,uotiippy Z a5ed £OOZ `LZ IquMt&S SO-£0-JI29 'oN asv0 rapall ]S0107d ;Euuad asn [etoods uotslnt[l 8U[EMId a$P!a 3uagM3o f4!0 y~JJ (Ssatpps l` Q Y- (poluttd outtu) ®s/r)~ y amisu3ls `-~q pagiugnS `Slaiaou?S •loogs Is?luoptsat mo umop otWtal It?otaunuoo gsnd of lou no X aim I laarlS sattty pus anuany tgEjo tauzoo agl is Klg?ot3 tlSnoagl-anup t zo3 ipztzad asn to?cads aql jo Bu?luma aql lSU[sSt alon pus SuSaouoo XW .tap[S000 astatd •Spoo umo s, fluoglnV pus XIID aql jo Xut Su?gs?Idutooos jo Bogs IIs3 Ptnom f1dS stgl3o Isnotdds agZ agetttt s?gl gl?m lualslSUOO lou S[ g2notgl-anilp y •ta1ottstt3 Bu?lstxo agl ql!m ug?sap pus altos to luatadotanapai put luautdolmop agl aftmomo put `sassamsnq Stuls?xa;o luautaousquo pus uotlu012.1 aftmoouo `slo?Ipzoo m1nontan pug ueulsapacI aztw?uau `flalss istnotgaA pus uatzlsapad anoaduq `<daailS upW,, s,,fltD aql st anuany sg£ Jo ,fliluapl oql uagl3uo4s of Maas Xogl lsgl (,,utid„) uuld luautdo?anapag .top?uoo anuany ,,g E aqZ m pus S tlaatu o?Ignd to polsls ansq dluoglny oql P Al?o s?q L 'f1dS s?ql gl?m -fpmdoof ut st poogioggii?au mo;o iawmgZ) auU •ojq 3o dlttsnb pus ,fla;ts luop?soi gS?amino sanrlotu lgotd ltgl saltotptn ,fiuoglny oql jo c?osozdds «umq Pttt gstls„ oqs lsaialtn £ aced £OOZ `LZ iagweldaS 0-£0-inn 'old asno OUQ'I Isolord;nurad asn 1ttoadS uots[niG guiuuuld ORPT lEagM3o fl?D •anuany ,e8£ oluo laaxlS saucy i[xa of PUB s,Cgmanup nagl 1?xa of olljvg g2nonp-anup ql;Aj olodutoo of mvq pinom,iagl lu[11oe3 aql Xq XuI;ou3 1t $nonp-anup s;o luauidoianap aql g11m pou?uuapun aoua[uanuoo .gagl angq plnom laanS saucy uo siuop?sal I[y •legl uegl axom xe3 glom axe sang nagZ SlIo agl jo3 sjellop xgl I¢uo[llppu majjo loads aid axaui aql jo•T magi jo Ably Su?so110:Isu jaltaxS t aumssg of Sugpmm[ axe aA~ -oom oql uI om oqm sn3o Z-IV of snoloojd an sluoplsax polgeslp SlltolsAgd put sjolaos `uwppgo mo 'a;Il3o sso13o SxnCul joftm m Su[lp[sax luaploot o[gdojiseito t jo ooutgo oql Sulsuajoul `smolgojd oWtjl $u?is?xo soltgjomtxo fluo 1=4s grip uo oWn Su[seajoul •s!mq jgaat v uo sluop?saj luoutm od axe oqm sosnoq ,spualg put soAiMai It Sid pue I!S[n ogee ajom Matra ql?m `sluaplsaj luauea[jod se uaippgo 0£ Alxtau antq OM put sxannp job slods puilq seq Cptajlg sgq laaxys rap o[ gjl utulsapod ,Cue of pnzeq a aq put laoxls mo uo 3[3Te4 osgaxom'll m SH •suaajSpnA4, ipa pug jolua of iaanS saucy asn of sololgan IesodsTp gsgjl pue sXon4 Salpto[ `sjamolsno gSnojgl-anijp oql saStmoouo uS?sap luauna oql itgi lapel aql of anp 10045 sa[uy uo sluoptsaj jo Aojus pug ojg,Tlam ail of Muounnop aq oslt I[Im 11 motlnllod oslou pug ,WBq `ng lmoll!ppt3o uo?ita.[o oql oq lpm llnsoj oU 'souug Supu?u[a pug gSnojgl-anup ail m ~uRpl aq Sera aural a TO sm igSla of do ltgi lot; ail of anp sluapisax dgmau jo giltaq junuaS ail uodu loaga Itiuauggap p aneq Illm laajis saucy put anuany ,8E JO aoTloasjalul aql It IMIIog,T gSnonp-anup t Su[molle fldS'a Jo aauenss? aqs •sa?oualogap snoutq ag13o ouo pine joj bi I-9Z uotlooS gilm oout[[dmoo U! 1ou S[ aSW aouajaJax anogv ail wql pug lsnm uoTsslaauoD Su[aasld ag•L •panoxddt pue papuame `fi[ I-9Z 'aaS opoD IedtolunW aSP?U itagAk Sq POIIMA02 s? S,f1dS 3o $u?luta aqs laaxiS gamy put anuany e8£ it saaajSlgA'i pasodoid ail jo3 9ig?ot3 gSnojgl-anup V molls of (,didS„) i?[ujad os fl lt?oadS t 3o muemsi ail asolojd of Sull!jm [ue I :uolsstmmoD Mo(j SO-EO-d12S *ON MOD :ox ££008 opgxolOD 'aSplg itoq& anuany ,a6Z lsaAA OOSL autSZ) S[Atj1, :idly uo?ssnamoD Suluaeld aSp. a leagAA3o 43 IMM Ell VU £OOZ `LZ jaqu[aldaS. £OOZ 6 Z d3S 03M333U alesodsoo ssonu,I Xlnpun pus glie3 poo3 moos lou soop ssoooid Suluauld all u! pus pisoq f4lioglny ail uo lioq sossouisnq pus sluoplsas poloajpjo indul jo)loul oq.L •lgBllg ouluualap of mmod poluumemun pue paluapooasdun uanlf uoaq suq ffiuoginy aqZ •sapeoap so3 a4rg luagAdo Sill app oseq xul mp of $u[lnquluoo pus uollusado u[ uaaq anal lull `sassaulsnq ffmIslxa alido suollnquluoo aql soulluuopun imp uossai lulousug u sl }q$llgjo uolluup=iop aql jo asodmd ipzo aly aBplg lsaq&•Io Sllo oql puu opesolo0;o alulS oql Sq glso3 los suollulnSas all of asagpu lou plp 6lpoglny aU •pounusalap 6liadoidun sum (,,Kluoglny„) Ciuollny IumauaZl uegsll aSPl2I luallAA agl Xg lq$IIg3o uolluuluualap ogl `AIIsuI3 •a3H3o.fitlsnb pue,ilaps mo Sulsuasoap fq luauldolanap slgi oz!plsgns of paloodxo aq lou plnoqs sluaplsas su a~ •laaslS sauly3o sluaplsas aql of uapinq mgLpm u salaam siuaplsai polgeslp llluols,fgd puu.Iom;;S `uo.Ipllga ;o saqumu Awl u gllm lawls lulluoplsas u oluo oTe4luloiammoo it Rl Cl •inolrogs s su lao4S souly asn of pisnalnog uupuagS pue anuany 19 g£ lu Iuul olgeii lurp&iod aqi ptonu pus ougi anus of luum oqm szaulolsno qsnd Ipm aoualuanuoo io3 amsop slgl auni mall sanus ll `aouatuanuoodo asnsoaq salltllos; gSnoap-anlip xjq suaaigluA~3o siouioisn0 •saglouu of uasu Duo uTog uopsaguo oggusi 31llislxo gsnd,flasaTU Him ggnosgl anup saaas2Is,& pasodoid oqy veld agl•lo leoO all six usiuoo pue flpualg ueuisapod LON sl ~iHlou3 ggnoxgl-anup y •luauTdolanapas ,ilpualg uulrisapod;o ,iluoud u paluolpul ,flsualo («ueld,>) uuld luauldolanapMd JOpluoD anuany eg£ Ieu121Jo OU laaslS sauTy uo uaspllgo snosaumu oql se Ilam se aldood padduolpueq pus Apapla oqi of spsuzeq oiplesl aluam plum Iru •laasls sauly oluo ,flloamp olgsil luuollippu Oulgsnd `uolloassaluj polso2uoo ,ipua.qu up of ppe plum jCllllouj ggnosgl-anup suaas2leAA, u3o luanrdolanap aql lugl laaj X12uos4s I •Spm.f mall UT Saari sullslxo of olgmnqullu lou sdn-plaq somas sulaw gilm Leap ,fpualu sasnoq lusanaS •asn plnom saaaBluAk, posodosd all lugs Dug somas plo oql sl usaouoo saglous IoX •31aom a sSup uanas `Sup u smog bZ ooualuanuooul uu aq oslu Illm sseo osagl clog aslou aqy •Supuoul ,Clma pue lg2lu `2upsana aqi m aoualuanuooul ue N Iilm flip e smog t Z sll2g no play plum illpr4 mol bZ u su pasodoid sl saaasBIum posodoid all lull lou3 aqZ •aouapISM magl 2ulllxa smzlgosd pasuasouT ansq plnom psunapiog ueppagS uo ssoggglau mo `,flluuollippy Z asud £OOZ `LZ sagaialdaS 010-d119 *ON asvD j2uaq lsalold I!umj asn repodS uoisinia Eu[uueHd DEPTH luawo 43 (ssaippt,) --;3nY WZ5- (paluud owuu) ~t Rcvg `Xq halls Ie?luoplsai mo umop oWeg Immo moo qsnd of lou noA aim I laat}S sauTy puv anuany eg£Jo iauzoo aql is Xltijou3 gSnolgl-anup u aoj limad asn pu?Dads aql jo Suij=2 agl lsureSt, alon puv SUMOUOo SuI 3aplSno3 aspaid sleoS unno s fluoglny pnv Ali .D agl;o cut, Su[gszldluooou;o ijogs Ipj pinom RdS s?glJo p noiddv ags aSsun s. p glim luals[suoo lou si gSnoagl-anup y Ialopxsgo Slnlsixa agl gltm uSTSap PUB aiuos u? xatudotanapai put, luauzdotanap agl aSt,mooua pus `sassauTsnq Sulls?xa jo luaummequa pup uo?lualai aSemooua `slo?guoo mino?gan put, ut,ulsapad az?uRUau ` i4aps ipinotgan put, usulsopod anoidun `,,1204S uTpy~i„ s)41D aqp st, anuany y,8£3o Altluapl aql uaglSuaals of Maas Sogl imp (,,uuid,) ut,id luau[dojanapa21 sopzuoD anuany ,p8£ aqs, m pat, Sftlaam allgnd ut polvis anuq Sluoglny oql Put A110 sggl 'RdS sigl PYA Xpmdoaf ui si poogioggS?au mo jo zalouxego oqi, •aizido 1411 mb put ,ila;es luopisas igOpmulo saniloni lgoid imp solvolpu! ,Cluoglny agl3o govoiddv,,umq puu gseis„ oq i, lsaaalu~ £aftd £OOZ `LZ aaqumldaS SO-£0-&29 *ON AMD mpol Isoloid I?araad asn ?e?cads uois.n?Q Smuueid a8p121;eayM30 1I?0 anuany ~g£ o;uo;aaa;S sauuV ;Ixa o; pue s ismanup .naq;;Ixa o; og3sa; gSnoag;-anlap qum a;aduuoo o; ansg plnom iag;IMP ;az3 alt; Aq XuIlmj gSnoag;-anup n3o;uauidoianap oq; ul;um pauFmiapun oouoluanuoo Zoq; ansq plnom;aaa;S sowV uo s;uoptsaa ITV •;sq; uuq; aaouu au3 q;uom aas sang alagl, •,iV3 aq; ao3 sisgop xs; Ieuoigppe ma33o loodsoid aiauu aq; To3 uuag;3o 1LIKy STSOI3o Isu aaisaaS s aumsse o; Sullllmun on aA •saae aqj ui anii oqm sn3o -I-IV o; snoloaad am s;uaplsaa polquslp Cgsols igd pus saoluas °aaapligo m0 a3g3o sso13o Sanfui aofum ul Sulgnsaa;uaptoos algdoa;se;sa s Jo aousga aq; Suiseaaauu `sazalgoad ova; &n;slxa sa;sgaamxa Aluo ;aaa;s snl; uo oWea; Suisnaaoui •slssq asinSai a uo suuaplsaa;uousuuaad am ogee sosnoq Ispuauj pus ,sanirelaa;s isld pus;zs<n ognn aaouu Ausuu gjyA `s;uaplsaa;uausuuaad se uaapllgo 0£ ilasaa ansg am pars saanup ao3 sods pullq suq 6psags salt;aaa;s m0 roUpa; usu;sapod bus o; pauzuq s aq pun laaa;s mo uo ouglsa; oseaaouu Ilim stq j suaaaSlsA,j ;Ixa pus aalua o;;aar;S saauV asn o; salanlan Imodslp gseq pug "ona; Suipsol `saaauo;sno gSnoaq;-antap aug saSeanoom uSlsop;uaamo oq;;eq;;os3 aul; o; anp;aaa;S saucy uo slIIaplsaa3o Aia3ss pus axs31am aqj o; is;uaana;op aq oslu llum II aot;ngod aslou pus `;qSq `ns leuol;►pps3o uot;saao oq; oq lllm;lnsaa oqs souin3 RTjj!Euo pun gSnoaug-anuap oq; uu Sugpl oq Am auuR s w smo ;gSla o; do ;uq; los3 aqj o; onp s uoplsaa Cgasau3o q;lsag leuauaS aqj uodn;aa a is;uauuWap z ansq Ipm;oang saucy pus anuany y,8£3o not;oasaa;m aug ~ulios3 gSnoag;-anup s Saimogs fldS s3o aaasnssu MU •smualogap snolmsn ogl3o ouo fns ao3 bi I-9Z uol;ooS qgm oouelldufoo au;ou sl asuo muziojoi anogs aq;;zg; pug;snuu uolsslun uoD Suiuasid aqy •panoadds pas papuauue `bt I-qZ •oaS opo0 Isdlojunw aSpr tuauIAA Aq Pauaan02 sl s,fldS3o &a;us33 oqy •;aaa;S saucy pus anuany,,8£;s suoaaSleM posod(id alt; ao3 )4Illos3 gSnoaq;-anlap E molts o; (~d1dS,>);uuaad osfl IsloadS s3o aouumssi aq;;sa;oad o; Sul;iam uus I molssiuuuuo0 MO(I SO-£0-&2s 'ON asna :alt ££008 ops10100'aSplg190q,& anuany y,6Z lsa,& 009L ausa0 slnsas, :uuy uolssiuuuo0 Suuausld oiprd luatmjo ,~}I0 IMMS12 MA £OOZ `LZ aaquua;daS. COD? 6 6 AS oltxodxoa sxontd ,fInpun put glltj poo8 mops you saop ssoooxd 2uiuunld aqp ui pun pxuoq ,iuxolpny oqi uo gloq sassouisnq pun spuapisax poloaju3o indul jo Maul agy •pgOilq auiuualop of mmod paluuntmun put poluapaaaxdun uomB uaaq suq Sluoginy agy sapuoap xod a2pi2l lualtYl3o SU0 agl jo osuq xul all of Suilnqupuoo put, uopnxado III uaoq anuq lull `sossmisnq $tnislxo aql jo suoilnquluoo all sauiuuapun lull uosuax Iuiauuul3 u st ig$lIg3o uopuuiuuaiop oql jo osodmd ,Sluo aqy •aBpr luagAA 3o AllD all Put, opejoloD jo alulS aq,(q qljo3 las suoiluln8a.1 aql of axagpt you plp ,iluoginy oqy •pouiuuolop ,iliadoxdun sum (,,(puoliny„) ,iluoglny Iumauag uegxll a$pl2I lualAA aril iq ll$1.Ig3o uoiptuiuualap alp `-~IIt, 3 •30 30 ,ililunb put ,clops .mo Suisuaxoap fq luauldolanap snp azipisgns of palaadxa aq lou Plnogs siuapisax se a~ ;aa11S souly3o sluopiso.l aqp of uapmq xlulun a sollaon sluoplsax palquslp Alluais,igd pun xoruos taxpliga 3o xaquinu a3xul u giim loam pnluapisax n oluo of-jluxp Iuloxaunuoo 8uigsnd •inoizogs u su laaxlS sauly asn of pxnnalnog uupixagS puu anuany s8£ It umf olllt,xp Iuniadxad aqp pionu pun auq anus of puem oqm sxauiolsm qsnd llim ooualuanuoa xoj axisop silt' aunt uzali sanus iT `aouaiuanuoa3o asnt,aaq sailFliot,3 g8noxlp-anixp a)Iil suaax8luA3o sxauloisn0 xagpouu op uaxt auo ulog uopsa8uoa olllt,xl $ulisixa gsnd Slaxaul Iiim g8noxgl -anlxp suaaxBInA*, pasodoxd alt' •uuld all;o ItoO aqp sloiptxluoo put ,ilpual.g utixisapod LON si ilgiat,i gBnoxgi-anup y quouidolmopax Slpualg unuisopod jo ,iluoud u palualpT1l XImato («UeId„) uuId luauldolanapQ'd xopuxoD anuany ,,8£ Iuui$?xo aqy loo4S saint' uo uaxpligo snoxaumu oqj st Ilam su aldoad podduoiputq put, flxaplo aqp of spinzuq oWeii apnaxo P1nom pagy •paa4S saint' oluo 6lloaxlp og uzp Iuuoilippu 8uigsnd `umPasxalui polsakoo Xpuaxlu un of ppu plnom,iizliou3 ggnoxgl-anixp suaa luAkup puowdojanap aql luq laa3 X12uoxis I •spxt,C 1.1013 ui =4 8uilsixo of olqulnqullu lou sdn-aIouq xamas tu1118ax litm leap iptaxlt sasnol luxanaS asn pjnom smoBlum posodoxd aqp lugp cull xamos plo aqp si uxaouoo xaglouu lad - loom u s,fup uanas `Xvp v smoq bZ aauaiuanuooui ut aq oslu Ilim smo MOT ulog aslou aq.L •~unixolu ,ilxt,a pun Wiu 18u,6no aqp ui oouotuanuoaui uu aq Ilim ,inp u smoq bZ sigSil xuo play plnom ilgioud moq tiZ t su posodoxd si suoax2p m posodoxd agl lull lou; oqy •aouopisax AMR 5upixa sulalgoxd posoamui anuq plnom pxunalnog uupuagS uo sxogg8iau mo `,Slltuoillppy Z abed £OOZ `LZ xagmldaS 0-€0-dl1S 'ON asvi aalla'l Mio.rd ipuod asn [uloadS uotsrnia SutUUetd asp% jea%3o dll0 (ssatpps) eq 4 (pa;utid atuuu) am;pubis `,(q panttugnS `XiammuiS •;aax;s reT;uopisaz mo umop omen it,tozaunuoo gsnd o; jou no A Ain I ;aat;S saucy ptre anuany e8£ 3o iautoo ag;;e f;iiiae3 gonoxq;-anup z aoj litmod osn it,ioods oq;3o Suij=2 ag; ysute& a;on pus suzaauoo ,iui zapisuoo aseaid siso8 umo s, i;uoq;ny pue f113 aq;3o Sur 8unisi .idwoom jo;zogs iia3 PinoM f1dS stq;3o isnoiddu at ,1, *ogmm snp tpim;ua;stsuooIOU s< g2noui;-anup y •.ta;opapgo &u;sixa oq; q;tm ugisap pup al Los in;uautdoianapaz put, ;uautdoianap ag; oftmomo put, `sassouisnq Su!;stxa jo;uauxaousqua pup uot;ua;az aSsmoma `s;oigum minoigan pup usu;sapad az=unu ° C;ajt,s xpinaigoA puu mpisopod aAotdun `„;aa.t;S tnpyQ , s, i;t3 atp su anuany ,eg £ Jo ,4i;uapi aq; uovuaps o; Maas ,fagl imp („ut,id„) uuid;uoutdoianapag .toputOD anuany ,8E oqs u< pup sSui;aam otignd ui pa;t,;s ant,q ,i;uoq;nV oq; Pug A!D SiTU 'f1dS syLp q1?m fpmdoof ui sr poogioggStau mo;o is;oumgD oU ojq jo ,i;tianb pup Xja;us;uopisoi gSTanA4no sani;ouz;goid Imp sa;poiptu 4uoipny otp jo got,ozddu „umq put, gsuis„ aqy •;sata;u! £ aced £OOZ `LZ MgmldgS S0-£0-d12s 'ON MID MW 'q jupadS uorsrnrQ Smuueld a$PRI;uagM 3a ICt?D •anuany L,8£ oluo laa4S saucy lixa of pup sfpmanup i[agi lixa of oiUFA gSnozgl-aniap glTm aladmoo of anuq pinom iagl lpgl lob agl Xq klgi3 gBnoSgl-anup u 3o iuamdoianap oqi giim pouiuuopun imaiuanuoo .nagl anuq pinom laagS saucy uo sluapisoi I[V •lugl uuql acorn nj glzom = sang .gags •,fiio agi .co; scpiiop xpl ieuotiippe ma33o loadsoid aiam agi cod magl3o ~Ny 8mso13o xsu .caluacS p aumssa of Sugiimmc alp a~& •pa-m agl ui ang oqm sn jo ZZy of snoioacd an sluoplsac polgpsip Aiipois iqd put scoiaas aazpgga mo •ojq j6 ssoi 3o Cinfui iofum m Suilinsai luopioou o.gdQW9luo p jo aouugo aql Suisuamui `saiatgoid oWil Ouilswa solugioouxa .ciao laoils snit uo owu4 'Suisuaioui •siseq ipinSai , uo sluopisai luouumaad of oqm sasnog ,spuai.g puu ,santmai lp Xuid pup itscn ognA afoul Aupm glim `sluoplsai luaummad sn uacpiigo 0£ ftauau anuq am pup sunup iol slods puiiq suq 6ppa4p spq laaals mo roWpr; upuisopod m of pcuzug u aq pup hails mo uo ag294 aspacom .Its sig L saaa8iuAk lixa pnu calua of laajlS saucy asn of saioigan ipsodsip gsuil pup sxonil Smppoi `siomoisno g8noigl-antap agi saSpmoma uSisop luauno agi lugl IM agl of anp laauS saucy uo siuapisac3o Slaps pup are3ianA agl of ipluaunnap aq osip Igm It uoiingod asiou pup llgSr `np iuuollippt jo uopram aql oq Ulm linsoi oqs •soung Suiilima puu gSnocgi-anup agl m ilugpi aq Sum ouni u iu smD igSio of do ipgi 1393 sql of anp sluaptsai igmau3o glipag iecauaS ac[l uodtt pa go ipluamrclap z anpq iicn+ laaxlS, saucy pup anuany ,8£3o uoiloascaim agl lu Cigiop3 gSnonil-anup p Sm op f1dS p3o aanpnssi aqs •smuo mgap snoimA P%jo ouo Cue .coi tic I-9Z uoiloaS glim aoum du lm u[ lou si osm omajojoi anogp oqi iugi pug isnui uoissrEumoo Suiuueld oqs •panocddp pup popuo= `tic i-qZ wS opoo iudioiunW aSpr-d tuaq&,tq paucanoS si s,fl(IS JO Suilnp 2 aq t, '1204S saucy pup anuany ,.8£ it, suoa 2luAk posodoid oql zoi .Clgioui gSno Tani jp p mogu of CfIdS,,) liuuad os fl ImoodS u3o aoupnssi aql isaloid of Suclljm um I _ :uoissiu►atoo xuaQ SO-£0-d12S 'ON asvD :22I ££008 opuaoioo'a4rd ipagAk anuany q,6Z ISOM OOSL OULI0 S[npI1 :uliy uotssiuzmoo Suiuupid aSprd ILOgm 3o olio IMM912 nM £OOZ`LZ-101maldaS COOZ 6 Z d3S a;uzodzoo szonuj ,iinpun pus gpu•I pool map you soop ssaoozd 2unmuid oqp ui pus pzuoq ,t;uog;ny aqp uo gpoq sassauisnq puz s;uoptsm pa;oagvp judui jo pui aqs •;g2iiq atgtuza;ap op zamod pa;usztemtm puu pa;uopaoazdun uani2 uaaq suq ,i;uog;ny ags sapuoap zo3 a2pi2i;uati& 3o XuD ogpdo asuq xup oq; o; 2tn;nqu;uoa pus uo.wndo ui uaaq annt{Imp `sossouisnq Bwzsp;a atp jo suoi;nqu;uoa atp sauauzapun Imp uosuaz Isiouuug u si;g2iigdo uoi;uapmlop otp3o osodmd fiuo Ou •o2prd;sat&3o ,i;tD agi pus opuzoioD jo omS atg gig gpzoj;as suoi;uM2az atp o; azagps;ou pip d;uoq;ny ag,y •pauiuuapap ,fizadozdua sum (,,i;uogpny„) ipuotpny Ismaua-d uugzjl a2pi2i psagAk ag; iq pg2iiq;o uoi;uuituzapop atp `XUuuig -ojgjo ,Cptiunb pus Slaps mo Smsuamop iq;uautdoianap site ozipisgns o; papoadxa aq you pptogs s;uopisaz se am •paazpS sauty3o s;uaptsaz aq; o; uapmq ztsdtm u sapuazo s;uapisaz paiqusip ,itisats,fgd puu zoiaos `uazppga 3o Iagtanu aSmI s tpim;ao4s Ispuoptsaz L, opuo 3g3ezp Iuiozammoo 2uigsnd •;nopzogs u su pawIS saucy asn o; pzunainog uspuagS pus anuany q,g£;s utsf oDpji Isnpadzad ag; pions pue Qum anus op Imam oqm szaumysno qsnd Ipm oouoiuanuoo zo3 ansap sigy aunp tuagp sans;i `aouaiuanuoo3o asnsoag sai;Fiias3 g2nozq;-anizp wiii suaaz2iuA4,3o szautopsn0 •zagpous o; sazu auo uto g uoipsa2uoo oDp4 Rtgisixo gsnd,Ciazaut RL. V1 gonozgp -anup 9uaa321% pasodozd atiy uuid agpdo Is02 agp spoipuz;uoo pus fipuai$ ueu;sapad ,LOX si .~3?Iios3 g2nozg;-anup y •puautdotanapaz ,Cipuajg usizpsopad;o X111 oud s pa;uoipu[ ,itmato L uuId„) usid;uatudoianapa-dzopuzoD anuany s,g£ Iuui2uo OU ;aaz;s saucy uo uazpiiga snozaumu oq; su Iiam se aidood padduaipuuq pue,iizapia aq; o; spmzuq oWu4 a;uazo pinom;uEu •;aaz;S saucy o;uo ,ipoa.ttp og3uz; Iuaoi;ippu 2sigsnd toi;aasza;ui pa;sa2uoo ,ipsaz(s us op ppu pinom,i;Tiiou3 gSnozq;-anizp suaaz2iuA,, u jo;uauidoianap agp;ugp Iaa3 IIgaozls I •spzu,C ziagp u< saaz; 2uipsixa o; aiqupnquje;ou sdn-puq zamas zsin2az gjyA Iuap ,ipuazis sasnoq IuzanaS •asn pptom suaaz2isAh, pasodozd oq;;sgp ouq zamos pio aq; si uzaouoo zaq;oue;aA )Ioam u s,iup sanas 'A'p n smoq bZ aauantanuoaui uu aq osis Iiim szuo osoq; umzJ asiou aqs •2uiuzotu Alma pue ;g2iu `2ui6na oq; ui oouamoAuooui uu oq it?m ,iup t: smoq bZ s;g2ii zua Piais pinom dpgios3 mog bZ u ss pasodozd si suaaz2iuAA, posodozd oq;;uq;;os; oU •aouapisaz ziaq; 2ui;ixo sutaigozd pasuaznui anuq pinom pmnainog tmpuagS uo szogg2iau mo `,fiiuaoi;ippy Z asud £OOZ `LZ 10q=ICIOS SO-£0-GrAE 'ON asv0 iaua7 MIOJCI MMOd asfl reloads solslnla 2uRtueld a2PRI jpagM3o f4l3 (sSalppv) (palupd a=u) V pjr4lauEls `-4q PawmgnS `,Claiaou?S •laar;s julluopisai mo umop oueu lulmom uoo qsnd of lou no -t aSm I •laaalS saucy pug anuany ~8£3o iauioo aql lg Slgloaj gSno p-anup u io; ilEmad asn lu?Dads aql;o Suquca oql lsuleft alon pug suiaouoo Xui iap?suoo osgald •SreOS IIMO s,.Cluoglny pug AIID agl jo Auu'2u?gsgdLuooov jo cogs Itg3 Plnom RdS s?ql;o Iunoiddu oU aguun sell gum luals[saoo lou s< gSnoagl-anup y ialogxggo Srnlslxo agl ql?m uS?sap pue opos ui luoiudolanapai puu luamdolanap aql aSgmoom pnE `sassarnsnq Sullslxajo luacuaouegaa pue uollualai aSumooua `slo?Buoo aulnozgan puu ueulsapad ozmnunu `dlajos iulnotgan puu uuulsopod anoidua `joailS UgUW„ s,,44!D agl su anuany X8£30141luop? agl uaglSuom of 3Iaas Sagl lugl (,,ugld„) uuld luouidolanapag iopuioD anuany ~8£ ags m png sSu?laatu oggnd ui paluls angq Aluoglny agl P ?0 sIq L RdS qv-,A Iipagdoaf m st poogiogqSlau mo;o ialouiuq-D aU •a3?I3o 6411enb pnu AJl Ps luaplsai gSlamino somlout lgoid lugl solgotpu? ,iluoglny oql jo gogoiddg,,umq pug gsels„ oqs •isaialu? £ aged £OOZ `LZ J4UMI&S 0-£0-cME 'ox asvD MUO'l Isaloid I!Uuod osfl juloodS UOISIAl Sg! Id aSPTH lu2gm jo '11?D anuany ~g £ otuo taazlS samy tixa o; pore s fennanup nagt Inca o; ogseat gBnonit-anup glim atadmoo o; ansq pinom Siam imp toss oq; dq Xtgioss gSnonlt-anup e3o luamdoianap oqj gtim pouauiopun oouamanuoo .nab; aAuq pTnom In% sauna uo s;uopisaz jrv Ieg; ugtp atom Je; gtzom OR sang nags, •.f;io aqt So; sieiiop xet Ieuoigppa ma33o;aadsoid warn aqt io3 maglso tidy Smsol;o xsu iolsazS s aumsse o; Suglimun aae aA& eaae aq; m ang oqm sn jo I IV o; snoiooid am stuoppas poigesip dI[aois,igd puu sioiuas `uwpRo mo ojq ssot 3o dmCm ioCsm m SmiInsw tuoppos oigdo4se;eo a jo aouego aq; Sucsumom `smaigoid og3e4 Sm;si salsgiaoexo Iluo taaats snit uo oBju4 Smsgaioul •siseq ae[nSai a uo stuapisoi tuougmmd are oqm sasnoq ,spuau3 pus ,saniteiai to Slid pus IISin ogen atom ,iuu4m qt;m `stuapisaa luansmiad se uaapligo 0£ 6tieau ansq am pne sunup so; sods Puilq suq Apeags sgq taaAs mp •oHju4 ueWsapad fur o; paszeq s aq put, taarts mo uo oil;elt asgaiom Ilim sacs saaaaSisA4j tixa pus iatua of Iaa11S saun asn of saioigan p sedsip gsL,4 pug qon q Smpso[ `siamotsno gSnoagt-anup mp saSsmooua uSisop luouno aqt tug; toes aqt o; anp taogs samy uo stuapisai3o Alas puu aaegam aqj of Ieluamulap aq osie itim tI aoRngod asrou pue `lgBq `ng IsuoiuPPs3o uoitsaio aq1 aq tiim Iinsai aqs saung Smuima png gSnoagl-anpp MR m $uiipi aq Am augl a IE sieo IRSia of do tsq;;og3 aqt o; anp s;uapisai dgiuou jo glleaq Imuog oqt uodu toggo Muougaap 2 ansq IIIm IaWIS. samy pus anuany s,8£3o uoitoasialm aq; to Atiiioss gSnonlt anup s Smmoiie I1dS s;o aausnssi aqL •soiouoiogap snoinA ogtso ouo ,fug io; ibt I-9Z uoitoaS glim aaueiidmoa m tou sT asm aouaim,Iai anogs oqt tugt pug;snm uoissiaauoD Smuue[d aqy •panoidds pug papuame `tii 1 -9Z 'oaS apoo Isdiaiunyg aSp. d Teogm Aq pousanoS st s,fl IS 3o Smluea aq,L'P34S samy pus anuany s8£ jr sawalvM posodoid mt io; jftgpss g2nou{I-anizp L, moos of (,d1dS„) I!wad 2s fl MoodS s3o muemsi agt;satoid o; Smtum me I :uoyssimm00 lsaa SO-Fo-dl29 'Old asno :ag ££008 opeioioD `aSp.a tsaq& anuany ,,6Z MAL 009L aueiD SIAVIJ, :idly noissimmoD Suiaas[d aipra Ieaim jo X46 IRM S12 nM COOZ 6 1 d 3 S £OOZ `LZ lagmaldaS. olmodzoo szone3 flnpun Pua glIt,3 poo3 wogs lou saop ssoooid Suunn:ld aql ul pus pseoq ,iluoglny agl uo gloq sossauisnq pus sluaptsac poloaZedo Indui jo sloul 3q j •IgSi14 ouluualap of iamod polut,usmun put, paluapoowdun uanio uaaq suq dlTaoglny aqy sapt,oap co; aSpzg luaq&jo llt0 agljo ast,q xt,l agl of Sullnquluoo put, uollt,iado uc uaaq anug juqj `sassamsnq Sullslxa agljo suollnquluoo agl souluuopun lugl uoseai lopusug t, sl lgSi143o uoilsulwzalap app asodmd XIUO aq.L 'aSPRi isagAkJO ,CIID agl pus opsiolo03o olinS aql fq guo3 las suozlt,lnSai oql of azagpt,lou plp f.Ilxoglny agl, pou!Ewolap Xljodoidun sera (,,Sluoglny„) ,Cluoglny lamouaZl ut,gcll o2P1g It,aq& agl iq lgSlt0.3o uotluucaualap ag1 `xIIs 3 'a3H 3o Sjjj nb puu Slops mo Sulscomop ,iq luauidolanap s1cII azlpisgns o1 paloadxa aq Iou Plnogs sluaplsac se a/A Iaar1S saucy;o sluoplsac agl of uapmq 479jun u solsaca sluaplsax polquslp SIlt,als igd pus ioluas uolplILp 3o aaqumu aSzel s glim hails pnluapisai E oleo OWBJI lutocauuuoo Sulgsnd •Inouogs s at, WAS saucy asn 01 pat,nalnog usplaagS pus anuany U8C it, umf 31jp4It,t4adiod aql plops pus aural ant,s 01 Iuam ogm siouialsno qsnd 11im aoualuanuoa.co3 onsop s1g,I, •aunl camp somas 1T `aaualuanuoo jo asnuoaq satlglot,; gSnocgl-anlip 0j1t suaaxSlt,A3o ssaucolsn0 •.caglouu of rams ouo ucog uollsaSuoo ocUpil Sccclscxo gsnd,ilazauc lllm gSnoagl -aaup suaaxSlt,jW pasodocd ags ut,ld agldo loos agl slolPuguoo put, ,flpuolg uuuisapad LON st Cliltoud gSnoxgl-anup y quaucdolanapoi ,Clpuacg u*e!x is . opad jo Sllcoud s palu33Pm 6lls013 Id URId iu0uid0l0n0p921 zopuco0 anuany ,t,g£ 1ecnOuo OUT laailS saucy uo uaapllgo snoxaumu oql se i om se aldoad poddsolpuaq put, Spoplo oqI of spiuzuq ocd}ai1 alaaio P1nom lugy •loogS saucy Ohio ,S1130xlp otl;arl p uollzppt, Sulgsnd `uolloasialul palso2wo ,ip7aoip uu of ppt, P1nom ,Cllliouj gSnocgl-aniip suaaz2lsA4, u jo luoucdolanap ag1 Imp jaaj i1Suogs I •sp.cs,C .uogl ul S004 Sullslxo of olqulnqulls lop sdn-31osq lamas iulnSac q1im lt,ap ipsagu sasnog lucanaS asn plnom suaaBlum pasodoid oql lugl cull lamas plo aql sl uzaouoo xaglouu IaA •31aam t, skep uanas `,fup s smog bZ aaualuanuooul us aq oslu Iltm sno osogl ucog aslou ags •Sulusouc ,il.mo put, lgSlu `Suluana agl ul aaualuanuo3uT ut, oq lum ,cup v smog bZ slgSg 180 plat i P1nom Xl?[lot,3 mog bZ s se pasodocd sl saaacSluA4, pasodozd agI imp Iosj ags •aouapisai zog1 Sulllxo smolgozd posuaimi anug plnom pimolnog uupuagS uo szoggSlau mo `,illuuollippy Z asud £OOZ `LZ -agwaldaS 0-£0-dl29 'ON asvD aaw,l lsaloM lcuvad asn ploodS uoisIn.a 8uruueld a$PRI 1mgM3o f4!D 'C J O. (ssaipps) (pai ad amsu) ttieu~zs `jlq poupgnS `SlomouiS •iaans Iniiuapisaa mo umop oTWsn Isioiommoo qsnd of iou no,i aSm I •iaanS souTy pue anuany,,8£;o iaumo aqi is Xigioe3 *ozgi-iAu s To3 iimiad asn Istoods oqi;o !3m;uu2 aqi iSnPOP aion pue Snlaouoo ,fuc zapisuoa aseaid •sfro2 umo s,,iiuoginy pus ,5113 ogi3o hue 3uigs~idutooos jo uogs its3 Plnom RdS stgijo p notdde aqs afttui sigi q}tan juals<suoa }ou s< g2noiq;-anrap y •iapsmio Suistxa aqi gitm uSTsop pus oleos ut iuautdotanapaz pus iuautdojanap agi a2nmoma pus `sossouTsnq $u[istxo jo iuatuaousqua pus uoriuaiai a3smooua `sioggtoo mjnotgan pun usuisopad azTmurm `diades asinotgan pus treTrisopad anozdutT `«3aanS u!uW,, s,1410 oqi Sn anuany ,e8£30 ki?iuapi aqi uagiiuans of Maas ,iagi iegi («uLI(L„) ue[d iuautdotanapa-d .TOPPOD anuany ~8£ aql m pus s2mlaatu 31 ignd m papis ansq,iiuoginy aqi Pue f1I0 sni i 'RdS sniff giznn ipindoaf m st poogTOgg2Tau mo;o zaionxsqD aq i a~~13o ,Citinnb pue Aia3ns iuopTsax g2jammo sanliouT igoid iugi sainotput liuoginy agi;o gonoidds ,umq pun gsuis„ aqs •isomiui £ OsEd £OOZ `LZ aaqumldaS SO-EO-dl1S 'oN asno .mua'I isatoid i!maad asn IEioadS uoisrnIQ Stq=l l aSP.d 4EagM3o Aj!D •anuany ,sBE Ohio;aaz}S sauTV pxs o} We slizmanup .uagl Inca 01 aUPA g8nozgl-anzzp gl,m aladTUOO oI annq plnom fags Iugl Ions aqI fq fuilon3 g8nozgl-an. B 3o Iuaurdolanap aqj g lm pounuzapun aouaimmoo zlagl anuq plnom laazlS satuv uo sluoplsaz Uv lugs uegl azoux zt,j glzom azu sang nagy dllo aql zoj siugop xn} p uoiuppn ma3;o loadsoid azaut aqj ao3 uzagl;o AI`Iy Sulso13o xsu zaluaa t, aumsse o} Sugllmun azr aAh, •nam oql ul anil oqm sn jo j-fV of snoioazd om sluaplsaz polquslp XIlnolsXgd put, stomas `uazPggo zno •ojq jo sso13o ,LTnfuI zofnuT m Suillnsaz luopioon o.gdozlst,leo a jo oouugo agl Sulsuazoul `sinolgozd nTy}rzl &i!lslxo salegzaot,xo X o Iaazls sail uo 31UR4 STnst,azouj •slsnq znlaw u uo sluapisaz Iuourauod am oqm sasnoq spualij puu san.Mai In ,frld puu I NA ognA atom ,fueaT ql!m `sluap!saz luaut,uTZad su uaTPlnto 0£ itzrau anuq am pue szanup zoj siods pullq seq ,fprazin suq laazls zno •oWnzl ueulsopad Sur of pzuznq u aq put, Iaazls zno uo owt,zl oseazoul lum salt' •suaazSin,A lpm pun zaluo of Iaa4S souiy asn of solo,,gan lesodslp gst,zl pun s~lonzl STnpnoi `sjomolsno gSnozgl-ancip aql saSnznoouo uSisop luazzno agl Irgl lonj oql of anp w4S sauzy uo sluaplsazjo ilajrs Put, azr31am aqj oI lnluaugzlap aq osp3 IITm lI 'uo.Ingod as<ou pur `lgS?t `zln lnuogjppt,3o uolluaio aql aq glen gnsai aqy wtur i Sululmo pur gSnozgl-anup aqj uT Sullpl aq Sm aunt n Ie szeo IgSTa of do legs loin oql of anp sluoplsaz 6gzeou jo glleaq IezauaS aql uodn loaga iuluau . nap v anrq lpm law4S. sauTy pun anuany 9,8£30 ualooszalul oip lr,("on3 gSnozgl-anlzp r STnmogt, nd5 z3o aaurnssl aqy •saloualagap snonun ogijo auo,fnn zo3 bi i-9Z uoilaaS q" oounliduloo cn you s< assn aauaza;az anogr aql ltigl pug asnuT uolsstuauoD Sw.uuuld au panozddr puu 32 Papua= `i,l I-gZ'ooS opoa ledlolunW o2pr luaq,&iq pauzanoS sl s ndS io SuRula aq i, 'laazls sauTy puu anuany ,,SE In suaazSlum posodoid aqI zo3 ,fl !mU gSnonil-anlzp u mogu of (,d1dS„) lloacl asn lutoodS u jo aouunssl aqj Isalozd of Sullum ure I moissnmuoo zeaQ 0-£0-dl1S *ON asva :aU E£008 opn10100 `aSPTH IuQgM anuany ,6Z IsOM OOSL eunzo Shutt' :uuy nocsslMMOD Sumunld aSPl2I lea%jo "ITS /!Vm E12 VU =6Z £OOZ `LZ.TaquzaldaS olvaodzoo szonuj Clnpun put, glltj pooS map Iou soop ssaoozd Suluuuld oqj ul pus pzuoq ,Cltzoglny agl uo gloq sossoulsnq puu sluoplsaz poloajjt, jo Iudu13o loul als •IgSllq auluualap of zannod palubummun pug poluapaoazdun uanlS uaaq suq Xjjjoglny aql sapt,oap zo3 aSPRI It,agmjo fltD agljo asuq m agI of Sullnquluoa put, uopuzado m uoaq anuq lugl `sossouisnq Sullslxa agl3o suollnquluoo aqI souluuapun lugj uosuaz Islouum3 s sl IgSllq;o uoilt,uluualap aql jo asodznd ,quo ag,I, •oSplg Iao%jo Xllo oql put, opuzoloO jo alt,lS oql Xq glzoj los suotlulnSaz aql of azagpu Iou plp,CluoglnV aqZ •paupmalap Xl:radozdurl seen (,,Xluoglny„) fluoglny Ignnauag ut,gzll a2Pl2I IuagAA alI Xq IlS?Iq jo uolluumuolap aril `XlpU!d ajll3o ilctunb put, Slaps zno Sulseazoap iq luaurdolanap srgl oz[plsgns of paloadxa aq lou p[nogs sluaplsaz su am •Iaa% saur V jo sluaplsaz aql of uopznq 4ujun a salt,azo sluaprsaz polquslp XHaolsXgd pue.zonmas `uazpllgo ;o zaquinu 32ml t, gllnn laazls It,lluaplsaz u oluo oWezl lt,lozauuuoa Sualsnd •Inolzogs u se laogS saurV asn of pznnalnog uuplzagg put' anuany ,ng£ le uref ogp4 lunladzad oqj proms puu aunt anus of luunn oqm szauiolsno gsnd Illm aoualuanuoo zo; azrsap snlZ •aunl IIIagl sans It `33ualuanuo0 3o osnt,ooq salllllou; gSnozgl-anlzp OMIT suQOBIVM3o szaurolsnO •zagloue of gaze auo mog uoilsoSuoa ag;ezl Sullslxa gsnd,{laIaur Illnn gSnozgl -anlzp suaaBpAk posodozd ags •uuld all jo luoS aqI slalpuguoa pue ,ilpum um apad ji PIS .LON sl ,Clglot,3 gSnozgl-anlzp y quomdolanapaz Clpuo!g uuulsapaddo Xluoud t, PaleolPu! SImolo (,uuld,>) uul(l Iuaurdolanapa-d zopuzoD onuaAV,ng6 TUAJo OU, laazls saucy uo uazpllgo snozaumu all se Mann su aldoad paddt,olpueq put, Xpoplo oqj of spzuzeg oijjeg olgazo plnonn lagL •laazls saucy oluo Apoanp ogpzl luuolltppt, Sulgsnd uolloaszalul palsaSuoo 9pgazlt, uu oI ppu Ptnom ,ilglouj gSnozgl-anlzp suaazSlt,M t, ;o luourdolanap oqj lugl laa3 S12uozls I •spzux zlagl ul saazl Sullslxo oI algglnqulle Iou sdn-jot,q zamos mInSaz glrnn loop Xpuazlg sasnoq lezanas asn pptom suaazSleM posodozd oqj Iugl aull zamos plo agI sl uzaouoo mgloug IaN -)loam u s,iup uanas `fUp g smog bZ QOUOManuoauT uu aq osle Mien szuo asall uroq aslou aqZ Buluzour ,ilzga pug IlSlu `Suluana all ul aoualuanuooul uu aq Illen dup s smoq bZ s1gSg no plot,( plnom AlHlou3 znoq tZ u se pasodozd sl suooBj M posodozd oqj It,gl 13u3 aqZ •aouapisaz nagl Sulllxa suzalgozd post,amoul anuq plnom pzsnapiog uupuals uo szoggSlau mo `Xlluuoll!ppV Z abed EOOZ `LZ mquraldas 0-fo-dl19 'ON MOO _Imaq isaloid 3[uuad asn ppads aasrnlQ ~?muuv[d a$PR[ IzagM;o ,CI?D -I-COB OD (ssa lS~ - a I I +S w 5hz~E (palupd aum) amisu~ls `Xq PaluzgnS `ilaiaaulS •loo4s lelluoplsaz mo umop oiWeil lslozaunuoo gsnd of Sou no,( aim l •jaagS saucy pus anuany ~8£3o iauaoo oql is filllasj gSnozgl-anup s ao3 lmuad asn lelaads agl jo 2ullut,a agl isu Su alon pus suiaouoo Xui zaplsuoo assail •slsos unno s,,Cluoginy Pus ,~lt3 aql jo bus 2ulgsgduioomjo cogs i1p3 Plnom Rd5 slgl3o Isnoadds aq l aftun slgl pm lualslsuoa }ou sl g2noxgl-anup y ialat,xega Sugslxa aqj glzm uOisap pus alsos ul luomdolanapaz put, luouidolanap all a2emomo pus `sossoulsnq Sullslxa;o luacuaouequo pus uolluolaz ailemoom `slo!Uuoo minolgan pus uuimopad ozumuau `flops selnolgan pus ue!4sopod anoidun `,,po4S ulsW„ s,A41D oqj ss anuany ,08£ jo ,C;iluopl oql uogifua.gs of Maas -0ql legl usld luauidolanapag iopluoD anuany ,,8£ oqs ul pus s$ullaaui ollgnd ul polt,ls ant,q ,ijuoglny ail P~ fqD sqL 'RdS slgi gllm fpamdoaf ul sl poogiogq2lou mo;o ialoszegZ) oqs ajg do,Citlsnb pue ,tlajt,s luoplsai g2lomino ysaia~ul sanlloui lUoid lsgl sapolpul Xluogpny agl jo goeoiddt, ,umq put, gsels„ aq j, £ asEd £OOZ `LZ iNmidas S0-£0-dI1S 'oN asvD M PVT lsoloid i[UUad osfl [eloads ❑ IS!ATQ smuueld asprd luagm 3o /l?D •anuany,s8£ o;uo;a09S saury;zxa o; put' sXnmanup xpq;;lxa o; alljea; gSnoaq;-anlap q;Tm a;aduTOa o; aneq Plnom fagl ing11 3 aql Aq but? 3 q$nong-anup v jo;uau►dotanap oq; q;lm pouluuapun aeualuanuoo.Qaq; anuq plnom poilS somV uo s;uaplsai Ity •luq; tmgl aiout anj gyrom AM sang .nags •klo oq; aoj saullop xsl p>rrotgppe maj jo padsoid woo aq; aoj uraq; jo ANV Sulsol jo 3Isp aaluaaS aumsse o; Su!Mmun an aAk •saau oql u? anll ogee snjo l-lV o; snoloaid are s;uop?sai polgTaslp SIlno?s igd puu saoluas uaapllgo mp aj?[ jo ssol jo 6urfrrl aoCTaUr ul Sul;Insaa;uapioou olgdoa;se;uo n jo oourlo aq; Salsuaaoul `suralgoad arWea; 8al;slxo sa;ugaaonxa Xluo ;aaa;s slrg uo owaii Ralseaaoui slsnq aglnSai n uo s;uappaj;uoumuad am oqm sasnoq spualaj pun san.moi is Algd pun lisln oyA aaour Auum q;lm `s;uaplsaa;uauuuriod su uaapllgo 0£ Almou annq am pun saanup ioj sods pullq seq ,ipnaaln sgq loans mp •orWa4 uuu;sopod Am o; pmM u aq puu;aaa;s mo uo orglna; asnaaom II?m sy •suaaaSpAk lpm pun aa;ua o;;aaaiS saruy osn o; salolrlan lusodslp gser; pun s)lona; Sulpnol `saaaro;sno gSnoaq;-anup arg saSnmoma uSlsap;uaamo oq;;Taq;;anj aq; o; anp;aags saucy Taos;uaplsaa jo AIa;ns pue are3tann agI o; In;uauxr .gap aq osln lllm g uolInU aslou pan `;gSiT `nn INTO?;?PPTajo uolina[o aq; aq ti?m ilnsaa agj saurr>3 Sulunua pun gSnoag;-anup oq; ur $ullpl aq Am oun; u;u smo lq&a o; do ILgl louj aq; o; anp s;uapisaa igauau jo gquaq IeaauaS aq; uodn;oa a puuaurlgap p anuq Ipm;aa% saucy pun anuany s,8£jo uolloasaalu? ag; in ,fupmi gsnoagi-anup n Sur;aolln f1dS Tajo aomnssl oql sa!ouoiogap snolaun aq;: jo auo ,iqd aoj bi l-gZ uoT;oaS glim aouullduroa ul;ou sl asea aouaaajaa anoqu mp ImR pug ysnui uolsslunuoD Suluuuld ags •panoiddu pug papuaurTa `bti 9Z'oaS apoa ludlaluninl a2pl2t woq& Aq pauaanoS sl s,fldSjo SullnnaS oq j, o% sauiy pug anuany ,A8£ in smoaalg& posodoid ag; soj ,ilillouj g8noaq;-anlap, u molle of ~c fld$>,)1?ruaad as fl IuloadS Ta jo amunssl oq;;sa;oid o; Sul;tam are I moissrurruoD MQ(J 0-60-df1S 'OAT asno :au ££008 opuaoloD `aSplu luzgAk anuany ,R6Z isOM 009L aanaD SuBil :uuy uolssla moo Smuugid aSplu lnarlAk jo AD HVm sil vM £OOZ `LZ aaqura;daS £OOZ 6 1 d3S I apuzodzoo saonPj Alnpun pus gptuj pooh mogs;ou soop ssaoozd 5utuusid au; ut pug preoq Spuogpny aq; uo q;oq sossouisnq pus s;uoptsaa papogtjo;ndutdo Masi oqy •pgoilq outuuapap o; zannod papuPUPmm pus pa;uapaxudun uanii? uaaq suq 6;uoq;ny aqy sapuoap zo3 aSpig puaq& jo 6113 aqj jo ossq xup aq; ol 2utlnqu;Poo pus uopszado ut uaag anuq;uq; `sossauisnq 5Lnpstxa oqp;o suot;nqupuoo ag; saumuapun;ug; uoseaz p touP[n3 u st;gSilqjo Poi;uutuua;op oq;do osodmd psl fluo agy '0$Pt2}uagl3o i;i0 agp pus opt?zolo03o aisS agp iqguo3;as saotn$az aqj o; azagpu;ou pip,14uog;ny agy paunuza;ap fltadozdun soon i;uotpny„) 6puogpny IEn+auag uugzn agP.X luoq k aqj Aq;q$tig3o uoipsutaua;ap oq; `fllsut3 'O3tl3o fpip;nb pus Spa;us ano $utsuazoop iq puautdolanap sop aziptsgns o; pa;oadxo oq you plnogs s;uoptsaa se am •;aaa;S saucy;o s;uoptsaa oqp o; uopmq xpgm a sa;uazo s;uoptsaz palyustP XlluoisXgd pus zotuas `uazpltgo 3o zaqumu aSzul u gptnn;amps lut;uapisai u o;uo oUpil Istozaunuoo Sutgsnd ;noltogs P se paaz;S saucy asn o; pasnalnog uuptzagS pus anuany 198£ it uref otpszp Iun;adzad aqj ptoAe put, ouq; anus o;;ueM ogiA siauio)sna gsnd ll!m omomanu00 zoj aatsap stgy •aunp utagp SOAPS pT `aouan anuoo3o asnPaaq satptltoPj g8nozgp-antzp ajq suaaaluAk3o szautopsn0 `iagpouP op uazP auo ucog otpsaftoo ocgezp $ut;spca gsnd,Clazauc Iit,A g8noiq; -anup saaaz2lPA4, posodoid aqy •ueld oq;;o Iuo2 aq; s;aipui;uoo puP ,flpuaig uuu;sapad LON st;HtoP3 g2nozq;-aeup y ;uautdolanapaz ilpualzf uuu;sapad3o i;izoud u papsotput Xlzsalo (ausld,>) usid;uoucdolanapag aop,uoo onuany ,e8£ luui2?uo agy paaz;S sooty uo uoapliga snozaumu aqj su jjann sP aldoad paddPOipnPq put Clzapla agp op spzPZPq oty{uzp a;uaao PIII pugy wa4S samy o;uo Alpowlp og;uzp tuaotpippe 8utgsnd topoaszaput papsa~3uoo IpTaoip us o; ppP plnoAt Sllltou3 ggnozq;-antzp suaaa2p Ak Pao puaucdolanap oq;;sq; laad SIBuoz;s I •spseA naq; n< saaz; Sut;stxo o; alga;ngiaple ;ou sdn-xouq camas xgn2aa q;inn luap dpsaatu sasnoq IuaanaS •asn plnoiA saawSIPAk posodoad aq;;uq; aug zooms plo aqj st uzaouoo zagpouu lak •xaann u sxup uanas `Itap s smoq bZ oouatuanuooui uP aq oslu Ilion szuo asap tuo4 astou aqy •Ruttuouc ,alma puu;g8tu Tutuana aq; ut aouatuanuoout uu aq lltnn Xup t smoq bZ s;giitl no Piat~ Ptnonn f;gioud mog bZ s se pasodozd st suaaz3luAk pasodozd aq;;uq;;aPj agy •oouoptsaz ztaq; gut;ixa sucalgozd pasmmut anuq pinom pmAolnog uupuagS uo szoggiltau mo `XIIPuotpippy Z aged E00Z `LZ 10gum;cbS 90-€0-dI s 'ON asn0 cana7;satoad t!uuad asn Moods aoisinI 4v[uue[d a$PRI;vagM 3o ,qlD (ssazpps) (paluud aumu) amisu3ls `Xq pallluzgnS `XIazaouls •laazls lgluoplsaz mo umop oWszl Islozaunuoo qsnd of lou no k a8m I laaz;s saucy pus anuany s,8£3o zauzoo aql is Xllllosd g8nozq}-anup s zod lluuad asn Isloods aql jo ftluzz8 aql JSu Bs alon pus SUZ03UOO XnI Saplsaoo assald •slso8 umo s<,~ITZOIWV Pus XID oql jo ,fus 2ulgsgducoo3u3o 7zogs ITs3 Plnom 11dS slgl;o Isnozdds agI aSsun slgl gllm lualslsuoo lou sl g8nozgl-anlzp y •zaloszsgo Sulislxo oql gllm u8lsap pus alsos ul luomdolanapaz pun luamdolanap aql afemoom pus `sassoulsnq Sullsixado luauaaousqua pus uollualaz a3smoouo `slo1T3uoo zulnolgan pus utilzlsapad az[ununu `,~la3ss zslnolgan pus uslzlsapad anozdutl `«laazls ulsy~l„ s flt~ agl . SE anuany.,s8£ 3o ,fllluopt oql uoVuazls of 3laas Sogl lugl (,usl(L„) usld luautdolanapa-d zopuzoo anuany ,sg£ aqs m pus SftWaut ollgnd m palsls ansq Sluoglny aql pus ilt0 snlZ 'f1dS sap glim Xpzsdoof ul sl poogzogqBlou mo;o zalouzugo aTU •a;g 3o ,iltlsnb pus dla3ss luaplsaz g2lamino sanllouI lgozd imp salsolpul ,fluoglny agl jo closozdds,,umq pus gssls„ oqs •isazalul £ aced £OOZ `LZ JNUIOIdaS So-£0-(1119 •o!d asva aaUol ;saaozd ITuuadasfl ploadS UOISIAI SmuueTd aOPRI 3eagM 3o ,uTC) •anuany ,e8£ oluo laa4S saute llxa of pue s,Cemanup zlagl Ilxo of ogpzl gSnozgl-anlzp gllm aladuzoo of anug plnom Xaq};nqj jae3 aqj iq Xppo noug-anup u jo luouidolmap aql glyA pouluuapun ooualuanuoo zlagl aneq plnom laazlS saute uo sluoplsaz IFV Iugl nuq; azouT zu3 glzom an sang zlagy •.illo aql zo; szellop xul p uoluppR ma33o loadsoid aiauc oql ioj uaagl3o A.RV 8uiso13o xsR zale0z8 a aumssu of BulllyAun am aA4. -Roza oqj ul anal ogm sn jo I-IV of snopazd om sluoplsaz polquslp Slluols,igd pue szomos `uazpllgo mo 'a33i3o ssol3o dmful zofuuc ul SulI[nSal luoppou olgdo4selea u jo aauugo agl Bulsuazoul `smolgozd ozl{ezl $u[lspta solugzaouxo Xfao laazls s.qi uo oWmn Sulseazoul slseq zulnBai u uo sluoplsaz luouuuuod am oqm sosnoq ,spualzf pue sommaz lu ,Culd puu Ils!n OgM azoui ,iueuz glyA `sluapisaz luaueuuad su uazpllga 0£ Clzuau anuq am pue szanlzp zo; clods pullq suq ipuagu sag laazls mo •oglezl uuulsopod Am of pzuzuq u oq put, laazls mo uo oglezl asuazout lpm slgy suaazBluAk Ilxa pue zalua of I0045 saurv asn oI salolgae lusodslp gsezl put, sptul Bulpeol `szaumolsno gBnozgl-anizp aql saBeznooua uBlsop Iuazmo agl Iegl Iae3 oql oI anp wAs saucy uo sluaplsaz3o Ala;es Pun azejIann aq; of luluauiulap oq oslu lpm li 'uollnllod aslou pue `lgBg `ne leuoillppu3o uoileaio agl oq II?m llnsaz ogs •souzn3 BullllLUo puu gSnozgl-anup agl ul Bugpl aq Sm augi a le s.ma igBta of do imp lou3 agl of anp sluoplsaz 6gzuou;o glleaq Immoo aql uodn loaga IelumaT.40p n aneq lltn+ IaazlS saucy pue anuany s,8 £3o uoiloaszalu[ aqI it, Slllloej gSnozgl-anlzp a OUT ogle f1dS e•lo aOuenssl ags •salouologap snoueq agl3o ouo Aue zoj 1711 -qZ uolloaS glim aouellchum uc IOU sl Ono amaiapz anoge agl Iegl pug Isms[ uolsslumoo Buluaeld ags •panozdde pue popuoum `yl l-9Z'ooS apoo p:dlolunIN a2pr2l IeagA1 Xq pauzanoB sl s f1dS3o BuI1ue2 agj, •laazlS saucy puu anuany e8£ It' Suaaz2leA1 pasodoid aql zo3 Xlglaed gBnozgl-anlzp, e mope of („ndS„) Ilcuzad osfl IuloadS udo oouenssl agl lsalozd of Suppm um I ;nOISSTmatoo MO(I 9,0-£0-dlls 'ox asno :ox ££008 opezoloo `aBplx luagAk anuany ,e6Z IsaA1 OOSL auezo s[nuzs, :ally uotssuucuoo Bnlaueld aBplx IuagAl JO AID IMMsil MA £OOZ `LZ zagmQldaS. EOOZ 6 L u3S MM333H alazodzoo szonej ,flnpun pu0 ql!T pooS nnogs lou coop ssaoozd Suiuueld aql ui pun pzuoq 14uog1ny a p uo gloq sassouisnq pua siuopisaz paloagn3o lndul jo 31oe1 aql '1gSllq oupmalap of zannod polummmun put, paluapooazdun uaniS uaaq suq Xluoglny aqy saplaoap zod aSpig 1nagM 3o C;tD aql jo oseq xel aql of Su!lnquluoo put, uoilt,zado ui uaaq anuq legl `sassouisnq Suilsixo aql;o suoilnquluoo oql souiauopun lagl uoseaz leiouuug t, si IgSllg3o uoilt,uiurzalap oql jo osodznd Aluo agy oSprd luaglA ;o S113 oql pun opuzoloD 3o alelS aql Sq glzo3 las suoilelnSaz aql of azagpla IOU pip f4j og;ny aqy •pauFuolop fliodozdun suns (,,Xluoglny„) fluoglny lamauag uagzn 02p.. a Ilaaq jA oql Xq lgSllq 3o uotluuruualap aql `AIIeUl3 'oi!l30 [.I!Iunb pue Sladas zno Suiseazoop iq luaurdolanap sn{I azipisgns of paloodxa aq lou plnoqs sluopisaz se aM •laazls s3ury3o sluopisaz aql of uopznq 4ujun u salnazo sluapisaz palgnsip XIllaoisfigd pun zoiuas °uazpliga 3o zagiunu aSzel a glinn laazls Ieiluopisaz u oluo oWezl luiozaunuoa Surgsnd •Inolzogs n su po4S saucy asn of pzanalnog ulapizagS pun anuany eg£ le urB f oRjv4 lunladiod aql pionn pue aunt apes of luenn ogtn szaurolsno qsnd Ilion aouaiuanuoo zo; ansap sigy 'anal uragl sanlas lT `aauaiuanuoo jo asnuoaq soililioe3 gSnozgl-anizp axil suaarSleAb3o szaurolsno zagloua of laazn auo urog uo~lsaSuoo ail;ezl Suilsixa gsnd flazaur Up AA gSnozgl -anizp suaazSleAk posodozd aqy field agl jo luoS agl sloipuzluoo put, Xlpuaizd ut,ulsopad LON s! il.11=4 gSnozgl-aeup y •juouidolanapaz ,ilpuoi4 nt, ulsopaddo,iluoud la PallaolPu! ,ilzaolo («ueld,,) unld luouidolanapag zopuzoD onuany y,gE 1=2!jo aqy laazlS saucy uo u3zPl1go snozaumu aql su Mann se aldoad paddaoipueq pun i1zaPla aql of spzt,zeq oy;azl alaazo ppronn ln<1y Iaaz1S saucy oluo ,illoo4p oWuil IeuoillPPt, Suigsnd `uoiloaszalui powBuoo Xpnazla ue of ppu Plnonn ,illlloe3 ggnozgl-anizp su3az3laA4.a jo luaurdolanap oql lugl laa; X12uozls I •spzn f ziagl ui S034 Suilsixa of olgelnqulle lou sdn-jot,q zannas zelnSaz Blinn leap ipeage sasnoq IezanaS asn pInom suooBlem posodozd aql lagl ouil zooms plo oql si uzaouoo zagloua IaA •1aann n sgap uanos `Svp a sznoq tiZ oouaiuanuooui ula oq oslu Ilion szuo asagl uro.g osiou oqy •Suiuzouz Shea pun IgSiu `Suiuana oql ur oouaiuanuoaur uu aq Ilion flap a sznoq bZ sligOq mo Ptah Pinonn ilgiot,d znoq bZ la su posodozd si suaa.2le~ pasodozd aql legl loni agy •aouopisaz ziagl Surlixa srualgozd poseazom anlaq plnom pzenalnog uup!jogS uo szoggSiau zno `,illeuoil!PPV Z asud £OOZ `LZ DgumlcfaS S0-€0-dI29 'oN asDo zaW-l;saloM Ilur ad asn IapodS uolslnT Sucaueld a$Prd juagM3o f4!3 'L)2 ( ~ a~ -VVN/ Y\ (ssolpple) " N ")Q 095s (pa;ujid auma) ±vt/1~ N i ~MIVTT rc JTq p4 Iupmuuaoo qsnd o; jou no,( aSm I laarlS sauTV pup anuanV ,8£3o xauTOO ag; jt, X4zitot,3 gsnonil-anup t, Tod j tuuad osn It,toods aqi;o SutlumS oql ysa ffv ajon put, suiamoo XuT zapisuoo asuaid •sfeoS umo s,X;uoglnV put,,(I!D aql jo Xup Sutgstidwooopp uogs IIt,3 PInoM I1dS siq; jo Ilenoaddu ags, •asuuxt sng tp!m lualsisuoo on st gsnoiq;-anup y •ialouiugo SuPsixa aql gIYA uSisop pule ap;os uT juauidotanapoi pup juautdoianap alp aft,mooua pup `sassoutsnq Su!asixa jo juaumeoulequa pule uotlua}a.T aSpmooua `sjotguoo Teinotgan pup uEtxasapad az[TUtutuT `Xla3ps iplnoTgaA pup uo!4sopod anozduq `«wj;S utuW,, s X~t~ agl se anuany ,8£3o X4Tluapt aqi uagi2uags of Maas 0qj imp (,,upid„) ueld juauTdoTanapag xoppoD anuanV,,g £ aq i, ut pup sSupoui otignd ut pailels anuq XluoglnV aqj Punk1to siRI 'RdS s. p xp!m Xpiudoaf uT st poogioggSiau mo;o zajoumg3 aqs 'QjHJo X;Tipnb pup XJaPS Iuapisaa gStaMlno sant;ouT;goxd tpq; sajleotput Xgaoglny otR jo gapozddu,,=q pup gsets„ aql •I,saaa;ut £ a8ud £OOZ `LZ 3-NUM;daS SO-£o-dl1S 'oN asno Jaua7 TsaToid I!uuod osn jupods UOTS!Al $ucuueid al?P. d 7EagM 3a ,u?D anuany ~8£ o;uo;aanS saute ilxa o; pue s ismanup magi llxo o; oUp4 g2noul;-anlap g;un a;adutoo o; anzq pinonn Xaq;imp ;oe3 ag; iq igl?aej gSnong-mu p n3o;uauidoianap oqj q;rm pouluuapun amorwnuoo magi ansq plnom;aanS saute uo sluaplsal ITV ls[g ueq; abut mg gltom aae sang magZ *,i110 Pqj JO xsl I u?l?PP8 ma; ;o padsoid azam oqj io3 woq; jo XW 8u?so13o 3Isu ia;zaa& B aumsse o; SuRI?mun ace atA •eam oq; ul ang oqm sn;o ZZy o; snoioald are sluop?soi polgeslp AlleolsAgd pue sionm °ualpllgo mp •a 13o ssol jo f mful Iofm ul Bulilnsaa luapTOOs olgdonssiso Rio aausgo aql Butsealoul `swalgold atgeal $ullslxo solsglaoexa Xluo loans slgl uo otl3stl 8alszazaal slseq Islngai s uo siuaplsal iuansauad are ognn sosnoq spual>3 pun sanilelal le Srld pus;Tsln ognn aioui Ausui glyA `sluoplsal luoueuuad se ualpllgo 0£ flleaa ansq am pus sunup IO3 clods Puliq ssq Xpeags seq loans mp •orgsn um4sapad Im, of pxmq s aq pue lawls mo uo ogp4 assazow Ipm slgl •suaaBlsA', ;lxa pus Ialaa of laa11S saucy asn of solalgan Issodslp gsen pun sXonil 8ulpsol scaucolsno g8nomll-anup agl SO&MOaua u&sop iuazma aqj imp IM oqj of anp laanS saucy uo sluopisa13o Xjajus pus am31om aqs of isluounnap oq osls II?m II •aotlnllod oslou pus `lgBq `.qs p uolllppe3o uoT;eaio oql oq II?m llnsai aqs `saucn3 &cllluuo pus gBnonll-anup aql ul Bulpl aq Ata aunts is sna lg8la of do imp las3 aql of anp sluappai 6gmau jo q;Isaq IemauaS agl uodn loaga lsluaunnap 8 ansq Ilm laanS saucy pus anuany ,,8£3o uotloaszalal oqj is i;illosj g3nomll-anup s 8ulmolls f1dS sjo aouenssl ags •salouologap snoueq agl jo auo Xuu io3 bi I-4Z uolloaS gllm aouellducoo U[ loo s? asm aou=jal anoge aqj wcR pug isnui uolss UMOD 8u?nnnld aqs •panoidde pau papuams `bi 19Z 'oaS aPaJ tsd?o?TmYN a$PRI leagAkSq pacuano8 sl S,f1dSJO RMIU02 aqs •1204S saucy pus anuany ,8E it, saaaaglsm posodoid ag; Io3 ,i;glae; g2nomg-anlip s molls of («fldS„) inuxad asfl le13adS u jo aouunssl aql lsaloid of 8a?lum um I :uolssnuwoD maQ 90-£0-dl1S 'OAT asVO :OU ££008 opecolOD `02M WOM4. anuany e6Z isOM 009L OULUD slne.II :Ully uolssn=OD 8unms£d Qiprd Ieaq&JO 4D 11VMMVA £OOZ `LZ IaqucaldaS EOOZ 6 Z d~S alnzodioo szong3 ,finpun pun glint poo3 nnogs lou soop ssooozd 2uamnld a p ui puu pzuoq ,fltzoglny all uo gloq sossauisnq pun sluopisaz poloojjt,•lo lndui jo loul agZ 'lg$iiq auFuolop of zamod polunzznmun pue paluopaoazdun uani3 uaaq suq ,iluoglny xU sapnoap zo3 aSpig lnaglA3o SIID agl3o asuq xel mp of 2uilnql4uoo put, uoilt,zado ui uaaq anuq imp `sassouisnq $u[lsixo all jo suoquglmoo aql souiuuapun lugl uosuaz leput,ug t, si lgBilq•lo uoilt,uiuualap agl3o osodmd ilao aqy 'a$PRI luag&3o iITO aql pun opt,zoloOjo aluiS aql ,(q quo3 las suoilt,ln3az oql of azagpt, lou pip,Cluoglny aq l •pautaualap Xpodozduli seen (,,Aluoglny„) ,SluoglnV lnenauag uugzn a$PI2I luagm agi Ag iq2?Ig3o uoilnuiaualaP aql `AIlnuld •a;il JO fflilunb puu ,Clo;us zno 8uisuazoop iq luaucdolanap sill azipisgns of paloadxo aq lou plnogs sluopisaz se aAk •loo4S saucy Jo sluaplsaz oql of uopmq nu;un u saluazo sluoplsaz palgt,sip ,Cllt,ois Cgd puu zomas `uazply ;o zaqumu aSnI t, gjyA laazls felluoplsaz n oluo oWil luiozaumzoo Ouigsnd •lnolzogs is se laazlS saucy asn of pzt,nalnog unpizauS puz anuany ,ng£ it, umf oapal Imladzad oql plonu puu aunt anus of luem oqm szauioisno gsnd lli^n oouanzanuoo zo3 ansap spU •aunl uIagl sanns lc `aouaiuanuoa jo osnuooq sail!Ipla; gSnozgl-anizp aalq suaa 2pAti jo szauiolsn0 •zaglouu of uazn ouo moij uoilsafuoo oilluzl Suilslxo gsnd ,ilazaui Ilion ggnozgl -oAljp saaazSlnt& posodozd agy •uel(I ogl•lo teoB oql sloipnzluoa put, ilpuaig ut,ulsapad LON si flgiat,3 gSnozgl-anup y •luauldolanapaz ,flpualg ue!mopod jo Cluoud u PaluoiPT )CImalo Id>,) uld luautdolanapag zopuzoD anuany pg£ inuPuo oqi, lao4S saucy uo uazpjigo snozaumu aql su Ilom su oldood podduoipuuq pun duapla aql of spzuzuq og}t,zl alt,azo plnom luq L •laazlS saucy oluo ,Clloo.np oW4 Ivnloiltppu 2uRsnd `uotloaszalui palsa3uoo ,ipnazln ue of ppu Pinom 6llliou3 gilnozgl-anizp suaaaluAk L jo luaucdolmop oql lull laa3 XISuozls I •spznX ziagl ui saazl Suilsixa of algmngnllt, lou sdn-3lot,q zamas zuln2az ql!m luap ,ipuagn sasnog luzanaS •asn plnom suooaluM pasodozd all lugl ouil zamas plo oql si uzaouoo zagloue la k •jaam n s,iup uanas-`,cup t, smoq bZ a'JUaiaanuoauT ut, aq oslu llI^n szt,o asogl ucog osiou aqz •$uiuzoru ,ilzua puu lgSju `Suiuana all ui aouaiuanuooui uu aq Ilim ,Cup u smog bZ slq$il zuo plai,C plnom Sl?liorj moq 17Z t, su pasodozd si saaat$lu~ pasodozd all lt,gl lou3 agZ aouapisaz Hall 2uilix0 smolgozd posnamui anuq plnom pzunalnog uepuagS uo szogg3iau mo `,illuuoilTppy Z abed £OOZ `LZ zagumldaS so-€o-ans *ON asv0 xalla'I Isaloid lnezad asn foloodS aoisTnTQ SuTUM . Id a$PRIIeagM3o f4!3 /ro& J) , 6-1 1 ;T V~`lcq (ssaappg) a 9z (palutad oum) 5 a/ V aml 0!s -0 orp `Sq pautuagnS `,flaaaoutS •laaals pnluapisaa mo uenop oWual tupiounuoo gsnd of lou noC a8m I •laa4S saucy puu anuany,,8£3o aauaoo oql pa Xlgt3g3 gSnoa p-anup L and ltuuad asn lutoads oql jo 2wjuoB aql lsuteBe aloe pae saaaouoo ,Cui aapisaoo asgald •6leog UMO s,,iluoglny pue ,~ltZ) agldo Suu Sutgstlduiooou jo cogs IIuj plnonn I1dS si pjo Ieeoaddu aq•I, •afeun sigl gjim luolslsuoo lou st gfnoagl-anup y •aaloeaego Sutisixo oql gjyA a!sop pue aluos ut luauzdolanapaa puu luomdolanap aql a2emooua puu `sossoutsnq Sutlslxa;o luauzoougqua puu uotlualaa o2umoouo `sl3gluo3 jelnotgan puu uslalsapad ammunu `6lajes aelnotgan puu ueulsopod aeoadug `«laaalS u!RW,, s,AITD oql se anuany ,s8£3o 41luopt aql uaglSuags of Maas ,fags lugl («uuid) ueld luauxdolaeapag aopuaoD anuany q,8£ aq l ut pue S tlaaui otlgnd ut powns aneq Auoglny aql puu Alto siq i 'f1dS s,qj igyA fp-mdoaf ut st poogaogg8tau mo;o aaloumego aq j, •ajtl jo Xltlunb pug ,ilajes luapisaa gSjOMjno saniloui lt;oad legl saleotput Xluoglny oql jo gogoaddu,,umq pue gsels„ aqs, •1saaalut £ a9sd £OOZ `LZ aaquualdaS 9'010-arDS 'ON MD .i uoq lsaloid liuuad osfl ptoadS WIS!AlQ Swuueld a5prd luagm 30 '14?D City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38s' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38* Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38s' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, 5s~ GeV~e. ~~r-5 (name printed) (address) W~,tAA LIVQ . C, al/2, City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Pennit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 3e Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 3e Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38s' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial tragic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, l L J (name printed) (address) W~-tfi,4 L C2, C ?01/1- ,City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use. Pennit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 3e Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38& Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, /(~fi/" O-w-e-3 (name printed) (address) 4,4-4 LI D I'll 9 2003 September 27, 2003 via us Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38s' Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of the various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 380' Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing. traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 30' Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38`h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38" Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38"' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38d Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38s' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, s nature r asAi.r UL 1 L) G~ J+P_ r) 0 C-,a p (name printed) .3 ~O 1 ~ r, ~ arm 37c9/ S I J h$~ 2 i (address) J E S E P 2 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38`s Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge. Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38' Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-tbrough customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing. traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a. greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38s' Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38a' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 380' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38"' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38"' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38" Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature ow~i~l e/ - I/ L-1)ur e.p>✓ (name printed) ~f (address) ECENED SEP 2 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via USMaii City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29ei Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38w Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge. Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38s' Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38'x' Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38`h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38t1 Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 380i Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 380i Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 380, Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature (%Pi7~Ltfo IVIQ}/L°oi ~A (name printed) ~T LIP 1 61 (address) V e~ ncD RECEPYE SEA' 2 9 2003 September 27, 20,03 - - - Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38`1, Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge. Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38t1, Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing. traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a. greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 3 8g' Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-tbrough facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 386' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 386i Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38t Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38th Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38th Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, ` signature ~ (name printed) (addr ss) ~2 -2-- REC~HVE September 27, 2003 SEP 2 9 2003 EVia US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38th Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38th Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a bazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38th Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38th Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38a' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority. did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38'' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38"' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38"' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, ulstnitted b signstn U (name printed) :SEP EC EN DD 2 9 2003 September 27, 2003 via us Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29m Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38th Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38`h Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing. traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a. greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38a` Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38a' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38'h Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority.did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and bum" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38"' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38"' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38a' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, a signature /61u. k P. l_'t J (name printed) 3506 Antes t cc ~(addr s) CO V~2u 5EP 2 9 2003 September 27, 2003 1 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38th Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of-the various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38th Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a. greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38th Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-tbrough facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38a' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38`s Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority. did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and bum" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38m Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38"' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38"` Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signatur (name Ifrinted) ` (address) ~t~RG2 C4 3 W . Iooia RECEN DD SEP 2 9 2003 September 27, 20.03 Hit USMai1 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29'b Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38m Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 381s Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing. traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have. their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38th Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38`h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38'b Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority') was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and bum" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38"' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38'" Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38"` Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, :Z& S ~,2 signature (name printed) S" l Z G~ vn e s 5• (addre,ss) W Gteor~ .e_ CO ~o a~ z ECE SEP 2 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29m Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38th Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of the various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38' Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 380' Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38a' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38d' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 380i Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 380 Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38 h Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature ( e printed) (address) l A~ cE 1~ RECENE S r P 2 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US MaH City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 296 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a 'drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 386 Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 386 Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing. traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a. greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 386 Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38"' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38m Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and bum" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38`h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38"' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38`h Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, o' sig ture Sara O /15 (name printed) ,3-762 Ca~oe? 5r ~zez R CEOME September 27, 2003 S EP 2 9 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29d' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission. I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38's Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of the various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38`s Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing. traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38a` Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38 h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38"' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38"' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38s' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38"' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature T (name printed) ~ 3~ 9~n~1~5 S (address) (rid - go 21~ September 27, 2003 I 5 E P `e' 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38a Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge.Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38`s Avenue and Ames Street will have d detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have. their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38"' Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38a' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority') was improperly determined. The Authority. did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and bum" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38t Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan (`Tian") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38t Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38th Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature PnP LL)P~1 (name printed) 3ID36~~_s S~ (ad ess) n I HIEC E ML September 27, 2003 S EP ? 9 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29'h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 386A venue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38s` Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing. traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a. greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38ei Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority. did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38 h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38t Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the comer of 38th Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature (name printed) (address) September 27, 2003 1 5 c, 3 S ZGQj Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38th Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38th Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing. traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38`h Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38o' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38"' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38" Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38ei Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38'b Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature V- (name printed) `l ~ vas S 1 RECEN D September 27, 2003 S E P 9 9 2003 Va US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 388' Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of the various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38th Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing. traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38th Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38a' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38 h Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority.did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38th Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38th Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38th Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, Al~, 1 "I0 S signature (name printed) 3a go IZL4 s S-~, (address) h~a h 1C~~i P n ~0, R CEWEDD September 27, 2003 S E P 9 9 2003 Via US Maid City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38th Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38`h Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 3 8`s Avenue. City of wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38`h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plana The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38a Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38"' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38"' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38"' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, ~Q_.A -L 1 a signature OP 01:t IA "---p LL- D F111 (name printed) 35 z© r3cnl-nn t). (address) [ A eCdIe:t id CO. 45G212 H EO-EN D September 27, 2003 SEP 7 9 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 296 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPIT') to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 386' Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38`h Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing. traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a. greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38'" Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38`h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another.. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38'h Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38a' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38a' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38"' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature V v 1 I Ik re 2dl (name printed) RECENED SEP 7 9 2093 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38s' Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38th Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a. greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38"' Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-tbrough facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38 h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38a' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38 b Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 380 Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 380i Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, L a, signature (name printed) (add es ) tn.~iAe r2a D. REC EWED SFP 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29'h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPIT) to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38d' Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge. Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of the various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 381, Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38t' Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38a' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38a' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Push...g ^w^mmerClai u7ui3C onto h residential street with a iarge number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38"' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 386 Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38'b Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, c C~3 v signature (name printed) 3 6 OD 6~7~ 1-i./v (address) RECEWED SEP ? 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via us Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38th Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge.Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of the various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 381' Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-tbrough and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 3 8th Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38`h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 386' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base, of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 380' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38d' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38d' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature z//UPA sd~ 1115 Gc'e (name printed) (address) H7CE ME DD September 27, 2003 . 2003 V a US Maid City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38s' Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of the various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38s' Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing. traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38a` Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-tbrough facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38th Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38'" Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 3861 Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38th Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 386' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature (name printed) 7n g (address) D,mtq REC EKED' S 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Via US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38th Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of-the various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38t' Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing, traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 38th Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38`h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan (`Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38`h Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing'commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally; the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38'x' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38I' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38a' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Since 1 , ubmitted by, ~~g W riabare ~t~GGtivtv~~ (nank printed) -~?Caq nila a 6 dad7 _<t) ~ `Z RECEWED SEP 9 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Va US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn: Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 38th Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one ofthe various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38`s Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing. traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 386' Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38u' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38fl' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38`h Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38a' Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38'" Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, sigriat re (name printed) (address) 1 ~P off" {r i d Gi e ~~o RECL N D SEP 7 9 2003 September 27, 2003 Va US Mail City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Attn. Travis Crane 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP-03-05 Dear Commission: I am writing to protest the issuance of a Special Use Permit ("SPU") to allow a drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens at 380i Avenue and Ames Street. The granting of SPU's is governed by Wheat Ridge Municipal Code Sec. 26-114, amended and approved. The Planning Commission must find that the above reference case is not in compliance with Section 26-114 for any one of the various deficiencies. The issuance of a SPU allowing a drive-through facility at the intersection of 38 h Avenue and Ames Street will have a detrimental effect upon the general health of nearby residents due to the fact that up to eight cars at a time may be idling in the drive-through and emitting fumes. The result will be the creation of additional air, light, and noise pollution. It will also be detrimental to the welfare and safety of residents on Ames Street due to the fact that the current design encourages the drive-through customers, loading trucks and trash disposal vehicles to use Ames Street to enter and exit Walgreens. This will increase traffic on our street and be a hazard to any pedestrian traffic. Our street has already has blind spots for drivers and we have nearly 30 children as permanent residents, with many more who visit and play at relatives' and friends' houses who are permanent residents on a regular basis. Increasing traffic on this street only exacerbates existing traffic problems, increasing the chance of a catastrophic accident resulting in major injury of loss of life. Our children, seniors and physically disabled residents are precious to ALL of us who live in the area. We are unwilling to assume a greater risk of losing ANY of them for the mere prospect of few additional tax dollars for the city. Their lives are worth far more than that. All residents on Ames Street would have their convenience undermined with the development of a drive-through facility by the fact that they would have to compete with drive-through traffic to exit their driveways and to exit Ames Street onto 380i Avenue. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, our neighbors on Sheridan Boulevard would have increased problems exiting their residence. The fact that the proposed Walgreens is proposed as a 24 hour facility would yield car lights 24 hours a day will be an inconvenience in the evening, night and early morning. The noise from these cars will also be an inconvenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet another concern is the old sewer line that the proposed Walgreens would use. Several houses already deal with regular sewer back-ups not attributable to existing trees in their yards. I strongly feel that the development of a Walgreens drive-through facility would add to an already congested intersection, pushing additional traffic directly onto Ames Street. That would create traffic hazards to the elderly and handicapped people as well as the numerous children on Ames Street The original 38fl' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") clearly indicated a priority of pedestrian friendly redevelopment. A drive-through facility is NOT pedestrian friendly and contradicts the goal of the Plan. The proposed Walgreens drive- through will merely push existing traffic congestion from one area to another. Customers of Walgreens like drive-through facilities because of convenience, it saves them time. This desire for convenience will push customers who want to save time and avoid the perpetual traffic jam at 38`h Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to use Ames Street as a shortcut. Pushing commercial traffic onto a residential street with a large number of children, senior and physically disabled residents creates a unfair burden to the residents of Ames Street. We as residents should not be expected to subsidize this development by decreasing our safety and quality of life. Finally, the determination of blight by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority ("Authority") was improperly determined. The Authority did not adhere to the regulations set forth by the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. The only purpose of the determination of blight is a financial reason that undermines the contributions of the existing businesses, that have been in operation and contributing to the tax base of the City of Wheat Ridge for decades. The Authority has been given unprecedented and unwarranted power to determine blight. The lack of input of affected residents and businesses both on the Authority board and in the planning process does not show good faith and unduly favors corporate City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Special Use Permit Protest Letter Case No. SUP-03-05 September 27, 2003 Page 3 interest. The "slash and burn" approach of the Authority indicates that profit motives outweigh resident safety and quality of life. The Character of our neighborhood is in jeopardy with this SPU. This City and the Authority have stated in public meetings and in The 38a' Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") that they seek to strengthen the identity of 38th Avenue as the City's "Main Street", improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, encourage retention and enhancement of existing businesses, and encourage the development and redevelopment in scale and design with the existing character. A drive-through is not consistent with this image. The approval of this SPU would fall short of accomplishing any of the City and Authority's own goals. Please consider my concerns and vote against the granting of the special use permit for a drive-through facility at the corner of 38"' Avenue and Ames Street. I urge you not to push commercial traffic down our residential street. Sincerely, Submitted by, signature (name printed) ~A 14 1-7 6~~