HomeMy WebLinkAbout3775 Benton Street00 41 a z 04 In 0 } U 41 HU F E -a w' z Gp Com? c A w =r9 y 0 41 R# Q3 A k > k R#} cc Ca 3 Aj 49U Lf)w 'A k '00 sv u w 44 0 A 1 a° u CHESSNOE AND ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING/PLANNINCir/SURVEYING 4 101 Wesley Avenue, Suite 2 Denver, Colorado 80222 Tele. 303-722-3267 May 2, 2016 Re: 3775 Benton Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Form Check, Dear Sirs and/or Ladies: As a result of a field survey performed on April 20, 2016, by our survey crew, I hereby certify to the following as -built setback distances concerning the above referenced property: 1. Setback of NW Comer of new foundation to north property line = 2. Setback of NE Comer of new foundation to North property line = 3. Setback of SE Comer of new foundation to out property line = If you have any questions concerning the above, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Mr. Jason Cribbs Cri0s C**struf#d**, LLC 3325 Mariposa St. Re: 3775 Benton St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Foundation Construction Observatil At your request, I have visited the site of the above referenced project to review the foundation construction. The project consists of an approximately 2000 square foot residential triplex, with a combination of slab on grade and crawlspace at the ground level. The foundation is comprised of continuous cast -in-place concrete footings extending below the frost depth. The continuous footings support cast -in-place concrete stem wall that extend up to the first floor elevation. The structural drawings for the project were prepared by Berns Hausen Structural Consulting, LLC (dated 3/25/15), and were used as the basis of the structural observation. Based on my visual observations and on the additional documentation provided by the contractor, the structural foundation system was constructed in general accordance with the Construction Documents, Additionally, the ufer ground, foundation damp proofing, and perimeter foundation drain were installed in accordance with the governing building code. M= 9-19-2016 OH Umited 5759 E. Caley Drive Centennial, CO 80111 (720) 841-2777 %.,o,4 F-1 LIMITED September 19, 2016 Re: 3775 Benton St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Foundation Construction Obsery til Trf"Troji 1-!ils II -at Fimy'p V" -f and crawlspace at the ground level. The foundation is comprised of continuous cast -in-place concrete footings extending below the frost depth. The continuous footings support cast -in-place concrete stem wall that extend up to the first floor elevation. 1111 ROVER 11 111 P III 1191i 11 1 1 9-19-2016 RROW CIVIL ENGiNEERs 2629 E. Geddes Avonuo Susan P. uno, P. E., LEED OAP Centennial, CO 80122 303-3291-9004 September 16, 2016 Mr. David Brossman, PLS Development Review Engineer/City Surveyor City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: 3775 Benton Street - Porous Paver Installation ACE Project 14--22414 Dear, Mr. Brossman: The folloWng is an account of out, field visit on September 1, 2016 to observe the installation progress of the water quality control infiltration basin at the above referenced location. It is our understanding the City of Wheat Ridge inspector had been to the site and did not have any concerns vvith regard to the progress of the installation at that firne. Attendance: Jason Cribbs, contractor Rick Barnett, P,E., engineer representative forACE * The gravel layers were staged from west to east for observaf*n, with approximately 6 inches of a '/.-inch gravel base over approximately 6 inches of a 2.5 -inch gravel subbase over, the geotextile titer fabric. * The contractor has requested a permeable paver substitute from Borgert Products, Inc. The base preparation observed appears to be in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations for the pavers being supplied. * A i,., to 2 -inch layer of 3/8 -inch gravel leveling course will be required just below the 3-1/4 inch pavers, The levering course and the pavers were not on site at this time, * The contractor noted that the subgrade for the basin was excavated to grade and not compacted per the manufacturing representat'No's direction, * The filter fabric was not extended up the concrete wcfl6 for the 3/44nch layer of gravel. We requested this be pulled up (there was adequate length) to near the elevation of the concrete barrier. The contractor was in the process of correcting this oversite when we left. * The monitoring well was not in place at this time, but the contractor was reminded it is required and he indicated they would have it installed as they complete the installation (moving east toward the paved section of drive, between the street and the basin). A monitoring well detail was provided. »«a...jl�!llj A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _1�9�Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: I� j:: I Job Address: -31 -75* /U e ry o u S -r Permit Number: a, L / _ D % 3 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time—D S AM/(M Re -Inspection required: S No �/ When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: / �' 'fInspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 4 City of -qatps d COMMUNrry DEVELOPMENT .,g City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W, 24th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P., 303.235.2846 T°, 303.235.2857 August 22, 2016 COURTESY,, ADDRESS NC>T ICA'T'IC)1 NOTIFICATION is hereby givers that the following address has been assigned to the property/properties as indicated below: ADDRESS: 3775 3785 3795 Benton Strut SIT TVI ION: Seun Subdivision LOT{s): 2A., 213 2Cf Y: SIC l .i %fi PA C I , ; 3 -251-03-032 -251-03-033 -19-251-03-034 NOTES: This is a courte otificati ATJrn IZED Y: DISTRIBUTION: I. Property Owner 2. Jefferson County Assessor, ATTN: N: Tata Control, Lacey Baker entail to 3. Jefferson County Mapping, ."1TN: Addressing, 100 Jefferson County Park-Avay, Golden, 80419 4.. Jef3`erson. County Elections, A'lE"TX I1. Roth, 3500 Illinois Ave., Lara ie Building, Suite 1100, Golden, CO 80401 5. Email to Jeffco IT Services at sniitcht et, 11cos and gdgj kQ eff- c. ,u 6, 'U.S. Pot Office, 3700 Tennyson Street, Denver, CO 80212 7. Email to erlindaj.,nit t t c fe is sg y and rt, l utl ra t t c r 114 S. and trt Iac �a yt x �c is a t ?; 8, eT Ener,y, A'1 : Correspondence, 1123 W. 3rd Ave., Denver, CO 80"223 . Century Link, Capacity Provisioning; Specialist, 5325 Zuni St., Room 728, Denver, CO 80221 10. Comcast, Attn: Scott Moore, 6850 S. Tucson Way, Englewood, CO 8011:2 IL . 'xheat Ridge seater District 12, Wheat Ridge Sanitation district 13, West Metro Eire District 14. Wheat Ridge Planning Division 15. Wheat Ridge: Building Division I& Wheat Ridge Police Department 17. GIS Specialist 18. I:log File NOTE: Please notify all other parties concerned, ADDRESS MAP UPDATED BY: MA'T'T". w w% xi.whent:r idge.coms SA 1CIIl1 4 70VNG MU a@;, tiii 1, cox Rom& T 0.. 9 @ 1% x wa? at WXYM SiSsmT � 107 is 081 "�`v UMV9 ars t I i a°,r 00019014 � r a a i Ar! peol'on ow "k 9 as sSw 7i x ' $a tEM x s 3 t" XK R 116"73 vo i mw a sTV- " q. a srr ` 01 21 \m' 1,4-/ a IW EAST I J:m" 89, r LOT 13L4 S'r i l 2. l � ' i a� Sy s W Wi AUT Tr j now: 51 r a ON ;. ra. ATAW 1511 37n "Urm $I- -° two M&A W � x i s t xa �+ r (hNi PLAS a r "" a �, s r, s ht at ouv ^ rw a,. mer mA ' MO's — 9 n' c" S�. rm m� � ;� . o" eS G tom. s tr MWAT ,aa v ac Baa a m r a WOWS yPkAl a_ °" r, ., w � - , �" C, r � ss , :� 33.67 RR N A"°WO ra 00,97,15" W k nS' r S Sx 8- E A� V, � t i t ori° WOO ° &I ° ¢ t .xatiz N S 6' " REC LO 1,2 t F 13C ( °�# sir �C�. s .� a� � A' fl � S CS _ #�a�� s -=`�S^ MAI d a b o C � .�,. ,°° , � ".,°. Il� ' .^Xd'4sn 1. is iat t, ,. *0 KS°. 0,67 CAS" Ae � � �.,.�� ANG RWA 04V salTA tr cot ow ° r S � CO, fix; s acr:Ss,& o, 'gip s�sovvvsm 6 L r xas�st +x" s i R6 s l ��� x toy. r_, a: Af tea I:rfi im e psi 4 my cam' Tol zm 1 L City of *dge Building & Inspection Services Division c) iq 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Plan Ravi ew Fee: Office: 303-235-2855 ° Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Lire: 393.234-5933 Building Permit Application int a cmplets all high g at s on both sides of this form. Incomplete'spoications may not tw processed. Property Address.* Property Owner Email.---!, 6,':J w Mailing ss: (if different than property address Address. Arch w Architect/r1 rE-mal 1 1: Phone contractor:' ,$ Contractors City License Contractor E-mail Address:06 Sub "octc 1ectd 1; Plumbin ; 1 echeri 1: k R City LicenseW.R.VVICity License W.R. City License # ' Other City Licensed Sub: Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City License Complete all information on BOTH sides of this far Y 8 Y 111! NIF Y M WF } s � ♦ • Y ,� s � Yrs Y w• Y s� .�. IY Y at Y Y s IIF Y YF M Y r} � • Y amount of materials to be used, etc) Sq.. FULF . "" Stus Gallons a s Amps x"" ... Squares��� � Other 0ty of SINGLE FAMILYIDUPLEX ',,�Wh6atR4d 1, 1) B tic WORKS __ge B UILDING PERMIT A PPL ICA TION RE IIJE W Date* 1A)cation.- ATTENTION: BUILDING DIVISION I have reviewed the submitted application documents to construct a located at the above referenced address. Please note the comments cla Iced below. 1. Drainage: a. Drainage Letter & Plan required: —Yes -1/ - No b. Site drainage/grading plan have been reviewed and are: /_OK — NOT OK.- refer to 1 Public Improvements required & to be completed with project: stipulations. a. street paving/patching: — Yes No — Completed b. curb & gutter: — Yes --v/ No — Completed c. sidewalk: — Yes v/_ No — Completed d. Other (specify): — Yes -j/— No — Completed For items not constructed, the amount of funds taken in lieu of construction: $ 3 Does all existing roadway/alley R.0,W. meet the standards of the City - If not, what is required? I -A/ Yes No If R.O.W. is required, has the deed been received,- Yes —No (see Note below) NOTE: All deeds must be reviewed and approved prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, 4. _L AEPR0VED: The Public Works Department has reviewed the submitted material and hereby approves this Pe`tApplication, subject to the stated requirements and/or attached stipulations. Sigi�iature Rate 5, NOT APPROVED: The Public Works Department has reviewed the stab initted material and does not approve this Permit Application for the stated reason(s)- Signature David F Brossnian, P,L,S, Dat * e -------- 6. Stipulations: 7, A Drainage Certification Letter accompanied by As -Built plans from the Engineer -of -Record shall be ,required prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, S. NOTE: ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING PUBLICIMPROVEMENTS AS A RESULT OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPAIRED PER ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY, UZZIM } w City of Wh6at RLdge ,JJB LIC WORKS City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave, Wheat Ridge.„ CO 80033.8001 1': 303,235.2861 F: 303,235.2557 Date: Location of Construction: Purpose of Construction: Single Family Commercial Multi -Family Ii v tar xn rt Review 1'rrrce si I eem ........ IZ— $100.00 $JJQO. 00 (Required of all projects .for document processing) S50.00 or mer°ciallifulfi- a °ll eview Fees. Review ofexisting or minimal technical documents .. .......... $200.0 $ Initial review' of technical civil engineering documents (Fee includes reviews of the I" and 2°`'submittals). ......... .:......... $600.00 S Traffic Impact Study Review Fee: (Fee includes reviews of the I" and 2 d submittals):.... ......... .......... $500.00 Trip Generation Study Review Fee: ............. . .....:.. .......... ......... $200.00 0 & M Manual Review & SMA Recording Fee,,,.,,,,,,,, ... __ ....... __, $100.00 ' Each Application will be reviewed by staff once and returned for changes. If after review of the second submittal changes have not been made to the civil documents or the Traffic Studs` as requested by staff„ further reviews of the;: Application will be subject to the following Resubmittal fees: Resubmittal es: 3'd submittal (%i initial review fee) :..: ......... ...e...,. .,,..... . ..,...... `ia300.00 fan submittal (full initial review fee). ............... 600.0 All subsequent submittals: ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 6€ 0.00 (Full initial review fee) PLEASE NOTE THAT IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE FEES,'ITIERE WILL.. BE ADDITIONAL LICENSING AND PERMITTING FEES REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. - vv.ci- heats°iclt„c.eo.us P061 IC WORKS City 01'Wheat a t midge Municipal Building 7500 W, 2 Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 law 303.235.2861 p': 303.2351857 NOTIFICATION FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS RESTORATION DATED: ADDRESS: Dear Contractor: In conjunction with the approval of the building permit application for the above referenced address, this letter is to infonn you that all existing public improvements located along the frontage of said address shall be restored, f damaged from related construction) to an acceptable condition, as determined by City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department, and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Prior to any construction commencing, the City's representative will conduct an onsite inspection to detennine the existing condition(s) of the public improvements at this address. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303.3 , 8 4. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L. Development Review Engineer C. File F' 25 11 w1viv-d-wittairidge.co.us Rev 2108 RNX01-11 NO M3118�tl All ADJACENT L OT Tw T 33 ADJACENT LOT _ Z014ED MUN __. To pof, t Y " i'r".' ..:...,...._. ."_........ ......n. ... ...«.._.,,...„_.....�.,S;i-ES'°„»,�.._..... .�, ,.... ..,.._,......_____ ...... .... - J3»pS .._..... .._. _.......... ._.,....,,,_.. .....ys....._. _...«, _ ,...., ,...,...,, ._._. _..__aa...� , ,.......,..m _, ., ........,, ,«,_, _.w 7` �,, 4 yre' r 1/2...... ,,✓' „s?"RtFt 3'SraMs.et } t_, _,... �r € Asr: r S',R}^ U C?h. f d 3 ..,.. € r 41-11 l ce ._ _.!)cswn oat orientations .___. ..... ,.;.....;,.. _ w w ,:',= 9+E4att+°k�t „w?i , .,' STC” Y"" „ ";fit Y} "" . 6 r. Y4 »� •. `; 4d:3'#itibt+ zsfL,efif8 3 J tKWu `=;nE,tkS;,('A„ $ , A;as . zc " ,. (z Assn+, 10U-0' (AROo) ASSM- WQ' 0' (ARCH) a2 ti. taai.,ni y z 1 , FS 5s'2»2�a' SUh 1r i +� . �e�A,�is save r t M Ss- �1 L�g{ j# i+ To LJ a} t.4aL 1 v::=rY .w t 1 A?At,e .:� , 1 r k372 V, EAZ f I t j. f rY AliR( 4U @l t,,' i e k: 4.;,9' i fs { t ......'._.. ,....._ w.«,,...,.. tvwAS,t. SCONCE, WACC #>x<:i. a c 'PGkAi.! C+'�NC�` e bt 3 loNkAW A$s{?`a�:.. � �:..� ;„C . _....... � Ce'ul th #Cif, Au'e?4L l.�Ailw Ff.: rt,te„�: � i,.^+..v�'iwrOrttd, 3,C.,,d".T t r i 1 # s r _. r rat. r ^� ypj _ -77 X,t. t cm ! fy � SS % t i p R f ( +� 3at� CA fN PFR f A j } t # 0.F f Cy {...,m_.. 1,1: 's , 1 i C ( I V #'P..t i � e'S.t iY�, i�Alr�. r�'. r`'LA.7 i4,..,,� r q, C V 3 ti i v f i s ry .., ------ ....._. .... _....,_. . ... .. .............__......, .. ...... W A ._ ...,w...w ,....... __......_,..... 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