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Minutes of Meeting
August 16, 2007
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair CHIL VERS at 7:00 p.m. in the
City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue,
Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Commission Members Present:
Anne Brinkman
Jim Chilvers
Dick Matthews
Davis Reinhart
Cassie Spaniel
Kim Stewart
Commission Members Absent:
John McMillin
Jerry Scezney
Staff Members Present:
Sally Payne, Interim Community
Development Director
Travis Crane, Planner II
Tim Paranto, Public Works Director
It was moved by Commissioner STEWART and seconded by Commissioner
BRINKMAN to approve the order ofthe agenda. The motiou passed
5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - August 2, 2007
It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by
Commissioner STEWART to approve the minutes of August 2, 2007. The
motion passed 6-0 with Commissioners McMILLIN and SCEZNEY absent.
6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not
appearing on the agenda.)
There was no one to appear before the Commission at this time.
Planning Commission Minutes
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August 16, 2007
A. Case No. WPA-06-03: A resolution adopting the Wadsworth Corridor
Subarea Plan.
The case was presented by Sally Payne. She entered all pertinent documents into
the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case.
She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended
approval for reasons outlined in the staff report.
Commissioner BRINKMAN commented that the Subarea Plan is an advisory
document to help guide future development in regard to such things as setbacks
and desigu until such time as the Colorado Department of Highways (CDOT)
completes their studies and determines the final width of Wadsworth.
Vice Chair CHIL VERS asked to hear from members ofthe public at this time.
Patricia Fisher
7609 West 47th Avenue
Ms. Fisher stated her opposition to the entire Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan.
She stated her belief that the City is acting like it is a "done deal." She expressed
concern that many area residents are not aware that this plan could cause them to
lose their homes to be replaced with mid to high rise apartments. The plan would
also reduce market value of homes in the area. She also expressed concern that
eminent domain would occur to take residences. She submitted a copy of court
proceedings in 1971 and 1972 which found that the Hillcrest Heights covenants
were registered and that zoning could only be changed by a vote of the residents.
She stated that the Subarea Plan should be taken to the voters rather than being
decided upon by City Council. She further stated that there should have been
more publicity about the proposed plan and suggested that all residential and
business owners should receive a copy of the plan with a map before the plan is
considered again.
In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Ms. Fisher stated
that she opposed the future land use plans but was not concerned with the
widening of Wadsworth.
Patricia Johnson
7835 West 48th Avenue
Ms. Johnson acknowledged that Wadsworth needs to be widened and asked if
CDOT needed to complete their work before Wheat Ridge could move forward
with revamping properties. She also wanted to know what the timeframe would
be. She expressed concern about a decrease in property values and the possibility
of condemnation of properties.
Planning Commission Minutes
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August 16,2007
Commissioner BRINKMAN asked Ms. Johnson if she had attended any of the
meetings held by Winston and Associates regarding the Subarea Plan. Ms.
Johnson said she didn't attend because she didn't know about them and she has
lived in her home for 25 years.
Vice Chair CHIL VERS asked staffto explain timeframes and possibilities of
condemnation. Sally Payne stated that references in the original document
regarding eminent domain and condemnation had been removed from the plan.
She also stated she was not aware of any plans by the city to do any rezoning or
condemnation. The Subarea Plan is to provide guidance for future land use.
Patricia Johnson returned to the podium. She stated that she was not aware of
the revised document.
Sally Payne stated the revised document was placed on the city's website a week
Betty Booz
7695 West 48th Avenue
Ms. Booz agreed with the previous speakers. She stated that she spent $250,000
several years ago to renovate her home and expressed concern about the loss of
property value. She stated that she has no desire to move from her property and
no monetary value can be placed on her home. She also stated that she had not
been informed about the plan except through information received from
neighbors. She didn't like the idea of the Subarea Plan being thrown in with the
widening of Wadsworth..
Debbie Fidrich
7737 West 46th
Ms. Fidrich also agreed with the previous speakers. She stated that the city has
not taken residents into consideration in formulating the Subarea Plan. She also
stated that she had never received results from the neighborhood impact study that
was supposed to have been done.
Kent Davis
8080 Melrose Drive
Mr. Davis represented the commercial property on Wadsworth between 38th and
44th A venues which has been in his family for one hundred years. He expressed
concern about the proposed width of Wadsworth. He stated that property owners
would fight CDOT but would rather not fight the City of Wheat Ridge. He
wanted to know what the final width of Wadsworth is proposed to be. He
believed that 120 feet would be a desirable width when the highway is widened.
He also expressed opposition to service roads along this area of Wadsworth. He
did not believe they would add to pedestrian safety.
Planning Commission Minutes
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August 16,2007
Karen Tannaccio
7815 W. 47th Avenue
Ms. Tennaccio expressed concern about property values because of the
uncertainty involved with the plan and Wadsworth widening. She doesn't know
if she should upgrade her property. If she decided to sell her home, she was
concerned about the market value being affected by the Subarea Plan area.
Thomas Slattery
6869 W. 32nd Avenue
Mr. Slattery agreed that changes have necessitated the widening of Wadsworth.
He believed a maximum of 150 feet right of way might be necessary in some
places but CDOT requirement for six lanes is 130 feet. He would like to see base
right of way of 130 feet or less specified in the plan. He was pleased to see that
all references to changing the city charter had been deleted from the plan. He
sympathized with the property owners' concerns. He stated there should be no
provision for spot zoning to allow higher density. He would also like to see
broader landscaping requirements along the sides of Wadsworth which would
provide excellence of design and a softening along highly developed areas. He
stated that citizens are not powerless against CDOT because of a Federal act
which can restrain adverse impacts on communities if federal funds are involved..
Vice Chair CHIL VERS asked what the typical widths are along Wadsworth. Mr.
Paranto explained that current widths vary from community to community.
Widths are typically 130 feet wide. Intersections with double turn lanes require
greater widths. The city plan provides for a range of alternatives including six
lanes and a sea of asphalt, or a frontage road scenario that would minimize the
width of asphalt in front.
Louise Turner
11256 W. 38th Avenue
Ms. Turner stated that she believed the plan should be tabled indefinitely. In
initial meetings, it was repeated that there was no urgency to implement the Plan.
However, in a few weeks the Wadsworth widening project was before the DIRT
Committee to prioritize. She didn't think there has been enough publicity about
the plan. She didn't believe the city should be going after other street projects
when there is so much street improvement going on in connection with the
Cabela's project. The plan changes the entire concept of commercial and
residential development for the mid-section of the city. Wheat Ridge 2020 wants
to develop an identity for the city when citizens have fought for years to preserve
the existing identity of Wheat Ridge. The inclusion of high density is offensive.
She stated there has been disregard for residential and commercial property
owners in formulating the plan. This type of plan should only be considered if it
is something the public wants. The citizens have not been adequately informed.
Commissioner REINHART asked staff to review the requirements for public
notification in cases such as this. Sally Payne stated that the law requires
Planning Commission Minutes
August 16, 2007
notification in the newspaper of record (The Transcript) regarding public
hearings. There is a mailing list of over a thousand property owners who were
notified of meetings. There were articles in The Connection, ChannelS and on
the city website. There were also two articles about the plan in The Transcript.
The rules for public outreach have been followed.
Nancy Snow
11155 West 40th
Ms. Snow stated that she has attended other meetings about the plan, but was not
notified of this meeting. She was pleased that references to changing the city
charter had been deleted from the plan. She asked the Planning Commission to
consider how this plan would divide the city. Also, development with
commercial at street level and residential on top does not attract families with
children. It leads to crowding and increased crime. Much of the development
will end up as rentals. She also believed that, during the meetings, the consultant
"led" citizens into saying what the consultant wanted to hear. She was opposed to
placing high density development on the middle school parking lot.
Roger Loecher
4599 Carr
Mr. Loecher did not believe ten-foot sidewalks are necessary. Two more lanes on
Wadsworth at 44th would increase it to 114 feet. He would like to see the plan say
"150 feet or less" rather than saying "not to exceed 150 feet." Widening
Wadsworth will take a lot of commercial and residential property. He was
opposed to taking property that won't be properly used.
Betty Booz returned to the podium to ask what the plans are for Wadsworth south
to the city limits.
Tim Paranto stated that CDOT will eventually widen Wadsworth to carry the
amount of traffic that travels along the corridor. The minimum project would
probably be eight lanes requiring 96 feet, a 20-foot median and 10-foot sidewalks.
The reason for 10- foot sidewalks is to accommodate pedestrian and bicycle
traffic. The city also has a requirement for 5- foot tree lawns between sidewalks
and properties. Therefore, a ISO-foot width is realistic. Further, RTD has also
designated a transit corridor along Wadsworth. The environmental process may
show a different scenario.
Commissioner REINHART expressed concern that the 150 foot width would
allow pavement from curb to curb with no safety zone or median.
Karen Tannaccio returned to the podium and asked how traffic could be judged
at this time ifCDOT won't start the project for several years.
Tim Paranto stated that traffic projections are available. In fact, present traffic
volume warrants the widening of Wadsworth now but funds are not available.
Planning Commission Minutes
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August 16,2007
Service levels are rated on a scale from A to F and the evening rush on
Wadsworth is rated at F. The Subarea Plan would serve as a guide to owners
along Wadsworth who want to do something with their property.
Patricia Fisher
She stated that even though language about eminent domain had been removed
from the Subarea Plan, the revitalization plan says that the city should be willing
to use eminent domain. She believed the Wadsworth corridor plan should be
separated from the Subarea Plan and homes should be removed from the Subarea
Larry Meade
7835 W. 48th Avenue
Mr. Meade expressed concern that high density housing will only add to the
heavy traffic volume that already exists on Wadsworth.
There were no other individuals to speak. Vice Chair CHIL VERS closed the
public hearing at 8:22 p.m.
Commissioner BRINKMAN commented that Wadsworth does not reflect the
character of Wheat Ridge any more than other major streets reflect the character
of the cities where they are located. Neighborhoods and the way businesses are
laid out reflect the character of a community. She stated her belief that
redevelopment along Wadsworth is being stalled because developers do not know
the parameters. The Subarea Plan will provide guidelines for development.
Without the Subarea Plan, businesses don't know what types of families would be
supporting their businesses.
Commissioner REINHART agreed that Wadsworth does not define the character
of Wheat Ridge. Tying Wadsworth improvements to future land use presents a
unified approach to moving traffic in and out of Wheat Ridge in an effective way.
Mixed use development would allow for a more active use in a more controlled
space as opposed to blank parking lots in the frontage. He did not believe the
plan would lead to condemnation.
Commissioner STEWART stated that she attended a number ofthe meetings.
She expressed concern that there is no provision in the plan for low density
development. While there needs to be a plan for future development, she did not
believe that residential over commercial was necessarily the way to go. Multi-
use would not attract young vibrant families. Wheat Ridge has second and third
generation families and medium to high density development would change that.
She agreed with the change in the width of Wadsworth but would like to see it
smaller. There are many empty places along Wadsworth and something needs to
be done to make it more appealing for businesses to locate. This plan would give
guidance to future business development. She expressed concern about the effect
on family homes. The future is for families who have invested in their homes.
Planning Commission Minutes
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August 16,2007
Commissioner SPANIEL agreed that Wadsworth must be widened. However, she
was concerned about the medium to high density part of the plan.
Commissioner REINHART commented that there are a lot of single family homes
in Wheat Ridge. Higher density along Wadsworth would serve as a buffer
between the corridor and single family homes.
Commissioner MATTHEWS commented that the character of the neighborhood
will definitely change in the next ten to twenty years, either for better or worse.
Action can be taken now that will make that change for the better.
It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by
Commissioner REINHART to adopt Resolution 01-2007, a resolution
recommending adoption ofthe Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan and
forwarding this recommendation along with the Resolution to the City
Council for their consideration, with the following amendments:
Delete the last sentence of paragraph 3.7 on page 14 of the Wadsworth
Subarea Plan which reads, "If densities over 11 units per acre were to be
considered, a City Charter amendment would be required. "; and that the
reference to the 150 foot width of Wadsworth be changed to read "150 feet or
less" rather than "not to exceed 150 feet. "
Commissioner STEWART offered a friendly amendment to change the
yellow areas ofthe map on page 10 of the Wadsworth Subarea Plan from
medium density to low to medium density and change paragraph 3 on page 9
to read low to medium density rather than medium density.
The friendly amendment was accepted by Commissioners MATTHEWS and
The motion passed 5-1 with Commissioner SPANIEL voting no and
Commissioners McMILLIN and SCEZNEY absent.
There were no other items to come before the Commission.
It was moved by Commissioner REINHART and seconded by Commissioner
BRINKMAN to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m.
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August 16,2007