HomeMy WebLinkAboutTUP-99-01W Q W x 3 w 0 V F~ W a rW r/ f 0 a w H Q W N (Y. O rn I rn I O a ~ W MWM ~ /W W ~ ~ z W W U 4--I W H N~_N W N H /I 7 'n ro H 6 ~ W L O C4 ro ro h ~ a v a a 3 0 rn 0 ° vI 0 N 6 ro ~ a ~ W N U 7 0 O L+ b C N N r C ro a i~ rGl ro ro N W O N a1 H ro m co co 00 6 v u v a~ 0 ti a ro 0 H V{ rn rn rn .a t'1 sa 0 6 v u v Q O o~ rn rn M N r-I .r{ H a 6 rn rn ti rl •r{ S+ a d O oc Q ro x c CV N H '7- h ~ Q O Q U The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Telephone 303/ 237-6944 FAX 303/234-5924 April 28, 1999 Lisa Aiello 6364 Newland St Arvada, CO 80002 RE: TUP-99-01 Dear Ms. Aiello: Ridge Please be advised that at its meeting of April 22, 1999, the Board of Adjustment APPROVED your request for a Temporary Use Permit to allow for the temporary sales of bedding plants and produce. Attached is a copy of the Certificate of Resolution stating the Board's decision which became effective the date of the meeting, April 22, 1998. Should you decide to appeal the decision of the Board, you will need to notify the Jefferson County district court in writing within 30 days of the Board's decision. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely,, ' Barbara Delgadillo Planning and Development Secretary /bd cc: TUP-99-01 E:\Planning\FORMS\boaapproval-denial lettenwpd CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado on the 22nd day of APRIL, 1999. CASE NO: 99-01 APPLICANT'S NAME: Lisa Aielo LOCATION: 40590 West 44th Avenue Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member ECHELMEYER, the following resolution was stated: WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. TUP-99-01 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and WHEREAS, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. TUP-99-01 be, and hereby is, approved. TYPE OF TEMPORARY USE PERMIT: To allow the temporary sales of bedding plants and produce. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: Even though this use will result in the increase of traffic into the site, approval of this request should not result in congestion on the public streets because there will be adequate room for customers to pull onto the site. Also, the applicant will be providing for adequate parking which should not result in creation of unsafe parking or traffic conflicts. 2. Because the proposed tent will be located at least 25 feet from the nearest structure and the 6-foot chain link fence is 90% open, approval of this request should not have an adverse effect on the adequate supply of light and air nor cause any air pollution. Also, because the entire site is impervious and there won't be any changes to the grade, approval of this request should not cause drainage problems. Board of Adjustment Resolution TUP-99-01 Page two (2) 3. Staff has concluded that approval of this request will not be a detriment to the public's welfare and that design of the area around the sales area will allow for adequate circulation parking, including employee parking. The applicant has insured that the setbacks for the 6-foot fence comply with the development standards and has provided for adequate parking areas. WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The generator/refrigeration unit may not be turned on before 9:00 a.m. and must be shut off at 7:00 p.m. every night including weekends and during Sunday services for the Baptist church across the street. This unit shall be enclosed on all sides, other than the top and bottom, to dampen noise in the vicinity. 2. Approval of this Temporary Use Permit shall be for the time period of April 23, 1999 through December 31, 1999. 3. The tractor-trailer will be placed on the site per the diagram shown to the Board at the meeting of April 22, 1999. VOTE: Yes: ABBOTT, ECHELMEYER, HOVLAND, HOWARD, JUNKER, MAURO, THIESSEN Absent: BROWN DISPOSITION: Request for a temporary use permit to allowthe temporary sales of bedding plants and produce was approved. ADOPTED and made effective this 22nd day of April, 1999. ioarDd MAUR OChaif Adjustment Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Board of Adjustment 5: PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. TUP-99-01: An application by Lisa Aielo for approval of a temporary use permit to operate a temporary bedding plant and farm fresh produce stand at 10590 West 44th Avenue. Said property is zoned A-1. The case was presented by Sean McCartney. He reviewed the staff report, presented slides and overhead projections of the subject property; and answered the ten criteria used in considering a TUP. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and accepted by Chair MAURO. In conclusion, Mr. McCartney stated that staff was recommending approval of the application. Lisa Aielo 6364 Newland Street, Arvada Ms. Aielo, the applicant, was sworn in by Chair MAURO. In response to a question from Board Member THIESSEN, Ms. Aielo stated that she wanted to try this business for two years and if it has worked well she would like to negotiate a purchase of the property and request rezoning in order to construct a permanent building. Board Member ABBOTT noted that produce sales would be a use by right on this site if the produce were actually grown on the site. Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if immediate neighbors objected to the application and if Ms. Aielo would object to turning the refrigeration unit off on Sunday mornings so as not to interfere with church services being conducted across the Street. Ms. Aielo replied that no objections had been expressed by the neighbors and that she would agree to turning the unit off during Sunday morning church services. Pat Aielo 6364 Newland Street, Arvada Mr. Aielo, the applicant's father, was sworn in by Chair MAURO. He stated that the entire unit will be enclosed on all sides with insulated plywood which will deaden the noise. He also assured the Board that the enclosure will be painted to match the trailer. Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member ECHELMEYER, the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. TUP-99-01 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and Board of Adjustment 04/22/99 Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. TUP-99-01 be, and hereby is, approved. Type of Temporary Use Permit: To allow the temporary sales of bedding plants and produce. For the following reasons: 1. Even though this use will result in the increase of traffic into the site, approval of this request should not result in congestion on the public streets because there will be adequate room for customers to pull onto the site. Also, the applicant will be providing for adequate parking which should not result in creation of unsafe parking or traffic conflicts. 2. Because the proposed tent will be located at least 25 feet from the nearest structure and the 6-foot chain link fence is 90% open, approval of this request should not have an adverse effect on the adequate supply of light and air nor cause any air pollution. Also, because the entire site is impervious and there won't be any changes to the grade, approval of this request should not cause drainage problems. 3. Staff has concluded that approval of this request will not be a detriment to the public's welfare and that design of the area around the sales area will allow for adequate circulation parking, including employee parking. The applicant has insured that the setbacks for the 6-foot fence comply with the development standards and has provided for adequate parking areas. With the Following Conditions: The generator/refrigeration unit may not be turned on before 9:00 a.m. and must be shut off at 7:00 p.m. every night including weekends and during Sunday services for the Baptist church across the street. This unit shall be enclosed on all sides, other than the top and bottom, to dampen noise in the vicinity. Approval of this Temporary Use Permit shall be for the time period of April 23, 1999 through December 31, 1999. Board of Adjustment Page 3 04/22/99 3. The tractor-trailer will be placed on the site per the diagram shown to the Board at the meeting of April 22, 1999. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0 with Board Member BROWN absent. Chair MAURO advised the applicant that her request was approved. B. Case No. WA-99-09: An application by Lester Williams for a 1-foot fence height variance from the 4-foot fence height allowance. Said property is zoned A-1 and located at 4593 Parfet. The case was presented by Sean McCartney. He reviewed the staff report, presented slides and overhead projections of the subject property; and answered the ten criteria used in considering a variance. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and accepted by Chair MAURO. In conclusion, he stated staff's opinion that approval of this request should not be detrimental to the public's welfare. Board Member HOVLAND asked if it were possible to grant a variance that would be in effect until the present owner sells the property. Mr. McCartney replied that this can be done. In response to a question from Chair MAURO, Mr. McCartney replied that barbed wire is allowed in agricultural zoning. Janice Williams 8468 West 75th Way, Arvada Lester Williams 4593 Parfet Mr. Williams, the owner of the property; and Mrs. Williams, his daughter-in-law, were sworn in by Chair MAURO. Mrs. Williams explained that Mr. Williams thought he was applying for a 6-foot variance rather than a 5-foot variance. The present fence is 6 feet in height. Mr. Williams is requesting the variance to construct a fence which would prevent vandals from destroying his pumpkin crop. Mrs. Williams stated that her husband will inherit Lester Williams' property one day and plans to continue farming in this location. Discussion ensued about the fact that the variance was advertised as a 5-foot fence. The Board reached a conclusion that since the actual wire fence itself is 5-feet in height, it would meet the standards stated in the application. The barbed wire on top is allowed in agricultural zones and is not counted as part of the fence height. The 6-foot fence posts are also not considered as part of the fence height. Board of Adjustment 04/22/99 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Board of Adjustment DATE OF MEETING: April 22, 1999 DATE PREPARED: April 15, 1999 CASE NO. & NAME: TUP-99-01/Aiello CASE MANAGER: Sean McCartney ACTION REQUESTED: A request for a temporary use permit to allow for the temporary sales of bedding plants and produce. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 10590 West 44`h Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S) Lisa C. Aiello 6364 Newland Street Arvada, CO 80002 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S) Larry Gene Olson 11556 West Kentucky Drive Lakewood, CO 80226 APPROXIMATE AREA: 35,350 square feet PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural-One PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant SURROUNDING ZONING: N: Agricultural-One and Residential-Two, and S: and W: Residential-Three and E: Planned Residential Development SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: Church and Residential, W: and S: Single-family residential and E: Multi-family residential DATE PUBLISHED: April 2, 1999 DATE POSTED: April 7, 1999 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: March 31, 1999 . ENTER INTO RECORD: ( ) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ( ) ZONING ORDINANCE (XX) EXHIBITS ( ) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (XX) OTHER JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a temporary use permit (TUP) to allow for the sales of bedding plants and produce, during the summer, and pumpkins and Christmas trees in the winter. The property is currently zoned Agricultural-One and is vacant. Prior to the public hearing, the applicant applied for and was issued an administrative TUP to allow for the sales lot to be constructed. The applicant was informed that approval of the administrative TUP would not ensure approval before the Board, but they said that they wanted to start as soon as possible. The applicant is hoping to have the sales lot through Christmas, in hopes that they can sell pumpkins on Halloween and trees at Christmas. According to Section 26-18(B)(5), of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, "roadside stands... for sale of farm products" are permitted within the Agricultural-One zone district, however they must be produced or made on the premises. Because the property currently is vacant, and no produce is actually grown on the property, the applicant is required to apply for a temporary use permit. To date, staff has not received any protests regarding the above request. II SITE PLAN The property is located on the southeast corner of West 44`h Avenue and Moore Street. The property is relatively square in shape and measures approximately 150'X 160'. It is also primarily flat in topography. There are two public streets located on the north and west property lines, and a private drive which is adjacent to the eastern property line (serving the Newgate apartments.) The rear of the property abuts a property which is currently being used as single-family. The proposed plan (see attached) will provide for a fenced in area (6' chain link fence) that will enclose a 40' X 40' tent and several display tables. The 6' fence will comply with all of the required setbacks. Some of the display tables will be located on an existing slab (near the center), while the other tables will be located near a 40' long refrigerator with generator on the east side of the fenced area. Parking will be provided for on the outside of the fenced area. III. CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria to evaluate an application for a Temporary Use Permit: I. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Yes. Because the applicant has designed the site to comply with all of the setback and height requirements, approval of this request should not have a detrimental effect on the general health, safety and welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood. 2. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution, or cause drainage problems for the general area. No. Because the proposed tent will be located at least 25' from the nearest structure, and the 6' chain link fence is 90% open, approval of this request should not have an adverse affect on the adequate supply of light and air nor cause any air pollution. Also, because the entire site is impervious and there won't be any changes to the grade, approval of this request should not cause drainage problems. 3. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. No. Even though this use will result in the increase of traffic onto this site, approval of this request should not result in congestion on the public streets because there will be adequate room for customers to pull onto the site. Also, the applicant will be providing for adequate parking which should not result in unsafe parking or traffic conflicts. 4. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. Yes. The applicant has complied with the setback and height requirements established in the Agricultural-One zone district. 5. Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools, and other public facilities and services. No. Because this request has not initiated an influx of residential development or immigration of employees, there has not been a burden to the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools, and other public facilities and services. IV STAFF CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that approval of this request will not be a detriment to the public's welfare and that design of the area around the sales area will allow for adequate circulation and parking. The applicant has insured that the setbacks for the 6' fence comply with the development standards and has provided for adequate parking areas. Therefore, staff recommends approval. V RECOMMENDED MOTION Option A: "I move that Case No. TUP-99-02, a request for approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow for the sales of bedding plants and produce on a property zoned Agricultural-One and located at 10590 West 44`h Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. Approval of this request will not be detrimental to the public's welfare. 2. This use is permitted in the Agricultural-One zone district if the produce were grown on the premises. 3. The applicant has complied with all of the setback requirements and has provided for adequate parking areas. With the following condition: The refrigerator must be shut off at 6 p.m. every night, including weekends." Option B: "I move that Case No. TUP-99-02, a request for approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow for the sales of bedding plants and produce on a property zoned Agricultural-One and located at 10590 West 44th Avenue, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." RECEPTION NO. 91160466 Bcoolcd at o'clock M.. 11/13/91 9:30 5"01 lplion No. R--o$ RECORDED IN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DEED (Testatc.Estalc) THIS DEED is made,by John Paul 01 eon and -Larry Gene Olson as Co- Ys Personal Representative of the Estate of Addi E. Olson -k- Adiii , t=0oYC`dMMXW, 14X Fl ' ah h Ol on der d r'r to , to Tarry Gene 'Ol s n , Grantee, whose legal address is 11596 W. Kentnrky nrinr Lakewood Colorado 80226 COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO D ,41,t'- of the -County of Jefferson and State of Colorado WHEREAS, the Last Will and Testament of the above-named decedent was made and executed in the lifetime of the decedent, and is dated January 22 , 19 68- . which Will was duly admitted to kf=DM (informal) probate on June 24 '19 91 , by the rli s tr i rt Court in and for the Coun(yof-'Jefferson , State of Colorado, Probate No. 91PR546 WHEREAS, Grantor was duly appointed Personal Representative of said Estate on June 24 19 91 , and is now qualified and acting in said capacity. per. NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers conferred upon Grantor by the Colorado Probate Code, Grantor does w a M hereby sell, convey, assign, transfer and set over unto said Grantee ("af➢G 04%ca~E)** {!~Ctot[gxntmsidr mxof &rdlal X-: (As the person entitled to distribution of the property in the above captioned Will)'* the following described real property Z situate in the County of Jefferson , Stale of Colorado: Q Lei Lot Nineteen (19) of Jaylarry Subdivision and Lot One (1) of Arvada Acres Subdivision also known by street and number as With all appurtenances, subject to covenants, easements and restrictions of record, and subject to general property taxes pSaglfdcf161M3;XX X"No"Dgtc and assessments, if any. As used herein, the singular includes the plural and the plural the .angular. Executed 94 11,:: w he, t- , 19 ,1-, ~QAAO t~/t9,A,0..: , o-Personal Repres- entativ6 Co- Personal Representative of the Gtam of Addie F: 01 son "aka' Addie Elizabeth Olson Da c.sed STATE OF COLORADO lu, -COUNTYOF •T ffarson J The foregoing Inslrument was acknowledged before me this _FLTti day of /)~fJLm ia,. ~l by John Paul Olson and Larrv Gene0lson as Co- NeW Personal Representative oftheEstate of Addie E. Olson ak a Addie Elizabeth ,D5dE1(s~ Witness my hand and official seal. -Olson, Deceased. M cammtss)o tl~l y V;, , i R C. v t - ^ : 7„ S friyt'p rvou, rner, . -if in Denver, inSLRr 6fryend2` ;7J,. I r ''Strike as 7 U046.Rev.ILA7. 1'eaSOtfAL~lklRfS aNrAiIVeS DEED t'Mbrel Y " W nndrd PUbli,bing,nUW,mc 51., Den¢r. CO::nrm--(SW )r93350a-6-WI ' ^ cnnrrkln Ivor CERTIFICATE OF PROPERTY PERMISSION PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED FOR: TO MAKE SALES AT RETAIL ON THE PROPERTY OF fW SW NE SE (CORNER) / t: v Y /2~ Sic .Z~ 77-- 17, j 2ND gse,c- SuE OWNED BY Z a / Cr THIS CERTIFICATE OF PROPERTY-PERMISSION MUST BE NOTARIZED BY A CERTIFIED NOTARY PUBLIC, AND IS SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. THE CERTIFICATE IS VALID ONLY FROM 0 De~ c ett /J~~°/ THIS CERTIFICATE SIGNED THIS DAY, OF 19 SIGNATURE. OF VENDOR: SIGNATURE OF LANDOWNER: SWORN BEFORE ME THIS //O DAY OF yI'~®A~_~ 19~. BY ~_IJIL/G;u MY COMMISIONN EXPIRES ~/%oZ00 U ADDRESS: 4- 116 a eeagA-t .C3tmLdZ0. . 6_ 941717,E SEAL: APPROVED BY: SALES TAX DEPT. NOTE: ZONING DEPT. NOTE: ONLY ONE BUSINESS MAY OBTAIN PROPER YPERMISSIOP FOR ANY ONE SINGLE LOC IO , FOR ANY SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME. DAT TE pN 2 Y OFFICIAL ZONING MAF NHEAT RIDGE COLORADO MAP ADOPTED: -Una 15, 1994 Last Revision: September 4, 1998 DEPARTMENT OF FUMA * AND DEVU.OR-W - 735-2552 ® AREA REQUIRING SITE PLAN APPROVAL r; • j 100-YEAR FLOOD- PLAIN (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) ZONE D15TRICT 50UNDRY - PARCEL/LOT BOUNDRY (DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP) WATER FEATURE * DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES N 2 wmH o eo i® SCALE 1'=400 '1~1 114 F Zi F Th A VF n ,4 2 l~ F/~F ~1 TI~ICTt7 Ll M! I Q A ClElEl oy i~ Yo r it IJ L Cl r f~ 30 i REQUEST for a TEMPORARY USE PERMIT I would like to request a temporary use permit for the property located at 10590 W. 44th Avenue, (44t` and Moore). My intention is to operate a bedding plant and farm fresh produce market; we will offer soil, plant food, planters and related items. I would like the permit to take effect immediately and last through December 31," 1999, so that I can offer pumpkins at Halloween and possibly Christmas Trees in December. There will be no permanent structures installed. As the attached drawing illustrates I will install a temporary tent, fence and racks for plants. We will have a refrigerated van to keep produce fresh it will only run between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. An inspected electric hookup will be acquired. The grounds will be mowed and kept clear of trash. Thank you for you consideration Sinc rely ~ l/ Aiello ilk March 13, 1999 We, the undersigned understand that Lisa Aiello would like to operate a bedding plant and fresh produce market on the corner of 44th & Moore, and possibly a Christmas Tree Lot. There will be a tent, a fence, and refrigerated truck for the produce. We understand this is a temporary operation, and would be removed at the latest, December 31St, 1999. Pr nt Jsarne A ctdres S v7a+c,arc_ ti i Ca ~ 495)1 N('6<' c.41 t { ~ -4__ --r 21 0vce~,2 f - _j 1 ~1 ~ r I Ill V i., Y31 < I ~ J J 1 ~ l I 1 1 ~ r ~ y ~I %4z~v , ne City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 March 30, 1999 Dear Property Owner: Wheat 9Ridge This is to inform you that Case No. TUP-99-01 which is a request for approval of a temporary use permit to allow a temporary bedding plant and produce stand at 10590 West 44' Avenue will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on April 22, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. All owners and/or their representative of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C:\Barbara\BOA\PUBHRGS\tup9901 certlet.wpd (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234-5924 POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 23.2949 a v`I c d m ~ m b m ` c v w w c •E ` m a ~ a K a c Q 'm y u 2 a ~ o m ` ~ z m ? • mi m ~ m c 7 a a j `O O W 0 E c v 0 L o ~ o a 0 o m Y = 'ea- N a ik m o w 0 m 0 rn 0 w 0 rn 0 w 0 w 0 w 0 m m y y m m m ~ j o. a a n ¢ n a o- n v 0 O _ N a M L M M M O (O M R O J W c N .O O U0 N EO O w w a m w i k N N m m 0 O 2N j 0 -2 j 0 ¢ro oO ~ 0 ~ C wow E O c 0 mww ' oNO ~~O O N ` y U -5D m 0 ~O E ~U 5 R ~U 0 m 0 0 C) VU m40 m ` ~Z-m ^ OY cK m m ° m c~ m m v a o m v Y a .e rn o E rn a m ¢ 0 o a o 2i a m ~i':o d O m N Q m v Jw z Nym W o m 3 O J rn W O~ v m 2m j M1 M'. LO~a' d'iOm ¢ a d O¢ ~ M Y 0 R N O N M o m M w O m p m - U m m a p co t 0 r t0 L UI L a 3 N O O V L L L aNO ow~~ m a E 3 z~ H c m N Q w C C m -20 46 dw0 m+P - o X 2 ~U U m E a m m N u_ r 'L Q ar ~O m w I~ w O O w N cm O ` m rn m m m rn m rn m 0 ~ o a v v v v o a e v v rn rn rn m W 0 E m rn rn rn m 0 z aa w o c~ LL N Q O~: Q z a } O W z F- 2 g 0 U2 a ❑ ~I - V NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT on April 22,1999, at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: TUP-99-01: An application submitted by Lisa C. Aiello for approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow a bedding plant and produce sales lot. Said property is zoned Agricultural-One and located at 10590 West 44 h Avenue. 2. WA-99-09: An application submitted by Lester Williams for approval of a P fence height variance to the 4' maximum fence height requirement to allow a 5' fence in the designated front yard. Said property is zoned Agricultural-One and located at 4593 Parfet Street. &J-c" L74 Barbara D adillo, Recording Secretary ATTEST: lc•~ Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: April 2, 1999 \\McCartney\case files\042299phn O` `NHEgl LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION 9 m Planning and Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone(303)235-2S46 ..,oRroo (Please print orr type.. all information) Applicant Address 3 11, G~ ~i/~u~~l ST Phone 363 city A~e Owner k'2.04 ~eK e-1046 01 Address I 4/ kwe i 7u~ Iris Phone 30Fgk- City Location of request (address) t4/ y Y 7 1 A T Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions liste d below which pertain to your request.) ❑ Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Variance / Waiver ❑ Site development plan approval ❑ Nonconforming use change ❑ Special Use Permit ❑ Flood plain special exception ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Interpretation of Code Temporary Use, Buildings, Signs ❑ Lot line Adjustment ❑ Minor Subdivision (5 lots or less) ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Subdivision (More than 5 lots) ❑ Street Vacation ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final Other: Detailed description of the request: Scot-,77n? Fill out the following information to the best of your knowledge. Current Zoning: Size of Lot (acres or square footage): Current use: v T Proposed use: S e Assessors Parcel Number: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge- and that in filing this application, I am. acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above,' without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney fxom the own r whiiccjipproved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applican ` G U Subscribed and sworn to e this Awl-& day ofir/1 19 Notary Public My commission expires ~'~~07000 Date received !4 R Receipt No. °0 7 0 8 Case No. gyp' `fi`t ' d t Related Case No. Zoning A -1 Quarter Section Map y 3 = RECEPTION IVO. 9111 5465 11/13/91 9:30 5. RECORDED IN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO DI CZ- COURT, _ COUNTY OF,TFFFF ON STATE OF COL ORRADDO ~s~l~•._ ~ ~I 'L"' Division LETTERS IN THE MATTER OF (THE ESTATE OF) / ADDIE E. OLSON aka ADDIE ELIZABETH OLSON l (Deceased.)k3ft23dfdfi?F~3C?XglRdlzEH~fSBr2Cs3iR) J WHEREAS, on Idam) Larry Gene Olson and John panl nlqnn sappointedorqualifiedas* Co-Personal Representatives SXof the estate of the above named (decedent) (fit eedlreCKM) ❑ of the above named (minor) (incapacitated person) by this Court or its Registrar, with all authority pertaining thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, these Letters** Testamentarv are issued as evidence of such appointment or qualification and authority r P,.G•T COO ` fi4tvast ~t rer~' the seal of this Court on P_ or Regisvar of Courl V SEltiv "For dece n~Lt§(a ePErs 1 Repr ntati¢e "Insert one of the following: For per an4Afi0j s onserva or a) Testamentary For personal gu , insert Guardian and whether by b) Of Administration will, written instrument or court order c) Of Guardianship For Special Administrator, insert Special Administrator and d) Of Conservatorship whether in formal or informal proceedings e) Of Special Administration CERTIFICATION STAMP for] CiiRTIFI O G . Certifi. to! a A~i stR~e tilt opy of the original i;. fit u9 and to bpi full orce and effect as of Ida ) rl ~ r-_ o<dyr) arI CPC 17. Rev. 6.91. Lgrrm Bradford Publishing. 5825 W.61hAve..Lakewood. C080214-(JOJ)2JY6YOO 1187