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Minutes of Meeting
February 20, 2003
The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to order by Vice
Chair SNOW at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West
29th A venue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Commission Members Present:
Paulette Cooper
Marian McNamee
John McMillin
Phil Plummer
Nancy Snow
Kevin Witt
Commission Members Absent:
Paula Weisz (excused)
Staff Members Present:
Alan White, Community Development Director
Mike Pesicka, Planning Technician
Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner
Cindy Hagerman, Code Enforcement
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
Following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of February 20,
2003. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office ofthe City Clerk and in the Department of
Community Development of the City of Wheat Ridge.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner COOPER to
approve the order of the agenda. The motion passed 6-0 with Commissioner WEISZ
5. APPROVE MINUTES - February 6, 2003
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner COOPER to
approve the minutes of February 6, 2003. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioner
McNAMEE abstaining and Commissioner WEISZ absent.
There were none present to address the Commission during this portion of the meeting.
Planning Commission
February 20, 2003
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A. Case No. WZ-03-03: An application filed by Karin Heine for approval of a rezoning
from Residential-One C to Conservation District for property located at 4650 Parfet
B. Case No. WV-03-01: An application filed by Karin Heine for approval of right-of-way
vacation for an unbuilt portion of West 46th Place dedicated by the Bush Subdivision
running between Parfet Street and Oak Street.
These cases were presented by Mike Pesicka. He reviewed the staff report, entered all
pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission that there was jurisdiction to
hear the case. He then entered a petition which was submitted by the applicant on Tuesday,
February 18, into the record. Vice Chair SNOW read the petition as follows: "We the
undersigned support the conservation zoning. This case will be going to the Planning
Commission on February 20, 2003, Case Numbers WZ-03-03 and WV-03-01, to request a
rezone and right-ol-way vacation on 4650 Parfet Street from Residential-One C to
Conservation Zone. With the Conservation Zone, we can continue to preserve and protect this
natural resource for all fUture generations." The petition was signed by residents of the
neighborhood. Staff recommended approval of the zone change. Staff recommended denial of
the street va<;ation because it could hamper future emergency services to the nei~hborhood, it is
inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, most of the right of way for West 46t has already
been acquired, and it could have a negative impact on the future infrastructure of the City.
Commissioner PLUMMER commented that it appeared to him there would be adequate
emergency access to the neighborhood even if the street should be vacated. Commissioner
COOPER agreed with these comments.
Commissioner McMILLIN agreed that it appeared there would be adequate emergency access
to the neighborhood; however, he commented that he understood the position of public works
to fight for every piece of city-owned right-of-way.
Commissioner SNOW commented that there were no negative comments from the fire
department regarding emergency access and she could see no reasonable use for the extension
of 46th Street through the subject property.
Karin Heine
4600 Miller Street
Karin Heine, the applicant, was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. She submitted an album
containing photographs of the property for the Commission's review as well as two additional
letters of support for the application. She explained she was seeking the conservation zoning
for the property in order to continue to protect the wildlife habitat in its natural state. She
stated that a road through the property would present a great disturbance to wildlife in the area.
She stated that she has also received approval from Colorado Open Lands for a conservation
easement on this property which would exist in perpetuity.
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February 20, 2003
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Commissioner McMILLIN commended Ms. Heine for using a piece of valuable property for
public benefit.
Commissioner COOPER commended Ms. Heine for her efforts in saving this property for the
enjoyment of the public as well as the education of children.
Commissioner McNAMEE expressed appreciation to Ms. Heine for taking steps to ensure that
the conservation area would exist in perpetuity.
Deeter Erkman
2155 Hooker Street, Denver
Mr. Erkman was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. He appeared as a representative of Colorado
Open Lands which works with property owners to preserve open lands around the state. He
spoke in favor of the applications and stated that, although he generally works with much larger
parcels, he was very impressed with the abundance of wildlife on the subject property and the
applicant's outreach to the community by preserving this property.
Ms. Heine stated that the only noxious weed found on her property was Canadian thistle and
she is in the process of eradicating the weed.
Ron Selstad
23461 Morning Rose Drive
Mr. Selstadt was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. He is the realtor who helped the applicant
acquire the subject property which had previously been sold to a housing developer. Ms. Heine
purchased the property from the developer. He testified that the estimated value for the
property under the present zoning would be about $350,000 and the estimated value under
conservation zoning would be about $150,000. He commended Ms. Heine for placing the
community's interests above her financial interest in this property. In regard to the street
vacation, he believed that, since the neighborhood is built up, no additional roadway is needed.
If the street were extended through the property it would be against the spirit and intent of the
conservation zoning and would destroy the wildlife habitat.
Kim Fusilier
10645 West 46th Avenue
Ms. Fuseler was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. She stated that she has helped the applicant
plant vegetation on the property over the past three years and, in the process, she gained a
valuable education about plants and wildlife.
Don Peterson
9945 West 34th Drive
Mr. Peterson was sworn in by Chair SNOW. He spoke in favor of the applications.
It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER
to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-03-03, a request for approval of a rezoning from
Residential-One C to Conservation District, for property located at 4650 Parfet Street, for
the following reasons:
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February 20, 2003
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1. The change in zone is compatible with the surrounding area.
2. The change in zone will not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare.
3. The change in zone will conserve numerous mature trees, and provide a noise
buffer from 1-70 to the north.
4. The change in zone will provide social and physical benefits to the surrounding
area and community.
5. The change in zone to Conservation District will be more consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan Designation of Agricultural Estate Residential than the
current zoning of R-l C.
Vice Chair SNOW offered a friendly amendment to No.4 to state that the change in zone
would also be a valuable asset to the city as a whole. The amendment was accepted by
Commissioners McNAMEE and PLUMMER.
It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner COOPER to
recommend approval of Case No. WV-03-01, a request for approval of a right-of-way
vacation for unused right-of-way for West 46th Place, located between Parfet Street and
Oak Street, for the following reasons:
1. Although it is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, it appears that the
present public streets leave the city with adequate access for emergency services.
2. Allowing construction of a street at this site will negate the point of the site being
zoned as a conservation district.
3. This vacation of right-of-way will be granted only if City Council approves the
change in zoning.
The motion passed 6-0 with Commissioner WEISZ absent.
Commissioner McMILLIN commented that the city would be receiving a gift of great value in
exchange for a street vacation on 46th Place which is of virtually no value. He also commented
46th is a "Place" and that fragmentary streets are usually designated as "Place"rather than
"Street. "
Vice Chair SNOW offered a friendly amendment to add a fourth reason: The fire
department did not indicate they need this street for fire access. The amendment was
accepted by Commissioners McNAMEE and COOPER.
The motion passed 6-0 with Commissioner WEISZ absent.
C. Case No. ZOA-03-01: An ordinance amending Section 26-614 of the Wheat Ridge
Code of Laws concerning trash storage area screening.
This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report, entered all
pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission that there was jurisdiction to
hear the case. She presented slides of various trash dumpster situations in the city. She
distributed copies of the definition of recycling dumpsters for the Commission's information.
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February 20, 2003
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Commissioner McMILLIN stated that he is in the process of renovating a burned-out house
which is requiring the use of four 30-foot dumpsters which are parked on a long driveway and
will be gone soon. He commented that restricting dumpsters to a smaller size would be
detrimental to property owners who are renovating their property.
Commissioner SNOW asked if there was any provision for those people who don't have room
to park a dumpster on their property and need to place the dumpster in the street. Alan White
explained there is a provision in the code which allows a permit for temporary placement
dumpsters in the public right-of-way. Meredith Reckert explained that time restrictions can be
placed on the right-of-way permits. Commissioner SNOW stated that she would like to see this
permit provision explained in the proposed ordinance.
Commissioner PLUMMER agreed that any dumpster less than 30-foot is not adequate for most
renovation projects.
Commissioner McNAMEE did not believe there should be a time limit placed on a dumpster
which is placed on private property; however, she did agree with the fourteen day limit to
remove the dumpster once the project is complete.
Commissioner SNOW suggested that the language should be clarified concerning the size of
trash containers allowed for single or double family residences.
(Vice Chair SNOW declared a recess at 8:20 p.m. to give staff time to clarify wording. The
meeting was reconvened at 8:30 p.m.)
The following recommendations were made: Section C would be changed to read: One and
two family residential structures in residentially zoned areas are permitted to have a
dumpster no larger than one cubic yard in size. Residential structures on agriculturally
zoned property shall be permitted to have trash dumpsters or storage containers larger than
one cubic yard in size.
Section D would be change to read: "Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary
'storage containers may be allowed in all zone districts at active construction projects only
and must be located on private property. "if impractical to locate on private property, a right-
ol-way permit may be obtainedfrom the Public Works Department pursuant to Article 3 of
Chapter 21 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. The remaining language "Temporary
construction dumpsters and temporary storage containers shall not be located so as to be
sight, traffic, or safety obstructions. Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary
storage containers must be removed within fourteen days of construction completion"
would remain.
Section D would become Section E.
Vice Chair SNOW asked if there were members of the audience who wished to address this
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February 20,2003
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Don Peterson
9945 West 34th Drive
Mr. Peterson suggested that this ordinance be presented at First Monday meetings in March to
receive citizen input before sending it on to City Council. He believed that enclosures for
recycling dumpsters should have an opening to make it easier to place items in the dumpster
thereby encouraging recycling practices. He was in favor of placing time limits on the
placement of temporary dumpsters.
Commissioner COOPER asked if the First Monday Meetings were a better forum than the
Planning Commission, noting that the proposed ordinance was published as a public hearing.
Commissioner McMILLIN commented that it is unlikely people will leave dumpsters on their
property long after a project is finished to avoid paying additional fees charged by the company
supplying the dumpsters.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner McNAMEE
that Case ZOA-03-01, a proposed amendment to Section 26-614 Trash Enclosure
Screening Requirements of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws be forwarded to City Council
with changes as recommended by staff with a recommendation of approval for the
following reasons:
1. The proposed legislation clarifies language so that application ofthe regulations is
2. The proposed legislation addresses temporary construction dumpsters and
recycling dumpsters.
The motion passed 6-0 with Commissioner WEISZ absent.
D. Case No. ZOA-03-02: An ordinance amending Section 26-223 of the Whet Ridge
Code of Laws concerning Architectural Design Overlay District (ADO).
This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. This amendment would allow the planning staff
to grant waivers as part of the administrative review (building permit) process or have Planning
Commission and City Council grant waivers or variances as part of a concurrent land use case
being processed. This would eliminate another hearing before the Board of Adjustment for
these types of waivers which would lengthen the review process and could discourage new
development or redevelopment.
Following brief discussion, it was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by
Commissioner PLUMMER that Case No. ZOA-03-02, a proposed amendment to Section
26-223 Architectural Design Overlay District ofthe Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, be
forwarded to City Council with a recommendation of approval for the following reasons:
1. Staff and Planning Commission and City Council are more appropriate review
bodies than the Board of Adjustment.
2. It will expedite the review process by eliminating another necessary public
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February 20, 2003
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The motion passed 6-0 with Commissioner WEISZ absent.
. Commissioner McMILLIN asked for a status report on the lighting situation at the Phillips
66 station. Alan White replied that Cindy Hagerman met with the owner/manager who has
installed lighting shields and did not believe he could do anything more to come into
Commissioner McMILLIN stated that there is still an increased intensity of light at this site.
In answer to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Alan White stated there are no
regulations regarding intensity of light.
. Commissioner McNAMEE commented that employees of the King Soopers at 38th and
Sheridan are not parking in the back as recommended by Planning Commission as a
condition of approval for their special use permit. Staff will look into this situation.
. Alan White reported that a training session for new Planning Commission members is
planned be held at 6:00 p.m. prior to the regular meeting on March 6, 2003.
. Election of officers should also be held at the beginning of the meeting on March 6.
There were no Commission reports.
There were no committee or department reports.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner McNAMEE
to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
Nancy Snow, Vice-Chair
Ann Lazzeri, Recordmg ecretary
Planning Commission
February 20, 2003
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