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Minutes of Meeting
September 20, 2001
The meeting was called to order by Chair McNAMEE at 7:30 p.m., September 20, 2001, in the
City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge,
Chair McNAMEE welcomed Philip Plummer to the Planning Commission. Commissioner
PLUMMER represents District III.
Commission Members Present:
Paulette Cooper
Marian McNamee
Philip Plummer
Nancy Snow
Janice Thompson
Paula Weisz
Jerry Collins (arrived late)
Commissioner Members Absent:
Anne Brinkman
Staff Members Present:
Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner
Mary Austin, Planner
Ann Lazzeri, Secretary
The following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of September
20, 2001. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department
of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge.
Chair McNAMEE requested addition oftwo items under New Business: (1) Section 26-628
regarding separation distances and (2) mixed uses in PRD and PCD zones. It was moved by
Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON to approve the
agenda as amended. The motion passed 6-0 with Commissioners COLLINS late and
BRINKMAN absent.
It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COOPER to
approve the minutes of September 6, 2001 as presented. The motion passed 5-0, with
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Planning Commission
September 20, 2001
Commissioner PLUMMER abstaining and Commissioners COLLINS late and
BRINKMAN absent.
There was no one to appear before the Commission.
A. Case No. MS-OI-0l: An application by Ryan Schacklett for approval of a two-lot
minor subdivision plat on property zoned Residential-One (R-l) and located at 12225
West 35th Avenue.
This case was presented by Mary Austin. She reviewed the staff report and presented slides
and overheads ofthe application. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and
accepted by Chair McNAMEE. It was staffs conclusion that requirements of the Subdivision
Regulations have been met and the parcels meet the lot area requirements of the R-l zoning
district. Therefore, staff recommended approval of the application with conditions as outlined
in the staff report.
Commissioner COOPER asked if the proposed lots would be similar in size to others in the
neighborhood. Ms. Austin replied that there are mixed lot sizes in this neighborhood. These
lots will be as large as others in the area but not as large as some of the surrounding parcels.
In response to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON concerning fire and trash removal
access, Ms. Austin stated that the fire department has no problem with the design.
Commissioner WEISZ questioned whether the length of the driveway into lot no. 2 would
present any problems. Ms. Austin stated that the driveway meets distance requirements.
Ryan Shacklett
12225 W. 35th Avenue
Mr. Shacklett, the applicant, was sworn by Chair McNAMEE. He explained that his trash
removal company will require taking trash out to the curb. He stated that he has lived in this
area for many years and wants to remain there. He plans to remodel and sell the existing house
and then build a new house on the other lot to live in.
James Negri
122200 West 35th Avenue
Mr. Negri was sworn by Chair McNAMEE. He addressed the Commission to recant the letter
he originally wrote in opposition to the application. His opposition was based upon history of
renters in the existing house. However, Mr. Shacklett has already made great improvements to
the property and he now feels this proposal will be a great asset to the neighborhood. He
expressed his full support of the application.
Fred Deard
12155 West 35th Avenue
Mr. Deard was sworn by Chair McNAMEE. He stated he has lived in this neighborhood since
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September 20, 2001
1969 and feels the applicant's project would be a great asset to the neighborhood and would
increase property values.
It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COOPER that
Case No. MS-OI-0l, a request for a two-Iot minor subdivision for property Iocated at
12225 West 35th Avenue be approved for the following reasons:
1. All requirements ofthe City's Subdivision ReguIations have been met.
2. The minimum lot size requirements of the R-l zoning district have been met.
3. The development standards of the R-l district have been met for the existing single
family home.
With the following conditions:
1. The underground irrigation ditch be labeIed with the name Lee Stewart & Eskins
Ditch and an easement in a totaI amount of 15 feet be provided as requested by the
ditch company and depicted on the pIat.
2. The developer provide the standard park land fee as required by the Subdivision
ReguIations and approved by the Parks Department.
The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN absent.
B. Case No. ZOA-OI-02: An ordinance amending Sections 26-206, 26-207, 26-208, 26-
209,26-210,26-211,26-212 and 26-611 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws pertaining
to required setbacks for residential structures and exceptions thereto.
Meredith Reckert presented this matter which is an ordinance containing changes to the
residential setbacks as recommended by the Planning Commission at the last meeting.
It was moved by Commissioner COOPER and seconded by Commissioner WEISZ that
Case No. ZOA-OI-02, an ordinance amending Sections 26-206, 26-207, 26-208, 26-209, 26-
210,26-211,26-212 and 26-611 ofthe Wheat Ridge Code of Laws pertaining to required
setbacks for residential structures and exceptions thereto be forwarded to City Council
with a recommendation of approval. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner
BRINKMAN absent.
A. Permission for access to private property - Janice Thompson inquired as to the status
of developing a method of providing access to private property for staff and
commission members for inspection purposes when an application is filed. Meredith
Reckert will look into this. Perhaps permission could be granted by the property owner
at the time application is made. A waiver could be incorporated into the application
documentation requirement.
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Planning Commission
September 20, 2001
A. Separation between car lots - This item was introduced by Meredith Reckert. A
Wheat Ridge business has indicated a desire for a zoning change in order to be
compatible with a temporary use permit that he has had for several years allowing less
than a 1500 foot separation between adjacent vehicle storage/display lots. City Council
has directed the planning director to come up with a zoning amendment which would
address matters such as this and Meredith invited comments from Planning Commission
regarding this matter.
There was a consensus of the Commission that the existing ordinance was written for
good reason and should be left as it is.
(Chair McNAMEE declared a brief recess at 8:30 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:40
B. 38th and Depew Property - Meredith Reckert introduced this item. The property
owner has expressed interest in developing this site as mixed use. He is proposing the
development oftownhouses, row houses and some commercial. The property is zoned
C-l and this type of development would have to be a planned development district.
This particular proposal does not fit into either the existing PRD or PCD regulations.
The planning director and city attorney are presently working on some amendments to
the PRD regulations to address situations such as this.
Commissioner THOMPSON suggested a separate zone district for situations like this
rather than amending the PRD regulations.
Commissioner SNOW expressed concern about density and parking issues.
There were no commission reports.
There were no committee and department reports.
It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COOPER to
adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
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Planning Commission
September 20, 2001
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