HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution Index 2009 01-55........................................ _.,.,, ............................................................................................................................... OOOOOOOO•OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo••·················••oo ...... .. . . . .
01 -2009 1/12/09 A R esolution amending t he F iscal year 2008 General Fund P assed
B u d get and approving a Supplemental B udget Appropriat ion i n
t h e amount of $16,082.99 for Cost s and E xpenses related to
t he condu ct o f the November 4 th , 2008 Coordinated Election .
02-2009 1/12/09 A R esolution approving an Agreement between t he City of P assed
L akewood and the City of Wheat R idge for Crime Lab/Crime
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Scene Services.
03-2009 1/12/09 A Reso lution approving t he renewal of Contract Services with P assed
Pridemark Paramedic Services LLC
04-2009 1/26/09 A Reso l ution finding a P etit ion fo r Annexation of land located P assed
in Sections 19 and 20, Township 3 Sout h , Range 69 West of
the Sixth principal Meridian , County of Jefferson , State o f
Colorado, to be in substant ial co m pliance with Sect ion 31 -12-
107(1 ), Colorad o Revised Stat ut es a nd setting a hearing date
to con s ider the an nexat ion .
05-2009 1/26/09 A Resol ution approving a two-lot Subdivision Plat with P assed
va riances and waivers of rig ht-of-way dedication a nd public
i m provements installation for p roperty zon ed R-1 , Residential-
O ne , located at 2690 Pierce St.(Case No. WA-08-14/MS-08-
0 1/Rei nha rt)
06-2009 1/26/09 A R esol utio n approving purchase of a replacement Police P assed
Sedan with all re q uired equipm e nt and markings, amend ing
the fiscal Year 2009 P ubl ic Works Operat ions B udget, a nd in
connect ion therewith, approval o f a supplemental budget
a p p ropr iation in t he amount o f $36 ,810 .00
0 7 -2009 1/12/09 A Re solut io n to e stab lish the Citizen Budget Oversight P assed
08-2009 2/9 /09 A R esolution amending the f i scal year 2008 Gene ral Fund P assed
Budget to reflect the approval of a supplemental budget
appropriation to the City of D e nver fo r $3,558 .59 for an
overpaym e nt of expenses rel ated to the D emocratic National
Con ve ntion .
09-2009 2/09/09 A Resolution amen ding the fiscal year 2008 Gene ral Fund Budget to P assed
reflect the approval of a supplement budget appropria tion for the
annual sales tax increment payment to the Wheat Ridge Urban
Renewal Authority in the amount of $201 , 241 .
10-2009 2/09/09 A Resolution amending the fisca l year 2008 General Fund Budget to P assed
reflect the approval of a supplemental budget appropriation fo r the
Wheat Ridge Cyc lery sales tax increment payment to the Wheat
Ridge Urban Renewa l Authority in the amount of $12 ,154.60
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11-2009 2 /09/09 A Resol ution amending Resolution 01 , Series of 2001 , a Passed
Resolution declari ng t he need for a nd establishing a Housing
Authority to function in the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado
12-2009 3 /23/09 A R esolution m aki ng ce rt ain findi ng s of fact rega rdi ng the Passed
proposed Annexation of a pa rcel of land to the City of Wheat
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Ri dge, CO. (Case A NX-08-03/Long's Peak Metro District)
13-2009 2/23/09 Ado pting t he Policy and Procedure for naming Parks and Passed
Recreation Department Parks and Facili t ies
14-2009 2/23/09 Amending the F isca l Yea r 2009 Budget to reflect the approval Passed
of a supplemental budget appropriation for the re-
appropriation and re-encumbrance of 2008 Fiscal year
encumbered funds in the amount of $1 ,489,340.89
15-2009 2/23/09 In suppo rt of the full build-out of th e Reg io n al Tra nspo rt at io n P assed
~ ~ : : D istrict Fastracks Syste m.
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16-2009 3 /23/09 A Resolution establishing procedures for adve rt isi ng and P assed
fi ll ing vacancies in the membership of all City Boards,
Comm i ssions and Authorities.
1 7-2009 2 /23/09 A pprovi ng an Intergovernmental Agreement with the C i ty of Passed
Edgewater co n cern i ng Municipal Court Video Equipment.
18-2009 3/9/09 Ame ndi n g th e Fiscal yea r 2009 Open S pace Fun d Budget to Passed
reflect th e approval of a s u pplemental budget appropriation in
t he amount of $185,000 for t he purpose of acquiring
approximately 1.5 acres of land located at 4593 Parfet St.,
for consolidation of the Public Works and Parks
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Operations Facility.
19-2009 3/9/09 Authorizi ng sub mittal of the Applicati on for a 2009 Grant to the P assed
State Board of the Great Outdoors Colorado for the construction of
the 38 1h and Kipling Park .
20-2009 3 /23/09 App roving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Urban Passed
Drainage and Flood Control District for Reimbursement of
$200 ,000 of the cost of purchasing 3453 Simms St. Property and
demolition of 3453 Simms Street Property and 3388 Swadley St.
Property, amending the Fiscal Year 2009 Capi tal Investment
prog ram Budget , and in connection therewith . approval of a
supplemental budget appropriat ion in the amoun t of $200 ,000 .
21 -2009 3/23/09 Autho rizing the expenditures of fu nd s i n the p roj ect ed amount Passed
of $3 ,644.00 for t he Citizen Budget Oversight Committee
(CBOC) t o be f unded by t he Legislative Services Bud get.
22-2009 4/13/09 A Resolution declarin g t h at T ract A of the R esu b divisio n of a Passed
po rti on of Fuitdal e Valley Su bcivision shall be u sed for street
pu rp oses.
23-2009 4/13/09 A Resolution in support of the Regional Transportation District P assed
(RTD) Board of Directors proceeding with the Eagle P3 (Public
Private Partnership) Project.
24-2009 4 /27/09 A Resolution amending the fiscal year 2009 General Fund Passed
Budget to reflect the approval of a supplemental budget
appropriation in the amount of $14,988 for the purpose of
meeting the requirements of the Virginia Graham Baker Act to
retrofit the Outdoor Pool Drains.
25-2009 4/27/09 A Resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Passed
between the City of Wheat Ridge and the City and County of
Denver concerning Urban Area Security Initiati ve Grants that
allow for the cooperation of local governments to prepare for
and enhance the Denver urban areas capacity to prevent,
mitigate, respond and recover from Terrorist attacks.
26-2009 6/8/09 Concerning expenditu re of the City's 2007 Jurisdictional Passed
allocation of Federal Community Development B lock Grant
funds , and acceptance of and authorization to expend
Jefferson County CDBG Economic Development Funds.
27-2009 6/8 /09 Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Passed
Jefferson County Department of Health and Environment and
the City of Wheat Ridge for coope rative Mosquito
Management Program in an amount not-to-exceed $8,432 .00
28-2009 6/22/09 Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement for the Passed
management of the Recovery Act Justice Assistance Grant
(JAG) and amending the Fiscal Yea r 2009 General Fund
Budget to reflect the acceptance of the 2009 Edward Byrne
Recovery Act Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of
29-2009 6 /8/09 Amending Resolution 02 ,2002 and further amending Passed
Resolution 27-2002, Purchasing Policy.
30-2009 6/8/09 Adopting the third modification to the 38m Avenue Corridor Passed
Redevelopment Plan to suspend the TIF for the Cornerstone
Project Property.
31-2009 6/22/09 Amending the Fiscal Year 2009 General Fund Budget to reflect the Passed
approval of a supplemental budget appropriation in the amount of
$6 ,120 for the renewal of the annual maintenance agreement for
the WRTV8 Community Bulletin Board Software.
32-2009 6/22/09 Adopting an Intergovernmental Agreement(IGA) between the City Passed
of Wheat Ridge , the City of Lakewood , the City of Arvada , the Fi rst
Judi ci al District , and Jefferson County concern ing the establ ishment
of a Jefferson County Regional Auto Theft Task Force.
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i 2009 RE SOL UTION INDEX ; ~ !
33-2009 7/13/09 Approvi ng parti c i pation of Wheat R idge citizens in the Passed
Nati o n al L eag ue o f C i t i es Prescri pti on Discount Card
Progr a m .
34-2009 7 /13/09 Approving an Intergovernmental Agr eement for the Passed
management of the 2009 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice
Ass istance Grant and amending the fiscal year 2009 general
fund budget to reflect the acceptance of the 2009 Edward
Byrne Justice Assista n c e G r ant i n the amount of
$23 ,786.00
35-2009 8 /24/09 Amend i ng the Fiscal Year 2009 General Fund Budget to reflect Passed
the approval of a supplemental budget appropriation in the
amount of $6 ,170.70 for the annual monthly managed serv ices
payment for videostreaming .
36-2009 8/3/09 A Resolution am ending the Fiscal Y ear 2009 Ge ner al Fund Passed
Budget to reflect the approval of a Supplemental Budget
appropr iation in an amount not to exceed $127 ,153 .00 and
award ing a contract to Oxford Recycl ing in the amount of
$52,153.00 for the purposes of Tub Grinding and d i s~os in g
of Tree Branches, Limbs and Logs from the July 20
37-2009 8/10/09 A Resolution concerning expenditure of a portion of the City's Passed
2009 jurisdictional allocation of Federa l Community
Deve lopment Block Grant Funds.
38-2009 8/10/09 A Resolution adopting a revision to the Intergovernmental Passed
Agreement between the City of Wheat Ridge , the City of
Lakewood , the C ity of Arvada , the First Judicial District, and
Jefferson County concerning the establishment of a Jefferson
County Regional Auto Theft Task Force .
39-2009 8/10/09 A Resolution finding the existence of Blight in the vicinity of the Passed
I nterstate 70 Corridor between 32"d Ave. and Ki p ling St. and
t he Kipling Corridor between Interstate 70 and 261h Ave.
40-2009 8 /10/09 A Resolution approving the Interstate 70/Kipling Corridors Passed
Urban Renewal Plan .
41 -2009 8/10/09 A Reso lution approv ing an Intergovernmenta l Agreement with the Passed
City of Lakewood for the annual ma intenance of the City of Wheat
Ridge Emergency Warn ing System
4 2-2009 8/24/09 Authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute an Passed
Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the County of
Jefferson , State of Colorado , and the City of Wheat Ridge , CO ,
regard ing the adm inistrat ion of the ir respecti ve duties concernmg the
condu ct of the Coord inated Election to be he ld on November 3,
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43-2009 8/24/09 Amending the 2009 Fiscal year General Fund Budget to reflect Passed
the approval of a reduction in appropriations in the amount of
$2 ,481 ,264 .00
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11 /23/09
Amending the Fiscal Year 2009 General Fund Budget to
reflect the approval of a supplemental budget appropriation for
additional contract building inspections related to damage from
the July 20, 2009 storm to Code Consultants International in
the amount of $120 ,000 .00
Approving a contra ct amendment with the Colorado
Department of Transportation for Project No. 16413,
Pedestrian /School Improvements at 441h Ave. and Miller St.
Approving the first amendment to Site Lease Agreement with
new Cingular Wireless for extension of a cellular tower lease.
Supporting Jefferson County Open Space to proceed with the
exchange of the Open Space Reverter on approximately 1 . 75
acres of property located at 38th and Kipling St. to
approximately 3 .0 acres located at 11361 W . 441h Ave.
Approving a two-lot Minor Subdivision Plat with dedication for
Public Right-of-Way for property located at 3885 Upham St.
(Case no . MS-09-02)
Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement among Jefferson
County, the City of Wheat Ridge, the City of Golden , and the
City of Westminster for reimbursement costs associated with
construction of the Table Mountain Animal Center.
A Resolution approving a Tax Incentive Agreement with Starkstrom-
Geratevau GmbH (SGB)
A Resolution adopting the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan
A Resolution repealing and reenacting the City Budget and
appropriating sums of money to the various funds and
spending agencies for the City of Wheat Ridge , Colorado, for
I I . 12/14/09 the 2010 Budget Year.
54-2009 10/12/09 A Resolution amending the fiscal year 2009 General Fund Passed
Budget to reflect the approval of a supplemental budget ~ appropriation in the amount of $5,450.00 for the Channel 8
Closet Clean Up and CAD drawings.
55-2009 10/26/09 Authorizing submittal of the application for a 2010 Joint Passed
Venture Grant to Jefferson Count~ Open Space for the
construction of Phase II of the 381 and Kipling Park.
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