HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/11/1996 MIa~~~..3 OF MEETING April 4, 1996 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson LANGDON at 7:35 p.m., on April 4, 1996 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Eckhardt Harry Williams Jay Rasplicka Carl A. Cerveny George J. Langdon Warren Johnson STAFF PRESENT: Glen Gidley, Director of Planning & Development Meredith Reckert, Planner Sandra Wiggins, Secretary PIIBLIC HEARING The following is the official copy of Planning Commission minutes for the Public Hearing of April 4, 1996. A copy of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of Planning and Development of the City of wheat Ridge. Pl~nn~ng Division Report Page 2 • April 4, 1996 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE T8E ORDER OF TSE AGENDA Mr. Gidley requested the addition of an item under No. 9. Old Business - update of City Council matters. Commissioner CERVENY noted the error on the agenda under No. 7, Public Hearing, Case No. CUP-96-1, the address should be 11225 West 32nd Avenue. With those changes, Commissioner WILLIAMS moved to approve the agenda for the meeting of April 4, 1996, as amended. Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. 5. APPROVAL OF M11VUrr:S Commissioner CERVENY moved to approve the minutes for the meeting of March 21, 1996 as printed. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0, with Commissioner ECKHARDT abstaining. 6. PiJBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing under Item 7 of the Public Hearing section of the agenda.) No one had signed the roster nor came forward to speak at that time. 7. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Case No_ Si7P-96-1-, An application by David Sommer for Queen City Raceway for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow an indoor amusement facility (remote control car track) in a Restricted-Commercial zone. Said property is located at 6090 West 44th Avenue. • Meredith Reckert presented the staff report, which included slides. Entered into the recorded and accepted by the Chairperson were the Comprehensive Plan, Boning Ordinance, case file, packet materials and exhibits. Commissioner CERVENY asked if the Special Use Permit would be issued to the applicant. Ms. Reckert stated it was akin to a license. If the business was sold, the new owner would be required to apply for a new Special Use Permit. David Sommer, 3220 Apple Blossom Lane, Westminster, was sworn in. He stated he had been in the hobby business for 11 years, specializing in radio-controlled cars. Planning Division Report Page 3 • April 4, 1996 • Commissioner CERVENY asked Mr. Sommer to estimate the maximum number of individuals who might be at his establishment at one time. Mr. Sommer estimated the high end would be about 35, but average would probably be more like 20. Spectators could number 8 to 10. Commissioner WILLIAMS asked if the races were recreational. Mr. Sommer stated yes, there is an entry fee paid to cover expenses, but no prizes offered. Commissioner RASPLICKA asked about races held on Sunday afternoon. Mr_ Sommer stated that there would be races on Sunday afternoon, however, he doubted that it would clash with church services, which occur_in the morning. He added that were 34 parking spaces on the site and the racing crowd is small. Commissioner ECKHARDT moved that Case No. SUP-96-1, an application by David Sommer for Queen City Raceway (6090 West 44th Avenue), for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow an indoor amusement facility (remote control car track) in a Restricted-Commercial zone be Approved for the following reasons: and 2. There have been no complaints registered from the neighborhood. With the following condition: 1. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request; 1. The special use be granted to Queen City Hobbies, under the operation of David Sommer. Commissioner WILLIAMS seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. 2. Case No_ CUP-96-i: An application by Thomas Devenish for the Applewood Baptist Church for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a parking lot at 11225 West 32nd Avenue which is zoned Residential-One. Ms. Reckert presented the staff report, which included slides. Entered into the record and accepted by the Chairperson were the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and exhibits. Ms. Reckert noted that copies of letters received from neighbors surrounding the site which were provided to Commission. Planning Division Report Page 4 . April 4, 1996 Chairperson LANGDON asked if this case would be considered quasi- judicial in nature? Mr. Gidley answered yes, it was. Chairperson LANGDON explained that he had received a phone call from a concerned citizen regarding this case. Mr. Gidley reminded Chairperson LANGDON that he needed to inform Commission of the phone call he received. Chairperson LANGDON stated that the individual who called told him that sometime in 1979 the Wheat Ridge City Council decided that the church parking would not be enlarged in the future. He added that the individual could not provide him with a date this was done. The reason for Co"^^~~'s decision according to the caller, was that oil would seep into and through the asphalt, negatively affecting wildlife and weeds in Lena Gulch. Mr. Gidley stated Wheat Ridge City Council had no reason or obligation to review this matter at any time. Thomas Devenish, 2519 S Eldredge, Lakewood, was sworn in. • David Llovd, 1425 S Welsh Circle, Lakewood, was sworn in. Mr. Devenish stated that for the past several weeks the church had been at capacity in their parking lot and additional parking was needed. He elaborated. _-_ Commissioner RASPLICKA asked how many services are held on Sunday. Mr_ Devenish answered on Sunday morning two services are held with Sunday school in between; there is an evening service held at 5:45 p.m. Commissioner RASPLICKA asked if the church was planning an addition any time soon. Mr. Devenish answered some remodeling is planned, however, no addition is planned. He added that long range plans included construction of a building on the north side of West 32nd Avenue, similar to the educational building and an auditorium in between the two buildings. Mr. Devenish noted that would be several years in the future. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated that according to letters received -- from neighbors, some existing parking lots are not filled, yet • people are parking in front of their homes. Planning Division Report Page 5 • April 4, 1996 Mr_ Devenish stated that would depend on the time of day. He explained. Mr. Lloyd stated that same concern had been brought to their attention and therefore counts had been done of the number of empty spaces in their lot. Sunday mornings at 10:30 (after Sunday school and before the second service) seven empty spaces were counted on March 10th. On March 24th, 13 spaces were counted and on March 31st, there were no empty spaces, plus 13 vehicles were "double parked". Scott T. Wilcock 3137 Robb Circle, Lakewood, was sworn in. Mr. Wilcock stated he was concerned with traffic in the neighborhood. He noted that the lot on the north side of 32nd Avenue is not filled. Mr. Wilcock had spoken-to both Mr, Devenish and Mrs. Lloyd who have promised to encourage their parishioners to use the north lot. He noted there had been no noticeable change. He elaborated. Ms. Reckert stated that Mr. Wilcock's original comments were included in the staff report. Commissioner RASPLICKA asked Mr. Wilcock at what time he noticed • the lot empty. Mr. Wilcock stated he wasn't certain at what times the lot was full.. He added that Sunday services were not the only time the lot on the south filled. He elaborated. If the parking expansion is approved, he stated, then cars should not be parked on_the streets. Commissioner CERVENY asked Mr. Wilcock if he concern was that the church would be allowed additional parking, or that parishioners were parking on the street. Mr. Wilcock answered yes, his concern was that the lot would be used and parishioners would discontinue parking on the streets. Jeanette K. DiGiacomo, 3275 Quail Street, was sworn in. Ms. DiGiacoma agreed that the church needed additional parking. Her concerns were appropriate treatment of the parking lot and flood plain. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked Ms. DiGiacomo to point out her residence on the map. Ms. DiGiacoma did 50. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated he could not see where flooding • would be a problem for Ms. DiGiacomo. He elaborated. Planning Division Report Page 6 • April 4, 1996 Commissioner RASPLICKA moved that Case No. CUP-96-1, a request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a parking lot at 11225 West 32nd Avenue be approved for the following reasons: 1. The parking lot cannot be built without a conditional use approval. 2. The criteria used to evaluate a Conditional Use support approval. With the following conditions: 1. A six-foot-high solid fence with a ten-foot strip of landscaping be installed along the western boundary; and 2. Vertical landscaping be installed along the north side of the lot. Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the motion. Commissioner ECKHARDT suggested that landscaping be provided on all sides of the proposed parking lot. Was it not required that • landscaping be placed along 32nd Avenue? Ms. Reckert answered yes, it was. Commissioner ECKHARDT spoke of his concern of churchgoers parking on Robb Circle, acknowledging that it was out of our jurisdiction. He was hopeful that the church, residents and the City of Lakewood could alleviate the problem. Ms. Reckert reiterated that requests received by letter had mentioned landscaping be placed outside of any fence. Commissioner RASPLICKA reiterated to Ms. Reckert that standard procedure exists for anything between the parking lot and West 32nd Avenue. Ms. Reckert stated yes, that was true. Discussion followed. Ms. Reckert brought to the attention of Planning Commission a typographical error on the staff report, Staff Conclusion and Recommended Motions, the sentence should read "Vertical landscaping be installed along the north side of the ot." Motion carried 6-0. • 8. CLOSE THE PIIBLIC HEARING Planning Division Report Page 7 . April. 4, 1996 9. OLD BIISINBSS Mr. Gidley brought the Commission up-to-date on the following matters: A. • Trash Storage and Screening Ordinance was approved by City Council. • Bandimere Rezoning and Subdivision - Council approved the Rezoning and Subdivision but denied the requested variances. Mr. Gidley explained a councilmember had requested further consideration of the Subdivision in order to guaranty that a two-family dwelling and a one-family dwelling be placed on the site. • Proposed bike path from Wadsworth to Crown Hill Park to be considered by Council on Monday. Discussion was heard regarding installation of a bike/pedestrian path along West 32nd Avenue, Wadsworth to Crown Hill Park. Commissioner CERVENY moved that a resolution be drafted urging City Council to proceed with the installation of the bike/pedestrian path. Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. A member of Planning Commission. will present the resolution at the Council meeting on April 8, 1996. • City-initiated Rezonings - All (3D+) citizens attending the neighborhood meeting were in favor of rezoning to R-iC (29th Avenue Fenton to Ames Street). Discussion was heard regarding nonconformities. • Comprehensive Planner/Steering Committee Mr. Gidley updated Commission on this topic. • Mr. Gidley informed Commission of a Planning Commission Training Workshop, sponsored by DRCOG and ColoAPA, which will be held either Saturday, June 8 or Saturday, the 15th of June. He urged Commissioners to attend. • Commissioner RASPLICKA moved that the meeting of April 18, 1996 be cancelled, as there are no cases scheduled for public hearing on that date. • Mr. Gidley informed Commission that Council will be considering an amendment to the Weed Control Ordinance, which would increase the fees charged by the City to cut weeds on private property. He • elaborated. Planning Division Report Page 8 • April 4, 1996 • 10. NEW BIISINESS 11. DISCUSSION AND DECISION ITEMS 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT RSPORTS 13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, at 9:15 p.m. by consensus, meeting adjourned Sandra Wiggins, S tart' •