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October 24, 1996
MEMBERS ABSENT: Karen Thiessen
STAFF PRESENT: Glen Gidley, Director of
Planning and Development
Sean McCartney, Planner
Susan Ellis, Code Enforcement
Mary Lou Chapla, Secretary
1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order
by Chairman WALKER at 7:04 P.M. on October 24, 1996, in the
Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th
Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Bill Echelmeyer
Paul Hovland
Bob Howard
Susan Junker
Linda Mauro
Robert Walker
The following is the official set of Board of Adjustment minutes
for the Public Hearing of October 24, 1996. A set of these
minutes is retained both in the office o~ the City Clerk and in
the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat
MINUTES OF MEETING: October 24, 1996 Page 2
Motion was made by Board Member ECHELMEYER, seconded by
Board Member HOWARD, to approve the order of the agenda as
printed. Motion carried 7-0.
3. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any
subject not appearing on the agenda.)
No one came forward to speak.
A. Case No. WA-96-35: _An application by Richard and Kimberly
Eggleston for the approval of a 1'-6" side yard setback
variance to the 5' side yard setback requirement to allow a
carport on a property zoned Residential-Three and located at
approximately 4354 Hoyt Street.
Sean McCartney presented the staff report. All pertinent
documents were entered into record-, which Chairman WALKER
• accepted.
Board Member HOVLAND
for open structures
policy allows a shed
placed within 1/3 of
setback, and that ru
asked if-the setbacks were different
and Mr. McCartney replied department
that is opened on all sides to be
the distance of the required sideyard
Le applies to porches, decks and patios
It was noted there were no fornlal complaints.
Board Member ABBOTT questioned if the applicant was
misinformed by a city employee, and Mr. McCartney answered
no, his neighbor was the one that misinformed him.
Board Member JUNKER wanted to know how this was brought to
the staff's attention and Mr. McCartney replied it was
through ,a 'stop work order' by the building department.
Chairman WALKER asked if staff knew the distance from the
edge of the roof to the edge of the building next door, and
Mr. McCartney answered he did not measure that, so maybe
ask the applicant. Mr. McCartney added there could be
placed as a condition for approval the downspouts be aligned
to flow from the adjacent property so the runoff will not
affect the adjacent property.
MINUTES OF MEfiTING: October 24, 2996 Page 3
The applicant, Richard Eggleston, 4354 Hoyt Street, was
sworn in. He said a friend helped him put the carport in
and they went off of a mark they thought was the property
line, when it actually was not.
Board Member HOWARD asked if the survey was completed before
or after construction started, and Mr. Eggleston answered
after. Once the stop work order was issued he obtained all
the information from the city that they would need.
Mr. Eggleston said the roof is at least 8 feet from the edge
to the edge of the building, however he did not measure.
Board Member MAURO asked if the structure was completed as
far as building, and Mr. Eggleston answered yes.
Board Member ABBOTT asked the applicant if he had considered
setting the posts in the 1'6" that is needed, and Mr.
Eggleston replied yes, but he poured his driveway also and
the posts are setting on 2' caissons. He would have to tear
it all out in order to move it over.
• No further questions were asked at this time.
Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, that Case No. WA-96-
35, be APPROVED for the following reasons:
1. The intent of the ordinance which is to provide an
aesthetically pleasing space between structures cannot
be affected to due the proximity of the dwelling to the
north. Relocating the posts would serve no visible or
practical purpose.
2. The carport is 225 square feet smaller than what is
3. The carport is completed to a state where it would seem
unreasonable to require relocation, in particular,
there were no protests registered against it.
1. The carport shall not be closed on any side. -
Board Member ECHELMSYER talked on precedence and found it
difficult not to grant the motion, and Board Member ABBOTT
Board Member HOWARD was curious to know if the other similar
• carports in the area are legal or not. Mr. McCartney said
there has been no. record of building permits in that area.
MINUTES OF MEETING: October 24, 1996 Page 4
Motion was seconded by Board Member ECHELMEYER. Motion
carried 6-1, with Board Member HOWARD voting no. Resolution
B. Case No. WA-96-36: An application by Davis Sowa for the
approval of a 1'-6" side yard setback variance to the 5'
side yard setback requirement to allow the enclosure of an
existing carport. The property is zoned Residential-Two and
located at 5110 Simms Street.
Sean McCartney presented the staff report. .All pertinent
documents were entered into record, which Chairman WALKER
Board Member HOWARD asked when the garage was converted intc
living space was there a building permit pulled', and Mr.
McCartney said he assumes there was, but he is not positive.
Board Member
get a permit
replied yes,
• is asking to
front side i.
MAURO asked then if the applicant came into
to enclose this structure, and Mr. McCartney
and thus resulted in a variance. The applicant
enclose the south and east sides only, as the
s already closed.
Chairman WALKER was concerned with the feelings from the
neighbor to the south, and Mr. McCartney assured him the
neighbor called in with questions about the easement and not
for any opposition.
The applicant, David Sowa,
Board Member MAURO asked t
enclosure started, and Mr.
the structure was started.
Board Member ABBOTT wanted
to the. south, and Mr. Sowa
Discussion followed.
5110 Simms Street, was sworn in.
ze applicant when was the
Sowa replied about the same time
to know the distance to the house
answered 150-200 feet.
Board Member ABBOTT said since this is a non-complying
structure why was the Board not asked to approve the whole
structure instead of just the enclosure. Mr. McCartney
explained that the actual approval is to allow the carport
3'6" from the property. The applicant says it is an
application for a carport to be enclosed, but as far as the
regulations read that carport becomes an enclosed, attached
single-car garage.
• Mr. Sowa asked why this was not approved when he received
his building permit. He had started construction and had
several inspections done and signed off for an open carport,
MINIITES OF MEETYNG: October 24, 1996 Page S
and was given the idea by the inspectors that all was going
along fine. Upon application to enclose it, Mr. Sowa found
out he was illegal from the start, but he was not aware he
was doing anything wrong. Mr. McCartney said the original
application was for a shed open on all sides. Mr. Sowa felt
he should have been tald what the definition of a shed was,
and Mr. McCartney replied staff assumed, that the applicant
knew what a shed was when applying for a permit. What is
being approved now is to allow a single car garage to _-
encroach 1'611 into the side yard setback. 'Discussion
Board Member ECHELMEYER wanted to know if this was a shed
would it have required the inspections that the applicant
had, and Mr. McCartney answered yes, all structures require
final inspections fora Certificate of Occupancy.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked wouldn't the inspector have
caught the fact that this is a carport and not a shed, and
Mr. McCartney replied that is something hard to assume.
Board Member HOVLAND asked if there will be a floor
• installed in this structure, and Mr. Sowa answered probably
not as he feels it is not cost effective
s no
concrete in the front, h is just compacted dirt/rock.
Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, that Case No. WA-96-
36, an application by David Sowa, be APPROVED, for the
following reasons:
1. The primary intent of the ordinance to provide an
aesthetically pleasing open space between structures is
achieved by the approximate 150` separation from the
adjacent dwelling to the south.
2. The 1.6" variance request is a 30a variance.
3. The approximate 150' separation from the dwelling to
the south precludes any danger of a fire spreading to
the structure, which is the second primary intent of
the ordinance.
4. Approval will enhance the essential character of the --
locality because the applicant has been told by his
neighbors that the structure will look better enclosed.
A statement was submitted by seven adjacent property
owners in 'support of the structure as constructed and
modified by enclosure.
• 1. The garage shall incorporate a concrete floor.
MINUTES OF MEETING: October 24, 1996 Page 6
Board Member ECHELMEYER said if a concrete floor is not a
requirement for a garage why was it being added in, and
Board Member ABBOTT feels if this is an attached permanent
part of the structure, it should have a concrete floor.
Discussion followed.
Motion was seconded by Board Member HOVLAND. Motion carried
6-0, with Board Member HOWARD voting no. Resolution
C. Case No. WA-96-37: An application by Barbara and Walter
Bendever for approval of a 2' height variance to the 6' --
maximum fence height requirement to allow for an S' fence.
The property is zoned Residential-One A and located at
394 Simms Street.
Sean McCartney presented the staff report. All pertinent
documents were entered into record, which Chairman WALKER
Board Member HOWARD asked if there is any difference in
elevation from the group home site up to the house, and Mr.
McCartney replied yes, and it looks to be about 5 feet.
Board Member HOWARD asked if the 6 foot fence is on the- _
group home property, and Mr. McCartney answered he is not
sure,-so perhaps refer that to the applicant.
The applicantso Walt and Barbara Bendever, 3940 Simms
Street, were sworn in. Mr: Bendever said their house is a
2-story and they look directly down onto the group home
property. The lights in that house are on all night long,
there are people coming and going from the patio all night
long, and the lights shine directly into their upper floor.
Mr. Bendever feels the 2 foot fence extension would block
the light considerably, as looking down would be the top of
their windows. The noise from the patio filters in through
their windows, and it is very disturbing. The fence would
not be noticed from the front because there is a 3 foot drop
from the front to the back.
Board Member ABBOTT asked staff is there a problem with the
Group Home ordinance, and Mr. Gidley replied in a single-._
family home one has a right to keep their lights on all
night or to set out on their patio all night. These folks
have the same rights as well, however, not everybody does
that. In itself, it is unusual and could support this
particular variance, but it is not an actual item from a
zoning or nuisance perspective.
MINIITES OF MEETING; October 24, 1996 Page 7
Mr. Bendever feels the neighborhood was not properly
notified. He feels the group home is more of a'business
that is owned and operated by a company out of Minnesota.
Ms. Bendever spoke saying she has talked to them twice to
try and alleviate the problem, but nothing has happened.
The back of this house is solid windows and the large screen
T.V. and lights shine right into their daughter's bedroom.
Chairman WALKER questioned the plot plan showing the fence
being back from the property line to allow for the 10' '
utility easement, and Mr. Bendever replied the plot plan is
correct,- the fence is not on the property line.
Board Member HOWARD feels even'if the fence were 2 feet
higher-it would not alleviate the lights shining into the
second floor, and Mr. Bendever said yes it would because
their house sets down 4 foot from the group home's patio.
The current fence is 'slats on rails° and the applicants
will put up another-rail with all new slats.
Board Member HOWARD asked if building code required
replacement of posts for wind load, and Mr. Gidley answered
he is not familiar with the code for 8 feet. However, that
will be worked out with the building department. Discussion
regarding the south side of the property followed.
Board Member ABBOTT asked if they had given any thought to
vegetation instead of the fence, and Mr. Bendever said they
have hired a landscape architect to have the backyard
completely re-done. The bushes and shrubs being put in will
take a long time to get up to that point however, and
planting trees at the 8 foot level is not cost effective.
Board Member ECHELMEYER added that the people of Wheat Ridge
have been denied the right to oppose group homes because of
action taken by the city attorney and council. The
applicants have been denied tYie privacy they thought they
were getting when purchasing this home. The board needs to
do something to help people regain the privacy they
reasonably expect for their homes. He would recommend very
strongly that this be approved.
Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, that Case No. WA-96-
37, an application by Barbara and Walter Bendever, be
APPROVED for the following reasons:
1. The applicants are experiencing problems related to
noise and light from the adjacent group home to the
MINUTES OF MEETING: October 24, 1996 Page 8
2•. The applicant°s house is particularly affected by the
multiple tenant usage of the adjacent group home due to
its construction of substantially all glass on the west
3. The appellant`s yard is approximately 4-5 feet higher
in elevation.
4. The cost of planting 8 foot Evergreen or-deciduous
trees sufficient in height would be prohibitive.
5. The 8 foot section of fence would essentially be
invisible from the street.
Motion was seconded.by Board Member HOWARD. Motion carried
7-0. Resolution attached.
Chairman WALKER called for a five minute recess.
D. Case No, WA-96-32: An application by M. Carolyn Ritz, Et
A1, for a request for interpretation to an administrative
decision by the Planning and Development Director that a
construction equipment storage and service facility is a use
by right in the Light Industrial (I) Zone District. This
interpretation involves a Light Industrial zoned property
located at 5040 Tabor Street.
Glen Gidley presented the staff report. All pertinent
documents were entered into record, which Chairman WALKER
accepted. Entered into record Section 26-23(B)(8-22)
labeled EY~+~rit 'C° .
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked which was here first, the-
industrial zoning of this land, or the R-1 and R-2 north of
it, and Mr. Gidley answered he does not know when the R-1
and R-2 was established, the industrial zoning of this
property was during the early 60°s and before the City was
Board Member HOWARD wanted to know when the latest change
was made on the Comprehensive Plan, and Mr. Gidley replied
there have been no changes in this particular area in terms
of land use since 1976. There have been some changes in
terms of the street Master Plan for this area.
The applicant, Carolyn Ritz, 5115 Swadley Street, was sworn
in. Ms. Rite read into record Exhibit 'D° (see attached)
explaining her position regarding this case.
Chairman WALKER commented it would seem if a Special Use
Permit were granted it would not change a thing in that
• area, the activity would still be taking place in that area
near the houses, and wondered why a Special Use Permit
MINUTES OF MEETING: October 24, 1996 Page 9
would make it okay: Ms. Ritz said she hopes that is not
granted. She commented when she moved there in 1961, the
land around was all farms.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked the applicant if she was
involved in any activity with the City at that time, and Ms.
Ritz said they hired a lawyer to try and fight when the
aforementioned farm went Industrial, but was overruled.
This was all before the City was incorporated.
Board Member ABBOTT said what is being looked at tonight is
if this type of-business can occur in this zone.district,
so Mr. Munchiando's licenses are really not germane to the
question here .tonight, and Mr. Gidley answered yes.
Chairman WALKER asked just what action can this Board take,
and Mr. Gidley replied the action you have the authority to
do is to overturn the zoning administrator's decision in
terms of this being an allowed use. If the Board overturns
this decision, then Code Enforcement action will be taken
against Mr. Munchiando if he does not cooperate and remove
the use from the property. Different uses were-discussed
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked staff if Mr. Munchiando has to
declare himself in a certain business and apply for permits
or licenses to operate, and Mr. Gidley answered any business
doing business in the City should have a sales tax license.
Mr. Munchiando has a business license now,-but to his
knowledge he did not have one before Ms. Ritz pointed it
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked. if Mr. Munchiando is a
licensed trucking company in the City, and Mr. Gidley said
he knows he is licensed to operate his business in the City.
Board Member ECHELMEYER wanted to know if there are any
restrictions anywhere in the City in the hauling of
hazardous wastes, and Mr. Gidley replied there are federal
and state requirements but none from the City.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if there has been any
compliance or non-compliance in this area, and Mr. Gidley
said there have been no complaints of any specific
violations on this site relating to solid waste because it
occurs elsewhere. There is absolutely no hazardous waste
brought back to this site. The trucks are used to haul
hazardous waste and Mr. Munchiando can address that issue.
M%NUTES OF MEETINGS Octokres 24, 1996 Page 10'
Mr. Gidley said Mr. Munchiando claims to be approved by the
federal government, however the City is not a licensing
authority relating to that.
Board Member HOWARD asked Mr. Gidley if he could explain how
he differentiate between an 'allowable similar use° and one
that is °not objectionable to nearby property by reason of
odor, dust, fumes, gas,-noise, radiation, heat, glare,
vibration, traffic generation, parking needs, outdoor
storage or use, or is not hazardous'to health', and Mr.
Gidley said those are the characteristics of uses that are-
looked at as it relates to a use that isn't specific. There
are alot of uses that aren't specifically enumerated and
Mr. Gidley gave examples. It doesn't matter what is in the
vehicles, what matters is the use of the land.
Board Member HOWARD asked in his consideration did he
include what might be objectionable to the neighborhood, and
Mr. Gidley replied yes, based upon-the above items, and not
just objectionable because it looks ugly, or because people
don't like trucks/trailers, or because there is outside --
storage, because those issues don't apply. This issue has
• to do with how the property is zoned. There was further
discussion regarding hazardous materials and other
undesirable uses.
Board Member ABBOTT said the City will not permit the use
for storage or handling of hazardous materials without a
Special Use Permit, but in this case they are not asking for
that, so there is no need for a Special Use. They are
storing and servicing their construction equipment and
trucks relating to the business.
Sandra Winsett, 11601 Ridge Road, was sworn in. Ms. Winsett
had general questions regarding light and heavy industrial
districts, the semi trucks that have not been moved in 6
months, off-street parking, and spoke on other industrial
areas that are screened from view.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if she had any concerns when-
the applicant was at his previous site, and Ms. Winsett said
no because it was obstructed from view and not near neighbor
areas. She did-not see semis, trailers, buckets, fencing,
shelving units and boards everywhere. The site was fenced
and it looked to her to be a storage business. There was no
traffic problem because she said there was very little
movement from that lot. There is truck traffic from this
development occasionally now.
MINUTES OF MEETYNG: October 24, 1996 Eage 11
Board Member ABBOTT questioned since upgrading the property
is purely voluntary, how will it be enforced. Mr. Gidley
replied there is a specific requirement on 'the building
permit regarding outside storage being screened from view
with a 6 foot high wall or fence. The voluntary part is the
25 foot berm and the landscaping with trees and shrubs.
Board Member MAURO wanted to know how this will affect other
industrial parcels, and Mr. Gidley said any determination
regarding not permitting semi trucks/trailers or storage of
construction equipment will equally apply to the rest of the
Industrial zoned districts.
Greg Munchiando, 5440 Tabor Street, was sworn in. Mr.
Munchiando stated he does not store or bring hazardous waste
back to this site. He does this for a living and he hauls
all over the United States. The only thing he does in-this
yard is bring his trucks in for service and send them back
out. They are a clean outfit and do a lot of work for the
Mr. Munchiando was evicted from his other site and had to
move everything in a hurry to this property, but that was
not his intention. They would have liked to have gotten. the
shop done and everything moved in. As it is now, he has no
shop and everything he owns is in trailers. He cannot
maintain his trucks so this is costing him a lot of money.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if he was a trucking comgany,
and Mr. Munchiando replied yes. The hazardous waste
consists of any kind of waste permitted by the state and
federal government. They are a licensed hazardous waste
transporter in the lower 48 states. The makeup of the waste
is contaminated dirt (with gas, diesel, lead, arsenic, etc).
The trucks are cleaned and checked at the. facility where
they are dumped and are free of any debris. Everything is
logged and tracked and they are audited by the EPA every
year. Mr. Munchiando has offered anyone in the neighborhood
or audience to inspect his site and come in the office at
any time. He is not ashamed or afraid to show anybody what
he has or what he does. The site is ugly he agrees, but he
will get things put away and feels then this issue will die.
Chairman WALKER stated the equipment is of specialty type
and depending on the contract, this might be why some pieces
of equipment are not moved. Mr. Munchiando agreed„ and said
there is a wrecked truck that will be moved into the bays.
Board Member ABBOTT asked Mr. Munchiando to state for the
record that he is not an approved EPA waste controlled
MIN[JTES OF MEETING: Octobes 24, 1996 Page 12
substance storage facility, and Mr. Munchiando said he does
not and never will store hazardous waste on Tabor Street.
There is'only one other facility in Colorado that can store
hazardous waste and that is Highway 36 at Last Chance.
Board Member ABBOTT questioned the berming and screening in
excess of the requirements,-and Mr. Munchiando said he has
agreed to and submitted a landscaping plan that will be
attached to his permanent C/O. He elaborated on the plan.
Board Member HOVLAND asked if he brought any material on the
site at a11, and Mr. Munchiando replied no. His concern is
the trucks even entering the site with hazardous material.
Mr. Munchiando said he also has trucks with gravel going in
and out of the site. Trucks are not allowed to set more
than 3 1/2 hours with hazardous waste off of a designated
highway and they are tracked on their daily logs and have to
submit the logs to EPA for audit. The trucks may come in .to
get fuel and then leave.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked as they grow do they
anticipate 7 days a week with night operations, and Mr.
• Munchiando said his trucks leave all hours of the day but
actually they have downsized. Any trucks going down Tabor
Street do not belong to him, their trucks go south out of
Tabor and turn and go down the frontage road to Ward Road.
J.R. Moyer, 5000 Tabor Street, was sworn in. Mr. Moyer is a
neighbor on the south side and is in support of tYiis
Paula Vessa, 5170 Swadley Street, was sworn in. She spoke
saying granting this will allow huge trucking companies into
the C-2 and Light Industrial districts. She also feels this
will hurt their tax base and homes. She is against this
request because Mr. Munchiando°s property is an eyesore and
has depreciated her property. -She said a vote for Mr.
Gidley's interpretation will have a great impact on the-
community and asked the board to deny the application.
Michael P. Ritz Jr., 5011 Swadley Street, was sworn in.
He-feels the presentation was factual and honest. All was
said that was needed to hear and the board has enough
information to make a good decision. They wanted to be
incorporated so they could be properly represented by the
City. Their homes are important to them and they would like
for them to maintain their value. He said the area is not
C-2, it is Industrial and they would consider PID. He
. thanked the board for listening to them.
MbavvsnS OF MEETING: October 24, 1996 Page 13
Chairman WALKER asked staff how long has this property been
Industrial, and Mr. Gidley answered since 1964. --
Board Member HOVLAND said on the list of non-permitted uses,
there is the °contractor's plant/storage yard°, and what is
the definition of that. Mr. Gidley said there is no
definition in the code, however, a contractor`s plant is
where there is cement and concrete; large mixers and
equipment where they are processing something. A large
construction company where there are outside racks of forms.
and such. Mr. Gidley said the ordinance is not very clear
and that is why somebody has to make a decision. He
realizes this decision becomes much harder when the use is
already there. -The burden falls on the administrator and
they have to make a call from time to time. Taking a look
at the kinds of equipment that was on the site and having
discussions regarding screening andfor moving some of the
stuff in side, they made the call. Based on that they made
the determination that it is not a plant or contractor`s
storage yard. `
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked staff what the gentleman meant
• when he said they would consider a PID, and Mr. Gidley
replied there has been some discussion with council to
completely do away with Industrial zoning and re-zone all
'I° properties to PID. All that does is say what is there
is there, but any major changes to buildings .or uses would
require that the PID regulations be followed.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if anyone could buy Industrial
land and haul in-trucks, equipment and buildings before the
City asked what they are doing, and Mr. Gidley said yes they
can but it would not be very wise. It would be much smarter
for them to come and talk to the City. Discussion followed.
No further questions were asked.
Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, that interpretation
for Case No. WA-96-32, an application by Carolyn Ritz et al,
be as follows:
"It is found that the use requested of the City by Mr. Greg
Munchiando and as described by the City within the packet
provided and during the hearing by Mr. Gidley, Director of
Planning and Development and Mr. Munchiando is permitted. -
It is found that the interpretation of the question as
provided by Mr. Gidley is to be accurate as to the basic
MINUTES OF MEETING: October 24, 1996 Page 14
intent and purpose of words, phrases, and paragraphs as
related to Section 26-6(D)(4), Section 26-23, and Section
26-24 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws."
Motion was seconded by Board Member
5-2,-with Board Members ECHELMEYER
against. Resolution attached.
HOVLAND. Motion carried
and JUNKER voting
A. Chairman WALKER reminded the Board of Election of
- Officers be on next month°s agenda.
B. Scheduling a review of the By-laws.
C. Mr. Gidley explained interpreting voting.
D. Board Member HOWARD talked about industrial zoning and
the fence limitations.
Motion was made by Board Member MAURO, seconded by Board
Member HOWARD, that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting
adjourned at 1Oc47 P.M.
Mary L~u ~hapla, S cretary
- Octo&er 24, 1996 -
Name and Address
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