HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-2010ORDINANCE INDE X No. S UBJECT l s t lst 2nd 2nd Eff. Rdg. Pub I. Rdg. Publ. Date 1462 An Ordinance approving the sale of d es ign ated 4/26/10 4/29/10 5110110 5/13/10 S/28/10 Park Land near the intersection of West 38 1b Av e. and Kipling Street, and, in connection therewith, approv ing an agreement. 1463 An Ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of 5/24/10 5/27/10 6/28/10 7/1110 7 /16110 Laws Article Vll of Chapter 26 concerning Off- Premise Identification Signs. Community Event/Sponsorsh ip Banners, and S igns in tbe public right-of-way. 1464 An Ordinance amending a Planned Industrial 6114/10 6/17/10 6/28/10 7/1/10 7116/10 Deve lopment Outl ine Development Plan for Co nstruction of a Pub I ic Fi re Station on Property located at 5250 Oak St. (Ca se NO. WZ-10-03/Skylioe Esta tes F iling 3 / Arvada F ire District) 1465 An Ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of 6/14/10 6/17/10 6/28 /10 7/1/lO 7/16110 Laws to Permit Waive r of Us e T a x 1466 An Ordinance ext e nding the Morat orium enacted 6/14110 6117/10 6/28 /10 7/1/10 6/28/10 by Section 2 of Ordinance 1453, Series 2009, on the Submission, Acceptance, Processing and approval of any Application for a City of Wheat Ridge Permit or License related to the Operation of a Business or Cooperative that Sells or Cultivates Medical Marijuana 1467 An Ordinance concerning administrative 6/28/10 7/1/10 7/26/10 7/29/10 8/13110 enforcement and making conforming amendments to Article V of Chapter 2 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. 1468 An Ordinance amending Articles 11 and VI of 7/26/10 7/29110 8/9/10 8/12/10 8/24/10 C h a pter 26 concerning accessory buildings on properties with Commercial or Industrial Zoning 1469 An Ordinance approving the annexation of two 6/28110 7/l /10 8/9/10 8 /12/10 8/12/10 remnant parcels of Right-of-Way located in the Recorded East half of Section 16, Townshi p 3 South , Range 1120100 69 69 West of the sixth Principal Meridian, County of 79 3 Jefferson, State of Colorado (Case NO. ANX- 1002/City ofWbeat Ridge) 1470 An Ordinance amending Article T of C hapte r 26 of 7/26/10 7/29/10 8/23110 8/26/10 9/10/10 the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning the provision for conditions of approval in the Zon e C bange Process 14 71 An Ordinance amending Chapter 26 concerning the 8/23 /10 8/26/10 9/13/10 9/16/10 I 0/1/10 Creation of Mixed Use Zone Districts 1472 An Orclinance repeali ng and reenacting Section 11-10/25 /10 10/28/10 11 /1 1/10 11 /8/10 11/26/10 53 of the Code of Laws concerning applicat ion of the State Liquor Laws within the City ORDINANCE INDEX No. 1454 1455 SUBJECT 1s t Rdg . An Ordinance amending Section 26-614 of the 9/14/09 Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning Trash Dumpster Regulations (Case No. ZOA-09-04) An Ordi nance repealing and reenacting Section 26-9/14 /09 501 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning Off-Street Parking and Loading 1s t P ub I. 9/17/09 9/17/09 2nd Rdg. 9/28 /09 9/28/09 2nd Pub I. 10/1 /09 10/1 /09 E ff. Da te 10/16/09 9/28/09 1456 An Ordinance amending Ordinance 1446 Series 9/28 /09 10/1/09 10/12/09 I 0/22 /09 I 0112/09 2009, concern ing a time-limited rebate of a portion of the City's Building Permit and Inspection Fees for the Repair of Damage caused by the July 20. 2009 Storm. 1457 Extending the Moratorium enacted by Section 2 of 10/26/09 10/29/09 11/23 /09 11 /26/09 12/ll/09 ordinance 1453, Series 2009 on the submission. acceptance, processing and approval of any application for a C ity of Wheat Ridge permit or License related to the operation of a business or cooperative that sells or cultivates medical marijuana pursuant to the authority granted by Article XVill, Section 14 of the Colorado Con stitution. 1458 Amending a Planned Industrial Development 2/8110 2/11 /10 3/8/10 3/11/10 3/26110 Outline Development Plan to allow an additio n al u se o n property located at a pproximately 52 50 O a k St . (Case No. W A-09-09/Skyline Estates Filing 3/ Arvada Fire Protectio n District) 1459 AnOrdinanceextending tbe M o r a t o rium enacted 2 /22110 2/25/10 3/8/10 3/11 /10 3/8/10 by Section 2 of Ordinance 1453, Series 2009, on the submiss ion, acceptance , processing and approval of any application for a City of Wheat Ridge Permit or License related to the operation of a business or cooperative that sells or cultivates M e dica l M a rijuana pursuant to the Authority granted by Article XVIII , Section 14. of the Colorado Constitution. 1460 An Ordinance repealing and reenacting certain 4/12/10 4/15/10 5110/10 5113 /10 8/1/10 sections of Chapter 5 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge concerning the Building Code, the Mechanical Code, the Plumbing Code, the Property Maintenance Code, the Energy Conservation Code, the Residential Code the Fire Code, the Fuel Gas Code and penalties for violation of the same. 1461 An Ordinance amending certain sections of 4/12 /10 4/15/10 5110110 5/13/10 8/1 /10 Chapters5 and 21 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge concerni ng the licensing of contractors. ORDINANCE INDEX No. 1445 SUBJECT 1st Rdg. An Ordinance reappointing presiding Municipal 6/22 /09 Judge Christopher Randall , increasi ng his compensation and approving a Presiding Municipal Judge Services Agreement 1446 An Ordinance providing for a Time-Limited 8/3/09 rebate of a portion of the City's Building Permit and Inspection Fees for the repair of damage caused by the July 20, 2009 Storm and declaring an Emergency. 1st Pub I. 6/25 /09 8/6/09 2nd Rdg. 7/13 /09 7/27/09 postpon ed to 8/3/09 Emerge nc y Ord inan ce 2nd Pub I. 8/13/09 Eff. Date 813109 8/3/09 1447 An Ordinance concerning Pawnbroker Record Keeping and Record Submission Requirements a nd making conforming amendments to Article Vll of Chapter 11 of the Code of Laws 10/12/09 10/15/09 10/26/09 1/28/09 2/12/10 1448 An Ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of 8/3/09 Laws concerning Residential Development Standards. (Case No. ZOA-09-02) 8/6/09 1449 An Ordinance amending Section 26-50 l of the 8/3/09 8/6/09 Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning Off-Street Parking Surface Requirements 1450 An Ordinance adopting Amendments to the 2003 8/3/09 8/6/09 International Building Code and the 2003 International Residential Code, both as prev iously adopted by Reference, concerning Building Permit Fees a nd certain referenced Standards. 1451 An Ordinance approving a Gas and Electric Utility 8/10/09 8/13 /09 Franchise with Public Service Company of Colorado, such Franchise conditioned on voter approval of the same. 1452 An Ordinance submitting two ballot questions to 8110109 8/13/09 the voters of the City at the November 3, 2009 Regular Municipal Election , to amend the Wheat Ridge Home Rule Charter to exempt certain areas 1453 An Ordinance imposing a Temporary Moratorium 9/14/09 9/24/09 on the submission acceptance, processing, and approval of any app li cation for a City of Wheat Ridge permit or license related to the operation of a Business that sells or cultivates medical marijuana pursuant to the Authority granted by Article 18 , Section 14 of the Colorado Constitution; directing the prompt investigation of the City's Regulatory Authority over such Businesses; declaring the intention of the City Council to consider the adopt ion of appropriate City Regulations wi th respect to such Businesses if permitted by Law; and declaring an Emergency. 12/14/09 l /25 /09 8/24/09 8/27/09 9/l l /09 8/24/09 8/27/09 8/31 /09 8/24/09 8/27/09 9/11 /09 8/24/09 Upon Voter Approva I 8/24/09 8/27/09 8/24/09 9/14/09 ORDINANCE INDEX No . SUBJECT 1st 1st 2nd 2nd Eff. Rdg. Pub I. Rdg. Pub I. Date 1436 An Ordinance amending Chapter 26 of the Wheat 3/9/09 3/12/09 3/23 /09 3/26/09 4/l J/09 Ridge Code ofLaws to require proof of adequate water supply for certain new developments (Case No . ZOA-08-04) 1437 An Ordinance making certain findings of fact 2/23 /09 2/26/09 3/23 /09 3/26/09 4/11 /09 regarding the proposed Annexation of a parcel of :!0.)Qf125 land to the City of Wheat Ridge, CO(ANX-08 -78 03 /Longs Peak Metropolitan District) 1438 An Ordinance providi ng for the approval of 2123 /09 2/26/09 3/23 /09 3/26/09 4/14/09 Agriculture-One, A-1, zoning on property recently 2009032 annexed to the City of Wheat Ridge, located east of 14802 W . 44th Ave., including the rights-of-way 580 for State Highway 58 and Cabela Dr., Cabela Dr. between the new interchange ofW. 44th Ave. and right-of-way for West 44th Ave. (Case No., WZ- 08-09/Long's Peak Metropolitan District) 1439 An Ordinance providing for the approval of a 3/9/09 3/12/09 4113 /09 4116/09 511 109 change of zoning from Commercial One (C-.I) and 2009 Residential Two (R-2) to Planned Commercial 032607 Development (PCD) and for approval of an Outline Development Plan for property located at 10403 W. 44 1h Ave. (Case No. WZ-08-07/IRPINIA) 1440 An Ordinance amending Code of Laws Article Ill 3/9/09 3/12/09 4/13 /09 4116/09 5/1/09 of Chapter 26 Residential Density in Planned Zoning Districts. 1441 An Ordinance providing for the approval of an 6/8/09 6/11 /09 7113 /09 7/16/09 8/1/09 amendment to a Planned Commercial Development 2009072 Outline Development Plan to allow additional uses 972 on property located at 4 1 00 Youngfield St. (Case No. WZ-09-04/K & C RV dba Camping World) 1442 An Ordinance amending Chapter 22, Article l of 6/8/09 6/11 /09 7113/09 7/16/09 7/13/09 the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning the with creation of a Vendor's Fee. 10/1109 implerne taion. 1443 An Ordinance amending Section 11-22 of the 7/13/09 7/16/09 7127/09 8/6/09 8/21 /09 Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning postpon conducting business within the City without a ed to valid business license. 8/3/09 1444 An Ordinance amending Chapter 22 , Article 1 of 7/13 /09 7/16/09 7/27/09 8/6/09 8/21 /09 the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concern ing the Postpon requirement of a license to collect Sales and/or ed to Use Tax. 8/3/09 ORDINANCE INDEX No. SUBJECT 1st lst 2nd 2nd Eff. Rdg. Pub I. Rdg. Publ. Date 1427 An Ordinance providing for the Approval of Agriculture-One, A-1, Zoning on property recently 12/8/08 12/11 /08 1/12/09 1/15/09 1/30/09 Annexed to the City of Wheat Ridge located west 20090038 of Lot 9, Cabela's/Coors Subdivision, north of 14 Clear Creek and South of State Highway 58 at Indiana Street extended (Case No. WZ-08- 08/Coors at Clear Creek) 1428 An Ordinance providing for the approval of a Change of Zoning from Residential-One (R-1) and 12/8/08 12/11 /08 1/12/09 1/15/09 1/30/09 Agriculture-One (A-1) to planned residential 20090038 development and for approval of an Outline 23 Development plan for property located at 11885 W. 38th Ave. (Case No. WZ-07-06/Doud Overlook) 1429 An Ordinance amending Article IV of Chapter 21 1/23 /09 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge 1/29/09 2/9/09 2/12/09 2/27/09 entitled Courtesy Benches and Bus Stop Shelters. 1430 An Ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Chapter 26 concerning Zoning District 02/09/09 02112/09 02 /23 /09 02 /26 /09 03 /13/09 Boundary Discrepancies and Interpretations. 1431 An Ordinance amending the Code of Laws ofthe 02/09/09 02112/09 02/23/09 02126/09 03113/09 City of Wheat Ridge Article VIII of Chapter 26 concerning Floodplain Administrator Decision- Making Authority & Floodplain Development Standards 1432 An Ordinance amending Article II of Chapter 25 02109109 02 /12109 02 /23 /09 02 /26/09 03/13 /09 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning Urban Renewal. 1433 An Ordinance amending Code of Laws Section 2/23/09 26-311 of Chapter 26 concerning amendments to 2/26/09 3/9/09 3/12/09 3/27 /09 Development Plans in Planned Zoning Districts (Case No. ZOA-08-07) 1434 An Ordinance amending Code of Laws Section 113 of Chapter 26 concerning City initiated Zone 2/23 /09 2/26/09 3/9/09 3/12/09 3/27/09 Changes (Case NO. ZOA-08-08) 1435 An Ordinance directing Disposal by demolition of 2/23 /09 a City-owned Building located at 3388 Swadley 2/26/09 3/09/09 3/12/09 3/27/09 St. ORDINANCE INDEX No . SUBJECT 1st 1st 2nd 2nd Eff. Rdg. Pub I. Rdg. Pub I. Date 1419 811 1/08 An Ordinance s ubmitting a Ballot Issue to the 8/14/08 8/25 /08 8/28/08 8/25 /08 Voters of the City at the November4, 2008 Specia l Election, concerning the Authorization of a Temporary Sales and Use Tax Rate Increase and Reven ue Bonds to Finance the Reconstruction and Streetscaping of portions of West 381b Ave. 1420 811 1/08 An Ordinance submitting a Ballot Issue to the 8/14/08 8/25 /08 8/28/08 8/25/08 Voters of the City at the November 4, 2008 Special Election, concerning the authorization of General Obligation Bonds to Finance Neighborhood F lo od Control and Storm Drainage Improvements 1421 An Ordinance approving the Annexation of I 0/27/08 11 /21 /08 Certain Territory to the City of Wheat Ridge, 10/30/08 11 /10/08 1 J/13 /08 2008106 Colorado (CASE NO. ANX-08-01/Coors at Clear 728 Creek) 1422 An Ordinance approving the Annexation of 10/27/08 Certain Territory to the C ity of Wheat Ridge, 10/30/08 Ji ll 0/08 11 /13/08 11 /21/08 Colorado (Case No. ANX-08-02 /Coors at C lear 2008106 Creek) 730 1423 An Ordinance amending Section 26-803 of the I 1/10/08 1 1110/08 11 /24/08 12/4/08 12/19/08 Wheat Ridge Code of Laws pertaining to Floodplain Control 1424 An Ordinance amending Chapter 10 of the Wheat 11 /24/08 Web. 12/8/08 -------Mayor Ridge code of Laws to provide a process for the 11/24/08 Veto creation and administration of Community Benefit Trans Districts. 12/4/08 1425 An Ordinance amending Chapter 4 , Section 14 of 11 /24/08 Web 12/08 /08 --·------the code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, 11 /24/08 Mayor which concerns the Regulations of Exotic Veto Animals within the City. Trans 12/4/08 1426 An Ordinance Regulating the Operation of 11 /24/08 Web 12/08/08 Secondhand Dealers and Precious Metal 1 1/24/08 --------Mayor Dealers, and in connection therewith, amending Trans Veto Article VII of Chapter 11 of the Code of Laws. 12/4 /08 ORDINANCE INDEX No. SUBJECT 1st lst 2nd 2nd Eff. Rdg. Pub I. Rdg. Publ. Date 1412 4/1 4/08 An Ordinance amending C hapter 17 of th e Whea t 4/17/08 4/28/08 511/08 5/16/08 Ridge Code o f Laws, Concerning Alcoholic Beverages in Parks and Recreation Areas. 141 3 An Ordinance concerning the permitted 5/12/0 8 locations of Bail Bonds Businesses, and in 5/15/08 6/9/0 8 6/19/0 8 7/4 /0 8 Connection therewith , amending certain Sections of Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws. 1414 An Ordinance Authorizing the approval of a 6/23 /08 Change of Zoning Conditions on property 6/2 6/08 7/28/0 8 7/31 /0 8 8/15/08 Zoned Planned Commercial Development and for Approval of an Amended Outline Development Plan at 6340 w. 38th Ave ,(Case No. WZ-08-02/Shaw Sign For Highland South and West) 141 5 An Ordinance amending Sections 17.1, 17.22 7/14/08 and 17.32 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws 7/17/08 7/28/0 8 7/31 /0 8 8/15/08 concerning restrictions of use of Lakes and 7/24/0 8 Waterways within the City. 141 6 An Ordinance amending Article IX of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning 711 4/0 8 7/17/0 8 7/2 8/0 8 817 /08 7/2 8/08 Historical Landmark Designation. 7/24/08 141 7 7/28/0 8 An Ordinance providing for the approval of 7/3 1/08 8/2 5/0 8 8/28/0 8 9/12/08 Change of Zoning Conditions on property Zoned Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an Amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 3700 Kipling St. (Case No . WZ-08-04/City of Wheat Ridge. 141 8 An Ordinance submitting a Ballot Question to 8/11 /0 8 8/14/0 8 8/25/0 8 8/2 8/08 8/2 5/08 the Voters of the City at the November 4 , 2008 Special Election , concerning amending the Wheat Ridge Home Rule Charter to provide for Limitations upon Building Height and Residential Density to be as set forth by Ordinance in the Wheat Ridge Zoning and Development Code. ORDINANCE INDEX No. SUBJECT lst 1st 2nd 2nd Eff. Rdg. Pub I. Rdg. Pub I. Date 1402 An Ordinance amending the requirements for adopting a Comp etitive Cable Franchise 8/27/07 8/30/07 9/10/07 9/13/07 9/28/07 Application, review and evaluation process in connection with any Franchise application submitted pursuant to Section 76.41 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations. 1403 An Ordinance amending Article ll of Chapter 25 of 9/24/07 10/18/07 the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning 9/27/07 10 8'07 11 /2/07 Urban Renewal 1404 An Ordinance directing disposal by demolition of 9/24/07 9/27/07 10/8/07 10/25 /07 a City-Owned building located at 2760/2770 Postpon 10/22/07 Chase Street , Wheat Ridge CO ed to I 0/22/07 1405 I 0/8/07 10/25/07 11 /9/07 An Ordinance amending Chapter 22, Subsection I 0/11 /07 10/22/07 22-58(A)(2) of the Wheat Ridge code of Laws concerrung Direct Sales to Charitable Organizations. 1406 An Ordinance amending Sections 14-15 and 14-16 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning the 12/12/07 12/13/07 1/14/08 1/17/08 l/25/08 Office of Municipal Court Marshal. 1407 1/14/08 1/1 7/08 1128/08 1/31108 1/28/08 An Ordinance Creating a Position of Ad ministrative Sup port to t h e Mayor, C ity Council and City Clerk 1408 Assigned to CB 02-2008 Holding 60 days 1409 2/25 /08 2/28 /08 3/24 /08 3127/08 4111 /08 An Ordinance for a change of Zoning Con ditions on property zoned Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an Amen ded outline Development P lan at 7495 W. 291h Ave. (Case No. WZ-08-01/Pharo forM& E Financial Wadsworth Exchange 1410 An Ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of 2/25/08 2/28 /08 3/24/08 3/27/08 4 /11 /08 Laws to expand use of the Administrative E nforcement procedures and to authorize certain City Employees to enforce the same. 1411 An Ordinance amen ding Section 26-803 of the 2/25 /08 2/28/08 3/24/08 3/27 /08 4/11 /08 W h eat Ridge co d e of Laws pertaining to Floodplain Control ORDINANCE INDEX No. SUBJEC T 1st 1st 2nd 2nd E ff. Rdg. Pub I. Rdg. Publ. Date 1389 5/14/07 5117 /07 6/1 1/07 6/14 /07 6 /29/07 An Ordinance amend i n g Chapters 5 and 21 of the City of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning Certain C ontractor's Licenses 1390 An O rdinance amendi ng C hapter 11 of the Wheat 6 /11/07 6 /14/07 6 /25/07 6 /28 /07 6 /25 /07 ri d ge Code of Laws, enti tl ed Licenses, P enn its and M iscell aneous Bu s iness R egulatio ns, specifica ll y Code Section I 1-231 concerning the Licensing of Massage Therapists to provide for the provisional Licensing of Massage Therapists. 139 1 An Ordinance reapp o inting p res id ing Municipal 6 /11/07 6/14/07 6 /25 /07 6128 /07 6/25/07 Judge Christopher Randall and increasi ng hi s benefits and hourly compensation 1392 An Ordinance amend ing Chapter 16, Article In , 6 11 1/07 6 /14/07 6/25 /07 6/28/07 7/1/07 sections 41 through 43 of th e City Code concerning MisceUaneous Offenses 1393 An O rdinan ce adop t ing a Competitive Cable 6/11 /07 6/14/07 6/25/07 6 /28 /07 6 /25 /07 Franchise Application, review and evaluation process tn connection with any Franchise Application s u bm itted pursuant to Section 76.41 of Title 47 of the Cod e of Federal Regulati on 1394 An Ord in ance d esignating a s tructure located o n the 6/11 /07 611 4/07 7/9/07 7/12/07 7/27/07 prop erty at 9201 W. 44th Ave. as an Historical Landmark 1395 An Ordinance adding Code of Laws Section 16-49 ; 6 /25/07 6/28/07 7/9/07 7/12 /07 7/27/07 concerning Graffiti 1396 An Or dinance repeal ing an d re-enacting Art icl e S/14/07 5/17 /07 7/23 /07 8/2/07 8/17/07 VTI of C hapter 26 of the Wheat Ri dge Code of Laws pertaining to Sign Code 1397 An Ord inance prescribing compensation for the 8/13 /07 8/16/07 8/24/07 8/30/07 911 4/07 Office of City Clerk 1398 An O rdi nance prescribing compensation for the 8/13/07 8116/07 8/24/07 8/30/07 9114/07 Office of City Treasurer 1399 An Ordinance prescri bing compensation for the 8/13 /07 8/16/07 8/24 /07 8/30/07 9/14/07 Office of M ayor 1400 An Ordinan ce prescribing compensation for the 8/27/07 8/30/0 7 9/10/07 9/13 /07 9/28/07 Office of City Council. 1401 An Ordinance amending Ch a pte r 22, Division 2 8/27/07 8/30/07 9/10/07 911 3 /07 9/28/07 con cerning Sales Tax, of the Wheat Ridge C ode of Laws to authorize retailers to use an Electronic Database Certified by the State Department of Revenue to determine the Jurisdictions to which tax is owed. ORDINANCE INDEX No. 1380 1381 1382 1383 138 4 1385 1386 1387 1388 SUBJECT An Ordinance amending Sect ion 5-84 of the Wheat Ri dge Code of Laws pertai ning to the Prescriptive Energy Code. An Ord inance amendin g Sect io n 5-85 of th e Wh eat Ridge Code of Laws pertaining to th e International Residential Code. An Ordin ance amending Chapter 4 of the Wheat ridge Code of Laws concerni ng the regulation of Animals An Ordinance amending Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws concerni ng the Development Review Process. An Ordin an ce providing fo r app rova l of a Zone change from Commercial One (C-1) to pl anned Residential Develo pment (P RD ) and for app roval of an outline development p lan for pro perty located at Lot 2, Cadence Subdivision (Case No. WZ-06- 11/Benton). An O rdinance amending Chapter 2 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws to incl ude a new Article V, concernin g the Administrative Model Process of Certain Code of Laws provisions, and amending Chapter 15 of the Wheat Rid ge Co de of Laws to provide that a notice of vio lation iss ued pursuant to Chapter 2, Article V, shall constitute a Notice to abate a nuisance. An Ordinance approv ing Disposition of City owned property located near the intersect ion of 38'h Ave. and High Court An Ordinance amending Ch apter 26 of the Wheat Ri dge Code of Laws to provi de fo r the Zoning for Social Clubs An Ordinance amending Chapter 1 1 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws to incl ud e a New Article XI concerning the Licensing of Social Clubs lst Rdg. 1st Pub I. 2nd Rdg. 2nd Publ. Eff. Date 11 /27/06 I 1130/06 12/11/06 12/1 4/06 12/29 /06 11/27 /06 11 /30/06 12/1 1/06 12/14/06 12/29/06 l /8/07 1/ll/07 1/22/07 1/25 /07 2/9/07 4/23 /07 4/26/07 5/14/07 5/24/07 6/8/07 4/23 /07 4/26/07 5/14/07 5/24/07 6/8/07 2007058 94 1 4/23/07 4/26/07 5114/07 5/17/07 6/15/07 4/23 /07 4/26/07 5/14/07 5/17/07 511 4/07 5114/07 5117/07 6/1 1/07 6/29/07 6/14/07 5/14/07 6111 /07 6/14/07 6/29/07 5/17/07 ORDINANCE INDEX No. SUBJECT 1st 1st 2nd 2nd Eff. Rdg. Pub I. Rdg. Pub I. Date 1370 An Ordinance amending Sections 26-204 and 26-7/24/06 7/27/06 8/28/06 8/31/06 9/15/06 613 of the Code of Laws to include Massage Therapy. 1371 An Ordinance annexing to the City of Wheat 8/28 /06 8/31/06 10/9/06 10/12/06 10/9/06 Ridge Unincorporated Territory known as Parcel 8, Arvada Ridge Located in Jefferso n County. To County to be recorded 1372 An Ordinance establishing planned Industrial 8/31 /06 I 0/9/06 10/12/06 10/27/06 Development zoning on property under 8/31 /06 consideration for Annexation located East of 10619 W. SO'h Ave. and for approval of an Outline Development Plan (Case No. WZ-06-01) To County to be recorded 1373 An Ordinance amending the Code of Laws to 9/25 /06 9/28/06 10/9/06 10/12/06 10/27/06 Change references to "Animal-Parks Code Enforcement officer" or "APCO Officer" to read "Community Service Officer" or "CSO" 1374 An Ordinance amending Chapter 13, Article III, 9/25/06 9/28/06 10/9/06 10/12/06 10/2 7/06 Sections 41 through 60 ofthe Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning abandoned vehicles and towing. 1375 9/11 /06 9/14/06 10/23 /06 10/26/06 11 /10 /06 An Ordinance amending Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws pertaining to the Agricultural and Public Facilities Table of Used and Accessory Uses. 1376 An Ordinance amending Chapter 26-603 of the 911 1/06 9/14/06 10/23/06 10/26/06 11 /10/06 Wheat Ridge Code of Law s pertaining to Fencing 137 7 An Ordinance providing for the approval of a Zone 9/11 /06 9/14/06 10/23/06 11 /2/06 11/17/06 Change from A-1, Agriculture-One and R-1 , Residential -One to Public Facilities Zone District for Property located at 11210 W. 45th Ave . (Case No. WZ-06-04) To County to be recorded 1378 An Ordinance adopting the National Electrical 10/23/06 10/2 6/06 11 /27/06 1217/06 12/22/06 Code 2005, NFPA 70: National Electric Code 1379 An Ordinance adopting the 2005 Edition of the 10/23 /06 10/26/06 11 /27/06 11 /30/06 12115106 NFP A 99 Health Care Facilities Code O RD INANCE INDEX No. SUBJECT 1st 1st 2nd 2nd Eff. Rdg. Pub I. R dg. Pu b I. Date 1362 5122106 5125106 6/12/06 6/15/06 6130106 An Ordinance amending Chapter II of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, entitled Licenses, Penn its and miscellaneous Bus iness regulations, specifically Code Section 11-170 concerning the Regu lation of Pawnbrokers. 1363 AN ORDfNANCE ADOPTfNG A NEW ARTICLE X OF 6/12/06 6/15/06 6/26/06 6/29/06 1/1/07 CHAPTER 11. CONCERNING THE LI CENSING OF MASSAGE THERAPISTS AND MASSAGE THERAPY CENTERS, AND REPEALING ART ICLES X AND Xl OF CHAPTER 16, CONCERNING MASSAGE PARLORS AND MASSAGE TiiERAPY PRACTI CE. 1364 An Ordinance amending Article II of Chapter 9 of 6/26/06 6/29/06 7/10/06 Mayor Veto the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. concerning Smoking in Public Places. Mayor Veto 1365 An Ordinance approving the partial revocation of 6126106 I 0/05/06 10/20/06 an easement and the grant of an additional 6129106 7110/06 easement to the City and County of Denver, Acting by and through its Board of Water Commissioners. 1366 An Ordinance providing for the a ppr oval of 7/10/06 7/13/06 7/24/06 7/27/06 8/11 /06 rezoning from agriculture one {A-I) to Planned Residential Development (PRO) for property 20060'Jl41,' located at 5220 Quail Street, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado 1367 An Ordinance providing for the approval of an 7110/06 7113 /06 8/14/06 8/17/06 9/l/06 amendment to an Outline Development Plan for property Zon ed P lanned Commercial Developm e n t (PCD) for p roper ty lo cated West 2<106099Y 14 of 1-70, So uth of State H ighway 58 and No r t h of West 32"d Ave. (Cabela's) WZ-06-03 1368 An Ordinance enacting Chapter 20 of the Wheat 2/13/06 2 /16/06 8/14/06 8117/06 9/1/06 Ridge Code of Law s, entitled Stormwater Quali ty and Control 1369 An Ordinance Amending Section 26-623 of the 7/24/06 7/27 /06 8/28/06 8/31 /06 8/28/06 Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning excavation and Deposit Con trol ORDINANCE INDEX No. SUBJECT 1st 1st 2nd 2nd E ff. Rdg. Pub I. Rdg. Pub I. Date 1353 An Ordinance amending Chapter 19 of the Wheat 9126105 9/29/05 I 0/10105 I 0/13/05 10110105 Ridge Code of Laws concerning the Wheat Ridge Po lice Pension Fund. 1354 An Ordinance amending Chapters 22 and 11 of the 1/9/06 1/23 /06 2/2106 2/17/06 Code of Laws of the Cit) of Wheat Ridge 1/12/06 concerning taxation and bus iness licen sing. 1119/06 1355 An Ordinance amend ing Chapter 26 ofthe Wheat 2 /27/06 3/16/06 3/2/06 3/13/06 3/3 1/06 Ridge Code of Laws pertaining to references to the streetscape and architectural design manual. 1356 3/16/06 3/27 /06 3/30/06 4114/06 An Ordinance amending Section 26-l 09 of the 3/13/06 Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning Public Hearing Notice and procedures. (Case No ZOA - 05-03) 1357 3/13/06 3/16/06 3127/06 3/30/06 4/14/06 An Ordinance amendi ng Section 26-707 A 1 of th e Wheat Ridge Code of Laws pertaining to nonconforming signs. (Case No ZOA-05 -06) 1358 An Ordinance providing for the approval of a Zone 2/27/06 3/30/06 4/24/06 4/27/06 5/12/06 C hange from R-2 Residential-Two to planned Commercial Development and for approval of an outline Development Plan for Property located at 7495 W. 291h Avenue (Case No. WZ-05-10) #200604 9530 1359 An Ordinance providing for th e approval of an 4/24/06 5/8/06 5/11 /06 5/26/06 amended out line development plan for property 4/27/06 zoned planned commercial development located at .a6Sl Tabor Street. 1360 An Ordinance adopting amendments to the 615106 6/8/06 6/12/06 6/22/06 7/7 /06 International Building Code, as previously adopted by reference, the International Residential Code, as previously adopted by reference and Section 26-1 07 {A)(3) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning the expiration of Building Permits. 1361 An Ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of 6/5106 6/12/06 6/22/06 717106 Laws concerning contractors licenses and 6/8/06 insurance. ORDINANCE INDEX No. SUBJECT 1st t st 2nd 2nd Eff. Rdg. Pub I. Rdg. Pub I. Date 1344 An Ordinance establishing A-1 Zoning for a 4/25 /05 4/28 /05 5/23 /05 5/26/05 5/23 /05 portion of State Highway 58 Right-Of-Way located generally west of l -70 a nd East of E ldridge St., City of Wheat Ridge. 2005024 148 1345 An Ordinance establishing Planned Commercial 4/25 /05 4/28/05 5/26/05 5/23 /05 Development Zoning for properties located 5/23 /05 generally West of l-70 , South of Highway 58 and 2005024 North o f Wes t 32nd Ave. 14 7 1346 5/9/05 5/12/05 6/13 /05 6/23 /05 6/13/05 An Ordinance repealing and reenacting Section 16- 103 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning unreaso nable noise and disturbing the peace. 1347 5/23/05 5/26/05 6113 /05 6116/05 7/1 /05 An Ordinance adopting mandatory minimum penalties for violat ing the vehicle insurance provisions of the Model Traffic C ode, as adopted by the City and authorizing the retention of Fifty- Percent of s uch collected penalties as authorized by law. 1348 An Ordinance amending Section 26-204 and 6/27/05 6/30/05 7/11/05 7/14/05 7/29/05 Section 26-50 I C 4 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning the Location of Parking Facilities. 1349 An Ordinance providing for the approval of a zone 6/27/05 6/3 0/05 7/25/05 7/28/05 8/12/05 change from A-1 Agriculture-one and C-1, Commercial-One to Planned Commerc ia l Development and for approval of an Outline To To be Development Plan for property located at 4900 and county recorde 4990 P a rfet S treet (Case No. WZ-05-05) d 1350 An Ord inance approving the Grant of an easement through Open Space to Denver Water 8/8 /05 8/11 /05 8/22/05 8/25/05 9/9105 Department An Ordinance submitti ng a proposed amendment 8/8/05 8/11 /05 8/22/05 8/25 /05 8/22 /05 1351 to the Wheat Ridge Home Rule C harter to the Voters of the C ity pursuant to Charter Section 16.8(b), concerning alternate methods of publication of Ordinances and Notices ofSpecial Meetings ORDINANC E IND E X No. SUBJ ECT 1st 1s t 2nd 2nd Eff. Rdg. Publ. Rdg . Pub I. Date 1336 An Ord inance prov iding fo r the approval of 11 /22/04 ll /25/04 12/13/04 12/16/04 12/31/04 Rezoning from Residentia l Two to Planned [ Iospital District for propertie s located at 8 30 I a nd 83 21 W . 32 "d Ave .. and the area labeled as 'Track A" on the E xempla L u t h eran H os pice outline development plan. F 2161500 1337 An Ordinance a m ending th e Wheat Ridge Cod e 11 /08/04 11 /11 /04 12/13/04 12/16/04 12/31/04 o f L a w s by Amending Section 5-76.5-78.5-79 and 5-82 to adopt the 2003 Inte rna ti o nal Codes wi th Amendments and Adopti ng Sections 5-84,5-85, 5- 86 and 5-87 to adopt the 2003 lnternatiomtl E n e r gy C onservation Code, 2003 International R esidential C ode, 2003 lntcrna tional F ire Cod e, and 2003 Inte rn a tiona l F u el Gas Code with Amendments. 1338 An Ordinance amending C hapter 22 of the Wheat 11/22/04 l l /25 /04 12/13/04 12/16/04 1/l/05 Ridge Code of Laws, concerning the Sales a nd Us e T ax. 1339 An Ordi n ance a nnexing to the City of Wheat 1/24/05 2/28 /05 3 /3/05 2 /28/05 Ridge unincorporated t e rritory known a s the 1/27 /05 F2 18 J788 Cab ela 's/Coors/Salter prope r ty located m Jefferson County 1340 An O rdinance a mending A rticle II o f C hapter 11 2114/05 2/17/05 2124 /05 3/3/05 3/18/05 of the Ci ty of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning Bus iness Lice n s es. 1341 An O rdinance providing for the approval of an 2/28/05 3 /3 /05 3/28/05 3/31 /05 4/15 105 amended outline development plan for property zoned planned commercial development located at 3230 Youngfield Service Road, 3270 Youngfield Service Road, 3291 Youngfield Serv ice Road , 3300 Youngfield Service Road, 13001 W. 3211d ave and 13501 W . 3211d Ave. 1342 An Ordinance p rohibiting Sales and Solicitation s 3 /28/05 3/31 /05 4/13/05 4111 /05 in certai n places, and pro hibiting a ggr essive 4111 /05 solicitatio n. 1343 6/13/05 An Ordinance amending Section 16-127(e) of the 519105 5/12/05 6 /13/05 6 /16/05 Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning Sale of Alcohol to Minors.