HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-13-03City of COMMUNI-TY DEVELOPMENT TO: Case File for W7-13-03 and MS -13-08 FROM: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner DATE: April 8, 2015 SUBJECT: Processing of Case Nos. WZ-13-03 and MS -13-08 Case No. Z-13-03, a request for a specific development plan amendment for.mountain Vista at 4800 Tabor Street, was processed concurrently with Case No. MS -1.3-0 , a lot line adjustment and consolidation (lots I and 2). All relevant information for case No. WZ- 13-08 and IVIS -13-08 can be I"ound in the case file Botli cases were approved on 3 r V) V) w 2 U O Y N K Q S 0 O z N t/1 K W a z I- ERr 0 r 3 Z 3 0 W r 0 w 0 a W CQ 0 w a m Lu z z a _ U O z LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTS 1 & 2, MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE FILING NO.. 1, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BENCHMARK: BENCHMARK IS THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. AS DESIGNATED AS POINT 13209 ON THE CITY OF WHEATRIDGE SECTION AND QUARTER SECTION MAP - GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM CONTROL MAP. ELEVAmON = 5400.31 NAVD 88 (US FEET) BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST' j OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. AS MON UMENTED AT THE SOUTHEASr CORNER AND EAST } CORNER OF SAID SECTION 17 BY A 3.25" BRASS CAP STAMPED: "LS 13212" AND BEARING SOUTH 00°16'00" EAST AS SHOWN ON THE MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE FINAL PLAT, ZONING STATEMENT: PER THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ZONING MAP, DATED 5-15-2Vff3, THE SUBJECT PROPERTIES ARE ZONED PCD - PLANNED LeMMU4= DEVELOPMENT. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THIS SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT INCORPORATES THE ONE-STORY BUILDING ADDITION TO THE THE EXISTING BUILDING LOCATED ON THE EASTERN PORTION OF LOT 2 MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE AMENDMENT NO. 1, ASSOCIATED SITE IMPROVEMEUTS RELATED TO THE BUILDING ADDITION, AND THE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT THAT RECONFIGURES FOi9MER LOTS 1, 2 AND 5 OF THE MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE INTO LOTS 1 AND 2 OF THE MOUNTAftVISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE FILING NO.1 PER REC NO. . ALL SUBJECT PROPERTIU UNDER EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONDITIONS ARE ZONED PCD - PLANNED•66MIOIl71G1TY DEVELOPMENT. NOTES: 1. THE ZONING DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS WILL FOLLOW THE COMMERCIAL -ONE (C-1) ZONE DISTRICT STANDARDS PURSUANT TO SECTION 26-218 OF THE CQ4Y OF WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 2. FENCING SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 26-60 OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 3. LANDSCAPING SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH SECTION x-502 OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 4. PARKING SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 26-594 OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 5. SITE AND BUILDING LIGHTING SHALL BE CONSISTENTWITH SECTION 26-503 OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 6. SIGNAGE SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH ARTICLE VII OFTHE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 7. ARCHITECTURE AND SITE DESIGN SHALL BE CONSISTft4T WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN MANUAL. MOUNTAIN VISTA -AL, TCU, SNF PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT SITUATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO W. 49th AVENUE SITE c co O1 m mQ O a a 1 ENE W.4a \N�ERS�P rr ? • N 0; N 70 co \N" (DN(POERO' S O FR M F - VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1"=300' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: OUTDOOR DESIGN GROUP '5690 Webster Street Arvada, Colorado 80002 Ph: 303-993-4511 SHEETINDEX 1 COVER SHEET 2 EXISTING SITE PLAN 3 PROPOSED SITE PLAN 4 ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS 5 ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS CIVIL ENGINEER: =HARRIS KOCHER SMITH 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 Denver, Colorado 80203 P:303-623-6300 F:303-623.6311 HardsKocherSmith.com SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, AARON MURPHY, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF LOTS 1 & 2, MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE FILING NO. 1, WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. SIGNATURE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE: STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK —M. ON THE DAY OF 2014 A.D., IN BOOK PAGE RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER ■. DEVELOPER: DEPUTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATE WE, MOUNTAIN VISTA HEALTH CARE CENTER, INC., A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION AND BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, FORMERLY KNOWN AS BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO, A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION, BEING THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 7.25 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF LAND BEING LOTS 1, 2, AND 5, MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE - FINAL PLAT, RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 92077010 OF THE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, SITUATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE NORTH 00'19'12" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 569.26 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 5 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG THE PERIMETER OF SAID LOTS 1, 2, AND 5 THE FOLLOWING TEN (10) COURSES: 1) SOUTH 89'13'43" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 190.03 FEET; 2) SOUTH 0019'12" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 73.55 FEET; 3) SOUTH 6812'16" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 174.81 FEET; 4) SOUTH 8912'57" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 252.61 FEET; 5) NORTH 12'59'36" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 74.26 FEET; 6) NORTH 38'32'03" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 24.55 FEET; 7) NORTH 00.19'03" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 440.73 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; 8) ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 23.44 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 89'32'29", AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS NORTH 44'27'11" EAST A CHORD DISTANCE OF 21.13 FEET; 9) NORTH 89'13'26" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 621.89 FEET; 10) SOUTH 00'19'12" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 411.32 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 315,792 SQUARE FEET OR 7.25 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, HAVE LAID OUT BDIVIDED AND LATTED SAID LA AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CO INED UNDER T AME ANDS OF MOUNTAIN \PO RETIRE VILLAGE AM ENT N0. 1, A DIVISION OF A T OF THE Cl F WHEAT RIDG OLORADO AND THESE PRESEN 0 DEDICATE TO E CITY OF WH RIDGE AND TH BL THOSE PO NS OF REAL PROPERTY SH AS RIGHT -OF- Y, AND DO FU R DEDICATE TO E CITY OF AT RIDGE AND T SE MUNICIPALLY NED AND/OR (PALLY FRANC ED UTILITIES AN ERMCES THOSE RTIONS OF RE ROPERTY SH AS EZ R THE CONSTR ON, INSTALL N, OPERATION, MAINTENANCED REPLACE T FOR ALL S CES. THIS INCLU BUT IS NOT LEPHO ND ELECTRIC ES, GAS LINES, TER AND SANITARES, RANTS, STOR ATER SYSTEMS D PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LI HTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES T RETO. ARCHITECT: WILLIAM BRUMMETT ARCHITECTS 950 Logan Street, Suite 102 Denver, Colorado 80203 Ph: 720-570-2302 Fax: 720-570-2340 THIN VISTA -AL, TCU, SNF, PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMEN APPROVED THIS WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING CHAIRPERSON CITY CERTIFICATION: APPROVED THIS DAY OF THE CITY OF 'WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST CITY CLERK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MOUNTAIN VISTA HEALTH CARE CENTER, INC., A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION BY AS STATE OF COLORADO MAYOR 2014, BY THE CITY OF COUNTY OF JEFFERSON) § THE FOREGOING I14STRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS OF A.D. 2014 BY AS MOUNTAIN VISTA (HEALTH CARE CENTER, INC., A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOTARY PUBLIC BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, FORMERLY KNOWN AS BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO, A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION STATE OF COLORADO DAY OF COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS _ DAY OF AD. 2014 BY AS OF BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, FORMERLY KNOWN AS BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO, A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC DATE: 12-10-2013 COVER SHEET REVISION DATE: 02-07-2014 SHEET 1 OF 5 VELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT MOGUL - POD a=89'32'29" R=15.00' L=23.44' CHb=S44'30'24"W CH=21.13' PROPERTY BOUNDARY (TYP) MOUNTAIN VISTA -AL, TCU, SNF PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT SITUATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO MOTIF - POD —�— EMERGENCY ACCESS & W 49TH RO VENUE P. 10.00 VALLEY WATER COMMON INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT ( ) t DISTRICT EASEMENT CHEM DITCH REC NO 92110306 REC NO. 92077010 N8916'38 • I; . s _.. 18 . 7 — — — -- — — — — . _ 342.92' — — -- — — — -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - — — — — — — ---------------------� -----—---1�---------- --- 30' VALLEY WATER EASEMENT '^ n EMERGENCY ACCESS & COMMON ~ REC. N0. F0620688 (TO BE o I I I I I VACATED BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT o )NGREaSagRESS EASEMENT REC. NO. 92077010 o R (TO BE PARTIALL ACATED BY PLAT) I i REC. N0. rn LOT 1 I m �12) I EMERGENCY ACCESS & COMMON OUNTAIN VISTA i 'l \ `-' I II INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT W RETIREMENT 11J ,' EXISTING / I I I REC. NO. 92077010 (TO BE CURB & GUTTER �1 I z g j PARTIALLY VACATED BY PLAT) w ( ) o --J 0 co TYP v 9 1 I I o o - ,� EXISTING 1 UTILITY BOX j 1 <_ LOT 2 w 1 \ N89'44'09"E I I MOUNTAIN VISTA \ I z 1 I EXISTING RETIREMENT + EXISTING' 108 02' VILLAGE SIDEWALK RETAINING WALL I 11 a �OGv1C PCD (�') ji EMERGENCY ACCESS & COMMON30' VALLEY WATER DISTRICT I I I INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT EASEMENT REC. NO. 92110306 I I � I EXISTING ry REC. NO. 92077010 (TO BE VACATED BY SEPARATEI I u FIRE HYDRANT o 4 rn �) INSTRUMENT REC. N0. 1 I 1 - (�) - f �:- _ EXISTING I j I ! BUILDING I I- - (TYP _ _ 1 8) 1 L - SIGN EXISTING TYP I'- ) 55' I EXISTING _ w _ ( ) 12 EASEMENT I 2 -STORY BUILDINGr1O' \0' VALLEY O. 921 306 (TO REMAIN)4REC. N0. 92110 o�CH RIGHT-OF-WAY 1741, PG. 462 L.LJ I \ BK. 1717, PG. 336 W \ 2 o r \ --- ------ — —---------- �� J 'ton ;CI I =-----— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — >1� m 5' PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT JUCHEM DITCH` EASEMENTBK. 1483, PG. 545 \ \ N1410'11"W BK. 1672, PG. 423 \ 43.70' / \ � N53'50'44"W�'' 35.40' 5' SIDEWALK & SIGNAGE EASEMENT \_ NR09R'.55'F REC. NO. 92077010,_ N38'28'51" 24.55' 25' UTILITY REC. NO. ��C JQB NUMBER: 130411 / N8916'09"E / 252.61' MID) EXISTING CHANNEL EXISTING 2—STORY BUILDING (TO REMAIN) MOUNTAINLOT 5 A RETIREMENT VILLAGE 190.03 UHPLATTEDD MOO HIE - Al - -x UHPLATTED moms - LM _.I x C) 0 0 rnl oI m I UUMPLATTf D I PROPERTY BOUNDARY (TYP) I I HARRIS KOCHER SMITH 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 Denver, Colorado 80203 P:303-623-6300 F:303-623-6311 HardsKocherSm ith.com IN VISTA -AL, TCU, SNF, PLANNED COMME 7 SP ISSUE DATE: 12-10-2013 IISION DATE: 02-07-2014 EXISTING PARKING TABLE EXISTING PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: AREA (SF) STANDARD 146 LOT 1 AREA HANDICAP 15 / /I vt 161 0.00% DRIVE COVERAGE 6,030.07 / O 'WALK COVERAGE 0.00 0.00% / LANDSCAPING AREA 8,815.72 'Olt J N / 221,133.15 100.00% Ct 71,530.30 32.35% DRIVE COVERAGE irri 27.52% WALK COVERAGE 8,574.25 3.88% LANDSCAPING AREA 80,176.30 36.26% LOTS (EXISTING) LOT 5 AREA 79,825.19 100.00% I BUILDING COVERAGE �V15' 26.04% DRIVE COVERAGE 18,598.38 23.30% .WALK COVERAGE 4,966.16 6.22% LANDSCAPING AREA 35,470.80 44.44% TOTAL(EXISTING) ROW FOR SWADLEY DIT( 315,804.13 100.00% BUILDING COVERAGE CENTERED ON EXISTING DIT( DRIVE COVERAGE 85,480.75 27.07% / / REC. NO. 92077010 4.29% 11481 LANDSCAPING AREA / / I LOT 35 N6a15 / / G�AOUH71H M0371 ,nHLTJ Rl2s'NEHT MUM / FHAL PLAT --- 3 o -1 PCD HARRIS KOCHER SMITH 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 Denver, Colorado 80203 P:303-623-6300 F:303-623-6311 HardsKocherSm ith.com IN VISTA -AL, TCU, SNF, PLANNED COMME 7 SP ISSUE DATE: 12-10-2013 IISION DATE: 02-07-2014 EXISTING PARKING TABLE EXISTING PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: AREA (SF) STANDARD 146 LOT 1 AREA HANDICAP 15 TOTAL 161 LOT COVERAGE TABLE LOT T (EXISTING) AREA (SF) % OF LOT LOT 1 AREA 14,845.79 100.00% BUILDING COVERAGE 0.00 0.00% DRIVE COVERAGE 6,030.07 40.62% 'WALK COVERAGE 0.00 0.00% LANDSCAPING AREA 8,815.72 59.38% LOT2 (EXISTING) 10T 2 AREA 221,133.15 100.00% BUILDING COVERAGE 71,530.30 32.35% DRIVE COVERAGE 60,852.30 27.52% WALK COVERAGE 8,574.25 3.88% LANDSCAPING AREA 80,176.30 36.26% LOTS (EXISTING) LOT 5 AREA 79,825.19 100.00% I BUILDING COVERAGE 20,789.85 26.04% DRIVE COVERAGE 18,598.38 23.30% .WALK COVERAGE 4,966.16 6.22% LANDSCAPING AREA 35,470.80 44.44% TOTAL(EXISTING) LOT AREA 315,804.13 100.00% BUILDING COVERAGE 92,320.15 29.23% DRIVE COVERAGE 85,480.75 27.07% `WALK COVERAGE 13,540.41 4.29% LANDSCAPING AREA 124,462.82 39.41% 40 0 40 80 SCALE: 1"=40' LEGEND PROPERTY BOUNDARY EXISTING EASEMENT EXISTING LOT LINE l PARKING COUNT EXISTING SITE PLAN AME OF 5 t N W _ 0 O Y x Q _ 0 z 0 N N W a z III Iz 0 r 3 z_ 3 0 N r 0 w 0 W m O W a N w z a �OG�C MID MOUNTAIN VISTA -AL, TCU, SNF PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT SITUATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO PROPOSED SIDEWALK WITH ADA RAMP (TYP) -�W. 49TH AVENUE PRWARNING OPOSED DPANELAFOR FIREBLE PHYDRANDT D=89'32'29" VALLEY WATER o (TYP) (40' ROW) EXISTING ADA RAMP R=15.00' DISTRICT EASEMENT REC. N0. 92110306 L=23.44 N89'16 38 E " _ — EXISTING EMERGENCY ACCESS & r COMMON INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT EXISTING 20' I UHPU771ED REC. NO. 92077010 JUCHEM DITCH �0�� a Q� - 40 BE PARTIALLY VACATED BY PLAT EA EM CHB=544'30'24"W r— ..- -I 187. CH=21.13' 4292 PROPERTY BOUNDARY Z11 PROPOSED 30'_VALLEY WATER DISTRICT�PN I PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE B\ REC. N0. PLAT REC. NO.EX9W \\ " i — ' EXIS�� �' (TO(TO BE VACATED BY PLAT) EXISTING I I I �sU�]( _CSD I CURB & GUTTER \ 'EXISTING STREET LIGHT (TO REMAIN) (TO REMAIN) \ '10° I PROPOSED CURB \ & GUTTER (TYP) EXISTING \ II I BUILDING EXISTING ^\ \ I EMERGENCY ACCESS (TYP) > \ & COMMON INGRESS/EGRESS PROPOSED ( 9) I EASEMENT 1—STORY EXISTING EMERGENCY ACCESS & ` ` 4D BE PARTIALLY BUILDING �- COMMON INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT PORTION OF EXISTING c I REC. N0. 92077010 EMERGENCY ACCESS & COMMON 22 VACATED BY PLAT> �. INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT I BUILDING (TYP) MOM - pOD LOT 2 \ MOUNTAIN VISTA REVI�GE P1UNG NO. 1 AEXISTING PROPOSED INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT / I FIRE HYDRANT BOLLARDSPER REC. NO. I O BE RELOCATED) 55, PROPOSED ` ' 1 STAIRS z ( o __r _� W/HANDRAIL �' \ PROPOSED L--- / (TYP) ELECTRICc,n EjTN I ' iGuNERATOR J f l � TPROPOSED — ~ \\ EXISTING 10' DITCH R.O.W. TRANSFORMER Llw f I BK. 1741 PG. 462 (TYP) BK. 1717 PG. 336 EXISTING I — TRANSFORMER - \ I — — -- — — — — — — — — -- - (TYP) LO I m PROPOSED STORMWATE I DETENTION POND EXISTING SIDEWALK (TO REMAIN) fol �SO I� ACCESS -RAMP (TYP) W/HANDRAIL N89'16'55"E RON FENCE EXISTING 2 -STORY BUILDING (TO REMAIN) SIDEWALK 190.03' PROPOSED EMERGENCY / ACCESS & COMMON PER REC. NO. 92077010 INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT I I �- PROPOSED 136 RETAINING WALL (TYP) m (TO REMAIN) 16/ 11 TRIAPN)SFORMER I 25' UTILITY EASEMENT REC. N0. 92077010 e. 11 DSCAPINGAREA LOT 1 EX V55' ' 1�Aa� 93,959.57 100.00% PROPOSED I I MOUNTAIN VSTA I I I RETIREMENT VILLAGE 2-STORY BUILDING 14,929.38 I i J� v o 5.85% L STRUCTURE j COURTYARD FILING NO. 1 (TO REMAIN) rRi EME AN1i EHT MLJ� 01s I �; LOT AREA ' 0i MMM 1PLL 4 107,439.68 (TYP) DRIVE COVERAGE 69,298.58 ���� = p�'"Ll'' I PROPOSED EMERGENCY 14,174.28 4.49% p oo LANDSCAPING AREA I 39.55% T 1 =HARR'S KOCHER I ( CCESS &COMMON I ^� ` ` i • 444 � AEXISTING PROPOSED INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT / I FIRE HYDRANT BOLLARDSPER REC. NO. I O BE RELOCATED) 55, PROPOSED ` ' 1 STAIRS z ( o __r _� W/HANDRAIL �' \ PROPOSED L--- / (TYP) ELECTRICc,n EjTN I ' iGuNERATOR J f l � TPROPOSED — ~ \\ EXISTING 10' DITCH R.O.W. TRANSFORMER Llw f I BK. 1741 PG. 462 (TYP) BK. 1717 PG. 336 EXISTING I — TRANSFORMER - \ I — — -- — — — — — — — — -- - (TYP) LO I m PROPOSED STORMWATE I DETENTION POND EXISTING SIDEWALK (TO REMAIN) fol �SO I� ACCESS -RAMP (TYP) W/HANDRAIL N89'16'55"E RON FENCE EXISTING 2 -STORY BUILDING (TO REMAIN) SIDEWALK 190.03' a EXISTING HVAC /-(TO REMAIN) 7 all 0 MMp�Q��f�D EXISTING RETAINING WALL (TYP) 'C'. N Io 0 ri MHp�d&77ED MOM n�IS - M I PROPOSED EMERGENCY / ACCESS & COMMON 46 INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT 10 PER REC. NO. �- PROPOSED 136 RETAINING WALL (TYP) m EXISTING 16/ 11 TRIAPN)SFORMER a EXISTING HVAC /-(TO REMAIN) 7 all 0 MMp�Q��f�D EXISTING RETAINING WALL (TYP) 'C'. N Io 0 ri MHp�d&77ED MOM n�IS - M I PARKING SPACES REQUIRED': / 1 SPACE/5 BEDS (230 BEDS) 46 LOT 1 AREA N38'28'51 "W 90 O i _t / O, / / / o J W Ln 136 PROPOSED PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: STANDARD m 24.51% HANDICAP 11 8,675.86 25' UTILITY EASEMENT REC. N0. 92077010 e. 11 DSCAPINGAREA 87,263.79 39.34% V55' 1�Aa� 93,959.57 100.00% rZ, 35,909.38 19 L07 NJg DRIVE COVERAGE 14,929.38 15.89% WALK COVERAGE 5,498.42 5.85% LANDSCAPING AREA 37,622.39 40.04% rRi EME AN1i EHT MLJ� 01s LOT AREA ' -N89'16'09"E 252.61' MMM 1PLL 4 107,439.68 34.02% DRIVE COVERAGE 69,298.58 MOM pOD I WALK COVERAGE 14,174.28 4.49% LANDSCAPING AREA I 39.55% =HARR'S KOCHER SMITH 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 Denver, Colorado 80203 P: 303.623-6300 F:303-623-6311 ISSUE DATE: 12-10-2013 HardsKocherSmith.com REVISION DATE: 02-07-2014 IOUNTAIN VISTA -AL, TCU, SNF, PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT, SPECIFIC DEVEL( PROPOSED PARKING TABLE PARKING SPACES REQUIRED': AREA (SF) 1 SPACE/5 BEDS (230 BEDS) 46 LOT 1 AREA 1 SPACEIEMPLOYEE (MAX. SHIFT) (90 EMPLOYEES) 90 TOTAL 136 PROPOSED PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: STANDARD 146 24.51% HANDICAP 11 8,675.86 TOTAL 157 RATIO PER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ZONING SEC, 26-501(E)(2) TABLE 6, HOSPITALS, NURSING HOME OR OTHER SIMILAR USES:1 SPACE PER EACH 5 BEDS PLUS 1 SPACE FOR EACH EMPLOYEE ON MAXIMUM SHIFT. LOT COVERAGE TABLE LOT 1(PROPOSED) AREA (SF) % OF LOT LOT 1 AREA 221,839.15 100.00% BUILDING COVERAGE 71,530.30 32.24% DRIVE COVERAGE 54,369.20 24.51% WALK COVERAGE 8,675.86 3.91% 11 DSCAPINGAREA 87,263.79 39.34% LOT 2 (PROPOSED) LOT 2 AREA 93,959.57 100.00% BUILDING COVERAGE 35,909.38 38.22% DRIVE COVERAGE 14,929.38 15.89% WALK COVERAGE 5,498.42 5.85% LANDSCAPING AREA 37,622.39 40.04% TOTAL (PROPOSED) LOT AREA 315,798.72 100.00% BUILDING COVERAGE 107,439.68 34.02% DRIVE COVERAGE 69,298.58 21.94% WALK COVERAGE 14,174.28 4.49% LANDSCAPING AREA 124,886.18 39.55% 40 0 40 80 SCALE: 1"= 40' LEGEND PROPERTY BOUNDARY EXISTING EASEMENT EXISTING LOT LINE — EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE VACATED X PARKING COUNT PROPOSED SITE PLAN SHEET 3 0 MENDME xz rex ,,�aas y gy ``I .ra .cc,»�,uzg'.ya"�E' A/ ' 'Y i .�" '�e3 � y: �xa� �� }r.x;:raw 4':.raras xa,.' 5++'i s si..rea.+ fk qe :5 5s ssm v. rW 3 rr•.:a 6.i3 fit' k.+"„amu 4 5`�.�'., 'u(`e'v +. v,ss 44 .x.�� P b "'" s+ a.•a d $ 'ti, S g % ,e ,� sq�y, :.x' �a11 yd, „ 17= P, < r, y ]] `s §' a�! s $¢'�_� ys�" F' ii. 'h Wx,.,., "�". x" °+'ara^a e5 %.J L,:r�nsss�a: "#:zw .,: '( �'^p$ .iJ t'} y5%� }�, y} F} q y [ \ q { /( j j p �..`,� J}y. tm'' }.....J ]P' Sq.. IN .... 'Y N ! i Y :P~i t.+FY ..F >3 'Y .6 f ~31 `"�.` l.a..��.... j / YY"`J%3 t..-. ... .J L...�^i`i^ G RANG! }?..�.. ..Y 4d Si,... _ t�4 `{' t ;" `o� F k � . § 0, OLORA 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, Cl- I SOUTH ELEVATION AT COURTYARD/ LIVING/DINING SCALE:1/8°= 1`0" SOUTH EAST ELEVATION AT COURTYA R- D/LIVING/DINING SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0' SECTION AND ELEVATION KEY NOTES -1 1� NOMINAL BRICK VENEER LAKEWOOD BRICK LGHT RED GRAIN PAINTED CEMENTITIOUS SIDING, 4° REVEAL ARCHITECTURAL ASPIdA: T COMPOSITION SHINGLES MATCH EXISTING =1_ BUILDING ROOFING ® VINYL WINDOWS O PTAC UNIT © SLOPED STANDING SES`=M METAL ROOFING O FIXED WOOD/METAL C_AD DOORS ® ALUMINUM STOREFROP�, SEE WINDOW SCHED. gO WOOD TRUSS © 6:12. 10 2—LAYERS 5/8: TYRE "X" FIRE LID 11 R-38 ATTIC !NSUL, l�N AT TRUSS TOP CHORD R-19 INSULATION 13 METAL—CLAD EXTERIQ'R/PAINTED WOOD INTERIOR DOUBLE—HUNG EGRESS WINDOW WITw STOP 14 FIRE DEPARTMENT CCd',INECTION f � � xz rex ,,�aas y gy ``I .ra .cc,»�,uzg'.ya"�E' A/ ' 'Y i .�" '�e3 � y: �xa� �� }r.x;:raw 4':.raras xa,.' 5++'i s si..rea.+ fk qe :5 5s ssm v. rW 3 rr•.:a 6.i3 fit' k.+"„amu 4 5`�.�'., 'u(`e'v +. v,ss 44 .x.�� P b "'" s+ a.•a d $ 'ti, S g % ,e ,� sq�y, :.x' �a11 yd, „ 17= P, < r, y ]] `s §' a�! s $¢'�_� ys�" F' ii. 'h Wx,.,., "�". x" °+'ara^a e5 %.J L,:r�nsss�a: "#:zw .,: '( �'^p$ .iJ t'} y5%� }�, y} F} q y [ \ q { /( j j p �..`,� J}y. tm'' }.....J ]P' Sq.. IN .... 'Y N ! i Y :P~i t.+FY ..F >3 'Y .6 f ~31 `"�.` l.a..��.... j / YY"`J%3 t..-. ... .J L...�^i`i^ G RANG! }?..�.. ..Y 4d Si,... _ t�4 `{' t ;" `o� F k � . § 0, OLORA 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, Cl- I SOUTH ELEVATION AT COURTYARD/ LIVING/DINING SCALE:1/8°= 1`0" SOUTH EAST ELEVATION AT COURTYA R- D/LIVING/DINING SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0' SECTION AND ELEVATION KEY NOTES -1 1� NOMINAL BRICK VENEER LAKEWOOD BRICK LGHT RED GRAIN PAINTED CEMENTITIOUS SIDING, 4° REVEAL ARCHITECTURAL ASPIdA: T COMPOSITION SHINGLES MATCH EXISTING =1_ BUILDING ROOFING ® VINYL WINDOWS O PTAC UNIT © SLOPED STANDING SES`=M METAL ROOFING O FIXED WOOD/METAL C_AD DOORS ® ALUMINUM STOREFROP�, SEE WINDOW SCHED. gO WOOD TRUSS © 6:12. 10 2—LAYERS 5/8: TYRE "X" FIRE LID 11 R-38 ATTIC !NSUL, l�N AT TRUSS TOP CHORD R-19 INSULATION 13 METAL—CLAD EXTERIQ'R/PAINTED WOOD INTERIOR DOUBLE—HUNG EGRESS WINDOW WITw STOP 14 FIRE DEPARTMENT CCd',INECTION M � tF}, NTAI Vn ST, A�GAL TC 1.OIJ ,Y ,.. ..cw.:. 3.a .uaa%� �. ��`r k�. #'r �c+ax=,ia �i�s. `'.� 3�� � � � �� � gµ i� g 2� p P L N seg P" � y � ,Nr � �& a� � 3'...w.�er �G �'. ct � ` ' wF.vr: ���.a�."� �,cxaz� ..,,o„n .r• ..s �a.._ �'j Ya�x .rc..au., e 2 rm ns a --a=a d..vs 8� � �',,:�ss c' "`aYi '� ,p T4 =,{L � � �cq d 'V �4 � �" 2s ��µ 3� yY . ^� ��vau p � {..mx�� N�ea 15� c�( .. _v 'R t 5�ys w� x i £� Y' .. � �fi � i2. '�* +"*T� ,�` }t� '4 � �"k 'A �'�t'�'�- � a' } � � s � n _ 5 c yF 'a�"s¢+ c �` In �s,me 9 'we �. .zT G Y� a E & r RMN! �+5 i., A t Si u....s � �. fE`� c" r5 n z arz e '?d � � rC I ,II' Tzw, ,«= � �:�a,�. .>.Rx w.t�' P d E3' a ._ - `3' _ .. ,. S O EAST _ _ "-,._1 ' a.., d.,.... �: 3 3 -5 171 off `'�' . " � � # 1 �'.t j N\ ' C.,', ! 1 E E � ...i �r_ � fr H 5 z .,.."'S S 's " _.. G... tJ 9bj `'u� i €._ SITUATED ggs €"� Y1' ss {ula..� FE "J '�._1a' .� i_c'�_;,_4_ ; ,,��DO �s f gy+�.�@ g 3j qg p ptT�: t z � j" �; t .. p i Y� � e ..i F3 l f'' f�3.Ea E~c-^ "t�'0'Li. a! ff.s iJ ? 9 si«.,� ]';fiae33«-..� 4-. .. - ..r ..... .. 9 E' _ 6TH ; '�.�.if NL. �J.r ..rar t I r—t i'\//i''dCl/—NKl tea..-.... -- SCALE: 1/8'= T-0` &� � d " y � � 1 _ a" I 3 CE� x tl alc L _. g. <7— NOTE: ELEVATION AT ANGLE --> SECTION AND ELEVATION KEY NOTES 1� NOMINAL BRICK VENEER: LAKEWOOD BRICK !'_iGHT RED GRAIN PAINTED CEMENTITIOUS SIDING, 4" REVEAL O ARCHITECTURAL ASPL'2di T COMPOSITION SHINGLES MATCH EXISTING As_ BUILDING ROOFING ® VINYL WINDOWS O PTAC UNIT © SLOPED STANDING SS'r,'M METAL ROOFING FIXED WOOD/METAL CLAD DOORS ® ALUMINUM STOREFRCi-IT. SEE WINDOW SGPED. �g WOOD TRUSS @ 0:12_ 10 2—LAYERS 5/8: TYPE"X" FIRE LID 11 R-38 ATTIC INSULA -ION AT TRUSS TOP CHORD R_-19 INSULATION 13 METAL—CLAD EXTERIvR/PAINTED WOOD INTERIOR DOUBLE—HUNG EGRESS WINDOW WI -''H'; STOP 14 FIRE DEPARTMENT ; :NNECTION 15 DEMOLISH EXISTING NINDOW AND INFILL. T.O. Ridge. 110'-0" TRUSS BRG. 100'-0" f-• 4 r7 } '` ry SUF DATE: 1I N. €. s N' a d y AE u uI i T u r 'U v F X6"0 1 1 '4,1 L,✓ %-.- L- , w c ® s . . — . ....� - . — - - - - OWNER'S CERTIFICATE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT AIS CONSOLIDATION FILA NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES FOR THIS PLAT ARE SHOWN USING (GROUND) MODIFIED STATE PLANE MEASUd?EMENTS (U.S. SURVEY FEET ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST 0.01') SHEET 1 OF 2CONSISTENT WITH THE CURRENT CITY DATUM, AND THE FOLLOWING DATUM INFORMATION IS 91OWN ON THIS PLAT: WE, MOUNTAIN VISTA HEALTH CARE CENTER, INC., A COLORADO NON–PROFIT CORPORATION AND BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, FORMERLY KNOWN AS BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO, A COLORADO N5N'–PROFIT CORPORATION, BEING THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 7.25 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF LAND BEING LOTS 1, 2, AND 5, MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT DNTHIELAC 1THEASTAL PLAT, QUARTER OF RECORDED A 17 TOWNSHIPNO. 20770,1 RANGE HE WEST RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, SITU OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON; STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE NORTH 00'19'12" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 569.26 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 5 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG THE PERIMETER OF SAID LOTS 1, 2, AND 5 THE FOLLOWING TEN '(TO) COURSES: 1) SOUTH 89'13'43" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 190.03 FEET; 2) SOUTH 00'19'12" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 73.55 FEET; 3) SOUTH 68'12'16" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 174.81 FEET; 4) SOUTH 89'12'57" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 252.61 FEET; 5) NORTH 12'59'36" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 74.26 FEET; 6) NORTH 38'32'03" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 24.55 FEET; 7) NORTH 00'19'03" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 440.73 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVAI'1<E; 8) ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 23.44 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 89'32'29", AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS NORTH 44'27'11" EAST A CHORD DISTANCE OF 21.13 FEET; 9) NORTH 89'13'26" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 621.89 FEET; 10) SOUTH 00'19'12" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 411.32 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINWNG. CONTAINING 315,792 SQUARE FEET OR 7.25 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING H R ON CONTAINED UNDER THE ORADO AND AME AND STYLE ESE PRESENTS DO NEMC VISTA THE RETIREMENT VILLAGE FILING N0, 1, A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF V LAT RIDGE, TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE PUBLLIC THOSE Y OWNED ANODTIOR MUNICIPALLYONS OF REAL RFRANCHISEOPERTY ry UTILITIESDWN AS ( AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OFGHT–OF–WAY, AND 00 FURTHER D EALEPROPERTY (SHOWN AS WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPAL /DES BUT IS NOT FOR ALL SERVICES. EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION,INSTALLATION, LINES, GAS INES,RWATON, MAINTENANCE, ', PAIR AND ER AND SANITARY `EWER LINES, HYDRANTS REPLACEMENT STORM WATER SYSTEMS( AND PIPES, DETENTION LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. MOUNTAIN VISTA HEALTH CARE CENTER, INC., A COLORADO NON–PROFIT CORPORATION BY AS STATE OF COLORADO ) )§ COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS ._ DAY OT A.D. 20� BY AS OF MOUNTAIN VISTA HEALTH CARE CENTER, INC., A COLORADO NON-PROFIT C%PORATION. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, FORMERLY KNOWN AS BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO, A COLORADO NON–PROFIT CORPORATION BY AS STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS — DAY i)F A.D. 20_ BY AS OF BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, FORMERLY KNOWN AS BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO, A COLORADO NON–PROFIT CORPORATION. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSICN EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC HOLDER OF DEED OF TRUST THE UNDERSIGNED, BEING THE HOLDER OF THE DEED OF TRUST RECORDED Ai RECEPTION NO. 2007093754 OF THE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, HEREBY CONSENTS TO THIS PLAT. COLORADO HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY BY AS STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS — DA)` OF A.D. 20_ BY AS OF COLORADO HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC VIC;•II\III7 MAI SCALE: 1"=500' CITY DESIGNATION: 12209 EAST QUARTER CORNER SECTION 17 FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS 13212 —LAT -39'47'2.7.58233"N LON-105'07'42.71440"W o N-713646.48 0 0 E-105172.01 m� CITY DESIGNATION: 13209 SOUTHEAST CORNER SECTION 17 SITE FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS 13212 N00019'12"W LAT -39'47'01.48297"N 569.26` LON-105'07'42.66375"W N-711004.84 E-105186.73 Lu rI� a, t rn LS zi� 99 ,g P H' \ EEL ROD IN LOGO BOX LAT -39'45'47.42626"N N -105'0759.12542"W 103931.53 BASIS OF BEARINGS —--N83`07'43"W 15,141.70' PHAC—'i STEEL ROD IN LOGO BOX LAT -39'45'28.83495' N LON-105'04'46.27094" W� N-701687.`:)1 \ E-119004.18 SECTION TIE�BASIS OF BEARINGS DETAIL SCA✓_E: 1 "= 20OD' WSHARR'S 1<CHR 'T 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 Denver, Colorado 80203 P:303-623-6300 F: 303.623-6311 HarrlsKocherSmith.com A. THE CURRENT CITY DATUM COORDINATE SYSTEM USED IS A GROUND–BASED MODIFIED FOrM OF THE NAD83/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502, B. VERTICAL DATUM USED IS THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). C. GROUND TO GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE POIVT PHAC 1 (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT #1) HAVING THE FOLLOWING NAD83/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATES: PHAC 1: NORTHING: 1701258.75, !EASTING: 3118217.58, ELEVATION: 5411.62. 2. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY HARRIS KOCHER SMITH TO DETERIAINE OWNERSHIP OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. FOR ALL INFORMATION REGARDING EASEMENTS, RIGHT–OF–WAY AND TITLE OF RECORD, HARRIS KOCHER SMITH RELIED UPON COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE, COMMITMENT NO. NCS-306500-4A–MPLS ISSUED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE AND HAVING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 5F AUGUST 22, 2008 AT 8:00 A.M. 3. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL AC11ON BASED U+%-�N ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 4. ALL BEARINGS ARE GRID BEARINGS OF THE COLORADO STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, `ENTRAL ZONE 0502, NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983/92, USING CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE GEODETIC CONTROL. THE LINE BETWEEN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CONTROL POINTS PHAC-1 AND PHAC-2, AS SHOWN HEREON, IS NORTH 83'07'43" WEST. 5. PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38-51-106 (L), ALL LINEAR UNITS DEPICTED ON IJIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. 6. THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD 83 HARN STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL FIPS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE ('FLOC–STD-007.2-1998). 7. THE STORM DETENTION AREAS AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT HEREIN SHOWN AS "STORMWATER :DETENTION EASEMENT" AND "DRAINAGE EASEMENT" SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCES ORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DETENTION AREA OR DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA OR DRAINAGE EASEMENT WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. 8. THE AREA SHOWN HEREIN AS, "13 FOOT ROW RESERVATION", IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR THE FUTURE IMPROVEMENT OF TABOR STREET. NO PERMANENT STRUCTURE SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN SAID RESERVATION AREA. THE OWNER OF LOT 1, Vl0UNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE, FILING 1 SHALL RETAIN THE RIGHT TO USE SAID RESERVATION AREA UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE TABOR STREET IMPROVE-4ENT PROJECT COMMENCES. AT THE TIME OF COMMENCEMENT OF SAID TABOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, UPON REQUEST THE RESERVATION AREA SHALL BE ACQUIRED AT FAIR MARKET VALUE AND THE LAND TITLE CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. 9. THE EXISTING INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT OVER AND ACROSS LOT 2 SHOWN HEREON IS 61E?EBY VACATED. 10, THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FALLS WITHIN ZONE X OF THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMEN1 AGENCY FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, COMMUNITY PANEL NO 08059CO192E, DATEDJWN'= 4@3. ZONE X IS DEFINED AS AREAS OUTSIDE THE 0.2–PE°:CENT ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN. 11. PER THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGZONING MAP, DATED 5-15-2013, THE SURVEYED PROPERTr IS ZONED PCD – PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 12. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO MODIFY THE C4"iSQUQA4�[- LOTS 1, 2 AND 5, MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE – FINAL PLAT INTO LOTS 1 AND 2 SHOWN HEREON BY REMOVING LOT LINES AROUND FORMER LOT 1 AND REMOVING THE WESTERLY 'LNES OF FORMER LOT 5 AND CREATING A NEW LOT LINE BETWEEN NEW LOTS 1 AND 2. CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF 2014 BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. ATTEST CITY CLERK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS MAYOR SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1, AARON MURPHY, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF MOUNTAIN `4ISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE AMENDMENT NO. 1 WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY +REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. AARON MURPHY, PLS 38162 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF HARRIS KOCHER SMITH r r' COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER°S CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) )§ COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND fw=CORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK M. ON THE _ DAY OF A.D., IN BT -OK PAGE . RECEPTION N0. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: DEPUTY CASE HISTORY WZ-72-08, WZ-77-08, WZ-85-04, WZ-87-04, WZ-90-11, WZ-98-06, WZ-13-03, MS -13-03 15 L=23.441 -- R=15.00' =23.44' -R=15.00' b A=89°32'29" 25 CH=N44°27'11"E i 21.13' I 3 VISTA VILLAGE NO, , MUUN 4 R ■ k_,OF _ AND 5 MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGEP LAT SITUATED A, QUARTER ! CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE,O.JEFFERSON, COLORADO. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT1CONSOLIDATION SHEET 2 OF 2 CORNER SECTION 17 �l FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP -EST 49TH AVENUE - N89'08' (40' R.O.W.) N89013'26"E 621.89' ��- - - - - - - ------------------ -30'-4-- 25'-- r --------- -i --------------------- - - - -- - - - _ �- I _ -� VALLEY WATER 24 EMERGENCY ACCESS & DISTRICT EASEMENT 1, 1\ \ I' REC. N0. 92110306 I COMMON INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT \ REC. NO. 92D77010 \ IN RANGE BOX PLS 13212 0 w 0 0 0 m m W N NO'48'20"W 44.56' 231.96 12 -- 50'03'"E -- - 24'--�----1 -- 20 JUCHEM --- - - - (� DITCH EASEMENT REC. N0. 92077010 i - --T--------'"� Y�N89'56'48"E N 22' 202.46' \ 30VALLEY WATER \ \ S89'56'48"W EASEMENT v^ 1� FL y jnD REC. NO. F0620688 202.17` o �f \ \ 22,-1 LOT LINE HEREBY 1 13.00' ROW RESERVATION \ - �rn o N89'06'58"E 23 24' HEREBY CREATED BY THIS REMOVED BY THIS PLAT PLAT FOR FUTURE RIGHT-OF-WAY zoo EXISTING EASEMENT 1MERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENT & \ ' -8.9' to z z I HEREBY REMOVED COMMON INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT VBY THIS PLAT ' I HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PIAT \ 8 20 E N sem-224.68' � rnCIO' wl LOT LINE HEREBY Cn i m a®( a 1 n u, N LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT co of 1 v� �n nj p 'I REMOVED BY THIS PLAT Ji m 93,957 SQ. FT. z oNj I OR 2.16 ACRES t I j -24' EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENT 30' VALLEY WATER DISTRICT U o I STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT REC. NO. 92077010 REC. NO. 92110306 rri i z )hal I I HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT AND EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENT____t_ RECNO92077010 I ®e 1 REC. N0. 92110306 I ` 589'54'08"W 23.24' AND COMMON INGRESS EGRESS EASEMENT I 10' VALLEY WATER ESMT.I . . LCAT i YLOT LINE HEREBY o - - ` o I 221,835 SQ FT. REMOVED BY THIS PLAT o } OR 5.09 ACRES, a I� �� I N RI z 4_41 C) S89'11'4D"W41 _ UJ 0 N89'56'48°E I 8.95' ` m o I 13.91'1 w IFill S43'36'51"E \\ / ` " F 28.81'1 JUCHEM DITCH AND RESERVOIR COMPANY N$9'32'00�E 62.42' \ \\ 8.86' '48"W / 10' DITCH RIGHT-OF-WAY \ `\ 8'86 20' JUCHEM DITCH EASEMENT REC. NO. 92077010 I I I 5' SIDEWALK & SIGNAGE EASEMENT_ REC. NO. 92077010 I I I I N40'45'38"E 10.00' I N49'14'22"W 18.75' �. 40 0 40 80 SCALE: 1"=40' \ BK. 1741, PG I 462 \ 1/ p _ BK. 1717, PG. 336 �� - __ - _ _ _ A ®� - i 1�LOT LINE HEREBY L ---__-----------------� Q----__.-_-- - _J REMOVED BY THIS PLAT r /------------------ -- :::.- - - - - - - - po= -- SO'48'20"E�_ NO'03'12"W \ /------------------------� �\ 21.89' r '\ X18.30' _/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ s ®26� Z `N6 7°12'58"E STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT --- - - - - - -- -- -- 9.29' HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT 5' PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT o BK. 1483, PG. 545 u W4 -4 NO -49'48"E _S88'38'49"E 59.44' BK. 1672, PG. 423 8p 6 p, -- a� - I S1'21'11 "W POINT OF STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT ;J 14.09' ®� _ ®� I�14.00' BEGINNING' I' HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLATS A0l N88'44'06"W 59.31 13.00' ROW RESERVATION 3s6� S89°13'43"W 190.03' F� HEREBY CREATED BY THIS N53'43'48"E 28.89' PLAT FOR FUTURE RIGHT-OF-WAY 549'14'22"E 18.75' / w h. L='15.73' / 15' ROW FOR SWADLEY DITCH w r R=25.00' / ' / n _ � N CENTERED ON EXISTING DITCH / CH=531"12'53"E REC. N0, 92077010/ 1 15.47 25' UTILITY EASEMENT / A=36'02'57" REC. N0. 92077010 Z ` c ' Lp \'N `S13'11'25"E L=9.44' f ', 1 56.82' R=15.00') 10' DRAINAGE ESMT. CH=N31'12'53 ( N CREATED BY THIS PLAT - 9.28 A=36'02'57" �S76'48'35"W 10.00' N19'42'33"E 31.53' / S89012'57"W 252.61' / m cn rn N : 0 0 a co N Et POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SE CORNER SECTION 17 FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS 13212 END 0 FOUND #5 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP PLS 31934 FOUND 1-1/2" ALUMINUM CAP PLS 5112 SET #5x18" REBAR WITH BLUE PLASTIC CAP PLS 38162 PROPERTY LINE LOT LINE (CREATED) - LOT LINE (REMOVED) ----- RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE -- -- CENTERLINE OF ROAD - - ACCESS EASEMENT - - - - - - DRAINAGE EASEMENT - PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT - - - - - UTILITY EASEMENT --- - - - - -- PSCO EASEMENT WATER EASEMENT - - - -m - - STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT NOTES: 1. THE STORM DETENTION AREAS AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT HEREIN SHOWN AS "STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT" AND "DRAINAGE EASEMENT" SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILE BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DETENTION AREA AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA OR DRAINAGE EASEMENT WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. 2. THE AREA SHOWN HEREIN AS, "13 FOOT ROW RESERVATION -,IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR THE FUTURE IMPROVEMENT OF TABOR STREET. NO PERMANENT STRUCTURE SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN SAID RESERVATION AREA. THE OWNER OF LOT 1, MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE, FILING 1 SHALL RETAIN THE RIGHT TO USE SAID RESERVATION AREA UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE TABOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT COMMENCES. AT THE TIME OF COMMENCEMENT 0"r SAID TABOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, UPON REQUEST THE RESERVATION AREA SHALL BE ACQUIRED AT FAIR MARKET '1ALUE AND THE LAND TITLE CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'°'Avc, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 301235.2857 Michael Moore HKS 1] 20 Lincoln Street Suite 1000 Denver, CO 80203 Dear Mr. Moore: This letter is in regard to the first resubmittal for approval of a Specific Development Plan amendment and plat for property located at 4800 Tabor. The application has been reviewed and the following are comments regarding the second submittal. PLAT DOCUMENT SHEET ONE I . In note 10, modify the map date to February 5, 2014, 2. In note 12, remove the words "the consolidate". 3. Because this will be an administrative approval, remove the Planning Commission certificate. 4. Modify the City Council certificate to read, "Approved this day of 2014 by the City of Wheat Ridge." 5. SHEET TWO No changes. SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN SHEET ONE I. In the zoning statement, correct the zoning reference to Planned Commercial Development. 2. In the Project Description, correct the zoning reference to Planned Commercial Development. 3. Add the following note: "If it is determined that inadequate parking has been provided for the assisted living expansion, the Community Development Director can require additional on-site parking be provided by the owner." 4. Because this is not a plat document, please remove the dedicatory language provided in the Owner's Certificate after the legal description. SHEET TWO I. Easements already vacated should have reception numbers. SHEET THREE 1. Add the reference easement information for the southern portion of the property. wwwA.wheatridge.co.us 2. In the middle of the graphic, the word "electric" is misspelled. 3. Please fill in the recording information for the Valley Water easement on the north side of Lot 1. 4. Designate the new property line between Lots I and 2 as being created by plat. 5. Inadequate parking is provided for the expansion. On the parking chart, all parking is based on the nursing home ratio of one space for every five beds plus one for employees on maximum shift. However, the city code has a specific ratio required for congregate care/assisted living facilities at .75 spaces per bedroom plus one per employee on maximurn shift. Also, none of the docurnents, provided are consistent as to what is existing and what is proposed. Those include the statement of need fi-om the administrator, the prior final development plan and the proposed specific development plan. Please address. 6. Staff would strongly recommend that the facility contact adjacent commercial developments to inquire about overflow parking. SHEET FOUR 1. Indicate how the elevations are consistent with the Design Principles detailed in Section 4.1 of the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM), This should address faqade detail, facade articulation, entrance features, materials used and facade fenestration. SHEET FIVE 1. Indicate how the elevations are consistent with the Design Principles detailed in Section 4.1 of the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). This should address facade detail, faqade articulation, entrance features, materials used and facade fenestration. The following are referral responses from outside agencies. JEheat Ridge Public Works. See attached commentsftont DaveBrossinan dated February 26, 2014. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly and submit two hard copies of the specific development plan and plat, two copies of the technical documents and an electronic copy of all documents. If you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2861 F: 303,235,2857 February 26, 2014 Mr. Michael Moore, PE, Harris, Kocher, Smith 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 Denver, CO 80203 303.623.6300 Re: Second Review Comments of the Final (LLA/Consolidation) Plat, and Specific Development Plan for the Mountain Vista building expansion project located at 4800 Tabor Street, Case # WZ-13-03 (PCD Amend,) & S-13-08 (LLA/Cons Plat), Dear Mr. Moore, I have completed the second review of the above referenced documents received on February 12, 2014, and I have the following comments: PLANNING & ZONING Specific Development Plan: Sheet 3 Pro Deed Site I�`1an : L All previous comments have been addressed, The Specific Development Plan is approvable from a Public Work standpoint. UMMAMOM Sheet -1.1 1. All previous comments have been addressed. The Final Plat is hereby approved from a Public Works standpoint, 'Sheet I 1. All previous comments have been addressed, The Final Plat is hereby approved from a Public Works standpoint. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Right -of -Way Construction Perm it(s)/Licensing a. ROW Permits. Prior to any construction within the public right-ot'-way (ROW), the necessary Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right -of -Way Construction Permits are issued by the City only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage wwwxi,w beat ridge.co, us February 26, 2014 Page 2 Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. b. Ljcgnsin�. All work within the public Right -of -Way shall only be performed by a municipally -licensed contractor, 2. Public Improvement Restoration/Debris Tracking It will be the responsibility of the contractor for the prqject to repair any damage to the existing public improvements along W. >T9'1' Avenue and Tabor Street as a direct result of related construction traffic. Also, the contractor will be responsible for maintaining W. 49"' Avenue and Tabor Street on a regular basis such that they remain free of construction debris and tracking from construction traffic accessing the site 3. Drainage Certification w/As-Built Plans required prior to C.O. Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer -of -Record Mr. Michael Moore, P.P., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the overall site grading was completed per the approved Grading and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed per the approved construction plans and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be Submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As -Built Plans on the Currew Qy Danitin for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy- Threc (3) copies of the "As -Built" Plans are to be submitted as follows: a. One (1) hardcopy is to be signed & sealed on 24" X 36" bond paper, and b. Two (2) electronic files of the As-Built's are to be delivered on DVD/CD-ROM as follows: One (1) tile in AutoCAD 2010 DWG format AND one (1) file in PDF format. 4. Storm water Maintenance Agreement and 0 & M Plan Required All post -construction Best Management Practices (BMP') for water quality must be maintained and inspected by the property owner(s) per Section 20-34 of the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws. For above -ground detention facilities with outlet structures, underground detention facilities, porous landscape detention areas, porous pavement, and centrifuge type devices such as a Rinker Stornicepterg, a Storinwater Maintenance Agreement accompanied by an Operations and Maintenance (0 & M) Plan will be required prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The 0 & M Plan shall be kept current and will be inspected on a regular basis by City staff to ensure compliance with the State and local requirements. The 0 & M Schedule/Log is typically assembled by the Engineer -of -Record, must be kept current by the property owner, and will be inspected on a regular basis by City staff to ensure compliance with City of Wheat Ridge, Municipal Code requirements. Contact Bill LaRow, Stormwater Program Manager at 303.235,2871 for additional information. 11MMIRM Information pertaining to the Public Works development requirements, land surveying, platting, and ROW information, as well as the City's Standard Street Construction, and Stormwater/Erosion Control Details are available on the City of Wheat Ridge website at: wtvitxi. wheat ridge, co. us Mountain Vista Retimint .4800fabor-Plai-Sileflan Only -approval, ftrdoex February 26, 2014 Page 3 Please include I hardcopy of each document accompanied by electronic riles in PDF for"J'at of all documents accompanied by an AutoCAD 2007 DWG rite of the Plat with the next submittal. The electronic files may be delivered either on CD-R.OM with the hardcopy submittal or sent by e- mail to me at: dbr2jjwanj�i.avhetrid €.co.us. NOTE: • Incomplete submittals are not considered as being under review. • The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact are at 303.235.2864, Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer/ City Surveyor Steve Nguyen. Engineering Manager Meredith Reckert. Senior Planner Bill LaTtow, Stonnmiter Program Manager 1"'He vi-w-wAn heatridge.coms Mountain Vista Retimint,-48001'al)or_Plat-Sitepla�I ()jjjv - appr(�vnt hr,docx LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 41 n.aama.w iR1..a RRMkt I.OrcaswMrPRCf caxM1a BENCHMARK: eelw.re,IemDM.s,mM,1aY•,q.+r,ox.ew,s4Rx wOE.VRs,ala.n Qu asso.lm u rao nraxMarca ncRiaoa Yc,w.roawaR sEc,olw. aoa.k.c.Rae.na s.sakmaa wv 4w.iox.sr)I x.w.ks iEm BASIS OF BEARINGS: aAgfs.R RWDa M Us t.La fH SaMaMf! is SIO,.A +r. ra/gl. ).q,Ox PM/.i "- .pYeMlm.lM SON1uii DMRM. fYf : aA[P a 9.a _ .1senus aen.rtDv+u+rgees.Recwurxmgmuslusx4rgo, wr. REr.aasn HSMz.Ra q•r ZONING STATEMENT: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: .er,�.lrsMae,mR..gDK.mlmx,l ,M,.REM1gMEx, .�iexs u��o�u a.rto sni�.ceo+�sra�aa. e'Dror�esaow.Dmox..xr vngam n,.�a grorms�uu)as Msaxrs wgeR anamomsw �awo seen RkrtR,es ulaR EK,K uo gwmgommlma kgmaDrtu.nurnmu wry ama+xn NOTES: � rOgmckeHmeMRf4l.roa MlE4lOeM aYEafk Oa�tll3Oa CgfeO, elMOMW PpMu.M la YO,4.)ga M P,.a M(I! YR SI.mkODR'HaMa [aIMIDYIw�['.t a,x 9ECIxM.l.eia MOM1agIE.f ROalO,kx'MID 1 aa/ggRMlwMHCmllbra MOrvalxG.f Raa DO.m Mm . ��acays+FMw,x Y.�gx.blO.MOT'aNGl.sea sm.sm pFvktae.0.r� s mraMoaxiDl.�`ibKam'`"M`E amMsgronwDxbD,o�n.sesaMrn.a+w.,la, . amgglEMwnuDpFv.a MOrcarMMrlaa mrm.lo aropemR CASE HISTORY rra r¢aa RRou x¢nq x¢.wa. ra.,w. MOUNTAIN VISTA -AL, TCU, SNF PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT SITUATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COLORADO x un krtsRe SITE ad e E NhsSi �� •' t�5 LANDSCAPE AROMP. OUTDOOR DESIGN CROUP SHEETINDEX aaO.gDPq Mx s umMlFavk6 .,m16 CMLENGNEER HARRIS KOCHER e SMITH DEVELOPER: SURVEYOR'S CER nFICATE- PLANNYIG CtlINNS90N mrnEMwtION: �, uRa rP.x., oD xou. anm N.1 M oxs. a M ea.okq a .rrRaEm eb _ D.r a ml., n M orc a ars + e z swrr Kr. almEx, ql.a iRRIO x0 .. au emE n a aur tem nreaa mrs9ol. w um w aen svonsr Mo m M Hs a n oaama. era..na Mo eau. r kmim.xa .n xs .PnlueE ms.00 A alaexr agYp [OOr 45 MIOOm. M .aO.MnRL PLw .CORI.Rr IeIHIIxR SM SIII4.. a.Ee9C/ 9aAM COURTY aERK ANO REG]RDERS mTTIErcATE CITY CM*XA aR: n•c a moE.Do I MRamm Ra _ a. a ra.. Kan .v+wsu er 14 M Orc a e1G! eea. WMirc a p10W1 sce®r aqm n.1 es srwv rs rvn x M oma a M mum aoa "qtr .ro ammo. a uiasol mkrc .! ORllfk moR.Da .! nimsol m.rc apo Mm aarmER r I meeeerc araaxm wm I a. ka.i.. Ku scan as ax,nt .c.. mon.DD xw-wm+ maoura w e.rM, xoa .4Do.na a M Rooc. xaw,+.R aenar oar u Wnn xae uma.rmll o mmoa . ma. Iglanp,r maU.AO• S.O M NEM a ak iEYRRrc • vum a Euo HRc tors ,. r. •a s kmx,r .mr. a,mw1 WNZ -alk Mi. REa4m .1 a®ru xa 9m1m10 a M aCwna M � Am+ arrc m�i,e.� R�mm0. 9N.rm M M aNR ¢Cb1 t), iM R.IIa M CIT a M In PAI(pk Y(eOlk OM1 a .fAi .RW. m.M1 a Dipl•Ol mesexam .r M maews! memR a sM Ycna rr. Mxa Ran aomr esr Mase M un u[ a s.o sasReut aueluE . omrra n esex m, m M muacMs! awxol a sm Wr e.R M Va11 a HosR.a Mat kOC M a1NifR a SM lOR I. 1. Mm O M fMoam ,al '!O) WUHS I soon enr.r an.. omwRz a 1mm rm: :) man Omar 1.. Dal.xa a rm: s1 min earn - o*.. Dsks¢ a ." Mau MI. q xaa ssrnr an, . oslsa a r 4 iur: +� ror a:c . asks a .an rm m. rolr w e�kvc M .Rc os s.o aeM m M ear w .1m tpDn a rs.. r. s.o mvxc su.w . R.ws a Ra s¢i, . axeck •Rn[ a enrn'..rm . aoo e.a HiRs xrN u�nr ran . oam omksa a nls rar; q slmn enrn' un. • oa,M.a a urs rtn; ,a man one+Y usr, . asr.xa a .1.Y rt[, m M Eaxr a mn_ nam saws !ar a ) n k eaa a am w+[ um W,. meaeom .rm M„m 54O wo .t RR M dare aaa mn.lm oma M x..c ko s,Ri a eA I[l1[eRxi W/Q .1lamle),f K. r . I 4JDIg9al . VMI,11 a M Orc a NAI .DuZ mW.tlO .1m Bti Dey .[4xrs W aDG4 m iROVERrc SxO.I M 11a,-a-rr. Mm 00 MMR OmVl2 m M Orc a W.1 ADa k0 Dxr4 1M.�klr ONO MpAb eO.®Nl. nAlla.>m VAIRS .Rm 5[R.aS 1104 BIROS a 4k ggeRrc W W RKVfF. R@.W MO aRRQXNi !al kl Y [ MS M6LaS m lmr leeim m RM101e Ym a(Ta -11 L.41E1E5. Mip SNiMT YR[R aes x.DR.xR s,OIM qRR 5RR1a Nm VRI HRMRa PODS Sr,Ffl IWR .Im .a MPARx.Ma2 MHm n n.rz o mORMD ta.rc a DR0.5d )' M iNOa14 Kraa[xi W M)D1Ol[m9 en0a a MS _ p.. Kr. sera ua axrtc .c.. ma.oa xr-vRan cww.nw 1184 W NYm kD algk Y4 Vt a'11RI159b1 EDYfS _ — _ xorwr nHK M, xae .s9so.ea a M .Da, koRllwxs ,oven. uo.l u WM! lac .smonml a asana . mwMo xa-vvmr cosa.Ra 9. s4rz a mown ll aR.+rc a .mnrsa I M I.— KRLee, e.e /OdOlLD.1O Hine a r1.e _ pnr a _AO Ia•T /S a WM, IUe .SSW.RA a M qa. YaRlipi i0eea..IRIEx .O WM,1lae .59so.na a mwnoa . mann «o.-I.mr meV1.Rq Re4 n xkm up ar'oM 4k x. 0.W9a E-1 _ ARCHITECT: MWAM WL%NIETT ' OaNaikPlHe OMR yre?tNE.r. OM .r GEfR �i s,Irllf asOGt 111KIC VDCw� mRa_ O})YIIpN merr. ARCHTECTS "I" - wa�a Roerskwcoas+ - �M miro-i�Dr !^• ISSUEDATE: COVER SHEET 12-10-2013 MOUNTAIN VISTA -AL, TCU, SNF PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT SITUATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO W. 49TH AVENUE IT 4 t- -wi =wum 0 L. 5� PT T -W I 1-M 0I.Mll", HARRIS KOCHER SMITH e, ars ISSUE DATE 12-10-2013 m5uRTA-liq 7977AL 77 917, PUNN05 i�5MMERMTL 0EVEL5PPENTMin i . .. .... . . .... ... ..... ... .. .. . ...... ..... .. . .. s�� MOUNTAIN VISTA -AL, TCU, SNF PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT SITUATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF,IEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO �. X 49TH AVENUE a p 77` - tort S R (m PC rG'=#1 RAT) _ �. ana "4 f 6 iY6M y 9V "6 IKi ............ ..... f% t Ck+ .w w 4 v l"AitAY n� t"a � ,T£ �A t 6'W � iR H. P'F 4fiC C Mt Blgt11NG tp'V, V%UI mm tat �t _r 0.F +rJ. '4 ,. r �+ Ywn amnia ' k t5N � � 4 yxry} --------- ' RUp�PtdTdM61Y11�"sAt atk�,NYx+T�flS n�AbittA"» �'AMANH%W ^�CPRMIxxi `�4tx'}MPXY.4P3d [EaK£ URECw4'�Mbt�RS kiIwNP.id&t^. MOUNTAIN VISTA -AL, TCU, SNF PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT SITUATES fiN THE SOUTHEAST QUART OF SECVON 17, TOWNSHP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE STH PRiNCIPAL MERMIAN, U OF WHEAT ROGE, COUNTY CF .JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SOUTH ELEVATK)N AT OO(MTYARD/LJYWWOfNM SOUTH EAST ELEVATON AT COURTYARDILM401DNM PARTIAL WWr VIEW Sl-K)WM EXISTM SMOING . ............... ... . ... .. . . ...... .... .. pp 11--7 WEST ELEVATK)N iECT1CNd' iiEVATKdId KEY NOTES Al�ll In", v— ­0so- AKMIN A:, nV'l I k I ' I N.D- 'A% CI VNI 12-10-2013 ARCIJ, ELEVS I PLAN AMENDMENT SNF MOUNTAIN VISTA—AL, R g PLANNED COMMERCIAL EVEL O ENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLANAMENDMENT E SITUATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP ,3 SOUTH, RANGE Fro NEST OF THE 6111 PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLLOOADO k§k k SECTION AND ELEVATION KEY NOES 5 5wv 4n3 � n u r.,t. / s t ` x w( N 10 S F } Y Al + t 4 NORTH ELEVATION �u,rs 4�'w rw,r BACK/COUWYAM ELEVATION 52 40 x0,13 ARCH .LEVE CBS t�}7 2BIt4�„ _ �If�Ed �„tTF,a„ '.NT PLAN AMENDMENT MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE FILING NO. 1 A REPLAT OF LOTS 1. 2, AND 5, MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE - FINAL PLAT SITUATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. 4X LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT AND CONSOLIDATION PLAT r.'.�u::sEsviLsr xtlx szmB or tl mL°lu'1p0.mMOr a cord K+�+aa':ivi ui ¢0°M o.'0em° a�aPON°"Kai 'na �' SHEET 1 OF 2 "Scars°s5R'nr :a` ow"m'rr on uRr, w (owcYOp wrwuioe"'�i.rlw rs swr"w�Mfa smR. car wcEn ro M r•IYsr oaf ra+NxFa ]n wus Ia1l]Iao a rwwz n coal tl WO BRri. WR I, 2 MO i YOFS•w M5+• E1Elalr YLL•a - IY14 cl•+. ECOF[D •+ E®Oa Ib 9X]AIa tl M a M 1110691 CaFn CLOW NO ECOR[R 1 F M SaM•a(I aurla a YCIIa I ], taEali ] YUM, BNTa BS Y(ST a M BM rrMaBN EIOM. on tl IatNn FR•r IIm, tl 1nERal zurz matin YIM .anwNrt. aalan •s la[o16 I\lII1SI104 •! M sIUMNst Cavp1 a SIF YarMF n: MMT M �iir Y[SI Nay M LIST YI[ a 5•a SalMul OaSRv, • Im+•ITa tl .1. 1Qr U M m.- rDF[a tl SYO LITT IT, ROM•Z MOIa Nat M cOF[IIF a Sb laR I, L NE ] M rWL+iK IT. (fa) WBB42 17 SCI. K11r!' • MtYR tl Imm r ]) M. —VII' -T. +. • p6r•TR ITT n W -1.1.S A SaMIR+rF' Etc. • on•TI¢ a I]r F tel: •) saM r+rsr Es+.. asrNa a rizF Rt. 5) IatF !ZM'1' Ezt. • OI51•Ira a )xX R[r; l zz wnr EZr, • plrua a Fm car; i — m— s[3i • p61•IIa a W )! . Po • iawt a ..1., !) NOF M ICI tl SMa OIRI[ N M FIFI u MK ILxaM R 11u REr SNo WE IYFF • B•Ws a Ifm RFr • m1PN oat a wsrn'. NF • olam wBa ENR IIOnM ulrlr usl • oam aSrNla a n.0 Tu+. S) v r -Or Ilornl Orin' [•SL • a]IIBq 0 Bn.a III) sIMNr nr E... • W— -11 5] mi N M ravel a EOBMc llruK Tint Sa1.rE m+ Q) ri •QS YOR I. l6i Tart U WT. Y®I10m NF MiRll vn T.NF u 14 M M•wE IIEa CatYRo Imp M Y•E IIo SW tl IM- v EtBOOIr Elra Rwt It. I • 9Ra 9ai a • cur a M On O FUi Ela mOt•m FO T MY F�YR III ­ +a M aM1 tl wt MOa NO M 0.aF MOS glllbR a EK IVR[gn SxaM •5 Fat -a-µ•, ITD W MMI abf R la M On a (110OIR M M Ca6tIUCtq�F5alµi•IWx, p�FS�0. uIp101ua. Eou NF OumUr+ M Ill 4R'•a Sa6 sraOXt N9� u "aOi AQ PIraIR tit rN1CNFA�RYYCtIMH+a Rx u9 YNruv YEv IFCi xrM•ITR StOOI uRA SSRY] uO IRi aRM+A 5r•R a (a011m ) )f Cahn o IIl[I6d ) M roxnorra rrsMBon Y•s rmlpa[oaD Baan E na _ ar tl .D. n_ n •s a YFF+NB SRn I(NM CYR OIRx MC. • mIAIDa Ma -Kar ms01•na. r, M Iwo No Irrro•L Y]rl •- caBiz9a [vBxs .T- Fa[ BUWi Ixa( ASSOa•aa O M FLtr Yaxl•Fs, aEF. FIBFI u BUWr IqR utpa•+IpY a mowaa • maB•aa Ma -FRT fOB91•IpI st•rz O mO•oo ) WIITM1 tl iftpROT) ` tl BUWS TFIS� SSoosF} tl M FTI] YawT•FS rOCLfli FFM• •f BUM1 qS .R�a•Ra a mmMQ • a1Oa00 NOI-Favtl cww•tla. v M4AB�INMO[D�tl1GN YN_ M IPd19afD. ®Yp M xaaB a M I>®a FYSt EmF[a •r EaiIMF Iq XBNBlRI tl M EO]Bm a M DrO15a COFn acw ut EmF[S IRF2v paHtrR to a•z IR•I mMIDa I(NM rNLr[5 IuaIOBn M u 51.9 a maIND ) mFn a mti6al j � M rOEl01a 6AeMr F•5 •avFE[oao ISfaS u CIS _ mr a __, ICI N_ Br •S a [aaT ENM rllalrl5 ruMaTm. whit Yr I4it Mt QnOH 4K Y. WIwBs9a OMQI +-'Yn F19c I i SITE w1-I/f FII t W F YFR Ball Fs Im} UtA•Tn3O)S'Y 'VICINITY MAP SCK[. I*-- aM1 pmaaaoRR109 Us+ WURB COFRa SCIOI 1) w1-I/f FII t W F YFR Ball Fs Im} UtA•Tn3O)S'Y - � Ta-Imlrazn•Kx - ]b [-+WIna � an a9wraFlvW sluM•s corm YcrMF I] raFo 1-I/.•MIs aP F BNtl sa Iss .m] Rm ro+zw ur-s.ra.ra]Bry >9 ICI-rmara.w»•. Y-nrWI.F E-IWION \ MMyy b� p�-} \RR sR0 Bm F laW Bm Bap N LBW Ba -J/If]lWY11 ar-Imar'Y}NF1 Y-litl'x).1XX1I or�mafsslrSrrY i- 111m�.ie _ �_xroeB.aro Fas ANOC KOo#R SAWN Ilsurrr� er.ar�Br. Perms Rsa]a� TMlrrr.w.FM, ♦ M a•Blpr an Wta monax MId x4D n • ITIIINDµ5C0 Ypprao raBv a M xIDFSM sI•R RN[ CmR•R SKRY, mIAID[ axn4 !IM mm. YwAriUL aNY I]Sm R M vaYM NRFf RPIYh aaSr a Ivo Ik•NMF) 4 aaM N Iro CaIFIm scut rN',a rs oBE]BRom srKm raa 9•Y Iblr IMN; I IFIE+EYT I.a ImIBB•n Wxr•a Tali PI x•Nt M raaot IwnS�B] St•R 0..v1 momF•rz1 IMN; I EFTIwt I]ana n r•mF ]IIIm] SCI n1r.Ya. Fn B] ]. ZCV� . OaS b+ Ca6RUR •SRF Yud h IUAs BOO1R YBM N artaFa pwU9s M UYY[vR a ECOD. to NS KIYIY•na �E varR, Far -a -r• Fo rm} a amm. xN.m .a]u srM IRan Iwr mra.] ru na[ Fsawa. cwvndr xo xa-n] -YFs calm m msi NoxPw nn[ m x.Et M ortcmt art tl Nlalsr ]L ]am I+ em •F i xaBa NTLFR4 to md•oo W IDU Mst IbBSIR NTr ISaI •CSpI B•40 liar •llr OOLCS v M5 SIREr wnM CIM[ RN6 NRI rW rmr IlscolR sod artcr, w xo mi Ynr K. KIMF Y•Yo Ira Nn m[n w nE aYMv Y m.MEso YOE MM rtx xa6 ma M art a M axmura 91pwT IORa r -w •E CIN YNMm tl M mdIDD SI•R RN[ Waprurt surd. avrS.N XE a5a2 NaM NRFcaII CITY ISBS/B], u44 an a Fl•r Ba¢ amx Callnl M Ix EIEd on tl I.ut ma rasa ralR Fuc -I •IF Fuc-}. a SIOFI Ilia 6 I•vM nn>rr ESt f qx COA•W EStSm Z+INRs YC ]F!I-+m (LJ, •u LKu IKrs aOCRD a rTa LNF 9Ri• M] •E u5 4FRr rRI .av , A!) as{6 Br I] U S B.FVSr TSU N]RL IL Po M µF11,4 MZRNR a S]NCNDS •rF Raiaopr. ] M Qaa(K Pout Taaol•R at• YIOEI KAOx IYS Ed pfAMa naY M xIa d) FIBI sl•A FNS maMNp mTAN rp 5•SRYL Nq Ir•5 • IYve]dlN NYIwIR QASSRa+I(w tl oa] US y1R• rat •r M ili miKMZ CINE u OOFEa F M � .. . BoltaFF •wFxcr sruFNex a M +muN amx mltm sIFCIiErM (cmc-sN- W]: -RET ]. M SRM arzrma NUS tit ou.Nz [•4rIXr IaxF BroM IS TIaSIµrt1 aRMiMw [Ni•l+lt I]F vnIa E•YIOIf 91.111 E m6RNCAD •r0 Y•w+NED B• M OM[9 NO 91BSaO0It OEfl6 IRFi 9w�406 NO A S F M Uf+Tr M•1 91d fO6aYCnd wtl "IT —1va 6w�+ A60YD T tID OFa[ M an tl ES•t qOa "T . INE M Fat ro drta SOd Nx• •rF FIrFE E[[Euv qIl ITTTIF arta{ . 9r S up •5905 NE[s ro vv MO YDBIL O sMFNR El E CORRCrtD M M amrcF d au1•a [ meMt •TF IN /r¢Z W NRRrnpxsM xrdlNSt dMK015KZ a M aRvip N¢. W muua lwlar .0 E YNx Eeai M . aN a M orRcrw ITT a wYF .wR e M uU 9UM Ippl u'+1 WT Fn —.A-', TI It>®r EYSsm IOt M NM FMmLExr tl I— S1E[r Iq gpvul]o siFtaK 91•LL E NLaBm Far sIY E4R+IBa IN.L M aEIY tl lot 1. YaMr 561• EFYYdr Yli•a, rfNt r a•u 111 M FOIL +O IH LF Estlulp Y[• IIBR SIMM M T1Z M i•Bm sM[i YAD1EMr FPolGt IDIBlOI¢i •i M iF[ tl NSSYaEY1 a sop r•BO zIIQr TYKpREMr PO1R. lM? 40.Stt M R4M•+MN u[• aMa a •mwm •I r•w vNN[+ vNa IYO M IM DA[ ISMRp N M an a F(Ni IOa. 9. M ERSiBTp FaS55/fOR1S UYSUr aP NF •ao4 LOT ] SIOM EEa IS HEer vYaRD la M swln sawn rNfs FAM }a[ . a M RoaN CEtRItr Y.wI19Rxl •aE> Ram YrswNla B•rz Yw, mMKn rNRI w OYGYOM, µrlD TBR n, Xm Nr[ r 6 mKa •5 Nl•5 OIrSq M a]-FBa1r NF1N d•TIa ROWBI•M. I+. Fa M On a F4+rRp1 lowly YTP. am YIY}ai M 9ISR.Sta cnagn rs }p1D iW - FIXm muUvn aIQOF[llr. 12 M FIFu4 a t16 F•i 6 Po Yoory II LCaB1l➢R 1, ] NO ] YYP Ibl• Ei[ 1 Lot t - a4 Mt FN IDR I Mt ] T Tana M avocet or r Ewa •BawF wxB To I •rF EYBI1c M EsrtE1 uo (IFrallat s •Bo tE•EF • In lot Ix EtY¢A x}Y IISrIOLm _ M. T M N•t S(R an COFOL •061 an aGf Y•Ya fOOSrn p[]OIDExr pOCRw oB¢cla a Fac Flus •Ma ISIIMv, IMI -0 IlSav M•t M 5aM• M M p tl YawiM I -I EraYdT v -T W Iµ5 Y•a By K A aFU n m 9RIIY9a •O ITT M Esr a Yt IDIOIBma, ertleuna IIo m10. w I[ca•a•Ya YM 4L IrrltrF[ mWNp Sr•NRi —1 E Lara IS NwIrIMa, M N[.RiN[IK F•t •COAIRLr IRE4RR SND SI.ASv sT•rt a mato 1 mnn tl 1112MSax j � I III ­T amn Aar M6 0.•+ µ! RTD w M aro a M mMn ODM •In am•aP tl 1nOL501 CMn IT OaDSM, Ma IT papa_ Y a M_ ar a . w eod_ i.a m�I wFrr Iua •Ta Eao6d � w6.�r II, n awn APPONYAWaiw CASE HEMDaY�wwtaB la�� CIB1Cf SyIfII�YF. ol�m.�Eww� t11. i]f1[Ila� IR-n-ae E -n -m O -W -a, rr-e]-a. ICI -lo -ll, y� gtaYea•. MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE FILING NO. 1 A REPLAT OF LOTS 1, 2, AND 5, MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE - FINAL PLAT SITUATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT AND CONSOLIDATION PLAT v au•v SHEET 2 OF 2 wo !moi w a W p ��?°Or P.Ma BOt 0.e 1]tl} S 4 I I rt.uw iT — — _KEST 49TH AVENUE +amn lor}r. ���•^- �y` e•Klr2r' }r M9'IT1rE e}t ev u!e wm+Arr+rE nT — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SoaY•rt Jr --}--fir r4ln rru ----------- ------------ - ---------- r I I I I I aC M 0nIm01 at. q MImO \ \ I - }r _ 11 \ . a<.!. rae}W6 ;Y.OY2' AP 1108 as rm K Mi \ II .— FTR.T I orA \ $ I I I I ` I I ✓h K �?1 F r{.S `lm IK Ia®i Il' m � I I q LOT 2 I anWm m 116I �M1 I Y C' I Ilnt SQ n ^Ip �I I (r aamlc --T .w naearc. a.�s uaTo I x � I I 3 XOku .acs . I __ I so1Om a�e.T°rro n ilarAvr.T r vAun ..m [91r1 4o colrW .oessac .0 ru I \ TaT I " s6s.ue-e ix C I ac msnrWW LOT1 p S � � I }nAb ID. ft - O10d0 M ISMS RAT _ gQpyy1e Oe ! W Am[S e w� � I\ I I ... 116Y 6 I lK1110•r - aocc ora Aro aJP6r aroAn _anraoT a.r Tl J`T ati i ac ra ammo I a m}. Ic vet_ ------------ ------ � 1 1 Y, \_LOr ul[Mk1r 6 �` I �______________ ______r54___g _ aqm K1 -T a.x[ _ .lf_} rar! p aeu rm nua • R}sa W Rs nw � 1l!!It} 1/r 4WFM W 4r tr aux rM flYF • R4SM W RS Jlna mauTv ,K aT u[ (acAw) LOT u[ Q—) ______ WA•A¢[•v[ur - - - RArsW}A tA4ecr} rA41nT rA4Tg1 — — rATIA ruee[cr Slatlx.1010(-- rA4101T r5n '10 s9xwxesol•a uvar I IY/, ;,1________________Ys�m¢�r wlpyyrl naemrtll arenTllW uve>,r\\ an•Aram erumaT MQ]FS c sn Y}mme j' J � r. 11r smw alrzm� wc+s um mw.a r.uTaT �Yar� v�a.rl .s'srw.uTu artxrol cwaxr wo ww+a ,� u¢11wr 9uLL fl cmTwcTm Alo cvwT.rm m M oral 4o ae4anlr er.Tn Ioa 9%Qt50M Ivo vsv:s JKJe'gT M.0 Mr nur 4M 0�6rRCrIW u0 eulT[Y4Ni R MOr RIrOWtD rl La OMm. M On a M•r NOa 91IW __j I st]tYM1 roeca wt(M rWT r0 prte 9A01 MIFA Ax0 R1YaY aa55Aw qpr. M aKt a r1d SMD 0.10.81005. 41aiSSOK wa mvr ,Aarr1. Brawn 'JF.()NcMPLAVF: so¢ Ilocrx r0 vAr. w euoRc a S1NCva vu a mTsmcw w M rcrwru we. wo m r.a (.vcrn uo I �. olura er IRs RAT '�Qv. b Mr«yeti air X03d@ A° b IJ141u a 41aATn6 AIrtc11w M vrW4Ac aa4rzl6T1cs a M artvnW .aA W aArAa uaa1+T Tlu �., fl 9•a re1WT M +R9W4 a M wrcla a alsc ors rK•Irrx ,Boor olra'.et Iw�r �� � 06 � u!t]Tb'( xK } M AIrA J0.0M 1001 AS'IJ IWT av a4NATne'. 6 rfMB'I a5(0H0 ra�NOJlr rRp.[lret a rABat SM]T. MI rat NNr r9tT-a-Mr b grA1pT 56KNr Je4L fl ALLOT rMe SIO R4AVAr01 u0A M l 1 1, - S T atrea 1 tpOp• YT.Yfe NI.SR RMO 19141 aryl M F' r01/Y SIO aSLWAION AHA 1 91p n0. u 1 TAea J 1 eIIN.WAi ate n' .. RpACT 0e01� Af M K a ml0.[IlaedT 1 SAO rA9m SMcI WnONYC r w0[[I, aG' a01rSt M 0.aS0Tfr � � � a5910Ain1 A6A 9•W fl AWreO AT rllr vAlr[T v4a Av0 M tuO nT,0. 1a0Jrt0 N M On O rYAT Pn 1�1!}S n u' eo. ron arol � �Tt�w »mesio �Y 1.Yu Y ylti�-nnrnt 1 e•K io.nsn-i'sr.� I x � \ slr.rrnoruTm m n6 ryT, - , , � si•°'� � � � � e rav°sr 1 0. •4 / ow � arvzv2 i � sr•Tzsrw zszer i ?tiC a <':r:'-:•. i �l - IrorT a mwllalcx, - 4 aveQ 4[m11) ralO }I/i BPw10 W x eANa em 0.! T]TI February 6, 2014 RidgeMs. Meredith Reckert, AICP City of Wheat 7500 W. 29h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 800 33-8001 RE: Mt. Vista Specific Development Pian Amendment 1'° Review Comment Response HKS Project No. 130411 Dear Ms. Reckert, In response to the comments we received for the Mt. Vista Specific Development Pian Amendment from the City of Wheat Ridge, I submit the following responses to your comments: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMENTS SHEET ONE 1. Modify the title to read "Mountain Vista — AL, TCU, SNF Planned Commercial Development, Specific Development Plan - The title has been modified as requested 2. For curiosity sake what do "AL, TCU and SNF" stand for? - AL = Assisted Living, TCU = Transitional Care Unit and SXF = Skilled Nursing Facility 3. Add a zoning statement. - Zoning statement has been added 4. Please provide an explanation of the amendment (description of the project). Include zoning on the property, existing and proposed conditions. - Project description has been added 5. Add a case history box with the following case numbers: WZ-72-0 , WZ-77-08, WZ-8504, WZ- 87-04, WZ-90-11, WZ-98-06, WZ-13-03, MS -13-03. - Case history has been added. 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000, Denver, Colorado 80203 1 P:303.623,6300 I F:303.6216311 .harriskochersrnith.corn 6. in the surveyors' certificate, designate who will be signing the document. - This information has been added.. 7. The owners' statement doesn't match the plat. Please make sure these two documents are consistent. The OKners' statement has been updated to match the plat. 8. Add a note that the zoning development regulations will follow the Commercial- One (C-1) zone district standards pursuant to Section 26- 218 of the zoning and development code. The above requested note has been added. . Add the following note: Fencing shall be consistent with Section 26-603 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. The above requested note has been added. 10. Add the following note: Landscaping shall be consistent with Section 26-502 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. - The above requested note has been added 11. Add the following note: Parking shall be consistent with Section 26-501 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. The above requested note has been added 12. Add the following note: Site and building lighting shall be consistent with Section 26-503 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. - The above requested note has been added. 13. Add the following note: Signage shall be consistent with Article V11 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. - The above requested nate has been added 1. Add the following note: Architecture and site design shall be consistent with the Architectural and Site Design Manual. - The above requested note has been added 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000, Denver, Colorado 80203 1 P :303.623.6300 1 F ;301623.6311 1 MM.harriskochersmithcom HISS . ............. 15. In the Planning Commission certificate, indicate that the Commission will be approving the document. - The Planning Commission certificate has been updated. 16. Planning Commission certificate, indicate that the Commission will be approving the document. - The Planning Commission certificate has been updated 17. In the City certificate, indicate that the document is hereby approved by the City of Wheat Ridge. - The City certificate has been updated. 1. All easements being vacated should be referenced as being vacated "by plat". - All easement being vacated, or partially vacated, either by plat or by separate instrument have been labelled accordingly. If have questions about the easements that are being vacated, or partially vacated, please contact me to discuss as it is a little confusing. 2. In the lot coverage table for Lot 5, correct the reference to Lot 2. - The reference has been corrected SHEET THREE 1. Add the reference easement information for the southern portion of the property. - The above requested information has been added, 2. In the middle of the graphic, the word "electric" is misspelled. - This error has been corrected, 3. Please fill in the recording information for the Valley Water easement on the north side of Lot 1. - The recording infur mationfor this easement, or any other proposed easement, will not be available until Denver IMater (via Valley Water) has accepted the neu, water easements, or until the Lot Line Adjustment plat has been recorded 4. Designate the new property line between Lots I and 2 as being created by plat. - A label has been added making this designation, 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000, Denver, Colorado 80203 IP:303,623,6300 IF:303.623.6311 IMMharriskochersmithcom 5. Inadequate parking is provided for the expansion. On the parking chart, all parking is based on the nursing home ratio of one space for every five beds plus one for employees on maximum shift. However, the city code has a specific ratio required for congregate care/assisted living facilities at .75 spaces per bedroom plus one per employee on maximum shift. Also, none of the documents provided are consistent as to what is existing and what is proposed. Those include the statement of need from the administrator, the prior final development plan and the proposed specific development plan. Please address. - Per your phone conversation with Bill Brummett on 216114 please seethe attached letter from the At. Vista Retirement Community regarding the parking. 6. Staff would strongly recommend that the facility contact adjacent commercial developments to inquire about overflow parking. - Per your phone conversation with Bill Brummett on 216114 please seethe attached letterfirom the Mi. Vista Retirement Cominunit), regarding the parking, SHEET FOUR 1. Indicate how the elevations are consistent with the Design Principles detailed in Section 4.1 of the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). This should address fagade detail, fagade articulation, entrance features, materials used and fagade fenestration. - Please see the attached letter from William Brummett Architects in response to this comment, 2. Indicate how the elevations are consistent with the Design Principles detailed in Section 4.1 of the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). This should address faVade detail, faVade articulation, entrance features, materials used and fagade fenestration. - Please see the attached letter front William Brummett Architects in response to this comment, -VMJW1&*J W 9 *10 LAMM 3 LVEKIAld SHEET 3 (PROPOSED SITE PLAN): 1. For the proposed sidewalk along W. 49th Avenue, please include text for the new ADA ramp as well. - This information has been included. 2. Indicate the proposed detectable warning panel (truncated domes) for the west side of the W. 49th Avenue entrance. - This it has been included. 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000, Denver, Colorado 80203 1 P :303,6216300 1 8 *301623.6311 1 Www, harriskochersmithcom REFERRAL COMMENTS The Applicant has contacted Mr. Steigleder about providing an E mergency Access & Common higresslEgress easement across the newly created Lot 2 cif the Alountain Vista Filing No. 1. During this conversation we discuss the configuration of the easement which has been included on both the plat and planning document, FRUITDALE SANITATION DISTRICT The Applicant will be submitting the requested sanitaty sewer service connection information to the FruildaleSonitation District's engineer as requested, We will work them directly to address any additional comment related to the sanitary sewer connection for the proposed improvements, As indicated by Valley Water, we have been in contact with their office, The water improvements plans related to the building addition, and this 5DP Amendment, are currently in review by Denver U'ater with authorization by Valley Water. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POLICE DEPARTMENT CEL ENERGY The provided re fierral letter has been provided to the property owner / developer/ contractor as instructed on the letter. In addition to the comment response above, all redline plan modifications have also been completed, as applicable. If you have any questions or require additional information please feel free to contact me at any time. Sincerely, HARRIS KOCHER SMITH 71�� yArt� Michael S. Moore, P.E. Project Engineer 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000, Denver, Colorado 60203 1 P :303.6216300 1 F :303.623,6311 1 MMharriskochersmith com WILLIAM BRUMMETT ARCHITECTS A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 950 Logan Street, Suite #102, Denver, CO $0203 wbaobream mettarchitects.com P-7MS70,2302 F,IM570�2340 Ms. Meredith Reckert Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 291h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: Responses to Architectural comments - January 10, 2014 letter 4800 Tabor Street New Assisted Living Building Mt Vista Dear Meredith, Following is my response to your comments/questions regarding Sheet 4 and Sheet 6 (only) of January 10, 2014 relating to this project's conformance with Section 4.1 of the Architectural and Site Design Manual: VISION. KNOWLEDGE. HEART. WILLIAM BRUMMETT ARCMlTRC:TS A d tit t„ryMONA ., CORP . RA i(' N 950 Logan Street, Suite 102, Denver, CO 80203 ba@bru mmtt rchit ets.ca P-720,570,2302 F-7M57(, 3C} Facade Fenestration All of the above aforementioned design aspects and details provide the project design in a manner that meets the Design Principles of Facade Fenestration. Please feel free to contact me either by phone, 720.570.2302 or e-mail ba@brummettarchitects.com with any questions you may have. Thank you, Bill Brummett Principal William Brummett Architects VISION. KNOWLEDGE. HEART. guy ZZLZM��=- Senior Pianner 7500 West 29th Ave- 2nd Floor Wheat R;dge, co 80033 Re; Parking Calculations for Mountain Vista Health Center and Mountain Vista Assisted Living NEMMI U4 IN= *as a - & . 5A Our proposed plan shows a desien foLLtnt;§�&,Lj e case o t e new building), or are very old, frail, and suffer from a host of physical limitations and thus do not drive (in the case of the existing assisted living building), Furthermore, we have conducted a site and Staff survey and foun^#I♦ MI Using the nursing home requirement for the entire site yields t4e# 1 space/staff x 90 staff Total = 46 spaces = 90 spaces = 136 parking spaces required. We believe our plan showing 157 parking spaces will both meet your re 1111�11��Iggq *DiL . w . Best Regards, Mike Maschka Community Administrator Mountain Vista Retirement Community City of'Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'h Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303,235.2846 F: 3012352857 January 10, 2014 Michael Moore HKS 1120 Lincoln Street Suite 1000 Denver, CO 80203 Dear Mr. Moore: This letter is in regard to the first resubmittal for approval of a Specific Development Plan amendment and plat for property located at 4800 Tabor. The application has been reviewed and the following are comments regarding the initial submittal, PLAT DOCUMENT SHEET ONE 1. Add a zoning statement. 2. Please provide an explanation of the amendment relative to the plat modification-. 3, Add a case history box with the following case numbers: WZ-72-08, WZ-77-08, WZ-85-04, WZ- 8 7-04, WZ-90-1 1, WZ-98-06, WZ- 13 -03, MS -13-Q3 4. The owners' statement doesn't match the specific development plan. Please make sure these two documents are consistent. 5. Add a note regarding I00 -year floodplain designation. 6. On the certification blocks, the year of approval should be changed fi-olil 2013 to 2014. SHEET TWO 1. Designate the existing ingress/egress casement on Lot 2 as being herby vacated. 2. There needs to be an casement around the detention pond. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN SHEET ONE I Modify the title to read "Mountain Vista – AL, TCU, SNF Planned Commercial Development, Specific Development Plan, .— . ............ 2. For curiosity sake what do "AL, TCU and SNF" stand for? 3. Add a zoning statement. 4. Please provide an explanation of the amendment (description of the prqject). Include zoning on the property, existing and proposed conditions. 5. Add a case history box with the following case numbers: WZ-72-08, WZ-77-08, WZ-8504, WZ- 87-04, WZ-90-1 1, WZ-98-06, WZ- 13-03, MS -1 -03 6. In the surveyors' certificate, designate who will be signing the document. 7. The owners' statement doesn't match the plat. Please make sure these two documents are wivwxi.wbeatridge.co.us consistent. 8. Add a note that the zoning development regulations will follow the Commercial- One (C-1) zone district standards pursuant to Section 26- 218 of the zoning and development code. 9. Add the following note: Fencing shall be consistent with Section 26-603 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. 10. Add the following note: Landscaping shall be consistent with Section 26-502 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. 11. Add the following note: Parking shall be consistent with Section 26-501 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. 12. Add the following note: Site and building lighting shall be consistent with Section 26-503 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. 13. Add the following note: Signage shall be consistent with Article VII of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. 14. Add the following note: Architecture and site design shall be consistent with the Architectural and Site Design Manual. 15. In the Planning Commission certificate, indicate that the Commission will be approving the document. 16. Planning Commission certificate, indicate that the Commission will be approving the document. 17. In the City certificate, indicate that the document is hereby approved by the City of Wheat Ridge. SHEET TWO I - All casements being vacated should be referenced as being vacated "by plat". 2. In the lot coverage table for Lot 5, correct the reference to Lot 2. SHEET THREE I . Add the reference easement information for the southern portion of the property. 2. in the middle of the graphic, the word "electric" is misspelled. 3. Please fill in the recording information for the Valley Water casement on the north side of Lot 1. 4. Designate the new property line between Lots I and 2 as being created by plat. 5. Inadequate parking is provided for the expansion. On the parking chart, all parking is based on the nursing home ratio of one space for every five beds plus one for employees on maximum shift. However, the city code has a specific ratio required for congregate care/assisted living facilities at .75 spaces per bedroom plus one per employee on maximum shift. Also, none of the documents provided are consistent as to what is existing and what is proposed. Those include the statement of need from the administrator, the prior final development plan and the proposed specific development plan. Please address. 6. Staff would strongly recommend that the facility contact adjacent commercial developments to inquire about overflow parking. SHEET FOUR 1. Indicate how the elevations are consistent with the Design Principles detailed in Section 4.1 of the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). This should address facade detail, facade articulation, entrance features, materials used and facade fenestration. SHEET FIVE 1. Indicate how the elevations are consistent with the Design Principles detailed in Section 4.1 of the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). This should address fagade detail, fad ade articulation, entrance features, materials used and tagade fenestration. The following are referral responses from outside agencies. Arvada Fire Protection Di.strict. See attached letterfi-omSteve Stei City of Ml 1INKI City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W, 29'h Ave, January 3, 2014 Mr. Michael Moore, P.E. Harris, Kocher, Smith 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 Denver, CO 80203 301623,6300 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 301235286l F: 303,235,2857 Re: First Review Comments of the Final Drainage Report/Plan, Construction Plans, Final (LLA) Plat, and Specific Development Plan for the Mountain Vista building expansion project located at 4800 Tabor Street, Case # W7-13-0 (PCD Amend.) & MS -1-08 (LLA Plat). Dear Mr. Moore, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents received on December 18, 2013, and I have the following connnents: CIVIL EN!alNEERLNQ Final Drainage Report (Discussion): 1. The Final Drainage Report is approvable. 2. Please provide a P.E. sea] and signature on the Final Drainage Report for City approval. Please include 2 hardcopies and one scanned PDF of the signed & sealed Report with the next submittal, Final Drainage Report (APgendix): 1. The only comment I have is that the outlet structure calculations and design provides for the 10- year storm as opposed to the 5 -year the City requires. This is a unique situation however, since the discharge is into a privately owned irrigation ditch rather than the City storm sewer. So if you wish to change this, fine, and if you don't wish to change it PW has no further connuents. Final Drainpye Plan JAKA Grading!& Drainage Plan): 1. The Final Drainage Plan is found to be approvable. 2, Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on the Final Drainage Plan for City approval, Civil Construction Plans General Comment: Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on all sheets of the Construction Plans for City approval. Sheet I (Cover Sheejt: 1. The Legal Description will need to be changed to reflect the modified name of the plat (MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE FILING NO. 1). www-6wheatridge.coms Public Works Engineeri January 3, 2014 Page 2 1 Sheets 2-5jaWMP Sheets Details� 1. Please refer to the attached Memo to me from Bill LaRow, Stormwater Program Manager, For questions pertaining to his Memo, please contact Bill directly at 303,235.2871, Sheet Ca C)vrall Site & I.Jtilit Plan.: 1, Please include a glue -on truncated dome detectable warning panel for the existing ADA ramp on the westerly side of the east entrance. This will bring this ramp more into compliance with current ADA requirements. 2. Please provide the following items on this Sheet, a. Identify the batch pattern. b. Define the limits of construction, Sheet UIWater Qunlit & Detesitiota ; 1. Please provide the two info items to assist the contractor properly construct the orifice plate. - a. The elevation of the lowest orifice. b. Define the orifice openings --"9-1/22" DIA, Holes, 4" O.C." Sheet I4 Pavin Plan I . While it is acknowledged that the Basis of Bearings is provided on the Cover Sheet, please include it on this sheet as well, 2. This Sheet should also be renamed to-HOIZONTAL CONTROL & PAVING PLAN" to reflect the fact that the horizontal layout info is on this Sheet. Sheets L-5--18 Detailed Cirading, Plar_i). 1, While it is acknowledged that the Benchmark is provided on the Cover Sheet, please include it on these sheets as well, PLANNING & ZONING Specific Development Plan: Sheet -3—CINnovosed Site Plan): I - For the proposed sidewalk along W. 49"' Avenue, please include text for the new ADA ramp as well. 2. Indicate the proposed detectable warning panel (truncated domes) for the west side of the W. 491" Avenue entrance. I. Since there is an existing Outline Development Plan with the title "Mountain Vista Retirement Village Amendment No. I" on record with JeffCo, to avoid confusion I suggest this plat be renamed to "MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE FILING NO. I". 1 The subtitle information should indicate this plat is "A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT AND CONSOLIDATION PLAT." 3. The following pertains to the Section Tie Diagram: www.d.wheatridge.co.us k1ountain Vista Retiniint-.14800t r1ibt)r-Ff)R-C(.)sistPla�vs,plat-Sitepl,,In - 1,4view I hr,docx W �WTMTM — —neen'nt January 3, 20 1 4 • Page 3 a. The section tie information from PHAC-2 to the southwest comer of the property does not match Curr-ent Ci4° Datunt values. Please note the fallowing: i, The bearing& distance provided= N 04040'14"E, 7,951,82`. ii. The bearing& distance per Current Cion Datum = N09°42"51 "E, 8478.72* b. The section tie information from PHAC- I to the southeasterly comer of the property does not match Current Cin, Datum values, Please note the following: i. The bearing & distance provided = N54'2523"W, 16,922.60'. ii. The bearing& distance per Current Cirl, Datum = N51'3828"W, 16626,29 c. The Basis of Bearing is correctly shown on the, CurrcentCitv Datum. 2. Please include the following language pertaining to the Right -of -Way Reservation shown on Sheet 2: "THE AREA SHOWN HEREIN AS, "13 FOOT ROW RESERVATION", IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR THE FUTURE IMPROVEMENT OF TABOR STREET, NO PERMANENT STRUCTURE SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN SAID RESERVATION AREA. THE OWNER OF LOT 1, MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE, FILING I SHALL RETAIN THE RIGHT` TO USE SAID RESERVATION AREA UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE TABOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT COMMENCES, AT THE TIME OF COMMENCEMENT OF SAID TABOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, UPON REQUEST THE RESERVATION AREA SHALL BE ACQUIRED AT FAIR MARKET VALUE AND THE LAND TITLE CONVEYED LoTHE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE." 3. All stortriwater detention facilities must have an easement over them granted to the City. This will ensure the system continues to function properly in the unlikelihood that the property owner fails to maintain the facility. The easements need to be identified as "STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT", and each plat sheet needs to contain the following note: THE STORM DETENTION AREAS HEREIN SHOWN AS "STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT" SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENTOWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAI' SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF W14EAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. 4. Please add the history info in the Case History Box: WZ-13-03, MS -13-08, 5. All dates in the certification blocks need to be revised to 2014. Sheet 2.- I Rename the plat to "MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE FILING NO. I 2. The subtitle information should indicate this plat is "A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT AND CONSOLIDATION PLAT." 1 Please show a 13.00' strip along Tabor Street as Right -of -Way Reservation, and include the language shown on the redlined plat. 4. Please provide what is to be "HEREBY CREATED or HEREBY REMOVED (lot lines). 5. For the two easements shown in the northeasterly portion of the site (the 22' Emergency Access/Ingress/Egress and 20' Juchem Ditch), are these existing? If so, please provide the reception numbers. If they are to be created by this plat, please show as "HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT," 6. Please add the following note to Sheet 2: www.d.wheatridge.coms Mountain Viwi Retiraint-48(01'abor" FI)R-(:oiistPlaiis-plat-Sitellia�I - rc%-iewj ltr,docx Public Works Engineeri January 3, 2014 Page 4 1 THE STORM DETENTION AREAS HEREIN SHOWN AS "STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT" SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS, 7. There appears to be an existing stormwater conveyance on the southwesterly portion of the site. PW suggests that a 10' wide drainage easernent be created and centered over the channel. The easement should be granted to the City, and be limited by the use of language similar to that of the storinwater detention easement. & Please add all plat linetypes to the Legend. Stormwater Management Plan (SNNINIP): Please refer to the attached Memo to me from Bill LaRow, Storinwater Program Manager, For questions pertaining to his Memo, please contact Bill directly at 303, 35,2871, Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing a. ROW _Permits. Prior to any construction within the public right-of-way (ROW), the necessary Right -of -Way Construction Perinit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right -of -Way Construction Pennits are issued by the City only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. b. Licensing. All work - within the public Right -of -Way shall only be performed by a municipally -licensed contractor. 2. Public Improvement Restoration/Debris Tracking It will be the responsibility of the contractor for the prqiect to repair any damage to the existing public improvements along W. 49'1' Avenue and Tabor Street as a direct result of related construction traffic. Also, the contractor will be responsible for maintaining W. 49t" Avenue and Tabor Street on a regular basis such that they remain free of construction debris and tracking from construction traffic accessing the site 3. Drainage Certification w/As-Built Plans required prior to C.O. Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer -of -Record Mr. Michael Moore, P.E., shall www. d.wheatridge.coms Mountain Vista Relinimt-48(fflabor revie"A Undov--, Public Works Engineeri January 3, 214 Page 5 1 0 provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the overall site grading was completed per the approved Grading and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed per the approved construction plans and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As -Built Plans on the Current Ciiy Datum for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, Three (3) copies of the "As -Built" Plans are to be submitted as follows: a. One (I) hardcopy is to be signed & sealed on 24" X 36" bond paper, and b. Two (2) electronic files are to be delivered on DVD/CD-ROM as follows: One (1) file in AutoCAD 2010 DWG format AND one (1) file in PDF formal. 4. Stormwater Maintenance Agreement and 0 & M Plan Required All post -construction Best Management Practices (BMP',$) for water quality must be maintained and inspected by the property owner(s) per Section 20-34 of the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws. For above -ground detention facilities with outlet structures, underground detention facilities, porous landscape detention areas, porous pavement, and centrifuge type devices such as a Rinker Stornicepter*, a Stormwater Maintenance Agreement accompanied by an Operations and Maintenance (0 & M) Plan will be required prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The 0 & M Plan shall be kept current and will be inspected on a regular basis by City staff to ensure compliance with the State and local requirements. The 0 & M Schedule/Log is typically assembled by the Engineer -of -Record, must be kept current by the property owner, and will be inspected on a regular basis by City staff to ensure compliance with City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code requirements, Contact Bill LaRow, Stormwater Program ,Manager at 303,235.2871 for additional information. 5. Information Information pertaining to the Public Works development requirements, land staileying, platting, and ROW information, as well as the City's Standard Street Construction, and Storniwater/Erosion Control Details are available on the City of Wheat Ridge website at: www.ci.wheAjdAgE&2M Please include I hardcopy of each document accompanied by electronic files in PDF format of all documents accompanied by an AutoCAD 2007 DWG file of the Plat with the next submittal. The electronic files may be delivered either on CD-ROM with the hardcopy submittal or sent by e- mail to me at: dbrossman(a),ci.wheatriti(xp,-en n NOTE: • Incomplete submittals are not considered as being under review. • The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303.235,2 64. Sincerely, wivwxi.wheatridge.coms Mountain Vista Refirmut-48NA'abor -review I jrr,(j(jCX ltwma.• — —" I " January 3, 2014 Page 6 David F. Brossnian, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer/ City Surveyor CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Bill LaRow, Stormwater Program Manager File wwrv.6wheatridge.coms Mountain Vista rev rc�v I ar,doc, wmmmm� Fire Protection District Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 IkE: WZ- 13-03 & MS- 13-08 Mountain Vista 4800 Tabor Street following comments. inance TY onal Fire Code and have the Fire protection is provided to this site by Station 2, 5250 Oak Street and Station 6, 6503 Simms Street. If ,,,–on have amiguestions or *rm*',IC'Vrff Oimr-p& 424-3096. , , MWqM 303- Z= Arvada Fire Protection District -VO—efSteigleder Deputy Fire Marshal 7903 Allison Way Arvada, Colorado 80005-5033 303-424-3012 -09OR M IN /MARTIN ........ . . January 2"4,2013 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Email: mreckert(�t),ci.wheatridge.co.us Re: WZ-13-03 & MS-13-08/Mountain Vista -- Fruitdale Sanitation District On behalf of the Fruitdale Sanitation District, Martin/Martin Inc.,, acting as the District Engineer, offers the following in response to the referenced referral dated December 18"', 2013 concerning a request for approval of a Special Development Plan (SDP) for the property which is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) located at 4800 Tabor Street. As the request indicates construction of a 14,000 square foot building near the existing building layout, additional sanitary sewer service is expected. However, no mention is made on the existing site plan or proposed site plan indicating where the sanitary sewer service lines or sanitary mainline extensions are to be located. Please provide the District with sanitary sewer service plans (located on the existing site plan) as well as expected flows to be received from this new addition to allow the District to understand if any capacity concerns are expected, Any mainline extensions, flow studies or upsizings due to capacity concerns will bet he responsibility of the owner/developer. The District has no objection to the Special Development Plan as the consolidation/lot line adjustment plat does not affect any sanitary sewer main line. The District has an 8" line within 49,h Avenue to the north of the property running west to east. The District also has an 8" line to with Tabor Street to the west of the property running north to south, The property is currently within the Fruitdale Sanitation District and the existing buildings are served by the District. Also, Please be aware fees (development, tap, engineering review, etc.) related to increase water use by the addition is the responsibility of the owner/developer. Fee estimates can be discussed upon receipt of utility plans and water use summary. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (303) 431-6 100, Sincerely, Bill Willis District Engineer MARTINNARTIN, Inc. C. Gary Charbonnier -- Fruitdale Sanitation District 12499 West Colfax .Lakewood, Colorado 80215 0 Teleplione: 303-431-61 Olt * wwwmartinniariiii.coni Civil Department Fax: 3034314028 * Structural Department Fax: 303-431-6866 * klarkefing Eiepartnient lar: 303-456-9923 12/30/13 MON 14:44 FAX 303 424 0$28 VALLEY WATER DTS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT '12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE W1 WAT RIDGE, COLORAD0,80033 FAX,30.3-424-08218 Meredith Rcckort City of Wheat Ridge 75,00 W, 291" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Meredith: The Valley Water District has reviewed the recluest foran amended SDP, CascNo, W7-- 13-03 & NIS- 13-08/Mountain Viqa and ofTers the followilIg corninellts. The Vallcy Water District CUUM11Y serves the Property with domestic w.ter scrvice, It appears at this time that the current tap will be sufficient to serve the building addition, An existing fire hydrant on the property will be in conflict with the addition and will need to be relocated, Additional casements will be needed Wallow for the fire hydrant relocation, 'rhe oistrict has been working with the devel()per of the, project is coordinating the relocatiollatid it doe* not appear that there will be any problems with the relocation. Please feet free to contact tile with any father questions, Sincerely, 'o K a, nu 1 con District Ofd' celklanager sm A City of C 6attlsjd T T ge E DEPARTMENT TO: Meredith Reckert, Community Development FROM: Kevin Armstrong, Sergeant, Crime Prevention Team DATE: December 19,2013 SUBJECT: Case No.: WZ-13-03 & MS-13-08/Mountain Vista I have reviewed the Community Development Referral Form for Case Number: WZ-13-03 & MS-13-08/Mountain Vista. The police department sees no concerns with this request. M XcelEnergysm PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Right of Way & Permits 1123 West 3`1 Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone: Cit: ,571.3306 Facsimile: 303. 5713660 City of Westminster Department of Community Development 4800 West 92nd Avenue Westminster, Colorado 80031 Attn: Meredith Reckert Re: Mountain Vista, Case #s WZ-13-03 and MS -13-08 Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has reviewed the plans for Mountain Vista. Please be aware PSCo owns and operates existing electric distribution facilities within the subject property. The property owner/developer/contractor must contact the Builder's Call Line at 1-800-628-2121 and complete the application process for any new natural gas or electric service, or modification to existing facilities. It is then the responsibility of the developer to contact the Designer assigned to the project for approval of design details. The developer must contact Frank Grady, Right -of -Way Agent at 303-245-3874 or frank.j.grady@xcelenergy.com for any easement issues. Additional easements may need to be acquired by separate document for new facilities. As a safety precaution, PSCO would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center at 1-800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to any construction. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at (303) 571- 3306. 3EM Donna George Contract Right of Way Referral Processor Public Service Company of Colorado City of Wheat jdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Community Development Referral Form Date: December 18, 2013 Response Due: January 2, 2014 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of an amended Specific Development Plan (SDP) on property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) located at 4800 Tabor Street. Included with this request is a consolidation/lot line adjustment plat to accommodate the new construction. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WZ-13-03 & MS-13-08/Mountain Vista Request: Approval of an amendment to a PCD Specific Development Plan to allow construction of a 14,000 square foot building addition for memory care residents. The total site contains 7.3 acres; however, the area of disturbance with this project is 2.16 acres in the northeast portion of the site. Included with this request is a plat document which consolidates a vacant parcel at the northwest corner of the site with the adjacent lot (Lot 1) and shifts the common lot line between Lots 1 and 2 to the west 45'. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Meredith Reckert Voice: 303.235.2848 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: mreckert@ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: AT&T Broadband Xcel Energy Centurylink Arvada Ridge Fire District Valley Water District Fruitdale Sanitation District Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Police "The Carnation On, " Vicinity Map "The Carnation City" R IOGE 6W Mks WAlTIST NOME 1MENOMENT •D D N t4l-4F S 0 f u-1) d'1" vel 4 10 - 31- S 5 11; 5 0 l_ VISTA RETIREMENT COMMUNITY r MOUNT�,N - L '•r �Tp AC.... ROTO COLORADO 10 ,VISTA VILLAGEdo ASSOCIATION r of COLORADO , INC. 6 �. 4'T" VICINITY MAP O 1 181. . MI. cosy atl Art M thepf arra that W 0800et noon M•d'tell" N ColerM•. a Celarad9 rove -profit corroration. Delp the r iter air Wwet wrdp� of I.f acres dpartaed at felt"@: i {• fYt i 1/4 of W st 1/" N Settio. 12, ane the K 11" N tow K 1/4 of Section 20. Beth in twnship ' ; M 318et N lice $t► ►.11 Said tract Mi -9 porno.[ of lots i, if "M 16, tee's SubdI0,1 n. Jefferson 1Wt •I Gtwda, dtetrlMd ^ I.1lew: .�, #! M, 1►, W ^10id let's 5doietsir dfah 9•,Ns at tY K cwwir N said lot 11, sato point of MIII Mr K "cyst► 1 sat-# 5it2aa 20, Td.dah,F 2 idea- r~ N wast: tMaae South 00. 16' east along tM w I��tt . tuieledf A ort thh earth fort, 2i' oda tt a tawomw thaw c• N 1199..toot to the a•rthdistance of. 62.3 fIt" of [aids ieih 19. Saw Mt 4 ■ a Hfa" "few sooviaw i; tiRM• anth 90' 2t' root a OIL N 150.2 foot; tMna rortll 16. 02' wet a ISstancaM A 261.2 sect sa a rt•t t tlR [loot li.0 ot said let 20: v4swe sere* 00' 21' wet 0w tM at 1 iM N said lot 20 a /KMArt M p-1 fort; tMRda /411 or 22' Met a dlstaea N ith feet. Arra M less,to the nest line N said lot 20; thence row w MI toot Hwy am son Ilr N lots '20 awe 19 a dgaio18 N 416.9 foot, to tow plat of ►w "I"I. 40 M•IN laid tat thea Fl~ •nit dewlepaewt laid lard w per tae dremi•/ hdetav t otaiM4 WAD, the nave &.d Style N �afe 1Na ytirtAr.t 6WmM4ly, rn atCerdence SAth O Mince AN. dMicatta to the city of Meat tiddppe! aM the psblic Marra" aa" to tee "Mt add Mwt% of said ►rdedr4 as seem ea the Koop c'oeyinp plat for the bllc use tllermf forever. rw.attr wt. 23 FA M, N-ajkhm__' 15116. ��4+• loo► atae�dp . ' aer.lr Of >.akyll j 99 lir t -*l+ MSVPNIavt ON bohn0oyM Defeo .e thisj" dow M Adr . lots, by wtwu y hq[d •.d mics.) Seel. Iwo, 1001 A M tt ettHy tt• Mtltta tideArd oo!t Ie•elatdtdt M Moo aArwN Iw told MOMMdp Camiseton of the City of ltsat .'ialerVlta. 'Ata w 7th w-tt4j Wt IM C[ N Mrd! R��./-•� �� too w6a.C•ler•Ia, er .aaed •f its c twRcn nd the af,` 2 .,Of ISMadwd few apprt+e the .stirs. plaw18d unit dwook"dwt. \ p'r O�,LON=OF AM0tlD1��i,1T Chtirwse.n dd rids[+'r+� Cornm, silo.. ro Owl L ►'t.Y.1 ADD i ►tlt.i.OMit: �� D ?ylt�� I.neIGIt�L'�tno < RM/sam= veuw • t Taal" oltaTf,u•so, Ouetha" 18 e. efvr e, - -- ley..,•..k 1am..Glnat ro"o i wiNan TW ""Tu. Cas. M4H TY 1W iL.4tNC.y ireeotat w 1/p Pawr0or's CKtificate 1. suamima' ti , A s-adMr, mL 2-e�tdRd, aN\ ' �Q �%� "i"-C�i 6ataA. .fT•� Tye Ot�.i. Note ( - Sf L�►ni AReGM ►Asso./st. — Toa -LAW NsU^ M I Ab.* -1 _ 71 11r 7018" l IAATihlltaLvo t 36m. ra/NI �elsir-♦ s♦ILMIMt _AL I f ---Jt 11 SD O'clock It, en ths3/ 4r w if r9y raded 1. at. fila tea Date— CA600 NN)RdRY rrsrz - 7c - e Wi-at-4 Vw `.--$A"'TARywomt TO H1flFT. 5,5. AT Race ST 2 Ql RORQ11� O RVICi L 160".1 t� 0 z PuW =i[111rIN& vJAw-mi- oulba TO iAST rFow TluGr Ara. •. i'mAi SITE PLAN 4 Ita.cata. .CAS.■ i 1 • 40 � ,S— •N _ hili E cow cA&dt41921rf 251104, Iv�Ct�^lral� VrsT4 IQE7?�Er'ENr VITA IL A<,,E16JT- MOUNTAIN WHEAT RIDGE , Took z -Paye to VISTA RETIREMENT- COMMUNITY COLORADO J I c n for the BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION components of SPECTRA ASSOCIATES VALLEY PONOS CINCINNATI SAN PNANC18CO OAKLAND architekton inc PLANNING AwCHITECArUw9 9NOIN99NING CINCINNATI OHIO DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS Pa100NAMMWO a PLANNING VALLEY PONG9 PENNPYLVANIA DEDICATIO.,+. Know allmen by these Presents that the Bantist Wane Association of Colorado, a Colorado non-profit corporation, belles the Now of the real property of 7.26 acres described as follows: A tr&A of land in the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 17, and the NE 1/4 of the IIE 1/4 of Section 20. Both In township 3 south, range 69 west of the 6th P. said tract beim Portions of lots M. 19 and 18, Lee's Subdivision. Jefferson County, State of Colorado, described as follows: That portion of lots 18, 19, and 20 said Lee's Subdivision which beoinls at the ME corner of said lot 18, said point of beginning being the fit corner of said Section 20, Township 3 south. ranoe 69 west: thence south 001 It' east aloin the east line said lot 18, a distance of 55.3 feet: thence south 691 53' west a distance of 62.3 feet: thence south 87' 54' 30" west a distance of 506.8 feet: thence north 001 23' Trost a distance of 89.8 feet to the north line of said lot 18, same beina the norm It be of said Section 20: thence north 00. 23' west a distance of 150.2 feet: thence north 18. 02' west a distance of 275.7 teat to a Point on the west line of said lot 20; thence north OV 21' west alms the west line of said lot 20 a distance of 40.0 feet: thence north 8^1 27' east a distance of 640 feet, more or less to the east line of said lot 20; thence south 00. 21' east along the east line of lots 20 and 19 a distance of 455.9 feet, to the poi nt of begin, no. And havinq laid out as a planned unit develoaaent said land as Per the drawinq hereon contained under the woe and style of tbuntain Vista Retirement Communitv, in accordance with Ordinance a69, dedicates to the City of Wheat Ridge and the Public the streets to the west and south of said prooerty as shown on the acconnonvinn plat for the Public use thereof forever. Executed this -`� r day of_ �_ -+ e_• _ 1972. nLomorate seal ., T Secretary State State of Colorado ) SS :panty of Jefferson ) "he foregoing Irstrument was acknovledgaC before me this day of. 1972• by 2REST E WRITTEN Tau RG Witonss rn hind and offi`Iai seaR •• \ v.r. y• ,1'---•-Mv camlie ssion .ani re t.;.i Hoary — -- -- sen z��ll�(`,����/, rinterylit This is to certify the within planned unit development has been approved by the Plennino Commission of the City of Wheat Ridoe.:Colorado. ci n' This is to certify that the City of Wheat P.Idge,Colorado, by motion of its City Council did on this 17TH day of AHGNT 1972 adopt and Sportive the within planned unit development. Iy �E— T (��.✓1-1.a..� ATTEST: O jr J ' ` .I gity Seal Clerk and Recorder's Certificate 1 0. %w O tle of Colorado ) SS County of Jefferson 1 I hereby certify that this planned urit develoment was filed in my office at 14.'00 o'clock P . M. an the _17,&av 1972 and is duly recorded in plan file _.L// uo Pee midlofI r AV: Ae enu COLORADO IS RESERVOIR \\ \ \ • CakEL I c - 19TwUCT10� 9t:wilOYL9 E \ \ PHASE 99PT'�997! - MAY 79 9 PHASE 9 \ \'JUtl 9973 -Y 1 PHA99 3 APR 19'aM -OCT 9 t ._I \ x-900 ICE-il~ /I= p SITk PLAN SCALE 1" a 40' VICINITY MAP \ --LIT AGRICULTURAL a MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT WHEAT RIDGE , COLORADO for the BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION components of SPECTRA ASSOCIATES VALLEY Panes CINCINNATI MAN ■RANC18CO OAKLAND architekton, PLANNIND incOlNEI.INa CINCINNATI OMIO DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS laftDO a.AMMIN• A PLANNIN• VALLEY FORGIN mENN•YLVANIA OEOICAT1011: Know, ail men by these Presents that the Baptist None Association of Colorado, a Colorado non-profit corporation, beim the (k~ of the real property of 7.26 acres described as follows: A traA of land in the SE 1/4 of toe SE 1/4 of Section. 17. and the NE 1/4 of the IIE 1/4 of Section 20. Both in to Ashio 3 south, range 69 west of the 6th P.M., said tract being Portions of lots 29, 19 and 18. Lee's Subdivision. Jefferson County, State of Colorado, described as follows: That Portion of lots 18, 19, and 20 said Lee's Subdivision which bwsins et the NE corner of said lot 18, said Point of beol Mir, being the NE corner of said Section 20, Townshl 3 south, range 69 wost: thence south 00' 76' east along the east .line said lot 18, a distance of 55.3 feet: thence south 69. 53' west a distance of 62.3 feet: thence south 87' 54' 30" west a distance of 506.8 feet: thence north 00' 23' west a distance of 89.8 feet to the north line of said lot 18, sane being the north line of said Section 20: thence north 00. 23' west a distance of 150.2 feet: thence north 16' 02' west a distance Of 275.7 feet to a Point on the west Iine o1 said lot 20; thence north 00' 21' nest alono the west line of said lot 20 a distance of 40.0 feet: thence north 8^' 27' east a distance of 640 feet, more or less to the east line of said- lot 20; thence South 00' 21' east along the east line of lots 20 and 19 a distandc of 455.9 feet, to the point of beoinnino. And having laid out as a Planned unit development said land as oar the drawing hereon contained under the nine and style of ;buntoin vista Retirement Community, in accordance with Ordinance f69, dedicates to the Citv of Wheat Ridge and the public the streets to the west and south of said property as shown on the accomnanvinn plat for the Public use thereof forever. Executed this day of •.!. �� �� 1972. rate -,Z State ap,Colorado ) SS County of Jefferson ) The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this day of y : - 1972. by FR�F-. W}IITT-rcNaVat Witness my hand and official seal. ttv commission nenires 41_______ s Notary _i.. seal i6—ta`­ry--Tufinc _ This is to certify the within Planned unit development has been approved by the Piannina Commission of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 7� f/(l 7L—n �• 1e This is to Certify that the City of Aleat Ridge,Colorado, by motion of its City Council did on this 17 TN day of AUGUST 1972 adopt and approve the within planned unit//�� development. pme. ATTEST. vo Clty Seal Clerk and Recorder's Certificate X Colorado �Oimty of Jefferson ) SS I hereby certify that this Planned unit development was filed in my office at 4:00 o'clock �P . 4. on the �.fXQav of_a.a,r-t 1972 and 1s duly recorded in Plan file_! I // CO _ Fee pail? ao tea; .ts-`•' Ri uefttv of COLORADO , INC. zjq007f .t - T:yc d / COMMUNITY V MOUNT4iN Vi6TA Q .m.� D ACCE.s wOAO H �1 E .l VICINITYMAP O 1 MI. , I TA• R • !! T NEW 444 `A• y sEWe't "o LXIST 5S AT RofS[: ST SITE .GALE w PLAN W. OAT. AVE. ON NouvrAry 1 A<7'A I , 61ISf/ -,ESC 45.9 1'3, -5 6 4e.C, *L- XtO.Z234L j -f -8p 04".ara. -1! 4ti..�[- - oi-- eo4*4440.�30.-V MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE -OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BEING A PORTION OF LEES! SUSDIVISiON MI THEME V4 OF SECT)ON 20 AND THESE 1/4 OF SECTION 17 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TM PR INCI PAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO Tt01f T fry 91tL' =M&40 A M t WAATY, A*Awi TVR - Toll COMBINE Ri-MW WOIIIAT we" TK M4MTY Y TWE PEwOfl1 DEWI,MSMW IS LOCATED DE TIME IMR7TMM MALS DOS OF THE POMPOSITY AE'AACMNT TO AND OOOIIDM WITH THE .1611M IMIM2AIN VISTA mTAEMMT COMMUNITY. El �I�f� W KL !NE K�w TK rNM'YT7� IM OWER TOMM►F� MAACENT r00 W ISS AM TO COW* A «IAL I TV WITI M M PMMJKT. TML SEING C RRWismi NMWEN EI EpIOMD 19 A6DE AR AJW PCLECIVAMLATIM WI MM M PROJECT, AS BELL AS A SNPEDATSMI M PEDESTRIAN AM VONSCNLAS TRAFFIC. TK Olt WOOD IN TIM COMSTEMKTIM M TOES PK MLI IY WELL R CRISIIT[!IT 5« At♦ TMITIIRE I. TK EWEir11IS BMILBOMi 951 T0! POU'RTT. ►Mt ! K, MSTONES AM GLASS. M YTL[ w f! Sfl1PirS fM4l F[CHO, NKM- D1�IMMLITT OF M "mum TMT Mf oft mmuLIDIID VOL= Or Wf 9Nlf LIEIEE i1 91M�lRtlt 0rM1ElMI VISTA mr 1110111BIWL". TNE PHML LAIOUT AID ERIMWT OF Or :S, POOVM MES SIEM1J. U DE$ISr TO ALLOW NSR RDE �BBI�OS AE w R'GNWft4AM ACTIVS T7 rO.sRM/T To THIS TVP! w 0: TV. RLLSOM on: IMSME IM � OWNS FACILITY AKISTM L1VIr CAN FACILITY YCULY IMtt�RM9lr NREIM MAY REIU RMlM #A SESSMENTS" WFICES ORN1T1m C.RtlC A11C16m ONE SEE M 11*r�R; IN1E LAL +EDWnM Es SEE ISN1r w REE W INN A FELLY NCLGIW OSC MOUNTAIN VISTA — RETIREMENT VILLAGE I `. N U O L A S I CENTER CA fYR M .— GH >rwiN I B1ROEp S UB VICINITY MAP SCALE I" . 700' � 7r �r COM ITY DEVELOPMENT PLNIL MS S1 SOB! IMDEE'E a•TIFICA7R: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE CITY OF MEAT RIOGE, COLORADO, BY NOTION OF ITS CITY COUNCIL, DID oN THIS MY M 1$47, ADOPT AND WITHIN PLAT AMID DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND KCI PT THE WCAT to" A ATT[7 SEAL;:,—� CI TV CLMK• DERDEDBa's cDennurE: !WONDER : BBoz,a.3 � 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING E THE OFFICE Or T COUNTSs CLERK AM RBGOMLR OF JEFF"WM COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, ON THIS A& DAY OF 114, AT Im{O'CLOCK M, Is=: 1. S/8-IMCM 0 IRON FIN WITH CAF STAMPED 470 RECOVERED AT POINT SMONN THUS: 1. 3/S-IWM 0 IPPON ►1N WITH CAP STAMPED 16657 SIT AT POINT NOM THUS: 1. PLAT MASS WASHER STAWN 416 RECOVERED AT EACH POINT SHOWN THUS: 4. UA[Illf[,AS S001MM, AS MSD ON THE ASSUMPTION TMA- THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-0UARM Of KBN STSI7 DEAR[ 6.0-1['4"[. S. TOPgS"PNY PW@VIDED BY MESSICK AND COMPANY, ENG INEERf AMID MCMI TECTS, IN JUST SEES, AND IS BASED ON A SAILROAD NIS IN A POWER POLE AT THE WORTHIEST CORIIl0 M LOT E[ OF LE114 SUODI VISON, ELEVATION .57.4'. TO CONVERT TO CITY Of PKAT RIDGE DATUM ADO I.11' TO THE ELEVATION SHOWN. S. THE ONNESS Of THE IRRIGATION DITCHES W41CM CROSS THIS SITE ARE: .MINE% DITCH COMPANY C/O NgMIM HYLTON, SOC./TIEAS. 641 TlONTGO" ARYAN, COLOMDO 0443 P11LEY DITCH COMPANY C/o CITY Or ARVADA U Krill 0101 RALSTON BD. ARVADA, COLORADO 80901 WgSWOETH DITCH COMPANY C/o NICK KELIER S 706 RALSTON 0D - ,"ADA, COLORADO 96002 7. TIMIS DEVELOPMENT PLAN REPLACES THE PREVIOUS DEVELOPMENT PLAN RECORDED UNDRR RR'1 RECEPTION M6E■ S 5119429. PREPARED BY LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE,INC. 9900 W. 14TH AVE. - LAKE'ROOD, OOLORAOO BOOK aW .fJ PAGE ,1_6 REG. N O . 2,FV 2,,2J dt L DATE 3-F -88 DLSC21►TION: THAT PORTION OF LOTS 10, 19, 20, 21 ANO 22 OF LEE'S SUED IVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, D[SCR l RED AS FOLLOWS: "GINNIW AT THE MOATHEAST COIIM4 Of SA 10 LOT 11, SAID CORNER BEIWG THE NORTHEAST CORNER W SECTION 21, TOINfM1P S SOUTH, RANGE 69 Y[ST O/ THE LTX P.M., JEFFERSON COUNT Y, COLORADO; THENCE S.1°26'46"[. ON AN ASSUMED BEAMING, KONG THE [AST LIME Of SAID L0i if, A DISTANCE Of 55.30 FEET TO A POINT ON THE "ORTM LINE Of TWAT TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN SOOK 1934 AT PAGE 270 Of THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS: THENCE WESTERLY KONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE THE fOLLWIK FOUR (4) COURSER AND DISTANCES: 1) Wf STERLY ALDMG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, WHDSf RADIUS IS 5120.11 IEET, WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS O-3/26" (WHOSE CHORD REARS S.69'40'14"W. A DISTANCE OF 62.30 F[fT) FOR AN MC DISTANCE OF 62.'30 FEET: 2) S.17°41'14"W. A DISTANCE 01' 506.21 E1111 3) M. 0'36'16"Y. A DI STAIICE OF 91.16 f![T TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LIME Of SAID LOT 10; 4) S. 6'25"W. ALONG THE NORTH LINE Of SAID LOT 12 A DISTANCE OF 0.66 IEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THAT TRACT Of LAND DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1912 AT PAGE 796 Of THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE N. ••S1'i/"Y. ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE Of 150.19 FIST; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE EAST LIME OF TMMT TRACT DtKRI me IN SAID [NOK 1912 AT FAG[ 796, 4.16°]2'55`11. A DISTANCE Of 275.70 Ft[T TD A POI MT ON THE W25T LINE OF SAID LOT t0; THENCE N./°iS'S2"W. ALONG THE WE 1Y LINES OF SAID LOTS 20, 21 AND 22 A AT OF $74.67 FEET TO A POINT W THE SOUTN LINE OF TIMI TRACT Of LAID DESCR ISED IN BOOK 2129 AT PACE 40- OF THE J[FP4pXM COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE 4.19°1 S'2, "E. ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 64].75 FEET TO A POI NT ON THE E4 LINE Of SAID LOT 22; THEWCE 5..16'00"E. ALONG THE [ABT LINE Of SAID LOTS !2, 11, 1I AND 19 A DIST OF 991.76 FEET TO THE FO O6 f BEG INN UNG, CONTAINING 15.150 ACRES, HOE 011 LESS. OWNER: BAPTIST 11011[ ASSOCIATION Of THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS 4790 TAM IT. , WHEAT RIOS, COLORADO 10033 p LAD OWARSMU: THE ENTIRE PROPERTY IS OWNED BY SAPYIST /SOK ASSOCIATION Of THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. STATL/LUF7 BE [RIMS1lD CONTROL: THE PROJECT OWN, BAPTIST MOM! ASSOCIATION OF TME ROCKY MOUNTAINS, SMALL PROVIDE UNIFIED CONTROL BY MAINTAINING A SINGLE M4AIIAOSNRNT THROUGH -OUT THE DEVELOPMENT P:OCESS. OKIM: BAPTIST NOW ASSOCIATION OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS J L VCKEY FEES !OMIT/UNCUT IVR DIRECTOR SECRETARY STATE w COLORADO % SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING 7NSTRMfNT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE HE THIS @U,"DAY Or 1946, A.D., 0Y FLOYD H. HARRISON JR. AS PRLSIOENT/LXECUTIV[ DIRECTOR AMO BY JERRY L. Dian AS L IV[ SECRETARY OF BAPTIST NOIR ASSOCIATION Of THE MOCK MOUNTAINS. f' opo WITNESS NY 1110 AND OPf ICIAL SIAL. WY COMMISSION EXPIREADDRESS S-�U,►..�\ IC l —%Moolk IQ SRTIf !CATION: 1, STEVEN D. LISTER, DO HERESY C[RTI'Y THAT THE SURVEY M IEANTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT TILLAGE WAS MADE UNDER MY SUPUVISION, RESRONS UI LITY AND C* KING AND TO THE WEST OF NY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CUE ISED ADDITION, AS AMENDED. 16837 REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR COLORADO NO. 16137 SHEET I OF 3 PREPARED: JULY 1987 PROJECT NO. B 182 - I - 3 M_4Y A:.4 V:A[A -ZTIlm v.7 , u AAL olm 16f 5 PORTE COCHERE - PARKING 1 10 CARS LANDSCAPING BUFF �d CONGREGATE . 4 HOUSING 160 UNITS STUDIO'S. 1 & 2 BEDROOMS NURSING HOME EXPANSION - - 90 BEDS NURSING HOMErfISITOR — PARKING CLINIC 4000 SF 0 /11 ,D J ry o Q 1f ec. �E d'J'a:1, Nr/r & 6 MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VLLAGE - OUTUW DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BEING A PORTION OF LEES' SUBDIVISION N THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 20 AND THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 17 TOWNSHIP SOUTH RANGE 89 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO S, 111 TABOR STREET EXISTING NURSING HOME 90 BEDS • THE NIM OF LIVING UNITS INDICATED ON THE FINAL PL" MY SITE DATA GGROff jyaRj NG AA[A MLMSING NOME AAlA 2f, 160 IF y,000 SF VARY FRIM THE NIX INDICATED ON THIS OUTLINE DEVELOFNENT PLAN 4 ASSISTED LIVING 00 UMT6 16 CARS iAMT SUS.DMO COVERAGE 72./t0 OF CLINIC tgVf I1K fly, 170 SF IF MUF8i2 InC AJ 4000 SP ADMINMTRATIVE IS CARS 1/SSD $P !%ISTSN P'ROPO4E0 14740 OF COMGRIGATE ASSISTED LIVING TS, 000 y, 000 Sr 10utl" SSOCkl*S, C CARE >NN UMTS 00 CAM 40 CARS .*SANK AAM* TOTAL COVERAGE .ipA004 107,700 S► , STNA VILLAGE !%PANSION �,p00 SF 140 SEDS NUIISSPS MOUE 0 WEDS NU PAYED AREA ".0% /0T,470 SP 11.54 VISTA VISTA 1T:, ISI SF 1000 6F CLOWC t0 CARS - 1/200 0P - LANOSCAPE COVERAGE 304.724 IF 40'14 EXISTING AREA F A T DAY CARE CARS TOTAL TOTAL SITE AREA 640,300 SF TOTAL7,Tt SF 401 F.A.R. 266 14.1" ACRES BOOK j&V —'r—S PAGE -f—O' REC. NO. Ifl?922Z 92-20 6 DATE 3- 81-4100 VISTA VILLAGE EXISTING 41 UNITS SHEET 3 OF 3 PREPARED: JULY, 1987 REVISED OCT. 11.19871 MOual•..w YATA �,�M,� 1 V'uA4c -T .� 5 it JA MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PLA` A REPLAT OF LOTS 18, 19, 20 k 21 OF LEE'S SUBDIVISION IN THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 20 AND THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, OF THE 6th PRINCIPLE IAERIDIAN, C1 TY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COCORADO IHMT 1 OF 6 THIS PROJECT PROPOSES TIE CONSTRUCTION OF A RIOT QUALITY, ABORITECTURALLY COOPED IRATED, ELDERLY CARS FACILITY ON A 15 ACNE PROPERTI LOCATED ON TIE SCETINAST CORNER Or VEST L9TA AYREUR AND TABOR 11 TRENT IE "a CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. THE MAJORITY OF THE PRO►OARD DSTtLOP/tST IS LOCATID ON THE NOMrEEN1 11*0 OF Tilt PROPERTY ADJACItT TO AID COONDINATID WITH TIE EXISTING MOUSTA;N VISTA RETII3NIN7 COMMUNIST. DESIROUS PERIMETER LANDSCAPING, O►EN SPACE, AMD BUILDING SETBACKS IAV[ NRPB pROV IDED ON ALL SIDIS O► }EE PRO►ERTT IN ORDER TO IYFTHE ADJAC[/} PPOPERTINS AID TO GREATS A QUALITY KIYIPOSMEHT rrTa:r TRI PROJECT. THE BRIMS AID PARKING RATE SEEN DESIGNED To ALLOW no CLEAN CIRCULATION VETE IE THE PROJECT, AS HILL AS A SEPARATIOR OF PEDESTRIAN AND VWRICULAP TRAFFIC. TEE MATERIALS USED IN TIE CONSTRUCTION Or ?IIS FACILITY WILL At CBBHISTaNT TE COLOR AND MTUPt WITH TM[ EXISTING BUILDINGS 0E TEE PROPNETT, POP RIAM►LE: ERICN, WOOD, STORE AMD GLASS. TAE STYLE OF THE BUT LDI not SHILL RE►LtCT 7HI 'RESIDENTIAL' QUALITY OF Tlt COMPLEX THAT HAS 1[n ISTAULISHID THROUGH PREVIOUS EIISTING TEASES OF COISTRUCTION. 711 ROOFS VILL ■LEND VITT THE LINRR Or THE LX ISTI IG MOUITAIN VISTA HETIRWEST CONNJITTI. T/E ►IIAL LA UT AND ORIENTATION OF PEI BUILDING FOOTPRINTS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO ALLOW PON AND nCOVEAOI THE [IEDOF TEDIa TAIAR ACTIVITY 7EHnt/T TO THIS TTp[ or BrTIRWyW :' COMMUIIT7. 3. to oRaN ar LIQ 1OSIDATI00 OrrOga Mr. CRWf LEI( AIL[ ARE: JUOMA DITCA COMAN, C/0 -I- VxNCRI, A IDMIT .24-MJ1 61(1 Tum aON ANNAM, COEGNA00 900.1 MAGI L DITCE COMAS, CJO CIT,` Or AIIrADA .MI -SMI NN MmM 6101 NALOM NtMO ARMS&, COLINMO SN02 MONVRTE DEVON CMMRST CM NICK EtIJAR 411- 326 ,TN NN1/Av NOAD A -SM, OOtasuao 60001 I. TEL mvw� RAN 0001dom EQ PREIIONN a.VvIa N > T P,M RECwmA aaERE MEClrlM S MaITM4. 1. LEu P.01•CT IN RAST iMPALs N A Time, MINIS. .. GMWI» AREA 1.11,. TO AA K' f1L MWT►I NNLII{ LAMP, AI IEA CITY DD•E. S. AJ MORON C­WTMCTIM TO Omeowng IN MID 1H2. TAaRE H MTMOT OW TO C0MOM N MMM IN. AW. NN,. 0. M is VIaN MrIRMMEET TAAANN Is Eo1® TOO - PLANNED CO DEX" ). NIA .ZME ARM NANN ON TEM AMQsr20. l�NS LES MUT LIRE Or TU EMINENCY 11. M NI ll r E N• 1a'N• A. TER NNQNEAa'I O!1 0, ERTid 1T IM P PREEN' IRE1 CAP (V 11]12) MT v A NLMQ NOW, LR M1 1/. OLS o► MEMO. II it A TOEND NNAN■ CAP (Y 10]121 ANT IN A Q NON. RE210• M'RREAM •1 M RHIT'a ,NREQR DEMON. NNNm •FMCRE M A�[NO 4401 ti OM 11 t 12 21 !rR[AMED 0 >1N D >1N EDOR ALL m ET 7H PEor". Tt tRN•tpwb.1.4. las t\. o.Ner of • EST er of 1-4 leeetod 144 tM Nort Meet •«rter of a«tiw M, aN tM R1•th«1t Q«rtM of teetiw 1T, Te.«h2F ] Ewth, Mase 69 .e•t of tM atr4 rTlaet Pal M.r1 d lel, k14 [Flet M1aB • pertlw of 1•te 36, 1!. !B, aN 21 of Lee'a S.M111e1«, 10 t\• Olt, 0f Wheat Bias., C.a.tr •f Je fTefa •e, Stet. of CeleeNe, deeeri►ed ea fello..: MULARELMM ::201 1v A TMT MORTKMT CO OF UID L 10. MID CM•KA QLMO TK SOUTIMA T CORaft W MID SECT IOM IT. : MMCE f 00»'44' {, KpK TK EMT LIK OF MED LOT I.A DI StAIt{ OI AA MET TO A rOINT W M wMTIMALY LIK Q TwT tMCi D. LAAO MACRINNO IM NOS[ 1.- AT PAM 210 W SII( 1(1FE1.OM C TY NIRLIC WCOOM: TM[Nu WGIORLY KOM. MIO MRTKRY LIK M FOLLOWIK 17 (5) COURNS' f 1) KOK TK1 Or A CURVE TO M AIMt WIT. A RADIUS W MOO F[IT AMo A u.TRML AfMLE Or oo 'x'24• A ....ANCE 0I "­F([T, TK LORD bl•IJD DA WIC. REMf S 69.0'1.- Y. A AN DISTCE W 62.10 FRIT: (2) S 07'41_44• V, A DISTAD= Or 43S.6. PUT: (0) ALONG TK RRC W A C TO TM *I -T WtT. A AeDIU{ or f0).p1 FUT AID A CSMTIV,L A NLE W I. "'U. A DtA-A 0/ N..) INET, TK LORD CIJOIID 0I WICM QA•, M K-SI.20- V, A Dl.TAICE Of N..1 IEIT: (.) . 00x'16 V A DI.TRMCE Or 20,44 PUT TO A "TRT W TK .OHTM LIK OF MIO 101 1.1 Y AM M RMT. LIK Or MIO LOT 10. A D STAf10E a• O�N MEET TO SPELT M M SASTMRY LIR[ OF TMT 'MIT OF �AIo 0[ACRIRED IM ERM( 1712 RT PAM 7% OF TK IIII[Aea+ COl1TY FI2RSC KCOtM., iKMC( DO ll'1. KOK MID (ASTERLT 11K. A Dr.,- DF 150.20 F(ET: TKMC[ -I-'- KOM MID C-MeLT LLL, ti' 16 12'15• DISTM,CE Or 27..2. IEE' TO A -IMT P• M {A.TEAl` AIOMT-OFyA1T LIK OF I- .17ET: TKRCE KO.O MID EASTrXY RINrt-OP-1 LIMB, A DiST-CE DI 515.02 FEE - TO A -1.1 O. TK fCUTKTIIY RSaWT-OF-wY LINE OF K.T 44 VE MIL: I-. H "1.'N' C. KORE M10 t041MIRY RISK -OF -WT LIK, • DI STAKE OI &1.17 MET A -1.1 W LK NAST LIK OI TK -TKA•' I'. OF MID MCT/OH IT: 11MNCI S 00'1.'00• E, - SAL {AST LIK. A DISTAIIC( Or aee,M MET TO TK POINT OF NN•IMAI>M. CCMIAIMLNG SS.10) ACK[ SIMM M LBM. aN•e Ltd MM. PAattN W •Y11r/4N SIMRMT. mM 4...ri\N 1"d, EM4•r t\• A.r W At IA M x0mrs 1. Tleta tot lrTk T11Mp- Fili•M No. 1, am N tha•R peaRmkN d/ EMS% NM • w t. tM City of Rh«t ■1490, Celarada. All •traret• tar !Ellie «•, Ettllt7 aad Kh/r MM•ala" w atM•E t. In. Plat. OVIIM: TIEBETIER PROPEPTY IE OWNED ET BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIAT/OI Or THE 10CE7 WOUSTAIES, A COLORADO COPPORATIOW. STATEMENT OF VNIPTWD CONTROL: THt rAOJICT OWSXN, IAP, IST MORN ASSOCIATION Of TNf IIOQRT - WOVWTAIES, SMALL PgCVTDN UEIrItD CONTROL MY MAINTA71750 A SINGLE MANAGWENT TNROUOE-OUT THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS. PEESIDENT/GRIEF EEtCiRIVI OTFI CEN IC�LTAA� STATE Or COLORADO ) Ma COUSIT or JEFFIRSOR TER FORROOIEO IRMTWUMEIT HAS ACKNOVLtDGn IMPORE If ?IIS DAT OF 19,j, A.D., ET FLOTD 1-..idNRlaM10. AA pRESI RECSON ASD BI JNMT L. DICKEY AS EXECUSIVt SECRETARY Or BAPTIST IOU AMIFMUTIOH O► TIE ROCKY nMOUI'TA,IWA. WITNESS MT GID AND OFFICIAL SRAL. !�Mp �' MT COMaMI LION IXFI"a-]-)S-QS , ESS wu.kgdyL, Co 1m33 NOW NOCAMMR: (10=79hGERS) 1. AmRIrat BAYTIET EIYmmias COr.FOMATIOM, A NEW VWDI CORPORATION (LOTS 2 AHD () 2. NET BANK Or MNEAT RIDGE, A COLORADO CORNOMTIoN ,LOT 4) AICII7BCT: [VCE Da[IB 1 ASEOCIATRd, T.C. .' 1201 1617 aTIBIT /DISH 100 Dern, cot.oMMADo Pozoz tMmnit: JEWS A "OOCIATES, INC. 5695 Tug 01 STREET fEITE C ANTADA, COLORADO 80002 CEAEACTIN RTATNMMNT EATE7M'B campICars 1, Barld L. PT'«aaa. to Mretr .artlfy that the ■ T*y of the \om"ry Of i•«Otil ViSta B1tirt-mt 1111&90 - ►Slink N1. 1 w• MEA• MR M, direct r«}waf ►l lltP, a.E.T'Vlaiw, ..A ebw"L.t, eN Lt Aceee4RAe .1t\ all aBrli«ale Colora4a B"t.41R, err«[ r.131ed adltlw, Y RMI.MA•4. MB• He. 5112 F e ® HERE rafes' INC) IRa•.ME 1�RE T1REQR f auTER momaws IR. GOT » ANMD= me, .-s Is,MN 23' EDOR ALL m ET 7H PEor". Tt tRN•tpwb.1.4. las t\. o.Ner of • EST er of 1-4 leeetod 144 tM Nort Meet •«rter of a«tiw M, aN tM R1•th«1t Q«rtM of teetiw 1T, Te.«h2F ] Ewth, Mase 69 .e•t of tM atr4 rTlaet Pal M.r1 d lel, k14 [Flet M1aB • pertlw of 1•te 36, 1!. !B, aN 21 of Lee'a S.M111e1«, 10 t\• Olt, 0f Wheat Bias., C.a.tr •f Je fTefa •e, Stet. of CeleeNe, deeeri►ed ea fello..: MULARELMM ::201 1v A TMT MORTKMT CO OF UID L 10. MID CM•KA QLMO TK SOUTIMA T CORaft W MID SECT IOM IT. : MMCE f 00»'44' {, KpK TK EMT LIK OF MED LOT I.A DI StAIt{ OI AA MET TO A rOINT W M wMTIMALY LIK Q TwT tMCi D. LAAO MACRINNO IM NOS[ 1.- AT PAM 210 W SII( 1(1FE1.OM C TY NIRLIC WCOOM: TM[Nu WGIORLY KOM. MIO MRTKRY LIK M FOLLOWIK 17 (5) COURNS' f 1) KOK TK1 Or A CURVE TO M AIMt WIT. A RADIUS W MOO F[IT AMo A u.TRML AfMLE Or oo 'x'24• A ....ANCE 0I "­F([T, TK LORD bl•IJD DA WIC. REMf S 69.0'1.- Y. A AN DISTCE W 62.10 FRIT: (2) S 07'41_44• V, A DISTAD= Or 43S.6. PUT: (0) ALONG TK RRC W A C TO TM *I -T WtT. A AeDIU{ or f0).p1 FUT AID A CSMTIV,L A NLE W I. "'U. A DtA-A 0/ N..) INET, TK LORD CIJOIID 0I WICM QA•, M K-SI.20- V, A Dl.TAICE Of N..1 IEIT: (.) . 00x'16 V A DI.TRMCE Or 20,44 PUT TO A "TRT W TK .OHTM LIK OF MIO 101 1.1 Y AM M RMT. LIK Or MIO LOT 10. A D STAf10E a• O�N MEET TO SPELT M M SASTMRY LIR[ OF TMT 'MIT OF �AIo 0[ACRIRED IM ERM( 1712 RT PAM 7% OF TK IIII[Aea+ COl1TY FI2RSC KCOtM., iKMC( DO ll'1. KOK MID (ASTERLT 11K. A Dr.,- DF 150.20 F(ET: TKMC[ -I-'- KOM MID C-MeLT LLL, ti' 16 12'15• DISTM,CE Or 27..2. IEE' TO A -IMT P• M {A.TEAl` AIOMT-OFyA1T LIK OF I- .17ET: TKRCE KO.O MID EASTrXY RINrt-OP-1 LIMB, A DiST-CE DI 515.02 FEE - TO A -1.1 O. TK fCUTKTIIY RSaWT-OF-wY LINE OF K.T 44 VE MIL: I-. H "1.'N' C. KORE M10 t041MIRY RISK -OF -WT LIK, • DI STAKE OI &1.17 MET A -1.1 W LK NAST LIK OI TK -TKA•' I'. OF MID MCT/OH IT: 11MNCI S 00'1.'00• E, - SAL {AST LIK. A DISTAIIC( Or aee,M MET TO TK POINT OF NN•IMAI>M. CCMIAIMLNG SS.10) ACK[ SIMM M LBM. aN•e Ltd MM. PAattN W •Y11r/4N SIMRMT. mM 4...ri\N 1"d, EM4•r t\• A.r W At IA M x0mrs 1. Tleta tot lrTk T11Mp- Fili•M No. 1, am N tha•R peaRmkN d/ EMS% NM • w t. tM City of Rh«t ■1490, Celarada. All •traret• tar !Ellie «•, Ettllt7 aad Kh/r MM•ala" w atM•E t. In. Plat. OVIIM: TIEBETIER PROPEPTY IE OWNED ET BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIAT/OI Or THE 10CE7 WOUSTAIES, A COLORADO COPPORATIOW. STATEMENT OF VNIPTWD CONTROL: THt rAOJICT OWSXN, IAP, IST MORN ASSOCIATION Of TNf IIOQRT - WOVWTAIES, SMALL PgCVTDN UEIrItD CONTROL MY MAINTA71750 A SINGLE MANAGWENT TNROUOE-OUT THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS. PEESIDENT/GRIEF EEtCiRIVI OTFI CEN IC�LTAA� STATE Or COLORADO ) Ma COUSIT or JEFFIRSOR TER FORROOIEO IRMTWUMEIT HAS ACKNOVLtDGn IMPORE If ?IIS DAT OF 19,j, A.D., ET FLOTD 1-..idNRlaM10. AA pRESI RECSON ASD BI JNMT L. DICKEY AS EXECUSIVt SECRETARY Or BAPTIST IOU AMIFMUTIOH O► TIE ROCKY nMOUI'TA,IWA. WITNESS MT GID AND OFFICIAL SRAL. !�Mp �' MT COMaMI LION IXFI"a-]-)S-QS , ESS wu.kgdyL, Co 1m33 NOW NOCAMMR: (10=79hGERS) 1. AmRIrat BAYTIET EIYmmias COr.FOMATIOM, A NEW VWDI CORPORATION (LOTS 2 AHD () 2. NET BANK Or MNEAT RIDGE, A COLORADO CORNOMTIoN ,LOT 4) AICII7BCT: [VCE Da[IB 1 ASEOCIATRd, T.C. .' 1201 1617 aTIBIT /DISH 100 Dern, cot.oMMADo Pozoz tMmnit: JEWS A "OOCIATES, INC. 5695 Tug 01 STREET fEITE C ANTADA, COLORADO 80002 CEAEACTIN RTATNMMNT EATE7M'B campICars 1, Barld L. PT'«aaa. to Mretr .artlfy that the ■ T*y of the \om"ry Of i•«Otil ViSta B1tirt-mt 1111&90 - ►Slink N1. 1 w• MEA• MR M, direct r«}waf ►l lltP, a.E.T'Vlaiw, ..A ebw"L.t, eN Lt Aceee4RAe .1t\ all aBrli«ale Colora4a B"t.41R, err«[ r.131ed adltlw, Y RMI.MA•4. MB• He. 5112 F e �r 1Mt 1 90 - 11 rarD rafes' INC) IRa•.ME 1�RE T1REQR f auTER momaws IR. GOT » ANMD= me, .-s Is,MN 23' )t, ]•a -Sat l], 9s0 -1St 1M,t.♦-aT AT. I.O! 21 E=artLNN MMRElN .-5 0 0 0 t7, 000 -Eft 1H, N0-114 I MEAC11, CLINIC A 011. OPrifSN 0.3. 1. k0 „• 1,060 -MM f,1n-410 f,1N-7N 2 MMMTM LORE S.N ..110 1f' 144,211-14. fT,f],-214 n.]F0-]N 1 OOMOw CARE 2.1, 62,.M w' If, Noe-tN N,1NVT E1, 61FNM f � ..« q,eM N' p.e•e-Ne f2, &0-1.6 Ma�-ttt AT 5 LIWM 1.03 so,]N »' 15,679-60% 32, MhEtt ea Nq-ut I -f I..N 1•I,flr IN,NO-». 20I,MR-31% NT,i/1-lN EDOR ALL m ET 7H PEor". Tt tRN•tpwb.1.4. las t\. o.Ner of • EST er of 1-4 leeetod 144 tM Nort Meet •«rter of a«tiw M, aN tM R1•th«1t Q«rtM of teetiw 1T, Te.«h2F ] Ewth, Mase 69 .e•t of tM atr4 rTlaet Pal M.r1 d lel, k14 [Flet M1aB • pertlw of 1•te 36, 1!. !B, aN 21 of Lee'a S.M111e1«, 10 t\• Olt, 0f Wheat Bias., C.a.tr •f Je fTefa •e, Stet. of CeleeNe, deeeri►ed ea fello..: MULARELMM ::201 1v A TMT MORTKMT CO OF UID L 10. MID CM•KA QLMO TK SOUTIMA T CORaft W MID SECT IOM IT. : MMCE f 00»'44' {, KpK TK EMT LIK OF MED LOT I.A DI StAIt{ OI AA MET TO A rOINT W M wMTIMALY LIK Q TwT tMCi D. LAAO MACRINNO IM NOS[ 1.- AT PAM 210 W SII( 1(1FE1.OM C TY NIRLIC WCOOM: TM[Nu WGIORLY KOM. MIO MRTKRY LIK M FOLLOWIK 17 (5) COURNS' f 1) KOK TK1 Or A CURVE TO M AIMt WIT. A RADIUS W MOO F[IT AMo A u.TRML AfMLE Or oo 'x'24• A ....ANCE 0I "­F([T, TK LORD bl•IJD DA WIC. REMf S 69.0'1.- Y. A AN DISTCE W 62.10 FRIT: (2) S 07'41_44• V, A DISTAD= Or 43S.6. PUT: (0) ALONG TK RRC W A C TO TM *I -T WtT. A AeDIU{ or f0).p1 FUT AID A CSMTIV,L A NLE W I. "'U. A DtA-A 0/ N..) INET, TK LORD CIJOIID 0I WICM QA•, M K-SI.20- V, A Dl.TAICE Of N..1 IEIT: (.) . 00x'16 V A DI.TRMCE Or 20,44 PUT TO A "TRT W TK .OHTM LIK OF MIO 101 1.1 Y AM M RMT. LIK Or MIO LOT 10. A D STAf10E a• O�N MEET TO SPELT M M SASTMRY LIR[ OF TMT 'MIT OF �AIo 0[ACRIRED IM ERM( 1712 RT PAM 7% OF TK IIII[Aea+ COl1TY FI2RSC KCOtM., iKMC( DO ll'1. KOK MID (ASTERLT 11K. A Dr.,- DF 150.20 F(ET: TKMC[ -I-'- KOM MID C-MeLT LLL, ti' 16 12'15• DISTM,CE Or 27..2. IEE' TO A -IMT P• M {A.TEAl` AIOMT-OFyA1T LIK OF I- .17ET: TKRCE KO.O MID EASTrXY RINrt-OP-1 LIMB, A DiST-CE DI 515.02 FEE - TO A -1.1 O. TK fCUTKTIIY RSaWT-OF-wY LINE OF K.T 44 VE MIL: I-. H "1.'N' C. KORE M10 t041MIRY RISK -OF -WT LIK, • DI STAKE OI &1.17 MET A -1.1 W LK NAST LIK OI TK -TKA•' I'. OF MID MCT/OH IT: 11MNCI S 00'1.'00• E, - SAL {AST LIK. A DISTAIIC( Or aee,M MET TO TK POINT OF NN•IMAI>M. CCMIAIMLNG SS.10) ACK[ SIMM M LBM. aN•e Ltd MM. PAattN W •Y11r/4N SIMRMT. mM 4...ri\N 1"d, EM4•r t\• A.r W At IA M x0mrs 1. Tleta tot lrTk T11Mp- Fili•M No. 1, am N tha•R peaRmkN d/ EMS% NM • w t. tM City of Rh«t ■1490, Celarada. All •traret• tar !Ellie «•, Ettllt7 aad Kh/r MM•ala" w atM•E t. In. Plat. OVIIM: TIEBETIER PROPEPTY IE OWNED ET BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIAT/OI Or THE 10CE7 WOUSTAIES, A COLORADO COPPORATIOW. STATEMENT OF VNIPTWD CONTROL: THt rAOJICT OWSXN, IAP, IST MORN ASSOCIATION Of TNf IIOQRT - WOVWTAIES, SMALL PgCVTDN UEIrItD CONTROL MY MAINTA71750 A SINGLE MANAGWENT TNROUOE-OUT THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS. PEESIDENT/GRIEF EEtCiRIVI OTFI CEN IC�LTAA� STATE Or COLORADO ) Ma COUSIT or JEFFIRSOR TER FORROOIEO IRMTWUMEIT HAS ACKNOVLtDGn IMPORE If ?IIS DAT OF 19,j, A.D., ET FLOTD 1-..idNRlaM10. AA pRESI RECSON ASD BI JNMT L. DICKEY AS EXECUSIVt SECRETARY Or BAPTIST IOU AMIFMUTIOH O► TIE ROCKY nMOUI'TA,IWA. WITNESS MT GID AND OFFICIAL SRAL. !�Mp �' MT COMaMI LION IXFI"a-]-)S-QS , ESS wu.kgdyL, Co 1m33 NOW NOCAMMR: (10=79hGERS) 1. AmRIrat BAYTIET EIYmmias COr.FOMATIOM, A NEW VWDI CORPORATION (LOTS 2 AHD () 2. NET BANK Or MNEAT RIDGE, A COLORADO CORNOMTIoN ,LOT 4) AICII7BCT: [VCE Da[IB 1 ASEOCIATRd, T.C. .' 1201 1617 aTIBIT /DISH 100 Dern, cot.oMMADo Pozoz tMmnit: JEWS A "OOCIATES, INC. 5695 Tug 01 STREET fEITE C ANTADA, COLORADO 80002 CEAEACTIN RTATNMMNT EATE7M'B campICars 1, Barld L. PT'«aaa. to Mretr .artlfy that the ■ T*y of the \om"ry Of i•«Otil ViSta B1tirt-mt 1111&90 - ►Slink N1. 1 w• MEA• MR M, direct r«}waf ►l lltP, a.E.T'Vlaiw, ..A ebw"L.t, eN Lt Aceee4RAe .1t\ all aBrli«ale Colora4a B"t.41R, err«[ r.131ed adltlw, Y RMI.MA•4. MB• He. 5112 F e �r 1Mt 1 90 - 11 rarD f pRrM eN Hoer«ti« Ci1es PrlKSorVie. s� /lar • &MEF RN•rt\ t. MTa.y PSAErna B mnw t7lr1►ICATE T\la 11 t. •eellfy tM r3th1ANNEM LtLAM1 1eELF+rd by tAea t aa6a., tale..... HutaN's earinsna Nhi. L1 N e'artlty that the city of ubmt Bich., Coles'"'. A -elm At It. city Co•R.II did AN ta. _1��47 K 1*, Port am apWAo tM Hithi. put •N -.*" tM d"iwtlaw Mrew a".. ACCIPT'KO FOR rILINC IR TEE OFFICE 0 TNI COLMITY ^ 2EK AMD aBCONOER or JMF'EtaOM AT GOLDEN, COLON ON TBlt ,1447 Or iA iLAT cT.oc3cP�T {1 7 F4t; WOUHY&OH WM7& HE7RREKEH7 'YLL&W C3 FOH&L BEWELDpHIEH7 K&H AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE g� R `\�\ BEING A PORTION OF LEE'S SUBDIVISION IN THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 20 AND THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, 40 0 2C 40 ao RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6th PRINCIPLE MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO \ EAST UR KCTM 17 \ OftOft L SCALE 1'_40' Al 500,16,00,E 990.58' 1M4EAT RIDGE MOUS1RiAL PARK 194.51' \ — — 370.74' Ex� N m ..ou.nE Y xw O a:wcM..R R-44• R=44� DE-PE V POND r GRASSED AREA I \ U PA�r O� S E— KCMG ..MST ►f . I IO h /r I rnou 'N[ qsr EJ1RtAMCi ORFL OIY RA'hVC aw?s w 1 \ DE7EN710N POND A" LOT S n 4[c' gl0[,I rUAW rt A[ COMSTMlCIED ♦' 11F �I ..� O Q r TAY CE a.t.:WKWT a e �$�6• _ 4.}�i / iME 1-6-C-1M TK -ES' 40 00, ,AK t4 r `\ 40 POE LANE .NOSC.GE 9 I• M. aast 31 AcLAW A4w.(ny 1•L 14 �er_�M sv.. , m �J 1�� \, `` I .A. ,9 J .e Ar Q�7EHTKW \�- �\ � � 1 PL \ a1MlT E IU1.M (; \ I (+w + COLORADO �i V OEPMIIET/T I' add ` s• _ ' I LOT 4 / ' �/ I� Al I .s+a.m i n• \ �`\ i \\ �� �\ WSEA1577A(6 —1 >Ioun� uc =cwsi ELDERL Y HDU9A(G,_Uoff PROPOSED EX/ST/NG F BUILDING NUBS/NG A I � ADDrnoN HOME a n .....YM AIfOE pluLOT 2 OT 3 � U 1 , rn 4f.c a o b I 500.45E Em ...- J Enculmy wo. NE.M am �� 3 14"YY _ mm4`.c" ALO . a u AE 7FN 77 iv s 1 20— m i �/ Nao.e,e w CM+A rAK a I ""` / Pcwo c" 1 CE1q.Cae,T Of ECT ,. a t caPP. OFf7CE o r °' 20.04 m' FpP JVURSiMG fi .wrvmy r �� 4 d 1lJbi HK*my NOW RESUWrS i � � / 7+,� w� oErrRtrEnT �, j � �� fwr w,T 38'26'51 "w ♦� rants Eel( N 5 LOT 24. ► • µ+e 2 N00.15'51.w p 19'32'29' 575.02' -MAW S)Wffr LAKENIONT CENTER WW%f" PID \ / 94U2OF6 =Ar 3LW ,t MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE - FINAL PLAT A REPLAT OF LOTS 18, 19' 20 & 21 OF LEE'S SUMMS10N IN THE NE 1 /4 OF SECTION 20 AND THE SE 1 /4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, OF THE 6th PRtNGPLE MERlOtAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF ,JEFFERSpr. STATE OF COLORADO M M6M 1/4 NC7 1T, 50016'00'E 900.50' I i , I LOT 5 I 7,.023 3F 1.633 %c uamff 6( �T F F i O� i _ Ar _ .•6r3ru• 1MLliY M7! AID Mr' 4LW Y Am= e61T 66.71 /7R# / R_14� 1 • ; / LOT ! 221,129 SF I 5.074 AC �m -LOT 2i� LOT m 11 �r sk I I a6ar IAT � .. ""Vw.11 1 _ 1� W • [rIT IL 0.341 AC 710Vr fK1M o1r.— J•r'4—,_4m3 ' E L& 61A1r ulO = M001F51-W 5 f' iir • - U 9R 6� mnw Rmw 1..i r1a >K COiQ SMIM 17. TX 1160x' ax LL 370.76 \\\ L0T 20 LST 19 �� EAMOMT b+ r 1!7ltis��p7.tt T_ �7Pik e 1p \� arm" 1�Mw a :0016'oo'E \ outlli ala i V� LOT 3 i +, \ � 1AC 1 � I `w_ V 1 � \ 7— 6-IJLW aw"Llw I LOT 4 1 237,610 SF �4w Ac ® w avm r11Q UW CAMMkT 7m 2�'� 6K wlrt � 766 L3T 19 1 _p' ;g 40 0 1D 40 w Ofta/K >RJ�LC f'HO' �y O 650 I � !v. lAlc owe" 17 r I I / / M0013"'w / 20.04 � 04 64 3r fir , -� "s7t n.n 0§KT 3 OF 6 1s' --s cs. �' iE7►T C1O►C av rWA /TYP) -y All 77) 1 ti \ aw q PR9P05ED > i RETAIWING WA. . 1 z eco G.Q� SSEG REQ �� I at ch Ll no �►:», Iver IN I X__ I ti �A--_Sk, ,q -5m c :;7 R IlE+VM 3,- MIN 3: Cr — • 4 rrM 7:.58 2f rrs c r.4T 3:,M - '% &POWNIr w I P_ ROPOSED BUkD/NG ADD/TION / I f � i f 1 r 4W — I:Cfr — OD:CR � 344A x:W j: cr 2 Yn(/OTA 7 TOTAL) Y1.Ow gig CO \ r— I EX/S TINCIL URS/NG Qiw HOMEZT1 3 ..7T :cr Ti1BA4 �n%W LAI + —40'M jbI i —4:OVM • I , `" . —2: VT _ I ' i � iwa-��rC..• ' mvidI 3; PCE l� c 4alk aw 4w I w. all. P14 4 Alp I s OMPI -r Left I -ohm 3a cw x• ti34Ar 1 �, 40:pv elol, cor u AT xc -4N t tI affl W� kc 41� av upow.— A—, PLANTING DETAILS Sok coq P& -Z% REC,*q&oZ Toto --r>1- 7." -r>1- 7." Nru r w �NrN T eurw r t� w EE►OIMMCOVEE ►LAMTMfa MTAIL Nr Nor.. r :n �rrir. nt y� wwn� n r6.y wti� � =•� EVEMEEEM TREE ►LAMTIa111 ;TAIL ., I.:--everWo - �M tie ti, ~i•W..... 4SINA10011I►TAL TRIPS PLANTalfE DETAIL err •....r roar Pros. mor r Nr — mor+. Nerd rte. Prom Nrr. EY. Elwl►E PLAMTEIN MTAIL t. wnr Perm. w 1 7Ebc., Nil &aWw r ul., 1a► !' %t bo, 611 <eew Y e.L. ► i a !' tee bt., got .raw LV a C.lti. - Iddet.IL bcb�or,T Nf .&dear fr-Ila rtrrltiya. L.s-1-t. a -dull f..ala- A" rr.srr. �r e� «'• 4' tat be., 611 .,eve Pro r ~ Nr. fn. -11 -cd. 611 6- ,wMrrlr rM, Vt�.. mow r.w N• 2tr-L.1 mbb"I st Ynrfwonuh MC 11"Mm r'I.AMTm MTAM. •....r roar Pros. mor r Nr — mor+. Nerd rte. Prom Nrr. EY. Elwl►E PLAMTEIN MTAIL t. wnr Perm. w 1 PLANT LIST 7Ebc., Nil &aWw r ul., 1a► !' %t bo, 611 <eew Y e.L. ► i a !' tee bt., got .raw LV a C.lti. - Iddet.IL bcb�or,T fla. 1] fr-Ila rtrrltiya. L.s-1-t. a -dull f..ala- A" rr.srr. �r e� «'• 4' tat be., 611 .,eve Pro o r .w... ,Yr r.� r....- -11 -cd. 611 6- 6' Not.. 7 6 a Vt�.. mow r.w N• 2tr-L.1 mbb"I st .rm-7 serve, 611 'La.rLl' bei.-Lh-ftd mar �. Lsc.1-t btttw./ !'Cc 2 Wiz.:•,:" .fir M Nt Cr 1: rrwa./tr ..`-tom regi r u . 1 mos... rnn . as -i- all - AS A twtr r r ra fa. 2 Note •ir.aea' sw .mare rte �Lw.a aam ! Not" 'arblat' bLi.t Crab. -1. Z! ami- '&Prim as-' yriva a... Cr.b.hl. r TME 1 LAMTArD MTA: PLANT LIST PLAN NOTES 7Ebc., Nil &aWw r ul., 1a► !' %t bo, 611 <eew Y e.L. ► i a !' tee bt., got .raw LV a C.lti. - Iddet.IL bcb�or,T fla. 1] fr-Ila rtrrltiya. L.s-1-t. a -dull f..ala- A" !' tat ht-, %Ll .. r -1.. a 6 1 4' tat be., 611 .,eve Pro v F --A- pM wL.—j— L..a-Lu fall, M 6' be., a a I -11 -cd. 611 6- 6' Not.. 7 6 a Ori 11 01.aitmL rel-saa. L-ai. 2tr-L.1 mbb"I st .rm-7 serve, 611 'La.rLl' bei.-Lh-ftd PAC 1 fryala. .trA0u. Lsc.1-t btttw./ !'Cc 2 Pili. [.dame- 'b�Slr.' 4r.r-Sin Lys Cr 1: rrwa./tr rwti�t� relwa u . ai.gwa .�-cib Iia as -i- all - AS A Vale 'A1.=7' Ater 4�SL fa. 2 Note •ir.aea' an.le7 Q.b.SPL aam ! Not" 'arblat' bLi.t Crab. -1. Z! ami- '&Prim as-' yriva a... Cr.b.hl. fb 1 �aaaais free- 'amt*art awr—t fls A 4 aim— I op C.Lrd. a— arr.c. /eY ! Har tsbmAd" "Li. fi.ro rim fa 12 i(—a .LR, A—tri— Pis ts I EsA&AM-Mb�R ri.w -r►reatri. 6otet ri— STA 21 abduct. t6w6.mi .crrr.eP.r- W iab.rr7 0 24 Ctetar aiLwi Nil., ba...A CUP " C- ata:sif-. fl -ter. TaiL.rcrta CA it e.e.....ar Owcif�li. f.biaa C.......c.r CD 11 4t..rwer 9Lrr-4a-a aP.ad tm C.trut- fall 10 f.w-Lea der iodwom ave asi.. friW- n L 2\.sai1L brc"- 'asL Ia.P' by at1 P -.rill. ra 7 r- r1.aw. r-PLiwf rb- s ri yis.t atAry. bird frit.. is grtm. Pddwb. Mora{- LAt- A tl -amd.- -A- Ib&' law al. Iearf o ! rYrs aft eve R I raar..w &.Hari a�6aw Mbarf-bwb JM 7 Adefiv & aafrs.L •Nom Nor-' a- ft - is H Jw4rr vmb-• atwh - A -4 - Jar 14 is aedr bmrirceli. � Ad Set- of U.I.- Js4- bs Js a7 J -dip d abse h. A -w - Jar Lll UNIUN&Amft JsiP-e. attic "Lsr1-{,baL' a.w A.4- Ma 11 f7rs.ara sr.cliiL 'aa�r' Saw. fiwtb-r Air 32 Arbill- filiv-doli- L11 7.11- 7.,rw lael ad.'s. f ves.i-Ls.r.rr "1.1rf ria.., cr-►- r AS aaillsdL .ulama&- OL-b.t ftra- n )&la P.lyw- .arr.rt.l. Adpoddow rl.-e rive s 2>a hAs g6rL.r ds ry6rid 0-d- tel 1 rH 13"34, Ti -. .deme arrt Lr PLAN NOTES a 7Ebc., Nil &aWw r ul., 1a► !' %t bo, 611 <eew Y e.L. ► i a !' tee bt., got .raw Y ul.. a 6 a 7' m be.. hit .a.. ! cal., t { 1 !' trb be.. Soft .traa 2'-1.,163 !' tat ht-, %Ll .. r -1.. a 6 1 4' tat be., 611 .,eve a A' ort k.. .- a- .— 5, ■6 a -Lost. acw, A. "* be. t -i/! .-l., I a a 6• ort bc. IS are., 2-1' he. 1 far Wfr 1-1/r ..1., I A a 4' r.t be. 1-1/! -1., a 6 m 6' ted be. 1-1/! ..1.. I A a a' tet bt. 6' be.. a A 1 rrr.ar7 Same., 1.11 6' be., a a I -11 -cd. 611 6- 6' Not.. 7 6 a arse) a,-. loll 6' be., a 6 a .rm-7 serve, 611 •! .fat. , 10-36• K. 7 - a L- 17 ost., 2r' be. 4 ...r rrtd- /5 s.s., f-+' N. a .r& &faire /! are., 2-1' be. 4 cr. tdaLr IS .se., 2-1' be. 4 IS are., 2-1' he. 1 far Wfr H .std, If~ be. ! H roc.. ►d' be. 4 ted .dries H esc., 1}tP be. 7 etre Wi.a- N .Sec., a -a• be. ♦ .r. rLAa- I! be. 7 deem tdai- H asc., 3-4' be. 4.wr ririr H rase., 3-4'b.. 4 far ttireadd ,. . H deem, fa-N� qa. bei.-Lh-ftd H deem, 1}a6• .Pa, ill. ole Lir&dd H Pmol-. la -le' Spa. bll. rlbodaw 05 .r., la. -a.• are. Noll, m-lk-bg a7 .sc., 1►36• +a. Noll, .ae llr.wA IS ...r.. 2-1' M. .-lir.td, Soil 2-1/4• f-.. Mts.im rl.•c 1' .... , 2-414• r-. 7 -, ►tat 11 ..r. 2-4/e 2rtc.. mlrartm PL- 1' ... 2-1/4• Pec-, bl-ift PL- 1' a.e. 2-4/N p.ta, \aurid' SL-. 1' .... 2-L/4• Me& ♦ tear.. r_lst 1' .r. fll iMse.Pd -a« is Ldim trot wd -h,rb ►.a. [o N inie-w b7-otwttic. td q.tw. t*arwd irrieKi- 2. raww. ell r pt-eis ad 4.6- 1. -J."drWss Prier t. Ft--, of r a"". 1-1/r Ai -c- .a.bd u c.rl Pawl r.rr ter L-dod . f.btzr,a- Y ..fu ..p_ _let .i,bwt lt.f-rS. leek t- ►1-ts 1. rail) .11 wiaci.a c."jtj ro Pride ir uirl.a wet. 4 aw,a t! .rrrara sd.rar.rd rtilit . fr...<t all-ta.iaa rt dood" t. 1-i-- C-Cr&ttor i er. resaAle to i►aS.c[ r esf SrYAitiw. Prier w ►mills wa4. Crwewe.c H .qt ball •tariff all craAitirta M t- 9cia ice Pre ll.rrrrt .ill be IL. -4 f- arraaima. raditz- &tsar tart of ..rt. able a. O.wti ti- .6w. Pre .rs.d edrwet. Er.tralma u roil). ic.al Mole[. -as1 - f li CM e.rt ad M emote -t -.sc.. w ► ewer oar 5. Plat Wtf±«+�., abwr -.ct oS-ilicrci- dA--tart.tie. _ wC shmw, R- Act Mmll Pr -mil. All Piles mail e�tr b K-i.l.r tf tM C. 1.r.10 ; Itad.rd f.r aft: KW .rd di--rPr&ilie.tiw. Of W •Arri<- aar7 &cwt•, lec . diti-. - d wLa d ►7 to Aomrie a -i-7 •f atrwarwmm rd the Gl-do Ibrrwry Art .'tA rq .tea 6, 0-if7 ss- r Amar taarodiat.l7 �w Aimw7 e[_wf-o..n site tmditi~ aT P loW et li.< ab -P.tifid w -tall N moma err-eitv c.+l.c.. Jr Wal .deltic aciw of isticfiti.PPrwa1 e. ify.s .. Iliabc adj.atmrcr sr/sr rAili-i-a w7 M ""ird .t tba ciar of rartrrtiw co emit wistide .i Ce cwAftiw. r batt ►rr2-t ar�l.ci C. -Plan tra.csra PL- With, irriaariw r7- ido"ll tis. Tort. S. All .ecru w sito• roe of -iliti-, &t—.aa, mor ab.T espies-ts &tell bra roe,.,iSW Prior co Naimi.a 7• aaasiAIA_ilA. �ifitk_ _ at-' IbLb: &lets rivet Sr -Wel -- Rs L -A -M- E -brit ac !• ImPtt - rkr.b b.4. �s sl.b c !• 6aPcb - .11 FLs t. trrf . =.sA 1' d.,eh Sr. -d carer Nod.. -t fltm &.-fill: 2/2 L.P-il rd 1/! K .mrors ad Pwt, aa.ae.: all w ltd. ae-►iliaod. I.IW-lad r-/bwwlrbeaP .r -n ft- of Abri. _d cwtwi-cit.. Crr. "op p -aa i-. 2-rrP.c-e. c frit Not rf P -t/ -r' Per la &Rae- fret of . . w w So A.PY. I.ti r Irmo{ d wre.ar� a,dlua, r. Trw "b lm: Ai -et- 2r418y.l. Sl- Sol- Witb 12 S.W. .ter .d fabric tr..t e.1 Lea ./tb at.rt&, 2 V" -,P- ate.. ler f.7 -it-.rd 1r 7 -.L- P- _.or_ tnt. Pt -2 44244: a- aura -r.P -camel. lA aaw..itb So afim Fib- 9-L► 6•, to 3" )t. Th. Crams moa sll Min sed .a.,(^- dull N ,.aPareLla f -pd- wLtsrd of tN rir fir f rets. rrw ..r♦L- lI• M.c ,.-- i. - "ti a s".to all P-riu-Navel. . ft --.Navel.. ad ale bre"frt.wt& of to Clt7 of t c J N � aEH 9/ we v *am * -ow fwmm- ODP Bk. 9(o �)3.7 q-1`7-98 AN OFFICIAL gLBn mallow _ . THIS PROJECT PROPOSES AK CASTBJCDON OF THEE DUPLEXES. (SIX YDi9f110G/N AAMRTMWTSI Owl ASSOCIATED COVERED PAWBIC ON4546 546 ACIL POVERTY LOCATED ON THE NORIIEAST COMER OF EST EST H1H AVENUE MD TAW SITIEET N THE CITY GE WHEAT RIDGE. THESE APARTMENTS MEL BE AROBTECIUTWIY COOR DNATED MID OF NCH QUALM THIS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERN PORTION OF THE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO AND COOrf SOMIED MM 7E EASW MOUNTAIN NISTA RCTfENENT COIMIMTY. GENEROUS PERIMETER LANDSCAPING. OPEN SPACE, AND NIILDING SETBACKS HAZE BEEN PROVIDED ON ALL SIDES OF THE PROPERTY N ORDER TO BUEFEP ADJACENT PROPERTIES AID TO CREATE A OUAIT) ENVIROMMENI WITHIN, THE PROJECT. THE PARKING MEAS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO ALLOW FOR CLEAP CIRCULATION UTAH THE PROJECT. AS WELL AS A SEPARATION OF PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICULAR TRAFFIC THE MATERIALS USED N THE COKTRUCTLOM Of THIS FACILITY WILL BE COM95TENT N COLOR AND TEXTURE NTH THE ERSING BURDIGS ON TME PROPERTY FOR EIIAAPLE BRIO(, III STOME AMC CLASS. THE STYLE OF THE N ILDNGS SHALL RMfCl THE RESIDENTIAL OIAIITY OF THE /IMLEX THAT HAS BEEN ESTAIN,19a THROUGH PREVIOUS E19SING PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION THE ROOFS NL BLEND Ia1H THE IDES OF THE EXISTING MOUNTAIN VISTA RETWEMENT OGWW,WITY. THE FINAL LAYOUT AND OIONTAR(k OF THE BUILDING FOOTPRINTS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO ALLOW fCP AND, ENCOURAGE THE NNE OF PMW►AN ACIMTY INHERENT To MS TYPE O RETIEWENT COMMUNITY LOT i SMOUNTAIN TA RETIREMENT NUDGE CITY OF MHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO B no PERMITTED USES: ALL USES ALLOED UHOEP RECORDED FINAL DE\ELOPMEN' PJM LOT . - INDEPENDENT APARAMEMYS PROPERTY AREA. S.4/ ACREE 5 46 ACRES BUILDING AREA 83,800 SOFT. - 35% 89,176 SOFT. - 37X PARKING/DRIVE : 62.000 SOFT - 26% 67,7p40.FT - 28% LANDSCAPE AREA 92,000 SOFT. - 3n 81,340 SOFT - 34% TOTAL F OF UNITS .1 47 TOTAL / PARKING SPACES'. 42 64 LB�BLBL�: RHEPROJECT OWNER BAPTIST NOME ASSOCIATION OF TE ROCKY MONYAKS, SHALL PROVIDER UINIED CONTROL BY MAINTAINING A SINGLE MANAGEMENT THROUGH -OUT ME DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Lm7B% THE OWNERS OF THE IRRIGATION DIT0ES WSCH CROSS THUS SITE ARE: WADSWORTH DITCH COMPANY C/O NICK KELLER 431-8735 6706 RALSTON ROAD ARVADA. COLORADO 00002 2 TNS DEVELOPMENT PLAN IS. AN AMENDMENT TO THE PREVIOUS DEVELOPMENT P_M' RECORDED UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 97077010. 3 THK PROJECT IS NOT BPACIED BY A FLOOD PLAN. 4. OUTSIDE AREA LIGHTS TO BE WETAL HIDE LAMS AS PER CITY COOS 5 All PROPOSED-COISTRUCDON 70 COMMENCE N SPRING, 1998 6. MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE IS ZONED PCD - PLANNED COMMERCIAL OEVELORIEN'. BEARINGS AN: BASED O ME EAST LINE OF NNE SOLIMAST.)i OF SECTION 17, BEARING • N0D*W-W. THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SEVION-17 IS A FOOD BRASS CAP (LS 1312) SET IN A RANGE BOX THE EAST K GORIER O SECRON'1.7 IS A FOOD BRASS CAP (LS 13212) SET N A RAMIE BOX. 5 TNS DEVQOPHENF-YUAN A 0004T AFFECTS ONLY LOT 4 OF MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE SUVA N ALL DEVQEPMENT MAIN LOTS 1, 2, 3, AND 5 OF MOUNTAIN RSIA RERRENENT VILLAGE &INDPW TON SHALL BE C WSISTNNT MM THE PREVIOUS EEIELOREMT PLAN n0 mE AT RECEPTION N0. 92077010 9 THERE ARE No PROPOSED WOK ASSOCIATED NM TNS DEVELOPMENT. 10 THE /RASH FACJUTES FOR ME PROPOSED UMTS ILL BE TREATED 11E 541E WAY AS THE EHSI1111G UMTS. THIS CONSISTS OF A CONCRETE SLAB MM 5'-t0' WALLS MOUND THE PERIMETER FOR SCREENING. I V- - -�-f •. q r? CO" C74 Oa-40r5dKD � o-; C'01"W,06 W,06 * LI I - oo MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 1 DE VEL OPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF LOT 4, MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE LOCATED IN SECTION 17 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANCE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO VICINITY MAP N.T.S. THE BELOW-SHGINEC OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DES04ATED AGENT(S) TEREDF, DO MMOY AGREE THAT THE PROPEPIlk LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON ILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOREItT N ACCORDANCE IM THE USES. RESTRHCMNS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED N THIS RAM, AND AS MAY OTHERWSE BE REOLWIED BY LAW E FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE FNA DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY FRIT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIO' 26-8(C)OF ARTICLE I OF THE CODE OF LAWS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RDGE- THE PROPERTY IS DINED BY BAPTIST 11011E ASSOCIATION OF THE ROC7(Y MOUNTAINS NC., A COLORADO COFORATtON PIES"T/Ow EXECUTIVE OFRCER SATE OF COLORADO COWMTY OF JEFFERSON SS Cu RIVE ECRETAR Y THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE WE THIS La_ DAY OF AL&LKS-- 1I. A.D., BY FLOYD H, HARRISON J. AS PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND IT JERRY L. DKNY AS E CUTI E SECRETARY OF BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION OF THE ROOKY MOUNTAINS. NC. OGM MY HUMID ANE OFFICIAL SEA. INV GBOa�OM EIPIES 1Q-11-6I� ecoozk VfI1NE HOLDERS (MORTGAGEES t 1 SAW OF MIEAT RIDGE. A COLORWUO CDRPORARO 2EA�CAR BAPTIST EXTENSOV CORPORATION, VALEY FDR(E. PEMNS`'VAN7A li o v`1 v) WHEA T RIDGE 1�� e I 0 +N IJ wT� I ROBERT 6. TAYLOR, DO HEREBY CERTIFY TNA" 111E SURVEY OF ME BOUNDARY OF LOT 4, MOUNTAIN VISTA RETEWENT VILLAGE - FLING N0, 1 WAS MADE WIDER NY DIRECT RESPONSIBIITY, SUPFRMIBOH. AND CHECKING AND N ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUES CURRENT REVISED EDITION, AS AMENDED. ROBERT B TAYLOR P.L.S. /26291 • �q WAOSWORTN DITCH OOWPAI APPROVED MIS 'T' -4*-t91 DAJ O191K81 ME ME NKAT RIDGE PLANING COIMNSSIOA !/ Cm 7' DW ��"" �� ""�� e� APPROVED TNS �L _ DAY OF / 19-n BY THE THE IIEAT RIDGE Ctl \ l A RECEPTIOi NO TMS DOCUMENT ACCEPTED FOR RING N THE OFFICE OF THE COUN�,EJ.FRh ANp RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO ON T:NI! DAY OF '�:_AD. 199=• N THEE BOOK PACE �..�- RECEPTION Edt�lellb AAL COUNTY CLE RECORDER Am ,I W7 -RS -4 W7-87-4 W7 -9n-11 W7 -9A-6 Revisions R&P ENGINEERS -SURVEYORS, INC. p0 Inverne4N Drove Eget ESuni�tLe� 229 303.792 2BA6 ��0 00112 AFeNNeet, Englmen Pk- KDA, P.C. 1301 Tae+ St. Swte 200 DEWER, CO. 80202 (PH) 50i -29/ -assn (FAY) $03-29/-8555 VISTA VILLAGE WDEPENDENT LIVING WHEAT RbGE, CID REV. 5-15-98 CITY COMMENTS REV. 4-20-98 CITY COMMENTS FDP rojoe Numbor ROT App --d K97003.00 RIWre/ HK owe Orawing Num 1 OF 4 - Beef 1-30-98 W. 58TH w v z w 0 Z U-1 a W 52ND R� w z 0 RiO�E O )0 O Q CID 4 SITE z Y VICINITY MAP N.T.S. THE BELOW-SHGINEC OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DES04ATED AGENT(S) TEREDF, DO MMOY AGREE THAT THE PROPEPIlk LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON ILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOREItT N ACCORDANCE IM THE USES. RESTRHCMNS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED N THIS RAM, AND AS MAY OTHERWSE BE REOLWIED BY LAW E FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE FNA DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY FRIT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIO' 26-8(C)OF ARTICLE I OF THE CODE OF LAWS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RDGE- THE PROPERTY IS DINED BY BAPTIST 11011E ASSOCIATION OF THE ROC7(Y MOUNTAINS NC., A COLORADO COFORATtON PIES"T/Ow EXECUTIVE OFRCER SATE OF COLORADO COWMTY OF JEFFERSON SS Cu RIVE ECRETAR Y THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE WE THIS La_ DAY OF AL&LKS-- 1I. A.D., BY FLOYD H, HARRISON J. AS PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND IT JERRY L. DKNY AS E CUTI E SECRETARY OF BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION OF THE ROOKY MOUNTAINS. NC. OGM MY HUMID ANE OFFICIAL SEA. INV GBOa�OM EIPIES 1Q-11-6I� ecoozk VfI1NE HOLDERS (MORTGAGEES t 1 SAW OF MIEAT RIDGE. A COLORWUO CDRPORARO 2EA�CAR BAPTIST EXTENSOV CORPORATION, VALEY FDR(E. PEMNS`'VAN7A li o v`1 v) WHEA T RIDGE 1�� e I 0 +N IJ wT� I ROBERT 6. TAYLOR, DO HEREBY CERTIFY TNA" 111E SURVEY OF ME BOUNDARY OF LOT 4, MOUNTAIN VISTA RETEWENT VILLAGE - FLING N0, 1 WAS MADE WIDER NY DIRECT RESPONSIBIITY, SUPFRMIBOH. AND CHECKING AND N ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUES CURRENT REVISED EDITION, AS AMENDED. ROBERT B TAYLOR P.L.S. /26291 • �q WAOSWORTN DITCH OOWPAI APPROVED MIS 'T' -4*-t91 DAJ O191K81 ME ME NKAT RIDGE PLANING COIMNSSIOA !/ Cm 7' DW ��"" �� ""�� e� APPROVED TNS �L _ DAY OF / 19-n BY THE THE IIEAT RIDGE Ctl \ l A RECEPTIOi NO TMS DOCUMENT ACCEPTED FOR RING N THE OFFICE OF THE COUN�,EJ.FRh ANp RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO ON T:NI! DAY OF '�:_AD. 199=• N THEE BOOK PACE �..�- RECEPTION Edt�lellb AAL COUNTY CLE RECORDER Am ,I W7 -RS -4 W7-87-4 W7 -9n-11 W7 -9A-6 Revisions R&P ENGINEERS -SURVEYORS, INC. p0 Inverne4N Drove Eget ESuni�tLe� 229 303.792 2BA6 ��0 00112 AFeNNeet, Englmen Pk- KDA, P.C. 1301 Tae+ St. Swte 200 DEWER, CO. 80202 (PH) 50i -29/ -assn (FAY) $03-29/-8555 VISTA VILLAGE WDEPENDENT LIVING WHEAT RbGE, CID REV. 5-15-98 CITY COMMENTS REV. 4-20-98 CITY COMMENTS FDP rojoe Numbor ROT App --d K97003.00 RIWre/ HK owe Orawing Num 1 OF 4 - Beef 1-30-98 eau MOU-IN'TAIN VISTA RETIREME-'ITT VILLAGE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 1 -'- J ;AL1% OFFI CI.4 L DE VEL OPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOT 4, MOUl'VTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE LOCATED IN SECTION 17 AND 20, TOIINSHIP 3 SOUTH, RAMC£ 69 HEST, A\' \� \ `SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO / /r` =� LOT 3 �PIINTAI NASTA RETIREW&4T--<LAGE5404 - — t- ^ i N'99-19-09- E�f' 4---��---1---------- -----_ ---- DRIVE 1� \ \\ \\--�, -7Lf Afff 1-7 \\ \ \\ \ i \ � � ` `• I / / / / \ ,. ..:.: 1ST' tMc \ 1 ; I h.' -- I:I /./ / / , / /I� A , tom'\ , L_%j I } � F �B��SnNG/ -%t � / G J 1 \-''' / / I (� /A/ 'NG /, /1 tr�l I AoA / tJ _ i SSu01�.�: i r',:� r! / LZz- EXISTBHG \, /��. / i.i` • \ It 11 I 1 I I I � , !%lIL8Mt0 1 / � ' 7� '`' I I t t f 1 1 � I I I I \ : •u n I // rr�'•./r.i�' ��:, / �/ �'/��.. 1, I 14 •� rA`,/^3 sir `>� .� 1 —i iN y l l I I I I 1 I I i hl �' _ �, / ; �:� r LOT 4 III 1 1 II X11 I I `' I I'I 11 T J �i L ----J//( i `S/// j' n\ �/�fi'� ��� 8•hsp `��� F/ l4� 11 1 1 P, I I I.j/ % L /> -- t t 11 t I 1 ` 1 � t � I I �� 1 � t /J r � � �'4S2Nyp �( !•j � eW TµC \ ,//i/ hLGNG \ t 1 1 .\ \1 Qp /F / +� 19 'l/ �ubyR \z IR u f--------- I I 1 ------ -----------! I Y 1 I IL' EXISTING------ J BUILDING 4 CS w 1 EXISTING \ _ BuR.O•IC I ---c*--�.r--f -- I 1:1 7 �. I I 08 IA I"I rj rt ---,r-- ` .,.. N 00'36'16'\aL�D 20.04' \ \�\ \\ \\ L=98.83' \ I'` ' - -- - R-307.03' \\ \,♦ �� ?�-k n.sTMO Du'& I 6-18'26'38' B -N 4633'20' W I y Ig iD I la I i r1 i� V WHEAT RIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARK ff &Afi agm `J ASPHA-�T PAVING-TYPICA. ® 6• CURB & GUTTER PER C17Y STANDARDS I> 6' CURB & GUTTER W/SIDEWA-K PER CITY STANDARDS © REMOVE EXISTING CURB & SIDEWALK m MATCH E)0ST81G CURB & GUTTER SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS O REMOVE EXISITING ASPHALT ® NEW 4' SIDEWALK ® RE -OCA -E EX'SITNC POWER POL-- C=48.41 I \ -\\- \\ e Revisions I . I LiL�Q SET R . t �.. s Raza o no RA.1R •ox P.LS n3212 • voUNO SANITARY SEWER YAMIOLE /•\ / �♦ \\ \ \ \\ L-6230' \\� � 87.41'44' W' �- 435b4� — — — �� / � •-•(� � -R-5w 00' MAIN. CM uto•1E •C MANHOLE wIAGE `�'"�\\�. p,GE 8=62.30' nRE YRwT PnOoM tLT nYTU - Pp[- C1Rt LTTEaCL ` ANCHOR STORM SEWER LNE O \ r' �.• I \\ ``� �\�/� \ \,\ \_ \ \ I� WATER VARVE SANTAA� —. �{.\ i i�'I • OAS LETER • SEWER UNC WATER \ \ I \ `=�-��� �� ' \ i �'' R PEDEST,L • cam OUT LRNE _. y=�\• Jam` {� i SIGN • WATER METER - O TREE W9HE5 I REV. 5-15-98 CITY COMMENTS REV. 4-20-96 CITY COMMENTS FDP Ororn/CARekw rbjM Nun*w Rp- �►�� K97003.00 Ww0 for ew.omwing Numbw 2 Or 4 Revisions I . I R ENGIN EER SwSURVE CA,.Y�RS_INC. IlInyemw D.IW, Ee.t 50el14'z.x1e+C•IPr"o 80112 303.T'y6 = Mchlt.0. Enelnwr. Pknn.n KDA, P.C. 1201 18th Sf. S.H. 200 DENVER, CO. 80202 (PX) 303-296-8556 (FAX) 303-296-8555 VISTA VILLAGE INDEPENDENT LIVING WHEAT RIDGE, CO I REV. 5-15-98 CITY COMMENTS REV. 4-20-96 CITY COMMENTS FDP Ororn/CARekw rbjM Nun*w Rp- �►�� K97003.00 Ww0 for ew.omwing Numbw 2 Or 4 I Iits I 1 I 1 :f 6 ' ,�� q �,Q6,ou ��09�010� MOUNTAIN 1 I S T -� RETIREMENT [VILLA GE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN I 1y` AMENDMENT NO. > AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1�— ! LOT 4, MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE LOCATED IN SECTION 17 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 HEST, A,• / I /I — —� SIXTH PRINCIPAL MBRIDIAN, CITY OF IIHSAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO LOT 3 f J �r fT, N \ASTA � tIS�E ��� N/ E POND bes"m Is" ��\ \`\ `\\� \ \ \ 1 I'x / i-'_ f �/ / �/ 4�� y / y�yi II 1 ; I I w9r�c st;•: ::• � ..J %♦ � '\ Fjl 1 \ J I \\ ` �\ \ \ \ 1 I / / 1 ':}:. \'� �',.�j 1 I I I 1 I r;:i:;?t. Ih I ff� / ♦ / low/rh �::•+a ri \ �' \ 1 1 I I r / ♦ r/!"' i\ /-�\.-'",�.ATION .Y.1., r , 11 1 1• \ \\\ 1 1 1 I, / /I / C��_a 1��.'1 ceNcra+toa++w� ♦ /J J ♦ S ��Y :o, \ \ a 1 I I I 1 ' J 1'T-� e1'�� \ / �x� «Loop, ♦ A/ N ♦ f /`'� \ \ \ 1 I I I I( Icy 1 /� 1 I ) /,�/ / ♦ / / ! 1�1 4 \\ \1 11�1�1111I �.�"�`� i /*/ i �♦ ��� ♦ / / ♦ / / ' w 1, 1,11111 I I I I I r1 R I A � -- / �? / l ; Ifi `i;.i d/%� 1 { N `�� I I I I I ff I I / 1 '•'z -.'I I I I/ - I'� `��� ♦ ^�"i�y'i-/ti..�'•' I 1 11 I I I ►I� � (�/♦ / �� LOT 4 1 p +1; 11 I I 1 II I I u : I J I �/, ♦, ' ,,� I 11 I i I 111 ry 1 / ♦ / L 1 1 11+11 1 I I I ... TI L__--J� % ♦ / "S! / % ��� ♦' ��� ``� // ( 1 I s 111 I� 1 I b i 1 IA �♦ �� w Z\` 1 11 i> {11 1I III I --��— / / /!/ �!n �� ♦ [N/ i�"� �� j I 1 1 11 1 1111111 1 ` •� II/J1� = ^� !, Z�` �' [/� j ,, !/ I-� — / I /¢1 1 m 1 %�� 1 11 111 i1 1� -I ♦ /rr '�ir, ♦ /// / :�y \Z, loll m ``T ♦.�' ------ 111 _: _-.- -__---------- 1f] 1 PLANT LIST NYY QTY. con"PH writ 8128 r3A 7 ttA/IbLALL AW 2-2K' 40riYL=ST l.AL ��KIMMAI Per �NORNIM 4W P0016"WIA 6 GAL. oeL . OWAPW KORAN LILAC 0 4A- NOTES: L A11 D 00AMW LAW AMY TO M pa-s►TAjk.*WW YYN 0060Llnwr 4P oowNwrcnoK ). AL1 = "IN AMY To : S=XW. A. ALL �r L.MN AMY To ![ FVW.ATHD LEGEND I�1 aNTWO DIC -M" "WE TO M \ , MLGCiTC 2 - MA P1111104AU Atha uT "TAL.P-A I - W. PON -owl PLY•7 r + ML.Or-AIM T/m \ + ONO~ fit• %= vo K M►w41p . i%KTNG T1m PWOnO.fp DEC0LhCL6 TIMESE posopo.[D ■.•ems. &MJ56 O`(J Pwor40800 c.C'rouar 0^06 -- �TM r PW -ICL )11 NUMMArION &YSTp'1 wa moo c4maxo a WMX! DETAILS O.K'\\ �\� En97rrc OPhE \ LOT < \(1 r j� \ L---------- �'r `` I I ww. 1, Tr--Sr--J f I ~�i w�aW+ror;.w artiw+ws oowiwn,.a .- ,� t_ R_ -'1T_-1 j CL --..+I J.L -✓•L 'r_Li_ _.1) i �ia.+�o w'�°iww nF�iu. w.�Ee�an .waa.m N 00'36'16' \ 20.04' \ \` ............. LS88? \ R=07A? \ \ I 1Oa9t9w9""a-----__--- I..r,�' �a•^�w, / _ - ---- B==NN 4Q53''>((W Q53 8 w 08.41 I • I 87_41'44' W 0 30- 61D" 90' . m.as.. >x Pauo. w� n+owaaaa* ar tK *rs a. .. � r�uwr.0 oo ret rmro.ia A� nE A wcs- i•+ ro r w owa..c. .C•! C.LT WOI Rl11. .1! RMnf� n0012.o rrrt 941h ow u.a u60+:c SWAM PLANTING DETAIL rwwau Revisions /Il iN .+ms-eutmorin . s, .Ko.00c arcnu.a� �pin«Pl-- KDA, P.C. 1201 16th St. Sun- 200 DENVER. CO. $0202 (PN) 303-296-6556 (FALX) 303-296-8555 X► INDEEENT UV19G W -EAT FCGE, CC Fe, 7.13-96 FDP LANDSCAPE PLAN D--/ kid roj-ct Number PEFMJ App --d K97003.00 144X14 to. B.da rowing Number .tole..' -W 3 O F 4 dm. 2.*.W i we`s r.rcr avow SOILA R 1%2 fo- N E1JD5 ELEVATION 3 OCA"... vs • V • o .4 ELEVATION AbTc2.4AcA Sul toWc..coN.slsrs.oF-. t'�: 6EbRDnN-t�uf'�7S _ Lir ELEVATION sFIIEET 4 OF 4 R.vls4na A4.0 North: 1711574.16 Line course: S 89-13-43 w North: 1711571.60 Line course: S 00-19-12 E North: 1711498.05 Line Course: S 68-12-16 w North: 1711433.15 Line course: S 89-12-57 w North: 1711429.69 Line course: N 12-59-36 w North: 1711502.05 Line course: N 38-32-03 w North: 1711521.25 Line Course: N 00-19-03 w North: 1711961.97 Curve Lenyth: 23.44 De ta: 89-32-29 Chord: 21.13 course In: N 89-40-57 E RP North: 1711962-05 End North: 1711977.05 Line course: N 89-13-26 E North: 1711985.47 Line course: S 00-19-12 E North: 1711574.16 East : 3105183.53 Length: 190.03 East : 3104993.52 Length: 73.55 East : 3104993.93 Length: 174.81 East : 3104831.62 Length: 252.61 East : 3104579.03 Length: 74.26 East : 3104562.33 Length: 24.55 East : 3104547.04 Length: 440.73 East : 3104544.60 Radius: 15.00 Tangent: 14.88 course: N 44-27-11 E Course Out: N 00-46-34 W East 3104559.60 East 3104559.40 Length: 621.89 East 3105181.23 Length: 411.32 East 3105183.53 Perimeter: 2287.18 Area: 315,792 sq.ft. 7.25 acres mapcheck closure - (uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure; 0. 00 Course: S 67-16-21 w Error North: -0.001 East : -0.002 Precision 1: 2,287,180,000.00 North: 1711634.82 Line Course: S 14-13-23 E North: 1711592.46 Line Course: S 53-53-56 E North: 1711571.60 Line Course: S 00-19-12 E North: 1711498.05 Line Course: S 68-12-16 w North: 1711433.15 Line Course: S 89-12-57 w North: 1711429.69 Line Course: N 12-59-36 w North: 1711502.05 Line course: N 38-32-03 w North: 1711521.25 Line Course: N 00-19-03 w North: 1711961.97 Curve Lenyth: 23.44 De ta: 89-32-29 chord: 21.13 Course In: N 89-40-57 E RP North: 1711962.05 End North: 1711977.05 Line Course: N 89-13-26 E North: 1711982.33 Line Course: S 00-48-20 E North: 1711634.82 East : 3104954.18 Length: 43.70 East : 3104964.92 Length: 35.40 East : 3104993.52 Length: 73.55 East : 3104993.93 Length: 174.81 East : 3104831.62 Length: 252.61 East : 3104579.03 Length: 74.26 East : 3104562.33 Length: 24.55 East : 3104547.04 Length: 440.73 East : 3104544.60 Radius: 15.00 Tangent: 14.88 Course: N 44-27-11 E Course Out: N 00-46-34 w East 3104559.60 East 3104559.40 Length: 389.93 East 3104949.29 Length: 347.55 East 3104954.18 4-erimeter: 1880-52 Area: 221,835 sq.ft. 5.09 acres mapcheck closure - (uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error closure: 0.01 Course: S 07-01-20 E Error North: -0.005 East : 0.001 Precision 1: 188,052.00 Parcel name: LOT 2 North: 1711574.16 East : 3105183.53 Line course: S 89-13-43 W Length: 190.03 North: 1711571.60 East : 3104993.52 Line Course: N 53-53-56 W Length: 35.40 North: 1711592.46 East : 3104964.92 Line Course: N 14-13-23 W Length: 43.70 North: 1711634.82 East : 3104954.18 Line Course: N 00-48-20 W Length: 347.55 North: 1711982.34 East : 3104949.29 Line Course: N 89-13-26 E Length: 231.96 North: 1711985.48 East : 3105181.23 Line Course: S 00-19-12 E Length: 411.32 North: 1711574.17 East : 3105183.53 Perimeter: 1259.96 Area: 93,957 sq.ft. 2.16 acres mapcheck closure - (uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.00 Course: N 30-31-47 w Error North: 0.004 East : -0.002 Precision 1: 1,259,960,000.00 wt'ity of Z ' catf k t4d9c Geodetic Surveying Requirements for Final Plats TITLE OF PLAT: ILA*. w V_,m6i V-.(� Notice to Survevor: Initial each item as completed. This form shall accompany the Final Plat submittal. A04u.— 1. All distances for the above referenced Plat are shown using (ground) modified State Plane measurements (U.S. survey feet rounded to the nearest 0,01') consistent with the Current City Datum, AND the following datum information is shown on the Final Plat: a. The Current City Datum Coordinate System used is a ground-based modified form of the NAD83/92 State Plane Coordinate System, Colorado Central Zone 0502. b. Vertical Datum used is the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). c. Ground to Grid Combined Scale Factor is 0.99974780300, scaled from base point PHAC I (Permanent High Accuracy Control Point #1) having the following NAD83/92 State Plane coordinates: PHAC I: Northing: 1701258.75, Easting: 3118217.58, Elevation: 5471.62. 1211!!�l 2. Modified State Plane coordinates consistent with the Current City Datum are shown on the Final Plat to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot (0.00) for all property boundary corners, angle point(s), and for all point(s) of curvature/tangency. 3. The following curve data for the site boundary, and for all lot lines and easement boundaries, shall be shown on the Final Plat. All angular measurements shall be to the nearest second and all distances to the nearest 0.01': a. Arc length. b. Chord length. c. Chord bearing. d. Central angle (delta). e. Radius. 4. The Section Tic control points shall be on the Current 04, Datum and shown using (ground) modified State Plane distances and bearings with the Latitude/l,ongitude and modified State Plane coordinates shown per City of Wheat Ridge published values.All a ssociated property boundary comers shall be in modified State Plane values consistent with the Current City Datum; a minimum of two (2) property boundary corners of the site shall be tied to any of the three (3) following control point types within the City of Wheat Ridge network: a. Section comers. b, Quarter -section corners. c.City of Wheat Ridge Permanent High Accuracy Control (PHAC) points. 5. A Basis of Bearing Statement shall be shown specifying the two (2) City of Wheat Ridge monuments selected to establish the modified State Plane (Current City Datum) bearings used for the Plat. Specify the City monument identification number, the Current 04, Datum coordinates and the Latitude/l,ongitude for each of the two monuments used fir the Basis of Bearing, and show the modified State Plane distances and bearings between them. Rev 11/12 6. The following information is included on the Plat for all monuments used. - a. The City -based monument identification number, b. Modified State Plane coordinates on the Current Cit), Datum (as supplied by the City). 7. Provide one (1) 24"X 36" paper copy on the Current City Datum as listed on this Plat, with all bearings relative to the Current City Datum Basis of Bearing, and all coordinates relative to said Current City Datton. 8. Two digital files of the Final Plat positioned correctly on the Current City Datum have been provided with the Plat submittal as follows, a. One (1) file in the currently acceptable version of AutoCAD DWG format (please contact the Department of Public Works at 303.235.2861 for version info). b. One (1) file in Adobe PDF formai. 9. A Closure Report showing the error of closure for the platted area was provided with the plat submittal. The error of closure shall not exceed 1:50,000 for all linear and angular (bearing) measurements per Section 26-407-D of the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws. 10. The following statement is included on the plat: "Per Colorado Revised Statutes Secy. 38-51-106 (L), a 11 lineal units depicted on this LandSurve�y Plat are US. Sunvy Feet. One Meter equals 39.37 divided by 12 U& Suri ey Feet according to the National Institute qfStandards and Technology. " 11. Per CKS, 38-52-106, the Final Plat shall contain a Statement of Accuracy, as defined by the National Ocean Survey/National Geodetic Survey, used to derive the coordinates shown on the Final Plat, The form of the Statement of Accuracy shall be: The geodetic point coordinate data shown herein has been derived from the NAD 83 HARN State Plane Colorado Central FIPS 0502 Coordinate System, and has a horizontal Accuracy Classification of 0.07 U.S. Survey Feet at the 95% Confidence level, as defined in the Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards of the Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee (FGDC-STD-007.2-1998). I hereby acknowledge all the above requirements have been addressed in a full and complete manner. If. SUfTeipSignature tfl2t/13 Date For information pertaining to Section and Quarter Corner information, PIJAC points, benchmarks, or for general City surveying monurnentation information, please visit the City of Wheat Ridge website at: Or contact the Department of Public Works, Engineering Division at 303,235.2861. 1, Rev 3 12 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat RE: Authorization to act on behalf of the undersigned for the Specific Development Plan Amendment, Lot Line Adjustment and associated documentation for Mountain Vista Retirement Village (the "Project") The entities identified below are the fee title owners to three parcels of real property located near the intersection of Tabor Street and West 49th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado: 1. MOUNTAIN VISTA HEALTH CENTER, INC., a Colorado nonprofit corporation ("Mountain Vista") is the fee title owner of Lot 2, Mountain Vista Retirement Village Filing No. the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; and 2. BAPTIST HOME ASSOCIATION OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, INC, a Colorado nonprofit corporation (Baptist Home Association") is the fee title owner of Lots 4 and 5, Mountain Vista Retirement Village Filing No. 1, in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Mountain Vista and Baptist Home Association each hereby authorize Harris Kocher Smith ("'HKS") to act on our behalf for the above referenced Project. In addition, we have attached vestim?, deeds for each parcel ac�w--- I parcels in question. tMe-4 * fl��Mt�L ft1w MOUNTAINS, INC., a Colorado nonprofit corporation By: By: Timothy). O'Brien, Secretary Timothy J. V86A, secr ry STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on December 10, 2013, by Timothy -J. �UBri an, Secretary of MOUNTAIINJ I"01I., jji�jj!!l�ii 11 il"' corporation, on behalf of the corporation, "5R, i�6MIC14ELLE ZUBERLY DELONI]G 1� NOTARY PUBLIC, MINNESOTA 017 MY commission Ewes Jan 31, 2017 STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN LOMMEMME= MVIELLE KWERLY DELONG AT, NOTARY PUBLIC MINNESOTA ComffftsionFxpires Jan 31,2J017 �-'; 4vmy reTROMFUM e- � HICS December 10, 2013 Meredith Reckert, AICD Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29th Ave., 2nd Floor Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Mountain Vista Retirement Community Lot Line Adjustment, Specific Development Plan Amendment & Civil Documents HKS Project No. 1,30411 On behalf of American Baptist Homes of the Midwest, HKS is submitting this narrative and the enclosed attachments as a Lot Line Adjustment and Specific Development Plan Amendment applications for the Mountain Vista Retirement Community located at 4800 Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, CO. The subject properties are currently zoned PCU — Planned Community Development. The adjacent properties are zoned PID, A-1 and I -El. The subject property currently has water and sanitary service from Valley Water District and Fruitdale Sanitation District. The project includes a building addition to the existing two-story building located on the eastern portion of the subject property. The redevelopment associated with this development includes: relocation of existing utilities (wet and dry), private drive / parking improvements, site grading and stormwater infrastructure. A Lot Line Adjustment modes the interior lot line between existing Lot 2 and Lot 5 of the Mountain Vista Retirement Village Subdivision. This was required because the proposed building addition was located directly over the previous lot line, The vacation of Lot I of the Mountain Vista Retirement Village Subdivision has also been included with the Lot Line Adjustment, creating two separate legal tracts being, Lot I and Lot 2 of the Mountain Vista Retirement Village — Amendment No. 1. The attached Lot Line Adjustment application and plat show additional information I 1120 Lincoln Street. Suite 1000. Denver, Colorado 80203 1 ZHARRIS K, sMIT proposed drive aisle coverage and a parking breakdown based off current zoning code. The attached Mountain Nista -- AL, TCU, SNF Specific Development Plan Amendment application and planning document show additional information. The rewired Civil Construction Documents have also been developed for the proposed site infrastructure improvements. These documents include. Civil Construction Plans, Final Drainage Report, Stormwater Management Plan and other plans 1 documents requested by City staff. In our opinion the attached Lot Line Adjustment, Specific Development Plan Amendment and Civil Documents comply with City of Wheat Ridge development regulations, therefore, we ask for your approval of the attached Lot Line Adjustment and Specific Development Plan Amendment. If you have any questions or require additional information please feel free to contact me at any time. Sincerely, HARRIS KOCHER SMITH t � 7� 7 -4 -- Michael S. Moore, P.E. Project Engineer 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000, Denver, Colorado 80203 1 P:303.623,6300 € F :303.623.6311 1 M�M.harriskochersmithcorn MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT COMMUNITy 4800 Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge. CO, 80032 1 Phone: (303) 421-41611 Fax: (303) 424-5162 December 5, 2013 Meredith Reckert, AICD Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29th Ave -2nd Floor Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Parking Breakdown Dear Ms, Reckert: The parking breakdown for Mountain Vista will be as follows: Employees — 115 Visitors - 20 Residents — 5 Handicapped — 9 Total — 149 Please feel free to contact me at (303) 421-061 should you have any further questions or concerns. Best Regards, Michael C. Maschka Community Administrator WILLIAM BRUMMETT ARCHITE:CTS A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATMN 950 Logan Street, Suite #102, Denver, CO $0203 wba@brurnmettarchitects,corn P-720,570.2302 F-720,570.2340 August 27, 2013 PROJECT NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION Mountain Vista Retirement Community New Memory Care Assisted Living 4800 Tabor Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 T Community) current campus site, serving 22 people with memory care needs. The new building will be located directly adjacent to the site's existing 2 story assisted living facility at the north east end of the upper (northern) portion of the campus, forming an enclosed courtyard between the buildings. A new entry lobby will join the buildings and serve as a new entry point for both buildings. The new building will be geparated from the existing building with 2 -hr fire walls, The new building will be of Type V-A (!-hr construction, and fully fire-sprinklered to NEPA-13. The building will have a maximum height at it's highest roof point of 28'-3", and a typical roof ridgeline at 23-9 1/2". The exterior materials will be standard nominal brick to match the existing adjacent building, and painted cementitious siding, with architectural dimensional asphalt shingle roofing. The overall project schedule will be a submittal of construction documents in the fall of 2013, a construction start in early winter 2013/2014, and a construction completion date of approximately September 2014. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Bill Brummett Principal William Brummett Architects 720.5702302 wbaCo)brummettarchitects.com VISION, KNOWLEDGE, HEART, ALTA Commitment (6-17-06) Commitment Page 1 Commitment Number: NCS-633531-4MPLS ALTA Commitment Form COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Issued by First American Title Insurance Company ...... ice with the Requirements; all subjecdt the Provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions of this Commitment. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the Proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A by the Company. All liability and obligation under this Commitment shall cease and terminate six (6) months after the Effective Date or when the,-## or x0icies that the failure to issue the policy or policies is not ft fault of the Company. The Company will provide a sample of the policy form upon request. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First American Title Insurance Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. tog— DennisJ . Gilmore President First American TWe Insurance Company ALTA Commitment (6-17-06) Commitment Page 2 Commitment Number: NCS-633531-4-MPLS VWWAICAV,Vt SCHEDULEA �1-,LACE FOPI I., I - 1t 0 a. ALTA Owner's Policy (06-17-06) $0.00 b. ALTA Loan Policy (06-17-06) $TBD . 0 #1 1- 0 11 . I UNK&TITONTEIVIR- 2. The estate or interest in the Land described or referred to in this Commitment is: Fee Simple 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land is at the Effective Date vested in: Mountain Vista Health Center, Inc., a Colorado non-profit corporation (as to Lot 2), and Baptist Home Association of the Rocky Mountains, Inc., formerly known as Baptist Home Association of Colorado, a Colorado non-profit corporation (as to Lots 4 and 5). ,ql 1 �1111 See Exhibit "A" attaiched hereto and made a part hereof For informational purposes only: TBD Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado First American Title Insurance Company ALTA Commitment (6-17-06) Commitment Page 3 Commitment Number: NCS-633531-4-MPLS I described as fbllows: Lots 2, 4 and 5, Mountain Vista Retirement Village Fifingg No. 1. County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. First American Tide Insurance Company ALTA Commitment (6-17-06) Commitment Page 4 Commitment Number: NCS-633531-4-MPLS # W U a U 0 : I I SCHEDULE B SECTION ONE • The following requirements must be met: L Pay the agreed amounts for the interest in the land and/or the mortgage to be insured. 2. Pay us the premiums, fees and charges for the policy. 3. Payment of all taxes and assessments now due and payable, + Recordation of a Deed of Trust satisfactory to the Company, from Mountain Vista Health Center, Inc., a Colorado non-profit corporation, and Baptist Home Association of the Rocky Mountains, Inc., a Colorado non-profit corporation, to the Public Trustee of Jefferson County, for the benefit of the proposed insured lender. 5. Recordation of a Release of the Deed of Trust from Mountain Vista Health Center, Inc., a Colorado non-profit corporation, and Baptist Home Association of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado non-profit corporation, to the Public Trustee of Jefferson County for the use of Colorado Health Facilities Authority to secure an indebtedness in the principal sum of $500,ata ,000.00, and any other amounts and/or obligations secured thereby, dated August 1, 2007 and recorded August 13, 2007 at Reception No. 2007093754, NOTE: Modification and Assignment of Deed of Trust in connection therewith recorded Jecember 28, 20D9 at Reception No. 2009128768. 6. Receipt by the Company of a Corporate Resolution executed by the officers of Mountain Vista Health Center, Inc., a Colorado nonprofit corporation, authorizing the transaction herein contemplated and setting forth the names and authority of those authorized to sign for the corporation. 7. Receipt by the Company of a Corporate Resolution executed by the officers of Baptist Home Association of the Rocky Mountains, Inc., a Colorado non-profit corporation, authorizing the transaction herein contemplated and setting forth the names and authority of those authorized I sign for the corporation. 8. Receipt by the Company of a satisfactory Final Affidavit and Indemnity, executed by Mountain Vista Health Center, Inc., a Colorado nonprofit corporation. 9Receipt by the Company of a satisfactory Final Affidavit and Indemnity, executed by Baptist Home Association of the Rocky Mountains, Inc., a Colorado non-profit corporation, First American Title Insurance Company ALTA Commitment (6-17-06) Commitment Page Commitment Number: NCS-633531-4-MPi Schedule 8 of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1, Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the Public Records, but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the Public Records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the Land would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown in the Public Records. S. Any and all unpaid taxes, assessments and unredeemed tax sales. 6. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof. 7. Water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not shown by the public records. S. An easement for electric transmission, distribution and service lines and incidental purposes granted to Public Service Company of Colorado by the instrument recorded January 13, 1%4 in Book 1672 at Page 423. 9. Rights of way granted by Baptist Home Association of Colorado to the Consolidated Juchem Ditch and Reservoir Company, formerly Reno & Juchem Ditch Co., by Warranty Deed recorded June 11, 1964 in Book 1717 at Page 336 and by Warranty Deed recorded August 27, 1964 in Book 1741 at Page 462. 10. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations contained in the Mountain Vista Retirement Community Vista Village Amendment No. I Site Plan recorded October 31, 1985 at Reception No. 85105429. IL Any assessment or lien of The City of Wheat Ridge Special Improvement District No. 1987-1, as disclosed by the instruments recorded June 29, 1988 at Reception No. 88063163, recorded October 27, 1988 at Reception No. 88105098, recorded November 9, 1989 at Reception No. 89097338, recorded November 8, 1990 at Reception No. 9DO95555 and recorded November 14, 1991 at Reception No. 91106061. RM American Title Insurance Company ALTA Commitment (6-17-06) Commitment Page 6 Commitment Number: NCS-633531-4-MPLS 12. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations contained in the Mountain Vista Retirement Village -Outline Development Plan recorded March 8, 1988 at Reception No. 88022366, 11 Easements, notes, covenants, restrictions and rights-of-way as shown on the plat of Mountain Vista Retirement Village Final Development Plan and Plat, recorded June 29, 1992 at Reception No. 92077010. 14. Right of way easement as granted to Valley Water District in instrument recorded September 3, 1992 at Reception No. 92110306. 15. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations contained in the Easement Agreement recorded May 29, 1998 at Reception No. F0620687. 16. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations contained in the Easement Agreement recorded May 29, 1998 at Reception No. F0620688. 17. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations contained in the Mountain Vista Retirement Village Final Development Plan Amendment No. I recorded September 17, 1998 at Reception No. F0696102. 18. Terms, conditions, provisions, obligations, easements and agreements as set forth in the Cable Television Installation Agreement recorded January 7, 2000 at Reception No, F1001417. 19. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations contained in the Grant of Easement recorded August 23, 2004 at Reception No. F2082762. 20. City of Wheat Ridge Official Legal Description For the City of Wheat Ridge Corporate Boundary recorded January 7, 2009 at Reception No. 2009001396, 21. Existing leases and tenancies. first American Title Insurance Company ALTA Commitment (6-17-06) Commitment Page 7 Commitment Number: NCS-633531-4-MPLS EXHIOrT B Statement of Charges ALTA Extended Loan Policy - 2006 $TBO Tax Certification $ 75.14, First American rifle Insurance Company ALTA Commitment (6-17-06) Commitment Page 8 Commitment Number: NCS-633531-4-MPLS L41#J U2 i 0• 1. The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 3. Uability of the Company under this Comrnitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and Conditions and Stipulations and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. W Is It . . . 01-Upff... M.- It W.M. R MI.M.N.4. to P.M. MIN 0 . I 111a i #PRO MINAVIN.M. 11"'Al -IR WWWWWRIA 5. The policy to be issued contains an arbitration clause. All arbitrab4e matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the p.rties, You may review a copy of the arbitration rules at http://www.alta.org/. First American Title Insurance Company ALTA Commitment (6-17-06) Commitment Page 9 Commitment Number: NCS-633531.4-MPLS .drat Title prwaw tion We Are Comewitted to Safeguarding Custa nvor Inforintation to order W better serve your needs crow and in the Moe we may ask you to provide us with cation Vileramode. We Understand that you may be connerried about Owl we wet do mitt such d -any or financial in . We agree that you have a VOM to know Trow we wig the ' you provide . be ❑s..e. with our our s subwe have adopted the Prwacy Poky to Dowern the use are handling of ymr personeu Appkabft This Frhacy Poky governs or use of the Infontiaheri that you p to is. It does nubs govern the nuvwnar in Much we may use .. Oftmaitionwe iron any pow source sixth as at hon a pubic McOfd Of fromanother meson or . Fest has aisa WOPW broader OAdekin that Warn our use of persersu kr des First AAWIM a Ms these g .. as Fat' Infornobon yam. Tye of tnformatkin Depend" Croon whkkh of our servioes you are , the types Of inforepition that we nary OONW include • briernmon we reeve from you On aPPICOMM forma and hn Othof CORIfflunicubufts to us, Whuthes in , an • In your transaction with us, our pt:rsos, orf a or any Otter or tatters: araC • I. we receive ham a consurner repo*V agency, use of Informatkut We AXAMed lefonnebDo, from you for our sum 100honSte buskwss purposes ami rot far the benelk of any appylIkeeed party Themetim we wit not (1) as for us to provide the product or service you have m us„ or (2) as by kaw. we my, , store such i "abon esd grift the par none after which any o ship has Such ' may be used for arty its such on efft or custom attysm We may eke an of the types W nonpublic personal infornmork listed above to one or mare of our Such alwalad colegiareas secludit jumpol se+vice providers, such as Urfa insurers, acid casually insurers,. and Mast and in � orforniation we rollect, as des .its rest ;such as its, borne and � Fu prited above, k rvMth wtnoen we may also provide all the air ed k+M to ies that mar services on our , on of our ies or to Other Farmer Castonters t:verr if you me no Unger our custorner, our Privacy Poky wit contirwe W apply to you, cwnfida"" y sad security we will use our bast efforts to ensure that An unauthorbuip parties have access to any of your retervaltiont we restrict access W InfOrnabon abort you W those Individuals are entitieswho need to krayrrr haat Inforniatorl W provide Products or surviods be you. We will use aur heck OUts to trots are overseeour apploym and agents W ensure tea your wrkudeherwilt be handkil responubly and in accordance with this Privacy Poky and F 's Fat' Intimation vakaes. we torrenkbr inphy M*,serniation S", ductmrd rad bards that withfederal r s to your In ties Obtained TbMugh our Web Site Fitt American Finaricial Caporegon a sensOm W prwxV hisoes ran the Internet We befieve a. IS .. you knew how we haat the inforniatkin about you we receive of the Internet In 9em,41, you tan visit First Armenian or its 0111abW Web Saes ou the World Wide Web wthout telling us who you arc or MvekkV any Wrepireaeor pages Viewetf. Cita Web swhi" the dorrawn naasMs, rest the east , of flys its a W the number d roes, tie>re spneM on the v and skrhia �fthnwa Fest NYWWM tees this inform W the use of our see and to develop dw W Onproft tee coMeat of our sft There are tines, howew, when we may freed infornmen from you, Won as your risme and Mail adMM. When J"ANVANNOM is needed. we will use two best efforts to tet you know at the tme of collection taw we will use the personal ' , the Personal MfOnyOmt We 001W IS used ally' by us W mspond to your oitery, process an order or Mow you to ,axes aacoin*profhe information, If you choose to shoe any personal OftrAmOn with us, we we Only hire It in 8000116000e with the Polices outlined aboye. swim" kabudordhips F fi Carmeop"'s sea and its sees may to other Web skes, while we try to alt toy to sees that share our High standards and respect for onvxy, we are net responsible for the content or the Privacy practices areplayed by other sem. Cookiell Sone of First n's Web May make use of "wOkee° lopaselpW W re see activity Milt to CUS110111ste infOATIM10011 W Your personal testes, A cookie is an element of data that a Web site can send to your browser, witch unsay then stom to cookie on your had dr roe -i'Gtn uses stored arteries. The goat Of Via technoloW is W below serve YOU when VubV Our silo, save you tare when you are tie and W provide you wee a home mean' and productive Web site experience. Fair Information Values frwe consider amstarer expectations about their In alf our bUelmlies. We only Oft products and Wvkes that assore a 4VWOW balance seal consumer Pr'Asty. we believe that an open public record ortiams slandicant value for satiety, echahM tdnsrarrer choice aseMy. We an open r'ea'ad and Its Onportance and armMwAian be our acumny. use We believe we should befurve responsibly when we use i.nfurnm0ft about a MRSUfm In our business, We Will obey the taws Cru cufluotjon, use and d' Of rebs Accuracy We wd take reasonable stem W help assure the aawracy, of the data we wee," t, use and where we writ twice toCorletternaauren kn( When, as with the record, we cannot correct jeacorraft , we Will take steps to consumers re the see at the data so teat the co ria" Edu atim We t can secure the reoxed W . the users a our act , Out and others as our about The ofcorrarier our Par infornmors and on the r ` Murk use a data. We will raga others ah our irska pwwaey. We will hTrutY Our on soy W e d t and nail n a manner. Security We we tri appropriateres and W u ed Wand of fro we makhtain, Form WPRIVACY (8'1!09) Page 1 of I Privacy Information (2001.201.0 First American Financial Corporation) First American'iktle Insurance Company ALTA Commitment (6-17-06) Commitment Page 10 Commitment Number: NCS-633531-4-MPLS least one-half of an inch. The Clerk and Recorder will refuse to record or file any document that does not conform to the requirements of this section, he seller must comply with the disdosure/withholding provisions of C.R.S, 39-22-604.5 (Non-residential withholding). NOTE: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, requires that "Every title entity shall be conducts the dosing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed." Provided that First American Title Insurance Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible fbr recording the legal documents from the transaction. •MR 10 Id FROM MW the Board of County Commissioners, the county Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. X That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in the property; and B� That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the Property without the surface owner's permission. NOTE: Pursuant to Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Affirmative mechanic's lien orotd.litlA fni t"te A, The land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B. No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material -men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C, The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemnifying the Company against un -filed mechanic's and material -men's liens, D. The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. First American Title insurance Company ALTA Commitment (6-17-06) Commitment Page 11 Commitment Number: NCS-633531-4-MPLS E. If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens V411 include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium, fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the Rm•. and, any additional •# as may be necessary after an examination ♦ the aforesaid information by the Company, No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. NOTE: Pursuant to for a real estate transaction shall disburse funds as a part of such services until those funds have been received and are available for immediate withdrawal as a matter of right. NOTE: C.R.S. 39-14-102 requires that a real property transfer declaration accompany any conveyance document presented for recordation in the State of Colorado. Said declaration shall be completed and signed by either the grantor or grantee. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfied. NOTE. Pursuant to CRS 10-1-128(6)(a), It is unlawful ♦ knowingly provide false, incomplete, or misleading facts or information to an insurance company for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the company. Penalties may include imprisonment� fines, denial of Insurance and civil damages. Any insurance company or agent of an insurance company who knowingly provides false, incomplete, or misleading facts or Information to a policyholder or claimant for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the polkyholder or claimant with regard to a settlement or award payable from Insurance proceeds shall be reported to the Colorado division of Insurance within the department of regulatory t.• First A Title Insurance Company �i wn m Tw ute saw vert ies of tha first volt, for a" is „of s&esuma of 1AND JiOf100 DOLLARSand other good and valuable oamsideratimo to the rid v►rt les of tbo &* part in Isms *4 by toe vizi Party At tbs Put, tU w ta bateby ooaloWed road �* vs aroated, said mad and by **" da gmat, barges, melt, atasey and asta os maid vasty of the wand i+Art, Us a" *WSW far war, *U of the tot it or vrr"* of land, sitsata, WU asd WSW is flat comity of. Jefferson mad State of Calormft to -wk: lots 19 and 20, LUIS SUBMISICK According to the recorded plat thereof; also knotm an 1.870 and 4890 Tabor Street Uhsatridge, Colorado TOGVMBR with aR sad Awdur tbs bete is sad Avv tm g ar 44 anywise avpertainiM sod thio sawarsiva and resersJoso. sad rcrosfu#"s, rests, issoms sod Prof is t t snd sit the estate: ftbt, tt" istarast, skim sad 4amod whatsoam of the said Parties of toe not Part, rdtbea in Jaw or oq.JW, of, in Aad to tbo above with the a# aad *Vow to tttaooss. TO BAYS A" TO BOLD t4A rid pram1wes sbm ba sad with 60 APP sato too said Party zd the wmd Put, its roe sod . Aad tbs rid Parties of the first Port far theta oel vee theiWM tx asst **d ' do co"asat, sem, WgWu and Was to sod with the said party of sat somd Part,: its sod 44 at the tb- of too slanting Aad rnty of thesa P they are well sabwsd of the prevalsom *bass omreyA as of good. aora. Palms, aistoists sad hWafessiblA estate at ImberIASUM to Jaw, la f Aad kava Psmd iWA, full Power sad >swtui tattbvky to grant. bAra" odd Aad asa+tcX the in Aad foam as and *4 as sass We fres sod door from an former Aad mtber vasts, solea, Diens. taaas. and oo of wbatcros kind or treeaer, except taxes a rad mWeSsmenta due alitpayable Subsequent to the date hereof; and except ditches and ditch rights of record. and tbo aiawa is the sad pasteablo 00000104, sf the rid PAPP of the samad iatrt+ its sumesmr, cad XWM titsispi an sod asarlt Form or UvfWY 40 or to chtdm die wbak or ary Part Uwramf, the said Part is*( Cha first Put shall and will WARRANT AND FMVM D , IN wn P, T w said Part JOS of tho first Part ba ve b rti their hand a and awls the day and Im first abwte written. Sigmad, SftW and VeRversit in tho Of Alids B. Bray AJATS OF COJ.ORA.DO, as C+wva of r was trofara aoa itis flat day of Suly ,Xg ; Bray and Alida B. Bray -4d official nal. ^' fes July 10 vrC RECEPTION No. 92077710 If WARRANTY DEED 6/30/92 14:05 180 00 RECORDED IN IHISDEEDm.&thi, 30thday r June st 92, COCTNTY OF JEFFERSON bet— BAPTIST H014B ASSOCIATION OF THE ROCKY STATE OF COLORADO MOUNTAINS, formerly known as Baptist Home Association of Colorado, a Colorado non-profit corporation, afthe County at Jefferson State of CoWadm pantoos) and MOUNTAIN VISTA HEALTH CENTER, INC., a Colorado non-profit corporation, 4800 Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80033 of thr caum,,,r Jefferson , Sim ci(Colwsdo, tvsnubcls), WITNEY'StAll,lbat the "ouats), far and m evesuderoma oftat sum at One Million six hundred fifty thousand and xx/100 {$1,650,000.00)-----------»-- --.---s-___ DOLLAps, thc visated. bsrvivtd, %oW oox e%mveyed. and by these isimm doe 9 Vaal, hu'piet. wit, convey; OW confirm. onto the jranuwsj its successOxasmoutas#44% hialver.,01 the ribalproperty, impftatramm if any. situates dying suit be m$ in The 00mot) of Jefferson state of rkvc,ibrd a, follows. See Legal Description set forth on exhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as though fully set forth ww kriawo by site" and numtser .: 4800 Tabor Street, Wheat Ridqe, Colorado 80033 t RECEPTION NO. 92077710 LEGA_ DESCRIPTION LOT 2, MOUNTAIN VISTA RETIREMENT VILLAGE PARCEL OF • • IN THE SOUTHEASTOF SOUTHEAST SECTION1/4 OF •SOUTH, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, • OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF i • • ii BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING # OF i SECTION N 00 16-00- W, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 114 OF SAID SEC -ION 17, A D15TANCE OF DIS7ANCE OF 190.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID PARCEL; THENCE S 00 '16-00- E, A DISTANCE OF 73.55 FEET: THEN'CE S 6815'28" W, A DISTANCE OF 174.81 FEET; THEN -E S 89'16'09- W, A DISTANCE OF 252.62 FEET: THENCE N 12-56'24" W, A DISTANCE OF 74.26 FEET; , THENCE N 38 28'51" W, A DISTANCE OF 24.55 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EA5 ERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF TABOR STREET, r THENCE N OO 15'S1" W, ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A OrSTANGE OF 317,42 FEET THENCE N 89 44'49" E, A DISTANCE OF 184.42 FEET•, f THENCE N 00 45'06" W, A DISTANCE OF 139.45 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF WEST 49TH AVENUE; Y THENCE N 89 16'3$" E, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 342.92 FEET; r THENCE S DO 16'40' E, A DISTANCE OF 341,06 FEET. , THENCE S 41 37'11" W, A DISTANCE OF 62.91 FEET; , THENCE S 14 10'11" E. A DISTANCE OF 43.70 FEET, THENCE S 53'SO '44" E, A DISTANCE OF 35.44 FEET TO THE POINT OF 8EGINNING OF SAID PARCEL, CONTAINING 221,129 SQUARE FEET OR 5.076 ACRE'S MORE OR LESS. n RIDER• WARRANTY • ! DATED JUNE 30, I�ECEPTTOM rr . . . October 27, 1988 under Reception No. 88105098, and November 9, 2989 under Reception No. 89097338* lien as evidenced by the Statement of City of Wheat Ridge, in the amount of • R• November• s.• Reception s 90095555, and lien as evidenced by the Statenent of City of Wheat Ridge, in the amount of $493.34, recorded November 14, 1991, under Reception•91106061, • of the occupantsof the • home,• any other liens or •shown Land Title Guarantee Company Commitment No. 0334230 - dated June 1992. R Meredith Reckert From: Michael Moore <mmoore@hkseng.com> Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 1:41 PM To: Meredith Reckert Cc: Lauren Mikulak; Dave Brossman; Bill Brummett (wba@brummettarchitects.com); Steve Kocher Subject: Mountain Vista Site Redevelopment Information Meredith, Below is the site data information for the Mountain Vista Redevelopment that you requested in our pre -application meeting last week. In general there are two sets of site data presented below. The first showing site data for existing conditions of the overall site (north of Swadley Ditch), and another set showing the existing and proposed site data for the proposed redevelopment area. Overall Site Data — Existing Conditions Total Site Area: 7.25 Acres Landscape Area: 2.82 Acres (39%) Parking Area: 1.97 Acres (27%) Sidewalk Area: 0.33 Acres (5%) Building Area: 2.14 Acres (29%) Redeveloped Area Site Data — Existing Conditions Redeveloped Area: 2.40 Acres Landscape Area: Parking Area: Sidewalk Area: Building Area: Parking Spaces: 1.03 Acres (43%) 0.81 Acres (34%) 0.03 Acres (1%) 0.52 Acres (22%) 50 �o O Redeveloped Area Site Data — Proposed Conditions Redeveloped Area: 2.40 Acres Landscape Area: 0.96 Acres (40%) b 10 Parking Area: 0.46 Acres (19%) b0 o 1 a l y4+P' fir" �� Mot 'OU r. oaf/o 1.s Imo, " = 2-0 e% Sidewalk Area. 0.15 Acres (6/o) Building Area: 0.84 Acres (35%) Parking Spaces 38 1 �{' 7' � rcaw� �0.�w , 5 °I o . T V_Atl CA 3L) Based on the Concept Plan that we reviewed in the pre -application meeting, we are proposing to in� impervious cover (summation of Parking Area, Sidewalk Area and Building Area) of the Redeveloped Area from 57% to 60%, and reducing the Landscape Area within the Redeveloped Area from 43% to 40%. 1 I*�441 Meeting Date: City of Wheat�dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Wheat Ridge Community Development Department PRE -APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY September 12, 2013 Applicant(s): Willham Brummet William Brummet Architects 950 Logan Street, Suite #102 Denver, CO 80203 720.570.2302 wbasabrummettarchitects. com Michael Moore, PE Harris Koch Smith 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 Denver, CO 80203 303.623.630 mmoore(o)hksen .com Matt Corrion, RLA, ASLA Outdoor Design Group 5690 Webster Street Arvada, Co 80002 303.993.4811 mconion(a od design com Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert - Senior Planner Lauren Mikulak — Planner II Wade Sanner — Planner I Dave Brossman — Development Review Engineer Site Location: Existing Zoning: 4800 Tabor Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Existing Comprehensive Plan: Mixed -Use Employment Existing Site Conditions: The property is zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and is located at 4800 Tabor Street. The site contains the Mountain Vista Retirement Community, which was built in 1963. The site has several existing structures related to the Mountain Vista Campus. The Mountain Vista Retirement Community is a continuing care facility that offers housing options for independent living, assisted living and nursing home care. The project being proposed would be in addition to the northeast building which is used for assisted living. The northern boundary of the site is W. 491h Avenue. The two properties to the north across W. 491h Avenue are zoned Industrial -Employment (I -E) and are vacant land and an office/warehouse for Applied Plastic Coatings. The properties to the east are zoned Agriculture -1 (A-1) and Planned Industrial Development (PID). The properties are used as a residents, vacant land, and office/warehouse. Properties to the south are independent living units associated with the Mountain Vista Retirement Community. Just to the south of that is the 1-70 Corridor zoned Agriculture -1 (A-1). The properties to the west and southwest across Tabor Street, are zoned Planned Industrial (PID, and used as general commercial and office/warehouse. The property associated with the Mountain Vista Retirement Community is made up of 6 parcels owned by two separate property owners, both affiliated with the Mountain Vista property. The lot to the west of the proposed addition is owned by the Mountain Vista Health Center Inc., while the rest of the parcels encompassing the Mountain Vista Retirement Community are owned by the Baptist Home Association of Colorado. 2 Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant is proposing a 1 -story 14,000 square foot assisted memory care facility addition to the existing L-shaped building in the northeast corner of the campus. The applicant would demolish a small amount of the north side of the existing structure to provide a connection from the northwest corner of the building to the southwest corner of the building. This L-shaped wrap around addition would create a square building with a courtyard in the center. The proposed building addition will be architecturally similar to the existing building. In constructing the new addition, the applicant will remove the parking lot on the west side of the northeast parcel. To compensate the applicant has proposed a new parking lot addition on the north of the property. With this parking lot conversion from one area of the site to another, the total number parking spaces will be reduced by 3 spaces. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? No, a specific development plan application does not require a neighborhood meeting. Planning comments: Zoning The site is zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD). The Specific Development Plan (SDP) is the document that dictates development of the site including building footprints, parking and landscaped areas. For all planned developments, a new building or an increase in the gross floor area of structures requires an amendment to the development plan. The plan will also define development features such as setbacks, building height, and building materials. Parking A parking lot addition has been proposed on the property to the north of the existing assisted living structure. All areas that will be subject to wheeled traffic (for access or parking) must be hard surfaced. A hard surface is considered a durable and dustless material designed to bear the weight load for the storage of motor vehicles. Section 26-501 of the city code requires landscape islands within all parking lots in the city. The intent of the requirements for landscaped islands is to break up groups of parking spaces within the parking area to minimize the aesthetic impacts of large, uninterrupted parking areas. All parking areas with more than 30 spaces shall have at least one interior landscaped island per 30 parking spaces. The minimum size of each landscaped island should be the equivalent of one parking space and each island should include a minimum of one, two-inch caliper tree or larger and four shrubs or accepted groundcover. 3 Lot Line Adjustment The proposed addition would cross lot lines with the parcel to the west therefore; a lot line adjustment plat will be required. A lot line adjustment is an administrative procedure filed with the community development department, and is used to transfer a part of one lot to another for the purpose of enlarging a lot. An administrative lot line adjustment is allowed for only one lot line between two lots. If the two lot lines are in separate ownership, a statement of agreement to adjust the lot line must be included by each owner on the new plat. The final plat submission shall have signatures of all owners. A deed to transfer title of property from one owner to the other must ultimately be recorded with the county along with the survey plat. Process Building Division comments: The Building Division advised the applicant to discuss the proposal with the Arvada Fire Department for fire truck access and turnaround on the site. Further, the applicant should talk with a building inspector about fire classification for the addition. The applicant may contact the Chief Building Official, John Schumacher, at 303-237-8929 and jschumacher@ci.wheatridge.co.us with any questions. Public Works comments: The Public Works Department will require specific information for the increase of building square footage, modifications to on-site drainage, modifications to parking, and landscaping improvements. Drainage Drainage from the site flows to the northeast portion of the property. Due to the increase of pavement on the site, the applicant would be required to provide an updated water quality plan and a modification of the master drainage plan. During the pre -application meeting, staff suggested water quality improvements associated with these updated improvements could include an increase of pond size to the south and potential underground detention. Public Works Reg uir m n s: Please note that Public Works performs all development reviews electronically. If the required Adobe PDF or AutoCAD DWG files are not included in the submittal as shown below, the submittal will be considered as being incomplete and will not be reviewed. The following will need to be submitted for review and approval with the SDP application and/or building permit: 1. Final Drainage Report (1 hardcopy and 1 PDF file): A Final Drainage Report signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado, shall be required. The Report must describe the proposed area of disturbance and 4 the category of redevelopment the project will fall under, i.e., Moderate or Major Redevelopment, as defined in the City's Site Drainage Requirements. The Report shall detail and include the calculations for the stormwater flood attenuation detention and water quality requirements of the category this project falls within. Please refer to the City's Site Drainage Requirements found on the City's website for additional information. 2. Final Plat: If the project design proposes the construction of a building across existing lot lines, a Lot Line Adjustment Plat shall be required. All plat submittals must adhere to the following: a. City -based bearings/coordinates shall be used per Section 26-407-D-6 of the Municipal Code of Laws. The City is currently on a ground-based modified form of the NAD83/92 State Plane coordinate system. b. All section ties shall be to Section or '% Section corners or City of Wheat Ridge PHAC points only — aliquot corners cannot be used as section ties. c. To be approvable the Plat will need to contain all items found in the Final Plat Review and Geodetic Surveying Requirements checklists found on the City's website. d. PW submittals shall be submitted in the form of: i. 1 - 24"X36" hardcopy and ii. 2 electronic files as follows (see Note 3 below): 1. 1 file in AutoCAD 2007-2010 DWG format (including all associated SHX and reference files) AND 2. 1 file in PDF format. 3. Construction Plans: Construction Plans signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado, shall be required for all drainage -related items such as detention ponds, outlet structures, drainage ways or pans, curb & gutter, sidewalk, and water quality Best Management Practices (BMP's). Include all City of Wheat Ridge standard details for all proposed constructed items (please see Note 2 below). Other documents that may be required: Construction plans, storm water mans ementglan, NPDES permit storm water maintenance agreement and O and M plan. Please contact Dave rossman at 303-235-2864 to discuss the needed documents with this application. Irrigation Ditch The City shall require written approval for any modifications or construction activities that may encroach into the Reno/Juchem Irrigation ditch running along the northerly side of the property. Community Development comments: Specific Development Plan Amendment Prior to applying for a building permit to add the proposed addition, an administrative amendment to the Specific Development Plan (SDP) will be required. The first step in the SDP Amendment 5 process is to hold a Pre -Application meeting, which was completed on September 12, 2013. The next step is to submit an SDP amendment application. Please note that you must schedule a meeting with a staff planner to submit the application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. The requirements for this application are included in the attached handout on SDP amendments. For this project, three SDP sheets will include a revised cover sheet, revised site plan, and elevations showing the proposed addition. After the SDP amendment application is submitted, a staff planner will be assigned to review the case. The case manager will review the submittal application for content. If all submittal requirements have been met, the proposal will be referred to outside service agencies and other City agencies for their review and comment, generally for a period of 15 days. After all comments have been received, the case manager will forward those to the applicant. Modifications to the Specific Development Plan may be required as a result of these comments. There may be more than one review required before the documents are ready for administrative approval. After the review period, staff will give notice of scheduled public hearing on the application with notice by publication, letter and site posting in the manner provided in section 26-109 of the zoning code. An SDP can be approved administratively or by planning commission. The community development director can approve minor amendments to SDP which, in reasonable judgment of the community development director do not affect neighboring properties or the overall character of the development. Once all comments and requirements have been met, the Specific Development Plan application will be submitted to the community development director for approval. The director can approve, deny or approve the SDP with conditions. If the community development director determines whether the proposed development presents a substantial change, than the community development director may refere the case to be determined by the planning commission. The director of community development and the planning commission base their decisions in consideration of the following findings: 1. The amendment maintains the design intent or purpose of the original approved development plan; and 2. The amendment maintains the quality of design or product established by the original approved development plan; and 3. The amendment is not materially detrimental to the public welfare or to uses or property in the immediate vicinity of the development plan. If the SDP is approved, a black -line Mylar of the SDP with original signatures must be provided to the City for recording with the Jefferson County Clerk & Recorder's office within 60 days. After the SDP Amendment is approved, the applicant may apply for a building permit. Attachments: SDP Amendment Process Guide Phone Numbers Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner Wade Sanner — Planner I Lauren Mikulak — Planner II Dave Brossman — Development Review Engineer 303-235-2848 303-235-2845 303-235-2849 303-235-2864 7 WILLIAM BRUMMETT ARCHITECTS A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION JAL 950 Logan Street, Suite #102, Denver, CO 80203 wba@brummettarchitects.com P-720.570.2302 F-720.570.2340 '01:112 0 Mountain Vista Retirement Community New Memory Care Assisted Living 4800 Tabor Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 The new building will be located directly adjacent to the site's existing 2 story assisted living facility at the nort east end of the upper (northern) portion of the campus, forming an enclosed courtyard between the buildings, new entry lobby will join the buildings and serve as a new entry point for both buildings, The new building will separated from the existing building with 2 -hr fire walls. I 51, 1111111 1111111 1111i II 'i 11mg The building will have a maximum height at it's highest roof point of 28-3and a typical roof ridgeline at 23-9 1/2", The exterior materials will be standard nominal brick to match the existing adjacent building, and painted cementitious siding, with architectural dimensional asphalt shingle roofing. The overall Uroject schedule will be a in early winter 2013/2014, and a construction completion date of approximately September 2014, Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I Z= Bill Brummett Principal William Brummett Architects 720-570.2302 VISION, KNOWLEDGE. HEART. N. 49TH STREET r . IA suo R,q v mrsrxr�m An wA uwl.a yr.a nwa HARRIS �KOOICHER MOUNTAIN o--SAof umalwi srsoi w, uwe w rc,dnoi omn �. 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SET wuMMBA..WnAAw,mA m-NWte"I�wm .m SOUTH EL.EVATK)N AT COURTYARD/LMNG/DINING � ecALa TAF rc SOUiH Ef4AST ELEVATION AT COURTYARD/LNNO/Di KM .CALt! 9R 1 TYPICAL EXOTI G AL ELEVATION -- se Wn ra n WEST/FRONT ELEVATION • .CwL�VF.V i07 SECTION AND ELEVATION KEY NOTES tD --- 9RM:R — © P"N CELFMDDDus sowO 4 REAEAL Oj Afl 1 TEC"X ASPHALT COMP09T SNMQES O METAL -CLAD EYTEMOR/PNNTED 9 NTE 1i1tgOW5 O MAC U.T © SLOPED SIAM SCAM METAL ROOIWC p nWD 9 WIWIAL QAD WINS Qp Ep1N -M SnMt BAY ASSUN . SLAB OM MADE W/SPREAD rWDD AN AL TMRMATE 1. SDM "' 9 ROD` ADD ALTERNATE 2: PIERS AMD (FADE SEAMS ALL GAS ASSU.E EDUNDATIDM PERIMETER W— QB — TRUSS ..:12 ® 2 -LAVERS S/.: TYPE '%' nK LD (j R -b AT NSUAMW Al TRUSS TDP NMD ® R-19 RIMADDN ® METAL -CLAD EmlE /PNNTCD 9V OD WTER DOUBLE-MuaO EGKSS 9N WN LMTM STM COORD. SET C F z � O g F- F � O U v � � y > W F F- 0 3 M'uw..AAA[TTA.DRT¢n A r1 A f-1 A f-1 A r1 NEW Al 9EC110N ELEVATIONS A-5.1 �1 NORM ELEVATION Bt .M, SECTION AND ELEVATION KEY NOTES p N . BRIUT ,CWAR © PANTED CENpITITIDUS SONG..' REVEAL �} ARNITECRNAL ASPHALT CWPOSTIN SSMC ES 0 KETAL-aAD E%TERN /P—D San iNTERxM TNNoons �y PTAD —1 Qe BA Ow MGANTRY COKER TRUSS AND RDDE Q FWWATM SnnT : BASE ASAR — SAB N GRADE w/SPREAD PDDTNCS ADD ALTERNATE I SPm,C ROW 11008 ADD ALTERNATE 2. IERS AND GRADE BEAMS ALL CAMS ASSN EMNDAD TRRINETM DRAM. QB 8000 TRUSS O B: 12. ® Z -LAYERS S/B: TYPE 'x' ENE UD �1 R -b ATTIC NSULARN AT TRUSS TDP O10R0 ® R -T9 Nsm.Tm ® KETAL -MAD EYTEMN/PANTED ROCO INTO DNBLE-MNG EGRESS MNpOTY ON STOP n BACK/COURTYARD ELEVATION Q Q .tJIL! BTh fd SET Q F z En CL e-1, Q F EE U h a O Q W � 3 R o w JE z MUNIIMAA[erANonern TRA Rees n �1 A �1 A �1 NEW AL ELEVATIONS aau A-5.2 City of Wht&at Ri�d LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Develoonkent 7500 West 29"' Avenue * Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 * Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Applicant Timothy J. O'Brien Address 14850 Scenic Heights Road,- Suite 125 Phone (952) 941-3175 * OwnerAmerican �st Hqal�� of the Midwest Address 14850 Scenic HelPhts Road Sui 25 Phone ` : # . • f w i • Contact Michael Moore P E Address 1120 Lincoln Street Suite 1000 Phone Ci .. # i 0203 M ! #p bli ing this application, provide additional information when necessary, post Hearing, and shall be responsibleverbal co f Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Please refer to submittal checkfistsfor caturilete application "mirements; incooWlete applications will not be accepted -0 Change of zone or zone conditionsSpecialSubdivision: 0 Consolidation Plat 0 Conditional Use Permit 0 Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) # Plain# f Temporarylan approval 0 AdjustmentVLot Line t,71 Planned Building Group 0 Right of Way Vacation lrother-S=&Lle��n Amendmen f . IFTAT41 Requiredown 1 (acresAssessors Parcel Number: 409625 and 409626 Size of Lot Current Zoning: PCD Proposed Zoning: PCD ag Current Use: Senior Living tttn^ Proposed Use: senior Li f esi f # fapplication,x. acting with the knowledge andconsent ofthosewithoutf f the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished Applicantsthan ' f 1 ` # i nature ofApplicant State of #.:#..:# ss The foregoing instrument (Land Ujig Pylgessi 1#., #...... acknowledged byrnethis tVl"­dayof• ! i: RLY iii u MINNESOTALONG LIC ublic . 0,,,ro Comm On ExiresMy commission expires /20 / 7 loxion 31,21 a Date received_^ Fee $ __ ___Receipt No ........ Case No, Comp Plan Design.___Zoning delated Case No Quarter Section liiap Pre -App Mig. )ate ..,_ �___. Case Iv anager Case No- !WZ1303 Date Received ... .. .. . ... .... ... ....... 1 /1 01 3� Related Cases Case Planner NS1 308 PI nn �Beckett Case Descriptioe, ,Specific development plan amendment AAP& -opt Name ,TimothyJ, O'Brien Name Phone ........ .......... 2) 941-3175 Address 74850 Scenic-H-argh- 6s R- J.—S"ie "12-5- Cr Cit en Pratte State fkq zip . ...... . . ...... . ........... Name American Baptbst Homes of Name F Phone 11(952 `11 9417 1 11 11 1 31 1 75 .... . . Address Heights., Ste 125 City [Eden Pratte S tate 155344- zip ... . ..... .... Name Mtchaei Mtoore PE Name Phone31623-6300 . ... . . ..... Address 1120LrncolnSt Ste700 City D .n .v...e....r .. .... State �ff­ Zip B0203 .......... . - --- ---- ---- - — --- ... . ....... . ... ........... ..... . . . ..... ..... .. Address Street 'Tabor St. .. . ....... C ........... Cit Wheat Ridge i State t Zi 00 IP 18 33 ....... . ........................... . . . Location Description 1 ..... . ..... Project Name Mountain Vista Retirement Village Parcel No Qtr Section tstrtct o . .. ... .. ... Parcel No.i39-174-09iV -009 Qtr Section: ISEff .... ........ . .. i District No., .......... . .. .... .... .. ..... .... .. Pre -App Date 2/2011 Neighborhood Meeting bate t i App No: APP1' 3"J"b" Review Type Review Body Review Date Disposition Comments, Report �-*O - : Revrew 2v� ,Admin t ...... ..... ....... 4 Case Disposition ....... ...... ..... . ........ L7 Disposition D ate Conditions of Approval ....... .... Notes . .... .... . .. Res# . ... .. .. ..... . . Status jD" , , , Ran, Storage: i--- . .... . .......... ... Case No, IMS1308 i Date Received 12/15 2013i Related Cases 1303 Qase Planner @heckert Case'DescriptiOr,,Lot line adjustment and consolidation (lots 1 and 2J" i Name TunothyJ MCrbr:en _...a dame .M." ...., Phone (952 941-5175 Address 14850 Scenic Heights Rd Ste 125 City Eden Prarie „.w.. ._.,..,.n...n ..,�,,.. __..,, ".,. .._..�."., ....m.w„,. ,..........� ..,",_,.�,_ Skate MN i Zip j55344 ,w..�.. ,„, Name (Amefican Baptist Homes a N '0 .....,„., ..�.�k ( Phone .(852 841 3175 Address 1485ti Scenic Hie hts Rd Ste 125' City g y EdenPrarre 4 StateMti Zip {5344- L rNa #lrr A%**n Name Michael Moan PE i Narire f Phone [3Q3 a233D0 Address ¢11201 Lincoln St ate 100 i City [Denver ( state 1CO ZIP 80203 W w Address 4800 .. ;street STabor at i Crty Wheat Ridge state CR Z,tP 80033 Location Description Project Name =Mountain Vista Retirement Village Pana o tr ectron istnot No Parcel No. 3917409009SE17 39-174-09-009 ( Qtr Section: f 17 Distiiot No.: 1V FIV ,_.. ,._... r,.......�...` ... ....... ..�.” Pre-AppBate 9112/X)13 Neighborhood Date g �" _ APP No APP1330 Review Type Review Body Reviews Date Disposition Comments Report Review �., Admin M P Case Disposition Disposition Clarke . Conditions olApproval 11 .w......... F Notes i Res Res It ; Ord #; 3 _ �,.... _...--------------- _, status Opet i . _.. __. .a .._. Storage € ase No. Case De , ;tr Jr t 1.rWi W MS13(?t3 date Received 1 211 51201 31 Related Caves 11303 Case Planner Reeked Name Timothy) 0brien Nannie Phone (952j9413i75 .,, Ad' dress 14850 Scenic Hekcthts Rd- Ste 125 City Eden Prane State MN Zip 55344• Name Arnetkcan baptist Homes o Name Phone `(952)941.j`175 -'%ddfeu 14850 Scenic Heights Ad.,Ste 125City Eden Praire State MPi ftp 55344. Nal e Michael Moore, PE Name ' Phone (3031623.6300 Aidfes: 1120 Lincoln St., Ste 100 City Denver State Co Zip 80203•. Aidfess 4800 Street Tabor St. city 4t�heat Ridge State Ct?Ftp =9�it?33 1 , Location Defi'?t4oKt 4 .. �.m�. ,.. Project Name ,MpUnt.ijnV} $t3Rt"tIK#"t1ieFitVillage � Parcel Fio t�tr Scotian district No �, Pafcel No, 39.174-39.069 Q1f Section: SE17 distfict Na: IV 3917409009 SE 17 IV � F fr App date 9/12/2013 Neighbothood Meeting date App Na'APP133q .r _ +}t Review Type �.� Review Body Review date disposition p Comments ., Report �. i7P`a+kUg4i+ (Me �O.A14iiY p yMe 8 � � s 'j"! . Case Diq„}wAioni`,diDisposition date �" aL .. .. ,. ... .. .� Conditions of Approval . ..' . . ;. CITY OF 64 WAT RIDGE 12/16/13 3Ph edba ABHM RECEIPT NO:CDA899385 AMOUNT FMSD Land Use Application 2,412.56 zone PAYMENT RECEIVED ANM T CK 344294 21412.50 TOTAL 21412.50