HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/17/2002 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting October 17,2002 ORIGINAL 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to order by Vice- Chair SNOW at 7:00 p.m., October 17, 2002, in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Jerry Collins Paulette Cooper John McMillin Marian McNamee Phil Plummer Nancy Snow Kevin Witt Commission Members Absent: Paula Weisz (excused) Staff Members Present: Alan White, Planning Director Meredith Reckert, Planner Aun Lazzeri, Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Foliowing is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of October 17, 2002. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. APPROVE ORDER OF AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER to approve the order of the agenda. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner WEISZ absent. 5. APPROVE MINUTES - October 3, 2002 It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to approve the minutes of October 3, 2002 with a correction on page one to reflect that Commissioner PLUMMER abstained from voting on the minutes. The motion passed 6-0 with Commissioner COOPER abstaining and Commissioner WEISZ absent. Planning Commission October 17,2002 Page 1 6. PUBLIC FORUM There were no individuals present to address the Commission during this portion of the hearing. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ-02-02: An application submitted by Roger Loecher for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan and plat for property located at 3502 Wadsworth. The case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report, digital presentation and advised the Commission that all noticing requirements had been met and there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She entered all pertinent documents into the record which were accepted by Vice Chair SNOW. Staff recommended approval of the application for reasons outlined in the staff report. Ms. Reckert was given a letter from the adjacent property owner to the east just prior to the hearing. She read the letter into the record as follows: To the Planning Division Department: 1, Jackie lngenthrone at 7575 West 35th Avenue, would like not to have trees or bushes planted on the east side of the building to be located at 3502 Wadsworth. We need this property to drain out to the front so that nothing will run into my property. This is why we have put sidewalks and curbs on West 35th I would like for no water on the side of our home for we are so low and I don't want to have to pump the crawl space. I have spoken with Mr. Loecher about this and to lower my fence in front of my house. He is willing to work with me. Both of us agree this is our request of the Planning Department. Thank you. Mrs. Jackie lngenthrone. Roger Loecher 5500 West 44th Avenue Mr. Loecher was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. In answer to a question from Commissioner COLLINS, he stated that the condensers would not be placed on the east side ofthe building but on the north or south sides (or both) of the building. He stated that the drainage plan was designed to prevent water from flowing onto Ms. lngenthrone's property. He was opposed to planting eighteen trees on the east side of the building. The trees would not be that visible and they would use a lot of water. Further, the neighbor indicated she is opposed to the trees. He stated that the sign for the development would be similar to existing signs in the area. He was also opposed to the requirement for brick wainscoting on the north, south and west elevations. He stated he would be willing to put some type of design in the stucco to dress it up. Commissioner COLLINS inquired about the curb cut. He wanted to make sure that it is designed in a manner that would only allow right turns onto Wadsworth. Planning Commission October 17, 2002 Page 2 Commissioner SNOW asked Mr. Loecher ifhe would be willing to rewrite the character of development to more accurately describe his present plans. Mr. Loecher stated that he would agree to such a condition. Jackie Ingenthrone 7575 West 35th Avenue Ms. lngenthrone was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. She stated that she was in agreement with everything presented at the meeting except she wanted assurance that only right turns will be allowed onto 35th Avenue. Alan White explained that it is planned to design the curb cut in such a way as to only allow right turns. She also asked Mr. Loecher to taper the fence along her property near the driveway to provide adequate sight as she leaves her driveway. She also stated that the fence between the proposed development and her property would be adequate and she preferred not to have any trees planted. Ms. Reckert commented that staff would still prefer to see some plantings along the fence. It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to recommeud APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-02-02, a request for approval of a PCD final development plan and plat for property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard for the followiug reasons: 1. All development conditions imposed by City Council have been incorporated into the plan set. 2. All requirements for a PCD final development plan have been met. 3. All requirements ofthe Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following conditions: 1. A minor survey adjustment be made to the final development plan document. 2. A brick wall be added to the north, south and west elevations of the building. 3; The freestanding sign be a monument variety and the architectural elements of the sign be used to reflect the architectural features and materials used on the building. The sign should have a maximum height of 8 feet including the sign base. 4. On the landscape plan, the number of skyrocket junipers on the east side of the structure be increased to 18. 5. Streets cape trees along Wadsworth must be 3 inches in caliper. 6. On page one of the development plan under "Notes", item 12, add the word "to" so the sentence reads, "Venting must be designed so as not to vent fumes or heat to the east." It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to make the following amendments to the motion: 1. The first condition should read "Minor survey adjustments" rather than "a minor survey adjustment. Planning Commission October 17, 2002 Page 3 2. The second condition should read "brick wainscoting" rather than "brick wall" 3. Strike the fourth condition. Commissioner COOPER offered a friendly amendment to Commissioner McNAMEE's motion: 1. Add a condition to require the applicant to rewrite the character description on the planned development plan. 2. Add a condition to require the applicant to modify striping of the parking lot to adequately accommodate a handicapped parking place. These conditions were accepted by Commissioners McNAMEE and COLLINS. A vote was taken on the motion to amend the original motion. It passed 7-0 with Commissioner WEISZ absent. A vote was taken on the main motion as amended. It passed 7-0 with Commissioner WEISZ absent. B. Case No. WZ-02-08: An application submitted by Centex Homes for approval of a Planned Residential Development final development plan and subdivision plat for properties located at 4580, 4680 and 4690 Garrison Street and 9105 West 46th Place. The case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report, digital presentation and advised the Commission that all noticing requirements had been met and there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She entered all pertinent documents into the record which were accepted by Vice Chair SNOW. Staff recommended approval ofthe application for reasons outlined in the staff report. Commissioner SNOW expressed concern about handicapped accessibility. Meredith Reckert stated that this issue was discussed with the applicant who indicated the accessibility requirements could be satisfied with some interior modifications. Yvonne Seaman 9150 East Costilla Avenue Ms. Seaman, representing Centex Homes, was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. She stated that the development would meet Type B fair housing standards for two-story units. She reviewed the plans for the proj ect. Howard Heinz 4523 E. Fenwood PI., Highlands Ranch Mr. Heinz, engineer for Centex Homes, was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. He explained the drainage plan for the proposed project. Planning Commission Page 4 October 17, 2002 Caton Cobb 4585 Flower Mr. Cobb was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. He stated that he was not opposed to the housing development, but now that the final location for the Flower Street exit from the . development had been determined, he was concerned about headlights shining into his bedroom. He asked if the developer would give consideration to extending his fence to provide protection from headlights. Ms. Seaman stated she would be willing to meet with Mr. Cobb to discuss the situation. In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Alan White stated that he would check with the city attorney as to whether the Planning Commission has authority to require, as a condition of approval, a developer to provide off-site improvements such as the fence requested by Mr. Cobb. Donna Rae Gates 4595 Garrison Street Ms. Gates was sworn in by Vice Chair SNOW. She stated that the Flower Street exit had been discussed at a previous meeting. She stated that a barrier with reflectors at the end of Flower Street was discussed. It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-02-08, a request for approval of a Planned Residential Development final development plan and subdivision plat for property located at 4580, 4680 and 4690 Garrison and 9105 West 46th Place, for the following reasons: 1. An on-site playground amenity has been provided consistent with the cost of fees- in-lieu of parkland dedication requirements. 2. All other conditions imposed by City Council have been met. 3. All requirements for a PRD final development plan have been met. 4. The proposal is consistent with Section 26-504 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws (Residential Site Design Requirements.) 5. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Minor survey comments on the plat and development plan be addressed. 2. Four blue spruce trees along the east side of Flower Street be replaced with another variety of tree. 3. The HOA covenants be finalized prior to development plan and plat recordation. Commissioner COOPER offered a friendly amendment to add a condition which would require Centex Homes to work with the city to meet handicapped accessible requirements according to Colorado State Law and the Uniform Building Code. This amendment was accepted by Commissioners COLLINS and PLUMMER. Planning Commission October 17, 2002 Page 5 Commissioner McMILLIN offered a friendly amendment to request that Centex Homes work with Mr. Cobb and the city toward a resolution of potential headlight problems at the end of Flower Street. This amendment was accepted by Commissioners COLLINS and PLUMMER. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner WEISZ absent. 8. OLD BUSINESS Tattoo Parlors, Fortune Tellers and Pawn Shops - Commissioner McMillin requested the record to reflect that Alan White testified at this meeting that there are only two tattoo parlors in the city and there are no applications pending. Erroneous information was given at the last Planning Commission that there were six applications pending. Alan White stated that staff is conducting a physical inventory of tattoo parlors and fortune tellers in the city. So far, the inventory shows two tattoo parlors, four fortune teller businesses, and two pawn shops. Commissioner SNOW asked ifit would be possible to consider only one type of business at a hearing. Alan White will look into scheduling tattoo parlors at one hearing and fortune tellers at another hearing. Since pawn shops are already regulated, Alan White will ask City Council if they would like to delete that use from the proposed ordinance and only consider the tattoo parlors and fortune telling businesses. Final Development Plans - Commissioner McMILLIN referred to the request made by Mr. Cobb and requested that, in the future, final development plans show adjacent properties. 9. NEW BUSINESS. Commissioner PLUMMER reported that the Phillips station at 38th and Kipling and the Kitchen Supply business at 41 st and Kipling have removed trees which were part of required landscaping. Alan White will investigate. Commissioner McMILLIN referred to an invitation to the Lakewood Planning Commission Town Meeting. He stated that he plans to attend and urged other Commissioners to also attend. Vice Chair SNOW expressed appreciation to Commissioner COLLINS for the years he has served on the Planning Commission. Commissioner COLLINS will be moving out of the area and has tendered his resignation to the City Council. 10. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no Commission reports. 11. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee or department reports. Planning Commission October 17, 2002 Page 6 12. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. C1{ 0. dmtkJ NanCy~, Vice Chair ~ /;;Vj . Ann Lazzeri, ReCO~ry Planning Commission October 17, 2002 Page 7