HomeMy WebLinkAboutWRURA Final Rule & Order vs. ACO, Inc.111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 ~ ~~~0~0 2015083780 08/07/2015 04:01:00 PM 3 Page(s) JEFFERSON COUNTY. Colorado STRICT COLIR I. JFnFRSO'-. COL'~TY. COl OR \U< > un o\Jdress 100 Jefferson Coumy Parb\'3~ (,olden. Colorado 80-H>I Petitioner: WHI ,\I RJIJ(il:. URBAN Rl:'-1-.\\ AI /\I TI IORITY, a hody wrporatt: anJ polttit: t•f the State of C'otorndo, nc~pomlcub : ,\CO, INC.. !:>TEW.I\RT L. S:\11 rl I. CAROl S. AtviMO'-. tk:• CAROL :::>. 'ULl.:.; MOll~ f'AIN :::>I \ 11.:~ TFI F'PHONE AND TF.l £GRAPH CO.. nka QWt:ST C'ORPORAfJO~. nnJ TIM KAL.'FFM.\N. in hts ot'licinl c::~pacll) a:> rreasurct lot Jefferson Count; ·IUOrllt'Y.' for Pelllumer Whc:(l/ Rulge Urban Rt'IWII'LII A tflhm 11_1 /\Uorne; Firm t\JJrcS!> Phone l·ax Jl-.-mJll: Corey Y Hoftinann. /' 2·19:!0 llc)ftmann. J>:ukt:r, Wil;;on & \arh~.:rr), P ( 1!\30 161' Street, Sut(C ::!00 !)em er. CO 80~02 303-8~5-644-1 JU.\-~15-126Y 1.:) hoiTttwnn@hpwdaw.coru l"I.'.AL RULE :\NU OI{J)El{ DATE FILED: June -l, 2015 9:22 A:-.1 } I COUR'I l Sl:: ONLY C.l">c \!umber 20 15CV30308 THIS Mi\ r1 ER. ltavtug becu tl:s(ll\~.:d b) P~:util•ttct th~ 'Wheat Rtllgc: l 1rhu11 1\.enc::v.al t\uthonty (the "t\uthonty') and Ke!>ponden: lun Kaullmnn 111 hts olltCHll capacny as the fr e(l~lll'l'r of .Jdlcr.;on County (the TH·ac::w cr"), and rhc olhtT n.lntt'd Reo.;pt'ndents rhm ha\1:.' been scn,.;J accorJin5 to C R.S ~ 18-1-103 not hav1nk'-appcar~d tn this matter. the Court therefore enters tm: follow111g. Ftn:ll Rul~ ,1nJ Order: I , I he 1\uthonty as PcttttOPer tS .luthonzcd to m;1inta1n th ts procecd1ng pursuam to (' R,S * 11-7~-101 <'f 'nJ 11he Colorad.l llrh,Jn Rene\\all.~w"J Jnu t • R <:; ~ 'lR-1-101. et ,·eq 2 RcspunJc:n!s ACO. Inc., St~.:wart L ':>111 tit .• tnd Carul S .\mmon. tl<a Ca10l S Sole as the tccord hu!det ol Ice utle to the prupl!lty and tiS successors 111 tntcrest \\ere ser. eel b~ ru"liC(IIIC)f1 111 tht<: tn:llil.'r :md did not app<"ar .--- ~ \ 'l f"lll' .\utlwrit~ md tlw I rc.tsutcr, :1s :111 tnter~·;t holder ot rcconl h) vrrtuc llr .1 tax I:L·n fikJ agui 1'i' th~ ~ul~11.:1.l Pn1pcrt~ .• Hid th~ lilt I~ iulct~.::.l I oldl!t ,11' •~'l"111d tn ;tpp•'ll' tn the..• IIH t~r ·lgte.: th•t liSt ... 0111'"1\.'IISIIIUII lot lh~ !"ll']\1 .tl<ll nt'thc Pr\lpcr~\ i: .. "l\C;) llundn.:d cllld ~l'\Cill~ l'ivc.. Dullats 1$1 75.001 CIIIU :-;u~h JU ... l romrt·n•;attn I llll'l\ldc.:::-. Iiiii t:llld lin;tl s-:•tlcmcnt of <1ll .:l.11ms ot :til) t~pc .1 <;llCtltcd \\tlh the a~qua atio:1. inc..ludlllt: ulll'rtl~\ ·,. ~~~s I l' IS ORIH:RidJ, .\I>.Jt DGJt.IJ \NH lH~< 'REED: .1 Jl·c..· \\ h·~ll Rtd_'.' l -~:m R:::l~.:'.\,1! ,\t:tlhll it·t. i_, lh.rCh\ ,\Jjud,!~ ill. b<! tl.~ .ah.ulutc holdc" .tnd o\\ncr ir1 nnd 11!' l't'e simplt' tit!t: in the pn.>J'•:!rl~ nwn..: r<lrtt~l'l.lrl\ d~t u-ib~J n F\:hihit ,\, .111;\Lilcd hereto .m.l tm:nrpt•t. ted ltat:itt I·~ I '11..; rt•l't•J t"llLc'. b. Just lt•.upc:n:-.alinn !m tht! 'uhjc..l'l Proputy '" the .llllclJnt lll ~C\1.!11 I lundrcd :111d S.:' cmy Ftvt: Doll.trs ($ Tl '> ItO); c. ......uJ amount shat: be p:l~. hie by the Altlhor 1\ ltr~,;t:th· tl• the.. I rc.l.-;tll·c:r withtn 1.:11 (I 0) da~:-. of tltl: Comtl'llll'rt"~ tl•i.; F11wl Rulr: and < lrdcr. ami I I I...,\ I OHDI Rl :n 'tgncd~ ~'"_.:!OJ:'. \PPRO\Il:Ll \'-' fUl nR_\-{· .ll ·f·H-RSO!" < Ol'~~ I Y '\ T roR'JE~ \ UFf ll t: ~;t8117ud...::....:..=.::.¥-- ( a:m~ ..,~ >. 3~H>23 ·f 1/url/t'\'<; jl. r /,•/ Jersvl1 L'vumy 'li·ea.wrer 2 HOI·T\1 \ '\'-P,\RKEH. \\II \C >I\&. CARBIIU\) . P C. rt IL ~OR Ill:> H .:r I 0 1-LOI S ::3 .\i'-.1.) ~~.BLOCK I. \I'PI E\l. 000 VILL:'\Gl:. COl N I) Ul-.11::.1-11-R~O\., "i I A I L:. Ul <. 01 ORAIJO