HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-89-2OE CEtPT CW,t. NO t yi i • , REcoY£D by INF'CIPMATION wimmmmmmmom moRm"m APRI. te,ANT(;,"i ! I.; <IiT AQOR£SS..I .I.:.I ) {na".I +5E 21 Aut•. r:II+••4I z! I Sf7 S)Ex l:I - t?;'t)... C?MfN£Rt t t' F7. cI Iii „ AINDR£.SS I I t S 1 tv'•:I +jt }k r ma® 71 ru AL't'._ L0CA710N OF REQUEST ~ :I. 7ti i.Ii ,t v,-,, 'M I4i~•st I k~Ii;~ , + II} ....m. a<at:. EXISTING USE t{t. vl.Sc•r.t i is _ -fxi sTiNG ZONE t5i... t K! PROPOSED USE PROOOS E'. IL ZONE `I T.E':GA1.. DESCRIPTION I]> 4E'SCRIPTiON OF R£GUEST l i .I a.'fa;i Li 1 T'e.: i.i eltt I,kl lot a. PERSONS N INTEREST ALL PTRSdNS R CCMPANSES WHO SOLO AN iNTER£ST FN THE OESCRtREO RE AL PROPERTY, A$ OWNER, IIp+1T5AGEi, LC S6EE, 6RTI ,CYO. NAME MAILING ADDRESS PHONE INTEREST 10403 sE3SL Colt.i , Avormo 1,3015 ~3`?-~ii:{I .Ii C.:?}1 t. iS+t. CIcT tz,5 CER71FICA7ON CERTiaY WHAT '~E NFCR NAT,' IN AND EXHlR}TS H£REw Sy 5,: RN.ITTED ARE TR.e: AND CORRECT TO THE. REST OF MT NNOWi.£D6E AND THAT '..N Fit:N6 TN-.4 ? AY ACTING WITH TmE KNOWLED6# ANO CONUkl OF THOSt PtA30N3 LOITE0 AIIOY6, WITHOUT WHOSE CORREHT THE AtO%LES°EO A:TiO+ t.ANNO' ,.AWFi}LLt RE -LCMP,,tSHED. APPLICANTS OTHER THAN OWNERS MUST NOR* T .POWER-OF-ATTORNEY FROM THE OWNER WHICH APPRCIEE$ OF TS.5 AA.TiON ON i F REHALf NAIVE OF A• Pi. CAS A:LI M. ADORES S.f 1.l ~._LP'±•+ . 7Ff "aRoNE....6- 71 -5 2 .c a, u 4 SIGNATURE OF ' SUBSCRISE0 AMC SWCRN TO ME 7,AS 'y'- 's#'kY Cf ,i9 SEAL NOTARY PLJE,'C . MY COMMISSION f P PKt 8 GAe RACT tm rid h......-A?Y 'EATTFICATr: th ` s to certlfY That on !jecc~Mber I`_, t4S?, the tot boundaries "++reon were Incateli un<ier my surer vision, and that all lot ".tree sinrs, e.msemerit', and rights or .waY shown are norm official pla mhis .•unieFshiN < O., does not cehstittzte a title search to r„. r. .,..e n r . 'tee .ne ..r easements Of record done by FCOnt Range 1 A+7` R.4NG£ LiEYEt,0PAtfA'T "*V/*EE'RS-f•5" AAWRS-Sf. Wl hWS 6950 S.. rvSCOX Wdr, 4+4577• j E- #2fW , co AN/,? .rt. BOUNDARY SURVEY PART 06 TRACT 5, 4ROOKSTDE SUe C VI COUNTY O€ jEFFERSOt,h COLORADO "OR BRUCE OUSTA €SON 11 A . tt;*. T' i. -n RW5.. Fl1JY ylyn 1 1 A 96 SEE DETAIL I BELOW 10" F0K powc-fk N.O. 5104 0454 WEST Ito GOf IN BRASS PAINT 89X * BOX A S4 13 NtNL BOK --.~1.- 1 C-0t,450"top'TE-0 Mt.}T-Ups WPk7-E-R CC. EPtSEME.NZ RE_G. NO. EStOto(ote-4 OVE-RkE-'.O POwE_R L- I ha E-S DETAIL NORTHWEST PORTION OF W Ill PLOT 4 col DEPOSITED THIS _ S!JRYEYOR'S LAND SI THIS L, EVISED STATUTES. a ff e *a m He WARRANTY Ep,j) tft ikEP.p, Mk3s daq Bite dryer August. Nt kB sees4tt Mary D. Clt)h on llkya Hair of lot 't oueya -jet f. isn't and titdk M t:"aado ptarht, ted Iea Ftahol' and ,..ate plot", x N. legal lsmsu".s M01. 4tat A0tts +l:vanua I 4tha4t kldge, Co. shojis 4s' t'rrumy of 1"Efer.on arm Si..: ei I4F xx. h al the gotten, ire aad in dxaasdtraios 4P! UN Wurrr r;t t f a 5 , doll. vo i g a rkLd fiµhtp }iee T)...And and Mcr(I:oo,ha-- I%tl.I.Akt. .he r:rsrlt uxt xrtN:~kiKY 5r} wh.th la hstey7 acttxxAiedgtd tti" grtimed. i+arg A. rani. add amt tr uK°, r!, anJ E tALK pant.. buga n KIi, tittnww W!d c.Nrhnh xa.. + } IatMMn rbx.Y .atgraras<a, that!ANt. Jil as Hl.n. nnr rn krtaraYin.:oarnxrn but rp ftNal tphdrv,:y, al the ora pr.rlxny. a Drily.. xih rarpyoan.eno, riany suu.u... q-,, u.,Ini oe tt<ohg .a< defftr.ssd Vw.Solt of Cuimit, CliuNy ,:t dt.:rtrtl ad lr.i:.ws: ff i Y } Sea nttarhod Exhibit 'A" .A { X, a y.!! oalf IT 1~~. t.. { 1111 aS~~ ~ } t atso krkF.a, try +tLCr ued PwxRFrtr a5 !'scan i i.nisd ~ r it: N,f: FNSR xith a!3 aexi s:ngnlar ti% hntW rta.x y arms iii tkoarSCL: xrcrr:4u• xkx.g;..g..K i{, drtw+k appt:xanmS art ale rr5xarrm sai rxncr5umx mn .sole. and ho rclcn rri". m'w' .'o $-h, .ltrt.•i aw ,L Po slw. "ot......k rower",.. 0.ne and , eulad kh.t..Nner of its auulee, enbrr Ia u. r.iue(y, rt, n u.., ire tint 'Nrv naval rt f prern+xs. xtr be hetral uzexe mw' gai"ohaiot. TO HAVE A.NO TO fi(lt.tithe suit ivtrr eN.r taaf,ood ilH ,..;M ..t,,tK+ty+~irpaxea. unio.ht Sranrts.. dttrhtrn arse ds g s :nor Ana zhP prams., bn he x i r s nt.rn:eL„i mr .rrrW rclmv- i. d a ,=ne.una, Sroa., ewoarp lad agm m aM x nh nk g apa•, on,e Mtn aril V,uE a, .ha 11 dle ou..rtnx <nst:deargaal de..,~lt pi ehtx fa*+rntr. he ll eati Kisol of thtplemutx lde e : I'x xsn gtxxi uu, twin r, lc a J "Irkaa n, c of e t hr ie:ne..n <.Wx, ,o it, aopk, tea hae Sued note. 3µ1I }kNil`Y a✓w srni i Wb{iy.Nti ( i iill, tri(gag4 K1 pet tiMSR IiC K tiro tniR,µ' i hi . Pflt 3h# trrtpR ai aP q i!•ti tRtikf p43er.x, hatgarfi} U 5,'K0i, ly5fi5, 3a%L;;trKM Ltii,{, ilYj klde Ilea'. Ya[ISt VY LtT,t aldi:Itaf Fe et ! .^..s and x't t?rk{ ( .v',' otitis easement 0, t;ghia t)f say , :OVinuntan Ltiit r.ci I pitd Y¢serVB[ions of record to the date heretRir and Laxe and astieaY_.eeto leVted of aaapappd for tha current year -1od ti--bs.quenr years. Tee grareur Shah a,.i ail. w'AR.RAN'C AND KYRkY -R DUINb he sN't Lvcgs e:J e ernixs in the pun ato ptpxabk dscrnRr run of vrL f:anttta, the,, hom loin ."s., spun". a13 and e,e" ptrx?er a, p:.nons !Ww iti<3Ey siumtno it, not m e pan The +r TS I oenilat sbai avilek iM ; a t ht plc: o in, smb:;ta, arse IM u of any p ,wl tihaii be aaphcib a to tee seeds. ;N a {i IFSS N HEREOF it. go ntw t < Gt3rLr! this rkel on uo d rtt Kt !,xt4 Hwne. Mnzt B. Calhoun la Mnry n:haua tit S1:xPT: Ot, COLORArx) -i cr3^~;. of .le } as ~1 : fferaon ~ _ , Tht f.x2g d :e.,Prxor xx*xAtarxiedgt 'x!rrt ms .t" 13th s,r( by Marv Calhoun alkla Mary C 86 alh.aun Hove tit:ene.5 rr , .a.,< 3:ed cir„..W; xx. tit anion 8i5.d,P Suite 10t} ~it>R ten nxn 'C.::. av.- Laknuond" C,.:-.iorsdo 80228 Na, 411A. k.a z. )as xaseatYS aiA h•.: i+a+a.r ervayd PUU.rua !d:f %aa in .mamnu c'(tdw`Si~ nkr:JluW w ' rrs ExbibIt " A " AA- North IuO.4 feet of the Went one n,i t =:,r Tr act l+, UNUOPKIDE, ac cordine to the recorded [..flat there..of, .,,enter with an e=aOvment for iher tas and -MMUS alone tht `1jUth iinC, UP, aaid Pagel de*cribed as beginning at a paint pan the West i.itte of 'Bract.. 4, Brookside which lies 200.t, r"et !,c,,tn a1v the N rtnwest corner of said Tract, 4; thence icanning cast and jca:-ila With the North tine of said Amt. a, ip,cl feet; thence hot .r: S(i.it feet; thence West parallel wilf. ti,t North line of szai iruct., 3O.0 feet to the West ling of .,,id Tract r+; thence Mtn. along said Jest line 303) Feet:. to said POINT OF .i.Ef; NN!N" County of Je!°F=erson, Stir to of is=rack. Xt. Melon Phill Lps ( t rsxs feWk T.esw.al de Canary of Jefferson it C4esesio,a i Ptrstttrok at Westland, ii-A., 10403 M. Colfax, 141 sit", Colorado D0'13 rievilmeniti. Nwmat. Jon S. Hollwan trod Linda X. Hsllwn 4J. by tk.d tit Ttan dne.t Noesneat 28 , to 85 . xn Nowll,. to Ow .Kr„. W it. Ci is sad ONtamd" of ins, Cowley of Jefferson December 23 tv t5 ..hook to Ibpn , tttm, Nu. . Ncrp,xro No 4512421 I Y. t.*-r w ter pwill,. Tsware h, That en pmptny Im"fiteRar dame w w scene ee Meant ui ON Iaw.4#'na.•r iWolks n ar MW try" Ad In.st, .wd 1Ytwres, s .kdni m aiWe n rtrallln ni ahr temp eln s+rswxls At s.n 6dgd d Taw w sown br iw rrxKe atetsttka Iad skmsxd tx arts tib¢d •rib :ar FLy,UC TNMa^., s ciryy iMmd h.:.xp m,wde+l in ~M+dM. xt..W C.,ty tk:t cad Mectxots. Ike rid prsgertj l"-tewarx wk ottllk .,..I d, pill wbloe„ d+R nwks of oak w s. iun. tcd tU IM ppenmt tiwM.+! fey tttlxw, .M mid pKN.re,j wa Kf pxrw+w. W was wwKS aWd W .I~ Pirsttank of ksittlsnd, N.A. M iM two IKWWstw as sine it eM a MM,k' w,d pent." OWN,`,f a nk,k un rcswds'd" sell wad prof ny AA A" tAwe rckrnsN irvKb own wk: 3.`. Noe. Thc.6w do P.04c Trier pmw.N tK dK fw , srf a.dxwip re.kd by 1, .td by abt .an Ik.d ur7nw w.wn pubw 3 Ttuw. aw.a to t.w:nkssiw.. of 0. wmid 55301000,00 ~..C _ .pdian. w irK pWw,. TtLWM i rrwi by ow wdllrtn.segL Wr xcA.pl n.Twsr„{'is Mrcey wpn , Nerys x, tM mill Iurzlwnrtpl its tans, rKCrr.tws and WtdM 6sMr:'• W de "ON, iaN MW irw'm.i wt ft en tyros Tmwwc attlA" peotem I.. mxt Is.W 4 Trust lt*a„ tN' 6tibwatr..Krnb.,J penalty Owns a a w C.urj e( Jefferson xWA:4t~. Wen. i e3 T'he Nest ts 04 :"lot L, 0900951DE SullytVISON, except Ina North 200.4 feat thereat, and except the South 125 test thstrof, slitter utthr eascreant slang the test 25 feet of the South 125 feet of the vast y of Plat 4, M00" tat SUBAIL'CSION. County of Jefferson, stars c.r Coloradt, .i Also moan. Iy street Ann .:..ot r 3x 11135 knet 38th T i e f lar and w ti.,kl rM tutee uwa iM mi.i Iunhax-+t# i t s Etetett4 t J y and Cl }Rost aAnr xriixn. . rww. fora a... STATE OF COLORAt•). Colby of TM kwrpo+np ansrunrrx rm atiswwtedped Rom nn duo •*by.. ~ HELE14 PHILLIPS n+M t , colonel,. My eommitho. eaphss }hers my Italy sN MMW rat.. taiR, su«.wns All x:.apxn be,,,. ' ~ nNNl.u,sir it <'~r Jafiareplt SnU ir. her rresy srv r~w,... mswe...tou,. _,yy,:..txw th tssessl8l?7/~ a I- 441a40AW St Comma cavils ai o`*.1}11 }'e+ .kr.,t tic7Y 1711$7 ,IY' Iuhia. Tru. .J CM •.1 WA U*M of ash wMWa 4WMW ON AM 0* 0 000* . VO Now err *Aww.. Mw b"0010 4" or. rr"*w. .wa r. r i 41, lo r0*1 "I r= mi a I ts . q wr.t 00 16 MOW "t ONOW" * MW t"WOM ff ::t4 2% " ks. fir.: • 16* . .1 rw r. _ _ as or low r 'i t. .s.- i'G Bk4 t4 bs JIivIF LV v... + in YPr 'j @•5 fi• +d ow if pt of M+ C d •.r W. 4Yr NINA . at af r~ OWL t*w i9 . y. *11 365 Arilepvt I Iva" W*mv A N ~ Jd ~ + deFn. u .s A . ~ #F ~f lWifl YflKO ! iP a aX4Y +R• iPwiMi lMS SRC swat ~m~ ^P w,Y4g 6v K~- ~ISaaxv va®v~ex ~n *By map rwasure Total 8 CCR 1501 - 1 THE CODE OF COLORADO REGULATIONS a' \ l F• AcTloti t Planning cormission Roco ndation oats , 19 Moto: This fozm is required by --.R.S. 106-3-37{4} kMt is not a -:art of the regulations of County' TY.E CODE OF COLORADO REGULATIONS a CCR 1501 - I , Ism >w XWOR ACTIVITY WnIct CityJTbvn of .I... Date, .:r ,r._. . it 1. Nara and Adds*** of Applicant --""i 1" 2.::".!t+ s,J ' p a"r-- r~ V i t. Loraclon of parcel by legal dxacripticn to include as a minimurk 'ibwnahip.. -:1 ` Aanq• ? 'La: section 1'/4 station 3. Characteristics or Parcele Area tto nearest acraa___. Qurrent vat Current saninq ..vTy~ 17. 4 t 4. Purpose at Applicatlas { i c4a ertial or Industrial building Permit 4'~7 suhdivislan t i Comnarclal or Industrial masoning - Co"t= ITEKS IN 3 SZWW. - CCNPLrrs ITZ"s IN 6 auoW. ;zIS ltris IN T stLCW. S. If CM=Orcial or Industrial building permit application., coanleta the fcliovingj specify principal us* W of buildinq being constructed or other changes propoxedr Indicate number of d"Ilinq units, if any, on lots Current Number Number to be added Number to be 4amolish4d Tetal Square feet non-residential flaor spats: Curr.*nt Proposed •If assigned 8 CGR 1601 . 1 THE CODE Of COLORADO REGULATIONS m sesame sees" ftmemosaamp" to nnneee fadLCate typa of thapge.: ( . ) New building of Structure, I ) Addition, ( ) A terattoo, ( ) abwiAq of tmitdinq. ( ) Demolition at building. ( ) Other (describe) S. It subdivision application, complete the followiAgs specify principal use(s) proposed within the subdivisions indicate. the total area to be devoted to Sachs Single taml/gs Aeree (or) sq. Ft.~.( Tatar/~Dwalllnq units Apartment) . Acres (or) Sq. Ft. (nits Condominium: Acres (or) Sq. Ft. Total Dwelling Units Xoblle Hoses Acres (or) Sq. Ft. lots( Dwelling Units Commercials Acres tots Sq. Ft. s ®,~loess Dwelling units LAdustrial: :Acres (or) Sq. Ft. -1 -local Dwelling units Satals Acres for) Sq. Ft. __r -lottt Dwelling units Proposed water sour a and distribution system (incl inq name of public system, If any) t° °?1 fie f -.rG 'V'N4u+£ 7. If retuning (l.e., change of district) application, complete the following* Y Zoning designation desired:__. 4 J -•fn_ Specify principal us*(*) proposed for the parcel: Proposed use and areas tindicate as appropriate) single £ami.lyt r_ Aires (or) Sq. Ft. Saver f.S_ Dwelling Units Apartments Acres (or) Sq. Ft. -s -lotsr_Dwellinq Units condominiumt Acres (or) Sq. Ft. _s „_„_,itotsr Dwelling Units lbbile Home: Acres (or) Sq. Ft. -s -lots; Dwelling units C4 m rciai: ~ Acres (or) Sq. Ft. ®s lots, Dwelling units ladustrial: Acres (or) Sq. Ft. lots; tat THE CODE OF COLORADO REGULATIONS 8 CCR 1601 • t Indicate the total area to be devoted to eachs r PLAT ~IT OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ALD N BII'HL BEING THE GWNER. C,F THE REAL, PI1OPERTy or IO.Od© ACRES. HOPE • LESS r ~::k L5£D AS F,tLI ,WU, €'AI"O Of' PLOTS 3 AND A Fliti k:S t{t F: isO[ti a2. N. A 8'LJEOIVISSON Rt:CORDC:« :N THk. OFFICIAL RECORDS OF Jt;CB"EAU,H4 C•`,uNTY IN •'[..A'i 1300it 2, AT PAi.E 20, CITY WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, kAL, H.;. E PARTICULARLY LL`S^R:BE:. AS. FOLLOWS; COHHENCIN(:: AT A POINT ON i€: S"TH LINE OF THE SGJ'ItiWE:'uT ..c ::.lAR'f ER OF SECTION 21. TOWNSHIP 3 ;FtiOT'H. RANGt- r 1,F° THE 6TH f'R, £R,!! '=ri ICH THE SOUTH ONE-SItAPTER CORNER OF .AIIJ 5E ;•is HEARS S`STAU-E OF 1)04.27 FEET, SAID POINT "';,.-THERL.Y EX'T'ENSION tiE WEST LINE OF THE FAST 114.50 F'}_ET '-F° .AIL:V T 4; '."HENCE N,¢'I_-)6-'J1 A.. .Tti,'• SAID SOUTHERLY EXTENSION A D[STANOt i r r.,L I' TO THE S0,THWEST C:,RNER OF THE CAST 114.50 FEET OF SAS IT I v ,;.!ski:. SDI NO THE 'f Reif E' INT vk.4 .^T T.Ii THENCE S.09"+ '4?"W, + NGTt r C :UTH L i N£ OF SAM PL, 4 A D I STAN+"E OF 50.47 FEET TO THE m.~:TriF i<" C,4+14ER 01' THE ,o-..!. I:t ri,vtT FEET CF THE WEST ONE"-HALF C£ SAID €rL`,7 THEN-E N....3. 1.:•,•W. A['NO '.'ND FAST LINE OV THE WEST ONE-HALF GF SAID PL.uT A V:I`r;N'I , _,.00 FEET: THE:%ZE 8,S14'22•.'4?"W. A DISTANCE OF` 64T9-J FEE:° A i--. N THE WEST L:NE OF SA'O PLOT 4: THENCE N..0'13'16-'W. ALONG SAID .EST ic. A !`I'>TANCE OE' I"2,43 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE CF THE :'i .4, FEET OF SAID i'LOT 4 .HEk F N-'04'33'42"E.. PARALLEL -0 THE NORTH w if A.I' i-LO`fS 4 AND 3 A 0157AN'_'E t.F 40~1.46 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST ^F sriE: WEST "'NE-HALF t.F SAID PLC" 3; THENCE ALONG SAID ,LT E A U;STANCE OF r5.H5 FEE7 1'C+. A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE FEET OF .'".AID PLOT 3 .t'V%:'E S-:-4'22'47"W, PARALLEL TO THE SOJT"ii +:t ~f A , i'LOTS 3 AND 4 A YC 1'HE t;:G.THWLST e [i4.50 FEET r ATV t„','^ 4; -HL:-C A DISTANCE OF C" '+f fU uE TRUE POINT `>F Lv I,•': ',;NTAINING 10.066 ACRES H,RE -C.R ....5~; HA ',L LA:D CU,. SUSL 147., e,L` A4 c AT:'£ ~,AIS LAND AS PER THE DRAWING, C'CN i.'iED UNL-ER THE: NAME AN. 4.."YLF uF AF'PLEWOOD VILLAGE ESTATES A SULDIVISIC,N uF A PA P THt' 7:TY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO. y1: PRESENTS i:L .L DICAT1. _ F. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE POBLI" + +i'R c. R;3 ;,'S. AND AVLtP,lFy A,C, ',;RIVES AS SHOWN ON THE ACCOHr hNY ING PLAT r"-'T T>ic 6L.I USE THERFO= FCREVEW AN: F...ITHER DEDICATE TO THE USE OF TNE'. :i E.AT k u AND ALL MUN IT "r A.L^.. OWNED AND/';Z MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISE[:, D A SLr E:S AND SPEC iERV:C DISTRICTS THOSE PORTIONS OF c 'rA e" r 'Y wri "i ARE u AS EASE:HENTS AND RIGHTS-CF-WAY F R 'T HL TRL. z I STA LATICN CPEL; ;:rN, HA~NTENANCt, REPAIR AND REPLACEt:ENT _ES 4CLUDIh W,Tk;'.. =4ITL THE OCNERALL"•'Y OF THE F"CkL J: ti;:., £r.r_C,PICAL ',INFS. 4; i; , POLES ANTS DOSERGROUND CABLES. DAS wATEH `s-L'.I.. . SAN)' : SEWER t+ES, STREET LIGHTS. ,:ULVERTS. TAU- A:N E DLTCHES AND DF'A, NS AND ALL APPURTEI:ANCES THERE-.'O. IT ' r t,:sL'f rxS,pOD AND A,:;EE.F.. Sy THE UNDERSIGNED THAT ALL ' EXFF:NSES c: IN v'yr A•:.^ :NS'`.ALLING SAN17APY SEWER',.YSTCH A. ICE LT N_ ."TH; CAL SER`: SCE WCRES AND 'SINES. ,n.`t s rr::. A.,; A:HS STRFE:T n I;ALT"O AND LANOSCAPING. c.,'WaS, rA c.Hn S £ n A , r SU,.H UTILITIES AND SE VICE S :A' 7D 'A" cc E A - U r. .LEIS OR AFRANGEMENTS HAVE BY S, .a',. „';E i; RA_ rr-.::I✓ ctt TK;, _ _ _ Y 4 H L, N1 " tc r B. _ N R COI ORA00. AND TttATET t _ Y 'Er " iN A !EN CFT'ED HY THE CIT'I _F WHL:AT • cr. nF...r H i TD .ITf EX-LPT .TFHS THE ..,u,NTAIN s:AES f%t: Tc r A'=ii -a FA :1. r•. ~ti :T a. WF+EN 7;,UCTED INSTALLED ,v;PERTt' 3F THE _ AN ...',At.L T HE:®HE THE PRirEI;T'f OF C:; Nt:R : ZIXXTED POMBR Ot ATTORNZY The undersigned, Gerald V. Biehl ("Owner"), of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, does hereby make constitute and appoint Paul W.. Means of Lakewood, Colorado his true and lawful attorney in fact for him and in his name, place and stead, to represent Owner at that certain meeting of the Planning Commission of the City c)f Wheat Ridge on March 16, 1989, and in connection therewith to sign, execute acknowledge and deliver such instruments, documents and agreements as said attorney in fact may deem necessary and/or desireable to represent the best interests of Owner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Limited Power of Attorney this 15th day of March, 1989. Gerald M.Bieb1 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK The foregoing instruments was acknowledged Lefore me in the County of Cook, State of Illinois, this 15th day of March, 1989. My commission expires:1017lq r Notary Public Dear Sirs,: The following is a list of adjacent property{ yawners required with the application for Residental Development. 1) 3772 Quail St glean Maher 3772 Quail St Wheatridge, CO 80033 2) 3776 Quail St Gregory & Mary Lundquist 11158 W 33rd Ave Wheatridge, CO 80033 3) 3780 Quail, St Max & Diane Haegele 2109 S Foyt Way Lakewood, CO 80222 4) 3784 Quail St Joann Bosben 4951 Garrison St A-1005 Wheatridge, CO 80033 5) 3788 Quail St Gary William Massey P 0 Box 26554 Las Vegas, NV 89107 6) 11073 West 38th Ave Paul W Webb 3715 Lewis St Wheatridge, CO 80033 7) 11 Ave Wheatridge, CO 80033 8) 11100 West 38th Ave Ernestine Williams 11100 West 38th Ave Wheatrdge, CO 80033 9) 11111 West 38th Ave Emanuel ReFp 0217 Delaware St Denver, CO 80216 10) 11125 West 38th Ave Clyde N Ramsey 4625 Reed St Wheatridge, CO 80033 11) 11315 West 38th Ave Louis J Ficco 11315 West 38th Ave Wheatridge, CO 80033 12) 11003 West 38th Place Francis L Hx'`dcnbrabd 390 S Kline St Denver, Co 80225 13) 11004 West 38th Place see 12) 14) 3965 Parfet St see 12) 15) 3985 Parfet St see 12) 16) 3915 Parfet St Allen B Christner 723 Opion Dr Colorado Springs, CO 17) 3945 Parfet St see 12) 18) 3975 Parfet St see 12) 80906 19) 4015 Parfet St Floy Mae Hildenbrand P O Box 26565 Lakewood, CO 80226 20) 21) 22) 11002 West 40st Place see 19;) 3810 Quail Ct Frank & Elizabeth Solis 3810 Quail Ct Wheatridge, CO $0033 3820 Quail Ct David Schneider 4251 Kipling St Wheatridge, CO 80033 23) 3830 Quail Ct Timothy Rodriquez 3830 Quail Ct Wheatridge, CO 80033 24) 3840 Quail Ct Mike & Pam von Feldt 3840 Quail Ct Wheatridge, CO 80033 25) 11155 West 40th Ave Nancy A Snow 11155 West 44th Ave Wheatridge, CO 80033 26) 11301 West 40th Ave Lee E Fisher 11301 West 44th Ave Wheatridge, CO 80031 W130. 1 3/8/89 DESCRIPTION FOR WEST 38TH A'aENUE QU T CLAIM A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST ONE-OUARTER OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. JEFFERSON COUNTY. COLORADO DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 21 FROM WHICH THE SOUTH ONEy-OUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 21 BEARS N.89'13'01"E. A DISTANCE OF 1104.27 FEET: SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 114.50 FEET OF PLOT 4. BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION; THENCE N.0"22'10'"W. ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY EXTENSION A DISTANCE OF 30.19 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PLOT 41 THENCE S.99'13"13"W. ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PLOT 4 A DISTANCE OF 50.47 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF` THE WEST ONE-HALF OF SAID PLOT 4: THENCE S.0'22'46"E. ALONG THE fiOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST ONE-HALF OF SAID PLOT 4 A DISTANCE OF 30.19 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21: THENCE N.89'13'01"E. ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE OF $0.46 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 1,523 SQUPPE FrF^' +'n'E OR LESS. I'm . ~waT. w %tx aw N W0, id, C'," cqr , N.Ar fv •T JZPPI$mm ft#tt N Cxax•eM, MMrNt#IMrP GLA1LD X. 11mM .90 1 .nttt rapt ta►we N -,T. 11119 Wit" 3TM AVOOR - WMAT ttt006 t w tM ' C14![Y O( . NN• t•tatay. flr•.tt•{t}} r !Mr tM v+tert.J, t+r w R# t#r•Ftlr#t tm0 N tM w N QQet TWIMY rrw Tt 97 Am tkT{700'x----- M nwlp w tN}i<txYy •f YAix, W Mrap •rawtiaryp, Mt tNTt/, aN .1.4 edkt.sa, wYarM• aw iMrt aY4k. s•ttYFnt rw, x1 sank+ata4. Ms kiairr~N iutp,~vw1, W ti +Mr . sr If w, t1t!01 ,We,. wa 111# tNM trd Mtry to tM it•c• •T W.o lt, awtrFy N. htigy± GNtFtJ N SEE ATTACHE) €yHlBIT "A" ATTACr-T7 14ER€T0 AND ION A RARr J•€for ~t.kw 3•wf Y, tkr.+t w n a:r as: 11115 ME f' 1811! AVfM1E - i*ffJkT RT174~ WIFllgtpp w tM s .•.•nf w, 'j ~ai~ IJ w aJnt~tr•wr tYM ~ ew1M.~ r; i.~µaa ~eRa iwi .AgYFYY wtrtYl•I.i, iMt, tint. sngtMt, titt• w dxYw OMt.•R.•r N tM w. w•t,ta 1wWftt«ety NI tM tot, YiMt Mr~!{ttW ttt Itl, tM VnrttrCt J, NtMr in. tt• •r MiN•~ TO iOUrs N8J iQ t~b M`grtanta w aFputewtnt+fsi: Mwty Yw w t• tM Mica aM riit Arl q eNttM, (M f MvM tMa•i M~i Mt+YMira MY t NY• tM vwmwTJ. !Mir it gay MIN w MtNat• MttwaitnR•TttM ir+tt##tt YMitrN#Jw #iVsa af(!It M C9wrhN{t„NFtt '~xxx I. siaf•I+~_tty..•.gt} m _..t it•t(! pt.. M 0.MINt IRi ~t pe} fFy ~e >•111~~9 ~~~:IGi1lJ~•" t'n ra+twraJ YwY i.+~s.YV tt~sta On iM anW IXJtCC to lyaanto {tits Ifetotions Ei *0 Exhibit 8' attar hereto and ihtorp - / tIeritin by relenm f t{ir• k NET r RRf:`tOfN xiAt/ a PYOttOx { ~ ( Ci ty and LOAJt a (N ter t KE tYr#pFrx iiYRfFNl1t YN #ttn#.i#YatY 4Ner• t• an MIa it W k€NNErN CHTE, 1ICC PRESIDENT. FIRSTAPIr, ()f HfSrt AND, N,A 1a' 1~8 Yitnatt ar Ytnp an0 attitfN txt. +Y swltaFOr, N;fFrA: Nove*'berff i6. YR91~ t '10 Fw t aNtry lW ' ~~+.Nt ZFt aM' 303 E. First Avtnuer a600, )ehxer, CO 80206 4820SA.02570" t w I03 tert M A I• i t •~++r PARCEG 3t 3/2 PAlten, lit WE A AND: THE NEST 1/2 OT TRACT 1, EXCEPT THE HORTH 200.4 TEET THEREOF, A" EXCEPT THE SOUTH 300 FEET THEREi3F, SPOOYSI.DE, COUITY OP JEPPEASOH, STATE or towRAD6. RI t:t N7 low M0'. "1130" ♦ Rl fD.1RO MAE. #a 1130}0 SAEEMENY FOR iN011E05. APO MME" ACROSS #NE 11EETE"aLT 30 pEET OR TaIE ART NORTNE/1LY *Pier IM 41NJEt# PROPERTY AE olut D SY itfSYRV11ENT4 RECORDED JV1.Y E3. 117A 1N 000K not AT RA4wS 300.. 301 AND 3" AREA ARO . 117E VMDER RECEPTION No 70041141, AVOVET ai, AT74 R REtERTaOM , NSF.. 7007901'1: AND APRIL 1•. 1704 VNDER RECE►TSON 44037103= VT1LtYY EA4E11Ei/T A0 GRANTED TO r'VOLIt SERVICE CO"PANY OF COLORADO IA 1NETRVMENY 09CORDWO RjV 47, 1441 ON"* RECEFTi~M Ma 41044454. RIONT OF MAY ADREENVMT EY ROAD 4ETMEEN JOaf MELLAAM A" CONEOLIDATED "TER COMPANY RECORDED 4E►TEM5.G1 0. /T4a VNAER REtERTtON RR), 4104A154. VA1 TERMS, tON0iT1OM4 AND FROV10lONp Op ARRi4AVIT Cm, CORRECTION RECORDED RYplpptpr 33, TRA5 AT RECERTSON MO.. 49010406. EA4[MENY ARM It10MT OR MAY AE *RANTED TO. MESTRtLOE T.M.ITATION D/OTAICT 111 a NSTRVNENT RECORDED AVDVET 15. EM4 VT9ftR *etc* -ILA NO. 66#19174. 1a1QNT OF NAY FOR STREAM OR CREEK AS *"OWN ON THE PLAY ENC.RORE"Mm"T OF FENCES A"O"* CA#TT:RLY, NORTHERLY. WITERLV AND 6O1tTr16RLV PROPERTY L1N[S AE SMORAM OR EVEVEY 4Y 47"14 0. LEDUC DATED MAY PROJECT ND, 1301-I , 1144, ENCROAtMME11T OR CtRwmA FLOCK 4ARAOE ONTO ADJACENT RRO►4RTY AE 4a10N11 ON "VEY SY STEVEN D LE4TER, DATED NAY 1144, PROJECT 00 130-1-1. Rt4NT 00 MAY FOR THE wooOp4lDE LATERAL 1RR14ATSO4 61TCa1 A4 SpIOW/ ON 41RiNKY SY STEW-.N 0- LESTER.. DATED MAY. 114E PROJECT ND, 130+1-t. IGHT OF FOR P R. FOLEAYA4 RM4*^ DRIVE, By WATER stow" AM MAT'E11 4700. PONES L1NU AND " 'ON PROJECT NO. 1a0-1-a. TON D. lG4T>C11. OKTED MY, i144r O.RKRSHIp OR MINERALS AND MINERAL RICINTS raw lN944 * 4, 1' 4 nPyb, Mui L c W 1 `1 tt Ira t ~ 1007iCE NEIGI BOB U IN* -VIEE ~ING ins PROPOSING A Rf Pil)(I:NC R! THE TIME AND DATE. FOR Tdf:i MkLTISR'T'_.. . THE PURP0 3} t'UR TAIS Pftoio : Ai. 15 The City of Wheat 2ldgo tied adopted a requirement that, prior to application for rezoning of property to ,a highe, use, or for propertlen tr:- excess or one (t) acre, and for Special can Permits which allow a special Nat or fund, an appllr3ant must notify all residents within 600 feet and invite them to a Neighborhood input Meeting. The purpose of this meeting to i„ allow tine applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and also to allow the neighborhood to express nirectly to the applicant, th„:ir concerns, issues and desires. The kinds or concerras residents normally have are as follows: • Is the proposal compatible with surrounding land uses and zoning? • Are there adequate utilities and services in place or proposed to serve the project? • What is the impact on our streets? • Will there be a negative impact on public safety? • Where will the storm drainage go? • How will the project be designed to enhance rather than detract from the neighb.rboo•t? • What specific changes ca, be made in the proposal to make it more acceptable to me? ' Was the developer responsive to your concerns and suggestions by making modifications to his proposals? After attend.'.ng the neighborhood Input Meeting, please use the following space and the back of this form to list any specific concerns, issues, or suggestions which you may have regardic:,, this proposal. Please sign it and give it to the applicant, as he Is required to provide these forms to the +ity along with his applicatt-n. Should you not give th.:il .rin back to the applicant, please fold, staple and nail back to the City of Wheat Ridge using -l- reverse side mail-bac.c odress on tilts form, Dale Hastings 11095 W. 38th Ave 424-0391 µe e(Yn E F NCI INF* MEETING .u.®. i3 VRllr0311111 A REZooifir -m m AT 7'l~~.~d~~~i)!t.'73~'"f ii.:~ N..'~~HSi .i.~: .....®.®.....v.®....® THE : (Nf An DATg PUA THI:i Niel Rr 'Y . _._m,..... TdF :'u Rpr13F Mi. THIS pali)lolr:A.. t': - The City of Wheat Ridge nos adopt ad a redo i ramazat. thst, p, fur Io applieatlorr V ,r r•txorrinr, r, 1' i,,r=>{tr~.srty to a iz:ra;rr use, or for properties in excess of ace ( i) 4trr, and f~,r :.lrenial Use pprritt.e vhioh allv,r a anxiaial .ale al' ia~,o, so apps.;;n rt must noti rv all rnsldents within 600 . feet and !nvl Lor ham t4 ` Reighbor..hmod Input Muting, The porposr. o; Luis aee_ri:rrg is to a11ow tilt applicant to present hin proposal. t,, the nelrittotbood and also to allow the neilihhorhood to expre:.i ,iiroc,tiy to the app.lcant, their conepr•ns, issues and desires. The kinds f con C...rnr, rtajdenta no:mall:y have are 43 follows; a Ss tilt proposal compattbie with surraundisg land uses and zoning? • Are there adequate utilities and ~aervi~:=em in place or proposed to serve the projeet? • 'ghat is the impact on our 4trar4s? • Will there to a negative tapart. on public safety? • Where will the storm drainage go? +I• will ;,t• era ect be ae'- rg.,ned to rather than attract train the neighborhood? ■ What specific changed can to made in Lhe proposal to make it more acceptable to me? a Was the developer responsive to your concerns and suggestions by making modifications to his proposals? After attending the Neighborhood Ingot Heating, please use the following space and the back of this Corm to list any specific nor;cerns, issuers, r.r suggestiona wh,ch you may have regarding. this proposal. please si;;n It and il;S e it tc? tlae applicant, as he l.> required to provide these forms to the City along with his app=ication. Should you iiz;t give this farm baei; to the applicant, please fold, staple and mail oark to the :ity of Wheat Ridge using the reverse side mail-back address on this form. t e'.test'! Ila u.-r"rc_ tf3ni ING Ili PaeiPON NS A REZONING TUC TMTT;>;=i did r=ci:: iifritr=lit, l:_.... TUF TIME A40 DATE TO" 7`413 KrKTOV; 1 TiiE, PURP07E, for l,il,b pjhI POZ;AL i3 The city of Wheat Ridite has adopted a rngolrement that, prior to Application for retooling of property to a irighor use, or for prtopertioa In rxco+s of one 111 a;re, and for ,iparl al. Use Permits whL:n itlaa a 31,ncial use cif land, an applicant must notify all twar~leota within 600 feet .o-tid invite thtna to a Nk Ill ihurhood Input .,sting. The porpdse of this mrei.inIt o to allow ttte applicant to ,,r•.raerrt his proposal to the neighhorho,d art aiin to allow the n,-h!hhorhood to ecpr4:a directly to the nppitcant, their concerns, 1 `-3t'e3 and desires, 'tie kinon ~.f C,,ocerns residents normally have am as follows: • is the proposal compatible with surrounding land uses and zoning? • Are there adequate utilities and services in place or proposed to ser`,e the project? e What 13 the impact on our streeta? ■ Will there be a negative impact on politic safety? • Where will the st'~rm drainage Co? • flow will the project be designed to enhance rather than detract from the neighbo riood? • What spe,:ific changes can be made in the proposal to make it more acceptable to me? • Was the developer responsive to your concerns and suggestions by mz,king modifications to his p:°oposals? After after,:Iinr". the Neiehhorho3~t inpi':t c+.tint;, please use the foii.,4111p spa:~e and the hack of trsis tt,rrt to list any si>aeiric corrr,r ig trr~ or suggesticr which yUU 00'0 have regarding tfiis propos I, Flo !So sign it and fle it to the applicant, as he is to r idt~ these LF,e i +Sorg with his 11 ;d i , to give tilt r i Llj:ik ,,u t`:^ a-l scant, :!e,t o11, t .r n it to'ok' o If;' . Wheat Ridge asiog t ! , n s e v e rse a . l e ma 11 bacR address no this form- w V eR Sw S""> j ~ 2' Yes-> ) eZ, "'CITY OF WHEAT RID~~ ~1,1 T t.~.l#.{t~:+q-tom[.. j'~ ~f s~ ~'.7 fI (1 ,Q yYI"~ -2 e ( lrzrx ,si ~t~ ctlMMUNrrr {t ¢ tX srz s eL.t. ~Yr rtt ovvto Ew t 42~Q y r /77 •1 --`"'`/7T ~lrte~!J~S/Zn Z{~.- ~{./y{-f L. ..~i~c/~~'z~.. le) ,GCY'° ossnrS~-'~,..~..^~'tt "''~L~-.~ferZ.e.- -Gv-~tr!'L- .L~ let .~~-rr~.- tz~.. ~~.o~ra--~.~-C~`~. -t- [L-}~-rfi~{ •sGE~~{ ,s..~ w P O 9OX 636 TEt.FPHCtNE 303n3l-694e The City of ISM WtST 29TH AVENUE < WHEAT RiOGE. COLORADOSM34 Gtxm ~ .a Fet-roary 8. 1989 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for xg+ilroval of a rv>oninqi from kvsl'rntia]-tiiir :iit d •A t, i s•. si it it ra I - Ono T o Rncid"-aria response tote following questions an any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by l c•i t°",: r}' ,?X, 10,04 No response from you by this date will constitute no ob3actions or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: it W11 -0-1/11111il. LOCATION. ? 11 I . West ,Nth AVewiv REQUESTED ACTION. ltv:-ninai fr-ii i?es9denti;tl-thee aml -tkrii'idt:ural 011c to Rt-'i.dcnr. al.. Ones PURPOSE; Creation of Is sinpSe (.mi ly hitildini Silt, APPROXIMATE AREA. 1(i „ res 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are sere ce 1 n'ea available to the development? Y,S NO If "NO", please explain below. 3. Du you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. A. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES NO IF "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to, Meredith Reckert Depar n o C'=-unity ve opmen .urrent Planning Division DISTRIBUTION: Mater District (COMMUTtl #t. Xx Sanitation District 60f4TRIT)OF xt Firh District ( K.k. } Adjacent City ( } xX Public Service Go. Xt Mountain Bell State Land Use Gonmission State Geological Survey Colo. Division of Highways XAmerican Gable Yi_rSon Jefferson Co. Health Dept. XXJefferaon Co. Schools XXJefferson Co. Commissioners XxWheat Ridge Post Office XxWheat Ridge Police Dept. Xx Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. xx t Ridge Park$ A Reeraatior Wheat Ridge Building Division sb/C.6.1./Rev. 10/21/86 V 6 P d box 638 TELEPHONE 303MV 6044 The city of response to the following questions a any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by Iobrz.iry 23, 1989 No response from you by this date will constitute no objet arcs or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE Ni: W"-99 " t; w' -fi}_1fii11ItI. LOCATION: tIII`> Wiz t 3sth rkrrenue REQUESTED ACTION. Rezoning frrsm Icesii3eas*.i:el Oriv and Agrienltural-iss;e to kes ids°n f ~ a 1 <:~y,. PURPOSE: Cretl,km o as ~i~eele fmkih• :`uiidimz ~itcs APPROXIMATE AREA: I(; nacres 1. Are public facilities or services`provlded by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are yervTce 1 nos aveiiable to the development? TES NO » If "NO", please explain below» 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO If no,, please explain blow. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES NO IF "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Mertuith Ise<kert Department o un y Deve opmeen Current Planning Division DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (CO\'KiTi.:11. XX Sanitati District (KESTRiA-, XX Fire District { W.R. } Adjacent City ( } XX Public Service Co. Ax Mountain Bell State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colo. Division of Highways xXAmerican Cable Vision Jefferson Co. Health Dept. xxJefferson Co. Schools XXJefferson Co. Commissioners XXWheat Ridge Post Office xxWheat Ridge Police Dept. XX Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. XXWheat Ridge Parks & Recreatior Wheat Ridge Building Division sb/C.6.1r/Rev. 10121!$6 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for VvNruary R, 199) The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for aolit'UvaI of a rnz.in, Iv fr(5ni Pl-es vflI ial-0m, an.i R,.rf tm,.-,t_n-. ia__:a..... response e o ow ng quest ohs a any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by Fef'roary Ist<.t No response from you by this date will constitute no ob ec ons or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: wZ-89-2 s, 4158. '-I/ li.m.. LOCATION 11I1S Wv%t 4ktit =Averj= REQUESTED ACTION: ke-,aning IrtJm 1,,-idential {)tit an,i ;Agri CUltura) ont, to „ kesr,lentia1-0%c PURPOSE: Creation of 1s s•in,>1<• :.zr:i1} hiitdiis site APPROXIMATE AREA: io .acres Are public facilities or servicea provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO . If "NO", please explain below. .,1.. Ara service 1 n ea available to the development? YES NO . If "NO", please explain below. j- Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES - NO . if 'NO', please explain below. : {JJZ Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES NO IF "NO", please explain below. r .Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: +iere,t<th Recker-, par n a y> Deve, n Current Planning Division DIS RIBUTION: xN Ovate District (Co.mm 1TuJ1 XxAmerican Cable Vision xt Sanitation District WSTRiDJI: Jefferson Co. Health Dept. x Fire District C W, R. ) xxJefferson Co. Schools Adjacent City C ? \k Jefferson Co. Coamissioners xx Public Service Co. xxwheat Ridge Post Office x Mountain Bell XX4fieat Ridge Police Dept. State Land Use C01oa133io n xxWheat Ridge Public Works Dept. State Geological Survey xxwheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Colo. Division of Highways Wheat Ridge Building Division sbfC.6.1.lRev. 10t21/86 B4x> 1b PO 0 TELEPHONE 3031211-6044 0\v- response to the following quest ons a' any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by i ebru«ary .'3' 1I€8I! No response from you by this date will constitute no ob,}ec ona or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: Wv f3- Wti.Ht€. Sr t'.I f:14i: LOCATION: 11335 W'est ARID Ak,-jmv REQUESTED ACTION. Re=xoojt€y i'r«a3 €2r=e,lerttIa'I C(ni- and Al,iirczltuya€I~chr to peg tdc-nt i.o ttr€c PURPOSE: Crvctt of is 1in?3e +.'smlly 1,iiiIditis sate, APPROXIMATE AREA: to tcrc, 1. Are public facilities or services"provided by your agency adequate to serve this developigrnt? YES V NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are sere llnea available to the development? YES NO It "NO", please explain below. 3.. Do you havg adequate capacities to service the development? YES NC . if 'NO', please explain below. t€. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules- regulations? YE5 NO IF "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckort Department o Community Develo Anent Planning Division DISTRIBUTION: t t hater District JNWTT14L tx Sanitation District N-STRIP)I >'x Fire District { 'K.R. } Adjacent City t } xx Public Service Co. xx Mountain Bell State Lam! Use Commission State Geological Survey Colo. Division of Highways 3VC-6.1./Rev. 10/21/86 x:tAmerican Cable Vision FES 1 Jefferson Co. Health Dept. 1 xxJefferson Co. Schools xxJefferson Co. Cemm133iOn6r3 XX Wheat Ridge Post office XXWheat Ridge Police Dept. xx Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. Xx Wheat Ridge Parks 8 Recreation Wheat Ridge Building Division c ND STMASTER WiiEAi RIDGE, DD 80033,9y48 CITY OF WHEAT RID( 7~ rf~ 1-9 i - u €.7L C'GrAMGFrt Y DEVELOPMENT The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATPR COMPANY 12100 Wk# 27th Mcitnr • PO Ni 1*06X LAKEW(MIX C:010RAi 00115 Tetgihone 238 4i51. February 13, 1989 Ms. Meredith Rec;kert City of Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development Current Planning Division P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 RE: City of Wheat Ridge Cann Numbers WZ-89-2 and W5-89-1/141ehl, re- zoning from Residenti.Al-One and Agricultural-One to ResSdentiai- One, 11115 West 38th Avenue. Dear ''leredith: This will acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated February 9, 1969. Please be advised that the above referenced property is in an area served by The Consolidated Mutual Water Company by virtue of a Distributor's Contract with the Denver Mater Board. Domestic water service may be provided to this property subject to compliance of the Company's rules, regu'..ations and requirements for such service and the water tap allocation poli- cies as established by the Denver ?dater Board. Fire protection requirements should be obtained from the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District and forwarded to this office at the earliest possible time. The Applicant should be aware that a project of this nature will require some off-site and on-site water system improve- ments. The cost of all on-site and off-site water system improvements would be at the sole expense of the owner/developer for the project. The owner or his architect/ennineer should contact this office so that we may discuss procedures, applica- tion fees and construction schedules. The owner should also be aware that the Denver 'Water Department has certain requirements in regard to dedicated street widths and finished road sections before they !,111 approve the installation of a water main. Enclosed for your information is a copy of the Denver Water Department's specifi- cations pertaining to the street right-of-way requirements. 1/2 If you have any questions or comments regarding this corr-a- spondenca. please do not hesitate to give us a call. Sincerely. Robert 3, Rivera Chief Engineer R3R:jl cc: Deloris Green, CMWCo Consumer Services Dan Ladd, Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District Mike Queen, CMWCo Superintendent of Distribution Wally Welton, CMWCo Vice President. E 3 0 212 a The conditions 'under which such an exception will be allowed will be determined for each individual case, and only rights-of-wny which Conform to the terms of the Water Department's standard right-of-way form will be accepted. The right-of-way requirement- defined herein must be complied with prior to acceptance of any existing system for Total service. A nmert: Main a11Inmert sha'i be Para de': ;.:a rr:tperty r= right-of-way lines. Normal practice is to lav the rain On tngi north or eat: side of the street 5 foot or ;D feet from the centerline of the street. In all cases where main alignment 1s within an established public or private roadway, the main shaft be installed between the limits of curb and nutter pan, r;aciside drainage ways, or other such roa(iwav limits excel- a- specifically authorized by the Water Department. Also, there ,Hall be a minimum of 10 feet from any edge of the right-of-way to the centerline of the main, except as otherwise approved by the Water Department. Right-of-Way Width ReQUiremeng_: Dedicated Street: Thg cross section of a ,tad{ the installation of fire by ran s as shown On the Standard Drawings, Sheet 2a. 2. Private Roadways: The right-of-way shalt have a minimum width of 30 feet and the Water Department or distributor shad have exclusive use of 20 feet thereof, except for the right angle utility crossings. The cross section of a crivate roadway must have as a minimum 26-foot of surfaced roadway and -fact attached sidewalk. A right-of-way conforming to the terms of the Water Department's standard PUDtPBG`Orm of right-ef-way agreement, must be granted to the Water Department or distributor over the private roadway. The edge of the right-of-way must be delineated by permanent physical features suc as cur gutter or s ewa m:n,mum accep>a le cross section is s mi oche S acrd "raw-cs, Sheet 2b. 3. Undeveloped areas: The minimum width right-cf-way in which distribution mains will be installed is a 30-foot exclusive or a 50-`oot non-exclusive right-of-way. AtlevS: New installation or replacement of a water main in an alley is strictly prohibited. F re Hvdran}s: AlI fire hydrants will be installed within deci.:ated streets or in the rights-of-way as defined above. When the Water Department determines it is not possible or feasible for a hydrant to be installed in this manner, it shall be installed in a right-of-way contiguous to said street. The fire hydrant right-of-way shall have a minimum width of 10 feet, a maximum length of 20 feet and shall extend a minimum of 1-112 feet beyond the hydrant. See Sheet 2b of the Standard Drawings. 5-8 Revised 5-88 a; a= ~ a p4 M~ 1 W ~ZZ t Y _ f y ~ PR1Y3fYkY lCiT10M ~ YM. I5y 41 1 //lam CVM. 4,-TEw GU*t.{VTTp tit HT[k AIM( 1 1 ~ 24 FYttlINYE b v b RICMT - bf .WRY IIG' HOR-£XCtJIIVC G.Y b R141K-O!'-f1Y { RSCf1Y R6RD I a I i REVtSEO 588 FIRE HY`JT. R-0-w DETAIL I DENVER WATER DEPARTMENT I TYPICAL STREET CROSS SECTION PRIVATE STREET SCALE' NONE DATE J:ftY 15,19@ ORN. JTP TR. iCx s, ARP R. s2, NC, SS J SHEET 25 OF SHEETS U91 au Wheat February 15, 1989 City of Wheat Ridge P. 0. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 130034 Attention: Ms. Merediti. Reckert Dear Meredith: DTIrC11DD DISTRICT sor This letter is in confirmation of our conversation on February 14, 1989 regarding the Brookside subdivision located at 38th Avenue and Pierson Court/ Pierson Street. Per Uniform Fire Cade: Article 10 1- 24a.207h {o) Access road shall be required for every building hereafter constructed when any portion of an exterior wall of the first story is located more than 150 feet from the fire department vehicle access. (d) Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed to provide a surface for all weather driving capabilities. (e) The minimum unobstructed width shall be not less than 20 feet with approved provisions for apparatus turn around. 2- Per City Ordinance, one and two story buildings shall be no more than 400 feet along street right of way from a hydrant flowing a minimum of 500 gallons per minute with 20 psi of residual pressure. These improvements must be in and approved before construction begins. Should you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact me at any time. Sincerely, R. J. Weiland: Inspector Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District cc: Jack E. Prose file p XM Yip 2i r W I Yitr. Y EG a 2 M~« Y a ~A r YM M y ' a0~ :~a x y ~ RW2Y[Xt ![GTipX~ YM. ~--~~~~i. "r~lr`ff nM,syTY[R <f~ Lu11Y.NITtd1 -+l,~fif! # i WATER lIX[ E e S Eb'fxbitHtVCb « 0 RiOXT.Of -'stk -.--~.~rr.~ Ea'NUM-EMUR1V[ C.W 0. Rf"T-¢«*WAT!ACCt" ROAD ' a Li: b i f FIRE W.0W OE'AIL DENVER WATER DEPARTMENT TYPICAL STREET CROSS SECTION PRIVATE STREET SLAKE' NONE DATE' JJLY15,1486 ORN. JT= TR. .CK. 7,- L uR.127 N0. 35 REV SED SEE SHEET 2b OF 73 SHEETS I r Mw M~ R.44TT[R °""•1~'jY.R "'!'•J a! s a i i , [Q 24 Mw Min Piv ENEMT SECT~pN-~~ N'e SWYb, buTTER I~ 4 2i w 4 DENVER WATER DEPARTMENT TYPICAL STREET CROSS SECTION PUBLIC STREET SCALE NONE 1 DATE JULY 7, !986 DRN- JTP ; TR. !CK APP JR ;27 NO 35 e 1 Mm"IWWWAIMMUVM Approod. Dots TO: Meredith koc kerl., Planner 11 FROM: John G%m, At~ti:ng Sr. Project: Engineer, DATE: Votiruary 22, 1889 RE: Applewood b'i:lage Est;at.ee Plat W2-89-Z,3 Biehl We have reviewed preliminary plat. document: and have the fol.I.owing eomment,s: 1 . t"nl -de=sae rad i trs's are too ssma I I . We need minimum 50' rod to property linty to obtain sly' radius to flow line. Nvod accean easement. t,, lot. 15. Need R.O.W, or Quit, r:laim fiend for frontage on U. 38t.h Avenues for all of plot 3 anti Plot. 4. 4. Need minimum 50 ft. R.O.W. ern West. 38th place, Lot 4 may nc>e•d to be modified to accomodato this. 5. Need street plats and drainage re+port. approved at appropriate tim.-s in process. 6. Need subdivision agreement. RE: public, impro%ement.s and letter of credit for same. 7. We will require monumentation of` center line center line or R.Q.W, and all pt"s anti PT's of the road ways. 8. Bearings do not match City data, 9. No R.O.W. called out on streets dedicated by this plat.. SU. No ties to ,eiiterli:e of Pierson Cf.. 11. East end of W. 38th Place does not. coincide with West, end of W. 38th Place in Haas Subdivision. 12. horn"ring can Asst line of dr4wlntt duewn't agree with that in tegal description. 13. lion.. hots d<rrt't, ('lose llnouffl4!ient dstto irk sctwe xsws l 14. St-0-410C Oont tol fines don't, -lo4e tmnt.hetnnt.ical ly l . I Ei. bav~i l: ope*.r will tier required to install mtret-t.: R.O. W. mtinumr'.tit.fi.. 0 Po 60% 634 TCLEPHONV 3OJ23f 6044 The City 01 16M WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE:. COL©RAU0 8 0033. GVVI% y..e + February 27„ 1989 Mr. Tony Weiss Century Builders 6244 West 72nd Avenue Arvada, CO 80403 Dear Mr. Weiss. 1 have reviewed your submittal for the Applewood Village Estates Subdivision and have found the following deficiencies: 1. Cul-de-sac radii are too small. We need minimum 50' rod to property line to obtain 45' radius to flow line. 2. An access easement is needed to Lot 15. It should be noted for the length of the flag "25'-wide ingress-egress and utility easement." 3. Need a right-of-way dedication for the half-width of W. 39th Avenue (30' to centerline). 4. Need a minimum of 50' of right-of-way for W. 38th Place. Lots 4, 5 and 6 may have to be modified to incorporate thy; increased width. 5. Need approved street plans and drainage report. You should include easements for any required retention/detention areas with a note on the plat (see attached). 6. Need a subdivision agreement and letter of credit for public improvements. 7. We will require monumentation of center 1;ne of right-of- way and all PC's and PT's of the roadways. 8. Bearings do not match City data. 9. All rights-of-way for streets with widths indicated must be dedicated by this plat. 10. No ties to centerline of Pierson Ct. 11. East bad of W. 38th Place does not coincide with the west end of W. 38th Place in Haas Subdivision. 12. Bearing on East line of drawing doesn't agree with that in legal description. "The Carnation City" 16 0 Mr. Tony Weis* Page February 27, 1989 13. Some lots don't close (insufficient date in some cases). 14. Street control lines don't close (mathematically). 15. Developer will be required to install street right-of-way monuments. 16. Area in square foot for each lot must be added. 17. A case history box with the following case numbers must be added: WZ- 89-2. WS-89-1- 18. Individual property addresses must be added. See attached red lined plat. 19. The Pierson Court flow line is off-canter and must be adjusted to the east. Enclosed also are responses received from outside agencies. All of their concerns or requirements need to be met. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions concerning any of the above. i can be reached at 237-6944, ext. 248. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert Planner MR:slw cc: file STATE Of COLORADO ROY RtSWa (JOVt RNCIR 4rrwt Or COLORADO LAND USE COMMISSION Prtrty°' ?.t f IiG7+KS Gffl'T, tphE SG March 14, 1983 MS Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge F.O. Box 5:#8 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 Dear Ms Reckert This letter acknowledges receipt of information r-'garding the application of the City of Wheat Ridge which relates to rezoning from Residential-One and Agricultural-one to Residential-One. The Colorado 'and Use Commission sloes not have any specific c"wn is regarding same at this time. Thank you for the submittal contact me at 865-2155. If you have any questions, please Si merely , j~ y ^itzge~ald Policy Anafyst Ian cl-ry OWY. OF R0 1029 Dot Ga] deft bUbVI4+Ijai1'N. X.tl"I L.1.W 01t Vkt.i_A1=L 111; 11: :t 07 6#E IVt' #.fit (3t'{1„A.. r . f 1, Or We% Ir Or of a; t ori,.A Qr?4+'3l tA)1: r, t t1.1:'..Y d4lgV1I.. f.I:hf 91"1:" t.ti" +t.>t, .a.'1. f'.w'•?r `..`t. t}.<''. t.Y. ..off c+ ;t r r, it. i r . t,. 1!i) I r. +r. J.Y.. t:.`_..ir `f i+ +74i I :a 01 frf't-.'. i...t. i.m rdi,.irat ns •W `st .#rif"tt+ F 9er t r.i.i F' . m f -rm i /f a r fM .tJWi ; K. HA. , 1 WIN 1. lots-, f, Yt.Im<A""1 t "%t tt,. iaritrldr; .tow +a t.•i." .4n fir:Af t, 1,13 lin .5f:i,;lvirt i ~ fr •:!Y. t I.+. i. +'.r=.t:tai e:,rt ot~ M#-i ittJ rtt(-gilt . r1ifn: 1hx_yte wIfimo re, s'#• derin•ti 0rir") Di Qrt t,t w,"As tI n% mid in" for =i. !tt.,' IOU ::r.=rt ray? s'. I • j "w { r in !on. 011"A.- .0w,, 04 I't.(. t % A1_Lhy 13 t•.IIt-,t ar y W:. frSnA ~ Lip!, _ 1, . a.,E. 14tit mid t.atii x:,i r t:t•.z+..l ir. rizi3ts tict.7i. , i;7ir.°t'i { t ItA'"iY:' •.i, i.ti .3r r,.•c ti"'FAf'.^.r. I i' r i' d•Mp, 1"1 aI I A r.+x, _ ?37", IL fr.t:.r! I pME=.'.:-11 1.1111001 1 MENTS Q~ 04 !1 j "'t t to! '01 'V' jowty 19,11 706 t.} 65"1 643 t,41 1 47'r 1.: 'i"' t .."!.7t3 i2 rte' ii~' 1 , W a: r.: Dr , r'::Ar1tn J.M,':. U. %.rlgstor: CITY vtttrnT R{t~GE ENT f.RiAMUNIir u.._...' NOTICE OF PUBLIC NEARING Notice is hereby given of a Public Rearing to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on March 16, 1989, at 7:30 p.m., at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Rearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard; C 7®..89.°;. An application by Gerald Diehl for approval of a rezoning from Residential-One and Agricultural-One to Residential- One for property located at 11115 West 38th Avenue; and 2. An application by Gerald Diehl for approval of s fifteen-lot subdivision plat at 11115 West 38th Avenue. Said property described in both of the above cases is legally described as follows: Those parts of plots 3 and 4 Brookside Subdivision, a subdivision recorded in the official records of Jefferson County in prat book 2, at page 28, City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the south line of the southwest one-quarter of Section 21, township 3 south, range 69 west of the 6th p.m. from which the south one-quarter corner of said section bears N.89022'35"E. a distance of 1104.27 feet, said point being on the southerly extension of the west line of the east 114.50 feet of said plot 4; thence N.0012'36"W, along said southerly extension a distance of 30.19 feet to the southwest corner of the east 114.50 feet of said plot 4, said corner being the True FgAilt Qf Di nning_• thence S.89022147"W. along the south line of said plot 4 a distance of 50.47 feet to the southeast corner of the south 125.00 feet of the west one-half of said plot 4, thence N.0013'12"W. along the east line of the west one-half of said plot 4 a distance of 125.00 feet; thence S.89022'47"W. a distance of 164.99 feet to a point on the west line of said plot 4; thence N.0013146"W. along said west line a distance of 912.43 feet to a point on the south line of the north 200.40 feet of said plot 4; thence N.89033142"E. parallel to the north line of said plots 4 and 3 a distance of 495.48 feet to a point on the east line of the west one-half of said plot 3; thence S.0012'01"E. along said east line a distance of 795.85 feet to a point on the north line of the south 300.00 feet of said plot 3; thence S.89022147"W. parallel to the south line of said plots 3 and 4 a distance of 279.52 feet to the northwest corner of the east 114.50 feet of said plot 4; thence S.0012'36"E. a distance of 300.00 feet to the TXAM PQ~ Q€ Beginning, containing 10.068 acres more or less. Case Na. WV-89-1' An application by Robert J. Vermillion for approval of a right-of-way vacation for a portion of Wcst 48th Avenue which is legally described as follows: That part of West 48th Avenue's right-of-way as dedicated on the record plat of LAKEMONT CENTER SUBDIVISION more particularly described as follows: r:w ...c.n. iv.a niRT A{. K#IG(SR, GOLOAAa$ 04034 t. X Harr 'Ridge POSTING CERTIFICATION (Circle one) t n a m e re3lding at (o lt,1°Er sr 1 a a d r e s that I have posted the Notice of Public hearing at 411 1___ -M Aar t, 14 C+ 4 re I Z;; C co as the applicant for Case No. 0 on this day of F-rie , 198, and do hereby certify that said sign has been poste(A and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. V_ Signature: k.[aG' 2 UL 11.x NOTE: This form must be submitted at the publ c hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Community Development. 0 r , hereby certify M A P t l ~ f ?~l t,~ Piz 80x63 7;5/x} WEST 29tH AVENUE. WHEAT February 27, 1989 This is to inform you that Case NO- WZ_82-2 fF S-89-1 _ which is a request for .lVgj9yjj of a rczonin from R and A-1 to R-1 and-approval of® a 15-lot subdivision, for property located at 11115 W. 38th Avenue will be heard by the Wheat Ridge PLANNING COWlSSION in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue, at 7;30 P.M. , on March 16, 19&9 All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the PLANNING GOb#QSSION As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public bearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION C.6.1. "The Carnation City" P» 5Q'3 742 604 4t "P Irv t -V# GeraI4 Bieh3 11115 W. 38th Avenue Wheat kids* M 8p{t33 p-503 742 624 V Allen B. Christner 723 Opiun [give COiorado Springs, 00 80006 a P-503 742 611 P-S03 '~42 61.4x.„ : Max 4 Diane Haegele 2109 S. Hoyt Way Lak . CO $0222 P=staff bLA Dale V. Hastings 110955 M. 3gth Avenue Wheat Ridge. Co 80033 P-50,3 742 623 Francis L. Hildenbrand 390 S. Kline Street \or Denver, M E022,5 P-543 742 613 Gregory & AJary Lundquist 11158 W. 33rd Avenue Wheat Ridge, Co 8oos3 P-503 742 616 Gary Willi Massey F.O. Box 26554 Las ;Vegas, NV 89107 P-503 742 621 Clyde N, Ramsey 4625 Rr-ed_ Street Wheat Ridge, Co 8003 p°Stl, 7q2 620 Emanuel Repp 4217 Delaware Street Denver, CO 80216 P-503 742 627 David Schneider 4251 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, M $0033 P-503 742 00 n Nancy A. Snow 11155 W. 40th Avert Wheat Ridge„ CO 80033 P-503 7a3 626 Frank & Elizabeth Solis 3810 Quail Court Wheat Ridge, CO 86033 tl~ cs es ad M b i7 ~qy iK N'4 4 44 got F~ M M + oo 8 v as c cr u c,-a x ns > s4 o 4) 4) ar 1, P-503 742 617 it M r,, M Paul W. Webb 3715 Lewis' Street Wheat Ridge, GO $0033 P-5013 742 619 FIR Ernestine Williams 11100 W. 38th Avenue Meet Ridge, CO 80033 ~ r, 6k i. ~ S A65 ~sn 4M1. a I co M~ 9i Cab 3t tip r+ yY NSA -111,1911 ill 1 C +LS t3 N A C W v ut 07 x m m o o as o a a, m oox w o. a i 0 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION Date Prepa,red,( Marcia 9, 1989 Date of Meeting: March 16, 1989 Case Manager: Meredith Ruckert Case No. & Name: WZ-89-2 & WS-89-1J11IEHL Action Requested: Rezone from E4-1 and A-1 to R-1 and approval of a 15-lot subdivision Location o! Request: 11115 West 38th Avenue Name & Address of Applicant(s): Gerald Biehl 11115 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Name & Address of Owner(s): Same Approximate Area: 10.068 acres Present Zoning: Residential-One and Agricultural-One Present Land Use: Vacant and single family residential Surrounding Zoning: N: A-1; 5: R-3; R: R-2; W: R-IA, R-1, A-1 Surrounding Land Use: N: Vacant; B & W: Low density residential; 8: High density Comprehensive Flan for Area: Low density residential Date Published: February 23, 2989 Date to be Pasted: February 28, 1989 Date Legal Notices Sent: February 29, 1989 Agency Check List (XX) Attached { ) Not Required Related Correspondence (XX) Attached ( ) None ENTER INTO-RECORD• (XX) Comprehensive Plan (XX) Case File & Packet Materials (XX) Zoning Ordinance (XX) Slides (XX) Subdivision Regulations (XX) Exhibits (XX) Other wURIBPICTIQN: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. RXQV=T STAPP REPORT -89-1 I PAGE 2 The property in question contains 10.068 acres and has split zoning with Residential-One on the southern half and Agricultural-One on the remainder. The applicant proposes consolidation of the zoning on the site to Residential-One and a subdivision of 15-lots incorporating the Existing residence into the design. These cases will be considered in the same staff report but; should have separate motions. 11. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive Plan designates desirable land use this property as Low Density Residential which would from 1 to 6 units per acre. The proposed zoning and subsequent subdivision would result in 1.5 units per therefore, Staff concludes the proposal is consistent the Comprehensive Plan. III. ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE for range acre, with The site is generally surrounded by low density residential ranging from 3.2 units per acre gross density to the east and southwest to 1 unit on roughly eight acres to the west. The exception is the Residential-Three zoned apartment complex to the south. Staff concludes that the proposal (1.5 units per acre gross, is compatible with adja^ent zoning and land use. IV. SUBDIVISION DESIGN The applicant is proposing a fifteen-lot subdivision incorporating the existing house into Lot 15. Lot sizes range from 13,185 square feet (Lot 10) for the smallest, to 122,892 square feet (Lot 15). Ten of the lots have an average size of 14,111 square feet. Four lots average 26,985 square feet in size. All lots exceed the R-1 minimum 12,500 square foot lot size requirement. r The applicant is dedicating right-of-way for Pierson Court, West 38th Place to align with that to the east and Pierson Street. Both West 38th Place and Pierson Court are partial streets leaving the remaining area to be dedicated and built by the adjacent property owners when those lots develop. The applicant has agreed to build a half street plus some additional pavement width to allow two passable lanes. Staff has no problem with this arrangement. A quit claim for any remaining interest for 38th Avenue will be The existing bricked driveway from 38th Avenue aligns with the dedication for Pierson Street. The remainder of the drive to the big house runs within the "pole" of Lot 15. A large storm water detention easement covers the southern portion of this lot restricting further subdivision into more buildable sites. There is an apparent property line dispute with the property owners to the north in that the subject surveyed land overlaps their pins from 7' to 9'. Attempts on the part of the applicant to reconcile the matter have failed. Since this is a civil matter, the City has no obligation to force it to be resolved , although possible solutions have been suggested. Therefore, Staff concludes Planning Commission may take action on both the zoning and subdivision. Staff concludes that all requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. V. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding agencies can provide service to the property with certain improvements. Westridge Sanitation and Consolidated Mutual Water District will require line extensions. Wheat Ridge Fire District will require 20' of unobstructed drive to the house on Lot 15. Fire hydrant installation will be required. Public Works has no problem with partial dedications for Pierson and 38th Place as long as the developer paves mor-,. than a half-width section. They are reviewing a drainage plan for the site. VI. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on August 10, 1988. Responses from that meeting are included under Exhibit 'A'. A letter from the aggrieved property owner to the north is included under Exhibit '8'. VIII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMEND..TIONS Staff concludes that the proposed rezoning would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and generally compatible with adjacent zoning and lend use. For these reasons, a recommendation of APPROVAL is given for Case No. W2-89-2. Despite the property line dinpute on the north which is a civil matter and not an issue of this case, all requirements of the Subd!vJsion Regulations have been met, therefore, a recommendation of APPROVAL is given for Case No. WS-89-1. boa?wz-89-2jws-89-1 0 Y.3."F :sib (s[ }'i `''J.: I ,###43 ! ~F{E} AGENCY REFERRALS SUNMART Eire: M H Al 12 7= Imf Is ire. 4p tr'sch:, Ki 11 #i.z! 0"A Sehoo33: V! *:I•II% F Water: \ s mi I .I. Sewer: t'.5; S"IE2;.v" Mountain ?fe11: 0 1, 1% A Public Serv ce Co: State Lan Une Comm: % (if over R acres) State Geologist: State Highway Jefferson; County: ; (HEALTH - CCMMSS5~C7NER,, p7Ft.ANNSNG _ _ _ Adjacent. City: Other: _ ' Public Works: m arki & Recreation: CITY DEPARTMENTS Police: 0-1 AT; I T, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING; March 16, 1989 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Page 2 ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner WINGER, seconded by Chairman EDWARDS, for the approval of the agenda an printed. Motion carried 7-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion was made by Commissioner JOHNSON, seconded by Commissioner SCOMA, that the minutes of March 2, 1989, be approved as printed. Motion carried 6-0, with Commissioner WINGER abstaining. PUBLIC FORUM (this is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing under Item 1, of the Public Hearing Section of the agenda). No one came forward to speak. PUBLIC HEARING Case Nos WZ-Q5-2 & WS-85-1: An application by Gerald Biehl for rezoning from Residential-One and Agricultural-One to Residential-One and approval of a 15-lot subdivision fcr property located at 11115 West 38th Avenue. Meredith Reckert presented the staff report. All pertinent documents were entered into record, which Chairman EDWARDS accepted. Commissioner JOHNSON asked staff how far north does the fence go, and Ms. Heckert replied she believed the fence line was below the property line. Commissioner C£RVENY asked staff what is the distance of a cul-de-sac supposed to be, and Ms. Reckert said a cul-de-sac is not supposed to be longer than 5001, and this is roughly that distance. However, it is not a problem due to the two accesses. Commissioner CERVENY asked on normal street construction the center would be 34' from flow line to flow line, and is that what is proposed here, and Ms. Reckert answered the negotiation is between the developer and Public Works. The street construction plans are currently being reviewed. CITY OF WHAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING. March 16, 1989 P ge 3 Commissioner CERVENY asked how were they lining up with 38th Place, and Ms. Heckert replied that it does line up, however, there was a problem with some of the monumentatiorE which does result in a little bit of off-sat. Ms. Reckart added she believes that has been resolved with Public Works. Commissioner JOHNSON asked that c,:ming off of 38th and Pierson there is one area that will only be 35' wide, and Ms. Heckert stated this is a partial dedication and it is the intent of the City to require the adjacent property owners to ded#.cate the small portion once they develop. The discussion with Public Works was there is enough width so the flow line continues downward, so that should not be a problem. Commissioner JOHNSON asked on the existing house, it looks like the road stops at the cul-de-sac, is that what is planned, and Me. Heckert answered that the drive does continue up to the house. No further questions were asked of staff. Paul Means, representing the applicant, 451 Wright Street #9, Lakewood, was sworn in. Mr. Means entered into record Power of Attorney from Mr. Bishl. Mr. Means stated there was not much to add except they would like to preserve the landscaping and that the drainage system will be consistent with the City of Wheat Ridge's plan. No questions were asked of Mr. Means. Lee Fisher, 11301 W. 40th Avenue, was sworn in. Mr. Fisher read to the Commission a statement in regards to the property line dispute to the north. Mr. Fisher is in favor of the development, but the discrepancy of 10' into his property affects access road to his lot. He is in hopes that improved access can be worked out in an agreement, and if not, they will employ legal counsel to try and restore the original access. The possible legal action might change some of the lot sizes and dimensions. Mr. Means added he hopes the property line that was established years ago will prevail. Commissioner CERVENY asked Mr. Fisher if the dispute lies only with Lot 15, and Mr. Fisher replied yes. Commissioner C'ERVENY added this would be a civil matter, and Mr. Fisher re-stated this might change the dimensions of the lot. Commissioner WINGER asked who did the surveys and when were they made, and Mr. Fisher answered the Lakeside Bank/Trust Department did the survey when they bought the property, and then Lane Engineering did the survey which contradicts the previous survey. Mr. Fisher said his main concern is easement access to his property. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF mosTimG: March 16, 1989 Page 4 Chairman EDWARDS asked regardless of the outcome of this dispute, would it change stafflo recommendation for approval, and Ms. Packert answered no. No further questions were asked of Mr. Fisher, Motion was made by Commissioner ECKHARDT, that Case No. WZ- 89-2 be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. The property has been properly posted and is within the City of Wheat Ridge. 2. The property's proposed use is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the area. Motion wss seconded by Commissioner CERVENY. Motion carried 7-0. Resolution attached. Motion was made by Commissioner ECKHART to table Case No. WS-89-1, until the problem with the survey is resolved, for the following reason: 1. If the survey that is on the subdivision is not correct, revisions might be necessary for the other lot lines. Commissioner SCOMA stated that this only amounts to about 91, and she does not feel it should be postponed, as court could take 1-1 1/2 years. Motion failed fox lack of second. Motion was made by Commissioner CERVENY, that Case No. WS- 89-1, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. The property has been properly posted and is within the City of Wheat Ridge. 2. The property's proposed use is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the area. 3. Any change in the northern property line only effects the rear of Lot 15 and Lots 8 & 9, which are almost double the legal size necessary for an R-1 subdivision. Mr. Gidley suggested an amendment that if the boundary of the subdivision physically changes and the dimensions of the lots change, that an amended plat be submitted for administrative review and recording, so that our files and the County recorder's files have a map which accurately depicts the dimension of the lots. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING: March 16, 1989 Page S Commissioner CLRVENY accepted the amendment. Motion was seconded by Commissioner WINGER. Motion carried 6-1 with Commissioner ECKHARDT voting no. ON Mr. Gidley informed the Commission that the applicant for Case No. WV-89-1 has asked for a continuance until April 6, 1989. Motion was made by Commissioner WINGER that Case No. WV-89- 1, be continued until April 6, 1389, seconded by Commissioner SCOMA. Motion carried 7-0. 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING 9. OLD BUSINESS 10 NEW BUSINESS A. Preliminary Review of LDR Task Force's changes to Zoning Ordinance: Sections 22 and 23: Hospital-One and Hospital- Two Districts. Mr. Gidley said the proposal is that three additional subsections and subdistricts be added, with Sections 22 and 21 being deleted from the zoning ordinance. The new proposed Section IV.8.6. Planned Hospital District (PHD) is suggested as a replacement for the current H-1 an3 H-2 districts. This would be a subdistrict designation within Section 20. Planned Development District. The basis for this recommendation is that hospital complexes need to be viewed as a total development unit. Our current regulations basically require an overall development review if more than a single parcel is involved. The City has only one property currently zoned H-2, that being Lutheran Medical Center. There would be no negative/positive impact to that parcel to change to the new PHD District. There are only two H-1 zones, one is Wide Horizons Sanitarium and the other would not qualify, from a parcel size or development standards perspective; however, it is also non-conforming to the existing H-1 standards as well. Mr. Gidley discussed the comparative standards and the changes between H-I/H-2 and the proposed PHD. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked if the only zoning then would be Planned Hospital District, and Mr. Gidley answered yes. CERT'IFZCATION or RZ8OLiPPION CITY or WHEAT RIDER PLANNING CO"NIS8I0N CASE NO. ME-89.2'! LOCATION: 11115 West 38th Avenue APPLICANT(S) NAME: Gerald Hiehl 11115 West 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge„ Colorado 80033 OWNER(S) NAME: Same. REQUEST: An application by Gerald Biehl for approval of a rezoning from Residential-One and Agricultural- One to Residential-One and approval of a 15-lot subdivision for property located at 11115 West 38th Avenue. WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said fiat of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and it was moved by Commissioner ECKHARDT, seconded by Commissioner CERVENY that Case No. WZ-89-2 be forwarded to City Council with Planning Commission recommendation for APPROVAL for the fallowing reasons: i. The property has been properly posted and is within the City of Wheat Ridge, therefore there is Jurisdiction to hwar this case: and 2. The property's proposed use in in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the area. VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Putnik, Scoma, Cerveny, Edwards, Johnson, and Winger NO: None 1, Mary Lou Chapla, Acting Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 7-0 vote of the members preser:t at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 16th day of March, 1989. Phil rds, C :can Mar u he a, Secretary WHEAT GS PLA NG COMMISSION WHEAT R GE PLANNING COMMISSION pclWZ--89-2JRESOLUTION ex "IFZCATION OF RZOOLUTION CITY OF WHIM RIDOE PLANNING CONN2RYION CASE NO. MS-99-1 LOCATION: 11115 West 38th Avenue APPLICANT(S) NAME; Gerald Bishl 11115 West 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 OWNER(S) NAME: Some. REQUEST: An application by Gerald Siehl for approval of a 15-lot subdivision for property located at 11115 West 38th Avenue WH'REAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by referecsce, and made a part hereof; and it was moved by Commissioner CERVENY seconded by Commissioner WINGER that Case No. WS-89-1,be forwarded to City Council with Planning Commission recommendation for APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. The property has been properly posted and is within the City of Wheat Ridge. 2. All the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. 3. The property's proposed use is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the area. 4. Any change in the northern property line only affects the rear of Lots 8, 9, and 15. 5. If the boundary of the subdivision physically changes and the dimensions of the lots change, an amended plat be submitted for administrative review and recording. VOTE: YES: Putnik, Scoma, Cerveny, Edwards, Johnson and Winger. NO: Eckhardt I, Mary Lou Chapla, Acting Secretary to the City c Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 5-1 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 16th day of March, 1989. Z. 1 . JCOMMISSION 1,~ Phil ds, Ch Mary u Chaplaetary WHEAT GE PLANNI WHEA RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION pc/WS-89-1/RESOLUTION 1 0 n a m a residing at e as the applicant for Case No. that I have posted the Notice of Public Ilearing at yy L"- A v r- t< tDG, ( 1 o c a t o n on this day of tt{'(Ztt r DA CO r , hereby certify 198 1~ , and do r hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: {w. Lp NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Cummunity beve.opment. M A P April 14, 1909 1 rho tatty of.. f This is to inform you that Case No, which is a request for ~ytgrtaval a r vnin~l from R-lmz~nd 7~-1 tc R-1 And ap rte oval of a 15-lsubiuisiran®_ --for property looeted at _ta_115 W aAth Ay nue _~w111 be heard by the Wheat Ridge _City Cooper in the Counoil Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue, at 7:30 p.m. on AAril 24, 1984 All owners and/or thei^ legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the _ City Council _ As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISI()N C.6.1. rrThe Carnation City" P-503 742 659 :,F4 f MA- '43L'1X S1~14~ A}Sls 1~•3 Wheat i2jdge' Co 30+11x P-503 ?42 660 4" F Y Toann Sosben 4951 Garrison St., #A100!_ Wheat Pidge, CO 800:33 1 P-503 742 661 1 ~r Century Lau lders " Ony Weis#; 6244 W. 72nd Ave .tXxTa Citl e CO 80003 P-503 742 662 Allan B. Christner -23 Op c n Drive ivrada Springs, CC 900{ ~F P-5Q3 742 663 l 1' # 1 W. 'ltll,h Avc• wheat hidgo, CO 80011 P- SO3 740 664 Ker. Cline V/ rirst'Bank or W,,stland 10493 W. Colfax Ave. Lakewood, ('O 80215 P-503 742 665 r: 1 Lee F. Pishc>r 1301 W. 40th Avfe .1heat- Ridges, CO 30033 P-50"- 742 666 v Max & Diane Hl 10e jcle w109 S. HOo t W<IV kFIke , co 80222 P U75 2P? 6 92 RED opt FOR CERTIFIED fAMI, IF'S' f v. misLings ,333~~~~~~_yyyt~{~Y~/?~~.'.>t!~]'s ^~'Isl ti• fY )'ut~•a yy 174: I5~4i~~. • GiJ V-M-~~3 U P 075 c"27 69'3 RECEIP't FOR CUSTff IF.U MAIL Vr 3fLe>y Mae F`.l3c:el7t,x4nd co ~i422k, 4 ! r~ 7S 2p-7 Fan Rf,C..EIPT FOR CERTIFIED -MA L*ranfiaa v_ z'z1denbraTld } Fl ne St. a p 075 227 695 #~E~;E.FPT urast ~r6~t€IF I£.4 ~Ari.. {~r D. iry k Mary uinfi<., t Vii;.. Vw"L kl,ikw~ 0) 440;1 `?'70 227 h96 Jean Maher 1772 -(Alai 1 S1 rcet P 015 22 69'? ~'v ~~~!a~ 4 j.....Yf 3 a d 1. 4~:'.% .•lt~+er ~l~~' T,»" Woox 26554 vS t P 075 227 616 ACC'RsPj EC9R CER'f'IFIE.p MAIL 0 T a p tv s 22-r 6911 kECUP't FOR CE'R'I:If-IED MAI'i. Lam'' '~'#2 1 £z 9.-.'... FIPT- FOR CEHTWI~Cl P 075 227 761 AD avid Schrleid(,r 4257 ir.4.1 jrKj St', .k whe"At yy J Yry D o s 22? O RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL. 2 It :y fa. Snow _ 7 3 W, 40th Aver co 30033 0 US 027 70 AF%EIP* FOR,^E'RTiF!E+ MAIL J co SIG33 P US 227 704 Csyl FOR OWNED MAIL % Pam sn' Vol" 3. G P 075 227 705 pf.,CEIPT FOR CCATI "IEtt MAIL i rr,.y+r,..+ SI,Wuwi{..S St. u id?3 'k .n~C3CF4 r Co i° i.5 P L:S 227 06 a n Er E. pi FOR CERT7E t") M.AI, „'''~'W ~.cstine Williams 18tjj Ave- S i 1 9 I CITY COt1pCIL ST11PY REPORT TO: CITY COUNCIL Date Prepared: April 17, 1989 Date of Meeting: April 17, 1989 Case Manager: orodlth Reckeri Case No. & Name: WZ-89-2 & WS-89-1/81EDL Action Requested: Rezone from R-1 and A-1 to R-1 and approval cif" a 15-lot subdivision Location of Request: 11115 Wont 38th Avenue Name & Address of Applicant(s): Gerald Diehl 11115 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridges. CO 80033 Name & Address of Owner(s): SP-1 Approximate Area: 10.068 acres Present Zoning: Residential.-One and. Agricultural-One Present Land Use: Vacant and single family residential Surrounding Zoning: N: A-1; 5: R-37 E: R-2; W: R-1A, R-1, A-1 Surrounding Land Use: _N: Vacant; E & W: Low density residential; High density Comprehensive Plan for Area: Low density residential Date Published: April 6, 1989 Date to be Posted: April 7, 1989 Date Legal Notices Sent: April 14, 1989 Agency Check List (XX) At*ached ( ) Not Required Related Correspondence (XX) Attached ( } None ENTER__1_.,>_iTO RECORD : (XX) Comprehensive Plan (XX) Case File & Packet Materials (XX) Zoning Ordinance (XX) Slides (XX) Subdivision Regulati.-ins (XX) Exhibits (XX) Other JURI.SD N, The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. CITY COUNCIL 8TA" REPORT CASE MOS. wz-89-2/VS-89-1 1. ""FAT PAGE 2 The property in question contains 10.068 acres and has split zoning with Residential-One on the southern half and Agricultural-One on the remainder. The applicant proposes consolidation of the zoning on the alto to Residential-One and a subdivision of 15-lots incorporating the exi tizig residence into the design. These casoai will be considered in the same staff report but. sl°.ould have separate motions. II. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive Plan designates desirable land use for this property as Low Density Residential which would range from l to 6 units per acre. The proposed zoning and subsequent subdivision would result in 1.5 units per acre, therefore, Staff concludes the proposal is consistont with the Comprehensive Plan. III. ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE The site is generally surrounded by low density residential ranging from 3.2 units per acre gross density to the east and southwest to 1 unit on roughly eight acres to the west. The exception is the Residential-Three zoned apartment complex to the south. Staff concludes that the proposal (1.5 units per acre gross) is compatible with adjacent zoning and land use. IV. SUBDIVISION DESIGN The applicant is proposing a fifteen-lot subdivision incorporating the existing house into Lot 15. Lot sizes range from 13,185 square feet (Lot 10) for the smallest, to 122,892 square feet (Lot 15). Ten of the lots have an average size of 14,111 square feet. Four lots average 26,965 square feet in size. All lots exceed the R-1 minimum 12,500 square foot lot size requirement. The applicant is dedicating right-of-way for Pierson Court, West 38th Place to align with that to the east and Pierson Street. Both West 38th Place and Pierson Court are partial streets leaving the remaining area to be dedicated and built by the adjacent property owners when those lots develop. The applicant has agreed to build a half street plus some additional pavement width to allow two passable lanes. Staff has no problem with this arrangement. A quit claim for any remaining interest for 38th Avenue will be provided to the City to resolve unclear title. An escrow will be required for the improvements to 38th Avenue. Tract 'A' CITY COUNCIL 8TAPP REPORT PAGE 3 CASE NO$. WZ-89.2jWS-89-1 running adjacent to Pierson Street on the east is reserved for landscaping and will be a responsibility of the homeowners' association. The design of Tract 'A' would Irecludo the property to the east to have access to Pierson Ct. The Iroperty owner to the east claims tie currently has legal access to the roadway by way of an access easement, however, no written documentation has been provided. Under Exhibit 'A' is a letter from the property owner requesting three access points to Pierson Court. Because there In access to the property from both W. 38th Avenue and W. 'sigh Place, Staff' feels the additional access is unwarranted, if Council wishes, the plat could be amended to uhow drive cuts thrturih the landscaped area. In this case, Staff would recommend only one curb cut to Pierson Court be allowed. The existing bricked driveway from 38th Avenue aligns with the dedication for Pierson Street. The remainder of the drive to the big house runs within the "pole" of Lot: 15. A large storm water detention easement covers the southern portion of this lot restricting further subdivision into more buildable sites. There is an apparent property line dispute with the property owners to the north in that the subject surveyed land overlaps their pins from to 91. Attempts on the part of both parties to reconcile the matter have failed. Since this is a civil matter, the City has no obligation to force it to be resolved , although possible solutions have been suggested. Therefore, Staff concludes City Council may take action on both the zoning and subdivision. Staff concludes that all requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. Y. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding agencies can provide service to the P°operty with certain improvements. Westridge Sanitation and Consolidated Mutual Water District will require line extensions. Wheat Ridge Fire District will require 24' of unobstructed drive to the house on Lot 15. Fire hydrant installation will be required. Public Works has no problem with partial dedications for Pierson and 38th Place as long as the developer paves more than a half-width section. They are reviewing a drainage plan for the site. CITY COUNCIL STArr REPORT PAGE 4 CADS NOS. WZ-89-2/WS-89-1 V1. NEIGHSORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on August 10, 1980. Responses from that meeting are included under Exhibit '8'. A letter from the aggrieved property owner to tile north iW included under Exhibit 'C'. VIZ. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Planning Commission reviewed these cases at a public hearing held on March 16, 1989. A recommendation of Approval was given for the rezoning case for the following :easone: 1. The property has been properly posted and t" within the City of Wheat Ridge, therefore, there is Jwa-isdiction to hear this case; and 2. The property's proposed use is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the area. A recommendation of Approval was made for the subdivision for the following reasons: 1. The property has been properly posted and is within the City of Whet Ridge. 2. All the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. 3. The property's proposed use is in conforman.^e with the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the area. 4. Any change in the northern property line only affects the rear of Lots 8, 9, and 15. With the following condition: If the boundary of the subdivision physically changes and the dimensions of the lots change, an amended plat be submitted for administrative review and recording. VIII.CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff concludes that the proposed rezoning would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and generally compatible with adjacent zoning and land use. For These reasons, a recommendation of APPROVAL is given for Case No. WZ-89-2. Despite the property line dispute on the north which is a civil matter and not an issue of this case, all requirements CITY COUNCIL 8T"F REPORT PAGE "S CASE NOS. NZ-89'2/418-89-1 of the Subdivision Regulations have been mat, therefore, a recommendation of APPROVAL is given for Casa No. WS-89-,1 with the condition that an amended plat be submitted for administrative review and recording should the northern boundary of the subdivision ever change. IX. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: OPTION A: "I move that Council Bill No. a request for approval of a rezoning from Residentfal-Onn and Agricultural-One to Residential-One, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. The proposed rezon{ng is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; 2. The proposed rezoning is compatible with adjacent zoning and land use, and 3. Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval." OPTION B: "I move that Council Bill No. a request for approval of a rezoning from Residential-One and Agricultural-One to Residential-One, he Denied for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. OPTION C: "I move that Council Bill No. a request for approval of a rezoning from Residential-One and Agricultural-One to Residential-One, be Approved nor the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. With the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. CITY COUNCIL STX" REPORT PACE K CASE "ft. WZ-89-2/WS-89-1 Case. t~Q W -64- a OPTION A: "I move that Case No. WS-99-1, a request for approval of a fifteen-lot subdivision at 11115 W. 39th Avenue, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met: and 2. Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval. With the following condition: 1. An amended plat be submitted for administrative review and recording should the northern boundary of the subdivision ever change. OPTION 8: "1 move that Case No. WS-89-1, a request for approval of a fifteen-lot subdivision at 11115 W. 38th Avenue, be Denied for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. OPTION C: "I move that Case No. WS-89-1, a request for approval of a fifteen-lot subdivision at 11115 W. 38th Avenue, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. With the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. boa/wz-89-2/ws-89-1e '500 4VCST 29TH AV£GIuE P 0 pox 638 ''A Q- AT r IDGE CO 80034 ".0314 "'etc _'i4 Aiyn.., 3x A 214 Ord F~.. r N i.?{.EJ ra, 4;" <`33 } June 17, 1992 Mr. Ken Wileman 1054'i Pierson Circle Broomfield CO 80021 Dear Mr. Wileman: fine Cdy of f Please let this letter serve as a follow-up to our conversation of last week regarding street construction within Applewood Village Estates. In that conversation 1 mentioned that Manuel Rapp, property owner of 11111. West 38th Avenue feels he should be allowed an access point from Pierson Court to his property which is directly east of Applewood Village Estates Subdivision. City Council reviewed this subdivision plat at a public hearing held on April 24, 1989. On June 12, 1992, 1 watched the video tape of this meeting which included facts, testimony and discussion relating to design of the subdivision and Mr. Repp's request for curb out for his property. Although not included as a condition of approval, it was evident that City Council felt Mr. Repp should be granted an access point from Pierson Court. Therefore, the street construction plans for Pierson Court and the landscaped strip along the east must be modified to allow this curb cut. The cut should be located 125 feet norts~, of the north right-of-way line for West 38th Avenue and should be 25 feet in width. As to who is responsible for the cost of the cut is between yourself as the contractor and Mr. Repp, the adjacent property owner. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to contact me at 235-2848 Sincerely, Meredith Reckert Planner MR:slw cc: Steve Nguyen Manuel Repp MS-89'-1 file c3 0 0 "OX030 TLI 1i:P"(JN( .iG'is~23?W444 The CITY of I. MG WK'ST 2lir 1 AVVNIIF - Wot Al HIC) F, (,Ca ?.}VIII)) folo!'I ~h4ii1. '-Ridge 1PUANSMITTAI, ti:TTE R To : L~ju wj-=jj~> tT+4 L6s: 1 T- P e,.)r F3tiittot~ S Y The items listed below, which are: 0 At*ached; a) Transmitted herewith for your: ❑ Approval nformitionlFilfs Q Actiunjurther Processing ❑ Return E PeviewlCommnts 0 corrtectionslRevisions Signature(s) ❑ ether E lb) Returned herewith: Apnr;,ved © Auprov-o As ?dated ~ For Revision and Resubmittal Disapproved Q Other Additinal Comments: c3py tc: By: ~WS _ T_ .h "The Carnation City„ As owners of the property of the ground in your proposed property line with your proper' location of this north line of Engineering. We bought our property on to tr.r nortn of the western portion rezoning, and wnicn has a oommon .y, we ire concerned about the your property as located by lane the hasis of surveys which have been accepted for years, incl,)ding acceptance by Jon Hellman who previously owned your property. Mhten we bought the adjoining Wilmore property, we received the original plans for the house which were drawn in 1357 and show a pin in existence marking the north line of the lots. We suspect this pin is one of the three still there. Our deed is for the north 200.4 ft. of the Meat half of tract 4, and your deed excludes the same north 200.4 ft. If Lane's survey is accepted, 200,4 ft. for our lot would move the north line abo)at 10 ft. or into Dr. Goddard's property and not in line with adjoining lot lines. As there is no p)blic road for this property, it is burdened with A multitude of easements. There ire easements to the phone company for underground cable, the sewer district for a sewer main, and to Snows for 'Tigress 3rd egress, electric service, and water and gas service lines. All of tnese easements are bhsed on the original s,irveys and would be in controversy. We believe the original surveys sho,)ld be accepted at this true to eliminate the controversy and confusion most likely to Arise for many parties in the future. ~~~atyJ4~ Dear Steve: Please let this letter serve as a follow-up to our conversation of laut week regarding the vacation of excess right-of-way for Pierson Court and West 38th Place within Applewood Village Estates Subdivision. in order to process this request, the following must be provided. 1. Completed application with all parties of interest (i.e., affected property owners) signing; 2. $50.00 fee; 3. Deeds showing ownership of the adjacent affected parcels; 4. Legal description for the property being vacated; and 5. An exhibit showing the vesting plan and access for individual lots. Keep in mind that we will not recommend approval of the vacation unless the southern right-of-way for West 38th Place has been dedicated and built to full width. This application will require public hearings in front of both Planning Commission and Cite Council. Who will be present at these hearings? As with all land use cases, this will be referred to utility companies and the Wheat Ridge Fire District for their input prior to scheduling. If you having any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert Planner MR:slw cc: WS-8c'-1 Steve Nguven, Karl Bucholz Jerold Gerome 4fCttA/t6. W s*MRt;ltp $7gftova"l rfth.. October 13, 1992 Mr. Steve Nguyen Public Works Department CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge. Colorado 80033 Dear Mr. Nguyen; Reference is made to site drainage improvements associated Witt ArPLt;WCOD VILLAGE ESTATES SUBDIVISION north of West 38th Avenue at Pierson Street. We have prepared Record Drawings of those improvements actually constructed to serve the referenced subdivision. Two sets of prints of the Record Drawings are transmitted herewith for your use. Field check has been made of the dimensional aspects of the drainage, facilities and the overall drainage improvements are believed to be in substantial accord with the intentions of the approved Drainage Report. yvery truly yours, ~Q( Richard M. Romberg. F.S. r- cc: Mr. Bob Snyder Encl: Record Drwg Set (2) File: S190-1 , QtA I' CI,AEM I4*03 Tats fit Ulf, ".it :Errs r{kt r.r r I,, d A, E5'! rr HI.- r'KION:JE:" it(t;M '.11: . !.e•'=4. '.lHI lr 7: t`G?1t Po'A: r-.i It Er~`i `i` r.v7t> ,i....}. i atatk. pr a`a . ...1 : ! 'x, L. i !OHIO "Am riww~ -N- £e aby - xt : 0 VI! k•, 4fHA f•"" • It -x , , .rr.. .x,i H. 4"b:+.. y eN 5 ..•,r:ra .E j tx ! I r• t &Stx.F hsj SII. '=td .Y t.a. r:+_ Wr ud r. _..,.{:.;s ..,..,r i:a, r.. r, r; ni r x e l.-=.Q Aa(t 6!.ili+?( .`ti':::7F:•.t .tC l••tr _ MA t th,q .,p nx .,..H x. .,t ax J.3irs tk}k,n,~xis .g: rrv ..t r. xr.`ktJYli l3 t Sx it .raikt Na :r : 5r rtarr.t. .i, n. rrx srn{rtlYl t!<. t. ..r t, e ..r,.t £'brz ,r.. :r.d rur rc-..r.rr 5 , e t r eln; t .r,E r rt r EI e , kdr .lo re.r .t`^ t. t . r`vA `r^ P . a e r.r.: n -11' I.N - i •texito. t , r . ! . '..rrrux `r'ia ..verx. : . -rtyx.! tvl YiG i{ !t. .:r. rrr M-, . I ; t, r "£c•4 ..rrr r EbyN,e.r.;.. t;•.lu rv: r ...Ww "o 'M .t 2.t r.. ...r.v., r..5 u°r.FrS h y.vtr::.ti.:.. tt i*" Fr =r I*-::ar 4 . rd Re ! e,-,.. A, !mot ..r ..r is t:oa...a :+u :.;rr ahaEt .r.te rpz p;a:~:. ;ti• a h r, rt.. v t i vIS ttF: f. :ti'.?! !r a tti V. .'•,F In tt:MP . .t:`G'd^t S Rvtet ii' Et ~y .f iv.... ` k j-. ~ FF F x ^t i,,..:.:.^5:. .x.. krc-a c..ta •xi.... -r., f.3t i./;..,.t::4 t:;,;'. sera!! in hILN F JJ e. R,b f: l.u. hp. r., (`W5 t}i:LT „r 5Ixr MFO rra }i®r ^rxme... q,ot QUIT CLAIM DEED MAO" if, low a+hnaa all+IrauH 11155 vast 40th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado t'ountynt Jitforann and state cif Colorado .her tho ronaidarptiannf {810. D0I Ten and 001100 tioilara,in hand paid, hetchy wWti) and 0uitclattid0to GERALD h. 61Rni. ,Past whate #ddraas is 11115 West. 38th Aeanut, Wheat Ridge., Colorado 40033 . Countyat Jef ferson still state of Colorado , the falleaing. real property, in the f'ot+ntyof Joftaraon . and State of Colorado. to wet. An easeuent for ingrema and apteaa along that. cet to in Pat". I of reel property located in Jettetton k;mmty, Colorado, described an, a Beginning at a paint on the Neat lint of tract 4, 11FOOK:Si.DE, according to the retarded plat thereof, which. Ilea 260:4. feet South of the Narthtreat earner of opid Tract '4:; thence. running East and parallel with the North line of sate Tract . 4., 10.:0. feet, thence Scott, 10,0 fast; thence West :parallel with the North lint of said tract, 10.0 feet to the Unit line at said Tract 4; thence North, Apart, said west Itne 30,0 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. also known as street and number with all its appurtenances Stgnsd this fr day at ae~ . tech ,199to rlLJT' <i il. `t '~NLtJ Nancy ❑87iar STATE OF COLOnADQ as Cnv,ctpM The fn.~,minRinatru:nentwss artnowMaced b~tarr meihta {S.t der tit au9. stJf Is 90 ,hY }ty vumm:::.ion fOatrH C/- 7.5- 93 ~rr,,;;E;se :,,r f.and ana.rrti,i...L ~.'fiautc ~taa kl._. wow ar.,t#. gntrtLAtat m'rn.sa„.+ta.,nr t,Rt t. FISHER and JEAN KI6NNR. whoaeaddretu is 11301: Real a0r.:h Avenue. wbtAc aides, Colorado Carolyof Jefferson and seat. at Colorado . forthe, consideration of (810.697 Ten and 00/100-------------------- Uollarar Inliand paid, hereby Soil(s) and 9oitelairmsitn GRRALD M, 1119NL G la i3 whose eddrnss is IiliS Uaat 3Rtly Ayaau., Uhaae s1:dRo., Cntrtr0dn 80033 S;aunty of Jaffarsun and Stair of Colorado the following reel property. in the County of 341 for son , and$Lefe oWo1ora4o:tawtt- i? An easeoent far Ingress and egress stanE that c0ttatn. petrel of ,at property located in Jefferson County., Colorado, described as. Reginntng at a point on the West tine. of'. Tract 4, BROOKSIDE, accatding to the recorded plot thereof, which Ile. 700.h feet: Scorn of the Northwest c...ar of sold. 'tract 4, . thence running i, taut and parallel, with the north tine of aalii Tract 4, 70.0 feet; thence South 70,0 feet; thence oast p...11.1 with the it North line of said tract, 30,0 feet tC tha Ueat It.. of said tract 4; thence North, alone said West. tine 70.0 feet to the pOINT OF ttGINNING, County of Jefferson, ;fate of C0(otsd.. 0190 known an street and number with a<S its appurtenances Signed this j.am dayo( (f... ,ya..>f .:9 10 a~a~ier Jean Fi er STATE OF COLORADO, 1 t ss Cow My o! f The f-.z oina iostran•ant+as srknowtedaad Wh•ri matkla 1A, dsy.( Qtf.Q,,<A.V is 90 .by sti -on,mi.u.n ereirr' \'tTNEZ4 Yty tend and arCCtai aeai. t.dlttw /(.1 ~lFtt.M,,. w.r. tw, Nebk a.. l.iA tort("'M Ortn.nk.,i • rM+JwJ rrmnWn,..iY•,rav.IM«rr,rt`.h~'..-r4rl~r'r,. •!~•r_. s•.r QUIT CLAIM tlibi iM3F.1Y, hlM axa ~ax 44rr,)ae r, is 8d, baewxa NA1~Y ~ SJXYH if r; art Rl). •7(%WYvI Jefferson *4 sa*.9 Vs cieka.xka, praaul; aw. GEE E. FISHER end i. .JEAN FISHER .M.a<kpal ahlm.a i. 11:101. W. 40kh Avenue, ttheat nj,Kirle, c'[)laarado Rdd.TS a[Rx t'wulyld JET Person awl Stakid ctdmMn. prwlkaa, IE~ WMTHESSETN.7ha thr peNlNa. kx NldUU1RaFWatmeW lhr +RmW ten dollars and other flood E(( and valuable consideration - DOILARS E~ dlemept mdaWacamYMWkhiaarmk)ackm!Rkdped.remiard rckawd, uaid.r++rtuytdaid Kj(117K7.AlMET7.adhy tktar ptatwa din moat. rzkaa<, ull, owes ad gVit K7-AIM w*: aa jvwe a.. me, hrna vw,e) xa ad aaigaa Rene, "m kna.:yi.<ummam.M ixjlRm knamy, dl alr apM.iuk mkhv.elaY. and demana.IgehiMt{aalx ha aR mdm atkNpmpny !..Doha .ah inyar tw<ma. d my; ulm a tympawitY.Rp m ahr Cway rr Jefferson .15W.4 rtihx.dt Ae Kuhn h411-1: The West one-half of Prot 4 Brookside According to the recorded Plat thereof city of i heat Ridge County of Jeff,-rsa:n State or Colorad' SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to existing utSlity easements as recorded in that. document found in Book 1982 at page 652 and Book 1982 .ac page 655,. records of the County Clerk and Recorder, Jefferson County, Colorado. sat. knrzrn by uun aaJ mintl+<r a TO HAVE ANU TQ H{}I n (hc aa1K, 4l!gt'4Ma w11h in a W uflgUl.U 14 a a 14, ICnUM a K tgltl YCt iM I1Mt h hY gig Y n myw-iufhe¢umoappeeaimrtg.amlafl thr<slak.rigM.,nir.>ak~«!andclahn wha.nra<r..d lhepunhx. cith<r in lm ax cauaa ialM .uty plgxa uae, heMMTU aal txM+.( oKthe pankea. darx k~rti an:t a.»gnt karter The ainpula numhn dull mclO& Iht plamt the Plxml lte Nnpulm.. N4 the uw.1 m) gnd<r dell h an4 ca v m all V.r " IN W'TTNSSS WHEREOF, The pramm be eaaukd Iha dmt tw tM dax .rl kxth OW.- Nancy aQow STATE OF COIDRADO. a> Ctaay M Jef ferscn Ilse faug~ting lnaWm[m vvasac.a•akdped Mkxe mt dna l41 tn:.f ty Nancy A. Snow. (~scyu uV w9q My cmnmisauw rapnn S.J, ..?J Ia',~ N incaa nn~ harm aal I.tlicial xal NYr N:a *If m Drava, men "Puy w r- Wa SSt. Rm. Sit. ONt KY.a1N eRfO lwlahe T.aaan aaawahwma wa,aa~nr.,o. to aow: ,n.. ma;... ..m EXHIBIT A TO QUIT CLAIM DELI) BETWEEN GERALD m. BIERL, CKANTOI AND I.F.:E E. FISHER AND JEAN FISHER, GRANTEES DESCRIPTION: THAT PORTION OF PLOT 4, SPOOKSIDE SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTH 200.40 FEET OF SAID PLOT 4, WHICH POINT LIES 1127.62 FEET NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE' QUARTER OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF TH= 6TH P.H.; THENCE S.0'23421"E. ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID PLOT 4 (BASED ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21 BEARS 5.89'13'01"W.) A DISTANCE OF 43.63 FEET: THENCE N.57'09'26"E. A DISTANCE OF 81.77 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 260.40 FEET OF SAID PLOT 4: THENCE 5,89'24'06"ii. ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 69.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 1,SOS SQUARE FEET, MOPE OR LESS. ALSO KNOWN AS TFr`.CT B, APPLEWOOD VILLACE ESTATES SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. 200ROMY 1►QltMM9111"1' THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into between Gerald M. Diehl, hereinafter referred to as "Biehl"; Nancy A. Snow, hereinar- tar referred to as "Snow"; and Lee Z. Fisher and Jean Fisher, hereinafter referred to as "Fisher". 1. WHEREAS, Biehl is the owner of a parcel of real property located in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, and State of Colorado, which property has recently been submitted for subdivision under the title "Applewood Village Estates Subdivi- sion"; and 2. WHEREAS, said Applewood village Estates Subdivision map provides for a parcel of property described as Tract B; and 3. WHEREAS, said Subdivision map provides a legal descrip- tion of the northern boundary of Applewood Village Estates subdivision; and 4. WHEREAS, there is a dispute regarding the northern boundary of Applewood Village Estates Subdivision and that property known as Plot 4 and the West one-half of Plot 3, Brookside, being a portion of the Southwest Quarter of section 21, Tnwnship 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; and 5. WHEREAS, the parties hereto agree to resolve the common boundary problem. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: The common boundary between Applewood Village Estates Subdivision and Plot 4 and the West one-half of Plot 3, Brookside, shall be that line which is depicted as the northern boundary of Applewood Village Estates Subdivision as is more fully depicted on the subdivision plat thereof. Henceforth, the common boundary between Applewood Village Estates Subdivision and Plot 4 and the west one-half of Plot 3 Brookside, shall be the north boundary line of Applewood Village Estates Subdivision as is reflected on the subdivision map. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement on the day of - 1990. / Gerald M. B ehl Nancy silow } ee E. Fisher Jean Fisher J`Y.:ru! t1c<clrt,/ K/~t !S~ c~ BurlitSi! !>>C~ cc r:: r,, ! A.1v w, THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made this I'lk day or l 1990 by and between LEE E. FISHER and JEAN FISiE , whose ress is 11301 west 40th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, _olorado 80031 ( ereinafter "Grantors") and NANCY A. SNOW, whose address is 111"StS west 40th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 (hereinafter "Grantee"). WHEREAS, Grantors are the owners of that certain tract of land located in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "property") upon which Grantors desire to convey a nonexclusive easement to Grantee; and WHEREAS, Grantee is the owner of those certain parcels of real property located in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more particularly described on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Benefitted Property"). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. grailt. pf Road Easement. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, Grantors hereby grant and convey unto Grantee, her heirs, successors and assigns, a nonexclusive easement upon, over and across the Property, for use by Grantee, her successors, assigns and invitees, for a private access road and related purposes (the "Road Easement"). Notwithstanding the foregoing, Grantee may not increase the scope or permitted use of the Road Easement except that said easement may also be used for any phone, water or utility lines currently lying within said easement. The Grantors make no representations or warranties regarding Grantee's access to a city street. 2. Maintenance and Upkeep. Grantee shall be responsible for all repair, maintenance, cleaning, trash removal and snow plowing relating to the Road Easement as long as she is sole user of the Road Easement. If the Road Easement is jointly used by Grantee and any future owner/occupant of the west-half of Plot 4, then the Grantee and such owner/occupant shall equally share the repair, maintenance, cleaning, trash removal and snow plowing in'proportion to each"s use thereof. 3. Term. The term of the Road Easement :shall be perpetual. 4. Reservation of Use. Grantors hereby reserve to themselves, their heirs, successors and assigns, the right to use the surface of the Road Easement for any and all purposes which are not inconsistent with and do not interfere with the use by Grantee as described herein. S. asistant-_U&s.. Th4 make use of the Ri other's rights of 3 to park vehicles equipment or mate whether temporary or place or construct any structures, anent, on the Road Easement. 6. The Grantee, her successors and assigns shall indemnify and hold Grantors, their heirs, successors and assigns, harmless from and against all losses, claims, suits, rights or causes of action, damage, liability and expense arising from Grantee's or her tenant's, subtenant's, licensee's contractor's, employee's, agent's, invitee's or guest's use of the Road Easement. iIS2SL113tistil2dl, This Agreement may not be modified, terminated, or otherwise amended without the written consent of al) record owners of the 'Property and the Benefitted Property. binding _.9~. All provisions of . this Agreement, including all benefits and burdens, shall run with the lands owned by the parties hereto and shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of their heirs, successors, assigns and personal representatives, subject to the provisions hereof. The Road Easement granted herein is appurtenant to the Benefitted Property and may be transferred, assigned or conveyed with the Benefitted Property, but in no event, separate or apart from the Benefitted Property. IN WI ESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreerant on the day of rc 1990. Nancy ' 4now, Grantee Lee E. Fisher, Grantor let w C:~~t, Jean Fisher, Grantor . EXHIBIT A TO EASEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN '.EE FISHER AND JEAN FISHER, GRANTORS MID NA14'CY A. SNOW, GRANTEE A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE WEST ONE-HALF OF PLOT 4. SROCKSIDE. A Sl'S:,IVISION RFCORr-F:D 1.4 TisE OFFICIAL r.ECORDS CF JEFFERSON COUNTY IN PLAT SOCK 2 AT PAGE 6a, CITY OF W-EAT RIDGE, JEFFERSCN C04NTY, COLORADO, BEING XO PA:TICVLAnLY DESCRIBED AS FCLLOtS; CC?XXENCIHG AT Ti?:-: SOUTH;;ESi CORNER CF TiiE NC:<T:i 200.40 FEET CF TH£ WEST CN_r-HALF OF SAID ;LOT 4; SAID CC=.NER LYING A DIS`.kNCE OF 1127.52 FEET NCRTiiEnLY OF THE SOUTH LINE CF SO Tr EST ONE-QUARTER Ct°' SECTION 21; T ENcr 5.0'23`21"E. CN AN ASS'a ED BEARING EA5ED ON TJ':E SCLTH Li NE CF T°E Svvi°~EST C.NE-Q::ARTE.R CF SECTION 21 -EARIN•3 S.S9'13"Ol"W.. ALCN3 T'r.E BEST LI`,- CF SAID PLOT 4, A DISTA.."iC CF 14.G0 FEET TO Tn- T _ P IS _ EGI Vi'IG: THENCE CCNTINu!NG S.0'23'21' . A DISTANCE CF Z-3.63 _-i, Ti .CE N.57'09'25". A DISTANCE CF 51.77 FEET ,0 A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE C'F LtiE NCAT:.i X•0.43 c...ET OF SAID P'__Ci 4; 7~ZNCE 5.59'2+1'0-s"4. ALO'..3 SAID 5 ,.~T:•i LINE A YISTA`iCE CF 45.55 FEET; TFENC£ S.S7'C9`25"?. A DISTANCE CF 20.24 FEET -D 7=E 7.:;MZ CF 1--so _.Z FEET 'O< C'RR LESS. -AND- A TRACT OF LAND 25 FEET IN WIDTH, LOCATED IN THE NORTH 200.40 FEET OF THE WEST ONE-HALF OF PLOT 4, BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDG4, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTH 200.40 FEET OF TH= WEST ONE-HALF OF SAID PLOT 4; THENCE N.89'24'08"W. ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 200.40 FEET OF SAID PLOT 4. A DISTANCE OF 69.00 FEET TO THE JSc POINT Q€ BEGINNING: THENCE N.58'29'38"E. A DISTANCE OF 112.33 FEET; TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE BEST ONE-HALF OF SAID PLOT 4; THENCE 14.0'22'46"W. ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 29.20 FEET; THENCE S.SS'29'38"W. A DISTANCE OF 127.79 FEET; THENCE S.57"09126"W. A DISTANCE OF 39.85 FEET; TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 200.40 FEET OF THE WEST ONE-HALF OF SAID PLOT 4; THENCE N 89'24'08"E. A DISTANCE OF 46.86 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 3,499 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. EXHIBIT B To NANCY A. ;"FISHER GRANTORS , GRANTEE BENEFITTED PROPERTY: The North 200.4 feet of the East one-half of Tract 4, BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado The North 200.4 feet of the West one-half of Tract 3, BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION, county of Jefferson, State of Colorado LEE E. FISHER AND { TKt PHONf 9=ilT,19S944 rho City ol. RECORDED IN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE: OF COLORADO Clark and Recorder Jefferson County 3700 Arapahoe Street Golden, CO 80419 SUBJECT: Applawood Village Estates Subdivision, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Dear Madam Clerk: Please be advised that the subject plat was recorded on November 14, 1990, at Book 104, Page 33 of the records of Jefferson County, Colorado. The reception number is 90096819. It is the intent of this affidavit to amend the following plat to correct inappropriate addresses. The following addresses shall be used for new construction: Lot I: Lot 2: Lot 3: Lot 4: Lot 5: Lot 6: Lot 7: Lot 8: Lot 9: Lot 10: Lot 11: Lot 12: Lot 13: Lot 14: 3825 3845 3875 3865 3885 3905 3935 3975 3S70 3940 3920 3900 3880 3860 Pierson Pierson Pierson Pierson Pierson Pierson Pierson Pierson Pierson Pierson Pierson Pierson Pierson Pierson Court Court Court Street or Street Street Street Street Street Street Street Street Street Street or 11105 W. 38th Place 11035 W. 38th Place Meredith Reckert, Planner II 2e C(Irn eft l ( Cil' AFFIDAVIT OF CORRECTION December 24, 1990 State of Colorado County of Jefferson 't The foregoing lnstrumont was acknOwledged before me this day of December, 1990 by Meredith Reckert. My commission expires M' CC mi Qn t Witness my hand official and seal. j Notary u is If' a Glen E. Gidley Director Plannin Development Date: f :74luriril PIIl be h weI Inirolure?t by ter., i.avton y,aeot3 rta~ling, tIL.,t. rent by Itir% "i.:r4.; ur.ftnaric* as. 7b8 *III goal Mr'4. now *I.tl otet,atr. train vottrg I~jv to a renfllet of inttrfet. Mr-, Enou aune property terra-1: ate: y e ! ; ec•ant to tr'e proj#orty {our,rlt t.o va roz4one t and 'tub-tlvt'tel ar:l will be el.takinry oe a trtvete cl tfaen. Mr. l,lirey priilivnt*a Call* t`*'* an appl#ratian fir t4b.ltvt lt?o, plot for rie'rail bt"I ent eraewerel "bancitl?t lire It 1 ".1 . ee Fi Ah r, 11 JUI M. 40th Ave"'. Vi e., woe I'w*rn In by the "Aynr :evil It*taI till Pr• echo wrtn the rtrent 'uryty. jtyr bit tit, 11115 it, u th Avenue, ra': voarn in by the Mayor an itatet he vltu gtkt or inareeertgrale ealewent at no charge, honey a$'mot. 111,515 M. 40tti Avenue, wal lwarn to by the Mayer ail gate the barkgro4el an rrow thie all tronepired. Mrs. 8naw eubmtttel three pieturrs a++ Exhibit A. "i'ru'tfon fo<lowt:l ar •.11 partial 04*ee.'1 that ttrere w111. he an tseement ronvtyel, whleh wt 11 •eteh the eeilt ng City etreet, it wtil be 25' In wi ltin Well eoutax of whtrt the Valtting ee`.taent t' ertown on map. Motion by Mr. Davis that Caunetl bill so. 6, tlr4inanot Mo, I88, a request for at=protal of retaining frw #eet6eratiol-Qne rant Agricultural-one to Resitentir -£ine, ba approval for the ro043w4".rt rtalane : 1. Thai p>ropo-e-1 rojoning t♦ eonslatsnt rtth trre Comprehewtive F-I*o,, 2. The propotol rtrontng 1e compottblt rith rodisetnt zoning an; ar.t >3ee; an:l 3. Staff ant ?laonina C felon recce eni approval; 'eclanttl tit y^ keller, ra:rrftl ?-p. 8. Appllratt: Z ,era11 Ste;l for approval of a flitter-:iat 'ubo'tyi'irxn Alit at 11115 as. 38th Avenue, iCaae %a. a5-84-17 Motion by Mr. Davie that "aae ho. HS-El4-1. a regie't for approval a:' a fifteen-Iat Iv'hli+r!'ian at 11115 W. 3stts Avenut, be appravri fee, tr:r [alloy^:g tee°.snt. A:. rt.a,,-eattnte of the Sublivi'.1on ktgulationffi !70't btrn It*, a., :::toff evil r>1annint a4+riIlion reea evil approval. wits tMt fall-utnj corlltiorl. 1. An amtn-leI plat tie naIneittei for alainietrat4ve review a=7 rtetor~ln: 1hovt* the nofittert hoan:iary of the eubifviaton ever char.g-. TITI.Lt AN. ORDINANCE PROV1TaINf; FOP TNE:'.. AVVROVA.L OF AY)t()N:NG FfNW RFSIDENTTAL-ONE AND AEIRI t1LT4tRAL'arNE TO WRIDENTIAL-ONE ON LAND L(KATED AT I1 t 15 NEST 313TH AVENUE, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COUNTY OF .IEFFFRSt1N, STATE OF COLORADO IW IT ORDAINED 13Y TIM CtTY COUNCIL, Of THE U "Y O NFIEAT RIDGE COLORAW, TEIAT Tho rx.rts of dote 3 and 4 erookoldo Subdivision, a sat ivin -r, recorde-t In the official records of Jefferson Co~nf' in at 2, at page 26~ City of whoot Ridge, j#fforaon County Colorsl'i- more pal°ticularly described as follows-, C ncl" at a the soasih line of the Southwest one-quarter of Section ?1, township 3 south, range 69 west of the 6th P,M. from which ta',r south one-quartet carer of Said section bears N.84013'01°E. €s distance of 1104.27 fort, said point being on the southerly extension of the west line of the **at 11450 feet of uaaid i'kft '4, thence N.0022'10*W. along said southerly extension e diutar%~= 30.19 feat to the southwest sorrier of the east 114.50 feet c'f sta plot 4, said Corner being the Trot r2laS of 8sgioingi then-e S.89013'13"M. aiong the south line of saiO plot 4 a distares 'f 50.47 feet to the southeast corner of the south 125.00 feet #.:f . west one-half of said plot 4: thence N.0112" 46"w. along the x„ . . If" of the seat one-half of sold plot 4 a ,istAnco of 12f3,b' feats thence S.84013113"M. a distance of '~,4 49 feet to a the west line of said plot 4, thence N.Co? i"W. along 'rAtd WF., line a distance of 972.43 feet to A i?;t on the south i"i t.r'. north 200.40 feet of said plot 4, thence !.WY-'24'0f"F. 1sav:,.arai t the north line of said plots 4 and 3 a ai tar.:e of 445.48 f+ef t• a point on the asst line of the west cane-h=alf of sail tr of them* 5.0021'35"E, alr,fq said east lino a distance Of 795.W to a point on the port' line of the south 300.00 feet of r:. 1: thence S.89013'13"N. parallel to the south :ins of 4.,ti-i F• and 4 a distance rf 279.52 feet to the northwest r.ornr=r :,t s!:, east 114.50 feet of said plot 4, thence S.-"22'1""F, a 300.00 f00t 1..0 the True Point of. b4''$..ltimL ng- cnntai ni na acres more or less. 1,1 the C'rft of Lawa Of thy; City Of who.*t Ridge,. 1 'this otdinance shall take affect itrys EftAr fif,o put I lcat ion. 'INTRODUCED, RZAD, AND ADOPTED on first reading by on this tday of T.ii~,._,.__ 1989, orde^ 2AA new~xpapWr o Vonore i. GircuY.ation in the City F,ol ir• bearing and consideration at *i'nel passage 14", at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers, '7500 rihaat Ridje colors . a vote of # * red publish fall of wheat Rid£ie 4ni sot for Ai.; !14 Watat 29th *,vor-ads, PEAn„ AD4i'TED AND ORDERED PU8LISHMD on second art final readi.t:i my vote f to this 24th day of 1989. MtJ1'.;iJt ~.14.'ai=. CI'ty ~LSR~C 1st Publication: Nar, s) 3: , ,pNv 2nd Publication: may a, i44 Wheat ittd8e Sentinel Effective Data, '?a i,I• ^48v OAtS it2S~pE, MJt1'C}R APPROVED J4 iK F0kM SY C I TS A Al y " 4 ,7t?NN 1"4-S. rclTS~' iY-nil, a/wr-89-2'Ford