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Minutes of Meeting
May 3, 2007
The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to
order by Vice Chair CHIL VERS at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the
Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Commission Members Present:
Jim Chilvers
Dick Matthews
John McMillin
Davis Reinhart
Cassie Spaniel
Commission Members Absent:
Arme Brinkman
Jerry Scezney
Kim Stewart
Staff Members Present:
Alan White, Community Development
Gerald Dahl, City Attorney
Arm Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner
MATTHEWS to approve the order of the agenda. The motion carried 5-0
with Commissioners BRINKMAN, SCEZNEY and STEWART absent.
5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 19, 2007
It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by
Commissioner REINHART to approve the minutes of April 19, 2007 as
presented. The motion carried 5-0 with Commissioners BRINKMAN,
Planning Commission Minutes
May 3, 2007
6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject
not appearing on the agenda.)
No one wished to address the Commission at this time.
A. Case No. ZOA-06-05: An ordinance amending Chapter 26 ofthe Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws to provide for the zoning of social clubs.
This case was presented by Alan White. He entered all pertinent documents into
the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case.
He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. The proposed amendments
define social clubs, list social clubs separately in the use chart for commercial and
industrial uses, and allow social clubs as permitted uses in the C-l, C-2 and I zone
districts. They would also be allowed in PCDs and Pills unless specifically
prohibited or not listed. A companion ordinance amends Chapter 11 and requires
owners of such establishments to obtain a social club license. The companion
ordinance does not require Planning Commission review.
Vice Chair CHIL VERS asked if members ofthe public wished to address this
ordinance. Hearing no response, the public comment portion ofthe hearing was
Commissioner McMILLIN commented that the ordinance allows social clubs to
participate in the local market and provides controls if problems arise.
It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by
Commissioner REINHART to recommend approval ofthe proposed
ordinance amending Chapter 26 to provide for the zoning of social clubs.
The motion carried 5-0 with Commissioners BRINKMAN, SCEZNEY and
STEW ART absent.
B. Case No. ZOA-07-01: An ordinance amending Article VII of Chapter 26
concerning the regulation of billboards.
This case was presented by Alan White. He entered all pertinent documents into
the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case.
He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Current regulations do not
contain provisions to provide guidance for permitting of billboards. The proposed
ordinance vests the current 16 billboard locations with the underlying property.
The ordinance also repeals the B-1 District since it is no longer needed. Three
alternatives have been examined to deal with the lack of specifics in the Code:
(I) codify the procedures and policies used in two instances in the past three years
where ground leases were expired; (2) vest the right to a billboard with the current
Planning Commission Minutes
May 3, 2007
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permit holder; or (3) vest the right to a billboard with the landowner where
billboards are currently located.
In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Mr. Dahl addressed
mobile billboards. He stated that, first of all, it would be necessary to determine if
the city has the quantity of mobile billboards necessary to develop regulations.
Secondly, a case would have to be made that there is some kind of public safety
concern involved as opposed to advertisement on the side of a vehicle such as a
moving van. This is something that can always be addressed at a later date if it
becomes a problem.
Commissioner McMILLIN stated that he would not pursue the matter further but
mentioned it because of personal concern that they could add to traffic congestion
in the city.
Commissioner MATTHEWS commented that he would have more concern with
mobile billboards parked on private property than those occurring on highways.
In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Mr. White stated that
there are regulations prohibiting banners or attached signs to parked vehicles.
Vice Chair CHIL VERS asked ifthere were members of the public who wished to
speak at this time.
Dan Scherer
6115 Rogers Ct., Arvada 80403
Mr. Scherer is general manager for CBS Outdoor for metropolitan Denver. He
stated that he was not aware of any municipalities that have ordinances against
mobile billboards and stated that CBS is not in the mobile billboard business.
Mr. Scherer stated that CBS Outdoor is in 42 metro markets across the country
and there is no case where the property owner controls the billboard rights. A
billboard comes up for a new location only every 10-15 years. The 16 billboards
in the city provide a windfall for 15 property owners who are reimbursed to have
a billboard placed on their property. The ordinance would preclude any property
owner who does not have a billboard to ever have one on his property. He stated
that CBS owns the property next to Medved which has two billboards on the
property. He asked if these would be grandfathered if the ordinance takes effect.
He asked that no changes be made to the billboard process. He stated that
billboards drive commerce into the city and expressed concern that the ordinance
would lead to elimination of all billboards.
Commissioner McMILLIN asked Mr. Scherer ifhe was aware of any cities that
have banned billboards. Mr. Scherer replied that Douglas County and Greenwood
Village have restrictions against billboards. Denver does not allow any additional
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Commissioner MATTHEWS asked if the lot with two billboards would be
grandfathered if the ordinance is passed. Mr. Dahl stated that he would look into
this further and commented that the intent of the ordinance is not to eliminate or
reduce the number of billboards but rather to permit the present locations.
Vice Chair CHIL VERS asked if other members of the public wished to address
this ordinance. Hearing no response, the public comment portion of the hearing
was closed.
It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner
MATTHEWS to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance amending
Article VII of Chapter 26 concerning the regulation of billboards.
Commissioner REINHART commented that he was not convinced of any clear
public purpose in choosing one ofthe three courses of action suggested in the
staff report. Billboards do provide a windfall for specific property owners. He
did not believe staff would be overwhehned in administration of the ordinance.
Commissioner McMILLIN commented that billboards will probably be reduced
over the years and replaced as those properties are developed for other uses. He
did not believe billboards advertising businesses outside the city are of any
economic importance to Wheat Ridge. The ordinance would tend to preserve the
status quo regarding the number of billboards in the city.
Commissioner REINHART stated that he believed that grandfathering would be
in the public interest.
Commissioner MATTHEWS commented that the revised process would help
insulate the city from lawsuits.
Commissioner McMILLIN summarized Commission's findings that the
ordinance will be clear and fair and will prevent lawsuits such as happened in the
previous process.
The motion carried 5-0 with Commissioners BRINKMAN, SCEZNEY and
STEW ART absent.
. Alan distributed copies of a memo inviting Planning Commission members to
attend a City Council study session on June 18th. The subject will be an
update on the draft plan for the Fruitdale Subarea.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 3,2007
. Commissioner REINHART asked about the status ofthe Wadsworth Corridor
Study. Mr. White stated that staff is in a process of finalizing negotiations
with the consultant to help with the additional work on the study. Council has
directed that this process be finished by October and it should be done well in
advance of that date.
It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner
REINHART to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 p.m. The motion passed
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Planning Cormnission Minutes
May 3,2007
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