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Read King November 23, 2015 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO B0033 Re: RKMS Wheat Ridge, LLC. Southeast Corner of Wadsworth Blvd and 38th Ave. Dear Meredith, Please allow this letter to serve as our Letter of Withdrawal from our rezone request and site plan review for the property located at 3790 Wadsworth Blvd. If you have any questions regarding this please feel free to call me at my office. 713-782-9000 Ext 1048. Best, Matthew Camp AIA Read King Medical Development 56iu SAN f EL.Ift—St I LL 41A • I It )I , 770 7 • r 71 3.7R2.Q0,v . I. 7I ;.7a1. �5'! • \C'NX,kX'.(tKMEPJC -%l -.SFAVIC:C�.t i 1N l �, I Cit of Community Development ](�j�_Wheat R �dge 7500 West 29th Avenue COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Ph: 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Community Development Referral Form Date Mailed: October 2, 2015 Response Due: October 16, 2015 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a site plan application for a freestanding emergency room at 3790 Wadsworth Boulevard (at the southeast corner of W. 38`h Avenue and Wadsworth)—see vicinity map on page two. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WSP-15-06 /Read King Request: The applicant is requesting to scrape the existing fueling station, convenience store, and carwash on the property and to redevelop the site with a freestanding emergency room facility. The site is currently the subject of an active zone change application; if the zoning is approved, the applicant will move forward with redevelopment consistent with the enclosed plan set. The subject site is comprised of one parcel that is 41,624 square feet (0.955 acres) in size. The proposed building is 8,432 square feet in size and would be located at the hard corner with parking located to the side and rear. There is no proposed change to the location of the existing curb cuts, though they will be reduced in width. Overhead utilities will need to be undergrounded as part of the redevelopment. The existing bus shelter is proposed to remain in the same location. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager: Case Manager: Lauren Mikulak Phone: 303.235.2845 Email:Imikulak@ci.wheatridge.co.us Fax: 303.235.2845 DISTRIBUTION: Wheat Ridge Water District Wheat Ridge Sanitation Disti' Wheat Ridge Fire District JeffCo Health Department Xcel Energy Century Link Comcast Cable Colorado Department of Transportation "on District forks is Development enewal Authority Division Vicinity Map The subject property is located at 3790 Wadsworth, and it is outlined in blue in the image below. I City of Wheat Ridge PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Lauren Mikulak, Senior Planner FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: October 7, 2015 SUBJECT: WS -15-06/ Read King, 3790 Wadsworth Blvd. I have completed my review for the request for approval of a site plan application for a freestanding emergency room at 3790 Wadsworth Blvd received on October 2, 2015, and I have the following comments: Site Development Plan: General Comments: 1. The Site Development Plan (SDP) is a planning & zoning document. All references and information pertaining to the actual construction of the project should be removed from the SDP and added to the Civil Construction Plans (CCP). The following sheets need to be moved from the SDP to the CCPs: a. Sheet 3 (Erosion Control Plan) b. Sheet 4 (Utility Plan) c. Sheet 5 (Grading Plan) d. Sheets 6 and 7 (Details) Sheet 1 (Cover Sheet): 1. While the General Notes must appear on the Civil Construction Plans, I don't believe they should be present on the Site Plan (which is a zoning document). 2. Please add these notes to the General Notes (for inclusion on the civil plans): " 20. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PROPER ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMITS FROM THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303.235.2861) PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 21. IF MORE THAN THREE (3) STREET CUTS OCCUR WITHIN 250 LINEAR FEET ALONG ANY GIVEN ROADWAY, ADDITIONAL MILLING/OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS WILL APPLY. REFER TO THE TERMS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT THAT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303.235.2861) PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK." To Lauren .3790 Wads%orthBhd SnePlan Review-I.docr Public Works Engineering October 7, 2015 Page 2 Sheet 2 (Site Plan): 1. The required improvements along the Wadsworth frontage should NOT be built with this project due to the imminent street widening project by the Colorado Department of Transportation. Please provide funds in the amount of $6,759 in lieu of construction of the detached sidewalk. 2. The "Incidental Easement" shown along W. 38th Avenue needs to be renamed to the proper easement type and also reference the correct recording info: "BUS STOP, SHELTER, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES EASEMENT, REC. NO. 91071846." 3. The bus stop area and shelter should be modified when the 6' detached walk is constructed to resemble the one across the street (by Chase Bank). 4. The 6.0' detached sidewalk with 6.0' wide amenity zone along the W. 38th Ave. frontage to the existing PCR on Wadsworth must be constructed with this project. Please show this on the Site Plan. Sheet 4 (Utility Plan): 1. Please add this note to the Utility Plan (for inclusion on the civil plans): "NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: IF MORE THAN THREE (3) STREET CUTS OCCUR WITHIN 250 LINEAR FEET ALONG ANY GIVEN ROADWAY, ADDITIONAL MILLING/OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS WILL APPLY. REFER TO THE TERMS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT THAT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303.235.2861) PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK." 2. Need to show all anticipated street cuts with approximate dimensions. Sheet 5 (Gradin Pg Ian): 1. The "Incidental Easement' shown along W. 38th Avenue needs to be renamed to the proper easement type and also reference the correct recording info: "BUS STOP, SHELTER, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES EASEMENT, REC. NO. 91071846." 2. The benchmark information must include the vertical datum information (NAVD88). And since the coordinates are given the horizontal datum also must be shown (NAD 83 HARN). 3. Pertaining to Infiltration Basin Construction Note #7, although no information has been provided with this submittal, I don't believe the BioLite Growing Media will be needed as it appears that basin is going to lie beneath a parking lot. Please revise for inclusion in civil plans. CC: Steve Nguyen. Engineering Division Manager File To Lauren - 3790 WadsworthBlvd SitePlan Review-Ldocx d1l�ON11111SN0�� _ JD4UDH tt i e 4 F z l a� �L' g a 1 _ �L�� 5! pyq p 6a tlf s Ba S t ;J1 lip F : F 2 tOi dis r it � _ 11aI e3 Y� 3$� .T ' F tic a� jig - >IS dd j§tA d i 9 toll, ��- !€C o f !f t1lull i 111 4 IE1 !4 ! 11g1 o O o m Q a to 0 J Z z00 Q U O O Q OU0 J m N W W F Z U v�vQia3 � hili a W LLOoZo_ O O Nuj W w �W view p v� � 'z � (r =OaLL2 �nl— �Z Oz Q O W Oz cc z 3 Ln � 00 z 3 0 0 rn w n ~Q M U O J 00'3WW JLV3HM aWA V M HLWMOYM OM CNKnm WM3M 3=U lr3HM 1 1 1 r ' ! 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FIREROEME1R SIpNO SPANDREL WALIL, ARTIC WWTE G03 UGNi MIST GL02 9 03 EAST ELEVATION ve-ra RAO TRESINOUS PA M NG WALLI -kill r, Torrr"+v 11 ENCLOSURE ELEVATION —'----� -._-._ — _---------- ------------------- -- =r; --------------p 7 ---------------- Mme...«... � rr.rr.r,r1 02 SOUTN ELEVATION LL. vr.ra u..,.�.".-- . L -J - --- � f - �-- - 01 WEST ELEVATION x�. ra — — T NOTES STR IS W DP T Po FOOTOSTRUC111RE SLOPED Iil PER PDDT TOMMRDRAOx Qi BURDMq <.� i:nrn,.« ��' GLA>t•IBllGOID ' u � R.aw..cwee..von Yapt neauu. . OSE NORM ELEVATION �'If tea. "O 03 EAST ELEVATION ve-ra RAO TRESINOUS PA M NG WALLI -kill r, Torrr"+v 11 ENCLOSURE ELEVATION —'----� -._-._ — _---------- ------------------- -- =r; --------------p 7 ---------------- Mme...«... � rr.rr.r,r1 02 SOUTN ELEVATION LL. vr.ra u..,.�.".-- . L -J - --- � f - �-- - 01 WEST ELEVATION x�. ra Photometric Plan Freestanding Emergency DepartmentS —� 11 epicmGer 8I15 N Wadsworth Blvd. & Mh Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO HKS *=swam Streetworks — 38th AVE rl/�11lIIY! \II\ IWw !•rte I 1.{ \., _ � ..._—..�. ..._ FREESTANDING _.EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT • • 'I' ' ''' I 8,432 S.F. ,I '.4(1 25 SPACES O I �I 3.011000 3 V ® 1 1 \ 1j.I`.� 1.{ f1.,.1t \.tIIII (I.t 11 J EXTERIOR FI%TORE SCREWLE ------------ is -'O Wsirtla{O[ {IIpIIY YD {I t[M p — I�• 1. [t N Y,ev. A[c ,atTY}Y Iia cqi Yln rt•[Y. f TV.11 YYVrt. YWIi I{1� wlYunaYw ttY-Y-N•YM1u-eN-YY-YIO]{ rWe t irclt{ �J 0 ra 0 0 r>� � 10 � 13.81 _.� �_._ .,...... IT•81 __�. � � .....,.. I:L•M V .._- —�. ......_. t I \'J C✓ �� ` —~ I-' `'1 rM 4 f�T' 13.81 _.� �_._ .,...... IT•81 __�. � � .....,.. I:L•M V .._- —�. ......_. Lauren Mikulak From: Margaret Paget Sent: Monday, October 05, 2015 2:22 PM To: Lauren Mikulak Subject: 3790 38th Ave. Tree plans Hi Lauren: Here's what I found on site when I went to assess existing trees at the south east corner of 38th and Wadsworth. 1. The tree right off Wadsworth should be removed as it is/has and will be in conflict with the overhead utility lines. Any replacement tree being considered for tight spot height wise /under the utility lines should be a small maturing tree or shrub and line of sight might be an issue for any but low growing vegetation. 2. The tree to be retained in the northeast corner of the property may well belongs to the property at 7530 38th Ave. This tree is in ok shape but may not factor in to the landscaping as it may not belong to 3790 BUT IT SHOULD BE PROTECTED including its root system during construction. 3. The tree in the southeast corner of the property may also belong to the property at 7530 38th Ave. it too has some conflict with overhead utility lines. 4. The tree on the south portion of the property might belong to property at 3790 Wadsworth Blvd. You can barely see this tree in the second photo and as it is on the south side of the fence it does not appear that it belong to the property at 3790 Wadsworth but rather the property at 3700 Wadsworth and does not appear on their plans. I know the lot lines might be off on the parcel/aerial maps and maybe someone has a better idea where the actual property lines are... From the information I have it looks like the only tree belonging to 3790 Wadsworth and should be removed due to the utility line conflicts. I think this exist. tree to remain is referring to tree number 3 see aerial above It must be that tree #4 belongs to the property to the south at 3700 Wadsworth and it is not depicted in their proposed plans I can assess trees further if some property ownership is sorted out... Let me know if you have any questions. Margaret Paget Forestry and Open Space Supervisor 9110 W. 44th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-205-7554 Fax: 303-467-5901 www-ci.wheatridge.co.us City of WheatR PARKS AND RECREATION CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business -confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. -AOKI Wheat Ridge Sanitation District 7100 West 441h Avenue, Suite 104 P.O. Box 288 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0288 Phone: 303-424-7252 Fax: 303424-2280 October 5, 2015 Lauren Mikulak City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29`h Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Email: Imikulak@ci.wheatridge.co.us Re: WSP-15-06 — Read King Dear Ms. Mikulak: On behalf of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District (WRSD), Martin/Martin Inc., acting as the District Engineer, offers the following in response to the referenced referral dated October 2"d, 2015 concerning a request for a site plan for a free standing emergency room at 3790 Wadsworth Boulevard. The Wheat Ridge Sanitation District has no issues with the proposed site plan conditional on the items identified herein are fully addressed. The following are general requirements for sanitary sewer service. The subject lot at the address referenced above is entirely within the boundary and service area of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District is provided by the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District (Metro). Sheet 4 — Utility Plan • Wheat Ridge Sanitation District has the following sanitary sewer mains adjacent to the proposed property: • 8 -inch mainline running south to north, west of the referenced property within Wadsworth Boulevard. • 8 -inch mainline running west to east, north of the referenced property within 38"' Avenue. Please indicate these District mains on your plans. • A 6 -inch service line must connect to an 8 -inch District main with a 4' diameter manhole. Please revise plans. • The 4 -inch service that is planned to be abandoned must be abandoned at the District main. Please revise plans. • Please provide the attached details as part of the plan set. The developer will be required to provide definition of proposed generated flows from the anticipated development(s) to allow an understanding of downstream sanitary mainline capacity. A downstream capacity analysis provided by the developer may also may be required. If it is determined that downstream mainlines will need to be upsized due to the development, upsizing costs will be the responsibility of the owner/developer. It appears from existing records that the property may be serviced by gravity flow; however, the developer is responsible for determining depths to verify if gravity flow is capable of servicing lots or if private individual sewage ejectors (lift station) are required. Prior to any building permit issuance, please provide any information regarding food production/food heating or medical cleaning processes or disposal. WRSD will determine if there is a requirement for a grease interceptor or oil/sand separator or other pre-treatment as required by Metropolitan Wastewater District (Metro). Wheat Ridge Sanitation District 7100 West 44th Avenue, Suite 104 P.O. Box 288 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0288 Phone: 303424-7252 Fax: 303-424-2280 Costs The amount of the sanitary sewer tap fees will be based on the water meter tap sizes for the proposed development. When the certified water tap sizes are received, a tap fee document can be produced indicating tap fees required for connection to the sanitary sewer collection system, including any credits that may be available. In addition, engineering review fees may be required to be deposited by the developer to the District. All costs involved are to be deposited in advance— engineering, reviews, design, construction, observation and inspections — are the responsibility of the Owner/Developer at the then current rate fee structure. Please be aware that proper tap and development fees are required to be paid prior to connection to the District main. A minimum 72 -hour notice prior to construction is required following District receipt of all fees. These fee amounts can be paid directly to the District Office prior to connection, payable to Wheat Ridge Sanitation District, which also collects Metro Wastewater's "connection fees". Note that the referenced area for the planned development is not located within the Wadsworth Boulevard Redevelopment Corridor. A copy of the District's rules and regulations are available upon request. Any questions regarding this document, please contact us at (303) 431-6100. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sue Matthews during regular office hours, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, or Bill Willis, MARTIN/MARTIN Consulting Engineers, 303-431-6100. Sincerely, Bill Willis District Engineer MARTIN/MARTIN, Inc. Cc: Sue Matthews — Wheat Ridge Sanitation District lyggbgF dh .g A � R N y a e � d a I', �I a gg3 y d k b boj e � d a I', �I a -1I�a . ME r ,rye;,► _ AS - - $ g gpFp qg � `Ar`x 1 8 lit - —u— FSE#i 6e� e g z r pg 6R g6 -1I�a . ME r ,rye;,► _ AS - - $ g gpFp qg � `Ar`x 1 8 lit - —u— FSE#i 6e� e g z -1I�a . ME r ,rye;,► _ AS - - $ g ,1� g . r ffi g R 4 Y F� ytt e g z w 0 U ZEN O w ! m 0 Traffic & Safety Region 1 2000 South Holly Street Denver, Colorado 80222 Project Name: Wheatridge - Read King Rezoning Print Date: 10/16/2015 Highway: 121 STATE OF COLORADO Permits Comments: Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to review this referral. COLORADO Department of Transportation Mile Marker: 15.632 CDOT's previous comments for the rezone also apply to the site plan. There was no traffic report or numbers provided with your referral for us to assess the change traffic volumes associated with this new use. New State Highway Access Permits may be required. Please note that the State Highway Access Code identifies three situations in which a new State Highway Access Permit must be issued. The situations are as follows: 1.) There is an increase in vehicle use of an existing access greater than or equal to 20%. 2.) There is a change in use of an existing access. 3.) The access owner makes an improvement to an existing access. Since there are plans to modify the existing access, a new State Highway Access Permit may be required. Developer may contact Brad Sheehan or Marilyn Cross regarding requirements for the access permit application. Brad Sheehan P.E. CDOT Access Engineer Region 1 303-512-4271 brad ley. sheehan CcDstate.co.us Marilyn Cross, AICP Access Manager 303.512.4266 marilyn.cross@state. co. us Any proposed construction, utility, survey, or landscaping work within CDOT right-of-way will require a Special Use or Utility Permit issued by the Department. Please contact Chris Laughlin for Special Use - Utility Permits. Chris Laughlin Region 1 Project Manager/Permit Coordinator 303-512-4269 (Office) 303-916-0463 (Mobile) christopher.laugh lin@state. co. us Jefferson County Public Health jeffco.us/public-health MEMO TO: Lauren E. Mikulak, AICP Senior Planner 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 FROM: Tracy Volkman, Jefferson County Public Health Environmental Health Services Jefferson County Public Health 645 Parfet Street Lakewood, CO 80215 303.271.5763 tvolkman(a-)-ieffco.us DATE: October 8, 2015 RE: Read King 3790 N. Wadsworth Blvd. Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) has reviewed the documents submitted by the applicant for this planning process and has the following comments: WATER/WASTEWATER The applicant should provide proof that public water and sanitary services can be provided to the proposed development. ACTIVE LIVING We commend the applicant for orienting the building to the hard corner with parking to the rear and side of the building. This produces an enhanced streetscape to the community, future users of the facility and pedestrians. In additons we encourage the developer to consider a project plan that includes design elements such as the following: • Pedestrian ways that are of adequate width (minimum of 5-6 feet) to allow for two people to walk comfortably abreast; • Safe routes for pedestrians to access all of the buildings within this development; and, • Provide for safe pedestrian crossings. • Provide separation of the sidewalks from the streets using vegetated filter strips to assist with preventing negative effects of water quality Design elements such as these can promote public health by fostering a sense of community and enhancing the well- being of the users of this development. Mission: Promoting and protecting health across the lifespan through prevention, education, and partnerships. Lakewood Offices/Clinic Environmental Health Vital Records 645 Parfet Street 645 Parfet Street 800 Jefferson County Pkwy Lakewood, CO 80215 phone: 303.232.6301 fax: 303.239.7088 Lakewood, CO 80215 phone: 303.232.6301 fax: 303.271.5760 Golden, CO 80401 phone: 303-271-6450 fax: 303-271-6451 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Gas stations and USTs are regulated by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE), Division of Oil and Public Safety (OPS). Please contact this agency at 303.318.8500 for guidance and requirements regarding underground storage tanks and the removal of said tanks and gas pumps, as applicable. JCPH strongly advises that the applicant submit a No Further Action letter from the CDLE in accordance with the CDLE, OPS requirements in order to receive a Certificate of Occupancy. JCPH received the following information for the property located at 3790 N. Wadsworth: 04-05-91: Report of three 12,000 gallon gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs) 07-30-92: Request for further investigation of the leaking USTs. 02-12-92: CDPHE requested further investigation of leaking USTs. 09-18-92: Jefferson County Public Health received a site assessment of the leaking USTs 11-13-92: CDPHE request for more leaking UST information 05-27-93: Second request for more information 06-30-94: More information requestd 04-24-95: Request for Corrective Action Plan 06-15-95: Corrective Action Plan letter received 07-05-96: CDLE requested that the groundwater contamination at montoring well number nine (9) be addressed. We recommend that a General Note be added to the Site Development Plan to verify proper site clean-up. We suggest the following language: Submit a No Further Action Letter that can be obtained from the CDLE, OPS in order to receive a Certificate of Occupancy. Submit a Materials Management Plan approved by the CDPHE in the event contaminated soils are encountered. In the event contaminated soils are encountered during construction, the developer must immediately notify the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division 303.692.3300 and the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Division of Oil and Public Safety, 303.318.8500. We recommend that the applicant contact the CDPHE, Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division (303.692.3300) in writing to determine if a materials management plan (MMP) is required for the proposed development activity. It is to the applicant's advantage to have a CDPHE approved MMP in place in the event that contaminated soil is encountered during development activities for the protection of the construction workers and future users of this property. By having a MMP in place the applicant may be able to avoid construction delays that may arise regarding the management and disposal of contaminated soil. Care should be taken when discolored and or soil that is barren of vegetation is observed. Additional testing of these soils may be required to determine if they pose a threat to human health and the environment; and such soils, if any are found, must be evaluated by a qualified professional for proper mitigation. The applicant should also contact the local fire agency for any additional requirements for the removal of the gas pumps and USTs, if applicable. The applicant should investigate any additional historical uses of the property to determine if there is any evidence of additional hazardous waste disposal or releases on or adjacent to the site and whether there is a potential for exposure or risk due to contamination. The applicant should provide to the Wheat Ridge Community Development Department and JCPH any additional information, monitoring, or mitigation measures for this site. AIR A fugitive dust permit is not required for the development of this site. However, the developer must use sufficient control measures and have a dust control plan in place to minimize any dust emissions during demolition, land clearing and construction activities. This department will investigate any reports of fugitive dust emissions from the project site. If confirmed, a notice of violation will be issued with appropriate enforcement action taken by the State. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), Air Quality Control Commission Regulation No. 8, Part B, Asbestos Control requires that all buildings that are going to be remodeled, renovated, and or demolished must have a full inspection by a current Colorado -certified asbestos building inspector before conducting any work and must obtain a Demolition Permit. Based on the results of the inspection, if asbestos is detected, the applicant must obtain an Asbestos Abatement Permit from the Asbestos Section at the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment (303.692.3100). All building materials that will be impacted that contain asbestos that is friable or will become friable during the remodel, renovation, or demolition in quantities over the volume of a 55 -gallon drum must be removed prior to any work. The asbestos removal must be done by a certified asbestos removal contractor (General Abatement Contractor) using trained and certified asbestos abatement workers prior to demolition. Please contact John Moody at 303.271.5714 or Dave Volkel at 303.271.5730 for more information about this process. NOISE The Colorado Revised Statutes (Sections 25-12-101 through 108) stipulate that commercial areas must comply with the following maximum noise levels 25 feet from the property lines: • 60dB(A) from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. • 55dB(A) at all other times. REGULATED FACILITIES Certain commercial uses may be subject to plan reviews, inspections, licensing and/or permitting by this Department, or referred to State agencies. Regulated uses include the following: • Food Service Establishments • Medical Facilities If a retail food service establishment will be proposed inside the future medical building, it will be subject to a plan review, yearly licensing and routine inspections by this Department. Please contact Matthew Garcia, Plan Review Coordinator (303.271.5762) for specific requirements. "Retail food establishment' means a retail operation that stores, prepares, or packages food for human consumption or serves or otherwise provides food for human consumption to consumers directly or indirectly through a delivery service, whether such food is consumed on or off the premises or whether there is a charge for such food. Colorado Revised Statutes 25-4-1602(14). 104 WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT DOING THE RIGHT THINGS AT TILE RIGHT IIMES IOR THE RIGHT REASONS 3880 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 • ph.303.403.5900 * www.wrfire.org DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION October 10, 2015 Lauren Mikulak City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 291" Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Community Development Referral CASE No.: 3790 Wadsworth Blvd. — WSP-15-06 / Read King The Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District has reviewed the Community Development Referral and has the following comments regarding our ability to serve this property: 1. A Commercial Site Planning Guide is attached and should be provided to the applicant. All requirements established in the Commercial Site Planning Guide, as well as the 2012 International Fire Code (IFC) and IFC amendments adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge shall be met unless approved by the Division of Fire Prevention. 2. While we have no concerns regarding our ability to serve the property, specific site requirements including water supply/hydrant locations, site access, building configuration, site infrastructure, etc, may require fire department review and approval. The applicant is encouraged to request fire department input at the earliest reasonable opportunity. 3. A Fire District Permit Guide is attached and should be provided to the applicant. The applicant should be made aware that the proposed development will require one or more of the following Fire Department permits for each structure: o Fire District building permit o Fire alarm system permit o Sprinkler system permit o Commercial kitchen hood suppression system permit It is the responsibility of the property owner/tenant to verify that all required Fire Department permits are acquired. Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions or concerns with respect to this review. Reviewed by, Kelly Brooks Fire Marshal Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PERMIT GUIDE A Fire Protection District permit is required for the following project types. All permits are applied for and issued through the respective Fire District independently. It is your responsibility to contact the appropriate Fire District to determine submittal requirements and to obtain the appropriate permits. Refer to the Fire District map on the back of this guide in order to determine which Fire Protection District your project is located in. FIRE DISTRICT SITE PLAN REVIEW ❑ Site plan review. ❑ Development plan review. Site and development plan reviews includes an assessment of: -Site access and fire access roads -Signage -Fire flow requirements -Address numbers -Fire hydrants, locations -Exterior obstructions -Occupancy specific requirements -Trash enclosures FIRE DISTRICT BUILDING PERMIT Fire District building permits are not required for single and two- family dwellings regulated by the International Residential Code. ❑ New building construction. ❑ Construction that includes an addition to an existing building. ❑ Construction that includes alteration to an existing building that: -Alters the structure of a building -Alters any portion of the exiting sequence or process -Adds or removes square footage from an existing structure -Changes the use or occupancy group designation -Modifies the interior configuration of the building Building plan reviews include an assessment of -Building/Fire code study -Site plan -Emergency planning requirements -Exterior fire service features -Egress and exiting provisions -Fire extinguishers -Fire protection system requirements -Building service systems -Use and process speck criteria -Hazardous materials/processes FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PERMIT (NEPA 72): ❑ Installation of a new Fire Alarm system. ❑ Replacement of a Fire Alarm Control Panel ❑ Addition of fire alarm initiating devices at the discretion of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. ❑ Addition of fire alarm indicating devices, including horns and strobes at the discretion of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. ❑ At the discretion of the Fire Code Official. If a fire alarm permit is not required, provide to the Fire District: - A Scope of Work letter. - A signed NFPA 72 Certificate of Completion. - A basic as -built plan showing the location of any new or relocated devices and what circuit(s) were augmented. SPRINKLER SYSTEM PERMIT (NFPA 13,13R, 13D): ❑ Installation of a new Fire Sprinkler system. ❑ Relocation of sprinkler heads in an existing fire sprinkler system at the discretion of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. ❑ Addition of 10 or more sprinkler heads to an existing fire sprinkler system. ❑ Replacement of conventional sprinklers and piping with flexible piping and sprinklers. ❑ Changes that modify an area considered to be the most demanding design density flow area. ❑ Increase in building area or increase of the system design density. ❑ At the discretion of the Fire Code Official. STANDPIPE SYSTEM PERMIT ❑ Installation of a new system. ❑ Relocation of an existing system. ALTERNATIVE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM PERMIT ❑ Installation of a new system. ❑ Any addition to an existing system. FIRE PUMP PERMIT ❑ Installation of a new pump. ❑ Any addition to an existing system. KITCHEN HOOD SYSTEM PERMIT ❑ Installation of a new system. ❑ Addition of one or more nozzles or at the discretion of the AHJ. ❑ Relocation of an existing system. MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ❑ Demolition plan ❑ Membrane structure, tent or canopy ❑ Underground tank installation ❑ Miscellaneous system construction: -Compressed gas systems -Motor fuel dispensing systems -HVAC systems Note: This Permit Guide addresses Construction Permits only. Contact your respective Fire District for all Operational Permit requirements. Rev. 6/112011 1 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PERMIT GUIDE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PERMIT GUIDE GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS ■ Submittal contents and requirements may differ between fire districts. It is the responsibility of the permit applicant to verify specific submittal requirements with the appropriate district. • Alterations that render an existing alarm system or suppression system inoperable may dictate that a Fire Watch be implemented at the facility. Contact your fire district to determine local Fire Watch requirements and procedures. • Work done without a required permit is subject to a "Stop Work Order" In accordance with Sec. 111 of the IFC. ■ Plan Approval: No installation work shall be performed until the submitted plans are reviewed and approved by the Fire District. Plans are reviewed in the order in which they are received. Please submit your plans as early as possible. Plans are normally reviewed within 10 business days. If current workloads dictate a longer plan turnaround, the Fire District will notify the applicant that additional time for plan review and approval is necessary. • Plan Submittals: ■ All permit applications and two (2) sets of submittal materials shall be submitted directly to the Division of Fire Prevention of the appropriate fire district for review and comment. Upon completion of the plan review, one (1) set of plans will be available for pick up at the Fire District office. • Plan Review Fees: Permit fees for plans submitted directly to the Fire District will be paid directly to the Fire District. Plan review and permit fees are established by the individual fire districts. For questions on plan review fees please contact the appropriate fire district. • Inspections: Twenty-four (24) hours notice is required for all inspections and tests. Available days and inspection times will be noted on the approved plans. • Requirements prior to Final Inspection: No acceptance testing shall be conducted by the Division of Fire Prevention prior to the completion of construction within the building or units. Final inspections are subject to field inspection. • Re -Inspection Fees: Re -inspection fees will be charged for re - inspections needed due to incomplete fire alarm systems, failure of tests, and conditions that should be corrected prior to inspection. SPRINKLER SYSTEM PERMIT REQUIREMENTS It is the responsibility of the sprinkler or standpipe system installer of record to assure that all applicable code requirements are adhered to. The currently adopted edition of the International Fire Code, as amended and the most current edition of NFPA Standard 13, 13R or 13D shall be the primary, but not all inclusive, resource documents. ■ Contractor's License: Fire sprinkler contractors shall be licensed with the Building Inspection Division of the City of Wheat Ridge and the State of Colorado Division of Fire Safety. Sprinkler System Submittals shall include the following: ■ Submit two (2) complete sets of fire sprinkler system and or standpipe system plans and two (2) sets of supporting documentation including but not limited to copy of owner's certificate, cut sheets on equipment to be installed, product information, and hydraulic calculations. • One (1) set of stamped plans will be returned to the contractor. The set of stamped drawings with the notation, "THIS SET OF PLANS IS TO REMAIN AT THE JOB SITE" is required to be at the site at all times for inspections. • Sprinkler plans shall be stamped by a minimum level NICET III designer for fire sprinkler systems. • Plans must be of a fire sprinkler and/or standpipe system only. No combination drawings using reflected ceiling plans, mechanical, electrical etc, will be accepted. ■ Plans shall be provided with a scale. It is recommended that the scale be 1/8 inch equals one foot or greater. • Plans shall include at a minimum: sprinkler head locations, type of sprinkler heads, pipe sizes, hanger locations, sprinkler riser design, indication of remote areas and heads identified as calculated heads, indication of any non-sprinklered areas and code reference deleting sprinklers and other plan submittal requirements as specified in the most current edition of NFPA Standard 13. • All symbols appearing on the plans shall be indicated in a complete legend located on the plans. ■ Ceiling heights shall be identified on the plans. ■ Ceiling construction features such as flat, sloped, smooth, metal bar joist, trust joist, etc. must be identified on the plans. • All pertinent information regarding the proposed equipment to be installed as a part of the sprinkler system shall be specified or designated on product data sheets or cut sheets. Fire Sprinkler Final Inspection: • No acceptance testing will be conducted by the Division of Fire Prevention prior to the completion of construction within the building or unit(s). ■ Re -inspection fees will be charged for re -inspections needed due to incomplete sprinkler systems, failure of hydrostatic tests, and conditions that should be corrected prior to inspection such as painted heads, missing heads, mud caps in place. • A minimum of twenty-four hours notice is required for all sprinkler system and standpipe system inspections. Available days and inspection times will be noted on the approved plans. ■ No work is to be concealed until rough inspections are conducted and necessary corrections have been completed and re -inspected. Rev. 811/2011 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PERMIT GUIDE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PERMIT GUIDE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PERMIT REQUIREMENTS It is the responsibility of the designer/installer of record to assure that all applicable code requirements are adhered to. The currently adopted edition of the International Fire Code, as amended, and the most current edition of NFPA Standard 72, shall be the primary, but not all inclusive, resource documents. • Contractor's License: Fire alarm system companies and installers shall be licensed with the Building Inspection Division of the City of Wheat Ridge and the State of Colorado Division of Fire Safety. • Record of Completion: Three (3) copies of the Record of Completion as outlined in NFPA 72 shall be completed and be ready for signatures upon completion of acceptance tests. Fire Alarm Submittals shall include the following: • Submit two (2) sets of fire alarm system plans and two (2) sets of cuUsheet product information. ■ One (1) set of stamped plans shall be returned to the designer/installer. The set of stamped plans with the notation, "THIS SET OF PLANS IS TO REMAIN AT THE JOB SITE" is required to be at the site at all times for inspections. • A minimum level NICET III designer for fire alarm systems must stamp the plans. • Plans need to be clear and understandable. Plans must be of the fire alarm design only. NO combination drawings using reflected ceiling plans, mechanical, etc. will be accepted. • Plans shall be provided with a scale. It is recommended that the scale be 1/8 inch equals one foot or greater. • Plans shall include one line and riser diagrams for all devices, notification circuits, auxiliary circuits, initiating circuits, circuit designation and central station connect. • Fire alarm panels shall be provided on a dedicated circuit. The circuit breaker for the fire alarm panel shall be red and identified as "Fire Alarm Panel". A circuit breaker lock shall be placed on fire alarm circuit. • All symbols appearing on the plans shall be indicated in a complete legend located on the plans. • Ceiling heights must be identified on the plans. ■ Ceiling construction features such as flat, sloped, smooth, metal bar joist, trust joist, etc. must be identified on the plans. • All pertinent information regarding the proposed equipment and devices to be installed as a part of the alarm system shall be specified or designated on product data sheets or cut sheets. ■ All detectors, pull stations, control valves, extinguishing systems, etc. shall be identified with the corresponding address number noted on the panel and/or graphic map. Fire Alarm Final Inspection: Audibility tests shall be conducted by the installer/designer prior to final inspection and a copy of the test results shall be provided to the Division of Fire Prevention at the time of the final inspection. Rough wiring and location inspections will need to be conducted by the Fire District and the Electrical Inspector for the City of Wheat Ridge. Any necessary corrections shall be completed and re -inspected prior to the concealment of work. Prior to calling for final acceptance test: ■ Make sure all paperwork and permits are on-site and available to the inspector. • Have readily available all appropriate tools and equipment necessary to fully lest all devices and circuits. ■ Have sufficient personnel available to perform system testing. Any required communications (i.e. radios) shall be provided by the permit holder. ■ Notify all appropriate building personnel and occupants of the time period during which fire alarm testing will be conducted. Post signage at entry points if necessary. • All detection and notification devices must be pre -tested prior to requesting a final inspection. • The fire alarm communicator must be connected to two (2) active phone lines and the detection system on-line with the monitoring station. ■ A Knox Box brand key box shall be on order or installed at the time of final inspection. • The permit holder is responsible for the proper installation and operation of the permitted system. Failure of a final acceptance test requires will require a re -inspection. Consult with the appropriate fire district to determine what re -inspection fees may be assessed. FIRE FLOW TEST INFORMATION Fire flow test information may be obtained from the Fire District for the Valley Water District. Fire flow tests are usually conducted with the Valley Water District within ten (10) working days of the request, unless weather conditions or scheduling conflicts arise between the Division of Fire Prevention and the Valley Water District. For fire flow information in the Wheat Ridge Water District service area please call: 303-424-2844. For fire flow information in the North Table Mountain Water service are please call: 303-279-2854. For fire flow information in the Consolidated Mutual Water service area please call: 303-238-0451. Rev. 81112011 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PERMIT GUIDE Lauren Mikulak From: Steve Art Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 11:10 AM To: Lauren Mikulak Subject: Read King The URA Board met on October 6 and determined the rezone and emergency redevelopment at 38`x' and Wadsworth did NOT conflict with the 38th Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan. Steve Art Economic Development & Urban Renewal Manager Direct: 303-235-2806 Cell: 720-454-9040 Fax: 303-235-2806 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 www.ci.wheatrid eke corns ' • , City Of CITY MANAG tca t � a 00 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business -confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. C� Xcel Energy SAA, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY October 15, 2015 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29t" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Lauren Mikulak Re: Read King, Case # WSP-15-06 Right of Way & Permits 1123 West 3'`' Avenue Denver. Colorado 80223 Telephone: 303.571.3306 Facsimile: 303. 571.3284 donna.I.george@xcelenergy.com Public Service Company of Colorado's (PSCo) Right of Way & Permits Department has reviewed the site plans for Read King. Please be aware PSCo owns and operates existing natural gas and electric distribution facilities within the subject property. The property owner/developer/contractor must contact the Builder's Call Line at 1-800-628-2121 and complete the application process for any new gas or electric service, or modification to existing facilities including relocation and/or removal. It is then the responsibility of the developer to contact the Designer assigned to the project for approval of design details. Additional easements may need to be acquired by separate document for new facilities. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center, at 1-800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to any construction. Should you have any questions with this referral response, please contact me at 303-571- 3306. Donna George Contract Right of Way Referral Processor Public Service Company of Colorado 11 City Of " 9 Wheat Pid�ge LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29`" Avenue • Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Applicant inp AL Mr,1 , LL (kddress [3S S c,, F� 'nc S� i e �q o Phone113�-h5)-qax> Cityn Skog State lac, Zip_ � Fax Owner X11 a f�. Q e r* nn+- LLL Address -3 fJ W,A"")' \ lelA Phone3o3 -c-( - a3 3 � City\ our ;J0.e C;0 State Zip f3 7033 Fax Contact S o ry ct 5 Gt aa (\1- Address Phone I , City v State Zip Fax (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (address): 3 Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Please refer to submittal checklists for complete application requirements, incomplete applications will not be accepted O Change of zone or zone conditions O Special Use Permit O Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) O Consolidation Plat O Conditional Use Permit O Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) O Flood Plain Special Exception 4Site Plan approval O Temporary Use, Building, Sign O Lot Line Adjustment O Concept Plan approval O Variance/Waiver (from Section ) O Planned Building Group O Right of Way Vacation O Other: Detailed description of request: 4AJ'lnp. ' Sv01; r Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: -3-01 a (a I - 1 0o CP Size of Lot (acres or square footage):_ 9f S 4 c,-cs Current Zoning:- N I-) - N Proposed Zoning: M U - L Current Use:�� Proposed Use: 1 certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, l am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Notarized Signature of Applicant - State of C-e}oratfb'( e x a S County of [4f f; -S } ss The foregoing instrument (Land Use Processing Application) was acknowledged by me this SU4day of 7 , 20A' by .1 f �c,> J . r!'n vy, p ,,�:a °�9CATHLEEN M. BROUSSARD Notary Public. State of Texas �F.J2 (t7�(Yte.gt l�Ctnsx��Lf+, My Commission Expires Notary Public March 04, 2018 My commission expires / 4 120 To be filled out by staff: Date received - S0 15 Comp Plan Design. Related Case No. W Z-15-07 Fee $ Receipt No. Case No. WS e 15-&(p Zoning Quarter Section Map ,y[' 2(o Pre -App Mtg. Date Case Manager Rev 5/2014 City of W heat dge COM,�1uNITy DEVELOPMENT Submittal Checklist: Site Plan Project Name: WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING Project Location: 3970 WADSWORTH BOULEVARD WHEAT RIDGE, CO Application Contents: The site plan is used to confirm that new development, redevelopment, or significant fapade improvements meet all applicable zoning or design standards. The following items represent a complete site plan application. �1 Completed, notarized land use application form �2. Application fee �3. Signed submittal checklist (this document) %L4 Proof of ownership—e.g. deed - SEE REAL ESTATE CONTRACT v5 Written authorization from property owner(s) if an agent acts on behalf of the owner(s) y6. Written request and description of the proposal �7 Plan set—including site plan, landscape/plan, building elevations, streetscape plan, photometric Two (2) full size paper copies (24" x 36") !� One (1) reduced size paper copy (11" x 17") v8. One (1) color reduction of building elevations _9. Civil documents, if required X10. Electronic (Adobe .pcl) files of all submittal documents—these may be provided via email, CD, DVD. or USB flash drive Form and content of Plan Set: Site Plan Note: Depending on the size of the site. Project information it may be necessary to provide one V1. Title of document—centered at top of page overall site plan and additional pages to V 2. Vicinity map show the location of all buildings, �3. Scale and north arrow—scale not to exceed 1"=100' fences, signs, parking, etc. �4. Date of plan preparation and name/address of who prepared the plan _5. Legal description � 6. Appropriate signature blocks—see cover sheet handout 7. Signed surveyor's certification _8. Case history with applicable land use case numbers �9. Statement of proposed uses and compliance with zoning X10. Site data in tabular form (numeric and percentage), including the following: ,tea. Total area of property, gross and net _�_b. Building coverage mac. Amount of open space required and provided—include breakdown of usable open space, hardscaped open space, and landscaped open space fid. Number of parking spaces required and provided fie. Gross floor area by use /�f. Number of residential units and density X11. Justification of provided parking ratio, especially where shared parking is proposed Community Development Department (303) 235-2846 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Sample Site Data Table [more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] Existing zoning Proposed land use Total area[acres/sq ftl gross acres/s ft net Lot #[acres/sq ft Lot # I rnrrac/cn ftl Floorarea b use Use s ft Use s ft Graphical information ✓ 12.Legend X13. Property lines and dimensions X14. Adjoining property lines, buildings, access, and parking X15. Location of improvements that are proposed and those that are existing and will remain: tea. Buildings—identify floor area, setback dimensions, proposed land use Vb. Parking and loading areas—identify handicap parking mac. Open space/landscaping—identify size (sq ft) and type (eg living, sod, hardscape) _L_d. Fences, walls, or hedges—identify height and material fie. Exterior lighting �( _f. Signs—identify type and height fig. Trash containers or storage area—identify height and material of screen walls _L_h. Areas for outside storage/display—identify height and material of screen walls X16. Easements, utilities, or other encumbrances that may impact development �17. Drainage ways, pond areas, ditches, irrigation canals, lakes and streams—if applicable V18. Streets and rights-of-way both adjacent and within the site—include names, widths, location of centerlines _19. 100 -year floodplain—if applicable Landscape Plan (BY OTHERS) �1. Title of document (centered at top of page) �2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1"=100') _3. Legend �4. Property lines and dimensions �5. Proposed buildings and parking areas �6. Proposed open space/landscape areas—identify dimensions/square footage 7. Proposed materials for all landscape and hardscape areas—identify type of ground cover, pavers, and plant material Required Proposed e % max / s ft max %/s ft ce/lndin %min / s ft min % / s ft VBuildinovera e % min / s ft min %/s ft %max/s ftmax %/s ft a e % max / s ft max %/s ft rd # # Accessible # # Bicycle # # Graphical information ✓ 12.Legend X13. Property lines and dimensions X14. Adjoining property lines, buildings, access, and parking X15. Location of improvements that are proposed and those that are existing and will remain: tea. Buildings—identify floor area, setback dimensions, proposed land use Vb. Parking and loading areas—identify handicap parking mac. Open space/landscaping—identify size (sq ft) and type (eg living, sod, hardscape) _L_d. Fences, walls, or hedges—identify height and material fie. Exterior lighting �( _f. Signs—identify type and height fig. Trash containers or storage area—identify height and material of screen walls _L_h. Areas for outside storage/display—identify height and material of screen walls X16. Easements, utilities, or other encumbrances that may impact development �17. Drainage ways, pond areas, ditches, irrigation canals, lakes and streams—if applicable V18. Streets and rights-of-way both adjacent and within the site—include names, widths, location of centerlines _19. 100 -year floodplain—if applicable Landscape Plan (BY OTHERS) �1. Title of document (centered at top of page) �2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1"=100') _3. Legend �4. Property lines and dimensions �5. Proposed buildings and parking areas �6. Proposed open space/landscape areas—identify dimensions/square footage 7. Proposed materials for all landscape and hardscape areas—identify type of ground cover, pavers, and plant material �8. Schedule of proposed plantings, including: -a. Amount of open space required and provided—include breakdown of usable open space, hardscaped open space, landscaped open space, required and provided shrubs, required and provided trees, required and provided street trees _�_b. Species name—common and botanical ,c. Quantity of each species fid. Size of plants/trees—gallon size of container, caliper or height of trees ,Le. Type of ground cover �f. Quantity of ground cover—identify total size in square feet and as a percentage of total open space fig. Supplementary notes—regarding irrigation, size of plant container, balled and burlapped, depth of non -living material/rock/bark, etc Sample Landscape/Plant Schedule [more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] Trees Required Botanical Name Pro osed /landsca in % min / s ft min %/s ft Qt % min / s ft min %/s ft nn % max / s ft max %/S ft e % max / s ft max % / s ft s # %/s # Fa ade B -site bs # %/s # # # Trees Qt Botanical Name Common Name floortrranncnnr,.n,,,nc%min/s Shrubs Qt Botanical Name Common Name %/s ft %min/s Street Trees Qt Botanical Name Common Name anels/sidin ..%max/s Building Elevations (BY OTHERS) �1. Title of document (centered at top of page) �2. Detailed elevations for each fapade �3. Detailed elevations for accessory structures �4. Detailed elevations for trash enclosures/screen walls �5. Material and color information 6. Structure dimensions—overall building height, overall building width, floor -to -floor heights �7. Summary table of materials and transparency by fagade—where material or transparency standards apply, include a table identifying required and proposed materials Sample Building Materials Summary [more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] Pro osed floortrranncnnr,.n,,,nc%min/s =Required ftmin %/s ft %min/s ftmin %/sftFS/CMU/metal anels/sidin ..%max/s ftmax %/s ft Fa ade B % max / sq ft max %/s ft Streetscape Plan NOT REQUIRED It may be possible to combine this sheet with the Landscape Plan as long as public street trees are disaggregated in the plant schedule. Refer to the Wheat Ridge Streetscape Design Manual for streetscape design requirements. 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) _2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1 "= 100') 3. Location of all existing and proposed streetscape elements/furnishings, including: a. Sidewalk and amenity zones—location, dimensions, materials _b. Street trees—identify spacing dimensions c. Street lights _d. Pedestrian lights e. Street furniture—benches, trash cans, etc _f. Bus stops g. Signs h. Irrigation system _i. Utilities and utility boxes I. Curbs and ADA ramps _4. Schedule of proposed plantings, including: _a. Species name—common and botanical b. Quantity of each species c. Size of plants/trees--gallon size of container, caliper or height of trees _d. Type of ground cover _e. Quantity of ground cover—identify total size in square feet and as a percentage of total open space _f. Supplementary notes—regarding irrigation, size of plant container, balled and burlapped, depth of non -living material/rock/bark, etc _7. Schedule of proposed streetscape furnishings, including: a. Manufacturer b. Product number c. Color _d. Quantity Photometric Plan (BY OTHERS) �1. Title of document (centered at top of page) �2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1 "= 100') v3. Site plan showing the location of all exterior lights and a numerical grid of lighting levels in foot candles or as isoilluminance curves _L_4. A fixture schedule that includes all luminaries shown on the plan and specs for each fixture: tea. Manufacturer and model tea. Fixture type and wattage fib. Mounting height of all fixtures �5. Cut sheets showing the design and finishes of all fixtures, including designation of cutoff fixtures Additional information which may be required: Depending on the size, scope, and complexity of the request additional documents may be required. The submission of these documents will be discussed during the pre -application meeting. This includes, but is not limited to, the following documents (one paper copy plus Adobe . pdf file is required): 1. Trip generation letter or traffic study _2. Drainage report �3. Soils report _L_4. Erosion control plan As applicant for this project, I hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal. I fully understand that if any one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for City review. In addition, I understand that in the event any revisions need to b made after the'second (2"d) full review, I will be subject to the applicable resubmittal fee. -30 -i Signature: Date: Name (please print): V [ ji %�©�� Phone: 7 Z O -2qoZ K&B Management, LLC 3790 Wadsworth Blvd Wheat Ridge CO 80033 August 18, 2015 RK Commercial Properties, Inc. 5850 San Felipe, Suite 490 Houston, TX 77057 Re: Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate (the "Contract') by and between K&B Management, LLC ("Seller') and RK COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES, INC. ("Buyer') Dear Sirs: Seller hereby consents to and authorizes Buyer (or Buyer's successors and assigns) to take all actions necessary to apply for and obtain a rezoning for Buyer's intended use of that certain tract of land made the subject of the Contract and commonly known as 3790 Wadsworth Blvd., Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033, K&B Management, LLC By: ��.a� F �t �rks�•Ps� Name: Title: Depaul Real Estate Investment Group Inc. The printed portions of this form. except differentiated additions, have been approved by the Colorado Reai Estate Commission. (CBS4-8-13) (Mandatory 1-14) 3 4 THIS FORM HAS It11PORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES AND THE PARTIES SHOULD CONSULT LEGAL AND 5 TAX OR OTHER COUNSEL BEFORE SIGNING. 6 I CONTRACT TO BUS' AND SELL REAL ESTATE 8 (LAND) 9 ( © Property with No Residences) In (� 11 12 13 Date: , 2015 14 AGRFENtENT 15 1. AGREEMENT. Buyer, identified in § 2.1, agrees to buy, and Seller, identified in § 2.3, agrees to sell, the 16 Property described below on the terms and conditions set forth in this contract (Contract). 17 2. PARTIES AND PROPERTY. 18 2.1. Buyer. Buyer, RK Commercial Pro ernes, inc. 19 will take title to the Property described below as L'Fenantq 11 C- 20 EJ Other 21 2.2. Assignability and Inurement. This Contract N Is Is Not assignable by Buyer without Seller's prior 22 written consent. Except as so restricted, this Contract inures to the benefit of and is binding upon the heirs, personal 23 representatives, successors and assigns of the parties. 24 2.3. ,Seller '> . ' •r K 6 B Management, LLC is 25 the current owner of the Property described below. 26 2.4. Property. The Property is the following legally described real estate in the County of 27 Jefferson , Colorado: 28 Approximately 42,624 square feet of land 29 30 31 32 known as No. 33 3790 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge_ CD 80.033 34 — —-- Street .a.idress City , n-2 -- %n 35 together with the interests, easements, rights, benefits, improvements and attached fixtures appurtenant thereto, and all 36 interest of Seller in vacated streets and alleys adjacent thereto, except as herein excluded (Property). 37 2.5. Inclusions. The Purchase Price includes the following items (Inclusions): 38 2.5.1. Fixtures. All fixtures attached to the Property on the date of this Contract. 39 Other Fixtures: excludes Seller's fixtures 40 41 42 If any fixtures are attached to the Property after the date of this Contract, such additional fixtures are also included in 43 the Purchase Price. 44 2.5.2. Personal Properly. If on the Property, whether attached or not, on the date of this Contract, the 45 following items are included: 46 None 47 CBS4.8-13. CONTRACT TO BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE (LAND) Page 1 of 19 Ocimi Nal Elute IKw crnenl Gmp Inc., 45M Cherry Clerk Driw Smorh Denier. CU 80246 Tine Win.lnw ligan[: 131)3133}9799 Fu: 3791) Wa gworth Pratlacetl will zglFOnrg®t7y zipLopix 10070 Fiben Mie Road. Fraser, Michigan 48026 ..�ww.;jo:avix -om Manhard. C O N S U L T I N C September 25, 2015 Lauren Mikulak Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Reference: 3790 Wadsworth Boulevard Medical Office Building Site Plan Submittal Manhard Consultants Job # REAWHCO01 Dear Lauren: Civil Engineering Surveying Water Resources Management Water 6 Wastewater Engineering Construction Management Environmental Sciences This letter serves as the written request and description of the proposal for the submittal of the Site Plan for the Wheat Ridge Medical Office Building located at 3790 Wadsworth Boulevard. The Wheat Ridge Medical Office Building is a free standing 8432 sf one story emergency room facility providing medical services on a 24 hour basis. The property is being rezoned from Mixed Use Neighborhood to Mixed Use Commercial. We request that the City of Wheat Ridge review the accompanying Site Plan submittal package complete with the submittal checklist attached. Feel free to contact us at the address and number listed below if you have questions. Sincerel Da d E. Moore PE Senior Project Manager CC: Matt Camp Manhard Consulting - 10835 Dover Street, Suite 700, Westminster, Colorado 80021 - 303.665.5505 - manhard.com ARCONA I CALIFORNIA I COLORADO_ I ILLINOIS I INDIANA I NEVADA I NORTH DAKOTA ICAKumar &Associates, Inc. 2390 South Lipan Street Geotechnical and Materials Engineers Denver, CO 80223 and Environmental Scientists �! phone: (303) 742-9700 —� — fax: (303) 742-9666 ACEC email: kadenver@kumarusa.com MEMBER www.kumarusa.com Office Locations: Denver (HQ), Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, and Frisco, Colorado GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY PROPOSED MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 3790 NORTH WADSWORTH BOULEVARD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Prepared By: Bruce E. Berends, P.E. Reviewed By: Prepared For: Read King 5850 San Felipe, Ste. 490 Houston, Texas 77057 Attention: Mr. Matthew Camp, AIA Project No. 15-1-340 June 29, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................... 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY...........................................................................................2 PROPOSEDCONSTRUCTION....................................................................................................2 SITECONDITIONS......................................................................................................................2 FIELDEXPLORATION.................................................................................................................3 LABORATORYTESTING.............................................................................................................3 SUBSURFACECONDITIONS......................................................................................................4 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS..............................................................4 FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................................................5 FLOORSLABS.............................................................................................................................6 SITESEISMIC CRITERIA............................................................................................................7 WATERSOLUBLE SULFATES....................................................................................................7 SURFACEDRAINAGE.................................................................................................................8 PAVEMENTDESIGN...................................................................................................................8 SITE GRADING AND EARTHWORK.........................................................................................10 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES..........................................................14 LIMITATIONS.............................................................................................................................14 FIG. 1 — LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIG. 2 — LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIG. 3 - LEGEND AND NOTES FIGS. 4 and 5 — SWELL -CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS TABLE I — SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Kumar & Associates, Inc SUMMARY Beneath the concrete pavements, fill consisting of clayey sand to sandy lean clay was encountered in the borings to depths ranging from about 6 to 8 feet. The native soils encountered below the fill consisted of clayey sand to sandy lean clay to a depth of about 16 feet underlain by silty to clayey sand extending to the maximum 25 -foot depth of the borings. The lateral extent, depth and degree of compaction of the existing fill were not determined as part of this study 2. The groundwater level was measured at depths of about 12.5 to 13.5 feet at the time of drilling. 3. The existing fill should be assumed to be unsuitable for support of foundations, floor slabs and pavements. Recommendations for an option to leave a portion of the fill in place below floor slabs and pavements are discussed in the report 4 We recommend the building be supported on spread footings bearing on the undisturbed native soils and/or properly compacted fill extending down to the native soils. and designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. 5 We recommend that areas of pavement restricted to automobile and occasional light truck traffic be constructed with 6 inches of full -depth asphalt pavement or an alternate composite pavement section consisting of 4 inches of asphalt over 7 inches of compacted aggregate base course. Flexible pavements for areas subjected to combined automobile and heavier truck traffic, including fire lanes, should consist of 7 inches of full -depth asphalt pavement; alternatively, a composite pavement section consisting of 4.5 inches of asphalt over 8 inches of compacted aggregate base course may be used. In lieu of an asphalt pavement section, a 6 -inch portland cement concrete pavement section may be used for areas of automobile and occasional light truck traffic and for combined automobile and heavier truck traffic. Kumar & Associates, Inc 2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the results of a geotechnical engineering study for the proposed medical office building to be constructed at 3790 North Wadsworth Boulevard in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The study was conducted in accordance with the scope of work in our proposal to Read King dated April 13, 2015. A field exploration program consisting of four exploratory borings was conducted to obtain information on subsurface conditions. Samples of the soils obtained during the field exploration were tested in the laboratory to determine their classification and engineering characteristics. The results of the field exploration and laboratory testing were analyzed to develop geotechnical engineering recommendations for design and construction of the project. This report has been prepared to summarize the data obtained during this study and to present our conclusions and recommendations based on the proposed construction and the subsurface conditions encountered. Design parameters and a discussion of geotechnical engineering considerations related to construction of the proposed building are included in the report. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The facility will be an 8,000 sf single -story building with paved parking and access along the west, south and north sides of the building. The building will not have a basement. We assume the foundation loads will be light. Based on the existing grades and proposed construction, we anticipate minimal site grading will be required for the building and pavements. If loadings, locations or conditions are significantly different from those described above or depicted in this report, we should be notified to reevaluate the recommendations contained in herein. SITE CONDITIONS At the time of our field study, the site of the proposed construction was occupied by a single - story gasoline station building and adjoining fuel islands and canopies in the central portion of the site, and a single -story car -wash building at the east edge of the site. The buildings are of concrete block construction. The majority of the site is paved with concrete, which displayed some load -related cracking. The topography of the site was flat and nearly level. Kumar & Associates, Inc 3 FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration program for the project was conducted May 29, 2015 and consisted of drilling four exploratory borings at the locations shown on Fig. 1 The boring locations were determined by pacing from features on the site plan provided. Logs of the exploratory borings are presented on Fig. 2, and the legend and explanatory notes for the logs are presented on Fig. 3. The borings were advanced through the overburden soils with 4 -inch -diameter continuous flight augers. The borings were logged by a representative of Kumar & Associates, Inc. Samples of the soils materials were obtained with a 2 -inch I.D. California liner sampler. The sampler was driven into the various strata with blows from a 140 -pound hammer falling 30 inches using the standard penetration test procedure described by ASTM Method D1586. The interpreted penetration resistance values provide an indication of the relative density or consistency of the soils. Depths at which the samples were taken and the penetration resistance values are shown on the boring logs. Measurements of the groundwater levels were made in the borings by lowering an electronic water level indicator into the open hole shortly after completion of drilling. The depths of the groundwater levels measured are shown on the boring logs. LABORATORY TESTING Samples obtained from the exploratory borings were visually classified in the laboratory by the project engineer and samples were selected for laboratory testing. Laboratory testing included index property tests, such as moisture content (ASTM D2216), dry unit weight, grain size analysis (ASTM D422). and liquid and plastic limits (ASTM D4318). Swell -consolidation tests (ASTM D4546, Method B) were conducted on samples of the soil to determine the compressibility or swell characteristics under loading and when submerged in water. The percentage of water-soluble sulfates was determined in general accordance with CDOT CP - L2103 for selected samples. The results of laboratory tests performed on selected samples obtained from the borings are shown to the right of the boring logs and on Figs. 4 and 5, and are summarized in Table I. Kumar & Associates, Inc. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Beneath the concrete pavements, fill consisting of clayey sand to sandy lean clay was encountered in the borings to depths ranging from about 6 to 8 feet. The native soils encountered below the fill consisted of clayey sand to sandy lean clay to a depth of about 16 feet underlain by silty to clayey sand extending to the maximum 25 -foot depth of the borings. Sampler penetration blow counts indicate the clayey sand to sandy lean clay is medium stiff to stiff in consistency and the silty to clayey sands are loose to medium dense. The lateral extent, depth and degree of compaction of the existing fill were not determined as part of this study. Results of swell -consolidation tests performed on samples of the clayey sand fill and native clayey sand are presented on Figs. 4 and 5 and indicate the soils had a low to moderate compressibility. The two tested samples of clayey sand fill consolidated about 0.5% when wetted under a 1 ksf surcharge and swelled about 0.8% under a 0.2 ksf surcharge. The tested sample of native clayey sand showed no swell potential when wetted under a 1 ksf surcharge. The groundwater level was measured at depths of about 12.5 to 13.5 feet at the time of drilling. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS Fill of unknown origin was encountered below the anticipated building slab and foundation bearing elevations. The on-site fills should be considered non -engineered and unsuitable for support of floor slabs and shallow foundations; in addition, some of the fill is expansive. Therefore, all existing fill should be removed from below the structure footprints and pavements, and replaced with nonexpansive structural fill. Considering the existing fill appears to have been in place for a number of years and was apparently placed for support of the pavements, we believe a portion of the existing fill may be left in place beneath floor slabs and pavements if the potential for some distress resulting from slab or pavement movement is recognized by the owner. Movement of floor slabs and pavements could potentially result from compression of any low-density fill and/or swelling of the expansive fill. The native clayey sand to sandy lean encountered below the fill appears to be nonexpansive and suitable for support of floor slabs and shallow foundations. Kumar & Associates, Inc. 5 FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend the proposed building be supported on spread footings bearing on the undisturbed native soils and/or new structural fill. The design and construction criteria presented below should be observed for spread footings. The construction details should be considered when preparing project documents. 1. All existing fill and remnants of previous on-site construction present below the bottom of foundations should be overexcavated and replaced with nonexpansive structural fill placed in accordance with the recommendations in "Site Grading and Earthwork." 2. Spread footings may be designed for an allowable net bearing pressure of 3.000 psf. The allowable bearing pressure may be increased by one-third for transient loads. 3. Any areas of loose or soft material encountered in foundation excavations should be removed and replaced with structural fill meeting the material and placement requirements provided in the "Site Grading and Earthwork" section of this report. 4. Spread footings should have a minimum width of 16 inches for continuous footings and 24 inches for isolated pad footings. 5. Exterior footings and footings beneath unheated areas should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevation for frost protection. Placement of foundations at least 36 inches below the exterior grade is typically used in this area. 6 New structural fill should extend down from the edges of the foundations at a 1 horizontal to 1 vertical projection. 7. Based on experience and empirical correlations between soil index properties and compressibility, we estimate total settlement for spread footings designed and constructed as discussed in this section will not exceed 1 inch. Differential settlements are estimated to be approximately 1/2 to'/ of the total settlement. 8. The lateral resistance of a spread footing placed on undisturbed natural granular soils or properly compacted granular structural fill material will be a combination of the sliding Kumar & Associates, Inc. I resistance of the footing on the foundation materials and passive earth pressure against the side of the footing. Resistance to sliding at the bottoms of the footings can be calculated based on a coefficient of friction of 0.35. Passive pressure against the sides of the footings may be calculated assuming an equivalent fluid unit weight of 225 pcf. These lateral resistance values are working values. 9. Structural fill placed against the sides of the footings to resist lateral loads should meet the material and placement criteria presented in the 'Site Grading and Earthwork" section of this report. 10. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length of at least 10 feet. 11. A representative of the geotechnical engineer should observe all footing excavations prior to fill and concrete placement. FLOOR SLABS The native sandy lean clay to clayey sand below the fill appears to be nonexpansive and suitable for support of slab -on -grade construction. However, we recommend the existing fills be assumed unsuitable for support of floor slabs, and that they be removed and replaced with nonexpansive structural fill. As previously discussed, we believe a portion of the fill may be left in place, provided the risk of distress resulting from slab movement is accepted by the owner. As a minimum, we recommend the fill be overexcavated to a depth of 2 feet below slab level and replaced with nonexpansive structural fill. To reduce the effects of some differential movement, floor slabs should be separated from all bearing walls and columns with expansion joints which allow unrestrained vertical movement. Floor slab control joints should be used to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. The joint spacing and any requirements for slab reinforcement should be established by the designer based on experience and the intended slab use. Because some of the fill is expansive, we recommend interior non-bearing partition walls resting on floor slabs be provided with slip joints if a portion of the fill is left in place below floor slabs. Kumar & Associates, Inc. 7 Slip joints will prevent slab uplift resulting from expansive soils from being transmitted to the upper structure. This detail is also important for wallboards and door frames. Slip joints which will allow at least 2 inches of vertical movement are recommended. If wood or metal stud partition walls are used, the slip joints should be placed at the bottoms of the walls so differential slab movement will not damage the partition wall. If slab bearing masonry block partitions are constructed, the slip joints will have to be placed at the tops of the walls. If slip joints are provided at the tops of walls and the floors move, it is likely the partition walls will show signs of distress. such as cracking. An alternative, if masonry block walls or other walls without slip joints at the bottoms are required.. is to found them on footings and construct the slabs independently of the foundation. If slab bearing partition walls are required. distress may be reduced by using slip channels to connect the partition walls to the exterior walls. All fill materials for support of floor slabs should be placed and compacted according to the criteria presented in "Site Grading and Earthwork." The suitability of the on-site soils for use as underslab fill is also discussed in "Site Grading and Earthwork." SITE SEISMIC CRITERIA According to International Building Code (IBC) 2012, the overburden soil materials generally classify as IBC Site Class D. Based on the soil profile encountered in our borings and the standard penetration testing from the field exploration indicates that IBC Site Class D should be used in the design. Based on the subsurface profile, site seismicity, and the anticipated ground water conditions, liquefaction is not a design consideration. WATER SOLUBLE SULFATES The concentration of water soluble sulfates measured in a sample of subsoils obtained from the exploratory borings was 0.00%. This concentration of water soluble sulfates represents a Class 0 severity exposure to sulfate attack on concrete exposed to these materials. The degree of attack is based on a range of Class 0. Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 severity exposure as presented in ACI 201. Based on the laboratory test results. we believe special sulfate resistant cement will generally not be required for concrete exposed to the on-site soils. Kumar & Associates, Inc. 0 SURFACE DRAINAGE Proper surface drainage is very important for acceptable performance of the building during construction and after the construction has been completed. Drainage recommendations provided by local, state and national entities should be followed based on the intended use of the structures. The following recommendations should be used as guidelines and changes should be made only after consultation with the geotechnical engineer. 1. Excessive wetting or drying of the foundation and slab subgrades should be avoided during construction. 2. Exterior backfill should meet the requirements of the "Site Grading and Earthwork" section of this report. 3. The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building should be sloped to drain away from the foundations in all directions. We recommend a minimum slope of 6 inches in the first 10 feet in unpaved areas. Site drainage beyond the 10 -foot zone should be designed to promote runoff and reduce infiltration. A minimum slope of 3 inches in the first 10 feet is recommended in the paved areas. These slopes may be changed as required for handicap access points in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 4. To promote runoff in unpaved areas, the upper 1 to 2 feet of the backfill adjacent to shallow foundations should be a relatively impervious material containing more than 30% passing the No. 200 sieve and compacted as recommended in the "Site Grading and Earthwork" section of this report. 5. Ponding of water should not be allowed in backfill material or in a zone within 10 feet of foundations or foundation walls, whichever is greater. 6. Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfill. PAVEMENT DESIGN A pavement section is a layered system designed to distribute concentrated traffic loads to the subgrade. Performance of the pavement structure is directly related to the physical properties Kumar & Associates, Inc. M of the subgrade soils and traffic loadings. Soils are represented for pavement design purposes by means of a soil support value for flexible pavements and a modulus of subgrade reaction for rigid pavements. Both values are empirically related to strength. Subgrade Materials: Based on the results of the field exploration and laboratory testing programs, the pavement subgrade materials encountered at the site generally classify as A-6 with group indices of 1 and 3 in accordance with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) soil classification system. Soils classifying as A-6 would generally be considered to provide poor subgrade support. A resilient modulus value of 3.025 psi was assumed for the subgrade soil. Design Traffic: We have not been provided with site specific traffic numbers for the planned pavement areas. For pavement thickness design calculations, we have assumed an equivalent 18 -kip daily load application (EDLA) of 5 for areas restricted to automobile traffic and occasional light truck traffic, and an EDLA of 10 for areas subjected to truck traffic. Asphalt and Concrete Pavement Sections: Asphalt and concrete pavement sections were determined in accordance with the 1993 AASHTO pavement design procedure. Based on this procedure, we recommend that areas restricted to automobile and occasional light truck traffic be constructed with 6 inches of full -depth asphalt pavement or an alternate composite pavement section consisting of 4 inches of asphalt over 7 inches of compacted aggregate base course Flexible pavements for areas subjected to combined automobile and heavier truck traffic, including fire lanes, should consist of 7 inches of full -depth asphalt pavement, alternatively, a composite pavement section consisting of 4.5 inches of asphalt over 8 inches of compacted aggregate base course may be used. In lieu of an asphalt pavement section. a 6 -inch portland cement concrete pavement section may be used for areas of automobile and occasional light truck traffic and for combined automobile and heavier truck traffic. Concrete pavement should contain sawed or formed joints to '/4 of the depth of the slab at a maximum distance of 12 to 15 feet on center. Subgrade Preparation: Fills up to about 8 feet thick were encountered in the borings drilled for the project. We anticipate deeper fills may be present. Existing fills below pavements present a problem when the fill was not placed under controlled conditions. Fills of poor quality could experience short- and long-term compression, potentially resulting in excessive pavement Kumar & Associates, Inc. 10 settlement and distress. The most positive method for limiting pavement movements caused by compression of existing low-density fill is to completely remove the fill and replace it with properly compacted fill. However, we believe a portion of the existing fill may be left in place beneath pavements, provided the risk of movement in excess of normally accepted settlement tolerances is acceptable to the owner. Provided that this alternative is acceptable, we recommend existing fill present within 1 foot below proposed subgrade level be excavated and replaced with structural fill. The owner should be aware that partial overexcavation and replacement will reduce but not eliminate potential movement of pavements should moisture levels increase within the remaining existing fill. All fill placed for support of pavement should meet the material and compaction requirements for structural fill presented in the "Site Grading and Earthwork" section of this report. The pavement subgrade should be proofrolled with a heavily loaded pneumatic -tired vehicle or a heavy, smooth drum roller compactor. Pavement design procedures assume a stable subgrade. Areas that deform excessively under heavy wheel loads are not stable and should be removed and replaced to achieve a stable subgrade prior to paving. The contractor should be aware that the clay soils, including on-site and imported materials, may become somewhat unstable and deform under wheel loads if placed near the upper end of the moisture range. Drainage: For non -pervious pavements, the collection and diversion of surface drainage away from paved areas is extremely important to the satisfactory performance of pavement. Drainage design should provide for the removal of water from paved areas and prevent the wetting of the subgrade soils. SITE GRADING AND EARTHWORK Site grading should be planned to provide positive surface drainage away from all structure and pavement areas. The building and parking areas should be placed as high as possible on the site so that positive drainage away from these features can be provided. Where practical, surface diversion features should be provided around pavement areas to prevent surface runoff from flowing across the paved surfaces. Kumar & Associates, Inc. 11 Site Preparation: The site should be prepared by removing all previous construction, including existing underground storage tanks and associated piping, floor slabs and foundations of the existing building, and underground utilities that will not be used by the new construction. Underground storage tank backfill, including squeegee and pea gravel, should be removed in its entirety during removal of the underground storage tanks. All other existing fill should be removed from below proposed areas of foundations, floor slabs and pavements consistent with the recommendations for fill removal presented in the previous sections of this report. Prior to placing new fills.. the exposed subgrade should be scarified to a depth of 12 inches, adjusted to a moisture content within the range of optimum and 3 percentage points above optimum, and recompacted to at least 95% of the standard Proctor (ASTM D698) maximum dry density. The compacted subgrade should be proofrolled with a heavily -loaded pneumatic -tired vehicle or a heavy, smooth -drum roller compactor. Areas that deform excessively during proofrolling should be removed and replaced to achieve a reasonably stable subgrade prior to placement of structural fill. Temporary Excavations and Dewatering: We assume that the temporary excavations will be constructed by excavating the slopes to a stable configuration. All excavations should be constructed in accordance with OSHA requirements, as well as state, local and other applicable requirements. OSHA requires excavations over 20 feet in depth be designed by a registered professional engineer. The contractor's on-site ''competent person" should confirm that all necessary slope and shoring design are performed. In addition, the slopes should be monitored on a regular basis for signs of movement and safety considerations. Requirements for slope stability analysis and slope performance monitoring by the contractor should be included in the construction documents. In our opinion, the existing fills and native soils should classify as OSHA Type C soils. Excavations below groundwater, or where perched water exists and seeps into the excavation are possible, could require much flatter side slopes than those allowed by OSHA. Groundwater may be encountered in deep excavations, such as those required to remove existing underground storage tanks. If groundwater is encountered, we believe construction Kumar & Associates, Inc. 12 dewatering can be accomplished using perimeter trenches combined with sumps. The trenches should be sloped to sumps where water can be pumped from the excavation. Fill Material: Unless specifically modified in the preceding sections of this report, the following recommended material and compaction requirements are presented for structural fills on the project site. The geotechnical engineer should evaluate the suitability of all proposed fill materials for the project prior to placement. 1 Nonexpansive Structural Fill: Nonexpansive structural fill should consist of on-site or imported soil materials having a maximum of 50% passing the No. 200 sieve, a maximum liquid limit of 35, and a maximum plasticity index of 15. It appears much of the near -surface on-site fill and native clays will meet these criteria. On-site or imported soils not meeting the above liquid limit and plasticity index criteria may be acceptable provided the swell criteria outlined in Paragraph 5 below are satisfied. 2. Structural Fill Beneath Pavements. Structural fill placed for support of pavements should consist of the moisture -conditioned on-site soils or imported fill meeting the requirements of Nonexpansive Structural Fill. 3 Pipe Bedding Material: Pipe bedding material should be a free draining, coarse-grained sand and/or fine gravel. The on-site soils do not appear to be suitable for pipe bedding. 4 Utility Trench Backfill: Materials excavated from the utility trenches may be used for trench backfill above the pipe zone fill provided they do not contain unsuitable material or particles larger than 4 inches. 5. Material Suitability Unless otherwise defined herein, all fill material should be non- to low -swelling, free of vegetation. brush. sod, trash and debris, and other deleterious substances. and should not contain rocks or lumps having a diameter of more than 6 inches. Fill material should be considered nonexpansive if the swell potential does not exceed 1/z% when a sample remolded to 95% of the standard Proctor (ASTM D698) maximum dry density at optimum moisture content is wetted under a 200 psf surcharge pressure. Kumar & Associates, Inc. 13 Compaction Requirements: Extensive backfilling will be required for excavations resulting from removal of the existing underground storage tanks, foundations and underground utilities. Adequately moisture treating and compacting excavation backfill and all structural fills will be critical to adequate performance of foundations, floor slabs and pavements. We recommend the following compaction criteria be used on the project: 1. Moisture Content: Fill materials should be compacted at a moisture content within the range of optimum to 3 percentage points above optimum for the on-site clayey soils and within 2 percentage points of the optimum moisture content for imported predominantly granular materials. The contractor should be aware that the clayey soils, including on- site and imported materials, may become somewhat unstable and deform under wheel loads if placed near the upper end of the moisture range. 2. Placement and Degree of Compaction: Structural fill beneath foundations and slab -on - grade floors. and adjacent to shallow spread footing foundations, should be placed in maximum 8 inch lifts. The following compaction criteria should be followed during construction: 3. Subgrade Preparation: Areas receiving new fill should be prepared as recommended in specific sections of this report to provide a uniform base for fill placement. All other areas to receive new fill not specifically addressed herein should be scarified to a depth of at least 8 inches and recompacted to at least 95% of the standard Proctor (ASTM D698) maximum dry density at moisture contents recommended above. Kumar & Associates, Inc. Percentage of Maximum Standard Proctor Density Fill Location ASTM D698 Beneath foundations 100% Beneath floor slabs, pavements and settlement - sensitive hardscape areas Upper 8 feet of backfill 95% Backfill deeper than 8 feet 100% Utility Trenches Interior 100% Exterior less than 15 ft. thick 95% Exterior more than 15 ft. thick 100% Landscape and other areas 95% 3. Subgrade Preparation: Areas receiving new fill should be prepared as recommended in specific sections of this report to provide a uniform base for fill placement. All other areas to receive new fill not specifically addressed herein should be scarified to a depth of at least 8 inches and recompacted to at least 95% of the standard Proctor (ASTM D698) maximum dry density at moisture contents recommended above. Kumar & Associates, Inc. 14 Excessive wetting and drying of excavations and prepared subgrade areas should be avoided during construction. Construction Monitoring: A representative of the geotechnical engineer should observe prepared fill subgrades and fill placement on a full time basis. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES Kumar & Associates, Inc. should be retained to review the project plans and specifications for conformance with the recommendations provided in our report. We are also available to assist the design team in preparing specifications for geotechnical aspects of the project, and performing additional studies if necessary to accommodate possible changes in the proposed construction. We recommend that Kumar & Associates, Inc. be retained to provide construction observation and testing services to document that the intent of this report and the requirements of the plans and specifications are being followed during construction. This will allow us to identify possible variations in subsurface conditions from those encountered during this study and to allow us to re-evaluate our recommendations, if needed. We will not be responsible for implementation of the recommendations presented in this report by others, if we are not retained to provide construction observation and testing services. LIMITATIONS This study has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices in this area for exclusive use by the client for design purposes. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory borings at the locations indicated on Fig. 1. and the proposed type of construction. This report may not reflect subsurface variations that occur between the exploratory borings, and the nature and extent of variations across the site may not become evident until site grading and excavations are performed. If during construction, fill, soil, rock or water conditions appear to be different from those described herein, Kumar & Associates, Inc. should be advised at once so that a re-evaluation of the recommendations presented in this report can be made. Kumar & Kumar & Associates, Inc. 15 Associates, Inc. is not responsible for liability associated with interpretation of subsurface data by others. BEB/jw cc: Book, file Kumar & Associates, Inc. 25 0 25 50 APPROXIMATE SCALE -FEET 15-1-340 Kumar & Associates LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS I Fig. 1 LEGEND (5.5)® CONCRETE, THICKNESS IN INCHES SHOWN IN PARENTHESES TO LEFT OF THE LOG. FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC) TO SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL), FINE TO COARSE GRAINED SAND, MOIST, BROWN TO BLACK. CLAYEY SAND (SC) TO SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL), FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED SAND, MEDIUM STIFF TO STIFF, MOIST TO VERY MOIST, BROWN TO GRAY. SILTY SAND (SM) TO CLAYEY SAND (SC), FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE, WET, BROWN. DRIVE SAMPLE, 2—INCH I.D. CALIFORNIA LINER SAMPLE. 7/12 DRIVE SAMPLE BLOW COUNT. INDICATES THAT 7 BLOWS OF A 140—POUND HAMMER FALLING 30 INCHES WERE REQUIRED TO DRIVE THE SAMPLER 12 INCHES. �— DEPTH TO WATER LEVEL ENCOUNTERED AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. NOTES 1. THE EXPLORATORY BORINGS WERE DRILLED ON MAY 29, 2015 WITH A 4—INCH DIAMETER CONTINUOUS FLIGHT POWER AUGER. 2. THE LOCATIONS OF THE EXPLORATORY BORINGS WERE MEASURED APPROXIMATELY BY PACING FROM FEATURES SHOWN ON THE SITE PLAN PROVIDED AND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ACCURATE ONLY TO THE DEGREE IMPLIED BY THE METHOD USED. 3. THE ELEVATIONS OF THE EXPLORATORY BORINGS WERE NOT MEASURED AND THE LOGS OF THE EXPLORATORY BORINGS ARE PLOTTED TO DEPTH. 4. THE LINES BETWEEN MATERIALS SHOWN ON THE EXPLORATORY BORING LOGS REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BETWEEN MATERIAL TYPES AND THE TRANSITIONS MAY BE GRADUAL. 5. GROUNDWATER WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED IN THE BORINGS AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 6. LABORATORY TEST RESULTS: WC = WATER CONTENT (%) (ASTM D 2216); DD = DRY DENSITY (pcf) (ASTM D 2216); —200= PERCENTAGE PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE (ASTM D 1140); LL = LIQUID LIMIT (ASTM D 4318); PI = PLASTICITY INDEX (ASTM D 4318); WSS = WATER SOLUBLE SULFATES (%) (CP—L 2103); A-6 (3) = AASHTO CLASSIFICATION (GROUP INDEX) (AASHTO M 145). 15-1-310 I Kumar & Associates I LEGEND AND NOTES I Fig. 3 U) J D cn w U) w W O H m Q aOf ~O Go Q J L.L. O Q LU } W Qp W ~ Q) a _N a J p Z Z a W a f- } U O W m 00 c ami J T m c d J T m c m n (D (m c m T m U T m U m J c m T m U c m T m U cr ii ii m u E ii Z O X p m 0Q� Q � Q m J U aJ W LLj Co F Q LL ° o O j o (f) :D N } W Qp W ~ Q) a _N J O p Z Z a W a f- W W(n x Q U _UX LLJ OOt—f— n O J Z cr m W Z � Q a w a m a w OF— Q a N M O t� N '- 7 Q J J H UJ LU FnoN U v v v ��pw v cc Wd Z a J } D 0 0 0 �pZ "- W Q Z Q J ui — Z 7 N o O m o u -))Lo 'oZ t� m co O N N N Q O O ZgU W 0 Qc N _ _ _ _ Q Lu o O co O (D co mm"Mmmm II - I - ININIIIa W Qp W ~ Q) a _N J O p Z Z a W a f- W W(n x Q U U' OOt—f— n O J Z cr m a aa oa mm"Mmmm II - I - ININIIIa SHEET NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sheet list Table SHEET TITLE COVER SHEET SITE PLAN EROSION CONTROL PLAN UTILITY PLAN GRADING PLAN DETAIL SHEET DETAIL SHEET LANDSCAPE PLAN ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS AND SIGN DETAIL PHOTMETRIC PLAN LEGEND PROPOSED EXISTING am as EASEMENT EDGE OF PAVEMENT GAS &ELECTRIC ELECTRIC LINE XCELENERGY FENCE LINE 1-800.895.1999(ELECTRIC) a FIBER LINE 1-SOD8952999(GAS) :.' GAS LINE —5115— 5115 MAJOR CONTOURS — 5115— ,. MINOR CONTOURS NU I 2. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY MANHARD CONSULTING TO DETERMINE TITLE OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. RESEARCH FOR THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED IN OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL LINE ACCORDANCE WITH CRS 38-51-106 AND THE RULES OF PROCEDURE AND BOARD POLICY STATEMENTS OF THE STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS, SPECIFICALLY THOSE BOARD RULES AND POLICY STATEMENTS RELATING TO THE DEPICTION OF EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY ON SUBDIVISION PLATS. PROPERTY LINE/ROW DEDICATION SS SANITARY SEWER LINE q�q - ST - STORM UNE ---- T TELEPHONE LINE r .neX 3. BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTER LINE OF SECTIONI9'35'E, 26, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CONTROL NETWORK BEING SOO MONUMENTED ON THE WATER LINE S S CLEAN OUT IIp1M IOe. f DECIDUOUS TREE tl tl RFT ELECTRICAL METER ss�P 14C 4. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN ZONE X, DEFINED AS "AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE SW YEAR FLOOD PLAIN', AS SHOWN ON FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM), MAP FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION I tin 20 4IOs4 34 GAS METER - GUY WIRE ■ ■ INLET 6. DURING THE COURSE OF THIS SURVEY, THERE WAS NO OBSERVED EVIDENCE OF THIS SITE BEING USED AS A SOLID WASTE DUMP, SUMP OR SANITARY LANDFILL. IRRIGATION VALVE '-} LIGHT POLE 7. THE PROPERTY HAS DIRECT PHYSICAL ACCESS TO WEST 38TH AVE AND WADSW0RTH BLVD, A DEDICATED PUBLIC STREET OR HIGHWAY MONITORING WELL 8. UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON, IS BASED ON LOCATION OF SURFACE EVIDENCE IN COMBINATION WITH ENGINEERING UTILITY LOCATES PERFORMED BY DIVERSIFIED UNDERGROUND ON PAINTED DIRECTION ARROWS 05/28/2015. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS BASED ON RECORDS OF THE SIDEWALK/CONCRETE ES' STORM MANHOLE MUST CALL THE UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF COLORADO (811) AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST EXACT FIELD LOCATIONS OF THE UTILITIES. IT SHALL BE THE TELEPHONE PED RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES THAT CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. TRAFFIC BOX 9. ACCORDING TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE WEB SITE, AS SEARCHED ON 05/27/2015, THE ZONING FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS: FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PLAT Q-SUPERETTE PCD SITE TRAFFIC LIGHT PLAN REC. N0. 89029738 TRANSFORMER UNDERGROUND GAS TANKS UTILITY POLE WATER MANHOLE ® WATER METER N WATER VALVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, OF THE 6TH P.M. 41,624 S.F. 0.955 ACRES COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 3790 WADSWORTH BOULEVARD, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO VICINITY MAP r - IMF— a-, w A- am as rrm+ 1083S D0VER STREET, SUITE 700 GAS &ELECTRIC SITE XCELENERGY 303665-5505 1-800.895.1999(ELECTRIC) a DAVID CARPENTER, PE 1-SOD8952999(GAS) DOUGLAS ORT. PLS 1. NOTICE:ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UP0N ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. INNO EVENT MAY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. DEVELOPER NU I 2. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY MANHARD CONSULTING TO DETERMINE TITLE OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. RESEARCH FOR THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED IN RXMS WHEAT RIDGE U.C. ACCORDANCE WITH CRS 38-51-106 AND THE RULES OF PROCEDURE AND BOARD POLICY STATEMENTS OF THE STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS, SPECIFICALLY THOSE BOARD RULES AND POLICY STATEMENTS RELATING TO THE DEPICTION OF EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY ON SUBDIVISION PLATS. 5850 SAN FELIPE, SUITE 490 TITLE COMMITMENT NUMBER 508 F0514217 017 017, DATED APRIL 23, 2015 PREPARED BY FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY NCS WAS RELIEDUPON FOR ALL INFORMATION HOUSTON, TX 77057 q�q L,9— 713-782-9000 SURVEY IS THE SAME AS THAT IN THE TITLE COMMITMENT. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND TITLE EXCEPTIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM THE TITLE COMMITMENT. MATT CAMP AIA r .neX 3. BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTER LINE OF SECTIONI9'35'E, 26, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CONTROL NETWORK BEING SOO MONUMENTED ON THE �) NORTH BY THE NORTH QUARTER -CORNER OF SECTION 26 BEING A FOUND 3.25' BRASS CAP, IN RANGE BOX STAMPED PLS 13212 AND ON THE SOUTH BY THE CENTER OF SECTION 26 BEING A AGENCY LIST IIp1M IOe. FOUND 3.25' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED PLS 13212. IFX twe tl tl L I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 4. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN ZONE X, DEFINED AS "AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE SW YEAR FLOOD PLAIN', AS SHOWN ON FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM), MAP 7SOO WEST 27TH AVENUE I tin 20 4IOs4 NUMBER 0805900214F, REVISED FEBRUARY S, 2014- W HEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 S. DURING THE COURSE OF THIS SURVEY, THERE WAS NO OBSERVED EVIDENCE OF CURRENT EARTH MOVING WORK, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDING ADDITIONS. VICINITY MAP r - IMF— OWNERIS CERTIFICATE The 6elow signed—neHs). w legally designated Zen") thweol, dahereby .7 -Mat bre prW" legally desrnbed hereon ." he de_bped in accwdanre wdh the restnctwns arta condAb contained m NU planand as may tithe—e be re9ured by law I (we) tonne, recognize that the apprm'al r¢1h6 Slte Plan tloes nw aeale a vasre0 property rght. Vested a.p-y,Vh. may Only apse and a ue pu—nl 10 the povislons of Sechon 26-121 of the Wheal RAp Code o1 Laws (inaerl name of ow,"ll) w agent(s) who win sign) State W Cddredo ) )SS Counly d Jefferson ) The Iwagang Inst u t waa eckr ,ledged Detwe nre Nis _--__--- W Mess my hand and off—I seal. My cwnmissgn 6XPxes CITY CERTIFICATION ApI>oved MIs -.. day of by the Cdy of Wheat RKlge ATTEST CalnmunilyDBVeepmenl-D.-I_I_ GENERAL NOTES FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT: 1. ALL WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT -OF WAY OR EASEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING REGULATIONS AND DESIGN STANDARDS, 2. AN APPROVED RIGHT OF WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT AND A MUNICIPAL COM RACTOR'S LICENSE IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY WORK COMMENCING WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF -WAY. ANY WORK PERFORMED WITHIN THE STATE RIGHT OFWAY SHALL REQUIRE AN APPROVED STATE CONSTRUCTION PE RMrT PRIOR TO ANY WORK COMMENCING. 3. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY THE OWNER/DEVELOPER OF ANY PROBLEM IN CONFORMING TO THE AP PROVED CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR ANY ELEMENT OF THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO ITS CONSTRUCTION. 4 IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO RESOLVE CONSTRUCTION PROBLEMS DUE TO CHANGED CONDITIONS OR DESIGN ERRORS ENCOUNTERED BY THE CONTRACTOR DURING THE PROGRESS OF ANY PORTION OF THE PROPOSED WORK. IF, IN THE OPINION OF THE CITY'S INSPECTOR, THE MODIFICATIONS PROPOSED BY THE DEVELOPER TO THE APPROVED PLANS INVOLVE SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO THE CHARACTER OFTHE WORK OR TO FUTURE CONTIGUOUS PUBLIC OR PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS, THE DEVELOPER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUBMITTING REVISED PLANS TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER CONSTRUCTION RELATED TO THAT PORTION OF WORK. ANY IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS, OR THE APPROVED REVISED PLANS SHALL BE REMOVED AND THE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE RECONSTRUCTED TO THE APPROVED PLANS. S. UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF COLORADO FOR LOCATION ON UNDERGROUND GAS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE UTILITIES AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. CALL 1.800.922.1987, 6. ALL UTILITY POLES SHALL BE RELOCATED PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. 7. WITH NOTIFICATION OF THE RESPECTIVE OWNER, ADJUST RIMS OF ALL CLEANOUTS, MANHOLES, VALVE COVERS AND SURVEY MONUMENTS PRIOR TO THE FINAL PAVING LIFT. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL LIGHTS, SIGNS, BARRICADES, FLAGMEN OR OTHER DEVICES NECESSARY TO PROVIDE FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN INGRESS AND EGRESS TO PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE WORK THROUGHOUT THE PERIOD Of CONSTRUCTION. PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A WRITTEN AGREEMENT FROM THE AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNER(S) IMPACTED BY THIS ACCESS. 30. PRIOR TO THE FINAL LIFT OF SURFACE PAVEMENT ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITY MAINS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS STUBBED OUT BEYOND THE BACK OF CURB/SIDEWALK LINE WHEN ALLOWED BY THE UTILITY. SERVICE FROM PUBLIC UTILITIES AND FROM SANITARY SEWERS SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR EACH LOT IN SUCH A MANNER THAT WILL NOT BE NECESSARY TO DISTURB THE STREET PAVEMENT, NRB, GLITTER AND SIDEWALK WHEN CONNECTIONSARE MADE. 11. TWO (2) COPIES OF THE -AS BUILT- PLANS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK: a. 1COPY 15 TO BE ON 24' X 36' BOND PAPER, AND b. 1COPY IS TO BE ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA (CDROM OR DVD -ROM) AND IS TO BE IN AN AUTOCAD COMPATIBLE FORMAT (.DXf, .DWG). 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY INSPECTOR AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO THE DESIRED INSPECTION. 13. NO PORTION OF THE STREET MAYBE FINAL PAVED UNTIL ALL STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS, DESIGNED TO SERVE THE STREET AND/OR DEVELOPMENT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. U. STREET RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENTS SHALL BE SET PRIOR TO FINAL LIFT OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT. MONUMENT HARDWARE SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE UPON REQUEST. 15. SEEDING AND MULCHING SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF INITIAL EXPOSURE OR SEVEN (7) DAYS AFTER GRADING IS SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE IN A GIVEN AREA (AS DEFINED BY THE CITY). THIS MAY REQUIRE MULTIPLE MOBILIZATIONS FOR SEEDING AND MULCHING. 16. ANY DISTURBESE D AREA OR STOCKPILE NOT AT FINAL GRADE THAT IS TO BE LEFT EXPOSED FOR MORE THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS AND IS NOT SUBJECT TO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC, SHALL BE TEMPORARILY SEEDED WITHIN SEVEN(7) DAYS OF PLACEMENT OR DISTURBANCE IN ACCORDANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY Of WHEAT RIDGE TEMPORARY SEEDING STANDARDS. IF THE SEASON OR STOCKPILE MATERIAL PROHIBITS TEMPORARY SEEDING, THE DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH CITY Of WHEAT RIDGE SEEDING AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. 17, STOCKPILES OF ANY MATERIAL SHALL BE LOCATED FULLY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AND NO LESS THAT 100 FE ET FROM THE BANKS OF THE NEAREST DRAINAGEWAY. STOCXPILE AREAS SHALL BE SIZEDTO FULLYCONTAIN THE MATERIAL BASED ON MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STOCKPILE SIDE SLOPES OF 3 (HORIZONTAL) TO 1 (VERTICAL) CONSTRUCTION 18. PERMANENT 0R TEMPORARY S01L STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE APPLIED TO DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS ACHIEVED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE, OR TO DISTURBED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BEAT FINAL GRADE, BUT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR A PERIOD OF TIME OF MORE THAN 30 DAYS. 19. ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED WRING CONSTRUCTION, AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY PER INSTRUCTIONS Of THE CITY INSPECTOR. STATEMENT OF LAND USE THE WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING WOULD SERVE ASA FREE STANDING EMERGENCY ROOM FACILITY WITH PATIENTS TRAVELING TO THEFACILITY BY PRIVATE VEHICLES. AMBULANCE SERVICE MAY BE PROVIDED TO TRANSPORT PATIENTS TO A LARGER FACILITY, IF NECESSARY. PATIENTS WILL REMAIN AT THE EMERGENCY CENTER FOR NO LONGER THAN 23 HOURS. THE PROPERTY IS BEING RE -ZONED FROM MIXED USED NEIGHBORHOOD (MU N) TO MIXED USED. COMMERCIAL (MU -C) LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, TEXACO MINOR SUBDIVISION, COUNTY Of JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BENCHMARK PROJECT BENCHMARK: CITY Of WHEAT RIDGE, CENTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH P.M., FOUND 3.25' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED 'LS 13212' PER MONUMENT RECORD BY PL5 23519 DATED 12/31/2009. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT NUMBER 15709 AT N1705383. 28, E3117656.79 AND ELEVATION 5447.48. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CERTIFICATION I HEREBY AFFIRM THAT THESE FINAL CONSTRUCTION PLANS WERE PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION; IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE ADAMS COUNTY AND STATE OF COLORADO STANDARDS AND STATUTES, RESPECTIVELY; AND THAT I AM FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DESIGN AND REVISIONS RELATIVE TO SAID PLANS. DAVID A. CARPENTER, PE DATE REGISTRATION NO 40140 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, DOUGLAS H. ORT III, A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, ON THE BASIS OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SITE PLAN IS BASED UPON A DESIGN SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION IN MAY 2015, AND THAT THE BOUNDARY IS AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF THE PROPERTY AS DETERMINED BY THE SURVEY. DOUGLAS H. ORT III, PIS 37066 Nil Z A .; om dkm Z Q 059 —SOLI O U til (7 Z QH IJ I m J 3 W U ¢ W W >I) J cc W W > > p m U M I— li O 3 � 3 0 OI E7 g-29-3013 SHEET 1 -10 REA.WHCO01 CIVIL ENGINEER / SURVEYOR UTILITY LIST MANHARD CONSULTING 1083S D0VER STREET, SUITE 700 GAS &ELECTRIC WESTMINSTER, CO W021 XCELENERGY 303665-5505 1-800.895.1999(ELECTRIC) GENERAL NOTES: DAVID CARPENTER, PE 1-SOD8952999(GAS) DOUGLAS ORT. PLS 1. NOTICE:ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UP0N ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. INNO EVENT MAY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. DEVELOPER 2. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY MANHARD CONSULTING TO DETERMINE TITLE OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. RESEARCH FOR THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED IN RXMS WHEAT RIDGE U.C. ACCORDANCE WITH CRS 38-51-106 AND THE RULES OF PROCEDURE AND BOARD POLICY STATEMENTS OF THE STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS, SPECIFICALLY THOSE BOARD RULES AND POLICY STATEMENTS RELATING TO THE DEPICTION OF EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY ON SUBDIVISION PLATS. 5850 SAN FELIPE, SUITE 490 TITLE COMMITMENT NUMBER 508 F0514217 017 017, DATED APRIL 23, 2015 PREPARED BY FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY NCS WAS RELIEDUPON FOR ALL INFORMATION HOUSTON, TX 77057 REGARDING THE PARENT TRACT, EASEMENTS OF REC0RD, RIGHTS OF WAY, TITLE OF RECORD AND CIVIL COURT ACTIONS OF RECORD. THE PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED AND DEPICTED ON THIS 713-782-9000 SURVEY IS THE SAME AS THAT IN THE TITLE COMMITMENT. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND TITLE EXCEPTIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM THE TITLE COMMITMENT. MATT CAMP AIA 3. BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTER LINE OF SECTIONI9'35'E, 26, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CONTROL NETWORK BEING SOO MONUMENTED ON THE NORTH BY THE NORTH QUARTER -CORNER OF SECTION 26 BEING A FOUND 3.25' BRASS CAP, IN RANGE BOX STAMPED PLS 13212 AND ON THE SOUTH BY THE CENTER OF SECTION 26 BEING A AGENCY LIST FOUND 3.25' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED PLS 13212. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 4. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN ZONE X, DEFINED AS "AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE SW YEAR FLOOD PLAIN', AS SHOWN ON FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM), MAP 7SOO WEST 27TH AVENUE NUMBER 0805900214F, REVISED FEBRUARY S, 2014- W HEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 S. DURING THE COURSE OF THIS SURVEY, THERE WAS NO OBSERVED EVIDENCE OF CURRENT EARTH MOVING WORK, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDING ADDITIONS. WHEAT RIDGE (WATER DISTRICT( 6. DURING THE COURSE OF THIS SURVEY, THERE WAS NO OBSERVED EVIDENCE OF THIS SITE BEING USED AS A SOLID WASTE DUMP, SUMP OR SANITARY LANDFILL. 6827 WEST 38TH WAVENUE WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 80033 7. THE PROPERTY HAS DIRECT PHYSICAL ACCESS TO WEST 38TH AVE AND WADSW0RTH BLVD, A DEDICATED PUBLIC STREET OR HIGHWAY 424-2844 8. UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON, IS BASED ON LOCATION OF SURFACE EVIDENCE IN COMBINATION WITH ENGINEERING UTILITY LOCATES PERFORMED BY DIVERSIFIED UNDERGROUND ON 05/28/2015. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS BASED ON RECORDS OF THE WHEAT RIDGE SANITATION DISTRICT) VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES AND, WHERE POSSIBLE, MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION R NOT TO BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACTOR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR 7100 WEST 44TH STREET, SUITE 104 MUST CALL THE UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF COLORADO (811) AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST EXACT FIELD LOCATIONS OF THE UTILITIES. IT SHALL BE THE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES THAT CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 424 7252 9. ACCORDING TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE WEB SITE, AS SEARCHED ON 05/27/2015, THE ZONING FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS: FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PLAT Q-SUPERETTE PCD SITE PLAN REC. N0. 89029738 OWNERIS CERTIFICATE The 6elow signed—neHs). w legally designated Zen") thweol, dahereby .7 -Mat bre prW" legally desrnbed hereon ." he de_bped in accwdanre wdh the restnctwns arta condAb contained m NU planand as may tithe—e be re9ured by law I (we) tonne, recognize that the apprm'al r¢1h6 Slte Plan tloes nw aeale a vasre0 property rght. Vested a.p-y,Vh. may Only apse and a ue pu—nl 10 the povislons of Sechon 26-121 of the Wheal RAp Code o1 Laws (inaerl name of ow,"ll) w agent(s) who win sign) State W Cddredo ) )SS Counly d Jefferson ) The Iwagang Inst u t waa eckr ,ledged Detwe nre Nis _--__--- W Mess my hand and off—I seal. My cwnmissgn 6XPxes CITY CERTIFICATION ApI>oved MIs -.. day of by the Cdy of Wheat RKlge ATTEST CalnmunilyDBVeepmenl-D.-I_I_ GENERAL NOTES FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT: 1. ALL WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT -OF WAY OR EASEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING REGULATIONS AND DESIGN STANDARDS, 2. AN APPROVED RIGHT OF WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT AND A MUNICIPAL COM RACTOR'S LICENSE IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY WORK COMMENCING WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF -WAY. ANY WORK PERFORMED WITHIN THE STATE RIGHT OFWAY SHALL REQUIRE AN APPROVED STATE CONSTRUCTION PE RMrT PRIOR TO ANY WORK COMMENCING. 3. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY THE OWNER/DEVELOPER OF ANY PROBLEM IN CONFORMING TO THE AP PROVED CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR ANY ELEMENT OF THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO ITS CONSTRUCTION. 4 IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO RESOLVE CONSTRUCTION PROBLEMS DUE TO CHANGED CONDITIONS OR DESIGN ERRORS ENCOUNTERED BY THE CONTRACTOR DURING THE PROGRESS OF ANY PORTION OF THE PROPOSED WORK. IF, IN THE OPINION OF THE CITY'S INSPECTOR, THE MODIFICATIONS PROPOSED BY THE DEVELOPER TO THE APPROVED PLANS INVOLVE SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO THE CHARACTER OFTHE WORK OR TO FUTURE CONTIGUOUS PUBLIC OR PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS, THE DEVELOPER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUBMITTING REVISED PLANS TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER CONSTRUCTION RELATED TO THAT PORTION OF WORK. ANY IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS, OR THE APPROVED REVISED PLANS SHALL BE REMOVED AND THE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE RECONSTRUCTED TO THE APPROVED PLANS. S. UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF COLORADO FOR LOCATION ON UNDERGROUND GAS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE UTILITIES AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. CALL 1.800.922.1987, 6. ALL UTILITY POLES SHALL BE RELOCATED PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. 7. WITH NOTIFICATION OF THE RESPECTIVE OWNER, ADJUST RIMS OF ALL CLEANOUTS, MANHOLES, VALVE COVERS AND SURVEY MONUMENTS PRIOR TO THE FINAL PAVING LIFT. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL LIGHTS, SIGNS, BARRICADES, FLAGMEN OR OTHER DEVICES NECESSARY TO PROVIDE FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN INGRESS AND EGRESS TO PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE WORK THROUGHOUT THE PERIOD Of CONSTRUCTION. PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A WRITTEN AGREEMENT FROM THE AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNER(S) IMPACTED BY THIS ACCESS. 30. PRIOR TO THE FINAL LIFT OF SURFACE PAVEMENT ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITY MAINS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS STUBBED OUT BEYOND THE BACK OF CURB/SIDEWALK LINE WHEN ALLOWED BY THE UTILITY. SERVICE FROM PUBLIC UTILITIES AND FROM SANITARY SEWERS SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR EACH LOT IN SUCH A MANNER THAT WILL NOT BE NECESSARY TO DISTURB THE STREET PAVEMENT, NRB, GLITTER AND SIDEWALK WHEN CONNECTIONSARE MADE. 11. TWO (2) COPIES OF THE -AS BUILT- PLANS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK: a. 1COPY 15 TO BE ON 24' X 36' BOND PAPER, AND b. 1COPY IS TO BE ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA (CDROM OR DVD -ROM) AND IS TO BE IN AN AUTOCAD COMPATIBLE FORMAT (.DXf, .DWG). 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY INSPECTOR AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO THE DESIRED INSPECTION. 13. NO PORTION OF THE STREET MAYBE FINAL PAVED UNTIL ALL STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS, DESIGNED TO SERVE THE STREET AND/OR DEVELOPMENT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. U. STREET RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENTS SHALL BE SET PRIOR TO FINAL LIFT OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT. MONUMENT HARDWARE SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE UPON REQUEST. 15. SEEDING AND MULCHING SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF INITIAL EXPOSURE OR SEVEN (7) DAYS AFTER GRADING IS SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE IN A GIVEN AREA (AS DEFINED BY THE CITY). THIS MAY REQUIRE MULTIPLE MOBILIZATIONS FOR SEEDING AND MULCHING. 16. ANY DISTURBESE D AREA OR STOCKPILE NOT AT FINAL GRADE THAT IS TO BE LEFT EXPOSED FOR MORE THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS AND IS NOT SUBJECT TO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC, SHALL BE TEMPORARILY SEEDED WITHIN SEVEN(7) DAYS OF PLACEMENT OR DISTURBANCE IN ACCORDANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY Of WHEAT RIDGE TEMPORARY SEEDING STANDARDS. IF THE SEASON OR STOCKPILE MATERIAL PROHIBITS TEMPORARY SEEDING, THE DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH CITY Of WHEAT RIDGE SEEDING AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. 17, STOCKPILES OF ANY MATERIAL SHALL BE LOCATED FULLY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AND NO LESS THAT 100 FE ET FROM THE BANKS OF THE NEAREST DRAINAGEWAY. STOCXPILE AREAS SHALL BE SIZEDTO FULLYCONTAIN THE MATERIAL BASED ON MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STOCKPILE SIDE SLOPES OF 3 (HORIZONTAL) TO 1 (VERTICAL) CONSTRUCTION 18. PERMANENT 0R TEMPORARY S01L STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE APPLIED TO DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS ACHIEVED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE, OR TO DISTURBED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BEAT FINAL GRADE, BUT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR A PERIOD OF TIME OF MORE THAN 30 DAYS. 19. ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED WRING CONSTRUCTION, AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY PER INSTRUCTIONS Of THE CITY INSPECTOR. STATEMENT OF LAND USE THE WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING WOULD SERVE ASA FREE STANDING EMERGENCY ROOM FACILITY WITH PATIENTS TRAVELING TO THEFACILITY BY PRIVATE VEHICLES. AMBULANCE SERVICE MAY BE PROVIDED TO TRANSPORT PATIENTS TO A LARGER FACILITY, IF NECESSARY. PATIENTS WILL REMAIN AT THE EMERGENCY CENTER FOR NO LONGER THAN 23 HOURS. THE PROPERTY IS BEING RE -ZONED FROM MIXED USED NEIGHBORHOOD (MU N) TO MIXED USED. COMMERCIAL (MU -C) LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, TEXACO MINOR SUBDIVISION, COUNTY Of JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BENCHMARK PROJECT BENCHMARK: CITY Of WHEAT RIDGE, CENTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH P.M., FOUND 3.25' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED 'LS 13212' PER MONUMENT RECORD BY PL5 23519 DATED 12/31/2009. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT NUMBER 15709 AT N1705383. 28, E3117656.79 AND ELEVATION 5447.48. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CERTIFICATION I HEREBY AFFIRM THAT THESE FINAL CONSTRUCTION PLANS WERE PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION; IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE ADAMS COUNTY AND STATE OF COLORADO STANDARDS AND STATUTES, RESPECTIVELY; AND THAT I AM FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DESIGN AND REVISIONS RELATIVE TO SAID PLANS. DAVID A. CARPENTER, PE DATE REGISTRATION NO 40140 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, DOUGLAS H. ORT III, A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, ON THE BASIS OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SITE PLAN IS BASED UPON A DESIGN SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION IN MAY 2015, AND THAT THE BOUNDARY IS AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF THE PROPERTY AS DETERMINED BY THE SURVEY. DOUGLAS H. ORT III, PIS 37066 Nil Z A .; om dkm Z Q 059 —SOLI O U til (7 Z QH IJ I m J 3 W U ¢ W W >I) J cc W W > > p m U M I— li O 3 � 3 0 OI E7 g-29-3013 SHEET 1 -10 REA.WHCO01 SITE PLAN WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING 3790 WADSWORTH BOULEVARD, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO W. 38TH AVENUE (sa R.O.W.) INCIDENTAL PURPOSE 30'UTILIIY EASEMENT EASEMENT -__ REC U4090036528 C. N090036528 .30L STRE E7 LIGHT )• '-N89'38'22'E 14SAS' EX. TRAFFIC SIGNAL III PROPOSED sff ls, LANDSCAPE ^ dy AREA EX. UTILITY POLE EXISTING 10' RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION BY SEPARATE PROPERTY UNE/ROW DEDICATION INSTRUMENT EASEMENT O W s 0 PROPOSED z 5 0 FENCE UNE 0 S'UTILITY EASEMENT O REC. ND 88115826 0 UTILITY POLE 0 0 30' UTILITY EASEMENT REC NO 90036528 PROPOSED ddr EX. UTILITY POLE — I W/ STREET LIGHT I LLJ I I 19' n SETBACK I SINGLE STORY MEDICAL BUILDING 8,432 SF 25 SPACES 3.0/1000 LOT PIN 39-261-19-006 41,624 SF 0.955 AC. . I YAlItN1 UAUP VH I � L---- -- -- —J 1 12' PROPSED STREET LIGHT + m O q b 9' TYP. tj Ex, STREET LIGHT CONCRETE EWE EX. SIGN Ex SIGN l JLAN�DSWE 26.5' _ _jlIVUTILITY EASEMENT ` REC'"08809B665 . STREET LIGHT RTD EASEMENT NTED REC. NO 98098665 TION4'PUBLIC SERVICE (TYP.) EASEMENT I to REC N090 121 EJL S GN i 26.5' TYP. CONCRETE EDGE 1 PAINTED « N DIRCT)ON y ARROW (TYP.) + S 7 9, EX. STREET LIGHT TYP' s PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AREA RC PSED STREET LIGHT EX. UTILITY POLE 166.01' 589'38'12W a \- EX. UTILITY POLE LOT PIN 39-261-00-055 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL 24,255 SF 0.557 AC. PROPSED STREET LIGHT LOT PIN 39-261-19-001 MU -NEIGHBORHOOD 124,582 SF 2.86 AC. PROPSED STREET LIGHT S' PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT REC NO 881IS926 EX. STREET LIGHT "J PROPOSED8'x14S6'TALL _. -- CMU TRASH ENCLOSURE - _ ON CONCRETE SLAB � EX. UTILITY POLE 30' UTILITY EASEMENT REC. NO 90036528 STATEMENT OF LAND USE THE WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING WOULD SERVE ASA FREESTANDING EMERGENCY ROOM FACILITY WfTH PATIENTS TRAVELING TO THE FACILITY BY PRIVATE VEHICLES. AMBULANCE SERVICE MAY BE PROVIDED 70 TRANSPORT PATIENTS TO A LARGER FACILITY, IF NECESSARY. PATIENTS WILL REMAIN AT THE EMERGENCY CENTER FOR NO LONGER THAN 23 HOURS. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, TEXACO MINOR SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BENCHMARK PROJECT BENCHMARK: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CENTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH P.M., FOUND 3.2S' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED -LS 13212' PER MONUMENT RECORD BY PLS 23519 DATED 12/31/2009. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT NUMBER 15709 AT N170S393.28, E31176S6.79 AND ELEVATION 54.17.48. LEGEND PROPOSED EXISTING O PROPERTY UNE/ROW DEDICATION S' z EASEMENT O W EWE OF PAVEMENT PROPOSED > FENCE UNE LANDSCAPE AREA GUY WIRE D 411111 UTILITY POLE Z .o PROPOSED LANDSCAPE DECIDUOUS TREE AREA C3. TYP. CONCRETE EDGE 1 PAINTED « N DIRCT)ON y ARROW (TYP.) + S 7 9, EX. STREET LIGHT TYP' s PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AREA RC PSED STREET LIGHT EX. UTILITY POLE 166.01' 589'38'12W a \- EX. UTILITY POLE LOT PIN 39-261-00-055 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL 24,255 SF 0.557 AC. PROPSED STREET LIGHT LOT PIN 39-261-19-001 MU -NEIGHBORHOOD 124,582 SF 2.86 AC. PROPSED STREET LIGHT S' PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT REC NO 881IS926 EX. STREET LIGHT "J PROPOSED8'x14S6'TALL _. -- CMU TRASH ENCLOSURE - _ ON CONCRETE SLAB � EX. UTILITY POLE 30' UTILITY EASEMENT REC. NO 90036528 STATEMENT OF LAND USE THE WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING WOULD SERVE ASA FREESTANDING EMERGENCY ROOM FACILITY WfTH PATIENTS TRAVELING TO THE FACILITY BY PRIVATE VEHICLES. AMBULANCE SERVICE MAY BE PROVIDED 70 TRANSPORT PATIENTS TO A LARGER FACILITY, IF NECESSARY. PATIENTS WILL REMAIN AT THE EMERGENCY CENTER FOR NO LONGER THAN 23 HOURS. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, TEXACO MINOR SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BENCHMARK PROJECT BENCHMARK: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CENTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH P.M., FOUND 3.2S' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED -LS 13212' PER MONUMENT RECORD BY PLS 23519 DATED 12/31/2009. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT NUMBER 15709 AT N170S393.28, E31176S6.79 AND ELEVATION 54.17.48. LEGEND PROPOSED EXISTING O PROPERTY UNE/ROW DEDICATION U EASEMENT W EWE OF PAVEMENT > FENCE UNE GUY WIRE D UTILITY POLE Z .o TRAFFIC LIGHT G DECIDUOUS TREE i.e...,. MTI C3. LIGHT POLE LLJ ........................... SIDEWALKICONCRETE y ....... .......-_..... SIGN 0 30 20 m PAINTED DIRECTION ARROWS Know what's belOW. O U W SITE DATA TABLE N EXISTING ZONING I MIXED USE NEIGHBORHOOD D PROPOSEDIANDUSE I MIXED USE COMMERCIAL/MEDICAL BUILDING Z TOTAL AREA GROSS NET G Q i.e...,. MTI J LLJ CAP 3 ow..,. AD BUILDING COVERAGE (.-1 1 33 299 SF 80% 8 432 SF 20.2% ern 8-29-2VI5 0 30 20 m 3 SHIM NARDSCAPE AREA MAX 33.799 SF 80% 29,321 SF 70.4% Z SCALE: 1*=20' OL g PARKING REQUIRED PROVIDED L O W sTANOARD STALL 2S 15 i - w Lu LLJ Z)m N c Q � O � 3 3 � O Know what's belOW. Call before you dig. SITE DATA TABLE N EXISTING ZONING I MIXED USE NEIGHBORHOOD PROPOSEDIANDUSE I MIXED USE COMMERCIAL/MEDICAL BUILDING TOTAL AREA GROSS NET PIN 39-261-19-006 41,624 SF 0.955 ACRES 137.648 SF 0.864 ACRES i.e...,. MTI REQUIRED PROVIDED CAP 3 ow..,. AD BUILDING COVERAGE (.-1 1 33 299 SF 80% 8 432 SF 20.2% ern 8-29-2VI5 0 30 20 40 1 LANDSCAPE AREA(MAX)9,325 SF 20% 11 969 Sf 28.S% SHIM NARDSCAPE AREA MAX 33.799 SF 80% 29,321 SF 70.4% y SCALE: 1*=20' 9 PARKING REQUIRED PROVIDED L O sTANOARD STALL 2S 15 ACCESSIBLE STALL 1 2 k REA.WH0001 EROSION CONTROL PLAN WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING 3790 WADSWORTH BOULEVARD, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO W. 38TH AVENUE (SO' R.O.W.{ LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION .PROPERTY UNE — I� ' - •'- _ N89'38'22'E 14545' LOT PIN 39-261-00-055 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL 24,255 SF 0.557 AC. LIMITS Of CONSTRUCTION E PROPERTY LINE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION 6 PROPERTY LINE LOT PIN 39-261-19-001 MU -NEIGHBORHOOD 124,582 SF 2.86 AC. STATEMENT OF LAND USE THE WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING WOULD SERVE AS AFREE STANDING EMERGENCY ROOM FACILITY WITH PATIENTS TRAVELING TO THE FACILITY BY PRIVATE VEHICLES. AMBULANCE SERVICE MAY BE PROVIDED TO TRANSPORT PATIENTS TO A LARGER FACILITY, IF NECESSARY. PATIENTS WILL REMAIN AT THE EMERGENCY CENTER FOR NO LONGER THAN 23 HOURS. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, TEXACO MINOR SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE Of COLORADO sru0�uuAnW PROJECT BENCHMARK: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CENTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH P.M., FOUND 3.25'BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED 'LS 13212' PER MONUMENT RECORD BY PLS 23519 DATED 12/31/2009. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT NUMBER 15709 AT N1705383.28, E3117656.79 AND ELEVATION SM7.48. LEGEND BMP LEGEND PROPOSED EXISTING pp _j —5115— 5115 MAJOR CONTOURS O O CHECK OAM �R MINORCONTOURS PROPERTY UNE/ROW DEDIATION O O COMPOST BLANKET ---- ---- EDGE OF PAVEMENT Z E i FENCE LINE Q O COMPOST FILTER BERM ali;Y DECIDUOUS TREE O ♦ SIDEWALK(CONCRETE O CWA CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA — o — O CONSTRUCTION FENCE I O O O CONSTRUCTION MARKER �O �� pW DEWATERING ---�--�--�--� O DIVERSION DITCH r�O ECB EROSION CONTROL BLANKET O INLET PROTECTION w LOC UMITS OF CONSTRUCTION 2 PV PROTECTION OF EXISTING TREES 0 ~~ Z RCO REINFORCED CHECK DAM' — IL m 3 a O RRB REINFORCED ROCK BERM O O DEE RRC RRB FOR CULVERT PROTECTION W i O ® LU m U • O SEDIMENT BASIN Z o O SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG m y $T SEDIMENT TRAPQ O W Know what's MOW. ����✓✓✓✓ W= Q Call before you dig. O SEEDING AND MULCHING 3 -x-x- O SRT FENCE O n SSA STABILIZEDSTAGINGAREA O) C.) 0= O SURFACE ROUGHENING OTEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN OO TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING N -------------- J O TERRACING VTC VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL F OVTC WITH WHEEL WASH 0 10 20 40 ROCK AND RIPRAP GRADATIONS f IWXT SCALE: 1"=20' 3 -10 30'RIGHT Of WAY DEDICATION BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT I I \ J \ I f I ' i LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION -� ` \ .N \� PROPERTY LINE -- p _ I�EfI > W In m aS ' 3= \ O \ 3 j\ \ EROSION CONTROL PLAN WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING 3790 WADSWORTH BOULEVARD, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO W. 38TH AVENUE (SO' R.O.W.{ LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION .PROPERTY UNE — I� ' - •'- _ N89'38'22'E 14545' LOT PIN 39-261-00-055 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL 24,255 SF 0.557 AC. LIMITS Of CONSTRUCTION E PROPERTY LINE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION 6 PROPERTY LINE LOT PIN 39-261-19-001 MU -NEIGHBORHOOD 124,582 SF 2.86 AC. STATEMENT OF LAND USE THE WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING WOULD SERVE AS AFREE STANDING EMERGENCY ROOM FACILITY WITH PATIENTS TRAVELING TO THE FACILITY BY PRIVATE VEHICLES. AMBULANCE SERVICE MAY BE PROVIDED TO TRANSPORT PATIENTS TO A LARGER FACILITY, IF NECESSARY. PATIENTS WILL REMAIN AT THE EMERGENCY CENTER FOR NO LONGER THAN 23 HOURS. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, TEXACO MINOR SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE Of COLORADO sru0�uuAnW PROJECT BENCHMARK: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CENTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH P.M., FOUND 3.25'BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED 'LS 13212' PER MONUMENT RECORD BY PLS 23519 DATED 12/31/2009. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT NUMBER 15709 AT N1705383.28, E3117656.79 AND ELEVATION SM7.48. LEGEND BMP LEGEND PROPOSED EXISTING pp _j —5115— 5115 MAJOR CONTOURS O O CHECK OAM �R MINORCONTOURS PROPERTY UNE/ROW DEDIATION O O COMPOST BLANKET ---- ---- EDGE OF PAVEMENT Z E i FENCE LINE Q O COMPOST FILTER BERM ali;Y DECIDUOUS TREE O ♦ SIDEWALK(CONCRETE O CWA CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA — o — O CONSTRUCTION FENCE I O O O CONSTRUCTION MARKER �O �� pW DEWATERING ---�--�--�--� O DIVERSION DITCH r�O ECB EROSION CONTROL BLANKET O INLET PROTECTION w LOC UMITS OF CONSTRUCTION 2 PV PROTECTION OF EXISTING TREES 0 ~~ Z RCO REINFORCED CHECK DAM' — IL m 3 a O RRB REINFORCED ROCK BERM O O DEE RRC RRB FOR CULVERT PROTECTION W i O ® LU m U • O SEDIMENT BASIN Z o O SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG m y $T SEDIMENT TRAPQ O W Know what's MOW. ����✓✓✓✓ W= Q Call before you dig. O SEEDING AND MULCHING 3 -x-x- O SRT FENCE O n SSA STABILIZEDSTAGINGAREA O) C.) 0= O SURFACE ROUGHENING OTEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN OO TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING N -------------- J O TERRACING VTC VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL F OVTC WITH WHEEL WASH 0 10 20 40 ROCK AND RIPRAP GRADATIONS f IWXT SCALE: 1"=20' 3 -10 I� UTILITY PLAN WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING 3790 WADSWORTH BOULEVARD, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO W. 38TH AVENUE REMOVE EX. SIGN 6 CAP - HOT TAP EX, ETC ELEC. CONDUIT 10' WATER MAIN ! EX. 18• STORM 10' UTIUTY EASEMENT EX. STR11T LIGHT REC. NO 90036S28 _ ..... � r %.. ,".:• '> LPURPOSEMENT 15' PVCPROTECT IN PLACE INCIDENTAEASE CE 3d' ^ — DISCHARGE EX. FIBER CONDUrt � REC. N09003652R� �, 1 \ F.— CATCH BASIN . rEX. ST 0.EET LIGHT \ J 4 I r SIGNAL PROTECTIN PLACE c 30'UN S8TY EASEMENT ` EX. ELEC. CONDUIT REC. NO 881198665 ADD CLEANOUT �� CAP EX. TO EX. 6' SAN 4' SAN. RTD EASEMENT = it NO 89098665 0 ADD WATER METER —, CA BASIN i EX. UTILITY POLE TO EX. 1}' WATER I 24' OVERFLOW 'I SERVICE LINE A JUNCTION BOX a I I EX. • F4'PUBLICSERVICE REMOVE E%. MONITORING I EASEMENT 11Y RIGHT OF WAV WELTS ACROSS SITE TYP. ,,, REC. NO 9OD36528 DEDICATION BY SEPARATE ' INSTRUMENT REUSE EX > REMOVE EX. SIGN - SAN B WATER LINES I� PROPSED STREET LIGHT + SINGLE STORY40 'REMOVE MEDICAL BUILDING m REMOVE EX. GAS METER UNDERGROUND Z i +f GASTANKS 8,432 Sf - p PROTECTPLACE L 5' UTILITY EASEMENT � 25 SPACES 3" Q EX, GAS LINE REC. NO 9811SM26 3.0/1000 dJ " LOT REMOVE EX ELEC. METER ` 10 U71LITYEASEMENT r PIN 39-261-19006 REC N090036528 3 ABANDON EX ELEC. CONDUITS ` I I 41,624 $F PVC FIRE SERVICE 0 0.955 AC. LOT oc IW/ - + j ER. UTILITY POLE i. p PIN 39-261.19-001 w W/STREET UGHT I 0 REMOVE EX. ELEC. METER- MU -NEIGHBORHOOD RELOCATE GAS METER 124,$92 SF DD 3 " C ISI. 2.86 AC. O W H � ELECTRIC SERVICE ABANDON ETC E TELEPHONE CONDUIT 3 J C. SERVICE yJ CONDUIT PROPSED STREET LIGHT O TI, Q PROTECT IN PLACE EX. TELEPHONE BOX I L ------------J 5' PUBLIC SERVICE s EASEMENT �. REC. NO 98111916 PROPSED STREET LIGHT - " Q — ELEC. SERVICE CONDUIT _ EJC STREET LIGHT EX CATCH BASIN $ INFILTRATION BASIN FKU1kLT IN - CATCH BASIN EX. TELEPHONE CONDUIT s• - u• we EX. STREET LIGHT IREET STORM LINE PROI ED HT - — EX. TRANSf ORMER 11 POWER POLE . EX. UTILITY POLE E%. UTILITY POLE E% UTILITY POLE 30' UTILITY EASEMENT Y REC. NO 90036528 LOT PIN 39-261-00-055 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL 24,255 SF 0.557 AC. STATEMENT OF LAND USE THE WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING WOULD SERVE ASA FREE STANDING EMERGENCYROOM FACILITY WITH PATIENTS TRAVELING TO THE FACILITY BY PRIVATE VEHICLES. AMBULANCE SERVICE MAYBE PROVIDED TO TRANSPORT PATIENTS TO A LARGER FACILITY, IF NECESSARY. PATIENTS WILL REMAIN AT THE EMERGENCY CENTER FOR NO LONGER THAN 23 HOURS. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, TEXACO MINOR SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO PROJECT BENCHMARK: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CENTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, STH P.M., FOUND 3.2S' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED"LS 13212' PER MONUMENT RECORD BY PLS 23519 DATED 12/31/2009. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT NUMBER 15709 AT N3705383.28, E3117656.79 AND ELEVATION 5447.48. LEGEND PROPOSED EXISTING E .... ST a yy I\C 'J ■ O Y 04 EASEMENT EDGE OF PAVEMENT ELECTRIC LINE FENCE UNE FIBER LINE GAS LINE OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL LINE PROPERTY UNE SANITARY SEWER LINE STORM LINE TELEPHONE LINE WATER LINE CLEAN OUT DECIDUOUS TREE ELECTRICAL METER FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION GAS METER GUY WIRE INLET IRRIGATION VALVE LIGHT POLE MONITORING WELL PAINTED DIRECTION ARROWS SIDEWALK/CONCRETE STORM MANHOLE TELEPHONE PED TRAFFIC BOX TRAFFIC LIGHT TRANSFORMER UNDERGROUND GAS TANKS UTILITY POLE WATER MANHOLE WATER METER WATER VALVE N O 10 20 40 SCALE: 1"=20' Know what's below. Call before you dig. Z J to J U_ 0 W W 0 c FE r i Z a J H u..ec .OAP .,� AG 9-zlr2lna aFFEeT 4-10 REA.04Co01 �s 30'UTILITY900HENT REC. N090036528 i �- 5148.58 I 5449.26 � 5448.14 - 5"7.69 10' RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION BY SEPARATE �- 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS REFER TO FLOW -LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 51 INSTRUMENT MINOR CONTOURS 5448.77 $'UTILITY EASEMENT � 3. ExCAVATE WITH A TRACKED EXCAVATOR. NO TRAFfIC SHALL BE PERMITTED IN THE 5449.06 ppFF 5448.72 0 REC. NO 98115926 EASEMENT PROCEDURE FOR THE DETENTION FACILITY. FAILURE TO HAVE THE INSPECTION MAY RESULT 5449.10 . 10' UTILITY EASEMENT REC. N090036528 EDGE OF PAVEMENT I3 HEAVY EQUIPMENT IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE BASIN AREA 2.4% • • e 0 o r o a > f' e I W J 03 IID Q 0C � 5418.96 �. 5449.38 GRADING PLAN WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING 3790 WADSWORTH BOULEVARD, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO W. 38TH AVENUE nA�-- (50' R.O.W.) INCIDENTAL PURPOSE EASEMENT REC. N090036S28 , 5446.53 5415.82 " 5418.32 ~5417.3 5449.38 FF; 5449.38 SINGLE STORY MEDICAL BUILDING 8,432 SF 25 SPACES 3.0/1000 LOT PIN 39-261-19-006 41,624 SF 0.955 AC. SM9.38 /,-5449.38 5"9.38 00' ■ 10' UTILITY EASEMENT \� REC. NO 88098665 RTD EASEMENT REC. NO 9OM665 -1 5446.62 5"9.20 5447.10 5119.16 544, 20 5148.24 ` 5647.59 2:7x 5448.58 5448.04 0 M .� 2.9% �- 5148.58 I 5449.26 � 5448.14 - 5"7.69 o 1.4% 5"7.76 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS REFER TO FLOW -LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 51 - - ..._. - - MINOR CONTOURS 5448.77 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL FOR A PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION AT (303) 235.2861 A PROPERTY UNE 3. ExCAVATE WITH A TRACKED EXCAVATOR. NO TRAFfIC SHALL BE PERMITTED IN THE 5449.06 ppFF 5448.72 0 5448.00 EASEMENT PROCEDURE FOR THE DETENTION FACILITY. FAILURE TO HAVE THE INSPECTION MAY RESULT 5449.10 . ♦5447.64 EDGE OF PAVEMENT I3 HEAVY EQUIPMENT IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE BASIN AREA 2.4% • 7 yn �T 5446.391 DECIDUOUS TREE 5446.62 GARDEN GROWING MEDIA SIDEWALK 6. NO SILT, CLAY OR OTHER FINES FROM STORM RUNOFF SHALL ENTER THE EXCAVATION. OWNER OF SAID PROPERTY. - 5"9.19 7. TOP 6' OF SOIL SHALL BE BIOLITE RAIN GARDEN GROWING MEDIA (GOLF & SPORT 5446.98 PAINTED DIRECTION ARROWS IF OF WHEAT RIDGE STANDARD SEED MIX FOR REMAINDER OF GRASS AREAS ON SITE. PIN 39-26149-001 MU -NEIGHBORHOOD 124,582 SF 2.86 AC. i 5449.42 ';Ilii I \ I 1 � SM9.63 .1, 1z 1 I i I r - 1 � I J 5449.38 GRADING PLAN WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING 3790 WADSWORTH BOULEVARD, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO W. 38TH AVENUE nA�-- (50' R.O.W.) INCIDENTAL PURPOSE EASEMENT REC. N090036S28 , 5446.53 5415.82 " 5418.32 ~5417.3 5449.38 FF; 5449.38 SINGLE STORY MEDICAL BUILDING 8,432 SF 25 SPACES 3.0/1000 LOT PIN 39-261-19-006 41,624 SF 0.955 AC. SM9.38 /,-5449.38 5"9.38 00' ■ 10' UTILITY EASEMENT \� REC. NO 88098665 RTD EASEMENT REC. NO 9OM665 -1 5446.62 5"9.20 5447.10 5119.16 544, 20 5148.24 ` 5647.59 2:7x 5448.58 5448.04 0 M .� 2.9% STATEMENT OF LAND USE THE WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING WOULD SERVE ASA FREE STANDING EMERGENCY ROOM FACILITY WITH PATIENTS TRAVELING TO THE FACILITY BY PRIVATE VEHICLES. AMBULANCE SERVICE MAY BE PROVIDED TO TRANSPORT PATIENTS TO A LARGER FACIUTY, IF NECESSARY. PATIENTS WILL REMAIN AT THE EMERGENCY CENTER FOR NO LONGER THAN 23 HOURS, LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, TEXACO MINOR SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BENCHMARK PROJECT BENCHMARK: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CENTER OF SECTION 26. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH P.M., FOUND 3.2S' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED "IS 13212' PER MONUMENT RECORD BY PLS 23519 DATED 12/31/2009. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT NUMBER 15709 AT N1705383.28, E3117656.79 AND ELEVATION 5417.48. LEGEND y 4'PUBLIC SERVICE �- 5148.58 5"7.58 5449.26 � 5448.14 - 5"7.69 L- ----- J 1.4% 5"7.76 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS REFER TO FLOW -LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 51 - - ..._. - - MINOR CONTOURS 5448.77 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL FOR A PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION AT (303) 235.2861 A PROPERTY UNE 3. ExCAVATE WITH A TRACKED EXCAVATOR. NO TRAFfIC SHALL BE PERMITTED IN THE 5449.06 ppFF 5448.72 0 5448.00 EASEMENT PROCEDURE FOR THE DETENTION FACILITY. FAILURE TO HAVE THE INSPECTION MAY RESULT (t, (` F 5448.83 ♦5447.64 EDGE OF PAVEMENT 1.2%1.9++% � HEAVY EQUIPMENT IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE BASIN AREA 2.4% • 7 yn �T 5446.391 DECIDUOUS TREE 5446.62 GARDEN GROWING MEDIA SIDEWALK 6. NO SILT, CLAY OR OTHER FINES FROM STORM RUNOFF SHALL ENTER THE EXCAVATION. OWNER OF SAID PROPERTY. - 5"9.19 7. TOP 6' OF SOIL SHALL BE BIOLITE RAIN GARDEN GROWING MEDIA (GOLF & SPORT 5446.98 STATEMENT OF LAND USE THE WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING WOULD SERVE ASA FREE STANDING EMERGENCY ROOM FACILITY WITH PATIENTS TRAVELING TO THE FACILITY BY PRIVATE VEHICLES. AMBULANCE SERVICE MAY BE PROVIDED TO TRANSPORT PATIENTS TO A LARGER FACIUTY, IF NECESSARY. PATIENTS WILL REMAIN AT THE EMERGENCY CENTER FOR NO LONGER THAN 23 HOURS, LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, TEXACO MINOR SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BENCHMARK PROJECT BENCHMARK: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CENTER OF SECTION 26. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH P.M., FOUND 3.2S' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED "IS 13212' PER MONUMENT RECORD BY PLS 23519 DATED 12/31/2009. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT NUMBER 15709 AT N1705383.28, E3117656.79 AND ELEVATION 5417.48. LEGEND y 4'PUBLIC SERVICE PROPOSED EXISTING T17 EASEMENT REC. NO 90036528 -5115- - - 5115 - - MAJOR CONTOURS 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS REFER TO FLOW -LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. - S315 - - - ..._. - - MINOR CONTOURS GRADE OR TO DEPTH WHERE POROUS GRAVEL/SAND LAYER IS ACHIEVED. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL FOR A PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION AT (303) 235.2861 A PROPERTY UNE 3. ExCAVATE WITH A TRACKED EXCAVATOR. NO TRAFfIC SHALL BE PERMITTED IN THE MINIMUM OF 24 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE SOIL SCARIFICATION RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL EASEMENT PROCEDURE FOR THE DETENTION FACILITY. FAILURE TO HAVE THE INSPECTION MAY RESULT - --- -- EDGE OF PAVEMENT 24,255 SFADDITIONAL HEAVY EQUIPMENT IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE BASIN AREA `. FENCE LINE 5. ONCE THE SYSTEM IS EXCAVATED TO THE INFILTRATIVE SURFACE ELEVATION AND THE 4, NO GRADING FOR DETENTION OR WATER QUALITY FACILITIES SHALL OCCUR WITHIN TWO (2) DECIDUOUS TREE FEET OF THE PROPERTY BOUNDARY. ANY WORK THAT AFFECTS ADJOINING PROPERTY SHALL GARDEN GROWING MEDIA SIDEWALK 6. NO SILT, CLAY OR OTHER FINES FROM STORM RUNOFF SHALL ENTER THE EXCAVATION. OWNER OF SAID PROPERTY. SIGN 7. TOP 6' OF SOIL SHALL BE BIOLITE RAIN GARDEN GROWING MEDIA (GOLF & SPORT S. MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALLS OVER 48' IN HEIGHT SHALL BE ENGINEERED (REFER TO PAINTED DIRECTION ARROWS LOT OF WHEAT RIDGE STANDARD SEED MIX FOR REMAINDER OF GRASS AREAS ON SITE. PIN 39-26149-001 MU -NEIGHBORHOOD 124,582 SF 2.86 AC. S'PUBUC SERVICE EASEMENT INFILTRATION BASIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES REC. NO 88115826 T17 D K KX nn L_.' SCALE:1"=8R' Know what's below. Call before you dig. v 10'UTILITYEASEMENT INFILTRATION BASIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES REC. NO 90036528 NOTES: 1. BLOCK OFF AREA TO PROTECT IT FROM COMPACTION BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS REFER TO FLOW -LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. LOT 2. EXCAVATE SOIL IN INFILTRATION BASIN TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 48' BELOW EXISTING 2. RETAINING WALL TO BE DESIGN -BUILD DURING CONSTRUCTION. GRADE OR TO DEPTH WHERE POROUS GRAVEL/SAND LAYER IS ACHIEVED. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL FOR A PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION AT (303) 235.2861 A PIN 39-261-00-055 3. ExCAVATE WITH A TRACKED EXCAVATOR. NO TRAFfIC SHALL BE PERMITTED IN THE MINIMUM OF 24 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE SOIL SCARIFICATION RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION. PROTECT THE SOIL FROM COMPACTION. PROCEDURE FOR THE DETENTION FACILITY. FAILURE TO HAVE THE INSPECTION MAY RESULT 4. SUBSEQUENT TO EXCAVATION, THE BOTTOM OF THE BASIN IS SCARIFIED AND NO IN REMOVAL AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE AREA AT THE SOLE EXPENSE OF THE 24,255 SFADDITIONAL HEAVY EQUIPMENT IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE BASIN AREA CONTRACTOR. O.SS7 AC. 5. ONCE THE SYSTEM IS EXCAVATED TO THE INFILTRATIVE SURFACE ELEVATION AND THE 4, NO GRADING FOR DETENTION OR WATER QUALITY FACILITIES SHALL OCCUR WITHIN TWO (2) BOTTOM SCARIFIED, HAND RAKE IN PREPARATION FOR PLACEMENT OF BIOUTE RAIN FEET OF THE PROPERTY BOUNDARY. ANY WORK THAT AFFECTS ADJOINING PROPERTY SHALL GARDEN GROWING MEDIA REQUIRE WRITTEN APPROVAL AND/OR A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT FROM THE 6. NO SILT, CLAY OR OTHER FINES FROM STORM RUNOFF SHALL ENTER THE EXCAVATION. OWNER OF SAID PROPERTY. 7. TOP 6' OF SOIL SHALL BE BIOLITE RAIN GARDEN GROWING MEDIA (GOLF & SPORT S. MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALLS OVER 48' IN HEIGHT SHALL BE ENGINEERED (REFER TO SOLUTIONS (970) 294-6121) OR OTHER UDFCD APPROVED EQUIVALENT, SHALL BE MIXED WITH NATIVE SEED MIX FOR RAIN GARDENS' PER UDFCD TABLE 8-6. USE CITY STRUCTURAL PLANS) WALLS LESS THAN 48' IN HEIGHT TO BE DESIGN BUILD. OF WHEAT RIDGE STANDARD SEED MIX FOR REMAINDER OF GRASS AREAS ON SITE. 0 U W z J °D 3 z L) CC g o J _z W 3 C3 a 0 Jb cr 0 F Q O 3 C3 3 O n SHEET 5 OF 10 all PoOi.vO..JE 9Wi.E , rr.wr. r. REaFEc,NEsr. atEEl PERFDMTED aDu.AE ,LMLO A9 aDrwEo By VN4,MI, W MPRpIFD EOIYt SIGN BASE DETAIL NOT ro rntE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE T-EO1 SIGN.BASE ETAL CODE „T, ENGINEERING DIVISION OF PUBLIC WORKS SIGN BASE DETAIL T EN NOTE: CONTRACTION JOINTS REQUIRED AT MAXIMUM 10' SPACING, MINIMUM 5 SPACING. MEASUREMENT: LINEAR FOOT (LF) PAYMENT: BY CG TYPE IW RADIUS COOT SEC WR STD I A IIB JC:. --,.. NA NA It? 1/S' RADIUS TOP OF CURB TO SLOPE TOWARDS GUTTER (114' IFT). R _-OMPACTED TO MINIMUM DENSITY PER SOIL CLASSIFICATION, COOT SECTION 20107 VERTICAL CURB & GUTTER (CG) SECTION SCALE'. I— T-0' 4 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE C•001 VCG °ETAK cDDE DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS VERTICAL CURB AND G` ENGINEERING DIVISION GUTTER (CG) SECTION ADA SIGN /-6'CURB STANDARD ACCESSIBLE SPACE NOTES: 1. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: IF MORE THAN THREE (3) STREET CUTS OCCUR WITHIN 2SO LINEAR FEET, ADDITIONAL MILUNG/OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS WILL APPLY. REFER TO THE TERMS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, 303.135.20.61, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 2. CONTRACTOR SMALL OBTAIN THE PROPER ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMITS FROM THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303.235.2861( PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-0OV WAY. 3. ONCE EXCAVATED, THE BOTTOM OF THE DETENTION AREA SHALL BE SCARIFIED AND NO FURTHER HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE AREA C THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL FOR A PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION AT 303.235.2861 A MINIMUM OF 24 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE SOL SCARIFICATION PROCEDURE FOR THE DETENTION FACILITY. FAILURE TO HAVE THE INSPECTION MAY RESULT IN REMOVAL AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE AREA AT THE SOLE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR. 5. NO GRADING FOR DETENTION OR WQ FACILITIES SHAD OCCUR WITHIN TWO (2) FEET OF THE PROPERTY BOUNDARY. ANY WORK THAT AFFECTS ADJOINING PROPERTY SHALL REQUIRE WRITTEN APPROVAL AND/OR A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT FROM THE OWNER OF SAID PROPERTY. 6. MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALLS OVER 18' IN HEIGHT SHALL BE ENGINEERED (REFER TO STRUCTURAL PLANS(. WALLS LESS THAN 18' M HEIGHT TO BE DESIGN BUILD. rwREwENTw� r uHw.RSRcw ver REr CDNOEiE PAYENENrmlen aosouDe cwsACTEoro 1MYIL f1051N PEA 60. pAS1FiGlYM rnoT aECT,ol.lmor CONCRETE •.0 IuuDs ul Til — �Y�IauoE a,u lAEaoEMlual Iowual�coERNERoru .RErvicml.�rs.i mEs«.,wl I tXnwnoe l%AIAcrXoro P.v ITEM •A1n IP.iCr•I la"� ISvI ItbwE>iCW I 11EalAY DD6rtv YEA DIOL M6aiCATgN. IDOT aECTKri N610E ASPHALT , w•cm,IRD Root •' ADfA6WR anvE DOI,waE IOAsaal w' CADb•ED ROOt RW I PAY rtEY I,DAEGIE BALE COIASE IQ•fd alRDxl W.BUTAOE CV1i.CIFDro ....r DEIIIM1 Pw aoA uASFsrw,lon. mo, alcrXn Tmoi GRAVEL DRIVEWAY SECTIONS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE S -F01 DWAT.SECT 0E1N1 CODE DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS DRIVEWAY SECTIONDIVISIONS` ENGINEERING DIVISION M, mm— o CAP ••,•• B-IB-xols SHEET 6-10 © ( kFFIfIN - AC Nip MIDI tl1�Nf• CITY OF WHEATRIDGE E -A03 SEED.NOTES OET ` cOOF DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS SEEDING AND MULCHING NOTES E ENGINEERING DIVISION CG TYPE A NOTE: CONTRACTION JOINTS REOUIRED OFFSET LOCATION (LIP) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE G AD3 GEN NOTES -PVT -T- DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS GENERAL NOTES FOR G 14 ��^GINEERING DIVISIONPRIVATE DEVELOPEMENT MONOLITHIC WITH SIDEWALK A PAY ITEM SPLIT LINE TO BE PAID BY L. F. I -Iii �T BOND BREAKER HERE � k °Y,ttw,Yf wR1! K0.wPD,lr ro GUTTER TYPE (CG) I 4' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 7-W I G I W -W Z e' 1 12' RADIUS SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO J� MINIMUM DENSITY PER ISOMETRIC VIEW A NmTOW� oiw're 1i0`an.r�w..w a�ir.c�.c PAY ITEM: CG TYPE. (LF) Pyu �_ M. KI.EwnYraw �) rr K.ar,r. � w,a.m, _III =111 w n aw Cor Kc.o.nor SECTION A -A .ev.ae.r ea✓w[.Komlm.cKre �Or1ODp� VERTICAL CURB DRIVECUT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE C -D05 VCG.DC2 CODE DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY WITH G` ENG INEERING DIVISION ADA ACCESSIBLE SIDEWALK © ( kFFIfIN - AC Nip MIDI tl1�Nf• CITY OF WHEATRIDGE E -A03 SEED.NOTES OET ` cOOF DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS SEEDING AND MULCHING NOTES E ENGINEERING DIVISION CG TYPE A NOTE: CONTRACTION JOINTS REOUIRED OFFSET LOCATION (LIP) AT MAXIMUM 10' SPACING CG2 B' CGZA r NOTE: VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER TO BE PLACED CG2B 10' MONOLITHIC WITH SIDEWALK A PAY ITEM SPLIT LINE TO BE PAID BY L. F. I -Iii �T BOND BREAKER HERE VERTICAL CURB AND I TO BE PAID BY S. Y. OF GUTTER TYPE (CG) I 4' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 7-W I G I W -W PROFILE GRADE E I rL OFFSET LOCATION (LIP) 1/8' RADIUS A 1'IF1 e ° C -Iii �T BOND BREAKER HERE WHEN ABUTTING CONCRETE J Z e' 1 12' RADIUS SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO MINIMUM DENSITY PER SOIL CLASSIFICATION, PAY ITEM: CG TYPE. (LF) COOT SECTION 203.07 PAY ITEM: CONCRETE SIDEWALK (t'). SY VERTICAL CURB WITH SIDEWALK (CS) SECTION Ir -A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGEC-DD2VCG.SW °ETN1 000e DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS VERTICAL CURB WITH C ENGINEERING OPASION SIDEWALK (CS) SECTION 3 •••°� a-zo-ms SHE" 7-10 LANDSCAPE PLAN WHEAT RIDGE MEDICAL BUILDING 3790 WADSWORTH BOULEVARD, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 0 Ol Is _� GAS GAS GAS -- S GAS GA= CAS —CAS �th�— OAS / — — / to w—w— ST �—/�i ST — S— 5T — ST — ST — ST — ST.�I— STT o /i I STEEL EDGING- WEIST J8TH'/'1YEI�Ot —TMP------- ——~--w -�v I � � PB. 0 I I 2 TM 8 FG 260 s _ _ i FO ' FO 0 FO FO o 0 so F6 FO O PB. i 2,938 A i LANDSCAPE PLAN NORTH — ST y— S — ST — ST — E — FO FO — — FO Resor — Fpm —_ FO °� D 1 CH P1 4 TM Ceflis Occidentalis'JFS-KSU1' TREE TO 1 T 5 KD REMAIN 6 GJ 5 LP 6�7 SF— PB. I 12 TM 649 F. •:8 Acer tatarcium 'GarAnn' BS 11 FG 8 BS BLUE POINT JUNIPER 16 SF. 5 LP 12BA ILP FG, ee, HARDWOOD 1 CH MULCH - TYR 5R 4MS RUSSIAN SAGE low Perovskia atriplicifolia C ALPINE CURRANT 5 GAL. •0 63 LP LODENSE PRIVET CONTAINER Ligustrum vulgare'Lodense' 73 BS BLUE MIST SPIREA low Caryopteris x clandonensis 40 KD KELSEY DOGWOOD 5 GAL. Cornus sericea 'Kelseyi' ORNAMENTAL GRASS 189 FG FEATHER REED GRASS low Calamagrostis acutiflora'Kari Forester t BLUE AVENA Helictotrichon sempervirensi 28 MS MISCANTHUS / MAIDEN GRASS Miscanthus sinensis cvs. GROUND COVER • �\ q 1 ..�` 2536 L,� sf. II ` a •_ �E.i.�.. �Mf,� • ;n It BS EE8FG 04 `4 FG o ► 1, • 3 RS �I; -w • WI r 4 FG 12 FG ;w RS 204 SF. I4TM C-e3.V ,. \7 #�•. 3 RS— ,�.. /G� Ire, .:. 1 7 FG �► . ,, , . _ r ®R , ,l TREE TO 1 REMAIN ,. 3 RS— !� g. PB. i 2,938 A i LANDSCAPE PLAN NORTH — ST y— S — ST — ST — E — FO FO — — FO Resor — Fpm —_ FO °� D 1 CH EXIST. 4 TM Ceflis Occidentalis'JFS-KSU1' TREE TO 1 T 4MS REMAIN 6 GJ 5 LP 6�7 SF— PB. I 12 TM 649 F. 4MS Acer tatarcium 'GarAnn' BS 7 RS BLUE POINT JUNIPER 16 SF. 5 LP 12BA ILP VL,4-4 MS HARDWOOD 0 COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME 14 BA 2" CAL. 1 CH u 5 LP 4 TM Ceflis Occidentalis'JFS-KSU1' PB. WHITE OAK 640 sf. " PB 4 MS 6�7 SF— 5 LP 5 BA 12 TM 8 GJ SPECIMEN QUALITY Acer tatarcium 'GarAnn' 4 MS 7 RS BLUE POINT JUNIPER 8 BS Juniperus chinensis'Blue Point' 12BA ILP GREENMOUND JUNIPER HARDWOOD 1 CH MULCH - TYR 5R 4MS SF a 5 LP 4 MS �3LP 7 SP EXIST. TREE TO REMAIN 0' 10' 20' 40' 60' SCALE 1" = 20'- 0' PLANT MATERIAL SCHEDULE: QUAN. SYM. COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME CANOPY TREES 2" CAL. 2 CH PRAIRIE SENTINEL HACKBERRY SINGLE TRUNK Ceflis Occidentalis'JFS-KSU1' 3 WO WHITE OAK FULL CROWN, B&B, STAKED Quercus ALBA ORNAMENTAL TREES 7 SC SPRINGSNOW CRABAPPLE 2" CAL. Malus sp. 'Springsnow' 12 TM TATARIAN MAPLE SPECIMEN QUALITY Acer tatarcium 'GarAnn' EVERGREEN TREES 7 BP BLUE POINT JUNIPER SINGLE TRUNK Juniperus chinensis'Blue Point' EVERGREEN SHRUBS 26 GJ GREENMOUND JUNIPER NO Juniperus procumbens'Greenmound' SHRUBS 41 RS RUSSIAN SAGE low Perovskia atriplicifolia 7 AC ALPINE CURRANT 5 GAL. Ribes alpinum 63 LP LODENSE PRIVET CONTAINER Ligustrum vulgare'Lodense' 73 BS BLUE MIST SPIREA low Caryopteris x clandonensis 40 KD KELSEY DOGWOOD 5 GAL. Cornus sericea 'Kelseyi' ORNAMENTAL GRASS 189 FG FEATHER REED GRASS low Calamagrostis acutiflora'Kari Forester 71 BA BLUE AVENA Helictotrichon sempervirensi 28 MS MISCANTHUS / MAIDEN GRASS Miscanthus sinensis cvs. GROUND COVER INSTALLED SIZE CONDITION HIGH WATER USE 2" CAL. FULL CROWN, B&B, STAKED low SINGLE TRUNK SPECIMEN QUALITY 2" CAL. FULL CROWN, B&B, STAKED low SINGLE TRUNK SPECIMEN QUALITY 2" CAL. FULL CROWN, B&B, STAKED medium SINGLE TRUNK SPECIMEN QUALITY 2" CAL. FULL CROWN, B&B, STAKED medium SINGLE TRUNK SPECIMEN QUALITY 6' HT. FULL CROWN, B&B, STAKED NO SPECIMEN QUALITY 5 GAL. CONTAINER low 5 GAL. CONTAINER very low 5 GAL. CONTAINER low 5 GAL. CONTAINER low 5 GAL. CONTAINER low 5 GAL. CONTAINER low 5 GAL. CONTAINER low 5 GAL. CONTAINER low 5 GAL. CONTAINER medium TURF - LOCALLY AVAILABLE NATIVE FESCUE BLEND STEEL LANDSCAPE EDGING SITE DATA: EXISTING SITE AREA: RIGHT OF WAY TAKING (WADSWORTH BLVD. & 38TH AVE.) SITE AREA AFTER R.O.W. TAKING: REQUIRED OPEN SPACE: PROVIDED OPEN SPACE: ALLOWED TURF: PROVIDED TURF: 41,621.80 SF. 3,977.00 SF. 37,644.80 SF 7528.96 SF. (20%) 9,859 SR (26.18%) 2,957.7 SF. (30% OF PROVIDED OPEN SPACE) 3,303 SF. (27%) All new landscaped areas shall be served by a functioning automatic irrigation system which combines drip and subsurface irrigation with high efficiency sprinklers STACI(' t " 4 5639 SOUTH CURTICE STREET if LITTLETON, COLORADO 80120 W W W.STACKLOTCOM p. 303.808.4523 72 �a d W - cm o C R L R Q. V C cm a� W cm c c R C4 w R L U— C n v /! zU \/ N Y T i 0 Z 0 C) Q J U 0 Fr W X W r r E 8 a O t jjq o� A �o q�z Gy M s U., .0 aY 5 0 g gIr�d pppg�o a3a H W O 0s8 z to 0 s a oI�. 0— O jp1f C ]K 3 N e �S <C g�W 55� ❑ ��ge_ I r r E 8 a O t jjq o� A �o q�z Gy M s U., .0 aY 5 0 g gIr�d pppg�o a3a H W O 0s8 z to 0 s a oI�. 0— O jp1f C ]K 3 N r6 i Cal E t lJ F f M3" TDF I l�. 3� E y" > F 2 J F W%q 3A •0= � kCkt/E F m I,Fy�Im Q 2 N O 2 n �3 { _�} i-ai-F E } i;;oii '19q,q'gql q9q q'q99 q9q qq, gYq'ppi�,����j. •��:tl i!!lE tl1l l i ! 0 0 2 G O R u i 14 :33ilaii: HFL v1 2 W 6 GI 2 W < = k.FL zz`z'w�o • � H m� W ��' Sry M8o > F �O F tiy�O L4 W 4 W q cl h M °� N >� �z�i o 6 r r ty z s< g o •� _ � r r ,. p S' PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT ID' UTILITY. SIGNAGE. 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