HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-04-04City of Wheat Ridge OE ""EqT Community Development Department m Memorandum C~<OR ADO TO: Kathy Field FROM: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner SUBJECT: WZ-04-04/Crossroads Church DATE: March 21, 2005 Please be advised that the mylars for the amended final development plan for Crossroads Church have been recorded. The file can be closed. 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 February 17, 2005 John McLain, P.E. Baseline Engineering Corporation 1658 Cole Blvd.; Suite 295 Golden, CO 80401 Dear John: The City of Wheat Ridge (4 This letter is in regard to the approval of a final development plan administrative amendment for Crossroads Church for an outdoor amphitheater at approximately 9785 W. 50`s Avenue. The Iasi submittal of this document was approved. A letter informing you of this was sent on December 20, 2004. Please provide a blackline, photographic mylar with original signatures in black indelible ink so that it can be recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's Office. A check for $22 ($11 per sheet) for recording fees must be provided with the mylars. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner C: Dave Brossman v -04=04 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 December 20, 2004 John McLain, P.E. Baseline Engineering Corporation 1658 Cole Blvd.; Suite 295 Golden, CO 80401 Dear John: The City of Wheat Ridge 1~0~ WHEgTg0 i m C~(O~P~O This letter is in regard to your submittal for approval of a final development plan administrative amendment for Crossroads Church for an outdoor amphitheater at approximately 9785 W. 50th Avenue. I have reviewed the documents and have concluded that all requested changes have been made. Please provide a blackline, photographic mylar with original signatures in black indelible ink so that it can be recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's Office. A check for $22 ($11 per sheet) for recording fees must be provided with the mylars. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, i Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner C: Dave Brossman WZ-04-04 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 City of Wheat Ridge ! - Department of Public Woft 7500 WEST 29' AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 December 20, 2004 Mr. John M. McLain, P.E. Baseline Engineering Corporation 1658 Cole Blvd., Suite 295 Golden, CO 80401 Re: Third Review Comments of the FDP Amendment, Plat, and Grading & Erosion Control Plans for the Crossroads Church Amphitheater project located at 9901 West 50th Avenue. Dear Mr. McLain, This letter is to inform you that the Grading & Erosion Control Plan and the FDP Amendment for the above referenced project have been reviewed and approved for construction by the Department of Public Works. Please be aware of the following items regarding the construction of the project: 1 A portion of the proposed grading area lies to the north of this site. Therefore, written permission from the owner of the property affected shall be submitted for review and approval to the City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department prior to the issuance of the Grading/Fill and Building Permits. 2. Grading and the erosion control items for the project shall be placed in conformance with the Grading and Erosion Control Plan as approved by the City of Wheat Ridge, and shall be maintained as needed during the course of construction. 3. Upon completion of the drainage improvements the Engineer-of-Record, John M. McLain, P.E., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a Drainage Certification Letter stating that the grading and the drainage shall function as defined in the Grading and Erosion Control Plan and the Grading and Drainage Certificate Letter dated November 4, 2004, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm the construction was completed in accordance with these approved documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be written and stamped by the Engineer-of-Record (Mr. John M. McLain, P.E.) who prepared the Grading Drainage Certification Letter, and shall be submitted for review and approval by the City prior to issuance of the Certificate of Completion. 4. It will be the responsibility of the of the contractor for the project to repair any damage to the existing public improvements on West 50`h Avenue as a result of related construction traffic in the area. Also, the contractor will be responsible for maintaining West 50`h Avenue on a regular basis such that it is free of construction debris and tracking from construction traffic accessing the site. 5. It will be the responsibility of the developer/owner, to provide the necessary testing, as applicable for the scope of this project, for subgrade compaction and other related material tests for those improvements to be constructed within the public Right-of-Way. (SEE ATTACHED MATERIAL SAMPLING & TESTING REQUIREMENTS) 6. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to construction of any improvements or utility service connections lying within the public right-of-way, the necessary Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. A detailed description of the work to be completed within the Right-of-Way and a Traffic Control Plan shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of the ROW Construction Permit(s). 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements The Contractor shall warrant all work performed within the public right-of-way for a period of two (2) years, commencing upon completion of all public improvements and final acceptance by the City Inspector. Prior to the expiration of said 2-year Warranty Period, if the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Contractor shall complete such repair work upon request per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Bill Weyman, Field Services Supervisor Chad Root, Code Administrator Travis Crane, Planner File C ommadsChumh(9901 W501h)-appm~aLltr 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/ 235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 December 3, 2004 John McLain, P.E. Baseline Engineering Corporation 1658 Cole Blvd.; Suite 295 Golden, CO 80401 Dear John: The City of Wheat Ridge ,aF WHEgTA ~O m ~~coRna° This letter is in regard to your submittal for approval of a final development plan administrative amendment for Crossroads Church for an outdoor amphitheater at approximately 9785 W. 50`h Avenue. I have reviewed the documents and have the following comments. PAGE ONE The site data information for the "allowable" conditions does not add up to the total lot area 5,322 s.f.). Please modify to equal 15, 322. Under the owner's certificate, designate by name and title which church representative wi sign the document. 1-5 1-5 Add accurate property line dimensions to the drawing. Relabel the sheet as being the first sheet in a plan set of two. Remove the signature block(s) for Director of Planning and Development and Director of Planning. PAGE TWO ~X. The landscape plan should be incorporated into the plan set as sheet two of two. Since the landscape plan will be the second page of the recorded planset, please remove all signature blocks. They only need to be on the title page and may confuse the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's office. It was indicated by the Arvada Fire Protection District that the church intends on having a fireplace or firepit on the property. If this is the case, please designate location and materials and heating source. Once required changes are made, please resubmit four copies of the revised drawings with original redmarks. If you have any questions, or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235- 2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner C: WZ-04-04 Dave Brossman 2 Letter of TRANSMITTAL to: Dave Brossman / Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge, Community Development Department address: 7500 West 29`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 re: Crossroads Church of Denver date: December 13, 2004 Encl.: (4) - REVISED Planned Development Amendment and Landscape Plan (2) - REVISED Grading and Erosion Plan Redlines Meredith: Included is the Final submittal for the Crossroads Church Planned Development Amendment. Thanks for your help and please call with any questions. Kenny Boyd RIB :are .--,jz/ - ASELINE --:e`::::::.:-_-enginearin3 eo*purndon 1658 Cole Blvd. Suite 295 Golden, CO 80401 ph: 303 940 9966 x202 fax: 303 940 9959 EXPLANATit)N OF AMENDI~iENT OWNER'S CERTFlCATE gIPLING 5000 BUSINESS PARg FILIl~IG N0. 3 ~GALLY Q~VA A T~~ TNIS AMENDMENT St1PERSEDES THE PRE1Atk1S DEVELO~IENT PLAN TME BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGA RECORDED AT BOOK 81, PAGES 58-60. RECEPTION N0. 84113780. TM~~~ ~ HEREBY A(~tEE 1HA~ 7HE SECOND AMENDMENT(AD1VID~IISTRATIVS) FOR LOT 2, DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED THE INTENT OF THIS DEVELOPMENT IS TO PROVIDE AN AESTHETIC ~~~T IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE UWDSCAPED NATURAL AMPNITHEA7ER FOR USE BY THE ~~~~S CONTAINED IN THIS ~.AN, A CROSSROADS CHURCH OF DIVER. TWERE WILL BE NO PARKING BY LAW. I (WE) FURINER RE FAgU11ES COFISTRUCTED ON THIS 51TE. S1RUCIURES WILL OVAL OF A REZONING TO PLANNED A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER, SECTION 15, T3S, INCLUDE A STAgNG AREA FOR CHURCH ACTIIATIES. OVAL OF THIS FlNAL DEVELOPMENT A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESIEQ P ARISE AND ACt~tl1E PURSUANT TO THE 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIB t~DE OF 1 4 e R69W OF THE 6TH P.M, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. ± 035 ACRES SITE D TA A TABLE 5370 LOT 2 *ALLOWA~E PROVIDED ~N Lt d g L ~1 - l 2~ _ 1 L J =C _ L- U_ CL F- _ h- U W I~a_ _ L  m AA► ® AA! !®aM!' A® !Mi! r ! • !w w!!®AAl+IRI --i--tt~ I~IPLING 5000 PLAZA P. T 4 SUBDPTIION t ZONED C1 0 7 ~r; ~ N w S - A O O Z ~ J .T i Q4. i f Y~ _ rJ L.. G. £ ~r 1"'r ~ L f l Y. F` f 1 ■ f la.. i J_ y~ t - i f t. 7 Lid !l J .S .f y W W _r U _~L d O r. ~ U i - e. - v fl. ` .°"1- 0. tV cxtnPriic SCALE WES WET 49 TF _ ►w 110 rimmoSS V OA A4 4K io o 10 za J (IN FEET) O O N N 1 INCH = 10 FT e r'1 4-J 0 113 0 y~yT .e 1 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT -AMENDMENT vicl N D1 PD SCALE: Lf) ko N Q u z K,ipling 5000 Business Park Filing N Second Amendment (Administrative~i for Lo No. 3 Lot 2 °Q,~ VQ An Official Development Plan in the City of V~/heat Rid A tract of land located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, C1L. ~s T3S, R69W of the 6th P.M., Ridge PLANT LIST Q~glltlt'~/ ~ County of Jefferson, State of Colorado 15, Key Common Name Botanic Name Size a ~ ~ Landscape Plan A Aspen Populus tremuloides 2" cal. AP Austrian Pine Pinus nigra 10' ht. ASH Autumn Purple Ash Fraxinus americana 2 1 /2" cal. 'Autumn Purple° BM Blue Mist Spirea Caryopteris ciandonensis 5 gal, 'Blue Mist' 5 -?.-La-O BS Blue Spruce Picea pungens 'giaca' 10' ht. 9 /~0~ DAY Daylily Hemerocailis 1 gal. i t" 5370 (mix of yellow and red) M Norway Maple Acer platanoides 2 1 /2" cal, I 'Deborah" - MIS Maiden Grass Miscanthus sinensis 1 gal, T J ' r' x y..,.: . ~ 'Yaku Jima' r i' t POT Potentilla Potentilla fruticosa 5 gal. 'Jackman` ~ ~ r f j SED Sedum Sedum spurium 1 gal. r 'Dragon's Blood` 1 Y:. f' s~ r a; _ SN Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum 1 gal. < .v.., 'Switzerland' ` ~ 1. - i ...r• - c~c Cr,n~ni_in_ci immAr C'Prc~sti~ ~m t~mentosum 2" D01'S . j j1 V' f ~ .s 14 7 r r _ . f if ~ ~ ! i ~ ~ ~ : ~ SW Sweet Woodruff Galium odoratum 2" pots f - z~.._.. WH White Oak Quercus aiba 2 1 /2" ca Y' - J v . 1~ „ _ T~+~ .,F 1 „sr'~~i . r ~ w ~ ~ „ i ~ .___'v C ~ , 1y. ~ / { ti , i ~ ~ ; ,ti . r, ~ j ~ _ ~ , s ...A ~ i" w k W~1i 4 r 1 ¢y K ~ r, ` s .t 'r ._~r'" ' i } ! ~ ~ a ~ _ _ _ r ,r _ u^ i .1.~' -.t. 1 ~ ~w, ~ ~ ~ ac..:.: ' ~ e n . . ~ . ~ . f r ~f fi ~y Zvi" fi r H. i f ~ ~ ` ~^~PI. T u ~ ~;~`";j V ~ r. 4f 'Y l~"' J. r. ~.l 4 f C~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ s f i kv v < ~ r ~ a i r.- _ , tF}., ...„a w.,d`w~~ ~ t v"^'~ ~ 7. , ~ a ~ . _ . 3 w f,. r.w... r ~ . t - r„~ .,n 1 , ~ G T1e'e" . . - ~ V "tit n,. a. r 4'". ' } y \ ~ q. t ,r a. ti. ; ! i i ~ ~ i \ ~ tilt Y _ s<,Yx'..'.ve*' ~J ~ ~?~'ReY i4.^rw t V Y ~6. !Y n X 1. ..r...a+v ~ ~ t~ } a C , ~I F ` it ~ ~ ~ g r a _ `S I - , ~ ,s ; ~ j 9. f i4 1F - ~ t ~ - _ ~ js~ the - ~ ~ a ~ f ,l t. i , ~`.~iu,d` a ~d + 9 ~ f i~ ~ ~ r, ~.4 .ww{ ti" t ~ ~ di V ;rr ~ at r ~ J ~ ~ f e i ~ 2~ rn ( 7 l`n '.?eta ~ ~ Y .J a~. .a ~ n Y' i ..w^^^ f,'~. ' ' '~i > ~}j R i F ~m,.~s ~ _ - ~ rd _ ~ ~ t,.-- d . ,r~. , ~ ti_ l ; o l aa,,,. R y _ { Y, ~ a { N , - z. 3 r . . - . yv,. ~ x t r i.'~ ~ldt~ ((I (1 ~f1 l~ .:Y.. ~ @ ~ i r N,~,~ ~ f, r,f: u C { } . t . r."- 5~ ~ T 1 f ~ ~ i` ~ T9GP~ 1„ t Jx^ t f ..1 f... . I Y f v.,=11 . t t~ z 1 l I 1~ i ax' - ~..n~ t'. e ~ jJ`. i A I t ~F t 1 t 1 ~r 'e~± e ~ L ti~a ~U A4r> _ f~~ °.C \,y ~ t O ~ ~ ~ n 1. J 1 i.t'} N e s FM/ 1 ~ T..i ~ t fYI C) i® ~..,,J ii1RA1 1i W lroO C) LLJ tt3 - i IMM-' 24" x 36 t-1 CD 4-J SLqh" N" 07/21/03 0 to r CCS CONSULTANTS II ON low- G NAME S flo C%j O U a 1 City of Wheat Ridge Department of Public Works November 30, 2004 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Mr. John M. McLain, P.E. Baseline Engineering Corporation 1658 Cole Blvd., Suite 295 Golden, CO 80401 Re: Second Review Comments of the FDP Amendment, Plat, and Grading & Erosion Control Plans for the Crossroads Church Amphitheater project located at 9901 West 50th Avenue. Dear Mr. McLain, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents received on November 12, 2004, and have the following comments: Drainage Certificate 1. All comments have been addressed. Drainage Letter is hereby approved. Final Development Plan (Amendment) 1. All comments for the FDP have been addressed. The Final Development Plan is hereby approved by Public Works. The copy of the FDP approved by Public Works is being returned to you with these comments. Grading & Erosion Control Plan 1. Include silt fencing along the westerly property line. 2. Identify where the construction access to the site will be located. With the amount of grading, & fill to be brought into this site, some form of vehicle tracking control for the access point should be employed to minimize excessive sediment tracking onto paved surfaces (and ultimately carried downstream). (Please see redlined plans). 3. Please show cross-sections A-A, B-B, and C-C on the plan view of Sheet C 1, rather than on another sheet. 4. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on all of the Plan Sheets. Please provide 2 signed and sealed copies of the revised Grading & Erosion Control Plan with the next submittal. Written Approval for Off-Site Grading Prior to the issuance of the Crossroads Church Amphitheater Grading/Fill Permit, written approval from the adjoining property owner(s) to the north for the proposed off-site grading shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. Application for Grading/Fill Permit Prior to the commencement of any on-site grading, an Application for Grading/Fill Permit, along with the fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. This Permit is generally issued at the time of the Building Permit. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to the construction of any improvements, utility service connections, etc. within the public right- of-way, the required Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for processing. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Meredith ReckeM Senior Planner File Cross &Ch=h(9901 W501h)_n iew2.W City of Wheat Ridge ~oF ""EqT~ Community Development Department m Memorandum ORp~~ TO: Dave Brossman FROM: eredith Reckert SUBJECT: Crossroads Church fdp amendment DATE: November 12, 2004 Attached are documents resubmitted for our review of Crossroads church administrative final development amendment. The following documents are attached: • Two copies of the recordable fdp amendment • One copy of the landscape plan • One grading/drainage addendum letter • One response memo • Two grading plans • Two Drainage plans • Redlines Let me know if you need anything else. Lette r of TRANSMITTAL to: Dave Brossman / Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge, Community Development Department address: 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 re: Crossroads Church of Denver date: July 1, 2004 Encl.: (4) - REVISED Planned Development Amendment (1) - REVISED Grading/Drainage Addendum Letter (2) - REVISED Landscape Plan (1) - Response Memorandum Redlines ()-6CLAbP.a P(4'~.r 4)- 6 ",^14(W- IFS Meredith: Included is the revised submittal for the Crossroads Church Planned Development Amendment. Thanks for your help and please call with any questions. Kenny Boyd rlll~ 7--1111 0 BASELINE 1658 Cole Blvd. Suite 295 Golden, CO 80401 ph: 303 940 9966 x202 fax: 303 940 9959 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 November 1, 2004 John McClain, P.E. Baseline Engineering Corporation 1658 Cole Blvd.; Suite 295 Golden, CO 80401 Dear John: The City of Wheat Ridge This letter is in regard to your submittal for approval of a final development plan administrative amendment for Crossroads Church for an outdoor amphitheater at approximately 9785 W. 50th Avenue. Application was made on July 2, 2004. Comments were prepared and sent back to you on July 21, 2004. Since that time, no new submittal has been made. Please advise me as to the status of this case. If no resubmittal is made by December 1, 2004, this application will be considered closed. Any further approvals will require a new application with additional fees. Please contact me at 303-235-2848 so we can discuss the status of this application. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner C: Ben Teeples Dave Brossman Case No. WZ-04-04 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 July 21, 2004 John McLain, P.E. Baseline Engineering Corporation 1658 Cole Blvd.; Suite 295 Golden, CO 80401 Dear John: The City of Wheat Ridge This letter is in regard to your submittal for approval of a final development plan administrative amendment for Crossroads Church for an outdoor amphitheater at approximately 9785 W. 50`h Avenue. I have reviewed the documents and have the following comments. PAGE ONE The title of the document should read as follows: "Kipling 5000 Business Park Filing No. 3 Second Amendment (Administrative) for Lot 2 An Official Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge A tract of land located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, T3S, R69 W of the 6`h P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado". Increase the top margin to one inch to meet the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's re uirements. Retitle the "Character and Intent of Development" to "Explanation of Amendment". t-4-.'~- Add the following statement to the "Explanation of Amendment": "This amendment supercedes the previous development plan recorded at Book 81, Pages 58-60, reception number 84113780." ~ Amend the site data table to reference the Kipling 5000 Business Park, first amendment. 6. Amend the site data table to show, the square footage breakdowns as percentage of total site for both columns. J a y~ 7. Under the owner's certificate, designate by name and title which church representative wil ign the document. Remove the signature block for the Director of Public Works. Add a signature block for the Mayor with the City Clerk's attestation (see attached, as modified). Add a signature block for the surveyor of record (see attached). Add a legal description. ~2. Modify the signature block for the Director of Planning and Development to Community De opment Director. Add a case history box with the following case numbers: WZ-75-04, WZ-82-12, WZ-84- 30, WZ-04-04. 3~ 14. Add accurate property line dimensions to the drawing. \.l On the drawing, designate areas to be used as informal seating, stages and performance areas. \-1.6-.~On the drawing, remove the off-site spot elevations. Vl The adjacent zoning is incorrect on the south as it is zoned PCD, not R-3. y 18./ Relabel the sheet as being the first sheet in a plan set of two. lT In the title block on the right hand side of the drawing, change the address from 9725 W. 50th Avenue to 9785 W. 50th Avenue. PAGE TWO Y\Ol. i The landscape plan should be incorporated into the plan set as sheet two of two. Add accurate property line dimensions to the drawing. a- Is any fencing proposed? If so, show the location with type of material proposed and hei Is any freestanding signage proposed? If so, show location with size, height and material as-ed. Is lighting proposed? If so, show location of poles with a detail showing height and type of st dard to be used. What about security lighting? Is a sound system proposed? If so, designate as such and add a note limiting hours of usa e from 7 AM to 10 PM. Add the following note: "All landscaped areas shall be irrigated by an automatic sprinkler system." t Designate type of hard surfacing material to be used. These areas appear to be "patterned" as concrete on both sheets, but the freestanding landscaped notes designate the use of flagstone. l Are any dumpsters proposed? If so, please show location and method of screening. LLG`~ In the title block on the right hand side of the drawing, change the address from 9725 W. 50th Avenue to 9785 W. 50th Avenue. Attached are referral responses received from outside agencies and other city departments. All comments must be addressed. Once required changes are made, please resubmit four copies of the revised drawings with original redmarks. If you have any questions, or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235- 2848. Sincerely, 7 Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner s C: WZ-04-04 V 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/ 235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 July 21, 2004 John McLain, P.E. Baseline Engineering Corporation 1658 Cole Blvd.; Suite 295 Golden, CO 80401 Dear John: The City of Wheat Mdge This letter is in regard to your submittal for approval of a final development plan administrative amendment for Crossroads Church for an outdoor amphitheater at approximately 9785 W. 50m Avenue. I have reviewed the documents and have the following comments. PAGE ONE The title of the document should read as follows: "Kipling 5000 Business Park Filing No. 3 Second Amendment (Administrative) for Lot 2 An Official Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge A tract of land located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, T3S, R69 W of the 6"' P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado". 2. Increase the top margin to one inch to meet the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's requirements. 3. Retitle the "Character and Intent of Development" to "Explanation of Amendment". 4. Add the following statement to the "Explanation of Amendment": "This amendment supercedes the previous development plan recorded at Book 81, Pages 58-60, reception number 84113780." 5. Amend the site data table to reference the Kipling 5000 Business Park, first amendment. 6. Amend the site data table to show the square footage breakdowns as percentage of total site for both columns. 7. Under the owner's certificate, designate by name and title which church representative will sign the document. 8. Remove the signature block for the Director of Public Works. 9. Add a signature block for the Mayor with the City Clerk's attestation (see attached, as modified). 10. Add a signature block for the surveyor of record (see attached). 11. Add a legal description. 12. Modify the signature block for the Director of Planning and Development to Community Development Director. 13. Add a case history box with the following case numbers: WZ-75-04, WZ-82-12, WZ-84- 30, WZ-04-04. 14. Add accurate property line dimensions to the drawing. 15. On the drawing, designate areas to be used as informal seating, stages and performance areas. 16. On the drawing, remove the off-site spot elevations. 17. The adjacent zoning is incorrect on the south as it is zoned PCD, not R-3. 18. Relabel the sheet as being the first sheet in a plan set of two. 19. In the title block on the right hand side of the drawing, change the address from 9725 W. 50th Avenue to 9785 W. 50th Avenue. PAGE TWO 1. The landscape plan should be incorporated into the plan set as sheet two of two. 2. Add accurate property line dimensions to the drawing. 3. Is any fencing proposed? If so, show the location with type of material proposed and height. 4. Is any freestanding signage proposed? If so, show location with size, height and material proposed. 5. Is lighting proposed? If so, show location of poles with a detail showing height and type of standard to be used. What about security lighting? 6. Is a sound system proposed? If so, designate as such and add a note limiting hours of usage from 7 AM to 10 PM. 7. Add the following note: "All landscaped areas shall be irrigated by an automatic sprinkler system." 8. Designate type of hard surfacing material to be used. These areas appear to be "patterned" as concrete on both sheets, but the freestanding landscaped notes designate the use of flagstone. 9. Are any dumpsters proposed? If so, please show location and method of screening. 10. In the title block on the right hand side of the drawing, change the address from 9725 W. 50th Avenue to 9785 W. 50th Avenue. Attached are referral responses received from outside agencies and other city departments. All comments must be addressed. Once required changes are made, please resubmit four copies of the revised drawings with original redmarks. If you have any questions, or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235- 2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner C: WZ-04-04 07/18/04 FRI 13:17 FA% 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS Z001 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 TELEPEON39 303-424-9U I FAX 309-424-0828 July 16, 2004 Meredith Reckert Planning Department City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29'" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Meredith: In reference to Case #WZ-04-04/Crossroads Church at 9901 W. 50`s Avenue, Valley Water District offers the following comments: The existing fire hydrant may need to be relocated at owner's expense. 2. Existing water main lines may need to be relocated at owner's expense. 3. Valley Water District is supplied water through a distributor's contract with the Denver Water Department. Valley Water must follow all Denver rules and regulations as well as District requirements. The District must follow all mandates that Denver may impose related to the drought. 4. If water service and tap fees are required to service the ampitheater, the owner would be responsible tap fees and all related construction costs. 5. Any easements that may be needed will need to be provided to the District by the owner that meet Denver Water and District requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, Sincerely, W al~~ Robert Arnold District Manager Meredith Reckert From: Sparky Shriver [sparky.shriver@arvadafire.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 3:28 PM To: mreckert@ci.wheatridge.co.us Subject: Crossroads Church Hi Meredith, hope you had a great vacation. No comments from us for the proposed outdoor amphitheater. We would like to comment on the outdoor fire pit chimney unit when the time comes. Thanks Sparky 1 Meredith Reckert From: Chad Root [croot@ci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 7:51 PM To: mreckert@ci.wheatridge.co.us Subject: case no: wz-04-04/crossroads church I have no issues with the outdoor amphitheater as long as a permit is pulled and-there is enough egress. Chad Root DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS QydWheata~e ~ 1 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 July 13, 2004 Mr. John M. McLain, P.E. Baseline Engineering Corporation 1658 Cole Blvd., Suite 295 Golden, CO 80401 (303) 235-2861 FAX (303) 235-2857 Re: First Review Comments of the FDP Amendment, Plat, and Grading & Erosion Control Plans for the Crossroads Church Amphitheater project located at 9901 West 5& Avenue. Dear Mr. McLain, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents received on July 6, 2004, and have the following comments: Drainage Certificate 1. Include a discussion of the anticipated runoff (including off-site) flows through the proposed swale along the westerly side of the parcel, the capacity of the Swale, and the point (and direction) of discharge. 2. State whether or not a concrete trickle channel will be necessary to ensure continued channel functionality while minimizing the potential for ponding in the above-mentioned swale, and whether a "splash pan" or other bank stabilization is to be used along the westerly side of the swale to also help minimize any scouring (or other negative) effects to the adjacent property. 3. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Drainage Certificate. Grading & Erosion Control Plan 1. Please include all applicable erosion control and BMP's on the Grading Plan, and rename the Plan to "Grading and Erosion Control Plan'. 2. To ensure proper drainage, a concrete trickle channel for the swale along the westerly side of the property should be considered. A "concrete splash pan" or other form of (channel) bank stabilization may also be necessary along the west side of the Swale to help minimize any scouring that might occur (ultimately leading to a negative impact on the adjacent property). Similarly, the historic runoff from the adjacent property that flows onto the southwesterly comer of the Crossroads property also needs to be addressed. (Please see redlined plans). 3: Please indicate the flow direction at all site discharge points. 4. Include Cross-sections A-A, B-B, and C-C on the Plan. 5. It appears that the 2% grass swale directly m front of the stage could also be a likely spot for ponding to occur. You may wish to consider using a concrete trickle channel in this area as well. 6. You also might consider raising the stage area by 6" to ensure that proper drainage may be achieved for the swale area in front of the stage during the grading process. (It becomes very difficult to grade and still achieve positive flow on soil/grass when there is very little change in elevation - especially if any settling occurs subsequent to construction). 7. Include the following Notes on the G & EC Plan: a. Erosion Control Measures shall be installed prior to commencement of grading activities. b. At all times during project construction, all temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control measures shall be maintained and repaired as needed to prevent accelerated erosion on the site. c. Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction, and shall be installed within 24 hours, or within the timeframe set forth by the City Inspector. 8. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Sheet. Final Development Plan (Amendment) Please adjust the FDP Amendment (Site Plan) to match the above Grading & Erosion Control Plan. Please return all redlined documents with the next submittal. Please provide with the next submittal: 2 signed and sealed copies of the revised Grading & Erosion Control Plan, FDP Amendment, and Drainage Certification Letter. Written Approval for Off-Site Grading Prior to the issuance of the Crossroads Church Amphitheater Grading/Fill Permit, written approval from the adjoining property owner(s) to the north for the proposed, off-site grading shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. Application for Grading/Fill Permit Prior to the commencement of any on-site grading, an Application for Grading/Fill Permit, along with the fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. This Permit is generally issued at the time of the Building Permit. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to the constriction of any improvements, utility service connections, etc. within the public Right- of-Way, the required Right-of-Way Constriction Permit(s) and respective licensing shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for processing. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Travis Crane, Planner File 9901 W501h(CrossroadsChmch)_revic.l.ltr.doc Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Referral Form Date: 5 July 2004 Response Due: 19 July 2004 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of an administrative approval to allow an outdoor amphitheater for Crossroads Church at the property located at 9901 W. 50th Avenue. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WZ-04-04/Crossroads Church Request: Approval of an administrative amendment to an existing Planned Commercial Development final development plan. The property is approximately .34 acres in size. The Final Development Plan amendment is to allow an outdoor amphitheater. The existing development plan would allow a two-story, 5000 square foot commercial building with associated parking. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Meredith Reckert Voice: 303.235.2848 Fax: 303.235.2851 Email: mreckert@ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: Water District (Valley) Sanitation District (Clear Creek Valley) Fire District (Arvada) Regional Transportation District Xcel Energy Qwest Communications Colorado Department of Transportation Denver Regional Council of Governments JeffCo Health Department JeffCo Schools JeffCo Commissioners AT&T Broadband Adjacent City Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Wheat Ridge Forestry Division Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority "The Carnation City" Crossroads Church of Denver LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: 1. GENERAL: a. The Contractor shall field verify existing conditions and base the bid on actual on-site conditions and in measurements. Any discrepancies, errors or omissions on the construction drawings shall brought to the attention of the Landscape Architect. b. The Contractors must replace at their own expense all materials installed by the Contractor that are found to be defective, damaged, destroyed, or that have disappeared within one year of the date of installation. The replacement must occur within one year of installation. c. All Contractors and their Subcontractors shall provide the Owner with proof of insurance prior to beginning work. d. The Contractor shall verify exact locations of all utilities prior to beginning work. The Contractor shall locate, protect, and maintain bench marks, monuments, control points and project engineering reference points. e. The Contractor shall stake out all key areas including walks, plazas, walls and plant beds and obtain approval from the Landscape Architect prior to proceeding with construction. f. All tree and shrub locations shall be staked by the Contractor and approved by the Landscape Architect prior to planting. g. All proposed grades are to meet and blend in with existing grades at the project limit and adjacent surfaces, unless otherwise noted. h. All Contractors shall perform site operations and the removal of debris and waste materials to assure minimum interference with streets, driveways, parking lots, walks, other adjacent facilities and Owner's daily operations. i. Contractors shall obtain written permission from all pertinent governing authorities when required to perform work in public street right-of-way or other public property, or to obstruct streets, fire lanes, walks and adjacent facilities. j. All workmanship and materials shall be 100% guaranteed by the Contractor for a period of one year following the date of installation. (page 1) k. All Contractors, their Subcontractors and Suppliers shall provide the Owner with lien waivers prior to receiving final payment. 1. All Contractors shall notify the Owner and Landscape Architect immediately if any discrepancies in the plans occur on site, rn. All Contractors shall immediately repair or replace at their own expense any object or material damaged as a result of their actions. n. No grade in landscaped areas shall be less than a 2% slope or greater than a 33% slope. o. All work not covered specifically in these specifications shall be performed in accordance with common local construction practices. 2. PLANT MATERIAL: a. All plant material shall be 100% guaranteed by the Contractor for a period of one year following date of installation. Plants must be true to name, species, and standard size. b. All plant material that dies within one year of the date of installation must be replaced by the Contractors at their own expense. Plants must be replaced by the same size, species, and quantity as originally specified, unless substitutes are approved by the Owner. All dead or dying plants must be replaced within one year of the date of installation. c. All trees 2" caliper and less shall be staked with 2 stakes per tree. All trees greater than 2" cal. must be staked with 3 stakes per tree. Stakes shall be 6' length steel "T" posts, or 6' tall 2"x2" wood stakes, guy wires 16 gauge. Tree trunks must be protected from guy wires with 1/2" diameter rubber hose or 2" wide nylon straps. Deciduous trees (other than aspen) shall be wrapped from ground level to second branch with 4" tree wrap, overlapped continuously from bottom of trunk up. d. All containers, wires, baskets, etc. shall be removed during planting. e. All plant pits shall be dug 6" larger in diameter than root ball or container. Plants shall be set in a natural position, at original soil level on plant or slightly higher. No plant shall be planted within 3' of any building. Plant pits shall be backfilled with a 50/50 mix of original soil and soil prep. Root balls shall be placed on undisturbed soil to prevent settling. (page 2) 3. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION: a. All shrub beds shall receive a layer of woody mulch (representative sample to be approved by Owner), laid 3" thick. Mulch shall be underlain with fabric weed barrier except in areas to be planted with flowers or live groundcover. No plastic sheeting shall be permitted. b. Steel edger shall be installed at the edge of all planting beds that are adjacent to sod areas. c. Steel edger shall be 16 gauge galvanized steel, 4" width, 10' sections, overlapped 12", secured with (3) 12" steel pins per section. d. Sod shall be a blend of improved Kentucky bluegrass and Fescue, laid with all edges flush (no overlap, no gaps). Sod must be laid and rolled within 24 hours of cutting. Grade must be raked smooth, free of clods and debris prior to laying sod, Sod shall be laid perpendicular to slope, with staggered end joints. e. All sod areas shall be prepped with 3 cubic yards/1000 sq. ff. with a 50/50 mix of peat and aged manure, tilled both ways 6" deep. All groundcover and flower areas shall be prepped at 4 cubic yds./1000 sq. ff. The irrigation system shall be fully automatic, with sod and shrub beds zoned separately. Sod shall be sprinkled with pop-up rotor or brass riser heads, riser height of at least 2 1/2". Shrubs shall be watered with drip irrigation or pop-up shrub heads. Perennial flowers and groundcover areas shall be sprinkled with pop-up shrub heads or "micro-jets". The normal spray pattern shall not fall on walks, patios, driveway, walls or parking lot. Actual irrigation design must be approved by Owner prior to installation. The minimum acceptable standards for the irrigation system shall be: Valves and Controller: Automatic clock MC Series Irritroll, remote valves buried individually in 10" diameter valve boxes (not located in sod), wire 14 gauge direct burial. Deeds: Sod heads shall be rotor type or brass riser, 2 1/2" minimum pop-up height. Shrub heads shall be 12" pop-up (Rainbird #1812 with "B" series nozzle, or equal), or drip irrigation. Flower/groundcover beds same as shrub areas, except add "Micro-jet" heads to mist from above when using drip irrigation. Lines: Main line shall be class 200 BE-PVC, graded to drain (2" every 10'), buried 18" deep. Lateral lines shall be 80 lbs. NSF Polyethylene, 10" deep. All lines running under pavement shall pass through class 160 PVC sleeves, a minimum of 2 pipe sizes larger than the line. (page 3) g. Patio shall be Flagstone mortared over a concrete pad. h. Flagstone shall be regular cut stones in dimensions of 24"x24", rose in color. i. Seeding shall be "Dryland Pasture Mix" from Arkansas Valley Seed (consists of 30% Crested Wheatgrass, 25% Smooth Brome, 20% Intermediate Wheatgrass, 15% Perennial Rye, 5% Western Wheatgrass, 5% Slender Wheatgrass) applied at a rate of 1 Ib.11000 sq. ft. and Annual Rye applied at 1/2 Ib.11000 sq. ft. Seed should be hydro-mulched with a tackifier to hold on slopes greater than 4:1. 4. CONSTRUCTION a. Concrete for patio shall be 5' thick, 3000 PSI, with b"x6" grid 10 gauge woven wire centered in pour, Control joints shall form panels no greater than 20 sq. ft., with no angle less than 90. Expansion joint material shall be placed at wall edge. Subgrade shall be moisture treated to ± 2% of optimum moisture content and compacted to 95% of maximum standard Proctor dry density. (page 4) 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/ 235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 January 12, 2004 Ben Teeples Director of Operations Crossroads Church 9725 West 50`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Teeples: The City of Wheat Mdge w"EqT Pi u m c0C0RN This letter is in regard to the proposed construction of an outdoor amphitheater on property located within Lot 2 of the Kipling 5000 Business Park, Filing No. 3 Amended Planned Commercial Development. On August 1, 2003, City staff met with you and Kenneth Boyd of Baseline Engineering where this project was discussed. At that meeting you were informed that an administrative amendment to the Kipling 5000 Business Center must be processed to accommodate the amphitheater. Attached are notes taken at that meeting for your review. Enclosed is a drainage addendum for the proposed development which was submitted separately by Baseline Engineering. Please include this drainage addendum as part of a package that includes a completed land use application for the administrative amendment and ten copies of the proposed planned development amendment. A filing fee of $550 will be required at the time of submittal. Once a complete package is submitted, the City of Wheat Ridge Public Works and Community Development Departments will initiate review. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner C: Dave Brossman Kenneth Boyd December 28, 2003 SELINE engineering eorporanon Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden, Colorado 80419 RE: Crossroads Church of Denver, Grading on 0.35 Ac Outlot Grading and Drainage Certificate Ms. Reckert: I have reviewed the Grading plans associated with the above referenced property as prepared by our office. I have also analyzed the historic conditions of the site and reviewed a previously approved Final Development Plan (FDP). The plans call for fill to be brought in to create a stair-stepped grass seating area for an amphitheater. With this, construction of a small concrete stage is expected. Historic flow patterns are not changed. Furthermore, increases in impervious surface or runoff rates is negligible. Site, Project Details and Runoff Characteristics: • 2,179 cubic yards of fill • Time of Concentration increase from 120 feet to 130 feet. • 100 year C-Factors increase from 0.25 to 0.27 • 100 year runoff rates increase from 0.6 cfs ro 0.7 cfs This site was part of a City approved FDP in the 1980's. The plan called for a parking lot and retail building and allowed for 80% impervious surface. Obviously, the new plan will create far less runoff than that which was proposed in the 1980s. Currently, the runoff moves from the north to the southeast. The majority of the runoff exits the parcel at the easternmost curb cut and access point. From there, the flow heads east on existing pavement and by curb and gutter across the church parking lot. The proposed plan maintains nearly the same flow patterns. The only exception is a wide swale will be created in front of the stage to take flow back to the curb cut. The time of concentration is increased by 10 feet giving it slightly more time to infiltrate. CONCLUSIONS The plan creates an imperviousness significantly less than what was approved by FDP in the 1980s. The increase in runoff caused by developing this parcel with an amphitheater as shown on the grading plan is insignificant. The new imperviousness increases in flow of 0.1 cfs. Therefore, the development will not cause a significant increase in flow in the local drainage system downstream. The flow patterns AWgqV i ificantly changed by this plan. '00 RS9 Respectfull 0.;O oAl F off. ~eA 2~c'•. s ° 3 350 Z: Johfi M. n, P. E. etc. 1658 Cole Boulevard Suite 295 Golden, Colorado 80401 v 303.940.9966 f 303.940.9959 v .designengineerxom Lette r of TRANSMITTAL to: / Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge, Community Development Department address: 7500 West 291h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 re: Crossroads Church of Denver date: July 1, 2004 Encl.: (10) - Planned Development Amendment (10) - Property Survey (1) - Grading/Drainage Addendum Letter (1) - Landscape Plan (1) - Application Form and $550 filing fee check Meredith: Included is the application for an administrative amendment to Lot 2 of the Kipling 5000 Business Park, Filing 3. Thanks for your help and please call with any questions. Kenny Boyd I BASELINE 1658 Cole Blvd. Suite 295 Golden, CO 80401 ph: 303 940 9966 x202 fax: 303 940 9959 LAND SURVEY PLAT 4F LOT 2, IPLING 5000 BUSINESS PA~.K LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHWEST Q TOWNS~.IP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST MERIDId~N, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, C STATE (~F COLORADO OLYMPIC lLYMPIC RIDGE APARTMENTS FOUND 2" DIAMET ALUMINUM CAP LS 10734 S 88'44'56° E 135.01' X X CAP FENCE (TYPICAL} S 88°44'56" E 378.72' FOUND 2" DIAMETER ALUMINUM CAP LS 13258 - i s KIPLING 5000 PLAZA SUBDIVISION _ _ i 1 J DESCRIPTION: r ■ 1 LOT 2, KIPLING 5000 BUSINESS PARK FILING N0. THREE AME LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, 1 J THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COU LOT 1 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: 0 Sri I, NOEL L. POTTER, A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN THE THAT THE SURVEY OF THE OF LAND SHOWN w ..,...,..r .,,,.,,.amt. C PARK FILING N0. 4 DATE ~7NSUL I AN I AMENDMENT N0. 2 ~ lQ POTTER &d~ I RN I -1"~1t. N (0.35 ACRES) a~'TE~ O O b 0 ~'~Ji/11iPt i°::i~iRt0~~~1~~ Z cn C.C.S. CONSULTANTS, INC. HAS MADE NO I►dVESTIGA110N OR EASEMENTS RECORDED/UNRECORDED, ENCUMBRANCES, REST TITLE EVIDENCE OR ANY OTHER FACTS THAT AN ACCURATE D{Si,~05~. F r~ ~ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE: f ACCEPTING FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLER AT GOLDEN, COLORADO ON THIS DAY OF I 1 JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER GRAPHIC SCALE _ ~ 10 0 5 10 I~ ~ ~ ~I J HYDRANT (IN FEET) BY: DEPUTY CLERK ~ ~ f. ~ SGALE:1 "=10' X X S 89'58'00" W 135.00' DATE: 06.15.04 LIGHT POLE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: CURB AND GUTTER (TYPICAL) DEPOSITED THIS DAY OF , 20_, AT OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S LAND SURVEY PLATS/RIGHT-0 AT PAGE ,RECEPTION NUMBER J 1 f 0 LOT 1 ~ o THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT COMPLIES WITH SECTION 38-51-1 (SIGNED) N ~.r-~ O i" O a 1 N 1 COUNTY SURVEYOR 1 3 1 r ~ =SET N0. 4 REBAR AND CAP L.S. 26296 `f ~Y 1 1 f.  FOUND 2" DIAMETER ALUMINUM CAP LS 10734 NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION C.C.S. CONSULTANTS, INC. BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST 11445 West I-70 Frontage Road North Suite 102 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS 303404706 Fax 303*403*0800 SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. PROJECT NO.: CCS-GEN\03GEN20\LSP LOT 2 WHEgr LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION C.) in Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 °°Loeaoo ~ (Please print or ~~or type all information) Applicant "N " U ddres`t s I~~ I, SD6 406 Phond&5)4Z1 -3VbD City Il9tkEA T 114 Db e- State l° jD Zip Fa~ZJI-1U~ Owner ASS (l UEL Address qqO( LOL S0Q '"-FW.E Pho SOD-C) City (A7 D[ae State Q-D Zip ?3bDS'z, Fax 2f 386D Contact Address QJ01 , 50 11t Pho 42i sm City 1.94ffe r b6C State C, 2-Zip T01)3~S Fax ukj (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when ecesswy. post public hearing signs, and will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hewing.) 'Lt~,&c Location of request (address): Cl a1 L\ - l D Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side ❑ Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Special Use Permit ❑ Consolidation Plat ❑ Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) ❑ Flood Plain Special Exception ❑ Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ❑ Right of Way Vacation ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Temporary Use, Building, Sign Site Development Plan approval ❑ Variance/Waiver (from Section ) ❑ Other: Detailed description of request: Cis A-t3 e &J~Pn ITT p ~A>1 F71't)nA1 A :tea tuatt.S C t -~o rxI ,4nnPtk~ r r~ I &>A¢ *E C Required information: ~--!r ~t Assessors Parcel Number: D4VL Size of Lot (acres or square footage): I S Da(~ Current Zoning:P.Pt f4ED v%wvQL lA-L-- Proposed Zoning: c-,(1-NLiE Current Use: ,J Al@- Proposed Use: P-tvA~ PUrt I0,4AA~ I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the reques ed action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of -a ey fro the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applicant qV1Kqcm ed and sworn to me this y of 0)0 ES DRENNAN III NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO NofarTPublic My Commission Expires Feb. 11, 2007 My commission expires To be filled out by staff: Date received -74/6.9 Fee$.W-M ReceiptNo.6D/7:530 Case No. W7--014-061 Comp Plan Desig. Zoning_ p5b Quarter Section Map SAJ S- Related Case No. Pre-App Mtg. Date G3 Case Manager O e Case No.: - 20404 Quarter Section Map No.: W15 App: Last Name: Crossroads Church Related Cases: 7- App: First Name: c/o Ben Teeple; Case History: Final Developme mendment... 7 Owner: Last Name: Crossroads Church Owner: First Name: 1- Address: App 9901 W. 50th Ave. Review Body: dm. City, State Zip: Oheat Ridge, CO 80033 App: Phone: 303421-3800 APN: 39-153-11-005 Owner Address: ame _ 2nd Review Body: City/State/Zip: I 2nd Review Date: ~ Owner Phone: ame Decision-making Body: dm. Project Address: 5901 Approval/Denial Date: Street Name: JVVest 50th Avenue City/State, Zip: heat Ridge, CO 80033 Reso/Ordinance No.: Case Disposition: Conditions of Approval: Project Planner: Reckert File Location: [Active Notes: Follow-Up: District: IV Date Received: 7/2/2004..._ Pre-App Date: 713112003 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235 -2846 Fax: 303/235 -2857 January 12, 2004 Ben Teeples Director of Operations Crossroads Church 9725 West 50 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Teeples: The City of Wheat Ridge v m cO LORad o This letter is in regard to the proposed construction of an outdoor amphitheater on property located within Lot 2 of the Kipling 5000 Business Park, Filing No. 3 Amended Planned Commercial Development. On August 1, 2003, City staff met with you and Kenneth Boyd of Baseline Engineering where this project was discussed. At that meeting you were informed that an administrative amendment to the Kipling 5000 Business Center must be processed to accommodate the amphitheater. Attached are notes taken at that meeting for your review. Enclosed is a drainage addendum for the proposed development which was submitted separately by Baseline Engineering. Please include this drainage addendum as part of a package that includes a completed land use application for the administrative amendment and ten copies of the proposed planned development amendment. A filing fee of $550 will be required at the time of submittal. Once a complete package is submitted, the City of Wheat Ridge Public Works and Community Development Departments will initiate review. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 303 - 235 -2848. Sincerely, Y Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner C: Dave Brossman Kenneth Boyd 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/ 235 -2846 Fax: 303/235 -2857 F WHEgT The City of U m Wheat Ridge °LORAO° PRE- APPLICATION FOLLOW -UP LETTER Date: August 1, 2003 Attending Applicant(s): Ben Teeples Director of Operations Crossroads Church 9725 W. 50` Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Kenneth Boyd Engineering Manager Baseline Engineering Corp. 1658 Cole Blvd. Golden, CO 80401 Attending Owner: Ben Teeples Attending Staff: Michael Pesicka, Mary Austin, Dave Brossman Address or Specific Site Location: 9725 W. 50` Avenue (Crossroads Church) Existing Zoning: Planned Commercial Development (PRD) Existing Comp. Plan: Small Office/Business Center (0) Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: Proposing to expand their existing parking facilities for the Crossroads Church. Ownership has been obtained of a vacant parcel of land located northwest of the main church building. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? NO Planning comments: The proposal will require an administrative amendment to the final development plan. The amendment will be condition to revert back to the original requirements of the approved FDP. One 24 "x36" plan should suffice for the submittal. 12 copies of the plans will be required for this submittal. The site plan shall show all landscaping proposed for this amendment. Include species, quantities, location, caliper of trees (minimum of 2" in diameter), and percentage of area that is landscaped as a part of the subject parcel. A 6 foot high fence, berm or wall, along with a 6 foot wide landscaped area shall be provided along the northern property line. This landscaping is required to provide a buffer to the residentially zoned property to the north. Landscaping shall follow the guidelines set forth in the original FDP. The percentage of landscaping required by the Kipling 5000 Business Park Filing No. 3 is 19.964% of the gross lot area. Public Works comments: Please see attached letter. Building comments: Not in attendance, comments will be made after receiving submittal package. Streetscape /Architectural Design comments: Not applicable Pbone Numbers Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner 303- 235 -2848 Steve Nguyen — Traffic Engineer 303 - 235 -2862 Mary Austin — Planner 303- 235 -2852 Dave Brossman — Development Review Engineer 303 - 235 -2864 Darin Morgan — Codes Administrator 303- 235 -2853 Michael Pesicka — Planner 303 - 235 -2845 ti.11►. City of wheat Ridge Departrnent of Public works July 31, 2003 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 7500 WEST 29` AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Pre - Application Meeting for the Crossroads Church Parking Lot The following requirements are per Sec. 26 -111 of the Municipal Code. Public Works Requirements 2 Copies of the following shall be submitted for review: 1. A Drainage Report and Plan (signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer) to accommodate the change from the original Kipling 5000 Filing #3 design. The Plan should significantly adhere to the original Kipling 5000 Filing #3 Final Drainage Study and Plan. 2. Grading & Erosion Control Plan. 3. Site Plan, which shall include the following: a. 24" X 36" sheet format. b. A Vicinity Map. c. The boundary of the site described in bearings and distances, and existing and proposed lot lines. d. A Legal Description of the site, including tie(s) to the Section. e. A Basis of Bearing statement. f. Signed certification from a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the state of Colorado. g. A scale and north arrow. h. Date of map preparation and name & address of person who prepared map. i. Location of 100 -year floodplain, if applicable. j. Existing and proposed contours at 2 -8 intervals. k. Adjacent street(s), including Right -of -Way width(s), name(s), ROW centerline(s). 1. Location of all existing & proposed easements and rights -of -way, fences, walls, drainageways, ditches, buildings to be developed or retained on site. 4. Proof of Ownership for the property, e.g., Warranty Deed, Title Commitment, etc. Project Submittal - Internal Checklist Introduced at Micro Dev on - 7 Z3 p3 Priority ❑ 1. Will a neighborhood meeting be required? NO ❑ 2. What will the process be? Admin, PC or CC (circle all that apply) ,A. Outline Plan (conceptual - zorrin only) B. Final Development Plan 4,,e d�e✓��- Admi, s4t xre 7 C. Combined Outline & Final Development Plan (full site plan) D. Rezoning E. Minor Subdivision (with or without dedication) (circle one) F. Major Subdivision (with or without dedication) (circle one) G. Consolidation Plat H. Supplemental Variance- describe: I. Special Use Permit T. Lot Line Adjustment 3. Willa drainage study be required? ❑ 4. When? At time of submittal, public hearing or building permit? (circle one) Will a traffic impact analysis be required? ❑ When? At time of submittal, public hearing or building permit? (circle one) 5. Will any right -of -way be required for dedication? ❑ How much? (_ feet) Where? ❑ 6. 7. Will this property need to be platted or re- platted? Will any easements be required? For streetscape, cross access, utility, or drainage (circle all that apply) ❑ S. Where? Will full engineered documents (construction drawings) be required? ❑ When? At time of submittal, public hearing or building permit? (circle one) 9. Will public improvements need to be constructed (or escrow taken in lieu ?) List improvements and locations: ❑ 10. Will streetscape improvements be required? Where? 11. To what extent? Will any street lights be required? ❑ 12. Is the property located within a floodplain area? ❑ 13. Will a soils test be required? ❑ 14. When? At time of submittal, public hearing or building permit? (circle one) a Will grading and erosion control plan be required? ❑ When? At time of submittal, public hearing or building permit? (circle one) ❑ 15. Will a subdivision improvement agreement be required? ❑ 16. Does this fall under the street width designation? 17. Will the project need to be referred to CDOT? N i U N 89° 08' W u �q 9 300.02' n 1 IT 4 -A 1 VN TION y - O I 2]62 -952 R 293 N as-"* IN 2]0.99' 51 6� 25� N B7 487 K I.P L ING o 11 2 90 I 88.72 3 was-44'W 315' 19 ' O m 001 O 30' I52.0' 23681 4 II > 5 301.33' m 5000 - KIPLING KIPLING' 50 BUSINESS PARK FLG 4. AME DED NO -'2 N, 5000 J v9 so 24 BUSINESS PARK 186.9 2 � . T R PLAZA J � 9 ° ® FLG. 3 AMENDED .,6 226 Q nsd Iso 4 005 z5�35 ,coe o )9 - R S U 13 p�6n55e69 pp ,92,6 HE'tp\OGE IA We 5i p n 55 4i, (�00017�3:)2 � - O SOZ 2 u9' KIP NG a 2 I 5 BUS NESS mo.00' ° g r 6 -� PA K 06 9 o 009 ' ® FLAG IX 1 ING 5000 o 1 n KEY 56 14.5' °- W '+ REPLAT of LOT 1 280' a - . U S N ESS PARK KIPLING 5000 BUS. PARK g d REPLAT OF T I O1O KIPLING 5000 7 i SECOND FI ING BUSINESS PARK » 0 16 o FLG. 2 "' ® . 319.00• N � O N p ` 1s6so' 8 6 u' o ¢ 933 2 - O O a w » REPLAT OF LOT I 3 KIPLING 5000 BUS. PARK LL 35 a FILING NO. 2 a q 0 55 N 001 S ® zol 4 us n o01 • ^ ® 5 » sr. N'8Y. - �, 41039107 zeo' 150.00' 13 Rol' 92' , ,I`FrQ _ - - - - - 20 1 1 r1 680N CO. 742 - z39 R SUB IR glo JEFFERSON COUNTY 764 i 1 39230 5 9' lzv r DENNY'S ADDITION O p3 PARCEL 1 394 MINOR SUB ^ TRACT A =1 44 ,0 a, ; 13 001 002 ^ INDE ENDENCE EXEC. OFFICE PK. 1 :0 - ^ 1 - ws' 11483 Ios MIND SUB 129' ST. NWY. � 39 ® PARCEL I Iv 1293-296 TRACT 6 1 ' i 1 -------------- -- --- ------- 1 �y° Property appraisal system I OF i http://ww4.jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do I 84254&offset- Send mail to assessor @co.jefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Website. Copyright @ 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. _ A Map of How to Get to Our Office Website information current through: 07 -19 -2003 �Gf T aT T� t�oi lv\< �5m -&S lv,,eSS pa 1 of 1 7/23/2003 10:38 AM Rec Home Geiteral Property IatraxiaaS�fm Lrvnlor_ Location Ma /Additional Information City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department Memorandum OCORPV TO: Alan White Michael Pesicka Meredith Reckert Dave Brossman Darin Morgan Dave Menter Mary Austin Steve Nguyen Travis Crane FROM: Kathy Field SUBJECT: 7/31 Pre -App Meetings DATE: July 22, 2003 Two (2) pre -apps are scheduled for Thursday, July 31, 2003. The first pre -app is at 1:30 p.m. The applicant is Lynne Moyer, owner of property located at 5000 Tabor Street. Please see the attached request and site plan. The second pre -app is at 2:30 p.m. The applicant is Kenny Boyd with Baseline Engineering for Crossroads Church. Please see the attached proposal and site plan. ClTY���T��� �7/2�/03 J�14PM cdb CRO OAD AMOUNT F���Z0NI�GAfPLlCATIUN� PAYUENTR8CE�VE� AM8UNT CK 21471 2��0O -------------- -------------------- Letter of TRANSMITTAL to: Meredith Reckert / Kathy Field City of Wheat Ridge, Community Development Department address: 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 re: Crossroads Church of Denver date: July 22, 2003 Encl.: (1) - Full Size Site plan (1) - Reduced size Site Plan (1) - Proposal Letter (1) - Application Fee check for $200 Meredith: Included are the documents required to confirm the pre - application meeting scheduled for July 31, 2003 at 2:30 P.M. Thanks for your help and please call with any questions. Kenny Boyd - - — ASELINE eugiueering vmporo� ion 1658 Cole Blvd. Suite 295 Golden, CO 80401 ph: 303 940 9966 x202 fax: 303 940 9959 RE: Crossroads Church of Denver - Pre - application meeting Ms. Reckert: The owner for the above referenced site is proposing to expand their existing parking facilities for the Crossroads Church at 9725 West 50' Ave. They have obtained ownership of a vacant parcel of land northwest of the church building. This development may warrant a modification of the Final Development Plan for the church. The owner is respectfully requesting a pre - application meeting for next Wednesday at 2:30, which we have already scheduled with Kathy Field. If you have any questions, please call me at 303 - 940 -9966. Sincerely Kenny Boyd Baseline Engineering Corp. 1658 Cole Boulevard Suite 295 Golden, Colorado 80401 v 303.940.9966 f 303.940.9959 J. Y Q 00 Nr 6 Cl) C) 0 N N N 3 O a N J m 3 a U Yn Lfl N U Z I C1 9. N dpi; pmnmt maMF and oqs VaMk m cb R TN atom m Ne Cdomx S m Ymud an LMlmn Tm Gnbd U INmt e,H m NI Pamnmt 10, Nd 1 rar (A) F d ,, ud- down oth a m On qma 1Q F mea Mme ar o PYM9 F m da a mUn WM4 qe onV dM vmmxt o le W w M]e F ft roweh. 11. NI mmwl mnnW rally-. m groom! rbnmiy " b anal F a eboN}.t tre m qe mp Gqq a qe elstln9 pwnmL NI EbF 4vn mmA rpmaWU M Ea rrnow0 trait IM dh at qe LLm of extvmUm. StodyM9 d QMe mine aL not Ea PmnMIM 12 Anse omm.h. em(m F tlw C d Con l qe onlrnotm M Ge dymetle Iv m IedYp. N m!q%6 made mE ¢p4!& mmrml lalYg dId mlrum to qe 3Ped� llme rm III9�mY Cm.bu fddoAO trpt of � }1 Ye'r A Rm � w wm to tbn. stmt eats and MppmMltmv lab rFIIm a m.ddM w m9udm a 'bnni w 1. N rc nOnn M Pv W and mavN. WWW " onbm to IM M6 MN y WWynU mf W My d YFM Rb$,n aML Sp bn. fv feslm[En'. My r9� N 8$ M not mmm F qe mcn " anlmn b tbe'lM =T 9pYfmkmt M Pmt Rw MW Sbgv9' ma 9 {pm�imlm W eVaWe nohA m iMi 11. Mn. -Nato Md be re n b qe Erndllm ad -nW d w anaeb. W 2 IM mnlmdv !m W rcynnMe Iv mtlµq m utHV m ob frr bbb. M; Mh, M hi vd ftn, d xdkdN m q. nn ry m npN F givrmmttl %o-dn eAO mY/It M2 utlNy m qa pmm4 wro ee Ey qe mM Rn cmhmly lM m.RMe 7 ^ `e. h. a t M dM y qe u111H m,. mne mMlmm eM ~ me0le ft qe v mlMimm EY ft farad The mi Bid nNx naY <nM b polar Ism a m d hfF9 aiitY Mm and wd rtpY my mTM3 ®d n "v om emmm m d regnk W G' i L � 4 a m m of l x adMte mn 1 Lnbm dllmk mro'44 qe pnm,dv nd w � b Ilia wn fvoNrlbn me mho- "I m p a any donor. rMg. M mNMU M M1vIOr Ee rtgaivBb Iv qn m+umY d d nldM x w mmemm .m. qe mPrond pNn x uIe eemt qd elmmmmY• me rmne qe mnwdm da Fmemour no9ry qo mymm m propct mmp9v mIm m mmmMdy dq mdnudlm mvoeFn. 4 6 I tm4AL^ a M q. pmYg arha tm Td be rerymrNe h WY]in9 m p iYm6q mA mRq wq qe yqr *M to N tyW. �w U S me Ivwv¢Ag w#MV Ad be rePmade Tv maGg me/v dm rdbg &huW by evnbuetlm F . wu q. P v mSrtd.=.=Z rynev. The vntr Nw GNM W rryvnn&n b d ncavy � -bang of — b h exlN v wSf4 b qe pb knI O Wa naaovY tn mtdVim Ropm mot powR The mntrMrc qdl Nqr M ray.rdtle Iv rn a t a dd mJ M"rN Sm Par m xmdblF9 root 4uwM1 � n Ifl Ca cOnb antra m Ne dm dJ M frtm War tOn Arc odes ogena+ eFSIN .^a I Q e ]Ae gWad mrllrmlm wm ee remon.Fh a Wnac. d motWdm Fnmplkn me ¢ moMmmm a qe mM Iwy 4Y /dt 1mm Embr amtl tle f nXS d B v ! O w wmbudlm aw m mmm m w mpoea dm. mng IFn vd unn d .rt N k mTxte ma npAOtMi 6 mdmsnen p ]. me mntrMV ddb qm. aEEiLLntl wrw Odu vavd mr opm .bm 8dv m NNa IomIM wqx qe mn of mmw.nm n mdr to mnvd wtpum a and .wn.n p fl M mtrmly dN h adpd le hgmit Fmmlbr a d melba mf mWYi6 b adm YetedNn me Ad r¢Hom mY ilm mreWm E.lanw OY be m9ne.* n a IMtly 3 J. Y Q 00 Nr 6 Cl) C) 0 N N N 3 O a N J m 3 a U Yn Lfl N U Z I C1 9. N dpi; pmnmt maMF and oqs VaMk m cb R TN atom m Ne Cdomx S m Ymud an LMlmn Tm Gnbd U INmt e,H m NI Pamnmt 10, Nd 1 rar (A) F d ,, ud- down oth a m On qma 1Q F mea Mme ar o PYM9 F m da a mUn WM4 qe onV dM vmmxt o le W w M]e F ft roweh. 11. NI mmwl mnnW rally-. m groom! rbnmiy " b anal F a eboN}.t tre m qe mp Gqq a qe elstln9 pwnmL NI EbF 4vn mmA rpmaWU M Ea rrnow0 trait IM dh at qe LLm of extvmUm. StodyM9 d QMe mine aL not Ea PmnMIM 12 Anse omm.h. em(m F tlw C d Con l qe onlrnotm M Ge dymetle Iv m IedYp. N m!q%6 made mE ¢p4!& mmrml lalYg dId mlrum to qe 3Ped� llme rm III9�mY Cm.bu fddoAO trpt of � }1 Ye'r A w wm to tbn. stmt eats and MppmMltmv lab rFIIm a m.ddM w m9udm a 'bnni w rm mdm pd -Rolm la m. Gnhocly dN pMN a mNWm dvm fr14n m dI arcldn vA A mope and powq nbr 11. Mn. -Nato Md be re n b qe Erndllm ad -nW d w anaeb. bbb. M; Mh, M hi vd ftn, d xdkdN m q. nn ry m npN F qe 51. W[w SpttiAMM. N W."nbie .tam m.r Wa Nwe or mall* dg and mv. M , ae nw Edq ro-ue0 m dh dIm M rehnrN to qe IXY 1fl % enbp dad moat m ddndn M.MOr d+'eg w cmewdm d Wa mo1wL z me mho- "I m p a any donor. w 0 ont IG u be ev Nmpdm Nm fmomm J2.. 4 On b ft o del ram of -slab. arrs. m qe mrnncmre the haft ma ar a got f MW Of a aft p dm a o mwmm K x negnL �w U 17. ]Ae onb. dA rtymoFb a mxHp and and o A, bM g "t W Me hdfc wlbd dMOd n m nWmrY mwM tlInn br rA aOpxlt m � nigh 4 to I mvMab M d w be 10 avdFmh.M mEuwt.n to m 0 Wn mAmrMIM PakNlm and Mkk .xm m Wdm m16Bdmnh at w 4'na � n Ifl Ca cOnb antra m Ne dm dJ M frtm War tOn Arc odes ogena+ eFSIN .^a I Q by q n . eo d qe Wye ¢ O 1mm R.ul N __ MAN WECINM ]IPIC Y W PM M fA p ROW pPECIX}{ TIPICPLLY G (AA54D SMNE p -� RLW CBSCII]1 iMl.VLTp tlAlS4➢AWE WT fI£ A" R = ]m W PAN]nNT 3 Tc --vows C - OlRE2 fl @ M%m rx = rnwP IWlmumr d 0J190EMEwIW10wgF2 - ! fiE - N49E0 8002 M'Allpl dy IA = AOOF OR/dl H6H IA[£ tlt IIXiI MT ON PAWN tali mu x uNL 1 GRADING P(FN 10 1NW =10 R I • CROSSROADS CHURCH OF DENVER Rw A ro o eid - Develoment-4n—Uy - of- Wheat- Ridge ftft=ftM"W wamummams ammuft"Aw A 1111111JE + AC M :i W.0000MMM wMaoftwoolm *AftW=WWAft *00AMMMAW 1 GRADING PLAN Ci C1 GRAPHIC SCALE 10 0 10 211 (IN FEET) 1 INCH 00M 10 FT Gradin Plan GENERAL CONSIRUC11ON NOTES 1. All construction work performed and materials supplied shall conform to the Site Work Specifications and the Cit of Wheat Rid 'Standard Specifications For Construction An work not covered in the above shall conform to the '1991 CDOT Specifications for Road and Brid Construction* and the *1992 CDOT Standard Plans, M&S Standards* and supplementals, unless otherwise noted on the plans. 3. Unless otherwise specified, the contractor shall be responsible for his own Construction Stakin The contractor shall further be responsible for the accurac of all stakin in accordance with the approved plans. In the event that discreponc are found, the contractor shall immediatel notif the en or project mana prior to commencin wi th construction operations. I 6. The g eneral contractor shall be responsible for insurance of materials, installation and m ain tenance of the combination ha bale/silt fence barrier around the limits of construction and as shown on the approved plan, durin construction and until all work i is complete and ve s reestablished. The contractor shall place additional straw bales around an open storm drains or inlets Dated within the area of construction in order to control siltation of such structures. 8. The contractor shall be subject to fre inspection of all methods and materials for i erosion protection, and shall replace an item considered defective b the en n a timel manner. 9. All si pavement markin and other traffic control devices, shall conform to the Colorado Standard Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edition. All 46 pavement stripin shall be four (4) inches wide, unless shown otherwise on the plans, 10. In areas where concrete pavin is to abut asphaltic pavin the contractor shall construct a W thickened ed In the concrete. 1W_ 11. All pavement removal conti to pavement remainin shall be saw—cut in a strai line to the full depth of the existin pavement., All debris from removal operations shall W be removed from the site at the time of excavation. Stockpilin of debris on—site will not be perm itted. 12. Unless otherwise stated in the General Conditions, the contractor shall be responsible for aII testin All sub concrete and asphaltic pavement testin shall conform to the *Standord SpeCiffcotions.,�for-rlliti- Ion" Colorado Dept. of Hi 1% 0 latest edit= and supplernentals. All test results shall be forwarded to the en for h i s review and approval, 2 13. The Contractor shall provide a mea ium broom finish on all concrete walks, romps and pavin surfaces, 14. The contractor shall be responsible for the demolition and removal of all concrete, foundations, walks, walls, trees and other debris indicated on the surve or specified in the Site Work Specifications. All salva storm sewer g rates, inlets or manhole rin and covers which are not bein re—used on site all be returned to the Cit 15. The contractor shall protect all h* is toric structures durin the construction of this pro The contractor shall be liable for an dama 16. All mechanical e shall be screened from view. The dumpster shall be enclosed with a si —proof fence of materials compatible to the architecture of the buildin and shall be a minimum 6' in hei 17. The contractor shall be responsible for erectin and maintainin barricades and other traffic control devices as necessar around the perimeter and ad to 50th Ave. The contractor shall also be re to coordinate with all business owners and to maintain pedestilian and vehicle access to all business establishments at all times. 18. Construction access to the site shall be from West 50th Ave unless otherwise directed b the en of the Cit mm)00- FLOW DIRECTION. TYPICALLY ON PAVED SURFACES III N01i I k OI I IN -X* • e� FW1 I a • Mb 1 4D 0 is 0 . i61k tA lmmmmnq PrAo 4 1 • Ak A t I • Now, NOR _Jdft 0_ CKII �� J • • it I oni