HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2015-0007CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 07 Series of 2015 TITLE: A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE WADSWORTH BOULEVARD CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PLAN TO ALLOW FOR THE UTILIZATION OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 38TH AND WADSWORTH WHEREAS , on October 22 , 2001 , the Wheat Ridge City Council approved an urban renewal plan , known as the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Redevelopment Plan (the Urban Renewal Plan) for the elimination of blight and redevelopment of certain portions of the City ; and WHEREAS, such Urban Renewal Plan includes the area described in Exhibit A hereto, which is the location of the Quadrant Development Properties redevelopment; and WHEREAS, Section 5 of the Urban Renewal Plan provided for the utilization of sales and property tax incremental revenue sources within the redevelopment area ; and WHEREAS , in compliance with the Urban Renewal Law of Colorado , C.R.S . § 31-25-101 et seq., the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority desires to implement the use of tax increment financing for the project area described in Exhibit A ; WHEREAS , this first amendment to the Urban Renewal Plan is considered a substantial modification and therefore requires a 30-day notice to all property and business owners in the Urban Renewal Plan project area and the County Commissioners and requires the City's Planning Commission to review the amendment and its conformity to the City's Comprehensive Plan for development as a whole ; and WHEREAS , a 30-day notice was placed in a newspaper of general circulation and the City's Planning Commission did review the amendment at its December 18, 2014 regular business meeting . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, as follows : Section 1. The City Counc il hereby adopts this resolution amending Section 8 of the Urban Renewal Plan for the utilization of property and sales tax increment for the Quadrant Development Properties redevelopment project. DONE AND RESOLVED this 9th day of February , 2015. ATTEST: EXHIBIT A ""lA " '/ISTCF r> r /)liT lJ4 Nlt."ll4 Cl Slt::nov :'t -n -.'PI SI& 'J SQU: n.-...:;r C."Nf~ M :n iT Clll ~Oik. 'IIC:D)'\1\A'C ~AS f Oi l!ta"k ~fiC A"A ~ X 'N r.r.lo: :ttrSCC.-11 .:l!"N <OfliiOI:lf "l~f t,r. Of"IIC"Nf.V4 at • "~N l/4 0fS.,DSl'C::aOCf. Tl:fhCT :r.o.Jlll l.$1 ·o ner FaiNT or ere Mt< "tlt'te D.ITI AI OSC.A •rsr u12 :ror .. ,.., 1 r or w.-ns ... ~'!111110i.L I"'o'AU! :z.u · "tl:l'la -.m 'A&A un TO :'"I · c rh~l war •Tr. .-.. n~;r JOa ·"n: r ..nr.n~r~sra ro ·• """"'l 1 rw-or ··~WOlf'" tCMC\1 .,-o •u ro " MM cw "IE" sa.mu rc .:~r 1111m .an. 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