HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/17/2001 MINUTES OF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY April 17 , 200' 7:00 p.m. ORIGINAL 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority meeting was called to order by Chair Matthews at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commissioners present: Kandi McKay Sandra Collins Vance Edwards (left the meeting at 7:05 p.m.) Marilynn Force Jim Goddard Elwyn Kiplinger Dick Matthews Margy Platter Commissioners absent: Rae Jean Behm Janet Leo Norm Burkpile Also attending: Alan White, Planning Director Jim Windholz, Urban Renewal Attorney Terry Ware, HNTB Dana Jaugilas, HNTB Don Peterson, Economic Development Committee Ann Lazzeri, Secretary 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of March 27, 2001 were presented for consideration. It was moved by V ANCE EDWARDS and seconded by MARILYNN FORCE to approve the minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 4. PUBLIC FORUM There were none present to address the Authority. 5. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Authority. WRURA Minutes 04/17/01 Page 1 6. NEW BUSINESS (Prior to this presentation, City Council Member Vance Edwards announced that, upon the advice ofthe Urban Renewal attorney, he would leave the meeting because of the conflict of hearing this matter before it is presented to City Council. He left the meeting at 7:05 p.m.) A. Presentation of Blie:ht Studies - (1) 38th Avenue between Sheridan and Wadsworth and (2) Wadsworth Boulevard between 35th Avenue and 44th Avenue. Terry Ware reviewed the blight study that revealed a fmding offive elements of blight. Each member of the Authority received a copy ofthe study. Marilynn Force expressed concern that many areas in the study area do not meet ADA standards and questioned whether the City was at risk. Jim Windholz responded that was a question for the City Attorney, but commented that lack of ADA compliant facilities should be included in the study. B. Public Comment on Blie:ht Studies Chair Matthews asked ifthere were any present who wished to comment or ask questions regarding the blight study. Unidentified man - Stated that he was glad the Authority only chose two areas rather than the entire city. Chair Matthews explained that the purpose of the study is not to identify "slum areas" but rather to identify significant barriers to redevelopment. Unidentified man - He then asked how the Wadsworth Corridor improvements would affect the study area. Alan White explained that it is not planned to widen the entire length of Wadsworth through the city but to widen the street along major intersections which would leave more room for redevelopment. Where there are plans for six lanes, the outside lane would be local commercial access. Unidentified man - He asked if the blight study is preliminary to redevelopment. Alan White replied that the blight study and Wadsworth corridor study would start coming together as the next step in the process. WRURA Minutes 04/17/01 Page 2 Terry Ware recommended the following two amendments to the map: (1) Two parcels located on the south side of Reed and Quay and between Fenton and Depew are zoned R-3 and should be removed from the urban renewal area. (2). Those parcels between 41" and 3-Acre Lane which are presently excluded from the urban renewal area should be included. Chair Matthews asked the reason that property at 3830 High Court was not included in the area. Alan White explained that the consultant was working off a map supplied by staff and may have missed some commercial properties. Jim Windholz advised that boundaries may be changed but it would require modification of the plan. It was moved by Elwyn Kiplinger and seconded by Margy Platter to include the property at 3830 Higb Court in the urban renewal area. The motion passed unanimously. It was moved by Elwyn Kiplinger and seconded by Marilynn Force to include the property at 3720 Pierce in the urban renewal area. The motion passed unanimously. It was moved by Sandra Collins and seconded by Marilynn Force to include the Affiliated Carpet Store located at Kendall and 38th Avenue in the urban renewal area. The motion passed unanimously. Jim Windholz cited CRS 3125-103 (2) regarding findings of blight. He noted that some findings of blight appear under more than one factor and he would determine, after a thorough review of the study, that there are actually six elements of blight. He explained that the law requires that, once a finding of blight is made, the areas are to be defined as narrowly as possible and staff as well as the consultant have been very cautious in making findings of blight. Jim Windholz advised members that they are actually appointed as the Board of Commissioners of the Urban Renewal Authority under the urban renewal statutes. In response to a question from Kandi McKay regarding whether or not all lots are of sufficient size for redevelopment, Terry Ware replied that lot size would be included in the next phase of the study. WRURA Minutes 04/17/01 Page 3 Chair Matthews commented that as areas are redeveloped, adjacent areas should increase in value. Jim Windholz explained that the next step would be to send out requests for proposals for a consultant to do the actual redevelopment plans. C. Resolution 01-01 Resolution 01-01 was presented to the Authority for consideration and recommendation to City Council. It was moved by Marilynn Force and seconded by Margy Platter to approve Resolution 01-01, a resolution finding the existence of blight in the vicinity of 38th Avenue between Sheridan Boulevard and Wadsworth Boulevard. The motion passed unanimously. D. Resolution 01-02 Resolution 01-02 was presented to the Authority for consideration and recommendation to City Council. It was moved by Sandra Collins and seconded by Kandi McKay to approve Resolution 01-02, a resolution finding the existence of blight in the vicinity of the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor between 35th Avenue and 44th Avenue and recommend that City Council adopt such studies. It was moved by Kandi McKay and seconded by Sandra Collins to amend the resolution to include vacant property west of Wardle Feed. The amended motion passed unanimously. 7. OTHER MATTERS Kandi McKay inquired as to whether sufficient infrastructure is in place for the proposed redevelopment. Chair Matthews explained that there are water and sewer needs that must be met which were detailed by Walt Pettit at an earlier WRURA meeting. Alan White also explained that tax increment financing could be used to offer assistance for infrastructure. Margy Platter asked how long it would take for actual redevelopment to take place. Chair Matthews explained that the next step is to do a redevelopment plan WRURA Minutes 04/17/01 Page 4 as well as a market feasibility study. Streetscape plans will also be considered. Some Community Development Block Grant funds are also planned to be used. Don Peterson commented that the possibility of buying some properties to be used for parking had been discussed at Economic Development Committee meetings and asked if the Urban Renewal Authority had also considered this. WRURA has not discussed this possibility to date. 8. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by SANDRA COLLINS and seconded by MARGY PLATTER to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. ~~ lk4/ Richard Matthews, Chair Cl~~ . Ann Lazzeri, Secret~ Page 5 WRURA Minutes 04/17/01