HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-1992·d . ). 9 01 02 903 . 904 - ws \,) ~06 907 ORO IN/\NCE IND EX Subj ec t Firs t First Second . Read i ng Pub . Reading An Ordinance providing for the 6/22/92 7/2/92 7/27/92 approval of rezoning from -l Qfl·f(q) Restricted -Commercial to~ommercia One on land located at 4601 Harlan -Ci t y of Wheat Ridge , ~ou nL : Street . of Jefferson, State of Colorado . An Ordinance to amend Ar t j cle X, 7/13/92 7/23/92 8/10/92 Massage Parlor Code of the Code df Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge by Exemutins Massa~e Therapist from coverage . An Ordinance adding section 2-5 to 7/13/92. 7/23/92 9/14/92 the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code, Concerning Municipal Disposition of Unclaimed Prouertv . "'"rrouncil BTil 1119) , An Ordinance providing for th~ Re --6/22/92 7/2/92 9/28/92 zonin~ from Jlanned Indu~trial Development District to a Modified \I!. I> I') Plannea Industrial DeveloEmen t District and approval of a combine out line and final development plan and plat on land located at 519.Q.. ~City of Wheat Ridge Cou~ty of Jefferson, State of Colo ado (Council Bill #17) An Ordinance amending the Zoning Cc de of the Code of Laws of the City of 9-14-92 9-24-92 10-12-92 Wheat Ridge r ela t ing to veterinary hospitals ~nd clinics wi t hin Restrictea Commercial(R-C)Zone Dis t ricts . An Ordinance amending Chapte r l2, 9-28-92 10-8-92 10 -26-92 Nuisances , of the Code of Laws of he -city of Wheat Ridge by adding a Suecifi.,.ti A.ctivi t iP Section 15 -30 , ~ohibited at g;lf driving ranges , and providing a penalty for Violat on Thereof An Ordinance Repealing Sections 3 ., 10 -26-92 11-5-92 12-2-92 4 ., & s . of Ordinance No . 400, Seri ~s of 1980 & Amending Section 5-77 of 1L.he Code of Laws of the City of Wheat F ti,dge by adopting a new fee schedule for D.ec·tr~ _permits and enacting Sections ..!i -81 l;i nd -~l ot the (.;ode or Laws or: cne ~~c y of Wheat Ridge. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERI~'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 Second Pub. 8/6/92 8/20/92 . 9/24/92 . 10/l/92 10 -22-92 ll-5-92 12-10-92 . . ,. '"'r-:r:t\T ~~n~~= r.n1 ()Q Ann ~nn~l! Page In Fil Effe ct Loc 8/21/92 .--· ... 9/4/92 10/9/92 . 10/16/92 • . 11-6-92 .. ll-6 -92 ~ 12-ll-92 ·d. ) . 8 94 895 ~96 . 97 ~8 99 00 ORO IN/\NCE IND EX Subj ec t Fir s t Fi rs t Se cond . Reading Pub . Reading An Ordinance vacating a portion of 3/9/92 3/19/92 4/13/92 \J , 36th Pl .. between Vance St & - Upham St. ~Case No. \JV-91-8~ at -approximately 3600 Vance St. wit hi the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson , State of Colorado. ~n Ordinance authorizing the issuar ce & sale of $11,500 .000 maximum a~r2re gate principal amount of City of · 4/13/92 4/23/92 5/11/92 \~heat Ridge , CO qualified 501 (c)(3) revenue bonds (Mountain Vista Healt h ~enter , Inc . -Mountain Vista Proje ... t) ~t:z.~e::; 1 ~~£, au~:;nor~z~ng ~:ne execu tion and delivery by the City of a .. mortgage and locan agreement, an indenture of trust , a placement age !n t . agreement, closing documents, & sue~ bonds in connection there~ith ..... An Ordinance providing for the approval of a Special Use Peimit to 4/27/92 5/7/92 5/18/92 allow a Class 1I home occupation in a Residential-Two zone distric t .on property located at }0509 West 44th A~en~~} City of \Jhea~~Ri~y~• County n lo "'"""" Ct--.t-o ~ (',.. ~-~.:i~ Case #SUP-92-1 -James Toscano An Ordin ance amending various pro-5/11/92 5/21/92 6/8/92 visions of Article II of Chapter 2• Urban Renewal Authority , of t h e Code of Laws of th City of Wheat Ridge . An Ordinance providing for the 5/11/92 5/21/92 6/8/92 approval of r e z o p i qg from Restricted-Commercial to Commercia - ~ on Tand loca~ed at 7400-7490 w. 38th Avenue , City of Wheat Ridg1 County of Jefferson , State of Colo ado . An Ordinance amending and £2rrectin ~5/18/92 6/11/92 6/22/92 th ~ Zoc j og Co de of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge relating to sideya~ &etba~~s and garages within the various residentia l zone districts. An Ordinance Amending the Wheat Rid rp Municipal Cod~ to increase the 6/22/92 7/2/92 7 I l3/92 jurisdictional amount of the Th~ft by Check , and Criminal Mi.:rhiPf Ordinances to f4UQ .O~ in accordanc e witn r-el:en~ly enacted statutory la"W. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERI<'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 Seco nd Pub. 4/23/92 5/21/92 5/18/92 6/18/92 6/18/92 7/2/92 7/23/92 \Mr-a:flT ~rnr-c r,(')t (')Q6nn ~nn11 Pag e In Fil Effe ct Lac 4/24/92 l(t {}_. 9.2011937; . ... I . 5/22/92 5/29/92 ~B II , 6/19/92 7/3/92 cs ./2. , . - 7/17/92 .... 8/7/92 . ·d . ). B 87 88 89 - 890 . '391 992 393 ORDINAN CE INDEX Subject First First Secon d . Read i ng Pub. Read ing An Ordinance repealing and reenact ing Section 22-91 and Section 22-9 12/9/91 12/12/91 12/23/91 of Cha p ter 2~ticle II of the Code of the City of W.R ., pertaini g l.O taxation of telephone exchanges -- An OrdinDnce amending Chapter 22 Taxation of the Code of Laws of th 12/9/91 l2/t9/9l 1/13/92 City , by addjng a New Division~ t> Article II of Chapter 22 authorizi lg the City Council to designate cert in "Bu siness Development Zo n ~s " .... An Ordinance amending the orovis Lo ls r- of Section 26 . Art is;!~ I of the Coce p f LaHs, hereafter refe r red to as tl e tl oning Code , and pr oviding for the . l / 13/92 1/23/92 2/10/92 ~doption of regulations per taining 0 ~'"he e x piration of variance approval~ . An Ordinance ~acatin~ a portion of West 38th Dr ive i n t e Ridge Sub- aivision within the City of Wheat 1/13/92 1/23/92 2/10/92 Ridge , County of Jeffe r so n, State of Colorado . An Urdl.nance amend1.ng the zon1.ng code of the City of Wheat Ridge by 2/10/92 2/20/92 3/9/92 adding a definition of confinement facfljty and by declaring the use c f J;ropertY as a confinement facility LO be a prohibited use within any zone ,.H ~A~~ +A~ ~~ 1..~1 ..1 •~~ .... ·u facility operated and controlled exclusively by the Wheat Ridge Police Depa r tment . An Ordinance amending Sec . 2-S3{e}_ 2/24/92 3/5/92 3/23/92 of the Code of Laws by establishing a minimum 75% attendance rate fa t_ members of aooointed board £ &__ commissions within the City . An Ordinance amendi ng various pro-3/9/92 3/19/92 4 /13/92 visions of Cha Eter 22 , Taxation , of -the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 Second Pub. 1/2/92 l/23/92 . 2/20/92 2/20/92 3/19/92 4/2/92 4/23/92 . . \M r-:r=J\T ~~n~c: r.n1 nQAnn Ann~1 Page In Fil Effect Lac 1/1/92 -... - 2/7/92 -. 3/6/92 - ~~ 2/21/92 ~10~ ,...~~~ S· 4/3/91 4 /17/92 ~ 4/24/92 ·d . ). 8 79 880 881 882 - 83 84 85 36 OR OINJ\NCE INDEX Subject First First Sec ond . Reading Pub. Re adin g Ordinance adding Section 13-7 to the Code of La ws of the City Of Wheat Ridge by making it unlawful 9/9/91 9/14/91 10/14/91 to drive through private proper ty or driveways . Ordinance authorizing issuance & sale of Indu strial Development Rev- enue bond s , series 1991 (L a Quinta 10/14/91 10/17/91 10/28/91 ~1otor Inns, Inc . Project ,)in the principal amount of $3 ,194 ,442 . An Ordinance establishing the ~al- ary for l he elected nnc:i r :J._ons of_-~ .. rr:ta"yor , ~1ember~f Council ~!.ti..l<:t J4.. a n d C ~ty Tr eASUL~~~the ~a rm 0/14/91 10/17/91 10/28/91 oT office -11/11/91 -11/8/93 ; repealing Ord . 808, Series of 1989 . An Ordinance providing for the app 10/14/91 10/24/91 12/9/91 roval of rezonina from Reside n t..ial One to Residential-One A on land i ocatea at I rli 7!> and 11645 w. 32 nd Ave ., City of Wheat Ridge . An Ordinance amending various pro- visions of Article III Code of ~ t-10/14/91 ics·, of Chapter 7 Elections of the 10 /24/91 12/9/91 'C"ode of La ws to incorporate change ~ adopted by the Colorado Gener a l " ___ ,,,., N .... ;..,.., ;,."' 1 QQ 1 <:t><:<:in n An Ordinance vacating a portion of Garrison St . Nnrt-h ~f W. 35th Ave . (Case No . WV -91-20) within the 10/28/91 11/7/91 12/9/91 City of Wheat Ridge , County of Jefferson , State of Colorado . An Ordinance reen acting , wit h arne ~d- ments , the provisions of Chante r 1 Licenses Permits and ~lisc ell an eo s 11/25/91 12/5/91 12/23/91 business regulations ; & Chapter 22 . Taxation~of the Code of La~s An Ordinance repea ling and r e en- acting Section 7-2 ResidencJL 11/25/91 12/5/91 12/23/91 requi r ement for City-Council Mem- bers of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Rid ge . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE C ITY C L ERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 Sec ond Pub . 10/24/91 10/31/91 . 1 'r:/7/91 12/19/91 12/19 /91 12/19/91 l/2/92 l /2/92 . • '' \MI~r:fiT ~~n~t= ~()I ()P~nn Ann'\~ Page In Fi l Effect Lac ll/8/91 ......... 11/15/91 -. .. 11/11/91 1/3/92 l/3/92 ~c£ 12/20/91 9J.~ {; ~'+- l/1/92 ... 1/3/92 ·d. >. 8 71 8 72 8 73 3 7-4 75 ·76 n1 78 ORDINANCE INDEX Subjec t First First Second . Reading Pub . Reading Ordinance repealing and reenacting the provistQns of ~apter 17 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat 7 /22 /91 7 /31 /91 8 /12/91 Ridge providin& parks and recrea- tion rul e s and regulations and pro- vi ding penalt i es o f v io i ati ons the eof . • ordinance amending the provisions of Section 26 -33(8)(3). Excavation and Deposit Control of the Code 7 /8 /91 7 /17 /91 8 /26 /91 of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge . ' Ordinance amending Sections 2-34 , .. 15-5 and 15-9 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge pro-&/ 12/91 8 /21/91 9/9/91 viding that the issuance of notice to abate nuisances is a matter in the discretion of the City's Code Enforceme nt Officers . Ordinance providing for the appro- .val of rezonin ~ from Resid ential- Two and Residential-Three to -Residential-Th ree on land located 8 /12 /91 8 /21 /91 9/9/91 at 360 ~ g a a sworth Bivd., City of l.n.~" .. -~ ...t-~ .... .--~& ToFF.,. .... .,,.,... ...... -J Ordinance vacating a portion of Vance St. between W. 28th and w: 2 9th Ay enues (Case No. WV-91-4) 8 /12/91 8 /21/91 9 /9/91 wit hin the City of Wheat Ridge , Cty.of Jefferson, State of Colorad . Ordinance vacatin ~ a por t ion o f W. 33rd Ayenue No r th of 3285 Balsa (case No. WV-91-3) within the City 8 /12 /91 8 /21 /91 9 /9 /91 of Wheat Ridge, Cty.of Jef f e r son, State of Colorado. Ordina nce repealing and reenacting Section 2-62 and SecLion 19-21 through 19-2 9 of the Code of La ws 8/26/9 1 9/4/91 9/23/91 of the City of Wheat Ridge . Ordinance amending the provisions of Section 26 . Article I of Lhe Code of Laws of the City of Wheat 8/26/91 9/4/91 9/23/91 Ridge , herea fLer referred to as the Zoning Code of the CiLy of Wheat Ridge, and provid i ng for the a aopt~on uJ. L t:~u.&.a ~o.-Lvu<> ~-'"'L ..... _;_ ....... e. to the Agricultural-Two Zone District . .. CITY OF W HEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFlCE P. 0 . BO X 638 \MI-H=f\T ~~n ~r:: ~()I ()0 ~~~· Page Second I n F Pub. Effect L• 8/21/91 9/4 /91 . 9 /4 /91 9/ll /91 . 9/18/91 .. 9/19 /91 . 9/18/91 10 /3/91 ~. . 9/18/91 9/19 /91 ;:J.}•I/9 C";//1.1 S"S'D /{..::(': . • {.I,/~ 9 /18/91 9 /19 /91 I•' ' 1 '1!/JJ.. . ".)· ' 10/3/91 10/4/91 . " . 10/3/91 " 10/18/91 ORD I N/\NC E IND EX ·d . >. . Subject Fir s t Readi ng Ordinance initiating an amendment 10 Sections 3 ,1 and 4.4 of the Home R1 le 864 ~t arter o f the City of Wheat Ridge 6/10/91 and submitting the same to the registered electors of the City at the regular municipal election of Novemoer :,·, L YYI • Ordinance initiating an amendment to Sections 2.7 , 4 .4 15.6(a), 865 r 6.11(h), 3.4(b) Ji\. and 12 =:9'(b 6/10/91 o""f tne Home Rule Charter of the ~ &66 867 868 69 City of Wheat Ridge and submitting t-h"' '"'"'"" t-n t-hP r"'O'"i <;tered eleCtOr of the City at the regular municip 1 election of November 5, 1991 . Ordinance initiating an amendment to Section 4.4(a2 of the Home "Rule Char ter of the City of Wheat R~dge and submitting the same to the registered electors. of the City at the regular municipal election ot Novemoer :>, 1~. Ordinance initiating an amendment to Section 10 .12 of the Home Rule Chafter o f the Ci ty of Wheat Ridge and submitting the same to the registered electors of the " ~ ,. t-h"' .,....,.,..,,,.,. "'>nirinal "7 election of November 5, 1991. Ord. providing for the approval of rezoninj from Commercial-One to Commercial-Two_on land located aL 6285 W. 48th Ave., City of WheaL 6/10/91 6/10/91 ·6/10 /91 ~ .. .,. -.Ctv of Jeff.State of Colora o . 7/8/91 ' Ordinance repea~ing and reenacting portions of Chapter 11, Licenses , Permits and Miscellaneous ~ Business Regulations; and.-portions of Chapter 22 , Taxation, of the Code of Laws of the. City of Wheat· idge. Ordinance amending the provisions of Section 9-32{c) of the Code ~70 of Laws of the City of WheaL Ridge 7/8/91 to allow sales of r~ri&erant in conta1ners with a capacity of one (1) pound for use by licensed pro- fessionaL garages to cnarge motor vehicle air conditioners . Fi rs t Pub . 6/12/91 6/12/91 6/12/91 6/12/91 6/19/91 7/17/91 7 /17/91 Second Reading 6/24/91 6/24 /91 6/24/91 6/24/91 7/8/91 8 /12/91 8/12/91 CITY OF WH EAT RIDGE C ITY C L ERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 Se con d Pub . 7/3/91 7/3/.91 7/3/91 7/3/91 7 /17/9 1 8/21/91 8 /28/91 '""-:r=f\T Rrn~r:: r.n t nQA nn A nrl~1 Pag e In Ef f ect 7/4/91 7/4/91 7/4/91 7/4/91 7/31/91 9/1/91 8/29/91 Fil l ac . ~. ·- ·d . Subject ). - Ord . providing for the approval 58 of a Special Use Permit to allow the parking of te n (10) semi-tract 8 trailers in a Commercial-One Zone District on property located at 10101 w. I -70 Fr ontage Rd ., Nort.h , G~ty ot Wheat tuoge , vou n cy -o-r 'Jeffer son , State of Colorado . (Sandra Monks -Case SUP-90-7) Ordinance r epealing·and recnacti n ~ 8 ~9 the provisions of Section 26-7(G)( of the Code of Laws of the City o f Wheat Ridge providing exce p tion§ to nonconformin ~ ~ts 1 11Se §·1 ang structures when such nonconform- 1 ty is created through specified governmental action . . - Or dinance amending Section 26 . 360 Article l V. Si s n Code of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheac Ridge . Or dinance vacating a portion of Ot is Str eet in the James Sub- 861 division wit h in the City of WheaL Ri d ge , Cty o f J efferson, State of Colorad o . Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning from Re- 62 stricted Commercial-One and ~ommercial-One to Commercial-One I on land located at 6425 W. 44th Avenue , City of Wheat R~oge . - Ordinance initiating an amendment 363 to Section 3 .2 of t h ~ Home Rule Charter of the City of Wheat Ridge and submitting the same to the registered electors of the City at the regular municipal electio n of November 5 , 1~~1 . ,. ORDINANCE INDEX First First Secon d Readin g Pub . Rea ding pr/ 11/26/9 p 12/5/90 l/28/91 .. 1) 2/25/91 3/6/91 3/25/9 1 2/11/91 2/20/91 4/8/91 4/8/91 4/17/91 5/13/91 I 4/8/91 4/17/91 5/13/91 6/10/91 6/12/91 6/24/91 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLEn i<'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 Second Pub. 2/6/91 . 4/3/91 4/17/91 5/22/91 5/22/91 7/3/9i '"''~r:/\T Qrn~~= r.nr nQ Ann Ann'l1 Page In Fil Ef f ect Lac 2/21/91 .. -.. . : ' 4/18/91 . 5/2/91 Khc. Q.i 1/ . 5/23/91 ~~ f7-..<·-'9t -a= 9/ t Jt, IJt-.<3.? 6/5/91 " . 7/4/91 ·d . l . 852 853 85 4 0 55 856 857 ORO IrlANCE I: iDE X Subject Ord. amending the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ri dge by adding a First Re ading First Pub . new Article III of Cha p.9 , cnt~tl d 10/22/90 1:/7/90 "Regulat~on of products conca~n~n ozone deplet~ng compounds" gove rn ng the manufacture, distr., sale and I.:eC yC...Ll.fig V-fJLVUUI..'-0> '11 ... 1..11 U'-.L.o..._ ov V<.oV '"" Ord. providing fo r the approval of a change of co nditions placed on the original rezoning to 10/22190 Commercial-One on land located at 4975 Kipling St ., City of Wheat RidJZe Ctv of Jeff. St ate of Colo Ord. amending the provisons o f Section 22-76 of the Co de of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge by amending the threshold of sales ta xes required to be ge nerated in o rriPr rn n:~rricioarP 1 n rhP F'.~TTP 10/22/90 'roR.ram Ord. au thor~z~ng the issuance and sale of $11,500 ,000 max~mum aggregate pr~ncipal amount of City of Wh~at Ridge, Colorado Qu alified 501(c)(3) 10 1 22 1 90 Revenue Bonds (Bapt~st Home Assoc . Mt. Vi sca P;oiect) Series 1990; author~z1ng t ne execut1on and delivery by the City of a Mortgage and Loan Agreement , an Indenture of Trust , a Placement Agent Agree- ment, c losing documents, and such Bond s ~n connection th erewith; ~-~ ~~ ntho ~ '0 matters related to such financ~ng; and repealing action theretofore taken ~n conflict he rew~th . Ord . repealing ?nd reenacting Section 22-91 and Section 22-93 of Chapter 22, Article II of t he CO de of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado , perta1ning to taxation of telephone exchaoses Ord . amending Section 13-2 of the 11 /2 6 190 Code of La,,s ofthe city of Wlleat 11 2 0 Ridge to eliminate an inconsisLencv I 6 19 wilh other provisions of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws . (Model Traffic Code) I, •o 10/31/90 10/31/90 10131/90 ll/30190 1215190 Second l Re ading Seco nd Pub . Page In Effect f L ~ec. 1-15 day ~ec . 2 -1 '1 I 91 11/26/90 12/5/90 ~ec . 3 -7 1 1/91 1>ec . 9-38 llf~ 11/26/90 12/5,.l90 12/20190 11/26190 12/.~190 12/20190 12/10190 12/19/9( 12120/90 12 110190 12 /19190 l/1191 l/14/91 1/23/91 • 217191 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLER K'S OFFICE P. 0 . BO X 638 ,.,. ,.,.,...,. ,...,,,...,.,......-,..,..., ,...nAf"\"" """"Ill ·d . ) . 845 846 . 8 4 7 84 8 8 49 8 so 8 51 OR Difi J\NC E I:ID EX Subjec t First Fi r st Seco nd Reading Pub . Reading Ord. repealing and reenactlng var1ous Sectlo ns of Chapter u of the Code of Laws of the City of 9/l0/90 9/19/90 10/8/90 Wheat Ridge concern1ng an1mals and enforcement of animal violatlons b) animal-parks en f orcement of fice~ Ord. vacatlng a portlon of West 39th Ave nue bet ween High Ct. and Reed St . in t b e Ro :z:: S . Bacon Jr. Subdiv1sion within the City of 9/10/90 9/19./90 10/8/90 Whea t Ridge , Cty of Jeff .• S t ate of Colorado . Adj. to Lot l. Ord . vacating a portion of W. 39t h Ave. between High Ct. & Reed St. 'i n t he Ro y s . Bac on Jr . Suhd 1 y i sian wuhir 9 /10 /90 9/19/90 10 /8 /90 the City of Whe at Ridge, Ct. o f Jefferson, State of Colocad~. Adj. to Lot 2. Or d. vac ating a portion of ki. 39th ~ Ave. be tween High Ct. a nd Reed St.. in the Roy S . Bacon Jr . Su bd i vi-sio r ,9/10/90 9/19 /90 10/8/90 with i n the City of Wheat Ridge, Cty of Jeff., St ate ·o f Colorado. Adj. to Lot 9. Ord . vacatln& a portion of ~t 39t h Av e. be tween Hi ~h Ct . and Reed s~. 1 n t"h eo:: Roy S. Bacon Jr . 9/10/90 9/19/90 10/8/90 Subdivision within the City of Wheat Ridge, Cty of Jefferson, State of Colo rado. Ad1. to Lot 10 . Ord. repe aling and reenact i n~ Sections 16-127 and 16-177 of the Co d e o f La ws o ~ the City of Wheat 9/24/90 10/3/90 1f /2G/90 Ridge , involving offenses related to the possess1on and consumption of alcoholic beverages by m1nors and adults 1n public place s \Jlthir the City , and repealing and reenacting Section 17-u7 of the Cc ~e of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge relat ing to park rules. Or dinance am end ing the provisions pf Ch~ter 7 . Elections, o f the Cod e o f Laws of t h e Ci ty of Wheat 10 /2 2/90 10 /31/90 11 /26 /90 Ridge. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 l Secor.d Pu b . "' ,/ ·- 10/17 /90 ~c. =If: lOll i /90 (kc. # 10/17/90 . -< ..... ~ 10/17/90 ~c. =If- 10/17 /90 12/5/90 12 /5/90 • • •• ._.. • .... ~·.,..., ".-....... ~. ~.,..a .... ...._ AAA,_. Page rn Ef fect -ti=. ~ I, I .. -.J . 11/l /90 90i 0' \77 10/18 /90 r ro I o-'sl& I 10/18 /90 c:ro r 09 .. p ~ 10/1 8 /90 q 0 I (I 7 :) . 10/18/90 12/20/90 . " l/19/91 ·d . ). . Subject Ord. providing for the approval of rezoning fLam Comm ercial-One and ORDIN/\NCE INDEX First Readi ng First Pub . Second Reading 839 Residentiai -Two to Commercial-One 6/25/90 and for approval of an official 7/4/90 7/23/90 840 8 41 43 development plan on land located at approximately 9995 W. 44th Ave., Ci y of Wheat l(iQge, ~.;ty . or Jett erson, State of Colorado . (Phillips 66 Company)(Case WZ-90-5) Ord. providing for the approval of rezoning !rom Residential-Two and Commercial-One to Commercial-One 719/90 on land loc a ted at 4298 Kipling Street, City of Wheat Ridge, Count) nf T,.fforenn ~r;trp of C:nlnr;uin (Glen Daughenbaugh) (Case No . WZ-9C-7) Ordina nce amending Wheat Ridge Code of Laws , C ha~ter 26. Article IV. Sign Code , rel~ting to use of banners for advertising pu rposes. 8/13/90 Ord. amending Chapter q _ of the Code o£ La\"S of the City of \./heat Ridge by adopting the Colorado Dept. of ~ublic Safety Rules and Regulat ions concerning minimum sa f ety standards for the operation o f commercial ven~cJ.es and amending the Model Traffic Code provisions controlling the use ~y commercial vehicles of the City 's streets and providing a penalty [o~ violation thereof. 8/27/90 Ord. providing ~or rhe approval of rezonina from Commercial-One and Agricul ;ural-One to Commercial 9/10/90 One on land located at 1!801 W. 44th Ave., City of Wheat Ridge. ~ase No. WZ-90-8) .(Heinz Si lz) Ord . amending various ~Prtirme nf Ae pendix A. Zoning Ord ., of the Code of La\~TS of the City of \<!heat Ridge, relating to Bcd-N-Breakfast 9 /lO/QO uses . 7 /18 /90 8/13 /90 8/22/90 9 /10 /90 9/5/90 9/24/QO 9/19/90 10/8/90 9/19/90 10/8/90 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 Second Pub. 8/1/90 8/22/90 9/19/90 10/3/90 Page In Effect Fi , Lac 8/16/90 iwZ-9 0 - .. 9/6/90 WZ-90- 10/4/90 10/18/90 10/17/90 11/1/90 WZ-90-8 10/17/90 11/1/90 '0 \Mt~r:t-.T otnr-r:: f"nr nof\nn ann'!~! ·d . ). 8 33 34 d5 136 37 38 OROINJ\NCE INDEX Subject First First Second . Reading Pub. Reading Ordinance repealing and reenacting Sections 5.-79 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge , adopt-6/ll/90 6/20/90 7/9/90 ing by reference the Uniform Plumbing Code, l988 Edition, pro- viding for certain amendments t::nerel:0 1 CJnrr JJlUV.lUUl!S peUC:I.li..Le~ for violation thereof. Ord. repealing & reenacting Sect.io 11 5-80 of the Code o( Laws of City 6/11/.90 6/29/90 7/9/90 of Wheat Ridge, adopting by refer- ence the Uniform Code for the Abat - m .. n .. nf n;,llerous BldllS -1988 Edition 1 Copyright 1.988 & providin p penalties for violation thereof. .. , Ord . repealing Section 8-l and reenacting Section 8-1 of the ·code -of laws of the City of Wheat R~dge adopting by reference the Uniform 6/ll/90 6/20/90 7/9/90 Fire Code, 1988 Edi.tion, Copyright 1988, providing for certain amend- mem:s r~t:.o, anu provJ.ul.ng penalties for violation thereof. Ord. providing for approval of SpeCial Use Permit to allow a bed 6/11/90 6/20/90 7/9/90 and breakfast in a Residential-Two !one District on property located ~ ~ ., _, ., n A 1 1 • ~ r • ~ c 1.11 .. " ,. '" {Jack Bai ~~ 'J Ridge, Cty. of Jefferson, State of co. Ord . providing for approval of rezoning from Planned Industrial -Development & Agricultural-One to 6/11/90 6/20/90 7/9/90 Planned Industrial Development & r~ ,_..,,..,.~,1-'T't.•n and ;~nnrn"::al nf' ::a Combined Outlin7 and Final Develo~~ ment Plan and Plat on land located at 4890 Robb St., City of Wheat Ridge, Cty. of Jefferson! State of Colorado . (Anthon~ Vecchiarellil Ord . amending the provisions of Sections 5-5 and 15-9 of the Code o f Laws of the Ci~f Wheat 6/25/90 7/4/90 7/23/90 Ridge relating to enforcem~t and remedies in the event of violati~a of the provisions of Cha12ter :2 , . .. n . , . OU.L.LULI•6 a ".& ·-I .. -anTI ~napter 1~, Nuisances of the CO d e of Laws of the City of \.fhea1. Ridge . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 Second Pub. 7/18/90 7 /l8/90 . 7/18/90 7/18/90 7/18/90 8/ 1/90' . \Mr-:r:l\T Rrn~c: r.nt (')Qhnn ~nn~1 Page In Fi 1 Effect Lo c 8/2/90 -. ·. 8/2/90 8/2/90 . . 8/2/90 ~UP-90-2 8/2/90 ~Z-90-2 ... 8/i6/90 ·d . Subj ec t ). . An Ordinance providing for the approval of a Special Use Permit t 828 allow a re~idential counselins & treatment center in a restricted commercial zone district on land located at 6195 W. 38th Avenue , ,.... .4! 1.n .. l)~..l~~ 'J .... Ordinance providing for the app- roval of rezonin& from Hospital- 8 29 One (H-1), Hospital-Two (H-2), a"nd Planned Commercial Development (PCD) to Planned Hospital Develop- ment (PHD), for the separately owned properties located at the following addresses : l) 8300 W. -38th Avenue 2) 8900 W. 38th Avenue 3) 5361 W. 26th Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge , County of J~ff~rson, State of Colorado . Ordinance repealing and reena~ting SecLion 5-76 of the Code of Laws 3 30 of the City of Wheat Ridge , adopt- ing by reference the Uniform Building Code , I 98 ft Edition , -'Copyright 1988 , providing for cer- tain amendments thereto , and pro- viding penalties for violation thereof. Ordinance repealing and reenactin~ Sections 6-1 and 6-2 of the Code 131 of Laws of the C ~£ Wheat Ridge , adopting thereby the National Elec tr ic a l Code , 1990 Edition , by reference and ado p ti ~~ certain amendments thereto . Ordinance repealing and reenactin ~ 132 Section 5-78 of the Code of Laws o f the City of Wheat Rid ge , Colo . adopting by reference the Uniform Mechanical Co g e 1 1988 Editi on , "--··--:j '7ht" 1 -Q ~~ nrnvirlina fnr certain ame ndments thereto , and providing penalties for violation thereof . ,. OROI NJ\NCE IN DEX First First Second Readi ng Pub. Read i ng 4/23/90 5/2/90 5/14/90 5/14/90 5/23/90 6/11/90 .. 5/14/90 5/23/90 6/11/90 5/14/90 5/23/90 6/ll/90 6/11/90 6/20/90 7/9/90 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 Se cond Pub . 5/2/90 6/20/90 . - 6/20/90 6/20/90 7/18/90 . . ,,.,,~r-1\T ~~n~~= r.n t nQAnn Ann'\1 Page In Fi l Effect Loc 6/7/90 SUP 90-3 7/5/90 wz- 90-1 . 7/5/90 - 7/5/90 .. . 8/2/90 .... . ·d. ) . 321 !2L 123 . 24 25 26 n ORDINfiNCE IND EX Subjec t First Firs t Se cond . Rea din g Pub . Re adin g Ordinance amending Seccion 28 . Definitions , of Appendix A1 2/12/90 2/15/90 2/26/90 Zoning Ordi g~. of the Code of t aws o f Lhe City of Wheat Ridge . Ordinance amending Sections l • 2 a d 3 and repealing Sect i ons 23 .1 , 2/12/90 2/15/90 2/26/90 -27 . 3, 30 .• and 30.1, of Appendix A Zoning Ordinance , of the Code of Laws of the CiLy of Wheat Ridge . Ordinance amending the provisions c f Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws of the City of WheaL Ridge, hereafter '1./12/90 2/15/90 2/26/90 referred to as Zoning Code of the City of Wheat Ridge , and,providing for the alternative enforcement methods ot civil entorcement tor violations of said code , or cr..imin< 1 enforcement , including penalties to be assessed thereunder . Ordinance repealing and reenacting the provisions of Section 2-62(c) Political AcLivitz , o f the Co d e 2/12/90 2/15/90 3/12/90 of La\¥S of the City of Wheat Ridge. An Ordinance amending Section 2-2 , (e) of the Code of Laws of the City o Wheat Ridge , Co . by establishing 2/12/90 2/15/90 3/12/90 minimum (75=~ a~~~a :~e cat e for memb e ~f ;~~af~d g oa x~~ and commissions within the City of Wh ~at Ridge . An Ordinance repealing and re- enacting ~ection 2-55 of the Code 2/12/90 2/15/90 3/12/90 of the Cl ty of Wheat Ridge , Colora do pertaining to the duties of the Personnel Cj ommission . - Ordinance adopting all of the pro- visions of Chapter 26, Zonina and Development , of the Code of Laws 3/12/90 3/21/90 4/9/90 of the CiLy of Wheat Ridge , assign ing Section numbers to each . Section thereof, and ordering all rov~s~ons Cl.l.ea nere1.n co oe c ool.-p fied . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY C LERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 Se cond Pu b. 3/1/90 3/1/.90 3/1/90 3/21/90 3/21/90 3/21/90 4/18/90 \NHr-AT ~r nr,r=_ (;()LOR A n() Ann~~ Page :n Fil £ Ef f ect Lac . 3/16/90 ·. 3/16/90 . 3/16/90 . 3/22/90 V~iOEJ> ~~ ~ ~"'\() ~. 3/22/90 "" • 4/19/90 ·d . ). 8 16 . . 17 118 19 20 ORDINJ\NCE INDEX Subject First First Second . Reading Pub . Reading (continued) and electr:icily to the City and to all persons, bJsinesses , and 11/27/89 11/3)/8) 12 / ll /8' i ndustry within the City and the right to acquire , construct , in- stall, locate, maintain, operate ana exr:ena 1n1:o, -wJ.t:nJ.n canu ~hrough said City all facilities reasonably ne cessary to furnish'· ~ell and distribute gas and elec- tricity within the City and the right to make reasonable use of ::~11 ~r rPPI ~ anri or her oublic places and public easements as herein defined as may be necessary; and fixing the terms and conditions thereof , such grant being subject to approval by the electprs.of t he City of Wheat Ridge at a Franchise t:;lectlon to oe ne10 at a oc:ll:e ana time established by the City . Council, said Ordinance to take effect after approval by the votes o f the City at said special election . An Ordinance repealing and re- enacting Section 21-21 and Section 21=11 of Chapter 21 , 11/27/89 11/30/89 12/11/89 Krticle II of the-Code of the City of Wheat Ridge pertaining to taxation of teleohone exchanges. An Ordinance amending Section 27. Regulat ions Applicable to all Districts, of Appendix A. Zoning Ordinance of the Code 0T Laws of 10/9/90 10/12/91 2/12/90 the City of Wheat Ridge. An Ordinance pr~viding for the approval of rezon ~g from Re- stricted-Commercial to Commercial-12/11/89 12/14/89 1/22/90 One on land located at 10601 West 44th Avenue, City of \~heat Ridge , County of Jeff.,St?te of Colorado . Case WZ-89-8, Lauren E. & J.Elaine Aldrich . I' Ordinance providing f o r the approval of Rezoning from Agri-1/8/90 1/11/90 2/12/90 cultural-One to Restricted Cammer- cial-One on land located at 9830 ~ . 44th Av . Citv of Wheat Ridge. Case No. WZ-89-9 , James & Marta Haas - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 Second Pub . 12/ 14/8~ . 12/14/89 2/15/90 2/15/90 2/15/90 \Mr-:r:I\T Pln~c:: ~()I ()Q6nn Ann"\1 Page In Fil Effect lac Election Lo be he ~ 2/13/90 . ·. . 1/L/90 2/16/90 . 3/2/90 . ~ 3/2/90 ·d . >. 810 -811 . 112 13 14 15 16 OROINI\NCE IN DE X Subject Fir st Fir st Second -Reading Pub. Reading An Ord . amending Section 13-2, Model Traffic Code of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge 9/25/89 9/28/89 10/9/89 by designating the Director of PubJ 'c Works, or his designee , as the ''Traffic Engineer" for purposes of 1:rarr~c --aumrTir::>'-J. "'-.J.v VJ. '-'":: provisions of the Model Traffic Coc e, and further reserving to the Cit~ Council the authority to review and establish speed zones and speed limits on local st.reets. An Ordinance amending the Code of .. Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge (1989) by adding Sections 110 and 10 /9/89 10/12/89 10/23/89 111 of Chapter 16 and creating separate provisions controlllng offenses of domestic violence , and providing a penaTty for violation thereof . - An Ordinance amending the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge CO 10/23/89 10/26/89 11/27/89 by adding a new section 2-4 speci- I F ~ ~ 1 I ~ .. ..-m; ~ i -na 11 1\ln .n:.m:>al!>c:. -f'nr Delay" clauses in City contracts. Ordinance amending Section 24 ~ Excavation and Deposit _co ntrol 10/9./89 10 /12/89 12 /11/89 of Aee~ng;j.x A. ZoDjD~ Ot!11nance , of the Code of Laws of the City of 'f\. n ro- An Ordinance amending Section 25. NJnconforming Lots, Uses and !Structures, o~ AnnPnrlix A. Zoning 10/9/89 10 /12/89 12/11/89 Ordinance , of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. An Ordinance providing for the approval of a Special Use Pe rm1~ to allow a nursing home in the Resi-11/13/89 ll/16/89 12/11/Bg dential Three Zone District on land located at 6270 W. 33th Ave., City :>f \~heat Ridge , ~ty . of JeHerson . Stat.e of Colorado. An Ord . gcanting a franchise by the · City of Wheat Ridge to Public S~rvice Comean~ of Colorado , its successors and assigns, the right to furnish, s~ll and distribute gas CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFlCE P. 0 . BOX 638 Second Pub. 10/12/89 . 10/26/89 11/30/89 12/14/89 12/14/89 12/14/89 .. ,. \Mr-:r-1\T ~~n~c: ~n1 nQt.nn Ann'l1 Page I n Fil Effect Loc 10/12/89 --·. -- 10 /2 7/89 12/15/89 12/15/89 12/29/89 . - 12/29/89 ... ·d. ). 804 8 05 . s 06 . W1 108 09 ORDINJ\NCE INDEX L Subject First First Second . Reading Pub . Reading An Ordinance amending Sections 21 , 22, 45 and 58 of Chapter 22 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat 8/14/89 8/17/89 8/28/89 Ridge (1989) relating to taxing carrier access services and dis- putes regarding the Sa !es/Use Tax C ode. An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezanin& from Resi--· d ·~ntial-Two to Co:nmercial-On•~ o:l 8/14/89 8/17/89 9/11/89 land located at 4304 Kiolin2 Stree • City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado . (Ca seWZ-89-6-'Hckie & Ra dy Jensen An Ord.providing for the approval .. of ~zon iQ.S from Residential-Two and Restricted-Commercial to CommE r-8/ 14/89 8/17/89 9/11/89 cial One on land located at 4320 -Ki p ling Street, City of Wheat Rid~ e , Coupty of Jefferson, State of Cole. (Case WZ-89-7 E. J. Iacovetta) An Ordinance repealing and re~ enacting various sections of Ap E end :i,~ f:.. Zonin ~ Ordinance 1 8/14/89 8/17/89 9/25/89 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge relating to Planned uevelopment ana ttospu:a.J. IH s trtt:t:S . - An .Ordinance establishing the salary for the elected positions < 9/25i89 o f Mayor , members of Council, 9/28/89 10/9/89 Cit"VC!e rk and Citv Treasurer of the \;l.Ly or wneat !\1age, during the term of office comm- encing November 13, 1989 and ending November 11, 1991; re- pealing Ordinance 736, Series of 1987, and providing for an ~ •rnm~tic reoeal and termination of this Ordinance. An Ordinance repealing Ord. No. 7 4..1- Series of 1989 and approving an amending Inter ~overnm ~otal 9/25/89 9/28/89 10/ 9 /89 Agreement between the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado and the Cit of Lakewood, Colotado relating to the desig n and construct1on of West 32nd Avenue. w CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE .@JTY CLERI<'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX G30 Second Pub. 8/31/89 9/14/89 9/14/89 9/28/89 10/12/89 10/12/89 . . o I \MI~r:I\T Ctnr-r:: ~'"'tl"'\n"n'"' ~"""A Page In Fil Effect Loc 9/15/89 . . -· ... 9/29/89 WZ:-89- 6 - 9/29/89 WZ-89- 1 - 9/29/89 . 11 I 13/89 .. 10/27/89 . .... . ·d. ). 798 799 300 301 -·- 102 803 ORDINAN CE INDEX Subject First First Second Rea ding Pub. Reading An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning from Resi- dential-Two to ~ommercial-One on 5/22/89 5/25/89 6/12/89 !and l ocated at 4298 Kipling, City of Wheat Ridge , County o f Jeffer- son, State of Colorado . An Ordinance repealing and re- enacting various subsections of Section 2-53 and 2-61 of the Cod'e 5/22/89 5/25/89 6/12/89 o f Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge (1989) relating to the membeLSlll,p , powers and duties of t 'le Bo Q'g Qf ~dju ~tme n' and estab--lishing voting majority require- ments for said Board of Adjustment An Ordinance amending various . sections of tbe caa~ of Laws of < ......-. th~ City of Wheat Ridge ( 1989) to · 6/26/89 6/29/89 7/10/89 allow civil enforcement in the Wheat Rid,ge ~tunicipal Court for th ~ ~uilding Code the Nuisance Ord inance the Flood Plain Ord- 1 n ance 1 the Si~n Code 1 t h~ Syb- <H vision Resml :rj on!': and the Zonin~ ~ An Ordinance repealing a nd re- enacting various sections of Appendix A. Zoning Ordinance , of 6/26/8 9 6/29/89 7/24/89 the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge relating to Commercial ..aruf _lnd ~~trial Districts An Ordin ance amending Sections 15-27 . Weed Contro l of the Code of Laws of the City of 7/10/89 7/13/89 8/14/89 Wheat. Ridge , County of Jefferso n, State of Colorado. An Ordinance amendiE$ the pro- visions of Sections 19-Sl(a) and 19-52(b) of the Code of Laws of 7/24/89 7/27/89 8/14/89 the City of Wheat Ridge defining members of the Wheat Ridge Police Pensio_n ..E.und and designatin$t rh~ Trustees of the Police Pension Hoard . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0 . BOX 638 Second Pub . 6/15/89 6/15/89 7/13/89 7/27/89 8/17/89 8/17/89 .... ,,.. ,. ..... ""'"'",.. """'' "'"Ill~"' """""" Page In Fi 1E Effect loc . 6/30/89 wz.-~ ) 6/30/89 7/28/89 . 7/28/89 ---- 9/1/89 8/18/89 rd. o. 792 . 793 794 ' 795 796 797 ORDINANCE INDEX Subjec t First First Second Reading Pub . Reading An Ordinance amending various subsections of se ,~ion 27 .2 of Aeeendix ~ Zoning Ordinance, of 4/10 /89 4/13/Sj 5 /8'89 the Co d e of Laws of the City of \Jheat Ridge, relating to land--scaping requirements. An Ordinance amending Section 2 of Chapter 13 and Sec ~io ~ 4J of Chap- ter 20 regarding penalties fo r----4/10/89 4/13/89 5/8/89 violations of the Wheat Rid ~e cO'Cl e of Laws ([989) and adding Scct:ion 13 of Chapter 14 regarding tile avau.a0~11.ty ot Jury -t..-tT<~TS in the Municipal Court . An Ordinance adopting and enac_cing a revised Code o f t aws of the City of \~heat Ridgc;c o1.orado; providin! 4/24/89 4/27/89 5/22/89 for the repeal of certain Ordin- ances not included thereJ.n; pro- viding a penalty for the violation . the r eof ; prov1.d1.ng for tne manner of amending such code; and providi g when such code and this Ordinance shall become effective . An Ordinance adding Section 20-24 (9) to the Code of Laws of the Cit' ;£ \,•heat Ridge (1989) to prohibit 5/8/89 5/11/89 5/22/89 the dis e osal of househ;ld and - Commercial solid waste in City- -._, ... ~ ""'::...:::..::... An Ordinance repealing and re- enacting various sections of Append ~. A of the Code of Laws of ~he City 4 /10/89 4 /13/89 ~ of Wheat Ridge relating to Resi- dential & Agricultural Uses & Distr icts . An Or dinance vacating a portion o dedicated West I-70 Frontage Road North (also known as \~. 48th Ave.), within the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson , St ate of Colorado. 4 /24/89 4/27/89 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S O FFl C E P. 0. BOX 638 5/22/89 5/22/89 Page Second In Fi Pub. Effect Loc 5/ll/89 6/l/89 5/11/89 6/1/89 5/25/89 6/1/89 I 5/25/89 6/l/89 6/15/89 6/15/89 Q.EC, 6/15/89 6/30/89 /\I ~O<J.. ~t~ -"0~ ORDINANCE INDEX ·d. Subject First First Second Second ). Reading Pub. Reading Pub. Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning from Cgmmer- cial One and Residential-One to 85 Commercial-One on land located 3/13/89 3/16/89 4/10/89 4/13/89 at 3805 Ki f lin~ Street 1 City of Wheat Ridge . An Ordinance providing for the approval of a S ~eci ~l U~~ f~tm~t 786 for Ga~oline Sales on land located 3/13/89 3/16/89 4/10/89 4/13/89 at 3~5 Ki e l ~ns Stre ~t . City of Wheat Ridge , County of Jefferson , State of Colorado . An Ordinance r epealing and re- enacting Section 2-2. Fiscal \'ear, 181 of the Code of Laws of Lhe City 3/27/89 3/30/89 4/10/89 4/13/89 of Wheat Ridge by authorizing the adoption of a budget containin specl1 ic appropriations, and furthc r providing that no expe nd1Lure shal. be made in excess of said appr<»- priac:ions. An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezonin~ from ResinPn- 788 tial~One and A ~ricultural-One to 3/27/89 3/30/89 4/24/89 5/4/89 Resi ~ential-One on land located aL 11115 W. 38th Ave ., City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado . An Ordinance amending SecLigp ?7 of 6,g.gauuU ~ A, Zonin ~ Or gjg~g'~ 789 of the Code of Laws of the City of 4/10/89 4/13/89 4/24/89 5/11/89 WheaL Ridge, relating to reg u la- tions applicable LO all districts . r ---, 790 791 An Ordina nce amending SecLion 28 of ~p en d i x A4 Zoning Ordinance, of the Code of Laws of the CiLy of 4/10/89 4/13/89 Wheat Ridge, relaLing to definition js. An Ordinance repealing and re- enacting Sectioa 26 of Appendix A, Zonin~ Ordinance, of the Co de of ~s of the City of WheaL Ridge , relating to the le g islati ve and administrative procedures . - 4/10/89 4/13/89 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 4/24/89 5/11/89 5/8/89 5/ ll/89 .............. ,....,,....,.....,.. "'"' '"'""~"' """"'"' Page In FilE Effect Loc. 4/28/89 4/28/89 4/14/89 . 5/19/89 6/l /89 - 6/l/89 6/1/89 ·d. •• Subject An Ordinance providing for the financing by the City of WheaL 780 Ridge, State of Colorado of a manufacturing facility; author- izing Lhe issuance, sale and de- livery of multi-modal inter- 781 '82 cnangeao.Le race ~TIUUS\.1 J.d.L ae velopment revenue bonds ~Leaf Inc. Project) Series 1988 ; and aut h orizing the execution and delivery of a Loan Agreement, a Trust Indenture , a Placement A~reement . and a Remarketin~ and Interest Services Agreement and related documents. An Ordinance repealing and re~ enacting, with amendments , Chapter 21, Taxation, of the ~ode of Laws o f the City of Wheat Ridge. An Ordinance providing for a ..l.:_ walkway easement y acation west of 10798 West 46th Avenue , City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson , State of Colorado. An Ordinance providing Cor the approval of a mass rezoning from 83 Residential-Tw~ ro R~sidential-One on lana~ocated within blocks one I' and two, Rolling Hills Subdivision _, ~eot T.ot 7 Block 2) CitY of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson , State of Colorado . An Ordinance approving an Inr et; g.:>vernmental Agreement between the 84 C1.ty of -m\eat Ridge , Colorado and t fi e Cit y of Lake ~od , Colorado, r~lating to the design and con- structio n of W. 31nd Avenue ORD INANCE INDEX Firs t Readi ng 11 I 28 188 11 I 28 1 88 12112188 11 9 1 89 First Pub . 12 1 1 188 1211 1 88 12115I8E l/12 1 89 Seco nd Re adi ng Seco nd Pub. Page In Effect 12 1 12 1 88 12 1 15 1 88 12 1 16 1 88 12 1 12 1 88 12 1 15 1 88 111 189 1123 189 1126189 2110189 2113 1 89 2/16 189 2 1 17 189 Fil E Lac . i?~l.!. .:t:=- ~Y0/7J­ <.~ .l/~ ~ql -----+-----+----1-----+- 3 1 13189 3/161 89 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0 . BOX 638 3 1 27 1 89 3130189 ........... -r ,....,,....""',.. """' "'"'"""'"' """"'oil! 4114189 ·d. ) . 173 h4 ppr 75 76 71 -- 78 79 OR DINAN CE INDEX Subject First First Second Read ing Pub. Reading An Ordinance providing for the approval of a rezoning from plannec residential d~velopmenl to planned 8/8/88 8/11/88 9/12/88 C•)mmercial development and approva of an outline plan and final_ d evelc pmenL plan and plat located aL 11680 W. 4~th Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge , ~unty of *1 effcrson , State of Co. An Ordinance amen~ing the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge '8/22/88 9/l/88 9/26/88 Appe-ndix A, Zoninll: Ordinan c:~ ... Section Z7 relating to Emergency Shelters operated by churches. - An Ordinance providing for th~ pval of rezoning from Residential- Two to C ommerc i al-One on land 10/10/88 10/13/88 ll/14/88 ~ated at I~20l West I-70 FrontagE Road North , ~ily of-WheaL Ridge , ~ounty o r Jefferson , State of Colo ado. An Ordinance repealing and re- enacting Section 18-31 Sal n!~~ of ~he Code o f Laws of Lhe City 10 /2 4/88 10 /27/88 11/14/88 of WheaL Ridge . An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezonin& from Resident al- Three to Restricted Commercial-. 10/24/88 10/27/88 11/14/8e On~ wi t h condi t i ons , on land located at 6991 W. 37th Avenue , _f~ty of.Wheat Rid~e . Ct v.o £ J e t ~ . An Ordinance rep~aling and re- enacting Section 21-21 and 11/14/88 ll/17/88 11/28/88 Section ~ of Cha p ter 2 1 , Article II of the Code of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, pertain-... . .. .t: .., '1 -'-·o ;;.; . ... Exchanges. Ord . amending Cha e te ~ 1 4 of the Code of Laws of The city of WheaL 11 I 14/88 11/17/88 11/28/88 Ridge by renumbering Article VIII, General Provisions , and all ~orr-innc-t-1-.A..-onf• h,7 ~~n~~l{~~ ~nA reenacting certain provisions of Chapter 11 . t-tassage Parlors, as CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Art~c i e VIII of Chapter 14, and by therea.fter repealing chapter 11 . CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Massage Parlors of the provisions P. 0. BOX 638 Second Pub. 9/15/88 . 9/29/88 11/17/88 11 /17/88 11/24/88 11/30/88 11/30/8 of the Code of Laws of the City of ·~~e G't" "tt iO~e>.",.. ,..,.., ""''""A'"'"' "~"'~l"''l"''oll Page In File Effect loc. 9/16/88 - 9/30/88 12/2/88 l/1/89 12/9/88 ------ l/l/89 12/15/88 ·d. ). 76 7 :con 768 769 7.70 71 772 ORDINANCE INDEX Subject First First Second Re ading Pub. Readin g and rat i fying all actions heretofore taken in connec tion therewith. inued) An Ordinance amending Chapter SA , Elections , by amending certain Sections to comply with the pro-6/13/88 6/16/88 6/27/88 visions of the "Campaign Reform Aq~.. " as from time to time amended by the Colorado General Assembly , anCI oy ae1e11ng an Artic.Le 111, Recount to said Chapter SA . An Ordinance vacatin§ a portion of dedicated Y~bac St-. wilhin the 6/13/88 6 /16/88 7 /11 /88 WC ity of Wheat Ridge, County . of Jefferson State of Colorado . An Ordinance authorizing the eon- veyance of certain real proe erty owned by tne Cit y, d ec l aring the 6/27/88 6/30/88 7 I 11/88 property excess property, and approving the special warranty dee .. •A ·~~ ·~ oh v r "J F. Lombardi. An Ordinance declaring certain property owned by the City of Wh e at Ridge t o be excess pr0perty , authorizing the c o nveyance of said 7/2S/88 7/28 /88 8 /8 /88 property by S E~~1~~ Warrant ~ Deed and further authorizing that saidr ~L v~ty b~ a ts posea of p'lrsU3nt - to the provisions of a certain agreement betwe·~n Waugaman Assoc. Inc ., Lake ~on fai tners , and -the City of \.Jheat Ridge . An Ord . providing for the approval of a revised outline g evelopment plan_a nd a C•)mbined preliminary 8 /8 /88 8 / ll /88 9 /12/88 ii nd final plan and plat o ~ land zo~ed planned commercial d~velop- me:lt located at ~pproximately 3701 Ki lin Street , Cit p g y ot Whaat Rid e g ' Colorado . County of Jefferson, State of CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 Second Pub. 6 /30'/88 7/14 /88 7/14/88 8/11 /88 9/lS /88 •• " I,..." -r ,..., I'"'",.-,..,... ,..M II""' t\1\1\"'1111 Page In Fih Effect Lac . 7/lS/88 flEe , 44 -fcla 7.)- 7 /29/88 a/~- 7/AS/rr 7 /lS/88 8/l2/88 -·· - 9 /30 /88 -d. ). 762 763 '64 765 - '66 '67 OROINJ\NCE INDEX Subject First First Second Reading Pub. Reading An Ordinance adding Section 14-42.~ ' to the Code of Laws oT the City of 5/2/88 5/5/88 6/13/88 Wheat Ridge and, thereby , ma king the possession of less than one ounce of marijuana unlawful. An Ordinance amending Sections 14-17 and 14-22 of the Code of Law~ of the City of Wheat Ridge and ere 5/2/88 5/5/88 6/13/88 aLing municipal offenses for givinE police officers false information regarding identity, and for making unwarranLea ca.L.LS t:o t:ne vlt:y s emergency telephone numbers. An Ordinance pr oviding for the approval of a Sg~'ial Use Permi ~ for ~tajor Mechanical and Auto B.ody 5/23/88 5/26/88 6/13/88 Repair on land located at 997 Q-92 West 44th Ave . and 4388-90 Kipling St ., CiLy of Wheat Ridge , Cty. of .Jt:L.Lo;;LO>VUJ "''-ciLt:: Ul. VV.I.VJ.QUV• KenneLh Frens Case SUP-88-4 . An Ordinance amending A~endix B The Flood Plain Zoning Ordinance, of t h e Code o f Laws of the City of '5/23/88 5/26/88 6/13/88 Wh eat Ri dge , relating to regu latior of the 100-year flood plain . An Ordinance providing for the approval of a Special Use Permit for gasoline s ales on land located 5/9/88 5/12/88 6/27/88 at 3805 Kipling St., City of 'Wheat R~age , l;ounty of Jefferson, State of Colorado. An Ordina nce providing for the issuance by the City of 'Wheat Ridge, Colorado (The "City ") of 6/13/88 6/16/88 6/27/88 its Sales In: Belle cue BQn!;!s 1 Series 1988 , dated 7/1/88 , for the purposes of providing funding for '-""' '-'" 1<>'-'-U'-'-..LUU U.L V<1L..LUU::> UL<1..LII<1 IS"'• street improvements and other capital improvements ; prescribing CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE the form of bond ; providing o7her CITY CLERK'S OFFICE details and covenanLs concern~ng the bonds and the City 's sales tax.'?· 0. BOX 638 (continued on next oa 2e) • •" ',.... "~ ,... '"""" ..-,..'"'' ",., """ Page Second In File Pub. Effect Loc. 6/16/88 7/1/88 6/16/88 6/17/88 . 6/16/88 7/1/88 6/23/88 6/24/88 6/30/88 7/15/88 6/30/88 8/15/88 rd . ). 755 756 'f> 7 58 59 60 61 ORDIN/\NCE INDEX Subject First First Second Reading Pub. Reading An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning from Re- stricted -commercial (R-C) to 5 /2 /88 5 /5 /88 5 /23 /88 Commercial-One (C-1) and approval of a Site Plan for land located at 11801 w 44th Avenue , City of Wheat Ridge , County of J efierson , ~tate of Colorado . Heinz & Thea Silz , Cas No. WZ -89 4 . An Ordinance adding Article IX to Cha e te]; 14 of the Code of Laws 5 /2 /88 5 /5 /88 5 /23 /88 of t h e City of Wheat Ridge , making conduct related to _prostitution "" 1 ,,.,f .. l ""ti T'£>nl1mh£>ri n~ s~r i inn 14-69 to Section 14 -75 of Ar t icle X in Chapter 14 involving penaltie~ for violations of the provisions in Chapter 14 . . An Ordinance repealing and re- enacting Section 14 -47 of the Ciode 5/2 /88 5/5/88 5/23/88 of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge . An Ordinance amending the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge by creating Chapter 24, Enhanced 5 /2 /88 5 /5 /88 5 /23 /88 Sales Tax Inc ~n cive Program , a nd providing criteria for inclusion Of hI c>i J'\0 C> C>£>C: t.d t" n in <> !'! i d or~o£ram • An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning from Agri- cultural-One (A -1) co Residential-5 /2 /88 5/5 /88 5/23/88 Two (R-2) o n land located at 4300 Newcomb(> Srn•(>t , City of lJh.,,.t-Ri tier£> C:nunrv nf Jeff erson State of Colora d.o . Marcie Emily, Cc seNo . WZ-88 1-5. An Ordinance repealing and reenact ing various Sections of Chapter 13 of the Code of Laws of the City of 5 /2/88 5/5/88 6/13 /88 Wheat Ridge , relati DB tc au 1~a nces -and nuisance abatem~nt . An Ordinance repealing and reenact ing Sections 14 -67 a nd 14-68 of th« -Code of Laws of Wheat Ridge and , 5/2/88 5/5 /88 6/13 /88 thereby , making it unlawful to attempt to violate the Code of Law • to aid another in an attem p t to violate the Code of Laws, or to a1d another in an actual violation of the code of Laws. ...__ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 Second Pub. 6 /2 /88 5 /26./88 6 /2 /88 6 /2 /88 5/26 /88 6/23/88 6 /16/88 .... I ..... " .... r"'\ I ..... "',.. "'"'' "''"'A'"'"' ,,,"",. Page In File Effect Loc. 6 /17 /88 6/10 /88 . 6 /17 /88 7/7 /88 6/10 /88 ·- 6 /24 /88 7/l /88 ~d . ). 750 751 752 Subjec t An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning from Jeffer- son County Restricted-Commercial (R-C) to Wheat Ridge Commercial- One (C-1) on land located at 3015 Youngfield Str~1, City of Wheat ORDINAN CE I ND EX First Rea ding 3/14/88 Fi rst Pub . 3/17/88 Second Readin g 4/11/88 Second Pub. 4/14/88 Ridge • Gounty ot Jetterson · Newton and Shirle Jennings, Case No. ~ Z-89-1. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An Ordinance ~vying assessmenLs upon the real property within the City of Wheat Ridge Special Im- provement District No. 1987-1, for part of the cost of t h e ~m- tJLVY"'III"' ·'-<> ....... .,.._ '-VU<> ... LU'-'-'-"' <A'"' i n stalled in the District; and prescribing the manner for the payment and collection of said assessments. An Ordinance providing for th~ approval of rezoning from Commer- cial-one and Agricultural-One .to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and for approval of a Com- bined Outline and Final Develop- 3/14/88 3/28/88 ment Plan and Plat on land locatec at approximately 10150 West 43rd Averue , City of Wheat Ridge, County ot Jetferson, State of Colorado. !io Colorado Oil & Gas , Inc. Case No . WZ-83-3. An Ordinance conveying easements for construction and maintenance 3/17/88 4/25/88 4/2a/88 3/31/88 4/25/88 4/28/88 . 753 of sewer lines to the Westrid ge 3/28/88 3/31/88 4/25/88 4/28/88 Sanitation Distric~. which easemerts 1run through property in which the --·-~ity of Wheat Ridge possesses an interest. 54 An Ordinance authorizin~ the issuance of Special Assessmen L Bonds in the principal amount of S 1 ,2So ,OOO of the City of \.Jheat Rld ge , COlorado , f~r City of Wheat 1\:LOge, p.le::>I,;L.l.U.l.Og I;.Oe lULffi Ul. Lu<; Bonds , a nd providing for the pay- ment of the bonds and the interest thereon . 3/14/88 3/17/88 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BO X 63 8 5/10/88 5/19/88 ........... ~ r'tlt""\,....r'" ~"'· "'""""'"' """"" Page In Effect 4/29/88 Fil e Loc. sn3/88 Rcc. k' / 5/13/88 4/29/88 ·------- 6/3/88 ·d. Subject I • An Ordinance amending Section ~ _J 4.1 Public Improvements required 743 of t h e c o d e o f Laws o f the City of Wheat Ridge by exempting street designated as "Exem_12t Local Street from the provisions of sa~a ~ect~on :>-Y4.J.. An Ordinance to vacate a portion 744 of West 15th Avenue. -= (Case No . WV -87-5) (Lutheran Med . 745 A Bill for an Ordinance annexing certain properLy . An Ordinance amending AppendiX A 746 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge by the addition· of a new Section 26 c~ncerning Vested Property Rights . An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoninj from Residen- 74 7 tial-Three (R-3 l to Planned Comm--ercial Development (PCD) and for approval of an Outlrn;-Development Plan on land located at approxi - mately 379Q lia!;J,sworth Bl l'g ,, City of Wheat Ridge , County of Jeffer- son, State of Colorado. 748 An Ordinance repealing & reenactir SectiOQ 27 .1 of Appendix A of Lhe Code of Laws of the City of \vhea t -R4ege Fetae~ff~ par ~i ng requ~remen E s. An Ordinance providing for the 749 approval of a ~ecial Use PermiL for automotive repair in a Commer cial-One Zone district on land lo cated at 59_55 W. 38th Avenue City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Ap p le ~gt ors 1 ~se No. SUP-88-1. OR DIN ANC E INDEX Firs t First Sec ond Read i ng Pu b. Readin g 12/28/87 12/31/87 1/25/88 " l/11/88 1/14/88 2/8/88 rtr) 1/11/88 1/14 /88 2/22/88 2/8/88 2/ ll/88 2/22/88 1/25/88 1/28/88 2/22/88 ~·2/8/88 2/11/88 2/22/88 2/22/88 2/25/88 3/14/88 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0 . BOX 638 Seco nd Pub. 1/18/88 2/11/88 . 2/25/88 2 /25/88 2/25/88 3/3/88 3/17/88 , . " , ,.... ... ~ '"',,...'"' .-"'~ • ""'n " n"' """"~ Page In Fil£ Effect Loc. 1/29/88 ~;~J/J>.P 2/26/88 rec . at Count ~ -fr,.Po;- 7~1P~ WV-87-5 ~e<!. , 2/26/88 3?lJ ;l.J.- ..Y~t... ..3-'7-BB 2/26/88 3/11/88 3/4/88 ·--·-··-ttc. \ lf /5" I g ~ 4/l/88 ~~ 0~ 6 ~I rd. o. 736 - 737 38 739 740 741 742 ORD I NANCE INDEX Firs t Firs t Se cond Sub j ec t Readin g Pu b. Re ad i ng An Ord . establishing the salatx_ fo r the elected positions of t~ayor. Members nf rrumcfl Citv 10/12/87 10/15/8 10/26/87 ~erk , and Cit~ Treasurer , of the C1t y of Wh ea t 1dge , during the term of office commenc i ng Nov . 9 , lYt-5/ ana ena1ng Novemoer u, lYtlY ~ repealing Ord . 636 , series of 198 p, and providin g for an automatic repeal and termination of this Ordinance . An Ord . amending Or d. 727, Ser i es of 1987 , by amending the area ~ eluded within th~ "t1!;2X:atgt:juw ·10/12/87 10/15/87 10/26/87 t rea" concerning properties with - Tn and adjacent-to the ~Jad"'wnrth Town Center as created Tn sCt'id Urd1na nce No . 727 . An Ord . repealing and reenacting Sect jgn =~-~~ and Section ll-23 10/26/87 10/29/87 11/23/87 0¥ ~aot fr 2j . Article II of the Code ·of the City of Hheat Rid ge Colorado , pertaining to Ta xation at Te leo hone ExchanCleS . An Ord . providing for the appro - va l of rezon j ng from Indu~trial to Commercial-One on land lo-11/23/87 11/26/87 12/14/87 ca t ed at !§30 Hart Road, City of l·lheat Rid ge, Coun y of J efferson - ('. .1: /'-. , .J -~ • , u . 4 ,. .. , 11'7 .o-. v ............... ..., ..,..., ..., ....... ..., . ... A Bill for an Ordinance author- izin g iss uance of sub gg e p a~ to appear at certain hearings of 11/23/87 11/26/87 12/14/87 the Li quor Licensing Authority . A Bill for an Ordinance enabl i ng the Li !;li ~Pt: 1 j~~o,~i iJ <1 A u tho t:a~ of the City of.\o!heat R1dge, CO , 11/23/87 11/26/87 12/14/87 to impose a fine in lie ~of the WSuspens1on of a Retail Li quor License. An Ord . creating the City of \·!heat Ridge Spec i al Tmn nic;trir: No . 1 98 ( ~ , 1n the City of vl hea t 12/14/87 12/17/87 12/28/87 Ridge Colo_rado , or dering the construction and installati on therein of certain street pavino curb and gutter 1mprovements , and s t orm drai nage improvements, to- aet her ~,; t h necessary i ncidenta l CJTY OF WHEAT RIDG5 providina for the i ssuance of CITY CLERK'S OFFICE bonds for payment of part of thep, 0 . BOX 638 Sec ond Pub . 10/29/8! 10/29/81 11/26/87 I 12/17/87 I /, 12/17/87 12/17/87 12/31/87 cost of improvements ; and oro -W h!~A :r Qln~s:: f'...()l ORADO 80033 vi dinq other details in connecti oTl' \~tn tn~~-t:M't't-. Page In I Fil e Ef fec t Lac. 11/9/87 10/30/87 1/1/88 1/1/88 1/1/88 1/1/88 1/15/88 ·d. • • 28 729 730 731 . 732 '33 -- 734 735 t ORD I NANC E IN DEX Subject Fir s t First Seco nd Readi ng Pu b . Read i ng An Ordinance repealing and re- enacting Section _5_0 of Chaoter 18 of the Coa e of Laws of the C1ty 8/10/87 8/13/87 9/14/87 of Wheat Ridge , allowing for s pecific alarms to sound directly 'i nto the ~o 1i ce Department . An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezonin ~ from Re - stricted-Commerc i a i to Commercial 8/24/87 8/27/87 9/28/87 One on land located at 12280 W. 4 th Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge, Cty . of Jefferson , State of Colorado (Reed Bece ra) An Or dinance pr ovid i ng for the approval of rezoning from Re-8/24/87 8/27/87 9/28/87 stricted-Commerc i a i and Commercia - One to Commercial -One on land lo- cated at 9160 W. 44th Ave .~ City of Wheat R1age , ~ty or j e r ferson, (Anthony P rko) ::>tate or LOIO r aoo . An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezonin ~ from Resi -8/24/87 8/27/87 9/28/87 dential-One to Res t ricted-Commer- cial on land located south of 3150 Youn gf j eld , City of Wheat lH rinP ~rf v nT Jpffprc:.nn State of (Conrad Be ker) Colorado. An Ordinance repealing and re- enacting Section 5A-1 of the Code 9/14/87 9/17/87 10/12/87 of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge , renumbering votina orecinc s within the 1:""1T v of Wheat Ridge . ~ An Ordinance amending Cha pter 21 Taxation of the Code of Laws of t he Ci{Y of Wheat Ridge, relating 9/28/87 10/1/87 10/12/87 to taxation of telecommunications serv i ce . An Ordinance amending various sections of App endix A Zon j ng Ordinance, of the Code of Laws 9/28/87 10/1/87 10/26/87 of the City of Hheat Ridge , re- lating to the keeping of animals. An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezonin 2 frow f laonec ~sjd entia l Oevelo gm~nt 2 Agr j -9/28/87 10/1/87 10/26/87 cultu r al -Two and Indust r ial to Planned Commercial Development ard for ~nnrovi'll of an Outline Development Plan on land located at ~700-4800 Tabor Street , City of wh ea t Ri dge, Coun t y of Jeffer.CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE son,. State of Colorado . CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Seco nd Pub. 9/17/87 10/1/87 10/8/87 10/1/87 10/15/87 10/15/87 10/29/8 10/29i8· (Baptist Home Assoc . of the P. 0. BOX 638 Rocky Mountains) ........... ~ ,....,,....,.....,... ~"'' "''"'""'"' "'"'"~~~ Pa ge In Fil e Effect loc. 9/18/87 WZ- 10/16/87 87-10 10/23/87 WZ-87- wz 10/16/87 87-6 10/16/87 10/30/87 - 10/30/8 ~A)z..- 11/13/~ 7 {>1- ·d. Subject '· An Ordinance repealing and reen- acting various sections of Chapter 723 4 and 15 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, sub- stituting the position of "Animal- Park Enforcement Officer" for the positions of "Animal Control OfficE and Park Ranger" respectively. An Ordinance Amending ~ha p ter 12 . Motor ~ebj~Jes ace I'affj,, of the '24 GOd e of the Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge , by adding thereto Ar- ticle III, Emissions frMI r,~<;nline_ or Di esel EnnlnQ~ and Pr oviding a Pena l ty tor v1o1at1on tnereot . An Ordinance providing for thi 25 approval of a change of conditions on a Seecial U ~~ Per mjt for auto- motive repa i r for property located at _5038 Kipling StreetJ City of wnea1: Klage , ounty OT vene r son, State of Colorado . An Or dinance repea l ing and re- 26 enacting Section ~ 6-J ace §-~ Ql the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, adopting thereby the Nati gcal Ele~ttl~al Cede. J96Z Eai tion, by reference and adopting --certal'i1Amendments the r eto. 27 An Ordinance amending Athendix A of the Code of Laws of e Ci ty of Wheat Ridge, by adding thereto Section 27 .3, Building and Zonina Mnr~ i nri um -nn r,:.rtfl in nrnnert.i es 1oca t ed w1t hin and adjacent to the Wads worth Town Ceotet in the City of wh ea t Rid ge, Colorado, pending approval of a Wadswo r th Town Centel Redevelopment Plan, and providing a penalty for ~iolati?n thereof, ar IUfl.ll~f l~fJ~OIIII~ V f UIIIQIII...~ I,V . 719 , Ser i es of 1987. OROINJ\NC E INDEX Firs t Firs t Sec ond Read ing Pub . Readi ng 7 /27/87 7 /30 /87 8 /10/87 r " 7/27/87 7/30/87 8/24/87 7/27/87 7/30/87 8/24/87 8/10/87 8/13/87 8/24/87 - 8/10/87 8/13/87 8/24/87 d CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 Se cond Pub. 8 /13 /87 . 8/27/87 8/27/87 8/27/87 9/10/87 .... II"'"A 'T' ........... ,...r-..... "'' "'""'""' ""'V\4 Page In Fil e Effect Loc. 8 /14 /87 8/28/87 SUP-87- 9/11/87 j - 9/11/87 ~--- 9/11/87 ·d. 1 18 Subject An Ordinance amending and super- ceding Ordinance No. 488, Series of 1982, and Ordinance 522 , Series of 1983, requiring submission of a site plan , and aut h orizing speci- fi cation of uses, within t h e Wactsworth Town Center and the Ki plinB Acti y ity ce RTP r as desig- nated in the Wadsworth Town Center and Kipling Activity Center ~taster Plans, and providing a penalty for violation t h ereof. An Emen~ene_v Ordin~nre adopted pursuant to Section 5.13 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of ORDINANCE INDEX First Reading 6/8/87 First Pub . 6/11/87 19 Wheat Ridge, Colorado, establishing 6/22/87 6/25/87 a mj)ratotium for a period of· 90 '20 21 days from the date hereot upon ... issuance of building permits within The area aesignatea as tne wads- worth Town Center . An Ordinance vacat j ng a portion of a dedicatea cul-de-sac within the ~ity of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado . (Approx. 3355 Dudley Street) An Ordinance providing for the approval of ~ezonin~ from Resi- dential-One to Res1 ential One and Residential One -A on land located at the Northwest corner _of_ _P;:~rfPt and W. 3.2nd Ave. , Cl ty of Wheat R'fdge, county ot Jeff. ~tate ot Colorado An Ordinance providing for the approval of an amended Outline 6/8/87 5/11/87 ·- 22 and Final Development Plan and Cha ge 6/11/87 5/14/87 Second Reading 6/22/87 7/13/87 7/13/87 Second Pub . 6/25/87 7/16/87 7/23/87 Page In Effect 6/26/87 Fil E Loc. PENALTY CLAUSE 6/22/87 EMERGENC Rec. 7/31/87 #870935 - 17 7/20/87 8/7/87 WZ- 87-1 -· - of Uses permitted for a Planned 7/13/87 7/16/87 8/10/87 8/13 /87 8/28 /87 WZ-87 -3 Commercial Development ~ zone District located at 7750 W. 38th Ave. (Co~on Investment Co .) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 , • ,. , ,... • ~ ,... , '"' ,.... ,.. ,.. "' t "' n " r\ "' 1\ t\I'VVl ·d. '. 10 11 12 13 714 15 '16 17 ORDIN/\NCE INDEX Subject First First Second Reading Pu b. Reading An Ordinance Amending the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, Chapter 4.A. Courtesy Benches . 12/8/86 12/11/86 2/9/87 An Ordinance repealing and re- enacting Section 21 -5(b) of the Cod e of Laws o1 t he c ity of Wheat Ridge 12/22/86 1/1/87 2/9/87 defining the exemption from sales taxation of char1 f a6le organiza- T 10ns. An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezonins J rom Res ideo- tial-I~o to Co rnm erc j al-O oe on land locatea-at 4300 ~i e ljcg . Cjt~ 1/12/87 1/15/87 2/9/87 of Wheat Ridge , Cty . of Jefferson, State of Colorado. An Ordinance repealing andre - enacting ChaEter 28 ~~grg S e t ~l ~~ and Secur f ty Agencies, of the Code 1/26/87 1/29/87 2/9/87 of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. An Ordinance providing for the approv al of a ~s;j aJ Ils ~ Pe .:mH 2 /9 /87 L O allow gasoline s a1es on land 2 /12 /87 3 /9 /87 l o ca t ed at the Northeas t Corner o f Kipling and West 38th Avenue r.T IV nf -1.1 » -r -i ,-..-1, 1( r.n,.n An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning ftaw 8gtjcul - tural-One to ~esioential-~ and 3/9/87 3/12/87 4/13/87 Resident1al Two-A on land located at 4500 Mille r-St ., City of Wheat Rldoe . Ctv . of Jeffersonz State of Colorado . An Ordinance ~~~f~~C ~ ~ ~~t~jg ~ gf g~g j ~~t~g :::::: =~=~::, Wl •h- in the City of Wheat Ridge, County 4/13/87 4/16/87 5/11/87 of Jefferson, State of Colorado. jJ~a ~ d''"/tJ 7 7-7~3 t/s/~7 An Or~inance providing for the Vacat1on of a portion of w. 33rd A~e., ~ortn or ~294 Pierson St .2 5/11/87 5/14/87 C1ty of ~Jheat Ridge , t t ;:=of 6/8/87 Jefferson, State of Colorado t(£e :P Gr7o ~/ 9 f'~ l;{-lA" 7 I I 7 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 Page Second In Pub . Effect 2/19/87 2/20/87 2/12/87 2/13/87 1/12/87 2/27/87 2/12/87 2/27/87 3 /12 /87 3/27 /87 4/16/87 5/1/87 5/14/87 5/15/87 6/11/87 6/26/87 Fil E Lac . WZ -86- 20 SUP -86 -2 WZ-86- 25 REC\ ~~ ~O U PJ T'1 vvv-fjJ I r {lEe. A .... (, tA t.J \'-"\ ·d. ~' 702 703 704 zos 706 707 -. 708 709 ORDINANCE INDEX Subject Firs t Fi r st Second Reading Pub. Reading An Ord . Repe ali ng Article lilt tij~~~~~y~~~~~~~~it:~:!z~~~;n~?g§. 11/24/86 11/27/86 12/8/86 ii~·¥elegati8~daut~oritt to theb 1 1er.o ln~Qce s o r~num er eth~ma1~!ng sec 1ons 1n C apter 2 Co f Laws . An Ordinance amending Cha pter 21 . Taxation , of the Code of Laws of 11/24/86 11/27/86 12/8/86 the City of Wheat Ridge, by adding Article VI, establisihing a busines license and fees. An Ordinance repealing Sectinn ?-14 ~l ~c ~jc ~ & D~~T~c ~~e ct , and ~dBpt-n ec 1on -ann1na an evel g 11/24/86 11/27/86 12/8/86 opmeQt, ~nd repealin~ 1n reenactin 0 e~t10~ -t4.1 Code n olTemen~- U y 0 f lCerst genera r' 0 the Code of Laws of he City o Wheat Ridge, Colorado An Ordinance repealing and reenact - ing Section ~-7 Munic1 ~al Jud g~, and enacting Ch~pter 12A Municipal 11/24/86 11/27/86 12/8/86 Court~ of the Code of Laws of fne C1ty of Wheat Ridge, Colorado An Ordinance providing for the ~-approval of rezoni D9 from restricte commercial to commercial -one on lan ~ located at ~~Z 5 Wads ~~ttb Bl~g ., City of Wheat Rid ge, Cty. of Jeffer- 11/24/86 11/27/86 1/12/87 son , State of Colorado. An Ord i nance sW~Q din g V ~tj~U~ ~~b - sections of Section 27 .2 of Annt:~n- dix A, Zoning Ordinance, of the cooe-of Laws of the City of Wheat 12/8/86 12/11/86 1/12/87 Ri~ge , relating to landsca ping re- gu1rements . . - 1An Ordinance providing for the approval of r ~zonin g !t~W '~wwet -c i~]-~D~ to restr i cted-commercial 12/22/86 1/1/87 1/12/87 on 1 and 1 ocated at 8888 W 1Rt h -Ave . !m y of Wheat Ridge, county of - Jefferson, State of.Colorado . An Ordinance repealing & reenacting ~ctjcgs 23 -3 ~cg ZJ -~ of the Code of Laws of the City of ~Jheat Ridge, 12/22/86 1/1/87 1/12/87 thereby establishing the Wheat Ridge econnmi r rfpv 1t .revi ta 1 i za t ion corm . & Qrovidinq quidelines for the memoersnrp--cneror. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0 . BOX 638 Seco nd Pub . 12/11/86 12/11/86 . 12/11/86 12/11/86 1/22/87 1/22/87 1/15/87 1/15/87 •• ,. ,,... ~~ "''"""~ "'"'' 1"\nAn"' ,t\t\t\4 Page In Fil e Effect Lac. 12/26/86 12/26/86 1/1/87 1/1/87 wz.- 2/6/87 ~f,- Lct 1/23/87 -· ··- 1/30/87 ~1?..-& b 23 1/16/87