HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/06/1997bi.~.avuinS OF MEETING
March 6, 1997
1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order
by Chairperson WILLIAMS at 7:30 p.m., on March 6, 1997, in
the Council_Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West
29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Carl A. Cerveny, Excused Absence
Robert Eckhardt
Carolyn Griffith _
Warren Johnson
George Langdon
Jay Rasplicka
Janice Thompson
Harry Williams
STAFF PRESENT: Glen_Gidley,, Director of
Planning &_Development
Marilyn G~nn, Secretary
The following is the official copy of Planning Commission minutes
for the Public Hearing of March 6, 1997. A copy of -these minutes
is retained both in the office of. the City Clerk and in the
Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat
Commissioner ECKHARDT motioned, Commissioner JOHNSON seconded to
. accept the agenda as written and with additions as presented by
Director GIDLEY. Motion carried 7-0.
Planning Commission Minutes
• March 6, 1997
Page 2
5. APPROVAL OF H;iiv~iE5
Commissioner RASPLICKA motioned, Commissioner ECI~iARDT seconded
to accept the Minutes of February 6, 1997, as written. Motion
carried 7-0.
6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the-time for anyone to speak on any
subject not appearing under Item 7 of the Public Hearing
section of-the agenda.)
There was no one present to speak.
CAP No. 7,OA-97-oi; An application by the City of Wheat Ridge to
consider--proposed amendments to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws,
Chapter- 26, Zoning Code, Section 24. -Light Sndustrial District -_
• Regulations regarding uses allowed as "Principal Permitted" and
"Special Uses", City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State
of Colorado. -
In-depth discussion occurred regarding this issue. Director
GIDLEY provided an overview of the memorandum and ordinance -
provided. _Director :GIDLEY stated that City Council initiated the
proposal originally as a recommendation to eliminate from the
District Regulations the Light Industrial Zoned District
Regulations (Section 26-24). In addition, all Industrial
properties would be rezoned to Planned Industrial Development.
This proposal was discussed at the January Planning Commission
Study Session as well as some of the concerns relative to the
practicality of implementing such a proposal. The basis of City
Council's concern related to some of the uses specified as
"Permitted Principal Uses" in the "I" zone which originated from
the fact that Commercial-Two zoned district were allowed by
"right". There are several C-2 uses that are objectionable to
certain members of Council. Director GIDLEY provided a City map
that indicated the "I" areas in question. He stated that the
proposal is not to rezone, but to adopt a set of regulations that
• would substantially reduce the kinds of uses that would be
Planning Commission Minutes
March 6, 1997
Page 3
allowed in the zone by "right" and place the_more-objectionable
uses in a Special Use.-designation.
Questions were raised by members of the Commission as to how the
citizenry would be affected; would new owners have to reapply for
use or would zoning regulations be automatic .(they would have to
reapply and zoning would depend on what use was planned); were
the people who currently occupy these areas notified-(not other
than in the newspapers, however, a formal mailing could be
accomplished); and,- upon sale of property, are sellers required
to advise buyers. --
Commissioner THOMPSON stated she did not feel. comfortable voting
on this proposal at this time and suggested that a motion be made
to place this item on hold temporarily to allow time to study the
proposal more thoroughly. Discussion continued regarding this-
proposal and its significant importance. TYe general consensus
of-the Commission fe],t the same as Commissioner THOMPSON and.
stated they wanted more time to study the issues and would
appreciate input from the property owners.
Commissioner JOHNSON motioned, Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded,
to allow additional time for .consideration of this proposal,
certified mailings be made to-all property owners in the
Sndustrial Zoned .Districts including an invitation-to the Study
Session of March 20th where discussion of this proposal will
continue, and to postpone the decision until the Public Hearing
of April 3, 1997, after input from the property owners and
further discussion by-the Commission. Motion passed 7-0.
The question was po"sed by Commissioner THOMPSON if a decision -
could not be reached by April 3rd, know many times could the
proposal be postponed. Director GIDLEY advised that a motion
must be made and a Resolution prepared to advise City Council
that the proposal has been discussed but that additional time is
needed to further weigh the issues before a final decision is
Case No. ZOA-96-].S:_ An application by the City of Wheat Ridge to
consider proposed amendments"to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws,
Planning Commission Minutes
March 6, 1997 --
Page 4
Chapter 26, Zoning Code, Section 31, "Off-Street Parking
RegU.irements", City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of
Director GIDLEY made corrections to the second paragraph of the
memorandum presented to the Commission. He presented an overview
of the proposed amendment which includes percentage of floor area
on automatic exemption and appeals of variances, which were
referred to the Commission from City Council.
Director GIDLEY proceeded to review the five -(5) items included
in the memorandum. Each-item was reviewed and discussed
separately and motions made as follows:
Commissioner ECKHARDT motioned, Commissioner JOHNSON seconded, to
accept the changes as written on the proposed ordinance secY_;nn 1 __
as it relates to "Handicapped Parking". Motion carried 7-0.
• Commissioner,'GRIFFITH motioned, Commissioner LANGDON seconded, to
accept the changes as written on the proposed ordinance sect9ci~:-.
as it relates to "Definitions, Floor Area". Motion carried 7-0.
Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner LANGDON seconded, to
approve •Ge.ct;~n 3 to read as follows:
(E) Appeal/Variances and Waivers to Standards: Variances
and waivers-to parking requirements SHALL BE PROCESSED AS A
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• March 6,
Page 5
Commission Minutes
Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner ECKHARDT seconded,
to accept the changes as written on the proposed ordinance
Section a as it relates to "Multifamily Residential". Motion
carried-6-1 with Chairperson WILLIAMS voting against.
Commiss_ionex ECRHARD`T motioned, Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded,---
to_a~cept_the changes as written on the proposed ordinance
Section 5 as it relates to "Office/Warehouse". Motion carried 6-
1 with Commissioner JOHNSON voting against.
A. j~ nl~na and. 38th Avenue Master PJ_an:
1. City Administration is currently reviewing two
sites for the new recreation center: Presently,
the center has not been included in the Master
Plan due to questions regarding its location. The--
Master Plan cannot continue until the Commission
is aware of the recreation center site decision
because it will greatly affect the overall plan.
The Master Plan must be temporarily postponed
until the decision is reached at which point the -
Master Plan--can be immediately continued. A city-
wide meeting will be held regarding the new
recreation center at Everett Jr.. High at 7:D0 p.m.
on March 13, 1997. Director GIDLEY invited the
Commissioners to attend.
g. Citv Council Actions Reaardina Previous Matters Before
the Pla~ina Commission: .,
1. Public Wnrks Shn-, Aram , Wheat Ridge Public Works
Shops, 45th Avenue west of Parfet. Street, Rezoning
and Special Use Permit was approved. The
Planning Commission Minutes
March.6-,- 1997
Page 6 -
recommendation by the Commission for a complete
solid fencing around the property was approved as --
well as instructing the City to consider any
properties that may come upon the market north of '
I-70 and south of the railroad tracks in the
industrial area for any additional space needs
that Public Works may have.
2. Sprint Cell Tower Panels on City Hall Tower: This
item was approved and they are currently working
on the installation. A_question was raised by
Commissioner THOMPSON if an evaluation was going
to be performed regarding the tower integrity.
Director GIDLEY advised that this was accomplished
prior to this installation and Staff is aware that
the tower cannot handle much more than what is
currently installed. The remainder of access will
be held for-the_use of the City.
• 3. Racnmm?ndation of Amendment to Zonincr Ordinance -_-
Dealina with Res~dent;a~ Uses in Commercial Zones:
This item was approved as recommended.
A. Referra] of items from Council/City Attorney:
1. Ordinance correction regarding cell towers will be
placed on the_next Public Hearing agenda.
2. Conditional/Special Uses: Request for Public
Hearing will be discussed in detail at the Study
Session on-March 20, 1997.
B. Commissioner ECKHARDT requested that the_.custodial
staff be requested to clean the Council Chambers,
especially dust the dias.
C. Commissioner THOMPSON inquired if fiber optics was
being installed on 44th Avenue. Discussion was held
Planning Commission Minutes
• March 6, 1997 --
Page 7
regarding the installation of fiber optics underground
as opposed t.o overhead. She. inquired how the
Commission could become involved in all types of
installations. Director,GIDLEY advised that the
Commission could make Council aware of their .concerns,
could adopt a motion/resolution, or bring concerns to
the attention of the Comprehensive Plan Review
Committee and it could become a component of the plan
D. Commissioner JOHNSON bid farewell to the Commission and
Staff and stated that he was not happy with the way he
was treated regarding. his reapplication for appointment
to the Planning Commission. He stated he has
participated on various Boards and has been a committed
citizen for the betterment of Wheat Ridge. He did not
appreciate his treatment regarding reapplication. He
stated that whether or-not he chose to reapply, he has
"never been fired from a job in his life" and felt ha
had been "thrown out to pasture" and-told it would be a
waste of his time to reapply. He stated that he -
appreciated-the working relationship he has enjoyed
with members of the Commission. He said that even.
though there has been different views or opinions,
ther@ has never been hard feelings and the Commissioh
has returned as friends the following meeting and again
worked together. He stated that this was his last
Chairperson WILLIAMS stated for the record that as far
as he was concerned Commissioner JOHNSON would be
missed that that the work he has accomplished has been
done with the best interest of Wheat Ridge in mind with-
no politics involved. He asked for a consensus of the
Commission to say thank-you to Commissioner JOHNSON.
It was received. .In addition, Commissioner ECKHARDT
has decided not to return and Chairperson WILLIAMS
reiterated-his statement.
Planning Commission Minutes
• March 6, 1997
Page S
Meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. by consensus.