HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/26/2008
February 26, 2008
The meeting was called to order by Chair Brungardt at 4:00 p.m. in the Ci~
Council Chambers of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, 7500 West 29'
Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Authority members present: Cheryl Brungardt
Kent Davis
Kathy Nuanes
Lena Rotola
Janice Thompson
Others present: Sally Payne, Deputy Director
Ryan Stachelski, Economic Development
Hemy Wehrdt, Construction Manager
Larry Nelson, Cornerstone Realty
Betty Maybin, Cornerstone Realty
Aaron Ojala, Entasis Group
Tracy Langworthy, City Council
Ann Lazzeri, Secretary
It was moved by Lena Rotola and seconded by Janice Thompson to approve
the minutes of January 22, 2008 as presented. The motion passed
There were no officers reports.
There was no one present to address the Authority.
Housing Authority Minutes
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February 26, 2008
. Structural and Environmental Assessment Results of Special Project-
Aaron Ojala ofthe Entasis Group reviewed results of the structural and
environmental assessment. Copies of the report were distributed to Authority
members. Upon inspection, the building is in very good shape and structurally
sound. There are some loose bricks that need replaced for aesthetic and safety
reasons where an addition had been removed. There is another small place where
a leaking drain pipe caused damage to mortar that will need to be replaced. There
is only 3% asbestos present which is very low and should cost no more than $15-
20,000 for abatement.
In response to a question from Ryan Stachelski, Sally Payne explained that Davis
Bacon (federally mandated wages) regulations do not apply to projects with
eleven or less units.
Mr. Stachelski reported that a memorandnm of understanding has been signed by
the school district which would allow the Housing Authority to have preliminary
work done to determine the cost of the project without being obligated to
purchase the building. School district representatives have indicated they are
amicable to condenmation if necessary.
There was a consensus to keep the project under 12 units and build a community
Kathy Nuanes requested that the Housing Authority members and realtors have
the ability to provide input regarding design ideas. Mr. Ojala stated that this
would be very desirable. A tour by Housing Authority members and Cornerstone
Realty could be arranged.
It was moved by Kathy Nuanes and seconded by Lena Rotola that the
Housing Authority move into the second piece of Phase I and hire the Entasis
Group to perform architectural design for a fee estimated to be $14,800.00.
The motion passed unanimously.
It was moved by Janice Thompson and secouded by Kathy Nuanes to
conduct a special meeting on March 11 at 4:00 p.m. to tour the Fruitdale site.
The motion passed unanimously.
All parties involved would meet at the site for the tour. The meeting would
conclude at the site. Direction was given to Ryan Stachelski to learn what
security measures are to be taken for the tour since a preschool meets on the
Larry Nelson suggested that, after the design phase, it might be a good idea for
the Authority to begin talks with bankers about a possible loan.
Housing Authority Minutes
February 26, 2008
. Larry Nelson reported that there have been several showings on the Parfet
property. There is also work beginning on another duplex in the neighborhood.
There is one remaining unit for sale at Park Side. As a result of notices in various
Wheat Ridge publications, there have been several inquiries about the properties
on Allison Court and 41 st Avenue.
. Hemy Wehrdt distributed copies of invitations to resubmit bids for townhouse
conversions at 3755-3775 Allison Court and 9690 - 9710 West 41" Avenue.
These will be sent out on February 27.
Janice Thompson expressed concern about the unsold units in light of the
condition of the housing market. She suggested the possibility of working with
the school district to have a first right ofrefusal for work at a later date on the
Fruitdale project.
Larry Nelson commented that they should be able to move the units within six
months if priced realistically.
. Cheryl Brungardt reported that she attended an affordable housing workshop.
The Housing Authority's products are very competitive with other projects in the
metro area so the time and money investments that have been made are well
worth it.
. Sally Payne reported that the tenant at the Richards Hart Estate is in the process
of moving out. He has not indicated if he is interested in help with relocation
costs. The city will then move forward with demolition.
. Resolution 01-2008, establishing a designated public place for the posting of
meeting notices as required by the Colorado Open Meetings Law
It was moved by Kent Davis and seconded by Lena Rotola to adopt
Resolution No. 01-2008, establishing a designated public place for the
posting of meeting notices as required by the Colorado Open Meetings
Law. The motion passed unanimously.
. Because several members will be unable to attend the April 22nd meeting, it
was moved by Lena Rotola and seconded by Jauice Thompsou that the
April 22nd meeting be rescheduled to AprillS'h at 4:00 p.m. The motion
passed unanimonsly.
Housing Authority Minutes
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February 26, 2008
. Cheryl Brungardt announced that Leadership Jefferson County will be
providing all the volunteers and food for the Rebuilding Together project.
It was moved by Kathy Nuanes and secouded by Janice Thompson to
adjourn the meeting at 5:22 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
~~ .
. .~~
Ann Lazzen, Recordmg Secretary
Housing Authority Minutes
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February 26, 2008