2, Mary Lou Chapla, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of
Adjustment, do hereby certify that the follawinq Resolution was
duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson,
State of Colorado, on the 12th day of December, 1996.
CASE NO: WA-96-41
APPLICANT'S NAME: Texaco Refining and Marketing, Inc.
LOCATION: 4885 Kipling Street
Upon motion by Board Member- ABBOTT seconded by Board Member
HOVLAND the following Resolution was stated.
WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an Administrative
Officer; and
WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application, Case No. WA-96-41
is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an Administrative
Officer; and
WHEREAS, the property has been posted the required 15 days by law
and there WERE NO protests registered against it; and
• WHEREAS, the relief applied for MAY be granted without detriment
to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the
intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment
Application Case No. WA-96-41 be and hereby is APPROVED.
TYPE OF VARIANCE: A 12' side yard setback
1. The canopy will be taller than 84" in height and not located
within the site distance triangle, the proposal will not act
as a visual impact or impair the light or air of adjacent
2. The proposed site plan has been reviewed by the Planning and
Development Department, Public Works Department and the
Traffic Engineer, and it is their conclusion that the
proposal layout allows for adequate circulation and should
not pose a problem with ingress and egress off 'of w. 49th
3. The proposed upgrade should positively impact the character
of the neighborhood. The variance is a component of a total
rebuild of the site and should not endanger the public or
negatively effect the character of the neighborhood.
• Case No. WA-96-41/Resolution
Page 22
VOTE: YES: Abbott, Hovland, Junker, Mauro, Thiessen and Walker
NO: None
DISPOSITION: A 12'.side yard setback variance granted by a vote
of 6-0.
DATED this 1/24th, ~d~ay of December, 1996. `~,
ROBERT W KER, Chairman Mar Ilo~ Chapla, ecretary
Board of Adjustment Board ~ Adjustment