HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-04-10FIRST WASHINGTON REALTY. INC. 4350 FAST-WEST HIGHWAY, SUITE 400, BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20814 (301) 907-7800 January 27, 2005 Facsimile (301) 907-4911 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS-OVERNIGHT DELIVERY The City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Attention: Mr. Travis R. Crane, Planner RE: Applewood Shopping Center Revised Final Development Plan Dear Travis: Please find the enclosed full sized mylar copies of the approved Applewood Shopping Center Final Development Plan along with a check for the required recordation fee in the amount of $55.00 If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact me at (301) 961-3261. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Ed Peters Manager o Attachments [or Enclosures] 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Ridge 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 10 January 2005 Ed Peters US Retail Partners, LLC 4350 East-West Highway, suite 400 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 RE: 3400 Youngfield/Applewood Village Shopping Center PCD Amendment Dear Mr. Peters: This letter shall serve as a reminder that full sized mylar copies of the approved Applewood Village Shopping Center Final Development Plan amendment must be submitted to the Community Development Department for recordation with Jefferson County. The mylars shall include the owner's signature, complete with notary certification. A check in the amount of $55.00 is required for the recordation fee. Pursuant to Section 26-308(D)(4)(d), once the Final Development Plan has been approved, the mylar copies must be submitted for recording within thirty (30) days. If the mylar copies are not submitted and recorded with Jefferson County, the approval expires. Upon expiration, the work which was planned for the parking lot may not occur. If you would like to reapply, you will be subject to all applicable processes and fees. Please submit the mylars for recordation, along with the applicable fee, by Monday, January 31, 2005. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please feel free to give me a call. I can be reached at 303.235.2849. Sincerely, Travis R. Crane Planner RD CITY OF NNEAT RIDGE 01/28/05 9:07 AM cdb US Retail Partners RECEIPT NO:CO18804 FMSD ZONING,,REIMBURSEMENT zreim PAYMENT CK 01 ../.^rrr"' , ! fr'',.f /%/!-r f,^, , r ii'- : r • yr :~Y~ . r~.^: r%. rr . / lr . / '•f / :~'ii: is . i. f ,f .r i ! °i .r lr f s i'r it I ii.~ir. ~'a, t P :•i ; r r ,f r.f.~l r ~r :ice :-:'s ri' r!. ;-rr.~iffr / , , r.:. rl~:.•/1ri~f~: , r.~: i~i: ,l. ii .•l a f'~~ ~%f% / / f%• ; II , fr .~f . f .`J.' rf " . I r.° f • / ~ :`~:%`s, rr`l~ . r%/ is f'%''i! APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOP AMENDED FINAL PLAN :-'r:~:! : ?'i4 ~„'r ~ rr:~;~~:~'~ ° r, r /rel. `•%~f"s; r :rr°r'r. ~°~'r' :•r - :-r ,r. :•i: ii;• "r:' :°'r""~ r; ii:• :%i . v~' i.T4. Y OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PL OF THREE PARCELS OF LAND LOCATED IN THE EAST 1/z OF THE N.W. 1 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6T" PRINCIPAL ME CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO :,s. , 1 . - s~ L i ■ I ~r ~I . ~ i A z„ - J M f ~ I a L ~ P`R:C~E~TY i t i s. P~ l ui ~ ~ art t i~ ~t :i `3 i t ■ PRa► 1E  PARCEL 2 THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSNIP3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 ~ Q~- - WETS OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF WMEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS: COMMENCING A7 THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY SINE OF YOUNGFIELD STREET AND THE SOUTH LINE QF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, THENCE THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 29 BEARS SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTE 12 SECONDS WEST 1382.42 FEET AND THE SOUTHWEST CORNER ~ ~---~-Y, . \ L OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER BEARS SOUTt~ 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTE 12 SECONDS WEST r ~ _ , 7th- Avg 600.00 FEET;.RUNNING THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SEC('NDS WEST, PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OWNER'S CERTIFICATION 118 ~ ~ ra app e~~., ~ 264 ~~}I ~ ~ ~ 9 OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER ALONG SAID r:.~ST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF YOUNGFIELD ~ W 5th _/~ye , I ~a,4~y- ~ 34 ~ tit . e- w. , STREET, 180.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE C0~lTINUI~VG ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, NORTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST 274.32 FEET; THENCE LAVING SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, THE BELOW-SIGNED OWNER, OR LEGALLY QESIGNATED AGENTS THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (N ACCORDANCE r ~ ~ ~ ~ r . r~ a NORTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 12 SECONDS EAST, PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CQNDITIONS CONTAINED IN TNIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE /~~~f'! (F 140.00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST. PARALLEL WITH SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY REQUIRED 8Y LAW. I FURTHER RECOGMZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF FINAL DE:'vELOPMENT PLAN DOES NOT LINE 175.68 FEET; THENCE NORTH $9 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 12 SECONDS EAST 150.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 1~i'.1 CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARI`;E AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS EAST, PARALLEL WITH SAID EAST OFRIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 4'50.00 FEET; THENCE cni irus~o nGr_orcc nninii ircc ~ ~ s~rnninc ~ntFCr DOR61 I FLINITLI TI-IESlIB LT4! LI CIF (1G CAI(1 ~I(1PTL.1\A/CCT !11 tADTCD THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-1210F THE CODE OF LAWS OF THE CITY OF Wf 1EAT RIDGE. f ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ T.~\ ~ ; . - -2nd-~ f~~~ ~ ~ / ~ \ ' ~ ` ~ \ ;rte ; w I~ rte.... ~ t~ r f SIGNATURE OF OWNER 0 mi 0.2 0.4 0.6 NOTARY PUBLIC SITE DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF , 2004 EXISTING -OVERALL PROPOSED OVERALL WITH AMENDMENT 7 WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL A. SITE AREA -1,436,304 SF = 32.97 ACRES A. SITE AREA -1,436,304 SF = 32.97 ACRES MY COMMISSION EXPIRES B. GROSS BUILDING AREA - 380,688 SF = 26.5% B. GROSS BUILDING AREA - 380,688 SF = 26.5% NOTARY SEAL C. LANDSCAPED AREA -135,144 SF = 9.4% C. LANDSCAPED AREA -148,194 SF = 10.3% SHRUBS 808± SHRUBS 808+ + 304 PROPOSED = 1,112 TREES 14$+ TREES 148+ + 45 PROPOSED = 193 CITY CERTIFICATION D. PARKING AREA - 920,472 SF = 64.1% D. PARKING AREA - 907,422 SF = 63.2% (INCLUDES SERV{CE QRIVES) (INCLUDES SERVICE DRIVES} i E. PARKING SPACE SUMMARY E. PARKING SPACE SUMMARY t APPROVED THJS DAY OF , 2004 BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. SPACES REQUIRED SPACES REQUIRED 1,522 (4.0 % 1000 SF BLDG) 1,522 (4.0 / 1000 SF BLDG) SPACES PROVIDED SPACES PROVIDED - - CITY CLERK MAYOR 1,607 (4.3 j 1000 SF BLDG) 1,634 (4.3 / 1000 SF BLDG) • a _ , INCLUDES 43 ACCESSIBLE F. USES PERMITTED -ALL G1 F. USES PERMITi'ED - ALL G1 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS GENERAL NOTES 1. ENTIRE SITE WHERE NOT COVERED BY BUILDINGS, CONCRETE FIATWORK OR LANDSCAPING IS PAVED WITH ASPHALT. COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE 2. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM PROVIDER; NORTHWEST LAKEWOOD SANITATION DISTRICT. WEST RIDGE SAN DISTRICT. Y THIS DOCUMENT ACCEPTED FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE GOUNTY CLERK A4VD RECORDER 7 OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, ON THE DAY OF , A.D., 2004 3. WATER SYSTEM PROVIDER: CQNSOUDATED MUTUAL WATER DISTRICT 4. CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT LANGUAGE: IN BOOK ,PAGE , RECEPT{ON N0. THE OWNER, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANTS LIMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THOSE AREAS INDICATED AS CROSS ACCESS/INGRESS-EGRESS EASEMENTS AS JEFFERSON CQUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER ILLUSTRATED UPON THIS PLAN. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE OWNERS, TENANTS, ri icmnn~pc enin r_i iccrc nr rur nurn~coe AAIf1 CLJAI 1 CI IDTLlCD~Al1DC /~DA~IT A!~l+000 T!1 AAih C~CC  ~wr...r uv..vv vI- vW.I'VL- I wt nIvv vi in~A. i %j IN I i i~riivivi% L. %:+rAniv i f1VV{..%:1%7 iv nivv I n~L- MOVEMENT THOUGHT SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED :S•. :4 BY: EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND/OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS 4`.1 1 y: 1•: S DEPUTY .1 5. EXISTING DETENTION AND WATER QUALITY FACILITIES WILL NOT BE DISTURBED BY THIS PROJECT. THE ADDITION OF t -Da, PROPOSED LANDSCAPED AREAS WILL ENHANCE STORM WATER RELEASED FROM THE AMENDED SITE. i 6. THE BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATIONS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED TO ACCURATELY REFLECT THE ACTUAL 4ti•: .h BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE AS LISTED BY THE JEFFERSON COUNTY/ASSESSOR. THERE HAS BEEN NO INCREASE TO . BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE AS A RESULT OF THIS AMENDMENT. % S^ :1 . x'1'1':''•: ~ I, `;ti•: 1 . :ti': ~s.~'_~~~ d. d r F r ^'rl , rr.'" r i 'r~f 'iJ': r rrP..!.Jrr'1 " rr J ` r f, '~*✓f.,,,'~~~ f r' 1 d r.f f- rr r%,r r;' > f' •%r ~ d ,r',: 'r G. r:'^' •'!rr `r rr.:^r.a r 1 r•.r:%d~.'rr'rrj; ,r r• I, ~ ~d .rrs'' rri' /Jrrr r , f~ r r r~ ~'dr'~~, f, d ;rr' d,Jfd~ fr'}; f' rr f~,r' r, r Ij~r; ~firJ" r r' >f r' r° sdr r."r' " ! ~r••r'' J''~f,~ ~'1 ! e 'f.1 r. r'!r'r' f a ~r~ d'' r'~ a /rr° d✓ .rf+J 1~ rr prr~'11 r°r~✓~lr' r Oi+P r J r ,;l',r r~J d J~ a .,t":' 'r j"'•` °:f::°'! ' C " > !`r'• , f .~'r.+d°.,;'af',t'°,,~rr / E .°~JPr``, ,%'~,`r'rr'a" J~~~i r%',d',.!'~,: J/.;.°~' • 4l,«° ~J,~ff~rEfr'lr~ r,6 ~ r,,J'}•J f~~ f.S~•'°. a s°/rlA~~r~ .'a/~r1 ty,/~ r r i ~Yf ~ ° a~ ~ -Y " ~,P~~a~ .~'f/f~~ a t°i a ~P ' ~~✓al~~~ ~s,~PJ'a!f i a r°,~'`!✓r°Sd.': •~d,J ,~~a° r • aa~fffP:'''~^~J~f~ :'~!"dr ,j•..'F:~,e'>.».1 - /~'r J` ,,r.• d ~ rr'~>• % j r ~J✓,ir rffr ,s J~ r ~r,r~°.rrr,>.di/;~r~JJtJ~~~ °t~,,d,^J eJ~'•f fd✓✓;~~d',rr✓,f ~,~°l~>rF d'°,re ,I J` 1 d P r' / r J` .f r ~dr r P •r ' ~~r~~>~ °`~✓P~lf ✓'•~lld!' ~ r ,r,1'/f+l`rJ {~/~/~~~rr~ r dy . 1,a 1 .>~'e,,,'°~r1`~ eJr«~r..*',rd>'°fr~r~ ` %rr "J O Pr ~~1'1'> ,r'.,~ :r~ d,'`. , ,r+"°> !ir r~ d • • ~d;,;!✓>dd :j ~,r'.°:.:;d' F'rr'~~ ,'.~~~r •A ~~J` J~ r~ . _ :~r If~risrrsri~= rilrl~ r'' APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENT OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, AMEN OF THREE PARCELS OF LAND LOCATED IN THE EAST 1/z OF THE N.W. 1/4 OF SEC ;i' r ~ ~d r .~'r P, ~ d r- " r ff:=.,i v, fJ,r~'r:~fYPfrr' ~d ~ 'ti f r•i',~r drr r`rii' °r' . s r J f` ✓drr ; * r i' r. ~,r~;:°:",r' > ~ r JJ' r P dJ ° J rri' r1.`_-drr ° fair .r' r • r~*° r rf~ ~ r~.f . ,,/d / •frddd ~ r `r r r o r rd f ',1 °r~/r rr r:sri~rYf r~. d r~ ~ r J'r% ~,r'' .*'r; fP~ f,; J.;f.r.,`lr rrr,• P,r;.`'' :'''r1'`P rd dr r rfrdd'{ :•r d ,51° > d dr'r;r;:' r° 'r rrJ``f 1 r f,.' sfJ.'`'r er'~r f f r'~ ~ ~ o frr er'''t ~~''f°drrd. ,'dd`rr"J'./,~:` ',,r;~dP:• ~'rr. ;•r f;'?'r ;?'d%,'/~° °r'Jr •l. r'd ~~f 'rj'✓' . ✓r:rrdl` drr r r r , j,✓. r'~l, f°rr r . . rr;,° r~d, ^ rf+`'':d ✓s'°~r J` 'f 1, i 1'r s' „rf!' r. r~j a ~i'' f , ,/fir',/ e f . i'~~~ ~J'` : j, rd . :!r rlri,a ,r . frf1f J f %.r f •~r •.f' • ~ ~ * r°+ ~r r P' s 1 R :frr Jr'rd dr • f'r. 1' _ .r . r. ' .;r,J,~rlar: . rr'%,s,: . f rr ~ ~ . f.'r~rf ' r J ' r,dr rl: <1,%d ~,'r '~r,°.'>~f Fi f~%~`•:;+r;,r: r'~r'rr'°: ■ ~'r J.r/:,~ l ,1`Ir'1 ~lir 1l "t° O ~r J`C° aJ ~r. >~~1,✓rtJ'' l`d ! a<f ~ ° .r >'1~~'•~ r~ r°•Jr''.>J`>o r'1J~ 'r:°. rr r~d r d > ,d ~r's~ • r y~J`' ,•~O%::r~+;➢'r,;rrr✓° d 1,~r, ~ r°.°; ~ •'•r ' 1'•,rrr' ,,`r r,,;, ,dP ',r:f,>J' J * ~ ; PP~ *t~'a';.'d. e~~rJ~~. rrJ'` r', .~r° r^ r✓ r r1' e>`sr,✓° r 'r°f'rd% r,l°r"~'' e,''r'd rr~ dr rr~rr . f~ ~ ~ ;✓;°..~rJ,'~ ~ r' rr~f-`.•',' ledr r•r r'!:°' ,j' ' P, d ' > fl• ' ~f r~ l>. j%~"• r'`~ ~F° ~ Jfj ~ ir•'rrP''r dr✓rr',f r' ra ~d. rr,•, rr_...i'r'• r: ~ ;'rr^J ~"r•; ✓,f j,,~;` •,,~'r ~ r ,dJ' r•,r :+~=:~}r a> J r r f'' " `r. r` , r r ~ 1:'' f t > ~f.%' rr'. ~r..r'°. r,,. r"r/r'r !'r``:~;.-' r' rrr:°tr rF f sl-r .a„ -f r•~ ~ r 1„°r d1r t f~' > drr° dr rr''•i'rs.'< rr'r r`r djrrP .+df•rrrr°f::'<• ~r"';'°'r 'rr,•: r~ .*r,.• r'~✓ij:•1r,:.r ,a' :+r r rj+.%,fI r,,.✓°++'+~.4J arr,'.~,;f ,,•(•frf . J S l~ ~r rr%,ra'.;./.,d f' r. r~,r` •i r rr rr`~,dr° .J , ~r~' t'~` f % r' ~ P.a./ r r` rf ;e rdr ~'s r ` .,+i r ! r 1>Pd° ;r dd Pdr.•:~``r'E.,'>;d r rr, r°r •rrr do°. °rird td~ f:" rd:;, f ~ > a~~ ff r Ir r° r ~ oJ,r.€dr',r > r.'":• r ! r: Srd fJ`• - /~d rrr"., r , e rf ~:•r d ~ ~ j J'° r yr r{r , J~~ r> r'. 1 ' : P.; 1. ;"-r°erl ~ s,:r'' f.";',~r, ~ r 'r f. r'+'r ,,rr'r' .d r 'J✓r 'e•'::• r,. "i!` ~lcP r ~ f'✓' *fr ",%'frrf'`.% .rr°°rrr 'd e r . d:.'{ t' rr:rf d* r dr:+'' .r .r r r'rr rd'd.,, :,e+' J' , ~ .'`r•%> J'ri' f'~ r" d ~r .;G" d ~r •d d'° s r r >+r'J .rr ,'/rrr: f ~ri~-';~rP % ~r i~ `r 6' *,;'r✓ r ~ ~ : ~ :'r J+' r •'"i r r ' :°'d~~ ~%`;'r'`~.,' > ,rt r r r {r r' ° r, t", r r r,-. rr;rrrr¢r`->• fj d: `''dJ1' r ,rfdr' r. -:r',r, d d r.'dsrd r rd r r fr htr !d •+r:•i 1: a' t r p' Jr rr i f r.% rd• r.. • ;r > rr~.,< r. r.;f , r f rf~+Jt° f•d°: ;t l ,r+" :if :r'r",,✓:;•*'-: r''rP,%''r ✓'.lf',~'a'.r'.:.,*'*''r,;%r'. rl'f:Jdl.'>,;:. ref*'J lrl,: r.*,rr >.rj' d r ,l.%;;.% dr ✓ r .srr° J:'l r'7. r,•:1.•r' r ; 1fr{-,. 1' r: •,,.,.fl. r::".:~ r;~i, !•r°~rf Jr f%,.~;' ':y:j: y' +~,,~,frk.`•rr ,r1~ ~:;e 4~ d ~ ° °.~rr;%:~ddrJr r a,'~.'~,,'`1r~.•dr s +dr' r,." ' ✓rr',>d r fi...r'>rvr'r'~*J` ir• rr+.'{ ter' J' , f Jr ,+rr~.d.;1r~,. •,~'•er , *fd+'✓r~.° • ~e/,.':='•' i•" rJ r'.i •::r' ;J ;rif'rri:'::r;'r,°: r~ . r%'rrr.~rr -i :.r. %~m:. .,r},rf . ;'J:~;f; r r5: fr r'`.i rr 1'; ~ J • • r :>drr r r J - r ;r r " ..r-,' , ;'r.lr r:= r.,:• %~f'i. r d}tf`!,:.'rl,.'•rr:~✓ r.rr: r •_'rr >f 'i f . r' s''.. ~fl~~r ,rrfr'°rr r. ✓ f TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6T" PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN THE. fid:'r .1 "i+C,dr%'r;:•,'J, :,r,'~rJ!✓. %•fr' r'~d°'r' td r jj y l,~ f•`fri r fr: r.e 1~ : 6•.1 fJrP'~°``J :>~'rr'rs >°r`,%i"~r'rrs•i~r' rr`' ~ :dda!r:r•'` rf,'':.'r,•d r.• f',d~y~,; ;';r ~ °d ,v,/l•'~.1~', .;i " `s''_ai,,° r ~ ,r ^ rr hr r r;r it°°d rY r r rr4r.•> d>:'r">; ,df"°r r. r',~'°+ ' : ' ' 'r'' f ' d r,+ d''~r° rr> .'r° d,.r~°,.1}'''~•" .tirr +r ;,dr °I`-r ~ ' ,r:,. r.>.1 } , y , . ?j ~,f rd:+'°" d f> , d r~'i'':rr' ;;;:'fir , J: ; :~r:•:~r"~.°'r "'1 ° • , • ~rr~JPr'J.+d"r~r" 1.+'d ° ~:r:''°; e«•' .1','% .rl.~,°r ,•"r• • r' r' ~r''d.r,~,,d s:. r..~? :rre'r•Y 'r °r' : '°r Prr °r'r; l•" i °ird,.'r:r rr,,r r,,v,.. sr ' i'`d, f,.+,+r~.. 1' rr ✓ r„fJ::.% ~;r rrrr ;t` J. , Pdr r. ,'.+ri ~JJp. dd r:•`~f~r' . ~ ,,'~~rr' , d`' r f '•rerdp ,r*`. rd • r' ,r ~ ,'S` ;rs ;s °~d,.%,, °~1%.rro~ fd• ay:'`,r rdr rrr"•r 1, • • l ~.,'fdr:~r:%~ ' r J 'rrrrr.r•;'rf ®r'.o~fr'' ,r: rr,~ ".i°rrrdr.°1' r •r°.• t,; r!P ,r dfrr+Jr r.;rf d jr °r ''''~~s°r''', f'.r .,"l. r'rs ~F .~.r'~✓:f.d ';!f as :•:~s r '~JJ✓!i': 1.~:'!rf ~r°f0 'r'✓is~" + WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. f d .r ~ fLir f~r'"''f;"r:.,r,'`rr,r,°ri' . r'rJJ,°r' r° r:, +3 'f•Jr' :i',r rf:~, J ~~:;rr°: ° r,Jd' f,'r:^'`ro:,,r.ri~d~ :~'''''li• •~.dr :"•;:~~,r`r°. :°r>•.~r *f':%er~ r °'r;~r•:°. r,.r;r,.d4:~'f°~~'~°".: f1=,rr,'i:~:f°~J.r`,d'~. 1v~'r"r ✓.r J. ~Z e~ r , rr ;:%'r rf+>;:~ r r . > rJ:°' 1,°. i' J / J, r^~.r: r'e~' F r f ~ ''•~dfr1' ~:"r,~><r'f ' f',,riri. :✓ri*'%: ~'+"r ~~~:••%P;%:" fJ;rfrt%'>.`%i <.~fir;J',~.~d •;"a•:~b;~` ;v::°:::r~•>:f f!$"%r;` f iir~r ^r«rr ,t; i ,r'~ rr .rJrr: fir: a J:'r`.lr.,~;♦,r d r'rr;rr: -;r. ,~yJlrr.•3J. r r r •r,• r, f r ' 'rrr{ •'•r! r''~' ~ir'';,~: r r •r r ,.,1%' /.•yf,•; ";;;r;`•', .r,; •;;:'.>r;.';;~r'r ` ' -`r-fr'~ ~ ~°'r : rf rdrr. ° r •1 i ; '~,%r' r, 'r rr'r r:>_id t.~:.ij, r:~ r r,"' . , ;rr^rrr ° . ^ r°~:✓~ f.~ , r r:v. 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'Y ' : :.~tia':J'`'~,Y:"' ::r'S'~°`'v '1"'r'•'``x',:`'' w , a , ~•:+r t >,~.{tati .'JV dtii'::titix ti:~ ~,ix`~ x f`;{.,1,1`ti l,x.; `•r« '.k ,a ~a'x .`a'•• ; a w• j •.y iy' S '~~,xh a: 'S :>•••'ti.}S;-`S' :=''`}R,'', f4k 1ti, : t:•t',, , '''o,., gti.''w;'.a r ' ~ J s"sti.,y~~~ `4~ i'~~w'a-<•. oti1, ' y'a`v'~."1 }~~L,'~^~.•.,x~ ,.`5,'. t a~. `:4`:;:•4',`:Y,~,.~s.1 `7w`„ ~°`%'a1 ~::Z` y`.,L• -,•.x. j,} o• • r;'~•'x • x'1. ~*'s s •~L ti' s•'', i t ~ V. a ~lv a*. V WI-IR ~fl \1 --ici DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 City of Wheat Ridge Department of Public Works 7500 WEST 29' AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 December 1, 2004 Mr. Ed Peters Re: - Second Review Comments of PCD Official Development Plan Amendment #7. Dear Mr. Peters, I have completed the first review of the above referenced document for the Applewood Village Shopping Center received on September 28, 2004 and have the following comments: Official Development Plan: 1. Please see the attached sheets for a suggested design change. Traffic Engineering / Additional Engineering Comments The Plans were also forwarded to the Engineering Division Manager, Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E., 303.235.2862 for review, and the following is his response: I have reviewed the above referenced plan received November 16, 2004 and would like to offer the following comments: 1. Current traffic signal location and displays are set in alignment with each of the traffic movements. Traffic signal modification plans will be required if the any of the signal equipment is disturbed or any of the intersection traffic movement deviates from the current locations by this improvement. 2. The proposed approach alignment will need to allow a traffic signal visibility at a minimum of 215 feet for vehicles entering the intersection. 3. For traffic safety reasons, landscape boulders shall be placed outside of right of way and farther back from the curb. 4. Per the CDOT I-70/SH58 project, the existing eastbound on-ramp at 38'11 Avenue will be located to the intersection in question. Thus, the planning of this and future improvements should take this into consideration. 5. A straighter design to the proposed approach lanes configuration at the intersection should be provided to allow a safe queue stacking and maneuvering. A vehicular path evaluation of the proposed alignment reveals that an oversize vehicle will encroach into adjacent lane while attempting to negotiate the approach. The evaluation also reveals that the bend in the alignment is also tight for a passenger vehicle to maneuver. The proposed alignment does not meet engineering standards. Thus, ,a different design is strongly suggested to address this concern. Application for Grading/Fill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Grading/Fill Permit along with the fees due shall be submitted for review and approval. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction of any public improvements, the necessary Right-of-Way construction permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements The Contractor shall warrant all work performed within the public right-of-way for a period of two (2) years, commencing upon completion of all public improvements and/or right-of-way construction work and final acceptance by the City Inspector. Prior to the expiration of said 2-year Warranty Period, if the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Contractor shall complete such repair work upon request per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements. Please return all redlined prints with the next submittal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303.235.2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Travis Crane, Planner File Applwd Villge Shopg Cent Anmd#7-mview21tr(2) W, y/ . AINO I .LINO { L t EXISTING EXISTING LIGHT POLE, TYP m 1.1-J11JI NW CORNER OF SE114 OF NW 1/4 SEC 29 I -I _s °m a V A A A A F I ft 3 _ =f S00051VA ffE= !"U > iI1. t IlllrfTfllir~trriil_ (T f r m \ I ITM I I I \ \ \ \ \ = LLiulif Ll t:l.l.Ilrilll_1lllllllll0rtJi l11lLI>II 11 t j IrllrriiLlll \ \ \ j ` _ \ \ \ _ E a LWK BLDG - '\\V\34ZD, 3416'/QUNGFFBL l \ \ a\ 51 -4a ulLDING ELD \ \ \ \ UNGFI FI ` \ \ ~ \I I III I I I (11~ I T1 l 11TTI~ i { I _ \ III PARCEL 2 7 - BLDG I I r i.r r. r r r r r.ua.. I~ _ \ STONE BLDG NOT A PART cil lk.x NOT A PART cl) L. 1._L.I I l ! l .l_1 ° l_.1I111i I N!~ ~ ~•~--....3 ~4Q~5.1~9Y11.._2.Z4.32__ rtim<sn -+s^~~.cr^ ::mow. •yl ..r.'~ini_.._ cs-s wti ~~a~•r~..r-~- . .W......<...... ~,I YOUNGFIELD STREET enRUFR !1F RF 114 OF NW 1/4 SEC 29 t- O W Z J 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 23 November 2004 Ed Peters US Retail Partners, LLC 4350 East-West Highway, suite 400 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 The City of Wheat Ridge RE: 3400 Youngfield/Applewood Village Shopping Center PCD Amendment Dear Mr. Peters: I have completed my second review of the above-mentioned PCD amendment, and I have the following comments: Page One: A. As mentioned in my memo dated 19 October 2004, please ensure the margins all meet the current standards as established by Jefferson County. Of particular concern is the top border. This area is typically used by Jefferson County to note certain data upon recordation. I fear that Jefferson County may not accept your mylar for recordation with a substandard border. The top, right-hand and bottom borders should all be at least one-half inch (1/2") wide. B. As mentioned in my memo dated 19 October 2004, the building square footage totals are erroneous. Amendment 6 detailed a total building square footage of 380,688 square feet. The Jefferson County Assessor's Office details a total of 387,110 square feet. Please change the total building square footage to reflect what the Jefferson County Assessor shows as the total building square footage for this site. 2. Page Two-A: A. No comments 3. Page Two-B A. The submitted plans detail one parking space in the northwest corner of the lot (between 3490 and 3490/3470/3486 Youngfield St.) to be designated as `Fire lane'. After reviewing the comments and redlined plans from the Wheat Ridge Fire District, there should be two parking spaces designated as `Fire lane'. I have redlined the plan set for your reference. B. Please revise the detailed number of parking stalls as redlined to correspond with the additional `Fire lane' parking area. 4. Page Three: A. No comments 5. Page Four: A. No comments The Public Works Department is suggesting that the egress point on Youngfield be reconfigured so as to better facilitate exiting traffic. I have included a detail of the suggested re-alignment. Please amend the base drawing to reflect this change. Upon correction of all above-listed items, please run mylar copies of the amendment. After the corrections have been made, a 24" x 36" mylar copy of each page shall be submitted to the City, along with a check for $55.00 for recordation with Jefferson County. Page one should contain the notarized owner's signature. City staff will gather all relevant City signatures and record the mylar. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please feel free to give me a call. I can be reached at 303.235.2849. Sincerely, ^ 0' v Travis R. Crane Planner City of Wheat Ridge ~OF WHEgT P Community Development Department Memorandum C~CORA~~ TO: Dave Brossman FROM: Travis Cran~% SUBJECT: Applewood Shopping Center DATE: 16 November 2004 Attached is the Applewood Shopping Center Final Development Plan amendment resubmittal. I have included two copies of the revised FDP a detail sheet of the Youngfield Street intersection and your original redlines. If you have any quest ions, let me know. 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge 19 October 2004 Ed Peters US Retail Partners, LLC 4350 East-West Highway, suite 400 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 RE: 3400 Youngfield/Applewood Village Shopping Center PCD Amendment Dear Mr. Peters: I have completed my initial review of the above-mentioned PCD amendment, and I have the following comments: 1. General: A. I have included comments from all responding referral agencies for your review. If you have any questions regarding these referral comments, please direct the question to the agency that generated said comment. B. Because the amendment will not violate any of the items listed in Section 26-311 (B) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, the review and subsequent approval may be administrative and devoid of public hearings. C. Please submit five full size copies and one 11x17 reduction for the next review. D. Upon approval of the amendment, mylar copies must be produced and recorded with Jefferson County. The mylar must be signed and sealed by the engineer or surveyor, signed and notarized by the owner or agent, and submitted to the City along with a check for $51.00 for recordation. 2. Page One: A. Please ensure the margins all meet the current standards as established by Jefferson County. Each page should have a two-inch (2") margin on the left hand side, and one-half inch (1/2") around the balance of the drawing. B. Please revise the Site Development Statistics, both current and proposed conditions. The sum of all of the different use areas does not add to the total lot size. C. Please revise the overall lot size to be 1,436,303 square feet. The total acreage should be 32.97 acres. D. The building square footage totals for amendment 6 are erroneous. Amendment six detailed a total building square footage of 380,688 square feet. The Jefferson County Assessor's Office details a total of 387,110 square feet. Further, the proposed amendment 7 shows a total of 387,401 square feet. These building square footage discrepancies should be addressed with this amendment. E. Please add a note that reads: "The building square footage calculations have been adjusted to accurately reflect the actual building square footage, as listed by the Jefferson County Assessor. There has been no increase to building square footage as a result of this amendment". F. Please remove the Planning Commission certification. G. Please amend the City Certification to read: "Approved this day of 200_, by the City of Wheat Ridge " H. In line 4 of the Owner's Certification, please remove the words: "(And Plato". 1. Please change the Owner's Certificate to the singular tense. Page Two-A: A. B. correct the parking stalls to more accurately reflect existing conditions. The Please parking stalls are all irregular in size and spacing. Some of the existing handicap accessible parking stalls are not marked. Please check the number of parking stalls provided, versus what is listed in Site Development Statistics on Page One. 4. Page Two-B A. Please ensure all ninety degree non-handicap accessible parking stalls are a minimum of eighteen feet long and eight and one-half feet wide. All sixty degree non-handicap accessible parking stalls must also be a minimum of eighteen feet long and eight and one-half feet wide. B. Please clearly define the limits of the amendment on this page. 5. Page Three: A. Please isolate the Plant List with a white background. It may be confusing to read without a solid background. B. Please be aware that all landscape species shall be identified either by caliper, bucket or height. All deciduous trees shall be identified by caliper. The minimum size for a deciduous tree is 2.5 caliper. All shrubs shall be identified by gallon bucket. The minimum size for a shrub is a five-gallon bucket. Ornamental flowers may be one gallon buckets. All evergreen trees shall be identified by height. The minimum height for evergreen trees is six feet. C. Please specify (by square foot) how much ground cover will be used. This is applicable for all sod, mulch and rock. 6. Page Four: A. A light fixture in to be located on the south end of the property does not have any photometric calculations. Please add these calculations. Please make all required corrections prior to the next submittal. You should be aware that comments from other agencies may impact my comments. You should also be aware that the City charges a resubmittal fee for each review past the second. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please feel free to give me a call. I can be reached at 303.235.2849. Sincerely Travis R. Crane Planner P Gty of Whwt Ridge Department of PuMe Works October 12, 2004 Mr. Ed Peterson DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Re: - First Review Comments of PCD Official Development Plan Amendment #7. Dear Mr. Peterson, I have completed the first review of the above referenced document for the Applewood Village Shopping Center received on September 28, 2004 and have the following comments: Official Development Plan: 1. Need to provide an enlarged detail for the proposed entrance re-configuration along Youngfield Street. The detail needs to include distances, structures, islands, signs, etc. and should include the existing configuration as well as the proposed design. 2. Show the traffic signal located at approximately 35th and Youngfield Street. Traffic Engineering / Additional Engineering Comments The Plans were also forwarded to the Engineering Division Manager, Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E., 303-235- 2862 for review, and the following is his response: I have reviewed the above referenced plan dated September 28, 2004 and would like to offer the following comments: An engineering plan of the intersection of Youngfield Street and the shopping entrance will need to be submitted for further review for this proposed amendment. The plan shall include but not limited to roadway features such as traffic signals, lane markings, curb, gutter and sidewalks. This detail review is needed to ensure that new entrance configuration does not impact the current traffic operation at this intersection. 2. Current traffic signal location and displays are set in alignment with each of the traffic movements. Traffic signal modification plans will be required if the any of the signal equipment is disturbed or any of the intersection traffic movement deviates from the current locations by this improvement. 3. For traffic safety reasons, landscape boulders shall be placed outside of right of way and farther back from the curb. 4. Per the CDOT I-70/SH58 project, the existing eastbound on-ramp at 38th Avenue will be located to the intersection in question. Thus, the planning of this and future improvements should take this into consideration. The proposed approach lanes configuration to the intersection needs to be straightened for safe queue stacking and maneuvering. A cursory evaluation of the proposed alignment reveals that an oversize vehicle stacks into adjacent lane while queuing at the intersection. Application for Grading/Fill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Grading/Fill Permit along with the fees due shall be submitted for review and approval. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction of any public improvements, the necessary Right-of-Way construction permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements The Contractor shall warrant all work performed for a period of two (2) years, commencing upon completion of all public improvements and final acceptance by the City Inspector. Prior to the expiration of said 2-year Warranty Period, if the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Contractor shall complete such repair work upon request per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements. Please return all redlined prints with the next submittal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864 Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Travis Crane, Planner File Applewood Village Shopping Center Amend#7 Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Referral Form Date: 28 September 2004 Response Due: 15 October 2004 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of an amendment to a final development plan at the property located at 3400 Youngfield Street. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WZ-04-10 Request: Reconfigure the parking areas and construct some landscape islands. The request also includes a change to the parking lot lighting. The property is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development, and is approximately 32.7 acres in size. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Travis R. Crane Voice: 303.235.2849 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: tcrane@ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: Water District Sanitation District Fire District AT&T Broadband Xcel Energy Owest Communications Wheat Ridge Building Division Wtieat Ridge public Works Wheat Ridge Economic Development Subject UNINCORP. JEFFCO "The Camation City" 53 Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Referral Form Date: 28 September 2004 Response Due: 15 October 2004 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of an amendment to a final development plan at the property located at 3400 Youngfield Street. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WZ-04-10 /Jo i5s(445 w!~ Request: Request: Reconfigure the parking areas and construct some landscape islands. The request also includes a change to the parking lot lighting. The property is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development, and is approximately 32.7 acres in size. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect.to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Travis R. Crane Voice: 303.235.2849 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: tcrane@ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: Water District Sanitation District Fire District AT&T Broadband Xcel Energy Qwest Communications k~Wfieat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Economic Development Subject UNINCORP. JEFFCO TT "The Carnation City" Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Referral Form Date: 28 September 2004 Response Due: 15 October 2004 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of an amendment to a final development plan at the property located at 3400 Youngfield Street. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WZ-04-10 Request: Reconfigure the parking areas and construct some landscape islands. The request also includes a change to the parking lot lighting. The property is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development, and is approximately 32.7 acres in size. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Travis R. Crane Voice: 303.235.2849 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: tcrane@ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: Water District Sanitation District Fire District AT&T Broadband Xcel Energy Qwest Communications Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Economic Development A/O X45 Subject . laq X0 UNINCORP. JEFFCO "The Carnation City" MARTIN /MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS October 8, 2004 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Attn: Meredith Reckert Re: Community Development Referral - WZ-04-10/Applewood Village Shopping Center located at 3400 Youngfield Street Dear Ms. Reckert, On behalf of the Northwest Lakewood Sanitation District, Martin/Martin Inc. acting as the District Engineer, offers the following in response to the referenced Community Development Referral dated September 28, 2004: Northwest Lakewood Sanitation District requires that no permanent structures such as light poles and trees (as pertaining to this referral) be located within the District's sanitary sewer easements. Please call our office if there are any questions, Sincerely, Bill Willis, P.E. District Engineer Cc: Special District Management Services - Kammy Tinney rod/y Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Referral Form Date: 28 September 2004 Response Due: 15 October 2004 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of an amendment to a final development plan at the property located at 3400 Youngfield Street. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WZ-04-10 Request: Reconfigure the parking areas and construct some landscape islands. The request also includes a change to the parking lot lighting. The property is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development, and is approximately 32.7 acres in size. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Travis R. Crane Voice: 303.235.2849 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: tcrane@ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: Water District Sanitation District fire District AUT'Broadband Xcel Energy Owest Communications Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Economic Development Subject UNINCORP. JEFFCO "The Carnation City" WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PO BOX 507 • 3880 UPHAM STREET • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034-0507 303-4035900 • FAX 303-940-0350 • WWW.WRFIRE.ORG Community Development Travis Crane 7500 West 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case # WZ-04-10, development of site 38th and Youngfield. The following requirements are made under the 1997 Uniform Fire Code adopted by the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 1. Landscaping trees shall be maintained with a 13 feet 6 inch minimum clearance on all access ways through the site. 2. All Fire hydrants shall be clearly marked and have a minimum 3 feet clearance in all directions. 3. All fire lanes shall be marked or signed as "FIRE LANES". (Painting of islands where hydrants are located.) 4. Parking spaces adjacent to building "Fire Department Connections" are to be marked as "Fire Lane Do Not Block". 5. Two roads of access shall be maintained during all phases of construction. 6. The Fire District shall be notified of any Fire Hydrants taken Out-of- Service for any amount of time. Any questions regarding these requirements please contact the Fire District of myself. Res c~~ 1 Doug as J. Saba Fire Marshal WESTRIDGE SANITATION DISTRICT 3705 KIPLING STREET, SUITE 101 WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 303 -424 -9467 October 6, 2004 Mr. Travis Crane Community Development Dept. 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 REF: 3400 Youngfield Street, Amendment to a Final Plan Case No.: WZ-04-10 Dear Mr. Crane: A portion of the referenced site is within the boundary of the Westridge Sanitation District. At this date, the following addresses 3500 (Block Buster Store) and 3600 (Wal-Mart Store) Youngfield Street are being served by the Westridge Sanitation District and there is sufficient capacity in the downstream District system of facilities to serve these existing buildings. The District will continue to serve the Block Buster and Wal-Mart Stores subject to compliance with all applicable District rules and regulations. Enclosed for your information are copies of the District Records regarding the sanitary Sewer facilities including sewer service drawings in the vicinity of your proposed work. In the event the parking lot surface elevation would change, then Please adjust the manholes cover grades to match the final finished grade. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this office at 303-233-2058. 1 would be pleased to Page No. 2 Community Development Case No. WZ-04-10 Oct. 6, 04 discuss this matter with you in greater detail at your request. Very trul CTfi for the District Encl.: District's General Map Sewer Service Records cc: District Office file: W54-0 A1e5lr1t1r 5474". J/s/. n15TR~ E a 0 1~ ♦752 P9- 1 n X2425 I N VE a ~54~ $ n v g1~ m ~ n O rl W Q of of W H Z Q z ~ o I O m rn n U I fy Cn I n-7 M-7 DISTRICT BOUNDARY Y . ® a . OEL F- (f) J W V- 1 - CD n Z O n W (n L n co co ~i 10 N 0 27 4 a„ 110 _ P"~ p~ 3751 W 3g1H V N N n ~ n n ~ n ~ n n n N 153' 8" ~ . n N N YU IPIJ {Ny O n N n 00 0 ❑O ❑ n n m a Lio c N Y n n ~ m - V 12421 P9 I l 12498 12490 12420 n m n ui1 K 6 af C) Q Westridge Sanitation District 3705 KiPling Street - Suite 101 Whnt Ridge, Colmdo 80033 (303) 424.9467 SEWER SERVICE OBSERVATION REPORT CONTARACTOR/DRAIN LAYER v ( 96 '0 IS5 ADDRESS '/UO S UnI lICtA PHONE: (07( SIZE OF SERVICE: yg TYPE OF PIPE: C . ys K LOCATION SKETCH M.N. 0 t1=• S J O \t V ~ b I. r, i Y • f M o I I - . V R `i M o v C N ~ !_a -N IS, fo w/•/ i,, 5 y I C N ~ N \ ~ u L A C ~ ti i O t W f a a y LL ~ O V U C ~ a ~u H t W a W y > o J W V < ~ V 0 rnj ~ K K 9` W O N N U N LL N < N O W K W C F 6' W Z O N_ O O O < U < N W-1---- I ,£7 N e A F m N L •C T W d V H V C R S z ~ N W w S Oj E w p m 0 < W a O K W z u W N S d f z G ~ `O l O eo ~ z V p 0 H u < w u > z W oc z z W Z N O O m z u o z k W p O z 0 O O Z fW u w W 0. p ► < H D n V l .y 3 a ti k 0 K ' W > K W N m O 6 Q e. ."o z PA,/ y / ~f~ /JM JS,fl 9N/, f,y~J I Y W V h Z Community Development The C'Irfy Of 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Rdde 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Community Development Referral Form Date: 28 September 2004 Response Due: 15 October 2004 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of an amendment to a final development plan at the property located at 3400 Youngfield Street. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WZ-04-10 Request: Reconfigure the parking areas and construct some landscape islands. The request also includes a change to the parking lot lighting. The property is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development, and is approximately 32.7 acres in size. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Travis R. Crane Voice: 303.235.2849 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: tcrane@ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: Water District Sanitation Disfiict Fire Districf AT&T Broadband Xcel Energy Qwest Communications Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Economic Development Subject UNINCORP. JEFFCO KX "The Carnation City" RECEIVED OCT 4 Z004 LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all Information) ApplicautUS Retail Partners, LLC Address :4350East-West Hwv..Sute400 Phone-301-907-7800 - - City Bethesda State'M Iaand ZIp 20814: Fax3019007-4411 _ Owner U.S. Retail Partners. LLC Address; 4350 East-West Hwv Suite 40.0. Phone-301-907-780.0 City Bethesda State'Marvland ^ Zip 20814! Fax .301-..907-~91 i Contact Ed Peters. Project Manager Address _4350 East-West Hwy., Suite 400 Phone 301-907-7800, City Bethesda State Marylatid~ ZiQ 20814 Fax 301-907-4911 (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questionsregarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, and will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing.) Applewood Village Shopping Center Location of request (address): 3400 Younafield Street, Wheat Ridge, C.Q. 80033 Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): AppUm ion suhn0al requirements on reverse side - M Change of zone or zone conditions O Special Use Permit ❑ Consolidation Plat ❑ Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) ❑ Flood Plain Special Exception ❑ Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) Q Lot Line Adjustment ❑ Right of Way Vacation ❑ Planned Building Group O Temporary Use, Building, Sign ❑ Site Development Plan approval ❑ Variance/Waiver (from Section ) 0Other: Amended final Development Plati! Detailed description of request: Appkoval of submitted plans for Parking lot reconfiguration landscaping and parking lot lighting Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: Size of Lot (acres or square footage): Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: Current Use: Proposed Use: I'tertify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that-in filing this application', I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit mower-of-attomev from the owner which approved of this nction on his behalf. U.S. Retail Partners, LLC A Delaware limited liability company Subscribed and sworn to me By: First Washington Realty, Inc. - A Maryland corporation this day of .Se _ 2t' , 20L+11 Its authorized agent Nelda M. Jansen , d6b- AJL ~~i122i Pilti By .40==& Notary Public Henry M. Ukhaud Montgomery County, MarylandMy commission expires 17 2o6F Assistant Secretary My Commission Exolres 5/17/08 1 T be filled b ta4Y 0 out~/y 8 Date received- 7/30166 Comp Plan Desig. Related Can No. Fees Receipt No. ` Zoning '42c ~ Pre-App Mtg. Date Case No. 6 / -OV-/O Quarter Section Map Ni✓ Case Managers a y~ FIRST WASHINGTON REALTY, INC. 4350 EAST-WEST HIGHWAY, SUITE 400, BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20814 (301) 907-7800 October 1, 2004 FEDERAL EXPRESS DELIVERY Mr. Travis Crane Community Development Department 7500 West 29`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 RE: Applewood Shopping Center Parking Lot Plan Approval Dear Travis: Facsimile (301) 907-4911 Please find the enclosed permit processing application and check in the amount of $6,900. We have confirmed your receipt of the plans that were submitted to you for the approval of this project going forward. If you should have any questions, please contact me at (301) 961-3261. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Ed Peters Project Manager Attachment [or Enclosure] Case No.: IWZ0410 Quarter Section Map No.: NW29 App: Last Name: Ed Peters, Project Mgo Related Cases: _ App: First Name: /o US Retail Partners Case History: FFinalDevelopment Plan Owner: Last Name: U.S. Retail Partners, LLC_ Owner: First Name: _ App Address: 350 E-W Hwy., Ste. 400 Review Body: dm. City, State Zip: Bethesda, MD 20814 App: Phone: 301.907-7800 APN: 39.292-06-008 Owner Address: ame 2nd Review Body: I City/State/Zip: I 2nd Review Date: I Owner Phone: ame Decision-making Body: Project Address: 3400 Approval/Denial Date: Street Name: lloungfield Street City/State, Zip: eat Ridge, CO 80033, Reso/Ordinance No.: Case Disposition: Conditions of Approval: District: III _ J. Project Planner: cane File Location: ctlve~ Date Received: 913012004. Notes: Pre-App Date: Follow-Up: