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l R. C3y of Wheats Department of Public Works November 12, 2003 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2868 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Mr. Thomas P. Ryan, RE Futura Engineering Inc. 12741 E. Caley Avenue, Suite 126 Englewood, CO 80111 303.649.9292 Re: - Review Comments of Final Drainage Study and Final Development Plan for the Zephyr Medical Commons Phase 4, Amendment #1 Development received on October 10, 2003, and the revised Grading & Erosion Control and Drainage Plans received on November 7, 2003. Dear Mr. Ryan, This letter is to inform you that the Final Drainage Report/Plan, the Grading & Erosion Control Plan, and Final Development Plan for the above referenced project have been reviewed and approved for construction. Please be aware of the following items regarding the construction of the project: 1. Erosion control for the project shall be placed in conformance with the approved drainage/erosion control plan and shall be maintained as needed during the course of construction. 2. All drainage improvements shall be constructed in conformance with the approved drainage report and plan. Upon completion of the drainage improvements the Engineer-of-Record, Mr. Thomas P. Ryan, P.E., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a Drainage Certification Letter stating that the grading has been completed and conforms to the approved Grading and Erosion Control Plan, that the drainage shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report and Plan, and the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm their construction is in accordance with these documents. The certification letter shall be written and stamped by the engineer who prepared the Drainage Report, and shall be submitted for review and approval by the City prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. 4. It will be the responsibility of the of the contractor for the project to repair any damage to the existing public improvements on 380' Avenue as a result of related construction traffic in the area. Also, the contractor will be responsible for maintaining 38th Avenue on a regular basis such that they are free of construction debris and tracking from construction traffic accessing the site. 5. It will be the responsibility of the developer/owner, to provide the necessary testing, as applicable for the scope of this project, for subgrade compaction and other related material tests for those improvements to be constructed within public Right-of-Way. (SEE ATTACHED MATERIAL SAMPLING & TESTING REQUIREMENTS) 6. Prior to any construction within public Right-of-Way, the necessary Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. A detailed description of the work to be completed within the Right-of-Way and a Traffic Control Plan shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of the ROW Construction Permit(s). If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2$64. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Bill Weyman, Field Services Supervisor Alan White, Community and Development Director Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Darin Morgan, Code Administrator File (3) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MATERIALS AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION Materials sampling and testing for public improvements shall be performed by an independent materials testing company at the expense of the developer, and/or utility district. Unless otherwise designated, all referenced specifications, standards or policies shall be the latest edition as revised or updated by approved supplements published and issued prior to the date of the building permit. REQUIREMENTS All materials sampling and testing shall be performed by certified, experienced and qualified materials testing technicians who work under the supervision of a registered professional engineer in the State of Colorado. All materials sampling and testing equipment shall be serviceable and calibrated. Soil classifications and moisture-density curves shall be provided to the Department of Public Works inspector prior to in-place density testing. Materials testing technicians shall furnish copies of failed test results to the inspector as promptly as the results become available. On a weekly basis when testing is being performed, the developer shall furnish the inspector with copies of all test results taken during the prior week and a cover letter, signed by the supervising registered professional engineer, which summarizes the results and discusses any failed tests or inconsistencies. The City materials testing requirements are provided in Table 720-1. All testing procedures of verification and central lab requirements shall be as specified in the Frequency Guide Schedule of the Colorado Department of Transportation Field Materials Manual. One test is required for any fraction of the specified frequency. The reference to Section 203.07 in the table is from the Colorado Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Table 720-1 City of Wheat Ridge Materials Testing Requirements Type of Test Frequency Remarks Soil Survey (Classification), 1 per 1000 feet of roadway, Surveys for roadway, sidewalk AASHTO M145 Sidewalk or pipe trench and trench may be combined Moisture-Density Curve, 1 per on-site soil type AASHTO method determined AASHTO T99 or T180 1 per import material source By soil or materials type Embankment in-place density, 1 per 300 feet per lane per 8 Minimum density per soil Colorado Procedures inch loose lift classification, Section 203.07 Roadway subgrade in-place 1 per 300 feet per lane Minimum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures Classification, Section 203.07 Sidewalk subgrade in-place 1 per 300 feet of sidewalk Minimum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures Classification, Section 203.07 Pipe trench in-place density, 1 per 200 feet of trench per 2 Minimum density per soil Colorado Procedures foot vertical interval Classification, Section 203.07 Aggregate base course in-place 1 per 300 feet per lane Minimum 95% of maximum density, Colorado Procedures Density, T180 Lime treated subgrade in place 1 per 300 feet per lane No less than 95% of std. dry density, Colorado Procedures density and opt. moisture, T99 Cement treated base in place 1 per 300 feet per lane Density in accordance with density, Colorado Procedures contract documents, T134 Hot Bituminous Pavement 1 per each HBP grade and Within specifications of asphalt content and gradation Marshall blow specified Approved mix design Hot Bituminous Pavement in 1 per 100 cubic yards 92-96% of max. density except place density, Colo. Procedures Grade F to be 90-95%, T209 Concrete compressive strength 1 per 100 cubic yards PCC pavement, structural AASHTO Procedures Concrete, sidewalks and curbing Concrete air content and slump 1 per 50 cubic yards PCC pavement, structural AASHTO Procedures Concrete, sidewalks and curbing The City of 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Rdge Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/ 235-2846 Fax: 3031235-2857 October 13, 2003 Jon Tucker Boulder Associates 4747 Table Mesa Dr. Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80305 RE: Second round of comments for Zephyr Medical Commons FDP Admin. Amendment Dear Mr. Tucker: This letter is in regard to your submitted application for an administrative amendment to the Zephyr Medical Commons Planned Commercial Development. The resubmit al has been reviewed an following is a list of comments or minor corrections. d the Community Development DepartmPnt• Site Plan: _e 1. Street trees are permitted within the sight triangle; provided that the area between thirty-six inches and eight-four inches is maintained free and clear of obstruction. 2. The detail for the proposed monument sign scales out to 40 inches. The maximum height of the sign cannot exceed 36 inches due to its location inside the sight distance triangle. Due to the fact that this is an amendment to an FDP, the details on the plans must exactly represent what is to be placed on the site. 3. The detail for the dumpster enclosure scales out to 8 feet in height for the enclosure wall. Wails are not permitted above the height of 6 feet without a variance. 4. Please fill in the Case History box with the following cases: WZ-75-9, WZ-84-31, WZ-03-07. Landscape Plan (Page 3)• 1. Please label the Saskatoon Serviceberry trees on the landscape plan It may be possible to make the above corrections and submit one paper copy of each page for review before by staff before mylar copies are made. I don't feel that a third round of review comments is necessary. Once we receive the paper copies we will review them for any typos or misspellings, and then proceed to mylar copies for signatures and recording with Jefferson County. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these documents by revising the drawings accordingly. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact meat 303-235- 2845. M SincereI Z& zr"~/ Michael Pesicka Planner, Community Development Fax Transco*1 t 7500 West 29th Avenue • Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 1-y of he-, Rid;,, Planning: (303) 235-2846 Building: (303) 235-2855 Engineering: (303) 235-2861 FAX: (303) 235-2857 Web Site: www.ci.wheatridge.co.us DATE 0 3 Name: Organization: Fax: Phone: From: Division: Subject: # of Pages: (Inclu Original to follow in the mail ❑ Yes ❑ No ~l 303- X199-7767 Planning V Building ❑ Engineering ❑ COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE State of Colorado ) )SS County of Jefferson ) 1` I hereby certify that this plan was filed in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County at Golden, Colorado, at O'Clock_. M. on the _ day of A.D., in Book, Page , Reception No. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER By: Den~ty Approved this _ day of _ Z7 ~P' ATTEST City Clerk by the Mayor G~ I) COs Ge ~PT) SEP 10 2003 16:45 FR BOULDER ASSOCIATES 303 499 7767 TO 13032352857#0938 P.02i03 ld w h Y lie s h d ~H $ hh a 3 Jill d® 3$ a U z N R7 Ew a ~ A w ` U O M N ~ N ` W Q od O M SEP 10 2003 16:45 FR BOULDER ASSOCIATES 0 k ° ~X o~ Z W 0 z IU Q rr H d g~ 3 zm tit OzM NIS dH l)Z F p nil 01 -21 ~R QJ~1}yy]9 Y~ f KY NIL~u~L~ d e W ~o k W K20 RM TOTAL PRGE.03 303 499 7767 TO 13032352857#0938 P.03/03 SEP 10 2003 16:45 FR BOULDER RSSOCIRTES 303 499 7767 TO BOULDER ASSOCIATES, INC. ArcbiteClHre + Interior Design Robert G. Oweas III, AIA Craig D. Mulford, AIA P. 01/03 Nicholas j. Rehaberg, AIA TimothyC Boers, AIA FAX MEMO To. Michael Pesicka Fax Number: (303) 235-2857 No. of Pages Including Memo: 03 From: Stephen Laico Boulder Associates Re: Clear Creek ASC September 10, 2003 Mike, Would this sheet setup be acceptable for the Certificate signature boxes? The Vicinity Map can be found on the civil drawing and the Development and Character of Development are located right next to the signature boxes. Stephen Laico Boulder Associates 303.499.7795 p 303.499.7767 f 4747 Table Mesa Drive Suite 202 Boulder, Colorado 60305 Telephone 303.499.7795 Facsimile 303.499.7767 www.boulder2ssodates.com j Xce1 Energys~ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY August 25, 2003 CITY OF WHEATRIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEATRIDGE, CO 80003 Siting and Land Rights 550 15th Street, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80202-4256 Telephone: 3 03.5 71.7799 An, ' 000 Re: Clear Creek MOB - Zephyr Medical (Michael Pesicka) Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has reviewed the plans for Clear 3*&At-MOB - Zephyr Medical. To ensure that adequate utility easements are available within this development, PSCo requests that the following language or plat note, be placed on the preliminary and final plats for the subdivision: Ten-foot (107 wide utility easements are hereby granted on private property adjacent to all public streets, and around the perimeter of each lot in the subdivision or platted area including lots, tracts, parcels and/or open space areas. These easements are dedicated for the installation, maintenance, and replacement of electric, gas, television cable, and telecommunications facilities. Utilities shall also be permitted within any access easements and private streets in the subdivision. Permanent structures and water meters shall not be permitted within said utility easements. PSCo also requests that these utility easements be depicted graphically on the preliminary and final plats. While these easements should accommodate the majority of utilities to be installed in the subdivision, some additional easements may be required as planning and building progresses. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center, at 1-800-922-1987, to have all utilities located prior to construction. If PSCo has existing gas or electric distribution facilities in this area, the developer should contact PSCo's Engineering Department at (303) 425-3867 regarding the use or relocation of these facilities and/or any grading activities on or near these lines. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at 303- 571-7735. Than You, Kath n Bauer Contract Right-of-Way Processor. NMDCommind TO: File MEMORANDUM FROM: David Menter, Traffic Planner, Public Works Department DATE: August 18, 2003 SUBJECT: Development Review Comments for Streetscape Improvements in R.O.W. Zephyr Medical Commons Phase 4 (#7821-23 W. 38"' Ave.) Because of the following, only one pedestrian lamp will be required of the property owner per Streetscape Manual design guidelines. Planning Dept. staff will inform the property owner of this requirement. a. Existing attached sidewalk is in place along 38th Ave. at this Property. b. The property frontage is short, 70'. c. No existing detailed streetscape design yet exists for this section of 38th Ave. Pedestrian lamp details: Style: Victorian "acorn" style (same as used and installed by Xcel Energy on Harlan St. betty 38`h & 44th) Color: Black pole General: Shape, color, texture, size, globe shall be similar to those installed by Xcel Engery. (Contact Xcel Energy for possible suppliers of this type of lamp: Jim Corbet 303-425-3864 or Jim Steck 303-425-3889). Placement. On owner's side of existing attached sidewalk. a City of Wheat Ridge Department of Public Works August 19, 2003 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2868 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Mr. Thomas P. Ryan, RE Futura Engineering Inc. 12741 E. Caley Avenue, Suite 126 Englewood, CO 80111 303.649.9292 Re: - First Review Comments of Final Drainage Study, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, and Final Development Plan. Dear Mr. Ryan, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents for the Zephyr Medical Commons Phase 4, Amendment 41 Development received on August 6, 2003, and have the following comments: Drainage Report (Discussion) 1. Final Drainage Report is approvable. 2. Please provide P.E. seal and signature on the final approved report. Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. Please provide P.E. seal and signature on the final approved report. Drainage Plan 1. Please include the 3 cross-sections as indicated on the redlined Plan. 2. Please provide P.E. seal and signature on the final approved report. Please provide 2 signed and stamped sets of the Final Drainage Report and Plan with the next submittal. Grading & Erosion Control Plan 1. Change the title to read, "Zephyr Medical Commons Phase 4, Amendment #1". Remove Final Development Plan from under the title. 2. Vehicle tracking detail and the plan view need to match. 3. The silt fence along the easterly property boundary needs to be extended to the south as indicated on the redlined plan. 4. Need to have erosion control employed around the parking area on the westerly side that is proposed to be re-graded. 5. Inlet protection is to be used around any nearby inlets (see redlined plan). Include a detail for the inlet protection to be utilized. 6. Rotate the north arrow 180°. 7. Please provide P.E. seal and signature on next submittal. Final Development Plan 1. Please include existing and proposed contours on Site Plan (Sheet 1). The Public Works Department requires 2 signed and stamped copies of the Grading & Erosion Control Plan and Final Development Plan. Please provide these with the next submittal. Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with the fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. This Permit is generally issued at the time of the Building Permit. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction within the public Right-of-Way, the necessary Right-of-Way construction permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. Please return all redlined prints with the second submittal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Dave Menter, Traffic Planner Michael Pesicka, Planner File(3) Zephyr Medical Phase 4 - reviewl.hr RUG-11-2003 10:43 West 290' Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303-235.2846 DATE: August 6, 2003 P.01 4- The The City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for an Administrative Amendment to a Final Development Plan at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments you may have regarding this proposal would be appreciated by August 27, 2003. No response from you by this date will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding thisiproposal. CASE NO.: WZ-03-07/Clear Creek MOB (Zephyr Medical) LOCATION: 7821-7823 W. 3e Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Administrative Amendment to a Final Development Plan. PURPOSE: Construct a 1-story, 14,720 square foot medicalloffice building. The original FDP called for a 2-story medical/office building. APPROXIMATE AREA: 53,305 square feet (1.2 acres) Please describe your ability to service the property, while considering the following: • The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. v • The availability of service lines to the development. • Will any service lines need to be extended to accommodate development? • The adequacy of capacities to serve the development. r • Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations. • Specific easements that are needed for this proposal. • Any comments that would affect approval of this request by your agency. Please reply to: Michael Pesicka Completed by: 7*1 f/r(Q3 Community Development Department (Name, Agency/Department, Date) Fax: 303-235-2957 DISTRIB XX eter District (Wheat Ridge Water) JeffCo Commissioners XX en 9' at Rid XX AT&T Broadband XX Fire.Distrtct Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Regional Transportation District Jefferson County Planning Department XX Wheat Ridge Post Office XX Xcei Energy XX Wheat Ridge Police Department (APCO) XX Qwest Communications XX Wheat Ridge Public Works Colorado Department of Transportation Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Denver Regional Council of Governments XX Wheat Ridge Forestry Division JeffCo Health Department Wheat Ridge Building Division JeffCo Schools XX Wheat Ridge Economic Development "The Camadon City" TOTAL P.01 7500 West 291h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 303-235-2846 DATE: August 6, 2003 The Citv of ? The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for an Administrative Amendment to a Final Development Plan at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments you may have regarding this proposal would be appreciated by August 27, No response from you by this date will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO.: WZ-03-07/Clear Creek MOB (Zephyr Medical) LOCATION: 7821-7823 W. 38th Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Administrative Amendment to a Final Development Plan. PURPOSE: Construct a 1-story, 14,720 square foot medical/office building. The original FDP called for a 2-story medical/office building. APPROXIMATE AREA: 53,305 square feet (1.2 acres) Please describe your ability to service the property, while considering the following: • The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. • The availability of service lines to the development. • Will any service lines need to be extended to accommodate development? • The adequacy of capacities to serve the development. • Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations. • Specific easements that are needed for this proposal. • Any comments that would affect approval of this request by your agency. Please reply to: Michael Pesicka Completed Community Development Department (Name, Agency epartment, Date) Fax: 303-235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Wheat Ridge Water) JeffCo Commissioners XX Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) XX AT&T Broadband XX Fire District (Wheat Ridge) Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Regional Transportation District Jefferson County Planning Department XX Wheat Ridge Post Office XX Xcel Energy XX Wheat Ridge Police Department (APCO) XX Qwest Communications XX Wheat Ridge Public Works Colorado Department of Transportation Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Denver Regional Council of Governments XX Wheat Ridge Forestry Division JeffCo Health Department Wheat Ridge Building Division JeffCo Schools XX Wheat Ridge Economic Development `The Carnation City' RUG-11-2003 10:43 - P.01 v' ~ o 0 v m ~Otoana° 7500 West 290 Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 wheat Ridge 303-235-2846 DATE: August 6, 2003 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for an Administrative Amendment to a Final Development Flan at the properly described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments you may have regarding this proposal would be appreciated by August 27, 2003. No response from you by this date will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding thisiproposal. CASE NO.: WZ-03-07/Clear Creek MOB (Zephyr Medical) LOCATION: 7821-7823 W. 3e Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Administrative Amendment to a Final Development Plan. PURPOSE: Construct a 1-story, 14,720 square foot medical/office building. The original FDP called for a 2-story medicaUoffice building. APPROXIMATE AREA: 53,305 square feet (12 acres) Please describe your ability to service the property, while considering the following: • The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. • The availability of service lines to the development. • Will any service lines need to be extended to accommodate development? • The adequacy of capacities to serve the development. r • Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations- Specific easements that are needed for this proposal. , • Any comments that would affect approval of this request by your agency. P& Please reply to; Michael Pesicka Completed by: 1 d i ' c y Community Development Department (Name, Agency/Department, Date) 303 235 2857 Fax: - ^ DISTRIBI XX Vafar District (Wheat Ridge Water) JeffCO Commissioners XX +S at Rid XX AT&T Broadband XX Fire.District Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Regional Transportation District Jefferson County Planning Department XX Wheat Ridge Post Office XX Xcel Energy XX Wheat Ridge Police Department (APCO) XX Qwest Communications XX Wheat Ridge Public Works Colorado Department of Transportation Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Denver Regional Council of Governments XX Wheat Ridge Forestry Division JeffCo Health Department Wheat Ridge Building Division JeffCo Schools XX Wheat Ridge Economic Development "The Camation City' TOTAL P.01 7500 West 29`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303-235-2846 DATE: August 6, 2003 The City of U The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for an Administrative Amendment to a Final Development Plan at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments you may have regarding this proposal would be appreciated by August 27, 2003. No response from you by this date will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO.: WZ-03-07/Clear Creek MOB (Zephyr Medical) LOCATION: 7821-7823 W. 381h Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Administrative Amendment to a Final Development Plan. PURPOSE: Construct a 1-story, 14,720 square foot medical/office building. The original FDP called for a 2-story medical/office building. APPROXIMATE AREA: 53,305 square feet (1.2 acres) Please describe your ability to service the property, while considering the following: • The adequacy of public facilities or services provided by your agency to serve this development. • The availability of service lines to the development. • Will any service lines need to be extended to accommodate development? • The adequacy of capacities to serve the development. • Servicing of this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations. • Specific easements that are needed for this proposal. • Any comments that would affect approval of this request by your agency. Please reply to: Michael Pesicka Completed by: Community Development Department (Name, Agency/Department, Date) Fax: 303-235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Wheat Ridge Water) JeffCo Commissioners XX Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) XX AT&T Broadband XX Fire District (Wheat Ridge) Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Regional Transportation District Jefferson County Planning Department XX Wheat Ridge Post Office XX Xcel Energy XX Wheat Ridge Police Department (APCO) XX Qwest Communications XX Wheat Ridge Public Works Colorado Department of Transportation Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Denver Regional Council of Governments XX Wheat Ridge Forestry Division JeffCo Health Department Wheat Ridge Building Division JeffCo Schools XX Wheat Ridge Economic Development "The Carnation City" 1:- Li L L L I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMONS - PHASE 4 WEST 38TH AVENUE AND WADSWORTH BOULEVARD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO TERRACON PROJECT NO. 25035049 March 5, 2003 Prepared for., Surgical Physician Investors, LLC c/o Development Solutions Group, LLC 1055 Auraria Parkway, Suite 300 Denver, Colorado 80204 Attn: Mr. Andrew Shearer Prepared by: Terracon 10625 West 1-70 Frontage Road North, Suite 3 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Phone: 303.423-3300 Fax: 303-423-3353 lrerracon Fmm 101-1-87 March 5, 2003 Irerracon 10625 West 1-70 Frontage Road North, Suite 3 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 - Surgical Physician Investors, LLC (303) 423-3300 Fax: (303) 423-3353 c/o Development Solutions Group, LLC r 1055 Auraria Parkway, Suite 300 1 Denver. Colorado 80204 Attn: Mr. Andrew Shearer Re: Geotechnical Engineering Report Medical Office Building Zephyr Medical Commons - Phase 4 West 38th Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, Colorado Terracon Project No. 25035049 Terracon has completed geotechnical engineering exploration for the proposed medical office building to be located near the northwest corner of West 38th Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. This study,was performed in general accordance with our proposal number D25030017 dated January 7, 2003. The results of our engineering study, including the Boring Location Map, laboratory test results, Logs of Borings, and the geotechnical recommendations needed to aid in the design and construction of foundations and other earth connected phases of this project are attached. 11 The surface soils at the site consisted of fill and native soils primarily comprised of sands with varying amounts of clay, silt, and gravel. Claystone bedrock was encountered at depths of about 22 to 23-1/2 feet below existing site grade and extended down to the full depth of exploration. The information obtained by geologic survey and the results of field exploration and laboratory testing completed for this study indicate that the sand soils are non- to low expansive at their existing moisture contents. The caystone bedrock is considered to be low to moderately expansive. The soils at anticipated foundation bearing depth have low to moderate load bearing capability. Based on the properties of the soils at or near foundation bearing elevation, the proposed structure may be supported on a spread footing foundation system. Slab-on-grade for the floor system is considered acceptable for use, provided some potential movement of the floor slab can be tolerated. If little or no movement can be tolerated, consideration should be given to use of structural floor systems. Arizona A Arkansas ■ California ■ Colorado ■ Georgia ■ Idaho ■ Illinois O: Iowa ■ Kansas ■ Kentucky ■ Minnesota 0 Missouri Montana ■ Nebraska ■ Nevada ■ New Mexico ■ North Carolina ■ Oklahoma ■ Tennessee ■ Texas M Utah ■ Wisconsin ■ Wyoming Consulting Engineers & Scientists Since 1965 yr w.terracon.ccm. Zephyr Medical Commons Terracon Terracon Project No. 25035049 March 5, 2003 Other design and construction recommendations, based upon geotechnical conditions, are presented in the report. We appreciate being of service to you in the geotechnical engineering phase of this project, and are prepared to assist you during the construction phases as well. If you have any questions concerning this report or any of our testing, inspection, design and consulting services, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, TERRACON A& Michael E. Andersc Geotechnical Department Manager Jere A. Strickland, P.E. Associate Principal Copies to: Addressee (4) Zephyr Medical Commons Terracon Terracon Project No. 25035049 March 5, 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. C Letter of Transmittal . ii f INTRODUCTION ................................1 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 1 SITE EXPLORATION ................................2 Field Exploration Laboratory Testing ..................................2 SITE CONDITIONS ................................3 C SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ................................3 Geology 3 Soil and Bedrock Conditions ..................................4 Field and Laboratory Test Results ..................................4 Groundwater Conditions ..................................4 ENGINEERING ANALYSES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5 Geotechnical Considerations ..................................5 Foundation Systems ..................................6 C Lateral Earth Pressures ..................................7 Seismic Considerations ..................................7 Floor Slab Design and Construction ..............................:..7 Pavement Design and Construction ..................................8 Earthwork ................................12 [ General Considerations ................................12 Site Preparation ................................12 Subgrade Preparation ................................13 Fill Materials and Placement ................................13 I" Excavation and Trench Construction Additional Design and Construction Considerations ................................14 Exterior Slab Design and Construction ................................14 Underground Utility Systems ................................14 Corrosion Protection ................................15 Surface Drainage ................................15 GENERAL COMMENTS ..............................15 iv Zephyr Medical Commons Terracon Terracon Project No. 25035049 March. 5, 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Figure No. BORING LOCATION MAP ............................................................................................1 APPENDIX A: LOGS OF BORINGS APPENDIX B: LABORATORY TEST RESULTS APPENDIX C: GENERAL NOTES v GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMONS - PHASE 4 WEST 38T" AVENUE AND WADSWORTH BOULEVARD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO TERRACON PROJECT NO. 25035049 March 5, 2003 INTRODUCTION This report contains the results of our geotechnical engineering exploration for the proposed medical office building to be located near the northwest corner of West 38th Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The purpose of these services is to provide information and geotechnical engineering recommendations relative to: subsurface soil and bedrock conditions. groundwater conditions. foundation design and construction. lateral earth pressures. floor slab design and construction. pavement design and construction. earthwork. drainage. The recommendations contained in this report are based upon the results of field and laboratory testing, engineering analyses, and experience with similar soil conditions, structures and our understanding of the proposed project. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION As we understand, the project will consist of the development of an approximate 1-acre parcel. Development will include the construction of an approximate 17,000 square foot, one- to two-story, medical office building. The building will not incorporate basement construction. We assume that the structure will consist of steel-frame or toad-bearing masonry construction, supported on a reinforced concrete foundation. We anticipate that the maximum wall and column loads will be on the order of about 3 to 4 kips per lineal foot and 60 to 80 kips, respectively. We assume that finished floor elevation will be at or near existing site grade. 1 Zephyr Medical Commons Terracon Terracon Project No. 25035049 March 5, 2003 Site development will also consist of the construction of asphalt concrete and/or Portland cement concrete paved parking areas and drives, along with the installation of utilities. SITE EXPLORATION The scope of the services performed for this project included site reconnaissance by a field engineer, a subsurface exploration program, laboratory testing and engineering analysis. Field Exploration: A total of 4 test borings were drilled on February 14, 2003, to depths of about 5 and 25 feet below existing site grade at the approximate locations shown on the Boring Location Map, Figure 1. Two of the borings were drilled within the footprint of the proposed building and two borings (designated P1 and P2) were drilled in planned pavement areas. The borings were advanced with a truck-mounted drilling rig, utilizing 4- inch diameter, solid-stem auger. The borings were located in the field by pacing from property lines and/or existing site features. Elevations of the borings were obtained by measurement with a hand level from the temporary benchmark (TBM) indicated on the Boring Location Map. The accuracy of boring locations and elevations should only be assumed to the level implied by the methods used. Lithologic logs of each boring were recorded'by the field engineer during the drilling operations. At selected intervals, samples of the subsurface materials were taken by driving a ring-barrel sampler. Representative bulk samples were obtained from the pavement borings. Penetration resistance measurements were obtained by driving the ring-barrel sampler into the subsurface materials with a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The penetration resistance value is a useful index to the consistency, relative density or hardness of the materials encountered. Groundwater measurements were made in the deeper borings at the time of site exploration t and several days after drilling. Laboratory Testing: Samples retrieved during the field exploration were returned to the laboratory for observation by the project geotechnical engineer, and were classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System described in Appendix C. Samples of bedrock were classified in accordance with the general notes for Rock Classification. At that time, an applicable laboratory testing program was formulated to determine engineering properties of the subsurface materials. Upon completion of laboratory testing, the field 2 Zephyr Medical Commons Terracon_Project No. 25035049 March 5, 2003 Terracon descriptions were confirmed or modified as necessary and Logs of Borings were prepared and are presented in Appendix A. Laboratory test results are presented in Appendix B, and were used for the geotechnical engineering analyses, and the development of foundation and earthwork recommendations. All laboratory tests were performed in general accordance with the applicable ASTM, local or other accepted standards. Selected soil samples were tested for the following engineering properties: Water content • Sieve analysis Dry density • Plasticity Index Consolidation • Water soluble sulfates Expansion SITE CONDITIONS At the time of our field exploration, the site was a vacant parcel, which was bounded on the south by West 38"' Avenue, on the west by an asphalt concrete paved access road, and on the north and east by existing medical office buildings. Topographically, the site was relatively flat and sloped down to the north and northeast with an elevation differential of about 2 to 4 feet across the site. Site drainage was generally in the form of surface sheet flow generally directed to the north and northeast. The ground surface was smooth and moderately firm; and generally was covered with native grasses and trees and a gravel surface road provided access to the site off of West 38th Avenue. Evidence indicating the potential presence of underground utilities was observed within easements surrounding the site. It appeared that the site may have been previously developed. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Geology: Surficial geologic conditions at the site, as mapped by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) ('Lindvall, 1979), consist of the Eolian deposits of Holocene and Pleistocene Age. The eolian deposits are described as light brown fine-grained sand, sandy silt, and clay. These materials are commonly on the order of less than 10 feet in thickness, but in some places may be as thick as 30 feet. Bedrock underlying the surface units consists of the Denver and Arapahoe Formations of Paleocene and Upper Cretaceous Age. These formations have been reported to include 'Lindvall, Robert M., 1979, Geologic Map of the Arvada Quadrangle, Adams, Denver, and Jefferson, Counties, Colorado, United States Geological Survey, Map GQ-1453. 3 Zephyr Medical Commons Terracon Terracon Project No. 25035049 March 5, 2003 claystone, siltstone and sandstone, interbedded within lenticular beds of tuffaceous sandstone and pebble conglomerate. The finer-grained units within the formations contain montmorillonitic clays that produce high to very -high swelling pressures when moisture content is elevated. The thickness of these units has been reported on the order of 300 to 900 feet. t.: Mapping completed by the Colorado Geological Survey (ZHart, 1972), indicates the site is located in an area of "Windblown Sand or Silt". This material has been described as having low swell potential and may be subject to severe settlement or collapse when water is ' allowed to saturate the deposits. Bedrock with higher swell potential may be locally less than 10 feet below the ground surface. Due to the relatively flat nature of the site, geologic hazards at the site are anticipated to be low. Seismic activity in the area is anticipated to be low; and from a structural standpoint, the property should be relatively stable. With proper site grading around the proposed structure, erosional problems at the site should be reduced. Soil and Bedrock Conditions: As presented on the Logs of Borings, the surface soils at the site consisted of fill soils comprised of sands with varying amounts of clay, silt, and gravel, which extended down to depths ranging from about 3-1/2 to 5 feet below existing site grade. The native soils encountered beneath the fill and extending down to depths ranging from about 22 to 23-1/2 feet below existing site grade consisted of sand with varying amounts of clay, silt, and gravel. Claystone bedrock was encountered beneath the native soils and extended down to the full depth of exploration. Field and Laboratory Test Results: Field test results indicate that the sand fill soils are medium dense in relative density. The native sand soils varied from very loose to medium dense in relative density. The bedrock varied from weathered to medium hard in hardness. Laboratory test results indicate that the sand fill has a low expansive potential and exhibits low compression/settlement potential at existing moisture contents. The native sands are considered to be non- to low expansive. The claystone bedrock is considered to be low to moderately expansive. Water soluble sulfate testing indicated a negligible value. Groundwater Conditions: Groundwater was encountered at a depth of about 17 feet below existing site grade in the deeper borings at the time of field exploration. When checked several days after drilling, the borings had caved-in under wet conditions at depths 'Hart, Stephen S., 1972, Potentially Swelling Soil and Rock in the Front Range Urban Corridor, Colorado, Colorado Geological Survey, Sheet 2 of 4. - 4 Zephyr Medical Commons Terracon ( Terracon Project No. 25035049 March 5, 2003 of about 13 and 15 feet below existing site grade. Groundwater levels can be expected to fluctuate with varying seasonal and weather conditions. Based upon review of U.S. Geological Survey Maps, (3 Hillier, at al, 1983), regional groundwater beneath the project area is expected to be encountered in unconsolidated alluvial deposits on the site at depths ranging from 10 to 20 feet below present ground surface. Zones of perched and/or trapped groundwater may also occur at times in the subsurface soils overlying bedrock, on top of the bedrock surface or within permeable fractures in the bedrock materials. The possibility of groundwater fluctuations should be considered when developing design and construction plans for the project. ENGINEERING ANALYSES AND RECOMMENDATIONS Geotechnical Considerations: The site appears suitable for the proposed construction. However, approximately 3-1/2 to 5 feet of fill was encountered in the borings drilled at the site. We do not possess any information regarding whether the fill was placed under the observation of a geotechnical engineer. However, based upon the anticipated previous development and the adjacent existing developments, we assume that the fill was placed several years ago. Based upon the field penetration resistance values, in-situ dry densities, f and the laboratory consolidation test data, it is our opinion that the existing fill can be used l . for support of foundations, floor slabs-on-grade and pavements, without the need for removal and/or recompaction. However, the relative density of the existing fill must be [ verified prior to foundation, slab-on-grade and pavement construction to assess that similar 1 conditions exist across the site with those encountered in the borings. Based on the properties of the soils at or near foundation bearing elevation, the proposed structure may be supported on a spread footing foundation system. Slab-on-grade for the floor system is considered acceptable for use, provided some potential movement of the floor slab can be tolerated. If little or no movement can be tolerated, consideration should be given to use of structural floor systems. Design and construction recommendations for foundations systems and other earth connected phases of the project are outlined below. 'Hillier, Donald E.; Schneider, Paul A., Jr.; and Hutchinson, E. Carter, 1983, Depth to Water Table (1976-1977) in the Greater Denver Area, Front Range Urban Corridor, Colorado, United States Geological Survey, Map 1-856-K. 5 C: Zephyr Medical Commons Terracon Terracon Project No. 25035049 March 5, 2003 Foundation Systems: Due to the presence of non- to low expansive soils in the borings on the site, spread footing foundations bearing upon undisturbed subsoils, recompacted native soils, and/or engineered fill are recommended for support for the proposed structure. The footings may be designed for a maximum bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf). The design bearing pressure applies to dead loads plus design live load conditions. The design bearing pressure may be increased by one-third when considering total loads A' that include wind or seismic conditions. Exterior footings should be placed a minimum of 36 inches below finished grade for frost protection and to provide confinement for the bearing soils. Interior footings should bear a minimum of 12 inches below finished grade. Finished grade is the lowest adjacent grade for perimeter footings and floor level for interior footings. Footings should be proportioned to reduce differential foundation movement. Proportioning J, on the basis of equal total movement is recommended; however, proportioning to relative constant dead load pressure will also reduce differential movement between adjacent footings. Total movement resulting from the assumed structural loads is estimated to be on the order of 1 inch. Differential movement should be on the order of 1/2 to 314 of the estimated total movement. Additional foundation movements could occur if water from any source infiltrates the foundation soils; therefore, proper drainage should be provided in the final design and during construction. Areas of low density soils may be encountered at foundation bearing depth. When such conditions exist beneath planned footing areas, the subgrade soils should be removed to a minimum depth of 18 inches and a minimum of 18 inches horizontally beyond the edge of footings. The soils should be replaced as engineered fill, conditioned to near optimum moisture content and compacted. The use of crushed rock or gravel may be required if unstable conditions are encountered. Footings, foundations, and masonry walls should be reinforced as necessary to reduce the potential for distress caused by differential foundation movement. The use of joints at openings or other discontinuities in masonry walls is recommended. Foundation excavations should be observed by the geotechnical engineer. If the soil or fill conditions encountered differ significantly from those presented in this report, supplemental recommendations will be required. 6 1 Zephyr Medical Commons [ Terracon Project No. 25035049 March 5, 2003 Terracon Lateral Earth Pressures: For soils above any free water surface, recommended equivalent fluid pressures for unrestrained foundation elements are: • Active: Cohesionless soil backfill (on-site sands or imported soil) 35 psf/ft • Passive: Cohesionless soil backfill (on-site sands or imported fill) 350 psf/ft Coefficient of friction at base of footing .................................................................0.35 Where the design includes restrained elements, the following equivalent fluid pressures are recommended: • At rest: Cohesionless soil backfill (on-site sands or imported fill) 55 psf/ft The lateral earth pressures herein do not include any factor of safety and are not applicable for submerged soils/hydrostatic loading. Additional recommendations may be necessary if submerged conditions are to be included in the design. Fill against foundations should be compacted to densities specified in the "Earthwork" section of this report. Compaction of each lift adjacent to foundations should be accomplished with lightweight compaction equipment. Overcompaction may cause excessive lateral earth pressures, which could result in movement. Seismic Considerations: The project site is located in Seismic Risk Zone I of the Seismic Zone Map of the United States as indicated by the 1997 Uniform Building Code. Based upon the nature of the subsurface materials, Soil Profile Type "S." should be used for the design of structures for the proposed project (1997 Uniform Building Code, Table No. 16-J). Floor Slab Design and Construction: Based on the non- to low expansive soils encountered in the borings, the use of a slab-on-grade floor system is considered acceptable, provided some floor slab movement can be tolerated. Should the expansive E... subgrade soils become elevated in moisture content, differential slab movement on the order of 1 inch is possible. We recommend that as a minimum, the subgrade soils within the entire building footprint be scarified to a depth of 12 inches, moisture conditioned, and recompacted just prior to concrete placement. Recommended moisture treatment and compaction criteria are presented in the "Earthwork" section of this report. If little or no movement can be tolerated, the use of structural floor systems, structurally supported independent of the subgrade soils or deeper moisture conditioning or replacement of the soils, should be considered. 7 Zephyr Medical Commons Terracon l Terracon Project No. 25035049 March 5, 2003 For structural design of concrete slabs-on-grade, a modulus of subgrade reaction of 150 pounds per cubic inch (pci) may be used for floors supported on existing or compacted soils at the site. A modulus of 200 pci may be used for floors supported on non-expansive, granular, imported fill meeting the specifications outlined in the "Earthwork" section of this (f report. t Additional floor slab design and construction recommendations are as follows: • Positive separations and/or isolation joints should be provided between slabs and all foundations, columns or utility lines to allow independent movement. • Control joints should be provided in slabs to control the location and extent of cracking as recommended by the American Concrete Institute (ACI). • A minimum 11/2-inch void space should be constructed above, or below non-bearing partition walls placed on the floor slab. Special framing details should be provided at doorjambs and frames within partition walls to avoid potential distortion. Partition walls should be isolated from suspended ceilings. • Interior trench backfill placed beneath slabs should be compacted in accordance with recommended specifications outlined below. • If moisture sensitive floor coverings are used on interior slabs, consideration should be given to the use of barriers to minimize potential vapor rise through the slab. • Floor slabs should not be constructed on frozen subgrade. • Other design and construction considerations, as outlined in Section 302AR of the ACI Design Manual, are recommended. Pavement Design and Construction: Design of pavements for the project have been based on the procedures outlined in the 1993 Guideline for Design of Pavement Structures by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Areas within proposed pavements on the site will be divided into two categories based upon anticipated traffic and usage. Traffic criteria assumed for pavement thickness designs include single 18-kip equivalent single-axle loads (ESAL's) of 36,500 for automobile parking, and 109,500 for driveways/light truck access. Based upon AASHTO criteria, Colorado is located within Climatic Region VI of the Unite States. This region is characterized as being dry, with hard ground freeze and spring thaw. 8 L t Zephyr Medical Commons Terracon l Terracon Project No. 25035049 March 5, 2003 The spring thaw condition typically results in saturated or near-saturated subgrade soil moisture conditions. The AASHTO criteria suggest that these moisture conditions are prevalent for approximately 12-Y2 percent of the annual moisture variation cycle. Local drainage characteristics of proposed pavement areas are considered to vary from fair to good depending upon location on the site. For purposes of this design analysis, fair drainage characteristics are considered to control the design. These characteristics, coupled with the approximate duration of saturated subgrade conditions, result in a design drainage coefficient of 1.0 when applying the AASHTO criteria for design. For flexible pavement design, a terminal serviceability index of 2.0 was utilized along with an inherent reliability of 80 percent and a design life of 20 years. Using the correlated design R-value, appropriate ESAL, environmental criteria and other factors, the structural numbers (SN) of the pavement sections were determined on the basis of the 1993 AASHTO design equation. In addition to the flexible pavement design analyses, a rigid pavement design analysis was completed, based upon AASHTO design procedures. Rigid pavement design is based on an evaluation of the Modulus of Subgrade Reaction of the soils (K-value), the Modulus of Rupture of the concrete, and other factors previously outlined. The design K-value of 150 for the subgrade soil was determined by correlation to the laboratory tests results. A modulus of rupture of 600 psi (working stress 450 psi) was used for pavement concrete. The rigid pavement thickness for each traffic category was determined on the basis of the AASHTO design equation. Recommended alternatives for flexible and rigid pavements, summarized for each traffic area, are as follows: Recommended Pavement Thickness (inches) Traffic Area Alternative Asphalt Aggregate Portland Concrete Base Course Cement Total Surface Concrete A 5 5 Automobile B 3 7 10 Parking C 5 5 Main Traffic A 9 6 6 Corridors B 3-1/2 8.1/2 12 and Truck 5-1/2 5-1/2 Access C I 9 Zephyr Medical Commons Terracon f Terracon Project No. 25035049 March 5, 2003 Each alternative should be investigated with respect to current material availability and economic conditions. Rigid concrete pavement, a minimum of 6 inches in thickness, is recommended at the location of dumpsters and loading docks. Aggregate base course (if used on the site) should consist of a blend of sand and gravel, which meets strict specifications for quality and gradation. Use of materials meeting Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Class 5 or 6 specifications is recommended for base course. Aggregate base course should be placed in lifts not exceeding 6 inches and should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent standard Proctor density (ASTM D698). Asphalt concrete should be composed of a mixture of aggregate, filler and additives, if required, and approved bituminous material. The asphalt concrete should conform to approved mix designs stating the Hveem properties, optimum asphalt content, job mix formula and recommended mixing and placing temperatures. Aggregate used in asphalt concrete should meet particular gradations. Material meeting CDOT Grading S or SX specifications is recommended for asphalt concrete. Mix designs should be submitted prior to construction to verify their adequacy. Asphalt material should be placed in maximum 3- inch lifts and should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percentsHveem or Marshall density (ASTM D1560) (ASTM D1561). Where rigid pavements are used, the concrete should _be'obtained from an approved mix design with the following minimum properties: Modulus of Rupture @ 28 days Strength Requirements • Minimum Cement Content • Cement Type • Entrained Air Content.......... Concrete Aggregate Aggregate Size Maximum Water Content..... • Maximum Allowable Slump.. 600 psi minimum ...........................................ASTM C94 ...................................6.0 sacks/cu. yd. .....................................Type I Portland .................................................6 to 8% ASTM C33 and CDOT Section 703 1 inch maximum 0.49 lb/lb of cement .....................................4 inches Concrete should be deposited by truck mixers or agitators and placed a maximum of 90 minutes from the time the water is added to the mix. Other specifications outlined by CDOT or the City of Wheat Ridge should be followed. Longitudinal and transverse joints should be provided as needed in concrete pavements for expansion/contraction and isolation. All joints should be sealed to prevent entry of foreign material and dowelled where necessary for load transfer. 10 Zephyr Medical Commons Terracon Terracon Project No. 25035049 March 5, 2003 Future performance of pavements constructed on the clayey soils at this site will be dependent upon several factors, including: • maintaining stable moisture content of the subgrade soils. • providing for a planned program of preventative maintenance. Since the clayey soils on the site have shrink/swell characteristics, pavements could crack in the future primarily because of expansion of the soils when subjected to an increase in moisture content to the subgrade. The cracking, while not desirable, does not necessarily l constitute structural failure of the pavement. The performance of all pavements can be enhanced by minimizing excess moisture, which can reach the subgrade soils. The following recommendations should be considered at minimum: • site grading at a minimum 2 percent grade away from the pavements • compaction of any utility trenches for landscaped areas to the same criteria as the pavement subgrade • sealing all landscaped areas in, or adjacent to pavements to minimize or prevent moisture migration to subgrade soils • placing compacted backfill against the exterior side of curb and gutter • placing curb, gutter and/or sidewalk directly on subgrade soils without the use of base course materials Preventative maintenance should be planned and provided for through an ongoing pavement management program to enhance future pavement performance. Preventative maintenance activities are intended to slow the rate of pavement deterioration and to preserve the pavement investment. Preventative maintenance, which consists of both localized maintenance (e.g. crack sealing and patching) and global maintenance (e.g. surface sealing), is usually the first priority when implementing a planned pavement maintenance program and provides the highest return on investment for pavements. Recommended preventative maintenance policies for asphalt and jointed concrete pavements, based upon type and severity of distress, can be provided. Prior to implementing any maintenance, additional engineering observation is recommended to determine the type and extent of preventative maintenance. 11 Zephyr Medical Commons I• Terracon Project No. 25035049 t March 5, 2003 Earthwork: Terracon General Considerations: The following presents recommendations for site preparation, excavation, subgrade preparation and placement of engineered fills on the project. All earthwork on the project should be observed and. evaluated by Terracon. The evaluation of earthwork should include observation and testing of engineered fill, subgrade preparation, foundation bearing soils, and other geotechnical conditions exposed during the construction of the project. Site Preparation: Strip and remove any vegetation, debris, and other deleterious materials from proposed building and pavement areas. All exposed surfaces should be free of mounds and depressions, which could prevent uniform compaction. Stripped materials consisting of vegetation and organic materials (if applicable) should be wasted from the site, or used to revegetate landscaped areas or exposed slopes after completion of grading operations. Fill areas on the site should be initially graded to create a relatively level surface to C receive fill, and to provide for a relatively uniform thickness of fill beneath proposed building structure. All exposed areas which will receive fill, once properly cleared, should f_<[ be scarified to a minimum depth of 12 inches, conditioned to near optimum moisture content, and compacted. Although evidence of very loose fills or underground facilities such as septic tanks, cesspools, basements, and utilities was not observed during the site reconnaissance, such features could be encountered during construction, based upon the likelihood of a previous development, which may have occupied the site. If unexpected very loose fills or underground facilities are encountered, such features should be removed and the excavation thoroughly cleaned prior to backfill placement and/or construction. Such conditions are most likely to be encountered in areas of previous basement construction at the site. It is anticipated that excavations for the proposed construction can be accomplished with conventional earthmoving equipment. Based upon the subsurface conditions determined from the geotechnical exploration, subgrade soils exposed during construction are anticipated to be relatively stable. However, the stability of the subgrade may be affected by proximity to landscaped l areas, precipitation, repetitive construction traffic or other factors. If unstable conditions 12 Zephyr Medical Commons Terracon Project No. 25035049 March 5, 2003 Terracon develop, workability maybe improved by scarifying and drying. Overexcavation of wet zones and replacement with granular materials may be necessary. Use of lime, fly ash, kiln dust, cement or geotextiles could also be considered as a stabilization technique. Laboratory evaluation is recommended to determine the effect of chemical stabilization on subgrade soils prior to construction. Lightweight excavation equipment may be required to reduce subgrade pumping. The individual contractor(s) is responsible for „designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. All excavations should be sloped or shored in the interest of safety following local and federal regulations, including current OSHA excavation and trench safety standards. Subgrade Preparation: Subgrade soils beneath interior and exterior slabs, and beneath pavements should be scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted to a minimum depth of 12 inches. The moisture content and compaction of subgrade soils should be maintained until slab or pavement construction. Fill Materials and Placement: Clean on-site soils or approved imported materials may be used as fill material. Imported soils (if required) should conform to the following: Percent finer by weight Gradation (ASTM C136) 6" .................:...................................................................................................100 3.................................................................................................................. 70-100 No. 4 Sieve .................................................................................................50-100 No. 200 Sieve .........................................:................................................45 (max) • Liquid Limit. 30 (max) Plasticity Index ................................................................:..................15 (max) • Maximum expansive potential .............................................................1.5 *Measured on a sample compacted to approximately 95 percent of the ASTM D698 maximum dry density at about 3 percent below optimum water content. The sample is confined undera 100-psf surcharge and submerged. Engineered fill should be placed and compacted in horizontal lifts, using equipment and procedures that will produce recommended moisture contents and densities throughout the lift. On-site granular soils and/or imported soils should be compacted within a moisture range of 3 percent below to 3 percent above optimum unless modified by the 1 ( 13 L Zephyr Medical Commons Terracon [ Terracon Project No. 25035049 March 5, 2003 project geotechnical engineer. Fill materials should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of maximum dry density as determined by the standard Proctor (ASTM D698). Excavation and Trench Construction: Excavations into the on-site soils will encounter caving soils and possibly groundwater, depending upon the final depth of excavation. The individual contractor(s) should be made responsible for designing and constructing t stable, temporary excavations as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. All excavations should be sloped or shored in the interest of safety following local and federal regulations, including current OSHA excavation and trench safety standards. The soils to be penetrated by the proposed excavations may vary significantly across the site. The contractor should verify that similar conditions exist throughout the proposed area of excavation. If different subsurface conditions are encountered at the time of construction, the actual conditions should be evaluated to determine any excavation modifications necessary to maintain safe conditions. As a safety measure, it is recommended that all vehicles and soil piles be kept to a minimum lateral distance from the crest of the slope equal to no less than the slope height. The exposed slope face should be protected against the elements. Additional Design and Construction Considerations: Exterior Slab Design and Construction: Compacted subgrade or existing clayey soils may expand with increasing moisture content; therefore, exterior concrete grade slabs may heave, resulting in cracking or vertical offsets. The potential for damage would be greatest where exterior slabs are constructed adjacent to the building or other structural elements. To reduce the potential for damage, we recommend: • exterior slabs be supported on fill with no, or very low expansion potential. + strict moisture-density control during placement of subgrade fills. placement of effective control joints on relatively close centers and isolation joints between slabs and other structural elements. provision for adequate drainage in areas adjoining the slabs. • use of designs, which allow vertical movement between the exterior slabs and adjoining structural elements. Underground Utility Systems: All underground piping within or near the proposed structure should be designed with flexible couplings, so minor deviations in alignment do L not result in breakage or distress. Utility knockouts in foundation walls should be oversized to accommodate differential movements. 14 Zephyr Medical Commons Terracon Terracon Project No. 25035049 March 5, 2003 Corrosion Protection: Water soluble sulfate testing indicates that ASTM Type I Portland cement is suitable for all concrete on and below grade. However, if there is no, or minimal cost differential, use of ASTM Type II Portland cement is recommended for additional sulfate resistance of construction concrete. Foundation concrete should be designed in accordance with the provisions of Section 318; Chapter 4, of the ACI Design Manual. Surface Drainage: Positive drainage should be provided during construction and maintained throughout the life of the proposed project. Infiltration of water into utility or foundation excavations must be prevented during construction. Planters and other surface features, which could retain water in areas adjacent to the building or pavements should be sealed or eliminated. In areas where sidewalks or paving do not immediately adjoin the structure, we recommend that protective slopes be provided with a minimum grade of approximately 5 percent for at least 5 feet from perimeter walls. Backfill against footings, exterior walls, and in utility and sprinkler line trenches should be well compacted and free of all construction debris to reduce the possibility of moisture infiltration. Downspouts, roof drains or scuppers should discharge into splash blocks or extensions when the ground surface beneath such features is not protected by exterior slabs or paving. Sprinkler systems should not be installed within 5 feet of foundation walls. Landscaped irrigation adjacent to the foundation system should be minimized or eliminated. GENERAL COMMENTS Terracon should be retained to review the final design plans and specifications so comments can be made regarding interpretation and implementation of our geotechnical recommendations into the design and specifications. Terracon should also be retained to provide testing and observation during the excavation, grading, foundation and construction phases of the project. i The analysis and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the data obtained from the borings performed at the indicated locations and from other information discussed in this report. This report does not reflect variations that may occur between borings, across the site, or due to the modifying effects of weather. The nature and extent I of such variations may not become evident until during or after construction. If variations appear, we should be immediately notified so that further evaluation and supplemental f recommendations can be provided. 15 Zephyr Medical Commons Terracon Terracon Project No. 25035049 March 5, 2003 The scope of services for this project does not include, either specifically or by implication, any environmental or biological (e.g., mold, fungi, bacteria) assessment of the site or identification or prevention of pollutants, hazardous materials or conditions._ If the owner is concerned about the potential for such contamination or pollution, other studies should be undertaken. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of our client for specific application to the project discussed and has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. No warranties, either express or implied, are intended or made. Site safety, excavation support, and dewatering requirements (if needed) are the responsibility of others. In the event that changes in the nature, design, or location of the project as outlined in this report are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless Terracon reviews the changes, r and either verifies or modifies the conclusions of this report in writing. F; 16 3nN3AV H18£ 1S3M N 8 l 6 y O f O U J C ~ 6 W N y h Q o ~ a r a s a ~ a W N u 3 tt i J a a N 6 N O % W m m O w n } a 1 u =N _ 1 . < a 4=w W 6 6 I O O \ J a LO pel O Ln F M N Z ° z m ° z `au~ ~ u c 3 v $ a` n o o tZ O ° O H E 3-2 ° 0 C co > E`oc 0 ; IZ u -~0 tl1 0 o 3 o U Lm N m Ix 0 O M C CO C m L y y 0 ~ L F c ym N r ~a a ow _ N d~ a a a a 0 w w w w _ P T m C m m d U yj O •o a` o v N O F a U O J O Z z W m J w O O 0- a LOG OF BORING NO. 1 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT Surgical Physician Investors, LLC SITE PROJECT Wheat Ridge, Colorado Zephyr Medical Commons SA MPLES TESTS F DESCRIPTION Z U y W > V) K W Z Z a y m w Q o w 3 LU ¢o ow z 3 m no cD Approx. Surface Elev.: 99 ft w o ai n Z . m 3 0 o a ~ w o o o 0 FILL, CLAYEY SAND, fine to coarse grained, trace gravel, medium dense, dark i brown, mo st SC 1 RS 12 26/12 12 112 +1.1/ 15 95.5 500psf CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, loose, SC 2 RS 12 17/12 9 98 moist brown , 5 SC 3 RS 12 11/12 7 101 10 11 88 SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, loose, brown, moist to wet SM 4 RS 12 8112 15 Q 18 81 CLAYEY SAND, fine to coarse grained, with gravel, medium dense, brown, moist to SC 5 R--S- 12 50/12 wet 20 22 77 CLAYSTONE, medium hard, olive brown, calcareous, moist 6 SS 12 53/12 25 74 25 Stopped boring at 25 feet The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. - WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, It BORING STARTED 2-14-03 WL S? 17 WD I T WCI 15' Ir BORING COMPLETED 2-14-03 WL 7 T 2/18/03 erracon RIG CME 55 FOREMAN SF WL APPROVED MEA JOB# 25035049 LOG OF BORING NO. 2 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT Surgical Physician Investors, LLC SITE PROJECT Wheat Ridge, Colorado Zephyr Medical Commons SA MPLE S TESTS 0 DESCRIPTION O M z ~ t 5 o w3f z =o_ m co w O w~ = 0OW 3v°iz M w U) ~ w ¢O K ld zl N`°no (7 - O Z I- m 30 D n. 7(n o o0~ FILL, CLAYEY SAND, fine to coarse grained, trace to with gravel, medium dense dark brown brown moist , , , SC 1 RS 12 21/12 10 116 +0.4/ 500psf a SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, SM 2 RS 12 23/12 13 107 some to with clay, very loose to medium 5 dense, brown, moist to wet SM 3 RS 12 15112 13 106 10 SM 4 RS 12 4/12 15 Q ts.e SC 5 RS 12 21/12 CLAYEY SAND, fine to coarse grained, 20 with gravel, medium dense, tan to brown, calcareous, moist to wet 23.5 CLAYSTONE ath li br wn to d , we ve ere , o o 25 liv i t 6 RS 12 31/12 o e gray, mo s 25 Stopped boring at 25 feet The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft BORING STARTED 2-14-03 WL 17 WD WCI 1/18/03 RING COMPLETED 2-14-03 WIL 1 rerracon RIG WL APPROVED MEA JOB # 25035049 N N 0 m LOG OF BORING NO. P1 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT Surgical Physician Investors, LLC SITE PROJECT Wheat Ridge, Colorado Zephyr Medical Commons SA MPLE S TESTS DESCRIPTION C °7 > z= I- U _ N W w Z Z ~y Z 0 rn N m = w O p wz M 0111 7 w U) Z r r C m 3U D n 7 y CLAYEY SAND, fine to coarse grained, SC 1 RA trace gravel, light brown to gray, dry to moist 5 5 Stopped boring at 5 feet H The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft BORING STARTED 2-14-03 WL '7 s 1 2-14 -03 BORING COMPLETED ED WL Z rerracon G R CME 55 FOREMAN SF WL APPROVED MEA JOB # 25035049 LOG OF BORING NO. P2 Paae 1 of CLIENT Surgical Physician Investors, LLC SITE Wheat Ridge, Colorado 0 DESCRIPTION U_ S a (7 FILL, SILTY CLAYEY SAND, fine to coarse grained, trace gravel, dark brown, moist 5 Stopped boring at 5 feet The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft W L ! V WL 4 I rerracon WL , o ` - m C W V) j O w y D a y y p D z F K e p a W C F F LL ~ z Z Z~ U w m ~ U 0 n D BORING STARTED 2-14-03 BORING COMPLETED 2-14-03 RIG CME 55 FOREMAN SF APPROVED MEA JOB # 25035049 or- s F- s~- 4 F- 2I- la 41- & I- III 10.000 5 PRESSURE, psf Specimen Identification Classification Yd, pcf WC,% • 1 2.Oft FILL, CLAYEY SAND 112 12 Notes: SWELL CONSOLIDATION TEST Ireirracan Project Zephyr Medical Commons Site: Wheat Ridge, Colorado Job 25035049 12 10 - 7 8 6 4 a z 2 J Q x Q 2 - 4 - 6 - _g 100 1,000 10,000 105 PRESSURE, psf B 0 z 0 Notes: p w a 0 o° 0 SWELL CONSOLIDATION TEST Project: Zephyr Medical Commons o Irerracon Site: Wheat Ridge, Colorado z o Job 25035049 U Date: 3-4-03 Specimen Identification Classification Yd, pcf WC,% • 2 2.Oft FILL, CLAYEY SAND, some to with gravel 116 10 F' U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES I U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS I HYDROMETER - 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 3/4 1/23/8 3 4 6 610 14 t6 20 30 40 5060 100140200 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 r x 0 W 6 m 55 z 50 z 45 w 40 w a 35 30 25 20 15 10 i -i 5 0 - - - - - + - 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.0 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 01 I GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY COBBLES coarse fine coarse medium fine Specimen Identification Classification LL PL PI Cc Cu • 1 4.0ft CLAYEY SAND(SC) 28 17 11 Specimen Identification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel %Sand %Silt %Clay • 1 4.0ft 2 0.136 0.0 60.7 39.3 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 1rerracon Project: Zephyr Medical Commons Site: Wheat Ridge, Colorado Job 25035049 Date: 3-4-03 i PLU U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS I 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 4 1123/8 3 4 6 610 1416 20. 30 40 50 60 100 140 200 00 L 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5-- o 10n in 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY COBBLES coarse fine coarse medium fine Specimen Identification Classification LL PL PI Cc Cu 10 2 2.0ft CLAYEY SAND(SC) 30 19 11 Specimen Identification 0100 060 D30 D10 %Gravel %Sand %Silt %CIayJ U01 2 2.0ft 19 0.199 12.7 51.4 35.9 ' Irerracon GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION Project: Zephyr Medical Commons Site: Wheat Ridge, Colorado Job 25035049 Date: 3-4-03 U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES I U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS 1 HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 314 V23/8 3 4 6 810 7416 20 30 40 50 60 100140200 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 F x w 60 m 55 z 50 LL 45 z w L 40 w a 35 30 25 20 15 10 - 5 0 100 10 - t 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS • P1 0.0ft CLAYEY SAND(SC) 29 17 12 M Specimen Identification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel %Sand %Silt %Clay • P1 O.Oft 12.5 0.162 3.8 53.1 43.0 z 0 U Q K K W f 6 o GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION Project: Zephyr Medical Commons Irerracon Site: Wheat Ridge, Colorado Job 25035049 Date: 3-4-03 GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY COBBLES coarse fine coarse medium fine j PI Cc Cu LL PL Classification Specimen Identification U.S. SIEVE U' r m 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 4 1/23/8 3 4 6 6101416 20 30 40 5060 100140200 100 95 90 85 _ 80 75 70 65 60--- 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 .20-- 15 10 5 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY COBBLES coarse fine coarse medium fine I Specimen Identification Classification LL PL PI Cc Cu • P2 O.Oft SILTY, CLAYEY SAND(SC-SM) 24 18 6 Specimen Identification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel %Sand %Silt %Clay • P2 0.0ft 19 0.205 8.3 55.4 36.3 I GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION Irerracon Project: Zephyr Medical Commons Site: Wheat Ridge, Colorado Job 25035049 Y A N N N N N N d d O O yd V N i N N .O O ' N y N ~ .emu ~ O C O O U m > U ° U d 3 w y ° O E E ` m m m w m c z .2:, 'm y N LL U Y 9 c 0 i a a W LL cn S ' E 3 m Y m m y a K E E a C1 -e C K N Q N If E A d W N N Q LO O IL D C U) W Q VI y m ~ ~ = LIJ Lo c0 O ¢ ¢ ?r cV m c o E ` o O a a o m W VJ Z W n 'n c° z 75 O Cl (L N T T 0 d O X W d O z O d R LL o. CL u Y o o y R 'R H E O Z V N ° ° M O U Q J E, o E C c cn Q U a 'm a E.2 'u _ s ~ C C m a3 U C J J y C Q J N t E m ioEuE°'cU °'e Eam 3 aE E= d y N rn r o M M UoU O(= W N c ` c U m o c ` o a ~ c r°n U j0 .2' O m r O N O ° d y C c a - N d a ~ m o ` o a c m 3 U N N a m m m a a y- m aai i m mm cc~ a.,.. z° ro ' ,0 O . y C 2 2 2 2 E H ° m E m a- y to O ~ N ~ m O. ~ " N V O~ N V 01 I N f0 a ' 0 M M M ° ~ o o qtr c`o 'mo 'm °M N m C w N ~ i U U o o N m U U C C C (n C O O O 0 i5 f5_= V V U N N N m n u z o Oh DI UIUU c m r n N Y E N N N N O N O M m m ° m L > N N O ~ ~ d U 0. d C ° 0 N O o a Y N W "RO u U B mww EE a Z c ° p a v L ❑ 0 N ~ p N ~ m c m LL! r o o ~ EULL c L a (L of of 0 0) - O z E w Q M w E y j N D O m w 7 I O Z L` o N O U) ` ° ❑ w ° yea Z O d Nm~ . a o ~ J . U 0- a. a N C J 0 a = V E J N M N N p L Q J W L CL aw LU F - M v M a.0 ~ ~ C N 2 Cl) O t C n Q OI •ao a ?t N rn r r V m N r Q Q ~ Q ~ a m w d ~ d m as y <f r f° N 0 Q CO u a C iG m rn rn a -o ~ d d a' M O O O O H~~ .O O N N _ O N O !a U 0 N O Q Q N Q Q ~ N ° a N U C9 N U) i v i ~j m f!7 O 'O N C ° E a a ~T O C O = V N O O N O C oO O 0 N II Y 3 < ? O ? Z ° Z _ s C C N y C y m~J~ O 0 a w p a' UrNa 2 GENERAL NOTES DRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS SS:. Split Spoon - 13/8" I.D., 2" O.D., unless otherwise noted HS: Hollow Stem Auger ST: Thin-Walled Tube - 2" O.D., unless otherwise noted PA: Power Auger RS: Ring Sampler - 2.42" I.D., 3" O.D., unless otherwise noted HA: Hand Auger DB: Diamond Bit Coring - 4", N, B RB: Rock Bit BS: Bulk Sample or Auger Sample WB: Wash Boring or Mud Rotary i The number of blows required to advance a standard 2-inch O.D. split-spoon sampler (SS).the last 12 inches of the total 18-inch penetration with a 140-pound hammer failing 30 inches is considered the "Standard Penetration" or "N-value". For 3" O.D. ring samplers (RS) the penetration value is reported as the number of blows required to advance the sampler 12 inches using a 140- .pound hammer falling 30 inches, reported as "blows per foot" and is not considered equivalent to the "Standard Penetration" or "N-value". WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS WL: Water Level WS: While Sampling "WCI: Wet Cave in WD: While Drilling DCI: Dry Cave in BCR: Before Casing Removal. AB: After Boring ACR: After Casing Removal Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the borings at the times indicated. Groundwater levels at other times and other locations across the site could vary. In pervious soils, the indicated levels may reflect the location of groundwater. In low permeability soils, the accurate determination of groundwater levels may not be possible with only short-term observations. DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Soil classification is based on the Unified Classification System. Coarse Grained Soils have more than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; their principal descriptors are: boulders, cobbles, gravel or sand. Fine Grained Soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are principally described as clays if they are plastic, and silts if they are slightly plastic or non-plastic: Major constituents may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be added according to the relative proportions based on grain size. In addition to gradation, coarse-grained soils are defined on the basis of their in-place relative density and fine-grained soils on the basis of their consistency. FINE-GRAINED SOILS - COARSE-GRAINED SOILS - - BEDROCK (RS) (SS) RS (SS) Relative )RS) (SS) Blows/Ft. Blows/Ft. ' Consistency Blows/Ft. Blows/Ft. Densi Blows/Ft Blows/Ft Consistency <3 <2 Very Soft 0-6 <3 Very Loose <30 <20 Weathered 3-4 2-3 Soft 7-18 4-9 Loose 30-49 20-29 Firm 5-9 4-6 Medium Stiff 19-58 10-29 Medium Dense 50-89 30-49 Medium Hard -10-18 7-12 Stiff 59-98 30-49. Dense 90-119 50-79 Hard 19-42 13-26 Very Stiff > 98 >49 Very Dense > 119 > 79 Very Hard > 42 > 26 Hard F I RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF SAND AND GRAIN SIZE TERMINOLOGY GRAVEL Descriptive Terms of Percent of Major Component Other Constituents Dry Weight of Sample Particle Size Trace < 15 Boulders - Over 12 in. (300mm) With 15 - 29 Cobbles 12 in. to 3 in. (300mm to 75 mm) Modifier - > 30 Gravel 3 in. to #4 sieve (75mm to 4.75 mm) Sand #4 to #200 sieve (4.75mm to 0.075mm) Silt or Clay Passing #200 Sieve (0.075mm) RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF FINES Descriptive Terms of Percent of Other Constituents Dry Weight Trace < 5 With - 5-12 Modifiers > 12 PLASTICITY DESCRIPTION Term - Plasticity Index Non-plastic 0 Low 1-10 Medium 11-30 High 30+ Irerracon UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory Tests" Soil Classification - - Group Symbol Group Name° Coarse Grained Soils Gravels Clean Gravels Cu z 4 and 1 5 Cc 5 3r GW Well graded gravel` More than 50% retained More than 50% of coarse Less than 5% finest Cu <4 and/or 1 > Cc> 3e GP Poorly graded gravel` fraction retained on on No. 200 sieve No. 4 sieve Gravels with Fines Fines. classify as ML or MH GM Silty gravelFO " - - More than 12% fines` Fines classify as CL or CH yey GC Cla 9ravel5°" Sands Clean Sands Cu z 6 and 1 5 Cc 5 3` SW Well graded sand' - 50% or more of coarse Less than 5% fines° Cu <6 and/or 1 > Cc> 31 SP Poorly graded sand' fraction passes No. 4 sieve - - Sands with Fines Fines classify as ML or MH SM Silty sands"' More than 12% fines' Fines classify as CL or CH SC Clayey sand"I Fine-Grained Soils Silts and Clays ` inorganic PI > 7 and plots on or above "A" Iine' - CL Lean clay"" 50% or more passes the Liquid limit less than 50 pl. <4 or plots below "A° line' ML Silt" - No. 200 sieve - - organic Liquid limit-oven Organic clay"`A" - <0.75 dried - OL Liquid limit - not - Organic silt"~"° - - dried Silts and Clays inorganic PI plots on or above "A" line CH Fat clay" - - Liquid limit 50 or more - PI plots below "A"line MH Elastic silt"&" organic Liquid limit- oven dried Organic clay"m" - <0.75 OH Liquid limit - not dried Organic silt -,o Highly organic soils Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT Peat "Based on the material passing the 3-in. (75-mm) sieve Hlf fines are organic, add "with organic fines" to group name. E if field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with cobbles If soil contains 2 15% gravel, add "with gravel" to group name. or boulders, or both" to group name, If Atterberg limits plot in shaded area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay. cGravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW-GM well graded - Klf sail contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add "with sand" or "with gravel with silt, GW-GC well graded gravel with clay, GP-GM poorly gravel," whichever is predominant. ograded gravel with silt, GP-GC poorly graded gravel with clay. Llf soil contains ? 30% plus No.. 200 predominantly sand, add Sands with 5 to 12/o fines require dual symbols: SW-SM well graded "sandy" to group name. sand with silt, SW-SC well graded sand with clay, SP-SM poorly graded M - If soil contains ? 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, sand with silt, SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay add "gravelly' to group name. ECu = Deo/D1o Cc = Dc° z - - - - NPIa 4 and plots on or above "A" line. D,o x Dec o PI < 4 or plots below "A" line. F If soil contains a 15% sand, add "with sand" to group name. - P PI plots on or above "A" line. off fines classify as CL-ML,, use dual symbol GC-GM, or SC-SM. o PI plots below "A" line.. - 60 50 a W 40. Q Z 30 U Q ZO a 10 7 4 0 For classification of fine-gra ined soils and fine-grained fracti on of coarse-grained soils Equation of 'A" -line Horizontal at P1=4 to LL=25.5, then PI=0 73 (LL- - . Equation of"U" - line o ~ < - Vertical at LL=16 to PI=-, - G than P1=0.9 (LL-6) MH o r OH ML or OL 0 10. 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) 100 110 lrerracqn f ROCK CLASSIFICATION (Based on ASTM C-294) Sedimentar Rocks y Sedimentary rocks are stratified materials laid down by water or wind. The sediments may be composed of particles or pre-existing rocks derived by mechanical weathering, evaporation or by chemical or organic origin. The sediments are usually indurated by cementation or compaction. Chert Very fine-grained siliceous rock composed of micro-crystalline or cryptocrystalline quartz, chalcedony or opal. Chert is various colored, porous to dense, hard and has a conchoidal to splintery fracture. Claystone Fine-grained rock composed of or derived by erosion of silts and clays or any rock containing clay. Soft massive and may contain carbonate minerals. Conglomerate Rock consisting of a considerable amount of rounded gravel, sand and cobbles with or without interstitial or cementing material. The cementing or interstitial material may be quartz, opal, calcite, dolomite, clay, iron oxides or other materials. Dolomite A fine-grained carbonate rock consisting of the mineral dolomite [CaMg(C03)2]. May contain non-carbonate impurities such as quartz, chert, clay minerals, organic matter, gypsum and sulfides. Reacts with hydrochloric acid (HCL). L. Limestone A fine-grained carbonate rock consisting of the mineral calcite (CaCO3). May contain non-carbonate impurities ,such as quartz, chert, clay minerals, organic ( matter, gypsum and sulfides. Reacts with hydrochloric acid (HCL). Sandstone Rock consisting of particles of sand with or without interstitial and cementing materials. The cementing or interstitial material may be quartz, opal, calcite, dolomite, clay, iron oxides.or other material Shale Fine-grained rock composed of or derived by erosion of silts and clays or any rock containing clay. Shale is hard, platy, of fissile may be gray, black, reddish or green and may contain some carbonate minerals (calcareous shale). Siltstone Fine grained rock composed of or derived by erosion of silts or rock containing silt. Siltstones consist predominantly of silt sized particles (0.0625 to 0.002 mm in diameter) and are intermediate rocks between claystones and sandstones and may contain carbonate minerals. 1 rerracon ROCK CLASSIFICATION (Based on ASTM C-294) Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic rocks form from igneous, sedimentary, or pre-existing metamorphic rocks in response to changes in chemical and physical conditions occurring within the earth's crust after formation of the original rock. The changes may be textural, structural, or mineralogic and may be accompanied by changes in chemical composition. The rocks are dense and may be massive but are more frequently foliated (laminated or layered) and tend to break into platy particles. The mineral composition is very variable depending in part on the degree of metamorphism and in part,on the composition of the original rock. Marble A recrystallized medium- to coarse-grained carbonate rock composed of calcite or dolomite, or calcite and dolomite. The original impurities are present in the form of new minerals, such as micas, amphiboles, pyroxenes, and graphite. Metaquartzite A granular rook consisting essentially of recrystallized quartz. Its strength and resistance to weathering derive from the interlocking of the quartz grains. Slate A fine-grained metamorphic rock that is distinctly laminated and tends to split into thin parallel layers. The mineral composition usually cannot be determined with the unaided eye. Schist A highly layered rock tending to split into nearly parallel planes (schistose) in which the grain is coarse enough to permit identification of the principal minerals.- Schists are subdivided into varieties on the basis of the. most prominent mineral present in addition to quartz or to quartz and feldspars; for instance, mica schist. Greenschist is a green: schistose rock whose color is due to abundance of one or more of the green minerals, chlorite or amphibole, and is commonly derived from altered volcanic rock. Gneiss bne of the most common metamorphic rocks, usually formed from igneous or sedimentary rocks by a higher degree of metamorphism than the schists. It is characterized by a layered or foliated structure resulting from approximately parallel lenses and bands of platy minerals, usually micas or prisms, usually amphiboles, and of. granular minerals, usually quartz and feldspars. All intermediate varieties between gneiss and schist and between gneiss and granite are often found in the same areas in which well-defined gneisses occur. lie ROCK CLASSIFICATION (Based on ASTM C-294) Igneous Rocks Igneous rocks are formed by cooling from a molten rock mass (magma). Igneous rocks are divided into two classes (1) plutonic, or intrusive, that have cooled slowly within the earth; and (2) volcanic, or extrusive; that formed from quickly cooled lavas. Plutonic rocks have grain sizes greater than approximately 1 mm, and are classified as coarse- or medium-grained. Volcanic rocks have grain sizes less than approximately 1 mm, and are classified as fine-grained. Volcanic rocks frequently contain glass. Both plutonic and volcanic rocks may consist of porphyries that are characterized by the presence of large mineral grains in a fine-grained or glassy ground mass. This is the result of sharp changes in rate of cooling or other physico-chemical conditions during solidification of the melt. Granite Granite is a medium- to coarse-grained light-colored rock characterized by the presence of potassium feldspar with lesser amounts of plagioclase feldspars and quartz. The characteristic potassium feldspars are orthoclase or.microcline, or both; the common plagioclase feldspars are albite and oligoclase. Feldspars are more abundant than quartz. Dark-colored mica (biotite) is usually present, and light-colored mica (muscovite) is frequently present. Other dark-colored ferromagnesian minerals, especially hornblende, may be present in amounts less than those of the light-colored constituents. Quartz-Monzonite Rocks similar to granite but contain more plagioclase feldspar than potassium and Grano-Diorite feldspar. Basalt Fine-grained extrusive equivalent of gabbro and diabase. When basalt contains natural glass, the glass is generally lower in silica content than that of the lighter- colored extrusive rocks. -1 re LABORATORY TEST SIGNIFICANCE AND PURPOSE TEST SIGNIFICANCE PURPOSE California Bearing Used to evaluate the potential strength of subgrade soil, Pavement Thickness Ratio subbase, and base course material, including recycled Design materials for use in road and airfield pavements. Consolidation Used to develop an estimate of both the rate and amount of Foundation Design both differential and total settlement of a structure. Direct Shear Used to determine the consolidated drained shear strength Bearing Capacity, of soil or rock. Foundation Design, and Slope Stability Dry Density Used to determine the in-place density of natural, inorganic, Index Property Soil fine-grained soils. Behavior Expansion Used to measure the expansive potential of fine-grained Foundation and Slab soil and to provide a basis for swell potential classification. Design Gradation Used for the quantitative determination of the distribution of Soil Classification particle sizes in soil. Liquid & Plastic Limit, Used as an integral part of engineering classification Soil Classification Plasticity Index systems.to characterize the fine-grained fraction of soils, and to specify. the fine-grained fraction of construction materials. Permeability Used to determine the capacity of soil or rock to conduct a Groundwater Flow liquid or gas. Analysis. pH Used to determine the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a Corrosion Potential soil. Resistivity Used to indicate the relative ability of a soil medium to carry Corrosion Potential electrical currents. R-Value Used to evaluate the potential strength of subgrade soil, Pavement Thickness subbase, and base course material, including recycled Design materials for use in road and airfield pavements. Soluble Sulfate Used to determine the quantitative amount of soluble Corrosion Potential sulfates within a soil mass. Unconfined To obtain the approximate compressive strength of soils Bearing Capacity Compression that possess sufficient cohesion to permit testing in the Analysis for unconfined state. Foundations Water Content Used to determine the quantitative amount of water in a soil Index Property Soil mass. Behavior 1 rerracon REPORT TERMINOLOGY (Based on ASTM D653) Allowable Soil The recommended maximum contact stress developed at the interface of the foundation Bearing Capacity element and the supporting material. Alluvium Soil, the constituents of which have been transported in suspension by flowing water and subsequently deposited by sedimentation. Aggregate Base A layer of specified material placed on a subgrade or subbase usually beneath slabs or Course . pavements. Backfill A specified material placed and compacted in a confined area. Bedrock A natural aggregate of mineral grains connected by strong and permanent cohesive forces. Usually requires drilling, wedging, blasting or other methods of extraordinary force for excavation. Bench A horizontal surface in a sloped deposit. Caisson (Drilled A concrete foundation element cast in a circular excavation which may have an enlarged Pier or Shaft) base. Sometimes referred to as a cast-in-place pier or drilled shaft. Coefficient of A constant proportionality factor relating normal stress and the corresponding shear stress at Friction which sliding starts between the two surfaces. Colluvium Soil, the constituents of:which have been deposited chiefly by gravity such as at the foot of a slope or cliff. Compaction The densification of a soil by means of mechanical manipulation Concrete Slab-on- A concrete surface layer cast directly upon a base, subbase or subgrade, and typically used Grade as a floor system. Differential Unequal settlement or heave between, or within foundation elements of structure. Movement Earth Pressure The pressure exerted by soil on any boundary such as a foundation wall. ESAL Equivalent Single Axle Load, a criteria used to convert traffic to a uniform standard, (18,000 pound axle loads). Engineered Fill Specified material placed and compacted to specified density and/or moisture conditions under observations of a representative of a geotechnical engineer. Equivalent Fluid A hypothetical fluid having a unit weight such that it will produce a pressure against a lateral support presumed to be equivalent to that produced by the actual soil. This simplified approach is valid only when deformation conditions are such that the pressure increases linearly with depth and the wall friction is neglected_ Existing Fill (or Materials deposited throughout the action of man prior to exploration of the site. Man-Made Fill) Existing Grade The ground surface at the time of field exploration. 1 Expansive Potential Finished Grade Footing Foundation Frost Depth Grade Beam Groundwater Heave Lithologic REPORT TERMINOLOGY (Based. on ASTM D653) The potential of a soil to expand (increase in volume) due to absorption of moisture. The final grade created as a part of the project. A portion of the foundation of a structure that transmits loads directly to the soil. The lower part of a structure that transmits the loads to the soil or bedrock. The depth at which the ground becomes frozen during the winter season, A foundation element or wall, typically constructed of reinforced concrete, used to span between other foundation elements such as drilled piers. Subsurface water found in the zone of saturation of soils or within fractures in bedrock. Upward movement. The characteristics which describe the composition and texture of soil and rock by observation. The naturally occurring ground surface. Naturally occurring on-site soil, sometimes referred to as natural soil. The water content of which a soil can be compacted to a maximum dry unit weight by a given compactive effort. Groundwater, usually of limited area maintained above a normal water elevation by the presence of an intervening relatively impervious continuous stratum. To mechanically loosen soil or break down existing soil structure. Downward movement. The frictional resistance developed between soil and an element of the structure such as a drilled pier. Sediments or other unconsolidated accumulations of solid particles produced by the physical and chemical disintegration of rocks, and which may or may not contain organic matter. Native Grade Native Soil Optimum Moisture Content Perched Water Scarify Settlement Skin Friction (Side Shear) Soil (Earth) Strain The change in length per unit of length in a given direction. Stress The force per unit area acting within a soil mass. Strip To remove from present location. Subbase A layer of specified material in a pavement system between the subgrade and base course. Subgrade The soil prepared and compacted to support a structure, slab or pavement system. P V~~ H15TORY Project wrnber - COMMUNITY DE1/ELOPMENT DIR~GTOR OWNER'S GERTIFIGATE F cor~ran~irr ~~or ~irz~cTOR 'i _ 'S DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS . l s l OV~IJER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS J ~ NOTARY COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S GERTI~IGA~TE - . i STATE OF COLORADO ~ 55 GOUN?Y OF,~fFER50N } NOTARY F~ARBY CERTIFY THAT T{il5 PLAN WAS FILED IN TIC OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF .~FFEi250N COUNTY AT 60LDEN, ~'IptYOR'S G~RTI~IGATION COLORADO, AT O'GLOGK M ON THE DAY OF • F~~ AD., IN BOOK ,PAGE APPROVED TH!° DAY OF , t_ J RECEPTION NO. GIN OF WHEAT RIDGE. I ~i 5 ATTEST BY: DEPUTY ` ~ t~ t GIN GLF.RK MAYOR L - •f - - ■ ~D.1,4GENT ~~:~NE- R-G 1fir o E STING GHAT 1 4 . GIN G nt_ p - L I I EXI5TIN6 15LAND / I 'i ~ f f ~ i 3 ~~3 i I W / 1 's i 1 L Z / ~ ~ / ~ / 1 Q ~ ~ EXISTING ~ BUILDING 2 STOR 1 PHASE ~i i) IG W . ' ~ e 4 ~ , . , ,1 . ~ ~ ~ ``4 • 1 / q► , 1 ~ E ~ O ■i ~ ® • fP r D~0 ON MINT 1 r ~ off . ' i. . ~ 'f .i MIN F DM '~D~. LIhJ~ i i ~ ;T.~. \ ~ / ' ~ . , 5E . ~ i. . ' , TAI 3 4 ' ~ D~ L . 5~ i •i. fl is .s. •i. i. i. 'i •e..i ~ ~ i.. ~ ~.i.. i. ~ ~ , - ~i..~ i .i, •i .i,i. ~i. ~ i..i.i, ~ ~ it II z - ~ VI TORIAN AG N ~T~'L~ ~ G _==~-_I~.~ ZEPHYR DRIVE t 1 l--~ . INS i P ;D { s" CLEAR CREEK AMBULATORY SURGURY CENTER ADJACENT ZONE- R-2 EXISTING . BUILDING I STORY f - 38th Avenue PHASE 2 Wheat Ridge, Colorado - ~ ~ ,u r J pV~[~~~~I~~I~f~~ r- - w - i _ ~ GENERAL NOTES: Q~U~~~~~~~ 5~~~ I. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR SITE DISTANCE TRIANGLES 4 ,T J Site Plan 2. 5EE CIVIL PLANS FOR EXISTING AND PROP05ED CONTOUR 3. SEE SURVEY PLAN FOR SURVEYOR GERTIFIGATION, BA515 1 _ ~ i i I~ ~ C~~ ~ ~ ~ B L T E S, I N C. r gn i i reY~ - - t h ~ ~ p ~r , # ~y.~~' ~ ~ ~ SURVEYOR'S CERTiFIGATE~ ~ ®Y C? ~ 1... The undersigned, a professional surve or, dul licensed in the State of Cotarado, hereby certifies ~ k 0 t ,~'.1 First Americcn Title insurance Company, ("Title Company") Security Title Guaranty Co., (Title Co 6oothills Surgicoi Associates, P.C. and Colorado Orthopedic Clinic, a Profe~sionci Company, (Own the George F. Cook Trusfi. 7 B' (i) This survey (the "Survey"), identified as ALTA/AGSM Land Title Survey of 38~Q Zephyr of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado, and prepared by the undersigned, is o complete Su premises, (the "Promises") shown hereon, (ii) the property lines shown hereon are consistent property lines shown on the recorded plat of which the Premises are a dart, (iii) the Survey sh location of all visible impravemen#s, structures and other physical conditions presently existing, shows the location of rights of way, easements and other conditions of record noted in the ref report No. G093202A02, or visible indications apparent from an inspection of the Premises, inc high water line of any bodies of water located on the land (v) excepfi as may be shown on th are no encroachments of any buildings or other visible structures or impb-ovements of any kind ~ . t~ ~4' rights of way, easements, building set-back lines or adjoining property It~es, (vi) there are no ar overlaps of the property lines with adjoining properties, except as noted (vii) fihe subject pro not lie within a designated Ftoad Hoza~d Area, according to the documents entitled "department and urban development, federal insurance administration -special flood ;hazard area maps". vi f._ , and rights of woy identified on fhe Survey are public righfis of way and are open, (ix) the bu lines noted in the referenced title report. if any or obtained from the local agency are nc~t sho and (x) this Survey, by Willey RLS, Inc., dated Marcfi 03, 2003, by John Willey, Registered L No. 23528, and tha# this map or plat and the survey an which it is booed were made (a) in I with the '~Mintmum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/AGSM Land Tit{c~ Surveys", jointly esta adopted by ALTA, AGSM and NSPS in 1999, and includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4•, 8, 9, 10, 11, - - (limited to (hose discernible from visible inspection or located pursuant to recorded exception d to fihe extent applicabfs, 15, thereof, as qualified or limited by comments' on fihis map, and (b the Accuracy Standards (as adopted by ALTA and ASCM and in effect an the date of this certi Lender, Title Company and their respective successors and assigns may rely upon this cartificafi purposes noted above. _ ~-P9~ REG~`~T 000,~~ ,n vj~ ~F~~ By; JOHN D. WILLEY v ~ ~ d 1- Title: PRESIDENT ~t ~~cJ WIL~.EY RLS, iNC. - ~ ~ Regisfiration No. 23528 ~ ~ ~ Data: 03/03/2003 ~qL IAN t FOUND #5/8 REBAR AND ALUM. CAP L.S. 23528 8' NON-EXCLUSIVE UT{LITY EASEMENT 'Y 2~4, RECEPTION N0. FOS&3478 ~,2• EXISTING CHAIN Ltt~K FENCE AT&T BROADBAND s UNDEERGROUND = $p0'OS'53"W 67.00' R C. ~ F4UND #5/8 R~ BAR _AND r_ea~ ~ o ~ ' o 0 0 ALUM. CAP L.S, 23525 i r r i a~ ~ ~ i ~ ~rr~ i , TELEPHONE PEDESTAL 1 r ~ sw~ {1) FIRE HYDRANT a o ~ Via) w.~~~r~R v.~~.~~. _ t 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ a FOUND #5/8 REBAR & (3) SANITARY SEWER f TWO RAIL w a ALUM. CAP L.S. 438 C,~IN C.lNK FEN LANE ENGINEERING 67.3' WOOD FENCE AL~NG,_,~ ~ ~ =r EXISTING THIS PROPERTY LINE - ~ .fin Q _ PARKING _ llNPIATTED SERVICES, BENT AND ~ ~ 7El.EPHONE PEK LAYING ON SIDE t1.3 17 SI'ACE~ ~ ~ EX1 8 X 16 o - s RECEpI'ION N0. F13~154fi UNDERGROUND. (6) VARIOUS LOW P SET #5/8 REBAR AND ~-'r------ AT&7 BROADBAND LANDSCAPE PLA ALUM. CAP L.S. 23528 UNREERGROUND w v i5T►NG ASPHA~-T PARKINS AREA 7805 EX ~ ~ EXISTING OFFICE BUILDING CABLE a w v~ ~ Q -r - ~ / ~ ':II l I ZONING 0 0 0 ~ ~ FUND #5/8 REBAR AND ~M ~ w ~ ALUM. CAP L.S. 23528 O ~ N z z ~ ~ Cj ' ~a ~ o ~ TWO AIL ~a,,, a W in o WOOD FENCE. a a c~ O w ~ Cs N It) ~ a3 r" r -r Z 11 PARKING SPACES EXCESS PARKING INDICATED PER FtECEPTlON N0. F0523757 TO BENEFIT LOT 2, PHASE 4 .60' Ct?NCRE7E CURB 2.63' EXISTING 0,5' `CONCRETE CURB 23.65' FIRE HYDRANT 0 SET X5/8 REBAR N~tl"O~'19"E 151.18 REC. & ME:A. & Al. CAP IN N;89'52'03" W REC. ASPHALT DRIVE ~ 'I 0.38' REC. & M l.S. 23528 . . ~r~ . . r~err . i i . s . . . . t i r . . . ~ . . ~ . i . tam i , av . . ess Dtt~,~N ~Nl.E~t' PRIVATE SANITARY FOtlND ~4.REBAR ACCEP7ED!AS POINT ON EAST LINE PHASE 2 i } NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR WATER PURPOSES i ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMONS-PHASE 2 PHASE 3 ZEPHYR MEDICAL WIv RECEPTION NO. 85065152 A CONDOMINIUM REMAINDER LO RECEPTION NO, 81 t393777 RECEPTION NO. 831 SW CDR14ER SECTION 23 FND. 3 1/4" GRASS CAP IN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE RANGE 80X AS PER MONUMENT RECORD DATED WILLEY VA uNiT e VRS, INC. 2756 W. 107TH COURT r 04/18/84 a.Ls. 13212 WESTMINSTER, CO. 80234 PHONE 303 635 1673 FAX 303 635 1674 I MST BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING SURVEYING C:\Land Projects 3\02Ci18\dwg\DAVIS.DWG 03/03/2003 11:19:15 AM MST E e ,n r. Slay f.t A aR y~ ~ MY y. I a i ii ~ /1 /'l ~ /1 _ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ 4 w w W w w w w w ♦ w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w W w w w w w W Pmjecc Number i o3ss8.oo w DRAWN BY GMC w . DATE w i r AUGUST 1, 2003 ~ ~ - REVISIONS ^ [ ' w w w w W W w w w RESUBMITTAL 10-3-03 w w w W w w w i W_w + w w w w w w w _ L' w w w w w w w w v w w w w w. r r w W W w W w ~p~~ w W w w w w'~.•~ ~ .l- w W w w a w w. I I !III w 1111111 ` w w w . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 aw ~ S w aTBZILE a70R 0 w y w w W w • w w ' W ~Wltil. ` BOULDER °e :A~l/~1{4~LY ~~~t r • 1'1Vl.Y wf 1l ASSOCIATES . C Lr ~ W W ~ Vf ~.M 1 F ~E 4/f- 4M1r 11 w w 4x!!J', X061 F { 1 4 w W~... W w w w w W w w w w w w ~ ® L~~ w w ...•...`.~yy ..f w w w W w w w W w w w W w w w w w w w w w w w w w; ' ti'_ _ ~ I i ~ I i 1 0 T~ r ~ I I I I i ~ I i X 1 1 ~ I I I l i~ i l t A11~ I ~vivvvvv I I \ i.i N iLLV {303) 4-7795 ~Facs° °le {303 499-7767 ~ - - - - - GTR 1"-3"Cobble 1"-3"Cobble ~•Y APA ORNAMENTAL ~ 5-BPS JTL Ai SSK yin EVERGREEN T t~ sCo DECIDUOUS S 3-BPS ~ GLS 00°O~~~O°~ ~~0.00~ F~ \ ~ ~ V W W . RSA W3°-~BWJN F SNB . i~ L., ti l ~ t F~ r 3 ~Il~~b .3 _"HF~ EVERGREEN S o A~y4060AYB8~ ~e ~ p8 6/ 0 3 - S~8 ~410~ BPS S WW•~W~~•yWW~ f m q m ~/i l ~J ~m~ a o b P ~ ~IA~ TAM o e s o 2-COM _ AOaoeeoaame~°° o°eaeoeaee0 BJN Y 4 -RSA 'fill J LANDSCAPE REQ y Area REQUIREMENTS PERENNIALS Formula er Code Re uired Provided BGR -Z ` W Overall Landscape ape Area 26% Gross Lot Area 13,860 s.f. 14,125 s.f. (53,305 s.f.) HFG T' ~ J "r Landscape Area Pl y a Planting 1 Tree + 5 Shrubs 15 Trees 15 Trees Q coM per 1,000 s.f. 71 Shrubs 71 Shrubs GROUNDCOVE i Street Frontage i 1 ~ 9 ® ■ f ~N~ Parking Lots (North aiiu aiiu vve5i per isiana [4 zjnruDs ;SL ti n ru bs SHEET NUMBER 0 10 20 30 (6 Islands) Scale: I" = 10 Scale: l" = 20 0 20 40 so N 3 0 ul B o J U L D E R A S S O C I A T E S , I N C. Architecture + Interior Design r ~ ` ` ~ - ~ I Z~fi~~+YR M~1~ I G~J~ ~OMMMONS - PH,45 FIN,4L DE~(~LOPMENT PL,4N - ,4DMINISTR?~TI~/E ?MME ~ ~L A~ ~a~e 'ICI` ~ i~ 'I~ I ~ t~ t-~ Y LOT 2, ZEPHYER MEDICAL COMMONS, PHASE 4 SUBDIVISION LYIN6 IN TFiE SW I/4 OP SECTION 23, T 3 5, R bq W, OP THE SIXTH P.M. .aL GIN OP WHEAT RID6E, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OP COLORADO ~ ~~7 ~ SIN6LE 02 DOU \~\,M " FIXNRE AS RE( GONG. BLOCK 51LL GAP 4" X 8" X Ib" GONG. BLOCK 51LL COLOR TO MATCH BLDG. GAP COLOR TO MATCH BLDG. FIELD BRICK FIELD BRICK r _ ~1~~1~171~~1~1T r 8"X8"XIb" GMU COLOR TO MATCH BLDG. ACCENT BRICK GROUT 50LID .s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i a~ 8" CONT. GONG. CONCRETE PAD OR DOUBLE ~~7 WALL A5 REQUIRED X Y..~{(~~.~ o 4~. ~ ~ L.T . ~.r' 3B CONT. GONG. FOOTING 4 1 i _ 0 ~e~ i ~ COLORED PRECAST ' GONG. GAi' 6" LETTERING BOTH LT GOVFR SIDES OP SIGN il r-) e ~i ~ TY~' I GAL. ~1~G1.OSUfi~~ fl~T~ I L5 _i _ 1~ r-------------------------~ I ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ I / 11 i / II E ~ i Y ■ A 2 I I I I I I I i i I I I 1 I I ( I I E I i 1 I I I I 1 I I i I 1 I I✓' I I I 1 I I I ! I l I I I I I l I 1 I I 1 I i I ~ I I I 1 I I I I I E 1 I I i I I I I I i i i I I I I t I 1 i I I 1 I I E I i I I I I 1 E I I I I 1 I i C 4 ! I I / -t- -r t- rg -t° --t- - - - . I 1 i i ....•....,..........9 /i 1 I 1 ~l 11t' ~ V~MJ~'I ~ I ~ i D~ NT.I WCC~K I i T CLEAR CREEK AMBULATORY f -r SURGURY CENTER v 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 0 4 c ~ ~ I PATIO ~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ ~~~L~DpuV~Op~~uV~~~p~ if ~ ~ ~ ~ 400 ~ , ~ 402 S.F. , , ~ , . 2 5,~, ~~~i S6~u~'~ A y A~ 1~ y i °y ! \ 5~ ~ ~ ~~a5~u p~g~~ag~ ~p ~ti ~ I I I i ~~~o~ u ~~FA~b I I~OV~ ENTRY .dam a ti - Id ~f 1 NOTE: THIS SPLAN IS INCLUDI ZLUDED A5 W055 BUILDING AREA - 14;120 S.F. REFERENCE SHOWING HOW BUILDING SOU 1 NET BU JET BUILDING AREA (SECT. 26-501.5.1) - 8,g86 S.P. FOOTAGE CALCULATIONS WERE ACHIEVE i i tir B O U L D E R A S S O C I A ?K4 rm~ v 1 A rchitecture + Interior Design i a r T E S. I N C'. it r®j N ~ . D~►,..A,'CRTN . Lai Z~~HY1@ M~i71 GAL GOMMMON:~ - PH~S~ FIN?~L DE~/ELOPMENT PL,4N - ?~DMINISTR?~TI~/~ ?~ME LOT 2, ZEPHYER MEDICAL COMMONS, PHASE 4 SUBDIVISION w DA~~ LYIN6 IN THE 5W I/4 OF SECTION 23, T 3 5, fZ bq W, OF THE SIXTH P.M. ~1U~`U 1, GIN OP WHE~4T RID6E, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OP GOLOR,4D0 1- T.o. c~~ 124-®„ a{ b 10 4 4 6 10 L 'i f . 3 L `t. 1 ~r 2 3 ~ t f- i - J 8 T.O. PARAPET. c1 l 124'-0" ~ -P J_+ Q f i 8 x t_ IOb'-t~° T U 2 ~ FINISHED FLOOR ~,FINISHEP FL4_4 100'-O•• 100~_O~~ ,.r~__.: 5 2 ~~~~~a ~~~~~~o~~ I s ~ i 1 ~~~~b ~~~~~~I~~ - - I B O 4 TO SCREEN A 124' l=l F 8 5 ■ ❑ ■ ■ `R t i i E ;f~ ~ 10 METAL 50REEN l^U GORRU6ATED PANEL 51 ~ ~ II~I1111111111111111111 II i B T E S, I N C. i si. i gn 4 t^ t i l I~ ws w sn. i - ~Y E ..c . GOMMUNI N DEYELOPN(ENT DIRECTOR OWNER'S GERTI F I GAT cor~ra~irr ~v~.oPrat-~r ~irz~croR a ii j D I RECTOR OF PUBL I G WORKS OWNER .3_ DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS 3 i i~ + j COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S GERTI~IG/~TE NOTARY STATE OF CALORADO ~ ~ S! t ~ -~F~`-~N ) NOTARY Y ~II~i } , I F~ARBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN l^lA5 FILED IN TIC OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF .~FFER50N GOUNIY AT 60LDEN, MAYOR'S GERTI~IGATI COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK M ON THE DAY OP - 1 AD., IN BOOK ,PAGE APPROVED THIS DAY OF , ~ t 1 RECEPTION NO. GIN OF WHEA'~ RIDGE. 1 ATTEST LASE HI ~ _ ~M~uD~~N~ I D~~/ELOPM~NT STAND,4RD5 I ` BY: DEPUiY GIN GLf:RK MAY A~D.IAGENT ZONE- R-G ~ S AMENDMENT MINIMUM / REQUIRED PROVIDED L Y' E STING GHAII un ue ~ o ~ - _ _ Q SETBACKS: FRONT - PER PGD FRONT - IS'1'- REAR - PER PGD REAR - IS'-O" - ~ SIDE - PER PGD 51DE - 10'-O 51DE - PER PGD SIDE - 10'-O BUILDING HEIGHT: 35'-O" MAX. 24'-O" ~ Y EXISTING 15LAND 1 ~ I I t _ i. L W 1~ ✓ED PLANNED SITE AREA: NO MINIMUM 53,305 S.F. (1.2 ~ ~ / I ~ 4 ~ SH AVENUE ~ ~ EXISTING . m BUILDING x 2 STOR a t PHASE I ~ "r i. . / ' r / ~ ~I I f. i ' e ) r T r , , ..I' :e X15TIN6 G T P . ' ~ e ~ r e 'f r~~e ° ~ ~i e, i i r r, 'i ~ ~ I~ ~ i r ~ ( ~1 __jj~// f w ~ .T'/. ~ . , . . PRDPDSED MDN MENT 51 GN 1 Nr V ,r ~ / ' r ~ , / . , e P / / f I it / . / ~..1 , rr 'r ~ . - - ~ ' ' ~ : / 5ET ~ p MIN. ~ 0 PR M DP, LINE N . / v+ . ~ II~ ~ 1 r . ~ A SEE DETAIL 3 4 . , i ~ , , ~ ~W qv~ 'f e✓ 1a. rr , 9. • i / ii./ ~ '0. / ~ ~ rr . _ PEDESTRIAN 5 ~T L1CHT - _ ZEPHYR DRIVE -sue . -EXI~T~ G ~ ;ss ~ARi~INC-~- i t ~D CLEAR CREEK AMBULATORY ADJACENT ZONE- R- SURGURY CENTER EXISTING 1 BUILDING I STORY - 38th Avenue PHASE 2 Wheat Ridge, Colorado ru r - r i t ~~LSL~~u~/1u~~'~V~dp~~ if Gm i i ~u~ryl~~ ~~uV~~~~~~~~~ e. GENERAL NOTES: z I. 5EE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR SITE DISTANCE TRIANGLES SHEET'fI1T.E 2. 5EE GNIL PLANS FOR EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONTOUR 3. 5EE SURVEY PLAN FOR SURVEYOR GERTIFIGATION, BA515 Site Plan _--n 1'%v1 v,~a..v vVI`~ i VVItJN ~F ' Vi L4 JU 1 .LEI V 1VL"Jajm ,tea, f t~ 4 B 3 O U L D E R A S S O C I A XT r lip LLL- j Architecture + n terior D esign t s i i ~i '~I , r SURVEYOR'S CERTIFIGATE~ The undersigned, a professional surveyor, duty licensed in the Sfiate of Coiorodo, hereby certifi First Arnertcan Tttle insurance Company, ("Title Compcny") ,Security Title Gucranty Co., (Tide Foothills Surgicol Assaciofes, P.C. and Colorado Orthopedic Clinic, a Profe~sionoi Company, (0w - _ ..r the George F. Cook Trust. (i) This survey (the "Survey"), identified as ALTA/AGSM land Tifile Survey of 3800 Zephy of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado, and prepored by the undersigned, is a complete premises, {the "Premises"~ shown hereon, (ii} the property lines shown hereon are consistent property lines shown en the recorded plat of which fihe Premises are a ~arf, (iii) tha Survey location of aU visib{e Tmpravemen#s. structures and ofher physical conditions presently existing, shows the location of rights of way, easements and other conditions of record noted in the r repori~ No. GU93202A02, or visible indicafiions apporer~t from an inspection of the Premises, in high water line of any bodies of water located on the land (v) except as may be shown an are no encroachments of any buildings or other visible structures or imp4•ovements of any kin rights of way, easements, building set-bs~ck lines or adjoining property lines, (vi) there are or overlaps of fihe property lines with adjoining properties, except as noted (vii} the subject p nofi lie within a designated Mood Hazard Area, according to fihe documents entitled "departme and urban development, federal insurance administration - special flood ~azcrd area maps". ~ert~fres to .n,. _ ~ r 3v ! +a a 1 4 ` ~ ~ i r I . and rights of woy identified on the Survey are public rights of way and' are open, (ix) the lines noted in the referenced title report, if any or obtained from fihe Iocai agency are not s and (x) this Survey, by Willey RLS, Inc., dated March 03, 2003, by John Willey, Registered r . j ~ IM ~ I 4M i , { ~ ' No. 23528, and thot #F~is map or plat and the survey on which it is baked were made (a) i wffih the "Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/AGSM Land Titic~ Surveys", jointly es adopted by ALTA, AGSM and NSPS in 1999, and Includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4•, 8, 9, 10, 11, y, (Owners) and BEInlC3 LQT 2_ ZEPHYR 1►AEI~IC. PHASES 3 AND 4 SUED (limited to those discernible from visible inspection or located pursuant to recorded exception to the extent applicoble, 15, thereof, as qualified or i~mited by comments' nn this rr~ap, and ( the Accuracy Standards (as adapted by ALTA and ASCM and in effect on the date of this cer Lender, Title Campony and fiheir respective successors and assigns may rely upon this certific purposes noted above. Zephyr street, c~~y LYING IN THE SW 1!4 OF SECTION 23. T 3 S. R Mete Survev of the - ~P~yO REGIS d ;n, wry F~ By: JOHN D. WIU.EY oo ~o ~F cam,, Title: PRESIDENT * `5 WILLEY RLS, INC. - ~ ~ Registration No. 23528 ~ • y Date: 03/03/21303 NA1. ~N~ ~ FOUND #5/8 REBAR AND ALUM. CAP L.S. 23528 8' NON-EXClUS1VE UTILITY EASEMENT 2.~, t~i~~EPTION N0. F13863478 3.2~ EXISTING CHAIN LI~~K FENCE AT&T BROADBAND UNDEERGROUND S00'08'53"W 66.57 MEA. CABLE SC10'08'S3"W 67.00' REC. FOUND #5/8 Ri~BAR AND o ~ ° ALUM. CAP L.S. 23528 E_ ~w ~ ~ ~ , , ~ ~ r i i ~r ~ ~ ~ Q~ TELEPHONE ILV PEDESTAL L~C~ND a ~ ~ ' {1) FIRE HYDRANT o _ cci ~ t_ _ Via) w.+~r~€~ u.~~~~~. _ 'T~NO RAIL ~ ~ I I WOOD FENCE ALOAlG ~ ~ FO `r~ (3) SANITARY SEWE UND #5/8 REBAR & EXISTING THiS PROPERTY LINE - o ALUM. CAP L.S. 438 67.3• CHAIN LINK FEN LANE ENGINEERING z ~ a PARKING _ _ _ _ 17 SPACES SERVICES, BENT AND ~ (5} TELEPHONE PED LAYING ON SIDE t1.3' 8'X 16' ~ ° cn o EXt a~ v UNDERGROUND. {6) VARIOUS LOW P SET #5/8 REBAR AND ~ 'r AT&T BRAADBAND LANDSCAPE Pt1~ ALUM. CAP L.S. 23528 UNDEERGRQUND (n W t3: ; ,Q Ca~~LE N W ~ a o ~ ~ FOUND #5/S REBAR AND -~r ~M ~ o W ~ ALUM. CAP L.S. 23528 ~n~z ~ °G a ~ o ~ ~ 29't 7W0 RAIL a ~ ~ a WOOD FENCE. W ~ Cs ~ N in ~ ~UNPLATTED ~ ~ RECEPTION N0. (1301546 Z EXtSSIN~ ASPHALT PARKINS ARE 7 0 8 5 ~s EXiSTiNG OFFICE 6UILDING 11 PARKING SPACES WOOD FRAME t: EXCESS PARKING INDICATED PER RECEPTION NO. F0523757 i TO BENEFIT LOT 2, PHASE 4 \ . _F N00'08'40"E ~3~.00 REC(7RD & MEASURED .60' CONCRETE CURB 2.63' 23.fi5' EXISTING 0,5' CONCRETE CURB FIRE HYdRANT 0 SET X5/8 REBAR N00'08' 19"E 151.18 REC. & MEaA. & AL. CAP IN N gg'rj2'(y3" ~y REC. ASPHALT DRIVE 10.38' REC. & M l.S. 23528 r i I ~ I i ~ i I ~ 1 1 ~ f i ~ I f ~ 1 1 ~ I I ~ I 1 ~ I 1 1 I i ~ 1 i ~ oRA~N tNt.E~' PRIVATE SANITARY FQUND ~4 REBAR ACCEPTED AS POINT ON EAST• t1NE PHASE 2 i i NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT N zw- looms Now %.0-1 ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMONS-PHASE 2 PHASE 3 3 L 7FPI.IYQ ►/rhif`Ai f`t1►l►A(tiA1C_P{.~A~CC 1 FOR WATER PURPOSES A CONDOMINIUM REMAINDER LOT RECEPTION NO. 85065152 AML RECEPTION NO. 81093777 RECEPTION N0. 8301 SW CORNER SECTION 23 U W-N& mow u FND. 3 1/4" BRASS CAP IN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE RANGE BOX ~ i r AS PER MONUMENT RECORD SATED WILLEY 04/18/34 R.L.S. 13212 r,,,CRLS, INC. ?2756 W. 7T COURT WESTMINSTER, CO. 0234 PHONE 303 535 673 P 303 5 1 74 i C:lland Projects 3\02C18\dwg\DAVIS.QWG 03/03/2003 11:19:15 AM MST BU ~cr gat tc~ircc nr~rcr nr~r►,ck~r e~K>r_Ik:~crDlwlrt M r~.rcvI~►:f-► i i i ~ f Project Number a3s3e.oo DRAWN BY S. LeiCO Z~fi~HYi~ M~1~ I GAL GOMMMON~ - i~H~s 'I~fi~1~1~~1~T DATE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PL?~N - ,4DMINISTR?~TIV~ ?MME LOT 2, ZEPHYER MEDICAL COMMONS, PHASE 4 SUBDIVISION auGUST t, zoo3 LYING IN THE 5W I/4 OF SECTION 23, T 3 5, R 69 W, OP THE SIXTH P.M. GIN OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OP COLORADO REVISIONS GONG. BLOGK 51LL GAP SINGLE OR DdJB FIX1UiE AS REIX RESUBMITTA~ 10-3-OS 4" X 8" X Ib° GONG. BLOGK 51LL GOLOR TO MATGH BLDG. GAP DOLOR TO MATGH BLDG. FIELD BRIGK OR DOUBLE FIELD BRIGK _ A5 REQUIRED 3B 4 8"XS"XIb" GMU DOLOR TO MATCH BLDG. AGGENT k BRICK GROUT 50LID CALORED PRECAST GONG. G,4P `b" LETTERING BOTH . _ _ / SIf2E5 O~ 516N BOULDER 8" CONT. GONG. ~G~~ p'~`~ WALL ASSOCIATES O CANT. GONG. FOOTING 0 ~ TY~' I G~~. ~'~GLOSUfi~~ i~~T,~ I L.5 ~,h6~. . ~ C~VI"11`'LC I C ~IC~IVf'tC~C VC I ttlL~ ~ ~rcc.iric.t~ i iv~~ v~i~~ ac i~~ucv rv~ ~ rv~ R~YI EW AND APPROVRL A~5 REQUIRED SY THE G I TY REGULATIONS ~S 4747 Table Mesa Dt. Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80305 ~ ~ ~ ~ (303) 499-7795 Facsimile (303) 499-7767 ~ ~ ~ ~ f { ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - _ a E „ ~ r cur ~ I I 1 i I 1 i 1 -r I I t I E 1 1 i I I i I ~ 1 I j j I I I E i I l I f 1 I E 1 I 1 I { i l 9 I e 3 I 1 I l i i ! I k I I i 1 I I I I ! I 6 ! I I I t S I I ! I I I I I I E ! I I E i I i ! I 1 / I ! 1 I 4 _~..~I I I I ---_t____.~_....__~.___..t--__.~_____r----t___..~--___ E 1 I I 1 i ~ wn.n~ A 1 f i G~.~~~ W R.~ 1 ~ ~ WORK OE NT,I i F BLEAR CREEK i E ~ v~ s AMBULATORY v ~ SURGURY CENTER - 38th Avenue i 1 1~ Wheat Ridge, Colorado , R~ sr a { PATIO i l E pf~~L~0~v~1~~I~G~~I e I f D~AIN~~I~ l / ~ V~~e - 400 5.~. 3~` , r 1 / i J N~ 11 h M~..%i 1~ k~..,~~.,,ij u, 4 r ~r ~ r ~ e! c 1 ~ r ♦ ..1 \ \ ~ ~r`'_/~ \ \ ma`r' r e r { 1 1~ ~ 1. 1 /1 T ■ i ~ ~-..air sI ~ FLI .mom", FLOOR PLAN ~ -HATCHED EA .,,,ATES AREAS N07 INCLUDEDAR T EIBUILDING SUARE F00 ONOW mmmmmmmw~ 4~ --rif IN CALCULATION FOR THE PARKING RATI SCALE: 9/8• 8 9•_0- (PER SECTION 2NORTH "NOTE: THIS SCHEMATIC PLAN IS INCLU T SCA C-AO 68055 BUILDING AREA - 14,120 S.F. REFERENCE SHOWING HOW BUILDING S NET BUILDING AREA (SECT. 26-501.B.1) - 8,g86 S.F. FOOTAGE CALCULATIONS WERE ACHIEN i i NET I 1 r - z ~ T E S, I N C. fr 4#2 Prof r .~►o T) X' . L~~o T~►AT~ AIJ~rl~T° 1, 2~ T.O. O~NOPY 6 10 R~'4'ISIC~►NS 4 t~~~iUBMITTAL 1t~-3-tt T.O, SP,~NC~R~L I I~'-~ I{P T.O. GANO~^i'° . } s. _ 2 3 rt Z~P~4Yfi~ M~1~ I ~~1~ ~OMMMON~ - PHf~S ~IN?~L DEVELOPMENT PL?~N - ADMINISTR,4T1~/E ?MME LOT 2, ZEPHYER MEDICAL COMMONS, PHASE 4 SUBDIVISION LYIN6 IN THE SW I/4 OF SECTION 23, T 3 5, R 69 W, OP THE SIXTH P.M. GIN OP WHEAT RID6E, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OP COLORADO 8 T.O. PARAPET ' O 124'-O" n 4 6 10 r a t 8 q ..J~ i ti~ n ti ~ v 2 LJ ~ FINISF+ED FLOOR ,hFIN15HED FLOOR 100'-O" (00'-O•, 5 2 ~ i f o~~~ 0 W LS6~ iU /'U~I~OV i i i J 8 O 8 - 5 L y~r ~~~~G~ C~~~~~~0~~ L •L _ TO SLREEN ,l Lf 124' s ~Q~ U 1 10 METAL 50REEN W/ CORRUGATED PANEL l B 3 O U L D E R A S S O C I A Architecture + Interior Design T E S, I N C. en ZEPHYR ME®ICAL GOMMMONS - PHASE 4 FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN LOT 2, ZEPHYER MEDICAL COMMONS, PHASE 4 SUBDIVISION LYING IN THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 23, T 5 5, R b9 W, OF THE SIXTH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT TH15 MEDICAL USE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSES ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENTS TO THE APPROVED PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PHASE 4) LOCATED AT THE ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMONS ON 35TH AVENUE IN WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO. THE PROPOSED BUILDING WILL BE A ONE STORY, NOT TO EXCEED 14,720 SQUARE FOOT, MEDICAL BUILDING FROVIDIN6 TENANCY FOR AN AMBULATORY SURGERY CENTER, UP TO FOUR CONVALESCENCE DARE RECOVERY ROOMS, AND A550VATED MEDICAL SUPPORT AND ADMINISTRATIVE SPACES. ADJACENT ZONE- R-C EXISTING PARKING EXISTING 2 1LDIN5 2 STORY ADJACENT ZONE- R-C ADJACENT ZONE- POD 71 M f :a 7 , r~ e r F EXI5TIN6 ccsle'v ~ m B)ILDINO rvisE~ 2 STORY e 3 PHASE 3 ERIS INS -1K PAR IN5 I I Exlsnlw ZEPHYR DRIVE I~ ADJACENT ZONE- R-2 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SETBACKS: MINIMUM / REQUIRED PROVIDED FRONT - FRONT - I5T-O" REAR - REAR - 15'-O' 510E - 510E - 10'-0' SIDE - SIDE - 101-0' EUILDIN5 HEIGHT: 501-0" MAX. 24'-0' 51TE AREA: NO MINIMUM 534305 5F. (12 ACRES) ALLOWABLE BLDG. CVO: 14,720 S.F. 14,720 5F . (21% OF SITE) LANDSCAPED AREA (25%):13326 S.F. 14,141 5F. (26% OF SITE) 510EWALK (20%): 2825 S.F. 2008 SF (18% OF LANDSCAPE) PROPOSED PAVED AREA: - 21,522 S.F. (40% OF SITE) EXI5TIN6 PAVED AREA: - 4000 5F, (i% OF SITE) NET BUILDING AREA: - 6000 S.F. (Per 26-501 B.1) CITY 5ro. PARKING RATIO: I/I50 - PARKING: 54 51`ACE5 T8 SPACES ACCESSIBLE PARKING: 3 SPACES 4 SPACES E%5TM KY.W%F 6Y9' W EXISTING DRIVE E@E nx - - - EXISTIN6 MfDPdNi - -waErsrc ul-M EXISTING DRIVE - ~ 11`1C - - - - - - - _ - _ _ EX15T MILE 15TC PHA5 EXI5TIN6 PARKING ADJACENT ZONE- POD I EXISTING PARKING ADJACENT ZONE- R-2 51TE PLAN '_CKE e, 11NORTH J .11 GENERAL NOTES: L SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR 51TE DISTANCE TRIANGLES 2. SEE CIVIL PLANS FOR EXI5TIN6 AND PROPOSED CONTOUR5 3. SEE SURVEY PLAN FOR SURVEYOR CERTIFICATION, 13A515 OF BEARING STATEMENT, AND VICINITY MAP EX151 511L: I STC FRAE en <vl mg I E] - PROPOSED CONC. 51DEWALK - FROP05ED ASPHALT PAVING - PROPOSED LAND50APINC SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS ft,-N,mb,, 03938.00 .RA. BY S. Laico DINE AUGUST 1, 2003 REVISIONS BOULDER ASSOCIATES CLEAR CREEK AMBULATORY SURGURY CEN Rath Avenue Wheat Rule. COlorad0 PRELIMINARY DRAWING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET TITLE Site Plan SHEET NVMUER 1 B O U L D E R A S S O C I A T E S, I N C. , ~1 \``\\M\.'\r^:~ n,\ \ x~\\a tu,~l\ S``.~l"\rt~\~~\`\\\a\~,~ a , ~y \ \ wh\ a~ a. \ a ti\ PON\,@ MEN gggm "Ea F'tih,. ; b tt` I"S~~t. "Q~•az , a \ 3 \ \ a lv~ , a C`hM' \ a ,a~ oo~ , , WEST ELEVATION BOULDER ASSOCIATES m.. seox ome. msos ws.w.nn'w~u.wwsnm t v. if p hPIIrI~ Cili t~r~~P V"P~d f~,l~"~F M OAxf° ~4~i IIIt~IlsII~Y`q ~r rRbndt~+~~ it f ~ ~p ~M1~,~ti~ Clear Creek ASC i~ai i~ ~ ~I~i~ aoc i~~1 Y9V~~ p~~~~S➢r~lr ~~~j1141RI'4~ y,v+ v SOUTH ELEVATION B O U L D E R A S S O C I A T E S, I N C. Architecture + Interior Design P-AN,NING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE DIRECTOR OF FLANNIN6 DEVELOPMENT rs rtwww DIRECTOR OF FLSLIG WORK5 JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK 4 RECORER ZEPHYR MEDICAL GOMMMON5 - PHASE 4 FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN LOT 2, m-HrQ MmICAL COMMONS, FHA-ft 4 MWIVISION LYING IN THE 04 I/4 OF SGCTION 25, T $ --It 64 K OF THE SIXTH P.M. CITY OF WRAT NPM, COUNTY ar LTRRSOK STATIS OF COLORADO GNARAGTER OF DEVELOPMENT THIS MEDICAL USE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSES ADMINISTRATIVE ADJJSTMENTS TO THE APPROVED PLANND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PHASE 4) LOCATED AT THE ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMONS ON 38TH AVEME IN WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO. THE PROP05FD WILOING WILL BE A ONE STORY, NOT TO EXCEED 14,120 SGUARE FOOT, MEDICAL WILDING PROVIDING TENANCY FOR AN AMBULATORY SURGERY CENTER, UP TO FOUR CONVALESCENCE CARE RECOVERY ROOMS, AND ASSOCIATED MEDICAL SUPPORT AND ADMINI5TRATIVE SPACES. FRONT - PER POD FRONT - 15T-O' REAR - PER PGD REAR - I5'-0' SIDE - PER PCD SIDE - 10'-0' 51DE - PER POD SIDE - 101-0' ADJACENT ZONE R-C ADJACENT ZONE- POO ADJACENT ZONE- R-C EXISTING I ARKN6 EXI5TIN6 WILDING 2 STORY PHASE 4 PROPOSED WILDINS I STORY 14,,120 SF. FIN15H FLOOR = 5445,5'm 102'-0' WILDING HEIGHT: 501-0' MAX. 24'-0' SITE AREA: NO MINIMUM 53505 S.F. (12 ACRES) ALLOWABLE BLDG. CV6: 14,120 S.F. 14,120 S.F. (21% OF SITE) LAN05CAPD AREA (25%):13,326 S.F. 14,141 Sr. (26% OF SITU 51DEiNALK (20%): 2S2B S.F. 2008 Sr. (18% OF LANDSCAPE) PROPOSED PAVED AREA - 21,522 S.F. (40% OF SITE) EXISTIN6 PAVED AREA: - 4000 5F. (T% OF SITE) NET WILDING AREA. - c1TY STD. PARKINS RATIO: IA50 PARKIN6: 54 SPACES ACCESSIBLE PARKING: 3 SPACES B,OOO 5F. (pu 26-501 B.U ,1e SPACES 4 SPACES pn,). ~ 03838.00 n WNBY 8. Laleo ne3e AUGUST 1, 2003 BOULDER ASSOCIATES 00TS43tu0..3 = 3mm,m eo3m I as awl I v EXISTIN5 DRIVE EX15T1N5 Avoann A KIN - - -~Arore~+L.~ Fg EXI5TIN60RIVE R -P S- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % +i t. - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 8 9 I I ADJACENT ZONE- PGD : I I n CLEAR CREEK , : ( I AMBULATORY ADJACENT ZONE- R- I SURGURY CEN EXI51 WILL I STO PHAS EXIST N5 PARKIN6 EXISTING PARKINS EX15TINO WILDIN6 I STORY PHASE I W. wram Uw ADJACENT ZONE R-2 6EIERAL NOTES: 1. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR 5ITE DISTANCE TRIAN5LE5 2. SEE CIVIL PLANS FOR EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONTOURS 5. SEE SURVEY PLAN FOR SURVEYOR CERTIFICATION, OA515 OF 5EARIN5 STATEMENT, AND VICINITY MAP wus r.~o' o.aI i SITE PLAN I I I I - PROP05M CONC. 51DEWALK PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVING - PROPOSED LANDECAFIN6 '-SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS 3&h Aaeaoe What Ridge, Colorado PRELIMINARY DRAWING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 9{ffiTTLITB Site Plan ~MUFREL 1 of 5 B O U L D E R A S S O C I A T E S, I N C. Architecture + Interior Design SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE: The undersigned, a professional surveyor, aaly Used ad In mo stet. of com-do. hereby certifies to First ameacOn Title msumncc Company. ("fine ComPanr ) . S...HUY T.U. Guaranty Co.. (nil. Company") Foomms Surgical Associates. P.C. and Colorado Orthopedic Clinic, a Pranasmnol Company. (owners) and the George F. Cook Trust. (I) This survey (the 'Survey'), Identified an ALTA/AGSM Land Title Survey of 3800 Zephyr Street. City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado, And prepared by the undemigned, I. Omplete Survey of the premises. (the "Premises") been human, (11) the property lines shown humana consistent with the Properly lines shown on the recorded plat of which the Promises a a part, (lit) the Survey shows the location of all visible Improvements, structures and other physical conditions presently existing. (IV) the Survey shows the location of rights of way, a as . as ants and other conditions of recortl noted In the referenced title report No. G09320U02, or visible Indlcoflorm apparent from Inspectior, of the Premises, Including the mean high water line of any bodies of water located on the land (v) except a may be shown on the Survey, then no onamuchmenfs of any buildings other visible structure o I pro a Is of any kind upon the rights of way, easements. building set-back lines or adjoining properly lines. (vi) there r no Saps. gores overlaps of the properly lines with adjoining pm,mHks, except as noted (vii) the subject property does not Ile within o designated need Hazard Area, according to the documents entified 'department of housing and urban development, federal insurance aaminisfretlon - special flood hazard area ape . viil) Me roods and rights of way Identified on the Survey are public rights of way and am open, (lx) the building sef-back lines noted in the referenced title report, if any Or obtnlned from the local agency are not shown on the Survey, and (x) this Survey, by Willey RLS. Inc., dated March 03, 2003, by John D. Willey. Reglsterea Land Surveyor No. 23528, end that this map or plat and the survey on which It Is based were mode (a) In accordance with the "Minimum Standard Delall Requirements for ALTA/AGSM Land Tlllo Surveys'. jointly ealabfBhea and adopted by ALTA. ACSM and NSPS In 1999, and includes Items 1. 2, 3, 4, S. 9, 10. 11, (limited to these discemible from vlsibie Inspection Or located pursuant to recorded exception document). and I. the extent ppilm.ble, 15, thereof. s 4 lifted o limped by comments on this map. and (b) pursuant to the Accuracy Standards nos adopted by ALTA and ASCM and in effect on the data of this cmUflcallon). Owner, Lender. Title Company end their respective successors and assign may rely upon this certificate for the purposes noted .have. OPgO REGlylf. By: JOHN 0. WILLEY ~soew o vrr Title: PRESIDENT # ~5 WILLEY RLS, INC. Reglsiratfen NO. 23528 Dab: 03/03/2003 FL IAH9 FOUND 85/8 REBAR AND ALUM. CAP LS. 23528 DE BROADBAND 2.l ND moo, UNDEER CABLE 'Al UN r.a.ae.. 3.2' EXISTING CHAIN LI11K FENCE 300.08'53"W 66.5) MEA. S03O8'53"W 67.00' REC. FOUND 85/8 REBAR AND -'Y ALUM. CAP LS. 23528 ses OXE ® PFD.i1L TWO RAZE u a WOOD FENCE ALONG s EXISTING - THIS PROPERTY LINE~ o: PARKING PARKING 17 SPACES co gg g M e q $O p d = m ~ OT FOUND As L REBAR AND Lr ALUM. CAP S. 23528 29'1 TWO RAIL WOOD FENCE it PARKING SPACES - EXCESS PARKING INDICATED PER RECEPTION NO. F0523757 TO BENEFIT LOT 2, PHASE 4 60' CONCRETE CURB 2.63' _ EXISTING 0.5' CONCH xroRANr - ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY BEING LOT Z ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMONS, PHASES 3 AND 4 SUBDNISION, LYING IN THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 23, T 3 S. R 69 W, OF THE SD(TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE I OF1 NOTES (O According is Cascade law you must commence any legal action based upon any defeat I iM1I. surv y within three years after you first discover such defect. ]a no event. may y action based upon any defeat In this survey be commenced more than ton years from tine date of the -edification shown human. (2) This plat was prepared far the person or entity named In the certificate M1ereon. Said certificate does net Ostend to Cny unnamed person without an express recertification by the surveyor naming sold person. (3) This survey has been based on Security Title Guaranty Co. Commitment No. GO93202A02 DWetl November 14, 2002 at B:OO A.M. (4) Subject property Ilea outside the limits of the 100 year flood zone. (5) Positional tolerance Is 1:10,000 (6) Any person who knowingly removes. or defaces any public landsurvey monument or land boundary monument or accessory commits a class 2 misdemeanor pursuant to Slat. Statute 18-4-508 C.R.S. - (Z) 0 denotes set or found monument as noted hereon. (8) Me.. = as re ..rmd dimensions Rec. = as recorded dlmerel0ns (9) Reciprocal Easement Agreement Reception No. F0523758, no description provided, and Parking Agreement Reception No. F0523757 to benefit Let 2, Phase 4 antl a portion of Lat 1, Phase 1 has been Indicated hemer. (1Underground uilllly locations based on UIIIIOuest ticket no. 80934 for subject property on 02% 6/03. UNllfy locations a noted hereon are from a visual inspection of the property and other utility maps from various utility districts. sm 1/1 CORN. SECrpN . FND. 3 1/{' 9Rgss CAP IN CITY, or wrF RIDGE WOE 60% As FOR MONUMENT RECORD DATED 07/09/90 RLS. 1411 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 2, ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMONS PHASES 3 k 4 SUBDIVISION COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT UNPUTTED RECEPTION NO. F1301546 E%1STING 805 OFFICE BUILDING yyoo W000 FRAM J vl3. 0 RECORD~& MEASURE m r t 30" TREE 1'4 1'6 7'3 LANDSCAPE ENCROACHMENT UNDSCAPE ENCROACHMENT ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMONS PHASE 4 (LOT 2) 41,838 SO. FEET MU. 1.RASP rea VACANT LAND ult` ZONED P.C.D. 's.I ASPH,Li DRWE 3]SEG FOUND 85/8 REBAR ALUM. CAP LS. 438 LAME ENGINEERING SERVICES. BENT AND LAYING ON SIDE 31.3' UNDERGROUND. SET 85/8 REBAR AND ALUM. CAP L.S. 235\28\ Im 41>!Y CENTERLINE TURN SIGN 1.46' I, we RECEPTION N0. 85065152 i.,mNE NON-EXCLUSAT ACCESS EASEMENT - t s AIs//. a. NUP.. 190E 151.18 REC. R MEA. A f, c BRIVE N 89'52'03' W REC. k MEA.- ASPHALT DNIVEC LS 1352. - 10.38 REC. 4 MEA. oPMX Ixl[T PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER FOUND jb NE AMOmeO As cid. ON Eq5! IINE PRISE ] GRAIN INI£T t ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMONS-PHASE 2 PHASE 3 A CONDOMINIUM REMAINDER LOT 1 RECEPTION NO. 81093777 RECEPTION NO. 83087733 15' ' ASPHALT DRIVE IN s .R FAIR. I. C. 2841. P.E 905 3a N 2061. Pg6E sm, ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMONS-PHASE 1 RECEPTION NO. 83087733 1 HANDICAP RAMP (ttP.) NON-EXCLUSIVE ACCESS EASEMENT 50.00' NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR WATER PURPOSES RECEPTION N0. 85065152 Ow CORII. Ga.... .a. ] I/I• BR655 CLIP IN IDY OF WHEAT "all PANOE son LS FEN ..U.. WORD O>l. ./1G/11 ILS 13212 ZONING Planned Commeml.l D.velamat (PCD) S.aF.~l •=2DNORTH 7 BASIS OF BEARING ME GOUT UNE OF ME SW 1/4 OF OVOURN U. T 3 5. R 89 W AS 6EING N 39'5335- E 6 E..nintic N.I.E. MOAS NDTEO NEON. GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 SO { IN FEET I 1 inch = 20 ft. W MST I3VORBS 0- 03 _0c I RLS, Fv 303 f35 15]6 67.3' AT1 UNi CAI 7 'u TMEPHOXE PEDESTAL w m es ad ¢ =0 MO F co o as a; N 10 Z Do W F- W W N E ~ w 3080 n ws 30.00 0 3 N W se z~ uJ J E Z U K AD = _ t6 ro sn m Do LEGEND (1) FIRE HYDRANT _ (2).. NITER VA&'C. _ x.. (3) SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE (4) CHAIN LINK FENCE 0 0 - (5) TELEPHONE PEDESTAL (6) VARIOUS D PROFILE LANDSCAPE PUNTINDS VICINITY MAP- NT.S. 1 -GTR- 4-TAM- soc°oes BNB PRgP05ED PARKING ~ ,,t-GTR EXISTING PARKING -GLS 6-BJN -GTR EK STING BUILDING 2 STORY Blow-up area (see inset) l` 13-GLS 1°-3'Cobble Shredded Hardwood Mulch r 1 Cobble - N00°O E 330.00' I 1-JTL 2-BJN . . . ,o o.., . . 3-HFG 3-HFG 2-APA 16-eGR - 4JTL 2-JTL " - I 10 - BGR I I _ 3'-6' Co'Oble 1-APA - G ~I/p I 9-co M I - J J J J ~aa ~ _ 3'G" Cobble / J ' N00°08'40"E 330.00' vW 3 EJN 3 HFG' ' 3-C AO IN 3-HFG 4-RSA ' oi t 12-COM 2-TAM x -1-HM 3-COM 0 10 20 30 Scale: l" = 10' e -BGR APA raoJeCrlarnmBa 03071 D&AV NBY OYC DAM AUGUST 1, 2003 BOULDER ASSOCIATES .A,., " o0 00 J ~ g5oo6o0 E 15118 Landscape 34 HFG 55 S hl T ig riangle N89 32OFA 1038' Boulders ftp) 500°OVWA 245b4' 1"-3' Cobble - - - - - - 4-BJN 2-APA EXISTING DRIVE - - PLANTING SCHEDULE 3-BPS Symbol Code Scientific Name Common Name Quantity Size Remarks 47477aa Ie. sd.= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DECIDUOUS TREES oo3lassnwB m~B )bv>ns I GTR Gleditsia tdacanthos'Shademastef Shademaster Honeylocust 4 2"cal B&B 1' 3' Cobble 1'-3' Cobble . 0 APA Fmxinus amedcana'Autumn Purple Autumn Purple Ash 6 Test. B&B ORNAMENTALTREES 5-BPS JTL S dn a reticulate Japanese Tree Lilac 8 2"cal B&B g . y ' SSK Amelanchier alnifolia Saskatoon Senrimbeny 3 6 Clump B&B EVERGREEN TREES SCO Pinus s lvestds Snitch Pine 3 6' B&B y DECIDUOUS SHRUBS ' CREEK CLEAR /-3-BPS O GLS Rhus aromatica Grow-LoW Gm-Low Fragrant Sumac 17 5-gal. Cont. AMBULATORY ® RSA Perovskia adiplicrfolia Russian Sage 4 5-gal. Cont. SURGERY CENTER j ® SNB Viburnum opulus'Roseum' Snowball 8 5-gal. Cont. EVERGREEN SHRUBS o 1~~0 ecalare~ _ ur BPS Pima glauca prostata Blue Prostrate Spmcr 11 6-gal. Cont. Wh°t1'ag4 Colorado _ ~ e 3_sco l C t J i 16 5 ' T * rJ -ga . on . ammy un per o TAM Juniperus Sabina Tamadscifela °4°seeeatO, "I'ma0 BJN Junipems satima'Broadmoof Broadmoor Juniper 31 5-gal. Cont. PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Area Formula per Code Required Provided Overall Landscape Area 25% Gross Lot Area 13,326 s.f. 14,141 s.f. (53,305 s.f.) Landscape Area Planting 1 Tree + 5 Shrubs 15 Trees 15 Trees per 1,000 s,f. 71 Shrubs 71 Shrubs Street Frontage 1 Tree per 30 I.f. 3 Trees 3 Trees (78 I.f. Frontage) Parking Lot 1 Tree + 4 Shrubs 6 Trees 6 Trees per Island 24 Shrubs 32 Shrubs (6 Islands) 6- PERENNIALS ®GMAWINu BGR Impemta cylinddca'Rubra' Blood Grass 40 1-gal. Cont. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ( HFG Pennisetum alopecuroides'Hameln Hardy Fountain Grass 51 1-gal. Cont. O COM Coreopsis verticillata'Moonbeam' Moonbeam wreopsis 30 1-gal. Cont. GROUNDCOVERS irmarl na LANDSCAPE Turfalive3 Turf Grass 5300 s.f. 37.5% of landscape Sod PLAN 1"-3"Cobble Stone Cobble 580 s.f. 4.1% of landscape 3" min. depth 9ffiBIND101BB 11 r N 3of5 Scale: 1 = 20 0 20 40 60 B O U L D E R A S S O C I A T E S, I N C. Architecture + Interior Design ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMMONS - PHA5E 4 FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN LOT 3, SH'I'M M=lrAL COMMONS, I'NASC 4 • IVIVON LYING IN THIS ON 1/4 Or SISOTION ]S, T S S, It WI K Or THIS SIXTH r.101. CITY Or WHMA.T PIUMM, =INTY Or JUTUR.O° N , STATIM Or COLORADO t~4-~ 03938.00 DBAWNBY S. Laiea DOT11 AUGUST 1, 2003 O BOULDER ASSOCIATES 4TnTS43fuDc same Bmea.co eoto3 OM)49yTT9)RVlm3eW3)brneT CLEAR CREEK AMBULATORY SURGURY CEN 38th Avenue When Mdg, f tondo PRELIMINARY DRAWING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Details core u'r=xTMm PE 4R ftAY -NOTE: SCHEMATIC PLAN 15 INCLUDED AS WERENCE FOR AREA REQUIREMENT5 AND 5WARE FOOTAGE OF SPACES ONLY. ® 4IATCHED ARFA INDICATES AREAS N2T I`NLLIA® IN nE WILDIN5 SGIJ E FOOTASE (PHZni CIE: PARKINS We FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE: VS' = T-O' -51W5.S BL05. AREA = 14,920 5F. -NET BLDG. AREA (wL 26-SOIb.1) = DPW Sr. NORTH 3F ],?UYB84 4 of 5 3B 4 B O U L D E R A S S O C I A T E S, I N C. Architecture + Interior Design ~1 TYPICAL ENCLOSURE DETAILS ~21 LIGHT POLE - TYPICAL MONUMENT SIGN - TYPICAL 4 1/4'= 1'-0' 4 1/4'= Ib' NOTE: THIS DETAIL 15 TO INDICATE THE DESIGN INTENT FOR SIGNAGE. COMPLETE SIGNAGE DETAILS t SPECIFIGATONS WILL EE 159,15D FOR RCM6N AND APPROVAL AS REGUIRED BY THE CITY RESLLATONS. eo;. 8c 03938.00 ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMMONS - PHASE 4 DRAInsw FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN S. Letee LOT Z, ZE-HYM MEDICAL COMMONS, PHASE 4 SUEDIVISION DATE LYING IN THE M 1/4 Or SECTION 27, T S 9, R 64 K Or THE SIXTH F.M. AUGUST y 2009 CITY Or WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY Or JffalaMR , STATE Or COLORADO o~ 10 b e3va9Den 10 4 b 2 ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® E:1 E g BOULDER ASSOCIATES s I i EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/6'=f-0' b i~.n 0 10 6 6 10 4 4 g ER-n F 9 I iioy v 9iO .w ~O T 0 6 n°o b M 4]OTSktfsOC Seem 1HT1 2 I T- I FFB70 H (D emNam roJOl on)+vtmsx~voa3te99.ns~ 5 2 1 ~ ~md 4 / 3 SOUTH ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/5'=f-0' SCALE: I/b'=1'-0' 3 `o 6 l0 7 a a 6 o CLEAR CREEK b AMBULATORY b I SURGURY CENTER d ~ioo LI u 38Th Avenue H What Ridge, Get..& I 2 3 T 2 3 I T B WEST ELEVATION Le~NV PRELIMINARY 5CALE: Wclr • O BRICK VENEER DRAWING BRICK ACCENT NOT FOR ® PANG BRICK SA BAW ND CONSTRUCTION 50 5TOREFRONT/61-AZINS © PARAPET GAP- TO MATCH BRICK Q WNDOW sxaer3ms O 9Q CANOPY EURECRffII Elevations 10 METAL SCREEN H/ CORRWATED PANEL sesarxuemae 5 of 5 B O U L D E R A S S O C I A T E S, I N C. Architecture + Interior Design George F. Cook 'Crust 2305 E. At Rd., Suite 217 Littleton,-CO-80922. (303-) 7794669 (303) T79-1652 Fax July 24, 2003 City of Wheat Ridge To Whom it May Concern I am writing on behalf of the George F. Cook Trust, the Owner of Lot 2 Phase 4 and have exercised the option to-acquire-the Remainder Lot 1: Phase :3 at the Zephyr Medical Commons, located at 38" and Zephyr Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. We are currently under contract to sell the above properties to Clear Creek MOB, LLC, the developer. / owner of atc-be-constructed medical outpatient surgical. facility oft the properties. We write to give our written authorization for Clear Creek MOB, LLC, its agent, architects, engineers and contractors, to. submit any development, planning and. building permit applications for the to-be-constructed facility to the City of Wheat Ridge. It is our understanding and intention that during the City's review of some or all ofthese applications,. the sale of the above properties will close (scheduled closing date.is 8/22103) and thereafter Clear Creek MOB, LLC will be the sole owner of the properties. As such, we give our authorization for Clear Creek MOB, LLC to submit these applications for the above properties, and support their efforts in this regard'. Please contact me should you need further clarification of this matter Sincerely, G~ Fred Fanganello Co-Trustee of the George F. Cook Trust Property appraisal system http://ww4.jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=202818&offset--O 1 OF 1 Sale Date Sale Amount Deed Type Reception 12-11-1997 200 000 Warranty F0523756 , Deed Location Map/Additional Information Send mail to assessor@co.jefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Website. Copyright @ 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A Map of How to Get to Our Office Website information current through: 08-16-2003 1 of 1 8/18/2003 2:08 PM Home C:encrf;l Property Records I lnfnrtn:s[ioei * Property appraisal system http://ww4.jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=202038&offset--O 1 OF 1 Printer Friendly Pace Sch:202038 Parcel ID:39-233-21-031 Status:Active Property Type:Residential Property Address 07859 W 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Mailing Address: SAME ADDRESS AS PROPERTY Owner Name OFFICEOWNERS ASSOC INC ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMONS PH II Area:2 Neighborhood: Subdivision Name: 860800 ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMONS PH II CONDO Bloc Lot Key Section Township Range QuarterSection Sz OCA 23 ~ 69 SW 42296 Total 42296 Sale Date Sale Amount Deed Type Reception 12-29-1981 F--=o Declaration 81093776 Location Map/Additional Information Send mail to assessor@co.jefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Website. Copyright @ 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A Map of How to Get to Our Office Website information current through: 08-16-2003 1 of 1 8/18/2003 2:09 PM Home GetierM Properly Records Infarmx it oki Property appraisal system http://ww4.jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=202036&offset--O 1 OF 1 Send mail to assessor@co.jefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Website. Copyright @ 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A Map of How to-Get to Our Office Website information current through: 08-16-2003 1 of 1 8/18/2003 2:10 PM Home (;encrttl Property Records Icrforaiation u Location-Map/Additional Information Property appraisal system http://ww4.jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=l 87798&offset=0 1 OF 1 Send mail to assessor@co.jefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Website. Copyright @ 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. A Map of How to Get to Our Office Website information current through: 08-16-2003 1 of 1 8/18/2003 2:10 PM Home C:enec-al Property Records lnfornrsct o!n . Location Map/Additional Information ' MetroScan / Jefferson . Schedule :187798 Bldg of AssdLand $48,610 Parcel :39 233 21 029 S :23 T :035 R :69W Q :SW AssdStrc Owner :Pfarr Margaret Esther Trustee AssdTotl :$48,610 CoOwner :Fanganello Freddy Ja ActlLand $167,620 Site :3800 Zephyr Dr Wheat Ridge 80033 ActlStrc Mail :5095 Tule Lake Dr Littleton Co 80123 ActlTotl :$167,620 Xfered :05/02/1991 Doc # :42955 PrYrLnd :$51,650 Price Deed PrYrStr Loan Amt Loan PrYrTotl $51,650 VestType Int Rt PrACtlLnd :$178,100 Lender PrActlStr . Land Use :2111 Vacant,Commercial PrACtlTotl :$178,100 Sub/Plat :Zephyr Medical Commons Ph 3 & 4 % Imprvd Blk&Lot :LOT 2 % Owned Neighbad :103 2002 Ta x $3,948.02 Tax Dist :3139 OwnerPhn Pierson :16 K Census Tract :105.02 Block :2 Bedrms Total SF Year Blt LotAcre :.96 Bathrms : BsmtSF Style LotSgFt 41,905 TotalRm : Porch Units Parking Cooling : Porch SF Fireplce ParkgSF Heating : Deck SF Pool Jacuzzi Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. MetroScan / Jefferson : Schedule :202036 Bldg of AssdLand Parcel :39 233 21 032 S :23 T :035 R :69W Q :SW AssdStrc Owner :Zephyr Medical Commons Officeowners Asso AssdTotl CoOwner ActlLand Site :7831 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 ActlStrc Mail :7831 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 ActlTotl Xfered :12/31/1975 Doc # :28160666 PrYrLnd Price Deed :Quit Claim PrYrStr Loan Amt Loan PrYrTotl VestType Int Rt PrActlLnd . Lender PrActlStr . Land Use :4151 Agr,Home Owner Association PrACtlTot l : Sub/Plat :Zephyr Medical Commons °s Imprvd Blk&Lot % Owned Neighbad 2002 Ta x Tax Dist :3139 OwnerPhn Pierson :16 K Census Tract :105.02 Block :2 Bedrms Total SF Year Blt LotAcre :.71 Bathrms : BsmtSF Style LotSgFt 30,971 TotalRm : Porch Units Parking Cooling : Porch SF Fireplce ParkgSF Heating. . Deck SF Pool Jacuzzi Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. MetroScan / Jefferson • Schedule :202038 Bldg of AssdLand Parcel :39 233 21031 S :23 T :03S R :69W Q :SW AssdStrc Owner :Zephyr Medical Commons Ph II AssdTotl CoOwner :O££iceowners Assoc I ActlLand Site :7859 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 ActlStrc Mail :7859 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 ActlTotl X£ered :12/29/1981 Doc # 93776 PrYrLnd Price Deed PrYrStr Loan Amt Loan PrYrTotl VestType Int Rt PrActlLnd . Lender PrActlStr . Land Use :4151 Agr,Home Owner Association PrActlTOtl : Sub/Plat :Zephyr Medical Commons Ph II Condo % Imprvd Blk&Lot % Owned Neighbad 2002 Tax Tax Dist :3139 OwnerPhn Pierson :16 K Census Tract :105.02 Block :2 Bedrms Total SF Year Blt LotACre :.97 Bathrms : BsmtSF Style LotSgFt :42,253 TotalRm : Porch Units Parking Cooling . Porch SF Fireplce ParkgSF Heating . Deck SF Pool Jacuzzi Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. MetroScan / Jefferson : Schedule :202818 Bldg of AssdLand :$90,340 Parcel :39 233 21 033 S :23 T :035 R :69W Q :S W AssdStrc :$361,310 Owner eat Ridge Medical Props Llc AssdTotl :$451,650 CoOwner ActlLand :$311,500 Site :3800 Zephyr Dr Wheat Ridge 80033 ActlStrc :$1,245,900 Mail :3921 Simms St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 ActlTotl :$1,557,400 Xfered :05/14/1998 Doc # PrYrLnd :$93,090 Price Deed PrYrStr :$372,420 Loan Amt $160,000 Loan :Construc tion PrYrTotl :$465,510 VestType IntRt :FIXED PrACtlLnd :$321,000 Lender :Peak National Bank PrActlStr :$1,284,200 Land Use :2112 Com,Improved Land PrACtlTot l :$1,605,200 Sub/Plat :Zephyr Medical Commons Ph 3 & 4 % Imprvd :80 Blk&Lot :LOT 1 % Owned :100 Neighbad 293 2002 Ta x :$35,582.64 Tax Dist :3139 OwnerPhn Pierson :16 K Census Tract :105.02 Block :2 Bedrms Total SF 13,043 Year Blt . 1999 LotAcre :.82 Bathrms BsmtSF Style LotSgFt 35,937 TotalRm :1 Porch Units :1 Parking Cooling : Porch SF Fireplce ParkgSF Heating . Deck SF Pool Jacuzzi Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. Community Development Department 7500 West 29Th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or pipe all information) Applicant Clear Creek MOB, L.L.C. Address 1055 Auraria Parkway, Suite ~Kone303-893-0250 City Denver State CO Zip 80204 Fax 303-893-0251 George F. Cook (trust) in care of Owner FredFang anetlo -(Co-Trustee)Address 2305 E. Arapahoe Road Phone303-779-9669 City Littleton State CO Zip 80122 Fax 303-779-_ET52 Contact Boulder Associates-,Jon TuclW4dress 4747 Table Mesa Drive, Suite A&303-499-7795 City Boulder State C Zip 80305 Fax303-499-7767 (Thc person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, and will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing.) Location of request (address): 7821 W. 38th Avenue (Zephyr Medical Commons) Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Appllcadon submirral requirements on reverse side ❑ Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Special Use Permit ❑ Consolidation Plat ❑ Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) ❑ Flood Plain Special Exception ❑ Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ❑ Right of'Way Vacation ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Temporary Use, Building, Sign bite Development Plan approval ❑ Variance/Waiver (from Section ) ❑ Other: Detailed description of request: This medical use development proposes administrative adjus LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: Size of Lot (acres or square footage): 1.2 acres Current Zoning: PCD Proposed Zoning: PCII Current Use: Medical Proposed Use:Medical I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the caner which approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applicant Subscribed MswwK rnTto this d ob day of _Y V Q_ 20 C) 3 ,~iwM R Man,.. ~ Mw>•a t ,t. De.~e~e~ wa Kac 5cA~ t;r s 6wau LLC v i%A- r o4 Notary Public Y ckeFwr Gr e\< MOB, . L1 .C My commission expires /I aLv ,p (o Q To be filled out by,sTaff: Datcieceived Comp Plan Doi& Related Case No. Fee S Gd Receipt No Case No. W Zoning ZL Quaver Section Pre-App Mtg. Date _ Case Manager_ 0 0 0 0 0 w N N m C JUL 23 2003 '16:10, 3032352057 ?RGE.02 Case No.: App: Last Name: App: First N ame: Owne r: Last Name: Owner: First Nam e: App Addre ss: City, State Z ip: App: Pho ne: Owner Address: City/St ate/Zip: Owner Phone: Project Address: Street Name : City/State, Zip: Case Disposition: Project Planner: File Lo cation: Not es: Follow- Up: WZ0307 Quarter Section Map N tear Creek MOB Related Cases: /o Boulder Assoc. Case Histor y: eorge Cook /o Fred Fangenello 1055 Auraria Pky. Ste300 Review Body: Denver, CO 80204 03-893-0250 APN° 305 E. Arapahoe Rd. 2nd Revie w Body: Littleton, CO 80122 2nd Review Date 03-779-9669 Decision-making Body 821 Appro val/Denial Date: est Nth Avenue JWheat Ridge, CO 80033. Reso/Ordinance No.: o.: W23 _ Final Development Plan mendment... dm. 9-233-21- Conditions of Approval: Pesicka ctive District: Date Rec eived: /4/2003_ Pre-App Date: F_ 'M CIF UH.DT PT_~c P C11 AN Fh 31 REFEFT "",-I i. rich _i11,THIr 6 rl..~Tj- j-h,7L=fa f)oj rrji2: r.,r" i'.IT er y:Ji is l &I t / Turner Tony Selene Turner Construction Company Senior Project Manager 1873 S. Bellaire Street Suite 1200 Denver, CO 80222 phone: 303.753.9600 fax: 303.753.9700 mobile: 303.961.5308 email: asolano@tcco.com A Century of Excellence DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS GROUP LLC Alan R. Main President / CEO 1055 Auraria Parkway, Suite 300 Denver, Colorado 80204 alan.main@devsolgrp.com Ph: 303.893.0250 Fax: 303.893.0251 Cell: 303.909.4990 N Wheat Ridge Community Development Department PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: 12 June 2003 Attending Applicant(s): Alan Mayne, Nicholas Rehnberg, Tony Solano Address/Phone: 4747 Table Mesa Drive, Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80305 303.499.7795 Attending Staff: Community Development: Travis Crane, Mike Pesicka, Mary Austin Building Department: Darin Morgan Wheat Ridge Water District: Walt Petit Wheat Ridge Fire District: Dave Roberts Address or Specific Site Location: 7821 West 38th Avenue (Zephyr Medical Commons) Existing Zoning: PCD (Planned Commercial Development) Existing Comp. Plan: CC Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: Construct a one-story building on the remaining vacant lot (Phase 4). The building will not exceed 14,720 square feet in area, and will be an ambulatory surgery center. The site will conform to the standards as approved in the original Zephyr Medical Commons Final Development Plan. Access will be provided via the existing drive aisle. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? No Planning comments: Would be desirable to see the design revered and the building pushed towards 38th Avenue. The applicants expressed concern regarding this request, and indicated the design of the building would preclude this reversed orientation. The parking seems to be sufficient. Since this is an amendment to a development plan, a new final development plan must be reviewed and ultimately recorded with Jefferson County. Based on the information provided and the proposed design, the amendment to the final development plan may be processed administratively. You should be aware that all of the property owners must sign the amendment to the development plan. I have provided some examples of a final development plan for your reference. Should you choose to pursue this development plan amendment, your next step will be to submit fifteen (15) copies of the development plan to the Community Development Department, along with a completed application, fee and all other required documents outlined in the attached literature. Staff will refer the proposed amendment to outside agencies for comments for a period of fifteen (15) days. Once the referral period has ended, comments will be returned to you. After the document has been reviewed and approved by Staff, the document must be recorded with Jefferson County. Public Works comments: 2 Copies of the following shall be submitted for review: 1. A Drainage Report and Plan (signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer) to accommodate the change in building footprint from the original Phase IV design. The Plan should significantly adhere to the original Zephyr Commons Final Drainage Study and Plan. 2. Grading & Erosion Control Plan. 3. Site Plan, which shall include the following: a. 24" X 36" sheet format. b. A Vicinity Map. c. The boundary of the site described in bearings and distances, and existing and proposed lot lines. d. A Legal Description of the site, including tie(s) to the Section. e. A Basis of Bearing statement. f. Signed certification from a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the state of Colorado. g. A scale and north arrow. h. Date of map preparation and name & address of person who prepared map. i. Location of 100-year floodplain, if applicable. j. Existing and proposed contours at 2-ft intervals. k. Adjacent street(s), including Right-of-Way width(s), name(s), ROW centerline(s). 1. Location of all existing & proposed easements and rights-of-way, fences, walls, drainageways, ditches, buildings to be developed or retained on site. 4. Proof of Ownership for the property, e.g., Warranty Deed, Title Commitment, etc. Building comments: The building must be fully sprinkled and must contain a fire alarm. Streetscape / Architectural Design comments: none Other comments: Fire District: Please consider using the northwest corner of the building as the utility area. Fire access should be provided at this location. Water District: Please submit the utility plans to Denver Water for review. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT City of Wheat a 7500 WEST 29' AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Department of Public Works June 12, 2003 Pre-Application Meeting for Zenhvr Medical Commons Phase IV Public Works Requirements: 2 Copies of the following shall be submitted for review: 1. A Drainage Report and Plan (signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer) to accommodate the change in building footprint from the original Phase IV design. The Plan should significantly adhere to the original Zephyr Commons Final Drainage Study and Plan. 2. Grading & Erosion Control Plan. 3. Site Plan, which shall include the following: a. 24" X 36" sheet format. b. A Vicinity Map. c. The boundary of the site described in bearings and distances, and existing and proposed lot lines. d. A Legal Description of the site, including tie(s) to the Section. e. A Basis of Bearing statement. f. Signed certification from a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the state of Colorado. & A scale and north arrow. It. Date of map preparation and name & address of person who prepared map. i. Location of 100-year floodplain, if applicable. j. Existing and proposed contours at 2-ft intervals. k. Adjacent street(s), including Right-of-Way width(s), name(s), ROW centerline(s). 1. Location of all existing & proposed easements and rights-of-way, fences, walls, drainageways, ditches, buildings to be developed or retained on site. 4. Proof of Ownership for the property, e.g., Warranty Deed, Title Commitment, etc. CLEAR CREEK MEDICAL BUILDING ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMONS PRE-APPLICATION NARRATIVE May 28,2003 This medical use development proposes administrative adjustments to the approved Planned Commercial Development (Phase 4) located at the Zephyr Medical Commons on 38th Street in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The proposed building will be a one story, not to exceed 14,720 square foot medical building providing tenancy for an ambulatory surgery center, up to four convalescence care recovery rooms and associated medical support and administrative spaces. The building will be an I 1.2 occupancy with current building code complying construction. The proposed site accessories will consist of visual enclosures for an emergency generator and trash and an electrical transformer. Parking and landscape requirements will adhere to the original P.C.D. requirements except for the minor modifications due to the site layout and as appropriate for the proposed medical use. The building construction will consist generally of concrete foundation walls on spread footings, concrete slab on grade, compliant frame construction of wood /steel with a masonry/stucco exterior skin, a low slope roof with mechanical rooftop screening and /or facade. Canopies will be provided at patient entry/ e- .at doors for weather protection. Site access will be maintained via the existing paved common private driveway. _ _ ~I - - - .t - - - ± ~ w„~r• rw ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ 1~ L ~ G '7~ r. - 1 1 ~ _ i " 1 t i x i - ~ ~x i x x "R x ti_ r 'x d a- t.~ x .r .1 I ~ ~ n= e N. O_ rr} ~`F 1 f n p ® _ i r ~ ~ ~o • ~b = 4 + ~ -v h ~ O 2 o~ n . . . l b h ~ ~1 H t~ i ~ i i R ~ro ~ ~ v ~~Q ~ ~~o~ s ~t~~~~ ~ ~~p 1 ~ Grp ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' N ~ ~ ~ z ~ 4 L_ ■ ..s , _ _ - r n ~~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ n ~n ~ ~ w i 1 s~ ~ ~ ~ o u ~ t r= v~ j y~ y~ R ~ ~ N - ~ ~ ~ o~ S~~~r ~ a ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ s~~ Y t t~ _'p`" ~ ~ 1 ! ~a ~z i S 1 I V 1 L c ■ _ i o~'o ~ ~ j w A ~~t s 1 ~3'~ ~ ~y ~7 0 ~ y ~ p, V H ~ ~ ~ '0 O ~ ~ + ' ZEPHYR ~~C)~~AL C~ MC.~N~ -PHA (A PART OF MEDICAL DE~iTAL CONDtjM1NIU~IIIS PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEV UVHEAT RIDGE, CQ ~ > ',.J h~ '.1 4 A CURB GUTTER DIMENSlC.~NS e® ~ t r ~ CURVE RADIUS LENGTH CHARD BEARING DELTA L}NE DIRECTION DISTANCE C1 1(}.Qfl' 15.81' 14.7' 54.5'25'16"W 89'26'49" Li ~1$9'Si'2D°W ?1.58' - . ~ T ~ G2 2.50` 7.85' S.~O' S00'Q8'4~"W 180'00'00" L2 S89'S1'2~"E 31.Q0' > NOTES C3 2.50 7.85 x.00 N00'fl8 40 E 18fl ~0 QO L3 N89 51 20 W 31.00 ALA S C4 2.50' 7.85' 5.(30' SQ~'08'40"W 180'OQ'00" L4 S04'0$'40"W 2~4.t70' 4 ~,r C5 2.~t1' 7.85' 5.00' NOfl'fl8'44"E 180'~~'Ofl„ L5 S89'51'2t~AE 76.15, UlVLE C6 S.OU' 7.$t3' 7.03' S45'11°~5"E 89'20'1Q~ Lfi N89'S1'20"W 31.40' ~ ~ , E . k W.____~_..--.. ~ jt C7 3.00' 9.04' 5.99' N86'14'43~W 172'33'37" L7 S89'51'20"E 31.Q~' 2. ALL C C8 2.00 6.28 4.~0 N89 57 55 W ~ 80 t30 DO L8 SOQ'31'1 ~J"E 150.3' i i ~ ~ ypypp ~ K f ? ~ i C9 5.04' 7.85' 7.47' N44'S7'S5"W 9Q'00'Ofl" L9 NQO`39'34"W 11.$7' 3. PRO C10 5,a0' 7.85' 7.47' S45'02'05"W 90`00'00" L10 ti89'57'~~"W 97.5t}' ~,Q~- t_1 ~11 2.5Q' 7.85' 5.fl0' S(?0'02'0~"W 180'00't3Q" L11 S00'31'10"E 13.74' DRAIN C12 1.54' 4.64' 3.00' "~8$'37'3~}"E 17?'~S'34" L12 N~t3'31'10"Nl i 4.24' ELBO C13 1.50' 4.71' 3.00' N89'S7'S5"W i 80'00'0° Li 3 S89'S7'5~"E i 7.51.' 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['icy a ~it~~'w~FSwrWPRflwaPr t 5 + 1 l4 P1i 3 r 0 a 1 !"4 t d z-- 3 Z Ll in a! e W 81 f { q i t j A a i kk~ J -T- .n '%P'8 M 3 # r S # ~ ~ a C a t ZEPHYRMEDIC) rt WHEAT.Rll v. =rs= mmMrrmm =mi~w ~rrieVA m m m m m m MM m m M vim m t a m m m m m m w m m m Ir M,6 m m MM m W-M m P, ep I I I A 4"'w E)IDGEI~ x fsiEAI SURVEYOR'S CERIIRCATE~ The undersigned, v professional surveyor, duly licensed in the State of Colorado, hereby certifies First American Title Insurance Company, ("Title Company") ,Security Title Guaranty Co., (Title Co 6oothiils Surgical Associates, P.C. and Calorada Orthopedic Clinic, a Profe~siono! Company, (Owne the George F. Cook Trust. (i) This survey (the "Survey"}, identified as ALTA/AGSM Land Title Survey of 3800 Zephyr of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado, and prepared by the undersigned, is a complete Su premises, (the "Premises") shown hereon, (ii} the property tines shown hereon are consistent w property lines shown on the recorded plat of which the Premises are a dart, (iii} the Survey sh location of all visible improvements, sfiructures and other physical conditions presently existing, (i shows the location of rights of way, easements and other condi#ions of record noted Tn the tal report No. G093202A02, or visible Indications apparent from an inspection of the Premises, inclu high water line of any bodies of water located on the land (v} except a~ may be shown on the are no encroachments of any buildings or other visible strucfiures or impti-ovements of any kind rights of way, easements, building set-back lines or adjoining property lines, (vi) there are no or overlaps of the property lines with adjoining properties, except as noted (vii) the subject prop not lie within a designated Flood Hazard Area, according to the documents entitled "department and urban development, federal insurance administration -special flood hazard area maps". vii and rights of way identified on the Survey are public rights of way and are open, (ix) the bul lines noted in the referenced title report, if any or obtained from the local agency are not sho and (x) this ~ur°vey, by Willey RLS, I~rc., dated arch 03, 20+D3, by John a. Willey, Registered La Na. 2352 ,and that this map or flat and fihe survey on which it is bayed were made (a) in with the "Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/AGSM Land Titic~ Surveys", jointly estab , ,~4 ~F K' 91~ 1 l+ ~ ,I ~x 6 4 adopted by ALTA, AGSM and NSPS in 1999, and includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4~, 8, 9, 10, 11, .eP ~ (limited to those discernible from visible inspection or located pursuant to recorded exception do to the extent applicable, 15, thereof, as qualified or limited by comments on this rr~ap, and (b) ~ ti ~ sews _ ~ i the Accuracy Standards {as adopted by ALTA and ASCM and in effect on the date of this c~rtifi Lender, Title Company and their respective suc~~~sors and assigns may rely upon this certificate purposes Hated above. ~P.~p REGI~T d n• wj~ c~~ By: JOHN D. WILLEY 0 ~o ~F Title: PRESIDENT * 5 WILLEY RCS, INC. i Registration No. 23528 t ~ ~ f ~ Date: 03/03/2003 NAL. LAN9 FOUND #5/8 REBAR AND ALUM. CAP L.S. 23528 8' NON-EXCLUSIVE I UTILITY EASEMENT _ RFf:~PTI(~N N()_ F(1RR~d7R - - - - - - - - - AT&T BROADBAND 2.4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.2' EXISTING CHAIN LI[~K FENCE COUNTY OF .IEFFER50N, ~~f UNDEERGROUND ~ SUO'08'S3"W 66.57 MEA. STATE OF COLORADO. CABLE S00'08'53"W 67.00' REC. FOUND #5/8 Rr_BAR AND EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT 0 0 0 ~ ALUM. CAP L.S. 23528 ~ , r . . . , ~ ~ TELEPHONE PEDESTAL I LEC~ND 0 ~4 (1) FIRE HYDRANT o w a ~ 1 ~ ~ ca TWO RAIL is (3) SANITARY SEWER MA FOUND #5/8 REBAR & WOOD FENCE ALOPIG ~ r` EXISTING THIS PROPERTY LINE ~ ~ ALUM. CAR L.S. 438 67,3= (4) CHAIN LINK FENCE PARKING ~ Q r LANE ENGINEERING 5 TELEPHONE PEDESTA SERVICES, BENT AND ~ ~ i 17 SPACES IAYtNG ON SIDE t i .3' 8'X16' EXiST~ o: o UNDERGROUND. AT&T BROAdBAND (6, LAN SCAPE PLANT~tNG op U V? W SET #5/8 REBAR AND ' UNDEERGROUND ALUM. CAP L.S. 23528 CABLE ~ ~ z i°' ~ Q J~ ~ } r o * ~ ~ FOUND #5/8 REBAR AND ~ o~ w ~ ALUM. CAP L.S. 23528 o ~ 0 ~ t, w i ° ~ ~ ~ 29't •a+- t.. o ° - TWO RAIL i Q ~ `rr' ~ WOOD FENCE N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T Z i- 11 PARKING SPACES EXCESS PARKING INDICATED PER RECEPTION N0. F0523757 Y TO BENEFIT LOT 2, PHASE 4 .60' CONCRETE CURB 2.63' 23.65' EXISTING 0.5' CONCRETE CURB FIRE HYDRANT 0 1 1 _ t SET X5/8 REBAR N40'OS'19"E 151.18 REC. & MEA. 1 t & A~. CAP IN N ';89'52'03" W REC. & ASPHALT DRIVE 10.38' REC. & MEA. LS. 23528 ~~A~N tNt~' 'PRIVATE SANITARY SE FOUND ~4 RE9AR ~a 'R. 1= ACCEPTED 'AS POINT ON EAST I..INE PHASE 2 JAN ,tYYtK tq,LMLfV 1 cr) i 8" CLAY PIPE BOOK 2841, PAGE 905 t w (6 00 BOOK 2841. PAGE 907 o~ 50,00" ° N ~o NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT N ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMONS-PHASE 2 PHASE 3 ZEPHYR MEDICAL COMMONS-PHASE 1 I ' FOR WATER PURPOSES A CONDOMINIUM REMAINDER SOT 1 .OT 1 ( RECEPTION NO. 83087733 RECEPTION NO. 85065152 as;. 4dV'A .re1u. ~ti~ RECEPTION NO. 81 t}93777 RECEPTION NO. 83087 5W CORNER SECTION 23 FND. 3 1/4" BRASS CAP IN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE RANGE BOX WILLE" AS PER MONUMENT RECORD DATED 04/18/84 R.LS. 13212 C:\Land Projects 3\02618\dwg\DAVIS.DWG 03/03/2003 11:19:15 AM MST BUSINES June 13, 2001 Robert H. Wood, M.D. Zephyr Commons Owners Association 10927 West 3151 Avenue Lakewood, Colorado 80215 Dear Dr. Wood, I am in receipt of your letter dated June 7, 2001 concerning a sign in the Zephyr Medical Commons PCD at 38`h and Zephyr. I have reviewed the PCD in question and the regulations pertaining to planned developments. I have made the following conclusions: 1. While the approved PCD permits a sign to be located on the as yet undeveloped parcel, the issuance of the sign permit by this Department will require written authorization from the landowner to locate the sign on that parcel. This would not be required if the property had not been subdivided and the parcels sold to different owners. 2. The sign location can be changed through an administrative amendment to the PCD. This amendment requires the agreement and signature of all landowners in the PCD. Either option requires the approval of the owner of the vacant parcel. I encourage you to continue working with this owner to gain approval of whichever option you pursue. Sincerely, Alan C. White, AICP Planning and Development Director C:Wyfiles\WPFIes\L6PrERS\w ad zephyr.wpd