HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPA-05-01City of Wheat Ridge OF ""EgT p
Community Development Department
Memorandum C~~pRp00
Alan White
Jeff Hirt
Comprehensive Plan Addendum
March 3, 2005
The comprehensive plan addendum (Case No. WPA-05-01) was recorded on this date with the
Jefferson County Clerk and Recorders office. The document number assigned by the Clerk and
Recorder is F2180140, ODP book number 129 - Page 7. Attached is a copy of the receipt.
RECEIPT N: 436037
CREATED..: 3/03/2005 9:15:39
FOR: DOCW:F2180140-F2180141 03103/2005 09:15
33744) -
NO.BAL: 2,109.75
BAL.ADJ: 97.00-
END.BAL: 2,012.75
R2- 7 4 ~
` qc-( is (
7500 West 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857
The City of
Wheat Ridge
March 3, 2005
Faye Griffin
County Clerk and Recorder
Jefferson County, Colorado
100 Jefferson County Parkway
Suite 2560
Golden, Colorado 80419
Dear Ms. Griffin:
Enclosed please find a certified copy of an Addendum to the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan,
dated February 2005. Please record this document pursuant to C.R.S. 31-23-208.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions.
Alan C. White, AICP
Community Development Director
Series of 2005
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge adopted amendments to the
Comprehensive Plan on February 23, 2004; and
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan amendments included areas outside the corporate
limits of the City as is permitted under state enabling legislation, and
WHEREAS, prior to annexation, a city must have in place a plan for the area considered
for annexation pursuant to C.R.S. 31-12-105; and
WHEREAS, said plan for areas outside the city boundary must be adopted annually; and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City to extend its Comprehensive Plan boundary outside
the corporate limits; and
WHEREAS, C.R.S. 31-23-206 (2) provides that the Comprehensive Plan may be amended
by the City from time to time; and
WHEREAS, Planning Commission has held a public hearing as provided by C.R.S. 31-23-
208 and Section 2-60 (b) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; legal notice thereof duly published in
the Wheat Ridge Transcript and the High Timber Times on February 10, 2005; with a written
recommendation forwarded to the City Council; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing as provided by Section 2-60 (b) of
the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; legal notice thereof being duly published in the Wheat Ridge
Transcript and High Timber Times on February 24, 2005.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wheat
Ridge, Colorado, as follows:
That the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge hereby adopts the amendments to
the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan attached as Exhibit A.
2. An attested copy of this resolution shall be attached to the Plan amendment and a
copy of the Plan as attested shall be certified to Jefferson County, Colorado.
CITY COUNCIL MINUTMS: February28, 2005 - Page -2-
Mr. Gokey asked to pull items C. and D.
Motion by Mr. D!Tullio for approval of Consent Agenda Items 1A and 1 B; seconded by
Mrs. Sang; carried 8-0.
Motion by Mr. DiTullio to approve Resolution 12-2005 in support of the Great Outdoor
Colorado Grant Application for funds to reconstruct the Stevens Elementary School
Playground, and if the grant is awarded to direct the Mayor to sign the
Intergovernmental Agreement for the project; seconded by Mrs. Sang.
Mr. Gokey moved for an amendment to postpone this decision until we get our second
quarter financial report from the City Manager. This would be the financially responsible
thing to do. Motion died for lack of second.
Original motion carried 7-1 with Mr. Gokey voting no.
Motion by Mr. DiTullio to approve Resolution 11-2005: Supporting the creation of the
Rocky Flats Cold War Museum; seconded by Mrs. Rotola.
Motion to amend by Mr. Gokey to postpone consideration of this item until a time when
the environmental impact assessment comes back. Motion died for lack of second.
Original motion carried 8-0.
(Case No. WPA-05-01)
Resolution 13-2005 was introduced by Mr. Stites.
Public Hearing opened.
Alan White, Director of Community Development, presented the staff report.
The following individuals were present to speak:
Flora Andrus, 4790 Easley Road, Golden, representing Fairmount Improvement
Association, has reviewed Wheat Ridge's strategic plan and the comprehensive plan.
She suggested that the traffic plan be for the full comprehensive plan area. If we don't
do this, we will be piece-mealing our roads and our plans. The adjacent neighborhoods
are very concerned that what is to be developed now does not ruin their neighborhoods
and as good neighbors they come to Wheat Ridge for this reason tonight.
CITY COUNCIL MINII"1'1`S: February28, 2005 Page -3-
David Kuehn, 4198 Xenon Street, Wheat Ridge, District Manager of Prospect
Recreation and Park District, stated that his district is the current legal entity providing
parks and recreation services to the area delineated in the Wheat Ridge
Comprehensive Plan and the area considered for annexation tonight. Prospect has
provided services to this area since 1955. They would like to support and endorse the
language noted in the February 17 Planning Commission minutes and as noted by Mr.
White tonight as amended. He looks forward to a continued open relationship between
Prospect and Wheat Ridge going into the future.
Bob Reynolds, 3240 Vaughn Court, Golden, had nothing to add.
David DiGiacomo, 3275 Quail Street, Wheat Ridge, cautioned that this could result in
the City being art of a 50 Million Dollar debt process that we are committed to on
September 20` of this year. This is much more than a minor amendment to the
Comprehensive Plan.
Barbara Barry, Vice President of the Applewood Valley Association, was primarily
concerned with representation of the people in Wheat Ridge's surround. She wondered
what the City of Golden's comments were regarding this matter.
Michele Majeune, 13081 West 291h Avenue, stated that all of the uses indicated on the
comprehensive plan will create similar kinds of impact and concerns and questions that
have already been raised as related to Cabela's. She feels that better access should be
addressed in the plan; the City should work with CDOT and the County to come up with
solutions that are livable for all the communities. She is concerned that the comp plan
does not indicate where the trail alignment will be.
Mr. White clarified that he had not characterized this as a "minor amendment"; he said
there were minor amendments to the addendum that was adopted last year. Last year
was the first time we had adopted a planning area outside the City limits. We have not
received any comments from the City of Golden.
Public Hearing closed
CITY COUNCIL MINUI€S: February28, 2005 Page -4-
Motion by Mr. Stites to adopt Resolution No 13-2005, a resolution adopting
amendments to the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan; seconded by Mrs. Sang.
Motion by Ms_ Berry to add the following amendments:
1. Page 4, second paragraph, modify the 41h sentence to read as follows:
This entails relocating the current eastbound on-off ramp at 38`h Avenue to the south
and relocating the on-off ramp pair at 44th Avenue to east.
2. Page 4, paragraph 5, modify second sentence to read as follows:
Because of minimum spacing requirements, no new interchanges are proposed for I-
70. An interchange to access this area more directly from SH58 between 1-70 and
McIntyre Street would be desirable. (Also show graphically on Map 3 an arrow and
note indicating access at a general location from SH58 south into the area).
3. Page 6, insert new paragraph under Future Service Provision:
Prospect Recreation and Park District currently serves the area. The City, and any
potential developer should work with the District regarding the District's potential loss
of tax revenue.
4. Page 8, 1st paragraph under Trails, add the following sentence:
A potential trail connection on the east side of the planning area from 32"d Avenue to
Clear Creek is shown conceptually. This connection may follow the current
Youngfield Service Road or be located in a new alignment.
Motion died for lack of second.
Original Motion carried 8-0-
Mr. Stites introduced Items 3A., 38., and 3C. City Clerk Pam Anderson read the
executive summary for each of the items. Ms. Anderson assigned Ordinance No. 1339
to Item 3B.
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COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 28, 2005
Quasi-Judicial: ❑
Yes No
/Y dt
Community Development Director
City Manager
On February 23, 2004, Council adopted amendments to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive
Plan. These amendments extended the City's planning or growth area to the area bounded by I-70,
W. 32°d Avenue, McIntyre Street, and W. 44th Avenue. The other amendment was a revision to
Chapter 7 concerning regional cooperation.
State annexation law requires that a municipality have in place a plan for any areas considered for
annexation. Such plan may extend up to three miles from the municipality's boundary. The law
also requires the plan to be adopted annually.
A public hearing on the amendments scheduled for Planning Commission action on February 17,
2005. The Commission recommended approval with amendments.
At a public hearing held on February 17, 2005, the Planning Commission recommended approval with
amendments. The amendments are listed below and are referenced to paragraphs in the addendum that
are noted with shading. The Planning Commission recommended amendments have not been
incorporated into the addendum. The amendments are shown below using bold and strikeout in the
shaded areas to indicate the recommended changes.
1. Page 4, second paragraph:
This entails relocating the current eastbound on-off ramp at 38`h Avenue to the south and
relocating the eastbound on-off ramps pair at Wafd Read 44th Avenue to the east. Timing of
these improvements is currently uncertain.
2. Page 4, paragraph 5:
Because of minimum spacing requirements, no new interchanges are proposed for I-70. ands
-59. An interchange to access this area more directly from SH58 between I-70 and McIntyre
Street would be desirable. (Also show graphically on Map 3 an arrow and note indicating access
at a general location from SH58 south into the area.)
3. Page 6, Insert new paragraph:
Prospect Recreation and Park District currently serves the area. The City, the District, and
any potential developer should enter into agreements regarding the District's potential loss
of property tax revenue.
4. Page 8, 1st paragraph under Trails:
A connection between 32nd Avenue and the Clear Creek trail is proposed. A potential trail
connection on the east side of the planning area from 32nd Avenue to Clear Creek is shown
conceptually. This connection may follow the current Youngfield Service Road or be located
in a new alignment.
The Comprehensive Plan addendum adopted in 2004 identifies areas of potential development outside
the City's boundaries. The City must have a plan in place prior to considering any annexation outside
its boundaries and this plan must be adopted annually.
The 2005 Addendum is essentially the same as adopted in 2004 with the following changes:
1. The title of Map 1 has been changed to Planning/Growth Area Map.
2. The Open Space designation has been added along the Clear Creek Corridor on the Future
Land Use Map, Map 2 and the Open Space and Trails Map, Map 4.
3. The extension of Eldridge south of 44th Avenue to the 32nd/Mclntyre collector has been
deleted on the Roadway Classification Map, Map 3.
4. A potential trail connection is shown on Map 4 to connect the 32nd Avenue trail to the
Clear Creek Trail.
Accompanying text has been changed accordingly.
\\s"-ci-eng-001\users\awWte\AII Files\COMP PLAN\2005 Amendments CAF.doc
The City has very limited areas for future development and redevelopment. Redevelopment on infill
sites is increasingly difficult. The urban growth boundary represented in the amendment is the City's
only potential growth area. As such, it represents an area for tax base and employment expansion.
Potential loss of property tax base is a major concern of Prospect Recreation and Park District. The
attached letter from the District explains the issue. Planning Commission amendment # 3 above
addresses this issue. Fairmount Improvement Association also submitted a letter which is attached
requesting clarification of certain sections. Planning Commission amendments # 1 and #4 address
these clarifications. Planning Commission amendment #2 was included to address their concern for
providing additional access to the area. While this access may have a slim chance of being approved,
it does no harm to include it in the addendum.
1. Do not adopt the amendments.
There is no direct financial impact in adopting the amendments. There may be potential future
revenue generated by any development occurring within the proposed urban growth boundary, but
there will also be impacts of providing services and infrastructure to serve that development. The
decision to annex any such development is discretionary, but the decision should be guided by
weighing the potential benefits to the City against the potential costs.
Option 1: Adopt the Plan as presented in the packet without any amendments:
"I move to adopt Resolution No. , a resolution adopting amendments to the Wheat Ridge
Comprehensive Plan."
Option 2: Adopt the Plan with the Planning Commission suggested amendments, or some of
"I move to adopt Resolution No. , a resolution adopting amendments to the Wheat Ridge
Comprehensive Plan with the following amendments:
1. Page 4, second paragraph, modify the 4t' sentence to read as follows:
This entails relocating the current eastbound on-off ramp at 38a' Avenue to the south and
relocating the on-off ramp pair at 44th Avenue to the east.
2. Page 4, paragraph 5, modify second sentence to read as follows:
\\s"- i-eng-001\usm\awhite\A11 FileACOMP PLAN\2005 Amendments CAF.dm
Because of minimum spacing requirements, no new interchanges are proposed for I-70. An
interchange to access this area more directly from SH58 between I-70 and McIntyre Street would
be desirable. (Also show graphically on Map 3 an arrow and note indicating access at a general
location from SH58 south into the area.)
3. Page 6, insert new paragraph under Future Service Provision:
Prospect Recreation and Park District currently serves the area. The City, the District, and any
potential developer should enter into agreements regarding the District's potential loss of property
tax revenue.
4. Page 8, V paragraph under Trails, add the following sentence :
A potential trail connection on the east side of the planning area from 32nd Avenue to Clear Creek
is shown conceptually. This connection may follow the current Youngfield Service Road or be
located in a new alignment.
Option 3: Do not adopt the addendum:
"I move to deny adoption of Resolution No.
Report Prepared by: Alan White, Community Development Director
1. Planning Commission resolution
2. Planning Commission memorandum
3. Proposed Comprehensive Plan addendum
4. Letter from Prospect Recreation and Park District
5. Letter from Fairmount Improvement Association
6. Resolution No.
\\srv-ci-eng-001\mers\awhite\A11 Files\COMP PLAN\2005 Amendments CAF.doc
Series of 2005
WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge adopted a Comprehensive Plan on October 25,
1999 and amendments were considered and adopted on January 24, 2000; and
WHEREAS, C.R.S. 31-23-206 (2) provides that the Comprehensive Plan may be
amended by the City from time to time; and
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan did not include any areas outside the corporate
limits of the City as is permitted under state enabling legislation, and
WHEREAS, prior to annexation, a city must have in place a plan for the area considered
for annexation pursuant to C.R.S. 31-12-105, and
WHEREAS, an addendum to the Comprehensive Plan was adopted by City Council on
February 23, 2004 adopting a growth area outside the city limits of the City; and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City to extend its Comprehensive Plan boundary
outside the corporate limits; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing as provided by Section 2-
60(b) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; legal notice thereof being duly published in the Wheat
Ridge Transcript and High Timber Times on February /0 , 2005, said public hearing held on
February 17, 2005.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission
this 17th day of February, 2005:
The Comprehensive Plan amendment attached hereto as Exhibit A is recommended
for approval to the City Council.
2. A copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the City Council.
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City of Wheat Ridge of ""EAT
Community Development Department m
Memorandum ORPo~
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Alan White, Community Development Director 41Pw
SUBJECT: Case No. WPA 05-01, Comprehensive Plan Addendum
DATE: February 4, 2005
Attached is a proposed addendum to the Comprehensive Plan. The addendum extends the city
growth area or planning area outside the area outside the city boundaries. State statute requires a
city to annually adopt a plan for areas outside its boundaries in order to annex any property.
An addendum was adopted by City Council in February 2004. The growth area or planning area
adopted in the 2004 addendum is as shown on Map 1. No changes to the area have been made for
this addendum.
There are minor changes to the addendum:
1. The title of Map 1 has been changed to Planning/Growth Area Map.
2. The Open Space designation has been added along the Clear Creek Corridor on the Future
Land Use Map, Map 2 and the Open Space and Trails Map, Map 4.
The extension of Eldridge south of 40 Avenue to the 32°d/McIntyre collector has been
deleted on the Roadway Classification Map, Map 3.
4. A potential trail connection is shown on Map 4 to connect the 32°d Avenue trail to the Clear
Creek Trail
Accompanying text has been changed accordingly.
Prior to annexation, C.R.S. 31-12-105 requires that a municipality have in place a plan for the area,
including proposed land uses. Such plan may extend up to three miles from the municipality's
boundary, but it is not required to.
Staff is recommending approval of the resolution.
Suggested Motion: "I move to approve Resolution No. 05-01."
This document serves as an addendum to the City's Comprehensive Plan adopted by
City Council on October 25, 1999. Amendments were considered and adopted on
January 24, 2000.
The adopted Comprehensive Plan does not identify areas of potential development
outside the City's boundaries. The Plan contains a general discussion of areas of
potential annexation, but does not illustrate the areas on any maps or recommend any
future uses in these general areas. Prior to any annexation, C.R.S. 31-12-105
requires that a municipality have in place a plan for the area, including proposed land
uses. Such plan may extend up to three miles from the municipality's boundary.
There are unincorporated areas to the northeast, north, west and southwest of the
current City boundaries. Areas to the northeast and north are primarily unincorporated
industrial or multi-family enclaves which, although eligible for annexation, present
questionable benefit to the City versus the costs of providing services. A majority of
the area to the west of Ward Road north of 1-70 consists of established residential
neighborhoods, public uses (schools), and a cemetery. These uses provide little
benefit to the City compared to the costs of providing services. A large area west of I-
70 between 32nd Avenue and Clear Creek is vacant and may provide development
opportunities of benefit to the City. Southwest of the City are commercial areas along
Youngfield and the established residential area of Applewood.
In the mid-1990's the City submitted to the Denver Regional Council of Governments
(DRCOG) its proposed urban growth boundary as part of the preparation of the
regional plan known as Metro Vision 2020. The identified urban growth area was
generally bounded by 1-70, W. 32nd Avenue, McIntyre Street, and W. 52nd Avenue.
Containing a little over two square miles, this area was not incorporated into the
Comprehensive Plan.
This Comprehensive Plan addendum addresses the potential urban growth area to the
west of the City. The planning/urban growth area is generally bounded by 1-70, West
32"d Avenue, McIntyre Street, and West 44th Avenue. The area subject to this
addendum is illustrated on Map 1. This area was submitted to DRCOG as the City's
urban growth boundary for the 2030 Metro Vision update. The addendum meets the
requirements of C.R.S. 31-12-105 of having a plan in place should the City consider
any annexations in this area.
Wheat Ridge l
Existing Land Use
Existing land uses in the urban growth area are varied. Along the north side of 32nd
Avenue are areas of low to medium density residential development. To the west of I-
70 is industrial development along W. 44th Avenue and State Highway 58. A CDOT
maintenance facility is adjacent to SH58 at 1-70. The area to the west of 1-70 between
32nd Avenue and 44th Avenue contains a golf course, and several old gravel pits now
used for water storage. A majority of this land is vacant and undeveloped.
Development Constraints
Few natural hazard areas are present in the planning area. The Clear Creek 100- and
500-year floodplains generally parallel SH58 in the center of the planning area. No
other natural hazards exist in the area.
1-70, SH 58, and Clear Creek present constraints to development by acting as barriers
to providing road, utility and other infrastructure improvements to the central portion of
the planning area. State and federal rules mandate where access can occur and the
manner in which rights-of-way may be crossed for installing utilities. Responding to
calls for service in the planning area is made more challenging by the restricted
access these barriers present.
County Plans
Because the urban growth area is currently unincorporated, Jefferson County has
jurisdiction over planning and zoning matters. The urban growth area lies within two
subareas the County has identified for planning purposes. The North Plains Plan
covers that portion of the urban growth area north of Clear Creek and the Central
Plains Plan covers the area to the south of Clear Creek.
Originally prepared in the late 1990's, the Central Plains Community Plan has recently
been updated. The process of updating this plan included extensive public meetings.
These subarea plans show recommended land uses in the urban growth area as
residential in existing established residential neighborhoods. Applewood Golf Course
and Clear Creek are shown as major park/recreation/open space areas. The area
along W. 44th Avenue south to Clear Creek is recommended as mixed use areas
containing office, light industrial, retail, and residential (up to 15 du/ac) uses. The bulk
of the large, undeveloped area to the west of 1-70 is shown as industrial.
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
Future Land Use Map
The Future Land Use map reflects the recommended land uses for the area. The
recommended land uses were matched as closely as possible to the land use
categories contained in the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan.
The Future Land Use Map (Map 2) illustrates recommended land uses for the urban
growth area. The categories used and the definitions, desired character, and
attributes of the various land use categories shown are the same as defined in
Chapter 2 of the Comprehensive Plan and are hereby incorporated as a part of this
Future land uses for the planning area are shown on the Future Land Use Map on the
following page. The Plan establishes the following recommended land uses:
• Existing residential neighborhoods at the approximate density shown in the
County subarea plan, SF (4)
• Existing golf course parks, and the Clear Creek floodplain as parks and open
• Planned Business Park along W. 44`n Avenue and south of SH58 to Clear
• The large, vacant area west of 1-70 between 32nd Avenue and Clear Creek as
Community Commercial
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
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The existing street network consists of the major north-south connectors of Youngfield
on the eastern border of the planning area and McIntyre Street on the western border.
East-west connectors are W. 44th Avenue at the north and W. 32nd Avenue to the
1-70 and State Highway 58 provide regional, limited access highway connections in
the area. The 1-70/SH58 interchange is currently a partial interchange with only
limited movements provided. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)
has prepared plans for the completion of the movements at this interchange making. it
afull-movement interchange. Thrs entajis relocating theurr~it stbound on rampgaj
Trails currently exist along Clear Creek from 1-70 west to Golden and along 32nd
Avenue from 1-70 west to Maple Grove Park.
Future Street Network
The future street network in the area will build upon the existing grid system of north-
south and east-west streets. The roadway classifications in this plan are based upon
the recommendations of the Countywide Transportation Plan. The proposed street
network for the area is shown on the Roadway Classification Map (Map 3).
Improvements to complete the 1-70/SH58 interchange movements are needed
imorove not only access to the area, but to increase mobility for the region. 4
5 Improvements to the 1-70/32"° Avenue interchange to increase
1-70 and SH58 will continue to serve the dual roles of providing access to the area and
carrying regional traffic.
Major east-west streets included in the future street network 32nd Avenue and 44th
Avenue. Streets providing north-south connections are Ward Road, Youngfield Street,
and McIntyre Street. A new connection from McIntyre Street south of SH58 to the
Youngfield Service Road at 32nd Avenue is proposed. An additional collector is
proposed to connect Youngfield to this McIntyre/32nd Avenue collector with an
underpass at 1-70. This will provide an additional access to the Community
Commercial area.
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
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Future Trails
The County community plans for the area show potential trails extending along W.
32nd Avenue from Maple Grove Park to McIntyre and on McIntyre from W. 32nd
Avenue to the Clear Creek Trail. A trail connection is proposed from 32nd Avenue to
the Clear Creek Trail in an alignment to be determined at the time of development of
the area.
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
Community Services
Services in the planning area are currently provided by Jefferson County and several
special districts. Jefferson County currently provides general governmental services
and law enforcement. Portions of the area are included in the Urban Drainage and
Flood Control District.
Special districts serving the area are listed below
Fire Protection Districts
• Fairmount
• West Metro
Water and Sanitation Districts
• North Table Mountain W& S
• Consolidated Mutual Water
Park and Recreation Districts
• Prospect
A large area in the central portion of the planning area is not currently served by a
sanitation provider. A small parcel of land is not provided with fire protection.
Future Service Provision
The City will provide general governmental services and police protection for any
areas annexed by the City.
Fire protection will continue to be provided by existing districts currently providing
insexk new paragraph
Water and sanitation services will continue to be provided by districts currently
providing services within their respective boundaries. Within the area currently not
served by water or sanitation districts, there are three options to consider:
• Inclusion into existing water or sanitation districts.
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
• Formation of a new water and sanitation district, or metropolitan district, with
provision of services by the new district.
• Formation of a new water and sanitation district, or metropolitan district, with
provision of services by another district or districts by contract with the new
Provision of services by an existing or new district will depend upon the capacity of
that district to provide treated water or sewage plant capacity and the financial ability
to construct improvements. It is likely a developer will need to pay for any
infrastructure improvements, upgrades, or expansions. Any new sewage treatment
plants or expansions must be included in the Regional Clean Water Plan and be
approved by the State Department of Public Health and Environment.
Parks and Open Space
Park and open space areas in the urban growth area are currently acquired and
managed by Jefferson County and the Prospect Park and Recreation District. Two
parks located just outside the growth area, Maple Grove Park and Arapahoe Park, are
provided by the Prospect Park and Recreation District.
At the time of rezoning, the following items should be requested of a
developer, if applicable:
a. Access easements across private property to public land;
b. Dedication of private land;
c. Open space required with the development if located adjacent to public
2. Open space purchases should be based on regional demand for recreation
in the area and on the goal of preserving an open character and significant
natural features.
3. The growth area is currently served by the Prospect Recreation and Park
District and the Jefferson County Open Space Department. There should
be improved communication among the district, governmental agencies,
and private organizations responsible for buying and managing public land
in the area. Improved communication among these groups could result in
more efficient management of public lands and a higher level of use.
Coordination among these public entities and the planning departments of
the City and the county should facilitate more effective siting of private open
space to:
a. secure access easements across private property to public land;
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
b. encourage dedication of private land by providing information about
open space incentive programs, and
c. suggest, where appropriate, that the open space required in a
development be located to augment adjacent public land.
4. The acquisition of undeveloped land should be related to the following
'planning objectives:
a. Maintenance of important visual resources;
b. Maintenance of open spaces between developments;
c. Provision of needed recreational opportunities;
d. Protection of significant wildlife habitats and wildlife corridors;
e. Protection of areas subject to significant natural hazards, (e.g.
f. Protection of areas having cultural and historical significance;
g. Provision of connecting trail systems;
h. Retention of unique or relict flora, (i.e., tall-grass prairie, sites with rare
and endangered plants, and sites with high quality riparian vegetation);
i. Protection of ecologically sensitive areas;
j. Prevention of soil erosion; and
k. Protection and conservation of vegetation.
While these areas are desirable as open space, development should not be
precluded if sensitive site planning accommodates these concerns.
5. Public acquisition, management agreements between owners, and private
dedication of land to public entities, i.e., conservation easements, are only
three of the methods that could be used to increase the amount of land
which remains undeveloped.
6. Plantings in open space areas should be native or naturalized species and
should be varieties that require minimal maintenance, are drought tolerant,
and benefit desirable wildlife needs.
Existing trails have been constructed along W. 32nd Avenue and Clear Creek by
Jefferson County. Future trails planned for the area include the extension of the W.
32nd Avenue trail from Maple Grove Park to McIntyre and a trail along McIntyre from
32nd Avenue to the Clear Creek trail A sonnet tion between 32"d Avenue aril the
Clear GreeTc trail Is proposed These 3ra+l_allgnme are shown~n-Map 4 The
provision of trails in the urban growth area should be based on the following policies:
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
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An expanded trails network should be developed that provides additional
trails for hiking, biking and equestrian use, and that precludes motorized
vehicles. These trails should:
A. , vary in length, ascent and nature experience;
B. traverse diverse landscape;
C. access views and vistas;
D. intersect to allow the traveler a choice of paths to a destination;
E. avoid damaging or impairing areas containing endangered species,
fragile environments, or high hazard areas; and
F. Link communities and other Plan areas, and link these areas to
adjacent cities and open space lands along the foothills to the west.
2. Accessible trails should be provided for all citizens, including barrier-free
trails where possible, recognizing that trail users have different levels of
ability and seek different levels of challenge.
3. New trail systems in critical wildlife habitat areas, i.e. nesting and calving
areas, and wintering grounds, should be routed in a sensitive fashion,
and/or have seasonal closures to minimize stress to the wildlife.
4. Trail corridors should be negotiated which utilize floodplains, public rights-
of-way, leased private property, parks, and public open space.
5. Liability releases should be used to remove this obstacle to the creation of
trails across private land.
6. Areas of development should have trail connections to areas of natural open
7. Trails should be separated and buffered with landscaping from the streets
and roads when possible.
8. Roadway projects should provide equestrian, pedestrian and bicycle
crossings; (e.g., equestrian tunnels and grade separated bike crossings at
9. The Jefferson County Open Space Department should be requested to
assist in funding the Clear Creek regional trail corridor.
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
10. Local trails could be jointly funded through the Jefferson County Open
Space Joint Venture Grants Program. This is a joint venture program with
adjacent cities and park and recreation districts.
11. Equestrian and jogging trails should be unpaved and marked
12. Parking areas should be provided at trailheads to facilitate trail usage by
equestrians, hikers, bicyclists, etc.
13. Public facilities, e.g. restrooms and telephones, should be provided at major
trail intersections and significant open space sites where feasible.
14. The local park and recreation agencies should be consulted to determine
potential trail connections.
15. Developers should coordinate with public entities to provide trails and public
access along flood plains and/or easements such as ditches, roads, power
lines, etc., whenever possible.
16. Developers should provide trail connections to adjacent open space areas,
trails, schools, bus stations, Regional Transportation District park-n-rides,
and light rail stations. This includes providing a safe crossing at roads
whenever possible.
Trail Design Criteria
A variety of trail systems should be provided with appropriate fencing and
signage to minimize trespassing.
2. Trails should connect with others in the City and surrounding jurisdictions to
provide opportunities for commuting to other jurisdictions and to provide
multiple recreational alternatives.
3. The trails should intersect at strategic points to allow travelers a number of
choices to reach a desired location.
4. Areas containing endangered species or fragile environments should be
Intersections between paths should be defined with a good visual warning of
an intersection as it is approached.
6. Trails should take advantage of the diversity of the landscape through which
trails pass. As the landscape changes, its dominant features should be
clearly seen from the paths, i.e., good observation points for views and
vistas that feature landmarks.
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
7. Bicycle paths should be designed for safety and be clearly marked. Safe
bicycle paths can be provided in the following ways:
A. Providing wider roadways with paved shoulders.
B. Providing off-road paths for multiple users.
C. Utilizing road, rail, ditch or power line rights-of-way or easements.
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
4198 Xenon St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • 303.424.2346 • Fax 303.424.4066
February 17, 2005
TO: City of Wheat Ridge (City Council and Planning Commission)
Coors Brewing Company
Cabela's Retail, Inc.
FROM; Flora Andrus, Board Chair
David Kuehn, District Manager
Rick Daily, Attorney
SUBJECT: Prospect Recreation & Park District's concerns with respect to the Coors/Cabela's
annexation and development, and the Addendum to the City of Wheat Ridge
Comprehensive Plan
The annexation and development plans under consideration for the Coors/Cabela's
property west of Youngfield present significant problems for Prospect Recreation & Park
District (the "District"). This memorandum identifies the principal problems and suggests
1. Loss of Tax Base. In 1999, Coors Brewing Company was the sole owner of what
is now the Coors/Cabela's property, and was included in the old Prospect Recreation District, a
Title 30 park district, the present District's predecessor. Coors excluded many of its properties
(including the Coors/Cabela's property) from the new District when it was reorganized in 1999
under Title 32. Coors used a law that allows exclusion of agricultural properties so long as they
remained agricultural.
With the change of use of the property, the District is entitled to re-include it, and has
filed the required Petition with the Jefferson County District Court. Coors' response is due
February 27.
The District expects dramatically increased burdens on its park system because of the
Coors/Cabela's development, while it will lose the ability to pay the increased operating and
maintenance costs because of the loss of tax base.
Possible Solutions
a. IGA with Wheat Ridge, joined in by Coors and Cabela's, permitting the District
to levy its 3-mill property tax on all properties identified in Map 1 including the
Coors/Cabela's property, or for equivalent payments in lieu of taxes in perpetuity.
b. The District is happy to discuss its provision of park and recreation services on all
properties identified in Map 1.
2. Headquarters access. The planned changes in traffic flow will create significant
blockage along Youngfield south of 44"', dramatically curtailing access to the District
headquarters and shops, located east of Youngfield at 4198 Xenon St., within the Wheat Ridge
boundaries. Of particular concern is adequate access to Youngfield from 42nd Avenue. This
potential problem could be aggravated with the planned underpass at 40`h linking the
Coors/Cabela's property to Youngfreld. We are quite certain homes and businesses along 42nd
Ave. and Xenon Street have the same concern.
Possible Solutions
a. Designate/acquire appropriate land west of Youngfield to which the District could
move its headquarters and shops (as suggested in the Policies identified at page 7,
paragraph 1(a)), and
b. Trade that designated/acquired land for the present District headquarters/shop
3. Lack of Coordination with the District. Wheat Ridge has not put the District on
formal notice of its activities with respect to the Coors/Cabela's development, despite the
promises made in the Addendum to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. The District
has had to scramble, at the last minute, to learn of the plans and analyze the disparate impacts of
those plans on the District.
The Addendum appears to require consultation and coordination with the District in
several key areas, especially park/recreation/open space planning, trail locations and
connections, and efficient land management (Addendum, at pages 2, 5, 7 and 10). For example,
the Addendum is the first time the District has heard of a proposed extension of the 32nd Ave.
trail from Maple Grove Park (a District property) to McIntyre, discussed at page 8. The routing
noted is clearly within the District, thus implying a financial obligation by the District. A similar
type of financial obligation for the District is noted on page 9, item #10.
Give the District full and timely notice of all meetings, plans and other activities
pertaining to the Coors/Cabela's development.
Create an Open Space, Parks and Recreation coordinating committee, with City,
District and County representation.
4. Planning Errors in the Addendum. The Addendum still contains numerous
planning errors which should be resolved, including:
• The discussion of transportation, at p. 4 is internally inconsistent, referring at ¶ 2 to the
creation of a "full movement" interchange at I-70 /SH58 and yet stating "no new
interchanges are proposed for I-70 and SH58" in ¶ 5.
• The discussion of modifications to the eastbound on-ramp at 38`h Ave. fails to address
west-bound access. (Page 4.)
• The trail connection from 32°d to Clear Creek along is missing. (Page 5)
0 The transportation plan isolates the neighborhood to the southeast of 44`h & Youngfield.
Prospect-Wheat Ridge Solutions
February 17, 2005
Prospect Recreation & Park District has great concern regarding the expansion of the
Comprehensive Plan Addendum that is being considered for an Amendment this evening.
There seems to be contradictions that we would appreciate clarification regarding before
this document is recommended to City Council for Approval.
Within the boundaries of Prospect:
Much of the land to be included in the Comprehensive Plan is in the boundary of the
Prospect Recreation & Park District. While the actual change is generally activated at the
time on Annexation, we would like to address the impacts that this will have on our
1. The land in the Coors Valley has several conditions that need to be reckoned
with. We are at this time in contact regarding these matters.
2. If all of the areas to be included into the Comp Plan were to be annexed the
potential tax loss to PRPD would be between 8-10 % of our total tax revenues.
3. The lands along 40 Avenue are a substantial portion of our current tax
base ...as these are the very few business, commercial properties in our area.
Wheat Ridge has already taken the Industrial Park, the Kaiser, the RTD(while
non-taxable) in previous annexations and we are very aware of this scenario.
The Coors Tee Center was also a great loss.
In the meantime, and since becoming a Title 32 Special District, with only a 3 mill levy
in mostly residential areas, and grant income, we have developed parks that many Wheat
Ridge residents use. They don't even know that there is a difference, and to say the least,
they are welcomed
The Amendment to the Addendum to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan
Urban Growth Area Addition.
Page 4. Second paragraph:
CDOT plans for changing to a full movement interchange. This entails
relocation the current eastbound on-ramp at 38`" Avenue to the south and relocating
the eastbound on-off ramps at Ward Rd. to the east. What about the west bound
ramp on Ward Rd.
(People who spoke to me after last night's meeting, who live in WR were very
concerned about the increase of traff1c to the east of Young/ield as a `cut through' and
were coming to me to answer that question.)
Future Street Network
Second Paragraph
Improvements to complete the I-70/SH58 interchange movements are needed
to improve not only access to the area but to increase mobility for the region.
Because of the minimum spacing requirements, no new interchanges are proposed
Prospect-Wheat Ridge Solutions
February 17, 2005
for I-70 and SH 58. Improvements to the I-70/32"d Avenue interchange to increase
capacity will be needed
Page 5.
Future Trails
The trails that are mentioned do not mention that there is currently a trail
east bound on 32°d Ave. that turns north at Youngfield Service Road area to the
Clear Creek. This should he mentioned.
Page 6.
Park and Recreation Districts
Future Service Provision
No mention that Prospect wi11 be the provider of the park service.
Page 7
Parks and Open Space
4. District has not even been notified of this action or several other examples
of same although Prospect Recreation and Park District is mentioned in
this paragraph. Communication is the crux of this entire matter.
Page 8
No trail mention of the trail to the east, neither is it evidenced on the trail
Page 9.
Paragraph 5. Liability ......Indemnification????
Paragraph 9. OS Clear Creek trail.
Paragraph 10 . with adjacent cities and par and recreation districts.
Page 10.
Paragraph 14.
Local park and recreation agencies hould be consulted to det4ermine
potential trail connections.
Prospect-Wheat Ridge Solutions
February 17, 2005
Paragraph 15.
Developers should coordinate with public entities to provide trails and public
access along flood plains and/or easement such a..........
Series of 2005
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge adopted amendments to the
Comprehensive Plan on February 23, 2004; and
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan amendments included areas outside the corporate
limits of the City as is permitted under state enabling legislation, and
WHEREAS, prior to annexation, a city must have in place a plan for the area considered
for annexation pursuant to C.R.S. 31-12-105; and
WHEREAS, said plan for areas outside the city boundary must be adopted annually; and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City to extend its Comprehensive Plan boundary outside
the corporate limits; and
WHEREAS, C.R.S. 31-23-206 (2) provides that the Comprehensive Plan may be amended
by the City from time to time; and
WHEREAS, Planning Commission has held a public hearing as provided by C.R.S. 31-23-
208 and Section 2-60 (b) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; legal notice thereof duly published in
the Wheat Ridge Transcript and the High Timber Times on February 10, 2005; with a written
recommendation forwarded to the City Council; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing as provided by Section 2-60 (b) of
the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; legal notice thereof being duly published in the Wheat Ridge
Transcript and High Timber Times on February 24, 2005.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wheat
Ridge, Colorado, as follows:
That the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge hereby adopts the amendments to
the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan attached as Exhibit A.
2. An attested copy of this resolution shall be attached to the Plan amendment and a
copy of the Plan as attested shall be certified to Jefferson County, Colorado.
B. Case No. WZ-04-12: An application filed by Exempla Lutheran for approval of a Final
Development Plan for properties located at 8301 and 8321 West 32nd Avenue.
Travis Crane presented the case. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and
advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the staff report
and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval of the case for reasons outlined in the
staff report.
In reply to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Mr. Crane stated that the lighting plan
for this project would be consistent with new lighting standards recommended to City Council.
Commissioner SCEZNEY asked about signage. Travis Crane replied that the existing sign
would remain on Tract A. Any other exterior signage will be addressed during building permit
Chair PLUMMER asked if there were any present who wished to address this case. There was
no response.
It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner WESLEY to
recommend approval of Case No. WZ-04-12, a request for approval of a Final
Development Plan for properties located at 8301 and 8321 West 32"d Avenue for the
following reasons:
1. The Final Development Plan complies with the development standards established
by the Outline Development Plan.
2. The Final Development Plan meets the technical requirements as established in
Article III for Final Development Plans.
With the following conditions:
1. Page 3 of the FDP shall be amended to show 3-inch caliper street trees adjacent to
West 32nd Avenue.
2. An administrative amendment to the Exempla Lutheran Final Development Plan
must be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit for the hospice facility.
The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners STEWART and WITT absent.
C. Case No. WPA-05-01: A resolution adopting an amendment to the City of Wheat
r' Ridge Comprehensive Plan to include an area outside the current city limits.
\IV/ Alan White presented the case. He entered pertinent documents into the record and advised the
Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the staff report and digital
presentation. Minor changes to the addendum are as follow:
The title of Map 1 has been changed to Planning/Growth Area Map.
The Open Space designation has been added along the Clear Creek Corridor on the
Planning Commission Page 3
February 17, 2005
Future Land Use Map, and the Open Space and Trails Made.
3. The extension of Eldridge south of 44 Avenue to the 32 and McIntyre collector has
been deleted on the Roadway Classification Map.
4. A potential trail connection is shown on the Open Space and Trails Map to connect the
32"d Avenue trail to the Clear Creek Trail.
Mr. White submitted copies of letters from the Fairmont Improvement Association and the
Prospect Recreation and Park District. These documents were made a part of the official
record. He then addressed some of the issues contained in these documents. One of the main
concerns of these two entities was the continued exclusion of the Coors parcels from the district
boundaries from a tax base standpoint. This issue will be considered at the time the
development application is heard by City Council and will probably necessitate an
intergovernmental agreement between the City, the Districts and the developers. Regarding the
concern about I-70 and Ward Road, Mr. White explained that it is intended that two ramps be
moved. He also stated that improvements to the I-70/32"d Avenue interchange will be needed.
Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has received environmental clearance and
made preliminary plans to complete an interchange at I-70 and SH 58. He clarified that the city
is endorsing completion of those improvements, but not proposing any other interchanges along
SH 58 or 1-70. Future trails are shown on the map but not in the text. The text should include
the city's wishes to maintain the north/south trail connection. Regarding the comment that
Prospect Recreation and Park District be the park and recreation provider in the area, Mr.
White stated that, because there are overlapping boundaries, the city is encouraging
coordination and communication with other municipalities, Jefferson County and recreation
districts to coordinate division of parks, open space and trails in the area. The comment about
acquiring liability releases indemnification to property owners is an issue that should be
addressed if liability releases are needed in acquiring easements or trail corridors. When the
plan was adopted, the motion referenced incorporating goals and policies of the North Plains
Community Plan and the Central Plains Community Plan with the City's plans.
Mr. White cautioned the Commission to not consider the land use application tonight.
Commissioner McMILLIN asked if it would be possible to get another interchange from I-70
east of McIntyre. Mr. White replied that those discussions are ongoing, however CDOT and
the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) require a minimum of one mile between
interchanges. CDOT and FHA also have strict policies against giving access to private
property from a ramp.
Commissioner PLUMMER stated that he would like so see access from I-70 to the commercial
property north of Clear Creek between McIntyre and 1-70. This would also alleviate problems
at Ward Road as well as 32"d and Youngfield.
Commissioner SCEZNEY stated that he would have been more comfortable in making a
decision if there had been a briefing to the Commission before getting to this point. He
expressed concern about impact on 32"d Avenue and asked why a connection to Eldridge was
dropped. Mr. White explained it was primarily for economic and physical reasons.
Planning Commission Paee 4
February 17, 2005
Commissioner McMILLIN asked why it would be so expensive to extend Eldridge. Mr. White
replied that there is a railroad trestle to consider. Commissioner SCEZNEY commented that
there would also be the cost of tunneling under Youngfield on the east.
In response to a question from Commissioner CHILVERS, Mr. White explained that the
Comprehensive Plan, or an addendum, is a general policy guide as to what we want to see
happen in this area in terms of general land uses, open space, general alignments and
connections of roads.
In response to a question from Commissioner WESLEY, Alan white stated that Prospect
Recreation and Park District was not notified of the last Comprehensive Plan addendum.
Flora Andrus
4790 Easley Road, Golden
Ms. Andrus lives in Fairmont and is also associated with the Prospect Recreation and Park
District which contains eight parks with one to be developed. The District's office is in Wheat
Ridge. In 1999, approximately 300 acres of the District's land was erroneously excluded by
the county assessor. The District is currently working with Coors to correct the situation but
five years of revenue has been lost. The District would like to work out an arrangement so that
it doesn't lose all of its tax revenue. She also expressed concern about Xenon being closed at
44`h because it provides access to the District's office and shops. Closing the access would
necessitate bringing equipment out onto 42"d and Youngfield which would be a 4-lane
In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Ms. Andrus stated that she would
like to have the mill levy continue to come to the District. She also commented that the
wording suggested tonight is good if it is implemented.
David Kuehn
16049 West 65th Place, Arvada
Mr. Kuehn is District Manager for Prospect Recreation and Park District. He commented that
the majority of the memorandum provided to Planning Commission would be discussed at City
Council with the principals involved in the annexation proposal; however, generalities frighten
him because there are many things that could financially impact his district. He believed the
language implies financial obligation from the District without feedback from board members
or taxpayers. He further stated that he would like to see a level of consistency in the addendum
that would either include everything about Cabela's or exclude everything about Cabela's
because these roadway routings would not even come into play without the annexation. He
would also like to see traffic lights at 42"d and Youngfield.
Rhonda Teitelbaum
15021 West 29th Avenue, Golden
Ms. Teitelbaum is a board member of the Applewood Property Owners Association as well as a
resident on the south side of 32nd Avenue in unincorporated Jefferson County. She stated that
the Applewood Association doesn't take a position on the subject matter but would like to
continue to be included in part of the dialogue as it relates to future development. As a
resident, she is opposed to the addendum. She is not necessarily opposed to the development
Planning Commission Page 5
February 17, 2005
but expressed concern about the "steamrolling effect" of the short time frame. She asked the
Commission to deny the addendum to slow down the process. She expressed concern that
surrounding communities will lose their leverage concerning proper development of the
property once it is annexed to Wheat Ridge.
Alan White returned to the podium to state that direction from City Council concerning the
parks and open space section was to include policies from the North Plains Community Plan
and the Central Plains Community Plan and, therefore, Prospect Recreation and Park District
should also express their funding concerns to the County. He reiterated that state law requires
the city to update its Comprehensive Plan on an annual basis and that there is still an addendum
on the books from last year.
Mr. White commented that the 42"d and Xenon issue and northeast access would be addressed
when improvements are made to Youngfield and as the State progresses after funding is in
place for SH 58 and I-70.
Commissioner WESLEY commented that the matter this evening is a restatement of a
previously adopted plan with some addendums. Commissioner McMILLIN agreed that this
sets the stage for annexation, zoning and platting and he could see no reason to delay adoption.
Commissioner SCEZNEY stated that he did not oppose the addendum but was very concerned
about the Eldridge access and would like to see it eliminated.
Discussion followed and the following changes suggested:
Page 4, second paragraph, second to last sentence to read: "This entails relocating the
current eastbound on-ramp at 38"' Avenue to the south and relocating the I-70 on-off
ramp pair at 44`h Avenue to the east. "
• Page 4, fifth paragraph, second sentence to read: "Because of minimum spacing
requirements, no new interchanges are proposed for I-70. An interchange to access this
area more directly from SH 58 between I-70 and McIntyre would be desirable" and place
an arrow on the map to say something similar to "potential access route in general
location. "
Page 6, following second to last paragraph: "Prospect Recreation and Parks District
currently serves the area. The City, the District and any potential developer should enter
into agreements regarding the District's potential loss of property tax revenue. "
Page 8, paragraph under "Trails" preceding second to last sentence: "A potential trail
connection on the east side of the planning area from 32nd Avenue to Clear Creek is
shown conceptually. This connection may follow the current Youngrield service road or
be located in a new alignment."
It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner CHILVERS
to approve Resolution 05-01 concerning adoption of an amendment to the Wheat Ridge
Planning Commission Page 6
February 17, 2005
Comprehensive Plan and forwarding said recommendations to the Wheat Ridge City
Council. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners STEWART and WITT absent.
At the request of Commissioner CHILVERS, Alan White reviewed the meaning of ex parte
• Commissioner WESLEY asked about the status of a traffic impact study on 38`h Avenue
and the Exempla entrance. Alan White will contact Public Works Department regarding
this request.
• Commissioner McMILLIN asked when the lighting standards would go before City
Council. Alan White replied that it may be April before City Council is able to schedule
this for a study session. He also commented that the city is currently implementing the
lighting standards in any new planned developments.
There was no new business to come before the Commission.
There were no commission reports.
There were no committee and department reports.
It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner WESLEY to
adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
Ann Lazzeri, Recor in e Secretary
Planning Commission Page 7
February 17, 2005
Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge
CITY COUNCIL on February 28, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of
the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29 h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All
interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments.
The following case shall be heard:
Case No. WPA-05-01: A resolution adopting an amendment to the City of
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan to include an area outside the current city
Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant
Pamela Y. Anderson, City Clerk
To Be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript / High Timber Times
Date: February 24, 2005
7500 West 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
303/ 235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857
The City of
February 11, 2005
Frank Gray
Director of Community Development
City of Lakewood
480 S. Allison Pky.
Lakewood, CO 80226
Re: Addendum to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan
Dear Frank:
Enclosed is a proposed addendum to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. The addendum
extends the city growth area or planning area outside the city boundaries. State statute requires a city to
annually adopt a plan for area outside its boundaries in order to annex any property.
An addendum to the Comprehensive Plan was initially adopted by City Council in February 2004. The
growth area or planning area adopted in the 2004 addendum is as shown on Map 1.
Public hearings to consider a resolution concerning adoption of an amendment to the Wheat Ridge
Comprehensive Plan will be held by Planning Commission on February 17, 2005 and City Council on
February 28, 2005.
If you have any questions about the materials, please contact me at 303-235-2846.
Alan C. White, AICP
Community Development Director
7500 West 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
3031235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857
The City of
February 11, 2005
Mike Elms
Director of Community Development
City of Arvada
8101 Ralston Rd.
Arvada, CO 80002
Re: Addendum to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan
Dear Mike:
Enclosed is a proposed addendum to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. The addendum
extends the city growth area or planning area outside the city boundaries. State statute requires a city to
annually adopt a plan for area outside its boundaries in order to annex any property.
An addendum to the Comprehensive Plan was initially adopted by City Council in February 2004. The
growth area or planning area adopted in the 2004 addendum is as shown on Map 1.
Public hearings to consider a resolution concerning adoption of an amendment to the Wheat Ridge
Comprehensive Plan will be held by Planning Commission on February 17, 2005 and City Council on
February 28, 2005.
If you have any questions about the materials, please contact me at 303-235-2846.
4 44L
Alan C. White, AICP
Community Development Director
7500 West 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
3031235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857
The City of
February 11, 2005
Steve Glueck
Director of Planning & Zoning
City of Golden
1445 10th St.
Golden, CO 80401
Re: Addendum to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan
Dear Steve:
Enclosed is a proposed addendum to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. The addendum
extends the city growth area or planning area outside the city boundaries. State statute requires a city to
annually adopt a plan for area outside its boundaries in order to annex any property.
An addendum to the Comprehensive Plan was initially adopted by City Council in February 2004. The
growth area or planning area adopted in the 2004 addendum is as shown on Map 1.
Public hearings to consider a resolution concerning adoption of an amendment to the Wheat Ridge
Comprehensive Plan will be held by Planning Commission on February 17, 2005 and City Council on
February 28, 2005.
If you have any questions about the materials, please contact me at 303-235-2846.
Alan C. White, AICP
Community Development Director
7500 West 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
3031235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857
The City of
February 11, 2005
Nanette Neelan
Assistant County Administrator
100 Jefferson County Pky.
Golden, CO 80419-2520
Re: Addendum to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan
Dear Ms. Neelan:
Enclosed is a proposed addendum to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. The addendum
extends the city growth area or planning area outside the city boundaries. State statute requires a city to
annually adopt a plan for area outside its boundaries in order to annex any property.
An addendum to the Comprehensive Plan was initially, adopted by City Council in February 2004. The
growth area or planning area adopted in the 2004 addendum is as shown on Map 1.
Public hearings to consider a resolution concerning adoption of an amendment to the Wheat Ridge
Comprehensive Plan will be held by Planning Commission on February 17, 2005 and City Council on
February 28, 2005.
If you have any questions about the materials, please contact me at 303-235-2846.
Alan C. White, AICP
Community Development Director
7500 West 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
303/ 235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857
The City of
February 11, 2005
Jack Hoopes
Applewood Property Owners Assn.
14215 Crabapple Rd.
Golden, CO 80401
Re: Addendum to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan
Dear Mr. Hoopes:
Enclosed is a proposed addendum to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. The addendum
extends the city growth area or planning area outside the city boundaries. State statute requires a city to
annually adopt a plan for area outside its boundaries in order to annex any property.
An addendum to the Comprehensive Plan was initially adopted by City Council in February 2004. The
growth area or planning area adopted in the 2004 addendum is as shown on Map 1.
Public hearings to consider a resolution concerning adoption of an amendment to the Wheat Ridge
Comprehensive Plan will be held by Planning Commission on February 17, 2005 and City Council on
February 28, 2005.
If you have any questions about the materials, please contact me at 303-235-2846.
Alan C. White, AICP
Community Development Director
7500 West 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
3031235-2846 Fax: 3031235-2857
The City of
February 11, 2005
Flora Andrus
Fairmount Improvement Assn.
4790 Easley Rd.
Golden, CO 80403
Re: Addendum to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan
Dear Ms. Andrus:
Enclosed is a proposed addendum to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. The addendum
extends the city growth area or planning area outside the city boundaries. State statute requires a city to
annually adopt a plan for area outside its boundaries in order to annex any property.
An addendum to the Comprehensive Plan was initially adopted by City Council in February 2004. The
growth area or planning area adopted in the 2004 addendum is as shown on Map 1.
Public hearings to consider a resolution concerning adoption of an amendment to the Wheat Ridge
Comprehensive Plan will be held by Planning Commission on February 17, 2005 and City Council on
February 28, 2005.
If you have any questions about the materials, please contact me at 303-235-2846.
Alan C. White, AICP
Community Development Director
City of Wheat Ridge OF WHEgT P
Community Development Department °
Memorandum ~~[ORPOO
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Alan White, Community Development Director
SUBJECT: Case No. WPA 05-01, Comprehensive Plan Addendum
DATE: February 4, 2005
Attached is a proposed addendum to the Comprehensive Plan. The addendum extends the city
growth area or planning area outside the area outside the city boundaries. State statute requires a
city to annually adopt a plan for areas outside its boundaries in order to annex any property.
An addendum was adopted by City Council in February 2004. The growth area or planning area
adopted in the 2004 addendum is as shown on Map 1. No changes to the area have been made for
this addendum.
There are minor changes to the addendum:
1. The title of Map 1 has been changed to Planning/Growth Area Map.
2. The Open Space designation has been added along the Clear Creek Corridor on the Future
Land Use Map, Map 2 and the Open Space and Trails Map, Map 4.
3. The extension of Eldridge south of 44th Avenue to the 32"d/Mclntyre collector has been
deleted on the Roadway Classification Map, Map 3.
4. A potential trail connection is shown on Map 4 to connect the 32nd Avenue trail to the Clear
Creek Trail.
Accompanying text has been changed accordingly.
Prior to annexation, C.R.S. 31-12-105 requires that a municipality have in place a plan for the area,
including proposed land uses. Such plan may extend up to three miles from the municipality's
boundary, but it is not required to.
Staff is recommending approval of the resolution.
Suggested Motion: "I move to approve Resolution No. 05-01."
Series of 2005
WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge adopted a Comprehensive Plan on October 25,
1999 and amendments were considered and adopted on January 24, 2000; and
WHEREAS, C.R.S. 31-23-206 (2) provides that the Comprehensive Plan may be
amended by the City from time to time; and
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan did not include any areas outside the corporate
limits of the City as is permitted under state enabling legislation, and
WHEREAS, prior to annexation, a city must have in place a plan for the area considered
for annexation pursuant to C.R.S. 31-12-105, and
WHEREAS, an addendum to the Comprehensive Plan was adopted by City Council on
February 23, 2004 adopting a growth area outside the city limits of the City; and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City to extend its Comprehensive Plan boundary
outside the corporate limits; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing as provided by Section 2-
60(b) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; legal notice thereof being duly published in the Wheat
Ridge Transcript and High Timber Times on February , 2005, said public hearing held on
February 17, 2005.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission
this 17th day of February, 2005:
1. The Comprehensive Plan amendment attached hereto as Exhibit A is recommended
for approval to the City Council.
2. A copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the City Council.
Secretary to the Commission
\\m-ci-eng-001\users\awhAMH Files\COMP PLAN\uga amendment pc res 05.doc
This document serves as an addendum to the City's Comprehensive Plan adopted by
City Council on October 25, 1999. Amendments were considered and adopted on
January 24, 2000.
The adopted Comprehensive Plan does not identify areas of potential development
outside the City's boundaries. The Plan contains a general discussion of areas of
potential annexation, but does not illustrate the areas on any maps or recommend any
future uses in these general areas. Prior to any annexation, C.R.S. 31-12-105
requires that a municipality have in place a plan for the area, including proposed land
uses. Such plan may extend up to three miles from the municipality's boundary.
There are unincorporated areas to the northeast, north, west and southwest of the
current City boundaries. Areas to the northeast and north are primarily unincorporated
industrial or multi-family enclaves which, although eligible for annexation, present
questionable benefit to the City versus the costs of providing services. A majority of
the area to the west of Ward Road north of 1-70 consists of established residential
neighborhoods, public uses (schools), and a cemetery. These uses provide little
benefit to the City compared to the costs of providing services. A large area west of I-
70 between 32nd Avenue and Clear Creek is vacant and may provide development
opportunities of benefit to the City. Southwest of the City are commercial areas along
Youngfield and the established residential area of Applewood.
In the mid-1990's the City submitted to the Denver Regional Council of Governments
(DRCOG) its proposed urban growth boundary as part of the preparation of the
regional plan known as Metro Vision 2020. The identified urban growth area was
generally bounded by 1-70, W. 32nd Avenue, McIntyre Street, and W. 52"d Avenue.
Containing a little over two square miles, this area was not incorporated into the
Comprehensive Plan.
This Comprehensive Plan addendum addresses the potential urban growth area to the
west of the City. The planning/urban growth area is generally bounded by 1-70, West
32nd Avenue, McIntyre Street, and West 44P Avenue. The area subject to this
addendum is illustrated on Map 1. This area was submitted to DRCOG as the City's
urban growth boundary for the 2030 Metro Vision update. The addendum meets the
requirements of C.R.S. 31-12-105 of having a plan in place should the City consider
any annexations in this area.
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
Existing Land Use
Existing land uses in the urban growth area are varied. Along the north side of 32nd
Avenue are areas of low to medium density residential development. To the west of I-
70 is industrial development along W. 40 Avenue and State Highway 58. A CDOT
maintenance facility is adjacent to SH58 at 1-70. The area to the west of 1-70 between
32nd Avenue and 44"' Avenue contains a golf course, and several old gravel pits now
used for water storage. A majority of this land is vacant and undeveloped.
Development Constraints
Few natural hazard areas are present in the planning area. The Clear Creek 100- and
500-year floodplains generally parallel SH58 in the center of the planning area. No
other natural hazards exist in the area.
1-70, SH 58, and Clear Creek present constraints to development by acting as barriers
to providing road, utility and other infrastructure improvements to the central portion of
the planning area. State and federal rules mandate where access can occur and the
manner in which rights-of-way may be crossed for installing utilities. Responding to
calls for service in the planning area is made more challenging by the restricted
access these barriers present.
County Plans
Because the urban growth area is currently unincorporated, Jefferson County has
jurisdiction over planning and zoning matters. The urban growth area lies within two
subareas the County has identified for planning purposes. The North Plains Plan
covers that portion of the urban growth area north of Clear Creek and the Central
Plains Plan covers the area to the south of Clear Creek.
Originally prepared in the late 1990's, the Central Plains Community Plan has recently
been updated. The process of updating this plan included extensive public meetings.
These subarea plans show recommended land uses in the urban growth area as
residential in existing established residential neighborhoods. Applewood Golf Course
and Clear Creek are shown as major park/recreation/open space areas. The area
along W. 44"' Avenue south to Clear Creek is recommended as mixed use areas
containing office, light industrial, retail, and residential (up to 15 du/ac) uses. The bulk
of the large, undeveloped area to the west of 1-70 is shown as industrial.
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
Future Land Use Map
The Future Land Use map reflects the recommended land uses for the area. The
recommended land uses were matched as closely as possible to the land use
categories contained in the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan.
The Future Land Use Map (Map 2) illustrates recommended land uses for the urban
growth area. The categories used and the definitions, desired character, and
attributes of the various land use categories shown are the same as defined in
Chapter 2 of the Comprehensive Plan and are hereby incorporated as a part of this
Future land uses for the planning area are shown on the Future Land Use Map on the
following page. The Plan establishes the following recommended land uses:
• Existing residential neighborhoods at the approximate density shown in the
County subarea plan, SF (4)
• Existing golf course parks, and the Clear Creek floodplain as parks and open
• Planned Business Park along W. 44th Avenue and south of SH58 to Clear
• The large, vacant area west of 1-70 between 32nd Avenue and Clear Creek as
Community Commercial
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
The existing street network consists of the major north-south connectors of Youngfield
on the eastern border of the planning area and McIntyre Street on the western border.
East-west connectors are W. 44th Avenue at the north and W. 32nd Avenue to the
1-70 and State Highway 58 provide regional, limited access highway connections in
the area. The 1-70/SH58 interchange is currently a partial interchange with only
limited movements provided. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)
has prepared plans for the completion of the movements at this interchange, making it
a full-movement interchange. This entails relocating the current eastbound on-ramp at
38`h Avenue to the south and relocating the eastbound on-off ramps at Ward Road to
the east. Timing of the construction of these improvements is currently uncertain.
Trails currently exist along Clear Creek from 1-70 west to Golden and along 32"d
Avenue from 1-70 west to Maple Grove Park.
Future Street Network
The future street network in the area will build upon the existing grid system of north-
south and east-west streets. The roadway classifications in this plan are based upor
the recommendations of the Countywide Transportation Plan. The proposed street
network for the area is shown on the Roadway Classification Map (Map 3).
Improvements to complete the 1-70/SH58 interchange movements are needed to
improve not only access to the area, but to increase mobility for the region. Because
of minimum spacing requirements, no new interchanges are proposed for 1-70 and SH
58. Improvements to the 1-70/32nd Avenue interchange to increase capacity will be
1-70 and SH58 will continue to serve the dual roles of providing access to the area and
carrying regional traffic.
Major east-west streets included in the future street network 32nd Avenue and 44th
Avenue. Streets providing north-south connections are Ward Road, Youngfield Street,
and McIntyre Street. A new connection from McIntyre Street south of SH58 to the
Youngfield Service Road at 32nd Avenue is proposed. An additional collector is
proposed to connect Youngfield to this McIntyre/32nd Avenue collector with an
underpass at 1-70. This will provide an additional access to the Community
Commercial area.
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
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Future Trails
The County community plans for the area show potential trails extending along W.
32nd Avenue from Maple Grove Park to McIntyre and on McIntyre from W. 32nd
Avenue to the Clear Creek Trail. A trail connection is proposed from 32nd Avenue to
the Clear Creek Trail in an alignment to be determined at the time of development of
the area.
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
Community Services
Services in the planning area are currently provided by Jefferson County and several
special districts. Jefferson County currently provides general governmental services
and law enforcement. Portions of the area are included in the Urban Drainage and
Flood Control District.
Special districts serving the area are listed below.
Fire Protection Districts
• Fairmount
• West Metro
Water and Sanitation Districts
• North Table Mountain W& S
• Consolidated Mutual Water
Park and Recreation Districts
• Prospect
A large area in the central portion of the planning area is not currently served by a
sanitation provider. A small parcel of land is not provided with fire protection.
Future Service Provision
The City will provide general governmental services and police protection for any
areas annexed by the City.
Fire protection will continue to be provided by existing districts currently providing
Water and sanitation services will continue to be provided by districts currently
providing services within their respective boundaries. Within the area currently not
served by water or sanitation districts, there are three options to consider:
• Inclusion into existing water or sanitation districts.
• Formation of a new water and sanitation district, or metropolitan district, with
provision of services by the new district.
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
• Formation of a new water and sanitation district, or metropolitan district, with
provision of services by another district or districts by contract with the new
Provision of services by an existing or new district will depend upon the capacity of
that district to provide treated water or sewage plant capacity and the financial ability
to construct improvements. It is likely a developer will need to pay for any
infrastructure improvements, upgrades, or expansions. Any new sewage treatment
plants or expansions must be included in the Regional Clean Water Plan and be
approved by the State Department of Public Health and Environment.
Parks and Open Space
Park and open space areas in the urban growth area are currently acquired and
managed by Jefferson County and the Prospect Park and Recreation District. Two
parks located just outside the growth area, Maple Grove Park and Arapahoe Park, are
provided by the Prospect Park and Recreation District.
At the time of rezoning, the following items should be requested of a
developer, if applicable:
a. Access easements across private property to public land;
b. Dedication of private land;
c. Open space required with the development if located adjacent to public
2. Open space purchases should be based on regional demand for recreation
in the area and on the goal of preserving an open character and significant
natural features.
3. The growth area is currently served by the Prospect Recreation and Park
District and the Jefferson County Open Space Department. There should
be. improved communication among the district, governmental agencies,
and private organizations responsible for buying and managing public land
in the area. Improved communication among these groups could result in
more efficient management of public lands and a higher level of use.
Coordination among these public entities and the planning departments of
the City and the county should facilitate more effective siting of private open
space to:
a. secure access easements across private property to public land;
b. encourage dedication of private land by providing information about
open space incentive programs, and
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan -Urban Growth Area Addendum
c. suggest, where appropriate, that the open space required in a
development be located to augment adjacent public land.
4. The acquisition of undeveloped land should be related to the following
planning objectives:
a. Maintenance of important visual resources;
b. Maintenance of open spaces between developments;
c. Provision of needed recreational opportunities;
d. Protection of significant wildlife habitats and wildlife corridors;
e. Protection of areas subject to significant natural hazards, (e.g.
f. Protection of areas having cultural and historical significance;
g. Provision of connecting trail systems;
h. Retention of unique or relict flora, (i.e., tall-grass prairie, sites with rare
and endangered plants, and sites with high quality riparian vegetation);
i. Protection of ecologically sensitive areas;
j. Prevention of soil erosion; and
k. Protection and conservation of vegetation.
While these areas are desirable as open space, development should not be
precluded if sensitive site planning accommodates these concerns.
5. Public acquisition, management agreements between owners, and private
dedication of land to public entities, i.e., conservation easements, are only
three of the methods that could be used to increase the amount of land
which remains undeveloped.
6. Plantings in open space areas should be native or naturalized species and
should be varieties that require minimal maintenance, are drought tolerant,
and benefit desirable wildlife needs.
Existing trails have been constructed along W. 32nd Avenue and Clear Creek by
Jefferson County. Future trails planned for the area include the extension of the W.
32nd Avenue trail from Maple Grove Park to McIntyre and a trail along McIntyre from
32nd Avenue to the Clear Creek trail. A connection between 32nd Avenue and the
Clear Creek trail is proposed. These trail alignments are shown on Map 4. The
provision of trails in the urban growth area should be based on the following policies:
An expanded trails network should be developed that provides additional
trails for hiking, biking and equestrian use, and that precludes motorized
vehicles. These trails should:
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
A. vary in length, ascent and nature experience;
B. traverse diverse landscape;
C. access views and vistas;
D. intersect to allow the traveler a choice of paths to a destination;
E. avoid damaging or impairing areas containing endangered species,
fragile environments, or high hazard areas; and
F. Link communities and other Plan areas, and link these areas to
adjacent cities and open space lands along the foothills to the west.
2. Accessible trails should be provided for all citizens, including barrier-free
trails where possible, recognizing that trail users have different levels of
ability and seek different levels of challenge.
3. New trail systems in critical wildlife habitat areas, i.e. nesting and calving
areas, and wintering grounds, should be routed in a sensitive fashion,
and/or have seasonal closures to minimize stress to the wildlife.
4. Trail corridors should be negotiated which utilize floodplains, public rights-
of-way, leased private property, parks, and public open space.
Liability releases should be used to remove this obstacle to the creation of
trails across private land.
6. Areas of development should have trail connections to areas of natural open
7. Trails should be separated and buffered with landscaping from the streets
and roads when possible.
8. Roadway projects should provide equestrian, pedestrian and bicycle
crossings; (e.g., equestrian tunnels and grade separated bike crossings at
9. The Jefferson County Open Space Department should be requested to
assist in funding the Clear Creek regional trail corridor.
10. Local trails could be jointly funded through the Jefferson County Open
Space Joint Venture Grants Program. This is a joint venture program with
adjacent cities and park and recreation districts.
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
11. Equestrian and jogging trails should be unpaved and marked
12. Parking areas should be provided at trailheads to facilitate trail usage by
equestrians, hikers, bicyclists, etc.
13. Public facilities, e.g. restrooms and telephones, should be provided at major
trail intersections and significant open space sites where feasible.
14. The local park and recreation agencies should be consulted to determine
potential trail connections.
15. Developers should coordinate with public entities to provide trails and public
access along flood plains and/or easements such as ditches, roads, power
lines, etc., whenever possible.
16. Developers should provide trail connections to adjacent open space areas,
trails, schools, bus stations, Regional Transportation District park-n-Rides,
and light rail stations. This includes providing a safe crossing at roads
whenever possible.
Trail Design Criteria
A variety of trail systems should be provided with appropriate fencing and
signage to minimize trespassing.
2. Trails should connect with others in the City and surrounding jurisdictions to
provide opportunities for commuting to other jurisdictions and to provide
multiple recreational alternatives.
3. The trails should intersect at strategic points to allow travelers a number of
choices to reach a desired location.
4. Areas containing endangered species or fragile environments should be
Intersections between paths should be defined with a good visual warning of
an intersection as it is approached.
6. Trails should take advantage of the diversity of the landscape through which
trails pass. As the landscape changes, its dominant features should be
clearly seen from the paths, i.e., good observation points for views and
vistas that feature landmarks.
7. Bicycle paths should be designed for safety and be clearly marked. Safe
bicycle paths can be provided in the following ways:
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
A. Providing wider roadways with paved shoulders.
B. Providing off-road paths for multiple users.
C. Utilizing road, rail, ditch or power line rights-of-way or easements.
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - Urban Growth Area Addendum
Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge
PLANNING COMMISSION on February 17, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council
Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written
comments. The following case shall be heard:
Case No. WPA-05-01: A resolution adopting an amendment to the City of
Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan to include an area outside the current city
Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant
Pamela Y. Anderson, City Clerk
To Be Published: High Timber Times
Date: February 10, 2005
Case No.: PA0501
Quarter Section Map No.
App: Last Name: Citywide
Related Cases:
App: First Name:
Case History:
Resolution concerning
doption of an amendment
Owner: Last Name:
o the WR Comp Plan...
Owner: First Name:
App Address:
Review Body:
PC: 2/17/05..
City, State Zip:
App: Phone:
Owner Address:
2nd Review Body:
CC:2/28/05. PH
2nd Review Date:
Owner Phone:
Decision-making Body:
CC: 2128105 PH..
Project Address:
- ~ Approval/Denial Date:
Street Name:
City/State, Zip:
_ Reso/Ordinance No.:
Case Disposition: pproved
Conditions of Approval:
Project Planner: hite
File Location: Closed
District: F
Date Received: /1112004.
Pre-App Date: r-
Gnfo';p'~ge. L