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City of Wheat~idgic PARKS AND RECREATION Memorandum TO: Kathy Field Community Development FROM: Debbie Rainguet DATE: March 24, 2009 SUBJECT: Juchem Residence - Historic Landmark At the request of Joyce Manwaring, attached for your records is information regarding the Historic Landmark designation of the property at 9201 W. 44d, Avenue and a copy of the plaque that was purchased and installed at the residence. Joyce thought this information should remain with the Planning Department for future reference. If you have any questions, please let us know. /dr Enclosure 4 0 per.. r 4,2o-o8 1;54:1o PM -o5oo Matthews international w U U _ W r~ 0 0 0 (n ~ N T W w w g _ r 0 C/) m J LL C0 W W w D PAGE 4 OF 6 cn x fi ti ~ C) D y D 0) M M Q Q n a CD r ZO 39Vd V S3IHdONI G3NOIHS73 8950ZZ4E0E bZ:ZO 600Z/b0/E0 FASHIONED TROPHIES & AWARDS, LLC 8035 West 44th Avenue, Suite 101 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone # 303-422-2613 Fax # 303-380-2613 BILL TO City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215-6713 DATE INVOICE # 3/10/2009 8443 ORDERED BY joyce"'Manwaring 303-231-1308 Terms C.O.D. DUE DATE 3/1012009 FINANCE CHARGES DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT 4x7 Cast Bronze Plaque "Juchem" 1 186.00 186.00 Shipping/Handling 10.00 10.00 FASHIONED iROPHIES 8935 U 444TH ryUE WHEAT RID iE sFO 3F;.9 n:^ 333-43:-2bi3 XXkxXr;{k' xIE;ST 1987 DATE '41919° - 'TErN' 991. VP_: SALE OP= 99 ACCTa Y:K :xXXAX XX 34 EXT., ,x ;r Over $250.OOwe Subtotal $196.00 , E., P. AUTNr T4T i3, 6;;624 ier orders are C.O.D. a Express, Discover Sales Tax (0.0%) $0.00 TO AL e $196.00 Total $796.00 I KK TO unr PEEVE TOTfiL MOUNT m ACCUDIN_= iOt 1 R0 ISSUER KFIED.ENT ` n Payments/Credits 0 00 tiCkr4,it1. n,l IEEMEN Ii PEDiT tiOUi;HE . R Balance Due $196.00 ~.L lij2f;i 4~E 4 2 ).Wj1,K 1,: `_v .rl........... Your Business January 9, 2009 Wheat Ridge Mayor and City Council 7500 W. 29`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: 9201 W. 44th Avenue Historic Landmark Dear Mayor and Council Members: WESTERN STATES C L I N I C A L RESEARCH 1 N C . On behalf of Frisco-Nita Properties, LLP, the owners of the building at the above- mentioned address, which has been designated a historic landmark by the City of Wheat Ridge, I am inquiring about the status of a plaque that was to be provided by the city. It was our understanding that it might take some time before a plaque would be made available to place on the front of our building, but it has now been well over a year since the designation was made (on July 27, 2007). Can you please give us an idea about an expected time frame? One of the original inhabitants of our building has moved back to the area. She is an elderly lady, in her 80's, who would very much like to see the plaque in place. You can reach either me or Cheri Casey, another of the building's owners, at 303-940- 9773 or at research(awscrinc.com. Thank you very much for your kind attention to this matter. Best regards, Dara Stillman Co-Director, WSCR, Inc. 9201 W. 44i' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 (303) 940-9773 Page 1 of 1 Joyce Manwaring From: Michael Snow Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 6:04 PM To: Joyce Manwaring Subject: RE: plaque for property at 9201 W. 44th Avenue Hello Joyce, The historic property owner/builder was John Juchem (pronounced yoo' kam). Effective date for historic designation was July 20, 2007 (Ordinance 1394, Series 2007). The data from the WR Historic Society does not give a date it was built, nor do the materials in the Council Packet when it was approved (July 9th, 2007). Michael '+alssw ezt:2 dgc Ci ; ciec 30? '~3:i-2833 From: Joyce Manwaring Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 3:49 PM To: Michael Snow Subject: plaque for property at 9201 W. 44th Avenue Michael, I am in receipt of your email to Randy regarding the above property plaque. Per your offer, could you provide me with the correct spelling of the name and the date of establishment as a historic landmark? Thanks. Joyce Joyce Manwaring CDin::ct Er Parks and Reonoa ion 4005 Kipping St., iffhoat Ridge. Colomdo 80033 Office Phom.--: 30:3-231-1:308 Fax: 303-231-135-0 LS'1ieV.i;i.Vr Nfi`el E'e g...,r2-}:!a gcity 011 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business-confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by a-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. 2/24/2009 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCHULZ Council Bill No. 13-2007 Ordinance No. 1394 Series of 2007 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING A STRUCTURE LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY AT 9201 W. 44TH AVENUE AS AN HISTORICAL LANDMARK WHEREAS, an application for the historic designation of a structure located on the property located at 9201 W. 44"' Avenue in the City was submitted by the owner of the property; and WHEREAS, the application for historic designation was referred to the Wheat Ridge Historical Society for review and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Historical Society reviewed the application at a public hearing held on February 13, 2007, and at the conclusion of such public hearing unanimously recommended approval of the application for historic designation; and WHEREAS, the City provided proper notice of a public hearing to consider the application for historic designation; and WHEREAS, the property owner did not file a written objection to the application; and WHEREAS, City Council held a public hearing on the application for historic designation on April 9, 2007, and based on the evidence and testimony received during such public hearing, upon its conclusion determined that: 1. The property owner concurs with and is a party to the application; 2. The property owner will retain the ability to earn a reasonable return on the property that is the subject of the application; 3. The structure is of particular local historic significance in that the original builder/owner of the structure, John Juchem, was prominent in settling the Wheat Ridge/Arvada area and contributed significantly to the historic built, social and economic environment in the late 1800s and early 1900s; 4. The structure is of particular historical and architectural significance because it embodies the distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type (Craftsman bungalow) inherently valuable for the study of a period (early 1900s in the Denver metropolitan area), style, method of construction or of indigenous materials or craftsmanship; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO: Section 1. Designation. The structure located on the property at 9201 W. 44"' Avenue is hereby designated an historic landmark in the City pursuant to Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-906. Section 2. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen days after final publication, as provided by Section 5.11 of the Charter. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 8 to 0 on this 11th day of June, 2007, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for July 9, 2007, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of 7 to n this 9ch day of July 2007. SIGNED by the Mayor on this loch day of 200 ? ATTEST:: ES!~ Michael Snow, City Clerk 2 Appr As To Form Ger d E. Dahl, City Attorney First Publication: June 14, 2007 Second Publication: July 12, 2007 Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: July 27, 2007 3 1 PN J Do- 4 I ■ O Z m V C O L a L 0 c a) O c Q L S -p O ~ N 4- 4-' O ro C ~ O 4' U rB U D L (O Q! 3 O U 2 U 0 0 N ai 7 n A m M O ►7 r x ^GOR6Q 3. 9 V ~t h r r S666Q ~...__r: a ry m 00c6O i 656? 401 V m um .r L CL 0 L a vi O N O _ L D -E ra c O ra c O > Q) E L O L Q L- U) N - U L C: :3 I 4-j ra O N ra cn U U) u _0 L- 0 a) O N . U) -p C ru -0 V m 4-J O cn N N C w u =3 a) E Dfu O U) O L = ro _ O O O L U) ~ :3 _ ru N O ram ~ N 4-J 2 4-J -0 L L CrU 0- - O L C 4-J 61 0- 0- u 0) C- ra Ln Q) D "i~; zt 'i:'j T ,4 'i e - ~"N' ~._x~, ~i t a O , V a V O V V cv u O E 4- r--. _0 U p p 0 ~ - C) ~ ' ro 4-, c6 p N O U U N O - ' ' L Q 0' _r_ 4-J O O Q Q (o L ~ O N ra N Z3 Q 0 ON o a--+ to 4.~ U - [o - N cn _0 i D C L p a+ Q) Q U U ,--1 i N i ra N ~E N ra N U Q) fo C c C n ro E ° = O ° O C: 4-J 4-j ro ro -0 o fB 5 E Zj E O Q) U cn u - O =3 c rB U C C x a~ ro O O ru E N C Ln U V) Q) -0 _0 ro W Ln 3 fu m O 0 O 4- O U " N U > O O 4-J O Q) ro a) Ln 3. c O V) O L = > = U O ~ O 4- J 1 5 ° CO fu o _ 0 rn rn o = 4--J - rC3 ) Q ~ fl- C: Q1 C: c u p = .2 O O = L- p p OU ~ 2 N ~ U ~ Q d-J r-~ r'1 N - Ln M ~ - r6 Q Q ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ of wRen> ITEM NO: U m REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION dal ORA00 I i COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 9, 2007 TITLE: COUNCIL BILL NO. 13-2007, AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING A STRUCTURE LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY AT 9201 W. 44TH AVENUE AS AN HISTORICAL LANDMARK (CASE NO. WHL-07-O1) ® PUBLIC HEARING ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 1 ST READING (June 11, 2007) ❑ BIDS/MOTIONS ® ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING ❑ RESOLUTIONS Quasi-Judicial: ® ❑ Yes No Community Development Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: City Manager On April 9, 2007, the City Council unanimously approved historic landmark designation on the structure located at 9201 W. 44`h Avenue. The property is zoned Commercial-One, and the structure is currently being utilized as an office. City Council made the following findings to support the designation: 1. The property owner concurs with and is a party to the application. 2. There has been information submitted that discloses the history of the family patriarch who originally owned the property and was prominent in settling the Wheat Ridge/Arvada area. 3. John Juchem contributed significantly to the historic built, social and economic environment in the late 1800's and early 1900's. 4. The structure embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type constructed in the Denver metropolitan area in the early 1900's. 5. The Wheat Ridge Historical Society Board of Directors has recommended approval of the designation. This request impacts or is related to Goal 3 of the Strategic Plan relating to creating a strong partnership between the city, the community and the region. COMMISSION/BOARD RECOMMENDATION: The Wheat Ridge Historical Society reviewed this request at a public hearing held on February 13, 2007. A motion to recommend approval of designation of the structure was made with all present Board of Directors supporting the motion. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES: There are no outstanding issues. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED: 1. Approve the landmark designation ordinance. 2. Do not approve the landmark designation ordinance. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There are no review fees collected for the processing of this ordinance. There will be no direct monetary impact to the City if the ordinance is approved. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: "I move to approve Council Bill 13-2007, an ordinance validating historic landmark designation approval on a structure located at 9201 W. 44"' Avenue, on second reading, and that it take effect 15 days after final publication." Or, "I move to table indefinitely Council Bill 13-2007, thereby denying an ordinance validating historic landmark designation approval on a structure located at 9201 W. 44"' Avenue." Report Prepared by: Meredith Reckert (303-235-2848) Reviewed by: Alan White Attachments: 1. Council Bill No. 13-2007 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Council Bill No. 13-2007 Ordinance No. Series of 2007 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING A STRUCTURE LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY AT 9201 W. 44T" AVENUE AS AN HISTORICAL LANDMARK WHEREAS, an application for the historic designation of a structure located on the property located at 9201 W. 44`h Avenue in the City was submitted by the owner of the property; and WHEREAS, the application for historic designation was referred to the Wheat Ridge Historical Society for review and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Historical Society reviewed the application at a public hearing held on February 13, 2007, and at the conclusion of such public hearing unanimously recommended approval of the application for historic designation; and WHEREAS, the City provided proper notice of a public hearing to consider the application for historic designation; and WHEREAS, the property owner did not file a written objection to the application; and WHEREAS, City Council held a public hearing on the application for historic designation on April 9, 2007, and based on the evidence and testimony received during such public hearing, upon its conclusion determined that: 1. The property owner concurs with and is a party to the application; 2. The property owner will retain the ability to earn a reasonable return on the property that is the subject of the application; 3. The structure is of particular local historic significance in that the original builder/owner of the structure, John Juchem, was prominent in settling the Wheat Ridge/Arvada area and contributed significantly to the historic built, social and economic environment in the late 1800s and early 1900s; ATTACHMENT 1 4. The structure is of particular historical and architectural significance because it embodies the distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type (Craftsman bungalow) inherently valuable for the study of a period (early 1900s in the Denver metropolitan area), style, method of construction or of indigenous materials or craftsmanship; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO: Section 1. Designation. The structure located on the property at 9201 W. 44`h Avenue is hereby designated an historic landmark in the City pursuant to Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-906. Section 2. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen days after final publication, as provided by Section 5.11 of the Charter. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of to on this day of , 200, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for , 200, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to , this day of ,200. 2 SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 200. Jerry DiTullio, Mayor ATTEST: Michael Snow, City Clerk Approved As To Form Gerald E. Dahl, City Attorney First Publication: Second Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: 3 of WHEgr ITEM NO: w PQ U m REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION ~~C ORADO COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 11, 2007 TITLE: COUNCIL BILL NO. 13-2007, AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING A STRUCTURE LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY AT 9201 W. 44TH AVENUE AS AN HISTORICAL LANDMARK (CASE NO. WHL-07-01) ❑ PUBLIC HEARING ® ORDINANCES FOR 1 ST READING ❑ BIDS/MOTIONS ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING ❑ RESOLUTIONS Quasi-Judicial: ® ❑ Yes No Community Development Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: City Manager On April 9, 2007, the City Council unanimously approved historic landmark designation on the structure located at 9201 W. 44`h Avenue. The property is zoned Commercial-One, and the structure is currently being utilized as an office. City Council made the following findings to support the designation: 1. The property owner concurs with and is a party to the application. 2. There has been information submitted that discloses the history of the family patriarch who originally owned the property and was prominent in settling the Wheat Ridge/Arvada area. 3. John Juchem contributed significantly to the historic built, social and economic environment in the late 1800's and early 1900's. 4. The structure embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type constructed in the Denver metropolitan area in the early 1900's. 5. The Wheat Ridge Historical Society Board of Directors has recommended approval of the designation. This request impacts or is related to Goal 3 of the Strategic Plan relating to creating a strong partnership between the city, the community and the region. COMMISSION/BOARD RECOMMENDATION: The Wheat Ridge Historical Society reviewed this request at a public hearing held on February 13, 2007. A motion to recommend approval of designation of the structure was made with all present Board of Directors supporting the motion. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES: There are no outstanding issues. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED: Approve the landmark designation ordinance. Do not approve the landmark designation ordinance. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There are no review fees collected for the processing of this ordinance. There will be no direct monetary impact to the City if the ordinance is approved. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: "I move to approve Council Bill 13-2007 on first reading, order it published, public hearing set for Monday, July 9, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, and that it take effect 15 days after final publication." Report Prepared by: Meredith Reckert (303-235-2848) Reviewed by: Alan White Attachments: 1. Council Bill No. 13-2007 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Council Bill No. 13-2007 Ordinance No. Series of 2007 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING A STRUCTURE LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY AT 9201 W. 44TH AVENUE AS AN HISTORICAL LANDMARK WHEREAS, an application for the historic designation of a structure located on the property located at 9201 W. 44th Avenue in the City was submitted by the owner of the property; and WHEREAS, the application for historic designation was referred to the Wheat Ridge Historical Society for review and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Historical Society reviewed the application at a public hearing held on February 13, 2007, and at the conclusion of such public hearing unanimously recommended approval of the application for historic designation; and WHEREAS, the City provided proper notice of a public hearing to consider the application for historic designation; and WHEREAS, the property owner did not file a written objection to the application; and WHEREAS, City Council held a public hearing on the application for historic designation on April 9, 2007, and based on the evidence and testimony received during such public hearing, upon its conclusion determined that: 1. The property owner concurs with and is a party to the application; 2. The property owner will retain the ability to earn a reasonable return on the property that is the subject of the application; 3. The structure is of particular local historic significance in that the original builder/owner of the structure, John Juchem, was prominent in settling the Wheat Ridge/Arvada area and contributed significantly to the historic built, social and economic environment in the late 1800s and early 1900s; ATTACHMENT 1 4. The structure is of particular historical and architectural significance because it embodies the distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type (Craftsman bungalow) inherently valuable for the study of a period (early 1900s in the Denver metropolitan area), style, method of construction or of indigenous materials or craftsmanship; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO: Section 1. Designation. The structure located on the property at 9201 W. 44`h Avenue is hereby designated an historic landmark in the City pursuant to Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-906. Section 2. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen days after final publication, as provided by Section 5.11 of the Charter. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of to on this day of , 200, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for , 200, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to this day of ,200. 2 SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 200. Jerry DiTullio, Mayor ATTEST: Michael Snow, City Clerk Approved As To Form Gerald E. Dahl, City Attorney First Publication: Second Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: 3 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/235-2846 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 May 2, 2007 Patricia Anderson 1600 Cliffside Dr., #178 Farmington, NM 87401-4351 Dear Ms. Anderson: At its meeting of April 9, 2007, City Council APPROVED Case No. WHL-07-01, a nomination for historic landmark designation for the building located at 9201 West 44th Avenue for the following reasons: 1. The property owners concur with and are a party to the application. 2. There has been information submitted that discloses the history of the family patriarch who originally owned the property and was prominent in settling the Wheat Ridge/Arvada area. 3. John Juchem contributed significantly to the historic built, social and economic environment in the late 1800's and early 1900's. 4. The structure embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type constructed in the Denver metropolitan area in the early 1900's. 5. The Wheat Ridge Historical Society Board of Directors has recommended approval of the designation. An ordinance memorializing the landmark designation will be brought forward for City Council approval. There will be a public hearing which you are not required to attend. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, V KathyF Administrative Assistant Enclosure: Draft of Minutes cc: Dara Stillman 9201 W. 44th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 6...\My Documents\Kathy\PCRPTS\PLANGCOM\CORRESP\2007\WHIA701 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: April 09, 2007 Page -2- PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 1. A REQUEST FOR HISTORICAL LANDMARK DESIGNATION FOR THE STRUCTURE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED COMMERCIAL-ONE (C-1) AT 9201 W. 44TH AVENUE (CASE NO. WHL-07-01) Mayor DiTullio opened the public hearing, and swore in all interested parties who were to speak on the subject. Item 1 was introduced by Council Member Schulz who read the Executive Summary. Mrs. Reckert gave a summary presentation outlining Staffs recommendations to approve the historic designation (included in this packet). Patricia Anderson, a relative of the original settlers of the property, spoke in favor of the historic designation of her property. Claudia Worth, of the Wheat Ridge Historic Society, spoke in favor of the historic designation and gave some history on the property and the family who built the home. Mrs. Worth gave the City Clerk a CD containing a recording of an oral history given by Billy Barton. Dorris Stillman, current property owner, also spoke in favor of the historic designation. Mayor DiTullio stated, for the record, that all current property owners agree and were in support of the historic designation. Mayor DiTullio closed the public hearing. Motion by Council Member Schulz to Approve Case No. WHL-07-01, a nomination for historic landmark designation for the building located at 9201 W. 441n Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The property owners concur with and are a party to the application. 2. There has been information submitted that discloses the history of the family patriarch who originally owned the property and was prominent in settling the Wheat Ridge/Arvada area. 3. John Juchem contributed significantly to the historic built, social and economic environment in the late 1800's and early 1900's. 4. The structure embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type constructed in the Denver metropolitan area in the early 1900's. 5. The Wheat Ridge Historical Society Board of Directors has recommended approval of the designation. Seconded by Council Member Womble; carried 8-0. POSTING CERTIFICATION CASENO. UJ H L -0j -01 PLANNING CONMSSION / CITY COUNCIL / BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: `I t , b7 Fe SGo U/CA Q2 a°f~GrGJ LL/° I, jA-M ei5 M 61LC 7 /{C-2yL /3 C N54- l"WA 6 7-&6 Y1AO OF 7~ (name) residing at 9Z01 14) /fr~/yvE (~/tar k~p~~ ~ ~ 0 33 (address) as the applicant for Case No. GGIV L-o7-01 , hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at `/Yr4 Ado -147e ~Jz)C-) S- 0ocation) on this Z -2- day of M412 C 14 20 6 -7 , and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below Signature: ✓ NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. , A s R- ane 3 m 4HA eU51NE55 4 RWi-W$ ~LAr 5UAC BONIPiA R 3 - C Rev. 616101 1 W "TH AV ICI j=L ~r-r=r Meredith Reckert From: Maggie [maggie@jlgray.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 12:57 PM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: Re: City Council reports Meredith Reckert wrote > Hi, Pat and Maggie- > Thanks for calling with your email address. Attached are the City > Council reports for Monday, April 9. The meeting starts at 7 PM and > your case is the first item on the agenda. There are several > proclamations before that so it may be around 7:30 when your case begins. > This will be a formal public hearing and the typical protocol is for > staff to give a presentation first which includes slides of the > property. You (Pat) will then address the City Council regarding why > you feel the historic designation is appropriate. They have been > provided all of the background material which you gave us. > If you have any questions, please let me know. I'll see you Monday night. > //Meredith Reckert, AICP// > //Senior Planner// > //Wheat Ridge Community Development Department// > //Telephone: 303.235.2848// > //FAX: 303.235.2857// Meredith.... Thank you so very much for your considerations in sending all the information. It will be a pleasure to meet with you Monday evening. I copied all information which I will take to Pat after work.... she will be pleased with all the recommendations in favor of a 'landmark'. My husband Jack Fishburn, who was Pat's brother, would have been very grateful of all the efforts made in behalf of the home. Thanks again Maggie Fishburn 1 e-ti o a _ max- f S(<o.~? po v n' Inc 14 fl0 i Fs\burv~ 00 t 2u{LEmy. ~w:ue.nn 1~'M~.fLu \ U ~ ION f- 7.45 A Jei.W dwi c,~ NoIa 4~aoo ~Joa ksz y~oo w ioQ Jo i~ ww3 satoo h`< T~ IMP, (IPA "ice JM W,f)sfJ„r \ ~ I i xin +~'~~I 1 w s.a3vn ~roo 4goa sa oJe:t o ,0d ,c 5A 166 Jr I fw d AA~~ 9 bmwF5 4 COP ~ I to E. ,~kcv+.f I!, 9zav I owl' ~IOM1 Su ('l r'. Mc5 - S1SP MRY.fS 3m ~i.SA Sid. 4oo }ofd O A~C~SVx "ov 4s JOS. IY'~ ~eaYc C£wh 11OOO tl,SO ! j AL IS (LCI. Sc~ A 5 I au. Gd3. ~3oa r i J PC-fro q"A EIU1 i ErrrlcSvw $4oa TH I Aso ~ ~ ~ ( y S ~oO - 4Il 5A ~A 644 -.5ohwoN d~SoN ~Nt~[nnla Pahw~ t ~ 1 psao I'40 .y qD9~ f ~ f ice' Juchem Fishburn House 9201 W. 44th Ave. The Wheat Ridge Historical Society is pleased to endorse the naming of the Juchem Fishburn House at 9201 W. 44th Ave. For Wheat Ridge Historic Landmark Designation for the following reasons: The House was built in 1913 and is 94 years old and in only 6 years will be one of the Century homes in Wheat Ridge. The house sits on the historic Juchem farm. Mr. John Juchem an early pioneer came to the Colorado Territory in about 1859. The farm, one of the largest in the area consisted of 400 acres. He held some of the earliest water rights in the area dating to 1861. The Jucham ditch still exists. He then divided his land between his five children. He gave his daughter Mary Juchem Fishburn 48 acres all of which is now in The City of Wheat Ridge. The property over the years has been subdivided and sold. The house is still on .55 acres of the original land. Originally the house had a very large brick barn which was also used to park carriages and later early automobiles in. Along with housing the animals and equipment needed for the farm. This barn was converted to the famous Gust Haus Restaurant. Which members of the Fishburn family owned and operated until it burned in the early 1970's. This house is unique to the area and has many features that were incorporated by Mrs. Mary Juchem Fishburn at the time it was built. The assessed value in 1920 was $6,000 unusual for this area as The WRHS research in the 1920 census shows most homes were valued at below $1,000. The Richards Hart House was valued at $8,000 at this time. The house is two story with a full finished basement. According to descendents of the Fishburns this was a feature on which Mrs. Fishburn insisted. (A Family Room or Rumpus Room perhaps.) The house has a dumb waiter, which Mrs. Fishburn used to lower her canning jars into the finished basement for storage. Another unique feature was the door bell system which is still in place. Each of the three doors was assigned a separate bell which lit a light on a panel in the kitchen so the family knew which door to answer. The house also has a laundry chute which goes from the second story to the basement. Unique for 1913 but not an uncommon feature for the 20's. Documentation Waters of Gold -Arvada Historical Society Jefferson County Assessors' Records. 1920 United States Census Records Billy Barton Oral History, Wheat Ridge Historical Society, (CD included) Pat Anderson and Mary Fishburn descendant of the Juchems. of mHEq, ITEM NO: qo V m REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION ~~CORPDO COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 9, 2007 TITLE: A REQUEST FOR HISTORICAL LANDMARK DESIGNATION FOR THE STRUCTURE LOCATED ON PROPERTY ZONED COMMERCIAL-ONE (C-1) AT 9201 W. 44T" AVENUE (CASE NO. WHL-07-01) ® PUBLIC HEARING ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 1 ST READING ❑ BIDS/MOTIONS ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING ❑ RESOLUTIONS Quasi-Judicial: ® ❑ A Yes No Community Development Director City Manager EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Patricia Anderson, in conjunction with Dara Stillman (property owner), is requesting historic landmark designation on the structure located at 9201 W, 44"' Avenue. The property is zoned Commercial-One, and the structure is currently being utilized as an office. The application is filed for the building as it embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type, period, style or method of construction, it is identified with historic persons and it is identified with important events in national, state or local history. The property owner is a party to application and is aware of the conditions under which the landmark designation is granted; that upon designation, it is unlawful to demolish, destroy or undertake any major change to structures unless and until a landmark alteration permit is issued. The Wheat Ridge Historical Society recommended approval of the historical landmark designation at a public hearing held on February 13, 2007. This request impacts or is related to Goal 3 of the Strategic Plan relating to creating a strong partnership between the city, the community and the region. If the designation is approved at public hearing, an ordinance will be brought forward to finalize the action. COMMISSION/BOARD RECOMMENDATION: The Wheat Ridge Historical Society reviewed this request at a public hearing held on February 13, 2007. A motion to recommend approval of designation of the structure was made with all present Board of Directors supporting the motion. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES: There are no outstanding issues. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED: 1. Approve the landmark designation. 2. Do not approve the landmark designation. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There are no review fees collected for the processing of this application. There will be no direct monetary impact to the City if the request is approved. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: Option A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. WHL-07-01, a nomination for historic landmark designation for the building located at 9201 W. 44th`' Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The property owners concur with and are a party to the application. 2. There has been information submitted that discloses the history of the family patriarch who originally owned the property and was prominent in settling the Wheat Ridge/Arvada area. 3. John Juchem contributed significantly to the historic built, social and economic environment in the late 1800's and early 1900's. 4. The structure embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type constructed in the Denver metropolitan area in the early 1900's. 5. The Wheat Ridge Historical Society Board of Directors has recommended approval of the designation." OR Option B: "I move to DENY Case No. WHL-07-01, a nomination for historic landmark designation for the building located at 9201 W. 44thth Avenue, for the following reasons: 2. 3." Report Prepared by: Meredith Reckert (303-235-2848) Reviewed by: Alan White Attachments: 1. City Council staff report (with exhibits) Request for City Council Action-report form u~oF w"E°'Ram CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT CO<ONA00 TO: City Council CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert CASE NO. & NAME: WHL-07-O1/Anderson/Stillman DATE OF MEETING: April 9, 2007 ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a Historical Landmark Designation for a structure located on C-I zoned property LOCATION OF REQUEST: 9201 W. 44`x' Avenue APPLICANTS: Patricia Anderson Farmington, NM Dara Stillman for Western States Clinical Research Wheat Ridge, CO APPROXIMATE AREA: .55 acre of property area PRESENT ZONING: C-1, Commercial-One Q COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE O SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) CASE FILE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Location map Case NO.WHI.-07-01/Anderson/Stillmar 1 ATTACHMENT All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to make a determination regarding this request. 1. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a historical landmark designation for a structure located on property zoned C-1, Commercial-One, at 9201 W. 44`x' Avenue. The applicant is Patricia Anderson in conjunction with Dara Stillman with Western States Clinical Research Inc. Pursuant to Section 26-905 C., an application for historic designation may be submitted by the property owner, a member of the Wheat Ridge Historical Society Board of Directors or by a member of City Council. Patricia Anderson is the granddaughter of the original builder and grew up on the property. Dara Stillman is one of the property owners. (Exhibit 1, Designation Nomination Form with attachments) The application is filed for the building as it embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type, period, style or method of construction, it is identified with historic persons and it is identified with important events in national, state or local history. The property owner concurs with the designation nomination, has not filed a formal objection and is party to the application. The property owner is also aware of the conditions under which the landmark designation is granted; that upon designation, it is unlawful to demolish, destroy or undertake any major change to structures unless and until a landmark alteration permit is issued. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS Site conditions: The property in question is zoned Commercial-One, is comprised of .55 acres of land area (120' x 200') and has street frontages on two sides; W. 44`x' Avenue on the south and Garrison Street on the east. There is one primary structure on the property with a footprint of 2500 s.f. The structure is a story and a half in height and was built in 1900 as a private residence. It is of brick construction with a wide porch across the front wrapping partially around the east side. It is constructed in the "craftsman bungalow" style with square porch columns and gabled dormer windows. Many of the features of the structure's interior have been retained including the woodwork, elaborate built-in cabinetry and original light fixtures. The architect and builder are unknown. Existing access to the site is by two curb cuts; one each on W. 44`x' Avenue and Garrison Street. Parking is provided on the north, east and south sides of the structure. Use of the property: The property is currently being used as an office by Western Clinical Research, Inc. (property owners). It is unclear when the property became commercialized; however, it appears that it has been utilized commercially for quite sometime. The prior user was as a group home (Alternative Homes for Youth) who bought the property in 1996. In 2003, the current property owners purchased the property. Adjacent zoning and land use: The property is surrounded on all sides by Commercial- One zoning. Corresponding land use includes auto repair facilities on the north and west, strip retail to the east and a retail bread store to the south. III. HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCE Case NoVHL-07-01/Anderson/Stillman The property is significant as it is associated with John Juchem, one of the first settlers in the Wheat Ridge/Arvada area, having emigrated from Germany to the United States in 1858. His eventual holdings included over 400 acres of land bounded by Kipling on the west, Garrison on the east, W. 44`h Avenue on the south and approximately 56`h Avenue on the north. Mr. Juchem raised crops, built ditches and acquired one of the first water rights in the area. He name is associated with Juchem Ditch and Juchem Garden Place Subdivision which was platted in 1890 and is recorded with Jefferson County in Book 2, Page 1. (Exhibit 2, Juchem Garden Place Subdivision) The Arvada Cemetery was built on land donated by John Juchem in 1862. John Juchem gave his daughter Mary Ann (Fishbum) the property on which the present building stands. IV. HISTORIC DESIGNATION CRITERIA City Council may designate historic landmarks in the City with testimony and evidence presented at the public hearing and the following evaluation criteria: Whether the property owner will retain the ability to earn a reasonable return on the property which is the subject of the application; and, Staff believes that a reasonable return on the property can be made if the structure is designated as a landmark. The property is currently used as an office and this use may continue if the designation is granted. The property owner is also aware of the limitations of the modification of a designated structure. Because only the structure would be designated a landmark and not the entire property, other site improvements could occur without affecting the status. 2. Whether the structure exemplifies or reflects the broad cultural, political, economic or social history of the nation, state or community; or The structure is an example of a type of residential housing (craftsman bungalow) common in the early 1900's. While it may not reflect cultural or political history of the state or nation, it is associated with John Juchem who contributed significantly to the historic built, social and economic environment in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Whether the structure is identified with historic persons or with important events in national, state or local history; or John Juchem, original property owner, was one of the original settlers in the Wheat Ridge/Arvada area. 4. Whether the structure embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type inherently valuable for the study of a period, style, method of construction or of indigenous materials or craftsmanship; or The architect and builder of the structure are unknown; however, it may be argued that the structure embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type constructed in the Denver metropolitan area in the early 1900's. Case No.WHL-07-01/Anderson/Stillman 5. Whether the structure is representative of the notable work of a master builder, designer or architect whose individual ability has been recognized; or No evidence has been presented which identifies that the structure was the work of a master builder, designer or architect of the era. 6. Is recommended as an historic landmark by the Wheat Ridge Historical Society board of directors. On February 13, 2007, the attending members of the Wheat Ridge Historical Society Board of Directors recommended approval to designate the building as a local historical landmark. (Exhibit 3, WRHS letter) IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION/FINDINGS OF FACT Staff has concluded that the historic landmark designation criteria support designation of the structure as historic for the following reasons; I . The property owners concur with and are a party to the application. 2. There has been information submitted that discloses the history of the family patriarch who originally owned the property and was prominent in settling the Wheat Ridge/Arvada area. 3. John Juchem contributed significantly to the historic built, social and economic environment in the late 1800's and early 1900's. 4. The structure embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type constructed in the Denver metropolitan area in the early 1900's. 5. The Wheat Ridge Historical Society Board of Directors has recommended approval of the designation. V. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: Option A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. WHL-07-01, a nomination for historic landmark designation for the building located at 9201 W. 44th"' Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The property owners concur with and are a party to the application. 2. There has been information submitted that discloses the history of the family patriarch who originally owned the property and was prominent in settling the Wheat Ridge/Arvada area. 3. John Juchem contributed significantly to the historic built, social and economic environment in the late 1800's and early 1900's. 4. The structure embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type constructed in the Denver metropolitan area in the early 1900's. 5. The Wheat Ridge Historical Society Board of Directors has recommended approval of the designation." OR Option B: Case No.WHL-07-O 1/Anderson/Stillman 4 "I move to DENY Case No. WHL-07-01, a nomination for historic landmark designation for the building located at 9201 W. 44th"' Avenue, for the following reasons: 2. 3." Case No.WHL-07-0 1/Anderson/Stillman r *14 4?- 0 Community Development Department MURAIN"M v m City of Wheat Ridge Date determined "eligible" 7500 W. 29a' Avenue Ordinance # C O Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Date Recorded OtORA LOCAL HISTORIC LANDMARK DESIGNATION NOMINATION FORM Please type/print and complete all entries. Date: se, 20 091 ~er WE Address: 9201 West 44th WhPatridgp Colorado 80023 Legal Description: Comlate survey and description enclosed in this presentation Property Name (Historic and/or common): Name/Title: PATRTCTA A ANI~FR SC)N Address: 1600 Cliffside Drive Unit # 178 Farmington NM Phone: (rn5) 3 2 5 2 A a 4 Relationship to Owner: A n r Signature of Applicant Subscribed and sworn to me this day of O 0/3s 20 Notar ic My commission My cion expir y (O Name 6{ i~GL / ~/?/~~n Phone: J20 - fM 1 77-3 Address: Ot7tr 14 F L v~? T 4&r , 3 L 5 5 fO ~0✓b!Z f b C&5 / t 5/Y v" iy r ~A Gtr A p Owner Does 8 Iconsent to designation. Signature of Owner 1~kVG 1-~ ~ l fib. l 7 OWN Category: Ownership: Status: Present Use: es sC ~ Budding ❑~y Public P4 Occupied Commercial ❑ Entertainment G ❑ Structure Id Private ❑ Unoccupied ❑ Educational ❑ Government ❑ Site ❑ Religious ❑ Other: 6TARH ❑ Object ❑ Residential EXHIBIT 1 /o/to/09 Existing Designation: ❑ National Register ❑ State Register Architectural: - Represents notable work of master builder, designer or architect ,`Embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type, period, style or method of construction ❑ Embodies distinguishing characteristics of indigenous materials or craftsmanship Historical: ® Identified with historic persons t Identified with important events in national, state or local history Other: ❑ Exemplifies or reflects cultural, economic or social history of the nation ❑ Recommend as historic landmark by Wheat Ridge Historical Society Further Comments: Information enclosed in this presentation (Add a separate sheet of paper if needed.) X Please attach a narrative of the historical significance of the property. Include a title search if the property is important for its association with a significant person. Further Comments: Informer ion cn losad in this reaentation T `r:I.?~S Sc DESrCCI ARO Construction Date igno Architect/Builder: Building Materials: Architectural Style: Special Features/Surroundings: Informatinn enclosed in this Presentation (Add a separate sheet of paper if needed. Please include photos of each elevation of the structure.) Describe any additions to the property: > z~t S Information enclosed in this presentation (Add a separate sheet of paper if needed.) Attach photographs and other documentation which supports historic landmark designation. Rev. 11/03/05 Note all photographs are enclosed herein SOURCES OF INFORMATION r JEFFERSON COUNTY/ASSESSOR/TREASURER OFFICES ARVADA HISTORICAL SOCIETY WATERS OF GOLD (Publication) MORE THAN GOLD (Publication) HELEN MALONEY (Relation) Letter with history information BILLIE (JUCHEM) BARTON (Relation) Photos/information 303 233 6958 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This journey to present our home in the County's list of Historical Homes, has been with the kindness and help from all quarters. Thanks to the Jefferson County Court House Treasurer and Records, the Arvada Historical Society, Wheatridge Historical Society and to the hospitality and friendship shown us by the present owners of property. Maggie Fishburn is my sister-in-law and wife to my late brother John F. (Jack) Fishburn. She is responsible for putting all the information we collected into this presentation. I am truly thankful to her for all the assistance she has given to me in our quest. P.A.A. It is with love and great happiness to finally realize a dream I had... that of getting my childhood home which my grandmother had built over one hundred years ago, listed as an historical landmark with the Historical Society of Jefferson County. Our families lives were entwined with most all of the towns that are within the County. My Grandmother, Mary Ann, was born the daughter of Henry John Juchem, pioneer. She was given tholand by her father where the home now stands. My parents John Franklin Fishburn his wife Sadie, my three brothers and Lwere all raised in the home with my grandparents. It was a great life. Holidays were the most significant to us because our grandmother especially made them memorable with her fun and loge. We know she is looking down with happiness, which we give back to her. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE Throughout the Evaluation Form there are several `significant' persons and events of historical value. Biography of John Juchem and homestead property. Juchem's land patent was first one signed by then President Andrew Johnson. 2. Significance of his generosity to the community in giving land for the Arvada Cemetary 3. John Juchem dug (using a fork as a spade)what was called the Consolidated Juchem Ditch and Reservoir Company. He started near Golden at Clear Creek and down through the valley. This was the earliest record of water rights in the area since 1861. The Juchem Ditch is still used today. 4. Garrison St. formerly known as Juchem Lane 5. Property built in 1900 was a `landmark' garden property for the community. Famous Pascal celery, raspberries and strawberries shipped throughout the county and to other states. 6. Section of land plat map called Juchem Garden Subdivision 7. The home is now surrounded by so-called `progress' along West 44th Avenue and Garrison. However it still stands as a reminder of the pride, dedication and love John Juchem and his decendants had for this land and its community. Jefferson County, Colorado - Place Names Directory http://ww l4.co.jefferson.co.us/archives/search3.cfm?ps_oid=13327... Department Links Juchem Farm Archives & Records Home County Links Address: W. 52nd Ave. and Garrison St., Arvada Jefferson County Home 80002 John Juchem, a fifty-niner, built a crude cabin on his 80 acres of pre-empted land. He continued gardening and purchasing property until his farm and ranch grew to 400 acres. During the 1860s, he built the family home at West Fifty-second Avenue and Garrison Street. In the name of progress, he donated land to the Arvada Cemetery Association, right-of-way for the Colorado and Southern Railroad, and for the Denver and Intermountain Tramway Company. In return the Tramway Company built Juchem Station at Garrison Street and West Fifty-first Avenue. Produce from the Juchem Farm provided miners in Central City and Blackhawk with vegetables. John Juchem, his wife, Anna Woeber, and many descendants are buried in the Arvada Cemetery. Quad Map/Date: Arvada, 1950 Sec/Town/Range: S15, T3S, R69W Elevation: c. 5350 Source: Personal papers and Juchem family records, Raymond J. Juchem, grandson; Arvada Historical Society, "Waters of Gold," pp. 33,34, by Billie (Juchem) Barton, great-granddaughter. Other Names: Not Available See Also: Not Available Last Modified: Tue, October 10 1995 Copyright © 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. Send mail to archivist(o,co.iefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Web site. Last modified: November 2003 Version: 2. 1.0 1 of 1 11/l/2006 1:58 PM HISTORICAL BACKGROUND JOHN JUCHEM 1862 - John Juchem donated land to the Arvada Cemetary John Juchem acquired first water rights and completed the Consolidated Juchem Ditch Reservoir Company near Golden (just below Arapahoe City. Was earliest record of water rights in 1861. Garden farm (known today as the Juchem Garden Subdivision) Famous Pascal Celery. ATTACHMENTS WATERS OF GOLD 1850-1870 Publication HELEN MALONEY Correspondence to Scot Fishburn ; Helen Maloney correspondence Frederick Wilhelm the IV in 1858 became worried about the crops. There had been many days without rain. The parched fields, the cloudless skies and the intense heat were an omen of impending disaster. The King, in his usual impervious manner, was looking for someone to blame. A small party of sol- diers was dispatched to the vine-covered home of the Royal Gardener summon- ing him to the presence of His Highness. Young John Juchem, the gardener, rode to meet the King, a quarrel ensued and John was fired. He was told he would be conscripted into the Prussian Army. That eight John Juchem packed a few belongings, sent word to his brother, a mathematics professor at Heidelburg University, and left Prussia in a load of hay. On reaching the coast he sailed for the United States and headed west into Kansas Territory. He settled at the confluence of Cherry Creek and the Platte River. John wasp't interested in gold. He was a gardener by heart and by trade.. He soon found the land he wanted in the Clear Creek valley. all John Juchem, born.in-.Afsaeec®rraine March3,'1:831;-,became, by circum- starice in choice, a gardener in -the 'YVew-World"in-1859:- sing a fork as a spade, Mr. Juchem tilled the soil and raised beans and other vegetables. He built a log cabin north of the present Wadsworth Ditch in present day Arvada between Garrison and Kipling Streets. Mr. Juchem bought land, built ditches and acquired one of the first water rights in the area. He dug what is now known as the Consolidated_Jtt_k Ditch and Reservoir Comnanv near earliest-reEora of water rights dating from 1861. There are also priorities dated 1862 and 1863. By 1863 Mr. Juchem believed he had to marry. He left for Alsace-Lorraine to seek a wife. It is not known if he had anyone in mind. But it is known that he did not return to Alsace. He journeyed to St. Joseph, Missouri, where he met and married Anna Woeber, a relative of the Woeber Carriage people of St. Louis. She was born in Hesse, Germany, in 1835. The newlyweds returned to Colorado Territory. They traveled by covered wag- on and took six weeks for the trip, To this union were born five children: Henry; Anna; Lena (Pauline); Mary; and Flora. Mr. Juchem continued gardening and acquiring land. His ranch grew to 400 acres, bounded on the south by West For- ty-fourth Avenue, on the west by Kipling Street, on the north by Grandview Ave- nue and on the east by Garrison Street. Some of the land was homesteaded and some was purchased. There were three land- patents or t JOHN JUGHEM gran s. Two were signed by President Andrew Johnson and one by President Ulysses S. Grant. The first patent signed by Johnson was issued directly to John Juchem (Guchem) on December 1, 1865.' The second patent was issued . 33 wativelos Of Gold accumulated the necessary assets to Christian Habersaat on July 1, 1868, and the third patent was issued to a George W. Nelson on December 10, 1869, and signed by President Grant. Both properties were purchased by Mr. Juchem. Eighty acres of preempted land given to Mr. Juchem was recorded in October of 1873. On this land he had built his first crude log cabin in 1859. During the 1860s he built a large frame house, in the vicinity of West Fifty-second Avenue and Garrison Street, that be- came the family home. In 1862 Mr. Juchem donated land to the Arvada Cemetery. Later the Ar- vada Cemetery Association purchased the front 10 acres on Independence Street. He also donated land for the right-of-way of the Colorado and Southern Rail- road and the Denver and Interurban Tramway to Golden through his property. Juchem Station, located where Juchem F r Lane (now Garrison Street) crossed the tracks at Cottage Lane (now West Fifty- first Avenue) was an important stop on the Tramway line. Mr. Juchem was a successful farmer. His ranch at Juchem Gardens was locally famous for its produce. He transported vegetables by horse and wagon to Golden Gate Canyon, to the "Diggin's" in Greg- ory Gulch, and in Centr4l City and Black- hawk where he sold potatoes and carrots for $1.00 a pound A clue to the independence of Mr. Juchem is shown in the following anec- dote: When he came to America from Alsace, he was a devout member of the Roman Catholic Church. He gave gener- ously to its support. One day in the 1860s, while John was busy in the fields, ANNA WOEBER JUCHEM Father Machebeuf, the first Bishop of , rode by and at work so he ads an to stop Mr. Juchem didn't like to be disturbedlwhile start. Father Machebeuf wanted money. John had given all he intended at the time. Father Machebeuf threatened to excommunicate him if he didn't give more. John replied to this threat, "You can't excommunicate me, because I quit" And he did! Mr. Juchem died January 24, 1911, and Mrs. Juchem died March 6, 1906. Both are buried in the Arvada Cemetery. 1850 -1570 HISTORICAL DATA LETTER FROM HELEN MALONEY Helen (Wagner) Maloney was the daughter of Flora (Juchem) and John Wagner. Her mother was riding in a buggy with her children and on her way from attending a local Arvada church. Another buggy approached them and its horse reared. The gentleman in the second buggy was going hunting and the rifle he carried discharged, killing Mrs.Wagner instantly. Helen and her siblings were raised by their aunts, Anna and Lena Juchem. It has been stated that the bible Flora was carrying, which had the bullet hole in it, was kept at the church for some years. The attached letter was written in 1967 to Scot Fishburn, descendant of Robert Lee Fishburn: Dear Scotts Your great-great grandfather John Juchem was born in the Aloade Lorraine district of Germany on March 5, 1831. This was a sort of buffer between France and Germany at that time, and I believe their was some French blood in the family. As a young man he was in charge of the Kaiser's gardons, and was known as the Royal Gardner. His brother was a professor at Heidelberg. - About 1858 the crops in Germany were very bad .and he was called in by the Kaiser and fired. He was told that he would - be conscripted into the Army, so he packed a few belongings and left Germany in a load of hay. He left at once for the U.S. and came right out to Colorado Territory. This was believed to - . be still in 1858. He first rented 2 acres of ground and spaded it with a fork, raised beans and a few other vegetables. HeBuilt a log cabin, started acquiring land and building ditches. He started near Golden at Clear Creek and built what is still known asthe Consolidated Juchem Ditch and Resevoir Company. The earliest .--water-rights we find a record were 1861. There are also priorities dated 1862 and 1863. He later helped build the Juchem and Ouillette Ditch for the valley lend.. Those rights are dated 1865. By 1863 he Belt -hehad acquired enough assets to marry, and startedback to Germany to acquire a wife. It is not known if he had anyone in mind. He got as far as St. Joseph, Mo. and met and married Anna Woeber. There was some connection there. with the famous Woeber.Carriage people of St. Louis. They came back to Colorado in a covered wagon, taking. six weeks for the trip. In all he acquired 400 acres, extending from :chat is norr known as 44th and Garrison to 44th and Kipling, and North to what isnow the Arvada Cemetery. He donated some of this ground to the Cemetery, and later more wassold to the Cemetery Association. He homesteaded some of this 400 acres, and bought some. There are three land grants on some of this ground. One signed by Andrew ,Johnson, and two signed by. Ulysses S. Grant. Scott, I have some more notes on some of the above information . _ but I am not sure just what they mean. 6ne.says: John Juchem, Jefferson County, Colorado Territory. Full payment o!' Public Land,- 1820-Signed by Andrew Johnson, Pres. of the U.S2 He apparently acquired this land Dec. 1, 1865. Another note says Secy, B. Neill. M Vol 1 Pg 69, Geo. W. Nelson,. :Secy. of Colorado Territory, and signed by Ulysses S..Grant, Dec 10;. 1869. Another note says, Christian Habersaat, Oct.7, 1873 and July 1, 1868. I wonder if ayy of these things could still be•run down. in the Court House in Golden. My Uncle Henry's widow may hevemore of this infornation, but I just done. - i'i'd0,•rt ipc tl4rF:`',,: ut; .l ct' ``err_Tof ncl~th¢i:' Lu^.le JIln .}ado-fl have time to get it, from har. I feel that, llnnle Hypty Lapt, more of these records thml Ot, ro§t of the folks; buGp§ i said , just lack of time. Five children of Anna and John Juchem lived to maturity. They were Henry J. 1865-1949, Anna, 1867-1940, Lena, 1869- 1940, Your Great Grandmother, Mary,- 1871-1943, and my own , Mother, Flora B., 1874-1906. I can give you their birthdates to the day if you wish. John Juchem diedJan 24, 1911,' - and his wife.Anna lived from Oct 16, 1835 to Mar. 1906. They wre both buried in-the-Arvada Cemetery,along -withmy. parents, John A. and Flora Wagner, and my Aunts Anna and Lena.. 1870,5 In the earlymy Grandparents starhed building the ranch house where I spent most of ml childhood, since ml. parents both died when I was so young. This house-was added to, remodeled, added to some. more, etc. It was a large house during my years of memory, with large airy roome, and was my pride and joy.-./ we. always had -a lot of compayry there - and long after my two brothers and I.were married we con- tinued to congregate thereon Sundays. During my high school -days there. were alvreys a, lot of young. folks there, and I ' dont knew how my dear Aunts put up with us. Werolled tip the rugsl and danced and had w wonderful time. They were always. -right there with us-too, _and that made the kids feel right - at home, as we never did when we went to somebody"a""'house- that treated us like. company and got, out of o,.r way. . ` .Enough"of: my mm reminiscing. Hope this will be of some help to you.if you are trying to compile information on your -forbears..1:hope you go farther. It would be most - interesting. I or,the .-youngest of the Juchem grandchildren and. °I am nearing 65; so there wont be . anybody left to,.-get information from ver., long. Vic Fishburn is the only`one of the"Fisbburn family, Ray Juchem of the Juchem family, and rI of the }Wgner-family.-The ranks are thinning. Please' excuse typing .errors. -I_am an AecountVmt, not a steno. With love to you and your wife, ~ ~ PSO Mary Juchem was born, Jan. 27, 1871,-Died Oct. 15, 1943. She married Robert L. Fishburn June 15, 1892. He was born Mar 10, 1866. I dort have.the'date of his death: It would be on his marker at Crown Hill Cemetery. As far as I know all the Juchem girls were married at the old ranch house. Sadie is then only person'oonnected with the-Juchem still living on any.part of the Juchem plaee:started by my grandparents, . ARCHITECTURAL AND PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Let me preface this setion by saying the property is in outstanding condition. It was built in 1900. The exterior, oak flooring throughout, classic woodwork design, ceilings, stairways, windows and fireplaces are all maintained with great care. Obviously the historic value of the home has been appreciated by the past and present owners. Sincerely, Patricia Anderson Juchem Lane' Address: Extended from W. 44th Ave. to Ridge Rd., west to Independence St. and north to W. 58th Ave., Juchem Lane is now part of Garrison St., Ridge Rd., West Rd., and Independence St. This thoroughfare was first named for pioneer John Juchem, who came from Prussia to Colorado in 1859. He settled in the Arvada area in the 1860s and farmed his 400 acres acquired from three land grants. He contributed the right-of-way for the Denver and Interurban Tramway to Golden and the Colorado and Southern Railroad to be built on his property. Juchem Tramway Station was located at West Fifty-first Avenue where Juchem Lane (now Garrison Street) crossed the tracks. John Juchem also donated land for the Arvada Cemetery. 9201 West 44th Avenue Present view of east side of home pYesentview showingbacKu. r- - T~ N Black and ~chite photo shows cast side steps leading to porch area. Note circular bricks and baS-t.°pe Nvhidm s of the dining area. N ' Black and white photo (north-east section of property) shows beautiful rose bushes and surrounding landscape when owned by the Fishburns. Garrison Street to the right of home. Department Links Garrison Street Archives & Records Home County Links Address: Extended from W. 44th Ave., north to Jefferson County Home Ridge Rd. in Arvada. That portion of Garrison Street between West 44th Avenue and Ridge Road was known as Juchem Lane before county street names were revised. In Arvada Heights, it was known as Majestic Avenue and extended from West 67th Avenue, south to the Denver &Rio Grande Western Railroad tracks. In 1949 it became Garrison Street and was named for the Garrison family, who published the "Golden Globe." SURVEY AND OTHER DATA House plan and black/white photograph of the property Plat showing Juchem Gardens Subdvision Survey data and tax information of property Information received from the Jefferson County Assessor/Treasurer offices in September 2006 JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR/TREASURER SYSTEM Schedule:043394 Status:I ParcelID:39-222-07-010 Date:9-6-2006 Nbrhd:232 Area:2 Struct:COMMR Use: 105 Unt:1 Con:A Bsm: Bld:3 Gt: Liv Area:2522 Bsm Area:1618 Total Acres: 0.550 ~k 9 Mfg ~ i6 rn fi wRe Q 4 P a~& 4 y iQ i1Q 4T ` I1Q xs 6R W i-wA of Mk ryv&¢W.y'd Twu.N,/ 2 S-,, Rgxar 6J W-,f lh, B^e A. egx,c vhyt, n! Featp 5 e.. us. e r x„ Ir THE F/RST M14,04 i A x S ec~~e! [B66 _ 1 A / ~ v-nm PlAt 13 of Yet'. ti• I 3Yk/G 4/9t •x' IRJ~ auw..x .Kau. ~ NAi~ -ryL?s- ~ j ~ n~lm n.lev~• B q~, 1 i 'A 2° n+a• 2r . e x . D tl(~ J 24 :Irxxx ~ ~ BKrsc ` i ete ~ NS% P~iBi+ x. iBV~enl x-rBn 1 0 3o 2J I ~ 2] BrPS z I zf f~.+NN N. `Jw-k~' t. v.ISMS \ . • • • / H'IBt4 RI r pie Betsu~ rtl~B• •H+ \-f- rv[vacn. \ P. /BSS. °N I fY'Iet6e B \ erS err 1 B v / n J4 3i3 I 46 tRap, u,. oN S' even, a °aeB v-re+x ]3 Y-/n Pram ~ v \ S n`-.Bm I dsviX[i °Y nn° CN[u[n N°. Jw.w B. uBn]`A?~ LN°o.mm,Y. u.p WEaVf} f eu5nr. ~r 'S .!kPoQ e 1 Y-a p~B >rt a P-xB.S II4B v ~a '(nc• .nBS V~" H-IBN y B[[W MIBIV II.IB.u t P ~ ~b N p~S x Be,wl p W 2 sy. f n 1. MIpN 'Q Bb/R°M _ ' PBp J°NN Nr Biws`'[i Ba.v°. q.R. Y xn.n „ x` Br n(i' ) LL ( - NNtt 1 N-II]° P.Ip'/]°" a(,6M B I ~ N-/B]0 ArBN ('-/B6B ~M~IBi) /B>,t N rear nxpf BS' w iam Bv( b°"ta "x,Br B°+ q /J ~y~a 14>a I Of BSieiufu NVA-xf*BY NIVN[gN, ]wJ PLLerT Ba w~u IN R, rf[,wy y 'IIF~n ~°u~ v dr'['I~x ine H-IBf° /Y-lBdd M-IBbb Wn' N-tlt° M-/Bdf Y1rWi Y'dri B'Ifl6 p'IA~x I nWR°M, nlat°rt ~ ~ _ t e[uv... alvex, SnnX, N°rIF, [rva , [F.+'u. xal rtxx I M.fBR Btxnq+, ern.n nyPoe _ µW ' M_rB6v _ n un N-~eH /Y j `xncir~' ~ q-IVt°v,a Bnewv°Yi` i J II ~IBdb ii ' " BE ~ ~vvS M p186f n,Aµ 1L6 n vnm M-IA t Se _ _ AIBdf p~~ab M~,B6t xi°fs i ws°M[ °9xnn xnit „x` n¢wv. ,°tw Sande nib / _ neN snn v a.µ+.,x „Ne3~, m ? p-rain c eMlty°i,~leSq in~>'xxN r+[°wty ,fv< icNe°MISY l+[°wty ~Ir[ rzvNeveY.1 I'll p~1165 Y~rBfS p.qy I, //'BL9 .¢nvnl p"IB°( P_nb9 ~Rf cA "Mare ,B,.. trrx i'rr,.' xw!n a]° m-iezs ~ 1 Y %B6B xx ' - ~ ~ ~ ~ ° ]°..xxa,.l sv..r.r, Axle ff Wear °/qt b^~Gn. dn.. Fbyr¢a( If[nlu.ex an°n u5. ecru T°1.~ r.• bo rry o!/Bez 3T _ 2G ~ n aS Department Links Archives & Records Home County Links Jefferson County Home Today's 44th Avenue is the south boundary and this plot extends north into Arvada; it includes the area Garrison. Quad Map/Date: Arvada, 1965 (1980) Sec/Town/Range: S27, T3S, R69W Elevation: 5350 Source: County Records Other Names: Not Available See Also: Not Available Last Modified: Mon, April 5 1999 Juchem Subdivision J John Juchem came to Colorado in 1859 and soon settled and developed a farm that eventually included 400 acres. He subdivided Juchem Garden Place on the south end of his large holdings October 4, 1890 was the date recorded. Jefferson County, Colorado - Place Names Directory Department Links Archives & Records Home County Links Jefferson County Home http://ww14.co.jefferson.co.us/archives/search3.cf n?ps_oid=13336... Juchem & Quellette Ditch Address: Near Kipling & I-70, Wheat Ridge 80002 Juchem and Quellette Ditch in Water District #7 had priority #30 (May 28, 1863). It was filled with water diverted from Clear Creek, via south bank of Slough Ditch. Claimants in 1884 were John Juchem and Moses Quellette. Both were early farmers in the Arvada area and their properties show on Willet's "1899 Farm Map." State Engineers Records show transfer to Farmers High Line and Reno-Juchem Ditches, June 6, 1989. Quad Map/Date: Arvada, 1965 (1994) Sec/Town/Range: S4&16, T3S, R69W; Elevation: c. 5380 Source: Arapahoe County District Court, Div. II Proceedings, Oct 4, 1884; Arvada Historical Society, "More Than Gold," Frontispiece; State Engineer's "Water Rights Report," June 6, 1989, p. 387. Other Names: Not Available See Also: Not Available Last Modified: Thu, August 4 1994 Copyright © 2003, Jefferson County, Colorado. All rights reserved. Send mail to archivist(a,co.iefferson.co.us with questions or comments about this Web site. Last modified: November 2003 Version: 2. 1.0 1 of 1 11/1/2006 3:58 PM Property appraisal system Tax Ittfol fha~ation ° EFIEF1 119, ;1 v; I. ra 14 1 ialua History • < Previous 28 OF 32 Next Schedule: 951297 Status: Active Parcel ID: Property Type: Commercial Property Address: 09201 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Mailing Address: SAME ADDRESS AS PROPERTY Neighborhood: - Subdivision Name: - Page 1 of 1 Print Help Owner Name(s) WESTERN STATES CLINICAL RESEARCH CASEY CHERI/STILLMAN DARA (Sale Date (Sale Amount IDeed Type (Reception I Assessor Parcel Maps Associated with Schedule Go to Aspin Map for this Schedule iasysthats II1 1928 JA 102 1105 11 2522 11618 Totals Bidg Land Area Num Unit Main Basement 1 24000 1 2522 1618 Page 2 of 2 http://wwl4.co.jefferson.co.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=951297 8/22/2006 asysthats Common Schedule Information rage t w ( Schedule: 043394 , PIN: 39 ii - 222 M 1 _ 07 _ 010 - Tax Disti 3105 Status: City/Zip: Street: 09201 W 44TH AVE E77~ F ` RIWHEAT DGE 81 Class: COMMEF Subdivision: JUCHEM GARDEN PLACE SubCode: 391200 _..,r - #Units: 0 Owner: FRlS(O NICA PROPERTIES LLP - Area/Nh( 021232 Remarks Bac 8[tmif = gage Down FM1Page Up? M.9- 8-1984; CORRECTED SQUARE FOOTAGE RM 5-0,3 1989'. BUILDING VALUED AT COST LESS AN ADDITIONAL 40$ FUNCTIONAL OBSOLESCENCE FACTOR DUE TO AGE OF BUILDING (BUILT IN 1900) MAnr(x'T I IS NOT APPLICABLE TO A BUILDING THIS AGE. 4.30 1996! THIS BUILDING IS UNDER CONTRACT FOR $183,000, OF WHICH $10,000 IS RENOVATION ALTERNATIVE HOMES FOR YOUTH IS PURCHASING THE PROPERTY.,. THIS IS AN OWNER OCCUPPIED PROPERTY. VECTRA BANK IS DOING THE r LOAN WILLmCLOSE IN EARLY MAY THE PURCHASER ELDON HOLLAND _._.,..~.__..233-0041. JSA. 4 3-.10-19975 EXEMPTION GRANTED BY DPT EFFECTIVE DATE AUG 15 1996 228 DAYS TAXABLE 138 DAYS EXEMPT IHC# 14753 GAVE TO DAVID FOR PRORATION CM 4-08-1997€ CLT DEACTIVATION FROM VALUE`.. 4-08 1997; CLT ACTIVATE FROM MASTER 4-0.8 1997y CLT ATS INTERFACE CLASS 2112 VALUE 000036300 ACRES 0000551 4-08 1997E CLT ATS INTERFACE CLASS 2212 VALUE - 000145100 ACRES 0000000 More... http://asyst2:7 0 8 0/asysthats/entry 9/12/2006 asysthats Page 1 of 1 Tax District: Schedule: 043394 PIN: 39 222 67 010 3105 Status: 1 Street: 09201 W 44TH AVE 1 I F City/Zip: WHEAT RIDGE 80033 Class: COMMERCIAL Subdivision: JUCHEM GARDEN PLACE SubCode: 391200 #Units: 001 ArealNhood: Owner: FRISCO NICA PROPERTIES LLP 021232 ..j,. Owner History Selection Option: 1=Select ,..a&, ME r=P,' Sales History TD1000 Sales Verification Owner Names BIT Lot Key Sec wn Rn QS Tot Acr Rece tion Sale Date Deed Ch Date [nit F RISCO RICA PROPERTIES LLP 017 OOE 22• Q3. 69 .551 F1912662 11-14- 2003 ARR 1-08- 04 SMC LTERNATIVE HOMES FOR YOUTH 017 OOE 2 03 69 N .551 F0232773 5-13- 1996 PTD 6-11-96 RKB MITH LAURENCE C JR 017 OOE 2 03 69 N .551 85021027 2-01- 1983 From: EKaterina Karpoff [EKarpoff@co.jefferson.co.us] Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 3:20 PM To: MaryLee Loth Subject: Re: 9201 West 44th Avenue Put in sch #043394 it will show you all that information, it's blk 17E no lot # sec 22 twn 3 rng 69 NW quarter section, 24,000 sq ft or .551 acres more or less "MaryLee Loth" <MARYLEE@sga3d.com> 08/22/06 1:20 PM Can you please tell me how I obtain the Block, Lot, Key, Township, Range, Quarter Section and Land Szft information for the above address? It wasn't noted on the general information screen. Thanks for any help you can provide, MaryLee K.Loth Petroleum Landman Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc. 1670 Broadway, Suite 3300 Denver, CO 80202 303/831-4673 (Office) 303/863-7285 (Fax) FAMILY INFORMATION AND PHOTOGRAPHS JOHN JUCHEM WITH DAUGHTER ANN AND FAMILY .PHOTO TAKEN AT ORIGINAL RANCH HOUSE NEAR WEST 56TH AVENUE LATE 18009S MARY ANN JUCHEM 1892 SHOWN IN HER WEDDING DRESS SHE WAS BORN IN 1871 DIED IN 1943 AT AGE 72 6 `~>r M JOHN JUCHEM'S CHILDREN ~r (STANDING) t FLO, HENRY AND MARY ANN (SEATED) yz y ~ LENA AND ANN ENJOYING A SUNNY AFTERNOON AT THE FISHBURNS WITH (SIDE) EILENE AND PERCY LEE FISHBURN (FRONT) MARY ANN, ROBERT AND JOHN FISHBURN MARY ANN (JUCHEM) FISHBURN John Juchem gave his daughter Mary Ann the acreage on which the present home now stands. Mary Ann became the wife of Robert Lee Fishburn. Most of the designs and planning of the home were those of Mrs. Fishburn. She was well known as an upstanding member of the community as well as a fine hostess. She delighted in giving fine afternoon teas, catered parties and her own gormet cooking was remembered by many in the area. ROBERT LEE FISHBURN Mr. Fishburn, a Virginian, was a hard working gardener and farmer. The property was known for its beautiful landscaping with rose vines and beautiful lilacs surrounding the house. Mr. Fishburn was best known for his association with the Narrow Gauge Railroad and for nearly fifty years was the conductor on the Colorado and Southern Railroad. Mary Ann and Robert Lee raised three sons, Earl, Percy and John. JOHN FRANKLIN (FRANK) FISHBURN Son to Mary Ann and Robert Lee. Frank became a garden farmer along with his father Robert Lee.. He and his father produced many varieties of vegetables, strawberries and raspberries. The farm was especially well known for the famous `Pascal Celery" which was shipped all over the country Frank hired young high school boys and girls from Louisville, Colorado to pick the berries. These young folks worked the farm each year until they graduated. In order to thank them for their loyalty, when each season ended he would take them to the park and treated them to a catered picnic. Frank later became interested in politics. Many locals felt he could have gone far in political gains. He was the Democratic Committeeman prior to succumbing to cancer at the early age of 46 leaving a wife and four children. THE FISHBURNS PERCY LEE JOHN FRANKLIN VICTOR EARL ROBERT LEE AND MARY ANN b~- l ya-I ° Cdr P0vc1d . wsi's Ir' /11Y ess Gf Y'rMYd ~0.r`Uv ~r'i had ili 4'e 7 rGIY~ i G'nD L/Y: (;e f'L• tt~ ec, C- j rr G-r i f t ; sq) Ca-v,.,~ 14 cU hi S clef ht-` e "Y) + . s jj; 5'"s h i G;de WmiK a+ 41um~ 0 t~U°t ty. ,,n® y0I `Z 0:v:Y Ft i~~ %14`•~ ,}:a Gila +'Ye L2U'v° s t•a .J a vT9 e rrb / cvv t ci ~1 ~S-;'i fi'ltvJ,$u~~., ~t~aG~1Um, K"! 14eich W~ye•r 4VO,ic'ALJ/ 61 Ilia jacflem Ju-_%-- l'-"s VL burn gOBERT LEE FISHBU1iN HE VVAS BORN IN 1966 DIED IN 1946 AT AGE g0 JUST A LITTLE REMEMBERANCE ABOUT DAYS AT WHEATRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL I graduated as did Alvin A. (Andy) Anderson ...he was a football star and I was a cheerleader... It was the class of 1942 - a class which was to be part of World War II at that time. Our graduation was filled with happiness but clouded by the war that took our young men in it's grasp. Andy joined the Marine Corps. We were lucky as he and most of our classmates were spared and came home. Andy and I shared thirty six years together until his passing. Arvada Historical Society Nancy Young as Dorothy Hi=or, and Bonnie Thomas as Maguerite Rodda Juchem. Scott Staley as Ray Fitzmorris and Michael Thompson as Homer Peck ht4)://arvadahistory.org/Cemetery06.htlil Visit us at historic Mellvoy House, 7307 Grandview Avenue Open Tuesday-Saturday I lam-3pm Bonnie Thomas takesthe educator's chair as Maguerite Juchem. Mary. Fitzmorris (Anita Marcusen) supports her husband Ray page last updated 10/24/2006 or comments? E-mail the webmaster. )6, Arvada Historical Society Grandview Avenue Ja, CO 80002 131-1261 Web site provided by pwoaA, f hum w-vm-persona tout .ws 1 of 1 11/1/2006 1:50 PM MAXWELL (MAX) FISHBURN GRADUATION PHOTO YOUNGEST SON TO `FRANK' AND SADIE FISHBURN PASSED AWAY AT AGE 44 THE JOHN (JACK) FISHBURN FAMILY JOHN SCOT FISHBURN LYNDSAY (PULSIPHER) FISHBURN LESLIE (CLARK) FISHBURN WITH DAD VICTOR LEE FISHBURN, PATRICIA (ANDERSON) FISHBURN AND JOHN (JACK) FISHI3[`RN GREAT GRANDCHILDREN OF JOHN ,IUCE) GRANDCHILDREN OF ROBERT AND MARY ANN FISHBURN CHILDREN OF JOHN FRANKLIN AND SADIE FISHBURN i MARY LEE (FISHBURN) LOTH DAUGHTER OF VICTOR LEE WITH HUSBAND JACK AND' AUNT PAT AND UNCLE JACK , WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND YOUR CONSIDERATION EXHIBIT 2 WHEAT RIDGE HISTORICAL SOCIETY P.O. BOX 1833 WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 February 13, 2007 Meredith Reckert AICP Senior Planner RE: Case No WHL-07-O1/Request for historic landmark designation for property located at 9201 W. 44th Avenue Dear Meredith, The Wheat Ridge Historical Society has reviewed the application for nomination of the house located on the property at 9201 W. 44th Avenue for Historic Landmark Designation. Upon further research by the Historical Society using 1900 census files and verifying the facts submitted by the applicants, we are pleased to be able to give our recommendation for Historical Landmark designation to this property. It was a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors at the meeting of February 13, 2007. W. shall continue our research of the property and House for the meeting of the City q cil and an fart facts will be presented at that time. r i 'a is ortn V.P. and Preservation Specialist EXHIBIT 3 4 4( -0-7 -Q / 1A) - gc1~h,-C. CGz11~/a7 * -----------L-----------• MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Meyer Thomas F Parcel :043531 Site :4370 Garland St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/16/1987 Mail :25330 406th Ave Mitchell Sd 57301 706 0100 0002 8317 0348 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1941 Poo B1dgSF:2,308 Ac:.27 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Palumbo Martin T Parcel :043537 Site :4360 Garrison St ( No Mail ) Wheat Ridge 80033 0100 0002 8317 0355 Mail :4360 Garrison St ( No Mail ) Wheat Ridge Co 80 ( 7006 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1964 Pool: B1dgSF:960 Ac:.26 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Saunders Janean Parcel :043547 Site :9330 W 45th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 7006 0100 0002 8317 0362 Mail :9330 W 45th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 , Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1961 Pool: B1dgSF:2,037 Ac:.14 * : Metrosca Jefferson (CO) Owner :City Of Wheat Ridge Parcel :089908 Site :9110 W 44th Ave heat ge 80033 Xfered :08/30/1996 Mail :7500 W 29th Ave Wh Ridge Cc 80215 Price Use :9149 Exempt,Pol' -ca b,Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1973 Pool: B1dgSF:8,948 Ac:1.40 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Shacklett Robert N Parcel :090361 J Site :9200 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/15/1998 Mail 5251 Juniper Ct ( No Mail ) Golden Cc 80403 7006 0100 0002 8317 0379 l Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1984 Pool: B1dgSF:2,604 Ac:.80 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Lev Susan Zall Parcel :090369 Site :9192 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 1t,.C t, , Mail :PO Box 1480 Lecanto F1 34460 7006 0100 0002 8317 0386 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1970 Pool: B1dgSF:5,226 Ac:.40 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Garrison Plaza Llc Parcel :109980 Site :9195 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/19/2nn? 8317 0393 Mail :2048 S Gray Dr Lakewood Co 80227 7006 0100 0002 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1980 Pool: B1dgSF:9,982 Ac:.63 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) * Owner :Perko Andrew Jr Parcel :110012 0409 8317 ~ Site :9160 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 XferP, 0100 0002 Mail :2577 Butte Cir Sedalia Co 80135 7006 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1962 Pool: B1dgSF:4,963 Ac:.91 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Bryan Gary L Parcel :131519 Site :9205 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 60033 Xfered 8317 0416 Mail :9205 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 7006 0100 0002 Use :2112-Com,Improved Land Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:2000 Pool: B1dgSF:5,712 Ac:.36 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Buesser William Parcel :151173 Site :9335 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered 8317 0423 Mail :6674 Welch St Arvada Co 80004 7006 0],00 0002 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Bedrm : Bath: TotRm:l YB:1979 Pool: B1dgSF:4,328 Ac:.39 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Honeycutt Michael L Parcel :208da° P,F 0002 83,7x7" Site 9320 W 45th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 7006 ❑1p0 Mail 9320 W 45th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 00 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone LQ G Bedrm :3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1961 Pool: B1dgSF:844 c MAR 262007 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Obrecht Dawn V Parcel :038275 Site :9181 W 45th P1 Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Ana/^"3- 0447 0002 8317 Mail :PO Box 775596 Steamboat Springs Cc 80477 '71306 p100 Use :5112 Res,Apartment,Improved Land Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:1 YB:1960 Pool: B1dgSF:2,944 Ac:.28 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :Athanasopoulos John P Parcel :042902 Site :9190 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 ,•7006 0100 0002 8317 0454 Mail :22 Morningside Dr Lakewood Co 80215 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1972 Pool: B1dgSF:6,260 Ac:.82 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Devitt Jerald J Parcel :042923 Site :4510 Garrison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/20/1999 046 Mail :2201 Ford St Golden Cc 80401 7006 ❑100 ❑0p2 8317 Use :5112 Res,Apartment,Improved Land Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1962 Pool: 91d9SF:2,880 Ac:.21 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Collier Michael W Parcel :043047 Site :4520 Garrison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :01/03/2001 Mail :4520 Garrison St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 7006 0100 0002 8317 0478 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.50 TotRm: YB:1892 Pool: B1dgSF:1,453 Ac:.20 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Vantrump George J Trust Parcel :043151 Site Mail :4515 Flower St Wheat Ridge 80033 :4515 Flower St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Xfered :01/04/2007 p,-'^° ' 0485 I 7006 0100 0002 8317 Use :5112 Res,Apartment,Improved Land Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:1 YV`1961 Pool: g F:2,944 Ac:.21 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Moody Regina Parcel :043176 Site Mail :9141 W 45th P1 Wheat Ridge 80033 :9141 W 45th P1 Wheat Ridge Cc 8003 /1 Y Xfered :11/04/2nns 7006 0100 0002 8317 0492 Use :5112 Res,Apartment,Improved Land l Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:1 YB:1961 Pool: B1dgSF:2,944 Ac:.24 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Ridgeview Shopping Center Llc Parcel :043248 050 ' Site :9005 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xf°"" 00p2 8317 7006 0100 Mail :PO Box 204 Wheat Ridge Cc 80034 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Tone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1964 Pool: B1dgSF:20,234 Ac:1.68 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :9225 W 44th Properties Llc Parcel :043367 Site :9225 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xferar7 0002 8317 0515 Mail :9225 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 7006 0100 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land ne Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:1 YB:1963 Pool: B1dgSF:3,332 Ac:.45 * • MetroScan / Jeffer n (CO) • Owner :Moon Jang S/Yeon J Parcel :043386 Site :9345 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 8003 xf,-A 0100 0002 8317 0522 Mail :12957 E Bails Pl Aurora co 8001 7006 Use 2112 Com,Improved Land one Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:1 YB:1941 Pool: B1dgSF:1,958 Ac:.46 etroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Fryer Family Llc The Parcel :043387 Site :4450 Holland St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered 0100 0002 8317 053 Mail :464 S Holland Ct Lakewood Cc 80226 7006 Use :5112 Res,Apartment,Improved Land Bedrm : Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1962 Pool: B1dgSF:13,530 Ac:.70 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : * Owner :Frisco Nica Properties Llp Parcel :041, p002 8317,i[J Site :9201 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 7006 010 Mail :9201 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 ,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone S Bedrm : Bath: TotRm:l YB:1928 Pool ,.5St 26200 : B1dgSF:2,522 Ac Information compiledfrom various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) owner Owner :Offersen John L Parcel :043422 Site :4375 Garrison St Wheat Rid e 80033 71306 Q1QQ 00132 8317 0553 Mail :4375 Garrison St Wheat Rid e (A) 8 03 u Use :1112 Res,Improved Phone Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 To B:1940 Pool: B1dgSF:909 Ac:.25 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : * Owner :Jansen Charles E Sr Parcel :043462 Site :9260 W 45th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/19/l9kS Mail :2321 Hoyt St Lakewood Cc 80215 7006 0100 0002 8317 0560 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:4 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1961 Pool: B1dgSF:1,669 Ac:.14 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Reyes Celso Jaime Parcel :043463 Site :9280 W 45th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :02/27/2nnq Mail :9280 W 45th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 7006 0100 0002 8317 0577 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:4 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1962 Pool: B1dgSF:1,669 Ac:.14 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) owner :Cary Jill L Parcel :043467 Site :4367 Garrison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/31/I9Q~ Mail :4367 Garrison St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 7006 0100 QQQ2 8317 0584 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1940 Pool: B1dgSF:883 Ac:.26 * : MetroScan / Jeffer n (CO) owner Owner :Varkevisser Reynold Parcel :043473 Site :9310 W 45th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered •ni/n4/~nn7 Mail :1416 Chase St Lakewood Cc 80214 7006 0100 01302 8317 0591 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: :1961 Pool: B1dgSF:844 Ac*.07 Met oScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Marchese Anthony John Parcel :043488 Site :4465 Garrison St Wheat Ridge 80033 xfo-°'' Mail :4465 Garrison St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 71306 0100 0002 8317 0607 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land one Bedrm: Bath: TOtRm:l YB:1996 Pool: B1dgSF:4,320 Ac:.85 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Johnson Harley D Parcel :043499 Site :4388 Garland St Wheat Ridge 60033 xf P,°a Mail :4388 Garland St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 70136 01Q❑ 0002 8317 0614 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land one Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1941 Pool: B1dgSF:1,276 Ac:.26 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :As Enterprises Inc Parcel :043500 Site :9200 W 45th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xferer7 Mail :5241 W 104th P1 Arvada Co 80021 M14 7006 0100 0002 8317 0621 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land IV Bedrm: Bath: TOtRm:l YB:1977 Pool: B1dgSF:4,224 Ac:.35 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Rose Jerra D Parcel :043510 Site :4500 Garland St Wheat Ridge 80033 xf°"~~ - Mail :4500 Garland St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 7006 0100 QQQ2 8317 063 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land one Bedrm:4 Bath:3.25 TotRm: YB:1955 Pool: B1dgSF:2,435 Ac:.29 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Selbe Larry/Byron;+ Parcel :04392n Site :4376 Garrison St Wheat Ridge 80033 7006 0100 0002 8317 0645 Mail :4376 Garrison St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 , Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1953 Pool: B1dgSF:1,854 Ac:.24 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Matz James/Kelli L Parcel :043524 Site :9205 W 45th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 7006 0100 60Q2 831'7VJM6 Mail :603 Field St Lakewood Cc 80215 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone / ~i Bedrm:3 Bath: 1. 75 TOtRm: I' Jj}~~9 Pool : B1dgS- - 140 0D C, Co r Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations s, r' or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 The City of Wheat Ridge March 26, 2007 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WHL-07-01, a request for approval of designation of a local historical landmark for the building on property zoned C-1 (Commercial-One), located at 9201 W. 44th Avenue. This case will be heard by the Wheat Ridge City Council in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on April 9, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. \\srv-ci-eng-001\m rs field\Kathy\CC"TS\PUBNOT1C OOTwh10701.wpd 5W 15 N W 2 :4e, OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO 5W22 PARCEULOT BOUNDARY (DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP) WATER FEATURE * DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN _ (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) NW 22 0 100 100 '00 900 feet mwwlw~ pXEgyq DEPARTMENT OF MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Last Revision: September 10, 2001 * Search Parameters * Jefferson (CO) * 3/15/2007 * 4:10 PM Parcel Number ...33 39 221 00 006 39 221 00 007 39 221 00 012 39 221 00 014 39 221 00 015 39 221 10 006 39 221 10 007 39 221 10 008 39 221 10 009 39 221 10 010 39 222 01 015 39 222 01 016 39 222 07 001 39 222 07 002 39 222 07 003 39 222 07 004 39 222 07 005 39 222 07 008 39 222 07 009 39 222 07 010 39 222 07 011 39 222 07 012 39 222 07 013 39 222 07 014 39 222 07 017 39 222 15 001 39 222 15 002 39 222 15 003 39 222 15 009 39 222 15 010 39 222 16 001 39 222 16 002 39 222 16 003 1141 0') J - - ° 10-013 - ®M4 ~ P - 11.150) 0111"' 113.01'1 ' N IM J (139011 x (115 W') 8 , O m $ O6-016 1+3.811 02-016 M, 211 11x981'1 lusop loons 011.) 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(141319 Uzno1 O215o1 ".,ol (S6 M$ x I $ 14-011 s - I s = 15-001 v u 15601 I 6401 Ly s 00 2 Y (1141) II-010 11I1501 (13000) 01 13o') - a I1W 001 (13801'1 (191011 I+12 s0' (13i 80'1 1141301 . 0 m 0415 M014 $ U9a er) 14-010 m I ° iS002 0 05010 16.x02 11001 9 113a 91 - 114o211 (14201'1 030 oq (141 EO1 It 2]531 1140 RI O4R 81'1 13001'1 i (14134'1 _ 06012 11002 - S 99-002 m 15-003 ti v15-009 m a 16-003 a 1 RB 50) _ g .a° ° ~ S 3 1120601 (+39801 114321) (136 W') (141 J1 116056 2802' 1 130133'1 1 too B0' 32 ' 13800 010611 1 1+ 16-003 8 _ ( ) (14 1 1 _ ) ( 1 114131 8 1138661 144309 1 c 1S 04 15008 „ U 16404 u (13940) 8 8 ' J Cr 1404 If 1051'1 (4351 '1 113080') 1413+1 (1051'1 C5 U13 s+1 1130. Ua 311 111.661 ~ gq ~5, 1 i 6"- ~ 03900'1 q~ii q® ~I~Q 4Dd ~py ® pp~~a~11~~~ - SS ~a~ 4l'+d~o& , ~S,ppg lll~ Gd ~ @^ $app& 00-005 14"OOa 'ff m 15bf1.~' ,d 15'1107 _ (141 op 14-005 o ffi B _ Q 1 1G0o8 (uez61 n463,1 14331) 1+36561 (J 1 a 2 o) 111 33 . 119031 1 (+133+1 woo ol) Ills xl'j n pp II~~ g ~ PId O YY m 14-007 - 15006 R 02401 a 9 m 16-006 & - 5 e S $ g ' 1 13.d1 II0.]f _ 11 01' ] (13801') +4191 111101'1 15102x1 1+3]601 (140311 (143011 01-019 o2md g ~ 02001 m ~ 01-001 a 1438 261 01018 ~ 8 (130201 5'_ _ o $ I - 01-029 .626 0.27n 14366,1 (14140) - 0 1 04o201 1111111 (veep (11100') tl 3e 60} Ive.1 m 02-013 m o 02-002 _ 01-001 m 01-021 ° 01-017 m g 14001'1 (142611 1130001 (u, Oo,) 1139311 ..9211 1 840019 1112s1) 03e 6111 01166) 01-022 m _ 01-016 W 024312 m m 02-012 y - 014D02 m s $ s ~ = I 1416661 - It4o ool Oeo s,'j (142301 (136001 (141 oo') tu6sfl O4z 30) 11m Jo'1 On oo} 07023 Martin Palumbo Robert Shacklett 4360 Garrison St. 5251 Juniper Ct. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Golden, CO 80403 Michael Honeycutt 9320 W 45th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dawn Obrecht & Erik Landvik John Athanasopoulos Jerald Devitt PO Box 775596 22 Momingside Dr 2201 Ford St Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 Lakewood, CO 80215 Golden, CO 80401 Michael Collier George Vantmmp Regina Moody 4520 Garrison St 4515 Flower St 9141 W 45th PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ridgeview Shopping Center Llc 9225 W 44th Properties Llc Jung & Yeon Moon PO Box 204 9225 W 44th Ave 12957 E Bails PI Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Aurora, CO 80012 Fryer Family Llc The Frisco Nica Properties Up John Offersen 464 S Holland Ct 9201 W 44th Ave 4375 Garrison St Lakewood, CO 80226 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Charles Jansen Sr. & Jeanette Jansen Celso Jaime Reyes & Eduardo Donoso Jill Cary 2321 Hoyt St 9280 W 45th Ave 4367 Garrison St Lakewood, CO 80215 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Reynold Varkevisser Anthony John Marchese Harley Johnson & Sharon Johnson 1416 Chase St 4465 Garrison St 4388 Garland St Lakewood, CO 80214 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Aa Enterprises Inc Jerra Rose Larry & Byron Selbe 5241 W 104th PI 4500 Garland St Byron Selbe Arvada, CO 80021 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 4376 Garrison St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 James & Kelli Matz Thomas Meyer & Janet Meyer Janean Saunders 603 Field St 25330 406th Ave 9330 W 45th Ave Lakewood, CO 80215 Mitchell, SD 57301 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 City Of Wheat Ridge Susan Zall Lev Garrison Plaza Llc 7500 W 29th Ave PO Box 1480 2048 S Gray Dr Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Lecanto, FL 34460 Lakewood, CO 80227 Andrew Perko Jr. & Andy Perko Jr. Gary Bryan William Buesser & Janice Buesser 2577 Butte Cir 9205 W 44th Ave 6674 Welch St Sedalia, CO 80135 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Arvada, CO 80004 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge CITY COUNCIL on April 9, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29`h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following cases shall be heard: Case No. WHL-07-01: An application filed by Dara Stillman and Patricia Anderson for approval of designation of a local historical landmark for the building on property zoned C-1 (Commercial-One), located at 9201 W. 44`h Avenue and legally described as follows: THE SOUTH 199.66 FEET OF THE EAST 200 FEET OF TRACT OR LOT 17, JUCHEM'S GARDEN PLACE, EXCEPT THE WEST 80 FEET THEREOF AND EXCEPT THAT PART DESCRIBED IN BOOK 838 AT PAGE 548, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Michael Snow, City Clerk To Be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: March 22, 2007 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 March 1, 2007 Patricia J. Anderson 1600 Cliffside Drive Unit #178 Farmington, NM 87401 Dear Ms. Anderson The City of Wheat Ridge ti This letter is in regard to your request for approval of a landmark designation on the house located at 9201 W. 44th Avenue. On February 13, 2007, the Wheat Ridge Historical Society recommended that the structure be approved for a landmark designation. The City Council public hearing for the landmark designation is scheduled for April 9, 2007. I will be contacting the property owner prior to the meeting so that public hearing notification signs can be posted the required 15 days in advance of the City Council hearing. It is typical that the applicant be present at the meeting to support their justification for the designation approval. Will you be attending? If not, is there anyone local, such as the property owner, who would be willing to be present to answer questions? Please let me know. I can be reached at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, 1 Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner c: Dora Stillman City of Wheat Ridge ~p WHEAT P Planning & Development o 7500 W. 291° Ave. - m Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 303-235-2851 ww xi.wheatridgeRoxs COL OR P~~ ARTICLE IX. HISTORIC PRESERVATION Sec. 26-901 Intent and purpose. A. The purpose of this Article is to establish and preserve historic landmarks for the educational, cultural and economic benefit of Wheat Ridge citizens by: Preserving, protecting, enhancing, and regulating the use of buildings and structures that are reminders of past eras, events and persons important in local, state or national history, which are landmarks in the history of architecture, which provide examples of the physical surroundings in which past generations lived or which are archaeologically significant; and 2. Ensuring that the historic character is preserved in development and maintenance of such buildings and structures; 3. Stimulating educational, cultural and spiritual dimensions by fostering the knowledge of Wheat Ridge's heritage and cultivating civic pride in the accomplishments of the past; and 4. Cooperating with state and federal historical preservation efforts. B. It is not the intention of this Article to preserve every old building or structure in the city, but rather to provide a process to evaluate and protect only those buildings and structures deemed to have historical significance. (Ord. No. 1997-1102, § 1, 12-22-97) Sec. 26-902 Supplement to zoning provisions; other code sections unaffected. A. The requirements of this Article are in addition to all other zoning provisions contained in this Chapter 26 and are not to be construed so as to waive any other existing and applicable zoning regulations, unless specifically excepted by city council pursuant to section 26-907, and shall apply to all zone districts in place at time of adoption of this ordinance or hereafter. B. Where a conflict exists between the provisions in this Article and other provisions of this Code, the provisions set forth in this Article shall not affect the provisions set forth elsewhere in this Code. (Ord. No. 1997-1102, § 1, 12-22-97) Sec. 26-903 Definitions. A. For the purposes of this Article, the following words and terms are defined as set forth herein: Community significance variance. A variance from height, setback, square footage or any other code provisions determined by city council as necessary to preserve the historic character and/or significance of an affected historic landmark. GED\53027\357901.09 -236 Development application. Any permit, site plan, rezoning, variance application or administrative relief that would change the character or appearance of property and/or improvements thereon. Exterior architectural feature. The architectural style, design, general arrangement and components of all of the outer surfaces of an improvement as distinguished from the interior surfaces enclosed by said exterior surfaces, including, but not limited to, the kind, color and texture of the building material and the type and style of all windows, doors, lights, signs and other fixtures appurtenant to such improvement. Historic preservation. The protection, rehabilitation, restoration, renovation and construction of buildings, structures and objects significant in Wheat Ridge history, architecture, archaeology, engineering or culture. Historic landmark. Any structure or improvement designated as historic under the provisions of this Article. Inventory. A listing of buildings and structures within the city which reflect an earlier time or which contribute to the overall historic character or heritage of the city, including a list of historic landmarks designated pursuant to this Article. Landmark alteration permit. Any permit issued by the city pertaining to construction, alteration, removal or demolition of a building or feature within a designated historic landmark or landmark site. Major change. Alteration to an historic landmark which may fail to preserve, enhance or restore the exterior architectural features of the landmark by affecting the special character or special historical, architectural or archaeological nature of the historic landmark which gave rise to the historic designation. Minor change. Alteration to an historic landmark which preserves, enhances or restores the exterior architectural features of the landmark or site. A minor change does not adversely affect the special character or special historical, architectural or archaeological nature of the historic landmark or site. Owner. Any person, persons or entities having such right to, title to or interest in any parcel of land or improvement so as to be legally entitled, upon obtaining the required permits and approvals from the city agencies having jurisdiction over building construction, to perform, with respect to such property, construction, alteration, removal, demolition or other work as to which such person seeks the authorization or approval of the preservation specialist or the city council. Preservation specialist. The person under the supervision of the city manager who prepares presentations for city council meetings at which historic designation applications are considered and serves as the initial recipient of historic landmark designation and development applications. Reasonable return. The capacity, under reasonably efficient and prudent management, of earning a reasonable return on an investment. GED\53027\357901.09 _237 Restoration. Putting a building or structure back into the form it held at a particular date in time as nearly as possible, the accomplishment of which often requires the removal of work which is not "of the period." Structure. Any building, improvement, shelter or any other construction built for the shelter or enclosure of persons, animals or chattels or any part of such structure when subdivided by division walls or party walls extended to or above the roof or without openings in separate walls. Wheat Ridge Historical Society. A Colorado nonprofit corporation, recognized as tax- exempt pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or any of its successors, the general purpose of which is to gather information about historic persons, events and places in the City of Wheat Ridge, provide for historic preservation, and to educate and stimulate interest in such persons, events and places. (Ord. No. 1997-1102, § 1, 12-22-97) Sec. 26-904 Benefits of historic landmark designation. A. Historic landmarks may be eligible for grants for preservation, restoration or stabilization from the city, state or other granting organizations. B. The city, in collaboration with the Wheat Ridge Historical Society, in its discretion, may write recommendations for such grants or monies and assist property owners in applying for state or national historic designation. C. The city council, in its sole discretion, may make available economic incentives to historic marks. The city council is authorized to seek and accept private or public grants which would enhance historic preservation. D. The city shall supply a plaque of appropriate size which states that a designated historic landmark is a Wheat Ridge Historic Landmark and protected under the provisions of this Article. If appropriate, the city council may grant a community significance variance. (Ord. No. 1997-1102, § 1, 12-22-97) Sec. 26-905 Process for designation of historic landmark. A. Any individual structure or building within the city is eligible for designation as an historic landmark. B. Inclusion of any property in the National Register of Historic Places as provided in the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 shall mean that the landmark is automatically designated a local historic landmark subject to the protections of this Article. C. An application for historic designation may be submitted by the property owner, by a member of the Wheat Ridge Historical Society Board of directors or by a member of city council. The application shall be on a form as provided by the city preservation specialist and shall be submitted to the city preservation specialist who shall first refer the application to the Wheat Ridge Historical Society Board of directors for review and recommendation. If the GED\53027\357901.09 -236 application is made by anyone other than the property owner, the city preservation specialist shall promptly send the owner a copy of the application via certified mail. The property owner may file a written objection to the application with the preservation specialist within thirty (30) days after the date the preservation specialist mails the owner a copy of the application. D. In accordance with its own rules and bylaws, the Wheat Ridge Historical Society board of directors shall review the application for historic designation and shall make a recommendation to city council on whether the city council should grant historic designation. Failure of the Wheat Ridge Historical Society board of directors to provide a recommendation within thirty (30) days of the date that the application is sent to it for referral shall be deemed to be a recommendation for denial. E. Upon receipt of a recommendation from the Historical Society board of directors, or after the passage of thirty (30) days from the date an application is sent to the Historical Society for referral, the preservation specialist shall schedule a city council public hearing on such historic designation applications. Notice of the public hearing shall be sent to the owner of the property via certified mail, shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation and be posted on the property by a sign which conforms with the requirements of section 26-109(3) at least fifteen (15) days before the date of the public hearing. Such notice shall state the time and place of the public hearing, state that an application has been filed for historic designation of the structure and describe the location of the landmark by street address, legal description, map and/or other descriptive information sufficient to reasonably advise the public and/or any interested persons of the pendency of the application. If the property owner files a written objection to the application, city council shall hold said hearing within forty-five (45) days of the date of receipt of the recommendation of the Historical Society board of directors or within forty- five (45) days after the passage of thirty (30) days from the date the application is sent to Historical Society for referral. (Ord. No. 1997-1102, § 1, 12-22-97) Sec. 26-906 City council designation. A. Following public hearing, city council may designate by ordinance historic landmarks in the City of Wheat Ridge to accomplish the purposes of this Article. In making such designations, city council shall consider the recommendation of the Wheat Ridge Historical Society Board of directors, the testimony and evidence presented at the public hearing and the following criteria: No structure or building shall be granted historic designation unless city council determines that the property owner will retain the ability to earn a reasonable return on the property which is the subject of the application; and 2. The city council shall consider whether the structure is of particular historical, architectural, cultural or archaeological significance which: a. Exemplifies or reflects the broad cultural, political, economic or social history of the nation, state or community; or b. Is identified with historic persons or with important events in national, state or local history; or GED\53027\357901.09 -239 C. Embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type inherently valuable for the study of a period, style, method of construction or of indigenous materials or craftsmanship; or d. Is representative of the notable work of a master builder, designer or architect whose individual ability has been recognized; or e. Is recommended as an historic landmark by the Wheat Ridge Historical Society board of directors. B. The city council may grant historic designation in the presence of one or more of the criteria set forth in 2a-2e. above, but need not find that all of those criteria are met. C. If an application for historic designation is submitted by either a city council member or a member of the Wheat Ridge Historical Society board of directors and the property owner does not desire historic designation and so indicates by filing a written protest before the scheduled public hearing, historic designation shall be granted only upon a three-fourths vote of the entire city council. D. It shall be unlawful to demolish, destroy or undertake any major change to a structure which is the subject of a pending historic designation application until such time as city council has determined whether such designation shall or shall not be granted. E. The planning department and the public works department shall maintain an inventory of all designated historic landmarks and all structures which are the subject of pending applications for historic designation. Upon receipt of an application for either a permit or a request to carry out any new construction, alteration, removal or demolition of a structure on or in an historic landmark or on a structure which is the subject of a pending application for historic designation, or a zoning change or development plan change, the planning or public works department shall forward such permit application, request or information to the preservation specialist within ten (10) working days. No permit shall be issued or request granted by said departments before a landmark alteration permit has been issued by either the preservation specialist or city council or until a determination has been made by city council not to grant historic designation. (Ord. No. 1997-1102, § 1, 12-22-97) Sec. 26-907 Community significance variances. A. In addition to historic designation, or at any time after granting historic designation, the city council may, upon application therefor, grant community significance variances to historic landmarks. B. When a community significance variance is sought after historic designation has already been granted, the notice and hearing requirements for granting such a variance shall be as set out in section 26-905(E) except that the notice shall state that an application has been filed for a community significance variance. C. The criterion for determining that a variance should be granted is that the variance is necessary to preserve the historic character and/or significance of the affected structure. GED\53027\357901.09 -240 D. The variance shall remain in effect only until such time as the use which created the historic character of the landmark changes or ceases. Failure to maintain the subject of a variance in good repair and working order may cause a rescission of the variance. (Ord. No. 1997-1102, § 1, 12-22-97) Sec. 26-908 Limitations on development affecting historic landmarks. A. No person shall carry out or cause to be carried out on any historic landmark any construction, alteration, removal or demolition, or make any changes that would impair the historic nature of the historic landmark without first obtaining a landmark alteration permit therefor in accordance with this Article. B. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent any construction, alteration removal, or demolition necessary to correct an unsafe or dangerous condition of any structure, or parts thereof where such condition is declared unsafe or dangerous by the city building or planning and development departments, or fire department and where the proposed measures have been declared necessary by the city manager to correct the dangerous condition, as long as only such work which is necessary to correct the condition is performed. Any temporary measures required by the city under this section may be taken without first obtaining a landmark alteration permit, but a permit is required for permanent alteration, removal or demolition of an historic landmark. C. If the city provides the applicant with a landmark alteration permit, the applicant must apply for a building permit within six (6) months of the date of the permit. D. If the city denies a landmark alteration permit, no person may submit a subsequent application for the same construction, alteration, removal or demolition within one year from the date of the final action upon the earlier application. (Ord. No. 1997-1102, § 1, 12-22-97) Sec. 26-909 Initial processing of applications for landmark alteration permits. A. Applications for a landmark alteration permit shall be submitted to the preservation specialist on a form as provided by the preservation specialist and shall contain such information as required to assure full presentation of the facts necessary for proper consideration of the permit. B. Landmark alteration permit applications for minor changes shall be determined by the preservation specialist in accordance with this Article. Landmark alteration permit applications for major changes shall be determined by city council in accordance with this Article. C. The preservation specialist shall determine whether the landmark alteration permit application requests a "major change" or a "minor change" to the historic landmark. (Ord. No. 1997-1102, § 1 12-22-97) GED\53027\357901.09 -241 Sec. 26-910 Minor change landmark alteration permits. A. In determining whether to grant an application for a minor change landmark alteration permit, the preservation specialist shall grant the permit if the requested alteration to a historic landmark would preserve, enhance or restore the exterior architectural features of the landmark or site. The proposed work shall not adversely affect the special character or special historical, architectural or archaeological nature of the landmark or site. B. Any person aggrieved by a determination of the preservation specialist to grant or deny a minor change landmark alteration permit may appeal such determination to the city council within ten (10) working days of the date of the preservation specialist's determination by filing an appeal with the office of the city clerk. Such appeal shall state the grounds for appeal, Within thirty-five (35) days of the date the appeal is received in the office of the city manager, the city council shall set a date for a hearing on such appeal, which hearing shall be held no later than sixty (60) days after the date the appeal is received in the office of the city manager. The city council shall have the power to overrule the preservation specialist's decision by a vote of a majority of the city council. The determination of the city council following the appeal hearing shall be issued within forty-five (45) days of the hearing and shall be a final determination for purposes of Rule 106, Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure. (Ord. No. 1997-1102, § 1, 12-22-97) Sec. 26-911 Major change landmark alteration permits. A. The city preservation specialist shall schedule the permit application for a major change on the next available agenda of the Wheat Ridge Historical Society board of directors. The preservation specialist shall notify the permit applicant of the date of the Historical Society board of directors meeting at which the application shall be considered via first class mail at least fifteen (15) days before the date of the meeting. B. At the conclusion of the Historical Society board of directors meeting at which the Society considers an application for a landmark alteration permit to make a "major change," the Historical Society board of directors shall forward to city council a recommendation it either grant or deny such permit. C. The city council shall schedule a hearing on such major change landmark alteration permit application. Notice of the hearing shall be as set forth in section 26-905(E) except that the notice shall state that an application has been filed for a major change landmark alteration permit. Such notice shall be sent to the permit applicant via first class mail and shall be published as in section 26-905(E). D. During the city council hearing on the major change landmark alteration permit application, city council shall consider the recommendation of the Historical Society, the evidence or testimony presented at the hearing, and whether the proposed work will materially adversely affect the special character or special historical, architectural or archaeological nature of the historic landmark. City council shall make its determination to grant or deny the major change landmark alteration permit within sixty (60) days of the date of the hearing and shall notify the applicant of its vote within fifteen (15) days of the date of the vote in writing, including the major change landmark alteration permit if the city council has voted to grant such permit. (Ord. No. 1997-1102, § 1, 12-22-97) GEM530271357901.09 -242 Sec. 26-912 Maintenance of historic landmarks. All structures, architectural features, buildings and improvements which are designated historic pursuant to this Article shall be maintained in good repair so as to prevent deterioration. Failure to maintain all historic structures, architectural features, buildings, and improvements in good repair shall constitute a violation of this Article. (Ord. No. 1997-1102, § 1, 12-22-97) Sec. 26-913 Removal of historic designation. A. An application for removal of historic designation may be submitted by the owner of the property which holds such designation, by a member of the Wheat Ridge Historical Society board of directors or by a member of city council as in section 26-905(C). The application shall be processed in the same manner as in section 26-905(C) through 26-905(E) and section 26-906 except that the criteria for removal of historic designation shall be that: The property has ceased to meet the criteria for historic designation because the qualities which caused it to be originally listed have been lost or destroyed; 2. Additional information shows that the structure or property no longer meets any of the criteria for historic designation contained in section 26-906. B. Properties removed from the state register or the National Register of Historic Places shall not be considered to have been automatically removed from the city's historic inventory without formal action of the city council. C. If either a city council member or a member of the Wheat Ridge Historical Society board of directors submits an application for removal of historic designation and the property owner does not desire removal of historic designation and so indicates by filing a written protest before the scheduled public hearing, historic designation shall be removed only upon a three-fourths vote of the entire city council. (Ord. No. 1997-1102, § 1, 12-22-97) Sec. 26-914 Recordation of memorandum of action. A. Within fifteen (15) days of a city council designation of an historic landmark, the city shall cause to be recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder a Memorandum of Action which sets forth the following: Address and legal description of the real property affected by the historic landmark designation which underlies the structure which has been designated as historic; 2. A statement that such real property is subject to Article IX, Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws pertaining to the historic landmark requirements. GED\53027\357901.09 -243 B. Within fifteen (15) days of the date that the city council removes an historic designation, the city shall cause to be recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder a Memorandum of Action which sets forth the following: 1. The information contained in subsection (A)(1) above; and 2. A statement that the owner of such real property is no longer required to conform with the historic landmark requirements of Chapter 26, Article IX of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. (Ord. No. 1997-1102, § 1, 12-22-97) Sec. 26-915 Violations and penalties. A. Any person who is an owner as defined in section 26-903 or a manager of property subject to any provision of this Article shall be responsible for compliance with all provisions of this Article. Historic designation may be subject to a review for loss of designation as a result of a conviction of the owner for a violation of this Article. B. Any person violating any provision of this Article shall be subject to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000.OOy or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each and every day during which a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense and shall be prosecutable and punishable as a separate offense. C. The imposition of any penalty hereunder shall not preclude the city or any proper person from instituting any proper action or proceeding to require compliance with the provisions of this Article. In case any building or structure is erected, constructed, externally reconstructed, externally altered, added to or demolished in violation of this Article, the city or any proper person may institute an appropriate action or proceeding to prevent any unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, exterior alteration, addition or demolition. (Ord. No. 1997-1102, § 1, 12-22-97) GED\53027\357901.09 -244 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 January 22, 2007 Wheat Ridge Historical Society Board of Directors c/o Claudia Worth 4650 Oak Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 The City of Wheat Ridge (4 RE: Case No. WHL-07-01/Request for historic landmark designation for property located at 9201 W. 44th Avenue Dear Historical Society Board of Directors: The Community Development Department has received an application for nomination for historical designation for property located at 9201 W. 44`x' Avenue. The application for designation was prepared by Patricia J. Anderson who had previously resided on the property. The affected property owners consent to the application. Pursuant to Section 26-905.D., the Wheat Ridge Historical Society board of directors shall review the application for historic designation and make a recommendation to City Council as to whether historic designation should be granted. The recommendation must be made within 30 days of receipt of this referral. Failure to make a recommendation within the specified time period constitutes a recommendation of denial. In the past, property owners have been notified when and where WRHS is meeting to consider the nomination application. Please advise us so we can notify the property owners when your review will occur. The property in question is roughly .55 acres in size and has single one-story structure on it which was constructed in 1928. The designation nomination specifies that the building is being nominated for the following criteria: 1) Embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type, period, style or method of construction, 2) Identified with historic persons (John Juchem) and 3) Identified with important events in national, state or local history. I would be interested in receiving a copy of the analysis done for the property by the historical society. If you have questions or would like to discuss this further, do not hesitate to call me at 303-235- 2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner c: WHL-07-01 Dara Stillman 2 operty appraisal system General j Information 1 OF 442 Next Schedule: 043394 Status: Active Parcel ID: 39-222-07-010 Property Type: Commercial Property Address: 09201 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Mailing Address: SAME ADDRESS AS PROPERTY Neighborhood: 232 - Subdivision Name: 391200 - JUCHEM GARDEN PLACE Page 1 of 1 Print Owner Name(s) FRISCO NICA PROPE Block Lot Key Section Township Range QuarterSection Land S( 017 00E 22 3 69 NW 24000 Total 24000 Sale Date Sale Amount Deed Type Reception 07-18-1975 0 CONVER02 10-11-1981 200,000 CONVER01 02-01-1983 200,000 85021027 05-13-1996 0 Public Trustee's Deed F0232773 11-14-2003 385,000 Warranty Deed F1912662 Assessor Parcel Maps Associated with Schedule maP_39-222. Pdf Go to Asoin._Mai) for this Schedule °t e[4T€obat Acrobat Reader is required to view PDF's RdoLe EteaeY< http://wwl4.co.jefferson.co.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=043394 1/22/2007 Property appraisal system Tax & Value Information 1 OF 442 Next Page 1 of 1 Schedule: 043394 Parcel ID: 39-222-07-010 Property Address: 09201 W 44TH AVE 2006 Payable 2007 Actual Value Land 65,600 Imp 262,500 Total 328,100 Assessed Value Land 19,020 Imp 76,130 Total 95,150 Treasurer Informat ion Tax Dist 3105 Mill Levy 88.2260 2006 Mill Levy Information Tax District 3105 County 24.3460 School 49.0280 WHEAT RIDGE 1.8300 ARVADA FIRE DIST. 9.4800 CLEAR CRK VLY W&S DIST. 2.9340 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DIST. 0.0000 URBAN DRAINAGE&FLOOD CONT DIST 0.5420 URBAN DRAINAGE&FLOOD C SO.PLAT 0.0660 VALLEY W. DIST. 0.0000 Total 88.2260 http://wwl4.co.jefferson.co.us/ats/displaytax.do?sch-043394 1/22/2007 Property appraisal system Commercial Inventory 1 OF 442 Next Schedule: 043394 Property Address: 09201 W 44TH AVE Page 1 of 1 ment 11 11928 jAverage12 Mixed Residential/Commercialil 12522 11618 12400( http://wwl4.co.jefferson.co.us/ats/cornmercialinventory.do?sch-043394 1/22/2007 92111 N. 4+4t6 Aeennc IN li,m Ridg, C,,] ado W033 - (303) 940-9773 - (30:1) FAX 940-0308 tiara@.wserin, ~.com Case No.: App: Last Name: App: First Name: Owner: Last Name: Owner: First Name: App Address: City, State Zip: App: Phone: Owner Address: City/State/Zip: Owner Phone: Project Address: Street Name: City/State, Zip: Case Disposition: Project Planner: File Location: Notes: Follow-Up: HL0701 Quarter Section Map No.: NW22 nderson Related Cases: r~ Patricia Case History: Historic Landmark Designation Stillman Dara 1600 Cliffside Dr., #178 Review Body: Farmington, NM 505-325-2984 APN: 5201 W. 44th Ave. 2nd Review Body: heat Ridge, CO 80033 2nd Review Date: 303.940-9773 Decision-making Body: 9201 Approval/Denial Date: est 44th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Reso/Ordinance No.: 139-222-07-010 CC Conditions of Approval: District: IV Reckert kctive Date Received: 1/1212007 Pre-App Date: F_ Szotn_~a'Se'1.