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August 22, 1996
1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order
by Chairman WALKER at 7:31 P.M. on August 22, 1996, in the
Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th
Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Tom Abbott
Bill Echelmeyer
Paul Hovland
Bob Howard
Susan Junker
Linda Mauro
Karen Thiessen
Robert Walker
Sean McCartney, Planner
Susan Ellis, Code Enforcement
Mary Lou Chapla, Secretary
The following is the official set of Board of Adjustment minutes
for the Public Hearing of August 22, 1996. A set of these
minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in
the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat
MlivuiaS OF MEETING: August 22, 1996 Page 2
Motion was made by Board Member ECHELMEYER, seconded by
Board Member JUNKER, that the agenda be approved as printed.
3. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any
subject not appearing on the agenda.)
No one came forward to speak.
A. Case No_ WA-96-16; An application by 3M National
Advertising for approval. of a 32' billboard height variance
to the 32' billboard maximum height allowance for a
billboard to be re-located within the B-2 billboard overlay
zone district. The property is zoned Light Industrial and
is located at 4909 Marshall Street.
Sean McCartney presented the staff report. All pertinent
documents were entered into record, which Chairman WALKER
• Board Member MAURO brought to the Board's attention that the
posting for this case had not been up for the full 15 days
required by law prior to the hearing. Discussion followed.
Motion was made by Board Member MAURO, seconded by Board
Member HOWARD, that Case No. WA-96-16, be continued until
the next scheduled meeting in October. Motion carried 8-0.
B. Case No. WA-96-19; An application by 3M National
Advertising for approval of an 18' billboard height variance
to the 32' billboard maximum height allowance for an
existing billboard in the B-2 billboard overlay zone
district. The property is zoned Commercial-Two and located
at 6285 W. 48th Avenue.
Board Member HOWARD brought to the Board's attention that
the posting for this case had not been up for the full 15
days required by law prior to meeting date.
Motion was made by Board Member HOWARD, seconded by Board
Member JUNKER, that Case No. WA-96-19, be continued until
the next scheduled hearing in October. Motion carried 8-0.
C. Case No_ WA-96-24; An application by Gene Pastor for
approval of a 3'6" side yard setback variance to the 5' side
• yard setback requirement to allow a detached garage 18" from
the side property line. The property is zoned Residential-
Two and located at 3815 Carr Street.
MINUTES OF MEETING: August 22, 1996 Page 3
Sean McCartney presented the staff report. All pertinent
documents were entered into record, which Chairman WALKER
Board Member ECHELMEYER stated he did not consider the shed
well-shielded from Carr Street because one can look right
down the alley and see right in to that shed, and Mr.
McCartney said you can see the shed from Carr Street,
however the setback is such a distance to shield it
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked the exact size of the shed,
and Mr. McCartney answered 210 square feet or 30' x 7'.
The applicant, Gene Pastor, 3815 Carr Street, was sworn in.
Mr. Pastor said the shed will not be permanent, he just
needs it for temporary storage. The slab has been there for
some time. When he is through with the temporary storage he
will take the shed down at no expense to anyone but himself.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked what would be the time limit,
• and Mr. Pastor answered it could be up to five years he
really doesn't know, it is just a matter of when the
belongings could be sold or gotten rid of.
Board Member ECHELMEYER thought five years would not be
considered temporary, and Mr. McCartney reminded him this is
not a TUP it is a variance, therefore time. is not an issue.
Chairman WALKER said the staff report's condition of
building the shed with fire resistant material does not
sound to be compatible with a temporary structure, and Mr.
Pastor assured he will follow all building and fire codes.
Board Member HOVLAND asked what type of material will have
to comply, and Mr. McCartney replied he understood the
building inspector to require a type of siding with 5/8'
sheetrock inside.
Board Member ABBOTT stated in keeping with the one-hour fire
resisting regulations, there cannot be any openings/windows
along that south side unless they use fire resistant
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if the materials being stored
will remain there until it is disposed of, and Mr. Pastor
answered no, they would be moving stuff in and out.
• Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if placing the shed to the
north of the garage present a hardship, and Mr. Pastor
Miavvi~S OF MEETING: August 22, 1996 Page 4
replied that it would definitely ruin the backyard and the
neighbors to the west side could look through and see the
Board Member MAURO wanted to know if any of the storage
would be combustible, and Mr. Pastor replied no.
No one spoke for or against this request and there were no
complaints registered.
Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, that Case No. WA-96-
24, an application by Gene Pastor, be DENIED for-the
following reasons:
1. There are no unique circumstances or persuasive
2. There is adequate buildable space on the northwest
portion of the property that would preclude the need for
a variance.
. Motion was seconded by Board Member ECHELMEYER. Motion
carried 7-1, with Board Member THIESSEN voting no.
D. Case No_ WA-96-25: An application by Barbara Sileo for
approval of a 15' side yard setback variance and a 15' rear
yard setback variance to the 15' side yard setback and 15'
rear yard setback requirements to allow for an attached
garage. The property is zoned Residential-One and located
at 3845 Dudley Street.
Sean McCartney presented the staff report. All pertinent
documents were entered into record, which Chairman WALKER
Board Member ECHELMEYER noted there were two different plans
on the site plan for the garage and wanted to know which
proposal was the applicant choosing, and Mr. McCartney
answered the applicant at the time of submittal was unsure
which one they would go for but perhaps she could shed some
new light.
Board Member ECHELMEYER commented one of the plans would
border totally on two different properties, and Mr.
McCartney agreed. It was noted there had not been any
objections registered regarding this case.
Board Member HOWARD asked if this is a one story residence
and Mr. McCartney said it is a single story ranch, however
he is not sure if there is a basement.
Mirvvr.e.S OF MEETING: August 22, 1996 Page 5
Board Member HOWARD questioned if there was a slope from the
north to the south property line, and Mr. McCartney said
there is a slight elevation change to the north.
Mr. McCartney stated if this is approved, staff would
request a detailed site plan. Their main concern is what
the space is between the existing garage corner and the
property line.
Board Member ABBOTT asked if it was required under the city
ordinance to build a retaining wall, and Mr. McCartney said
Public Works department requires that there be a load
bearing wall built for a retaining wall to be planed upon,
and that is automatically in the building permit.
The applicant, Barbara Sileo, 3845 Dudley Street, was sworn
in. Ms. Sileo stated they have lived in their home since
1472 and love it for many reasons, one of which is the good
neighbors they have. They have always needed more space but
would like to invest more in their home now that their kids
are gone. The home is all on one level and has no basement.
• They have no family room and only one small bathroom. They
want to convert the current garage into a family room and
second full bath. They have measured every which way around
the yard and have not been able to come up with anything
very feasible. They cannot build up because of the
arthritis that effects her knees, ankles and legs and adding
stairs is not a very good or wise idea for her.
Ms. Sileo continued saying they have looked at buying
another home but they do love it where they are at and want
to stay in this location. Also, they have not found
anything suitable in their price range and on one level.
They are committed to staying in Wheat Ridge. Their
neighbors are very supportive of their request; and the
neighbors to the west are in the audience tonight. They
want to tuck the addition back into the corner to be as
unobtrusive as possible and not infringe on their neighbors.
She assured they would comply with the 1994 Building Code.
Board Member ABBOTT said the problem he has is that to him
the hardship is not her medical condition but the lack of
room in their house. He has a problem with this large of a
request and was wondering about alternatives, such as
building the new garage in front of the existing garage, and
that would only require one setback variance. The geometry
might even be better than the proposed location. Ms. Sileo
said she has measured that and does not believe there is
room between the property line since it is only 20 feet.
That would cut into the walkway and the front porch.
Mliv~iaS OF MEETING: August 22, 1996 Page 6
Discussion followed regarding measurements with Ms. 5ileo
saying they want to do what is best for the property and be
most pleasant to the eye.
Board Member ABBOTT is concerned also with the one plan that
will leave a triangle of space behind the proposed garage
totally unaccessible. Since the wall has to be fire-
resistant with no openings in that wall, how will the
triangle be accessed.
Mr. Sileo was sworn in and stated he does not feel that the
above plan will be very plausible. The other plan (the one
with the dotted line) is the one most likely they will go
with and it will have less impact architecturally and only
impact neighbors, therefore the triangle is not relevent.
They have to see if this granted and then get an architect
to plan it out and help with designing, then it will be up
to the architect and the city codes.
Board Member THIESSEN questioned the Callas' letter, and Ms.
Sileo said they would like to get a zero lot line setback,
• but if that is not possible, then they would try for a 5'
lot line setback. The Callas' merely supported us whatever
we decide.
Board Member HOVLAND wanted to know what is the size of the
proposed garage and Ms. Sileo they would like it 25' x 25'
or smaller; depending on what the architect would come up
with. It was noted the applicants have no basement so there
is no storage in the house to speak of and currently they
use their garage for storage.
Discussion followed with Board Member HOVLAND suggesting
other plans which would move the proposed garage either to
the south side or north side of the current garage. Ms.
Sileo added a double garage would not fit and it would be so
narrow that a second car could not get in, plus they have a
beautiful Redbud tree that they would hate to have to get
rid of it.
Board Member ECHELMEYER suggested cutting the proposed
garage in half building one-half behind the existing garage
and build the other half to the south, and just re-arranging
the areas. Mr. Sileo said the current garage's back wall is
a solid brick bearing wall, plus the roof line would have to
be changed.
• Board Member ABBOTT said the reason they are going to all
this trouble is again, the only hardship is the applicants
are out of storage and need a family room and bath. He
MINOTES OF MEETING: August 22, 1996 Page 7
would have a hard time constructing a motion based on the
medical hardship. Further suggestions followed with
Mr. Sileo feels part of the concern is visual and feels
building the structure in the front will not be visually
appealing as it would building it to the rear. Both
neighbors are in support of this request if the garage is
tucked back in to the rear of the property and they need to
take them into consideration. Ms. Sileo added they have
thought about this for a long time and have turned it every
which way but loose trying to come up with a solution.
Board Member HOWARD asked will the garage with the dotted
line be attached to the house, and Mr. Sileo said the
architect will decide what looks best and what will work,
they might even decide on a breezeway that would open up
into the new family room. Board Member HOWARD suggested
making the garage smaller and pulling it away from the lot
• Mr. McCartney noted there would still have to be a variance,
only not as much as what is being requested.
Mr. Sileo asked the Board since they have the approval of
their neighbors on both sides, what is the problem with this
approval, and Ms. Ellis said the basis of the variance is
not whether people approve or disapprove. The Board bases
their decision on whether there is a hardship and is it
needed and necessary, not who approves or disapproves.
Ms. Sileo asked what type of a variance would be needed in
the rear of the property, and Mr. McCartney answered it
would be a 10 foot variance. The code states you need 15
feet on the rear and on the side as a setback.
Chairman WALKER asked what the width of the applicant's lot
is from north to south, and Mr. Sileo replied 75 feet.
Chairman WALKER said the Board is trying to be in favor, but
it is hard to make a motion or approval of a variance when
you don't know what you are really approving. Maybe a
different solution at a different time with more detail
would maybe go. Ms. Sileo asked if an architect's drawing
is how specific it should be, and Chairman WALKER answered
at least something more than them all drawing on the same
sheet of paper.
• Mr. Sileo said at the same time it is just as difficult for
them to come to a decision because they do not know what the
MIaru'iaS OF MEETING: August 22, 1996
Page 8
Board will allow. Their next step is to contract an
architect and contractor to see how it could be done, so
they need to know what to work with.
Board Member THIESSEN asked if they grant the variance would
it be permanent, and Mr. McCartney replied yes, and what
will be created is a buildable envelope and the applicants
can build up to that or less, but cannot build over.
Board Member ABBOTT wanted to know if the applicant does not
pull a building permit will the variance goe away, and Mr.
McCartney said the code states 180 days is allowed to obtain
a building permit.
Mr. Sileo asked since everyone wants to make this work,
could the Board grant them a zero setback and a 10 foot
setback, then at least they could come up with a design. If
they can't make it work, they could then come back and try
to get the extra 5 feet. That would at least set some
guidelines for the architect.
. Board Member ECHELMEYER commented he had never seen a zero --
property line setback variance. It seems to him there can
be more pencil work done in moving the house to the --
northwest. That would give them the rooms they need and
keep the garage the way it is now.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked
many times there were variance
property line in the last few
not many, but these cases are
basis and the decision has to
and not past variances.
Mr. McCartney if he knew how
~s granted right up to the
years, and he replied probably
reviewed on a site by site
be made for the site itself
Claudia Callas, 8701 W. 38th Avenue, was sworn in. Ms.
Callas said there is one zero lot line in their neighborhood
on the corner of 38th & Dover Street.
Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, that Case No. WA-96-
25, an application by Barbara Sileo,-be approved for the
following reasons:
1. The current structure has no basement and inadequate
storage, bath and living area.
2. Adjacent neighbors are in support of the variances.
3. Building up is precluded by the stated medical condition
by the applicant.
• 4. Significant problems with geometry of the site and
existing structure for alternative locations.
MINUTES OF MEETING: August 22, 1996 Page 9
5. There is at least one other zero lot line setback in the
1. The garage comply with the 1991 Uniform Building Code
requirements for a structure built to meet one-hour fire
resistant material.
Motion died for lack of second.
Board Member ABBOTT changed the motion to be a 15' sideyard
setback variance and a 10` rear yard setback variance to
allow construction of a two-car garage.
Motion was seconded by Board Member HOVLAND. Motion carried
6-2, with Board Members MAURO and ECHELMEYER voting no.
Resolution attached.
E. Case No. WA-96-27: An application by Warren Hughes for
approval of a variance to allow a two-cubic yard trash
. dumpster on property zoned Agricultural-One and located at
10880 W. 47th Avenue.
Susan Ellis presented the staff report. All pertinent
documents were entered into record, which Chairman WALKER
Board Member ABBOTT said there is
staff report that the dumpster no
than the front wall of the house,
dumpster is in a more restrictive
replied no, their main concern is
front yard anywhere.
a recommendation in the
be any further forward
however he feels the
location now, Ms. Ellis
that it is not in the
Board Member THTESSEN said the recommendation is that the
dumpster be maintained in a clean, safe and healthy manner
and be dumped weekly and asked how is something like that
enforced. Ms. Ellis said keeping the dumpster in a clean,
safe and healthy manner is written in the ordinance, so that
any complaints or observations of that nature will end up in
a citation. The applicants could get a harsher citation
because they specifically asked for this variance.
It should be dumped weekly and if events lead to
overflowing, then perhaps it should be dumped twice a week,
or even more. Staff does not want to see the dumpster only
half full of manure and then setting there all week, it has
• to be dumped regardless.
Mia~~iES OF MEETING: August 22, 1996 Page 10
Chairman WALKER said with the dumpster that far back, does
it still need to be enclosed, and Ms. Ellis replied yes, it
needs to be enclosed so it is screened from view from any
adjacent properties and the street. It appears the back is
already screened, so it will need to be screened on the left
side and screened on the right side.
Chairman WALKER asked how many animals are on that property,
and Ms. Ellis replied two horses.
Board Member THIESSEN asked does she know long the dumpster
has been there and Ms. Ellis replied no.
Board Member HOWARD wanted to know are horses allowed in any
part of the city, and Ms. Ellis answered yes, as long as
they have the proper square footage of 9000 square feet for
the first horse and 6000 square feet for each additional.
Chairman WALKER noted the site was only 12,500 square feet
for the two horses, and Ms. Ellis replied there is a
possibility they have more horses than allowed but that is a
. whole other issue and will be handled by Code Enforcement.
Ms. Ellis said she checked with Animal Control and even
though there are several properties with larger animals
there is only one other dumpster that she knows of allowed
through a variance. Others dispose of animal debris by
selling it, hauling it away to the landfill, or sometimes
they rototil it under.
John Scott Ota, 10840 W. 48th Avenue, was sworn in. Mr. Ota
lives on the property east of the applicant. He has no
problem with the dumpster and knew when he moved into the
house two years ago that the applicants have horses. The
dumpster is dumped regularly and cleaned. The dumpster does
not overflow and he has no site or odor problem, and feels
if they have to get a smaller dumpster it would cause more
Warren and Trina Hughes, 10880 W. 47th Avenue, was sworn in.
Ms. Hughes addressed the criteria in the ordinance on
dumpsters. They are single family but she feels the zoning
classification and use of the property was not entirely
considered in the ordinance. The neighborhood. is mixed and
allows for the keeping of large animals. The dumpster is
used for hay, straw and manure and not used for trash
storage. She feels the use could be looked at a little bit
• differently by people who have agricultural properties
because the rules seem to apply more for tract homes and
MINUTES OF MEETING: August 22, 1996 Page 11
Ms. Hughes continued saying the dumpster is dumped weekly,
the manure is picked up and put in the dumpster weekly, and
also the trash truck services it weekly, so everything is
kept very clean and sanitary. They want to be good citizens
and neighbors and feels they do comply because they have had
the dumpster 2 1/2 years and have had no complaints and
noted this case came before the Board because of an
observation by the code officers and not complaint. She
thinks that speaks well for the way they maintain their
Ms. Hughes stated .this will.-create a hardship because of the
additional expense of hauling manure in any other fashion.
The dumpster cost $36 a month, and dump fees alone would be
$74 a month. To Comply with some of the criteria would
cause an economic hardship for them also. She said if the
dumpster is screened, the trash company would make them
place it on a concrete slab. They surveyed the area and
took 16 pictures of unscreened dumpsters, so they feel this
regulation makes them having to maintain a standard above
what the commercial businesses have to.
• Board Member THIESSEN commented if there is a standard above
and beyond a business district, it is because of the very
fact it is residential and it should look like residential.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if the applicants would have
trouble with fencing the dumpster in, and Mr. Hughes said it
could be fenced in except they put road base material in
that area because it tends to pack hard and does not create
a bog and makes cleaning a lot easier, and the dumpster is
setting on that. They've had trouble with the trucks coming
in picking the dumpster up and banging bang it around a
couple of times to clean it out, then slamming it down. He
is wondering if they poured concrete they would have to make
such an obtrusive pad to get the correct support so it would
not crack. He would like to have that portion of concrete
elevated so that the drainage of the property is not going
under the dumpster as they need to keep that area dry as
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if he understood that the city
has made this recommendation as a condition as to whether it
will be approved. Mr. Hughes guessed if it was absolutely
necessary, they would have to comply but it would be
expensive. Ms. Hughes said to please consider the
carelessness of the drivers.
• Chairman WALKER suggested moving the dumpster farther west
toward the corner of the shed and then they would only have
MuvvinS OF MEETING: August 22, 1996 Page 12
two side closures and would that fulfill the needs. Mr.
Hughes replied the truck cannot get a proper angle to get to
the dumpster if it is moved west.
Board Member MAURO realized the agricultural land in Wheat
Ridge is disappearing and asked if this variance is granted
is it permanent, and Ms. Ellis replied yes. However if
there are no longer large animals on the property, staff
would want the dumpster removed. The ordinance pertains to
the use of the property and this is a residential use even
though the zoning is agricultural.
Board Member MAURO asked if there is any additive to reduce
odor or insects, and Mr. Hughes said they clean it out every
weekend unless it is frozen (then it is cleaned out as soon
as it thaws). Containment and no liquids help keep the odor
down. Sometimes he adds a small amount of lime to help with-
odor also.
Board Member HOVLAND asked how is it determined if this is
an agricultural or residential use since there is a home,
and is there a size constraint that determines this. Ms.
Ellis said this is a residential use because there is no
. harvesting or anything like that going on. Having large
animals is not an agricultural use because it is allowed on
Residential-One property. In Wheat Ridge's zoning, horses
alone do not classify it as an agricultural use, and if it
did, all properties in the city that have 9000 square feet
would be considered agricultural use.
Mr. Hughes said one of the documents from the city states
the dumpster does not have to be screened if it is 100' back
on the property, and Ms. Ellis stated that is for commercial
properties only.
Board Member HOVLAND asked what sides have to be screened,
and Ms. E11is replied it needs to be screened from view from
the street and all adjacent properties, and if the house
screens one side of it, then that is fine. Discussion
Ms. Ellis said the only other things allowed in
Agricultural-One zone district and not in residential are
fish hatcheries and road side stands.
Board.Member THIESSEN asked if the dumpster has been there
the entire 2 1/2 years the applicants have lived there, and
Mr. Hughes answered yes.
MINIITES OF MEETING: August 22, 1996 Page 13
Motion was made by Board Member HOVLAND, that Case No. WA-
96-27, an application by Warren Hughes, be APPROVED for the
following reasons:
1. The Board finds that based upon all evidence presented
and based upon the Board's conclusions relative to the
nine specific questions to justify the variance, the
evidence and facts in this case do support the granting
of this request.
2. No complaints were registered against this request.
1. The dumpster be placed behind the front setback of the
2. The dumpster must be enclosed by a six foot fence so as
to be screened from view from adjacent properties.
3. The dumpster must be maintained in a clean, safe and
healthy manner.
4. The dumpster must be dumped weekly regardless how full
it is.
• 5. The dumpster must be removed from the property when the
animals are removed.
Motion was seconded by Board Member JUNKER.
Board Member HOWARD asked if the word 'solid' was needed in
the wording of the motion, and Ms. Ellis replied the
'screened from view' should cover that concern.
Board Member ABBOTT stated he will be voting against the
motion because the hardships and circumstances do not appear
unique to this property, and there are widely used
alternatives for disposal of livestock waste. There are
many properties that virtually fit this description.
Board Member MATIRO stated she agrees with Board Member
ABBOTT and will be voting no.
Motion DENIED by a vote of 4-4, with Board Members MAURO,
ABBOTT, HOWARD, and WALKER voting no. Resolution attached.
A. Discussion on previous cases and precedent setting.
MI,.v~ia5 OF MEETING: August 22, 1996 Page 14
B. Member MAURO wanted comments noted and recorded in the
minutes tonight that the weeds at 2777 Kendall Street
had not been cut. The weed problem was brought to
attention at the prior meeting.
C. Board Member ECHELMEYER talked about the traffic report
from Public Works for Case No. WA-96-10.
D. Further discussion on various topics including
posting rules and regulations followed.
E. Board Member HOVLAND wanted to know where we are at
regarding the 10th factor in the criteria. Mr.
McCartney stated it has been forwarded onto Planning
Commission and City Council for review.
F. Board Member HOWARD brought up the subject of
billboards. Mr. McCartney read the definition and
discussion followed.
A. Motion was made by Board Member HOVLAND, seconded by
Board Member THIESSEN, to hold a special Board of
Adjustment meeting on October 10, 1996, to hear only
• the two continued 3M National Advertising cases.
Motion carried 8-0.
B. Approval of Minutes:
Motion was made by Board Member MAURO, seconded by
Board Member HOVLAND to approve the minutes of
August 8, 1996, as amended:
Page 8, paragraph 5, line 2, change the number '1,960'
to '960' square feet.
Page 18, paragraph 5, line 8, change 'precedence' to
Consensus to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at
10:40 p.m.
~~~ ~~~~
Mary L u apla, Secretary
- AUGUST 22, 1996 -
Name and Address
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