HomeMy WebLinkAboutHA Resolution 2006-01 WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 01 Series of 2006 ORrGINAL TITLE: A RESOLUTION ENACTING A BUDGET AND APPROPRIATION FOR THE YEAR 2007 WHEREAS, C.R.S. 29-1-103 (I) of the Local Government Budget Law of Colorado requires certain local governmental entities to prepare and adopt an annual budget; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney has opined that the provisions of the Budget Law apply to the Authority; and WHEREAS, notice of adoption of this 2007 budget and appropriation was given by the Housing Authority in compliance with C.R.S. 29-1-106; and WHEREAS, in compliance with the provisions of the Budget Law regarding notice, objections, and hearing, a public hearing was held on this Budget and Appropriation for 2007 by the Authority on November 15, 2006. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority as follows: Section I. The year 2007 budget as shown on Exhibit 1 attached hereto is hereby approved. Section 2. Sources of revenue for the Authority are sales of units rehabilitated by the Authority, Community Development Block Grant funds, and interest earned. Section 3. Total expenditures of the Authority do not exceed available revenues and beginning fund balance. Section 4. A certified copy of this resolution shaH be filed with the Division of Local Government. ADOPTED the I~ day of 71.A-1',.&,j-<-<;-2006. WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY C~~~~ ATTEST: i/~d~ Secretary to the Authority Wheat Ridge Housing Authority 11-14-06 Proposed Budget 2006 UnaudllBd Proposod '"" Projected '"" '"" '00' Budget 2006 Budget Budget Ordlnarylncoma/EXpoose Incomo 500'Sal..ofUnlts 242,000 1,328.000 en,BOO 1,215,000 UXlO,OOO 530.Renl 13.414 10,000 7,500 10,000 10,000 535.lnlarestlncomo "2 1,500 2,500 1,000 5.000 54$'MlscGllaneouslm:orno 500 , '00 00' Totllllncomll 256,366 1.340,000 987,600 1,226,500 1,015,500 Cosl of Goods Sold '" . Beginning Cost of Unlls 220,783 774,801 1,010,571 963,707 480,370 5S5'PurdlasllofUnlts 118,500 234,000 600,000 600,000 564, COBG Gl'lInt -75,000 -150,000 -150,000 -75,000 Suml11llryR..habllllallonC05Is 342,311 400,000 80,000 400,000 400,000 599 'Ending CostofUnl1s -461,144 -480,370 .1,000,000 -600,000 Total COGS 145,450 1,174,801 594,301 813,707 805,370 Gross-Profit 110,915 165,199 293,499 412,793 210,130 ...-. 700'SoIlIngCosls '" 1,368 2,539 3,525 2,597 704'Buyurlncenllvas 4,469 14,868 30,463 22.437 31,155 705'CloslngCosls 1,993 5,511 5,517 10,006 5,745 710.Corrrnlsslons 11,616 59,840 40,450 "'" 41,368 750'Accounllng&Leglll 6,700 1Cl,Cloo 8,000 9,000 9,000 762'BankChlll'gas " 100 24 " 00 771'CltyRelmbursumool 2.= 3,000 4,000 6,000 6,000 775,Conf....en<::fl&MeellngExpens.. 100 '00 '" '00 '00 m'ConlTac:tServlces 0 1,500 7fr1'DulIS,Books&Subso:::r1pllons 60 '00 60 '00 500 802'Gardenlng&Malnl..nance 1,495 1,500 2,551 1,500 2,500 804, Homeowners Assoclallon Du.... 1,927 2,000 3,000 2,000 2,ooCl 807.lnsurance , 0 5,956 0 825.0fllceSuppU.... " 200 116 200 '" 832'Poslag.. 28 '00 33 100 100 833'Prlnllng&Coples 500 0 Il43'Repalrs 879 1,500 4,000 1,500 1,500 853.Supplles 200 200 '00 851-TllXos-ReaIEstaI.. 33 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 865, Trll5h Rumoval 307 '00 400 '00 500 872.Ulillllos 1,185 1,500 2,5OCl 2,000 2,000 TOlalExp"nse 34,631 105,707 111,452 119,438 107,014 Nel Ordinary Income 76,285 59.492 182,047 293,355 103,116 OIh....lncomelExpense Other Expense 910'lnlweslExpens" 1,200 0 Total Other Expense 1,200 Net Olher IncomalEXpense -1,200 Netlncom.. 71;,285 58,292 182,041 293,355 103,116 B..glnnlng Fund Balance 1.121,522 1,123,188 1,203,063 1,385,110 1,385,110 Ending Fund Balancll 1,1S7,807 1,181,480 1,385,110 1,678,485 1,488,226