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June 19, 1997
1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson
WILLIAMS at 7:30 p.m., on June 19, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal
Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Harry Williams, Chairperson
Anne Brinkman
Carl A. Cerveny
Carolyn Griffith
Jay Rasplicka
Thomas Shockley
Nancy Snow - Unexcused Absence
Janice Thompson
STAFF PRESENT: Glen Gidley, Director
Planning & Development
Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner
Marilyn Gunn, Recording Secretary
The following is the official copy of Planning Commission minutes for the Public Hearing held
on June 5, 1997. A copy of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in
the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge.
4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may
be recommended for placement on the agenda.)
A motion was made by Commissioner RASPLICKA, seconded by Commissioner SHOCKLEY
to approve the agenda with additions to Item 11 to include a review from Director GIDLEY
regarding the CPRC and discussion to establish a time to discuss the Planning Commission By-
Laws. Motion passed 6-0.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 19, 1997
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A motion was made by Commissioner RASPLICKA, second by Commissioner SHOCKLEY to
approve the Minutes of June 5, 1997, with change on Page 5 to replace Commissioner Snow's
name with that of Commissioner WILLIAMS. Motion passed 6-0.
6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not
appearing under Item 7 of the Public Hearing Section of the Agenda.)
There was no one present to speak.
A, ['ace Nn_ CiiP-97~ A_request by the Wheat Ridge Presbyterian Church to
approve a request of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a church and outdoor
worship area on Residential-Two zoned property located at 9180- W. 38th
Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado.
Ms. Reckert presented an overview of the case. She passed out copies of a letter from adjacent
• property owners supporting the case. She submitted for the record the case file, staff report,
exhibits, and other related materials. She stated that this request provides for outside worship
area with seating for approximately 75 parishioners. She also stated that the church would also
like to incorporate some community functions for this azea. Buffering would incorporate berm
and possible fencing although final plans have not been made. The theater would not be lighted
or covered. However, exit lights would be included. They are also requesting a 200-amp speaker
system. There was a question as to encroachment to the property line. Ms. Reckert stated that
there had been old street right-of--way, however, the existing fence line was in place at the time of
vacation. Several representatives were present to discuss this request. Staff concludes that all
agencies can service the area, is consistent with the comprehensive plan, and the impact on
adjacent property owners can be minimized with proper landscaping design and improvements,
criteria has been met, and Staff is recommending approval.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in the following speakers:
Tim Kathka, architect, 1580 Lincoln St., Denver. He is the architect for the church and wished to
emphasis the church's desire to be a good neighbor and an asset to the City with regard to this
Bob Mahoney, consultant 2333 Engleton Avenue, Bpulder. He spoke to the sound that will be
generated and how the neighborhood would be protected. He felt that berm would not be the first
choice to buffer any noises that maybe generated. He feels the most effective way to deal with
noise is not to generate a lot of noise in the first place. He stated the Wheat Ridge does not have
• noise standazds but has considered other city's noise ordinances and has recommended to the
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• June 19, 1997
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church that the sound system is never played louder or would be conceived as louder than rush
hour traffic. He suggested using a loud speaker system that focuses the sound only on the
Dwight Stafford, 13559 W. 23 Place, Boulder. He is the administrator of Wide Horizon and
stated that there is a very good cooperative association with the church. Their only concern is to
secure the value of the property for economic development in the future. He stated that the
church has been very receptive to any concerns Wide Horizons may have had. He wishes to see
the acoustical design analysis to be part of the decision making process. Wide Horizons does not
have difficulties with the amphitheater being so close to the property line.
Bill Trefe, 3875 Allison Circle. He stated that the church is a good neighbor. He briefly
discussed review of the Master Plan and has no desire to create an adverse condition. He also
discussed the sound system to be purchased which would solve any noise problems and would
not be cost prohibitive. (Due to technical recording problems, some testimony was unreadable.)
Bob Eckhardt, 7400 W. 34th Avenue. Mr. Eckhardt stated he is for the proposal and is glad that
the acoustical system is being at looked in detail however does not believe it will be a problem in
any case. He also stated that he thought it was sound to look at potential problems with noise for
• future growth of the area.
Discussion took place regarding building setback, irrigation system, acoustical system, amount
of wattage, property lines, conditional permits, modifying noise, future use, future sunounding
building concerns, berm fencing/walls and elevation.
A motion was made by Commissioner CERVENY, seconded by Commissioner SHOCKLEY
"for approval of a conditional use permit to allow a church and outdoor worship area on property
zoned Residential-Two located at 9180 West 38th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following
1. It is within the City of Wheat Ridge, therefore, the City has jurisdiction.
2. Appropriate notifications have been made.
3. A conditional use permit is required to allow construction of the outdoor worship area
4. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
5. The evaluation criteria support approval of the request.
6 All agencies can serve the area.
With the following conditions:
1. That this is primarily an amphitheater for church functions.
. 2. That if there is a problem with noise, the Staff has the right to mitigate the problem with
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• June 19, 1997
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the final result being if this cannot be mitigated between staff and the applicant, that the
conditional use could be brought up by the Staff for review.
3. No permanent lights be installed other than low level courtesy lights.
4. The church and Wide Horizons must come to a compromise regarding noise mitigation.
Motion passed 6-0
Commissioner BRINICMAN inquired if Staff was to remind Applewood Baptist Church that they
must reapply for their use request. Director GIDLEY stated that Staff is not responsible and that
the burden is upon them to provide adequate information within the time restraints to be able to
be reheard in August, 1997.
Commissioner THOMPSON inquired if there would be a conflict of interest since she is a
member of this church. Director GIDLEY stated that unless there would be a personal interest,
there would be no conflict. She was advised that if she was uncomfortable voting on the
• Applewood Church request, that she could abstain.
Director Gidley addressed the By-Law revision tazget date and what would need to happen next.
He stated that the Commission originally wished to wait until the training session was completed
and back up to full strength. He suggested to Ms. Reckert that this item be revisited in July.
Discussion was held regarding the CPRC and related information. Director GIDLEY presented
an overview of the CPRC and the origination of what needed to be accomplished. The Director
advised that he does not believe that the members of the community who were selected to work
on this committee are not representative of the community, youth, poor, various racial or ethnic
groups, or of the business community. The group had been hand selected and many of them have
a history within the community that they brought with them. History may or may not contribute
to the positive outcome that hopefully will occur. He believes that this contributes to the
slowness and the overall process taking more time. The Comrittee has been meeting for over a
year, twice a month, and are perhaps through one-half of the process. He stated that he thought
that the Committee should be close to being done at this point. He said that there is a great
amount of detail orientation by the Committee which requires continual review of the same
material. The Committee does not delegate Staff or the Consultant any authority to make bxoad
decisions. The Director is concerned that the Committee is focusing more on history than it is the
• future by trying to use the past to predict what the future will be. The issues that are most
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• June 19, 1997
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prevalent by the Committee are zoning and street issues of the past. The examples of what
dragons need to be slain, are dragons that were born in fhe 1940's, 50's, and 60's before Wheat
Ridge was ever created. They are not dragons that were created by the regulations and process
that was in place in the 1980's and 90's. The development that has occurred that is based upon the
plan and regulations that are in place is a much higher quality, better fit in the community, is
different that the dragons of old. He encouraged the Commission and CPRC to ask what is it that
can be done to make a difference, what can be done in a City that is already 94% built out. There
is only 6% of land is available for any type of development and of the 6%, less than 3% is
available for residential deve]opment. His question was, since this is the case, why is the CPRC
spending so much time on residential development. He doesn't believe that residential
development is a major threat to the community's future. From a comprehensive standpoint, it
will not make a negative difference in the future. The difference which will have the most
impact, which the committee appropriately started, was when they asked themselves from a
vision prospective, what is different about Wheat Ridge that sets it aside or apart from other
communities. He believes Wheat Ridge is unique and focus should be on those things that
continue to set Wheat Ridge apart from other communities in the future. Change the things you
have control over, that you can change for the better, i.e., the city owned land, streets, utilities,
trees under power lines -underground the utilities. A positive contribution would be the
relationship of streets to the front yards, parking, and street trees. Plan the future, not the past,
. with vision.
Commissioner BRINKMAN inquired if there was something the Commission should do to
address these concerns. Director GIDLEY stated that they should thoroughly evaluate the
proposals. The members of the CPRC are genuinely working very hard and trying to produce a
product that they believe appropriately reflects the views of the majority of the community and
of what the vision of the future should be for Wheat Ridge. He suggested not taking
recommendations at face value and presume that because hard work has occurred that you agree
with everything. The Commission will be responsible for the new plan as adopted for application
and interpretation.
Chairperson WILLIAMS stated that he and the other Commissioners will miss Director
GIDLEY and advised that all Commissioners would be available for anything he may need in the
future. Mr. Eckhardt stated as well that it was very difficult for the City to be losing such a good
Planning Director but is happy that Director GIDLEY will be participating in items which will
make him happy. Chairperson WILLIAMS stated on the behalf of the Commission that the City
of Wheat Ridge is losing the best Director in the metro area. Commissioner CERVENY stated
that it has been a privilege for him to have been able to work with Director GIDLEY for so many
years. He further stated that he has learned a considerable amount of information from him. He
stated that a mark of a good leader is one that guides those who have less knowledge.
Commissioner CERVENY stated that we have a City that is almost afraid of the talent that it had
and which was afraid to listen to it. He stated he does not believe this does not hold well for
Wheat Ridge until that is changed. The Commission all restated their sadness at his departure.
• Director GIDLEY was then presented with fazewell gifts from the Commissioners.
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June 19, 1997
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Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. by consensus.
`Marilyn Gunn, Recording Secretary
The next meeting will be held July 17, 1997.