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7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/235-2846 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 June 9, 2004 Amy Ziegler 11732 West 34th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mrs. Ziegler: RE: Case No. WF-04-01 Please be advised that at its meeting of May 27, 2004, the Board of Adjustment APPROVED your request for a Class II Flood Plain Exception Permit to allow construction of an addition to a single-family home on property zoned Residential-One A (R-l A) and located at 11732 West 34th Avenue for the following reasons: 1. Approval of the request should not have a detrimental effect on the existing 100-year flood plain. 2. The requirements of the flood plain ordinance have been met. 3. Tim Paranto, Public Works Director, has reviewed and approved the engineer's study. 4. The Urban Drainage and Flood Control District has approved the proposed addition, concluding that the addition should not have any negative effects on the 100-year flood plain. 5. The dwelling currently exists in its entirely in Zone AE of the floodplain so if any of the "items to consider" would currently exist, they would also exist for the addition. 6. The entire "main level", both living area and garage currently exist at four feet above the flood plain level. With the following conditions: 1. The proposed addition must be consistent with the development standards of Section 26-806(F). 2. The proposed addition must maintain a first floor elevation that is one foot above the base flood elevation of 5,432.8 feet above sea level. 3. Prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, an elevation certificate shall be prepared and certified by the engineer of record and filed with the City. Amy Ziegler Page 2 June 9, 2004 Enclosed is a copy of the Certificate of Resolution, as well as a draft copy of the minutes, stating the Board's decision which became effective the date of the meeting, May 27, 2004. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy Field- Administrative Assistant Enclosures: Certificate of Resolution Draft of Minutes cc: Ramsey McDermid 9420 W. Tennessee Ave. Lakewood, CO 80226 WF-04-01 (case file) Building File C:\Documents and SettingsWathyt\My Documents\KaUry\BOA\CORRESP\2004\wN401 approval.wpd CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION COV, I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 27th day of May 2004. CASE NO: WF-04-01 APPLICANT'S NAME: Amy Ziegler LOCATION: 11732 West 34'h Avenue WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer, and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WF-04-01 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there WERE NO protests registered against it; and WHEREAS, the relief applied for MAY be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WF-04-01 be, and hereby is, APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: Class 11 Flood Plain Exception Permit to allow construction of an addition to a single-family home on property zoned Residential-One A. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. Approval of the request should not have a detrimental effect on the existing 100-year flood plain. 2. The requirements of the flood plain ordinance have been met. 3. Tim Paranto, Public Works Director, has reviewed and approved the engineer's study. 4. The Urban Drainage and Flood Control District has approved the proposed addition, concluding that the addition should not have any negative effects on the 100-year flood plain. 5. The dwelling currently exists in its entirety in Zone AE of the flood plain so if any of the "items to consider" would currently exist, they would also exist for the addition. 6. The entire "main level", both living area and garage currently exist at four feet above the flood plain level. Board of Adjustment Resolution wF-04-01 Page two (2) WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The proposed addition must be consistent with the development standards of Section 26- 806(F). 2. The proposed addition must maintain a fast floor elevation that is one foot above the base flood elevation of 5,432.8 feet above sea level. 3. Prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, an elevation certificate shall be prepared and certified by the engineer of record and filed with the City. VOTE: YES: ABBOTT, BELL, BLAM ECHELMEYER, DRDA, HOVLAND, HOWARD, MOLNAR NO: None DISPOSITION: A, request for a Class II Flood Plain Exception Permit to allow construction of an addition to a single-family home on property zoned Residential-One A and located at 11732 West 34 h Avenue was APPROVED. ADOPTED and made effective this 27th day of May 2004. Robert Blair, Chair Board of Adjustment a, 4 Ann Lazzeri, ecreta Board of Adjustment CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Minutes of Meeting May 27, 2004 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair BLAIR at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29 h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL Members Present: Tom Abbott Janet Bell Bob Blair Paul Drda Bill Echef chelmeyer Paul Hovland Bob Howard James Molnar Staff Present: Travis Crane, Planner Jeff Hirt, Planning Technician Steve Nguyen, Public Works Department Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary The following is the official set of Board of Adjustment minutes for the public hearing of May 27, 2004. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Community Development Department of the City of Wheat Ridge. 3. PUBLIC FORUM No one indicated a desire to speak at this time. 4. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WF-04-01: An application filed by Amy Ziegler for approval of a Class H Flood Plain Exception Permit to allow construction of an addition to a single-family home on property zoned Residential-One A (R-1 A) and located at 11732 West 340' Avenue. The case was presented by Travis Crane. He advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He entered all pertinent documents into the records and reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff concluded that the proposed addition should not have a negative impact on the 100-year flood plain and therefore recommended approval of the application. Board of Adjustment - 1 - 05/27/04 Travis Crane stated that Board Member ABBOTT was correct in his understanding that the entire existing structure is located four feet above the 100-year flood elevation. Board Member ECHELMEYER pointed out that there is a 2-1/2 foot high berm on the north side of 34th which presents a good buffer from any water coming down 3e. Amy Ziegler A0 Brandon Ziegler 11732 West 34th Avenue The applicants, Amy and Brandon Ziegler, were sworn in by Chair BLAIR. Mrs. Ziegler stated that the house has no basement and the entire base level of the house is four feet above the floodplain. They are planning to add on to their garage, enlarge the family room and add two bedrooms above the garage. In response to a question from Board Member ECHELMEYER, the applicants stated there has never been any storm water in the street. The original owners who lived there for thirty years informed the Ziegler's that they never experienced any water in the street. At the request of Board Member DRDA, Travis Crane displayed the list of considerations involved with floodplain decisions as contained in the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Ramsey McDermid Lakewood, CO Mr. McDermott, engineer for the applicant, was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. He clarified that the house is not a split-level house. The house sits four feet above the flood plain and additions will be at the same level. He pointed out that the Maple Grove Reservoir has been upgraded several times and Urban Drainage and Flood Control District is presently in the process of upgrading the dam again. These upgrades add significantly to flood control in the area Board Member ECHELMEYER commended staff and the applicants for an excellent presentation of the case. It was moved by Board Member BELL and seconded by Board Member MOLNAR to approve a Class H Flood Plain Exception Permit to allow construction of an addition to a single-fanit home on property zoned Residential-One A (R-1A) and located at 11732 West 34 Avenue for the following reasons: 1. Approval of the request should not have a detrimental effect on the existing 100-year flood plain. 2. The requirements of the flood plain ordinance have been met. 3. Tim Paranto, Public Works Director, has reviewed and approved the engineer's study. Board of Adjustment - 2 - 05/27/04 4. The Urban Drainage and Flood Control District has approved the proposed addition, concluding that the addition should not have any negative effects on the 100-year flood plain. or With the following conditions: 1. The proposed addition must be consistent with the development standards of Section 26-806(F). 2. The proposed addition must maintain a first floor elevation that is one foot above the base flood elevation of 5,432.8 feet above sea level. 3. Prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, an elevation certificate shall be prepared and certified by the engineer of record and filed with the city. Board Member ABBOTT offered a friendly amendment to the reasons outlined in the motion: 5. The dwelling currently exists in its entirely in Zone AE of the floodplain so if any of the "items to consider" would currently exist, they would also exist for the addition. 6. The entire "main level", both living area and garage currently exist at four feet above the flood plain level. The amendments were accepted by Board Members BELL and MOLNAR. The motion passed 84. Chair BLAIR advised the applicants that their request was granted. 5. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING Chair BLAIR closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. 6. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Board. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Minutes - It was moved by Board Member HOVLAND and seconded by Board Member BELL to approve the minutes of March 25, 2004 as presented. The motion passed unanimously. B. RV Ordinance - Travis Crane provided copies of the corrected ordinance concerning the parking of recreational vehicles to the Board members. Board of Adjustment - 3 - 05/27/04 11732 ~~r M~~r n;a9p v 2 other •Imponancc of -Necessity to the -Availability ofa 4 y,y;~ -Safety of access diving flooding y. -Expected height, velocity, datioo & rate etn; 'apegted at the site -Costs ofproviding governracteal services d fL1~#HRer flood conch 3 2 I I ~~~il~ I EII _ II w JI ~T ~ -JJ ail -The -Urban DaainaSe conditions 4 Ago w"~„RO CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE m PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT COCORp00 TO: Board of Adjustment CASE MANAGER: Travis Crane CASE NO. & NAME: WF-04-01/Zeigler DATE OF MEETING: May 27, 2004 ACTION REQUESTED: Request for approval of a class II flood plain exception permit to allow an addition to an existing single-family structure. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 11732 W. 3401 Avenue APPLICANT (S): Amy Zeigler 11732W. 34" Ave. OWNER (S): same Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 APPROXIMATE AREA: 10,350 sq. ft. (23 ac.) PRESENT ZONING: Residential One-A (R-IA) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family, not to exceed 4 DU's/Ac. ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) ZONING ORDINANCE m m m m m m W m fn c0 m N a m N N J~'~ W 33RDAVE All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Board of Adjustment l WT-04-01/Zeigler I. REQUEST The applicant (owner) is requesting a class II flood plain exception permit. The purpose of this application is to allow an addition to the existing single-family structure (Exhibit 1, Site Plan and Exhibit 2, Elevations). The property is currently zoned Residential One-A (R-1A), and contains a single-family structure. The R-IA zone district allows single-family residential and accessory buildings. The property is 10,350 square feet in size, has a rectangular shape, is relatively flat and is located entirely within the Lena Gulch 100-year floodplain (Exhibit 3, Survey). The property meets minimum lot width and size requirements of an R-IA property, as specified in the Code of Laws. All other development standards will be met. IL CASE ANALYSIS The structure was originally constructed in 1971, eight years prior to the City enacting any flood plain regulations. The existing structure has an approximate footprint of 1,387 square feet. The applicant wishes to add approximately 895 square feet to the existing structure, creating a total footprint of 2,282 square feet. The R-IA zone district allows a maximum lot coverage of thirty percent. The property is 10,350 square feet. The maximum lot coverage for this lot is 3,105 square feet. The R-IA zone district requires a minimum front yard setback of thirty feet, a side yard setback of ten feet and a rear yard setback of fifteen feet. The proposed addition will comply will all of the required minimum setbacks. The Wheat Ridge Code of Laws dictates that any substantial improvement to an existing home located within the 100-year flood plain requires a class II flood plain exception permit. A substantial improvement is defined as "any addition, repair, reconstruction or improvement of a structure, the cost which equals or exceeds fifty (50) percent of the fair market value of the structure " Tim Paranto, Public Works Director/Flood Plain Administrator for the City, has determined that this application is a substantial improvement to the existing structure. The FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, dated June 17, 2003, shows the subject parcel 100% within the 100-year flood plain. The applicant submitted a study performed by an registered professional engineer discussing existing conditions on the property, and the impacts of the proposed addition (Exhibit 4, Engineer's Study). Tim Paranto has reviewed and approved the analysis. Additionally, the study was submitted to the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District for comment and approval. Bill DeGroot, The Chief of the Floodplain Management Program for the UDFCD has concluded the study meets the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program, and that the proposed addition should not have any adverse effects regarding the 100-year floodplain. The engineer's study states that the existing structure is approximately 4 feet above the base flood elevation. The base flood elevation is 5,432.8 feet above sea level. The first floor of the existing structure is at 5,436.26 feet above sea level. The study goes on to state that the proposed addition should have no effects on water surface elevation or storage capacity of Lena Gulch. The first floor elevation of the proposed addition will be 5,436.76 feet above sea level, which is consistent with the City's requirement for elevation above the base flood elevation. Board of Adjustment Case #/Name Section 26-808(D)(4) of the Code of Laws contains a number of items that should be considered when reviewing a class II flood plain exception permit. In response to those items, staff has concluded that the following does apply: • Best management practices will be employed during the construction process, • The Engineer's report addresses danger to life and property, and expected effects of any flooding, • There are no alternatives to construction, as the entire property is located within the 100-year flood plain, • The proposed use is compatible with the neighborhood, and consistent with the comprehensive plan and floodplain management program, • The property has access to a public street, and • All utilities can continue to serve the property. III. STAFF CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDED MOTION (S) Upon review of the above request, staff concludes that the proposed addition should not have a negative impact on the 100-year flood plain. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. Approval of the request should not have a detrimental effect on the existing 100-year flood plain. 2. The requirements of the flood plain ordinance have been met. 3. Tim Paranto, Public Works Director, has reviewed and approved the engineer's study. 4. The Urban Drainage and Flood Control District has approved the proposed addition, concluding the addition should not have any negative effects on the 100-year flood plain. With the following conditions: 1. The proposed addition must be consistent with the development standards of Section 26-806(F). 2. The proposed addition must maintain a first floor elevation that is one foot above the base flood elevation of 5,432.8 feet above sea level. 3. Prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, an elevation certificate shall be prepared and certified by the engineer of record and filed with the City. Board of Adjustment Case #/Name CA N °`O N - CD o iv co >~CD W r. CD CD g aN C. x~ 0 w z 0 0 l\ o0 0 0 i i m W N N a O ~ a w o m 0 0-1 0 u' HH x c W ~ o y aF a V w yOy o O O O U 0 C .TEii m N W H N W x Ow q a W W N H O W O E O o 3 ¢ Z rc a P4 14 0 H m o W F' ¢ a F 0 O m ¢ O O w 3: ¢ 0 O H F ~U w E N w W h O 2 Q 0] N N O W M i[I O m M F M C z u O N 4 N } _ W O W W w li! c W m U N o l0 r7 w w N o r p z ~ m o v m a d ¢ p v n o a ¢z - w o po UI U O J h W W ¢ O m F z C C G 0 > WQ 0 UU Z ¢ a w w Q N o ~ a a LL U ~i O b m c > 0 < r M O N M n '0,91 1 a.wQ. 'DUOD S'2 b .0'91 c U O O `ro y O L W Ln d LL Lo N J dS d" N Y co U V co o c > 'C V ~ .S SZ Lf) Oi 0) O J S6S d E W co v v l h O H . LL O ~ N as'-a 7 0 15 y a O u ZW0 .0 Sll S Z H rn N y O1 N N W ~ m W o a W E ~ O w Q m H 0 W W m O F 1 WW {rb E E tJ 3 z 0 0 om°YQ NO ypC ,~o (jf Q 41 NNL N y> d mc~oacic >,o m m o~rocLia =m a oroo.m yc~ m a ~ U OLUC 3C N9++ ~N N 0t 0. V po laC~ m~ L a1 ` ~ Y Y O O a L N N N Y Laroro, > wor-O % a mac0o p E ~roovc > L C N roroQaa a£ L a) X p C « pro O d L V O+N+ -(D 0 0)Q d N N U E O N a) c C ~ a) a, 0 m o L > aN m2 9 0 L 0)O Eooa E° Oa)NV> c« c ro m ° o u - . c Yooaci ~m d ;FL w"2 L ~.N p a + Lm E o c a~ .0 C ~ o 0 0 Uo4'i L O C co a t3am o°c a)EI . c ow Y ~ N ~ N a) C 3 E c a) D O o o E a) C G Co U U N Q~ i mm c Qcc TO as are N ro T > E E o o a c W > U a) m - I, v ~ °am > m I L o ' o U F d w~ ~ o E e V °~sm c E o O1 ` z m O o a o m r r;.. N 8 L N O Consulting Civil & Water Resources Engineering LLC 9420 West Tennessee Avenue Lakewood CO 80226 Phone (303) 728-1580 Fax (303) 728-1577 mcdermid@comcast.net 26 April 2004 Mr. Timothy Paranto, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Wheatridge Wheatridge, Colorado 80033 Subject: Flood Plain Issues - Proposed Ziegler Residence Addition, 11732 West 34'h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Dear Mr. Paranto: This letter is to describe my review of the proposed addition to the Ziegler residence with respect to the Regulatory 100-Year Floodplain. The Ziegler property is located at 11732 West 34`h Avenue in the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Lena Gulch is a Major Drainageway flowing from west to east on the north side of West 30 Avenue across from the residence. Figure 1 is a copy of a portion of the Lena Gulch FEMA 100-year floodplain map. The flood plain is about 550 feet wide at this location, encompassing the homes on the south side of West 34'h Avenue and all, or portions of, two more rows of single family homes on the south side of the Gulch. The zone is mapped as AE, which is a FEMA flood plain zone with Base Flood elevations. The elevations and the location of the elevations are shown on the map. To obtain the base flood elevation at the location of the Ziegler residence, I interpolated between the Base Flood Elevations of 5430 and 5439 shown on the map. The base flood elevation at the location of the Ziegler residence is about 5432.8. Figure 2 is a copy of the survey of the Ziegler property. The survey shows that the elevation of the existing garage floor is 5436.26. Figure 3 is a copy of the proposed improvement plan. It shows the first floor elevation to be 0.5 foot above the garage floor, or elevation 5436.76. Figures 5 and 6 are photographs of the Ziegler residence illustrating the relationship of the garge floor to the ground level first floor, and the entryway landing. Based on my estimate of the 100-year flood elevation in Lena Gulch at the Ziegler residence location, the first floor elevation is about four feet above the regulatory base flood elevation. Figure 7 shows a portion of the City aerial map with spot elevations and two foot contour intervals covering the area. On the west side of the subdivision, there is a concrete lined ditch draining the field to the west, and a fence separating the field from the subdivision. Mr. Timothy Paranto Page 2 The floodplain elevation in this area is about 5439, indicating shallow overland flow. Although the fence will not withstand high flows, shallow overland flow across this field will be directed north back to the main Lena Gulch channel. The main Lena Gulch channel would carry the majority of the flow. The area south of West 30 Avenue and east of the field and fence is occupied by single family homes, most of which also have lot line fences. Should shallow overland flood flows break through the fence, the flows would tend to flow around the house pads and fences, and drain to the north and east along lot lines and West 33`d Place. Because of the shallow low flows, this area would function more as a minor flood storage area. The proposed Ziegler residence addition is located on the west and south sides of the existing house. The addition would have no discernable affect on flood elevations and would not constitute an encroachment. Based on contours shown on the aerial map and field observations, the existing Brookside Ditch Diversion structure is bypassed during high flows. During high flows, the diversion structure would not cause significant backwater in the Lena Gulch channel. In summary, the Ziegler first floor elevation as shown on the plan and on the City aerial map is above the regulatory flood plain elevation. The proposed addition should not affect the water surface elevation in Lena Gulch. The Zieglers understand they are required to obtain a Class II Special Exception through the Board of Adjustment for this project. The Planning Department requires approval of the floodplain analysis by the Director of Public Works prior to going forward with the process. Please review this latter and attachments at your earliest convenience, and notify planning of your acceptance, or email or call me with any questions. Sincerely, Consulting Civil & Water Resources Engineering 141110d Ramsay M. McDermid, P.E. Attachments: Certification Figures 1-4 c: Amy Ziegler CERTIFICATION I, Ramsay M. McDermid, a registered professional engineer in the state of Colorado, do hereby certify that, based on the findings as stated in my letter of April 26, 2004 to Mr. Timothy Paranto, Director of Public Works of the City of Wheatridge, Colorado, that the elevations of the existing first floor and the proposed addition to the Ziegler residence at 11732 West 34"' Avenue in the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado are greater than one foot above the regulatory flood plain of Lena Gulch based on the Lena Gulch FEMA I00-year floodplain map. 12672 Ramsay M. McDermid, P.E. Registered Professional Engineer State of Colorado No. 12672 CITY of NS"HEAT RIDGE 085079 l: ~ O U 37TH PL I- c I Lena G utC~ VIVIAN COURT C °0 TCITY OF wHE FT PID6E OE WHEAT RIDGE iV OF LP~iEW000 TY OF LAICEWOOD hVY 3EiH O PI - 44020C O Z Q ur O /c'eaiden~ r c 28 e" 29 1 nP ~i 31ST PLACE 3 NCBB CR 31ST PLACE I C O J, ^ P U~ -.20NEX PaQ !naowl 0y1P 29TH PLACE Fr ~ - S ~ GF QS ' yo ~ I t Z Ll ~ ~ G1AC~ ~ 9~ ij1~ > > S O?~L y90 p~ 110 P \ ` `AOBB 29TH G~ 5476 PLACE \ - QV-1' 28Ty ( P 9Sa N ACf . I AV£ry~E ~ Portion of Lena Gulch FIRM Figure 1 RoEJX)RT L A N D S U R V E Y I N G 5460 WARD ROAD • SUITE 160 ARVADA, COLORADO 80002 (3031420-4788 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE Attn: JOHN GARAGE FLOOR ELEV. 5436.26 NW RPOP. COR.ELEV. 5434.61 HE " ELEV. 5433.30 SW ELEV. 5434.95 SE " ELEV. 5433.52 Scde: 1'-20' Note: Elevation w Front Door Landing is 5441.22' WRA-6-EIEV.5473.99 NORTH SIDE OF 32ND AVE. W OF TABOR ST. BRASS CAP ON CONCRETE WEST OF PROI1841 DATE 03/02/2004FEE 800.00 J0BN 04-229 MORTGAGE CO. WHEAT RIDGE EIMG.DEPT . ADDRESS 11732 W. 34TH AVE. BORROWERS NAME EIEGLER LEGAL DESCRIPTION OT 19, APPLEW001) KNOLLS, SITH FILING, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COLORADO J Foidd 11732 West 34th Avenue 50 RA.W. Cross 90.0' 6' Easement (Plot) Conch Conc. 0 Drive ~ Porch 'J Wood 16.0 545 2.0'x 60' in BI-Level uri Brick d Frame o - 54.5' 0 Vl C.M. Wood in Oi DI LOT 19 8' Ecucment (Plot) 90.0' xOa: CE4PMYB.WIUCMxApx9. On the basisof myoEDIG[~for[~o.Dn ellet, hereby certify that thin improv Nosafio¢ oe that It or Improvement Survey Plat, and that It s not to tie relied upon for establ_shment of fence^ 0 was prepared for LHnd Survey Plat ) the: future I.V Portion of Lot Survey Figure 2 _N r~ w ~ D N n 3 ww T »N E S~ a~ x' ~I V z Proposed Improvement Plan Figure 3 Photo showing the front of the Ziegler residence and the stairs leading to the landing about five feet above the first floor grade. Photo showing the Ziegler residence entryway and the stairs leading up to the first floor and down to the ground level first floor. Ziegler Residence Photos Figure 4 Photo showing the door leading to the garage on the ground level first floor at the bottom of the entryway stairs. Photo showing the patio door 'w w h leading to the back yard from the a'? ground level first floor. n , Ziegler Residence Photos Figure 5 City Aerial Mapping Figure 6 (Approximate footprint of proposed addition shown in revs hatch) Travis Crane From: Ramsay M. McDermid [mcdermid@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 7:32 AM To: tcrane@ci.wheatridge.co.us Subject: Re: 11732 W. 34th Ave./Zeigler Sounds good Travis - I'll be there. I don't know if you have any agenda influence, but the earlier we could be heard the better for me since I have to drive to Sheridan WY when we're done. (I'm not sure how I allowed myself to get into this scheduling!). Thanks, Mike Ramsay M. McDermid, PE Consulting Civil & Water Resources Engineering LLC 9420 West Tennessee Avenue Lakewood, Colorado 80226 USA Tel (303) 728-1580 Fax (303) 728-1577 Cell (303) 903-6698 Original Message From: "Travis Crane" <tcrane@ci.wheatridge.co.us> To: "Ramsay M. McDermid" <mcdermid@comcast.net> Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:17 AM Subject: RE: 11732 W. 34th Ave./Zeigler > I think it would be in your (and your client's) best interest if you > attended the meeting. There may be a question or two regarding your analysis > of the property. However, it should be a fairly quick discussion & public > hearing. > -----Original Message----- > From: Ramsay M. McDermid [mailto:mcdermid@comcast.net] > Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 8:11 AM > To: tcrane@ci.wheatridge.co.us > Subject: Re: 11732 W. 34th Ave./Zeigler > Good Morning Travis- > Will this be a routine matter (like a consent calendar) or is there a chance > the applicant will be questioned with respect to the floodplain? I had > planned to be there just in case, however I have a meeting in Wyoming the > next day and I would skip the hearing if we can be reasonably sure there > will be no engineering related questions that could jeopardize the approval. > Thanks for your help, > Mike > Ramsay M. McDermid, PE > Consulting Civil & Water Resources Engineering LLC > 9420 West Tennessee Avenue > Lakewood, Colorado 80226 USA > Tel (303) 728-1580 > Fax (303) 728-1577 > Cell (303) 903-6698 > Original Message > From: "Travis Crane" <tcrane@ci.wheatridge.co.us> > To: "Ramsay M. McDermid" <mcdermid@comcast.net> 1 > Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:58 PM > Subject: RE: 11732 W. 34th Ave./Zeigler > > Mike - > > Tim did send me the signed copy of the floodplain permit for 11732 W. 34th > > Ave. In addition, I received a letter from Bill DeGroot stating Urban > > Drainage was accepting of the proposal. The hearing has been set for May > 27 > > at 7:30. Please let me know if you have any questions leading up to the > > hearing. > > Travis > > ---.--Original Message----- > > From: Ramsay M. McDermid [mailto:mcdermid@comcast.net] > > Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 8:18 AM > > To: tcrane@ci.wheatridge.co.us > > Subject: Re: 11732 W. 34th Ave./Zeigler > > Hello Travis- * > I spoke with Tim the other day and he said he was in the process of > signing > > the floodplain permit. Please let me know if anything else comes up in > > respect to the 27 May hearing so we don't delay the Zieglers. > > Thanks for your help. > > Regards, Mike > > Ramsay M. McDermid, PE > > Consulting Civil & Water Resources Engineering LLC > > 9420 West Tennessee Avenue > > Lakewood, Colorado 80226 USA > > Tel (303)' 728-1580 > > Fax (303) 728-1577 > > Cell (303) 903-6698 > > Original Message > > From: "Travis Crane" <tcrane@ci.wheatridge.co.us> > > To: <mcdermid@comcast.net> > > Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 12:08 PM > > Subject: 11732 W. 34th Ave./Zeigler > > > Mike - > > > I received your voice message yesterday, and would like to answer your > > > questions. You inquired about the tentative nature of the May 27, 2004 > > > hearing date. The reason I stated that it had tentatively been set is, > due > > > to the nature of a class II flood plain permit, all of the engineered > > > documents must be approved prior to the meeting date. If the engineered > > > documents were not approved, the hearing would be meaningless. To my > > > knowledge, Tim Paranto is still reviewing the resubmittal. Any questions > > > regarding the resubmittal may be directed to Tim (303.235.2860). I still > > > have not received any comments from Bill DeGroot at Urban Drainage. We > > must > > > have approval from Mr. DeGroot prior to the May 27 hearing. > > > You also asked what else could come up at the hearing. If the engineered > > > documents are approved, I can't foresee any major problems the night of 2 > > the > > > hearing. The Board of Adjustment should base their decision solely on > the > > > engineered documents, and not design of the house, etc. If you have any > > > further questions, feel free to email or call. > > > Travis Crane > > > Planner > > > Community Development Department > > > City of Wheat Ridge, CO > > > 303.235.2899 (v) > > > 303.235.2857 (f) > > > www.ci.wheatridge.co.us 3 Meredith Reckert From: Meredith Reckert [mreckert@ci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 10:33 AM To: snguyen@ci.wheatridge.co.us Cc: Alan White Subject: Class II floodplain exception Hi, Steve- Next Thursday night (May 27) Board of Adjustment has a Class II floodplain exception hearing for construction of a single family addition within the 100-year floodplain at 11732 W. 34th Avenue. Both Tim and Urban Drainage have determined there is compliance with our flood plain regulatinos and are recommending approval. In the past, we've always had a Public Works representative come to the meeting in case there are technical questions related to engineering. Will someone be available to attend the hearing? The meeting starts and 7:30 and this is the only case. - Thanks- Meredith The City of Wheat Ridge Flood Plain Development Permit Application Information Project Description -Single Family Residential -Multi-Family Residential -New Construction -Substantial / Improvement (>50%) t Improvement (<50%) Rehabilitation Channelization Fill -Manufactured (Mobile) Home Non-residential -Bridge/Culvert Levee -Class I (structures for non-human occupancy) $300 -Class II (structures for human occupancy) $840 (includes public noticing fees) I have read and understand and will comply with the requirements of this Flood Plain Permit. /0q Date (To be completed by Flood Plain Administrator) Flood Hazard Data Watercourse Name L L c ,r G~ z c, The project is proposed in the Floodway Floodway Fringe Base (100-year) flood elevation(s) at project site Elevation required for Lowest Floor NGVD / Floodproofing NGVD Source Documents: Reports/Mans Class of Permit/Fee Schedule Proposal Review Checklist Site development plans are complete and depict flood hazard data. Engineering data is provided for proposed map and floodway revisions. Floodway Certificate and data documents no increase in flood heights. Subdivision proposals minimize flood damage and protect utilities. Lowest floor elevations are above the base (100-year) flood level. Manufactured homes address elevation and anchoring requirements. A Floodproofing Certificate certifies floodproofing designs. Other: Permit Action Permit Approved: The information submitted for the proposed project was reviewed and is in compliance with approved flood plain management standards (site development plans are on file). Permit Denied: The proposed project does not meet approved flood plain management standards (explanation is on file). Variance Granted: A variance was granted from the base (100-year) flood elevations established by FEMA consistent with variance requirements of NFIP regulations Part 60.6 (variance action documentation is on file). Flood ainl Administrator's Signature Date Comments: Compliance Documentation Map Revision Data. Certified documentation by a registered professional engineer of as-built conditions for flood plain alterations were received and submitted to FEMA for a flood insurance map revision. Fill Certificate. A community official certified the elevation, compaction, slope and slope protection for all fill placed in the flood plain consistent with NFIP regulations Part 65.5 for map revisions. Elevation and Floodproofing Certificates. The as-built elevation of the builiding's lowest floor was certified as NGVD; or the building's floodproofmg level was certified as NGVD; by a registered professional engineer or licensed surveyor and is on file. Certificate of Occupancy or Compliance Issued on Date Rev. 3/11/03' 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Ridge Telephone 303/235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 March 13, 2004 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WF-04-01 which is a request for approval of a Class II Flood Plain Exception Permit to allow construction of an addition to a single family home on property zoned Residential-One A (R-IA) and located at 11732 W. 34th Avenue. This case will heard by the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue on May 27, 2003, at 7:30 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. CADocuments and SettingsWathyAMy Documents\Kathy\BOA\pubnotice\2004\wtD401.wpd bJ-F~ V v% 7-3.;2- kJ . 3 s1 R" MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Parcel :085496 Owner :Brockman Stanley R Site :11715 W 33rd P1 Wheat Ridge 80033 7003 0500 0004 7661 5006 Mail :11715 W 33rd P1 Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land YB:1971 Pool: Phone B1dgSF:2,061Ac Bedrm: 4 Bath:2.50 TotRm: MetroScan / Jefferson * (CO) ' Owner :Honeker Frank A Parcel :085497 Site :11735 W 33rd P1 Wheat Ridge 80033 3 7003 0500 0004 7661 4993 Mail :11735 W 33rd P1 Wheat Ridge Co 8003 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land YB:1970 Pool: Phone B1dgSF:1,859 Ac: Bedrm: 3 Bath:2.50 TotRm: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Parcel :085498 Owner :Rawson Laura P • Site :11765 W 33rd Pl Wheat Ridge 80033 7003 0500 0 0004 7 7661 4986 Mail :11765 W 33rd P1 Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 3 Bath:2.25 TotRm: YB:1971 Pool: Yes B1dgSF:1,920 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :Diegel Kurt C Parcel :085499 Site :11762 W 34th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 7003 0500 00047661 4979 Mail :11762 W 34th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-275- Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF:2,171 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :Ziegler Brandon D Parcel :085500 Site :11732 W 34th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 7003 0500 0004 7661 4962 Mail :11732 W 34th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 rx--- Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:2 Bath:2.50 TotRm: YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF:2,274 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :Garfias Erik O Parcel :085501 Site :3379 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 7003 0500 0004 7661 4955 Mail :3379 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :4 Bath:2.50 TotRm: YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF:1,958 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :Burnett Samuel D Parcel :085503 4948 Site :3388 Swadley.St Wheat Ridge 80033 7003 0500 0004 7661 Mail :3388 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :3 Bath:2.50 TotRm: YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF:1,920 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :Jefferson County Parcel :159598 Site :*no Site Address* 7003 osoo 0004 7661 4931 Mail :100 Jefferson County Pkwy Golden Co 804 Use :9139 Exempt,County,Land Phone Bedrm : Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:8.24 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :City Of Wheat Ridge Parcel :188103 Site :*no 'te Address* Xfered :12/01/1985 Mail :7500 W Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :9149 Exempt,23 1 Sub,Land Phone Bedrm : Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool : B1dgSF: Ac:.83 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. Stanley Brockman & Barbara Brockman Frank Honeker & Gertrude Honeker Laura Rawson 11715 W 33rd PI 11735 W 33rd P1 11765 W 33rd PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Kurt Diegel 11762 W 34th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Brandon Ziegler & Amy Ziegler 11732 W 34th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Erik Garfias & Renee Garfias 3379 Swadley St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Samuel Burnett Jefferson County City Of Wheat Ridge 3388 Swadley St 100 Jefferson County Pkwy 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Golden, CO 80419 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 * Search Parameters * Jefferson (CO)- * 5/13/2004 * 10:52 AM Parcel Number ...9 39 291 06 139 39 291 06 140 39 291 06 141 39 291 06 142 39 291 06 143 39 291 06 144 39 291 06 145 39 291 06 146 39 291 06 173 t3 356.7 7 0 21 r ~ 140 h 225' ss ry, H W, 34 th. Ave.N TRACT E N TR. C 90 35 19 20 Bi 1 IB » 6 ` 141 142 143 2 9d liO' g 25 2S 17 !6 15 145 !44 o+ _ 1a6 P P L E W 0 0 D 52.58' A W. 33 rd. P I. • ss' ,~8 s2 110, °i~` 13 ® 14 _ 147 n 148 n 149 ~ 06 ~ 100 90 110 O rods, F S81°59E> 30 I I KNOLLS 9 ! Z-A !0 0 0 152 ~ 151 150 n 52.58' 11 ' o n zs ti~ S3• W 33 rd. _ Ave. N _ 77 77 T7 7 TRACT o W. 100 A 100 43 6 7a45' 20 19 Is 17 I6 6.20' 100' I2 1 I 10 9 ~'z t81 0 ^ a 21 F n 13 _ a N 110 III M_ II2 113 114 76 m 178 m 180 m 62' 109 - - m O m 180 n Ta O N 77' 77* - 177 _ a _ 39 W °e 77' 77 77. 3 of 69 7T 14 100.43 366.77 9x 9169 so?. 39 W 21 22 75 bi O 19Q 5 4' 9 ' wl _ y O IT se' 06 IR - : I5 225• 139 66'5: a 4 9s W. _ 34 th. Ave. W TRACT E N ~eJ 5 75 TR. G 90 35 \ e • 150 16 i. 19 23 m n 20 • i IB 138 n © ~1 0 ^ 141 •n 142 143 n 81034652 1 - sd no S 25 2Y 10 .56 w 173 17. 16 15 24 'In ~ 145 i° 144 - °m 137 a0, 146 P P L E W 0 0 D 109.75' i 6'sz.5e' 110' 2s _ RANCFtO DEL SOL S5.' W. 33rd. PI. 1'-a_ 136 m u 1 109 99' 34 12. s2 Ito 5i 28 13 ® 14 n 147 n 148 ^ 149 m 135 m ^ 4' _ - 110.22' 9>'e 0100 9o' 110' 27 N85°46'E '~9 s3F3al 9E, 11 KNOLLS 9 I o 134 60 139 16 m m y94. 17 rvO6 12-A 16 N to 110.47' ~0° 152 m 151 150 n ? .ri 168 ® - 28 169 - A •OB. , 6 i 61 11 d o s a szse' 11 m 133 m 10 le '6jg ez?e v0z, ez' IS ~z' s •0 55' W 33rd. Ave. 110.70' 162 O 170 167 - m 6 6 -52.59 110 29 0 Y ^ e 35 8 v °m 132 •P 91.13' a° 160 0 153 0 '•3.64' , - 1 9' 11 t h F L G. 3 11 .94' "1 3 'U 10 s •m 154 155 N g 30 171 19 o /o` ^ 166 14 163 - loo 90' 110' - 131 - .n" 122.27' 5 4 3 e '35.73• y - 12x7? 137.27 7 n 158 - 156 q 6.rz 1° m n = - 137 n O j A. b 13 O 9 ° t59 mm rancr,e 31 . I 172 I 165 17 41.7' 48.o8 lea- 25 30 7 2i' , 2S' 25' 62,Od TRACT 0 31• ~6~ _ x1.65' Izl.es' . W 3 nd. P r3. W. 32 nd. P1. 3A ^ sa' 49 129 32 31 69. 103.20 104.24 103.31 y0'a9 TRACT A I2 23.9• 2 3 4 5 8 1 33 128 19 _ ® d 003 w ® R 005 = 006 o e 128 ODI .7. 103.25' j13 85' 68.01' j T of W OII OC8 VACATE ' 62017x26 4 7R 1' 1 n V 6. 9004055 E CI 90041119 94 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT on May 27, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 291h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petition shall be heard: Case No. WF-04-01: An application filed by Amy Ziegler for approval of a Class II Flood Plain Exception Permit to allow construction of an addition to a single family home on property zoned Residential-One A (R-IA) and located at 11732 W. 34`h Avenue. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Pamela Y. Anderson, City Clerk To be published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: May 13, 2004 00 FL000 CIO a 0 6 O O Zbebn . 10\dy~ Board of Directors Executive Committee: o ro Beverly Bradshaw P Chairman m City of Englewood o Debra Vickrey a o Chairman Pro-Tem o Arapahoe County 0 Paul Danish ~ Secretary w Boulder County Gretchen Cerveny m Treasurer w City of Wheat Ridge t2 Elaine Valente ~ Member at Large m Adams County z w Members: i Carol Boigon City/County of Denver 3 Steve Burkholder e City of Lakewood Noel Busck City of Thornton 5 Cheryl Cohen-Varier a City/County of Denver Ken Fellman City of Arvada , B. H. Hoffmaster ° Engineer m m Michelle Lawrence e Jefferson County o Kathleen MacKenzie City/County of Denver W. Mike Maxwell ' Douglas County N Bart Miller City of Centennial o Art Patton m Engineer Z Susan Spence 0 Town of Superior w w Karen Stuart City/County of Broomfield Ed Tauer City of Aurora Elbra Wedgeworth City/County of Denver L. Scott Tucker, Executive Director May 10, 2004 Travis Crane, Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Crane: A RECEIVED 4.9 AY ? , ?n9r1 This letter is in response to your request for our comments concerning the application for a class H flood plain permit for 11732 West 34th Avenue. We appreciate the opportunity to review this request. We have reviewed the draft report prepared by Consulting Civil & Water Resources Engineering LLC. The proposal as described in that document appears to meet the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program and the City of Wheat Ridge with regard to development within the 100-year floodplain. We therefore would have no objection to the City issuing a permit. If you have any questions concerning these comments, please contact me. WGD/mc flood\bilAwheatridge Sincerely, Bill DeGroot, P. . Chief, Floodplain Management Program 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 6 April 2004 Bill DeGroot Urban Drainage & Flood Control District 2480 West 26 h Avenue Suite 156-B Denver, Colorado 80211 RE: 11732 W. 34`h Ave./Flood Plain Permit Dear Mr. DeGroot: The City of Wheat Ridge The City of Wheat Ridge has received an application for a class II flood plain permit for the above- mentioned property. A class H flood plain permit is required by the City of Wheat Ridge for construction of or addition to any habitable structure located within the 100-year floodplain limits. I have included submittal documents for the subject property for your review. We have tentatively scheduled the public hearing for Thursday, May 27, 2004. Your comments would be greatly appreciated by Monday, May 17, 2004. Please let me know if you need any further information. I can be reached at 303.235.2849. Sincerely, Travis R. Crane Planner City of Wheat Ridge Boa ""EgTP Community Development Department m Memorandum c~~ORP~~ TO: Tim Paranto FROM: Travis Cran~ SUBJECT: 11732 West 34th Ave./Flood Plain Permit DATE: 6 April 2004 We have received an application for a class II flood plain permit for the above-mentioned address. I assume you have received all pertinent documents for review, but in case you haven't I have included copies. Please let me know if you need additional information or clarification. Consulting 001 & Water Resources Engineering LLC 9420 West Tennessee Avenue Lakewood CO 80226 Phone (303) 728-1580 Fax (303) 728-1577 mcdermidgcomcast. net 31 March 2004 DRAFT Mr. Timothy Paranto, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Wheatridge Wheatridge, Colorado 80033 Subject: Flood Plain Issues - Proposed Ziegler Residence Addition, 11732 West 34th Avenue Wheat Ridge Colorado Dear Mr. Paranto This letter is to describe my review of the proposed addition to the Ziegler residence with respect to the Regulatory 100-Year Floodplain. The Ziegler property is located at 11732 West 3e Avenue in the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Lena Gulch is a Major Drainageway flowing from west to east on the north side of West 3e Avenue across from the residence. Figure 1 is a copy of a portion of the Lena Gulch FEMA 100-year floodplain map. The flood plain is about 550 feet wide at this location, encompassing the homes on the south side of West 30 Avenue and all, or portions of, two more rows of single family homes on the south side of the Gulch. The zone is mapped as AE, which is a FEMA flood plain zone with Base Flood elevations. The elevations and the location of the elevations are shown on the map. To obtain the base flood elevation at the location of the Ziegler residence, I interpolated between the Base Flood Elevations of 5430 and 5439 shown on the map. The base flood elevation at the location of the Ziegler residence is about 5432.8. Figure 2 is a copy of the survey of the Ziegler property. The survey shows that the elevation of the existing garage floor is 5436.26. Figure 3 is a copy of the proposed improvement plan. It shows the first floor elevation to be 0.5 foot above the garage floor, or elevation 5436.76. Based on my estimate of the 100-year flood elevation in Lena Gulch at the Ziegler residence location, the first floor elevation is about four feet above the regulatory base flood elevation. Figure 4 shows a portion of the City aerial map with spot elevations and two foot contour intervals covering the area. On the west side of the subdivision, there is a concrete lined ditch draining the field to the west, and a fence separating the field from the subdivision. The floodplain elevation in this area is about 5439, indicating shallow overland flow. Although the fence will not withstand high flows, shallow overland flow across this field Mr. Timothy Paranto Page 2 will be directed north back to the main Lena Gulch channel. The main Lena Gulch channel would carry the majority of the flow. The area south of West 34a` Avenue and east of the field and fence is occupied by single family homes, most of which also have lot line fences. Should shallow overland flood flows break through the fence, the flows would tend to flow around the house pads and fences, and drain to the north and east along lot lines and West 33 d Place. Because of the shallow low flows, this area would function more as a minor flood storage area. The proposed Ziegler residence addition is located on the west and south sides of the existing house. The addition would have no discernable affect on flood elevations and would not constitute an encroachment. Based on contours shown on the aerial map and field observations, the existing Brookside Ditch Diversion structure is bypassed during high flows. During high flows, the diversion structure would not cause significant backwater in the Lena Gulch channel. In summary, the Ziegler first floor elevation as shown on the plan and on the City aerial map is above the regulatory flood plain elevation. The proposed addition should not affect the water surface elevation in Lena Gulch. The Zieglers understand they are required to obtain a Class II Special Exception through the Board of Adjustment for this project. The Planning Department requires approval of the floodplain analysis by the Director of Public Works prior to going forward with the process. Please review this latter and attachments at your earliest convenience, and email or call with any questions. Your approval is required as soon as possible to hopefully maintain the schedule for the April hearing. Sincerely, Consulting Civil & Water Resources Engineering Ramsay M. McDermid, P.E. Colorado Professional Engineer No. 12672 Attachments: Figures 1-4 c: Amy Ziegler Mr. Timothy Paranto Page 3 X, 4 O i Portion of Lena Gulch FIRM Figure 1 Mr. Timothy Paranto 4.A IVS2 l'kni 74th Avem:e S x L• Ph: L. 03/02/2UOnpF¢_800. GU „a;r _04-229 M9RTC-f~Gc vC. WaP-AT EMG-E SU:GBEPII _ ..nurees5 11"2 W. _ n AWE. _ toh'RO V.cs..s Nan~E 2IP:fL_P.._ _ 44l~ t li 1{I~'I 4'nl sae r-2o N to Eeva :n. a Front Do aroma Is 544122 o:ox2a s1-z- -r Al- n 'I, 111411~41 Page 4 - _ ~ _ b tzars or 4Gbt) f nc ' jnva Porch 1 evei b:.c' Frame n 'Conc.. Wood - VI i i _ 8' Eose„eot MOO 9J.C' ` . oo f , n t ~i- f hereby certify to th proven. nt- c U4 t f calq was p ¢p. d for W P Ye~G ELG~ EP`P Ahat rt not L'ta urv y PI I' c Prproam:tS-'es'Fh c' t:'t 1v> hat to OF :sa upon ¢o Un ;b is c-. f_fonco fdy,.o,tt Portion of Lot Survey Figure 2 Mr. Timothy Paranto Page 5 > ~x o > 77 i z j s" Proposed Improvement Plan Figure 3 Mr. Timothy Paranto Page 6 City Aerial Mapping Figure 4 (Approximate footprint of proposed addition shown in red hatch) 0 N U 'd . r, N N bA N 3 0 0 w Page 1 of 2 Travis Crane From: Tim Paranto [tparanto@ci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 7:19 AM To: Travis Crane Subject: FW: Ziegler Residence Floodplain Draft Letter 30 Mar 04.doc [1/6] Travis The submittal you received is not complete. See e-mail below for the "rest of the story". Tim -----Original Message----- From: Tim Paranto [mailto:tparanto@ci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 1:14 PM To: Ramsay M. McDermid Cc: Dave Brossman Subject: RE: Ziegler Residence Floodplain Draft Letter 30 Mar 04.doc [1/6] Dear Ramsay A Class II Special Exemption is required because the proposed addition is a "substantial improvement" to the house, which is in the flood plain. The City Code requires that you "certify" that the proposed elevation of the lower floor of the addition is 1 foot above the base flood elevation. Your letter indicates that the existing house is above the flood elevation, but I understand that the addition is proposed to be significantly below the main floor elevation. Your letter should read as a letter report, identify the base flood elevation (as you have done), identify the proposed addition elevation and bear your seal. Call if you want to discuss this matter further. Tim -----Original Message----- From: Ramsay M. McDermid [mailto:mcdermid@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:20 AM To: Paranto, Timothy Subject: Ziegler Residence Floodplain Draft Letter 30 Mar 04.doc [1/61 Good Morning Tim- Attached is a draft letter and attachments concerning the Zeigler property on West 34th Avenue and the Lena Gulch floodplain. Please review as a draft and let me know any comments before I finalize and sign. They seem somewhat confused by the process. Do they really need a Class II Special Exception for this? If so, I would like to help them get on the Board of Adjustment agenda for April, but I don't know if that can be done. I'll ask her (Amy Ziegler) to get the application in right away, if she hasn't done that. Regards, Mike Ramsay M. McDermid, PE Consulting Civil & Water Resources Engineering LLC 9420 West Tennessee Avenue Lakewood, Colorado 80226 USA Tel (303) 728-1580 4/7/2004 Travis Crane To: mcdermid@comcast.net Subject: 11732 W. 34th Ave./Zeigler Mike - I received your voice message yesterday, and would like to answer your questions. You inquired about the tentative nature of the May 27, 2009 hearing date. The reason I stated that it had tentatively been set is, due to the nature of a class II flood plain permit, all of the engineered documents must be approved prior to the meeting date. If the engineered documents were not approved, the hearing would be meaningless. To my knowledge, Tim Paranto is still reviewing the resubmittal. Any questions regarding the resubmittal may be directed to Tim (303.235.2860). I still have not received any comments from Bill DeGroot at Urban Drainage. We must have approval from Mr. DeGroot prior to the May 27 hearing. You also asked what else could come up at the hearing. If the engineered documents are approved, I can't foresee any major problems the night of the hearing. The Board of Adjustment should base their decision solely on the engineered documents, and not design of the house, etc. If you have any further questions, feel free to email or call. Travis Crane Planner Community Development Department City of Wheat Ridge, CO 303.235.2899 (v) 303.235.2857 (f) www.ci.wheatridge.co.us 1 F WHEAT LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION m Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 °°<oR (Please print or type all information) Applicant 4 1e Address %(73z- OJ, 3ql-' A,& Phone~162 City Wheaf j di t: State if d Zip d D 3 Fax Owner Address Phone City State Zip Fax z3- Contact Mike. 9&-Derwid 7 pF. Address '74 ) n yi, l anpS eC A-vP_ , Phone 7a,q• jSED City ^tx~~ State (cL Zip R8ja62 Fax3-7a 8.1577 (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, and will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing.) Location of request (address): l+2P11 Ca-tti S 1 yoiff- A)J e~S Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side ❑ Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Special Use Permit ❑ Consolidation Plat ❑ Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) ~ lood Plain Special Exception ❑ Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ❑ Right of Way Vacation ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Temporary Use, Building, Sign ❑ Site Development Plan approval ❑ Variance/Waiver (from Section ) ❑ Other: / p a Detailed description of request: t 1TUG~ e1rl Ct haz^ C cvt &'Wif i gku d-A I -S vvZ~c inca 1u I r? a Qhond Pld n drrcn✓»mn 'f AV Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: Size of Lot (acres or square footage): Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: Current Use: Proposed Use: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorne from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applicant - l ' 't Subsc ff ed and sworn to me this 3 day of /(fir (Cute/L , 20e)q r.*,.t,%40 otary Public Y My commission expires To be filled out by staff: N~A• /pugL10 ~J7A ~T //G -d Date received <,O es, . Receipt Ngff~~ L~ Li Case No. CI Comp Plan Desig. • o - /2- 1:4 Quarter Section Map Related Case No. Pre-App tg. Date Case Manager ' Case No.: App: Last Name: App:. First N ame: Owne r: Last Name: Owner: First Nam e: App Addre ss: City, State Z ip: App: Pho ne: Owner Address: City/St ate/Zip: Owner Phone: Project Address: Street Name : City/State, Zip: Case Disposition: Project Planner: File Lo cation: Not es: Follow- Up: INF0401 _ Quarter Section Map N my Ziegler Related Cases: /o Mike MCDermid Case Histor y: iegler ~ . my 9420 W. Tennessee Ave. Review Body: Lakewood, CO 80226 x303-728-1580 APN: 11732 W. 34th Ave. 2nd Revie w Body: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 2nd Review Date 303.462-1123 Decision-making Body 11732 Appro val/Denial Date: [West 34th Avenue heat Ridge, CO 80033. Re so/Ordinance No.: o.: NE29 lass 11 Flood Plain Exception BOA 9-291-06-142 BOA Conditions of Approval: sane dive District: III Date Rec eived: /3112004 Pre-App Date: F_