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December 12, 1996
1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order
by Chairman WALKER at 7:31 P.M. on December 12, 1996, in the
Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th
Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Tom Abbott
Paul Hovland -
Susan Junker
Linda Mauro
Karen Thiessen
Robert. Walker _
Bill Echelmeyer
Bob Howard
Sean McCartney, Planner
James McClanahan,
Planning Intern
Mary Lou Chapla, Secretary
The following is the official set of Board of Adjustment ,minutes
for the Public Hearing of December 12, 1996. A set of these
minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in
the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat
MINUTES OF MEETING: December 12, 1996
Page 2
Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, seconded by Board
Member THIESSEN, to approve the order of the agenda as
amended to combine Cases WA-96-42 and TBP-96-12 and place
them last on the agenda. Motion carried 6-0.
PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any
subject not appearing on the agenda.)
No one came forward to speak.
A. Case No. WA-96-39: An_application by Peter A. Perrone for
the approval of a 4'6" side yard setback variance to the 5'
side yard setback requirement to allow for an existing shed
on property zoned Residential One-C and located at 308
Chase Street.
James McClanahan presented the staff report. All pertinent
documents were entered into record, which Chairman WALKER
Board Member ABBOTT asked if there had been any complaints
registered, and Mr. McClanahan answered that planning staff
had no complaints registered, however an anonymous complaint
was registered through the building department.
Board Member THIESSEN asked if the house next door is also
non-conforming, and Mr. McClanahan replied he does not know
for sure, however it is possible because a great many of
them were built before .the city was incorporated.
Peter Perrone, 3085 Chase Street, was sworn iri. Mr. Perrone
believes the complaint was turned in by a building inspector
from another jurisdiction. He said the house to the south
is 2' from his property line and these are very small pieces
of property. He only has 650 square feet and no unfinished
Materials alone for the
$1500. The trellis and
and if he-places the sh
that patio and ruin the
only other place to put
their tree in the front
at is the only feasible
patio cost Mr. Perrone approximately
patio are visible from the street
>_d forward it would block half of
appearance of the property. The
the shed would make them cut down
yard. Mr. Perrone feels where its
place to put the shed.
MlivuinS OF MEETING: December 12, 1996 Page 3
Discussion followed regarding various options to re-locate
the shed.
Mr. Perrone stated he did not obtain a building permit
because he thought anything under 120 square feet did not
require a permit. He added the property to the north has no
objections to the shed.
He continued saying he could spray the entire shed with
fire-resistant sealant and could make the roof metal if
these things would help with any codes. He stated this
would be a terrible hardship at this point to tear it down.
Chairman WALKER asked how tall is the shed, and Mr. Perrone
replied S feet.
Board Member HOVLAND said it appears there is a window on
the north side of the shed, and with the fire code it would
have to be sealed off being it is so close to the adjacent
resident, and Mr. Perrone replied he could_do that.
Board Member ABBOTT added the code does not recognize the
fire sprays.
Board Member THIESEN asked staff in using a one-hour fire
retardant material, would it require tearing the shed down
or just putting something on the inside of the shed, and Mr.
McClanahan replied he does not know. Mr. McCartney answered
the applicant would not have to tear the shed down.
No further questions were asked.
Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, that Case No. WA-96-
39, an application by Peter Perrone, be DENIED for the
following reasons:
1. Due to the negligible setback of the existing structure
to the north, the placement of the structure runs
counter to two primary concerns of the setback
a. Visual aesthetic separation in between adjacent
b. Necessary separation between structures to
limit the spread of fire. This danger is
exacerbated by the height of the proposed shed.
2. Photos would indicate the shed does affect the supply
of light to the adjacent structure to the north.
3. It would appear to be no benefit to the neighborhood.
MINUTES OF MEETING: December 12, 1996 Page 4
4. Alternative locations appear to be problematical,
however, there is still room on the lot to place
the shed.
5. The hardship seems to be convenience rather than a
Motion was seconded by Board Member HOVLAND. Motion for
denial carried 5-1, with Board Member WALKER voting no.
B. CaG? r?o. WA-96-41: An application by Texaco Refining and
Marketing, Inc. for approval of a 12' side yard setback
variance to the 30' side yard setback requirement to allow
for a canopy. The property is zoned Commercial-One and
located at 4885 Kipling Street.
Sean McCartney presented the staff report. All pertinent
documents were entered into record, which Chairman WALKER
Board Member MAURO asked if this request is for the canopy
and dispensers (gas pumps), and Mr. McCartney answered the
dispensers are allowed, so the variance is just for the
David Moore of Galloway and Romero, 5350 DTC Parkway,
Englewood, CO, was sworn in. Mr. Moore is representing
Texaco Refining and Marketing.
Mr. Moore displayed a site plan which showed the existing
building and canopy and also outlined the proposed revision
Basically they are moving the canopy back and changing the
dispensers so they are all in a_row for better traffic
movement. The proposed building will be much further off
the street. They are closing a curb cut and adding
additional landscaping which will be of some benefit to
Texaco and also the city.
No further questions were asked.
Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, that Case No. WA-96-
41, an application by Texaco Refining and Marketing, Inc.,
be APPROVED for the following reasons:
1. The canopy will be taller than 84" in height and not
located within the site distance triangle. The
proposal will not act as a visual impact or impair the
light or air of adjacent properties.
2. The proposed site plan has been reviewed by the
Planning and Development Department, Public Works
. MINUTES OF MEETING: December 12, 1996 Page 5
Department and the Traffic Engineer, and it is their
conclusion that the proposal layout allows for adequate
circulation and should nat pose a problem with ingress
and egress off of W. 49th Avenue.
3. The proposed upgrade should positively impact the
character of the neighborhood. The variance is a
component of a total rebuild of the site and should not
endanger the public or negatively effect the character
of the neighborhood. -
Motion was seconded by Board Member HOVLAND. Motion carried
6-0. Resolution__attached.
The applicant for Case No. WA-96-40 requested to be last on -
the agenda. Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT to place
this case last on the agenda. Motion was seconded by Board
Member HOVLAND-arid carried 6-0.
C. Case No. WA-96-42: An application by Colorado Tree &
Shrubbery for approval of a garage addition to be used to
house vehicles in a non-conforming business. Said property
is zoned Agricultural-One and located at 4760 Parfet Street,
D. Case DTn. Ti7P-96-12: An application by Colorado Tree &
Shrubbery for approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow
the continuation. of a business of splitting, cutting and
storage of wood on property zoned Agricultural-One and
located at 4760 Parfet Street.
Sean McCartney presented both staff reports at once. All- -_.
pertinent documents were entered into record, which Chairman
WALKER accepted. Mr. McCartney informed the Board there
will have to be two separate motions for this case.
Board Member HOVLAND seeing how restricted hours placed on
the previous TUP has not been a problem over the last
several years, asked would it be necessary to restrict them
now, and Mr. McCartney replied that would be solely up to
the Board.
Board Member HOVLAND asked if the tree and shrubbery
business are conforming-uses, and Mr. McCartney answered no,
they are both non-conforming.
Board Member HOVLAND asked if the construction was done
before applying for a permit, and Mr. McCartney said it
would be better to ask the applicant.
. MINUTES OF MEETING: December 12, 1996 Page 6
John Bellagante, Colorado Tree & Shrubbery, 4760 Parfet-
Street, was sworn in. Mr. Bellagante explained the history
of his business and talked about the previous TUP's since
1986. He said he thought he had taken care of everything in
1986. He does remember all the requirements for the paved
parking lot were waived in 1986 (Case No. WA-86-14) He was
told the firewood could be done from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday. They have never received a complaint
for almost eleven years.
They do not cut or split firewood that often and it will be
all gone before spring, and then it slowly builds itself
back up again. Mr. Bellagante had a petitiion signed by all
of his neighbors stating no objection. The papers for the
renewal of the TUP were always sent to him in the past by
Jim Foreman, but the applicant does not think he received
any since. Mr. Bellagante thinks the garage will be
beneficial and the area will look a lot better.
Board Member ABBOTT stated he will make the motion with all
of the conditions placed on the TUP as before. Discussion
followed. A copy of the previous resolution with the
conditions were given to the Board.
Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, that Case No. WA-96-
42, an application by Colorado Tree and Shrubbery, be
APPROVED for the following reasons:
1. The staff and the board conclude the variance criteria
supports the request.
2. Additional enclosed storage space mitigates the blight
on properties.- Because of the commercial nature of
this property, enclosed storage and service can only -.-
benefit the property and the surrounding neighborhood.
This construction does not exacerbate the existing non-
conforming conditions. --
Motion was seconded by Board Member JUNKER. Motion carried
6-0. Resolution attached.
Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, that Case No. TUP-
96-12, and application by Colorado Tree and Shrubbery, be
APPROVED for the following reasons:
1. For the past ten years the applicant-has been employing
the business of firewood cutting and splitting
successfully without complaint from any adjacent
MINUTES OF MEETING: December 12, 1996 Page 7
2. Even though the Board of Adjustment on approval of the
previous TUP made a condition there shall not be
anymore TUPs issued for the firewood business,_ staff
has recommended approval upon the condition that the
applicant immediately applies for a Special Use Permit.
3. The Temporary Use Permit shall only be for the purpose
of making the applicant's use legal until the Special
Use Permit process is complete. The Temporary Use
Permit shall terminate upon City Council's final
decision regarding the Special Use Permit.
1. If the business changes ownership, the Temporary Use
Permit will be revoked.
2. The wood to be sold will be maintained in a neat and
orderly manner.
3. The applicant can cut and split wood only that he
requires as a direct result from his tree maintenance
4. The cutting and splitting of wood will be restricted to
the hours between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday
through Friday.
5. Any complaints that come to staff's attention be
referred to the board who may reserve the right to
recall the applicant and reconsider the case.
6. The applicant immediately applies for a Special Use
Motion was seconded by Board Member JUNKER. Motion Carried
6-0. Resolution attached.
E. Case No_ WA-9h-40: An application by Ben Schnell for
approval of a 5' side yard setback variance to the-5' side
yard setback requirement to allow the construction of a 9' x
22' carport. The property is zoned Residential One-A and
located at 12180 W. 35th Avenue.
Sean McCartney presented the staff report. All pertinent
documents were entered into record, which Chairman WALKER
Board Member HOVLAND questioned that a fire hazard is not an
issue as long as-the structure remains open on two sides,
and Mr. McCartney replied Correct.
Chairman WALKER asked if--there were any requirements for
e covered parking spaces in the code, and Mr. McCartney
answered no.
• MINUTES OF MEETING: December 12, 1996 Page 8
The applicant, Ben Schnell, 12180 W. 35th Avenue, was sworn
in. Mr. Schnell was in agreement with the staff report.
Board Member HOVLAND asked if he will-be building with the
existing roof line, and Mr. Schnell answered he would
continue with the roof line, however it is 12 feet in
height, and the carport will only be 8 feet, but they will
have the same pitch.
No further questions were asked.
Motion was made by Board Member HOVLAND, that Case No. WA-
96-42, an application by Ben Schnell, be APPROVED-for the
following reasons:
1. The Board finds that based upon all evidence presented
and based upon the Board's conclusions relative to the
nine specific questions to justify the variance, the
evidence and facts in-this case do support the granting
of this request.
2. There appear to be other similar structures in the
3. Most homes in the area do include a two-car garage.
1. The design be archetechually compatible with the house.
2. The structure shall not be enclosed_
3. The downspouts be designed to direct the water run-off
away from the adjacent property.
Motion was seconded by Board Member JUNKBR.
Board Member ABBOTT stated he will be voting no on this
because there are no unique hardships or circumstances. He
feels the request runs counter to the intent of the setbacks
which is to leave open space for visual aesthetics and for
Motion failed by a vote of 4-2, with Board Member ABBOTT-and
Chairman WALKER voting no. Resolution-attached.
MINUTES OF MEETING: December 12, 1996 Page 9
A. Election of Officers:.... --
Election of officers will be held at the January 1997
regular meeting.
B. Study Session:
Motion was made by Board Member THIESSEN, seconded by
Board Member ABBOTT to have a study session on January
9, 1997, provided there is a quorum.- Motion carried..
C. Approval of Minutes:
(1) Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT,. seconded by
Board Member JUNKER, that the minutes_of September 26,
1996, be approved as amended: Page 1, Item 2, change
Motion carried.
• (2) Motion was made by Board Member HOVLAND, seconded by
Board Member JUNKER, that the minutes of October 10,
1996, be approved as printed. Motion carried.
(3) Motion was-made by Board Member MAURO, seconded by Board
Member JUNKER, that the minutes of October 24, 1996, be
approved as printed. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Board Member JUNKER, seconded by Board
Member THIESSEN, that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting
adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Mary L u Chapla, Se retary