HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/18/1997 MINUTES OF MEETING September 18,1997 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION 1. CALL THE MEETING OR ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson WILLIAMS at 7:30 p.m., on September 18, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT Thomas SHOCKLEY Jay RASPLICKA Janice THOMPSON Harry WILLIAMS • STAFF PRESENT: 3. 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Carl A. CERVENY Nancy SNOW Anne BRLVI{MAN-Excused absence Meredith Reckert, Planner Jenifer Roche, Assistant Secretary Anne Pitinga, EDARC APPROVAL OF ORDER OF THE AGENDA Commissioner SNOW motioned, seconded by Commissioner RASPLICKA to accept the agenda as rewritten with two additional new items; Car sales on vacant lots, 2. Capital Improvements. Motion carried 6-0. 5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES A motion was made by Commissioner SNOW ,seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON to approve the Minutes of September 4, 1997 as amended. 1. Page 5, paragraph 3, insert that Commissioner SNOW seconded that motion. 2. Page 7, paragraph 3, insert "approval to not lower 1-acre minimum" 3. Page 4, paragraph 6, insert the word "Review Committee" after Comprehensive Plan. 4. Page 7, paragraph 5, reword "because he would like to see minimum lowered in regards to the motion. • Planning Commission Meeting Minutes September 18, 1997 Page 2 Motion carried 5-1 with Commissioner SHOCKLEY abstaining. Ms. Reckert asked "what was the procedure after minutes were corrected?" The Planning Commission decided when needed, they would ask for a corrected version following the approval of minutes. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing under Item 7 of the Public Hearing section of the agenda) No one was present to speak. 7. PUBLIC HEARING 1, CaaP Nn_ TTRP-97-1: A request for determination that an amendment to the City of Wheat Ridge Town Center Urban Renewal Plan is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Pitinga, described in more detail what is occurring in regards to the proposed Urban Renewal expansion for Case No. URP-97-1. She stated that the boundary of the Urban Renewal Area is expected to include the Northwest corner of West 44th Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard(Vern's and Marge Vohoshka's). There is significant infrastructure improvements necessary in order to redevelop the property. She stated there will be a 20' dedication required on both Wadsworth Boulevard and 44th Avenue, construction of those street improvements and upgrade of the water, sanitary, and storm sewer. In order to encourage the re-development, the City has agreed to help finance part of the Infrastructure improvements costs by property tax increment collection to reflect the expanded area. The proposed site is designated as Commercial Activity Center on the Comprehensive Future Land Use Map. Current zoning on the property is Commercial-One. No zone changes are required for the proposed redevelopment, however, a plat submittal will be forthcoming. Staff has reviewed the proposal and concluded it is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends approval for Case No. URP-97-1. Commissioner SNOW asked if the many language changes which reflected the expanded areas, were of any concern for the Planning Commission? Ms. Pitinga answered that "no", the only question that Planning Commission needs to vote on is"Is the proposed Urban Renewal Plan consistant with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan?" Commissioner Thompson asked if minor corrections such as typos and grammar could be made to the proposed plan. • Planning Commission Meeting Minutes September 18, 1997 • Page 3 Ms. Pitinga stated yes, that she would review if redmarked and given to her. Commissioner Thompson asked if the map depicted the accurate area for the proposed project. Ms. Pitinga answered "yes" and clarified the areas to be expanded upon. Commissioner THOMPSON asked "why the project area doesn't expand across 44th, to the South?" She also stated she would like to see the expansion go to the South. Ms. Pitinga stated the reason for not including the area is because it is difficult to do a Economic feasibility as well as, time consuming. She also stated the EDARC does not want to take money from the other entities if there is not a reason to take it. Discussion continued. Commissioner SNOW asked "if the current City street standards for Wadsworth Boulevard required 130' ofr.o.w.?" Ms. Reckert replied "yes." and explained this is both the State and City standard. Commissioner SNOW asked "Does the school district have an opinion on the proposed Plan?" • Ms. Pitinga answered they are not involved, but they will receive notification. She also explained they will approach Jeffco Commission of Financial feasibility. Commissioner CERVENY asked "What is the payback period anticipated to be?" Ms. Patinga stated that payback period is not defined because infrastructure improvements are unknown but could be approximately 7-10 years. Commissioner SNOW asked "What is the relative advantage of the Urban Renewal program as compared to the ESTIP program ~ Ms. Pitinga said that the Urban Renewal program has both sales tax increments and property tax increments. The Cities ESTIP program has only sales tax increments. Commissioner SNOW asked what the City's advantage is regarding the money generated? Ms. Pitinga explained the reason would be to eventually get the power to condemn the PSC, natural gas regulator if needed. Ms Pitinga stated the City would get money from all the other districts. Discussion continued. A motion was made by Commissioner CERVENY, seconded by Commissioner SHOCKLEY for approval of Case No. URP-97-1, a request for determination that the amendment to the Wheat Ridge Town Center Urban Renewal Plan is in conformance with the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan be Approved for the following reasons: • Planning Commission Meeting Minutes . September 18, 1997 Page 4 1. It is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan 2. EDARC and staff recommend approval. Motion carried 5-1, with Commissioner SNOW voting no. 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING The Public Hearing adjourned at 8:40p.m... 9. OLD BUSINESS Commissioner SNOW would like to see Planning Commission Speak at the City Council meeting on September 22, 1997. 10. NEW BUSINESS Ms. Reckert initiated review and discussion on Planning Commission By-Laws. • The first issue of concern was the time Planning Commission meetings will begin. The conclusion was to wait until all Planning Commission members were present to vote. The second topic of discussion was what is considered a quorum when the number of appointed commissioners is less than eight. Commissioner WILLIAMS stated that City Council needs to re-appoint a eighth Commissioner and he feels that the Planning Commission should not change the quorum number. Discussions continued. Commissioner CERVENY explained that at the previous meeting, he should have left the room after receiving approval to absatin from a case and that the reason he didn't was only an oversight on his part. Commissioner THOMPSON discussed the attendance policy on page 6 of the By-Laws and felt there needed to be stricter wording to protect the Planning Commission from City Councils definition of excused and unexcused absences. She also stated that it's the Law that needs to be challenged so that City Council can't remove members if they miss more than 25%. She also pointed out that the laws should be challenged because its to open for interpretation and there needs to be consistency between standing boards. Discussion continued. Commissioner WILLIAMS suggests that Ms. Reckert do some research on other committees procedures and report back. • A motion was made to Commissioner CERVENY, seconded by Commissioner SNOW for approval for Commissioners to vote on excused or unexcused absences during the Discussion Planning Comm~~sion Meeting Minutes • September 18, 1997 Page 5 and Decision items at the end of the Agenda with staff reporting whether there was a request to be excused by absentee. Motion carried 5-1 with Commissioner RASPLICKA voting no. A motion was made by Commissioner CERVENY, seconded by Commissioner SNOW for a request that Ms. Reckert check procedures regarding a member who was absent and the difference between not what they "should do" but what they "must do" regarding Public hearings and quasi judicial hearings in order to allow them to vote. Motion carried 5-1 with RASPLICKA voting no. Commissioner THOMPSON initiated discussions regazding meetings and what time they should start. Commissioner WILLIAMS stated that they needed to wait until there is a full Planning Commission to vote on that particular issue. Commissioner RASPLICKA reminded Commission of page 5, item 20(-under B.) and page 11, item 9 to review these By-laws for future meetings. Commissioner THOMPSON referred to Glen Gidley's earlier discussions regarding public hearings and he said a Commissioner can speak to outsiders as long as it's not a Quasi- Judicial hearing. Discussions continued. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Commissioner WILLIAMS to clarify page 7, item # 27 regarding additions to the order ofbusiness. Commissioner WILLIAMS stated a Commissioner can bring up a topic even if it's not on the agenda. Ms. Reckert commented that any changes made to the By-Laws will be forwarded to City Council. Commissioner THOMPSON stated there would not be any changes until all the decisions are made regarding By-Laws. Commissioner SNOW would like to to know who has the right to schedule extra Planning Commission meetings? Commissioner THOMPSON pointed out on page 1, item 2, under special meetings it is allowed to schedule extra meetings. She would like Ms. Reckert to fmd answer to " if a Commissioner does not attend the special meeting, does it count towards the 25% attendance requirement?" Commissioner SNOW stated that the prior special meeting was an improper meeting because the chairman was not properly consulted. Discussion continued. 11. DISCUSSION AND DECISION ITEMS A. Commissioner THOMPSON initiated discussions regarding car lots. She stated an area of concern is located at 44th and Youngfield. She stated that a turn lane was necessary for the area at 44th and Youngfield. Commissioner SHOCKLEY replied that it was part of the 5 year plan. Discussions continued. • Planning Commission Meeting Minutes • September 18, 1997 Page 6 A motion was made Commissioner THOMPSON, seconded by Commissioner SNOW for recommendation to City Council that members from Planning Commission be included in the study and the plans for the redevelopment of the on- and- off ramps for I-70, Ward Road, Highway 58th, and 44th/Youngfield as it affects the Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried 6-0. B. Correspondence regarding Prospect Ridge street improvements. Commissioner CERVENY requested that Ms. Reckert report back to Planning Commission on the transportation issue in relation to 38th and Wadsworth street widening project. 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no reports. 13. ADJOURNMENT • There was consensus to adjourn the meeting. Chairperson WILLIAMS adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m.. 6 Y/ /.fenifer Roche, Assistant Secretary The next Planning Commission meeting Fvill be held 10/16/97. •