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Minutes of Meeting
March 21, 2002
The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to order by Vice
Chair SNOW at 7:30 p.m., March 21,2002, in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal
Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Vice Chair SNOW introduced the
newest members of the Planning Commission: John McMillin, District IV, and Kevin Witt,
District II.
Commission Members Present:
Jerry Collins
Paulette Cooper
John McMillin
Marian McNamee
Philip Plummer
Nancy Snow
Paula Weisz
Kevin Witt
Staff Members Present:
Alan White, Planning Director
Travis Crane, Planner
Ann Lazzeri, Secretary
The following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of March 21,
2002. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of
Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge.
Commissioner McNAMEE requested the following additions to the agenda under New
o Discussion of time change for Planning Commission meetings
o Election of new Planning Commission chair
It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER
to amend the agenda to include the requests made by Commissioner McNAMEE. The
motion passed unanimously.
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Planning Commission
March 21, 2002
The minutes of December 20, 2001 and February 7, 2002 were presented for consideration.
It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to
approve the minutes of December 20, 2001 as presented. The motion passed 6-0 with
Commissioners WITT and McMILLIN abstaining.
It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to
approve the minutes of February 7, 2002 as presented. The motion passed 5-0 with
Commissioners COOPER, McMILLIN and WITT abstaining.
There was no one to appear before the Commission at this time.
A. Case No. WZ-OI-06: An application submitted by Centex Homes for approval of a
rezoning from Agricultnral-One and Residential-Two to Planned Residential
Development and approval of a preliminary development plan and preliminary
subdivision plan for properties located at 4580, 4680 and 4690 Garrison Street and 9105
West 46th Place.
The case was presented by Alan White. He reviewed the staff report, entered all pertinent
documents into the record and advised Commission members there was jurisdiction to hear the
case. Slides and overheads of the application were also presented. He stated that the Parks
Commission recommended cash in lieu of land dedication and that no credit be given for the
detention areas which are planned for play areas.
Commissioner COOPER inquired about the traffic study. Alan White stated the conclusion of
the traffic study is that the increased volume oftraffic during peak hours would not increase
traffic at key intersections to the point as to cause deterioration in the level of service.
Commissioner McNAMEE expressed concern about the lack of visitor parking in the
development which could cause overflow parking onto nearby residential streets.
Yvonne Seaman
Centex Homes
Yvonne Seaman, the applicant, was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. She introduced the
consultants who worked with her on the project as well as the Pedota family who owns the
property. She presented slides of the proposed- development. The units will range in size from
1,000 square feet to 1,400 square feet. She stated that investors will not knowingly be allowed
to buy the units and they will be sold to homeowners only. The four-plex design allows more
open space than single family development would allow and also fits in with existing duplexes
in the neighborhood. There will be thirty-foot setbacks from the street with 57% open space.
The builder is committed to help with improvements to the Wheat Ridge Water District. Each
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unit will have its own garage with parking in the driveway. There will be additional internal
visitor parking. Centex Homes requested credit toward parkland dedication for a small open
area with a bench along Garrison and two detention pond areas which could be used 90% ofthe
time for play areas.
Commissioner McNAMEE asked if any of the units were handicapped accessible. Ms. Seaman
replied that handicapped units were not required because all units are to be two stories.
Commissioner COOPER asked if neighborhood meetings had been continued to resolve issues.
Ms. Seaman replied that she did not know but that the company had responded to concerns
raised at the first neighborhood meeting.
Commissioner WEISZ asked the reasons for initially reducing the density of the plan. Ms.
Seaman replied the density was reduced to provide more drainage areas as well as open space
in the development. Concern was expressed at the neighborhood meeting about the school
crossing on Garrison. The traffic study revealed the development would have minimal impact.
Commissioner WEISZ commented that the biggest concern expressed by neighbors was
increased traffic and asked if thought had been given to other access into the development. Ms.
Seaman replied that other access was considered, but it was determined the present plan had the
least impact on the neighborhood.
Commissioner McMILLIN asked if it would be possible to place active playground equipment
in the open areas. He commented that Anderson Park is not convenient for children living in
the development. Ms. Seaman replied that city staff was opposed to having playground
equipment in a detention pond.
Wendell Ayers
Paradigm Engineering
Mr. Ayers, engineer for the project, was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. He testified that the
detention ponds would receive shallow flooding in a hundred year storm at which time there
would be one to two feet of standing water. Normal detention ponds hold about four feet of
water. It would take about an hour to fill and would drain within a twenty-four hour period. It
was his opinion that the detention areas would be suitable for playground equipment.
Commissioner SNOW commented for the record that the City enforces the old state law that
requires one in seven units to be handicapped accessible.
(Vice Chair SNOW declared a brief recess at 8:50 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:05
Walt Pettit
3930 Eaton Street
Mr. Pettit, manager of the Wheat Ridge Water District, was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW.
He presented a history of water provision in this area. Centex Homes has agreed to help
finance water improvements to enhance the water main (increasing the size from six to twelve
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inches) into the area which would also benefit the surrounding neighborhood. He was in favor
of the application.
Mark Shutto
4565 Flowert
Mr. Shutto was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. He requested speed bumps to be installed on
Flower Street within the development to proteCt children living in the development. He also
favored installation of a playgound in the development. Alan White stated that speed bumps
could be tied in with final development approvals.
Larry Grone
4625 Garrison
Mr. Grone was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. He spoke in favor of the development. It
would be a great improvement to the neighborhood and would probably increase surrounding
property values.
Jack Pedota
Mr. Pedota, son of the landowner, was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. He spoke in favor of
the project and suggested a stop sign should be installed at Flower Street and 46th.
John Pedota
Mr. Pedota, the landowner, was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. He spoke in favor of the
project. As an item of interest for Commission members, he passed around aerial photos of the
property taken in 1948, 1979 and 2000.
Commissioner McMILLIN inquired about the reasons for staffs opposition to having a
playground in the detention area. Alan White replied that this was a concern of city engineers.
Commissioner WEISZ asked ifthe applicant would consider reducing the density of the
development. Ms. Seaman replied they would not consider reducing density any further
because it would not be financially feasible for them to do so. Commissioner WEISZ also
expressed surprise that more neighbors who had earlier expressed concern about traffic were
not present at this meeting.
In response to a question from Commissioner McNAMEE, Ms. Seaman stated that the units
will be sold from $100,000 to $150,000.
Commissioner PLUMMER stated that he would vote in favor of the application because the
applicant had answered most of the concerns expressed by the neighborhood and the
development does provide more open space than duplex or single family development would
provide. Further, the landscaping exceeds the planned unit development requirements.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS
to approve Case No. WZ-OI-06, a request for approval of a zone change from Residential-
Two and Agricultural-One to Planned Residential Development and for approval of a
preliminary development plan and preliminary subdivision plan for property located at
4580,4680 and 4690 Garrison and 9105 West 46th Place, for the following reasons:
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1. Although not in conformance with the density standards given on the future land
use map, other goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan have been met.
2. The proposal is consistent with Section 26-504 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws
(Residential Site Design Requirements).
3. The proximity of the property to 1-70 makes it undesirable for upscale single-
family development.
4. It will provide entry-level housing available for purchase.
5. The proposal far exceeds the minimum landscaping required in the PRD zone
district regulations (25%).
6. Other development scenarios may not be economically feasible based on the cost of
infrastructure improvements required with any development on the site.
7. Redevelopment of this site may help support existing small businesses along 44th
Avenue and future redevelopment along the Kipling Street corridor.
With the following conditions:
1. In addition to the open space amenities provided on the property, the applicant
pay parkland dedication fees of $37,800.
2. On the preliminary subdivision plan, the future 5-foot right-of-way dedication be
designated more clearly.
3. Submittal of phase I environmental assessment be required at the time of final
development plan.
It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner McNAMEE
that the applicant meet with staff to either change the density or the drainage plan to
provide a suitable site for an active playground in the development.
Commissioner COLLINS offered an amendment to add reason no. 8: "This will improve
water service for neighborhood." The amendment was accepted by Commissioner
Commissioner COLLINS commented that this seems unfair since the developer is already
required to pay $37,800 in parkland fees. He also opposed placing a playground in a detention
Commissioner COOPER suggested that perhaps the homeowners association could work with
the city to accommodate a playground for the residents.
In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Alan White stated that playground
equipment would probably not significantly decrease the drainage capacity.
A vote was taken on the amendment. It failed by a vote of 3-5 with Commissioners
SNOW, McMILLIN and McNAMEE voting yes.
Commissioner SNOW stated she would vote against approval ofthe application because, even
though it is a beautiful development, the density is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan
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March 21, 2002
which has a maximum of six units per acre. Going up to 10.4 with really no room for families
to have a place to sit or anything to do is ignoring something that is really important. She
stated that surrounding property contains single family and duplexes except for one little corner
and that, while she didn't believe it should have to be all duplexes, it could be the same
fourplexes and not quite so many of them.
A vote was taken on the original motion. It passed by a vote of 7-1 with Commissioner
SNOW voting no.
There was no old business to come before the Commission.
A. URA 101- Joint Meetine with City Council and Wheat Ridee Urban Renewal
Authority on March 25, 2002
Alan White reminded Commission members they are invited to attend this meeting to
discuss urban renewal. The meeting will be held March 25 at 5:30 p.m. in the police
training room.
B. Discuss Chanee in Plannine Commission Meetine Time
It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner
COLLINS that staff prepare a written change to the Planning Commission rules
for the meeting time to be changed from 7:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The motion passed
C. Election of Plannine Commission Chair
Commissioner WEISZ was elected as Chair ofthe Planning Commission. Nancy
SNOW will continue to serve as Vice Chair.
Commissioner PLUMMER reported that the Economic Development Business Forum
Breakfast was considered a success.
Commissioner McNAMEE requested that Alan White contact Jerry Dahl in regard to his
opinion about the requirement for handicapped units in developments.
There were no committee or department reports.
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March 21, 2002
It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner COOPER to
adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
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March 21, 2002