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Minutes of Meeting
September 26, 2007
The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment was called to order
by Chair BLAIR at 7:06 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal
Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Board Members Present:
Tom Abbott
Janet Bell
Bob Blair
Alan Bucknam
Paul Hovland
Bob Howard
Larry Linker
Betty J 0 Page
Staff Members Present:
Travis Crane, Planner II
Debra Kalish, City Attorney
Ann Lazzeri, Secretary
No one wished to address the Board at this time.
A. Case No. WA-07-13: An application filed by James St. John for an
interpretation of a non-profit day spa for cancer patients as a similar use to
a residential group home as defined by Section 26-123 of the Wheat Ridge
Code of Laws relating to property located at 3405 Flower Street.
The case was presented by Travis Crane. He entered all pertinent documents into
the record and advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He
reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. The applicant is requesting an
interpretation ofthe Zoning Code. Section 26-204 of the city code provides the
ability for the Community Development Director to interpret the Code. On
February 8, 2007, the Director of Community Development made a determination
that the subject use was similar in nature and less intensive than a residential
group home for eight or fewer elderly persons (an allowed use in the R-IA zone
district) and that the number of cars generated by this type of operation would be
Board of Adjustment Minutes
September 26, 2007
less than that generated by a residential group home. Based upon information
provided by the operator of MY House, along with its investigation of this case,
staff has concluded that the use will not have a substantial impact on the
surrounding neighborhood and the original determination made on February 8,
2007 should be upheld.
In response to a question from Board Member ABBOTT, Mr. Crane stated that he
did not believe MY House, a nonprofit entity, is a business.
Board Member BELL commented that a single family residence would generate
more trips than MY House is expected to produce. Mr. Crane agreed and
commented that a single family residence would produce more trips on a
James E. St. John
3480 Everett Street
Mr. St. John, the applicant in this case, was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. He
submitted the following documents into the record:
. Copy ofMr. St. John's comments to the Board
. Two maps of neighborhood and aerial view of the subject property
. Copy of a portion of Section 26-123 of the City Code.
. Copies of a portion of Section 26-204 and a portion of Section 26-216 of the
City Code.
Copies were provided for each Board member.
He argued that a day spa is not similar to any category of a residential group
home. This use establishes a commercial and industrial use in a residential R-IA
zone and should not be allowed.
In response to a question from Board Member BLAIR, Mr. St. John stated that he
lives across the lake from the subject property and his house would not be
affected by MY House traffic. However, he was concerned for the neighbors who
lived closer to the subject property. He also stated his belief that MY House will
lower property values in the neighborhood.
Board Member ABBOTT asked when the aerial photo ofthe subject property
showing cars parked in the driveway and submitted by Mr. St. John was taken.
Mr. Crane stated that the photo was provided by DRCOG and was taken in the
spring of2006 before MY House was established.
Board Member asked if the lake association functioned as a homeowners
association. Mr. St. John stated that it was not a homeowners association but was
related only to the lake.
Board of Adjustment Minutes
September 26, 2007
Board Member BELL asked Mr. St. John how MY House differs from a single
family house. Mr. St. John stated that people visiting MY House are strangers
and do not know the streets and families in the neighborhood. Board Member
BELL commented that she didn't see how the situation at MY House would be
any different than any residence that has visitors. Further, there would be no
visitors in the evening or on weekends.
Mr. St. John stated that he would prefer to see residents of the subj ect property
who would spend the night there and who would form life-long friendships with
Board Member LINKER asked ifthere have been traffic problems associated with
MY House in the past. Mr. St. John replied that the problem is that the neighbors
have no control how many people will be coming to MY House.
Board Member PAGE asked ifthere are any regulations pertaining to the location
of nonprofits within the city. Mr. Crane stated that there are no such regulations.
Board Member BUCKNAM asked ifthere had been any police reports related to
traffic problems associated with MY House. Mr. Crane stated there have been no
reported traffic incidents. There has been one civil incident.
In response to questions from Board Member ABBOTT, Mr. Crane stated that a
home-based day spa business is an allowed home occupation. The subject
nonprofit use is not considered to be a business.
Debra Kalish stated that MY House is not considered a business because it is by
invitation only through referrals from hospitals and clinics for women who are
being treated for cancer.
Jodelene Walter
3405 Flower Street
14124 West 21 st Place, Golden
Ms. Walter, operator of MY House was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. She
submitted the following document into the record:
. Booklet containing a copy of Ms. Walter's presentation to the Board on 9-26-
07 as well as background information on MY House. A copy was provided to
each Board member.
Ms. Walter stated that she conducted a neighborhood meeting in an attempt to be
a good neighbor. She also hosted an open house and a number ofresidents chose
not to attend. She showed a DVD from two episodes hosted by Kim Christensen
on Channel 9 news. The videos explained that the concept of MY House started
when Ms. Walter gave massages to her friend who was going through cancer
treatment. This expanded to performing pampering functions for other women
Board of Adjustment Minutes
September 26, 2007
going through cancer treatment. Ms. Walter could no longer perform these
functions in her home and she needed a different location. At first she and her
volunteers paid for all expenses. As the vision grew, more financial help was
needed and a 501 (c) 3 corporation was formed in order to receive financial
donations. MY House has no paid staff. She stated that no fund raising activities
occur at MY House. She explained that a license to do manicures and pedicures
is not necessary because cancer patients cannot have complete manicures or
pedicures because of chemo treatment. The patients are given hand and foot
massages and nails are painted. A business license was obtained in order to
perform massages on patients. This involved doing background checks on
volunteers. MY House does not perform any hair care on the women. A light
lunch is served at noon. Patients come to MY House once a month during their
treatment. There are two patients per day for five hours a day. There are two
volunteers who perform the "pampering" services plus one volunteer who comes
in before noon and prepares lunch. This person leaves after lunch clean-up is
finished. Ms. Walter is there at different times to bring groceries, do landscaping,
cleaning, etc. She has installed a security system. She stated there would be no
fund raising activities at the house with the exception of a prospective donor who
would want to tour the property.
She also mentioned that after the neighborhood meeting, some residents
approached her and told her they were sorry they signed a petition against MY
House. Some even made monetary donations. For purposes of anonymity, the
address is not given out in any literature about MY House. Nothing has changed
in the operation of MY House that differs from the original application given to
the City of Wheat Ridge. She stated her belief that MY House is a definite asset
to the community. She requested that the Board not overrule the original decision
by the Community Development Director.
(Chair BLAIR declared a recess at 9:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9: II
In response to questions from Board Member HOWARD, Ms. Walter stated that
MY House has been in operation for six and a half years. The first two years, MY
House was not a 501(C)3 corporation. Prior to being located at 3405 Flower
Street, MY House operated out of the guest house of some friends. Prior to
operating out of the guest house, MY House operated out of Ms. Walter's home
for four and a half years.
In response to a question from Board Member BUCKNAM, Ms. Walter stated
that she wanted this service to operate out of a residential house instead of a
commercial business place to provide a comfortable home-like atmosphere.
In response to a question from Board Member PAGE, Ms. Walter stated that fund
raising activities take place away from 3405 Flower Street. Occasional volunteer
Board of Adjustment Minutes
September 26, 2007
meetings take place at MY House. She encourages volunteers to carpool or to
park outside the neighborhood and walk in.
In response to Board Member BLAIR, Ms. Walter stated that MY House
presently operates Monday through Wednesday. Thursdays will be added after
the first ofthe year and eventually Fridays will be added. MY House will not
operate on weekends.
In response to questions from Board Member HOWARD, Ms. Walter stated that
the two bedrooms are used for manicures/pedicures and massage and no one lives
in the house at night. She does come to clean the house some evenings and has
installed a security system. She also stated that MY House has no paid
employees. Everything is done on a volunteer basis.
Jim Hoy
9140 W. 35th Avenue
Mr. Roy was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. He expressed concern that the zoning
for MY House would be grandfathered in. Debra Kalish informed Mr. Hoy that
there was no change in zoning and there is no precedent setting value involved in
this case. Mr. Hoy commented that group homes have someone sleeping there at
night and is not a business use.
Stephanie Cooper
3385 Flower Street
Ms. Cooper was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. She submitted a written copy of her
comments into the record and provided copies for Board members. She stated
that she believed MY House is doing a noble thing, however it doesn't belong in a
neighborhood where there are children at risk from traffic and people backing out
of the driveway for MY House.
Carol Ferris Neidiger
3210 Flower
Ms. Neidiger was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. She spoke in opposition to having
MY House in her neighborhood. She expressed concern about traffic danger from
people coming to MY House. She also expressed concern about massage being
performed at MY House. She stated that five massage therapy schools in the
Denver area teach that you should not give massage therapy to cancer patients as
it causes the cancer to metastasize to other parts of the body. She stated that she
contacted Channel Nine and was informed that Channel Nine would be doing a
story on the impact of MY House on the neighborhood. She also stated her
understanding that a group home would require a variance. Debra Kalish
explained that a variance would not be required for a group home unless there
would be more than eight people living there. She stated that the Walter's
teenage son drives recklessly in the neighborhood.
Board of Adjustment Minutes
September 26, 2007
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Bill Montony
8480 West 35th Avenue
Mr. Montony was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. Mr. Montony submitted a written
copy of his comments and provided copies for Board members. He stated that
granting MY House allowed use status sets a precarious precedent. If the decision
is allowed to stand, it makes it easier for another business to take the place of MY
House at the same location making it more valuable for a business than a
Travis Crane explained that each situation is identified and evaluated on a case by
case basis and any decision by the Board on this matter will not set a precedent.
Board Member BELL commented that an actual home occupation can occur as a
permitted use in the R-IA zone district where there is an exchange of money.
There would be an exchange of money for a group home. MY House is a
nonprofit organization.
Mr. Montony stated that he believed MY House is a business and opens a door to
other businesses to come into the neighborhood.
Janet Monson
9140 West 35th Avenue
Ms. Monson was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. She submitted a written copy of her
comments into the record and provided copies for members ofthe Board. She
spoke in opposition to MY House. She objected to MY House as a business use
of the property and its impact on the neighbors' privacy. She objected to her
house being shown in the background of a picture of MY House on its web site.
She stated that the city failed to notify adjacent property owners of the "variance"
use by MY House.
Lois Millican
3390 Flower
Ms. Millican was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. She submitted a written copy of her
comments into the record and provided copies for members ofthe Board. She
objected to MY House being given permission to locate in a residential
neighborhood without following city guidelines for spa use. She expressed
concern about increased traffic from MY House. Non-residents driving through a
small area increases the potential for tragedy.
Jane Meyers
9120 West 35th Street
Ms. Meyers was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. She submitted a written copy of her
comments into the record and provided copies for members of the Board. She
stated her belief that the city code does not include uses such as MY House. She
expressed concern that business activities will increase in the future at MY House
causing frequent disruptions in the neighborhood.
Board of Adjustment Minutes
September 26, 2007
Linda Millican
3775 Garland Street
Ms. Millican was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. She objected to MY House being
given an allowed use status without going before City Council. Clarification of a
non-profit versus a business operation is needed.
Barbara St. John
3480 Everett Street
Ms. St. John was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. She submitted a written copy of her
comments into the record and provided copies for members of the Board. She
disagreed that MY House is not open to the public. It is open to members of the
public who need the services. She expressed concern that MY House has
negative impacts on the neighborhood. There is no residential component in its
use and no one lives there at night. A group home in this size house could only
accommodate two residents and one supervisor and a group home needs three
residents to be called a group home. This would not generate as much traffic as
MY House. Bringing new people in has compromised the quiet nature of the
neighborhood. This could set a precedent for other nonprofits to locate in the
neighborhood. A less restricted use should not be allowed in a more restricted
zone. She expressed concern about decreased property values for the
neighborhood. She expressed concern about expansion of activities at MY
House, liability issues and dust in the summer.
Gene Walter
14124 West 21 st Place, Golden
Mr. Walter was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. In response to concerns expressed
about security and no one living there at night, a security system has been
installed. All fire safety concerns have been addressed. Landscaping is well
taken care of. He commented that Dr. Shui who is the head of oncology for
Lutheran Hospital was present at the meeting earlier but had to leave. Dr. Shui is
on the board of MY House and he has no problem with any of the services
(including massage) performed for the patients who come to MY House. He
stated that teenagers helped to accomplish the move but no longer have any
reason to come to MY House.
Peter Lilienthal
2200 Norwood Dr., Boulder
Mr. Lilienthal was sworn in by Chair BLAIR. He is owner of the property at
3405 Flower Street. He stated that he was very pleased with the use of the
property for MY House. The property is suitable for such a use as it has a very
tranquil aspect to it and is not visible from the road. He disagreed that MY House
is a business. He clarified that the aerial photo showing cars parked in the
driveway which was submitted into the record earlier in the meeting was a photo
of his cars taken while he lived in the house. He commented that impacts on the
neighborhood would have been greater had he stayed in the house, popped the top
Board of Adjustment Minutes
September 26, 2007
and had two teenagers living there. He asked the Board to uphold the decision
made by the Community Development Director.
There was no one else to address the Authority and therefore Chair BLAIR closed
the public hearing at I 0:40 p.m.
Board Member LINKER asked if other cities have the same zoning laws in this
area. Travis Crane replied that this was not researched.
Board Member HOWARD asked what recourse the operator of MY House would
have in the event the Community Director's interpretation is overturned.
Debra Kalish explained that Ms. Walter would have the right to file an action in
District Court with the argument that the Board's decision was arbitrary and
Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member
PAGE, the following resolution was stated:
Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer;
Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case Number WA-07-13 is an
appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer and in
recognition of testimony given; and
Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Application Case
Number W A-07-13 be, and hereby is denied.
Whereas the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law;
For the following reasons:
1. The operator of MY House, a 501C3 nonprofit under the IRS Code,
has demonstrated to the Community Development Director and to the
Board of Adjustment that the facility is most similar in impact and
less severe than a residential group home with eight or fewer adults,
the determination originally stated by staff on February 8, 2007.
2. The 'day spa' is not a "business open to the public" rather it is the
function of a nonprofit organization which serves women stricken
with cancer who are referred to the facility.
3. The facility only accommodates up to two women at a time, and the
duration of a woman's visit will last no more than five hours per day
conducted during week days but not on a daily basis.
Board of Adjustment Minutes
September 26, 2007
4. The facility, as described, would not be expected to produce impacts
beyond what can be incurred from accepted and allowed residential
5. The Board of Adjustment found no use that we felt was more
6. There are similarities to a group home with eight or fewer adults. It is
a residential based use. It serves people with health conditions in an
outpatient, controlled and residential manner. Staff attends to
clients, serves a nonstandard residential use in an acceptable impact
manner. The house is an allowable square footage for a group home
with eight or fewer adults and meets all other city requirements and
fire department requirements. It is again not open to the public in the
common sense but operates by invitation by a direct medical referral.
7. This use does not appear to be in violation of the rules of the
Reservoir Improvement Association.
Board Member PAGE requested that the words "but not on a daily basis" be
deleted from reason number 3 because Ms. Walter indicated Thursdays and
Fridays would be added in the future. Board Member ABBOTT agreed to delete
the phrase.
Board Member BUCKNAM commented that he has two small children and could
sympathize with safety concerns expressed by neighbors. He also operates a
home-based business and could sympathize with the operators of MY House.
However, traffic issues can be addressed through police and public works
Board Member BELL stated that she would support the motion. There is nothing
that says when someone purchases a house that they have to live in that house on
a daily basis, sleep there at night or participate in the neighborhood. She did not
see the difference between what would be done with a single family residence and
what is done at MY House. She did not see any excess impact associated with the
Board Member BLAIR stated that he would support the motion. Much of the
testimony smacked of "not in my backyard syndrome" with talk about
neighborhood versus strangers.
Board Member HOVLAND stated that, while this is a difficult case, the charge to
the Board is to determine whether or not the Director of Community Development
made the correct choice. While some legitimate concerns have been expressed,
Board of Adjustment Minutes
September 26, 2007
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he didn't believe anything was presented that indicated the Director made the
wrong choice.
Board Member ABBOTT stated that the Board is concerned about safety and
welfare issues in a neighborhood. However, when there are such concerns,
citizens have the option to contact the city to address the concerns. He stated his
belief that the use is accurate.
Board Member HOWARD stated that the argument has been made that the
subject use is similar to a group home. He commented that a petition to raise the
number ofresidents from four to six in a group home was heard before City
Council last Monday night. The City Council denied the request. This mayor
may not have any bearing on the subject case, but it doesn't indicate that the city
is actually for group homes.
The motion for denial passed by a vote of 7-1 with Board Member
HOWARD voting no.
Chair BLAIR advised that the application had been denied.
Chair BLAIR closed public hearing.
There was no old business to come before the Board.
A. Approval of Minutes - July 26, 2007
It was moved by Board Member HOWARD and seconded by Board
Member BELL to approve the miuutes of July 26, 2007. The motion
passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m.
Robert Blair, Chair
Board of Adjustment Minutes
September 26, 2007