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Minutes of Meeting
March 16, 2006
The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to order by Chair
McMillin at 7:02 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West
29th A venue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Commission Members Present:
Anne Brinkman
Jim Chil vers
John McMillin
Phil Plummer
Jerry Scezney
Cassie Spaniel
Kim Stewart
Scott Wesley
Staff Members Present:
Alan White, Community Development Director
Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner
Gerald Dahl, City Attorney
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
Following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of March
16,2006. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office ofthe City Clerk and in the
Community Development Department of the City of Wheat Ridge.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner STEWART
to approve the order of the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - March 2, 2006
It was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner SPANIEL
to approve the minutes of March 2, 2006 as presented. The motion passed 7-0 with
Commissioner SCEZNEY abstaining.
Claudia Worth
4650 Oak Street
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March 16,2006
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Ms. Worth addressed the Commission to remind them that they do not have to always adhere to
motions suggested by staff.
A. Case No. WZ-05-10 (Continued from 2-2-06): An application filed by Michael G.
Pharo Associates for approval of a rezoning from Residential-Two to Planned
Commercial Development and approval of an outline development plan for property
located at 7495 West 29th Avenue.
Prior to presentation of the case, Commissioner WESLEY asked if he would be able to
participate in the decision on this case since he was not present at the February 2, 2006 meeting
when the case was first scheduled. Mr. Dahl advised Commissioner WESLEY he could
participate in this hearing since no testimony was given on February 2, 2006.
This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. Since this case was continued from an earlier
date, she advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the
staff report and digital presentation. She referred to a grouping of letters from individuals
living on Webster Street, and labeled as Exhibit 7 in the packet, and commented that these
would meet the provisions for a legal protest.
In response to questions from Commissioner SCEZNEY, Ms. Reckert stated that the
neighborhood is opposed to any businesses that would be open past 10:00 p.m.
Michael Pharo
2835 W. Oxford Avenue, #6, Englewood, CO
Mr. Pharo, land planning consultant for the applicant, was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He
stated that a deed restriction would be in place to maintain in perpetuity the mansion with a 10-
foot perimeter. Even though the chapel is not historic, an attempt would be made to find a use
for it in the development. Retention of the sunken gardens would be problematic since the
chapel is built in the middle of it and the required access location from 29th A venue would
impact it as well. A 20-foot dedication would be provided for the Wadsworth widening. In
addition to that dedication, the applicant would build an extra lane on Wadsworth to the end of
the property to allow for turn movements as well as a bus pad. The pergola would also be
retained and relocated or reconstructed to various locations on the property and a six-foot solid
fence would be built along the east and the north sides of the property. The 25-foot right-of-
way to the north of the property would become a "no man's land" unless a street vacation takes
place. The site data table and schematic plan are flexible and could go up or down from the
30,000 square feet. In conclusion, he stated the submittal meets the intent of the
Comprehensive Plan, the goals and objectives the Community Development Department, and a
development compromise that meets the goals of the historical society to save the mansion.
Bruce McLennan
677 S. Colorado Boulevard, Denver, CO
Mr. McLennan was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He entered into the record, and provided
copies for each Commissioner, drawings and perspectives of the proposed development. The
buildings would be single story retail with front and back door parking. These buildings would
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March 16, 2006
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house neighborhood service-type businesses. The developer and staff agree that the pedestrian
link is important to the development and would be a neighborhood amenity. The pergola
would be integrated into the design. Access from 29th Avenue would give automobile flow
through the project onto Wadsworth.
In response to a question from Commissioner WESLEY, Mr. McLennan stated there was a
small error on the drawing regarding omission of the fence along the eastern property line and
the applicant would not be removing any portion of any existing fence.
Andrew Miller
200 Spruce Street, Denver, CO
Mr. Miller, one of the owners of the property, was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He stated
that he had 27 years experience in retail development and the property was purchased based on
the fact that Wadsworth Boulevard and Colorado Boulevard are the two best retail streets in the
Denver area. The proposed development would be a low impact site that would fit in with the
city's comprehensive plan designation. He stated he was unaware of any plans to designate the
Olinger mansion as a historic structure when he purchased the property. In order to meet a
compromise with those wanting to save the structure, he and his partner have agreed to keep
the mansion and would also like to incorporate the chapel into the development. It would be
necessary to move the pergola when Wadsworth is widened. However, upon examination of
the condition of the pergola, it has been determined that it may not be possible to move it intact
to another location on the property. Keeping the mansion as a landmark in perpetuity presents
a hardship and he would like to be able to utilize the remainder of the site. Therefore, the farm
house and barn structures would be removed. The project would not be a strip mall or one
large structure, but a quaint neighborhood-type use.
Commissioner BRINKMAN expressed concern about "tavern" under the list of allowed uses.
She stated that she would have no problem with a restaurant that serves liquor. Mr. Miller
replied that this is also the type of business they would prefer rather than a straight tavern
business that would be open until 2:30 in the morning.
Commissioner BRINKMAN asked why office use was not considered for this site. Mr. Miller
replied that this site lends itself well to neighborhood type businesses and there is also a seven-
year supply of office space in the Denver area right now.
In response to a question from Commissioner CHIL VERS, Mr. Miller stated that, at this point,
he is thinking of having three to five retail businesses on the site. He further stated that the site
would accommodate required parking.
(Chair McMILLIN declared a brief recess at 8:35 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:40
Ed Eastman
2900 Vance Street
Mr. Eastman was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He expressed opposition to the rezone. He
referred to a court decision in the 1970's which required the city to return the zoning of this
property to R-2 with the mortuary and chapel remaining as nonconforming uses. One of the
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court's findings was that a commercial zoning on this property would depreciate home values
in the neighborhood. The court further found that the rezoning to commercial was
unconstitutional and constituted spot zoning with no relationship to the master plan. He
concluded by stating that nothing has changed in the neighborhood since then. He submitted a
copy of the court findings into the record.
Joyce Ford
2990 Vance Street
Ms. Ford stated from the audience that she is opposed to the rezone.
Suzanna Wilson
2915 Webster
Ms. Wilson stated from the audience that she is opposed to the rezone.
Donald Wilson
2915 Webster
Mr. Wilson stated from the audience that he is opposed to the rezone.
Heidi Marfil
2900 Webster Street
Ms. Marfil was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. She stated her opposition to the rezone and
expressed concern that a zone change would bring crime into the area. In response to a
question from Commissioner STEWART, Ms. Marfil stated that she would like to see a church,
duplexes, homes or office buildings built on that comer.
Louise Canjar
3055 Webster Street
Ms. Canjar was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. She stated her opposition to the pedestrian
access from the neighborhood because it would add traffic in the neighborhood. She did not
believe a six-foot fence was an adequate buffer between the development and the adjacent
residences to the east.
Catherine Snyder
2995 Webster Street
Ms. Snyder was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. She stated opposition to the pedestrian access
because her home is located right at the end of the proposed access. She also opposed the
proposed seating area that would be located twenty feet from her house. She expressed concern
that there is no guarantee as to what types of business would be built on this property. She
suggested that the development be comprised of businesses that would be open from 8:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Jill Blasco
3045 Vance Street
Ms. Blasco was sworn in by Chair McMillin. She expressed opposition to the rezone on the
basis there is no need for more commercial property along Wadsworth. She listed in detail
several vacant commercial properties along Wadsworth from 1-70 to 32nd Avenue.
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Commissioner BRINKMAN asked Ms. Blasco what she would like to see built on this
property. Ms. Blasco stated that she would like to see the property used as a museum and park.
Dennis and Norene Lee
3070 Upham Court
Both expressed their opposition to the rezone from the audience.
Claudia Worth
4650 Oak Street
Ms. Worth was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. She stated that the Colorado Historical Society
placed the Olinger house on its historic survey in February 24, 1998. She suggested the
following amendments to the plan:
. Neighbors to the north of the Olinger property should have the 25-foot right-of-way vacated
and returned to their properties.
. A concrete block wall should be built between the development and the east and north sides
of the property. This wall should be topped with iron estate fencing to ease neighbors'
concerns about vandalism.
. The access gate, shrubs and seating areas should be removed from the northeast comer of
the property to prevent employee parking in the neighborhood.
. The pergola should be reconstructed to its original look over the sidewalk along Wadsworth
to be built by the developer.
. The chapel should be removed and the sunken gardens restored.
. Any trees removed should be replaced with the same type of trees.
In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Ms. Worth stated that she was
speaking on behalf of the Wheat Ridge Historical Society. She also stated that the farm house
and barn have been offered by the owner to a nonprofit agency.
Commissioner McMILLIN asked if she would support the rezoning if her suggestions were
met. She replied that she could not make a commitment one way or another until she sees the
final development plan.
Mark Rodman
333 West Colfax, Denver
Mr. Rodman was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He is Executive Director of Colorado
Preservation, Inc. He commended the city staff, developer and historical society for working
together to save the Olinger mansion. He stated that the grounds are important to a historical
structure and the sunken gardens are important from a historic standpoint.
Oresta Hannigan
8705 West 67th Place
Ms. Hannigan was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. She is a licensed real estate broker and
residential appraiser. She stated that someone called her to ask her opinion on the effect of the
proposed development on real estate values. She estimated that real estate values would drop
about 10% and the houses directly adjacent to the development would drop even more.
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March 16, 2006
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Bob Olson
5050 Raleigh Street
Mr. Olson was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He discussed the need for following standards
set forth by the Secretary of Interior in regard to saving historic structures. He asked the
Commission to insist on the inclusion of these standards for preservation, rehabilitation,
restoration and reconstruction of the house, the pergola and landscape elements on the south
side of the property.
Louise Turner
11256 West 38th Avenue
Ms. Turner was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. She expressed opposition to the rezoning. She
suggested a moratorium on commercial zoning and development until the city has had time to
analyze the amount of vacant commercial buildings in the city. She didn't believe Wheat
Ridge needs more commercially zoned land. She suggested that new businesses could utilize
vacant commercial buildings already existing in the city. It is important to preserve residential
areas and she suggested that unused commercial properties be rezoned to low density
residential. Rental properties result when homeowners decide to move when commercial
development takes place close to their properties. It is important to give consideration to
existing homeowners in the area.
Commissioner STEWART asked what Ms. Turner would like to see done with the property.
Ms. Turner suggested using the property for weddings and special events. Whatever takes
place on the property, she stated that adequate buffering for the neighbors is necessary.
Kevin Green
2960 Webster Street
Mr. Green was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He spoke in opposition to the rezoning. The
2020 Plan calls for attraction of strong households to Wheat Ridge. The neighborhood adjacent
to the subject property is comprised of strong households and is attracting more. He also
expressed concern about the pedestrian access from the neighborhood which would result in
customers and employees parking in the neighborhood to use the access to the shopping area.
He also expressed concern that it could be a gathering place for homeless people.
Martin Green
7385 West 28th A venue
Mr. Green was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He referred to city's zoning standards which set
forth conditions that must be satisfied in cases of rezoning and stated there are several
conditions that are not satisfied in this case. His understanding of the zoning criteria is that all
of these conditions must be satisfied in order to have a rezoning. He also commented that there
is more to consider in this case than the sales tax revenue to be generated. This development
would reduce residential property values.
Commissioner McMILLIN asked if it is true that all standards must be met before a rezoning
can occur. Mr. Dahl stated that this has not been true in practice.
Janelle Shaver
8890 West 35th Avenue
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March 16,2006
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Ms. Shaver was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. She expressed opposition to the rezone on the
basis that it represents spot zoning. She presented two photos of the property as it looked in
1925. She entered into the record some historical information on George Olinger and Article 9
of Section 26 regarding historic preservation. She suggested leaving the pergola where it is
because her understanding from CDOT is that this portion of Wadsworth will not be widened
for many years. She also suggested that building materials for new development match the
existing structures. She asked the Commission to consider their neighbors who live in this area
when voting on this case.
Nancy Griffith
7130 West 29th Place
Ms. Griffith was sworn in by Chair McMillin. She spoke in opposition to the rezone and asked
the Commissioners to consider whether or not they would like to have this type of development
in their neighborhoods. She believed the proposed use would only benefit the developer and
that it is important to retain affordable residential property in the city. She commented that it
seemed the city administrator and city employees want to have a coffee shop, dry cleaners, and
restaurant across the street for their convenience and are justifying it by calling it sales tax
revenue. She did not believe this is an appropriate location for commercial development
because it would be detrimental to the neighborhood. She stated the city needs more open
space and should revitalize existing vacant commercial areas. She presented a complete copy
of her comments to be made part of the official record.
There were no other individuals present who wished to address the Commission.
Chair McMILLIN invited the applicant to comment. Mr. Miller stated that he had nothing to
Commissioner CHIL VERS asked Mr. Miller why this site would be better than utilizing a
vacant commercial property. Mr. Miller stated that what he is proposing would be appealing to
retailers and provide neighborhood services. He stated that the proximity to Wadsworth is
important to retail business and that well conceived retail space along Wadsworth is occupied.
Those properties that are ill conceived are vacant.
Commissioner BRINKMAN asked Mr. Miller if he would be agreeable to following the
standards of preservation mentioned by Mr. Olson. Mr. Miller replied that those standards are
rather nebulous and he would not agree to following them. He stated that he has already agreed
to preserve the mansion.
Commissioner CHIL VERS asked about the pedestrian connection. Mr. Miller replied that this
was a directive from the staff and the consultant. He suggested that it is important to decide
which parameters are real and which are not real and then act accordingly.
Commissioner STEW ART asked why staff was asking for the pedestrian connection. Alan
White replied that this development attribute is addressed in the comprehensive plan and the
architectural and streetscape manual. He stated that the staff thought this was a good design for
the neighborhood but it doesn't have to be a part ofthe plan.
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Chair McMILLIN closed the public hearing.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner CHILVERS
to recommend denial of Case No. WZ-05-10, a request for approval of a zone change from
Residential Two to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an Outline
Development Plan for property located at 7495 West 29th A venue for the following
1. There is no reason to expand commercial land use area in Wheat Ridge. Wheat
Ridge must develop the commercial areas we have and not devalue existing uses.
2. This request would create an isolated spot zone.
3. This request would not benefit the neighbors.
4. The neighborhood objection is enough to constitute a legal protest.
5. Adjacent landowners would not support this project.
Commissioner WESLEY commented that he did not think these reasons would stand. Denial
of the application could result in an empty unused property or more rental properties. The
Comprehensive Plan and the 2020 Plan are guidelines and this property is an example of what
variances in our code provide. Commercial development is a viable option for this property. It
would benefit the city to have a useful alive development that would also bring in some
revenue. The Wadsworth corridor will be built and this gives an opportunity to shepherd
development the way we would like. Further, the developer has made concessions on this
property. He expressed concern that if this case is denied, the property could remain vacant
and fall into disrepair and attract less desirable activity around the property.
Commissioner BRINKMAN stated that she appreciated the public's comments. She did not
believe properties along Wadsworth are going to change. Spot zoning already exists along
Wadsworth and works well in some cases. She cited the State Beauty Supply building on
Wadsworth as an example. She stated that she believed the plan would work very well on this
Commissioner PLUMMER commented that State Beauty Supply was closer to 38th and
believed the city should concentrate on the 38th and Wadsworth area. He suggested that the
mansion could be used for offices and residential units could be built on the remaining
Commissioner STEW ART stated it is very important to retain the mansion and remove the
pedestrian connection. She also commented that building twelve duplexes on this property
would result in potential rentals.
Commissioner SCEZNEY stated he would vote for denial because he is a firm believer that it is
not necessary for all of Wadsworth to be commercial. He stated that he wished to provide
consistency with the neighborhood and preservation of the historical property.
Commissioner McMILLIN commented that the plan is a well designed project, well buffered
from the neighborhood and provides for preservation of the mansion. However, this project
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would result in spot zoning and there is a surplus of commercial property in the city. He
supported a moratorium on commercial zoning.
The motion passed 6-2 with Commissioners WESLEY and BRINKMAN voting no.
B. Case No. WZ-OS-12: An application filed by Jim Blumenthal for Skitzo Offshore,
LLC, for approval of an amended Planned Commercial Development outline
development plan and approval of a final development plan for property located at 4651
Tabor Street.
C. Case No. MS-OS-OS: An application filed by Jim Blumenthal for Skitzo Offshore,
LLC, for approval of a final plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street.
Staff recommended a continuance of Cases WZ-05-12 and MS-05-05 until April 6, 2006
It was moved by Commissioner WESLEY and seconded by Commissioner SPANIEL to
continue Cases WZ-OS-12 and MS-OS-OS to the meeting of April 6, 2006. The motion
passed 8-0.
There was no old business to come before the Commission.
. Election of Officers - Commissioner WESLEY was elected chairman and Commissioner
SCEZNEY was elected vice-chairman.
. Special Plannilll! Commission Meeting - Alan White advised the Commission that a
special meeting would be held on March 30, 2006 to discuss the Three-Mile Plan.
There were no commission reports.
There were no committee and department reports.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner McMILLIN to
adjo the meeting at 11:58 p.m. . (
/7 (?1
Ann Lazzeri, Recordin
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March 16,2006
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