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Minutes of Meeting
May 15, 2003
(The regular meeting was preceded by a dinner training session held at 6:00 p.m. in the second
floor conference room.)
The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to order by Chair
McNAMEE at 7:15 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West
29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Commission Members Present:
Kimberly Davis
John McMillin
Marian McNamee
Phil Plummer
Michael Stites
Paula Weisz
Kevin Witt
Commission Members Absent:
Karen Berry (excused)
Staff Members Present:
Alan White, Community Development Director
Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner
Mary Austin, Planner
Travis Crane, Planner
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
Following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of May 15, 2003.
A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Community
Development Department of the City of Wheat Ridge.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner DAVIS to
approve the order ofthe agenda as presented. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner
BERRY absent.
It was moved by Commissioner STITES and seconded by Commissioner DAVIS to
approve the minutes of May 1, 2003 as presented. The motion passed 4-0 with
Commissioners PLUMMER, WITT and McNAMEE abstaining and Commissioner
BERRY absent.
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Planning Commission
May 15, 2003
There were none present to address the Commission during this portion of the meeting.
A. Case No. WZ-03-04 (continued from Mav 1. 2003): An application filed by Excell
Fund LLC for Family Dollar for approval of a rezoning from Restricted-Commercial
(R-C) to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and approval of an outline and final
development plan for property located at 6090 West 44th Avenue.
Since posting requirements had not been met, this case could not be heard on May I and was
therefore continued to May 15. The case was presented by Mary Austin. She advised the
Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the staff report, digital
presentation and entered all pertinent documents into the record which were accepted by Chair
McNAMEE. Staff recommended approval of the application for reasons outlined in the staff
Ms. Austin submitted copies ofa letter dated May 14,2003 from Jocelyn Lang at 4375 Harlan
Street. The letter was made a part of the official packet for this case. The letter read as
follows: I attended the meeting on December 3, 2002 in regards to the rezoning from
Restricted Commercial to Planned Commercial Development for property located at 6090 West
44th Avenue, Case No. WZ-03-04. At that time I said I would agree to the rezoning providing
Acklam Associates would put in a six.joot vinyl solid white fence. Donald E. Casper, AlA,
Director of Planning and Architecture from Acklam Associates, said that would not be a
problem. Michael Pesicka, Planning Technicianfor the City of Wheat Ridge also attended this
meeting. Our family has been living at this residence for over 25 years. We feel that this six-
foot fence would cut down the amount of trash that comes into our yard from these businesses.
It would also prevent them from plowing the snow and debris two feet onto our property. I
have contacted Duane Daugherty ofG&R Fence Company whose phone # is 303-425-7090.
He will be able to provide the Timberline Vinyl Product I have chosen. It is a solid privacy
fence with 1 "x8" interlocking tongue and groove panels with the decorative top and bottom
support rails featuring subtle fluted detail. It would be responsibility of Acklam Associates to
maintain the fence free of graffiti and any type of damage. If you have any questions, please
contact Jocelyn D. Lang. Sincerely, Jocelyn D. Lang
In response to a question from Commissioner McNAMEE, Ms. Austin replied that the plans
call for a wooden, rather than vinyl, fence.
Don Casper
9475 Wilshire Drive, Littleton
Mr. Casper, representing the applicant, was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He addressed the
size ofthe sign and stated that the applicant would prefer a larger sign on the side ofthe
building which faces 44th Avenue. The proposed 96-square-foot sign would exceed the 69-
square feet which is permitted by code. In regard to Ms. Lang's request for a plastic fence, he
stated that there may have been a misunderstanding at the neighborhood meeting when the
material for the fence was discussed. The applicant's understanding was that he would erect a
wooden fence which would match fences for adjacent properties. In regard to her concern
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Planning Commission
May 15, 2003
about snow being plowed onto her property, he commented that a wooden fence would be more
substantial in this situation than a vinyl fence. In conclusion, he stated the use proposed by the
applicant would renew the property and generate additional sales tax for the city.
Commissioner WITT asked about semi-truck deliveries to the site.
Steve Cersonsky
2 Steele Street, Denver
Mr. Cersonsky, the applicant, was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He explained that semi
deliveries would take place during business hours. Trucks would back into the site and the
delivery process should take less than an hour.
In answer to a question from Commissioner WEISZ, Mr. Cersonsky stated that the dumpster
would not interfere with parking.
Commissioner McMILLIN asked if the reduction in the size of the sign would make it
impossible for his business to succeed at this site. Mr. Cersonsky replied that smaller signs do
have an adverse effect on retail businesses.
Don Casper returned to the podium and explained that, due to the length of the Family Dollar
sign, the reduced size of the sign would make it necessary to reduce the height of the letters
making it more difficult for drivers to read the sign.
Commissioner DAVIS asked the size of the existing pole sign which would also be used by the
applicant. Mr. Casper replied that it was 6-feet by 9-feet. Commissioner McMILLIN pointed
out that this gives the applicant an extra 54 square feet of signage.
Chair McNAMEE asked if there were others present to address this matter. The following
individual appeared before the Commission:
Jocelyn Lang
4375 Harlan Street
Ms. Lang was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. She asked if the fence would extend across the
entire property without any gaps.
Don Casper stated that part of the area is owned by the bank and he did not foresee any
problems with the bank objecting to extending the fence a few feet onto their property;
however, it would be necessary to obtain permission from the bank.
Commissioner WEISZ asked Ms. Lang if she would object to a wood, rather than plastic fence.
Ms. Lang replied that she would have no objection to a wood fence that would match existing
fences. She was more concerned that there be no gap in the fencing.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner McMILLIN
that Case No. WZ-03-04, a request for approval of a zone change from R-C, Restricted
Commercial, to PCD, Planned Commercial Development, and approval of an outline and
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May 15, 2003
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final development plan for property located at 6090 West 44th Avenue be approved for the
following reasons:
1. The rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of
Neighborhood Serving Retail.
2. The rezoning will not adversely impact the public health, safety or welfare.
3. The requirements ofthe City's Planned Development Regulations have been met.
4. The rezoning and proposed Final Development Plan propose a good re-use of an
existing but unoccupied developed site, thereby creating physical and economic
benefits to the community.
5. The zone change is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be
minimal adverse impacts associated with the rezoning.
6. Adequate infrastructure is available to serve the proposed use.
With the following conditions:
1. The wall sign as proposed on the Final Development Plan be reduced to a
maximum of 69 square feet in size to comply with the City's sign code.
2. The fence, built to match existing wood fences, shall be extended north to the
adjacent property owner's fence if approved by the adjacent property owner.
Commissioner McMILLIN commented that while the applicant would prefer to have a larger
sign, there is consolation in that the sign will be on the shorter face ofthe building which will
have the effect of having the sign appear larger.
A vote was taken on the motion. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner BERRY
B. Case No. ZOA-03-08: An ordinance amending Section 26-115
Variances/Waivers/Temporary Permits/Interpretations ofthe Wheat Ridge Code of
This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She advised the Commission there was
jurisdiction to hear the case and she reviewed the staff report.
Commissioner McMILLIN referred to Section 3, paragraph (k) of Ordinance No. 1271 and
asked what methods would be used to determine if a vehicle is undergoing active restoration.
Ms. Reckert replied that this would depend on information contained in the application and the
applicant's testimony. Commissioner McMILLIN expressed concern that paragraph (k) of the
original ordinance is too restrictive and would prevent a restoration hobbyist from keeping a
"parts car" in addition to the car that is being restored. He stated that he would like to make it
practical for this type of hobby to continue.
Alan White suggested that perhaps the definition of "active restoration" could be clarified to
include a parts car.
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May 15, 2003
Commissioner PLUMMER commented that he would not like to live next door to someone
who had several non-operative vehicles in their yard.
Chair McNAMEE asked if there were individuals present who wished to address this
ordinance. There was no response.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner STITES that
Case No. ZOA-03-08, an ordinance amending Section 26-115
Variances/Waivers/Temporary Permits/Interpretations ofthe Wheat Ridge Code of Laws
be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation of approval.
It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner DAVIS that
active restoration as defined in Section 3, subsection (k) shall include parts cars being
used for other vehicles that are under restoration.
In response to a question from Commissioner WEISZ, Commissioner McMILLIN stated that
he would prefer to see the Board of Adjustment decide on the number of parts cars to be
The motion for amendment passed 6-1 with Commissioner PLUMMER voting no and
Commissioner BERRY absent.
A vote was taken on the amended motion. It passed 7-0 with Commissioner BERRY
C. Case No. ZOA-03-06: An ordinance amending Section 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of
Laws pertaining to Special Uses
This case was presented by Alan White. The major changes under the proposed amendment
would shorten the Special Use Permit process by eliminating the neighborhood meeting and the
legal protest provision. Whether the special use runs with the land or is a personal grant of use
will remain a decision to be made on a case-by-case basis by the Community Development
Director or City Council.
Commissioner PLUMMER questioned the elimination ofthe legal protest provision. Alan
White explained that under the current code, any adjacent land owner could file a legal protest
to the City Council which would then require six affirmative votes out of eight possible votes to
be approved. It is City Council's desire to remove this provision. If a case should go to City
Council, public input would still be allowed under the public hearing process.
In answer to a question from Commissioner WEISZ, Alan White stated that the legal protest
provision is not required under law.
Commissioner McMILLIN asked how many SUP cases in the past ten years involved a legal
protest. Alan White stated that he could not recall any SUP cases where the legal protest was
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May 15, 2003
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Commissioner DAVIS asked for clarification regarding the Planning Commission's role in the
new process. Alan White explained that the proposed amendment would eliminate the
Planning Commission's involvement in the process. He also stated that a special use permit
handled under the administrative process could take approximately ten days as opposed to four
to six months under the current process. If the application proceeded to City Council, it should
take approximately two months to process.
Commissioner McMILLIN asked about the impact of eliminating neighborhood meetings.
Alan White stated there has been very little response to neighborhood meeting notices which
are sent out within a 600-foot radius of the subject property.
Commissioner McMILLIN stated that he would like to see the Planning Commission involved
if any protests are registered at a neighborhood meeting. If no protests are registered at the
meeting, an administrative approval could be granted. He expressed concern about the
Planning Commission being removed from the special use process.
Commissioner STITES stated that he was in favor of the proposed ordinance because it will
streamline the process without hurting anyone. Individuals would still have opportunity for
input at the City Council hearing.
There were no individuals present in the audience to address this matter.
It was moved by Commissioner STITES and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER to
recommend approval of the proposed ordinance modifying Chapter 26 of the Code of
Laws pertaining to special uses.
It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner DAVIS to
amend the motion to keep the legal process in place which requires a super majority vote
of Council if a protest is filed. The motion failed 4-3 with Commissioners PLUMMER,
McNAMEE, WEISZ and STITES voting no and Commissioner BERRY absent.
A vote was taken on the original motion which passed 6-1 with Commissioner
McMILLIN voting no and Commissioner BERRY absent.
There was no old business to come before the Commission.
There was no new business to come before the Commission.
There were no Commission reports.
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May IS, 2003
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There were no committee or department reports.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner STITES to
adjourn the meeting at 9:08 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
Ann Lazzeri, Recording ~y
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arian McNAMEE, Chair
Planning Commission
May IS, 2003
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