HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/05/1996MINUTES OF MEETING
December 5,1996
1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson
WILLIANIS AT 730 p.m., on December 5, 1996, in the Council Chambers of the
Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Robert ECKHARDT -Excused Absence
Warren JOHNSON -Excused Absence
STAFF PRESENT: Glen Gidley, Planning & Development Director
Meredith Reckert, Planner
Sean McCartney, Planner
Marilyn Gunn, Secretary
Commissioner CERVENY moved to approve the agenda for the meeting of December 5;
1996, as printed. Commissioner RASPLICA seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0 to
approve the agenda.
5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES -November 21,1996
Commissioner RASPLICA moved to approve the Minutes of November 21, 1496, with
noted corrections. Commissioner LANGDON seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0
to approve the Minutes with corrections.
6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing
under Item 7 of the Public Hearing section of the agenda.)
No one was present to speak.
• Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
December 5, 1996
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1. Case Nn. WS-96-2: An application by James R Turgeon for Park Orchard
Development for approval of a six (6) lot subdivision on R-3 zoned land at
11600 and 11690 West 46th Avenue.
Ms. Reckert presented Staffls report on Case No. WS-96-2. She stated that the applicant was
James R. Turgeon, 18216 West 4th Avenue, Golden, Colorado. The property contains 2.5 acres
of land which is currently vacant. The applicant is requesting approval of a six (6) lot
subdivision on this Residential-Three zoned property for the purpose of building twenty-six (26)
townhome units. Ms. Reckert presented overhead map displays and slides of the subject
property. She outlined the zoning, streets and land use from the overhead maps and then
presented an overview of the slides which showed various angles of the subject land and usage
surrounding it. Ms. Reckert entered into the record the zoning ordinance subdivision regulations,
case file, packet materials, and exhibits. The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge and all
proper posting and notification has occurred, therefore, the Planning Commission does have
jurisdiction over this case. Ms. Reckert reviewed the Staff Report.
General discussion regarding traffic, Land dedication, number of units, and street changes tool:
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Jim Turgeon who resides at 18216 West 4th Avenue, Golden,
Colorado. NIr. Turgeon presented an oral interpretation of his proposal for this property and
discussed commercial vs residential land use for this area. Commissioners presented Mr.
Turgeon and Staff with additional questions regarding traffic issues, right-of--ways, truck (semi,
delivery) traffic, access, and networlcnrg sheets to alleviate traffic in the future.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Herb Fightmaster who resides at 11641 West 44th Avenue,
Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Mr. Fightmaster stated that his family were the original owners of the
property being developed and still own adjacent property. He supports the development.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Thomas Shockley who resides at 11605 West 46th Avenue,
Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Mr. Shockey stated he did not support the development for a variety of
reasons which included the water supply, signs, truck traffic, access, vehicle speed, and his
perception of illegal excavationlcorrstrucfion. He presented the 1985 Fruit Valley Lake Plan and
elaborated on the approvals which were considered at that time.. Questions were presented to Mr.
Shockley and Staff which included density, traffic, street comrecfions, water and related utility
costs, support of the neighborhood in closing 46th Avenue, and open space.
• Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Jerry Brown who resides at 4430 Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge,
Colorado. Mr. Brown stated he was against the development and relayed his concenrs about
• Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
December 5, 1996
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apartment dwellers uncaring attitude, traffic issues, traffic light, semi-truck access, fencing and
overall open space area. Questions to Mr. Brown from the Commissioners included clarification
of who the applicant plans on renting to, fencing and density.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Kim Stuart who resides in a duplex with her mother at 11700
and 11706 West 46 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Ms. Stuart expressed opposition to the
development stating her reasons as being traffic issues, no more off street parking, open space
being ruined, fencing, and preferences of single ownership. Staff clarified that fencing would be
the responsibility of the property owner; that the land boundaries were checked and should be
okay; and that lighting would be controlled by City Code. Parking issues were also addressed.
Director Gidley stated that there was atwo-car garage and atwo-car driveway for the units which
exceed the minimum regttirement for this type of development by 50%.
Commissioner WILLIAMS swore in Lynn Fightmaster who resides at 4455 Simms, Wheat
Ridge, Colorado. Mr. Fightmaster stated he was for the development and stated thaf he would
like to see a cul-de-sac installed as opposed to a through street. General discussion was held
regazding the easement placement. Director Gidley clarified the street and easement placement.
• Conunissioner WILLIAMS swore in Ms. Diane Maddox who resides at 4515 Robb Street,
Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Ms. Maddox stated her concerns as drainage problems she has incurred
and inquired if it would be improved and she requested that the corrections be made in writing.
Her second concern regarded her live stock and requested that asix-foot fence be installed to
protect her property and children who may be drawn to the area. Director Gidley stated that a
subdivision fence could be required on all sides and other specifications deemed necessary.
Commissioner WILLIAMS swore in Dan Turgeon who resides at 2110 Rock Crest Way,
Golden, Colorado. Mr. Turgeon stated he was for the project and that the development would
clean up the area. He felt that one of the property owners was opposed to the development
because he would lose excessive parking space. No questions were posed.
Commissioner WILLIAMS swore in Tex Junker who resides at 4615 Swatley, Wheat Ridge,
Colorado. Mr. Junker stated he was concerned mostly with traffic. He stated that a fence would
make his neighborhood happy. Limited discussion was held regarding street installation.
Commissioner WILLIAMS swore in George Jergenson who resides at 4515 Robb Street, Wheat
Ridge, Colorado. He stated that his wife had asked a question about the drainage problem and he
did not recall an answer. Ms. Reckert addressed him and stated that Public Works is looking into
the drainage situation on Robb Street. The plan is showing that the drainage will be carried to
the south to an inlet which in turn empties into a storm sewerat West 44th Avnue. Mr. Jergenson
• stated he believes the development being proposed will add to their problem. Ms. Reckert stated
she was not sure when Public Works had this project scheduled. There were no questions asked
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
December 5, 1996
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by the Commission.
Commissioner CERVENY motioned, Commissioner LANGDON seconded, to approve Case
No. WS-96-2, a request for approval of a six-lot subdivision on Residential-Three zoned property
located at 11600 and 11690 West 46th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons:
1. Staff recommends approval.
2. The property is in the City of Wheat Ridge and properly zoned.
3. All reauirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met.
With the following conditions
1. Minor legal description problems be corrected prior to review by City Council.
Z. That the right-of--way for Simms Street be extended south to the southern property line in
the event that any time in the future the property to the south is developed, then this right-
of-way is needed to improve traffic circulation in the neighborhood.
3. Lighting on the premises must meet City code.
• There was no additional discussion. Motion was APPROVED 5-1 with Commissioner
GRIFFITH voting no.
2. Case Nn. P]3G-96-]: An application by Karl Koch for approval of a four (4)
structure planned building group and a replat on Residential-Three zoned
land at 4420 Jay Street.
Director Gidley presented overheads and slides as it relates to this case. This property is owned
by the same person but assessor's records reflect the property as divided into three parcels. A
site plan was provided for review. The size of this property is approximately 3/4 acre. Director
Gidley reviewed the various types of zoning and buildings in the immediate area. He entered
into the record Zone Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, packet materials, and all exhibits. All
notification requirements have been met, the property is within the City, and the City does have
jurisdiction in this case. Director Gidley stated that al] the Residential-Three district and
subdivision regulations have been met, all agencies have stated an ability to serve, and therefore
Staff has recommended approval of the plat and site plan. A drainage plan is currently being
reviewed by the Public Works Department, therefore, this plan is not available at this time.
Director Gidley suggested that the drainage plan be required by the Commission to be fully
reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department before this matter is scheduled for City
• Commissioner THOMPSON raised concern regarding enough trees and shrubs, and, trees being
planted that would interfere with the power poles to the rear of the proposed building. Planner
• Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
December 5, 1996
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McCartney stated that the applicant would address these issues.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Carl Koch who resides at 30350 Pine Crest Drive, Evergreen,
Colorado. Mr. Koch addressed the issue of trees and stated that there were almost 100 trees
available on the lot but that the architect had only sketched in 10 or 15. There should be more
than the required amount. He further stated that they did not plan on planting any trees in the
back by the power poles. He presented an overview of the submitted plan and stated that the
homes would be individually sold.
General discussion took place.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Thei Mai who owns property at 4410 Jay Street, Wheat
Ridge, Colorado. He expressed concerns regarding parking and drainage. He was advised by
Chairperson WILLIAMS that the draining plan according to Staff was being reviewed and said
that the drainage problem would be addressed prior to issuance of a permit. General discussion
was held regarding parking and Director Gidley stated that the applicant has met requirements.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Tina Pierson who resides at 4475 Jay Street, Wheat Ridge,
. Colorado. Ms. Pierson asked the definition of a replat. Director Gidley explained that it was
platting the land into lots. She stated she didn't have any problem with the development.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Kent Schroder who resides at 10201 N. Park Drive,
Westminster, Colorado. Mr. Schroder owns property to north of proposed development. He was
concerned regarding the boundary of the properties as it related to his enclosed dumpster area.
He stated he did not have a problem with the development as long as the boundary dispute could
be resolved as he did not want to hove to move the dumpster and concrete enclosure. He also
wanted the drainage problem addressed and that the drainage not be directed to the ditch.
Director Gidley advised Mr. Schroder that the property owners would have to resolve the
boundary issue and that one foot over boundary would not interfere with the development.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore .in Sa11y,Schroder who resides at 10201 N. Park Drive,
Westminster, Colorado. She stated her concern was that she wanted in writing that the drainage
system would be in and that proper drainage would be away from all of their land. She stated she
was afraid that water would be in all of their apartments and that she felt that this development
was too big for the area.
General discussion was held again regarding drainage and parking availability.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Dan Kalmes, who resides at 7200 E. Dry Creels, Denver,
• Colorado. Mr. Kalmes is Mr. Koch's surveyor. He addressed the drainage and boundary issues
and stated that he did not feel the boundaries were an issue and that all monuments were found.
. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
December 5, 1996
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Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Brian Ladd of B&S Consulting Engineers, 4501 Wadsworth
Boulevard, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Mr. Ladd addressed the drainage issue and stated that the
plan called for the drainage to terminate on 45th Avenue where it enters the storm sewer.
Director Gidley affirmed that the drainage proposals would have to be approved before any
pernut would be awarded.
Discussion was held regarding parking, encroachment, replatting ideas and drainage.
Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner GRIFFITH seconded that the
consolidation plat and sixteen (16) lot subdivision, for a property zoned Residential-Three and
located at 4420 Jay Street, be APPROVED for the following reasons:
1. The existing zoning of Residential-Three supports the use ofmulti-family residential.
2. The consolidated property allows for the density of sixteen (16) units (1 unit per 2,100
square feet).
3. Adequate fire protection, vehicular, and pedestrian access is supported off of Jay Street.
4. Staff recommends approval.
S. The drainage plan is approved prior to permit.
• 6. Any plantings in the east portion of the property do not interfere with the power lines and
that all landscaping requirements be met.
Motion carried 6-0.
Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commnissioner CERVENY seconded, that the property
located at 4420 Jay Street, be required to add a minimum of four additional parking, that the
owners of the property be required to use this parking for visitors and could not be used by the
residents to park their vehicles or recreational vehicles on this property, that the developer and
Staff work together on the number of additional parking spaces as well as the location of those
and that they will be provided by the developer.
Discussion was held.
Motion carried 6-0
Chairperson WILLTAMS closed the public hearing.
• Director Gidley reviewed the status of the 11!25/96 and 12/5/96 City Council meetings.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
December 5, 1996
Fage 7
The variance criteria was approved for the tenth criteria; the fencing ordinance was
revised and approved which provides for decorative fences in a front yard to a height of
six (6) feet; larger dumpsters in agricultural zones was approved; the Richter case was
denied and a lawsuit filed against the City; Tabor Street final development plan was
approved; 44th Avenue and Robb Street is being considered for land acquisition due to a
historical structure. Additional general discussion regarding various other issues was
Commissioner THOMPSON inquired if the Commission could do something regarding
the parking issues within the City. Director Gidley stated that a public hearing was
scheduled for City Council to amend current parking ordinances which should take place
in the first quarter of 1997.
Commissioner GRIFFITH motioned and Commissioner LANGDON seconded, to take a
• resolution to City Council to recommend a traffic light and reconstruction for Tabor
Motion passed 6-0.
General discussion occurred regarding various items.
There were no reports.
There was consensus to adjourn the meeting. Chairperson WILLIAMS adjourned the
meeting at 11:05 p.m..
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• 1VIa~lyn Gt~n, ecre
• Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
December 5, 1996
Page 8
The next meeting will be December 19, 1996.
Commissioner Griffith will be absent from this meeting.