HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 1fh·e\ W'8ds·worth~ B:oule.va:rd
Oorrid·o:r R.e·deveJopmtnt Pl··an
RFSOLtmON NO. 26--2001
Series of2001
WHEREAS, with the.tdo~ ofa.o~utionNo. 11-2001 .OD Aprill3, ~001, the
City Co1Jnci1 determined that bUI)u·oxisted in the \licinity of~ Wad&Wonb Corridor
ftom 3$"' Avco\1(1 to 44* Av~o;.and
WHER.E.A_S_. such resol"-"on created \be Wadswortb·Boulev~ G<Rri4or
RodevcloJ)lllent_Noa (Atea), ~ lltlbanreoowalll'oa wi\bin the Oi~ aoc1
WHEREAS. Resolution No. U ·2001 al10 diluted tJ¥ Wheel IUdao Urban
Reocw1l Authority (Authority) lQ-eft'ect the p~OD of an urban n:ucyl&)
(redevelopment). J)lan (PJJUl) fur-the Area for conalde{1ijQa by City Council; and
WHEREAS, the CounciJ has been prcaented with a proposed Plant JDJd
WHEREAS, tht: Authority hu codorsed and ~approval ofthct flao
by CoUD(!U• and
WHBREAS, ~City Pllnning Comm.iaioa bas submitted ita' written
recommendation.to1he City Cot.mcU 1hat the Plan is i.n oonf~ce with the Wh~t
Ri~ Comprebenstve Plan; aod
WIIBRHI\S, a copy of~ Pllll Jqd informttlon ~lq the impaot of tho PIJn
W\'te aubJniUed to me J~ COunty So.rd of~aert ·~
~s. ~ ~ Ccn.-.t)' s~~l Oi~ ilao ~iVed • oQpY pftl;le P~
and I,Ju· lMMm advilod aud ~to particjpllt in an ad\1qy capacity with respect to
tbc potential use of tax increinent~; and
MlER.EAS, notices of~ pobJio bearing for cooatd~doo aod tppWYal ot lbe
Plan by City eouncu wm provided by pubHcation and by writtao DO~ to·propcrty
owners. !aide rUB and business owncm in the Area in compliaooo with the Otben ReneWMl
Law, C.R.S. 31-25-101 lll!f~; lnd
WRER.BAS, a pubUe haa;ina oo 1M Plan wu bdd on ~22. 2001,
providina a fuJJ oppottWlity fOr p10perty OWDel'l, ~ taxpayer&. peopf~ ~nd
busineuowncn in~ A1U mall in~ pCti01U to be beArd; and
WHEREAS. the iru)!tsion of cet1aln areas and properties desipalcd In the Plan
within Lbe Ale& would provide for the elimination and prevequon ofblighl and 1ht
deveiOpm.lnt, ftldeve~QP.mmt i.Dd rehabilitation Qfthe ~Uth.•t4 ~.-~ ~t the at~~
be·dc\'dopc.d ot mdevologed 6y the pul)Jicl aD4. private-.sectors.to-proVide a sa_fer.aocl D\Ote
~ ~mnent for tts>uaers .ctlababllant4;-tO·(lev<JQP • re#'dop ~ pro~es
to FO"l~ ~-·~-~d,ru5opa~1tBIC~ncmijc~ of melt~ :to ~~~~and provid~ puplic.f~~ ~o~l~~~~.o~,
. ~(Ql-O;tbcr ~~~~~; 1Q C.I)S\IJC:rqi()~JindfOU]ld·~aJ,,
ptiysii:aJ imd econolnic.gmwtb,ancl improvemeni Within the\City;.to promote &bet public:
beil~,safety and welfitn:; to P.fomotc·il{d ~· tho goal~, obj~~·and p~ 9£~
PlaA ~the Com~~ ~h•n. ofihc Cll)'i .tQ pwvtcle a 10\,JDd fiaancJal and *nomie
b.aao for the· ~munity: to.pro\iide;a ~ ~ ~for!he.~ity IDl..d 1p c&,l)pb' with
lbci,.tcnt 1Dd pwposes ofthe:UrbanR~ewal t.:aw• aod
. WHEIUW.\8~ )he ciry.COurioil bas d~~~iJl~ tba.t ltl•Jn:~ ~~ mt~·o_r.,lb,_
Chy ofWhoat Rid a~ llld &he Wh~ Ridge Umn Rmtewat Aulllori\r to adopt the Rl~-u
~W THBRBFORE llE 1i Rf.SOL VBD. bY t})e Wbqt ~ifgc,City·O»uneU.as
Sc:cUon 1. 'Ihlllthe City Co~ ~by mo~ th«d:oOowing findlngsowitb
~to tbe proposecfPlan: ·
A Af~ble m~od oxists·forth~moddi.on Ofi~ica".or
indiVidutlls W)lo may ·or will be ditp~ by ~elopmeni;J?i'OJ~ in d~t.
safe and s:iul_itar.y dweltina~ccodun()datib~ within c.bdr Jde8fl5 atid WJ1h~U~1~d\IO
B. A foulble method exLsu for' 1M relocation;of~M e.p~
the!~ or Will ~ tlisplaced by ~MJ~' ~ ti:~Ui ~AM §tlrt .
. otl$et~ that are not g~llOIID)' lesf: desirable repding.pu.,JJ~ .utilities and
.,UbU4) m<l cQ~croiaH8c11ities. ·
c. The ~CitY ~uncil has oaused·ils·•fl'~o~t."~babjc.¢~ to ~~de writtcrn ~ot1cc of."Ws p.utPJic ~b& w pt'Opetty ~. r:tal~ts ~ .bus~oWnm in the Alee ar ,lhdr last--known e,ddresses at least 30 days prior to
lbis p14blic hemin& olOccQbqr ·22,_ZQ01.
p. section ~-~1 01 t4J {d) c.~s. oJ.~ Vrb~ R~ r,.w,,~
~ot.awlY in lhat 1;10t IJIC?te· tiU\n 12~ da73,ha~o. pas$Cd ~·thdirst public· helu:ia$
Oil UUS Pl~ bccllllliC this i$1he 11m. pulJlic ~·
E,. Scctlbn 31-25•107 (4) (c)-9.~$. qf~·lJ~.~wa1 -JAw.cJoes
no~app!im that City Co\Uloll dJc1 not fail.to.pn\\4QU$lf'opp_ro~c tb1a:P-J~.
F. The Plan conforms to~ CitY's COnipeheilPve-Pfan.
G. lb¢ PXO¥isiQl\t of1he-])Jan, consistent wjth the~ of· the City.
provide'rnaxintwn OJUXJI1Unity ror·redCVcfQ_p(Mnt o£~·AJ'e4 bY private
H. ~~Uon 3l-2S·J07 (5) C.R.S. oftbe Urban R.eucwaJ Law iB not
applicabfc,to thiJ Plim.
I. To tbeomau that tha Area may consist of • JrC8 ct open 1an4
wbtcb may t» ~eJopQd for oon-taidential uaes "WJdM the PlanJ-dty Council
hereby detennina tbJt sueh non-residential uses~ ~ and appmprb~te to
facililale the pi'OJ* srowthaod dcvel~pJPCnt ofthe'CJty ·in CICCO~~ w(th $0uad
planning Standards aod tbo GUy's ol?,lceti:vea. ThO,'pc)tentia.l ~si~h of suclt.
~~)'require thctacdonsotthe·Autbotity, in cotnptiancewUh the Urban
Renewal Law. because such o~ areas are within &ret$ ofblighlot bJishted
J. CitY. Coupcil his deterofmed 'ilw tho boundarlca of qte Alta h.ave
been ~wn as OAJJJ)Wly u fusible to «ecompllAb the;pJIDIUna and development
objectives of the Plan in aceordance with ~on 31-25-107(1) C.ltS. of the
Urb~ ~~wal Law.
Section l. Although the PIIUl provides for~ usc.of tax IDCIOJ'Dent finBJlcing,
~cb ~ ro~sms WiU not beutJli2ed with the tnrtiaJ adoption of1hls P•an at -
this tlm~ but will be considered ttiD 1PPJOPrl&te time when fC4eyeJopmentprojc:cts or
rnaricet fa«ors n~ilate or justify same or-_promote the. use·<Oftax .incrcJnent linancin~
.., aJ!P.IOpr.!.. Modij]oations of thls Plan ~Y. theo be n~ to iiDP\e$ent tax
mcrOmc:nt tinanoins.
Section l . The Jeffenon Co~ School Dlstrict·was permitted to participate
,m an .-dvisocy ~ity reg~~~ Plan.
§oOJiop 4. Th~ 1eftmoq CounJy B~Grd <1f Commisaioners ~ provided 4
«;.opy of the Plan and iofonnation tqardit\g. ita im~ in compliance with the Urban
Renewal Law.
Se.Qtion 5~ 'The'WhFat Rjdge tJ.~~~ewaiAutllority.,is~lborit.ed'to
-exercise the powers of eminent domain to cury out, effect end adm.inbter the: PJan.
Section·6, The proposed Plan ~g .!hi$ Resoluti9n..and illcotpora1ed
~is ·~pl~ fa tile Wadswol1h BoulCV~Ud Conidot Redeve}QJHnCill Pla(or tl)e Cit)'
of Wheat JU<lge and 1111)' ,be~fened·to e ~·Wadsworth ~eye)opm~_P}an. TbC'Pl(J)
is·an urban ~new.J plao ~-defined 1n Seatioi\31-~S-103(9) c.a.s. of.the Urban Rene~
Section 7.. The Wadsworth R.cdevelopment Plan shall ~I tbe .land area,
land ~ design. buJJding requirements, timing of development. aod ~ for
implcmontltio.u of ~uch Plan in 1ht W•dsworth Conidot Rakvclopmcnt Area and 1n the
City,o£Wheat Ridge, l\$ may beappUceble..
DONE AND RESOLVI!Dthis·22114 day of October 2001.
RESOLtrrlON NO. 05
Series otl001
WHEREAS, the Wh=t Ridge-Udlan Roncwal Authorlly it authorized under: C.R~S.1 i-
2S-I 0S(1 )(i) of the. t.lrblw ~encw.t ·t..aw to prepare n,.ptan for redevelopment for cortnin~ . .of
the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado; ant:!
WHEBEAS,lhc Whoattwsa~City Coun<lU, tapo~, ruommcndltion oftbo Wheat Ridge
Urban Renew~ Authority~ djd on At»ril 23. 2001 make a findlns of the presence ofbli~l in lhe
area included i.n the redovelopme:oL plan; and
WHEREAS, the Whoa.t Ridge Urban Renewal AuthOrity held a public meeting for the
purposeofrceelvm& comment on Che m:tcvelopment plan:
NOW TBEREFORE BE IT .RESOl,.V~D by tbe Wbeat RJdac Urban ReJt!WaJ
Aatbortty oftbe Cfty ofWbut RJdg~ Colorado, uronow•:
Section 1. The proposed redevelopment plan 11t1ehl:d hereto as Exblbtt J be.~d b~y
is, approved by the Authoril)'~
S~lion 2. Tho Authority hereby ttanamits the propoicd 38111 Av~uo Redevelopment
Pl~ to tbe Cll)l Cowu:U With the .requ~t that the City Council hold a pubti~ bearing to fomlally
adopt the redevelopment pfan.
By:~ il~
CIWnnan '
J. J
MUACE·II'ND &4CKtlltoUND .......... _. ...................... 41 ........................... , ..... 1 . ·. -
F/N.DfN(JS ........... :-••. ·t-¥· ••••••••• ..__ ••••••••• , ................ , ......... w ........... ._ •• ..-.'" ......... , ... 1
F.frtding qj Blight .......... -........ , .......................... ; .... ~ ..... ,. .......... ~······"''"'~"·"·-·-· I
PNpt¢.atto1f dftht. W~l'!t/t Boulevai'(J.:C~ TU(~t!.lD.Pnitnt Plan---.. ····• 2 ·
(Jrb.UIJ R.ene.wol 'P.rvjept.f ................... , ............. "" ................. , .................. ! ...... , ..... ,1 .. 2
CQ./IFORiiiAN~~'IIf·--·· ... ·······•·········,············· .. ······•·· .. ··••····· ... •··--,··"·····~··~
C!olorQ/Jo Ufflan &Jt¢ .. w/ ~ .. , ........ ,_ ........................ f ................ _ .... ,-.. , .. -..... -.... 2
The 'W.1»af BJt/g;l! Ctllt1prlhttt.llvt ./'.kltl_,..,..., .. _,. ~ ... ,_ .. _.,:. ............................... ·~ 2
,CinuiStfliCY wiil! I~ WQt/~WC~rtlt Bo~ ,~~-Plfttt;., .. ·.~,... ...................... ~
&tind01'14ts qftM H'odiWOI'1hBgf!ltwJI'd CorrlrkJr keMYi/t~pmtnt1UQif ............. 4
W~Hh'fBou/ecvcrd C01:rldor R~~'(ll!/f)()lff~l'fiiU(ft Ob)!t.ll~$j .............. ,.w"'''' J
REDE·vat:JPMEII:I" Acnwns .......................... ~··············,····~····•..,.~,. ... t:s
/IRO,IECT FINANCINtl ............. ~·············· ......... ,. ............................ "., •• ~ ..... ·'l' . . '
Fiht:ttJ;clhg-ft/'t_(lllKJJ .,._),.~·u•t•••·•••••••t••·t ..... , •• ~ .. , •.•• ,.,,,, ... ~-:!"'-~~ •••. ,.-....... .-......... ~\·••r······ 7
PDlenttol Utlllurtion o[Ttb ln~l'irniltt Fli'lancTns ~ .............• , ............. " .. ., ..... 7
li.Af'JIJ.f!SE CONCEPJ> •••••. ,.-., •. ,.;, . .;:.¥ ••••• ,.-•••••• ,.4 ••••••••• , •..• .--... ,,-.•• , •••.• ,.. ......... 8
"Jolin E/lfl!ljl Jfflto NQflon " Slle .......... ~.~ ........ , ............ -.................... ~ ............... JO
&outlrl4~t.Cf!mtr oj-44"' ,.mp~e~ ant! Wlldsw.onh. BtwJ... ........................ ~-·-·-· I .I
LAN._D USE~~ ............................................ ~ •.• ._., .... ~ •.•. _ • .,.._.._, ............... fZ
REASONA&E VJI\RIATIQNS •• -•••• f.-....... ~ .. ·-··-··········~·········~·····'·"'·····~ 1 ... 3
1. 1 Prtrtace
Thla Wtttfwqr(h 8ol.llevard ·com.aor R~~~~~pmen~ Pleo .f~diF
Rac:te.velopntent·Plal1ll· Is an-·urbin re"ewel plan preJ>arec:t for the ·Wh&at.~lgge
Uiba!l:Renewfll AuthorJW (fhe Aut)1Q.ritVl •"d'the G~y .t,Jf Wheat fliclge (the.
Cltvl. purauent to the·prP'I.l!lfOni"'f ~ Col~o Urb!tl) flri:wal ~w, Cotol
ReV. s.~. H 31 .. 2~·101 el.aeq_ 'Colora<'o Urban· aenew•ll.awl. Thls:'(;outdOr
Redevelopment Pfin d~tJcrib)a the ·t;erneworlt. for -oe~n Pl!bfic uhdertak1~a·
conatitUtlnQ urbao renew~I.Rr9ltcta ·.-nst ot]:\e-r:i.yt_t1()r~~ ttJ;JW~t.-s 4o~er ,
C'ot~redo.st,atu~, a (:h-.d ebove, wlthln the ~~lrift·~otthe ~~W~
Bou1avard Cortlctor RedAvelopment-Area CRede~ent Area), located'ln tM'
c~ ot,.~et Rid;ef Jeffer~on' O~r:i·~~ f!9r ·m, P.UfPo~ of..thiS Pt~~ ttte ..
temr.~"Recfevelopment 4reett "Shall have·'the.·sam' l)l~ef\irJg •• "urban renewal ·~~·· ea.dtlfln~ ln~t31~.26•1oat81 c.R.s. o(theUrban RenewarLew.
Exc:apt •• may atnerwt~ ba.provld~. th.e tdmlnlatr~liqiJ f)f 1tw 4Ub.an tt.new.at
projectt anct 1ha implemen~tion and-enfOf'cement ofthis Carndor
Re~evetopme.nt Pllf'l, irtcludlng wrthoyt ll~lt•tlon•tt(,-prep-ar~tp~ end
e)(ecutlon pf any im.plementtng,1tocum~mt•, •hall be performed ~V the
This CQrr!d~r Recfevelopm~Piin .. hn ~em prtpJred~v, tt\a.Aut~artty,.anil
tPPfOV~ by .th' ~ltv 90J,lncll"1n recog"J:llon'1hat tho ·Rtctevetopment Afea req~Jra ~ .c;~ehe!'slve -nd lnte;iat,cf~ev~lo,PI!lfi·n~ :·~~v· !n _l?~_er _to
actomp.Ush '1M Cttv'• ob).eQtiv,u fOl,lroprovlog 1ht~::Y.f.abllltv of Wad1w~rth
Redevelopment actMtr" wilhin the. Aedev~lopro~t.nt:Aret •.r~ and,clpeted to
occur over ·a 'ubstantlal penod of time,·~thapa ~P t,alen to fi~een y.eere.
z.o FINDINf$
2~ 1. Finding ·of Bltght
Jtue~ .on 1he evidencoe pr.e.emed.et a pub'IC hUrlng, .. end m th&. W,:-_d.wonh
·eouteverd Corildor: Bflght StJJdv tOated P,prU t 1, 2®1', a~d flied with lhe
Jt'lff~on eourttY ClertcJ, 1h'e Chy Cdunclf, . by R&aolutton NoJ 11e,6200;1. mad&. -a
finding; 1hat·(he W•d~w~nh .S'QQl•x!fa RedevelcwJrie!"t Art' ·~~!;"~~&Ugti~ed• ••
deflned by Cotor~do .urban Renawal 1~ew, ~v the ·~,~~·9t .. ~e. fotl~wlng
iactot~ 'I) dettriorated or deteriorating attuctwn 1-""i ~~~. fht defective or
Poga l
ll'ltd.tQullt street layout, or (aulty•lot -IIYOUt lJl ret.UOn to lire, ~uecy,
eecerslblUtv or ua~uh1esa, flii} un~nlttrv and .u~fe cQnGlttont. (iv)
defectiVe C1T unuauat conditions of ·tltfe rendtdn~ tl~ non~etabte; M
bUiidl~a that are unsafe· or unhealthy for per~ont to llve.or· wort in-beeause
of building cOd• _ vlol~ons, dilapJcJatl~n~. dtltlf10ratf0n, ·or 'a.utty or:tp~equ~e
feoUltlit·i Ml environmental contamllletion of· pJopert)'; eN! ·Mil inadequate
public lrripro~ments or utlllties. Tbe· Clty Councfl al•o f~UJ\d.~th~'suot\ bli~tlt
tubsttllltiitlty Jmpeira lha &oUnd-gro~ cif the Ctty, oonathutes ··an .ec;6nom1c
anihoolal llabllltv~ and is • menlo' to·the put)lfo h11lth, ufttv, an~ welfare~~
1he oom:munftv,
2.2. Pl"ep~~mJon ot ~ W~Wt•wonb ·a~~ Corridor ,...velopment Pfan
The flndlnga an(i reoommendatiol)t oontajnW Jn thl• Corrlct().r 'R.edev.etopmtiot
Plln were fonnullltl!d 'in p8ft, 'from irifprmt~l1on ootrec1td tr'~wn site lnipec:tlons
of the Redtv-'opin'erit Att.; irttervlewa wn6 developeu, l,.ndownef•·· anq:
b~(let~<-QWntrs; (fQfllmehta e.nq ,~_,stion& recel\l'ed, at' e· ~m~~
meetfng ~ld :on August 28, 2001;.resultt from a ~uest~fr~~t to-aH
propert~-own•ra Within the .f\edevelopment.Atea: tmerv.tewt wft, ciJV staft.
and-a. re'vflw of re!e'l.ant pubflc d.o~nt1, lnt1Udfng the Wheat Rt•
Comprehensive Plan (adopted, Jan •. 2000t, the WadsWorth Boulo.vard GorridOf
SILtdy (adopted, 1 899), the zonlnp··Ofd~nce, and \he· Street&oap-.. ·~
Arcfltteotur-al ~~l9n Mei108f.
2.3 Urban Renew.-J Pr~
Based· c:m 'the existence gf bllght. -th., ~tdayeJopme,t Are• IJ, epproprlate. fo r
authQrfZ;ed unc.tertaklng•-an4:1ietlvltlew ot the Authotity, pura"'lnt'w '\h• \lrba"
:3.1 C.otonnto Utban Renawal ~
This Comdor Rede"eJopmeot Plan ls lr,r conformft.Y wfth the •ppUc;eble
rtatutory requirements bf the C()torado Urban Renewal U.w.
3.2 The Wh .. t .._ -CO('IIpreMnafYe "80
"""·City amencted and ~opted e CMlPrthansJve Ptan In Jan~ ~000. Tt!e
ComP'ehel')siVe Pten lhcludea· dulrctbte land use .patterns, as·well u pnerel
g~111 and objectives tm~d .to guide Mur• growti:\ pn W~wy,orth
·WodllfOdh ao~rJI C9mdor RfflYelop~ t\on
tlorlOn :~o.s~Ci~)es '& HN'TB ·
.~.urevar<f. 1'h:e 1'!'\d.-~~!'J Ratt§m envl~c;mttd· ~Y ~he CO'mptth-~fllve-Pl~n·for lhe
>Redevelopment Area is "Commuhlty. eommerctal C•mir~ dlt'«Siopi:nent, wt\lc,~
.iJiqtudps a f'llP<..Ot ~mi)Qibte r~tail ~n~ ofti~e ~se~ ttl"'-pr:tmar,lly~Servera
re{IJonel mark&1 area.
ihe ~O.f!'P..re!'lf!IJ'l~l~te. Pl•o'a· pr1m~ry goals an.d re.comtn&bjlatl,pJUi·1~~<8~ply'!Q
ftm~re Qro)Nth endl"'ellele>pment along Wadsworth Boult'vard are·'I!IS1JOtlows-:-
a. Futme l;ancf .Vns
• encourage aommuntty Commer.orat Cen.terd~vttoprmmt ~long
Wad&W~I'ttl Boulevard.
b. Comrnunity'thareciter
• CompfemenJ•;a·nd prombte;th-e· City:$ im•ga ~nd ilientlt}qhrougn.good
u~;9,an.4'~'9" a~··~peYl"SP.fce tl~;~Rerl~g.
'0~ Suateinat)le.Econ-omlp D"evelpprhent
• ~a}Ot~in a ~lthV b\lslnea,s 'llmJate :forr·•x.lstlng 'b"sine$.St.fi -by nn•ktng·
revit·alh:adtJn e oontlnul"g priority.
• Purs.uo rugh·quouw redevelopment thst.mlnhnizet lmpacns t9'roaldsndal
nelg~bprhoods... ·
The tJ~IIiQf .-nd .r.,commendanpns·ot thls·:Qomg~ Redevefo~.ment Afan ,a{e
coQsistent with th.e l~fld .u&e pattems, g_o8Js•.and obje~tlV&$ fd.eRtlfletHn the
adopted Colt}prl!lhttmlve P.lan~
3.3 Coollmnoy whh~a.e· Wlldlworth Boul~vatd ~do,..,...
l'the W.adtW011tl Bq~levard Cqrrld.or. Phm wa•· ._PP.rGVe'd by the-City 'ctounc111n
1999, .Jha ob)~cti~e 9f tb~ .Plan we• jO t:nitig_ate a ver:tt~v. bf tr•ffio P~Qbit~'l'$
alo.ng WarJtworih Boul&~tatd by-ralatin~ :v-.napo"et1on lmpr.overMnt!S', to (and
U84Und dealgn aotlons.ln a 1~tegy for ooordinl!lJetllrnPTOcVIment. ln'do1ng
~<?.·. ~e fo~owibfi. l(ey· efp$9fJI ~nlt prtncJples~-wer:!'4evei.9Pe:~t.a~~~_g.,1Ji~ ·
p!a.,nlng proc:~t$ to ou\de the T,.e~mme~ations·contatl)ed ln.that,.plan:
a·. land Uie. EJernent
• Improve 1he mark-et potential arid physlcef &IWifonment 'along
Wldawortn Boote~ird1 ·
• Renov(tte and redevelop outdated end obsolete UMI.
• Improve tetail quality.
• Facilitate the development potential of lacge, alngte-owmwthlp sites.
• Cr"te e p~estrian friendly environment.
b. rntnaportation Element
teev Aspeott .
• Improve .functlpn'ality and tafetv fbr vehicle and tran1it movement.
• Coneentme pointt of aceesa.
• Create urtlforJ:O roadway eectlona.
• Creau. a network of circulation,
• lmprove.•~.eu to ~lneJs properties.
• Improve viliblflty of buslneuu.
• Improve the functioN of lnter .. ctlona.
c. Urban Design Elemant
l(ey Aapeet:
• Improve the physieel appearance and amenities of Wadaworth
• Bleak down the scaltt,of blooks.
• Add strettscap,e and_ldentlty·alementl.
• Enhance the. City1·1 i~ge with ltnd•ceplna end ~re~apt
• C:reat•·• pad.-trlan •ccen nttwort<.
The· ftndlngt and recommendations of this Corrldot Rade11etopment Plan ·are
conlllltent with the key e~cts ·_end prfnclplae of the Wadawot1h Boulward
Conldor Plan.
3.• 8oundaltM of 1he Wdtword1 eow.verd Contd9t Redavelopment Pliln
This Corridot Redeveloprntm Pl.n appllea to 1 pottlon of tM ftecievetopment
Area, whfch geneJ:aJtv ln~Udes thoSe properties along both t~ eeet and·west
tides of Wadsworth Boulevard, beginning south of 38th Avenue. extending
Wodawcmh Bo~ Corodot ~nt l'tcfn
Clorioo ~ItS & HNTI
north beyond 44th Avenue. SEE: FJGURE 1, URBAN AfHlWAL 80\INDARY MAP.
A legal deiCflption of this P*en AI-. it Included In Ap~ A.
3.8 Weckworth Bou14werd Comdor RedfteiopmM1 PWt ObjectJvtj
The objectives of tms Corridor Redevelopment Plan are u follows:
• To provide a framework that encovraoe.• J?rlvat~ de"elopment
• To encourage the development of Ult$ that serve ~ regfOF1111 market
areo as well as the c.ontfn'-!Btlon of u111 thet eerve.epeotf{o looal mark,t
demand a.
• To Improve vehicular circUlation end ptdMtlian movement.
• To encoUrage new development end redevelopmont with auperior. urban
design features.
• To engage in eJI redevelopment eotivltlu und., Colorado Umtn
Renewal Law to effect the elimination and tPread of blight Jn the
Redevelopment Area,
Public prolacta ere intended to ltimutate Pfivete 11otor development io ond
around the Retlevelopmel!l ArJ.t. Tht combination of Pl.lbUe ant{ private
lnveltlnent wiU ahist In lrnplementfng redevelopment activities, oonslatent
wit~ the obj.oti\tea of tbia Corridor Redevelopm•nt Plan f~r the
Rtdevelopment A~e. ~nd·contribute to locreaatd property aJild selea te~tea.for
the Cky.
4 . 1 Radevalopment·TechniquM
In undertaking ell-urban tenewat project• purauant to thll CoJTidor
Rtdevetopment Plan, the Authority mav utJtl%e any the followll1g
redev-'opment tec:Mlquea and acth1l11ee aa deemed epproprllttl ior ttte
eUmlnetlon or prevention of ~ apro~ of blighted eren within the
Aldevelopmeots Area. pursuant tq Colorado Urban FlefltWal Law.
al g~~.g §~~~ -~ u~o ~ ~
~ 2§ :l 10
~2~ l 1 I :J ~·5 ~ l l
j I'
J J i .j l !
l s:o rf
e 't c.
•· DMnoldqn. The AUthority may provide for the demolition and
c;teara"ce of buil~lngs, structures. and-other lmprowment• in the
Redtveto&nnent Area,
b. Public tmproumente. The Authorit'( may oeute, ffnJnce, or
fec11itete the design, rnateUstioo, constructkln and reconstruction of eny
public improvements in the Redevelopment Aree.
c. land Aoqul•ltlon. The Authority m•ll have ~ht power ta.f•clllttt1e
u.,en ·renew•l aetivltles In the Aadevelopment ~rea by ec~ultlng real
property through condemnation proceeding• pureuant to the
requirement• and procedures estabtrlhed by the Colorado Urben
Renewal Lew, CAS i31-Z-106(Hht). Tt. Authority shall neve the
power to txerclaa its legal right to acquire reel propcuty and
Improve~, aod all int«est5 th81eln, br eminent domafn.
~. RedenloP.men1.-nd R~I1Jon. Appropriate acttvl*"' mey
ln.clud• &uch ultdertalclnga lnd ~tlvitJ.a -41Uthotiled by the Colorado
\Jt'ban Rene-wal Law or this Corrt®r Redevefopment Plan, Including the
redevelopment technique• identified in thla eection determfned to be
necessary or desirable.
•· Allooat~. Ref~atlng lndlvldJJ~s end famlliea from ttte
•Redtr~elopment Area may be required ~o f~litJt• redevelopmant
attivltJea eontemptated by thjs COrridor Redevelopment Plan, All
relocation activtttn requir. t"'-t the City CounoU tiOd a feasible method
for the relocation -of individuals .end famlllea who wJit be dlapleced by
an urban renewal project (C~ §31-~6·10714Ha}).
The Autt1odrv shall prepare end Implement relooatlon plane or policies
btfor• eov bUslnU.J famllv. tenant or individual Ia refo9ated. Such
plana or pollcl11 shall Include but will nof be limited to the following
I. Methods for temporary telocations.
11. Ael®ation to ·areas not genenslly tell dultable in regard ~o
public utllftio•' pUblic .end commercial faaltlde&; at rentt or prices
within the financial mean• of tuch peraone and 1am1Uaa; Into
equaUy decent and aanttarr dwelflng• •• avlllable 1..0 auch
peraons; and ln placet reasonably ~ceulble to 'their
WodJWOtth 8ou(.vord wrridor ~nt fllon
Oorlon.niiOClcnls l HNTa
ill. To provide rex reasonable relocation paymentt (II determined by
lha Authority) for moving expenaes and ectUII loaa of propeny
difectty related to re1ocatlon.
iv. For bum.sse•, to p'ovkte fodo11et ot goodwnl aod profit.s
which are reasonlbly end dlr-.ctlv r•leted to reiOC.tion for Whicfl
compensation Is no1 other'fVIu prQvlded.
f. Other T•ch~Jqu... ~her r'developm,ent aetivltlea contomplt~ted by
thlr-Corrldor Reaev~opo:tent Plan m•y include changes to applicable
zonl~, •and ute and b-uilding cotfe requltem~nte.
Urban renewaJ projects may be financed In whole or In part by the Authority
under the tax increment f inericing ITIFl provisions of CRS 131 .. 26·107(9)(1). of
the Coforedo Urban Ren~aJ Law, or by any other eveilebfesource of
fln.nolng authortz.Jd to be underteken by tht AuthOrity under the Coloredo
Urban Renewal law, CRS l31-26-106.
ts. t RMn~ Mathod's
The Authority I• .uthoriz.ed to finance the urb111 renewal profec:tt within the
Redevelopment Area with revenuu from the pr~ and aal11 tax
tncrtments. interest Income, federal loana or gr~mta, or JOY other evlilable
aource of revenues. 'The.Autho'rity Ia tuthorl~ed to luue bohdc-and incur other
obllg•tlons conte~P'ated by the Colotado Urban RentWII Law In lfllm~nmt
aufficie~ to finance eft or ·a.fty part of an urban renewal prQ,J.ot Wittlln the
Redevelopmenf .Area. T.he AuthoritY Ia authorlted to borrow funds and craate
{fldebtednesa in any aurhorl2ed form In carry~f'IO out this Corridor
Red•velapmant fal•l' ln. th! manner contamplaie~ by the Colorado Utben
Renewall..w. Anv prlncrpaJ and lntereat on auch lndib~•dn .. a h111Y bt paid
from property and sale~ U)t lncrementB, or any ather funda, rev*hun, ••sets
or properties leg•Uv avellabta to the AuthOflty.
&.2 PottntW UtiflzatiQI1 of Tu lncnment FiMno1ng mF)
Afttr the lnitJtl date of adoption ofthfa Corridor Redevelopmtnt P:lan, ~~
dtscribed In the Resolut~ approving thla Plen, the Cltv may authorite 1htt
utUiutlon of TtF under CRS i31·25-107(8l of tht lkban Rentwallaw. et wch
tJme, or tlmaa, thet a r-ede:vetopment proJect or projecta Is/we Initiated under
Wodawol!h et>ulevord Corridor~·~ P!Qn
Clarion Auoc:iates & HNTB
the provlalon$ oft.hJs C'Orrldor Redevotopment'Pien within the;f:Red~~Jopmem
Area;. ·Suq~ TIP mav··b, u'ttnzed in t~ eritire Rade\Ullopmen~Ar.erfoi p6rt:iona
of the.Aecovoloptnent.~r.ee. -·
7-h.o. u'f111laJlcm ofTIF for s~ah r.e~jyelopme,_ht ~~~v~lo~· ~s!d.~~~~ecf·~eF~Tn';
will Aecusltete ~ modHicetlon of, or to this Ccnrld.or ~ejta,ve1QPmfnt Plan, 'by
th~ Cl.ty, In corriRiience w.Jih 'he pro\llaions of C:.R~· J3~25:i'fo1t71 of the. e~torado .prbap· R•new~U-~~ goy.mi":g ~u~h modlfl~etlq __ ~. 'TJ'tl 41tella of
thlt utli!J~tt~m 9f TIF may also be:P,rovlded for by agre~ment .t)Mween t.he City
and tha AuthoritY.
The gen·eralland Ufit cono.epl ·••nvlsipned by thls.C::orrldol· Rettevelop!T'en:t·Pian
for the:Redi\£etopm~nt ~r.o~ 1.$ &l.!~ieCt tq· fiJrth~r refin~rnent aod revleiQQ es
f~NlA!·.plaM tJn~lor ptote~·-111r~ propQs~ f~t •P.,~lfl~ prg~.rt~-.-;~lthJn.:tne. Raqe~e~pment Ar.ea. The A.uthol'ii~, In c·o~~eratton wlth:and ~t~he dlt~(lon
end .guidance of-the City, shall adQP.t llUcf\ re'tlnements and revlslons:to thts
P.~n·Y~l~d ~o·ttj,e.·g~n&r:el t._nd U$8 ·c~htlec)t, SEE..~ FI(;.L!RE 2, LAN(} USE C.O/ID~PT
Th~ I~FI.d us~ epric:eP.t enVisi.POGd by W$· ~orrlt1Qr ~~dev.eJoproena P.fan 1s tp
wef_tg-~en the.-rnerk•t potentraL·.and fdentity of Wad~.wo..r;th·.So~le.vard as a
regional, ·dtstln~l<?n•orlente~ commerclilf eenter,, bV ffc»1Jtetfng·opportun1ties
f.or ~.eveio)inp 8dd,ltlon~l·r~91cth8J·ec81!Cf prQjeet~,.malntarnlog d,ch'ebt•
C9r'nMt~f'\ltt·ortefl!eti> use,11; •6 lmprovlng ;the· ptwaloat .envlro.nment oHhe
R~evelo'pment Area. Larq.er~ e~IStif18 pr~pe-rtla~J;.uode.r ~ogle -Qwn~rshlp. Or
rri~ag~inettt ~hoUICI be ·r~cfevelo~ to iop:ease tfle tn~n•fl.v cend ,-conthnilty o~
dettlrus,lori-orlanted .oornmetolal use,· within ithla RedeV.Jiojment'Area. It Is
.anttcJp'ilted ~at rlldttvelopment of the$e la.rgar altes wlll facilitate datU: able f1;ij,¥~1gpr.ne.rrt a.Q!N~ .on Gm-..l)er parcels mor~ euit~bJe for;~·e;m!il.\lt:lftY..
or{ented.uaa.. Over thn~ •. u thls-·type of,rede?Jelopmant aotlvlty Tnoreises,
'thtfCttV CAl A· use thla'OP~Mtunlty' to eJirnlnet~ exi$_ting:fncOmp'OtJbltt U_Be~
eon$~11c:t•te ire-meD~d paft;el~ ~r lmpr.f:jved ve:hicul.at:tnovemei'Jt··entf
pedeattilin cftC4Jietfon wltbln the Ftedevelo.Pfnent Ar$8.
The 'f!'atiswoflh Bqolevard CorfidprPian U9.99lld~n't]f(~~~t~. RroQertfe~ tl)$1.
~re. su1tabte:-~r ITJifor red~v~~m~.f\t o~portunltle~:a~ l(_e~·tociUo~' within t.h.e~
Radevelopmem .Area. The phyafruil.ilnd l~catlortal attdbuteJ t>f .. theH
propertf~s,are mo:st ta;vrorats!e: to 'a~'14elll,e. cb~.,~veJVifll~nneq. C]!ev.e~~men&
Theae piapertlas 1ue .~,.o. niO.r~ fl'k~tv ·t9 r.e;qulr~ 1iddi~na1 eltofts ,~tW~en ~!1$
pr.epertlf.ownel's and: tlie etty. to order tb hiciUtate (adeveloproen~ actlvltY,~ The
Wadawof1hBo,.;4evord}~cJ,nldor Red...,alopinenl PIOn
.ctotlon'.N$0tl0tes.;. tl!illB'
Rt4evef ..... e"' Action
~ ............
~~ ..........
a <•• ~ ••
• otDaJQ "' ...... ----•.--..-.-....... ~ :s: .. ', 'll'ftl i:t ... c ......... ,* •. ,-, ~
re,de.vf!IIPPRU!Ilt actMtles C.POtemPI&~ed by ·thl& OorriU91 ~4[1d~'l.,toRmottt Plen
ere'. intended to ~pport theslJ land use r~mmendatlopa. ltl8' ftfriber
r4commeode(f ttlil·t ·redevetQprnettt :act(.VilleeJn-it}Jt•:.ld,mlfled a~tf'
.Q.Pn~entrate ort,municl~al $:81es t~.geneiatlng"Slornm.aroial-retait us~.
Th~ f,OIIoW,in9 <feicf1ptl~n.l of th,at pr9pertje$ .,f,lll)(Dtfiie· t~ P.9tent1at
~~~~~fopm.ent ,.ORPOrt.unltJetJ. for .,.aeh ptopertv., :as recommet'lctoc! bY" the
Wadsworth Bootevard Corridor Plao.
8.1· 1'h1l&.a &q~we-sh*"111 c.nter
'T~e.TJ.me·Sq~pre Shqp~ln~ Oentor~site ~ lg~eted on ·~~~ •·ot',IU1e.~st.~roer·ot
Wadsw.o,rttt Blyd. and 44!1' Av,nue. Thia pot"n,tial r~,v•l()pmtf't.area S,S
•&ppto)(ii"Mtol~ ·14.6 ocres, and extends-from the .ahofo!Pl~ ·center-ptqpertv·
north to 4411t Av~mue inot ,inoludln"lthO bat')k·paroel on the.ll~nerl. 'th·e e~og s~ppino citnter is ~ppr«?ilmately 1 20i.9QQ. ~quartp feet, and 'Jnclueies
th&''Groc;ery Warehouse. Rlte.o~Afd Drug, a U.S,. 'Po'"l faclllty,.and iiiidltlof181
ahqp.-e.nd pacts. Ghttf\ ·tt\e:~!.fa·.and i'c.Je·~f:tbli"slte~.}l)c un~ftMillt~d_by
o\s~n'~ z.O(Iing .~nd p.v.~ropm,sm. st~ndards, and .co.~lq r:qsonably ·lupRC?rt roor:e
:intensive d,.velopment lhehtdtnr;, t r~glonat e~hor tenant.
·ot'le·t~asj~e og_ti'op for.tt'lis~o Is tot~:~l re_devv(opmen' of the pro~;~.$ftY,
ineludlng·a new groctttv IStore~e~ the an-chor-us·e, Increased square footage for
new r:etan uas$,. ~nd addJtion..t pat! ~ltes. kla'h ln~ai~~te prapo~al would :afs.o
~~·leaalble, ~ch u ~ partlaf ren.ova'tlon end fa.ca(te ·imptovements to -,he.
oxtrilns ahoppi,n~. C6nter •
. Wo~1worth ~tel (.orri<!Qr R~l~m ~n
.CiodOf\ ~~1-:_l MNTB
6.2 "".fohn EJway A\lto Nd"oh" Site
'this >Site ts. approxlmat~ty 15 aprea, and Includes the. ~Xi5ting_,.t.tto dealership
percel on the soU,thwes.r comer 'Of 181)1 Avenup.end W.-d$.'W~ ~ot~~td .ond
a l~u~e. vaoan,tpercat ~-o thiJ,~,outh ... TwQ e~a of.W,,~~~~-~.~aV.~ ~lr.oa~v·'~flf\ mltlgaJt~d off-ait&r one acre of wetlanef wiU ·need to bJ 1notuded In any-fUture
cloncept plart t.or lhe alt,. ·· ·
Giver,~ the~r.eletiveJv smati siZe· of this·iite (assumtn~~.the.daeler.ihlp ftmalns on
o!'le of t~e tr-'O• p3foel,s), t :reng.e of smel~ople development optlbns•'I'JI
c(?rys-fdC!red feasil>l~ ~ch as:
• A <:ornmarci.el retail CtUlter
• Pad UfflJ• ·~Uch a restauroqts, iJII ~tettons, and euto·oriented s~r.vloes
• ~llage ~all (slmtlar to. ~ho comi"''Jercial retilft .~n'ter, b.ut wlth ·~re p~d•strl~prl!fote~·.ctesign feat~rG:$ lnetl.)dlnQ b~llding•'focated clOJeno
the atrnt,:les.e Y.lllble· pe.rldN'It .-.and li mix of co~pat4bl• uae')
• A ~ingle teflant ret.ell or·aflicse,\!fiJt
Page 10
• A medloet office or oUnlc
-~C.· ~""""'· -<>·12~
8.3 Southwat Comer of 44111 Avenue end Wadsworth IIYd.
This ar•• (ncludea 1 num~?er of lndtvldualty owned ~rcefa, tome with eXisting
vfebte uset and others th_at are underutiltzect The Werdel feed bulldloo Is
to~thlUn thiS" area end.ts-eurrentiV baing uatd •• ·a recycllng center.
Glven the multiple proptrty owner~ uliOoleted With tnt• area, the
recommended redevflopment scenerlo tt to treat the aree .a • cohealvelv
planned 1ubaree remer than e alngle redaveJopment prQ}ect, which would
require potet'l11eUv coat.prohlbttive land aumbtv. Tho aubatea plan would
require the oooperatiqn of aeveret Jm?Pertv~wnera, selectlve re-twntlng end
rwdevelopment, favede and .she lmprQvemenlt, md oroea euernente (to ope.n
up the·b,eck of aomt of the propent11t. Appropriate future uau fo'r the
sub;erea could lncJude:
• Pad utta, such o restaurants, gas flatfons, and auto-oriented s.,-v.lcel.
• Vlllege retail
Wodswodh ~rd Cotridora.d.,..lopnW'II'Ion
Oorion ~Itt a. ~a
• A sJngle tenon~ retail or office use.
• Specialty restaurants.
A aubate• plan wouJd regulre an lntf)rnel cireuf~iot'l planf along so~e
compatible In fill end new construction to achieve a more feasl~e developmenl
land uae with'" the Redevelopment ~rea. shall confotm 10 those uses (by. r.lghl
or ott1erwlael permltte'd by the City's adopted comprt.~.uive plan, toning
code, and other applicable orctinanc-.. •nd regulethm,s.
This approved Corridor Retdevelopment Plan may b.e, modifie~ purauent to CAS
131·26·107 of the Utban Renewal Law governing suoh mo.dlflClltfon•.
Wodswor1h Boultyord Comdor ~m.nl P1on
Clarion Anociotes & HNTI
In speCific cua, where i ttteral enforcemem of the proVIalon. contlfned In
thlt tpproved Corridor Red8'1t81opment Pfen constitute• en uttreuonable
llmlttltbn beyond U.lntem-and PIJT'PQJle ot lhl4 Plan J•• <tttermlned bv the
Authoritvl. the All1harlty may' allow reaeoneblt v•ri•nca from the••
pro \filion a.
Appendix A
Wadsw.ortb Corridor
A tract of land in Section 23, and the north half of Section26,
Towpsbip 3. South, Rlglge 69 W~t of the 6111 Principal Meridian, mare
particularly described os follows:
Commcac~n« at the Southwest ComQt: of the 'Northeast ·~ of· said' S~Q.n
23; tbenc:e p~ee4ios q~ ~bearing of N00°l0' 12"W and a cu,~oe of 635.~9 f~et
on ud along Ute West'line of the NQrtheut ~ of said SectiOJl 23 to the Tru~ Point
of BCJinning.
Tbence, N89.47'2Z~ a discaace of 415.39 feel. aJoaa tho North lincJ.of
Coul~ Gruae Subdivmon. u.~~ in the offioial recorda or the CoUDty of
Jefferson, State of Colorado:
TbcDC6S00'10'16"BA distance of405.00 feet, along the East line of tbe
paroels as recorded 1n Book 2335 Paae. 785 under Reception Number P0856884 at
said County of Jeftenon, State of Colorado;
TbcnceN89°4l '3.5''E a.distanee of 206.57 feet, .ton& the North side of the
parcel recorded at Reception.NWI;lber P0856884at ,.aid County of Jefferson, State
of Colorado, to a point on &be West Ri&ht.of Way line of Vance Street:
ThenccS42°30'33'"E a clistanteof 74.2S fi;et, to a PJ)mt on tha.East Right-
of-Way Jine.ofVanee Street. said point being on the WestUoe of a parcel as
recorded 11 P0532782, u.i~ Cpunty of Jefftnol).State of. Colorado;
1ltenceN89°~U'3T'Ba diitallce of 169.31 feet:
Tbence N~l·l '2B."'W a di~ of 6.00 feet;
1Thenec N8.9°4l'3B''a-adistaoce of 146.31 feet, tQ'a pOint on the East Jlne
of Lot 4, Couleban ~ge SnbdiViiion, u retarded in lhe official records of &aid
County or Jef{cnon, State of CoJQrado;
TbenceSoo•tO'l2"E·adiJtaoce oflSJ.OO feet. on Gd along tbiEast 1iDe
of &Aid Lot 4, Colllehan Orange SubdlvJaion. to a point oo lhc South.Jinc-of the NE
~ of ScJ:tion 23 t
Thence N89°4l Y)T'E a distance of 22.81 feet, on and aiOQg said South line
of the NB 'A, Section 23;
Thence S00°13'039E ·a distance of 661.01 fee~ on and elODJ the East Righr-
of· Way line of Upbain Street;
Thence S8.9°39'4S''W a distance of 353.61 feet, on and aJcms the South Une
of tbe ~1 recorded ~Reception Ntunbcr F0330477. and to a point 01l the Edt
line oftbe Times Square SUbdivision, u recorded at said County of Jefferson.
Sta~of Colorado~
l'bcuce soo•tz,tr'Bil.distanca of 661.13 f~ on and along1hcEastlioe
of said TW.cs Square Subdivjiion;
Thence S89~~S7"W a distance of 462.76 feet. on and aJona the South lin~
of said Times Square SU~;
Thence S00°10'23"E a distauce of 1'32-.50 feet. on and along the West line
of Currier Subdivision. as Mcorde:d in the official r~()l'ds of the County of
Jcffcraon.. s~ of-Colomdo~
Thenc:o S8911~9'09"E • di&~ of JSO.OOfoe~ to a point em the Bast Right·
of-Way iloe QfW~BquJeva.nt;
Thtnce So0°10'.09'1l a distance of 132.03 feet, on and alonJ the East
.Right-of-Way line of\Vadsw:orth Boulcvl\l'd;
Thence N89°39'~ ... E.' d.iJUuice of 20.00 feet, on and aloqg pid East
Right--of-Way line~
lbenceSOOOJO•ll"B a distance of 1057.80foet, on and along sai~Ba$t
Right-of-Way liDe, said line also beibg the West line ot the Wheat 'Ridge
Marketplace FII5t Piling Subdivision as reoo:rded in said Couoty or Jefferson, State
of Colorado, to a point on the North line of the Northeast W of Section 26;
Thence S~J9'34"E a distQce of 302.14 feet. on and along the East
Right-of-Way line of Wadswonh Boulevard;
Then~ S89~3'54"W a distance of20.00 feet, on and along said East
Right-of Way line;
Thence S00°19"'29"B a di&tanoe of 358.18 f~t, on and 4long said East
Right-of-W•y line;
Thence N8~lJ'43"'a& distance of20.06 feet, on and along said East
Right-of-Way linci
The~ S(l0°19'33"B.a ~tance of 439.60f~ on and aJona said East
Rigl\t-o(-Way lln.e:
Thence S89°38's:l~'W a di1tance o'f 17.90 feet. oo an,d along taid BUt
Right-of-way line~
Thence S00019'3S'iJ! a distance of 257.52 feet, on and _.ong said East
RiJht-of• W..ay line;
Thcw:e S89D41 ·~rw a diJtanQC of 4:7.14 ftc~ oo and .rong said East
RJght-of .. Way line, to a point~ the But line Qf the No~t 1A of SeotiOtL26;
1bcoceN00019'3S''W adiatance ofS.OO feet, on and along the Bastllneof
the Northeut J,4 of Section 26:
Thence ss9•41 •nnw a c&tanee.of 660.00 feel, on and along the South
Right..of..Way liDe ofWest3S11 Avcmuc;
'l'hcuce-N00619'l5'"W a. distance of 823.13 fcot, wlbe Solnhweat eomer of
the Adkins Subdivision. u n:corde4 in the official .recorda of said Coanty of
Jeffcreon, State of Colorado;
Thence N8S)037 '49'~ a distance of 330.00 feet, on and along 1he South 1ino
of uid Adtins Subdivision;
Thence.N00°19"39''W a distance of 210.00 Ccct.s on a.ad alonglbe_ ~t 1inC
of wd Adlcros" s~~M61l; to tbe SO\l~east cqn~q of -.a parcel.rOcQf<\e(i at
FW6~4, ~a Oounty ot Ie~ State ot':Cplo.rido;
Tl)cnce~89o_t~·ss,W ~a Hicijnc~.of 33Q.~ (~.~n .~~:~o~g ~-N~~
oftbe parce1t as teCQI'dectat Jhe ReccptionNmn~ 1"07~24-and 85<f.?9150 in
tho official recordl of sU.d County'of Jeffenen, State of Colorado;
Thcoce NOo~o· 1St'W a distance. of..2'60.00fe!Ct, on ~alon_g ~ We&t line
Qf said AdtW·SUbdivtsion. tQ &point on the Soutlrllno of the Southwest~ of
thence Nl$90.37• 48''E acdiS.tanoe of 2:52 feet, on. anclllong the Sawb li~ of
the Southwest ~ of Section 23,
Tl)ence: N9Q~O· 1 e'W ~ distance ef 686.44 feet. on and alo.os ·~e. We~.tlinc
of the~ Conter-S.ubdtVi~on. as-recorded in the· official ~'oi:.s~d
County of 1~rson. State ofColotado~ to-a poi~ on dle S~th Righ,t-of· Way line.
of \Vest 3~ Avenue;
1\ene:e NS9~!8t 44nE a dis~ce of 3'1,().29 feet, on ID)d alolli the· South.
lUShl-of-W:l}l ~of West 39~ Avenue•
Then..~ Nooo.zrrl2 .. W· a ~ta,ncenf,61l.-13,feet, on._and along th~Rast line
of Laurel Subdivision, .as ~~tit lit the efficj~ ~rdf of·$ai_'! Q:lUilty of
Je{feqon, State of Colorado. to a point on the Sou!h RiJtbt-o!· Way~~ of West
4111 Av.enue· .._. -t
1bcp~·s89°3~'S1"W a disf.4Ulco of234.l4-feet...on and aJong the South
RiJht.;of ... W1Y~ ofWcst_4l" Av~; -
Thence N71 OJ4''19 .. W a distance of 77.57 feet, on .00 along·the S~ulh
Rigbl':Of·Wayli~ ofWest·4t• Av~uc. to a pdintont.be .Wcitlineof the Melrose
MailQr'Sub;tiVision. as ~er4cd iA the official teCords o.f:s~d O)unty of Jef!ersoo.
Swe gf C9101l116: -Th~·N00°l8'44''W·a ctiatAAoe:~f 18S.6,8·f~t. Ol)t·an¢..along the W~-llne
of .said.Mclrose Manor Subdivision? r6 th"'Southwtal ~er of a J>arCel as.
~ ~Uhc Reception NumbetF01SS284, in 1ruroflicW.letOt'ds of llUd
County of ~cfferaon. Staw of COiotado;
'fhetl<~cfN89°41 t44'$ a-dia~cei)f 303.0Qlf.ee*, on and a.l.o¥the South line
Thence~00°,10'l2l'W a . .cllstance of·2Q5.46·ftet, on and.along 'Che &stliile
of:said p~I. to apolbtcm-the-~orth.~Jhf-of-Way lliJ~·of~.Acre ~;·
~ N89°46'48"B -a ~iitarice of 97.12 ·feet, bn an<hl(J~g tbc:~orth
Ript-of·W•Y ¥.c of~A~ ~.«J tbeSouthe&at com~ ofllit 5-. Tbx:ec
Aae· SUbclivisiDn, as recorded. in lhe otficiaheeard&·of 5..US COunty· of Joffe1SGA
State of Colorado• Then~ N00°13,l~''W· ~distan~e of 1S8.~QO feeJ, on..nrid along the Bast:lm~
of aald Lot~.~ A~ Sl~Pdi._visio..ru
1'benCe SB9°46'4&'rw a~ of'40().oQ ~ on-and~ng ~North line
·qfaaid ~ A~S~vn;on,-tc?'-a polnt 0.!1 the-F.aat Une of.M"bose Mmm1
Subdivi,Sion, u recorded, in d)c offioi~ ~ords of-said County. of Jefferson, State
of ColoradO;
Thence NOO'll'll''.E • distance of 7833 feet, on and along 'the Easl line of
did Melrose Manor SUbdivision to a point of curvature, uid point being on a
GUI:Ye to lbe left;
Thence a! on& said curve to tho left, said curve having e. tadius of 42.20 feet_
a central angle of 60'00'00", iDd a chord bearing of NS0012'22"B, said curve
beiag on an4 along the Eat Rigbt-o(.Way of Yanow Streel;
Thence N00°l3'4S''W a distance of20.QO f~ on andalons Aid RiSbt-s>f·
W~'/ to. the· Southwest comer otOnul Subdivision. u recorded 1n tbe offioial
recOrda of tl1o County of .Jeffenon. S~te of.Colorado;-
TbenoeN89038'49'Ea distance of274.17 feet, on uclalong the South line
of said Graul Subdivision;
Tbeoce NOO•tJ'55'W a distanccof331.05 feel. on and alODgthcBastline
of said Graul Subdivision:
Tbence S89°41'42"W adiatanceof274.1Sfect. alongtbe Nortb line ofLor
3~ Graul SubdiviSion, to a potnt on the East Rifb~·ot-Way line :of Yarrow Stre¢
Thence N00°13.50''W a distance of 310.00 feet, on and along the Ba$1
Ri&bt-of·Way Unc of Yarrow s~ to· ll point OD the-South liDc or the Northwest
~of Secdon.23;
Thence N00013'SO'W ~llistaneee>f.30.00f~t. 19 a point on the North
Right-of-Way line ofWesr 44111 Avenue;
Thence N89°4l'O<rE a di&tance of 71.8S feel. on and along said N<ntl\
Right-of-Way tine;
Then~ N00013.39"W a distance of 2.Sl feet. 90 and aJong said North
'I'hence N86°47'·35,E• distance of 345.35 f~.on and along ~d North
Right-of-Way Una;
Thence N89°41'5~!iE a distance of 129.62 feet, QD aQd along enid North
Right..Of-W&y line, to a point on tbe Weat Rigbt~f·Way.lhle of Wadsworth
Thence N470Z9~ 14 .. E a distance of 30.47 .feet, csn ad alOOJ said West
Rigbt-of-Way line; ·
Thence N00°lO'l8tW a distanceof210.19 feet. on and aloOf said West
Right-of•Way line;
l'benc.c N89°30.32'"B a distance of 14.00 f~ on and aloog said Right--of-
~ N00°10' ll'"W a distance of 355.09 feet OJl ancblq Jaid Right··
Thence N89° 49' 48.,B a distance pf 45.00 feet, tQ the True Point of
Commencing at the Northwest comer of the Southeast ~ of Section 23,
thence SS69J4'28"E a distance of 54.02 feet t9-the True Point ~fBegilming.
TheDco NW42'47"E a distance of2B3.Sl, feet on and along the South
R.iJht~f-WayliDc ofWoat 44ra Avenue;
Thence 800°11 'll"E a dittlnoe of 631..18 !=t, on md alona the Westerly
line of Times Square Sllbdi\'lsion,, as.teCoJ'ded in tbe o~ records of said
Collllty-ofJoffenOJ). State Qf.Colorado;
~ S89°40~33''W a distance of283.69 teet, along a Northc:rly line of
said Times Square Subdivision, to a point on1he East Right-o~Way of Wadsworth
Thc:noe ·N00°l 0' 12''W a distance of 631.34 feet, ou l]ld along the East
Jtight~f .. :w., of Wadsworth Boulevard to~ Ttue.Poln~-of~g.
The area described above contalDJ 3,659,074 5quare reet (84.00 acres)
more or less.
The drafter of this ~ption is~avid F. Broum.an. P .L.S .• pn,pared on behalf of tho
Wheat Ridge Urban Reltewa1Authority,7SOO W.l9111 Ave., Wheat R.idla. CO 80215-
6713> and .. JWt to be -qm&ttu~ u.a monument~ land aurwsy.
The Wadsworth Boulevard Conidor Redevelopmen[ Plan was adopted by the Wheat Ridg,e City
CowtciJ on Qctober 22, 2001. The Authority recommended that the City Cow1cil jive notice
and bold the .necessary public bearing to consider Tax. 1ncrcment Finttnolug (TlF) relating to
Property Tax at'ld Sal~ Tax.
The purpose of this modification to the Wadsworth ·Boulevard Corridor Redevelopment Plah1is
to, make a Substantial Modification to tho W,d~worth_Boulcvard Co_nidor J{cdcvcloJ)nlent Plan
to allow the use of TIP relating fu Property Tax and Sales TQ fot the property as described in
Attat~otl A throup D. All other provisions of the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor
Redevelopment Plan are to remain in effect as the; Plan was -.dopted by City Council Re$0lution
26.-2001 on O~ber 22.2001. ·
Thb proposed .uses of this expanded a~ are·for mixed use commercial uses cons1$tent with.1he
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